Article of the year - problems of implementing strategic changes. Identifying challenges in implementing strategic change


Human life activity.

Topic: Subject of economics and sociology of labor. Labor as the basis

Lecture No. 1.


Labor adaptation.

Lecture 7: Labor behavior and attitude towards work of workers.

Lecture 6: Labor productivity. Organization of wages.

Lecture 5: Organization of personnel labor and working conditions.



Lecture 3: Labor market. Problems of employment and unemployment.

Lecture 2: Labor resources. Social and labor relations

Human life activity.

Lecture 1: Subject of economics and sociology of labor. Labor as the basis




Lecture 4: Social organization. Work collective (organization).

Social regulation in work collectives

Lecture 8: Standards of living. Social protection in the sphere of labor.


1. Subject and tasks of economics and sociology of labor

2. The essence of labor and its role in the development of man and society.

3. Social form of labor. Nature and content of work.

In the system of labor sciences there are many disciplines that are relatively independent, but at the same time interconnected: Personnel management, Physiology of labor, Psychology of labor, Management theory, Labor statistics, Archeology, Ethnography, Ethics of business relations, Demography, Labor law, Labor economics, Sociology of labor, etc.

Moreover, the last two sciences are united by one name, “Economics and Sociology of Labor,” since these disciplines have much in common: the object of study, the work of a person, a team, and society. The differences between them lie in the subject of study.

Subject of study of labor economics - economic relations that arise in society, regions and specific enterprises in the process of using labor.

The subject of study of the sociology of labor is social relations and social processes in the world of work. The sociology of labor studies the problems of regulating social processes, motivation labor activity, labor adaptation of workers, labor stimulation, social control in the sphere of labor, cohesion of the workforce, planning and regulation of social processes in the sphere of labor.

In practice, the problems of labor economics and labor sociology are interrelated. For example, to achieve high level labor organization, not only economic but also social criteria should be used. Labor standards must be justified not only technically and economically, but also socially.

Object studying the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" is labor.

Item economics and sociology of labor is much broader - it is the study of the labor potential of society, ways of its formation and rational use in the interests of increasing the efficiency of the national economy.

When researching and analyzing social labor, economics and sociology of labor uses a categorical apparatus both common to both sciences and specific to each of them. TO general categories and concepts include division of labor, labor cooperation, personnel qualifications, population migration, incentives, social and labor relations, etc. Economic categories and concepts: labor market, labor organization, tariffication of work and workers, personnel certification, tariff system, wage fund, time standards, labor reproduction costs, wage, labor productivity, etc. Sociological categories and concepts - these are social processes, social relationships, social group, social status, norms of behavior, value orientations, motivation, adaptation, etc.

The main tasks of economics and sociology of labor are determined by its goal, namely the formation and rational use of the labor potential of each person and society as a whole when new social and labor relations arise in a market economy.

Economics and sociology of labor solves three main problems.

The first task is study of the essence and mechanisms of economic and social processes in the sphere of labor.

Second task - studying the factors and reserves of effective employment, the formation and rational use of labor potential, increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor.

The third task is identifying the interconnections of social and labor relations with economic relations and processes occurring in a market-type economy focused on social development.

The connection between the sociology of labor and other sciences that study labor. 8

1. Interaction of labor sociology with engineering psychology and ergonomics

Sociology of labor This is a branch of sociology that studies social groups and individuals involved in the labor process, as well as their professional and social roles and statuses, conditions and forms of their work activity. As you can see, the very name of the discipline and branch of knowledge “sociology of labor” focuses on the study of human labor. Indeed, this is true. However, human labor is also studied by other sciences, such as the humanities (philosophical, economic, legal and psychophysiological) and technical (ergonomics - the science of adapting work and its conditions to human needs, ergology - a science that examines work from the perspective of increasing its productivity , praxeology - the theory about the most effective actions and movements of managers in work activities, scientific organization of labor - the science of how to most rationally organize the labor process). As we see, each of these sciences studies the general an object- work, but from its own positions, from the point of view characteristic of this particular science.

