Dragon and bull - compatibility in friendship and love. Compatibility of Dragon and Ox - relationships without a chance

In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Dragon

The Dragon strives for freedom in relationships. And not only in love. They try to gain independence from their parents from an early age. At the same time, they are distinguished by good manners, good manners, and nobility. These people combine many talents and deep integrity.

They do not attack others, but are ready to fight for their own interests and the interests of their friends. They know how to make friends, help loved ones, but they themselves never ask for help because of excessive pride. They cannot be classified as conservatives; everything new is perceived easily and joyfully by them.

Main qualities:

  • self-confidence;
  • generosity;
  • activity;
  • hot temper;
  • reliability.

Character of those born in the Year of the Ox

These people do not panic even in the most difficult situations, they firmly keep their word, and persistently stand their ground. They prefer to stand firmly on their feet, so they never rush into adventures. All their plans are balanced and logical, most of them are designed for the long term.

If the Ox is forced to do something against his will, he will show unprecedented stubbornness and may become very angry. Deprived of the desire to take risks, borrow money, compete. In general, Oxen are sociable and relaxed only in a calm environment. Only those who according to the horoscope belong to the sign of Libra can be considered truly sociable.

Main qualities:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • durability;
  • stubbornness.

Dragon man – Ox woman. Compatibility

These are two different characters, two diametrically opposed views of the world. But the planning Ox and the impulsive Dragon are capable of creating a relationship. They can find common ground in their strength, independence and vibrant sexual relationships.

When he is a Dragon, she is an Ox, the compatibility is far from the best. The woman will be determined to drive her man into the framework she has clearly thought out. She will first wait a while, hoping that everything will fall into place, and then she will begin to limit him in many ways. It will be difficult for her to accept her husband with all his shortcomings; flexibility of character is not characteristic of her, therefore, in such a Dragon-Oxen pair, compatibility is at risk.

Dragon woman – Ox man. Compatibility

This is an easier combination of characters. It is easier to get a strong union in a pair of Ox husband and Dragon wife. A man will strive to leave his lady at home, with him, with his family, and he will keep his girlfriends and business relationships away from his wife by any means necessary.

But many women do this to save relationships. Therefore, when he is an Ox, she is a Dragon, compatibility is considered normal. She can make up for a missed dinner with a friend with a reliable male shoulder that will always be there. So in this case, in the Dragon-Ox pair, compatibility in love is much stronger.

An alliance can be built on a mutual agreement on concessions and non-interference in the partner’s affairs. Respect and a clear understanding of your place in a couple are the basis of a long marriage. In a pair of Dragon and Ox, it is more difficult for the first to adapt to the strict demands of his persistent partner.

A bull can easily endure any difficulties because he has a strong nervous system.

Prospects for the development of relations

The rhythm of life in such a couple is different. But the Ox even benefits from the shake-up that a fire-breathing partner gives him. And the latter rests well next to such a model of equanimity. But still, when an active Dragon and a calm Ox meet, it is difficult to predict compatibility for many years. Doing business together is an ideal option for their relationship. The Dragon is travel and negotiations.

And the Bull is routine work, calculations. Therefore, partners Dragon woman and Ox woman can make a good team in work, and simply in friendship. Uniting with a common cause will force them to meet each other halfway for the sake of results.

The original combination of Dragon and Ox is an unfavorable union for most astrologers. Both signs have strong charisma and high leadership qualities, never inferior to anyone. But under certain circumstances and the work of each partner, the relationship will acquire positive dynamics.

General characteristics of relationships

By uniting, both signs form an alliance with the spiritual principle; it is quite ambiguous and contradictory. The differences between the Dragon and the Ox prevent them from building harmonious relationships. Fiery passion and temper can scare away many people from a representative of this element, even the non-conflict Ox.

The Dragon is passionate and inquisitive; it is important for him to always be in the center of events. He loves traveling very much, he is ready to go on the road, even if he is woken up in the middle of the night and forced to get ready.

The Dragon is more emotional than the Ox; he is more often guided by intuition. Always acts quickly, without thinking about the consequences.

Therefore, it may seem to many that the compatibility of the Ox and the Dragon according to the horoscope is great in this regard. One emotionally balances the other, and the second brings variety to boring everyday life. But such judgments are not 100% true. Yes, the Ox is more rational; all unexpected shocks and changes frighten him. He will prefer to get rid of a connection where he will not feel stability. Both eastern horoscope signs love nature, but approach it differently.

