The problem is the existence of fashion for words. Fashion effect on modern society

So far there are talk, disputes and discussions, what to wear, how to walk, how to talk how to greet ... Many say "it is already outdated, this is the last century! Now it is not fashionable! Now it is fashionable to do so, wearing this ... ", etc. In this article, let's talk about modern fashion and about its influence on us.

Everyone knows what a fashion is (m oda is the temporary domination of a certain style in any field of life or culture.), but not many can explain the essence of this phenomenon and their influence on society. The following question arises: "And what is it, this most fashion determines"?

Fashion defines style or type of clothing, ideas, behavior, etiquette, lifestyle, arts, literature, kitchens, architecture, entertainment, etc., which is popular in society at a certain period of time. Yes, and in fact, now on the street, we are unlikely to see people who go to wigs and wear huge hats with feathers in sunny weather. It is not fashionable. Now wearing a short haircut, a light cap and sunglasses.

Yes, it is, of course, very easily and convenient. The same applies to many other things - shoes, t-shirts, jackets, pants, conversation manners, etc. Nowadays, a person seeks to dress something easy, simple, comfortable, beautiful and very practical. On the one hand, it is very good, and on the other hand - there are "gears". Here in this article I, just, and I want to draw the attention of the reader to such things.

So, now fashion offers men?


Some guys make themselves piercing in an eyebrow, in the nose, pierce your ears, insert the insane size of the rings and earrings. We ask them such a question: "Why? Why do you suffer? ". You will be answered - that it is fashionable, it is beautiful.

Personally, I do not see any beauty here. The most likely cause of such a act is the desire to stand out from the crowd, emphasize its individuality. And what can such self-expression lead to? How can it affect health? Who thought about it? Why did our grandfathers do not deal with such nonsense?

Piercing as culture We are obliged to African tribes and peoples from the coast of Polynesia. Often, the degree of punctures and the size of the jewelery indicated the social status of a person. What status want to emphasize with his piercing you? Yes, and what do you know about your piercing? !!

Any Normal Medic will tell you that piercing is not enough that a very dubious tribute to fashion is also dangerous for your health. If someone read or leafed by Shiatsu books (traditional Japanese practical therapy), it explains in detail that our body consists of a huge number of accumulated points, each of which is responsible for the work and health of a particular organ. Making a piercing, you risk damageing any of the vital accumulatory points. Accordingly, there is a risk of violating the well-being of one or another organ.

And, more, you have never thought about why power and famous people do not make piercing, like Putin, Obama, Si Jinping, David Cameron, and others. Yes, because they do not need such a way of self-expression! A strong person expresses itself completely differently.


As an example, take the same jeans. One of the patients with the topics of the modern man is to buy normal jeans or pants. It is now quite difficult to find "Classic" - classic jeans. As a rule, these jeans are comfortable, well "sit", do not tighten the legs, do not stick into the body and do not show the "fifth point", do not hang, etc. In other words, they look good at any fashion. As for me, the obsessive attempts of market traders or sellers in the shop "Wright" to me a completely unnecessary thing under the pretext "it is fashionable", only a smile cause. Compare "Classic" and "fashionable" jeans in the figures below. I think that for an adequate person, comments here are superfluous. By the way, if you doubt that it is fashionable now or not - take the "classics". Classic fashion is always.

I consider torn jeans another problem. If the thing is torn, then it is spoiled. If you tear up a T-shirt, will you wear it? And if the pants broke? And what then wear ribbon jeans? I, for example, make up the impression that fashion wear ribbon jeans - from poverty. Wearing the ribbon will only be the one who has nothing to wear more. And we were presented to us as a fashion ...

The famous fashion designer, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, answering readers' questions as it belongs to jeans, answered:

"And terrible that women wear jeans. Especially terrible when a full woman goes in jeans. I believe that if jeans wear, then only dark blue. And now all these torn, washed, darling jeans are an abomination, as if all from the noom climbed. I can not look at all this. In general, jeans like working clothes - the idea is cool. When dark blue deep color, jacket, white shirt - Looks luxuriously, and when jeans are drains - just awful. "


It is believed that the art of tattoos has about six thousand years. Each tattoo makes sense and defined content. For non-dedicated person, this is just a random set of drawings and decorations on the body. On the value of the tattoo, you can also judge the color and stylistics of the tattoo.

