Clematis arabella description. Clematis Arabella: variety description, care and reviews

Clematis Arabella is a beautiful plant that blooms all summer until mid-autumn and is characterized by the fact that it is densely strewn with many flowers that change their color from purple to blue.

This plant attracts a lot of people, as it is very easy to care for and is ideal for beginners and experienced gardeners.

Variety Description

An interesting and spectacular clematis Arabella is a long flowering. Liana can weave along supports or simply spread along the ground, it all depends on your own preferences. It is very often planted to cover the soil, as the flower is beautifully intertwined with other plants and has a simply luxurious look. According to the description, Clematis Arabella can reach a height of 1.5-2 meters.

This is a very beautiful and original liana, densely strewn with flowers, which in the process of growth change their color from dark purple to light blue with white stamens in the center. The flowers of the plant are quite unusual, they have 4-5 petals, reaching 7-9 cm in diameter. Flowering continues from June to October.

Often, nearby shrubs serve as a support for clematis Arabella. In addition, their shoots can be put on the trunk coniferous trees. Their combination with low junipers or thujas looks very original. You can use it as a balcony plant.

Features of cultivation and care

When growing clematis Arabella, care is minimal, as it is enough unpretentious plant. This is a light-loving shrub that prefers to grow in places protected from the wind, on fertile loamy soils. best time for landing is considered the end of May - the beginning of June. Before planting, you need to prepare the soil. Crushed stone or sand is poured into the bottom of the prepared pit with a layer of 10-15 centimeters for drainage. In the hole you need to put compost mixed with earth. When planting a plant, you need to make a small mound of earth so that the roots, reaching a meter depth, do not rot under the influence of groundwater. Since the plant is quite photophilous, it is best to plant it in a well-lit area, as this will ensure good growth and long flowering.

Plant care implies abundant watering at least once a week, loosening the soil and fertilizing, at least 3-5 times per season. In addition, it is necessary to carry out, as necessary, the fight against diseases and pests. For the winter, clematis is covered immediately after the first frost in dry weather with a layer of sawdust and earth.


Clematis Arabella is a rather unpretentious plant, however, to increase stability and give the flower more beautiful view be sure to prune the plant for the winter. Shoots are cut off 1.5-2 meters from the ground, laid on the ground and covered with a layer of sawdust and earth. This method of shelter will protect the root system from freezing.

Pruning can be carried out several times a year with very strong growth, as well as to remove damaged shoots.


Clematis Arabella flower propagation is carried out only in plants no older than 6 years, since it is quite difficult to divide the root system of an older plant. For reproduction, the shrub is carefully removed from the ground, its root system is thoroughly cleaned and division is carried out with the help of a pruner so that each part has a kidney on the root part.

To make layering, in the autumn, after flowering, you need to cut the leaves from the shoots, separate part of the plant to the first well-developed bud, weave them into a strong tourniquet and place the cuttings in grooves with a layer of peat. Fix the cuttings and also sprinkle with a layer of peat on top, cover with earth and compact it well. Plants should be covered with dry foliage. In the spring, you need to water the landing site abundantly and often, and as soon as the first shoots appear, you need to mulch the soil surface with humus or peat.

In autumn, the shoots of young plants will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place. It is best to dig up the sprouts with a pitchfork so as not to damage the root system. It is possible to bookmark the cuttings in the summer, however, in this case it is quite difficult to keep the sprouts that have appeared in the winter.

Clematis Arabella is a bright ornamental plant that can give inimitable beauty and make any site attractive during a period of violent and long flowering. Unpretentious, undemanding variety will be a wonderful decoration for any suburban area.

Description of clematis Arabella

The Arabella variety is a vine that is unable to independently cling to a support. When forming, flower bushes must be tied up without fail. On average, shoots reach a height of up to 2-2.5 m. Without fastening, clematis Arabella covers the soil, combining with other ornamental plants. The advantage of the Arabella variety is that the vine occupies a large area, preventing weeds from developing. With this method of growing, shoots grow up to 3 m. What clematis Arabella looks like can be seen in the photo.

The leaves of clematis of this variety are leathery, dark green, whole. A little downy.

Arabella's flowers are large, up to 9 cm in diameter, contain up to 5 - 8 petals. The color of the flowers varies from pale purple to light blue. Petals are elongated, ovoid. The middle of the flower is white due to the presence of many stamens. The combination of white and blue colors favorably distinguishes the flower against the background of bright green leaves. Arabella flowers develop on shoots that grow within one season.