The sociology of labor studies people and various social groups in the process of labor activity, analyzes their social and professional positions, and the forms of their labor activity.

Already from the name of the science it is clear that the sociology of labor is primarily focused on the study of human labor processes. The concept of labor is considered in its content by many sciences, including sciences of both the humanities (psychology, economics, physiology, philosophy, law) and technical fields (ergonomics - the science of designing technical labor systems, ergology - the science of improving the productivity of the labor process , scientific organization of labor - the science of a rational approach to the organization of work, praxeology - the science of perfect methods of managing labor processes). All these sciences also study labor, but from their own position. Each of the sciences mentioned above has its own subject of study. Due to the specific nature of its versatility and importance public place labor is studied by a number of socio-economic, legal and biological sciences. These sciences study various facets of work activity.

The sociology of labor makes an important contribution to the process of studying the object common to all of these sciences, which is labor. The specificity of the approach to the sociological study of labor lies in the analysis of a set of activities through which the mutual conditionality and connections of economic, psychophysiological, legal and organizational processes occurring in the sphere of labor are studied, and the influence of these processes on human labor behavior is revealed.

The sociology of labor and other sciences that study labor are closely interconnected, are in constant interaction, and complement each other with their research. A number of problems related to both the sociology of labor and other sciences are considered. For example, both the sociology of labor and labor economics examine issues of division of labor, general stimulation of labor activity, personnel movement, raising the level of qualifications of workers, professional growth and human development, discipline, production culture, etc. But all these and other issues of labor , basic for theory and practice, are studied by economics and sociology of labor from various angles.

Thus, labor economics studies the mechanisms of interaction in the sphere of labor of economic laws, the ways of their manifestation in the organization of work. For economics, labor is of interest from the point of view of the process of creating the price of a product. It is also important for the economy to take into account labor costs at various stages of production finished products or provision of services. And for the sociology of labor, the labor relations of workers involved in the production of the finished product are primarily of interest. When analyzing labor activity, both sociology and labor economics use both a common apparatus for these sciences and an apparatus of categories individual for each science. Common to the economics and sociology of labor are the categories of division and optimization of labor, the qualification level of workers, stimulation of human labor activity, issues of employment and migration, etc. Categories and concepts such as tariffs for workers and work, tariff systems and coefficients, wage funds workers' wages, standards for the formation of a material incentive fund, time standards for production and maintenance, are used only with an economic approach to the study of labor.

With the development of sociological science, there is a continuous process of formation and enrichment of its professional terms. The categories and concepts that characterize sociological labor research include: social group, social relations, labor adaptation, social status, value orientations, norms of behavior, normative regulation of labor behavior, motivation. Concepts and categories of sociological knowledge about labor are also included in scientific circulation, which makes it possible to improve the scientific vocabulary and, with its help, obtain the most differentiated information about the essence of labor, as well as its place in social life and human life.

The sociology of labor is closely related to the scientific organization, which determines the criteria for the division of labor. Activities in the field of scientific organization of labor with the aim of improving the organization of workplaces and production areas in organizations and sectors of the economy will be incomplete if we do not take into account the possible social consequences of organizational changes, their impact on working conditions and its content. The main sociological indicator - job satisfaction - is used to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific labor organization. The task of certification and rationalization of jobs should be aimed at increasing a person’s satisfaction with his work and its results.

The sociology of labor is also closely related to the physiology of labor, which studies the patterns of development and functional state of the worker’s body. Together, both sciences are developing ways to overcome the negative consequences of monotony of work. Specialists in the field of labor sociology in practice apply the recommendations of physiologists in matters of forming a dynamic stereotype in a person; knowledge, skills and abilities in work; developing the necessary professional qualities and a high degree of efficiency; reducing body fatigue.

