Assessment of the chemical composition of mineral waters. Mineral water quality test (analysis)

Mineral water- complex solutions in which substances are contained in the form of ions, undissociated molecules, gases, colloidal particles.

For a long time, balneologists could not come to a consensus on the chemical composition of many waters, since the anions and cations of mineral waters form very unstable compounds. As Ernst Rutherford said, "ions are funny kids, you can almost observe them with your own eyes." Back in the 1860s. chemist O. Tan pointed out the incorrectness of the salt image of mineral waters, which is why Zheleznovodsk was long considered a resort with an “unsettled reputation”. Initially, the mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk were classified as alkaline-ferrous, then they began to combine carbonates with alkalis, and sulfates with alkaline lands, calling these waters “alkaline-ferrous (containing sodium carbonate and iron) with a predominance of gypsum (calcium sulfate) and soda (sodium bicarbonate). ). Subsequently, the composition of waters began to be determined by the main ions. The unique Zheleznovodsk springs in composition belong to carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium high-thermal waters that contain little sodium chloride, which eliminates the risk of irritation of the kidney tissue when they are used for drinking. Currently, Zheleznovodsk is considered one of the best "kidney" resorts. The mineral waters of this resort contain relatively little iron, up to 6 mg / l, i.e. less than in specific ferruginous waters, in which there should be at least 10 mg / l.

In the German “Resort Book”, published in 1907, analyzes of the waters of mineral springs were presented for the first time in the form of ion tables. The same book about Austrian spas was published in 1914. This type of presentation of mineral waters is accepted in Europe at the present time. As an example, we give the ionic composition of the waters of one of the most popular sources of the French resort of Vichy, known since the time of the Roman Empire - Vichy Celestins (M - 3.325 g / l; pH - 6.8).

Criteria for classifying waters as "mineral" differ to some extent among researchers. All of them are united by their origin: that is, mineral waters are waters extracted or brought to the surface from the bowels of the earth. At the state level, in a number of EU countries, certain criteria for classifying waters as mineral waters have been legally approved. In national regulations regarding the criteria for mineral waters, the hydrogeochemical features of the territories that are inherent in each country have been reflected.

In the regulations of a number of European countries and international recommendations - the Codex Alimentarius, the Directives of the European Parliament and the European Council for the EU member states, the definition of "mineral waters" has acquired a broader content.

For example, " Codex Alimentarius" gives the following definition of natural mineral water: natural mineral water is water that is clearly different from ordinary drinking water because:

it is characterized by its composition, including certain mineral salts, in a certain ratio, and the presence of certain elements in trace amounts or other components;

· it is directly obtained from natural or drilled sources from underground aquifers, for which it is necessary to observe all precautions within the protection zone in order to avoid any contamination or external influence on the chemical, physical properties of mineral waters;

· It is characterized by the constancy of its composition and the stability of the flow rate, a certain temperature and the corresponding cycles of secondary natural fluctuations.

In Russia, the definition of V.V. Ivanova and G.A. Nevraev, given in the work "Classification of underground mineral waters" (1964).

Mineral drinking waters (in accordance with GOST 13273-88) include waters with a total mineralization of at least 1 g / l or with a lower mineralization, containing biologically active microcomponents in an amount not lower than balneological standards.

Drinking mineral waters, depending on the degree of mineralization and intensity of impact on the body, are divided into medical table waters with a mineralization of 2–8 g/l (the exception is Essentuki No. 4 with a mineralization of 8–10 g/l) and medicinal waters with a mineralization of 8– 12 g/l, rarely higher.

Mineral waters, classified in accordance with the established procedure as medicinal, are used primarily for medicinal and resort purposes. Permission for the use of medicinal mineral waters for other purposes in exceptional cases is issued by the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation in agreement with the authorized government agency management of the use and protection of the water fund, a specially authorized state body that manages resorts, and the federal body for managing the state subsoil fund.

Depending on the development of ideas about the composition and properties of natural waters and their therapeutic value, criteria have been developed over the years that allow one or another water to be classified as mineral. The assessment of mineral waters is carried out according to various qualification indicators. As the main criteria for assessing the therapeutic value of mineral waters in balneology, the features of their chemical composition and physical properties (an indicator of total mineralization, prevailing ions, an increased content of gases, microelements, the acidity value and temperature of the source) are taken, which at the same time serve as the most important indicators for their classification.


So, in conclusion, we can conclude: mineral (medicinal) waters include natural waters that can have a therapeutic effect on the human body, due either to an increased content of useful, biologically active components of the ion-salt or gas composition, or the general ion-salt composition of water . Mineral waters are not any specific genetic groundwater type. These include waters that are very different in terms of formation conditions and differ in chemical composition. For medicinal purposes, waters with salinity from fractions of a gram per 1 liter to highly concentrated brines, various ionic, gas and microcomponent composition, and various temperatures are used. Among the underground waters related to mineral, there are infiltration and sedimentation, as well as waters, to some extent associated with modern magmatic activity. They are distributed in various hydrodynamic and hydrothermal zones of the earth's crust, in a variety of geochemical settings, and can be associated with aquifers that are widespread over vast areas or can be strictly localized fissure-vein waters.


1. 1. Kuskov A.S. Recreational geography: Educational and methodological complex / A.S. Kuskov, V.L. Golubeva, T.N. Odintsov. -M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2008. - 496 p.

2. 2. Kuskov A.S., Lysinkova O.V. Balneology and health tourism: Textbook. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2004. - 320 p.

3. 3. Lukomsky I.V. etc. Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy. Massage: / I.V. Lukomsky, E.E. Stakh, V.S. Ulashchik; Under. ed. prof. V.S. Ulashchik. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Higher. school., 2009.- 335 p.

4. 4. Romanov A.A., Saakyants R.G. Tourism Geography: Textbook. - M.: Soviet sport, 2009. - 464 p.

5. 5. Voloshin N.I. Legal regulation in tourism: Textbook. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Soviet sport, 2004-408 p.

6. 6. Ismaev DK Russia in the world tourism market. M., 2008.

From the history of the use of mineral waters for the treatment of diseases

“Mineral waters of salt, ferrous, sulfuric, iodine, carbonic, etc. there are as many to cure ailments as there are sand on the bottom of the sea», - wrote a hundred years ago, M. Platen in his "Guide for living according to the laws of nature, for maintaining health and for treatment without the help of drugs." The term " mineral water" came into use in the 16th century, but in everyday life the word " water", and, just as in Ancient Rome « aquae", - in plural. Origin of the word " aquae" refers to the time when Thales of Miletus (c. 624 - c. 546 BC) - a Greek philosopher and mathematician from Miletus, trying to determine the basis of the material world, came to the conclusion that it is water. Word " aqua"- water, consists of two Greek words- "a" and "qua", the literal translation - from which (it is understood omnia constant- everything happened, everything consists).

The first attempt to classify mineral waters by composition belongs to the Greek scientist Archigen (II century). He distinguished four classes of waters: aquae nitrose, aluminose, saline and sulfurose (alkaline, ferruginous, saline and sulphurous). L.A. Seneca isolated sulfuric, iron, alum waters and believed that the taste indicates their properties. Archigen recommended sulfur baths for gout, and for diseases of the bladder, he prescribed drinking mineral waters up to 5 liters per day. He believed that it was enough to know the composition of water in order to prescribe it for treatment. It should be noted that the composition of water at that time could not be known even approximately.