Despite such negative aspects in a relationship, a pair of Dragon and Ox in love receives a lot of good things. Emotions grow rapidly, but they can fade away just as quickly.

The Dragon Ox is attracted to incredible calm, reliability and stability. And he finds in the fire sign of the eastern horoscope everything that attracts him so much, but also scares him: love of life, inner flame and charisma.

Positive aspects of the union

Among the positive qualities of the two zodiac signs, we can highlight common features that allow them to create a union:

  • a sense of justice and proportion;
  • sincerity towards your partner and honesty in relationships;
  • love of nature and beauty;
  • an irresistible desire to live and work;
  • strong will.

Regardless of whether the Ox is a man or a woman, he will try to give his Dragon the maximum: love, confidence in the future, fidelity and mutual understanding. He will do everything to ensure that relationships are built on trust.

The Dragon will try to bring new sensations to the union, will be romantic with the Ox, and will cheer him up in difficult times. The desire for novelty is especially expressed among Dragon women.

Disadvantages of the union

The dragon, as a representative of the fire element, completely justifies it. At the slightest hint of scandal, he instantly ignites. He can inflate even a tiny quarrel into a conflict of the greatest size, and it will be difficult to calm him down.

Dragons are very afraid of responsibility and becoming attached to someone. Therefore, they rarely have children or at a later age. Bulls do not share this position - they want to make their family complete as quickly as possible.

It is difficult for such impulsive individuals to be in a confined space for a long time and just sit still for a long time - they need adventure. If he is locked in a golden cage, he will quickly lose vital energy and fall into a prolonged depression. The Ox is not always ready to follow his soulmate to the ends of the earth. He has a lot of things to do that won't tolerate his absence.

Compatibility between Dragon and Ox in many areas of life, especially in marriage, is practically absent. Both of them are leaders and endless showdowns about which of them is in charge will nullify even strong friendships and kill love.

Another negative point is that the Dragon may become bored next to his boring partner. The Ox is against any spontaneous, rash decisions and does not support the fiery friend in such endeavors. This representative of the Chinese horoscope is especially stubborn if he was born under the sign of Virgo.

Compatibility in love and marriage

This aspect is worth studying in more detail for those couples who are going to enter into a long-term relationship or even legalize it. The information will help the Ox and the Dragon work out the rough edges and make their union as comfortable as possible for each other. Whether they will end up being compatible or not, time will tell.

Ox Man and Dragon Woman

Compatibility in a pair of a Dragon woman and an Ox man can hardly be called ideal. Things are not as smooth for them as for other unions; contradictions sometimes arise out of the blue.

The Ox is a balanced, purposeful and consistent man. For him, a focus on family values ​​is important in marriage. He is not capable of betraying his soul mate.

The Ox man will always try to change his passion, instill in her responsibility and the ability to rationally distribute finances. The Dragon Woman is different from her chosen one. She cares about external shine, not depth. She does not like restrictions in any area; freedom is a priority for her. Such young ladies avoid responsibility and do not care at all about their future. Such indifference towards the life of the Dragon woman incredibly irritates the Ox, he loses his temper. And if this condition lasts a long time, he will definitely prefer to break off such a relationship, even if the partners are married.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, compatibility between Ox and Dragon in marriage is still possible.

To do this, the girl must charm her lover and prove to him that all the changes happening around them are for the better. And he is obliged to try to instill in his other half maximum responsibility for the events in her life, to give confidence and stability. And then peace and love will reign in the family of the Ox man and the Dragon woman for a long time.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman

This combination is also unstable, the likelihood of a serious relationship is minimal. Such reasoning by astrologers is not based on empty space. The Ox Woman is the personification of Mother Earth. She loves to look after the house and take care of each of its inhabitants. He often gives up a high position and career in order to devote himself entirely to his family. Such a woman cannot like a frivolous, merry fellow and joker.

The Ox woman will be ready to compromise several times and come to terms with the man’s desire to constantly have fun. Because he always returns to her, to the comfort of home. But this cannot go on for long; her patience is not unlimited. In a man, she is also attracted to stability and rationality, the ability to save and earn money. The Dragon clearly lacks all these qualities. If such a union does work out, it is based more on sexual attraction and passion. They will live such a relationship for a long time.

Compatibility for Dragon and Ox in love in this combination is minimal. He is not looking for a serious relationship, she is not ready to give up everything and stop planning.

