Who is a coach? Who is a coach and what is the meaning of this profession? What is the work of a coach?

Coach(from the English coaching - training, training; coach - a specialist who conducts training) is a consultant and trainer in one person who, with the help of coaching technologies, helps eliminate psychological problems and helps improve performance in achieving goals, efficiency and quality of life in any area (career, finances, family, relationships, health, personal development). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and social science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The coaching philosophy is based on the principle: every person is capable of BEING, DOING and HAVING whatever he wants. The coach does not give advice or strict recommendations, but looks for solutions to problems together with the client and encourages him to come to independent conclusions.

Coaching differs from psychological counseling in terms of motivation. Psychological counseling and psychotherapy are aimed at getting rid of any symptom, and working with a coach involves achieving a specific goal, new positively formulated results in life and work. The difference between coaching and all types of consulting is the realization of the client’s own potential under the guidance of a coach. After all, the potential of each person has no boundaries and the coach’s task is to help the client reveal it.

Specifics of the profession

Coaching is divided into several types according to aspects of application:

Personal Performance Coaching

  • career coaching, including assessment of professional capabilities, assessment of competencies, career planning consulting, choice of development path, support in job search
  • business coaching organizes the search for the most effective ways to achieve company goals; work is carried out with company managers and teams of employees
  • life coaching consists of individual work with a person, which is focused on improving his life in all areas (health, self-esteem, relationships).

According to the training format, coaching can be face-to-face or part-time (via telephone and Internet), and according to the number of participants - individual and corporate. Individual coaching is used to develop top managers and company executives, support managers in adapting to a new position, and accelerate the development of talented employees.

Short description

The work of a coach begins with preliminary consultations with the client for the purpose of a general analysis of the problem and situation. Then the stages are marked out, goals are set and the number of classes and meetings is determined.

Generally, coaching consists of 4 basic stages:

  • goal setting;
  • reality check;
  • building paths to achieve;
  • achievement (will stage).

Pros and cons of the profession


  • interesting creative work;
  • opportunity to decide real problems people enjoying the results of assistance;
  • the ability to set realistic goals and achieve them;
  • the need for constant professional improvement and, in connection with this, the opportunity for personal growth;
  • the opportunity to use your knowledge in the field of psychology in everyday life;
  • knowledge and change of oneself, one’s attitude to the events of the surrounding world.


  • mental fatigue;
  • difficulties in accepting the client’s worldview and in the desire to necessarily give helpful advice;
  • experiencing the client's problems as one's own.

Place of work

  • organizations providing coaching services;
  • HR departments of large companies;
  • private practice.


Salary as of 12/10/2019

Russia 25000—85000 ₽

Moscow 40000—120000 ₽

Personal qualities

  • high general and emotional intelligence;
  • ability to communicate and interact with people;
  • active life position;
  • the ability to listen carefully and hear a person;
  • responsibility;
  • observation;
  • emotional stability;
  • optimism and self-confidence;
  • creativity;
  • ability to navigate the most common difficulties faced by managers and businessmen.


Coaches, like psychoanalysts, are paid mostly hourly. Tariffing depends on the experience, professionalism, and fame of the trainer.

Coach training

In this course, you can obtain the profession of a strategic coach remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. Largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.


Higher education:

The professional activity of a coach is related to work on the individual, his inner world, therefore the coach must have a diploma in psychology. But psychological education alone is not enough. The future coach needs to complete additional specialized courses that teach the methodology of conducting coaching sessions, provide knowledge of the features, stages and structure of coaching sessions; knowledge of methods of psychological analysis and influence on personality.

In Moscow and major cities Russia has its own coaching representative offices:

  • First National Academy of Professional Coaching;
  • International Coaching Center;
  • International Erickson University of Coaching (Russian representative office);
  • School of coaching at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.

Thomas Leonard, one of the founders of coaching, gave his definition of coach:

  • Your partner in achieving personal and professional goals;
  • Your protector during life's turns;
  • Your communication and life skills coach;
  • Your reflector of negativity in the decision-making process;
  • Your motivation when you need to be strong;
  • Your unconditional support when you were hit;
  • Your mentor in personal development;
  • Your partner in creating an outstanding project;
  • Your lighthouse during a storm;
  • Your alarm clock when you don't hear your inner voice;
  • And most importantly... a professional coach is your partner who will help you get what matters most to you.

