Impostors “from the FSB. How to get into the FSB special forces

Center special purpose The FSB of Russia was created on October 8, 1998 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, who then held the position of director of the FSB. The decision to create it was dictated by the terrorist war that actually unfolded against Russia. As a result, the legendary groups “Alpha” and “Vympel” were united into a single powerful unit, which became Directorates “A” and “B” of the FSB TsSN, as well as the service special operations. In 2008, divisions were also created within the Center’s structure in the North Caucasus, and in 2014 - in Crimea.

We arrived at one of the most closed and secret units of the FSB almost on the eve of the anniversary, which is celebrated on October 8. The usual daily service and studies were going on at the Center. Here, employees in black uniforms and with heavy trunks in their hands unloaded from the bus - they had arrived from mountaineering training. At that time, a physical training test was taking place in the gym - employees passed pull-ups and other standards. At the same time, snipers were training at the shooting range and practical pistol shooting was taking place - this is when fighters need to hit targets from a standing position and from a kneeling position in a few seconds, while changing clips.

We leave the shooting range - we are met by a group of special forces in full gear, several of them with impressive beards.

“We just returned from a business trip - in the mountains and forests, you know, there is absolutely no time for shaving,” one of the special forces was ahead of my question about the regulation of a beard. “We’ll return home in the evening and shave it off.”

Most of the combat operations in which employees of the FSB Special Purpose Center participate are classified as “secret”

Another group practiced learning objectives on the Falkatus armored car, which looks like it came out of a science-fiction film, paired with an equally futuristic Viking armored truck.

“When will we see ourselves in the newspaper?” - the guys ask.

“So you’re wearing masks, how do you recognize yourself - after all, everyone looks the same?” - I’m interested in the answer.

“This is one thing for you, but we recognize ourselves not only in masks, but even among hundreds of backs,” the employees smile.

In general, the atmosphere in the center is surprisingly calm, there is no nervousness or tension, everyone is busy with their own business - and at the same time they are smiling and friendly.

"Did you expect to see evil killers with distorted faces?" - the special forces are interested.

I understand that there is nothing wrong with a sense of humor here. Well, it probably shouldn’t be any different in a unit where everyone risks their life and deep down knows that they may not return from the next mission.

“Having been to hot spots, you begin to approach life differently and evaluate people and events differently,” one of the TsSN instructors shares his feelings.

Even their loved ones don’t know about the details of their service, but for everyone around them, their husband, son or dad is just a military man.

Most of the combat operations in which employees of the FSB Special Purpose Center participate are classified as “secret.”

Naturally, we cannot name either their faces, surnames or even first names.

At the same time, the activities of the FSB special forces, hidden from the eyes of ordinary citizens, are always shrouded in a certain aura of mystery and often give rise to rumors and speculation that are far from reality. As they say at the Center, the strength of a modern special forces unit is in daily exhausting training, in overcoming oneself, in every minute readiness for action and self-sacrifice. Despite the difference in character and age, it is mainly officers who serve in operational combat units, and these include young lieutenants just graduating from college, and 30-40-year-old experienced employees. During real combat there are no young or older - everyone is responsible for everyone and the entire unit. Therefore, military brotherhood and a heightened sense of responsibility are not just big words, they really live by it. Any successful operation is a common victory, and the death of an employee or hostages is pain and loss for the entire Center.

22 officers and warrant officers of the Special Purpose Center were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 12 of them posthumously

“Coming to serve at the Center is not just a dream, it is a conscious choice, so we don’t have random people,” say the TsSN commanders.

There is no competition as such, although letters asking for admission arrive in the hundreds every month from all over the country. Candidates for service in the Center are selected themselves. They are mainly looking at graduates of military schools. First of all, they look at the personal qualities of future employees, their ability to withstand physical and, most importantly, psychological stress.

“For example, a candidate does push-ups 100 times, but we are not interested in this, but we are interested in how he will do push-ups 101, 105, 110 times, that is, how much he can overcome himself,” said the TsSN instructor. “And with this skill, that is, working to the limit and all the military personnel of the Center are beyond the limits of their capabilities.”

In general, every TsSN employee is a universal master who can solve the most complex combat missions.

But at the same time, everyone has a specialization in which they are better than others, for example, in diving, parachute or mountain training. As for general training, all employees, for example, should be trained to use weapons to the point of automaticity. The main skill is to hit the target with the first shot, with limited visibility and a dynamically changing tactical situation.

On average, one employee of the Center has up to 10 different types of personal and group weapons. Naturally, everyone is fluent in hand-to-hand combat. True, they joke that “if the battle came to hand-to-hand combat, it means that up to that moment everything was very bad.”

In addition, vocational training includes the study of mine explosives. The Center's employees are able to conduct reconnaissance of mine-explosive barriers and overcome them. Mountain training takes place in natural extreme conditions and is a tough test for special forces.

