Socio-psychological climate of the group and ways to optimize it - file n1.doc. Psychological climate in the team and ways to optimize it Socially psychological climate and ways to optimize it

Interpersonal relations in a group have a direct impact on the socio-psychological climate of this group. The dominance of positive, friendly or comradely relations between members entails a favorable psychological climate, which in turn affects the results of the joint activities of the group, the well-being and development of both the group as a whole and each of its members. On the contrary, negative relationships are an indicator of a low level of group development; they lead to its fragmentation, conflict, and inconsistency in activities.

Socio-psychological climate of the group it is a predominant and relatively stable spiritual atmosphere, or mental attitude, manifested both in people's relationships to each other and in relationships to a common cause.

The psychological climate of the group is not just a background that accompanies group activity, it permeates the course of all group mental processes. The climate has the most direct impact on the well-being of group members, on the development, acceptance and achievement of group goals by them, on achieving maximum efficiency in joint activities.

In a specially conducted study, V.V. Kosolapov found that the well-being of an individual in a group, its assessment of the psychological climate depends on such indicators as level of adaptation, measure of involvement in joint activities, degree of involvement in the life of this group.

The structure of the socio-psychological climate of the group also reflects self-relationship (relationship to oneself) and attitude to the world as a whole. Especially important for characterizing the manifestations of the psychological climate is the assessment of the individual's relationship to himself (self-esteem, well-being, etc.). At the same time, being in a group leads to the fact that each participant, on the basis of the main parameters of the psychological climate, develops a consciousness corresponding to this climate, perception, evaluation and feeling of one’s “I”, similar to everyone who belongs to this particular community of people. From this point of view, the individual well-being of the individual (self-esteem, the degree of satisfaction with the position in the group, the prevailing mood), according to B. D. Parygin, can be considered as one of the most common indicators of the socio-psychological climate.

Distinctive signs favorable atmosphere in the team are:

Harmony of personal and collective goals;

Responsible dependence relations between team members, which are determined by common participation in the work;

Readiness for action interesting, useful. Major, cheerful mood;

The special position of the individual in the team, his spiritual health, comfort, the possibility of self-realization;

Members' sense of security;

Confidence in the future;

The aesthetic appeal of the team.

For the harmonious development of the group and the individual in it, it is necessary to systematically diagnose the socio-psychological climate. Timely research will allow you to control and timely regulate the atmosphere of the group.

Factors, affecting the socio-psychological climate.

global macro environment,

local macro environment,

Physical microclimate (for example, low or high room temperature),

job satisfaction,

Organization of joint activities,

psychological compatibility,

The nature of communication in the organization,

Leadership style.

Conditions for optimizing the socio-psychological climate in the group.

To the main conditions, allowing to optimize the socio-psychological climate in the group, should include:

1. implementation of interpersonal relations from the position of "I am good", "You are good" (a stake on the positive in a person);

2. the art of conveying perception feedback;

3. the ability to identify problems without accusations and find ways to solve them;

4. ability to appreciate individual characteristics and take into account the differences;

5. the presence of common goals and interests;

6. high overall and psychological culture interactions.

