Highlander. Knotweed - beneficial properties and contraindications, use in folk medicine

Among the inconspicuous meadow herbs you can find many very beneficial for health. If you know what they look like and how to use them, you can do without pills and expensive medical procedures. The knotweed is a prime example of this. This humble plant, which many people mistake for weeds, is so good for hemorrhoids that it is popularly called hemorrhoid grass. Those who have used it to get rid of their delicate problem speak about the knotweed with delight and recommend it instead of expensive ointments and suppositories. We offer detailed description this herb, methods of its preparation and recipes for preparing medicines from it for hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Botanical description

The knotweed belongs to the buckwheat family and to the genus with the beautiful name Persicaria. Outwardly, he is not particularly remarkable. Its thin, erect stem can grow up to 1 meter and higher, but there are also very small plants up to 10 cm in height. In tall specimens, the stem has many nodes (knobs) that provide it with some rigidity. Due to this feature, the highlander in some regions is called multi-knee. Almost always in these places branching of the stem is observed.

The leaves of the knotweed are a bit like peach leaves. They are green, long and narrow (up to 20 mm wide and up to 110 mm long), with a sharp tip and a dark spot in the middle. By this feature, the plant can be distinguished from other species. The leaves are arranged quite densely on the stem. They have practically no petioles (sessile); at the base they are equipped with a ciliated bell that encloses the stem.

The flowers of this herb are small and inconspicuous, collected in an inflorescence of spikes. Its length rarely exceeds 60 mm. More often, such dense but short spikelets are 30-40 mm in size. They are located on the tops of the stems. The tone of the petals is pink or white. The plant blooms from early summer until frost.

As a result of pollination, fruits are formed - small shiny nuts. They are black in color, covered with a filmy perianth, and have a triangular or ovoid shape.

The root of this species of knotweed is taproot, with virtually no branches. In autumn the plant dries out, as it is an annual. Reproduction is carried out by seeds.


The knotweed loves moisture. Therefore, you can find it on the banks of rivers, lakes, artificial canals, near ponds and estuaries. However, this plant has learned to survive relatively far from water. It is found in irrigated gardens, along roads (in regions with a rainy climate).

Hemorrhoid grass grows almost all over the world. It is found in Europe (from Portugal to Greenland), in Asia (including Japan and Indonesia), in Australia, in New Zealand, in America, where it was introduced by accident. In Russia, it can be found throughout the territory except the northernmost regions.

Chemical composition

The modest herb Knotweed is incredibly rich in various chemical substances. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of this wonderful plant are determined precisely by what is contained in its above-ground parts.

Hydroxymethylanthraquinones were found in its root. These substances are needed to protect the knotweed from pests living in the soil. Hydroxymethylanthraquinones are derivatives of anthracene and can be used as a laxative or antibacterial. But the process of extracting them from plants (especially those that do not contain them) a large number of) complicated. Even a small mistake can change their properties. Therefore, the root of the kidney plant is used extremely rarely.

In its ground parts the following were found:

  • tannin;
  • flavonoids (rutin, quercitrin, avicularin, hyperoside);
  • essential oil;
  • slime;
  • organic acids (butyric, gallic, acetic);
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin K;
  • calcium oxalate.

Beneficial properties of knotweed

Many people know that this herb is used to treat hemorrhoids. But preparations made from it also have the following therapeutic properties:

  • Laxative.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anthelmintic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antitumor (used only in folk medicine).

Preparations from hemorrhoid herbs can increase blood viscosity, improve the condition of blood vessels (lymphatic and circulatory), and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

What ailments does it treat?

The health benefits of knotweed are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • constipation;
  • fibromatosis and uterine atony;
  • colpitis (douching);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • bladder cancer and stomach cancer (in folk medicine);
  • urolithiasis disease.

Externally as lotions and compresses for:

  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • headaches;
  • lichen;
  • wounds and rashes of various types.

For rinsing with:

  • sore throat;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • laryngitis.