Each TsSN employee is a universal master who can solve the most complex combat missions

In addition to working in the mountains, employees are trained in industrial mountaineering. One of the tactical techniques they use is the “living ladder,” when in a matter of minutes a combat group without insurance can climb to the roof of a multi-story building. The Center operates units of combat swimmers designed to conduct operational combat operations in the coastal zone and at water transport facilities. Airborne training allows us to solve the problem of delivering units in a short time to the right place. Parachute jumps can be performed by employees at a great distance from the site at any time of the day from various types of aircraft. The operational combat group is able to land on a limited area with high precision. The skills of non-parachute landing from helicopters are constantly being developed, which makes it possible to solve complex combat missions where delivery of combat groups by other means is impossible or impractical. Training to free hostages and detain criminals takes place on real objects: airplanes, helicopters, trains, buses, cars, buildings and structures. The Center's snipers have many years of effective experience in participating in combat events, and have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of international competitions at various levels. Such as, for example, the Czech Republic Sniper Championship with a foreign presence and the World Police and Military Sniper Championship in Hungary. At the international tournament of combat teams in Germany, which is organized by the GSG-9 service, the Center’s team became the winner in the shooting disciplines.

At the World Championship among police special forces SWAT units, which took place several years ago in Orlando, USA, the TsSN team became the best foreign team. And two employees took first and second place in the championship for the best Super Swat fighter. For twenty years, the FSB Special Purpose Center has rightfully earned the authority of one of the leading anti-terrorist units in the world, which has been waging a successful war against terrorism all these years. And if in the late 90s Russian employees learned something from their Western colleagues, today, on the contrary, everyone comes to the TsSN to learn from the colossal combat experience they have accumulated.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" congratulates all current employees and veterans of the Center for Special Operations of the FSB of Russia, as well as their relatives and friends, on the 20th anniversary of the Center.

Fight against terror

Since 1999, in close cooperation with the operational units of the authorities Federal service security, employees of the TsSN FSB of Russia suppressed the criminal activities of over 2000 active members of gangs, including such odious leaders of the gangster underground as Maskhadov, Raduev, Baraev, Khalilov, Astemirov, Said Buryatsky. As well as a number of emissaries of international terrorism operating in the North Caucasus - Abu-Umar, Abu-Havs, Seif Islam and others.

Over twenty years, more than two thousand times the Center’s employees have been awarded state awards. 22 special forces soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 12 of them posthumously.

Every year, the Center’s employees conduct many military events, during which hostages are freed and leaders and active members of gangs are neutralized. In addition, TsSN employees suppress the distribution of weapons and drugs and detain especially dangerous criminals. They also ensure the security of important socio-political, religious and other public events under the threat of terrorist attacks.

Congratulating the employees of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation on the 20th anniversary of its formation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “The Center carried out hundreds of successful operations to neutralize terrorists and militants, agents of foreign intelligence services. Under enemy fire, risking yourself, you saved the lives of civilians.

The Center's fighters are the best of the best, highly qualified professionals with outstanding moral and strong-willed qualities. And it has always been like this. You selflessly serve Russia, stand as an insurmountable barrier on the path of terrorism and organized crime, show examples of courage and bravery, real military brotherhood. The whole world has more than once witnessed the courage and self-sacrifice of the Center’s fighters who freed hostages and shielded them from bandit bullets... We will always remember those who fully fulfilled their duty and did not return from a combat mission. We will always be there for their loved ones."

Special purpose arsenal

It's no secret that modern technology and weapons can significantly expand the capabilities of special forces units. And in this direction, CSN not only keeps up with the times, but in a number of cases is ahead of it.

Thus, to ensure the maneuver of assault groups in conditions of enemy fire, as well as protection from mine and land mine explosions, the Viking and Falcatus armored vehicle systems were created and put into service. These machines, capable of reaching speeds of up to 160 km/h, have no analogues in the world. The jamming complex against remote explosive devices is one of the best in the world. Buggies and all-terrain vehicles have been put into operation and are actively used for rough terrain and forests.

In the near future, it is expected that a special biomonitoring system will be adopted, which will remotely monitor the health of an employee directly during combat operations. The latest reconnaissance and strike robotic systems, equipped with video cameras, machine guns and grenade launchers, are not inferior to, and sometimes ahead of, the best foreign models. They are used not only for reconnaissance, but also for effective fire support for special forces units.

Receive information about changes in the operational situation in real time different kinds helicopter and airplane-type unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with high-resolution video equipment.

The standard small arms are also domestic - for example, Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 100th series AK-100 and Yarygin pistols. True, all weapons are deeply modernized specifically for the needs of the TsSN and differ from conventional army models. At the same time, the Center’s units are equipped with modern optical-electronic surveillance devices and sighting systems. All this is also domestically produced.

