Fortune telling on burnt paper. Fortune telling by the shadows - a reflection of the present and the future

Fortune telling on the shadow of paper gives an answer to the question by transmitting information from the subtle plane. This type of divination is safe. It belongs to white magic, because it does not aim to harm anyone. During the divination procedure, the figures and symbols that the shadow from the burnt lump of paper takes are interpreted. Varieties of this ritual are divination on the ashes, as well as on the betrothed according to the burnt leaves with the names of the fans.

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    What is required for divination

    The most important attribute is candles. They should be plain, without decorative elements. You need to choose light, calm shades. Pink or white works well. You can use red, green, purple flowers. Black wax candles are strictly prohibited. You will also need blank paper. During the ritual, it will burn quickly, so you need to take as many sheets as possible.

    Fortune telling on the shadow of paper is carried out on a plate or saucer. Ideally, plain dishes are taken without decorative elements or edging. To avoid fire, it is desirable that it be deep or with wide margins. You can also use a small metal tray.

    How to choose the right day

    The optimal time for the ritual is the new moon. The night from Friday to Saturday is best. This day is patronized by Saturn, which is responsible for important and fateful events, the realization of the possibilities inherent in a person.

    Important! The most accurate results are obtained on Christmas time, on the week of mermaids (the week before the onset of the Trinity holiday) or on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7, according to a new style).

    Especially reliable information can be obtained on Vasiliev evening - January 13th. Successful, on the day of Epiphany Christmas Eve. Christmas opens the period of Christmas time, lasting until Epiphany (January 19). The accuracy of the prediction during the Yuletide period is due to the high energy of religious holidays. IN New Year(night from January 31 to January 1) it is not recommended to perform the ceremony.

    Rules for holding

    What is allowed and what cannot be done during divination:

    • For the ceremony, you will need to choose a white wall, free from any objects. If there is none in the room, you can hang a clean sheet.
    • You can not perform the ceremony in poor health or depression.
    • The sacrament is performed in a dark room. It is necessary to carry away all things that can become a source of sounds.
    • Mirrors, icons and photographs have the ability to distort information. They also need to be taken out.
    • There should be no draft in the room.
    • The performer of the ritual removes jewelry, amulets, watches and belts.
    • The sheet must be clean. Divination on a newspaper or on a piece of paper is not allowed.
    • It is recommended to use a candlestick so that the melting wax does not burn your hands.

    The main mistakes of beginners

    In the process of conducting the ceremony, beginners make three main mistakes:

    • They stop guessing too early, immediately switching to the interpretation of meanings. It is necessary to watch the picture to the very end - this will allow you to see a holistic image.
    • Some elements are forgotten, and then, trying to remember them, they are distracted from the process.
    • As an answer to the question posed, they take not the final shadow, but the most attractive one for themselves.

    To avoid these mistakes, the ritual should be carried out carefully, without haste. It is necessary to burn the paper until a black lump remains from it. Only then can interpretation begin.

    It is useful to use a voice recorder in divination on the shadow of paper, recording during the procedure. This will ensure that important details are not overlooked.

    How fortune-telling is carried out

    Ritual algorithm:

    1. 1. The sheet is crumpled into a ball and placed on a plate. If there is a specific question on fortune telling, it is written down on paper.
    2. 2. The plate is placed next to the candle. Already at this time the first image will appear.
    3. 3. Now you can set fire to the paper from the candle flame. In the process of burning, the dishes gently turn in a circle, and figures appear on the wall.
    4. 4. Of great importance in divination is the "skeleton" of burnt paper. The interpretation of the shadow from it is the final answer to the question posed at the beginning of the procedure.
    5. 5. At the end of the ceremony, it is allowed to carefully lift and bring the plate with burnt paper closer to the wall. This will allow you to see the shadow of paper ash in more detail.