Similar to both the sociology of labor and psychology, which studies the psychological characteristics of the individual, are the tasks of developing workers’ work attitudes and motivations for work behavior, readiness for highly productive and high-quality work. The solution to such problems is based on professional selection and orientation, and the development of important professional qualities of a person. To do this, several concepts and definitions common to these sciences are used: motive of behavior, activity, small group, personality, testing, interpersonal perception, etc. At the same time, the sociology of work studies not only personal (individual) behavior, but also the behavior of various social groups in work groups of people. The main forms of labor adaptation are psychological personal characteristics and the level of perception of one’s own “I”. When selecting and placing personnel, when organizing the work of the team, recommendations and conclusions of specialists in the field of social psychology and labor psychology are used on such characteristics of labor relations as the psychological compatibility of workers, the personal and professional qualities of the manager. Knowledge of the basics of labor psychology in matters of studying the characteristics of human psychological properties allows us to ensure the formation and development of work teams, as well as to avoid the occurrence of conflict situations. The success of labor adaptation directly depends on sanitary and living working conditions, on measures taken in the field of occupational health and safety, etc.

There is a connection between the sociology of labor and labor statistics, which establishes the quantitative features of the reproduction of labor resources, and is realized in the analysis of primary sociological information. Statistical methods for studying the information received, such as groupings, calculation of average values, calculations of indices, determination of modal values, correlation analysis, construction of distribution series, are important tools for the quantitative analysis of labor characteristics, as well as determining patterns and relationships between the studied social phenomena and processes in labor .

The connection between the sociology of labor and legal sciences is traced, in particular with labor law, which determines the legislative basis of labor relations. Social control is implemented in labor law. Methods of influence (reward and punishment), administrative control are based on the rules of law officially enshrined in regulatory documents regulating the basic principles of labor relations.

The connection between the sociology of labor and labor regulation is manifested in the need to substantiate production and time standards and labor cost standards by type of work.

Thus, the sociology of labor not only applies conclusions from other sciences, but also itself supplements the ideas of some sciences with the necessary information obtained on the basis of ongoing sociological research. There is a continuous process of interchange of information about labor between related sciences that study the specifics of labor relations. Currently, along with the sociology of labor, separate socio-psychological and sociological theories are also being developed, related in their tasks to the sociology of labor. These include the sociology of organizations, the sociology of production teams, industrial sociology, economic sociology, social statistics, and industrial social psychology. Industrial sociology studies the structure, mechanisms and effectiveness of individual-collective relationships among industrial workers. Accordingly, the sociology of organizations and production teams studies social relations in organizations and enterprises.

  • Question 6. Social and labor relations: essence, structure and types.
  • Question 7. Quality of working life as a criterion for the development of social and labor relations.
  • Question 8. Labor market: its main elements, functions and features. Types of labor markets.
  • 4. The presence of a large number of special institutional structures that regulate the activities of agents in the labor market, such as:
  • Question 10. Main trends in the development of labor relations in developed countries.
  • Question 11. Employment and unemployment as important characteristics of the labor market.
  • Question 12. Mobility in the Russian labor market.
  • Question 13. Discrimination in the labor market and its consequences.
  • Question 14. ILO and international experience in regulating social and labor relations
  • Question 15. State regulation of the market and its boundaries.
  • Question 16. The essence and forms of wages in a market economy.
  • Question 17. Features and problems of remuneration in modern Russia.
  • Question 18. Organization of remuneration in modern conditions and its elements.
  • Question 19 Labor rationing: essence, role and methods.
  • Question 21. Labor productivity and factors of its growth.
  • Question 22. Classification of working time costs.
  • Question 23 Division and cooperation of labor.
  • Question 24. Principles of income generation in a market economy. Structure of personal income of the population and workers.
  • Question 25. The essence and classification of the organization’s personnel.
  • Question 26. Labor adaptation of workers: content, structure, factors.
  • 9.2 Objective and subjective factors of labor adaptation
  • Question 27. Labor organization as a social system.
  • Question 28. Cohesion of the primary labor collective. Social and psychological climate in a labor organization.
  • Question 29. Humanization of labor.
  • Question 30. Labor behavior: content, structure, functions.
  • Question 31. Stabilization of the workforce.
  • Question 32. Features of the sociological approach to the study of labor activity
  • Question 33. Types of motives and incentives, their relationship and interaction.
  • Question 34. Methods of sociological research of labor activity.
  • Question 35. Conditions for the development of personality in an organization.
  • Question 36 The essence of motivation and stimulation of work activity.
  • Question 37. Working conditions. System of benefits and compensation for employees employed in unfavorable working conditions.
  • Question 38. Work collective: types, goals, functions.
  • Question 39. Needs, interests and values ​​of the individual.
  • Question 40. Employee incentive system.
  • Question 41. Leadership in a labor organization.
  • Question 42. Social functions of labor.
  • Question 43. Sociological studies of labor activity: essence, goals, objectives, types, programs.
  • Question 44. Quality and standard of living. Factors that determine them.
  • Question 45. The social partnership system: its elements, principles, problems.
  • Question 46. Personality in a labor organization.
  • Question 47. Social protection system for workers.
  • Question 48. Social partnership in Russia.
  • Question 49. Basic social processes in work activity.
  • Question 50. Attitude to work: content, specifics of formation in market conditions. Job satisfaction.
  • Question 1. Subject of economics and sociology of labor