G. Fallopius, the author of one of the first manuals on mineral waters that have come down to our times, published after his death, speaks about the composition of mineral waters (“ De thermalibus aquis atque metallis", 1556). However, the composition of the waters of Italy, described by Fallopius, was far from true, since the science of the 16th century. many chemical elements were not yet known. A real breakthrough in the doctrine of mineral waters occurred in the 18th century, after the revolutionary discoveries in chemistry, which are mainly associated with the name of A. Lavoisier. The very concept of "mineral water" (from lat. minari- dig) was formed during the 19th-20th centuries, when the foundations of balneology (health resort) and the scientific justification for the use of groundwater for medical purposes were laid.

The first resort in Russia was built by the Decree of Peter the Great on the sources of ferruginous Marcial waters. Peter I on his return from Belgium, where he was successfully treated with the waters of the Spa resort. In honor of the Russian Emperor, a drinking pavilion, Pouhon Pierre Le Grand, was built at the resort. Peter I called the waters of the Belgian resort a source of salvation, and when he returned to Russia, he issued a decree to look for key waters in Russia that can be used to treat diseases. The first Russian resort was built in Karelia on the Olonets waters, called Marcial. Martial waters in terms of the content of ferrous ferrous iron - up to 100 mg / l surpass all known ferruginous sources in the world. The content of iron in the waters of the Belgian founder of spas - Spa, is only 21 mg / l (ferruginous waters - Fe 10 mg / l).

The first cadastre of mineral waters in Russia was compiled by scientists of the Mineralogical Society, established in 1817 in St. Petersburg. Among its founders were Academician V.M. Severgin and Professor D.I. Sokolov. According to the research of numerous academic expeditions of the late XVIII and early XIX centuries V.M. Severgin described the mineral springs and lakes of Russia, gave their classification according to the totality of features, and compiled instructions for their research. The results of the research were summarized in the book "A Method for Testing Mineral Waters, composed on the basis of the latest observations on this subject", published in St. Petersburg in 1800. In 1825, the work of the Russian chemist G.I. Hess "Study of the chemical composition and healing effect of mineral waters in Russia", which became the basis of his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

An important role in the study of medicinal mineral waters was played by the foundation in 1863 of the Russian Balneological Society in the Caucasus on the initiative of the Director of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts, Professor S.A. Smirnova. After 1917 (after the nationalization of the resorts), the intensive development of balneology began. In 1921, the Balneological Institute was established at the Caucasian Mineral Waters (in, in 1922 - the Tomsk Balneo-Physiotherapy Institute, and in 1926 the Central Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was opened in Moscow.

Chemical composition of mineral waters

Mineral water- complex solutions in which substances are contained in the form of ions, undissociated molecules, gases, colloidal particles.

For a long time, balneologists could not come to a consensus on the chemical composition of many waters, since the anions and cations of mineral waters form very unstable compounds. As Ernst Rutherford said, "ions are funny kids, you can almost observe them with your own eyes." Back in the 1860s. chemist O. Tan pointed out the incorrectness of the salt image of mineral waters, which is why Zheleznovodsk was long considered a resort with an “unsettled reputation”. Initially, the mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk were classified as alkaline-ferrous, then they began to combine carbonates with alkalis, and sulfates with alkaline lands, calling these waters “alkaline-ferrous (containing sodium carbonate and iron) with a predominance of gypsum (calcium sulfate) and soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate). ). Subsequently, the composition of waters began to be determined by the main ions. The unique Zheleznovodsk springs in composition belong to carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium high-thermal waters that contain little sodium chloride, which eliminates the risk of irritation of the kidney tissue when they are used for drinking. Currently, Zheleznovodsk is considered one of the best "kidney" resorts. The mineral waters of this resort contain relatively little iron, up to 6 mg / l, i.e. less than in specific ferruginous waters, in which there should be at least 10 mg / l.

In the German “Resort Book”, published in 1907, analyzes of the waters of mineral springs were presented for the first time in the form of ion tables. The same book about Austrian spas was published in 1914. This type of presentation of mineral waters is accepted in Europe at the present time. As an example, we give the ionic composition of the waters of one of the most popular sources of the French resort of Vichy, known since the time of the Roman Empire - Vichy Celestins (M - 3.325 g / l; pH - 6.8).

Criteria for classifying waters as "mineral"

Criteria for classifying waters as "mineral" differ to some extent among researchers. All of them are united by their origin: that is, mineral waters are waters extracted or brought to the surface from the bowels of the earth. At the state level, in a number of EU countries, certain criteria for classifying waters as mineral waters have been legally approved. In the national regulations regarding the criteria for mineral waters, the hydrogeochemical features of the territories that are inherent in each country have found their reflection.

In the regulations of a number of European countries and international recommendations - the Codex Alimentarius, the Directives of the European Parliament and the European Council for the EU member states, the definition of "mineral waters" has acquired a broader content.

For example, " Codex Alimentarius" gives the following definition of natural mineral water: natural mineral water is water that is clearly different from ordinary drinking water because:

  • it is characterized by its composition, including certain mineral salts, in a certain ratio, and the presence of certain elements in trace amounts or other components
  • it is directly obtained from natural or drilled sources from underground aquifers, for which all precautions must be observed within the protection zone to avoid any contamination or external influence on the chemical, physical properties of mineral waters;
  • it is characterized by the constancy of its composition and the stability of the flow rate, a certain temperature and the corresponding cycles of secondary natural fluctuations.

In Russia, the definition of V.V. Ivanova and G.A. Nevraev, given in the work "Classification of underground mineral waters" (1964).

Healing mineral waters are natural waters that contain elevated concentrations those or other mineral (rarely organic) components and gases and (or) have some physical properties (radioactivity, reaction of the environment, etc.), due to which these waters have a therapeutic effect on the human body to one degree or another, which differs from action of fresh water.

Mineral drinking waters (in accordance with) include waters with a total mineralization of at least 1 g / l or with a lower mineralization, containing biologically active microcomponents in an amount not lower than balneological standards.

Study of the chemical composition of mineral waters
Authors: Ilya Kononov, Yana Subbotina, 10th grade, MKOU secondary school No. 9, Uralets village, Sverdlovsk region. Head: Tereshchenko L.N.