    What do the symbols mean

    Deciphering the received signs requires a high concentration on the process, developed imagination, and the ability to establish associations between images. Symbol designations can refer to both the near future and distant events:

    Symbol Interpretation
    ButterflyThe fortuneteller expects a new acquaintance, which will develop into a fascinating novel
    HippopotamusStagnation in business, unwillingness to leave the "comfort zone"
    BullAn enemy to expect anything from
    BottleThere is a ceremony ahead. Indicates alcohol consumption
    WitchNegative influence on energy coming from a woman
    CamelIt portends troubles and trials. But the fortuneteller has all the strength to adequately cope with them.
    ScalesYou should carefully consider the decision, weigh all the arguments "for" and "against"
    WolfIn the life of a fortuneteller, there are many acquaintances that will lead to unexpected changes.
    GatesA harbinger of important events: moving, new position, wedding
    CityThe fortuneteller managed to cope with a difficult situation, which attracted the attention of influential people
    MountainsDifficulties and obstacles ahead
    TreeGood luck accompanies business
    Baby carriagePregnancy, replenishment of the family. Sometimes new worries
    HouseThe fortuneteller's life is stable and protected
    The DragonCircumstances are affected powerful forces from the outside. Can't change the situation
    HedgehogThe fortuneteller has great financial and spiritual resources
    LockGood reputation, strong position in society
    StarGrace of the Higher Powers
    BoarOpportunity to get promoted soon
    RingThe person is obsessed with current difficulties. When confirmed by other symbols, it can be a harbinger of a wedding
    CrownRecognition and glory. Planned projects will come true and bring fame and money
    • Strong attachment to the past.
    • The appearance in the life of a seductive and cunning lady, capable of exerting a magical effect
    ShipAn old wish come true
    CrossRisk of serious illness and even death
    RabbitNext to the fortuneteller is an unprincipled person capable of the most insignificant deeds.
    ForestThe questioner has a well-developed associative thinking. In a series of life events, he will benefit from a trip to places associated with childhood or adolescence.
    SwanAround the questioner are true friends. Peace and quiet in love and relationships
    a lionIndicates a bold and determined personality. Support from an unexpected side
    foxSelf-deception, unwillingness to face the truth
    FaceHelp from a friend or relative
    HorseHousehold problems to deal with in the near future
    BearThings are not going well, but you should not be active just yet. Better to be an observer
    BagMoney will come from an unexpected direction
    BabyThe main meaning is pregnancy, childbirth. Also indicates a new undertaking in business or creativity.
    MouseVanity, petty anxieties
    RhinocerosThe fortuneteller has great perseverance. But he should find the right point of application of his efforts.
    MonkeyOn life path meet a man who will help you get rich
    BirdSharp positive changes, good news
    RuinsProblems, financial difficulties, parting with the second half
    DogIt is one of the main symbols of a close comrade, comrade-in-arms
    ElephantAcquaintance with a solid person
    HeartRelationships that are currently friendly will soon develop into love.
    TableExpect fun, feast
    Vehicle (car, train, plane)A sign of an upcoming trip that will have an impact on the rest of your life
    SnailProject completion will slow down
    FlowerGood luck in business, financial prosperity
    ChurchA wedding or funeral is coming - depending on other symbols
    HumanBeloved or friend.

    How to find out the name of the betrothed

    There is a kind of divination on burnt paper, which allows you to find out the name of your future husband. To perform the ritual, you will need the following:

    • white paper;
    • scissors;
    • new matches;
    • church candle;
    • pen;
    • saucer;
    • small mirror.

    Before the ritual, you must remove all jewelry from yourself, dissolve your hair. The ceremony is performed alone, after midnight.

    Divination is performed like this:

    1. 1. The mirror is placed on the table, a candle is fixed in front of it and a candle is lit.
    2. 2. A sheet of paper is cut into as many pieces as there are fans.
    3. 3. The names of admirers are written on each of them.
    4. 4. Next, you should set fire to the sheets from the fire of a candle. The paper is held vertically.
    5. 5. Names that do not burn out to the end are put aside;
    6. 6. Then you need to focus on the fire of a burning candle, and say: "My betrothed, mummers, come to me."
    7. 7. The candle burns out to the end. Then you can go to bed.

    At night, the gentleman who will become the future husband should dream. After the ceremony, sheets of paper with names must be burned in a special way. They are taken vertically in the hand and then set on fire. The shadows cast by them on the wall will tell about the future family life:

    • The tree means a strong family.
    • Knife - married life will be hectic.
    • Broom - a tense relationship with the mother-in-law.
    • A horse is a financially secure marriage.
    • Bird - love and happiness.
    • Well - many children will appear in marriage.

