Where is the new Athos located? What to see in New Athos: list with photos

For lovers of travel and simply have a nice rest One of the best tourist destinations can be the city of New Athos. This wonderful resort of Abkhazia on the Black Sea is an incredible combination of the sea coast, mountains, forests and ancient architecture. Its historical and cultural value is very attractive to tourists, and New Athos in Abkhazia is one of the most popular resorts on the Black Sea coast.

In New Athos there is a lot of interesting things from the city center to the outskirts and suburbs. Below are the most interesting entertainments and attractions of New Athos, which you can see both independently and with guides.


The oldest architectural monuments in New Athos are unique structures that have survived to this day from ancient times. Many of them were destroyed and were subsequently restored, thanks to which they have preserved to this day, if not their original appearance, then its closest resemblance.

The architectural heritage of New Athos is represented mainly by religious buildings. The most interesting, beautiful and significant of them are described in the list below.

Probably the most famous landmark of New Athos, and maybe even the whole of Abkhazia, is the New Athos Monastery. It is a whole complex of six temples. Panteleimon Cathedral is the main building of the complex. The cathedral is the largest in Abkhazia and one of the main shrines of the Orthodox world.

Visitors are drawn here by the beauty and cultural significance of the structure. Annually holy building visited by thousands of pilgrims, believers and ordinary tourists.

The building of the New Athos Monastery is large-scale and luxurious. Red-orange walls, shining silver domes, immersed in green cypress trees look grandiose and solemn. That is why not only Orthodox pilgrims, but also ordinary tourists who come to admire the beauty and grandeur of the structure become visitors.

Entrance here is free, however, do not forget about the rules of behavior and appropriate appearance on the territory of religious shrines.

Another no less interesting attraction dating back more than a thousand years. This is the largest fortress that has survived to this day. The structure was reconstructed, but it was not possible to completely restore its original appearance, and in some places the fortress looks like ancient ruins. But it even adds sophistication and appeal to those interested in history and culture. The ruins create an atmosphere of antiquity and transport observers to the early period of the founding of the city, because this is where the history of New Athos began.

Besides historical value Tourists are attracted here by the famous well in the rock, which never runs out of water. In ancient times, the watchtower served as the main observation point for the inhabitants of the castle; from here you can see everything from the city center to its surroundings. It is this tower that today has become ideal for organizing an observation deck.

The austere building made of hewn white stone is one of the most important religious shrines. It was named after a revered saint who healed people. The building was reconstructed, the unique ancient frescoes were restored, but only partially. Currently, the temple serves for religious ceremonies, divine services, church services, and baptisms.

Another interesting and important object for believers is named after the saint. The Grotto of Simon the Canaanite is a place of mass pilgrimage. Everything here is decorated in the same strict and restrained style; frescoes, icons, faces of saints and other ritual images are painted on the walls carved into the gorge. Both attractions are of particular importance to the local population and foreign pilgrims. The place of execution of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite is also quite popular to visit.

The Church of the Reverend Fathers of Athonite is located on the territory of the Simon-Kananitsky monastery complex, consisting of six churches. The building was built in neo-Byzantine style. Its yellow-orange walls, topped with golden domes, are a wonderful decoration of the Black Sea coast.

Dranda Monastery is another significant religious building. For local residents, it plays an important role for worship, rituals, services, and is a religious shrine.

The Assumption Cathedral attracts tourists not only for its cultural value, but also for its unusual architecture. The building has an unusual multifaceted shape, pentagonal projections, its sixteen-sided dome is topped with a thin elegant cross. The red brick walls are finished with plaster. In general, the building looks quite restrained and strict, but very unusual.

Sculptures and museums

No less interesting to visit are museums with exhibits of antiquity, sculptures widely known in the world.

The local history museum is located near the New Athos monastery and waterfall. There is a collection of ancient archaeological finds here, reflecting the ancient life of the local population. The collection of ancient weapons will also be an interesting object to observe here.

Ancient mythology became the basis for the creation of this sculpture, located at the entrance to the New Athos cave. The statue gained great popularity due to the worldwide popularity of the myth telling about the wonderful Golden Fleece. The number of foreign tourists visiting this sculpture is very large; lovers of legends and history from all over the world come to see it.

There are many unique places in the world that preserve centuries-old memories and high spirituality. Today they are objects of mass tourism and pilgrimage. The Caucasus is considered one of these. True admiration here is caused by man-made miracles in the form of architectural monuments and natural phenomena. One of the links in this chain is Iverskaya Mountain. It is notable not only for its picturesque view, but also for its rich history.