Compatibility in bed

Sex is the main moment in the life of many couples and the Dragon and Ox are no exception. The combination in bed is huge for them. Only here can they relax as much as possible and open up to each other. Show how sensual they can be and how they can fantasize.

Yes, this couple often uses sex toys in their intimate life. For a calm and balanced Ox, such an adventure is a real explosion of emotions. Here he is ready to forgive the crazy Dragon everything. They are not afraid to experiment and try the forbidden.

It may seem that the Ox is calm in sex, but this is not the case; here he opens up to his soulmate from a different angle. He becomes not only more assertive, but also willingly shares all his experiences with his partner. The Dragon is the main leader, he comes up with a story, and the Ox brings it to life.

Dragon plus Ox is not only an interesting, but also a dangerous combination. Calmness and temperament, discipline and frivolity, constancy and thirst for novelty - a combination of opposites. Such interaction can end in disaster, or it can find harmony.

General characteristics of signs


A man born in the year of the ox is distinguished by strength of character, balance and consistency in actions. This is a real example of masculinity, moderately powerful, purposeful and knowing his worth.

The woman of the sign is calm, stubborn and has a masculine mentality. She took the best qualities from her symbol. She is not subject to sudden mood swings and approaches any problem thoroughly.

The Dragon man loves noisy companies, attention and female company. He easily starts affairs, giving his partners unforgettable sensations. Neither the ring on his finger nor his constant partner will stop him - the passion for everything new is in his blood.

The woman of the sign is independent, sociable and overly emotional. Can't live without adventures, new acquaintances and entertainment. Enjoys the attention of men, which often causes jealousy of partners. And don’t forget that the beautiful and seemingly harmless Fire Dragon can fry you if you make him angry.

Dragon Woman – Ox Man

At the beginning of a love relationship, this couple seems ideal. A purposeful, responsible and courageous Ox next to a passionate, enthusiastic and supportive Dragon woman in everything. She will admire her chosen one, praise and exalt him in every possible way. It will seem to a man that she is the same one, bright, cheerful, ready to do anything for him.

But over time, the first impression wears off and both begin to be disappointed. The man gets tired of the excessive activity of his mistress, and the woman begins to make excessive demands on the Ox, which will cause his displeasure.

Women flock to the Dragon like flies to honey. The cheerful and fun-loving Dragon is not at all against this state of affairs - he simply needs female company. Can look after effectively and beautifully. Relationships with him are always filled with adventures and vivid emotions.

And here The Ox woman is prudence and calmness itself. This is probably why she is so attracted to the cheerful fire-breathing Dragon, who will help her plunge into a completely different sea - the world of emotions.

Dragon Woman – Ox Man

If these signs, at the peak of their love relationship, decide to get married, then they will be disappointed. A disciplined and calm Ox will quickly get tired of the explosive temper of his mythical half, and she, in turn, will demonstrate that dragons, in case of dissatisfaction, can use not only sharp teeth, but also incinerating fire.

Only a sensible approach to the situation can save this marriage. We need to learn to respect each other's temperament and needs and adapt. The Ox should be more lenient towards the emotionality of his wife, the Dragon should learn to respect the life principles of his man.

Such a couple rarely maintains marriage. Too different temperaments. And if in the previous case (Ox man, Dragon woman) male calmness can control female emotionality, then in this case everything is not so simple. A man with a mood is still a man and feels like an alpha male, which often does not allow him to admit his weaknesses. And the Ox woman is too smart to turn a blind eye to her husband’s next trick.

The dragon strives for novelty and adventure, and is not at all against going to the left, which is what his wife constantly suspects him of. But like all Bulls, she first makes sure of the betrayal. After this, divorce is guaranteed.

But still this marriage has a chance. And even many advantages. If such different people can find a common language with each other, then their marriage will become truly strong and long-lasting.

The main thing is that both signs admit their weaknesses and find a way to compensate for them. It will be very good if the Ox and the Dragon get involved in a common cause, then they will have somewhere to direct their energy, they will be able to live in their passion. But in any case, it will take a lot of time and you should be patient - strengthening such a marriage is a serious and complex process.

Passion in bed

The passion and sensuality of both partners makes their sex life truly rich and vibrant. The active, temperamental Dragon and the sensual Ox are the perfect sexual combination. Both are no strangers to experiments and a desire for diversity.