There is not a single medicine that can be used by absolutely all patients, and not a single plant that has the same effect on every person. This also applies to the knotweed. Contraindications for ingesting decoctions and tinctures from it are based on the fact that this plant is poisonous. This means that they must be used without violating the dosage and without exceeding the recommended courses of treatment. This herb should not be used for the following conditions and diseases:

  • Pregnancy. Highlander increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, thrombosis. Polygonum preparations increase blood viscosity, which promotes thrombus formation.
  • Childhood.
  • Allergy to substances contained in this herb, which causes individual intolerance to drugs based on it.


Beekeepers know what a good honey plant the knotweed is. The properties of the plant are partly manifested in the honey made from it. It tastes great. When sugared, small crystals form in it. The color of honey varies from light to dark, depending on various reasons. The main difficulty is that it is almost impossible to collect only knotweed honey because it is not cultivated on an industrial scale. Bees take bribes not only from this grass, but also from other flowers growing next to it. Therefore, in essence, the honey turns out to be floral. However, if you find a section of meadow where there are continuous thickets of knotweed, then you can take up to 225 kg of honey from 1 hectare. Despite the fact that it does not have the contraindications listed above, it should be consumed in moderation.

Polygonum: recipes

Traditional healers know many ways to prepare potions from this herb to treat various ailments. These can be decoctions for oral administration, decoctions and infusions for gargling (for example, throat), tinctures for compresses and rubbing, ointments. It is necessary to observe the dosage in the manufacture and use of all drugs, especially those used orally.

The simplest recipe for hemorrhoids. You can prepare an alcohol tincture from knotweed: pour 15 grams of the raw material (dry and crushed) into a glass of any vodka. This mixture must be infused for two weeks, shaking regularly. On the 15th day, the tincture needs to be strained. It is taken orally, 40 drops before each meal.

For hemorrhoids, decoctions for sitz baths are also prepared from this herb.

Recipes for external use

To get rid of hemorrhoids, knotweed is used to prepare the following therapeutic agents:

  1. Decoction for baths. The grass (dried and crushed) is taken in the amount of 4 spoons for the soup, poured with boiling water (500-600 ml) and left to simmer in a water bath for about 40 minutes. You can simply let the broth boil and then cool it to an acceptable temperature, but the medicine prepared in a water bath will be more effective. After 40 minutes, the broth is filtered through cheesecloth or a strainer, more water is added and poured into a bowl of such a volume that the buttocks can be placed in it. Sitz baths are carried out in a warm medicinal product. They can only be done if the hemorrhoids do not bleed. The number of procedures is not limited. Duration - until the water cools down. After a bath it is very useful to lubricate sore spot medicinal cream and lie down so as not to put stress on the muscles.
  2. Poultices. They are not specially prepared. For poultices, use the cake that remains after filtering the decoction of the kidney plant. The grass is squeezed out until water stops flowing out of the cake, wrapped in 1 layer of gauze and applied to the problem area. The procedure lasts until the medicine cools down. The cake can also treat swelling of the legs and pain in the joints due to rheumatism.

Healing ointment

This is another remedy from knotweed that is effective for hemorrhoids. Making the ointment is quite simple. Using the method described above, you need to prepare a decoction of this herb, mix it with honey (you can take any). Proportions 1:1. Add butter to the mixture and beat until a homogeneous, fairly thick mass is obtained. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Use several times a day.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with bleeding

There are several recipes for drugs that help stop bleeding (uterine and hemorrhoidal). All drugs are taken orally. Proportions are given for dry crushed raw materials.

  1. Infusion. Pour 2 soup spoons of raw material into a thermos, add 500 ml of boiling water. Close the thermos. Leave for 2 hours. Filter. Drink 25 ml (about 3 tablespoons) before each meal. This medicine prevents bleeding and improves intestinal motility.
  2. A decoction that can be used not only for bleeding, but also for constipation, gum problems (periodontal disease, scurvy). Take 2 soup spoons of raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and leave to simmer in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Cool and filter. You need to drink the product before each meal, about 20 minutes before it starts. Dosage - 1 tbsp. spoon. To treat gums with this drug, rinse oral cavity.
  3. Infusion. First, prepare a decoction from the herb of the knotweed. To do this, take 1 soup spoon of raw material, pour in 500 ml hot water and boil for about 15 minutes. Next, the product is infused for 2 hours and filtered. Drink 100 ml before meals.