Tests of a mechanical exoskeleton are nearing completion, which will help employees carry an additional load of 100 kg. A reinforced armor shield with an increased degree of protection against bullets and shrapnel is also being developed for the same exoskeleton. Among the promising developments is a new protective suit that will withstand high temperatures, protect from radiation and aggressive environments, as well as a helmet with a video surveillance system.

The image on the screen in the helmet will be supplied from a camera mounted on the weapon. That is, a special forces soldier, during intense shelling, will be able to shoot from around the corner without exposing himself to terrorist fire.

The FSB Special Purpose Center was created in 1998 to combat terrorism in Russia and beyond. Its structural units are the Alpha special unit, the Vympel special unit and the Special Operations Directorate.

The center accepts officers and warrant officers, as well as cadets from military schools as candidates for officer positions. 97% of positions in the FSB special forces are officer positions. Warrant officers are given 3%; if admitted to the TsSN, they serve as drivers or instructors.

In addition, each candidate must provide a recommendation from either a current or former employee of Alpha or Vympel. The Center is also engaged in an independent search for the most promising youth. Why do the center’s employees visit universities of the Ministry of Defense in order to study the personal files of cadets and conduct interviews with the most suitable of them for service in the FSB special forces. The most productive in this regard are the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms School, where there is a special forces department, and the Moscow Higher Military Command School.

There is an age limit - no older than 28 years. Also, height must be at least 175 cm so that the body armor does not hit the knees. However, these requirements are not dogma. If the candidate has any unique abilities or has combat experience, then they turn a blind eye to them.

A healthy body has a healthy spirit

Having accepted the documents required for admission from candidates, they begin to check their physical fitness. Testing is carried out within one day. Everything is done dynamically with minimal breaks between exercises. The requirements for applicants for service in Alpha are a little stricter than for candidates for Vympel. Below are the standards for Alpha.

You must run 3 kilometers at the stadium within 10 minutes 30 seconds.

After a 5 minute rest - 100 meters, control standard - 12.7 seconds.

Pull-ups on the bar - 25 times. This is followed by a 3-minute rest after each exercise.

Within 2 minutes, you need to do 90 flexions and extensions of the torso in a lying position.

90 push-ups.

After this, the candidate must perform a complex strength exercise 7 times:

- 15 push-ups;

- 15 flexions and extensions of the torso in a lying position;

— 15 transitions from the position “crouched” to “lying” and back;

- 15 jumps from a crouched position.

Each cycle is given 40 seconds. There are no rest periods between cycles.

Bench press of your own weight (but not more than 100 kg) while lying down - 10 times.

The main thing is to take the blow and move forward

Three minutes after the physical test, you must demonstrate hand-to-hand martial arts skills. In this case, the candidate performs in a helmet, gloves and protective pads on the legs and groin. He is opposed by an instructor or well trained in the field hand-to-hand combat CSN employee. The fight lasts 3 rounds.

In the allotted time, it is not at all necessary to defeat the instructor. During the battle, the instructor evaluates the candidate's potential capabilities: fighting qualities, ability to take a blow, will to win, focus on attacking in conditions of physical fatigue, ability to change battle tactics depending on the prevailing circumstances, reaction speed. Of course, the instructor does not seek to “beat” the subject. During the fight, he gives him the initiative to better understand what he is worth. The more active a candidate is in the ring, the higher the score he receives, even in the event of significant errors in technique. Subsequently, during training, the recruit will learn all the techniques and skills necessary to conduct effective hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, the main task of the instructor is to find out whether the candidate is capable of learning.

Those who are passive in the fight are immediately rejected, going into deep defense.

Major tests ahead

At the next stage, the candidate is placed at the disposal of doctors in order to undergo in-depth studies of his health status. And here the requirements are higher than for cadets of military universities, since the future special forces officer must endure enormous physical exercise. And they should not interfere with the effective execution of combat missions. At the same time, one of the primary tasks that the medical commission solves is to determine suitability for airborne training.

In parallel with these studies, a special check is carried out, during which it is revealed that the candidate has undesirable connections. And not only from him, but also from his closest relatives. Relatives are checked for criminal records.

The next stage of the competitive marathon is an examination by a psychologist. It is necessary to study the candidate’s personality - character, temperament, interests and passions, moral attitudes, reactions to certain stimuli and other characteristics important for service in the FSB special forces. All this information is entered into your personal file.

This is followed by a polygraph test of the candidate’s veracity. First of all, moments are revealed that he would like to hide, “dark spots” of his past and present: connections with crime, addiction to alcohol and drugs, corruption tendencies, an antisocial lifestyle.

When passing each test, candidates are awarded points. Then they are summed up, and those with the best indicators are accepted to serve in the FSB TsSN.