The only thing that can ruin their ideal union is the Ox man’s desire to dominate and the Dragon woman’s resistance to such an impulse. But since for the Dragon this is more of a momentary whim, and the Ox in any case does not intend to give up, then in general their sex life proceeds without problems.

The Ox man is as assertive, stubborn and thorough in sex as in other areas. If his partner had the same qualities, their sex life would be boring.

But the explosive and active Dragon allows his partner to fully open up and adds exactly those notes to the relationship that the Ox so lacks.

The Ox woman, as in life, maintains calm confidence in sex. These qualities should not be confused with indifference. Ox is a passionate and active partner, ready to try new things and experiment. And the Dragon will add bright colors.

Compatibility at work

The signs have different personalities, which makes their partnership either successful or not. A purposeful, calm, prone to order and routine, the Ox is unlikely to tolerate an overly active, loose-lipped Dragon at his side, who strives to thwart the plans clearly outlined by the Ox. In this case, a collision is inevitable. And since both have a strong and independent character, there is no need to wait for a compromise.

But if they find an approach to each other, then a more productive tandem is difficult to find. These two people are like puzzles - they complement each other. The calmness and tendency towards routine of the Ox is compensated by the liveliness and desire for novelty of the Dragon. New ideas, meeting people, finding partners - all this is the element of the Dragon. But long-term planning, papers, and preparation of the technical side of projects is better done by the Ox - this is closer to his temperament.

Just like in a partnership, in friendship, the Dragon and the Ox need to get used to it. When such strong and opposing temperaments collide, what is guaranteed is, if not an explosion, then a stubborn confrontation. It is difficult to imagine the Dragon and the Ox, who, having met, immediately become friends. Most likely, having “tested” each other, they will go in different directions.

But if a common cause turns up that both are passionate about, then this can play a decisive role in the development of their friendship. On the condition that these two adapt to each other's character traits.

The friendship between the Dragon and the Ox is the result of a long journey, during which both signs learn to accept each other for who they are, and to use opposites in character as a complement to the missing traits of each of them. The friendship between these two people will strengthen every year; there is no room for spontaneity in them.

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is not the most successful. The Ox Woman requires a more serious and reliable relationship, which the Dragon is not able to provide. The Ox woman will try to balance her own life, bringing maximum stability into it. On the contrary, the Dragon man strives for variety and activity.

Each spouse has a fairly rigid value system; they are not ready to make concessions and work on themselves for the sake of their other half. It is logical that it is difficult to build strong relationships with such a position. The lack of common interests, as well as the stubborn characters of the spouses, make the relationship fragile and unstable.

Despite not the best compatibility between the Dragon man and the Ox woman, their relationship always begins to develop very rapidly, absorbing both entirely. They are full of passion and emotions that will be remembered for a lifetime. As a rule, both put aside current affairs and enjoy each other to the fullest. During this period, the couple is together constantly, as if time stops around them. Relationships are like an endless holiday, filled with a lot of emotions and pleasures.

However, such a passionate and stormy period ends quite quickly, without developing into anything more. The couple simply breaks up, realizing that it will not be possible to build a strong relationship.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman: General Compatibility

The Ox woman will try to change her partner to suit herself

The compatibility of Dragon and Ox in marriage is not ideal. To maintain the union, they need to work hard on their relationship. A couple can either break up or get back together, there is no stability here, the relationship flows in waves, a black streak replaces a white one and vice versa. But to build a strong and harmonious family, you will have to look for common ground, communicating as equals and without interfering in your partner’s affairs. In addition, if necessary, you should always provide support.

The duration of the relationship will literally depend on desire and patience, on the ability to find a common language and adapt to your soul mate. The characters of the people in a particular couple also play an important role. A woman will need to wait some time until her chosen one settles down, becomes more serious and matures into a relationship. When patience runs out, the Ox woman will try to remake her chosen one. On his part, either acceptance or exit from the relationship will be required. If the spouses manage to come to an agreement and do not interfere with each other’s comfort zone, then the union will be long and happy.

It will be very difficult for a woman who has chosen a man with the Dragon sign as her soul mate, since he is extremely hot-tempered and also literally attracts the opposite sex to himself like a magnet. He is a cheerful and bright personality, he needs new acquaintances and communication. Women do not let such men pass, even despite the ring on their finger. Dragon men are not very developed spiritually, they easily succumb to temptation, and are capable of betrayal. A woman born in the year of the Ox is unlikely to be able to forgive betrayal. Having suspected something was wrong about her chosen one, she will simply remain silent until evidence of the presence of a rival is found. Then a breakup cannot be avoided.