When buying mineral water in a store, we sometimes do not even think about its healing properties. Can you drink it just to quench your thirst? Will it harm a healthy person? What are its composition and properties? Is it all the same, and what is the reason for it useful properties? Do our friends and acquaintances drink mineral water correctly, and which one do they prefer?
The purpose of the study: to study the chemical composition of mineral waters from various sources and the conditions for proper use.
Object of study: mineral water.
Subject of research: quality and chemical composition of mineral water, information on the label.
Research objectives:
- get acquainted with the origin of mineral waters, their classification and significance for human health;
- to determine the presence of anions in mineral water;
- compare the obtained data with the information on the label;
- to study the features of the correct use of mineral water;
- develop the skills of experimental study of substances by quantitative analysis.
Research methods - hydrochemical.
Organoleptic method - based on the determination of indicators using the senses. (Color, transparency, smell, taste and taste, foaminess, amount of suspended solids).
Visual - colorimetric method - is based on comparing the intensity of staining of the resulting solution by a visual method with a control film scale (determination of pH, total iron). Additionally, a pH meter was used to determine the pH.
The titrimetric method is based on the quantitative determination of the volume of a solution of one or two substances that react with each other, and the concentration of one of them is precisely known - the titrant (titrated solution). Using the titrimetric method, studies were carried out on the quantitative content of anions in mineral water: carbonate and hydrocarbonate ions, sulfate ions, chloride ions.
The study was conducted for two weeks during the Interregional Ecological Expedition of Schoolchildren of Russia, organized by Teacher's Newspaper and the interregional club "Teacher of the Year of Russia", with the support of the Federal Agency for Education.
The purpose of the expedition is to teach the methodology and practice of environmental research in field workshops, as well as familiarization with the natural complexes of specially protected areas of the Russian Federation and a wide exchange of experience in the field of natural sciences between Russian teachers. In more detail, we will dwell on the expedition of 2013, which took place in the Stavropol Territory, on the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is the most famous resort in Russia, where mineral water treatment is carried out. The reserves of mineral water concentrated in this area are huge and varied.
Therefore, one of the workshops within the framework of the expedition was "100% water" under the guidance of Tereshchenko Lyudmila Nikolaevna, a teacher of chemistry and biology at the MKOU secondary school No. 9 in the village of Uralets and Oksana Nikolaevna Verezhnikova, a teacher of chemistry at Lyceum No. 3 in Sarov. In this project, we want to summarize the results of the work done during the workshop. Classes were conducted using the mini-laboratory of the company "Christmas+". The materials systematized and presented by us are the result of not only our work, but also the work of many members of the expedition.
In the course of our work, we studied four varieties of bottled mineral water purchased at points retail Pyatigorsk and water "Obukhovskaya - 11", bought in the village of Uralets, as well as six varieties of water from pump rooms and open sources.
In general, the data on the labels correspond to the requirements for product packaging, although the name of the manufacturer is not indicated on the label of Nagutskaya-26 water. The total mineralization corresponds to the type of mineral water. The analysis allows us to assume the authenticity of the product and the possibility of safe use, according to the recommendations.
Organoleptic properties of water
Organoleptic properties include the following characteristics:
color, transparency, smell, taste and taste, foaminess, amount of suspended solids.
The results of organoleptic studies are presented in tables 1, 2:

Water from pump rooms and open sources has a more intense taste and smell, compared to bottled water, although it also belongs to the category of medicinal table water. Such water is often saturated with hydrogen sulfide, which gives it a specific smell and taste. Kislovodsk and Kabardino-Balkarian water contains iron, which after a while precipitates in the form of a brown precipitate. In some sources, for example, in the Narzanov Glade, the water has natural gas.

Results of hydrochemical study of bottled water:
The study showed the absence of carbonate ions in the water (the presence of this ion is not indicated on the label). Experimental data confirm the anionic composition declared by the manufacturer. The value of the pH indicator makes it possible to classify all types of water as acidic. We believe that all mineral water is of high quality and suitable for drinking.
Quantitative data are shown below:

Results of a hydrochemical study of water taken from natural sources (diagram 2): The largest amount of sulfates is found in water from the pump room of the source No. 17 in Pyatigorsk, chlorides predominate in Krasnoarmeyskaya water. Three types of water out of six studied belong to hydrocarbonate. The water of spring No. 2 in Pyatigorsk is distinguished by the presence of carbonates, which is confirmed experimentally. Kislovodsk and Kabardino-Balkarian water contains iron. In general, the data obtained empirically confirm the chemical composition of natural mineral water. This fact indicates that the study was carried out qualitatively, although some analyzes had to be repeated.

Hydrocarbonate waters are intended for those who go in for sports (they have a beneficial effect on increased muscular work, as well as diabetes, infectious diseases). They are used in the treatment of urolithiasis and gout.
Sulfate is recommended for those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder (as a choleretic and also as a laxative), obesity and diabetes.
Chloride - contribute to the regulation of the intestines, biliary tract and liver.
Contraindications for use - high blood pressure.
Our research was aimed at studying the chemical composition and properties of mineral waters from various sources, as well as the conditions for the correct use of mineral water. We believe that in the course of work on the project, we have fully achieved our goal.
Organoleptic and chemical analysis of a wide range of mineral waters made it possible to classify and authenticate samples, evaluate the taste and usefulness of using mineral water in Everyday life as well as for medicinal purposes.
The products of our research are:
- booklet including useful information on the composition, properties and use of mineral water; - recommendations on the correct choice and use of mineral water. This information will be useful, for example, to students of our school, who, as shown by our survey, have insufficient knowledge in this area. Working on the project allowed us to broaden our horizons, as well as improve our skills in conducting a chemical experiment. The use of the field mini-express laboratory "Chrismas +" opened up wide opportunities for its application for various chemical studies, for example, in the field of environmental monitoring of water, soil, air.
During participation in expeditions and hiking trips, we have learned to see the value and beauty of what surrounds us. The results of our research allow us to help people understand the need to preserve our main wealth - nature. Now we can say that mineral water is a unique gift that must be protected in order to use it to serve our health.
Sources of information in the literature and the Internet
1. GOST 51232-98 "Mineral water".
2. Alekseev S.V., Bekker A.M. We study ecology experimentally. - St. Petersburg, 1993.
3. Caucasian Mineralnye Vody // Ed. M. S. Sartakova. - M.: Around the world, 2006.
4. Merkusheva N. B. Treatment with mineral waters. - Pyatigorsk: Price, 2004.
5. Ganeizer G. E. " The groundwater of our Earth”, M., Enlightenment, 1990
6. Chernikova A. P. “What kind of water do we drink”, M., Enlightenment, 1999
7. Scientific journal "Geography and Natural resources» №2 SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 1999
see also

Oskoeva Marianna, 11th grade student.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody - a region of the Stavropol Territory, rich in various mineral waters. In this work, the student characterized and explored the mineral waters not only produced on the territory of the CMS, but also in other regions of our country. "Mineral Aoda is a wealth given to us by nature!".



Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Inozemtsevo Secondary School No. 4 named after A. M. Klinovoy"

The resort city of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory.

Work theme:

"Research on the composition of mineral water"

Work completed:

Pupil 11 "A" class

Oskoeva Marianna

Project Manager:

Akhatova Olga Viktorovna

Zheleznovodsk 2016.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..............2

Chapter 1. Theoretical part ………………………………………………………………….4

Chapter 2. Practical part………………………………………………………………..13






"The waters are like the lands they pass through."


Mineral water is one of the oldest natural medicines used by people. For centuries, there were clinics near the sources of healing mineral waters, world-famous resorts and sanatoriums were created, and later - factories supplying bottled mineral water all over the world. What is the use of mineral water, do mineral waters retain their medicinal value even today, in the era of abundance of medicines? Where to get these waters, how to use them, how to avoid fakes?.

The natural beneficial properties of mineral water are unique, because they were formed in the bowels of the earth, in very special conditions. They undergo natural processing by various rocks, high temperatures, dissolved gases, all kinds of energy fields. These waters carry enormous information in their composition, structure and properties. This explains their unique taste and healing qualities. And since it is impossible to artificially recreate the conditions of an underground natural laboratory, no complex of minerals can be compared with natural mineral water.

In addition, clean water in general is now a huge value, it is no coincidence that it is more expensive than gasoline in stores. There are almost no sources left in Europe clean water, and they do not drink tap water, only bottled from wells. And the mineral water is pure.


The variety of mineral water presented on store shelves can mislead anyone. In his research work I decided to experimentally find out which of the mineral waters is the most useful and safe for our body.