But the admission procedure does not end there. The final point is set after a conversation with the parents and wife of the newly minted special forces soldier. They are told about the peculiarities of service in special forces, and then they are given written consent for their son/husband to join the Alpha or Vympel group. This is due to the fact that the service of a special forces soldier is associated with an increased risk to life.

And only after this is enlistment as a young employee with the presentation of a black beret and an “Anti-Terror” knife. However, the fighter will have to master his chosen profession for another three years under the guidance of experienced colleagues, acquiring the necessary knowledge and mastering the necessary skills. During the first two years he is not involved in special operations.

The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia is a special unit that deals only with the fight against terrorism. This post will introduce us in more detail to the work of this unit.

First, briefly about the FSB Special Purpose Center. This is a division of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation, created on October 8, 1998 on the initiative of the Director of the FSB of Russia V.V. Putin by combining special-purpose units of security agencies into a single team.

The main task of the TsSN FSB of Russia is to combat international terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond, including activities to identify, prevent, suppress, disclose and investigate terrorist acts through operational combat and other activities. It is especially worth noting that the Federal Security Service acts in strict accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, even in cases where its activities may look illegal and immoral in the opinion of some uninitiated and incompetent citizens.

Over the years of its existence, employees of the TsSN FSB of Russia, independently or in collaboration with various units, carried out many operational combat activities, during which a significant amount of weapons, ammunition, explosives, hundreds of hostages captured by militants were freed, active members of gangs were neutralized, including such odious leaders as Salman Raduev, Arbi Barayev, Aslan Maskhadov, Rappani Khalilov, Anzor Astemirov, emissaries of the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in the North Caucasus Abu-Umar, Abu-Haws, Seif Islam and others.

According to indirect data, several hundred officers were killed in combat operations in the country and abroad, state awards were presented more than two thousand times, twenty military personnel were awarded honorary title"Hero of the Russian Federation".

Currently, the Federal Security Service is headed by Army General Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov.

TsSN FSB has the best and most modern equipment. This is its main difference from the army and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. In their work, the Center's officers use the best that Russian and foreign military science and industry can provide. In the fight against terrorism, any other approach would be inappropriate

There are a lot of people who want to get into service at the Center. The selection is strict: first of all, the TsSN focuses on people who have already proven themselves to be professionals in one of the areas of special training, who have combat experience and a good military education, as well as graduates of universities of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB Border Service and Ryazan Airborne Forces School. At the same time, the Center trains professionals in categories that only they can train themselves - snipers, parachutists and combat swimmers.

Providing first aid to the wounded. Of the “Golden Hour” allotted for rescuing a wounded person, the first 15 minutes are considered the most important; the faster and more qualified assistance is provided, the greater the chance of salvation for the victim.

In addition to physical data Special attention draws on high moral and psychological qualities. When joining one of the Center’s structures, the candidate must be ready, if circumstances so require, to give his life saving the lives of hostages. The study process lasts at least a year and a half, and the dropout rate is very large.

As for fire training, it has a clearly applied nature. The emphasis is on developing stable shooting skills in conditions that are as close as possible to real-life situations. The level of training of TsSN employees allows them to take prizes in all-Russian and international competitions, as well as effectively solve the entire range of operational and combat missions.

The entire training system is aimed at developing young employees. It is carried out by managers at all levels and instructors. It includes, among other aspects, a mentoring institute, various training camps, classes and receiving good operational training in training centers and FSB institutions. One of the main tasks set at the Center is not only to teach how to shoot well and master hand-to-hand combat techniques, but above all to consciously act as part of a unit.

One of the traditional questions asked to FSB special forces commanders is: how long does it take to develop a true professional from a beginner? In previous years the answer was: five years. Now professional development is happening much faster: this is the specificity! For the last ten years, the Center has been continuously involved in special operations in the North Caucasus, which affects the quality of its personnel.

In the summer of 1996, by presidential decree, the FSB Anti-Terrorism Center (ATC FSB) was created. The creation of this center was one of the first steps of Mikhail Barsukov after his appointment as director of the FSB. Viktor Zorin, first deputy director of the FSB, was appointed head of the Center.

Formally, the need for its creation was caused by the extreme lack of coordination of domestic anti-terrorist services, which was especially clearly manifested during the operation in Budennovsk in June 1995.

“Vremya MN” 01/23/01: “The Department for Combating Terrorism includes a Special Purpose Center, consisting of the Alpha and Vympel detachments ( former special forces foreign intelligence). The daily work of Alpha Squad employees is to neutralize terrorists who hijack aircraft, watercraft, ground transportation, and hold hostages in buildings. Vympel employees have a “nuclear” specialization: in peacetime - neutralizing terrorists at nuclear facilities, in pre-war and war time their task is reversed - they must destroy nuclear power plants, missile launchers with nuclear warheads and other special objects on enemy territory. However, this specificity is not taken into account in the current conditions; Vympel fighters are capable of operating in Chechnya."