    Determining the future from the ashes

    Some girls prefer to tell fortunes not on a shadow, but on a handful of ashes left from a lump. Under the light of a burning candle, the ashes are also able to take on unusual images. Need a white saucer Blank sheet papers and candles.

    A sheet of paper is set on fire by a burning candle. When the paper decays, a conclusion about a possible future is made from the shape of the ash (see symbol table). Some esotericists believe that divination by ashes is more related to the distant future than to the near future.

    Subject to all the rules, the predictions come out quite clear. It is important during the ritual not to try to see what you want, but to interpret the shadow that has appeared. If, during fortune-telling, nothing intelligible seems, you should thank the element of fire and postpone the procedure until the next time. But a second divination is possible no earlier than a month later.

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This type of divination does not require special skills and practice from the one who is going to conduct it. It is suitable primarily for beginners and is, one might say, a test magical abilities. When someone begins to be fascinated by magic, including fortune-telling, magical powers, in turn, begin to look closely at this person. And for these purposes, on a par with the prophetic, divination by shadows is suitable.

This method is one of the most famous, but it has many features even for a particular family. He was popular in tsarist Russia in peasant houses and usually spent it at Christmas time. The ceremony was secret, since the church strictly suppressed such things, therefore, in each family, options for its implementation arose, different from others.

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The essence of the ceremony in our time is that you need to take a large metal dish like a dish or baking sheet, crumple a large sheet of paper and put it in the center. Then turn off the light, remaining in the dark and set fire to the paper. Bring it to the wall until it burns out completely and watch the shadow that will appear on the wall.

In the past, straw or small chips were used, sometimes birch bark or dry leaves. There were many whispers and conspiracies in case of divination. Now, too, each has its own characteristics. Some write about what they would like to see, for example, the future or betrothed. Someone leaves a burning candle and in its light examines the reflection of the burnt ash, looking for familiar outlines in it. Someone asks magical patrons to show them the future. Some use conspiracies that are passed down in their family for this fortune-telling, as well as a unique way of doing it.

What should be paid attention to and how to consider the future?

You can start peering into the shadows after the paper has started to burn. Shadows will replace one another and carry images. These images will change rapidly and you need to have time to consider them and understand their meaning. The most important moment is considered the one when the paper is already burning out, but the flame has not yet gone out to the end. It was then that live pictures of the future could come to the fortuneteller. Many are afraid of sudden visions, but this is in vain. If you are lucky enough to see this, this is a sure sign that the fortuneteller has magical powers and he can safely develop the gift of divination.

What you see must be interpreted in terms of own feelings, however, there are a number of characters with an unambiguous meaning:

  • Cross, coffin or graveyard for the funeral of a loved one or relative.
  • Road or car to a sudden move.
  • The city usually means connections with other people. These are meetings or trips.
  • Forest to troubles in personal affairs or state of mind.

Everything else is interpreted freely. You need to feel and take into account what came to mind immediately after the fortuneteller saw the symbol. This association will become the correct interpretation of divination.

Some do this fortune-telling in a company, but then it is difficult to show the right attitude. If the goal is divination and not entertainment, divination is done alone. You can attract people who share serious goals and approach. This is exactly the way in which you need to listen to the inner voice as much as possible. If something seems wrong, it is better to abandon the prediction altogether.

If you want to change the ritual of divination, you need to do it. The method allows a huge number of variations. You can use the original material for burning or compose your own whisper. Use symbols on paper or refer to specific spirits, and use bindings to them.

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After the fortune-telling, the ashes are usually launched down the river or washed off into any other body of water. But you can also use tap water. If a spell or an appeal to the spirits was used, they must be thanked.

Among the thousands of fortune-telling methods, there is one old and proven one - fortune-telling on paper by shadows. This method of divination is fanned with special mystery and mysticism, since it must necessarily take place at night, preferably at midnight. In order to get an accurate prediction, the fortuneteller must be completely alone and silent. Divination on paper can with great accuracy and answer the question of interest.