Procurement of raw materials

When collecting knotweed, you need to be able to distinguish it from other similar species. The most similar to it is rough mountaineer (spreading), which does not have the necessary medicinal properties. Plants can be distinguished by characteristic feature. The rough knotweed has dense hairs on its peduncles. They are also on the underside of the sheet and on the bells (elbows).

The collection of ground parts of knotweed is carried out during the flowering period. In this case, it is imperative to leave several bushes alive so that they can give birth to offspring.

The collected grass is carefully reviewed, removing all unnecessary plants from the collection (for example, rough knotweed). The remaining mass is dried, trying not to delay the process. Raw materials suitable for use should not darken. If this happens during the drying process, the grass is thrown away.

In the article we discuss the knotweed. You will learn what grass looks like and where it grows. We will list medicinal properties plants and tell you how to treat hemorrhoids, constipation and bleeding with remedies based on knotweed. By following our tips, you will learn how to prepare infusions, decoctions, ointments and suppositories at home.

Knotweed is a herbaceous plant of the genus Persicaria (lat. Persicaria). Latin name: Persicaria maculosa. Other names are kidney grass, bitterweed, spotted persicaria, kidneyweed, goose grass. Previously belonged to the genus Highlander (lat. Polygonum).

What does it look like

Appearance of the knotweed. Knotweed has an erect, slightly branched stem. The height of the shoot is no more than 1 meter.

The leaves are oblong, narrowed at the base. The length of the leaf blade is from 3 to 10 cm. On the surface of most leaves there is a reddish spot.

Small pink or white flowers are collected in spike-shaped racemes, 2-3 cm long. This annual species blooms throughout the summer.

The fruit is a small shiny black nut. Ripens in July - September.

Where does it grow?

The knotweed is found almost throughout Europe, Asia and North America. In Russia it grows everywhere except the northern regions.

The grass prefers moist soil, so the plant is most often found along ponds and in damp meadows. Knotweed can be seen in the vegetable garden or garden as a weed.

See how the knotweed grows in the following video:

Polygonum herb

The grass of the knotweed is used as a medicinal raw material. It is poisonous, so products based on it should be used with extreme caution and only after consultation with a specialist.

Chemical composition

Knotweed contains:

  • essential oil;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tannin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin K;
  • pectin substances.

Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, medicinal infusions and decoctions are prepared from knotweed. These drugs strengthen the cardiovascular system and have a diuretic and laxative effect.

Most often, knotweed is used to treat hemorrhoids and stop uterine bleeding. Plant-based products have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antibacterial effects.

How to collect

Polygonum grass is collected during the flowering period, i.e. throughout the summer. The stems are cut along with the flower spikes. You should wear gloves when collecting, as the plant is poisonous.

Dry the grass in the open air at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. The finished raw materials are stored in a ventilated, dry place for 2 years.

How to use

Polygonum herb is sold in any pharmacy. A decoction of the plant is used to rinse the mouth. It has an astringent and drying effect.

The product is used externally to treat skin diseases in the form of lotions, poultices, and compresses.

An infusion of Polygonum renalum is used as an analgesic and diuretic.

It increases blood clotting and is used to stop uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Knotweed is included in rectal suppositories and hemorrhoidal ointments, which can be prepared at home.

Their recipes are given below.

Ointment for hemorrhoids

Knotweed herb effectively eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids: pain, itching, inflammation. Products based on it have anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects.


  1. Knotweed - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 500 ml.
  3. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Melted butter - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Pour water over the dry herb and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the broth, add oil and honey, stir. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator. If you add 1 tablespoon of beeswax to the recipe, you will get a plastic mixture. You can form a rectal suppository from it and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The candle should harden.

How to use: The ointment is applied to the anal sphincter after each bowel movement. The product in the form of candles is used 1 piece 1-2 times a day.

Result: Rectal suppositories quickly eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, acting on the source of inflammation from the inside. The ointment is effective for treating local symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

Decoction for bleeding (uterine)

Knotweed has a powerful hemostatic effect. Infusions and decoctions of the plant are used in gynecology to stop postpartum bleeding.


  1. Polygonum herb - 10 g.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the dry herb, add water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat, cover and let steep for at least 2 hours.