Hypothesis . Do all types of mineral waters have medicinal properties and how do they affect the development of living organisms.

Purpose of the study. To study the composition of mineral waters and their effect on living plant cells.

Object of study. Lettuce seeds - Eruka sowing (Indau) Spartak.

Subject of study. Mineral waters of the brand: "Esentuki No. 17", "Edelweiss", "Bon Aqua", "Narzan", "Demidovskaya Tselebnaya", "Krainskaya".

Research objectives:

1 . Find out the sources of mineral waters.

2. To study the classification and methods of using mineral waters.

3. Apply the acquired knowledge to correct use mineral waters.

4. Compare mineral waters from different manufacturers.

Research methods:

1. Conduct a literature review on this topic.

2. Analysis of the composition of various grades of mineral water.

3. Study of the influence of mineral water on the development of living organisms.

4.Identification medicinal properties water and how to use it.

1 Chapter 1. Theoretical part

  1. Therapeutic effect of drinking mineral waters

Mineral water is water containing biologically active mineral and organic components, which has specific physical and chemical properties. Drinking mineral waters come from natural sources, the solution of which contains various useful gases and salts. They hit from the ground, often have a high temperature.

When drinking, mineral water has a variety of effects. By irritating numerous receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach, mineral water affects not only salivation, but also the structural and motor functions of the stomach and intestines, the functional state of the urinary and other systems. At the same time (especially in the upper intestines) the mineral water is absorbed and enters the lymphatic and circulatory systems. This leads to a change in the chemical composition and acid-base balance of fluids and tissues, enhances the formation of biologically active substances, which ultimately affects the functional activity of many organs and systems, and the course of metabolic processes in the body.
In the effect of drinking treatment, an important role is played by the action of the chemical components of mineral waters on the state of the main digestive glands, on the endocrine system of the digestive organs. In particular, drinking mineral water stimulates the secretion of the hormone gastrin by the cells of the stomach, which has a pronounced physiological effect.

1.2 Chemical elements, which are part of mineral waters, their significance for humans

When buying mineral water, you need to focus not only on its taste, but also on its chemical composition.The chemical composition of mineral water is, first of all, a variety of combinations of six main components: sodium (Na) calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3).

Carbon dioxide (carbonic anhydride)It is also an important component of mineral water, because due to the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rocks, the healing properties of water are formed. Carbon dioxide, in addition, softens the taste of the drink and contributes to better thirst quenching. It also stabilizes the chemical composition of mineral water, therefore, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties, it is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

In small quantities, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in micro- and ultramicrodoses. IN most it presents:iron, iodine, fluorine, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, manganese and lithium.They, in turn, also have an impact on a person, and, moreover, each his own.

Chlorine affects the excretory function of the kidneys.

Potassium and sodium maintain the necessary pressure in the tissue and interstitial fluids of the body.

Iodine activates the function thyroid gland, participates in the processes of resorption and recovery.

Bromine enhances inhibitory processes, normalizing the function of the cerebral cortex.

Iron is part of the structure of hemoglobin, its deficiency in the body leads to anemia.

Copper helps iron to pass into hemoglobin.

1.3. Therapeutic effect of drinking mineral waters

In the effect of drinking treatment, an important role is played by the action of the chemical components of mineral waters on the state of the main digestive glands, on the endocrine system of the digestive organs. In particular, drinking mineral water stimulates the secretion of the hormone gastrin by the cells of the stomach, which has a pronounced physiological effect.

Diseases of the stomach

What kind of diseases does not suffer from our poor stomach. Mineral water is the best healer. It helps restore gastric secretions.
For treatment, it is necessary to drink 5 ml per 1 kg of weight 3 times a day. It must be warmed up to 28 degrees and drunk on an empty stomach 35-40 minutes before meals, slowly, in small sips.

Ulcers are much more difficult. Not every ulcer is useful mineral water. Gastric bleeding, exacerbations of the disease duodenum- no time for water treatment. But when the exacerbation fades, support a sick stomach. Periods of exacerbations of the disease are nothing more than increased excitability of gastric functions. Warm mineral water, from which carbon dioxide is removed, can soothe a raging stomach. Such water should be drunk taking into account the secretory function of the stomach according to the method described above.

Bowel disease

A sick intestine is a big trouble. Some mineral waters are an excellent laxative. Drinking a glass of water 40-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day, you will make your intestines work like clockwork.
Before use, be sure to heat the water to 40-45 degrees.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Are your kidney stones haunting you, are you having problems with your genitourinary system?! Do not forget about the natural medicinal table water. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps clear the kidneys and urinary tract, making it easier for stones to pass. Water is taken only in a heated form (up to 38-42 degrees), on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. However, the treatment process requires more frequent drinking of these mineral waters and in large quantities to ensure the regimen of frequent urination (250-300 ml, 3-4 times a day).

Diabetes treatment

It is generally accepted for patients with diabetes to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 45-60 minutes before meals. In addition to drinking cure for diabetes other methods of internal use of mineral waters can be used: introduction through a duodenal probe, therapeutic enemas, siphon bowel lavages.

Liver disease

In case of liver diseases (for example, viral hepatitis, hepatosis), mineral water is indispensable. It helps to restore the function of liver cells. You will have to drink more water than with other diseases. They drink it 3 times a day, always in a heated form (40-45 ° C) in a gradually increasing dose of one and a half - two glasses at a time. The type of mineral water should be selected as described above, depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach.

With obesity

Obese people must first of all drink a lot: their water content is greatly reduced in their body. It is recommended to drink 150 - 200 ml of mineral water at room temperature, 3 times a day, 45 - 60 minutes before meals, after releasing all carbon dioxide.

1.4 Classification of mineral waters

a) According to the content of mineral substances, mineral waters are divided into:

  • canteens (containing salts up to 1 g per liter), which you can drink as much as you like;
  • medical table(2-8 g per liter). They are suitable when you just want to drink, and if you need to correct your health. Usually, such waters are prescribed by a doctor, but they can be used as canteens with one caveat - “unsystematically”. The water "Khan-Kul" also belongs to the medicinal table waters.
  • medicinal (salt level is more than 10 g per liter). This is already a medicine that requires a doctor's recommendation. Yes, and it tastes so good that you just don’t want to drink it. These waters have a strong effect on the human body. They are drunk in a strictly specified amount - a tablespoon, or even a teaspoon a day!
  • balneological water for external use(for baths), which are divided into highly mineralized with M = 10.1-35 g / l (35 g / l - mineralization of the waters of the World Ocean), brine with M = 35.1-150 g / l, strong brines with M = 150.1-600 g/l and very strong brines with M > 600 g/l. In domestic balneotherapy, waters diluted to a mineralization of 18-20 g / l (mineralization of the Black Sea waters) are used.

b) The temperature differs:

  • cold, t
  • warm, t = 21-36°С;
  • hot (thermal), t=37-42°С;
  • very hot (high thermal), t > 42°С mineral waters.
  • High thermal waters reach temperatures over 90°C.

c) Classification of mineral waters depending on the gas composition and the presence of specific elements:

  1. Carbonic (acidic) mineral waters
  2. Sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) mineral waters
  3. Bromine mineral waters
  4. Iodine mineral waters
  5. Arsenic mineral waters
  6. Radioactive (radon) mineral waters

d) Classification by ionic composition

  • Bicarbonate water (contains: more than 600 milligrams of bicarbonates per liter).
  • Sulfate water (contains: more than 200 milligrams of sulfates per liter).
  • Chloride water (contains: more than 200 milligrams of chlorides per liter).
  • Magnesium water (contains: more than 50 milligrams of magnesium per liter).
  • Fluoric water (contains: more than 1 milligram of fluoride per liter).
  • Ferrous water (contains: more than 1 milligram of iron per liter).
  • Acidic water (contains: more than 250 milligrams of carbonic anhydrides per liter).
  • Sodium water (contains: more than 200 milligrams of sodium per liter).