The psychological climate, its structure and content determine the method of its optimization. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of realism. Obviously, the mega-factors associated with the state of society as a whole can hardly be changed or adjusted by the head of a department or service of the administrative apparatus. There is also no way to influence the appointments of high-level managers. An increase in funding is unlikely in the current economic situation budget organizations. As a result, the problem becomes much more complicated. What are the ways out of it? One of the possible ways can be associated with the use of methods in the management process. psychological impact. They can give a tangible positive effect, but only for a certain time, during which the promised positive shifts in the socio-economic situation of the country, society (changes in mega factors) can occur. The main methods of psychological influence, which have proven themselves well in solving the problems of stabilizing and improving the psychological climate of the team, are as follows.
1. Mutual psychological "infection".
It has been established that being in a team, a person usually behaves differently than alone "With himself, he perceives events and people differently, uses other algorithms when processing information and making decisions. In a positive psychological climate, such forms of psychological "contagion" operate as enthusiasm, competitiveness. The effectiveness of psychological "infection" directly depends on the emotional aspects of communication both vertically and horizontally. The reverse process is also possible: to form a favorable psychological climate using the methods of psychological "infection". Here the leading role belongs to the leader.
2. Imitation.
Imitation is a conscious or unconscious reproduction by a person certain traits patterns of other people's behavior. Psychological mechanisms of imitation operate in almost any team. Most often imitate managers and informal leaders. Practice shows that they mainly imitate people who are able to achieve serious results, who have vivid emotional reactions, high professionalism and moral qualities: honesty, integrity, energy, the ability to make bold and effective decisions. It happens that charming personalities become objects of imitation, and this important personal and business quality can be successfully developed. They also imitate persons with real high authority.
3. Public opinion.
It is a universal regulator of behavior. Initially, it is formed under the influence of the judgments of interested and well-informed people, therefore, almost all aspects of the team's activities are subject to evaluation. By accepting evaluation criteria, team members put themselves under control. Knowing the mechanisms of action public opinion in a team, you can successfully create a favorable climate.
4. Impact on motivational sphere personality.
Motivation is what motivates action. Motives are powerful regulators of behavior; they influence the processes of educational goals, the style of activity, and the methods used.
Significant factors in improving the psychological climate in teams is the formation of special motives that combine socially significant, corporate and personal interests, motives. In the current situation, the predominance of one type of motives can adversely affect the psychological climate of the team. Their content, as psychological studies show, should include three main components: material interest in a particular work, interest in the cause, the process of labor itself, and awareness of its social significance. The formation of the unity of motivation on this basis is the most important task of the leader.
The listed methods of optimizing the psychological climate of the team are not exhaustive, there are others. However, their application is possible only on the basis of studying the psychological climate of a particular team.

The main tasks of climate optimization include the following:

  • 1. Formation of unanimity and consistency in relation to the norms adopted in the organization.
  • 2. Creation of such conditions within the organization that would provide the possibility of updating the value orientations of the individual in the process of work.
  • 3. Increasing the confidence of the members of the organization in their own strengths and abilities, the formation of the conviction that involvement in the organization will allow them to better control both their own destiny and the future of the members of the entire organization.
  • 4. Development of the skills of purposeful influence on the motivational sphere of subordinates in order to formulate alternative, more accessible and attractive goals in the organization without suppressing the initial aspirations.
  • 5. Proclamation of the principle of equal opportunities, fair distribution of remuneration, creation of an environment stimulating discussion, exchange of knowledge and experience.
  • 6. Flexibility in the implementation of control. Providing a certain autonomy in the process of solving organizational problems. The desire to avoid too careful and continuous control, which can adversely affect not only the effectiveness of activities, but also the morale of the team.
  • 7. Use of processes of imitation, imitation.

All forms of influence on the socio-psychological climate can be divided into five types :

  • 1. Groups of socio-psychological training. They use a large number of psychological exercises aimed at developing the ability to be aware of one's feelings and sensations, one's subconscious, one's perception of the world and the reactions of other people, to analyze and understand them. Such psychological preparation is considered important for actualizing one's potential, improving contacts in the group, and, consequently, its socio-psychological climate.
  • 2. Games of communication. There are quite a few games designed to analyze relationships in an organization, develop relationships in a group, eliminate psychological barriers that prevent communication and self-expression. Behind games of this type, spontaneously or under the guidance of a consultant psychologist, a discussion always arises that analyzes the identified relationships and contributes to a change in the socio-psychological climate in the group.
  • 3. Discussions. They are an addition to games and a means of clarifying relationships. Variously organized verbal contacts are recommended for resolution organizational problems, are reduced to discussion and discussion ends any attempts to regulate the socio-psychological climate of any group. Meetings-discussions are the main means of regulating the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise, a way to find out the opinions of the employees of the team on various issues. For their organization, there are certain rules. A psychologist often acts as an organizer and regulator, as a "neutral person". For the effectiveness of discussions, a democratic atmosphere “reigning” in the team is important, when no one is afraid to express their opinion.
  • 4. Non-verbal contacts used for muscle relaxation, stress relief. This can be relaxation through autogenic training, breathing exercises and other methods.
  • 5. Changes in the situation in the working room. For example, the arrangement of tables in the working room in accordance with sympathies or according to the principle of common work.

The above methods of regulating the socio-psychological climate, of course, do not exhaust all the options for the methods used in psychology, however, they reflect the main ways of influencing the socio-psychological climate of the team. The manager must develop the skills and abilities to accurately assess the situation and choose the most appropriate method.

The following factors influence the formation of a certain socio-psychological climate:

1. Compatibility of its members, understood as the most favorable combination of the properties of employees, ensuring the effectiveness of joint activities and personal satisfaction of each. Compatibility is manifested in mutual understanding, mutual acceptability, sympathy, empathy of team members to each other.