The couple is not capable of uniting friends and relatives, they are unable to make mutual decisions, the behavior of the other half is often annoying, and joint leisure is not interesting. The temperaments are so different that representatives of the union often have different companies, and a joint vacation does not work out. All this leads to the formation of misunderstandings and mutual grievances.

Despite such significant difficulties, they can be together for quite a long time, maintaining an official relationship. Both sides would happily preserve their hearth, but they are unable to protect each other from themselves. Such is the love of two complex signs.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Ox Woman is an eternal conservative

Everyone in this couple “pulls the blanket over themselves,” focusing maximum attention on their own interests and joys. Mutual understanding becomes unattainable, and some couples don’t need it. These people live together for quite a long time, forming an outer shell of feelings that has no internal content.

The Ox woman is conservative and down to earth, she likes the interesting and spontaneous Dragon man, who is always looking for adventure. This is exactly what she doesn’t have, and she sincerely admires his worldview. Due to their character traits, a man very quickly gets tired of being protected and supported; a calm and measured family life is alien to him. After two or three months, a woman gets tired of adventures and adventures. Then a gap appears between them.

The Dragon man requires a constant change in his picture of life. After another adventure, he again longs for the comfort and peace that his chosen one can provide him, and the relationship returns to normal for a while.

Representatives of the couple are distinguished by discipline. They always achieve their plans. There is only one “but”, the goals of the signs are very different. A man wants attention and recognition, does everything to become famous and gain recognition of his own talents, and a woman wants to gain authority and gain material well-being. If the husband does not constantly increase welfare, she begins to express her dissatisfaction.

In the life of an Ox woman, everything is sorted out

The woman is very conservative, has an opportunistic worldview, she does not understand and does not recognize the extravagance of her Dragon man. It is important for her to create her own reliable system of life activity, in which she is “like a fish in water.” Her life should be full of harmony. For such a woman, orderliness and the creation of a clear system of life come first. An active social environment is alien to her; she is not used to wasting her energy on unknown things. In the head of such a woman, everything is in its place, she sets priorities correctly, makes serious life plans, which is why it is difficult for her to understand her man, who does not have clear plans for life. A man is in constant pursuit of something new, quickly starts things and also quickly finishes them, losing interest.

Of course, the Ox woman, who is so prudent and rational, wants to bring the Dragon man to reason. This will be her big mistake, because she does not realize that he is an extremely strong person who has his own beliefs. He will not allow himself to be manipulated and controlled. To maintain a relationship, it is extremely important not to try to change each other. You shouldn’t delve into your partner’s soul trying to understand him. You need to accept your other half for who she is. Then everyone in the pair will be able to adopt and learn something from the other. The Dragon is able to give the Ox woman food for thought on the topic of personal growth, and in return she will be able to help in putting his affairs in order. Do not forget that it was the presence of spontaneity in the Dragon’s character and his thirst for adventure that attracted the Ox woman, since she greatly lacked this.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman: Compatibility in Love

But in intimate relationships with this couple, everything is just fine! Dragon and Ox are very suitable for each other in terms of compatibility in love. Both he and she are so easy and comfortable that you simply cannot wish for more. That is why a couple often takes such full-fledged intimacy as a high feeling. In bed, the couple experiences vivid and incomparable emotions, reveling in every moment spent under the covers.

Joint successes and failures will only strengthen the union of the Ox and the Dragon

To maintain a relationship so that it is stable and long-lasting, the couple will have to work hard. It is recommended to set common goals and look for common points of contact. And pride in joint achievements will only strengthen the relationship.

It is not easy for a woman to understand the motives of her chosen one; she has difficulty accepting him for who he is. However, if preserving the family comes first for her, she will have to learn to get along. Next to the Dragon man, the Ox woman can learn a lot, in particular softness and flexibility. Such qualities will be useful to every representative of the fair sex, and even more so to the Ox woman.

Finding common interests will bring spouses closer together; you should try to spend as much time as possible with each other, listen, because initially the compatibility of the Dragon and the Ox in marriage is not the best, but their union can nevertheless be long and bright, full of unforgettable moments, provided that do not put pressure on each other and do not allow selfishness to take over.