For example, the tattoo "Scorpio" symbolizes: the danger of pain and death, hatred and envy, malice, devilish forces, the reconciliation of the battle and victory over the enemies, salvation or the birth of life, eroticism and sexuality, exotic addiction, duality. In a word, many meanings. Think about, and what do you want to tell your tattoo?

By making a tattoo, you must understand that this is a drawing that you apply on your skin once and for life. It will not be easy to remove it. And the fact that it looks cool today may look stupid tomorrow. Moreover, with age, because of the aging of the skin, even the most beautiful drawing can lose its attractiveness.

Even, it should be borne in mind that some tattoos (for example, tigers, dragons and the like) suggest a certain manner of behavior of its owner, its appearance, character quality. And if you do not correspond to your tattoo? Many sorts of problems in communicating with others can begin. And, more - a separate tattoo theme Army and prison. It will be a huge nonsense to make such tattoos, without having reason. Therefore, before applying to your skin, think carefully. And, better - immediately discard this idea. Nature has already taken care of our beauty. Clean, natural view of your skin is always better than any tattoo.

Smoking and alcohol

Separate theme - smoking and alcohol. Modern girls, to my regret, took the fashion smoking and drink alcoholic beverages, saying it, and what are we worse than men? However, guys also suffer from such a "fashion", only here the motivation is different - looks like an adult, independent, independently, courageous. Necessary to emphasize

Tell me, are you pleased to communicate with a person, from which hear nicotin or a habit? Personally, I do not. Unfortunately, among young people, it becomes fashionable now. And I sincerely sorry modern youth, which stupidly copies the bad habits and, thus, also gives a new example of others.

I will not talk to everyone known things that drink alcohol is bad that it kills you that it affects the genetics, on the moral and physical health of your future child, which is a kind of drug. You all know it yourself. If you do not care about yourself, on your family, on your own people, then smoke and deteriorate. Only then do not say that everything is bad that our country is bad, around the goat and freaks. First, look at yourself and ask, what did I do (did) in order to be better? Maybe it's better to start with yourself?

About female fashion

Now let's talk a little about fashion female. Immediately I must say that many phenomena in the male fashion, and the problems associated with them, which were touched above, such as piercing, tattoos, smoking and alcohol - they are relevant for both women's fashion. Therefore, for a variety, here we will not be repeated, but we will touch some other points.

There are one of the "mod", copying style, behavior, manners of girls in our modern world. Of course, no one, it seems, and does not impose such a fashion, however, thanks to the same media, the views of a certain part of society, omissions in education, etc., this style has a significant impact on the modern female fashion. How do women differ from others who choose this style in fashion?

First of all, it is clothing, intrusive advertising all the "charms" of the owner, and bright, sometimes excessive and causing makeup, designed to "stick" the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, and the special behavior of the "bad girl" behavior (in various variants) - All this is aimed at demonstrating sexuality, attractiveness, availability. In a word, a solid game on instincts.

By the way, what romantic epithet: "Girl of light behavior"! Though, right now everything is thrown, and start ourselves "Easy to lead", immediately all the questions are "easy." Here is another moment of unobtrusive propaganda of this lifestyle, in this case through generally accepted wording!

However, in the case of prostitutes themselves - here the question is understood. These are the features of their "work", so to speak, their style. It is bad or good - the question is different, but that is what trouble is: there is a considerable number of women who are fashionable to be fashionable just such a lifestyle. Do not agree with me? Then just look good around. Immediately meet a lot of examples - women living in this style style: ranging from clothes to the manner of behavior, and often combining both. And, after all, it seems, absolutely normal women, having a family, ordinary work, who consider themselves people decent. What prostitution?! What do you! No no! And, these women are sincerely sorry. After all, they, without thinking about the consequences for themselves and others, thoughtlessly copy that style of life, which they are completely unnatural, and who, as something modern, bright, attractive and "fashionable". They don't even suspect that they are the most real sacrifices of fashion.

"What is this here?", - You ask. For example, the same clothing that puts all the "most intimate" to everyone, it is often just inconvenient. And so short, and even a constantly logging skirt (approx. - Of course, slightly thickening paints, but still ...) - not sit down, do not get up. Blouse with an unnecessarily deep neckline - that and see not to bargain something extra. Shoes on a huge heel - no matter how to turn legs, and, and God forbid, run in such shoes. And try in such a shoe to go all day around the city! In the evening you will dream of domestic slippers. I think many women understand what I'm talking about. However, to high heels will still be back below.