    1. Subject of sociology of labor

    Work is the basis of the life of society and each of its members, enterprises, organizations: Labor is a multidimensional phenomenon. Traditionally, the concept of “labor” is defined as the purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

    Labor is not only an economic, but also a social category, since in the labor process workers and their groups enter into certain social relationships, interacting with each other. In the process of such interaction, the states of these social groups and individual workers change.

    Objects and means of labor do not function as such if they are not included in the process of living labor, which is the unity of people’s relations to nature and the relations between participants in the process, that is, social relations. Therefore, the labor process is not just a mechanical combination of its three main components, but an organic unity, the decisive factors of which are the person himself and his work activity.

    Social relations- these are relations between members of social communities and these communities regarding their social status, way of life and way of life, and, ultimately, regarding the conditions for the formation and development of personality, and a variety of social communities.

    Social relations are determined by labor relations, since workers are included in labor activities regardless of who they work next to. However, later the employee manifests himself in his own way in relationships with other members of the work team. Thus, social relations are formed in the work environment.

    Social and labor relations exist in inextricable connection and interaction, mutually enrich and complement each other. Social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, and social position of the individual and group. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can function outside of social and labor relations, outside of mutual responsibilities relative to each other, outside of interactions.

    In the labor process, the goals of the subjects of labor relations are realized. An employee is included in the labor process in order to receive income in the form of wages for performing specific types of work. For many workers, work is a means of self-expression and self-realization of their labor and human potential, a means of achieving a certain social status in the workforce and in society.

    Owners of the means of production (employers), by organizing and carrying out the labor process, realize their entrepreneurial potential in order to generate income in the form of profit. Therefore, the stumbling block is income from labor activity, the share of this income accruing to each subject of social and labor relations. This determines the contradictory nature of social labor.

    Sociology of labor is a study of the functioning and social aspects of the labor market. The sociology of labor represents the behavior of employers and employees in response to economic and social incentives to work.

    Therefore, the subject of labor sociology is the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, social processes and phenomena in the sphere of labor. The sociology of labor studies the problems of regulating social processes, motivating work, labor adaptation of workers, stimulating labor, social control in the sphere of labor, uniting the workforce, managing the workforce and democratizing labor relations, labor movements, planning and social regulation in the sphere of labor.

    2. Subject of labor economics

    The subject of labor economics is a system of socio-economic relations that develop in the process of labor activity, between the employer, employee and the state regarding the organization of labor.

    Principles of market economics are actively being introduced into the field of attracting and using labor, social and labor relations, organizing and remunerating labor, as well as generating and using workers’ incomes and improving the standard of living of the population. Labor economics studies the socio-economic problems of labor, the problems of ensuring the efficiency and productivity of labor on the basis of its scientific organization. The most important aspect is also the study of a person’s attitude to work, the formation of satisfaction with work in the system of social and labor relations that develop at various levels of the economy.

    Labor activity a person is characterized by many qualitative parameters. When organizing the labor process, it is necessary to take into account not only the economic interests of the subjects of labor relations, but also the psychophysiological, biological, moral and social factors and characteristics of the working person. Ultimately, all this necessitates the development and formation of scientific foundations for the organization of both individual and social labor, the development of general rules, norms and standards of labor activity.