In order to tell fortunes, you need to wait for the night, draw the curtains, close all the doors and make sure that no one will disturb you during fortune telling. For divination, you need to take a sheet of paper or a newspaper, a wide dish and a candle. Light a candle, then take a piece of paper and write on it a question that interests you about your future. It should be extremely clear and short. For example: “what awaits me in a year”, “will I be happy in family life”, “will I get rich”. You can indicate the time frame of the prediction yourself on paper. For example, if you are interested in what will happen to you within five years, then you need to write the exact period on the sheet. After you have formulated your question, the paper must be crumpled until a small ball is formed.

After the ball is made, put it on a dish and place it next to the wall. Set fire to the paper ball. The answer to your question is the ash figure that forms after the paper is burned.

Divination interpretation is the most difficult stage. In order to correctly predict your future, you need to connect all your imagination and fantasy. The shadow on the wall from the figure will be the answer to the question posed. In order to see the prediction, you need to carefully look into the shadow of the figure. If the image does not look like anything, you can slowly and carefully twist the dish of ashes in a circle until you clearly see any recognizable image.

The figures on the wall may be different. However, there are certain symbols on which the interpretation of divination is based. So, here are the main figures that can most often be seen as a result of this divination for the future:

House- This good sign. He predicts stability, calmness, problem solving. For a girl, this is a sign of marriage.

Trees- can portend both grief and happiness. If the branches are directed upwards, this is a sign of good luck, joy and fulfillment of desires. If the branches are directed downwards, then nothing good should be expected.

Ring or candle- marriage, wedding.

Ruins and shapeless figures- bad sign. This is a harbinger of sadness, tears, troubles and illnesses.

Transport(airplane, ship, car, train, etc.) - a sign of a journey or trip that will become significant in your life.

Bird- good news or a happy coincidence.

Dog or wolf- a person will appear in your life who will radically change your life. However, it is not known whether these changes will be positive or negative.

Mountain- there are difficulties and obstacles ahead of you. There is a possibility that your plans will come true, but for this you will have to show restraint and patience.

Pit or caveterrible sign. It portends a long serious illness or death.

Human- in the future, a new person will appear in your life who will play a significant role in your life. Perhaps you will have a friend, like-minded people or a new lover.

Animal- a bad sign. Expect intrigues from envious people and ill-wishers.

Flower- romance, a new adventure, feelings.

Cross- troubles, illnesses and problems.

Fortune telling on paper cannot be taken literally. If something not good fell out to you, then it is not a fact that this will actually happen. If you try, you can avoid any unpleasant turn of events. After all, fortune-telling exists in order to find out your future and, based on the information received, build it so that it is cloudless and happy. Useful article? Then be sure to put

03.10.2013 16:40

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient divination table. This...

If you decide to guess on the ashes, decide which version of the prediction of the future you like the most. You can simply set fire to a piece of paper, wait until it burns completely, and see what shapes have formed in front of you from the burnt paper.

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Divination on burnt paper

Exist various ways that help us know our future. So, for example, it is very common, on the ashes. Fortune telling on burnt paper was loved by our ancestors for a very long time.

They were sure that, depending on how the ashes behaved after the ceremony, such events would happen in the future. If you decide to find out your future with the help of divination on burnt paper, then use one of two simple methods.

Option 1: divination by the shape of ash

This is one of the common ash shape divination that will help determine how soon you will meet your love. First, arm yourself with a wax candle and a small piece of paper. If you want to conduct the ritual not at home, but according to all the rules, then it is best to conduct it on the street.

Then you will need not a candle, but a small fire. It is best to perform the ceremony on the growing moon. When the paper is burning, say these words:

Soar, ashes, into the high sky, bring with you a distant falcon!

Now closely monitor the behavior of the heat.

If it starts to scatter in all directions, and then circles over the fire, this indicates that for a long time you will constantly be in the spotlight. You will not end up with representatives of the opposite sex and they will give you signs of attention in every possible way.

Most likely you will have more than one romance, you will always be in love, but you will often change partners. Also, this behavior of the ashes suggests that you will have to endure several love disappointments in your life.

If the ashes immediately soared up along with the smoke from the fire, then your personal life will be less eventful, but you will meet pretty quickly the man with whom you will live your whole life. Your relationship will be filled with love, mutual understanding, and family life will be happy.