Geographical description

Iverskaya Mountain reaches a height of 344 m. It rises above New Athos, a city in Abkhazia. A serpentine road stretches from the foot to its top, the ascent along which takes about an hour. The main attractions here are the ruins of the Anakopia fortress. From the top there is an amazing view of the Black Sea coast from Cape Sukhum to Pitsunda.

A long time ago…

A lot of historical events associated with the toponym “Iveron Mountain” in New Athos. Its history begins before our era, when the borders of states were different, and the level of the Black Sea was significantly higher than today. Even then it was big shopping mall, which was an attractive prey for foreign invaders.

So, in the 4th century. BC. - 2nd century AD Iverskaya Mountain was part of the state of Iberia (Iberia). Hence the name. Its many buildings and canopies served as homes for people.

The history of the Abazg principality begins in the 2nd century, the capital of which was the city of Anakopia (now New Athos). According to ancient sources, it was an important military point, therefore a fortress was built on the top of the Iverskaya (then Anakopia) mountain, the ruins of which have survived to this day.

The further history of Anakopia is connected with its strengthening and prosperity. In the 7th century, an intensive unification of the Abkhaz peoples took place, and the capital turned into a significant economic, cultural and religious center. And Iverskaya Mountain becomes the site of construction of the first temple dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Later it was rebuilt several times, and in the 11th century it was dedicated to the Great Martyr

At the end of the 17th century, the Abkhaz principality was going through a difficult period. The strengthening of Turkish expansion led to the eradication of Christianity, Anakopia fell into decay, Iveron Mountain with its fortress and temple was deserted. In the 19th century, during the Russian-Caucasian and Russian-Turkish wars, the local population left their native lands, and the lands were transferred to the colonists.

Anakopia fortress

The Anakopia fortress has a separate history, which today is the main one. It was built in the 4th-5th centuries, with the participation of the Byzantines, who were worried about the security of the territory as vulnerable spot during the Arab invasion. Its name “Anakopia” literally translated from Abkhazian means “rugged”, “protrusion”. In Greek sources it is referred to as the "Trachea".

In those distant times, the fortress rose on a steep cliff, offering a wide view of New Athos. Iverskaya Mountain was thus a strategic military site, warning of a sudden attack by enemies.

In the 5th century, a serious confrontation emerged between Byzantium and Iran. They fought for economic and political dominance over the countries. Abazgia, then under the influence of the Byzantines, decided to take advantage of this situation. She entered into an alliance with Iran and decided to oppose her patron. However, this move failed: at the last moment Iran retreated from the agreement. And Abazgia had to answer to Byzantium alone.

In the 6th century, Roman troops reached Anakopia by sea. But it was difficult to get close to her. Only thanks to cunning military maneuvers did the Byzantines manage to conquer Mount Iveron and even penetrate the fortress. The Abazgs were defeated and were unable to achieve independence.

Today, all that remains of the Anakopia fortress are the ruins of walls made of limestone squares, a dilapidated temple and a hanging lead seal on the mountainside, indicating early religious buildings.

New Athos Cave

Iverskaya Mountain attracts tourists not only with historical monuments, but also with unique natural landscapes. One of the most picturesque and mysterious places is

It is a huge karst cavity of a million cubic meters and includes nine halls, each of which has a name. The entrance to the cave was found in 1961, and since 1975 the archaeological find has been open to tourists. Not far from the cave is the temple of the martyr Simon the Canaanite.

There are several interesting facts about the place described:

  • Mount Iveron is associated with biblical legends. Thus, in Christian sources it is called the First Destiny of the Mother of God. After the miraculous resurrection of Christ, his disciples gathered and began to draw lots to whom and in which direction to go to preach the Gospel. The mother of Jesus, Mary the Mother of God, also took part in this. She was given the country of Iveria, where she went with Simon the Canaanite, who, according to the same data, was her relative.
  • The 9th century was marked by intense iconoclasm. The heretical power ordered the destruction of holy images in every house and temple. But one pious widow living near Nicaea secretly preserved the icon of the Mother of God. When everything was revealed, and the armed warriors decided to take away the image by piercing it with a spear, blood flowed from the Most Pure Face. Then the woman, with tears, grabbed the icon, ran to the sea and threw it into the water. The image moved through the waves while standing. This incident was soon learned on Athos. Then the confessors of Iveria (now Georgians) dominated there. In the 10th century the Iverskaya monastery was founded. One day her monks saw a tall pillar of fire on the sea. He towered over the icon of the Mother of God. After praying, they were able to bring her to the monastery. Miraculous image and today is protected by Holy Mount Athos.
  • The Iversky Monastery was captured by the Greeks in the 19th century, and all Georgian inscriptions were replaced with Greek ones. Today 30 monks and novices live there, and there have been no Georgians among them for a long time. However, not far from the monastery there is a cell where approximately 40 Georgian monks live.
  • One of the wonders of the Anakopia fortress on Iverskaya Mountain is a sedimentary well. The structure is carved out of the rock and lined with limestone stone. In the distant past, it served to collect rainwater. Today the well is considered inexhaustible, thanks to the constant condensation on the cold walls from warm air masses. It is one of the most popular pilgrimage sites.