There are two types of compatibility: psychophysiological and psychological.

Psychophysiological is associated with the synchronism of the individual mental activity of workers (different endurance of group members, speed of thinking, features of perception, attention), which should be taken into account when distributing physical activity and assignment of certain types of work.

Psychological involves the optimal combination of personal mental properties: character traits, temperament, abilities, which leads to mutual understanding.

Incompatibility is manifested in the desire of team members to avoid each other, and in the event of the inevitability of contacts - to negative emotional states and even to conflicts.

2. Style of behavior of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise.

3. Success or failure of the production process.

4. The applied scale of rewards and punishments.

5. Working conditions.

6. The situation in the family, outside of work, the conditions for spending free time. Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on the individual will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence.

Depending on the nature of the socio-psychological climate, its impact on a person will be different - stimulate work, cheer up, inspire vigor and confidence, or, conversely, act depressingly, reduce energy, lead to production and moral losses.

In addition, the socio-psychological climate can accelerate or slow down the development of the key qualities of an employee necessary in business: readiness for constant innovation, the ability to act in extreme situations, make innovative decisions, initiative and entrepreneurship, readiness for continuous professional development, a combination of professional and humanitarian culture.

It is impossible to count on the fact that the necessary relations in the team will arise by themselves, they must be consciously formed.

The most important signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate: trust and high demands of group members to each other; benevolent and businesslike criticism; free expression of one's own opinion when discussing issues relating to the entire team; lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group; sufficient awareness of the team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation; satisfaction with belonging to the team; a high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the members of the team; taking responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members, etc.

Thus, the nature of the socio-psychological climate as a whole depends on the level of group development.

It has been established that there is a positive relationship between the state of the socio-psychological climate of a developed team and the effectiveness of the joint activities of its members.

Thus, the nature of the socio-psychological climate as a whole depends on the level of group development. It has been established that there is a positive relationship between the state of the socio-psychological climate of a developed team and the effectiveness of the joint activities of its members. Optimal management of activities and the socio-psychological climate in any (including labor) team requires special knowledge and skills from the management team.

The following are applied as special measures: scientifically substantiated selection, training and periodic certification of leading personnel; recruitment of primary teams, taking into account the factor of psychological compatibility; the use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of effective mutual understanding and interaction among team members.

The socio-psychological climate depends on the leadership style. In his activities to optimize the socio-psychological climate, the leader should rely on the most active, conscious, authoritative members of the team.

Measures to create a favorable socio-psychological climate:

Carrying out activities that prepare the enterprise for life in new economic and political conditions (development of new areas in business, timely amendments to the charter);

Development of a regulatory framework, based on which the organization carries out its activities (regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions, collective agreement, organization code, motivation system, remuneration system, etc.);

Applying a leadership style that meets the practical needs of the team, organization (it is important to know what the staff expects from their leaders). Application of evidence-based selection, training and periodic certification of management personnel;

Establishing satisfactory communication in the team (creating an internal, external website of the organization, information stands, bringing information to subordinates through the immediate supervisor);

Creation of favorable conditions for the labor activity of the team (labor protection, labor hygiene, work regime);

Strict adherence not only to the spirit, but also to the letter of labor legislation;

Staff recruitment taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees. Depending on the goals of working in a team, it is necessary to combine different types people's behavior. In very many situations, a group with representatives of one type of behavior will turn out to be ineffective, for example, if only people who are waiting for instructions and who do not know how to take the initiative, or only those who like to command (testing when hiring, in the process of work, staff assessment) gather;

It is necessary to optimally limit the number of persons subordinate to one leader (5-7 people);

Absence of superfluous workers and vacancies. Both the lack and the excess of members of the group lead to its instability: there is a ground for the emergence of tension and conflicts in connection with the desire of several persons to take a vacant position and get a promotion at work or in connection with the uneven work load of individual workers in the presence of extra persons;

Positive traditions of the team ( professional holidays, corporate events etc.);

Office etiquette that starts with appearance(fixing the principles of behavior of employees in the local acts of the organization);

At work, too conspicuous, the so-called acute fashion clothes, bright cosmetics, an abundance of jewelry. But just as disrespectful to colleagues, to visitors to the institution would be negligence in clothing, sloppiness, slovenliness.