1.5 Fake. How to recognize it?

Table 1 presents the contents of the mineral waters from the labels.

Table 1.

Esentuki №17


Bon Aqua


Demidovskaya Healing



2.Name of the source

3.Type: carbonated or non-carbonated

4.Volume in liters

5. Trademark

6. Chemical composition of water

7. Purpose of water

8.Storage conditions

Analysis of the table showed that the labels contain complete information about mineral waters. "Bon Aqua" is drinking water of the 1st category, the rest of the waters are medicinal table waters.

1.6.Mineral waters

1) Esentuki No. 17 medical chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium, boron natural drinking mineral water of high salinity (10.0–14.0 g/l). Source - Essentuki field, city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, wells No. 17-bis, 36-bis, 46, belongs to group XXVa.
Mineral water "Essentuki No. 17" contains (mg/l):



bicarbonate HCO 3 - - 4900-6500

calcium Ca 2+ - 50–200

sulfate SO 4 2− - less than 25

magnesium Mg 2+ - less than 150

chloride Cl − - 1700–2800.

sodium + potassium Na + + K + - 2700–400

Boric acid H 3 BO 3 - 40–90.

Carbon dioxide dissolved in produced water - 500–2350

Mineral water "Essentuki No. 17" is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the exacerbation phase):

2.Edelweiss - mineral natural drinking water medical - table. Carbonated chloride-sulfide sodium. Wells: No. 3/02, 12/95, 15/95 in Lipetsk, Russia.

Chemical composition, mg/:



sulfate SO 4 2− 1200-1700

sodium + potassium Na + + K + - 1000-1300

chloride Cl - 750-1000

calcium Ca 2+ - 80-150

bicarbonate HCO 3 - 200-400

magnesium Mg2+

Mineralization 3.0 -4.5 g /precipitation of mineral salts is allowed.

  • diseases of the esophagus
  • chronic gastritis
  • bowel disease
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • metabolic diseases
  • urinary tract diseases

3.Bon Aqua - pure drinking water of the first category. Wells No. 54200247, No. 54200248, No. 54200250, Orel, Russia.

Chemical composition, mg/l.



sulfate SO 4 2−

sodium + potassium Na + + K +

chloride Cl-

calcium Ca 2+ -

bicarbonate HCO 3 -

magnesium Mg2+

General mineralization 50-500 mg/l. General hardness 1.5 - 7mg-eq / l

4. Narzan - mineral drinking natural water, medical-table sulfate-hydrocarbonate, magnesium-calcium (content of biologically active component Cless than 3000 mg/l), group Kh. Kislovodskoye field, wells 7-RE, 107/D, 5/0, 5/0bis, 2B-bis.

Chemical composition, mg/l:



sulfate SO 4 2- 250-500

sodium + potassium Na + + K + 50-200

chloride Cl - 50-200

calcium Ca 2+ - 200-500

bicarbonate HCO 3 - 1000-1700

magnesium Mg 2+ - 50-250

Mineralization, g/l: 2.0-3.5, natural precipitation of mineral salts is allowed.

Mineral water "Edelweiss" is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the exacerbation phase):

  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • metabolic problems,
  • kidney disease,
  • cystitis,
  • urethritis,
  • disturbances in the nervous system,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • obesity.

5. Demidovskaya Healing- Mineral drinking water, medicinal table water, sulfate magnesium-calcium. Well No. 70401001, No. 70401697, Tula region, Suvorov district, village of Cherepet.

Chemical composition, mg/l:



sulfate SO 4 2− 800-1800

sodium + potassium Na + + K +

chloride Cl-

calcium Ca 2+ - 300-550

bicarbonate HCO 3 - 200-400

magnesium Mg 2+ - 100-250

Mineralization, g/l: 1.4-3.2 slight natural precipitation of mineral salts is allowed.

Mineral water "Demidovskaya Tselebnaya" is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the exacerbation phase):

  • diseases of the esophagus
  • chronic gastritis
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • bowel disease
  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • metabolic diseases
  • urinary tract diseases

6.Krainskaya - medical dining room calcium sulphate mineral natural drinking water of low mineralization from well 4/84 of the Krainskoye deposit, located on the territory of the Krainka resort, Suvorovsky district, Tula region.

Chemical composition, mg/l:



bicarbonate HCO 3 - - 200-300

calcium Ca 2+ - 500–650

sulfate SO 4 2− - 1400–1600

magnesium Mg2+ -

chloride Cl − -

sodium + potassium Na + +K + -

The total mineralization of water is 2.2–2.8 g/l.

Mineral water "Krainska" is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the exacerbation phase):

  • stomach ulcer and/or duodenum
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • intestinal dyskinesia
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract
  • chronic pancreatitis
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • chronic pyelonephritis
  • urolithiasis disease

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1 Determination of the composition of mineral water

In my research work, I studied the mineral waters of the following companies(fig.1):

No. 2 - "Edelweiss",

No. 3 - "Bon Aqua",

No. 4 - "Narzan",

No. 5 - "Demidovskaya Healing",

No. 6 - "Krainskaya".

Annex 1

In order to understand whether mineral water is beneficial or harmful. I decided to look into the composition of mineral water. The specific composition of mineral water is written on the labels. According to this composition, the following experiments were carried out.

2.1.2 Determination of ph of mineral water

To determine ph, we took 6 test tubes and poured one type of mineral water into each test tube and dipped litmus paper into the water. After 3-4 minutes we compared the results with the school ph(Fig. 2). Then the results were recorded in table number 2 . As a result of the experiments, I determined that the pH of mineral water solutions is closer to slightly alkaline or neutral and is proof that the water is safe for internal perception.(Fig. 3).

table 2


Esentuki №17


Bon Aqua


Demidovskaya Healing


Annex 2

Annex 3

2.1.3 Determination of sulfate ions in mineral water

To find out if there are sulfates in the water or is it just a hoax,

written on the label, you need to pour water into clean test tubes and add Ba. (Fig. 4) . The results were entered into table 3.

Table 3

Name of mineral water

Esentuki №17




Bon Aqua




Demidovskaya Healing




Appendix 4

2.1.4. Determination of chloride - ions in mineral water de . To determine the ion we added Ag (fig.5) and the results of the reaction were recorded in table 4.

Table 4

Name of mineral water

Esentuki №17




Bon Aqua




Demidovskaya Healing




Annex 5

2.1.5. Determination of silver ions and carbonate ions in mineral water

We determine silver cations, and CO3 anions. Add mineral water to clean test tubes and add HCl(Fig. 6). . The results were also included in table 5.