How to use: Take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Result: The product effectively copes with uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, enhances blood clotting, increasing its viscosity. This recipe can be used for baths for urolithiasis.

Infusion for constipation (laxative)

Knotweed has a laxative effect and is often used to relieve constipation.


  1. Polygonum herb - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour the dry herb into a thermos, add boiling water, close the lid and leave for 1.5 hours. Strain the finished product.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Result: The product promotes gentle bowel movements.

Knotweed - honey plant

Knotweed flowers attract bees from mid-summer until frost. From 1 hectare of thickets up to 225 kg of honey is obtained. One flower produces 0.355 mg of nectar per day. Honey is light amber in color, less often it is dark in color.

How is it different from bird

Knotweed and birdweed belong to different genera of plants. Renal to the genus Persicaria, avian to the genus Highlander. Plants differ in external characteristics:

  • The knotweed has long lanceolate leaves, pointed towards the edge. The knotweed has small leaves.
  • Polygonum flowers are collected in long racemes located at the top of the stem. Knotweed has small flowers located in the axils of the leaves.


Polygonum herb is poisonous, so products based on it should be used with extreme caution. Before use, consult your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of knotweed:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • stomach upsets;
  • pregnancy period;
  • allergy.


The Buckwheat family (lat. Polygonaceae), to which the knotweed belongs, unites 55 genera and more than 1,200 plant species. The plant belongs to the order Cloves (lat. Centrospermae), class Dicotyledons (lat. Dicotyledones), department Flowering (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Persicaria includes 66 plant species. The most famous of them:

  • amphibious knotweed;
  • knotweed;
  • pepper knotweed;
  • eastern knotweed;
  • sorrel-leaved knotweed.

Knotweed infographics

Photo of the knotweed, his beneficial features and application
Infographics on knotweed

What to remember

  1. The knotweed is found almost throughout the entire territory of our country.
  2. This plant is used in folk medicine to treat hemorrhoids and stop uterine bleeding.
  3. The herb Knotweed is poisonous, so you should take products based on it with extreme caution.

Good health, my dears! If you have ever read Russian classics, you have almost certainly come across the name of the disease as kidney disease. Landowners often suffered from it. As a rule, they had close friendships with county doctors who relieved attacks of this unknown disease.

To be fair, it should be said that this pathology has not disappeared anywhere, moreover, it has even become more widespread. Only now the name has changed from common to official and now we know it under the name hemorrhoids.

Why did I decide to give you this little historical excursion? The thing is that the hero of my today's story is spotted persicaria, kidney grass or knotweed (you can also hear such names as goose grass, bitterweed, bitterweed or flea grass).

Now it is completely clear to us why this modest plant was given such a name, because it is an old and well-proven remedy for an unpleasant scourge. Let's talk today about how it can help us in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

This inconspicuous-looking grass can often be found along the banks of rivers or streams; it always chooses damp and damp places. In our country, this distant relative of buckwheat can be found almost everywhere except deserts and the Far North.

By the way, remember that there are many varieties of knotweed. The one we need has a spot almost in the middle of the leaves, and its stems are covered with small hairs.

The extraordinary properties of kidney grass

The beneficial properties of this plant are associated with its unique composition. Doctors say that it contains tannins, essential oils and flavonoids, various organic acids and tannins, vitamin K and ascorbic acid, pectins, etc.

How does a plant help fight pathology?

This herb for hemorrhoids has a pronounced hemostatic effect. Two vitamins C and K, which are contained in this plant, strengthen the walls of your blood vessels.

In addition, highlander is able to increase blood viscosity, which also has a positive effect on its ability to prevent bleeding.

However, its peculiarity may also be a contraindication. This applies to cases where a specialist has discovered thrombosed nodes in you.

Highlander will help dry out your mucous membranes, and in addition, it has a slight astringent effect. Tannins that can be found in this herb also stop bleeding and heal inflamed areas on the mucous membrane.

The use of this herb is also necessary in cases where the patient needs to relieve inflammation. And this is a constant companion to any exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

This effect is provided by tannins, vitamins and flavonoids. They can also help you forget about burning, itching and swelling.