Whole-leaved clematis Arabella blooms for a long time. Sometimes the first flowers appear on the shoots as early as mid-June. Flowering continues until the second decade of October.

The Arabella variety tolerates low temperatures well. Under shelter, clematis safely hibernates even at -30˚С.

Clematis Arabella pruning group

The Arabella variety belongs to the third pruning group. This means that after abundant flowering, all vines are cut almost to the root. Pruning is done in the fall, when preparing the vines for winter. Leave only stumps up to 20 cm high.

Note! After pruning, the remaining parts of the shoots should have at least 2 or 3 buds.

Pest and disease resistance

The Arabella variety is quite resistant to pest invasion. Diseases may also not bother clematis when proper care, which makes it attractive for cultivation in any region. A healthy plant has good immunity. Periodic inspection of clematis and timely measures taken will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the plant for a long time.

The use of clematis Arabella in garden design

The abundant and long flowering of clematis Arabella variety allows it to be used in garden design.

  • Clematis botanical Arabella looks great as a ground cover. Flowerbeds, rabatki, can be filled exclusively with clematis. In another version, it is used to tamp down rose bushes.
  • When decorating a summer cottage for Arabella clematis, the entire length of the shoots is used, growing the plant on a support. It is only necessary to tie up the plant from time to time. Mounting supports are made of different materials. They can be natural or specially purchased from flower shops.
  • Flowers are well combined with perennials with a short flowering period. Clematis shoots penetrate the perennial shrub, filling it with an abundance of flowers.
  • Clematis Arabella looks good next to coniferous shrubs.
  • Also, this variety is often used to decorate balconies, gazebos or attics, using it as an ampelous plant.

On a note! Clematis Arabella and climbing roses coexist perfectly together. This method of cultivation is an adornment of any site.

Breeding methods

For propagation of the Arabella variety, the vegetative method is best suited. It presents several technologies to choose from.

Whatever method of reproduction is chosen, young clematis Arabella bushes always need attention and special care.

Landing and care

Gardeners consider Clematis Arabella a finicky plant to grow. However, it is not. Subject to the recommended rules for planting and care, the Arabella variety will not require much time and effort. And in gratitude, he will give incomparable beauty for a long period.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right material for planting. It is better to purchase seedlings in a special flower shop. Specialists are engaged in the preparation of planting material, taking into account all the characteristics of the variety.

Clematis are sold with open and closed root systems. Before buying, you should carefully inspect the seedlings. With a closed root system, there should be 2-3 dormant live buds. With an open root system, a clematis seedling should have live roots. It’s good if there are up to 5 of them. Live buds on cut shoots should also be present.

Attention! You should not purchase seedlings that have light, thin shoots. In this form, they will hurt and take root for a long time.

When to plant

Clematis seedlings of this variety are planted mainly in the autumn and spring periods. To determine the landing, you should consider climatic conditions. If the climate is mild, Arabella can be planted in autumn. If autumn does not indulge in warmth, it is better to postpone the planting process to spring. In this case, the flowers will have much more time to take root and grow stronger.

Where to plant

For Clematis Arabella, a well-lit area is suitable. But there will also be partial shade or diffused sunlight good conditions for cultivation. It will be great if the area is protected from drafts.

The soil can be any, drainage is required. Loam is preferable for clematis. The place should be elevated so that excess moisture drains and does not linger in the soil.

Landing Rules

For planting Arabella, pits 60 by 60 cm are prepared. Drainage material is laid at the bottom: crushed stone, expanded clay, crushed brick. The soil taken out of the pit is mixed with compost. Mineral fertilizers and charcoal are added. A little prepared soil is poured onto the drainage slide. Place a clematis seedling. Roots need to be well straightened. After that, the pit is covered with prepared soil. The neck of the seedling should be slightly deepened. From above, the soil is mulched, and the Arabella seedling is shaded for several days so that the sun's rays do not scorch the tender shoots.


Caring for clematis of this variety is easy. You don't need to make any special efforts. But some rules must be followed without fail.

Loosening and mulching

After watering and rains, it is necessary to carefully, but without fanaticism, loosen the topsoil. It is not worth deepening the tool for loosening strongly, so as not to damage the roots of clematis.

The root system of the Arabella variety does not tolerate cooling and heating, so it is advisable to mulch the soil. Used for mulching straw or compost. The layer thickness should be 5-7 cm. At least once a month, the mulch layer must be renewed.

On a note! A layer of mulch prevents the growth of weeds.