Table 5


Esentuki №17

without changes

strong outgassing


without changes

without changes

Bon Aqua

without changes

strong outgassing


without changes

strong outgassing

Demidovskaya Healing

without changes

without changes


without changes

without changes

Appendix 6

2.1.6 Effect of mineral water on plants

In order to understand whether mineral water is really harmless, we decided to take lettuce seeds - Eruka sowing (indau) Spartak. Since the cells of animals and plants are very similar, the interaction with living organisms should be similar. It is lettuce seeds that are more sensitive. For the experiment, I took 6 flat lids, soaked a cotton pad of each of the samples with mineral water, laid out 25-30 seeds on a saucer(Fig. 7). The results were recorded in table 6.

Table 6

Observed Phenomena



appearance of escape

























Due to the too high concentration of salts in the sample No. 1 and No. 2 "Esentuki No. 17" - 10.0–14.0 g/l. and "Edelweiss" - 3-4.5 g / l, respectively, the seeds swelled, but the appearance of the seedling did not occur. And the rest of the samples sprouted. The sample under No. 6 "Krainskaya" showed itself especially well.

Annex 7


1. The composition, purpose and properties of mineral waters of 6 brands were studied: "Esentuki No. 17", "Edelweiss", "Bon Aqua", "Narzan", "Demidovskaya Tselebnaya", "Krainskaya".

Sample No. 1 "Esentuki No. 17" is medicinal, water brand "Bon Aqua" is drinking water, the rest of the water is medicinal table.

2. Analyzed the composition of mineral waters. Studies have shown that all samples contain sulfate - ions and chloride - ions. In none of the samples, a silver cation was detected. Carbonate - ion was detected in samples under No. 1,3,4. Based on the pH and minerals present in the water, mineral water serves to add minerals and is beneficial, as the pH of the medium ranges from 5 to 7.5.

3. The effect of mineral water on living organisms has shownsamples numbered 3, 4, 5, 6 interacted with the seeds and gave rise to shoots. This is explained by the fact that these waters are medicinal and table waters and do not exceed 10 g per liter of minerals. And object No. 1 and No. 2 swelled, but did not germinate, since "Esentuki No. 17" and "Edelweiss" refers to medicinal and medicinal table waters, respectively, and contain a lot of salts. But still it is not harmful to a living organism.

4. The mineral waters of the studied samples correspond to their purpose and quality.


So, what does mineral water serve for us in the body? Is it harmful or beneficial to living organisms? I tried to answer these questions in my research work.

In water taken from any natural source always contains solutes. Traveling in underground labyrinths and meeting various rocks and minerals on its way, water dissolves them, forming its chemical composition. Enriched with various elements or their compounds, it sometimes turns into a real “health elixir”.

Mineral waters have a therapeutic effect on the human body with the whole complex of substances dissolved in them, and the presence of specific biologically active components and special properties determine the methods of their therapeutic use. Most mineral waters have a mixed composition, which increases the therapeutic effect when used correctly.

Mineral water is a wealth given to us by nature. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times and they are determined primarily by how much salt they contain. Therapeutic - table water is considered "enriched" with mineral salts and is a preventive water from diseases. Medicinal water is already aimed at a balanced balance of mineral salts and a specific treatment of the disease. They have a certain therapeutic effect, but only when used correctly on the advice of a doctor. Unlimited consumption of such water can lead to a serious violation of the salt balance in the body and exacerbate chronic diseases. And it is precisely for these parameters that it is necessary to use mineral water correctly.


  1. Alimarina IP Methods of detection and separation of elements, M., Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1984, 208 p., 30 ill [Text].
  2. Ganeizer G. E. Underground waters of our Earth, M., Enlightenment, 1990 [Text].
  3. Lvovich M.I. "Water and Life": Moscow, "Thought" 1984[Text].
  4. Scientific journal "Geography and Natural Resources" No. 2 SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 1999

Annex 1

Fig.1 Mineral waters

Annex 2

Rice. 2 Ph scale

Annex 3

Rice. 3 ph mineral water

Appendix 4

Rice. 4 Determination of sulfate - ions

Annex 5

Fig.5 Determination of chloride - ions

Appendix 6

Fig.6 Determination of silver ions and carbonate ions

Annex 7

Rice. 7 Effect of mineral water on plants

Purpose of the study. To study the composition of mineral waters and their effect on living plant cells. Research objectives: 1 . Find out the sources of mineral waters. 2. To study the classification and methods of using mineral waters. 3. Apply the acquired knowledge for the correct use of mineral waters. 4. Compare mineral waters from different manufacturers. Research methods: 1. Review the literature on this topic. 2. Analysis of the composition of various grades of mineral water. 3. Study of the influence of mineral water on the development of living organisms. 4. Identification of the healing properties of water and the rules for its use.

2.1 Determination of the composition of mineral water In my research work, I studied the mineral waters of the following companies (Fig. 1): No. 1 - Esentuki No. 17, No. 2 - Edelweiss, No. 3 - Bon Aqua, No. 4 - Narzan ”, No. 5 - “Demidovskaya Tselebnaya”, No. 6 - “Krainskaya”. In the effect of drinking treatment, an important role is played by the action of the chemical components of mineral waters on the state of the main digestive glands, on the endocrine system of the digestive organs. In particular, drinking mineral water stimulates the secretion of the hormone gastrin by the cells of the stomach, which has a pronounced physiological effect. Mineral water

2.1.2 Determination of ph of mineral water To determine ph, we took 6 tubes and poured one type of mineral water into each tube and dipped litmus paper into the water. After 3-4 minutes, we compared the results with the school ph (Figure 2). After that, the results were recorded in table No. 2. As a result of the experiments, I determined that the ph of mineral water solutions is closer to slightly alkaline or neutral and is proof that the water is safe for internal perception (Fig. 3). Rice. 2 Scale for determining ph Pic. 3 ph of mineral water Table 2 Name Ph Esentuki №17 7.5 Edelweiss 6 Bon Aqua 5.5 Narzan 7 Demidovskaya Tselebnaya 5.5 Krainskaya 5.5

2.1.3 Determination of sulfate - ions in mineral water To find out if there are sulfates in the water or if it is just a fraud written on the label, you need to pour water into clean test tubes and add BaС l 2 to it. (Fig. 4) . The results were entered in Table 3. The name of the mineral water Yesentuky No. 1 7 turbidity Edelweiss turbidity Bon Aqua turbidity Narzan turbidity Demidovskaya Healing turbidity Krainskaya turbidity Fig. 4 Determination of sulfate - ions Table 3

2.1.4. Determination of chloride - ions in mineral water. To determine the Cl ion, we added Ag NO 3 (Fig. 5) and recorded the results of the reaction in Table 4. ions

2.1.5. Determination of silver ions and carbonate ions in mineral water We determine silver cations and CO 3 anions. Add mineral water to clean test tubes and add HCl (Fig. 6). . The results were also entered in Table 5. Due to the too high concentration of salts in the sample No. 1 and No. 2 "Esentuki No. 17" - 10.0–14.0 g / l. and "Edelweiss" - 3-4.5 g / l, respectively, the seeds swelled, but the appearance of the seedling did not occur. And the rest of the samples sprouted. The sample under No. 6 "Krainskaya" showed itself especially well. Fig.6 Determination of silver ions and carbonate - ions Name Yesentuky No. 17 no change strong gas emission Edelweiss no change no change Bon Aqua no change strong gas emission Narzan no change strong gas emission Demidovskaya Tselebnaya no change no change Krainskaya no change no change Table 5