So, here, in summer, such a style of clothing is still half of trouble. You can write off the heat. And in winter? Try to dress in this style at a minus twenty, and go along the garple of the road on the carbonate height, take a walk in the city, so far, 2-3 hours. Presented? Here, despite the appetizing legs and other charms, not far to different problems - from banal hypothermia with various complications, to elementary injury. And, because, and dress, and go! No matter what.

And, as the Iron Motive - one mindless: "Beauty requires victims." And who will be a victim, did you think? That's right you.

So, we have the first minus - such a fashion is already at least harmful to health. If not to say that it is dangerous.

The next minus here is a possible reaction of others. First of all, those for whom (or against whom) such a fashion is a man. Tell me, girls, dressing so that you hope to get from men? Attention? You will achieve it, just not the attention that is expected. First of all, you will get the attention of animal type, so to speak, lust. Do you want that? Not? And why then, provoking a man on the appropriate reaction, you then indignantly declare that all the men are cattle, that they just want you? That men are interested in in you only breasts / feet / .... / Other part of the body, and you, as a person, are absolutely not interesting for them? Why?

At first, decide on the priorities - what you want to attract to yourself - a lustful animal in order to "sleep" for one night, or, to find a person with whom you can create a family, grow children. And your fashion style, and the style of your life must match the selected solution. By the way, not all men like the fashion style described above - under the "girl of light behavior". As a rule, it is "peeled" to him first of all with the "animals" of the psyche. As a response - you can begin to "glue", let you have greasy compliments, may try to "clutch". This type of men, as a rule, cares for a woman just like that. Do you need it? Think about. However, the reaction and the rest of your surroundings may also be not in your favor - or look at you, as a person who is not friendly with your head, or frankly laugh, or "hang a label" of a representative of a certain profession.

And, the third, most importantly - what does such a fashion call? What example gives? What do you think just did we get a splash of tolerance and romanticizing the profession of a prostitute? When, during the years of restructuring, thousands of douracle went out "on the panel" in the hope of earning a happy future, and as a result, broke their lives? This is the merit of fashion for a certain lifestyle, romanticization of the image of a prostitute, so unobtrusive to us by the media. By the way, the film "Interdevechka" is very topic.

Of course, most women who choose this style of fashion are not engaged in prostitution. But, you do not need to forget that, choosing such a style, you create a completely specific image. Do you really have such an opinion about yourself? Remember, also that our children are copied primarily by us. They, all absorb, like a sponge, they look like we dress, what we say how we behave. And, if the mother dress and behaves accordingly, and the daughter will strive for the same style of life, will behave, imitating primarily the mother. And, if you still miss a little in matters of education, do not stop during, do not clarify your daughters that and how, then the "ancient profession" will be only one step. And, well, if you have enough mind not to make it.
Summing up, I will say that such a "fashion" is primarily aimed at cultivating animal instincts in humans - the prevalence of sexual desire for moral norms. And as a result - on the degradation of the whole society as a whole.


Boose a little more than another element of the female wardrobe. Many women have high-heeled shoes.

And you know where the fashion for high heels come from? Her roots stretch at the time of the Roman Empire. High heel shoes in ancient Rome wore women engaged in prostitution to stand out against the background of others and be more noticeable in the crowd. And thus attract potential customers. By the way, hence the fashion to paint the hair into a bright (as a rule, the flame-red) color.

Some researchers of this issue argue that walking at high heels not only makes the figure slimmer and optically increase the length of the legs, but also causes chemical changes in the body of a woman - the production of endorphins in the blood ("Hormones of happiness") increases self-esteem.

But, not everything is so cloudless - there is a negative effect of high heels on human health. And the approach to this should be special, wearing high-speed shoes is a whole philosophy. Again, I will mention the well-known expression "Beauty requires victims." After all, for the admiring glances of fans, increased self-esteem, women often have to pay their health. In addition to positive chemical reactions, negative physical changes occur. In general, from the point of view of medicine, the heel above 4.5 cm destroys not only the foot, but also the knee joints, the pelvis bones affects the female organs, can lead to the omitting of the walls of the vagina, the fraud of the uterus, and, also affects the spine, and , respectively, on the brain. The woman changes posture, and as a result, a violation, spinal curvature and related diseases. There are also a lot of negative points - from the convenience to the price and reliability of this "fashionable" shoe.