The base of the Special Forces Center is located in Balashikha-2, military unit No. 35690. Contact numbers: 523-63-43, 523-90-60. The Alpha group training center has been called “Priboy” for twenty-five years.

The selection system for anti-terrorism special forces is carried out in several stages. To serve in the special forces of the FSB Special Purpose Center, as a rule, officers and warrant officers are selected, as well as cadets of military schools as candidates for officer positions. Physical testing is divided into two stages, which take place on the same day. During the first, candidates pass physical training standards, followed by sparring in hand-to-hand combat.

Training can be completed at the Budokan sports club; programs include general physical training, sports training in aikido, and karate.

In the ring, the candidate is required to be active; passive defense is not encouraged. This is very difficult to do, given the loads that the candidate overcame during the physical tests. A completely fresh employee goes against him. Here, first of all, fighting qualities, the ability to attack, the ability to take a blow and, of course, will are tested. There were cases when aikido masters did not stand in the ring, and guys who did not have any serious sports titles, on the contrary, stubbornly attacked and rushed at the enemy.

There is an unspoken rule at the Center that after enlisting in the special forces, an employee is required to serve in it for at least five years. This is exactly the period needed to prepare a great anti-terror “action film.” The vast majority continue to serve.

Photo: Do ​​not allow yourself to be a weapon in the hands of impostors acting on behalf of the intelligence services


Recently, a scandal erupted: the Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia, after publications in the foreign press, issued a refutation and reported that a group operating on Facebook called “TsSN FSB of Russia” has nothing to do with the department.


It’s an amazing thing, but we still have to explain what are, in general, obvious things: only two resources representing state security are “registered” on the Internet: these are the official websites of the Federal Security Service and the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC).

Yes, there are active groups and sites on the Internet that cover the activities of intelligence agencies, law enforcement or talk about the activities of specific special forces. But these are public affairs, voluntary and not official.

The military-patriotic newspaper Spetsnaz of Russia, which has been published since the spring of 1994, stands apart here. But it is not an official publication of the FSB, but International Association veterans of the anti-terrorism unit “Alpha” (headed by a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, retired colonel Sergei Alekseevich Goncharov).

Another publication founded by special forces veterans is the popular magazine of maroon berets “Brother,” headed by Hero of Russia Sergei Lysyuk. However, several years ago its publication was suspended.

That's all, actually.

But here it’s a different matter. There is a group on Facebook that calls itself the “Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia.” No more, no less. It is clear to anyone in the know that these are sticky scammers, but the servers of this social network are in the USA, which predetermined the choice of impostors “from the FSB”.

At the same time, "Pokemon" on blue eye indicate their address: Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, building No. 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3. The telephone number of the FSB reception is also there. And even modestly, without any fuss, the status of the Internet resource is marked: “state organization.”

It would seem that even more - you don’t need to be a specialist to diagnose what you see on the Internet. Moreover, the TsSN itself is not stationed in Lubyanka, but in one of the districts of Moscow.

However, people grab everything, don’t they? And - he eats, he eats...

And one more touch.

The avatar of this “leftist” community bears the TsSN emblem with the characteristic letter “B”, i.e. “Pennant”. Well, we’re really being picky, aren’t we? People believe, especially foreign subscribers - these are, they say, secret soldiers of the FSB and GRU special forces who decided to go online. And not by themselves, but by the entire combat structure of Lubyanka.

However, at Lubyanka they are tracking the stickers.

And then (in fact, at the beginning of March 2017) a refutation, clear and concise, appeared in the press: “...On a Facebook page designated as the “Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia,” a video was posted in which, allegedly, actions of Russian special forces during the liberation of Palmyra from terrorists.

The special purpose center has nothing to do with this information,” the FSB Public Relations Center told RIA Novosti.

Do you think the video was deleted after this? Or was there some kind of comment? Not at all.

So, dear readers, if you have friends who are in this group, warn them what’s what. And tell them that every like they have, every participation is work not just for the sticklers, but work for the Enemy. Exactly. So that without illusions. There is no need to be mistaken.


The world is going crazy, hunting Pokemon with smartphones. For those who have not heard about this newfangled game, let us explain. The map on the phone leads the player to the right place, the user rotates the camera and, against the backdrop of the real situation, sees and catches funny cartoon animals.

The real situation, people and virtual characters controlled by an outside will are mixed on the screen. The unknown owner of the game places the animals anywhere - in your apartment or country house, at a secret facility, in a combat zone, and the players themselves point their phone cameras at the objects - transferring the necessary video into invisible hands.