2.1.6 Influence of mineral water on plants In order to understand whether mineral water is really harmless, we decided to take lettuce seeds - Eruka sowing (indau) Spartak. Since the cells of animals and plants are very similar, the interaction with living organisms should be similar. It is lettuce seeds that are more sensitive. For the experiment, I took 6 flat lids, soaked a cotton pad of each of the samples with mineral water, laid out 25-30 seeds on a saucer (Fig. 7). The results were recorded in table 6. Due to the too high concentration of salts in the sample No. 1 and No. 2 "Esentuki No. 17" - 10.0–14.0 g / l. and "Edelweiss" - 3-4.5 g / l, respectively, the seeds swelled, but the appearance of the seedling did not occur. And the rest of the samples sprouted. The sample under No. 6 "Krainskaya" showed itself especially well. Observed phenomena Planting swollen Appearance of a shoot No. 1 27.04 29.04 No. 2 27.04 29.04 No. 3 27.04 29.04 29.04 No. 4 27.04 29.04 29.04 No. 5 27.04 29.04 30.04 No. 6 27.04 28.04 Table 6 7 Effect of mineral water on plants

Conclusions. 1 Sample No. 1 "Esentuki No. 17" is medicinal, water brand "Bon Aqua" is drinking water, the rest of the water is medicinal table. 2 Studies have shown that all samples contain sulfate ions and chloride ions. In none of the samples, a silver cation was detected. Carbonate - ion was detected in samples under No. 1,3,4. Based on the pH and minerals present in the water, mineral water serves to add minerals and is beneficial, as the pH of the medium ranges from 5 to 7.5. 3 The effect of mineral water on living organisms showed that it is not harmful to a living organism. 4 The mineral waters of the studied samples correspond to their purpose and quality. Conclusion. Mineral waters have a therapeutic effect on the human body with the whole complex of substances dissolved in them. Mineral water is a wealth given to us by nature. Therapeutic - table water is considered "enriched" with mineral salts and is a preventive water from diseases. They have a certain therapeutic effect, but only when used correctly on the advice of a doctor. Unlimited consumption of such water can lead to a serious violation of the salt balance in the body and exacerbate chronic diseases.

Of particular value are the chemical composition of which allows us to note their benefits for the human body compared to any other water.

The concept of mineral waters

mineral waters called complex solutions of chemicals (mainly salts and trace elements), the content of which is represented by ions, undissociated molecules, gases, colloidal particles. The content of salts, trace elements and biologically active components in the nature of this water determines its balneological significance, and therefore the springs are used as part of spa treatment, the water is applicable for baths and showers, inhalations and rinses and, of course, for oral administration.

Medicinal is considered to be such, the physical and chemical features of which determine the healing effect on the human body. This is mainly due to the content of a small but sufficient amount of components in the water. Sodium chloride, bromine, iodine, boron, etc. are considered to be physiologically active or specific substances that have a therapeutically active effect on the functioning of a living organism.

The consumption of water inside puts forward a number of certain requirements for its composition. Despite the fact that only such intake of a product that is controlled by specialists, and not produced independently, is considered curative, and the product itself must meet both the needs of the body and its individual characteristics. Designed for drinking mineral waters considered extracted from aquifers or complexes. The latter must be protected from anthropogenic impact, which allows preserving the natural chemical composition of water and at the same time classifying it as food. The therapeutic and prophylactic effect is determined by increased mineralization or an increased content of certain biologically active components. For sale, mineral water is bottled, often artificially carbonated. Drinking fountains are sometimes arranged near mineral water sources. Such water has an effect on the digestive tract in particular and on general health in general.

outdoor consumption mineral waters It has a general strengthening and healing effect, in addition, the local effect of water on the hollow and external organs is made. External use consists in bathing in open springs and pools, taking baths and showers, conducting sessions of inhalation, irrigation, washing. Actual in diseases of the same gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, organs of the genitourinary, endocrine and circulatory systems, musculoskeletal system.

Signs and criteria for assessing mineral waters

Mineral waters are evaluated according to a number of features that determine their composition, and hence the impact on the body. External signs include taste, smell, color:

  • the content of hydrogen sulfide in water can be determined by a characteristic odor that can be felt at very considerable distances, and carbonic waters are distinguished by spontaneous, but rapid release of gas in sources;
  • the taste of mineral waters is diverse - from neutral to salty and bitter, which is again due to the chemical composition of the water;
  • The color can be assessed in relation to externally used mineral waters, according to the content of ferruginous, siliceous, calcareous, fluorine-bearing deposits in the sources, which is typical, respectively, for ferruginous, siliceous, carbonic / calcium, fluorine waters.

Natural mineral waters are produced at the appropriate temperature, in addition, during processing, it may change. A higher temperature promotes the dissolution of salts, but such water has a lower content of gases. At low degrees, carbonated, but less salty water is formed. Cold mineral waters are considered to be those with a temperature below 20°C, warm - 20-35°C, hot - 35-42°C, moreover - very hot.

A sign of medicinal mineral waters is the level of acidity with pH = 6.8-8.5. The chemical and gas composition of water becomes a separate indicator; soda, sulfate, chloride, iodine, and bromine waters are distinguished.

Other criteria for therapeutic mineral waters include:

  • general mineralization of waters, that is, the amount of substances dissolved in it;
  • ionic composition of mineral waters;
  • gas composition of mineral waters;
  • the content of mineral and organic trace elements;
  • radioactivity of mineral waters;
  • mineral water temperature;
  • acidity of mineral waters or their active reaction of waters.

Classification of mineral waters

Classification mineral waters is not complex, that is, the basis for the allocation of individual groups is based on a wide variety of criteria, but the most popular classifications are based on the characteristics of the chemical and gas composition of mineral waters, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the content of ions, trace elements, gases are taken into account.

The most extensive classification mineral waters represented by the division into six so-called balneological groups:

  • water without specific components and properties - the therapeutic potential of waters falling into this group is due to the ionic composition and degree of mineralization, and the gas component is represented by nitrogen and / or methane in a small amount
  • carbonic waters - healing potential is determined by ionic and mineral composition, as well as the predominant amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the waters of this group, which dominates in the composition of gases, representing about 80% to 100%;
  • hydrogen sulfide or sulfide waters- The therapeutic effect of mineral waters of this category is determined by the content of free hydrogen sulfide or hydrosulfide ions; used primarily for baths;
  • ferruginous and arsenic waters- they are distinguished by a high content of pharmacologically active components Mn, Cu, Al, Fe, As, the presence of which in the composition (along with the ionic, gas and mineral composition) determines their therapeutic effect; these are mainly waters from the zones of oxidation of ore deposits or from some thermae of volcanic regions;
  • bromine, iodine, high in organic matter- the corresponding therapeutic effect is determined by the content of 25 mg / l of bromine and 5 mg / l with a total mineralization of not more than 12-13 g / l, a higher mineralization also causes an increase in the concentration of bromine and iodine, so that the water is considered appropriate; norms for high content of organic substances have not been developed;
  • siliceous terms- are distinguished by a high concentration of silicon, whether it is silicic acid or hydrosilicate, but in an amount of at least 50 mg / l.