Not selected MSU. Lomonosov API at the Institute of Geology and Permanent Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Financial University (formerly GUMF) AGPS EMERCOM of Russia AGZ EMERCOM of Russia AMI RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (ANH under the Government of the Russian Federation, RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation) MIGUP (formerly APU) ATiSO AU AU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation AFPS RF AFSB RF AHI im . V. S. Popova AEI AEiU ARBI VA Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (formerly VA named after Dzerzhinsky) VIU MO RF VUNTS Air Force VVA named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (formerly VVIA) VU MO RF (formerly VPA named after Lenin) VURKHBZ ISV (formerly VU) VAVT Financial University (formerly VGNA) VGIK VKSH MERT VTS S. Melkonyan Higher State Medical University VShPP VShP VShSO VTU named after. Shchepkina TI named after. Shchukin (formerly VTU named after Shchukin) VIU GASIS GASK GKA im. Maimonides State. IRYa them. Pushkin GMPI named after. Ippolitov-Ivanova RGSAI (formerly GSII) National Research University Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) GAUGN (formerly GUGN) GUZ GUU GEI GEITI Humanitarian Institute GITR MSPI (now MGPU) YES MFA of the Russian Federation MOIUP Yurinfor IBP (until 2013) IBPM MOIU (formerly IBPIT) IBPU RGIS (VSK) ISU MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation IGA IGiMU GUU IGUMO IDK INESNEK IZHLT IITEM IIR IR IKiP ICSI AFSB RF IMBO IMPE named after. Griboyedov IMTP IMS IMPiPP IME IMEI (world economy and information) IPV IPO IPP IRESPiP ISB ISI ISBTiSU ISN ISSO INECBI IEiK IEP INEP IEKP RAMA IEP IEPiUR IYaK im. L. Tolstoy LI named after. Gorky MATI MVSh MIGMT MIM Link MIEP MNEPU MIEPP at MNEPU MSI named after. Derzhavin MUM MUI NOU MIT MAP (international) MGIIT named after. Yu.A. Senkevich (formerly MATGR) MAEP MGAVMiB im. K.I. Scriabin (former MBA) MGAVT MGUPI MITHT MGAFK (MossportAkademiya) Moscow State Academy of Arts Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (formerly MGTA, VZIPP) University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL) First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (formerly MMA named after Sechenov) Mirbis RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev MFYuA MAI MARI MBI MVVKU (formerly MVI, MVOKU named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR) MVIREKV MGIYU MGPU MGPPU MADI MGAU named after. Goryachkin MGAHI named after. Surikov MGVMI RGGRU (MGRI) named after. Ordzhonikidze MGGU MGIU MGADA (MGIDA, MFA) MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia MGIM im. Schnittke MSTU MIREA NUST MISiS MIEM NRU HSE MIET MSLU (formerly Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute) MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State Humanitarian University (formerly MGOPU) named after. M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University named after. Chernomyrdin MGSU National Research University (MGSU-MISI) TI MGUDT (formerly MSTU named after Kosygin) MSTUGA MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) MSTU Stankin MIIGAiK MGUDT MGUIE (formerly MIHM) MGUKI MGUL MGUP im. I. Fedorov (formerly MPI) MGUPP MGUPB MGUP (environmental management) MGUPS (MIIT) RGUTiS (formerly MGUS) MESI MGHPA im. Stroganov MGEI MHI im. Dashkova NRNU MEPhI MIBD MIBUA MIIA MGACHIS (VZISI) MIMSR MIMB at VAVT MEDT RF MIP MIPP MIGKU MIU (administration) MU named after. S.Yu. Witte (formerly MIEMP) MIEPP MKVI branch of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Technology MNUI MOSA (formerly MOSU) MPGU (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin) MPU MPSU (formerly MPSI) MRIVSEO MTUSI MIT (transport) MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation MU Turo MIPT (SU) SPbGUP ( MF) SPbIVESEP in Moscow MFEI MGTA (formerly MELI) MEFI NOU MEI NRU MEI (MEI TU) MAKhU in memory of 1905 Leningrad State University named after. Pushkin in Moscow NIB IPPiP Continent<Евро-Азия> PMUI ITT (Moscow branch) RAA named after. Plevako RAZHVZ RAMiA RAM im. Gnesins RAP (justice) RAP (entrepreneurship) GITIS RGATiZ RGUFKSMiT (GTSOLIFK) RMAPO RMAT (MF) RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation RTA REU im. G. V. Plekhanov RGAZU RGGU RGAIS (formerly RGIIS) RNIMU (formerly RGMU) named after. N.I. Pirogov ROAT MIIT (formerly RGOTUPS, VZIIT) RGTEU RGUITP RGUNG im. Gubkin ITLP MSUTU (formerly RosZITLP) RosNOU RPI St. John the Theologian RUDN University named after. Mendeleev RIU USMU (formerly RUI) SDI SGA SFGA (NOU SGI) UNIK MAO (UNN - Natalia Nesterova) URAO Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow Art Theater School NOU UA MITRO RGSU MGOU (regional) MIFKiS MABiU MIR Moscow State University MFPU Synergy (formerly MFPA, MMIEIFP) MEPI MGGEI (formerly MGSGI) MIYU MVSHM Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (until 1992) IMDT RAHI MHPI ITiG RUK (formerly MUPK) MGUU Moscow Government MGIM IEAU MSEI INES NI VShU MIMEMO (formerly MIMEO) ) MIL VSHK MoSPI at MPGU PSTGU MIT "VTU" (formerly VTU UNESCO) NIEV AEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (formerly ANP FSNP RF) RIPTIB (IMC) Institute of Business and Design (formerly InOBO) Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou BHSHD IMSGS NES