Greetings. The first to greet the incoming. By the way, if some tension has been created between him and someone the day before, then it is this short, obligatory greeting that often helps to remove it painlessly for pride. It is not necessary to shake hands, and if several people work in the room, then it is not necessary.

At work, a person is obliged to be correct, not to impose his experiences on anyone, and even more so not to try to “tear off evil” on someone;

Development of an effective system of employee motivation (fixing in local regulations);

The use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of effective mutual understanding and interaction skills among team members (passion for employees by personal example, training, business game, persuasion method, etc.);

Formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate.

The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in all the diverse forms of their activities. The moral and psychological climate determines the system of relations between members of the team to each other, to work, to surrounding events and to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal-value orientations. Any actions of a leader or a team member (especially of a negative nature) affect the state of the moral and psychological climate, deform it. And vice versa, every positive managerial decision, positive collective action improves the moral and psychological climate. The basis of a positive favorable moral and psychological climate is the socially significant motives of the attitude towards work among the members of the labor collective. The optimal combination of these motives will be in the event that three components are involved: a material interest in this particular job, a direct interest in the labor process, and a public discussion of the results of the labor process 21 .

A sure sign of a favorable moral and psychological climate is the active participation of all members of the team in management, which can take the form of self-government.

Another sign of a positive moral and psychological climate is the high productivity of teamwork. The next sign is the developed interpersonal relations, interpersonal contacts in the labor collective of the enterprise. One can also note such a sign as a positive attitude of the team towards innovations. In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, the rapid development of technology and production technology, innovations are inevitable in any team.

It can be concluded that the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate is one of the mechanisms for team building.

Another important mechanism for team cohesion is the psychological compatibility of its members. The presence of even two incompatible people (especially in small teams) seriously affects the atmosphere in the team itself. The consequences are especially detrimental if formal and informal leaders or directly related leaders are incompatible. official duties managers (for example, foreman - shop manager). Under these conditions, the whole team will be in a fever. Therefore, at least something to know about psychological compatibility is necessary for everyone who works with people, forms a work team.

A feature of psychological compatibility is that contacts between people are mediated by their actions and deeds, opinions and assessments. Incompatibility gives rise to hostility, antipathy, conflicts, and this negatively affects joint activities. We can give the following definition of the concept of compatibility. Psychological compatibility is a socio-psychological characteristic of a group, manifested in the ability of its members to coordinate (make consistent) their actions and optimize relationships in various types joint activities.

If the compatibility effect most often occurs in personal relationships between team members, then the harmony effect is the result of business relationships associated with production activities.

Harmony - an indicator of consistency between individual interaction in a particular joint activity.

Harmony is characterized by high productivity of joint work of individuals.

Harmony is characterized by high productivity of joint work of individuals. Thus, the basis of coherence is the success and profitability of precisely joint activities, when coordination of actions arises between its participants.

To establish discipline, increase labor productivity and create a favorable psychological climate, the leader needs to know interpersonal relationships in the team. In any team, invisible threads of relationships are stretched between people that cannot be reflected in any staffing table. An informal structure arises, built on the likes and dislikes of the members of the team. It is known that intra-group conflicts, as a rule, originate in an informal structure, and then move into the sphere of formal relations, knocking the team out of the normal rhythm of work. As many social psychologists believe, the coherence, coherence of the team is determined by the degree of unity of the formal and informal structures. And the higher this degree, the greater success the team can achieve. One of the methods for studying interpersonal relations available to every leader is an in-depth study of various social facts, as well as specific actions and actions of people who are part of this team. These social facts include mutual assistance, friendship, quarrels, conflicts, and the like. Constant monitoring of these phenomena will allow the leader to study the interpersonal relationships of subordinates.

In the encouragement of good work, behavior, in the punishment of negative deeds, psychological entity education and stimulation of workers. These means of influence make it possible to keep a person within the framework of certain moral requirements of society and laws developed by the state. However, preference in educational work should be given to incentives. Punishment, on the other hand, should be regarded as an extreme measure of educational influence, and one must be able to apply it very carefully. The constant fear of a person that he can be punished for this or that wrong action, for a mistake made when taking the initiative, gives rise to routiners and reinsurers.

Speaking about the psychological aspects of the educational and stimulating activities of the leader, it must be remembered that none of the methods, whether it be persuasion or censure, encouragement or punishment, used separately, will bring positive effect. So, in order for labor activity to discipline to become higher, the leader must be able to use the entire arsenal of stimulating and educational influences.