Another classification approach mineral waters divides them into four types:

  • chloride- salty and bitter-salty waters, containing mainly salts of the chloride group, and very little bicarbonates or sulfates; the cationic composition is predominantly represented by sodium, which, in combination with chlorine, forms table salt, which ensures salinity;
    • sodium chloride
    • calcium chloride
    • chloride sodium-calcium
  • sulfate- have a low salt content (2.4-3.9 g / l), usually these are sulfate salts; the amount of alkali does not exceed a tenth; in the composition, bicarbonates are represented by lime, and chlorides by table salt;
    • sulfate-sodium
    • sulfate-calcium
    • sulfate sodium-calcium
  • hydrocarbonate sodium (alkaline) - in the waters of this type, chlorides are represented by table salt in a small amount (usually 4-13%, maximum 15-18%), and sulfates are usually absent. The cationic composition characterizes the varieties of hydrocarbonate waters; it is either the predominance of sodium or a mixed composition of cations;
  • combined or complex composition of water
    • hydrocarbonate-chloride
    • bicarbonate-sulfate sodium
    • hydrocarbonate sulfate
    • chloride sulfate
    • hydrocarbonate-chloride sulfate
    • bicarbonate-chloride sodium
    • hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium waters

According to the level of mineralization, that is, according to the content of dissolved organic substances and inorganic salts in water, they distinguish:

  • fresh - up to 1 g / l;
  • weakly mineralized - 1-2 g / l;
  • low mineralization - 2-5 g/l;
  • medium mineralization - 5-15 g/l;
  • high mineralization - 15-30 g/l;
  • brine mineral waters - 35-150 g/l;

Depending on destination mineral waters distinguish:

  • canteens - the level of mineralization does not exceed 1 g / l; able to normalize the function of the digestive organs; valuable for purity and harmlessness to the body; can be used without consulting a doctor, drink without restrictions, combining natural taste and health benefits;
  • medical table - the level of mineralization within 1-10 g / l, have a pleasant taste, but also have a therapeutic, but rather preventive, effect on the body; can be consumed on an occasional basis by relatively healthy individuals;
  • therapeutic - the level of mineralization is more than 10 g / l, they are not suitable for quenching thirst, but only for treatment and are taken as prescribed by a doctor in the appropriate dosage with a certain method of consumption.

The effect of mineral water on the human body

In order for the consumption of mineral waters to bring maximum benefit to the body, it is important to know about their effects on the body, depending on temperature, chemical composition, physiological or therapeutic effects.

Mineral water low temperatures (up to 20 ° C) relieve fatigue, fatigue, enhance bowel function, and high temperatures(up to 37°C) relax and warm.

The effect of mineral waters on the human body is unusually wide and is partly determined by their use:

  • for indoor use
    • drinking cure
    • washing and irrigation of the stomach
    • direct insertion into the rectum
    • drip enemas
    • intestinal baths
    • siphon and underwater bowel lavages
    • rarely parenteral subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous administration
  • for outdoor use
    • baths
    • bathing
    • shower (including Charcot)
    • rubbing
    • inhalation
    • rinsing
    • irrigation for gynecological diseases.

Mineral water of the same composition can be used for different diseases due to the impact of its different components. The beneficial effect of mineral waters on nerve endings and the circulatory system, metabolic processes and hormonal levels, respiratory and genitourinary system, activity of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs:

  • chloride waters determine the excretory function of the renal apparatus;
  • sulfates in combination with calcium, sodium or magnesium determine the decrease in gastric secretion and activity;
  • hydrocarbonate waters certainly stimulate the secretory activity of the stomach;
  • potassium and sodium salts determine the necessary pressure of tissue and interstitial fluids of the body.
  • the potassium content in water determines the normalization of the function of the heart and central nervous system;
  • sodium water causes fluid retention in the body;
  • calcium causes an increase in the contractile strength of the heart muscle, increased immunity, anti-inflammatory effect, bone growth; hot calcium waters have a positive effect on stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • magnesium relieves spasms of the gallbladder, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, has a beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • iodine activates the function of the thyroid gland, participates in the processes of resorption and recovery;
  • bromine enhances inhibitory processes, normalizes the function of the cerebral cortex;
  • fluorine strengthens bones and teeth, hair and nails;
  • manganese has a positive effect on sexual development and metabolic processes;
  • copper and iron are involved in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • carbonic mineral waters normalize the metabolism in the body, and carbon dioxide absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract has a beneficial effect on respiratory and muscle activity;
  • hydrogen sulfide mineral waters have a positive effect on blood vessels, the central nervous system, endocrine glands, they are used mainly externally;
  • bicarbonate waters increase the alkaline reserves of the body, and also normalize the functioning of the stomach, they are relevant in the treatment of gastritis with increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice, liver diseases and biliary dyskinesia, gout, diabetes mellitus;
  • bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium waters determine the normalization of protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, are relevant for chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver, peptic ulcer, obesity and diabetes;
  • bicarbonate-chloride-sodium waters are useful for patients with increased and decreased secretion of gastric juice, biliary dyskinesia, chronic diseases liver and gallbladder, metabolic disorders; have a beneficial effect on obesity, gout, diabetes;
  • bicarbonate-sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion, are choleretic and laxative, improve bile formation and pancreatic function, are relevant for gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer and liver diseases;
  • chloride waters of the sodium composition of the water stimulate the separation of gastric juice, are relevant for diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion of gastric juice, are not recommended for increased acidity of gastric juice, kidney disease, pregnancy, allergies, edema of various nature;
  • calcium chloride waters reduce the permeability of vascular walls, have a hemostatic effect, increase urine output, improve liver function, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • chloride-sulfate waters have a choleretic and laxative effect, are used for diseases of the stomach with insufficient secretion of gastric juice, with simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract;
  • sulfate waters are distinguished by choleretic and laxative effects, they are used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, obesity and diabetes.

Rules for the drinking use of medicinal mineral waters

First of all, it is necessary to learn that canteens and medical canteens can be used by all people who do not have chronic diseases. Table waters are used to quench thirst and improve general health on an ongoing basis, medicinal table waters are used to prevent certain diseases on an occasional basis. Medicinal mineral waters are indicated for use only as prescribed by a doctor in the course prescribed by him.

The bottling of mineral waters into hermetic bottles is mainly accompanied by their carbonation with carbon dioxide, which makes it possible to preserve their composition and medicinal properties.

The general rules for the consumption of mineral waters are presented below:

  • do not mix with other waters, except for highly concentrated ones, which are diluted with fresh water;
  • drink slowly in small sips with reduced gastric secretion, for a long-term effect on the gastric mucosa and stimulate its secretory work.
  • drink quickly to obtain a laxative effect, then the action of mineral water will develop in the intestines; relevant for stomach ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice in order to avoid prolonged irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • excess gases in mineral water can be eliminated by heating it;
  • the duration of the course of treatment is usually 3-4 or 5-6 weeks, during which it is recommended to abandon the consumption of alcohol and nicotine, which reduces the effectiveness of therapy;

More specific rules for the use of medicinal and medicinal table waters are determined by a specialist after an in-person consultation of the patient:

  • the size of a single dose can vary from 1 tbsp. up to 2 glasses;
  • the value of the daily dose is usually from ½ l or more, but rarely more than 1.2-1.5 l;
  • mineral water should be taken before meals, during or after meals, as determined by the doctor;
  • the number of water intakes can be either 1-2 or 5-6, which is again determined by the doctor;
  • prolonged contact of water with air, as well as its long-term storage in hermetically sealed containers, leads to its denaturation, and therefore mineral waters are usually limited to a short shelf life - 1 week for containing organic substances and a year for ordinary ones.

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