NID MGLI SEI MINRO UML at the MGK CPSU NIM BBI OITiR IGTM (formerly IAYA) MIRTSHB MosAP under the Government of Moscow VIA named after. Kuibysheva IPK IIM MNI SIYU ISOSO RAO MI 21 MAMARMEN IMLI im. Gorky MAOK IMEMO RAS VA BTV GPI PIU AUMP MPI FSB RF (formerly MVI FPS RF) ASOU MVShB SSE Russia USIS IEF Synergy MIAPP (IAPP) MVShSEN IIS ABiP MIUS NMU MIP (psychoanalysis) IUII MEI (economic) MGUI RSHChP IAMT M OVUKI UIIT VIPKRK PAST IFTI St. Foma IRT IPIU ISOM SFI VASHGD IGUPIT ITEF EEI SGEI ISPE MAGMU IRDPO FPI PI RAO PIYU PIP ISE MAB IFEP OZ MIKB (formerly MAKB) MSGI IKT MVSE FI SIP IEUP MEGU IPE IKM EUP VAGS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation OVA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly VA named after. Frunze) INiSB MARTIT IUP IUEPI VGS named after. Dubnova (formerly EUM) NISD VEGI IE RAS IZISP under the Government of the Russian Federation IO RAS MIAN IGiP RAS MIU (Islamic) SIYA ION (formerly ANO) IE RAS SRI SP RF MIOO (formerly MIPCRO) MUI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ISK RAS GASIZhKK MOYUI at PCPI Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (formerly IEPP) VKSR IPU RAS MTI (theological) ITIRSHB ISPT APK and PPRO GNII RNS Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation MIPC MSTU named after. Bauman IRI RAS IUV NMHC im. Pirogov Higher School of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences CEPL RAS GII RAS IS RAS Institute of Foreign Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences RISK (RISC) IMET RAS EAOI ISPI RAS ZNUI IEP IDNT IEK IIC VSHDSI at RATI (GITIS) MSDS TAEKH VIESKh INEOS RAS ILA RAS GIUV MO RF IPU Askeri RIK MIEE RAS FIRO IPMech RAS VNIIVSGE IKH RAO ITTI IOF RAS VSTISP IIP IPD MFPA VVI (formerly. VVF at MBA named after. Scriabin) FIAN im. Lebedev RZTI MIPC REU im. G. V. Plekhanov EPI IH named after. Vishnevsky RAMS SIUS VKIYA MERT IP RAS MUGU IOC RAS ​​MIPC RRiSKhP INP RAS CEMI RAS IEA RAS. N. N. Miklouho-Maclay Moscow Research Institute of Orthography named after. P. A. Herzen IIO RAO IPM im. M. V. Keldysh RAS IAP RAS AGPRF IBMP RAS IREI UCU IG RAS IPNG RAS ISJ IVI RAS IIST ITI im. P. M. Ershova IV RAS GETI (formerly ASER, Academy "Continent") MUITs SRI RAKh ICP RAS MIGIP IAM PGI "Co-action" INTUIT MGI IPI IBCh RAS MVU (Vienna) VTs RAS VNIIFK AIBEc ISIN VNSHT NIIOSP im. M. N. Gersevanova ISl RAS IP RAS EBS IPI RAS GOSNITI NOU ART INFO - Ruthenia GIA (GIA) IFES RAS IBG RAS IPEB MABT "Forex Club" INEUM im. I. S. Bruk AIS IPE RAS NISK ISV RAO (formerly Research Institute of OPV of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR) MAN San Marino IMASH RAS named after. A. A. Blagonravova MPPI IPiKP ICSR SRI SPiPRL ICT AII VGKPI RBU ITPI IMM RAS MAFSI NIFHI IYMS IATU APRIKT IKI RAS Kora Moscow IPKIR IPPC "Professional" TsNIITMASH INHS RAS PPDS NIKFI IESO ISP RAS MPDAiS IPC RAS ​​I VP RAS ISMO RAO INM RAS IFR RAS IA RAS IPKON RAS RISI INION RAS ASMS RSC KI UMC ZhDT All-church graduate school named after. Cyril and Methodius Moscow School of Management Skolkovo MTS MIEEP IOGEN RAS INBI RAS VIAPI im. A. A. Nikonova State University IMEI RTI named after. A. L. Mints SOPS RAS MITP RAS VNIIGeosystem MASI IPTiK VINITI RAS RAPS (formerly IPK Ministry of Railways of Russia) IVF RAO IRE named after. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Roszdrav Scientific Research Institute of Advanced Production of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences TsNIIS IPKgovesluzhby IFBT VIGIS PAPO ISOUKIT VNIIDAD IPK DSZN ISP RAO GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunicheva IT Academy IUPFAN Centro Gregorio Fernández ARMO IISU MGAAII S. Andriyaki IFHE RAS MISB MAA VNIINTPI ISO RAO IMAD Strelka IPG IIPPR IPPD RAO University of Working Correspondents named after. Ulyanova VNIIZhT ABiSP MKTA IEUSP BON IPK FMBA of Russia Samb ISA RAS VNIIMS SHAD TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov INO IRE RAS Research Institute of Virology RAMS IBCP RAS OTI EYUI SRI TSS GosNIigenetika IMB RAS IEGO IREA IGiSP IDM IESB MISAO NTsSSKh them. A. N. Bakulev RAM Migtik VNIIPVTI (MSCONIVETET) of the RACO APK Yui (MSCONIVETET) MSGIMT MGIMT PU October first TOURO COLLEGE - LANDER Institute Moscow IUB Amir NIIRPO IT (MSCHONIVETET) of IE (MSCOUNIVERTE) IP (MSCOUNIVERTE) them. I.P. Bardin IPSU GEOKHI RAS 25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology RF Ministry of Defense VIEV MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky ITIP RAO ENTs Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation NAMI Academy GRU Research Institute of SP named after. Sklifosovsky IABiA MARSH INASAN GINFO IMEI (management, economics and innovation) MIKTIR MINEKBIK SLA IPPI RAS MBS TsNIIP urban planning RAASN ESMOD MOSCOU IMG RAS VFEU AVR (formerly. CI KGB) JIVT RAS MSECh Research Institute of Urology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MNIIP CBS RPU VNIIGiM named after. A. N. Kostyakova INSTEP ICP CITO im. N. N. Priorova VNIIneft im. A.P. Krylova Higher School of Social Sciences Konstantin Raikin MMI "Reaviz" GNITSPM IGE RAS GNTsSSP im. V. P. Serbsky NIIOR im. V. A. Negovsky RAMS IAP RAS VKIYA MFA RF School-studio SHAR VNIIA Russian Agricultural Academy IVND RAS MIGp UCPiDPO RSL RNTSKH im. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS ISEP RAS MBA School MEGI RNTsRR