Together, the picturesque landscape and unique architectural monuments of New Athos have become a reason for mass tourism. Of course, the main place to visit is Iverskaya Mountain, from its foot to the top. Every year, excursions are held here with experienced guides - experts in local legends and historical facts.

Upon arrival, any tourist is interested in the question of how to climb Iverskaya Mountain. In the historical past, the climb was quite steep, and only one person could move along the narrow path. Today the serpentine road is much better suited for horseback riding and walking.

New Athos- one of the most popular resorts not only in Abkhazia, but throughout the Black Sea. The city is conveniently located at the foot of two mountains - Athos and Iverskaya, representing the ideal combination of a luxurious coastline, picturesque forest nature and a collection of ancient architecture.

New Athos on the map

The main advantage of New Athos over most resorts is the rich and extensive history of this city, which began here during Antiquity.


About what New Athos has ancient history , say hundreds of monuments and artifacts belonging to different times. The first mention of the city dates back to the 3rd century, when the largest trading point, Anakopia, was actively developing here.

Thanks to the rapid growth of prosperity, including active trade, gunsmithing and jewelry crafts, the inhabitants were prosperous, as evidenced by the artifacts found.

Often the former Anacopia was attacked, however, by that time the settlers of the city could afford to build a powerful fortress, the walls of which served as reliable protection against enemy invasions. By the end of the 8th century, the fortification was occupied by the brilliant and legendary Leon II. He managed to take possession of the country of Abkhazia, becoming the first Abkhazian king.

In those days, Anakopia turned into capital of the Abkhazian kingdom. She managed to maintain this high status for several years. King Leon II was not mistaken when he bet on this city. Thanks to skillful policies, he managed to turn it into an economic, cultural and religious center, which made it possible to unite the Abkhaz peoples. This situation persisted until the 19th century, until the royal residence was moved to Kutaisi during various wars.

Where is?

New Athos is large tourist and pilgrimage point so finding it won't be difficult. The resort town is located in the Gudauta region on the Black Sea coast, and is also close to other equally significant resorts in the country - Pitsunda and Gagra.

How to get there?

Due to military events in Abkhazia they became inaccessible. The easiest way to find yourself in New Athos is to go by plane, traveling from major Russian cities (Moscow, Novosibirsk, etc.) to Sochi Adler airport.

Transport links from Adler to New Athos are very well organized. A train departs directly from the airport several times a day, heading to Sukhum, but making stops in all major cities of Abkhazia, including New Athos. Travel time will take no more 40 minutes, and the ticket can be purchased directly in the train carriages.

From the border and Abkhazia to New Athos you can get by regular buses or by minibus. Vehicles depart as soon as they are filled with people.

The journey to New Athos will take a little longer by train from . The train arrives in Sukhum, and from there it is possible to get to the resort by public transport from the capital.

You can select plane tickets using the following search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

Sights - photos with descriptions

There are incredibly many attractions in New Athos, including quite a few historical, cultural and natural sites.


For New Athos, as for any seaside resort, it is typical abundance of various monuments– big and small.

According to tradition, sculptures are located in walking areas or where there are other equally significant attractions.

The most striking monument is sculpture "Eagle Tormenting a Snake". Initially, this composition was near the New Athos Monastery, but now it is located in the Primorsky Park near the pond where swans live. It depicts an eagle grasping its prey - a giant snake clutched in its talons. This monument is so impressive in its appearance that many tourists like to take pictures in front of it.

Another striking monument - "The Golden Fleece"– a composition with a couple of interesting legends. The first introduces the story of a brother and sister who traveled on a golden ram to Asia, but they had to sacrifice it, after which the Argonauts stole the fleece. The second story says that the skin of a ram was an ancient way to mine gold. Small gold particles from the river settled on it, making it possible to increase production.