Nevertheless, almost all women wear high-heeled shoes. Worn because it is fashionable.


Also, your health is badly affected by this, it seems to be a harmless thing like makeup. Even the smallest dose. It is not surprising, because the composition of all colors, powder, shadows, pencils, varnishes, etc. is a solid chemistry. And, despite the permanent advertising and assurance of manufacturers, this chemistry is far from harmless to the human body. Plus, when using make-up, the skin on which makeup lies, breathes worse - the pores are clogged, we have a lack of supplying skin oxygen. And from this, everything begins: and the rapid aging of the skin, and the loss of the natural tone of the face, and acne, etc.

I'm not talking about what makes it, if you use them, you need to be able to use it right. There is not a written rule: makeup must be impaired, he should only emphasize a little, strengthen the traits of man. There is nothing more attractive than natural female beauty.

Girls, if you want to really respe you, you loved and for you fought real men, just be natural: minimum makeup, without pierrsing, without high heels, dress dresses to your knees and longer, and, of course, develop your inner world!

This article did not have the goal to disassemble all the negative phenomena in modern fashion. If you carefully look around, you can find many more "fashionable" packages. Rather, I wanted to pay attention to the fact that everyone in sight, but only, alas, it became the usual norm. Well, and fashion - she is unpredictable, she managed to change several times in a year. They can't treat it. Yes, and that fashion that keeps quite a long time, is also not always harmless and correct. Often - it's very vice versa. How not to remember in connection with this line from the poem of Agnya Barto: "Following the fashion, yourself is not an isourodu.".

We have Natasha Fashionista,
She is not easy!
Natasha heels
Like adults, high
Here is such an embroidery
Here is such a dinner!
Poor! Here is an sufferer -
It goes, almost falls.
Kid with an open mouth
Does not discern anything:
- Are you clown or aunt?
On the head - the cap!
It seems to her - passersby
I do not bring eyes off
And those sigh: - My God,
Where did you come from?
Cap, jacket short
And Mamino coat,
Not a girl, not aunty,
And it is not clear who!
No, in young years
Do not laem from fashion
But, following the fashion,
Ourselves do not make an amourous!

Essay about fashion. (Part 1.)

Fashion is a word that everyone knows.
Introducing the first European civilization, let's think about this fact. What can it mean? Surely the fact that the word is important enough for us. Indeed, otherwise they would not know him so everywhere.

Indeed. If the male part of the population to fashion refers quite calmly, then the female is not so cool. After all, girls since childhood teach beautifully looks. And in modern society for some reason it is believed that you are beautiful when fashionable look. Conversely, "not fashionable" means "ugly".

It sounds, of course, not at all "fashionable." And this problem recently is alarming many people. In particular, in the technical school of my sisters there are debates on the topic "Fashion enslaves and oppress women." An interesting question of the issue. Let's figure out what this beast is. Is he terrible?

What is fashion?

Fashion is a cultural phenomenon. Culture in humanity appeared, can be considered ... , from the very appearance of the person's intelligent. Therefore, it exists for a very long time. Perhaps in this sense to her, as phenomenon, more than 50 thousand years. And in fact, fashion tells us that it is beautiful, but what is not beautiful, what is worth noting, but what is not worth it, and what it is not worth it, etc. All this very much resembles the usual rules and customization, standardization.

In other words, fashion on the one hand allows people easier to understand each other. So, for example, if we see a man in a strict suit, then we will immediately believe that he goes to some important event. And a woman in an evening dress seems to us the visitor, for example, theater.

But on the other hand, Fashion is somewhat deleasing man. And very funny, in this sense, to watch the paradoxical behavior of girls and women who want to show their individuality and at the same time get dressed as much as possible. These are mutually exclusive needs.

The main mod problem.