Must constantly improve and expand the range of their skills. In addition, in conditions of information overload, it is important to be able to structure knowledge and highlight the most important from it. Coaches help people with this and many other things. Today we will find out who they are, what they do, and how to master the coaching profession yourself.

Who is a coach?

Every year the word “coach” enters more and more into the lives of successful people. This is especially true for those who work in or manage large organizations, are interested in psychology, personal growth and want to achieve more in life than the vast majority. So who is a coach? Simply put, a coach is a specialist who helps people set goals for themselves and quickly achieve them.

The term "coach" comes from English word coach, which means freight transport. This concept illustrates the movement of a person from one point to another. The coach helps the student to discover it hidden abilities, believe in yourself and discard everything unnecessary on the way to achieving your goal. Unlike a trainer, a professional coach not only gives a person the necessary information and a set of tools, but also leads him to the desired result. Thus, the coach is responsible for his actions and for the ultimate success of his cooperation with the student.

What is coaching?

As you may have guessed, coaching is a way of teaching whose goal is to achieve a specific goal. Coaching is carried out by a coach and involves working closely with the student. Classes can be conducted one-on-one or in groups of people united by similar goals. Despite some similarities with other types of training (trainings, seminars, etc.), coaching training is fundamentally different from them. During the training, for example, the student is given certain recommendations that can help him achieve his goals. Whether he uses them or not is his own business. In coaching, the emphasis is on results. A coach helps a person not only gain certain skills, but also learn to act, overcome all psychological barriers, laziness, fear, etc.

What goals can be achieved with coaching?

In principle, these can be absolutely any goals that a modern person faces. The most popular of them:

  • Success in any endeavor is expressed by a specific result.
  • Achieving financial independence is expressed by a specific amount of income.
  • Overcoming complexes and developing necessary qualities can be expressed in the implementation of actions that were not previously performed.
  • Achieving sports results and so on.

Why is coaching needed?

Many people have a question: “Is it really impossible to achieve your goals on your own?” Of course, it is possible, but not everyone is capable of this. In addition, even the most purposeful person makes mistakes along the way, makes mistakes, takes unnecessary actions and wastes much more time than he could. To speed up the process of achieving a goal, turn to a coach. There are also people who are not at all capable of setting a goal for themselves and taking responsibility for it. At the same time, they want to live well, but do not understand how to achieve this. They also turn to a coach for help.

How does coaching work?

It all starts with the coach assessing the current state of things. He asks the student about his problems, tasks and life in general. Based on the information received, the coach, together with the student, determines goals - first small, then more serious. The coach then outlines a path for the student to achieve these goals. All that remains is to follow the recommendations and enjoy your success. It is at this stage that the main difficulties arise. A simple coach would say that this is not his problem, but the coach must see the matter through to the end.

The problem is that many people, turning to a coach, want to change their situation without changing themselves. In other words, they think that by paying money for training, they are investing in their success. Naturally, nothing will come of it without your own work. As a rule, to solve a problem, you need to change yourself, work on your worldview and overcome all emotional barriers. People often abandon their ideas halfway only because these ideas no longer fit into their usual, comfortable picture of the world.

An important aspect in the process of becoming a client is the fee that he incurs for coaching lessons. When a person has paid money for a hypothesis, the likelihood that he will implement it is much higher than if everything was free. For example, having seen useful advice on the Internet, a person will choose whether to check it or not. And when a person has the question: “To do or not to do?”, the brain always tries to persuade us to a less energy-consuming option. By paying personal money for advice, a person is more likely to take an active position. A coach is someone who can generate useful advice and help a client reach their full personal potential.


The period of training with a coach is called a session. Each session includes identifying the character traits, habits and behavior patterns of a person that interfere with his path to success. Then comes the replacement of these traits with more effective, relevant and competent ones. Coaching training is a very labor-intensive process for both the teacher and the student. The most difficult thing a person faces is the awareness of the fact that his problems are not associated with a lack of knowledge, but with a lack of personal qualities. Throughout coaching, students experience constant discomfort as they are forced to do new things and change their habits. An old problem can only be solved with a new approach to it.

What should a coach be like?

A coach must succeed in the direction in which he works with his students. For example, a person who does not understand anything about business cannot lead his student to success in this area.

In addition to personal success, a coach must have a number of qualities, without which it will be very difficult for him in this profession:

  • communication;
  • intellectual development;
  • desire to help people;
  • ability to analyze human character;
  • emotional stability;
  • ability to overcome difficulties;
  • creative thinking;
  • optimistic attitude;
  • active life position ;
  • self confidence.

Often people who combine the listed qualities do not even think about becoming a coach and direct their energy to personal development. And vice versa - many, positioning themselves as coaches, are not ready to actually bring students to results.

How to become a coach?

In higher educational institutions They don’t train to be coaches. The basis for this profession can be the education of a psychologist or manager. There are private coaching schools that prepare people for this profession in a few months. Then, if desired, you can undergo additional, more specialized training. But, in addition to education, as you already understood, each coach must have his own personal achievements and be an expert in one or another area of ​​​​life.

According to experts, at the beginning of their career, every specialist should undergo coaching themselves. To do this, it is advisable to find an example of a coach in your city with extensive experience and use his services. This will not only allow you to better experience the nuances of the profession, but also achieve that very success, without which the teacher’s authority may be in doubt.