Kidney herb also has useful properties such as a laxative effect. In other cases, this can be harmful, but when hemorrhoids worsen, constipation is often an unpleasant complication. Therefore, this feature will only benefit you.

How to properly collect raw materials for preparing medicines?

It is advisable to collect knotweed away from settlements. You should choose young and healthy plants without signs of spoilage; cut off only the top parts. This must be grass in bloom.

We dry them in a cool, dry place where there is no access to direct sunlight. Ideally, this should be a well-ventilated attic.

You can use a special drying machine and dry the grass at a temperature of 40 degrees. If you dry the kidney grass correctly, it retains its original color.

If you still do not have sufficient experience for these manipulations, then I advise you to purchase these products at the pharmacy.

Please note that knotweed quickly loses its beneficial properties and after two years of storage it is practically useless.

What medicines can be prepared from it?

  • Making a tincture

Take 2 tablespoons of dry and crushed herbs and pour half a liter of boiling water. It is advisable to do this before bed so that it infuses.

Then it is filtered and drunk throughout the day, dividing this portion into three doses.

This drink will prevent bleeding and normalize intestinal function.

At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made tincture of kidneyweed. Take it 40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. It will also protect you from constipation and bleeding.

  • Lotions

The recipe in this case is also quite simple. Boil a liter of water in a water bath with 8 tbsp added. spoons of grass. Keep it on fire for 35-40 minutes.

Then this liquid needs to be cooled and filtered. Then we soak a piece of soft cloth or gauze in it and apply it to the inflamed nodes. This is usually true for external hemorrhoids.

  • Baths

The above tincture can be poured entirely into a warm bath. We sit in this water for about 15 minutes, and then wipe ourselves dry and lubricate the anus with any ointment for hemorrhoids.

You can wash yourself with this decoction after each bowel movement. A course of such baths from 7 to 14 days, depending on the manifestations of the disease, will be especially effective.

  • Enemas

The basic tincture recipe described above is also perfect for enemas, especially when the main nodes are inflamed inside your sphincter. Remember, however, that too frequent enemas can disrupt the already fragile balance of microflora inside your anus.

  • Poultices

If you do not have bleeding, but only inflamed and are tormented, then you can try this method.

How to apply poultices in this case? Very simple and economical. When you brew the herb for tinctures, after straining while it is still warm, you can apply this mass to the nodes for a while.

Usually until it cools down. Such poultices will help normalize blood circulation, restore blood flow from inflamed areas, and make you forget about pain and itching.

  • Ointment

You can grind the herb into powder and mix it with Vaseline or any other simple cream, like a child's one. Lubricate both external and internal hemorrhoids with this product. You can mix the decoction with butter and a small amount of honey.

Use this ointment in the same way as in the previous case. Instead of butter take vegetable, and instead of honey - beeswax.

  • Candles

Candles for treatment can be prepared according to different recipes. For example, ice ones. For them, you need to freeze the knotweed decoction and place such a suppository before going to bed.

You can make a longer-lasting candle by mixing powder made from knotweed with honey and wax. For viscosity add here vegetable oil. We form candles and put them in the refrigerator to freeze.

Instead of the base, you can use unsalted lard. It should be melted over low heat, and then the broth should be poured here. medicinal plant(about 3 tablespoons). To thicken, you can add a little starch and petroleum jelly. Then pour the hot mixture into molds and cool. We place these candles in a row before going to bed.

Who should not use this treatment method?

Kidney herb should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Given its ability to increase blood viscosity, it is prohibited to use it even when you have any problems with blood clotting or have already experienced thrombosis.

Be careful if you have pathologies of the bladder and kidneys.

It would also be useful to remind you that if you have chosen only this method of therapy and do nothing else, then you will not see a complete cure very soon.


The thing is that hemorrhoids are just a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle, which includes a whole set of various factors.

Which ones? You can find out more about this here:

We cure hemorrhoids in 48 hours.

In addition, here you can find ways to solve this problem, and a list of useful recommendations, and a lot of various medicines and techniques.

Review #1

I suffered from hemorrhoids after childbirth. When I tried to get treatment, it turned out that most of the medications were prohibited for me due to breastfeeding. I used sea buckthorn candles, and even some medicines, but it had no effect other than another upset. Then I decided to turn to traditional methods.