Despite the fact that the most common canons are changing quite slowly, in the trifles fashion varies extremely quickly. This is known to everyone who seeks to follow the latest pisculations of fashion. But to dress in fashion - the lesson is very expensive. And not everyone can combine the firmness and satisfaction of other needs. Such a discrepancy of desires with capabilities negatively affects the identity of fashionista. Especially in the fact that fashion seems to be a way to get a certain status in society. Hereinafter, I speak exactly the beautiful half of humanity because in an overwhelmingly large extent it is subject to this problem. It is the inadequate perception of fashion and the wrong attitude towards it that I consider the most important problem of fashion. (At the same time, I ask you to pay attention to the fact that I do not consider the fashion itself with a negative phenomenon.)

Why can a person treat fashion so? Answer here is very simple. Remember that modern society equated the treasureness of beauty? But beauty for a woman is a source of power over men, a way to attract attention, a way to get status. Men are loved beautiful women. And the status of a woman is the first status of her man.
I am sure, many readers (especially girls) are ready to indignant over the previous paragraph. "Yes, how so you can!", "This is nonsense!" ... and yes. :) You're right. In fact, in life, everything is more complicated and not at all boils down to alone beauty. And Emancipation makes itself felt in terms of status.

But, many others do not think so. There are those who agree with the same paragraph. And if you agreed with him, I will ask you thoughtfully read the following text (part 2).

If you say the secretary, not an office manager, a message, not a mess, a personnel counters, and not an Eichar, a demonstration hall, not Showerum, then you almost certainly more than Thifsyat. You will most likely remember that the words "Fuuder" and "Servan" mean, from which the current youth smells like Naphtalin. But if you want to understand your children and grandchildren, it is worth learn a couple of dozen new-fashioned words.

1. High - Noise, hype. From English Hype - unspillingive advertising, sell.

The word Haip is most often used in relation to events and persons actively discussed in the media and social networks. For example, now "Haip catches" Ksenia Sobchak, who decided to suddenly become president. A derivative verb is also used - "Haipping". He means breeding hype, aggressively piano.

Example: Whole of this High around the game "Pokemon Go" went on no literally for the month.

2. Heyter. - Neuda. From English to Hate - hate.

In Russia, Heites call those who feel hatred for something or someone and shares their hostility on the Internet. For example, writes evil comments under photos in stars blogs. Or is struck by its own bile posts in social networks.

Example: Buzova in Instagram for 10 million subscribers 2 million haters!

3. Cleel - To rest, do nothing. From English to Chill - cool.

Teens use this word when they want to say that they spend time without use, just relax.

Example: Enough to do lessons, let's read better.

4. IIS - Easy, easier. From English Easy - easy, easy.

The peak of popularity phrase "Izi Izi" came last summer. The impetus to that was the famous rap-buttl oxymiron and purulent. The first three phrases were often repeated during the Battle: 1) Izi-Izi (in this case, he meant - easier, easier, boyfriend), 2) Real Talk (from English Real Talk - real conversation), 3) Sink Ebaouth IT ( From English Think About It - Think about it). Subsequently, these phrases of the opponent rose in an interview with Yuri Dudu Rapper purulent. So they left if not in the people, then in the Internet sphere - first in the form of memes, then in the form of "winged phrases". The most popular of them became the phrase of "Izi Izi", which many are now used as synonymous words easily.

Example: Can I overtake it? Pfff, Izi!

5. Again - angry, irritate. From English angry - angry, indigrant.

The word came from computer games. There it means, first of all, to attack the virtual opponent. In the Internet slang "Again" acquired and additional importance - to show aggression, anger in relation to any topics / personnel.

Example: We go for a walk, enough to say.

6. Zashkvar - Shame, nonsense or something unmarried. It came from prison jargon, where to dwell - disgrace.

The youth uses the word "Zashkvar" to give something (event, trend) as a negative assessment as possible.

Example: Wear sandals with socks - full Zashkvar.

7. GO - Walk, come on. From English to go - go.

In English GOG GO sounds like GOU. But Russian teenagers love shorter, so they cut the word to "go". They use this agenicism when they want to call upon someone / where -Lo go.

Example: What's up? Go to lunch around the office for a walk?