You can learn more about the rich history of the once great city by visiting Museum of the Abkhazian Kingdom– a small repository containing many archaeological and paleontological finds that belonged to local residents.

These artifacts include items used in everyday life, weapons, documents and maps. Due to the fact that all exhibits are located in chronological order, visitors have a great opportunity to see the changes that characterize different eras.


A central place for walks in New Athos - Seaside Park– a unique place, opened to the public in 1880. This park appeared thanks to the efforts of the monks, who first dug 7 ponds on its territory, tiled the bottom, and then began to breed fish in them.

Subsequently, several sculptures, rich and varied vegetation appeared in the park, as well as a central place - a flowerbed in the form of a calendar.

Temples and monasteries

The most beautiful historical monuments of this city are the temples and churches built here in ancient times. That it has important religious significance is demonstrated by the fact that it is a popular place of pilgrimage.

Tourists from all over come here to see with their own eyes the local main attraction - New Athos Monastery for men. Since ancient times, this monastery has been one of the largest spiritual centers of the Caucasus, and it was founded in 1875 with the support of Tsar Alexander III.

The construction of the monastery turned out to be difficult - there were no access roads in this direction, but in the end the complex turned out to be fabulously beautiful. It includes 6 temples, among which the leading role is played by Panteleimon Cathedral- a striking example of Russian architecture. Despite the fact that the New Athos Monastery is a religious architectural monument, even non-religious vacationers are in a hurry to get to know it better.

An ancient monument of church architecture - Church of the Holy Apostle Canaanite- an ascetic church built in the Byzantine style. This church was built between the 9th and 10th centuries - at a time when Orthodoxy was actively spreading in Abkhazia, and churches were actively being built everywhere. According to legend, this temple was erected on the site where the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, a saint who preached the foundations of Christianity, died.

Architectural buildings

Getting to know New Athos includes a visit to the main relic of the resort - Anakopia fortress– the place where the history of the city began. This building has survived many historical events.

Only ruins have survived to this day, but considering that it was built in the 4th-5th centuries, it is perfectly preserved.

There are several objects of interest in the Anakopia fortress:

  • Gates- the only way to get into the building;
  • Roman tower– an observation point from which the land and sea surroundings were visible;
  • Chapel– one of the last built objects in the fortress;
  • Well- a cistern in the rock with an inexhaustible source of water.

From the observation deck of the watchtower, restored in 2008, tourists have the opportunity to see the entire city and its surroundings.

Located next to the Primorsky Park Genoese Tower– a former fortress wall built in the Middle Ages to protect against attack from the sea. A small part of the defensive structure remained, but during the restoration it was possible to recreate a historically accurate appearance.

Natural attractions

Luxurious nature– the main advantage of New Athos as a resort. The city on the Black Sea coast is surrounded by picturesque mountains and pristine lakes.

An incredibly beautiful and unusual attraction of the resort New Athos Cave- a natural gift, opened to visitors only about half a century ago. This miracle of nature can surprise any tourist, and for easy acquaintance, an artificial tunnel was built here, through which excursion trains run.

The underground world of the New Athos cave is very rich:

  1. Emerald cave lakes;
  2. Stone shafts;
  3. Stalactite palaces.

In total the cave consists of 11 halls, but only half of them are open to tourists.

Along the way, the train makes stops at several sites - “Entrance Gate”, “Apsny Hall” and “Anakopia Hall”.

Among the excursions to natural attractions, the following places are popular:

  • Three boilers. Karst baths with emerald water, located near New Athos;
  • Agtsa Grotto. A recess considered to be an ancient place for rituals;
  • New Athos waterfall. An artificial stream of water built by monks to protect against spills.

A lot of interesting things are located outside of New Athos in the neighboring resorts: Sukhum, Pitsunda and Gagra.


In New Athos there are many walking routes leading to the key attractions of the city. Almost every attraction is equipped cafes or restaurants so that tourists can refresh themselves after a long journey.

What else to see?

New Athos is usually divided into two parts, where the main value is the historical center. Here you have the opportunity to get closer to the fascinating history of different places, including the famous landmark – the New Athos Monastery. To get to it, just use the famous Path of Sinners, which allows you to feel the spirituality of the path leading to the monastery.

On the excursion route you may meet people offering take a photo with horses, in national costumes with checkers, peacocks and other attributes.

Also worth a visit tasting room Abkhazian wines, where you can not only buy national drinks, but also taste them.