Similarly, on social networks we deal with “Pokemon” in the guise of fake heroes. It is not difficult for a Pokémon to disguise itself as a veteran of a large power structure, because current employees do not appear on social networks (strictly prohibited!), and veterans do not know newcomers. However, in the case of Alpha, this is difficult to imagine, since those who left the service still remain part of their native unit. Veterans are connected to him through a powerful community organization.

...A year ago, a character appeared on Facebook knocking at my door and at the door of several of my friends. Photos of the character hinted that we were dealing with... hmm, not a general, “Hero of Russia”, related to the anti-terrorism unit “Alpha” and going to the social network under the nickname “Alexey Orlov”. By the beginning of the year, he had 2 thousand friends.

Then there was personal correspondence. Who he is and where he comes from, Orlov said little about this, but made it clear that he served in the GRU, then was in Alpha, and is now a sniper instructor at the Special Forces Center of the FSB of Russia.

As a result, the first doubts crept in about the reality of the character; as it turned out, I was not the only one. After discussing with comrades, we found out that no one knew the new “friend”. Then inquiries were made to Directorate “A” of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia and the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit. And we were convinced that this was a virtual Pokemon character who had never had anything to do with special forces and existed on Facebook surrounded by other similar fictional “heroes.”

As it was established, his avatar is an old photo real person- holder of the Order of Courage, reserve lieutenant colonel Ruslan Tsvetkov, living in Samara. He served in the Airborne Forces and GRU special forces. He fought in the North Caucasus. Has nothing to do with Pokemon.

The list of characters and their relationships and methods of work began to be clarified. The information was checked, and meanwhile the Pokemon were fed fakes, humorously discussing the new exploits of the “elusive” ones, which the ersatz heroes abundantly regaled their audience with in private correspondence.

The popular Pokemon “Alexey Orlov” already had more than 3.5 thousand friends and one thousand subscribers on Facebook. Things were looking up. Until all the “raspberries” were spoiled for him by the Alpha veterans and the newspaper “Spetsnaz of Russia”. As a result of the high-profile revelation, Orlov’s page was deleted. However, his accomplices remained, as well as the TsSN FSB of Russia group itself.


Before ingloriously disappearing from the Internet, the senior Pokémon “Orlov” at the end of October 2016 posted a simply heartbreaking post about his injury and his stay in the Burdenko military hospital.

Well, on VKontakte the people are savvy, such fables would not work here, but on Facebook the people in general are different. And a lot of foreigners. And a flurry of condolences poured in (including entries in English, Italian, etc.) to the wounded Internet fighter of the invisible front.

“Orlov” reported that “the bullet passed a few centimeters from the kidneys” (obviously both at once!) and those “who wished him dead can rejoice.”

Then the stickman pressed on the tear: “I served in Group “A” for 8 unforgettable years, I left due to injury. After being wounded, it took me a long time to recover, and I was offered to continue serving in another unit of the army.”

Well, this is strong, really!

By definition, not a single state security special forces officer would write like that. “Lubyanka Special Forces” is one thing, the army is another! It's like the Lord's Prayer.

And then “Orlov” continued: “I created this page just for the sake of interest, I wanted to find out how people feel about the army men (again, he is for his own!) and not only. For those who closely followed my page (and there are many of them), I made posts about special forces, posted photographs and showed Russia and Russians only from the good side. “Consumor aliis inserviendo,” - while shining for others, you burn yourself. I’m not going to make excuses, I just don’t have the strength, and my head is full of painkiller injections. So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I am a fighter of the invisible front and I came here not to promote myself, but to talk about my service in Group “A”.

...In short, it was a message in the spirit: “I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik. Hello from me to you all!”

Readers of “Russian Special Forces” had a good laugh at two photographs of the “wounding” of an older Pokemon, and we quickly found out that no Orlov, naturally, was admitted to the Burdenko military hospital. As no other patient with this type of injury has ever done. A run designed for a completely unsophisticated audience.

“Orlov” deleted the page, along with another Pokemon from the special forces - “Alexey Petrov”, obviously looking for other identities, biographies and approaches to new persons of interest. Others in the Facebook group stayed and waited and continued their activities (however, it is possible that these are the same people under different names).

And the closer they are presidential elections in Russia, the more “soldiers of the invisible front” will emerge from various cracks, which - which is by no means impossible! — they will do stuffing and give comments on behalf of the Russian special services.

Forewarned is forearmed.


What to do with this group of impostors, for what purposes are they working? Who are those people on Facebook whom the Pokemon “Orlov” calls its commanders, mentors, and colleagues?

There are three options for why a network of virtual heroes is needed by Pokemon owners.

The first is working for foreign intelligence. This is the most likely option, aimed at obtaining information about veterans and current employees, about the organization of Russian special forces, their combat and daily activities. We will tell you how this is done below.