The collective is not a simple arithmetic sum of individuals, but qualitatively new category. Certain socio-psychological patterns act on the people that make up the team.

Without knowledge of these patterns, it is difficult for a leader to manage people, conduct educational work, and mobilize employees to fulfill and exceed plans. That is why every leader must know the socio-psychological structure of the team and the socio-psychological patterns that operate in groups of people.

The psychological mechanism of personality assessment is that the praise of the leader increases the authority of the employee and thereby affects the attitude of the team members towards him.

When evaluating a subordinate, it is necessary to strive to ensure that he feels that the manager and the team notice and approve of his personal merits, success in work and social activities. As a result, a person strives to become even better, to achieve more high performance at work.

In this natural aspiration, in moral efforts encouraged by the leader and the team, as well as in a sense of self-respect, lies the whole secret. positive evaluation in the educational process and the activation of the personality.

It is important not only that the leader at work does not look gloomy, gloomy; it is also important that each person comes to work in a cheerful, not depressed state, and that his good mood is constantly maintained. This largely depends on what kind of moral and psychological climate is created in the team.

Chapter 2 Conclusions

For effective work, the selection of a leadership style by a manager is of great importance, so that each of the team members works to achieve a common goal (making a profit for the enterprise).

The generally recognized characteristics of a leader are: acceptance of responsibility; confidence, determination; directness, education.

There are the following options for interaction between the leader and subordinates:

The leader makes a decision and gives subordinates a command to carry it out;

The leader makes a decision and explains it to subordinates;

The leader makes decisions in consultation with subordinates;

The leader proposes a solution that can be adjusted after consultation with subordinates;

The leader sets out the problem, receives advice and recommendations from subordinates, on the basis of which he makes a decision;

The leader makes decisions together with subordinates;

The leader sets the framework within which subordinates make their own decisions.

Managers should think about the problems of their own style of work. Style must be practiced constantly. To do this, you need to know: the requirements of the job, your abilities and inclinations. Knowledge is also needed about different styles of activity and how to bring them into line with the requirements of the new conditions.

The psychological climate of the team, which reveals itself primarily in the relationship of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people's attitudes to the world as a whole, their worldview and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of a person who is a member of this team. Thus, the climate manifests itself in a certain way and in relation to each of the members of the collective to himself. The last of the relations crystallizes and a certain situation - the social form of self-relationship and self-consciousness of the individual.

Each of the members of the collective, on the basis of all other parameters of the psychological climate, develops in itself the consciousness corresponding to this climate, the perception, evaluation and feeling of one's "I" within the framework of this particular community of people.

Often in the team there are people who are dissatisfied with any aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. can serve as a cause or cause for conflict.

Thus, on the basis of the conducted research, the following system of recommendations was developed and proposed for the leadership of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Moscow Region:

Apply the technique of possession by suggestion, persuasion with subordinates;

Conduct ongoing work to assess the moral and psychological climate in the team;

Be able to resolve conflicts that arise in a team and help in case of stressful situations;

Know what styles of leadership and leadership exist, and skillfully operate with them;

To be able to relieve the internal tension of the team, when necessary;

Be able to always support your subordinates, in any endeavors,

Be able to objectively assess the positive character traits of their subordinates and develop them;

Conduct regular work to create a positive moral and psychological climate, using the above methods;

Try to adhere to a democratic leadership style: to be a true leader of the team.

In conclusion, the following recommendations were developed and proposed for the head of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Moscow Region:

Objectively assess your capabilities and develop the missing qualities in yourself that would increase your authority and allow you to be a role model (for example, attention to other people's problems, honesty, ability to listen);

Depending on the situation, use different management methods, however, adhere to a democratic style, and take into account the opinion of employees when solving common problems;

Be demanding not only to others, but also to yourself, strive to improve;

Look for an approach to each of the employees, taking into account his personal characteristics, business qualities;

Treat all team members fairly;

As an incentive, use incentives, bonuses more often;

Learn to prevent emerging conflicts and resolve those that have already arisen, with the least damage;

Strive to constructively use any, even conflict situations, without fear of risk and responsibility;

Be flexible and able to compromise when persuading others;

Conduct regular work to assess and create a positive moral and psychological climate.

Summing up, we can conclude that managers of any rank and regardless of the size of the group should always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously build their behavior and choose the most optimal leadership style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise. And subordinates strove for innovations and improvements, there was a desire to work and be in demand.