I chose the safest one: I simply washed myself with mountaineer infusion after each bowel movement and in the evening before bed. In addition, I began to monitor my diet. And after about 10 days there was an improvement, the bleeding almost disappeared, and the swelling subsided. A month later I forgot about the exacerbation, and now I have been living without new relapses for three years.

Anna, 29 years old.

Review #2

My husband is a driver. The work is sedentary and often there is no time to even stretch your legs. Naturally, food is also most often on the run and dry. Therefore, several years ago his hemorrhoids became inflamed.

I suffered terribly, but I couldn’t persuade him to go to the doctor, like many men. As a result, I began to look for recipes for hemorrhoids myself. I talked to my neighbor and she told me the most the best remedy- kidney grass.

I made him candles with beeswax. I put it before bed for 10 days in a row. After this I felt noticeably better. Now we do a preventive course every six months and so far there have been no exacerbations.

Olga, 44 years old.

Review #3

I am an accountant. I worked in an office all my life, it was a sedentary job, and after I turned 60, first problems with stool began, and then hemorrhoids appeared. She started treatment immediately. The problem is that the medications turned out to be quite expensive and only helped temporarily.

I bought kidney grass at the pharmacy and started making lotions. Sometimes I added the decoction to the bath. I noticed that the breaks between exacerbations are now longer and longer, and now I just try to regularly take warm baths with the tincture.

Review #4

I have been living with hemorrhoids for many years. Nothing helped. I even had a surgical operation where latex rings were applied. It saved, but only for a while. A year later, other nodes became inflamed. I decided to take drastic action.

Every evening I gave an enema with kidney herb, then made suppositories with it. I started playing sports and doing a course of special exercises for the pelvic area. I was very afraid of new relapses, but so far I have been living without new exacerbations and pain for the last two years.

Stay healthy and up new meetings.

Hemorrhoids can be treated not only with traditional drugs. There are medications that effectively relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

We suggest considering such a natural medicine as renal herb, from which infusions, decoctions, rectal suppositories, ointments, compresses and other antihemorrhoids are prepared.

Kidney grass: how to recognize and where to find?

Knotweed belongs to the annual herbs of the genus Persicaria of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae).

The plant has a branched single stem up to 100 cm long. The leaves of the knotweed are lanceolate and smooth with red spots.

The grass blooms in spike-shaped inflorescences of pinkish, white or scarlet color. After the knotweed fades, fruits ripen in place of the flowers - dark, glossy oval nuts.

The knotweed is widespread in Europe and Asia. In Russia, this plant can be found on the banks of rivers and lakes, as it loves moisture, as well as in the field, vegetable garden, garden, where it is a weed. And few people know that this weed is an effective natural cure for hemorrhoids.

Medicinal composition of knotweed

Knotweed is incredibly rich in useful and medicinal substances, namely: organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, phlofabens, tannin, pectins, etc.

Let's look at each component of the knotweed in more detail:

  1. Organic acids present in the plant have antimicrobial properties and normalize the functioning of digestive system and restore physiological pH in tissues.
  2. Flavonoids are represented in knotweed by avikuryarin, quercetrin, quercetin, etc. Flavonoids are the main natural antioxidants that protect the body from the negative effects of various factors. These substances also reduce inflammation.
  3. Flofabens are substances that give the dark color of knotweed fruits and have a tannic effect.
  4. Vitamins in knotweed include vitamin K and ascorbic acid. Vitamin K belongs to hemostatic agents. Ascorbic acid is another natural antioxidant, which, moreover, prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Medicinal properties of knotweed for hemorrhoids

Traditional or non-traditional treatment of hemorrhoids should be aimed at eliminating pain, inflammation and bleeding from hemorrhoids, healing cracks, combating constipation and preventing exacerbations.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, knotweed is widely used, as it has all the necessary properties that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms in patients and speed up recovery.

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Thanks to the presence of vitamins C and K, knotweed stops hemorrhoidal bleeding, strengthens the walls and normalizes the tone of venous vessels. At the beginning of hemorrhoidal disease, when there is still no bleeding, remedies based on knotweed will become an effective prevention of bleeding.