    Currently, labor economics studies the problems of formation and effective use of society's labor potential based on the rational application of economic laws of development of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

    The main problems of studying labor economics are:

    1) research into the scientific foundations of labor organization;

    2) analysis of the formation and use of human capital and labor resources in the organization and in society as a whole, reproduction of the workforce;

    3) research into the essence and content of the labor market, problems of employment and unemployment;

    4) disclosure of the main theories of labor motivation, the essence of needs, interests, motives and incentives to ensure high labor activity of employees;

    5) consideration of the organization of remuneration, its forms and systems, differentiation of wages due to both the qualitative characteristics of the workforce and differences in working conditions;

    6) defining the essence of the concepts of efficiency and labor productivity, factors of their dynamics and growth reserves; consideration of indicators and methods for measuring labor productivity;

    7) disclosure of the essence and content of labor organization at the enterprise, analysis of its main components: division and cooperation of labor, organization and maintenance of workplaces, working conditions and work-rest regimes, labor discipline, labor regulation;

    8) determination of the main groups of labor indicators at the enterprise;

    9) study of the essence, types and content of social and labor relations and their regulation by the state.

    Labor economics includes theoretical and practical issues of labor relations, considered from the point of view of the nature of their occurrence, valuation and impact on performance results. Management of labor relations in society is aimed at regulating the price of labor by establishing labor legislation, influencing employment, ensuring social partnership relations, normalizing working conditions, and increasing labor productivity.

    Thus, labor economics as a science studies the socio-economic relations that develop in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor, providing conditions for productive labor and its protection.

    Economics and sociology of labor are complex disciplines. Its focus is on the nature and content of work, a person’s attitude to work, organization and working conditions, value orientations, role behavior of a person at work, motivation, job satisfaction, etc. In the course of economics and sociology of labor, work activity is considered, first of all, as socio-economic process.

    The subject of the study of economics and sociology of labor is the organization of social labor at different levels of social production (problems of labor efficiency, labor resources, labor market and employment, income and wages, planning of labor indicators and other issues) and in the entire complex of its constituent elements. This approach allows us to identify and recommend for practice the most effective methods of organizing work, thereby contributing to a more successful solution of the most important task of any activity - obtaining maximum results at minimum costs. But the achievement of the best economic results must be ensured with mandatory consideration of the rights and interests of the employee as an individual, as a person.

    Thus, economics and sociology of labor is a science that studies the patterns and ways of best using, reproducing and enriching the main productive force of society - man, organizing and stimulating the effective labor activity of people to achieve maximum satisfaction of their material needs, as well as exploring the relationships between people and social groups in production teams.

    The main tasks and problems studied by economics and sociology of labor are:

    · determination of methods for measuring labor results by the quantity and quality of products and services produced; methods for measuring and assessing labor costs, their standardization and regulation;

    · creation of an economic mechanism that ensures the interest of work collectives and each employee in the constant reduction of production costs;

    · labor efficiency (increasing the useful result per unit of expenditure of the resources used;

    · development and use of labor potential in the context of the functioning of the labor market;

    · resolving issues of social development of the team and each individual employee and developing appropriate recommendations.

    3. The essence and content of the sociology of labor6



    Labor is the basis of the life of society and each of its members, enterprises, organizations: Labor is a multidimensional phenomenon. Traditionally, the concept of “labor” is defined as the purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

    Labor is not only an economic, but also a social category, since in the labor process workers and their groups enter into certain social relationships, interacting with each other. In the process of such interaction, the states of these social groups and individual workers change.

    Social and labor relations exist in inextricable connection and interaction, mutually enrich and complement each other. Social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, and social position of the individual and group. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can function outside of social and labor relations, outside of mutual responsibilities relative to each other, outside of interactions.