Optimization of the psychological climate in the team

Another condition for a constructive resolution of conflicts is the optimization of the moral and psychological climate.

You can use the following paths.

1. Creation of objective conditions preventing the emergence and destructive development of pre-conflict situations. Among the objective prerequisites that contribute to the prevention of destructive conflicts, one can primarily include the creation of optimal conditions for work, life and leisure. This is basic conflict prevention. It is obvious that the less problems subordinates have with housing, timely and appropriate provision of all types of remuneration, opportunities for high-quality restoration of physical and spiritual resources, prospects for a decent life after completion of work, the less worries, contradictions and, therefore, conflicts.

Great value to prevent conflicts, it has a fair and transparent distribution of material and spiritual wealth in the team. The shortage of housing, financial and other material resources leads to an extreme aggravation of relations in cases where they are distributed among employees of the same team. This circumstance can lead to significant destructive consequences in situations of an unfair approach of the leader to solving these issues. Along with the distribution of material resources in collectives, the problem of the distribution of spiritual wealth occupies not the last place. These include promotions and awards. The importance of this issue lies in special attention subordinates to these aspects of life, since promotions and awards, firstly, testify to the objectivity of assessing their official activity leader, and secondly, provides promising career opportunities for their owners.

2. Selection and training of leaders. In psychological studies, it was revealed that the moral and psychological climate largely depends on the style of leadership. One of the typical causes of conflicts in the relationship between the leader and subordinates is the difference in approaches to evaluating the performance of the performer and the leader. It has been established that managers use four main methods of mutual evaluation of performance.

First, the results of the activity are compared with the initial state of affairs.

Secondly, they are compared with the purpose of the activity.

Thirdly, the results achieved are compared with the results obtained in solving similar problems by others (better or worse subordinates).

Fourth, the results are judged on how well they correspond to the evaluator's idea of ​​the ideal state of affairs.

When evaluating others, managers more often use a comparison of the performance of others with its goal, with the best results achieved by other subordinates who performed similar activities, with their own ideas about how they could do this work. These ways often lead to critical evaluation. The performer, on the other hand, evaluates his work by comparing it with the beginning of the activity or with other subordinates who are less successful in similar activities. These methods usually lead to a positive assessment of the results.

Reducing the likelihood of conflicts associated with the evaluation of performance results, contributes to the use of several methods of evaluation, increasing its objectivity, depth and versatility. Evaluation will be more objective if it is based on an assessment of what has been done, and not just what has not been done.

An important place in leadership style is occupied by way of criticism.

Unfortunately, a significant number of managers simply do not know how to correctly point out shortcomings and encourage subordinates to correct them. Considerfundamental requirements for criticism.

First, before criticizing, it is necessary to take a number of actions, namely: to find out if it is possible to correct the matter without criticism; determine the purpose of criticism, its content side; find out how the critic reacts to criticism, and in accordance with this choose its optimal form; listen to the position and arguments of the criticized to the end; state your point of view on the criticized shortcoming, etc.

Secondly, it is necessary to make criticism constructive and business-like. It consists in the following aspects: an indication of the essence of the shortcomings, the main and all the perpetrators, the measure of their guilt (shortcomings); analysis of the conditions and causes that led to the shortcomings; forecasting the consequences, determining the victims, measures, deadlines and those responsible for eliminating deficiencies, etc.

Thirdly, it must be remembered that criticism only achieves an effect if the criticized person correctly perceives its essence and does not show internal resistance to it.

The achievement of this goal is facilitated by: the correctness of criticism, its benevolence and businesslike character; the appropriateness of the forms of criticism used; exclusion from criticism of concepts that degrade the human dignity of the criticized; avoiding re-criticism if deficiencies are corrected; exclusion of undermining the trust, independence and initiative of subordinates by criticism; manifestation of self-criticism, analysis of one's own mistakes in the past and transfer of experience in their effective correction, etc.

3. One of the sources of conflict is negative leadership. The prevention of negative leadership involves, first of all, the early identification of subordinates who differ organizational skills, the desire to dominate. Identified subordinates with leadership inclinations should be included in the official structure of the organization as part of the asset, etc. It must be remembered that leadership is a natural, spontaneous process, and it is pointless to fight an informal leader as a phenomenon. It is much more effective to convince the leader that it is more profitable for him to be a leader who supports the official leader, rather than a leader who opposes. So, on the one hand, one should notice and encourage the positive initiative of the leader (distribution of roles at work, emotional support for other team members in difficult life situations, negative emotional reaction for violations of discipline, etc.). Do not be afraid to publicly recognize the authority of a leader who shows positive aspects in informally influencing comrades.