Clematis Arabella must be watered at least once a week. In hot and dry weather, flowers should be watered more often. During the period of drought, you need to monitor the condition of the soil in the flower garden so that the clematis roots do not dry out.

top dressing

During the first year of cultivation, Arabella clematis does not need to be fed. Top dressing should be carried out from the second or third year after planting.

Up to 5 top dressings are carried out per season. At the beginning of the growing season, clematis is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. During the formation of buds, fertilizers are used that contain a maximum of nutrients, since abundant flowering takes a lot of strength from the plant. Clematis makes up for the lack of trace elements from the soil, and the soil in the flower garden quickly becomes impoverished.

After flowering is completed, fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus must be applied to help the plant prepare well for the winter cold.


Clematis Arabella is a variety belonging to the third pruning group. This means that after flowering, all shoots are cut almost to zero. Cut clematis in the fall, at least a month and a half before frost. They leave only small stumps up to 20 cm, on which 2-3 fully developed buds should be located.

Preparing for winter

Preparing clematis Arabella for winter is of no small importance. If you miss this care item or treat this event carelessly, the flower may die in winter.

Immediately after pruning, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the bushes. The thickness of the mulching layer should be at least 10-12 cm. Straw, sawdust, tree bark, dry foliage can be used as mulch. You can close the cut shoots with spruce branches.

On a note! To shelter clematis, it is undesirable to use the foliage of fruit trees.

Despite the fact that the Arabella variety is unpretentious and can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, it is still necessary to cover the bushes with covering material. After heavy snowfalls, you can additionally cover the flower garden with a snow blanket - throw as much snow as possible on the area where clematis grow.

Methods of control and prevention of pests and diseases

Clematis Arabella is fairly disease resistant. This quality of the variety is fully manifested only if all the recommended care rules are followed and the plant receives all the nutrients necessary for growth. However, it is not worth completely neglecting its protection against pests.

  • As a disease prevention, "Fitosporin" is used.
  • In rainy years, the use of Fundazol to combat gray rot will give good results.
  • Treatment with 1% solution blue vitriol save clematis leaves from ascochitosis.
  • When the clematis variety Arabella is infected with powdery mildew, a solution of soda ash will save.
  • A solution of 2% Bordeaux liquid eliminates rust.

On a note! In summer, during periods of abundant flowering, clematis can be treated with growth stimulants. Epin and Zircon are perfect for this purpose. Preparations protect flowers from stress and spring frosts. The bush grows well and blooms profusely and for a long time.


Clematis Arabella, despite the fact that it has smaller flowers, is still loved by many flower growers for its long and abundant flowering. Growing this variety is not so difficult, and the beauty that this inimitable flower gives is able to cheer up and give joy.


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Novice gardeners who want to have something unusual, beautiful and completely unpretentious on their site should think about planting clematis Arabella. Many species of this culture are famous for their capricious nature, but no need to be scared. If you follow the necessary care principles, Arabella clematis will decorate any area with lush and bright blooms.

Selection history

Clematis Arabella (Arabella) was bred in the early 90s of the XX century. This was done by a British breeder named Barry Fratwell. The plant is named after the daughter of the Lords Hershel, the wife of a soldier, General John Kizheli.

Attention! There is a type of clematis also called Arabella. However, it was withdrawn in the 19th century. He had white flowers. To date, this variety is considered lost.

Description of clematis Arabella

A feature of this variety is that it does not have the ability to climb, which is inherent in most varieties of clematis. Arabella is a member of the Integrifolia clematis family. This word, translated from Latin, means "whole-leaved." The foliage of the whole-leaved clematis Arabella is really not dissected and has a slight pubescence. Because of this, it can be assumed that among the parental varieties of the crop there were plants belonging to the Lanuginose group (translated from Latin as “woolly”).

Shrubs of the Arabella variety, as a rule, are formed into fairly raised domes from lush shoots. However, they do not know how to cling to anything at all, so when cultivating on supports, they need to be tied. Because of this feature, Arabella is often grown as a groundcover.

Typically, the height of a clematis of this variety can vary between 1.5-2 m. However, if it is grown as a ground cover shrub, it can reach 3 m.

As you can see in the photo, Arabella clematis flowers have a rich bluish-purple color at the initial stage of their opening. Later they take on a paler hue and become bluish-purple. Petals have an elongated shape and are arranged separately from each other. Their number can vary from 4 to 8. The stamens are cream colored. During the opening period, they may acquire a more yellow tint.

Attention! The flowering of botanical clematis Arabella has a rather large size - 7.5-9 cm.

Frost resistance, drought resistance

This variety has good resistance to low temperatures. The plant can withstand up to -30°C.