    Essence, content and significance of labor economics

    Labor economics is a part of economic science that studies the patterns and economic efficiency labor processes. By its nature, in contrast to general economic theory and sectoral economics, labor economics examines a certain range of problems (functions) that occur in any type of activity and in each sector of the economy, and because of this it belongs to the type of functional economic sciences.

    The object of labor economics is labor - the central element of social production, which is found in all sectors and spheres of the economy.

    Labor is also studied by other sciences, such as physiology and psychology of work, ergonomics, sociology of labor, labor law, labor statistics, occupational hygiene, etc.

    For all these disciplines, labor serves as an object of study. These disciplines differ in the subject of research, i.e. by which side and what properties of the object they study.

    The subject of labor economics is the economic laws of the construction and implementation of labor processes, the factors and conditions for their effectiveness, the economic relations of people arising regarding the use of labor on the scale of the country, industry, region, as well as in each of their cells - in enterprises, organizations, institutions.

    Labor economics is a system that studies the process of reproduction, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor, as well as the conditions and process of interaction between the worker, the means and the subject of labor.

    The system of social and labor relations considers social relations at 3 levels:

    1. At the country and regional level.

    2. At the level of a specific enterprise.

    3. At the level of individuals.

    Social and labor relations involve relations between people in work collectives regarding the labor process itself and the distribution of material goods.

    Modern, social labor in a market economy consists of the following elements:

    1) material elements of production (objects of labor and tools that are in private, corporate and state ownership);

    2) personal elements of production, productive forces (human factor). This is, first of all, knowledge, experience, skills;

    3) the purpose of labor, arising from the very essence of labor (performing specific types of work, receiving remuneration for this in the form of wages, making a profit, increasing income, realizing entrepreneurial abilities, etc.);

    4) the connection between material and personal elements. A specific form of relationship between workers (owners of personal elements) and entrepreneurs (owners of material elements) is wages and profits;

    5) methods of organizing labor, depending on the purpose of production, the method of connecting material and personal elements, division of labor and competition;

    6) attitude towards work. For part of the population, work has no value at all and is not an important matter. For most people, work is the main activity in life. Among this category, the attitude towards work is ambivalent. Specific types of work can bring satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with its content and social significance. The attitude towards labor as a source of livelihood is contradictory and is associated with the struggle between employees and employers to increase their share of income.

    The content of "Labor Economics" includes both theoretical and practical issues of labor and labor relations, which are considered from the point of view of the valuation of their effectiveness. Also, “Labor Economics” includes the study of such basic categories and concepts as the reproduction of the labor force on a societal scale, the functioning of the labor market, employment policy, labor organization, its conditions and payment, as well as economic analysis of labor economics indicators in order to identify trends in their changes, planning and forecasting.

    With transition Russian economy To market relations, the theoretical and practical understanding of labor changes, completely new foundations of life and development of society are developed.

    Labor economics is currently one of the few sciences in which A complex approach to the analysis of economic and social aspects of work.

    Objectively, this is due to the fact that the rational use of human resources involves the achievement of two interrelated goals:

    · creating favorable working conditions and developing human abilities in the process of work;

    · increasing production efficiency.

    The essence and content of the sociology of labor

    The essence of the subject of labor sociology is revealed through knowledge of the patterns of social development, which reflect the most important and stable connections between various labor phenomena and processes. These include:

    · laws of cooperation, distribution, division of labor, determination of human needs;

    · patterns of changes in the motivation of workers’ labor behavior under the influence of lifestyle changes and work situations;

    · changes in the content of labor under the influence of the results of scientific and technological progress;

    · changes in labor behavior associated with the impact of external non-labor factors.

    The main subject of study of the sociology of labor is the labor force (human factor). This includes:

    · professional and age structure work force;

    · the possibility of free employment, i.e. the exercise of the constitutional human right to work;

    · a system of professional training of personnel, i.e., obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the required level of qualification to perform individual production tasks in the labor process, taking into account the requirements of industrial and economic growth.

    The next main subject area of ​​study in the sociology of labor is labor relations.

    These relations develop from the moment a person is included in the labor process and are subject to regulation by legal norms in order to protect the rights of workers.