Phlabofens, tannin and other tanning components of knotweed cover cracks, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus with a protective film, thereby accelerating their healing. The formed film prevents pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating into the affected area.

In addition, tannins have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous and antipruritic effects.

Constipation is a pathogenetic factor of hemorrhoids, so normalization of intestinal function is an integral part of the treatment of this pathology. As mentioned earlier, knotweed contains essential oils that loosen stools.

The use of folk remedies based on knotweed will be an excellent addition to traditional methods treatment of hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to use knotweed as monotherapy.

Before using any remedy with this miraculous plant, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of knotweed

Products prepared from kidney herb, like any other medicine, have contraindications for use.

It is absolutely contraindicated to use knotweed in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity to knotweed;
  • diarrhea.

There are also diseases for which renal herb products should be used with caution, for example, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal failure, etc.

When should you prepare knotweed?

The grass needs to be collected during its flowering period - July-September. For this purpose it is cut off top part plants, leave 20-25 cm of stem above the soil.

The most suitable and correct method of harvesting grass is considered to be drying in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-45 °C. Drying the collection in a dark, ventilated room is also allowed.

If the grass is harvested correctly, the leaves should remain their natural color, but if done incorrectly, they will turn black.

Dry knotweed is stored in paper boxes for no longer than two years.

Knotweed for hemorrhoids: recipes for remedies

Infusion of knotweed

Steam 3 tbsp. l. chopped kidney herb 1 cup boiling water.

Leave to brew for 20-30 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Take 1 tablespoon of infusion orally three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

If you have a thermos, you can prepare the infusion in it.

To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. collecting knotweed and pour ½ liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take the prepared infusion 3 to 4 times a day in small portions.

By consuming an infusion of knotweed, you will normalize stools and prevent rectal bleeding.

Polygonum decoction

Pour 20 g of knotweed collection into ½ liter of boiling water. Cook in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth through cheesecloth and cool until room temperature.

Use herbal decoction for lotions. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze swab with the broth and apply to the anus for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to apply lotions 2-3 times a day.

The decoction can also be used as a bath. Pour 3-4 liters of water at 40-42 °C into a basin and add to it the prepared warm decoction of Polygonum. Sit in the basin and take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, dry the anus and perineum with a soft towel. The effectiveness of this treatment will increase if, after the bath, the anus is lubricated with hemorrhoid ointment or a suppository is inserted into the rectum.

Lotions and baths stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, relieve inflammation and heal defects in the anal mucosa.

Also, if hemorrhoids do not bleed, you can make a poultice from the warm herb that was left over when preparing the decoction.

Place the warm herb on gauze and apply it to the anus until it cools completely.

No less effective for hemorrhoids are microenemas with a decoction of knotweed. 50 ml of a decoction at room temperature is injected with a syringe into the rectal canal once a day at night for 3-5 days. Longer treatment with enemas is not recommended, since the microflora of the rectum is washed away.

Kidney herb ointments

Grind the dried knotweed herb in a coffee grinder to form a powder. Thoroughly mix 30 g of the resulting powder with 30 g of Vaseline. Apply the prepared ointment to the anus twice a day.

Prepare a decoction of knotweed according to the recipes described below. Add 1 tbsp to ½ cup of broth. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter. Stir the mixture until smooth. Lubricate hemorrhoids with the prepared ointment after each bowel movement.

Ointment from the kidney herb is used for itching of the anus, anal bleeding fissures and tears.

Rectal suppositories from knotweed

Prepare a decoction of kidney herb and pour it into plastic tablets for medicine ampoules. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Insert one suppository into the rectal canal at night.

Spotted peach is called by many names. For some, it is known as kidney grass, for others – kidneyweed. In the scientific community this is Persicaria maculosa, and in common parlance: bittergrass, bitterweed, goosegrass or flea grass.

general description

No matter what anyone calls this modest plant, but if you ask many people, what kind of grass is it? You might hear that it's just a weed. It is not planted on purpose, it sows its own seeds, it germinates in inconvenient places - where people do not use certain areas of their gardens. By and large, bitterweed grows modestly, not intrusively. However, people who are knowledgeable about herbs know for sure that there is no more useful folk remedy than knotweed for hemorrhoids.