With kids

Little tourists will love the visit Psyrtskhinsky Nature Reserve– one of the most interesting and picturesque places in New Athos. It is especially pleasant to come here to enjoy the fresh air, silence and tranquility. There is also a small building where the Apostle Simon the Canaanite prayed.

New Athos attracts tourists not only with a wonderful opportunity to relax on the coast, but also with an acquaintance with the ancient sights that Abkhazia represents.

Look review New Athos monastery in this video:

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New Athos (Abkhazia) 2019

New Athos is wonderful resort town, located in the Gudauta region of the Republic of Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast, just 80 km from the border with Russia.

The city of New Athos has an ancient history dating back to the third century AD. At the beginning of the fifth century, the Abkhaz peoples built a fortress on Mount Anakop. In those days, New Athos (Abkhazia) was one of the profitable trading points, and the local residents had high incomes and lived in luxury, as evidenced not only by numerous legends and stories of indigenous peoples, but also by data obtained by scientists as a result of excavations. From ancient times to this day, treasures with jewelry and artifacts left by distant ancestors have been found here. Some architectural landmarks have also been preserved.

Name settlement changed how many times. Initially, the place was called Anakopia, in accordance with the name of the mountain where the fortress itself was located. Several centuries later, local peoples renamed the city and named it in honor of the Pskhyrtskha River, which flows at the foot of the mountain. After several more centuries, New Athos lost its trade and economic importance. Gradually, monks from the Greek monastery located near Mount Athos began to come here. This was the beginning of a “new life” and the renaming of the ancient Abkhaz city to New Athos.

New Athos today

Despite the small number and short extent, Abkhazia, including the city of New Athos, is an attractive place for tourists. Only about 2,000 people live here, if we take into account statistics for recent years.

The mild climate and favorable territorial location contribute to favorable relaxation and improved health. Every year, tourists and pilgrims come here from all over the world to enjoy the beauty of local attractions and get to know history better.

Today Mt. New Athos in Abkhazia is one of the most beautiful ancient resorts, located in a short and very cozy bay on a picturesque Black Sea coast. The local population is represented by several nationalities living peacefully side by side with each other: Abkhazians, Georgians, Russians, Armenians, Greeks, Ukrainians, etc. Despite the multinationality, the population of New Athos is quite small.

New Athos provides a relaxing holiday, without a large presence of entertainment venues. By the way, the latter are not here at all. From public institutions of New

Athos can only be distinguished:

· cozy pizzeria;

· dining room;

· confectionery;

· restaurant "Kamarit";

· several cafes offering visitors mainly Caucasian cuisine.

New Athos is a city of shrines and staying here will give you peace and tranquility. The lack of nightlife does not mean that your holiday in the resort area will seem boring and monotonous. A worthy alternative for tourists will be exciting excursions to famous places and exploring the sights of Athos. In addition, wonderful nature, healthy food from natural products, clean air and picturesque open spaces will allow you to recharge with vital energy and gain strength. Where else than here you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Relax on the beach

Holidays in New Athos 2017 You can plan ahead by purchasing your ticket now. The cultural and extremely clean beaches of New Athos are covered with small pebbles, and the water bottom near the coast is covered with sea sand. There are no pitfalls or sharp rock fragments here. This will especially please young parents who decide to spend time with their young children. The air temperature during the holiday season fluctuates between +25-30 during the day and +19-22 at night. The water temperature in the sea can reach +22-26 degrees. The most favorable month for relaxation is considered to be September, when the sun is no longer so hot and the water in the sea is still warm.

Sports in the form of diving, surfing, jet skiing, etc. it is not particularly developed here and is practiced only by amateurs who decided to bring all the equipment with them personally. This may disappoint fans of noisy water sports. But this is a great place for a family vacation with children, who will certainly be completely safe on beaches that are calm and devoid of all kinds of emergencies. That is why only those for whom peace, tranquility and harmony are above the bustle of the world, the noise of night festivities and drunken gatherings with friends go on holiday to New Athos. Here you can not only fully relax, but also put your thoughts in order.

Trips, walks and exciting excursions

What to do when you arrive in New Athos? Such a question is unlikely to arise for a tourist who sets foot on these lands. After all, during your stay here, many ideas appear that you just want to bring to life as soon as possible. The first thing that tourists who have previously vacationed in New Athos mention is the picturesque nature, which amazes with its beauty from the first minutes of exploring the city. That is why all kinds of excursions and trips to attractions and natural monuments are so popular here. You can also get acquainted with local shrines by visiting the village of Lykhny, the Assumption Church, and the high-mountain village of Khual with its ostrich farm.