8. Svaip. - slide your finger across the screen. From English to SWype - spend without tearing, slide.

The word "swipe" came to us with the appearance of sensory screens. It means a gesture when the user of a smartphone or tablet applies a finger to the screen and, without tearing, slides in the right direction. For example, many with swipes are displayed with gadgets from the blocking mode. Also swipe helps flipping the pages of e-books in some readers. And the swipe is a way to enter text, also without taking the finger from the touchscreen. The word swipe has become popular in Russia with an increase in the number of applications for fast dating Tinder. There Svilee knows that the photo of a stranger / stranger does not like, and the swipe is right, that you are ready for acquaintance.

Example: Svile to the right, swipe left - for most young people today is enough to go on a date.

9. Bodishming - criticism of appearance. From English Body Shaming - Body Meniation.

Bodishming is discrimination of those who do not fit into generally accepted beauty standards. For example, trace of people with overweight. Bodishing can often be found in the comments to the photos of celebrities. For example, Bodishmigu is exposed to the star of American talk show Kim Kardashyan (for its non-standard buttocks), Supermodel Jiji Hadid (some believe that she is complete for the podium), Tennis player Serena Williams (for unfulfilled forms), TV presenter Olga Buzova (for small breast size) etc.

Example: "Fatty", "foot wheels", "How can I wear leggings on such a figure?" - All this was written in the comments under my photos in social networks. Because of the Bodiaming I stopped leaveing \u200b\u200bthe house.

10. Bodipositiv - acceptance of any bodies; Phenomenon, reverse body hazing. From English Body Positive - positive in relation to the body.

Bodiposive is a relatively new phenomenon in modern culture. This is the doctrine of the adoption of his own body, regardless of whether it fits into the standards of beauty or not at all. The adepts of the bodypositive urge to find a highlight in any appearance, overcome the complexes and enjoy themselves, without looking around public opinion. The bodypositive is closely related to the fact that the famous fashion houses began to display Plus Size models on the podiums. One of the "icons" of the bodypositive is a 155-kilogram model Tess Holiday. In Russia, the ideas of the bodiposive promotes, for example, TV presenter with the appetizing forms of Anfisa Chekhov.

Example: Changed to extinguish yourself with diets. How glad I am in fashion bodypositive!

11. Zhiza - vital. Reducing from the word "life".

The word "fat" is usually used after ridiculous or instructive stories. It means "vital", "such life", "it happens."

Example: This is a fat, my friend!

12. Shazamit - Determine the song. It happened from the name of the SHAZAM mobile application.

Shazamy is to find out what the song is played at the moment using the SHAZAM mobile application. So you can define the music that sounds on the radio, on TV, in the club, etc.

Example: The cafe played awesome song. It is a pity that I did not have time to stumbling!

13. Game - play. From English Game - game.

Ham, chant, chamming - it means to spend time for a computer game.

Example: Summer is time to walk and gym.

14. Crowfanding - Collect money on the Internet. From English Crowd - Crowd and Funding - Financing.

Crowdfunding is called the collection of funds on the network, which declare before the launch of any project or to help. So now often collect money for filming movies, writing books, start of startups. And, of course, finance is often asked for patients who need expensive operations. Or for victims of natural disasters. But sometimes with the help of crowdfunding platforms, they ask for money on very strange needs - on a honeymoon, for example.

Example: I collected 2 million rubles for the shelter for homeless animals using crowdfunding.

15. Binjvotching - "Warning" viewing of the series. From English Binge (Such) Watching.

Binjvotching is when a person cannot break away from the series and looks all the episodes for one sitting. As if it goes to "serial filing." A derivative verb is also used - binjvott.

Example: I will not go anywhere on the weekend - I will be at home to binget "Card house".

16. Fudi. - Gourmet. From English Food - Food.

Young people who loving tasty eat often call themselves Fudi. They are carefully suited to the choice of food, they are afraid of the fast food and banal dishes of the Macaron type in the fleet. Going on a journey, Fudi first try the local cuisine. And at home they can spend at least 5 hours for the death of a complex, but extraordinary dinner. For them, food is a hobby.

Example: She has one food in Instagram - this is who real Fudi!

17. Photobombing - This is when something or someone or deliberately falls into the frame is randomly or deliberately.

The most famous example of photobombing is Benedict Cumberbatch, who got into the collective selfie of Hollywood stars at the Oscar's presentation ceremony. Photobombing (the ability to suddenly climb into someone's photo) was scared and other celebrities. Among them, even her Majesty Elizabeth Second.