This plant is not simple - it is quite poisonous, however, when correct use, is a proven and reliable remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids and associated bleeding.

Appearance: annual plant, up to one meter high with lanceolate oblong foliage. There is a characteristic reddish spot on top. It blooms for a long time: 3 months of summer and early autumn with white or pink small flowers collected in inflorescences. The fruits ripen in the form of a nut.

Kidney herb - unique properties

Like any medicinal herb, knotweed is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. Its main property is considered to be the elimination of hemorrhoids (“kidneying” is how this disease was called in the old days) and bleeding associated with it. Gorchak has the characteristic ability increase blood clotting, increasing its viscosity. Thanks to this property, when undergoing a course of treatment with gorkushnik, patients’ hemorrhoids stop bleeding and gradually their size becomes smaller, right up to complete disappearance.

A simple plant with a rich chemical composition

Persicária maculosa contains a large amount of flavonoids (up to 2.5%), namely:

  1. Avicularin and rutin.
  2. Quercetin and hyperoside.
  3. Hyperine and quercitrine.
  4. And also: isoquercitrin, kaemferol, kaemferol 3-galoctoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside.

It also includes:

  • Useful essential oils.
  • Irreplaceable textiles.
  • Flobarenes.
  • Medicinal pectin components.
  • All kinds of orgacids (acetic, oxalic, gallic, butyric, malic)
  • Vitamins K and C.
  • Microelements (copper, zinc, selenium).

Kidney herb - a remedy for hemorrhoids

Herbalists among the people may not have known the entire composition of the mountaineer, but they knew for sure that a patient suffering from kidney disease would be cured if he followed their instructions. They recommended using the medicinal herb both fresh and in the form of decoctions and tinctures. This insidious disease is also accompanied by pain. Gorchak removes them and alleviates the patient’s condition. Bloody discharge stops after several procedures. The “bumps” of the anus are slowly decreasing.

Since mustard is also a mild laxative, bowel movements with it occur without much strain, which has a positive effect on the treatment process. A person's condition improves significantly after two to three days of using knotweed. But this is not the final victory. It is necessary to complete the full course, which is individual for everyone, but on average lasts about a month. You should be aware of dosages, since the plant is poisonous in large quantities!

Not forgetting that the gorkushnik is not unique medicinal plant and you should take it carefully; you should not be afraid to be treated with it.

Recipe N1 (infusion)

Pour crushed gorkushnik (2 tablespoons) into prepared dishes. Pour a cup of boiling water, close the lid and heat in a water bath, stirring every 3 minutes. It takes 15 minutes. Then cool, leaving the mixture for 45 minutes, then squeeze out the contents and strain. To obtain a medicine, it must be diluted with water so that there is a total of 200 ml.

Take one spoon before meals - 3 times a day. The course lasts from one to three weeks (for each individual).

Recipe N2 (lotions)

  • Take 4 tablespoons of knotweed for 500 ml of boiled water.
  • Stir and cook the broth in a water bath for forty minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Cool and strain the contents.
  • Moisten gauze pads and apply to inflamed areas.

Do the procedure for a month, dipping the napkin as often as possible.

Recipe N3 (poultices)

Do not throw away the squeezed contents after decoctions, warm them up and use them as a poultice. They are recommended when there is no bleeding. Warm grass is applied to the inflamed hemorrhoidal areas, leaving until completely cooled.

Recipe N4 (baths for hemorrhoids)

The decoction prepared in the same way (as for lotions) is poured into warm water(a small amount of). They sit in it for fifteen minutes. Do the procedure 3 times a day. Afterwards, you need to wash your body with a towel and apply hemorrhoid ointment. This is how renal nodes are treated, but without signs of bleeding.


Like any healing remedy, knotweed is suitable for some sick organisms, but not for others. It is not suitable for people:

  1. Suffering from allergies (to this particular plant)
  2. All pregnant women (without exception)
  3. Diagnosis: thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes.
  4. With acute kidney problems (internal use is unacceptable, but external use can be used).

Hemorrhoids are a dangerous disease, but they are treatable. Therefore, there is no point in giving up. It is necessary to start treatment at the initial stage, using all proven folk remedies. The knotweed has helped many people - it will help you too!

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