A coach does not have to have a huge number of diplomas, certificates, awards and other attributes. The main thing is that he is able to bring the student to the result. If a person has such skills, he will be in demand even without any regalia.

How much do coaches earn?

Coaching is a creative profession, so the level of income in it can fluctuate within a very wide range. As you might guess, everything depends on the professionalism of the coach, his experience and popularity. As a rule, labor is paid by the hour. That is, the coach charges a certain amount for a conversation with a client, and so on at each meeting. An hour of work with a coach can cost either 1,000 rubles or several thousand dollars. Sometimes coaches work at enterprises in the HR department. In this case, they can receive a fixed salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

The coaching profession has the following advantages:

  • relevance and relevance;
  • high level of wages;
  • the work is interesting and creative;
  • free schedule;
  • the opportunity to help people and get moral satisfaction from it;
  • possibility of remote work;
  • opportunity to work for yourself;
  • constant growth and development of personal skills.

There are also some drawbacks here:

  • Not everyone can become a professional coach;
  • training to become a coach at a prestigious training center is expensive;
  • after working with difficult clients, psychological exhaustion may occur;
  • responsibility for the life path of students.

Where can you work as a coach?

There are three main ways of doing this. Let's look at each separately.

Private practice. This is the most comfortable and promising option. However, before you enter private practice, you need to establish a good reputation and a large client base. The advantage of such activity is freedom of action. The coach himself can choose which client to work with, at what price to offer his services and how much work to do.

Coach center. This is a good option for those just starting their coaching career. The company will provide its employees with a sufficient number of clients for normal earnings and professional growth. Of course, the coach will have to give part of the profit (usually about 50%) to the organization. This is a kind of payment for using the company’s reputation.

HR-department in a large company. Today, almost every large company, regardless of industry, has full-time coaches who work with personnel at various levels. Such employees usually have a fixed salary and a set work schedule.

International Federation

The most significant document that a coach can present as proof of his professional competence is an international coaching certificate obtained from the ICF (International Coach Federation, which translates as the International Coach Federation). This organization is the world's largest resource for coaches and those seeking coaching help. It was founded almost two decades ago and has made a huge contribution to the development of this profession.

The main goals of the International Coach Federation:

  • Creation of professional personnel. Coach training takes place all over the world in federation offices and training centers that have received its accreditation.
  • Communication between federation members. Meetings, conferences, and expansion of local representative offices are constantly held.
  • Maintaining reliability and quality of coaching. To this end, the organization regularly develops programs for legal support, accreditation and regulation of the work of specialists.

The International Federation of Coaches professes a form of work that takes into account the personal and professional experience of the client. Each of the students is considered as a holistic, resourceful and creative person. According to the ideology of the federation, coaches must:

  • discover and adhere to the goals the client strives for;
  • stimulate his independent discoveries;
  • identify solutions and strategies developed personally by the client;
  • Always consider the client reliable and responsible.

At each meeting with the client, the latter chooses the subject of conversation, the coach listens and makes amendments to certain judgments. This model of interaction leads to increased student activity and his desire for real action. At the same time, a lot of attention is focused on the point at which the client is now, and the one to which he strives. After completing training at ICF-accredited institutions, the coach must take an ethical oath.


So, today you found out that a coach is a person who helps other people achieve personal or professional success faster. Today it is a very relevant and rapidly developing profession. Business trainer, coach and psychologist are people whose services are in demand even in the most unfavorable times. This is why many people want to become a coach. Today we found out what needs to be done for this.

The Village spoke with a coach and trainer working in the luxury business segment about why people are willing to pay huge amounts of money for motivation, why top managers turn to him, what does spiritual practice have to do with it, and what is the situation with this business in Russia.

A little over ten years ago, I met the passion of my life at a training. I saw a woman on stage who changed the lives of 100 people in the audience in three days. I thought I wanted to contribute to people's lives in the same way. You must become the creator in your life of what is important to you, everything is possible.

I have been in coaching for ten years, five of them in luxury. Lux is a specific area of ​​coaching, a fairly narrow niche. There is government coaching, there is coaching family relations, there is coaching for single fathers. I work as a coach with top managers of the company, helping them develop the project. Secondly, I train top managers in luxury management, that is, I work as a trainer to introduce a coaching culture into the company.

I started working as a coach with the Life financial group. After that, a company from a French fashion house scammed me. Of course, I then began to dive even deeper into the luxury of a Western company. For several years now, all companies such as Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton have been integrating a coaching approach into management. Because it is impossible to force people to be creative, to love their work, they can be inspired and supported. A coach helps you do this. I went in as a coaching specialist and came out as a luxury coaching specialist.

My man completely changed his behavior after the training.

Not in a good way, in a way beyond my control

In our country, anyone is called a coach. But there is an international federation that has its own professional standards. Coaching is associated with deep, confidential communication with the client; there is a lot of personal, intimate information and professional secrets. Any coach, like a doctor, must respect the client’s confidentiality. There are ethical codes, there is a level of necessary professional competencies. Thanks to associations, a certain standard of the profession is maintained. If a person wants a coach, then I recommend at least ACC (abbreviation International Association ICF coaches. - Approx. ed.), that is, an accredited coach, or better yet, a PCC, that is, a professional coach. There are ten people at the MCC level in our country, a year ago there were only two. There are about 60 PCC coaches like me throughout the country.