Those who vacationed in New Athos last season will probably tell you about the famous natural attraction - the New Athos Cave. To see it you will have to make an independent trip to the mountains, crossing hiking trails. Some instructors offer tourists to try their skills by climbing the mountain on horseback. Simple routes are selected for beginners, and more complex and interesting routes for experienced riders.

City guests can enjoy many exciting excursions and trips:

· conquering the top of the Iveron Mountain;

· trip to the site of Iversky waterfalls;

· excursion to the Museum of the Abkhazian Kingdom;

· trip to lakes Ritsa and Goluboe;

· horse rides;

· excursion trips to Sukhum, etc.

Another activity that attracts hundreds of tourists is swimming in natural karst baths, which allows you to gain strength and vigor. Such baths are formed by nature itself, and therefore are truly priceless for their benefits for the body. They are located in the middle of a boxwood forest near a river shimmering with a pearly sheen. Having reached here, tourists will have to sweat a lot and expend energy. No problem. Prudent guides will suggest having a picnic right in the middle of the green thickets, where you will be able to taste real, smoky-smelling kebab, cooked on hot coals.

Attractions and entertainment

As you already understand, New Athos is far from the place where a stormy night life, many clubs and bars with exotic drinks. However, local cafes and restaurants are always happy to welcome their guests and feed them dishes of Caucasian and European cuisine. These are extremely tasty and aromatic meat delicacies, lamb shish kebab, and coffee prepared on sand.

However, you are probably going to come here for more than just that. Local attractions attract tourists much more than culinary delights and pleasant pastimes at a table in a cafe. Having immersed yourself in the atmosphere of these places, you will have an irresistible desire to get to know the natural monuments and historical heritage New Athos.

Tourists also like to visit other places:

· ruins of the destroyed Anakopia fortress;

· karst caves, as well as the famous New Athos cave;

· Genoese Tower and Intercession Church;

· the museum of military glory, the foundation of which was laid in memory of the events of 1992;

· Museum of the Abkhazian Kingdom;

· New Athos Ethnic Museum.

Cultural recreation in New Athos

So, the first thing you will be invited to visit upon arrival in the city is the Simono-Kananitsky monastery, founded by Russian monks from Greece back in 1875 and located at the foot of Mount Athos. Here you can see several ancient temples with their bell towers, cells and refectories.

One of the most grandiose buildings of New Athos is the Panteleimon Cathedral, decorated with frescoes and domes. Here you will get acquainted with the main shrine of the monastery - the miraculous cross. Tourists can visit the monastery on any day from 12 noon to 7 pm. Women must wear appropriate clothing: a long skirt, a headdress covering their hair, etc. Another remarkable place in the city is the famous New Athos Waterfall, formed on the basis of a hydraulic complex built by ancient monks and belonging to the New Athos Monastery. Initially, its function was to protect against floods during high water. The monks made efforts to erect an arched slab, on which a picturesque waterfall is located today.

These are not all the attractions of these places. When you arrive here, don’t forget to take an evening stroll along the beautiful embankment of New Athos, from where you will be treated to stunning seascapes. Visit the Psyrtskha railway station, located above the river with the same name and two tunnels, as well as the famous seaside park, walk along the paths of sinners. A holiday in New Athos will leave in your memory many pleasant memories that you will certainly share with your children and grandchildren.

How to get there?

Many tourists, especially those who decide to visit New Athos for the first time, are quite concerned important question: how to get here and where can you buy a ticket to this wonderful Abkhaz city?

It is worth saying that getting to the village is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are no special problems with transport accessibility here. You can come here by purchasing a train ticket or minibus. Minibuses from Adler and Psou run with enviable regularity. There are also bus services from Psou, Adler and other cities (Krasnodar, Rostov, Nalchik).

If you wish, you can get to New Athos from border towns by taxi or personal vehicle, using a map or more modern means communications. As a last resort, use the services of passing transport while in Adler or Sukhum. Here you are unlikely to surprise anyone with such a bold decision.

You can get to New Athos from Sukhum by regular bus - the line with the route was put into operation quite recently. In addition, while in Sukhum, you will probably come across tour guides offering exciting trips to New Athos in cars or gazelles. If you are interested in this or that offer, you can safely pay for an excursion tour and go on an interesting journey through picturesque places with a rich historical heritage. As a rule, the cost of such excursions is not at all high and is available to vacationers from various cities with very different levels of income.

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