But in addition to collecting information, the owners have extensive opportunities for manipulating real people and even provoking them. For example, a famous Pokemon officer, who has been on the Internet for many years, will suddenly tell his fellow bloggers in confidence that he is fighting in some country, and will share other important information. And now correspondence with a special forces officer appears on the front pages of newspapers as proof of “Russia’s treachery.”

Then it’s even more fun - imagine that after such a revelation, the “veteran” disappears from the social network, and his friends “go on the run”, simultaneously spreading reports about how their own active intelligence officer of “Mordor” was killed for the truth.

Of course, the FSB of Russia will expose the “whistleblowers,” but the job is done—these will be just the unsubstantiated words of the intelligence service against the words of “heroes,” “fighters for truth,” well known to the Internet community. The new virtual traitor Alexander Litvinenko is straight (the one who fled to London and died from a dose of polonium)! And everything is ready for such a provocation. I wonder when, according to the scenario, the virtual “Orlov” should die? After all, the “attempt” on him has already taken place.

The second option is pure fraud. Someone will one day privately turn to a public, authoritative special forces officer to resolve problems in business or with the law. He will ask for money to solve problems. And they will give him, maybe even give him a lot, without ever seeing the officer in person and without being able to later find his traces.

Or one day a Pokemon officer will publicly ask for help with an operation due to an injury. Reposts, money flowing into fake accounts - with such authority and the number of fans of a character, its owners can make a fortune in a week, before anyone has time to understand what is happening and sound the alarm.

The third option is a game of scouts and special forces, a game of “lightning”. It is possible that we are dealing with an attempt to realize in the virtual world our aspirations, aspirations and ambitions that have not been realized in life, however, the likelihood of this is low - there is a group acting professionally, harmoniously, and purposefully. In addition, we are not aware of the presence of manuals on the Internet with which the actions of this group can be compared.

In general, as experience shows, social networks have become an ideal environment for breeding Pokemon. You can launch a fictional character in the guise of a special agent, a hero of all wars, and there will be those who believe in him, and then make others believe. The photo of the Pokemon is someone else's, stolen or manipulated.

When communicating on behalf of a Pokemon, the owners hide their gaps in knowledge and experience, while not answering awkward questions - the Pokemon is positioned as a secret person, and its work and personality are shrouded in mystery, about which - how could it be otherwise! - you can’t talk on social networks even with your own people.

The only people who could help identify Pokemon breeders are the owners and moderators of social networks. But Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is located in the United States with his servers. Please note that on the largest social network “VKontakte”, whose servers are located in Russia, the group of Pokemon we are studying does not work, which once again suggests the professional actions of foreign intelligence services.


First, the impostor must be “born.” They come up with a name and a legend for him, make an avatar by processing a photo of another person. They create a profile on a social network and fill it with patriotic materials, photographs taken from other people’s pages.

Then they create a company of virtual characters just like him, also “heroes,” but only on a smaller scale. Pokemon repost each other’s materials, communicate and interact in the feeds of other users—objects of interest—and ask to be their friends. As a result, “followers” ​​of a virtual sect appear, and with them living people, hands performing real world someone else's will, requests, commands.

“Have you seen Orlov live?” - “No, but a man came from him, bringing money for a sick boy.” And the man, it turns out, didn’t see Orlov either, but received a request from him to find money for a good cause, fulfilled it, collected it, and passed it on.

A living boy, real money, real help and... a virtual hero, who with someone else’s hands laid another brick in the foundation of his own legalization.

Or a girl, a living friend of the virtual hero “Orlov”. Having joined the front line, I once took part in civil war in Donbass. She was injured. She is for the truth, for freedom, actively posts materials on social networks, dotes on the Internet idol... And at the same time, she is not wise with experience.

It is difficult to overestimate the degree of her involvement in the events in Donbass, but once, as was said, she received a real injury - she caught shrapnel from an explosion. As a result, other real people, at the instigation of “Orlov,” met a compatriot in Moscow, assigned her to expensive treatment, and provided her with funds.

Pokemon makes women fall in love with him, arranges romantic meetings under public web cameras, and then says that he urgently flew off to war, but sent his friend to the meeting place, who was too shy to approach his beloved.

There are other examples of how the virtual group we are studying acts in the real world through someone else’s hands. Sometimes he does good deeds. However, the purpose of these cases is not to help people, but to legalize the Pokemon group.


Much of the above more or less corresponds to the so-called “seeding” techniques (in Public Relations terms) used by advertising agencies to promote goods and services. If a Pokemon hero is legalized, its owners have to go through a more difficult path, interacting online with real veterans of the special services.

A Pokemon can jump out of an uncomfortable conversation, secrecy will write everything off, but this is too simple and does not correspond to its goal of “becoming one of its own.” And here we see know-how, a technique that, by analogy with “sowing,” we will call “cross-pollination.”