To be included in the MCC, you need to accumulate 2.5 thousand hours of client practice, pass competency exams in English, and provide recordings of coaching sessions to professional mentors. Difficulties arise from the fact that coaching is tied to the linguistic system. Those things that we easily express in our native language are much more difficult to convey in another. In our country there are a sufficient number of coaches who pass the hour, but not enough of those who pass the competency criteria: direct communication, stimulating awareness, active listening, coaching presence.

A coach is not a person who sits and asks questions. This is the one that creates space for its client. The space of vision and resonance of one’s own values. This is very difficult to explain. This is somewhat comparable to spiritual practice. If you open the description of the levels of competence of the International Coaching Federation, there is the wording “The coach opens broader perspectives to clients and inspires them to change their point of view and find new opportunities for action.” If we speak in the language of NLP (neurolinguistic programming), a person’s speech and language contain a lot of information about him: what is possible in his picture of the world, what is absolutely unattainable in his picture of the world. If you take a successful millionaire and an average hard worker, they have completely different pictures of the world. Even we are sitting now, our pictures of the world are conventionally in contact. The coach must have the broadest possible understanding of the worldview so that it can accommodate any client’s map so that the client gets results faster.

How is the work going?

The load is determined depending on the client’s goals and speed of movement. On average, if the client is a champion, there is one meeting every five to seven days. A champion is a type of person who is charged with fast movement, who has strong, assertive energy. Top managers are often like this.

On average, personality development clients meet with me once every ten days. Ten sessions is a complete package, five sessions is the minimum package for which you can see changes. Of course, there are one-time coaching sessions, especially for regular clients. They may say after three months that they need support. And then I conduct one session to resolve a specific issue. They may show up again in a year, and we start working on a new topic.

Of course they come back. There is a client who returned after four years. During this time, he reached enormous heights, became the managing partner of the company, but realized that he was no longer driven by projects. His contribution was visible when the person was a group leader, but when he became a top manager, the contribution became less visible. It was important for him to find the drive and get results that would fill him. We started working with this. There are examples when a person realized that he did not want to work in business, quit the company, created his own small business - this is also a radical change for a person. There is a story when a woman got married and gave birth to two children, although there were no such goals, the woman came with a business question. But she raised this topic during coaching.

Changing partners also happens. Most often, a person lies to himself and does not want to admit certain things. Through coaching, he can admit what he really wants and end the relationship. The point is not to leave the family, but to maintain good friendly relations with the person.

There are statistics: if a person independently reaches a goal in a year, then with a coach - in four months

At each coaching session there should be a request from the client what we need to do in three or six months. For example, one client called to prepare for a conversation with the general manager at the moment when she was about to leave the company, so that the meeting would be as effective as possible in order to part on good terms. In the executive market, any recommendation can have a very different resonance.

In Russia, people are very resistant to change. There is a certain formula for how we move towards change. We must have dissatisfaction with the current situation, a vision of what we want. Plus we have to take the first steps. All this together overcomes resistance to change. Clients often come when they are faced with a task that they really want to solve, but cannot take action on. There is an understanding of what is needed, but the resistance is so strong that there are not enough resources. There are statistics: if a person independently reaches a goal in a year, then with a coach it takes four months.

At the same time, I don’t need to understand anything about business processes. If a person asks how to give a presentation, I will send him to presentation training. If a person says that he wants to give a presentation with courage, to involve people, then this is for me. I send some clients for massage. They come to me, they say, they need coaching, and I say: “Go to an acupuncturist, for a massage, and then, if after that you want, come.” Or: “You don’t come to me, but to personal growth training.” Or a person comes with a fear of public speaking, I send him to public speaking courses. There are even people whom I send to a psychotherapist if I see that a psychological state associated with internal drama does not allow them to move forward. And it will be more effective for him to take his money to a good psychotherapist, who will help him solve a problem that has been going on since childhood. For this, we need the professionalism of a coach, an understanding of where related professions work: where my work ends, where the work of other specialists begins.

Money and conditions

I work as an individual entrepreneur. I have companies with which I have signed an agreement that I will appear in the office so many times. Top managers want to see their coach in person. In the world, over 80% of coaching takes place remotely - by phone, Skype and other means of communication. And Russian people love to look into each other’s eyes, sit next to each other, almost hold hands. For some reason this is important in our culture, especially if people pay a lot of money. At the same time, there are clients who easily communicate via video calls on business trips; there are clients from Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, and other countries.

Now my corporate price is 12 thousand rubles per hour. When I work personally with a client or they are friends of friends, I make discounts. Especially for regional clients, the price is different. My colleagues, coaches of the same level as me, work in the regions for 3 thousand per hour.

I always conduct the first meeting for free. When we meet, both the person and I have the right to refuse interaction. There are people whom I send to my colleagues with a different specialization. If the client’s values ​​​​do not coincide very much with mine (to deceive partners, make money quickly, create a reputation, although the reputation does not correspond to competence), I will not work with it. I will say that this violates my ethical principles. Occasionally, but it happens. Firstly, effective work will not work. Secondly, I find it unpleasant to work with. I can afford to choose clients. So I say: “You know, you probably don’t belong with me.” We sign a contract that specifies all the conditions of cooperation, moral and material. I say, “You can say stop at any time.” But I recommend that at least three classes be completed.

At the first meeting, I ask what the client wants, why he chose me, who recommended me, how he sees himself moving towards the goal. This could be a half-hour meeting over the phone - with a close recommendation. If a person is a representative of a large company or a cold contact (either he has been following me for a long time on social networks, or someone not very close gave him a contact), then I meet in a cafe, we talk about what the person wants, and then we whether we move on or not.