Clematis Arabella is also quite resistant to drought.

Disease and pest resistance

Judging by the reviews, clematis Arabella quite steadfastly copes with any troubles. If you follow all the principles of care, diseases and pests do not threaten him.

Methods for propagating clematis

This variety can only be propagated by the vegetative method, since propagation by seeds will bring completely the wrong result.

Arabella cuttings take root extremely slowly and difficult.

The ideal way for this species is reproduction by layering. Due to the fact that the stalks of clematis Arabella already cover the soil, it will not be difficult to attach them to it.

You can also resort to dividing the bush, but it will not allow you to immediately get a large number planting material.

Planting and caring for clematis Arabella

To make flowers delight others with a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules for planting and caring for clematis.

If the seedling has a closed root system, it is suitable for planting at any time during the spring or summer. In the case of an open root system, it should be planted in late spring or early autumn.

Choosing the right place

Like most varieties of this culture, Arabella loves good lighting, however, it is able to take root in a plot with a shadow. The growth characteristics of this species make it possible to plant it in a flowerpot or in a basket.

When planting in a flower pot or in ordinary soil, it is necessary to provide a root system young plant good drainage. In the process of watering, the liquid should not stagnate at the roots.

In the first 30-40 days after planting, clematis needs shade and moisture. This will help him take root in a permanent place.

Selection and preparation of planting material

As a planting material, it is best to choose rooted cuttings of small sizes that have dormant buds. They are easiest to save until planted on the lower shelves of the refrigerator. When the kidneys begin to wake up, the cuttings should be planted in a growing container for a while.

Attention! You should not purchase a seedling that has small white shoots. It will be difficult for such a plant to take root, and it will suffer from various diseases.

A seedling that has a closed root system and green shoots should be purchased 1-2 weeks before planting in a permanent place.

A seedling with a closed root system should have 2-3 live buds that have not yet blossomed, as well as approximately 5 root shoots, the total length of which is about 50 cm or less.

Arabella can take root on almost any type of soil, as long as it has drainage and nutrients.

Landing algorithm

When planting clematis seedlings in the soil, at least 20 cm of a drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the recess. When planting Arabella in a hanging basket, this is also necessary condition, however, the layer can be reduced to 10 cm.

Attention! Even in very large hanging baskets, clematis of any variety can grow only 3-4 years. After that, they will need to be transplanted or divided.

When planting a plant in a hanging pot, mix garden soil with humus and superphosphate. For landing in open ground it is also worth adding humus, wood ash and superphosphate.

The root necks of Arabella seedlings should be buried approximately 5-10 cm, however, in the northern regions, where the humidity level is high, a thick layer of mulch should also be used.

If you plan to use a support, then it must be installed before planting the plant.

Overview of clematis varieties Arabella:

Aftercare for clematis

In the future, plant care comes down to watering, fertilizing, mulching and protecting against pests.


Clematis Arabella should be watered approximately once every 7 days. At very high temperatures and droughts, the procedure can be carried out more often.

top dressing

It is necessary to start feeding a plant of this variety after the first year of its life. To do this, you can use a complex organo-mineral fertilizer intended for flowers. This event should be held every 14 days.

Mulching and loosening the soil

The root system of this crop does not tolerate heat and drought. In order to maintain the required level of moisture and temperature, it is necessary to mulch the near-stem soil immediately after planting the plant. In the process, straw, humus or compost should be used. After that, you need to observe and update the mulch approximately once every 1-2 months.


Arabella Clematis belongs to the third pruning group. This means that the plant needs to be cut quite strongly - only small (15-20 cm) stumps with 2 buds should remain from the shoots. This event must be carried out in the autumn.

Preparing for winter

This variety endures frosts, so for protection, you can simply cover the shoots that remain after cutting with organic matter.

Shrub shelter for the winter

For greater reliability, you can cover the shrub with any protective material.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Arabella Clematis is resistant to diseases and insect pests. For preventive purposes, shrubs can be treated with a solution of "Fitosporin" and "Fitoferm".

Clematis Arabella in garden design

This plant will be an excellent decoration for the garden, both in the mixborder and at the base of the fences. It can also be grown in rock gardens and on stone retaining walls.

In addition, you can decorate a balcony or terrace with Arabella by growing it in a hanging basket or planter.


Clematis Arabella is an excellent variety that is suitable for a beginner gardener. Graceful and compact creepers cover beautiful 4- or 8-leaf flowers that slowly change color from blue-violet to pale blue. The culture is easy to care for, as a rule, it does not cause any trouble to the owners.

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