“You worked in personnel? Do you know where the documents go after dismissal?”

“Hi, there’s a new boss in department N, do you know?”

"Hello. What kind of nonsense are they writing, they say, Filatov (vice-president of the International Association "Alpha", chief editor of "Special Forces of Russia" - Author) and Sokolov (veteran of "Alpha" - Author) died in Crimea? No? That's what I'm talking about... And then they tell me that their photo was shown on TV. Who died there then?”

Let us add that behind our main character there are at least two people. The one who began to promote the main Pokemon was smarter and better oriented in the situation. The second one made many mistakes and aroused a flurry of suspicion even among purely civilians. Apparently, for the period of legalization, a more expensive specialist was brought in, and then, when the strategic task was solved, cheaper moderators and invoice collectors joined in, which they steal from wherever they can.

So, for example, the fellows from the “TsSN FSB of Russia” have been caught more than once for stealing publications (without links, of course) from the “Special Forces of Russia”; the most striking example is Alexei Filatov’s essay entitled “Berserk”, dedicated to the legendary “ Alfovets" Viktor Ivanovich Blinov.

At the same time, publishing a publication on Blinov in two parts, they stupidly cut off both posts, because otherwise they - as was the case in the source of "Spetsnaz of Russia" on its VKontakte site - would have to provide links to the basic publication of the essay on the website of "Spetsnaz" Russia."

Personal correspondence with veterans is not all the intelligence community does to gather information. Further more. Pokemon creates groups and pages on social networks, dragging his friends and subscribers into them. Pages are created with obviously incorrect names or their spelling, but this does not bother visitors: “Spetnaz gru russian Federation (spn gru gsh russian armed forces)”, “Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia” and so on.

Everyone knows, but for some reason they forget that in films, villains and swindlers look and behave like villains and swindlers, but in life they are often pleasant and respectable people. On social networks, it’s even easier for attackers - you don’t have to look into the eyes of those you’re deceiving. Their pages and groups contain beautiful, patriotic, often interesting and relevant information. How can one not believe in virtue?

And visitors believe the villains, ask questions on social networks to nameless administrators of pages and groups, believing that they are related to the relevant intelligence services. Military personnel of the Ministry of Defense are interested in how they can get service in the TsSN of the FSB of Russia, widows of deceased employees are interested in how to get benefits, and veterans of units are interested in assistance in finding employment.

In return, users generously share with the owners of the intelligence network information about their participation in hostilities, photographs from the scene of events, not only their own, but also their friends, including those still serving in the military.

Conclusion: the work of the studied group on Facebook bears little resemblance to pranks and petty fraud. More like a secret service operation, right?


We have what we have. We are not going to give up communication on social networks, and this intelligence community is not the first nor the last that every user has to encounter on the Internet every day. Let's at least follow some precautions.

First. Check your friends on social networks, find and delete those you don’t know yourself or your real friends in the real world don’t know. You will not only protect yourself from unnecessary contacts, but also save your friends from troubles, in front of whom scammers will hide behind their “friendship” with you.

Second. Never add as friends those whose existence you doubt. And don’t be confused by the pretty faces on the avatars, fiery texts, or the fact that these characters are already friends with those who enjoy your respect.

And fourth. Send those you know in the real world a link to this material, repost it. For those who want to protect themselves from manipulation and learn more deeply about fraud technologies similar to those practiced by the Orlova Pokemon group, we recommend reading the book by Kevin Mitnick ( iconic figure in the field of information security) “The Art of Deception” is very educational.

If in your life, dear readers, you have come across some people who position themselves as veterans of the FSB special forces, or companies operating under the brands of legendary units, then this issue is easily resolved.

If it is alleged that a person served in Group “A” of the KGB-FSB, then the necessary information will be provided to you by the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, which over a quarter of a century has accumulated a wealth of experience in exposing fakers and impostors.

They are talking about “Vympel” - contact the Association of Veterans and Employees of the Special Purpose Group “Vympel” (headed by Valery Popov), and they will explain whether it’s true or not.

The Foundation for Veterans of the Special Operations Unit of State Security Bodies “Smerch” can also clarify its profile.

So do not allow yourself to be a weapon in the hands of impostors acting on behalf of the intelligence services, because you are creating for them the much-needed extras to carry out the activities mentioned above.

In the conditions of the Cold War, when the Internet and the press became weapons of mass disinformation and active information events, working, even passively, for the enemy is infantilism and an unaffordable luxury, diverting people’s attention to worthless objects.

The author is a reserve lieutenant colonel, a veteran of Directorate “A” of the TsSN FSB of Russia. Participant in special operations at Dubrovka (Nord-Ost) and Beslan. Deputy Head of the Kolomensky Municipal District of the Moscow Region


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