Example: My cat loves to engage in photobombing - forever I find him satisfied in the back background of my selfie!

18. Fo Rilzis - is not it. From the English slang forrealsies, which originates from For Real - in fact.

This expression came to us from the American slang. In American English, adolescents often ask "Fo Rilzis?" When they want to clarify, whether it was seriously said. In Russian, this question can be translated as "seriously?" Is it true? "Is it really?".

Example: - The concert of Oksiron was cool.

Fo Rilzis?

19. Jow - Use. From English to use - use.

This verb among young people is not new, used from the beginning of zero. But now it has already been firmly entered everyday life. Use it mainly when they talk about the use of various mobile devices.

Example: Yes, you put a calculator! Brain your zaude!

20. Streaming - Transmit data (video, sound) in real time. From English Streaming - streaming broadcasting.

The word "streaming" became popular after all users instagram and facebook have the opportunity to conduct direct video broadcasts. And before that, the word was used mainly gamers (players). In their slang "Stream" means to show and comment in real-time your game. (Yes, yes, there are millions of wishing to look at someone else's game!)

Example: Where the world rolls! In the US, the girl Streamil on Facebook, as her boyfriend dies.

By the way

5 words from the 2000s that we forgot

Only 10-15 years ago, these neologisms seemed so promising ... But years have passed, and they will understand only those who are more than 25.

Internet cafe,

ICQ (ICQ application),

Chika (girl),

Sidyuk (CD),

Cool (from the English Cool - cool).


"Some jargon is lucky"

How does the language filter neologisms? And can we make a forecast - will be fashionable new words in the dictionaries now? We asked for these questions to answer Maxim Krongauza - Professor, author of books "Russian on the verge of a nervous breakdown" and "Tutorial of Olbansky":

The language does not filter anything at all. Words appear in jargons constantly, acting jargins are generally updated faster than the literary language. Some jargon is lucky. They go beyond their jargon and even become fashionable. This happened with the word "Haip". But this does not guarantee him getting into the regulatory dictionary, on the contrary, may partly interfere, since it is perceived as a non-leaturated, specially marked. Our lexicography is very conservative and avoids such words.

Choose one of the following conversations.

1) Family traditions (based on the description of the photo). Describe a photo.

Do not forget to describe:

1. A place where the event depicted in the photo is happening;

2) hike in the theater (museum) (narration based on life experience). Tell us about how you visited the theater or museum.

Do not forget to tell:

1. When and with whom you went to the theater or the museum;

2. that it was for the theater (museum);

3. Why did you decide to go there;

4. What you especially remember;

5. What impressions remain from visiting.

3) Is it fashionable to be a patriot (reasoning on the question)?

Do not forget to give answers to questions:

1. What is patriotism?

2. Is there a fashion for patriotism?

3. Is the word "fashion" applies to patriotism?

4. What patriotism can be called true, and what is false?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.


When choosing one of the three proposed monologue statements, consider which of them closer to you. Whatever the topic you choose, it offers a plan. Try not to miss any of the points of the Plan. Add to the specified items Something yourself quite acceptable

and welcome. Take the preparation of this task not more than 1 minute. The statement itself can be left to 3 minutes.

During the monologue, use the words correctly, put stress, make sure that the sounds and words are clearly and competent. Pay attention to the correctness of the construction of proposals.

When choosing a topic number1, you will have to create a text description on the proposed photo.

Description - This type of text in which is called, describes signs of something or anyone: objects, nature, places, people, animals. These signs are manifested in the same period of time. A large role in your text description will be assigned to the photo object: an inanimate he or an adhesive, perhaps this is a landscape, a portrait or event.

When choosing a topic number 2, you have to create text-narration. The narration is a message, a story about a specific event in its time sequence. A special feature of the story is that it refers to the actions following each other. For narrative texts, the presence of strings (the beginning of the event), the development of events, junction (end of the event) is characteristic. In the text you created, the story will go from the first person, because the task is proposed to make a story on personal impressions.

When choosing the topic number 3, you will need to make text-reasoning. The argument is a type of text in which something is explained or proved, the reasons for actions, events, phenomena, establish the relationship between actions, events, phenomena. Remember that text-reasoning is always the unity of three components: thesis, evidence and withdrawal. The presence in the text-reasoning of your own point of view and the ability to defend it.

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