    The rules of law governing the labor relations of workers are an important factor that determines the position of the employee in the labor sphere and at the same time performs important socio-economic functions on a state scale.

    In order to determine the pattern of development of social relations and the place of man in the sphere of work, the sociology of labor also studies the culture of work and production.

    Work culture should be understood as a number of measures that are aimed at creating a working environment that would correspond to human nature and would develop among participants in the labor process a sense of aesthetic perception both in relation to the environment of work and production, and in relation to the products produced by the employee.

    The next subject of study in the sociology of labor is the way of using working time. For society and people great importance have the process of organizing working time throughout the entire work shift and the attitude of workers to the rational use of working time.

    At the same time, the sociology of labor as a science also studies ways of using free time.

    This is of great importance, since the form of use of time outside of work will determine how the employee will use his working time.

    When studying the sociology of labor Special attention is devoted to the study of the employee’s free time, which is a type of free existence chosen by a person as the best way self-realization.

    Also included in the subject area of ​​the sociology of labor are norms of social and labor relations, norms of labor morality and the level of responsibility of the subjects of the work collective.

    The concept of labor morality is a set of norms of employee behavior in the process of performing labor functions, which are based on the processes of understanding the role and significance of work in every society. Also, the sociology of labor identifies and analyzes the causes of conflict situations in the formal and informal organization of work groups, the forms of their manifestation, as well as possible ways solutions to these conflict situations.

    From the above, we can conclude that the sociology of labor serves as a kind of theoretical basis for the practice of labor decisions at the macro and micro levels.

    In a broad sense, it includes the sociology of entrepreneurship and covers the following areas:

    a) sociological understanding of the motives and results of labor;

    b) structural divisions of labor as social systems;

    c) socio-psychological conflicts in the workplace.

    In a narrow sense, the sociology of labor includes the analysis of all aspects of human labor activity, the study social conditions in the workplace and their impact on the motives, intensity and results of socio-economic processes in society, as well as changes that occur under the influence of labor in the structure and activities of various social groups.

    In a manual of sociology edited by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.G. Gorodyanenko sociology of labor is defined as a sectoral sociological theory that studies the patterns of formation, functioning and development of social formations (systems, communities and institutions) in the sphere of labor and related processes and phenomena.

    Back in the early 60s of the last century, Jan Szczepanski noted that the scope of labor sociology includes:

    · General definition of the sociology of labor and its classification various forms and species in human communities;

    · Analysis and conclusions regarding the social aspects of labor, social division of labor, development of tools and means of labor;

    · Determination of factors influencing work motivation;

    · Identification of factors influencing the identification of organization members with a company or association;

    · Determining where the personal interests of organization members converge with the interests of the company;

    · Study of phenomena and processes that disorganize the work of an enterprise, identifying ways of their impact on the labor process;

    · Study of the relationship between management and ordinary members of organizations, as well as the determination of the main criteria that a manager must meet in order to have at least the formal right to lead people in the labor process;

    · Study of the influence of work on the formation of various personality types, the level of their specialty and place of work in social selection.


    Economics and sociology of labor, developing at the intersection of economic sciences and sociology, using the achievements of many other sciences - psychology, statistics, ergonomics and others - allows you to learn about the main socio-economic processes occurring in work collectives and the ability to solve problems that arise in the process work.

    One of the main problems of any production, any team of workers is to create conditions for more intensive work, to increase individual and collective labor productivity.

    The central concept of economics and sociology of labor is labor. Labor is an activity associated with the expenditure of mental and physical energy that people exert to satisfy their needs.

    Russian sociology and labor economics are characterized by two concepts that explain attitudes towards work:

    1) dependence on wages;

    2) dependence on the content of work activity.


    1. Lyasnikov N.V., Dudin M.N., Lyasnikova Yu.V., Kamilov M.B., Ivanova V.F. Economics and sociology of labor. - KnoRus Company, 2012, 288 p.

    2. Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Labor Economics. Textbook. - Wolters Kluwer. 2011 800 p.

    3. Rofe A. I. Labor Economics. Lecture notes. - KnoRus company. 2015 240 p.

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