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Larisa Tsareva June 13, 2018, 01:02

The Ox and the Dragon are by no means a cloudless union. Both signs have quite strong character traits, willfulness, determination and do not like to give in. Can they make a happy couple? The stars say that this is possible, but everyone will have to step on their ego from time to time for the sake of love and well-being in relationships.

Compatibility horoscope for Ox and Dragon in love according to the eastern horoscope

The dragon is a mystical sign of ancient eastern astrology, and its craving for everything unusual and secret is clearly visible in life. The fire-breathing beast has explosive temperament, bright personality and natural magnesite. Being passionate and inquisitive, the Dragon longs to be in the center of turbulent events, loves to travel and is easy-going - after all, he has wings.

This sign is more often is guided by intuition and makes decisions from the heart without going into deep thought and mental analysis. This approach to life reveals creativity in the Dragon, develops wisdom and allows him to independently control his destiny.

The bull is a more down-to-earth, rational animal. The sign has a strong will, he is ambitious and knows how to achieve his goals. The main life values ​​of the Ox: family, home, loved ones, prosperity.

The Dragon is guided by intuition and makes decisions from the heart

The Ox is very reserved; before saying, doing or deciding anything, he always thinks, weighs, analyzes. He does not tolerate frivolity and eccentricity and strives to maintain control over any situations. In relationships, he prefers to be a leader, does not tolerate lies and does not forgive betrayal.

A love relationship between a Dragon and an Ox can develop very quickly. But they also risk ending as quickly as they started.

The Dragon is attracted to the Ox by balance, stability, and reliability. The Ox is drawn to the Dragon's charisma, his inner flame and boundless love of life.

Positive aspects of the union

The signs are united by some features common to both:

  • sense of justice,
  • honesty, sincerity,
  • strong will,
  • vitality,
  • love of beauty.

The Ox is able to give the Dragon care, loyalty and support

Regardless of whether the guy is an Ox or a girl, a person is able to give the “fire-breathing beast” care, loyalty, and support. He will do everything to ensure that complete trust and mutual understanding reign in their relationship.

The Dragon is ready to bring into the union a sea of ​​new sensations, romance, fun and novelty, which the Ox sometimes really lacks. Dragon girls are especially prone to impetuosity and passion.

Dragons have well-developed intuition, they can feel people and predict certain events

This allows them to protect themselves in time if they trust their feelings.

Possible difficulties

The winged beast can quickly ignite if something doesn’t suit him. He is impulsive, emotional and can turn even a minor quarrel into a universal drama. Such changeability and violent manifestations of feelings frighten the Ox, who is accustomed to self-control.

The dragon does not like to sit still, he needs to make “flights into unknown distances” from time to time, otherwise he begins to lose his vitality. The bull is not always ready to take off and follow his partner.

Both signs are endowed with leadership qualities, and the struggle for dominance can destroy their love union. The Dragon may also get bored next to an overly calm partner who does not approve of his impulses to frenzied actions. The stubbornness of a beast of burden and the expansiveness of a fiery beast will destroy relationships only if people do not learn to control themselves and do not show flexibility, adapting to each other.

A dragon can turn even a minor quarrel into a universal drama

Sexual compatibility

Dragons are very hot in sex. For them, the intimate sphere is fundamental in relationships, because they live by feelings and sensations. Not ashamed of their fantasies, they want to see the same emancipation from their partners. If a sign receives maximum satisfaction in sex, then it becomes more balanced, which has a positive effect on relationships.

The Ox is a passionate lover and always cares about delivering maximum pleasure to his other half. In sex, the signs achieve high compatibility, provided that the Ox is open to new experiments in bed, which will certainly come from the Dragon.

The Ox always cares about the pleasure of his partner

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Ox and Dragon

A marriage union is considered more complex, where the husband is a Dragon and the wife is an Ox. Such a woman puts family at the forefront of her life values. She can sacrifice her career and say goodbye to some dreams in order to create a quiet family nest. She will put all her energy into the house.

The problem is that she will begin to expect the same dedication from her Dragon spouse. Only he has slightly different values ​​- he wants to feel life in all its manifestations. Undoubtedly, the winged beast values ​​​​family and is capable of sincerely loving loved ones, however, you cannot keep it within the walls of the house.

There can be two scenarios here: either the woman is studying adapt to your chosen one, resigning herself to his activity, supporting him in everything and accompanying him on his “flights,” or she chooses the role of an eternally suffering wife, trying in every possible way to keep her husband in the trap of the family nest. Which option will the Dragon like best? The answer is obvious.