Option 2: at midnight

To carry out such a ritual, you will need ashes from a fire, a sheet of white paper, and a clay container. The ceremony is held only at midnight. Remember, no one should interfere with you during the ritual.

Take some ash, put it in an earthen vessel, turn it over sharply and pour the ashes onto a clean sheet of paper.

  • If the ashes evenly covered the entire leaf, then you will meet a rich and generous betrothed who will do everything to make you happy.
  • If the layer of ash is very thick, then the spouse will be a faithful, honest person with serious intentions.
  • Ashes on a leaf that has formed various mounds indicate that you will meet several young people with whom you will have short-term romances.
  • If one hill has formed on paper, then your choice will not be entirely correct. If you stay with this person, then your fate will be difficult enough and you will often have to fight with your principles.

Fortune telling on burning paper is very simple and you can easily learn to predict fate in this way.

Fortune telling on ashes is a well-known method of divination that came to us from ancient Egypt. It is often used during the period of the mysterious Christmas divination, which is the perfect time to get answers to questions.

In this thread:

According to ancient belief, during this period the universe is especially favorable to answer questions. The ashes used during fortune-telling are a conductor between the two worlds: it enters into a dialogue with the other world, giving clear answers to questions. Best time for fortune-telling - exclusively at night, preferably 12 hours.

Fortune telling on paper ashes

For divination, you need any paper, a candle and a saucer. The image reading screen will serve as white wall. It must be prepared in advance, for example, by covering the wall with a white cloth. The paper should be crumpled, putting all thoughts into it. Then put on a plate, standing at a distance from the wall.

Electric light must be turned off. After making sure that there are no drafts, light a candle so that clear shadows are visible on the wall. Next, concentrating on the question, set fire to the paper and carefully monitor the changes in the shadow that is reflected on the white fabric. You can see the silhouettes of people, animals, figures. They must be remembered or written down for further correct interpretation of the answer.

While the pictures are being displayed on the wall, feelings may arise that carry positive or negative energy. They should also be taken into account when interpreting the answer. When a sheet of paper begins to burn out, you need to follow the shadow that forms from the ashes. You can gently move a plate or candle around in a circle to get new images. Thanks to the ashes, it is possible to look into the future and not only in the near, but also in the distant. When all the images are collected, you should begin to interpret what you see.

The meaning of figures and images in divination on the ashes:

  1. The car is a new open opportunity.
  2. Bottle - you need to monitor the health or the amount of alcohol you drink.
  3. Crow - coming bad weather.
  4. Dove - good news.
  5. Mountain - difficulties and obstacles in business.
  6. Star - expects success.
  7. The snake is a dangerous enemy.
  8. House, castle - imminent marriage.
  9. The road is fast travel.
  10. Square - life stability.
  11. The ship is a pleasant journey.
  12. The book is learning and learning new things.
  13. Cross - deprivation, perhaps even death.
  14. The circle is a successful completion of what has been started.
  15. Ladder - career advancement.
  16. Bridge - compromise, avoidance of trouble, broken bridge - illness, trouble.
  17. The knife is bad news.
  18. Pyramid - serious achievements in goals and happiness.
  19. Stove - longing, depression.
  20. The bird is good news.
  21. The hand is a symbol of friendship or a secret patron.
  22. Table - expects fun, a feast.
  23. The dog is the acquisition of a patron.
  24. Triangle with top up - expect good luck and acquisitions, top down - expect losses.
  25. Flowers - love awaits.
  26. Cup - new acquaintances.
  27. Man is a new true friend.

Fortune telling on cigarette ashes

It is necessary to smoke a cigarette on Christmas night. By its ashes, one can judge the future second half:

  1. If the ashes woke up past the saucer, then betrayals can be expected. And if he did not wake up, but is in a saucer, then the wife or husband will be faithful.
  2. If the ashes are in the center of the saucer in the form of a heap, then the second half will be economic and neat.
  3. If the ashes are on the edge of the saucer in the form of a circle, then the love of the second half will be limitless and all-forgiving.
  4. If it is evenly distributed throughout the saucer, then the second half will be lazy and sloppy.
  5. If the ashes are distributed on a saucer in several heaps, then the family will be rich in children, and the number of heaps indicates their exact number.

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