On the other hand, a leader who begins to exert a negative influence (incitement to harass individual members of the team, ridicule and threats, the creation of opposing groups, weakening the power of the leader) should immediately feel that the leader knows his role in these processes. Often, placing personal responsibility for the state of the climate in the team on such a leader is able to “deploy” him in the required direction. Leaders, even with a negative direction for the team, are often individually characterized very positively. Often they have high professional training, significant work experience, and sometimes merit. In working with such subordinates, it is necessary to coordinate the leaders of various levels, to prevent rewarding people for individual merits if they have a harmful effect on the entire team.

4. Intensification of activity as a way to prevent negative phenomena in the team. Both practitioners and scientists are unanimous in their opinion: idleness is one of the main causes of conflicts, dissatisfaction with the collective atmosphere. So, A.S. Makarenko has repeatedly stressed that the only condition for the formation of truly comradely relations can be only an intense working life. Experience confirms that where intensive labor activity, fewer problems with discipline, conflicts, higher satisfaction with interpersonal relationships. But it should be remembered that such a path is effective when the value of specific types of activity is high, in solving tasks that are important, according to members of the team.

5. The activities of working with the team, in addition to specific educational goals, also have a general ennobling effect on the moral and psychological climate of the team. Life, "seething" in the team, constant various events, interesting extracurricular activities for everyone - one of the most effective means building a strong workforce. A.S. Makarenko proposed the principle of "tomorrow's joy" - in the team there should be constant expectation and preparation for some important and pleasant events for everyone.

6. Psychological education and training of team members in ways to prevent and constructively resolve conflict situations. Numerous experiments by psychologists have shown that the development of a communicative culture, the formation of skills for introspection and analysis of the behavior of other people, the assimilation of algorithms for conflict resolution can significantly improve the moral and psychological climate in the team, reduce the frequency and intensity of adverse events.

Let's briefly consider what needs to be done in order to resolve the conflict with minimal negative consequences.

Conflict resolutionis a joint activity of the parties to the conflict, aimed at ending conflict resistance and solving (full or partial) the problem that led to the collision. This is the activity of both parties to transform the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the action of the causes of the conflict.

First of all, any effective resolution involves working on yourself. This means the following:

it is necessary to determine in time that the interaction has become pre-conflict, and, if possible, interrupt it, or “return” to the original normal point;it pays to be patient. Sometimes it is appropriate to argue that the opponent is wrong, but it is important to maintain the confidentiality and delicacy of communication;

one must be able to delve deeply into the essence of the problem of interaction, avoid confrontation if there is no confidence in understanding the true motives of the partner’s behavior;

purposefully work on reducing their own anxiety and aggressiveness, master the methods of mental self-regulation. Develop skills and readiness to effectively manage their psyche in difficult situations of interaction, be able to avoid overwork, overexcitation, etc.;

have an inner conviction to solve problems that arise in interpersonal relationships problems predominantly through compromise, cooperation, avoidance or concession;

Now let's listmain methods of influencing the opponent's personality:

- change the opponent's attitude not by direct and radical influences, decrees on shortcomings, but by friendly, sincere advice, advanced compliments about his potential merits;

- choose the best forms of influence on a partner, taking into account his situational mental state. This is possible if you know the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication;

- timely inform the opponent about the infringement of your interests. Sometimes the problem arises because your colleague does not know what is causing you harm, and you are not able to delicately tell him about it;

- in relation to your interests, be firm, and in relation to your opponent, take as soft a position as possible. Be a diplomat!

- during the discussion of important and acute problems, do not interrupt the opponent, give him the opportunity to speak out;

- Inform colleagues in advance about your decisions, actions, if they affect their interests;

- "Don't push your opponent into a corner." A person placed in a hopeless situation easily "explodes" and behaves in an acute conflict;

- do not expand the number of problems during the discussion of an acute issue, as this expands the boundaries of opposition;

- do not criticize the personal qualities of the opponent, avoid unambiguous, harsh assessments of his actions (decisions);

- establish and maintain informal contact with an interaction partner.

Thus, despite the naturalness of conflicts for modern society, the presence of many objective reasons for the formation of negative relationships, there are various techniques and ways to maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in teams.

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