I immediately tell you that we will have ten meetings, they will take place with such and such regularity, there will be homework, your task is to do it, mine is to be a good coach. I can't force it, I can recommend it. I must raise the level of awareness in the space of our interaction so that the client can see where the strategies work, where he sets a barrier for himself. Then he can easily work without me. The goal of a good coach is for the coaching to end sooner or later. When the contract ends, we part with our clients. This is not psychotherapy. We work for five months, or at most a year.

In order to constantly develop in the profession, coaches need professional support. Sometimes we ask the client for permission to record the session in order to receive feedback from their mentor. This allows you to see areas of growth and understand how to become even more effective. Of course, we guarantee complete confidentiality to our clients - especially when transferring recordings to third parties who sign a non-disclosure agreement.

About coaching in your life

The more developed I am, the better results at my clients. If a coach lives only in the mental dimension, he is unlikely to be effective. A person has access to at least four dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Ideally, any person who interacts with others should be organically developed. My regular practices relate to all four dimensions.

Working with intelligence means obtaining additional business education and scientific knowledge. This is actually developing the base necessary in the profession: knowledge of methodology, tools, results of scientific research and discoveries. Now I am a master's student at the Higher School of Economics, studying business psychology, this is another qualification.

For the body I do massages, yoga, esoteric practices, visiting dynamic Osho meditations. The body is the house in which we live, it reflects everything very well internal processes flowing through the mind, heart and soul.

There is also time for working with emotions - retreats, seminars and trainings in this direction.

Meditation and studying the spiritual traditions of different cultures and countries are very helpful for contacting the spiritual dimension. I attend meetings with masters from different religious and spiritual traditions. All practices allow us to go beyond the boundaries and see what is true and what is the social patterns into which we are strenuously trying to squeeze ourselves, while losing most of our life and energy.

All successful coaches have masters who are not advertised.

Because in business they are wary of deeply spiritual practices

I travel to other countries to study with masters of different religious and spiritual traditions. The master sees what you need and guides you. If you have chosen a master, you follow him without asking questions. This is how many choose their confessors. A coach does not give advice, he helps you find your own answers. How did I find my master? When you are in touch with your own purpose, life constantly gives signals. But most people live along a strictly chosen route. And when you get off the flight, you realize that the world is huge.

All successful coaches, such as Marilyn Atkinson, founder of Erickson International Coaching University, have masters who are not advertised. In business people are wary of deeply spiritual practices. But coaches are finding ways to creatively repackage their businesses.

If you search the Internet, you will find out that many successful stars like Madonna resorted to something beyond the ordinary: communicating with shamans, power plants, teachers. The same Sting has been working with the Peruvian power plant Ayahuasca for more than 20 years.

Since I was born in Russia, I was a Christian. After 11 years on the path of spiritual search, I turned to Buddhism, then Hinduism, and shamanism. Now I respect all world religions, they are all about one thing: mutual love, respect for the world, self-realization, how we can all live in harmony with each other. I believe that we are all one, we just forgot about it.

About other coaches and rules of life

I relate to Anthony Robbins (inspirational speaker and business coach. - Ed.) with mad respect. To find a way to work with huge audiences, to use NLP tools in such a way so that they work for 15–20 thousand people at once, to pump up the energy that is enough for huge halls - I am in admiration. If a person has created a name for himself, it means there is something in it, he gives society what society needs, it consumes it.

For example, he teaches a very deep heart gratitude meditation. As a result, a room of 20 thousand people meditates on gratitude.

I have a friend who lives in America, he is part of the Tony Robbins circle of millionaires, a closed party of 400 people. A ticket costs 100 thousand dollars a year. Once a month they have certain get-togethers. There Tony Robbins talks a lot about social business, charity, and contribution to this world. It practically repackages knowledge for people in business to absorb.

A good coach, in a conversation with rich, large clients, will always, in one way or another, bring up the idea of ​​charity. After the coaching session I talk to a very successful people, for example, about karmic management. I ask clients the question: “What is your mission, when you die, what do you want to leave behind?” Such questions turn many people towards serving the world.

As part of my charity, I conduct free coaching sessions and travel to the regions when my friends tell me that someone there has a difficult life situation. And I support the Children’s Village, regularly transferring money to it.

The coaching profession is largely discredited. There is a profession, and there are individual professionals. I'm not ashamed of what I do. As for Instagram coaches, on this moment this is the best choice they could make. Judging other people is not a coaching approach. They do something that supports them. Life will give them feedback.

How a coach helps himself

Ten years ago I had an understanding of what the life of a normal person should look like. Not now. I have a dream to go to the jungle in Peru for a year and live there with shamans. I dream that I can leave everything, calmly board a plane and fly away.

But the plan of my trainings and projects is scheduled for the year: interaction with clients, masters and projects at the Higher School of Economics. I can't get up and leave. I can plan a trip for 2020 and tell clients that I won’t be in Russia, but I haven’t set that goal for myself yet.

I'm only 35 years old, life doesn't end tomorrow. She is multifaceted. I didn't have children. I didn't have such a goal. I had two long-term civil marriages, which I myself ended at the moment when I realized that I was exhausted in these relationships. An apartment and a car - everything is much simpler with this. Everything is fine with income. Now my monthly income is five times the Moscow average ( The average Moscow salary today is approximately 81 thousand rubles per month. - Approx. ed.). Can this be considered a measure of success? Money comes like Feedback- in that direction you are moving or not.

I can always take a coaching position towards myself. Plus my friends are coaches. My closest friend is a coach. I can ask her for help, ask a question when the situation is really very traumatic, touches a nerve and there is no opportunity to help myself 100% effectively. Any coach is truly a coach when he has his own coach. Like any psychotherapist, you must have your own psychotherapist.