Dragons are afraid of responsibility and affection; they usually have children late or not at all. Bulls, on the contrary, strive to give birth to offspring as quickly as possible

When the wife is a Dragon and the husband is an Ox, the marriage relationship is more harmonious. A woman gladly accepts the care and guardianship of her husband; he allows her to feel as if behind a stone wall. Despite her explosive temperament, the Dragon Lady still strives for calm and stability, and the Ox fully compensates for these needs.

The Ox Woman puts family at the forefront of her life values.

But as soon as a man tries to completely subjugate his wife, manipulating her weaknesses, she will immediately begins to “belch out its flame” and may well burn down the marriage. It can only be held by unconditional love. Only by feeling freedom and without being deprived of personal space is she able to remain faithful and devoted to her husband.

Dragon wives do not make very good housewives, and they are unlikely to give up their career for the sake of their family.

Friendship between Ox and Dragon according to the Chinese calendar

Both signs know how to truly be friends. This is the only area in life where everything can work out very well between the Dragon and the Ox.

In the friendly tandem “Ox girl, Dragon guy,” people balance each other. The harmonious interaction of their energies allows them to draw from each other what is missing: a woman gives a man peace of mind, security, and he shares with her the colors of life. The union can only be destroyed the highly moral views of the Bull: if he falls in love with his friend, he considers it his duty to inform about it, and not receiving reciprocity, he leaves.

In a friendship where the man is an Ox and the girl is a Dragon, everything happens in much the same way. Also, good friendships can be built between people of the same sex. They are able to become a reliable support for each other and carry their friendship through long years.

In a friendly tandem, the Ox and Dragon complement each other perfectly

Compatibility of Ox Man and Dragon Woman

In a love relationship, where he is the Ox and she is the Dragon, there are many contradictions. He is a pursuer of high life values, a homebody and a family man, he wants to see a balanced, predictable, responsible lady with him. He would prefer not to receive surprises at all than to be surprised by some of the actions demonstrated by his chosen one.

The somewhat ephemeral nature of the Dragon girl pushes her to strive do as much as possible in this life. She is attracted by gloss, fun, and carelessness. It is unlikely that such a woman will get bogged down in everyday life and family worries. She will quickly get bored and despondent next to the Ox if he constantly “brings her down from heaven,” demanding that she settle down.

Due to the high difference in temperaments, a love tandem has little chance of development. A long-lasting union is possible only if the couple works equally hard on the relationship. A woman should devote more time to caring for her chosen one, and a man should learn to share some of the entertainment of his beloved. The Ox’s attempt to put his soul mate “on a chain” will definitely lead to collapse.

The Ox is not wasteful and is not always generous. The dragon does not attach an inflated value to money, can spend large sums on entertainment and despises greed

Compatibility of Ox woman and Dragon man

A couple where she is an Ox, he is also a Dragon far from ideal. The natural magnetism and charm of the Dragon will always attract women to him. Such situations will certainly lead to jealousy on the part of the chosen one.

A certain amount of irresponsibility inherent in this sign will have a destructive effect on the Ox woman. After all, she is the personification of seriousness and order. The dragon will hurt his partner's feelings every now and then, although unintentionally. A keeper of the hearth, a caring wife and mother, the Ox woman wants to see her man as reliable support for the family, but does not always find such qualities in her lover.

The dragon enchants her with his fantastic charm, charges her with enthusiasm, but does not give her a feeling of complete confidence.

The Ox Woman will always roar the Dragon to her many fans

The union can turn out well, when the Dragon had already “spent his time”, seen a lot and was satiated with impressions. In this case, he begins to strive for a “quiet family haven,” comfort and tranquility, which the Ox woman is fully capable of providing. Otherwise, in order to maintain the relationship, the lady will have to come to terms with the character of her beloved and give him a share of freedom in the union, negating jealousy, reproaches and discontent.

Compatibility in the work of the Ox and the Dragon is also not very high. The conservative Ox, who does not like change and does not recognize breaking the rules, will not want to follow the creative and non-standard ideas of the Dragon. He, in turn, will conflict with the Ox, facing his stubbornness, fear of taking risks and lack of flexibility.

Happy union between these two signs of the eastern horoscope, very different in character, is possible if both individuals have reached a high level of development, awareness and learned to control themselves.

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