Now my monthly income is five times the Moscow average.

Can this be considered a measure of success? I didn't set myself such a goal

I can name many principles that I have brought from my profession into my life. First and foremost are Milton Erickson's Five Principles: 1. Everyone is Okay. 2. Each person has all the resources to achieve their goal. 3. Every human intention is positive. 4. Every moment in time a person does best choice. 5. Change is inevitable.

We must understand that at that moment in time, in the picture of the world that a person has in his head, he could not do anything else. There are tribes in Africa that, if a person has committed a crime, begin to “restore his power.” They talk about how wonderful he really is, what his resources are, the times when he helped someone. And through this they help to accept a person’s mistake, and do not turn him into an animal and an outcast who can only commit a more serious crime.

Surprisingly, man is the only creature that is not born human. We become people only in society. Depending on the context in which we are born, we grow up as a certain product of this society. There are no natural losers. There are people who have absorbed ineffective strategies, beliefs, and contexts. Based on them, they build their lives, not knowing that they can do it differently. Anyone can be helped to change their strategies and become successful.

Even a very poor family may have the right beliefs, but very rich families may have an unfavorable context for the child. This does not depend on financial components, but on the spiritual and intellectual development of the society into which a person finds himself at birth: parents, grandparents, teachers, nannies, kindergarten, school.

I am convinced that every person is the author of his own life. There are always internal forces that allow a person to cope with this and move forward. Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was a frail, sick boy. And Milton Erickson got sick in adolescence polio and forgot how to walk and talk. I don’t think that a loser is to blame for everything. But you are responsible for everything - yes. When a person takes responsibility, everything can turn upside down in a moment. He stops making claims to others, and another story begins.

One of the attractive aspects of being a coach is that the salary of an effective coach is usually several times, or even an order of magnitude, higher than that of practical psychologists and psychotherapists. With the help of coaching, you can make your life very special, extremely productive and very attractive.

The concepts of coaching and coaching training in the forms in which they are used now have been known not so long ago. But the ideas of coaching themselves were not completely new: they were proclaimed by Socrates, who made dialogue in his practice the main method of finding the truth. He renounced his claims to possessing true knowledge and considered himself not a teacher of wisdom, but only a person capable of inspiring in others the pursuit of truth. “I am just a midwife who helps the truth come into being,” he said. The method he proposes is based on the art of asking provoking questions. This is one of the basic principles of coaching, where the main tool is questions.

Areas of application of coaching

Today the demand for coaching, coaching trainings and courses are constantly growing. This is due to the high effectiveness of coaching and its absolute versatility. Today, professional coaching is successfully used in all areas of life and business.

In the business environment, business coaching is effectively used for:

  • company development (defining the company strategy, developing a development plan)
  • team building
  • staff motivation
  • personnel training and education
  • increasing sales volume
  • eliminating conflicts in the team
  • career advancement
  • when selecting and evaluating personnel, etc.

Occupies a significant position in the field of professional coaching coaching of top officials, since it is the Company’s First Persons who have to make decisions and bear full responsibility for them, the company’s development line and its positioning in the market depend on their decisions. The seminars and trainings of our program will be of interest to managers at any level; they will allow them to take a fresh look at a given business situation, mobilize their own resources and discover new abilities.

Business coaching

Business coaching in Moscow is one of the key tools used in working with company employees. Professional coaching in the business environment is entrusted with the task of enhancing the effectiveness of independent search for solutions in the successful development of the company. In other words, business coaching sets the right direction in finding answers to current questions that arise in business. In business, a coach is a specialist who helps representatives of the business environment independently set tasks and find solutions for them, develop their own successful model of behavior, which allows them to increase both the prestige of the company and its income. Traditionally, business coaching is divided into individual business coaching and corporate business coaching. In the first case, this is training in techniques and methods that help achieve efficiency in work, which is carried out with the client individually. Corporate business coaching is working with a group of employees united in achieving a specific goal.

As a result of passing the corporate Coaching training provides employees with the opportunity to:

    look at the situation from all sides and evaluate it as a whole

    generate several different ways to solve the problem

    analyze them and make the best decision

    draw up an action plan.

In personal life, coaching is used to resolve any issues: raising children, resolving family conflicts, building relationships, getting rid of bad habits.

Coaching Philosophy is based on the following principles:

    The person who turned to the coach for help is healthy and in perfect order.

    Every person does the best they can at every moment. At the same time, he is guided by the options for solving problems known to him, options for behavior, and past experience. The coach’s task is to help the client go beyond the usual beliefs and stereotypes that hold him back.

    The potential of every person has no limits. All that is required of the coach is to help the client discover it.

    The client knows much more about himself, his problems and the current situation in which he finds himself, than a coach or consultant. No consultant can help with advice to solve the current problem as effectively as the client himself can do. That's why the coach doesn't give advice! The coach’s task in this case is to help the client activate both hemispheres, use all his capabilities and abilities, help the client increase clarity of perception, and develop awareness. As a rule, people do not follow other people's advice. If they follow, it is only so that they have someone to blame in case of failure.

    People do not need negative evaluation (criticism) of their actions in order to improve their lives.

This program is aimed at those for whom it is important to manage their lives, fully realizing their talents and abilities, who are ready to accept life's challenges. The program’s training seminars teach the skills of focusing on important goals and the ability to follow them, accessing one’s own resources and internal “drive,” and exploring one’s own strategies for overcoming problems and achieving success.

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