Star losers: celebrities who have no education. How celebrities studied

Studying at school has always been a kind of challenge. You gained knowledge, tried to get used to the environment, make friends with classmates, get a good reputation with teachers and demonstrate the acquired knowledge well in various tests and exams.

But not all of this was possible. But if a person is a poor student, this does not mean that he is a fool.

Many great people did poorly at school.

Albert Einstein

The most famous “B student” in the world is Albert Einstein (in fairness, it is worth saying that he still got C grades). Family acquaintances recall that the parents of the future laureate Nobel Prize They hoped that he would be hired at least for the lowest paid job.

Isaac Newton

Can't fight back? Overwhelm your opponent with intelligence! It was after he was beaten by a classmate that Isaac Newton decided to overcome him with knowledge. As a result, Newton very quickly became the best student in the class, and later discovered the fundamental laws of physics, which Einstein relied on in his research.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

Continuing the theme of physicists: Sergei Korolev, the Soviet rocket designer, also did not shine at school, studying with only C grades. Nevertheless, he became a key figure in space rocket science of the last century. It was Korolev who created the Vostok manned spacecraft, on which Yuri Gagarin went into space in 1961.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

From physicists to lyricists: Vladimir Mayakovsky. The brilliant poet at school was still that tomboy. This later became a kind of literary device of Mayakovsky: twitchy, sharp poems with energetic rhythms are business card poet.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

But Anton Pavlovich Chekhov stayed twice in his second year at the gymnasium. But now his works are included in the compulsory school curriculum around the world.

Do you think you're no good just because you didn't do well in school? This is wrong. Many former bad students have achieved great success. The truth is that this success did not require mathematics or other science. But talking about your failures at school in front of cameras is much better, isn't it? We're not going to cure anyone here, but at least you'll feel better. Below is a list of celebrities who did poorly in school.

Already with early years Daniel Radcliffe realized that school was not for him. He dropped out of school to star in that "minor" movie called Harry Potter. Maybe you've heard of him?

He had so many problems at school that he was placed in a special class. He dropped out of high school when he was 17 and moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. My mom always told me never to fall in love with guys without education. But those eyes! You can see the whole ocean in them! Am I right, ladies?

The star of the movie "Very Bad Teacher" was a bad student. Cameron Diaz rarely got tested homework that I was simply in shock when I moved to the next class. She began her modeling career when she was 16. I am sure that the appearance of the actress did not in any way affect her wonderful transition from one class to another. It's just that those creepy old teachers had a good heart.

Many news people we know have worked hard in college to become the top of the class and then go on to careers and become some of the most respected figures in the news industry. Jon Stewart admitted to his former alma mater that he was not a good student. Since John became one of the most respected figures in news, perhaps many student journalists have put down their books and started having a blast.

The star of the films "Bourne Evolution" and "Fred Claus, Santa's Brother" was a bad student until she met an old teacher who instilled in her a love of science. Perhaps if some teacher showed me special interest and encouraged me, then I would never become a Pokemon owner. Each of us has our own path. I'm quite happy with the one I chose.

You may know that Andrew Daly has been through it all. He recently revealed on the WTF podcast that he was a terrible student and usually only moved on to subsequent grades because of a teacher who really liked him. If one day you find yourself frustrated because you're having trouble at school, don't despair—one day you can be just like Andrew Daly.

Peter Jackson didn't care about school. He was too busy teaching himself how to create amazing special effects in films, so he dropped out of school when he was 16. Perhaps if he had paid more attention to his math lessons, he wouldn't be in trouble now. Jackson makes three films out of one Hobbit book. Addition produces the wrong answer.

She had to switch to home schooling because she had problems in almost every subject due to her hectic acting schedule. The actress blames her teachers for everything and goes too far, saying that they deliberately flunked her because she caused them resentment. Yes. That's all. Of course, everyone was just jealous of her. Of course, she should have received special treatment, because she is special. No one in the world is capable of showing less emotion than she does. And this is a gift!

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Exams, grades, crib sheets, sleepless nights, cramming, valerian... Another one has come to an end academic year. This was the case 100, 50 and 10 years ago, and parents always repeated to their children: “If you study poorly, nothing good will come of you.” Of course, you need to listen to your parents... But, as practice shows, to achieve success in life, you don’t have to be an excellent student. The Superstars correspondent was convinced of this by visiting the Moscow Museum of Education, where grades are on display for everyone to see famous personalities who studied in the capital.

“Here’s a paradox: a man studied poorly at school, skipped classes, but grew up and became famous. And this happens all the time. Only every single one of the cosmonauts were excellent and good students,” museum director Yuri Konstantinovich Zuev shared with “Superstars.” - How did the stars themselves react to the fact that their ratings became public knowledge?

Vasily Livanov didn’t like our idea, although I don’t understand why: he only had good marks in his certificate. I don't know about the rest. But not one of the exposition’s heroes has yet come to look at their school successes. I think they don’t have time; they have enough problems of their own. Why look back to the past?

Excellent students

There were only three excellent students among the celebrities: Svetlana Alliluyeva, Philip Kirkorov and Vasily Lanovoy. Svetlana Alliluyeva’s certificate sheet has turned yellow with age, and the ink in some places has faded from the sun. There is no diversity in the certificate of Stalin’s daughter - opposite all 16 items, “excellent” is written in calligraphic handwriting.

The thought immediately arises that the estimates are inflated, that upsetting the leader in 1943 was like death. But, as Svetlana’s classmates later recalled, she really was a capable student. She just always kept herself apart. For example, Sergo Beria in his book “My Father - Lavrentiy Beria” wrote: “I remember Stalin’s daughter as an intelligent, modest girl. She knew English well. Svetlana sat at the same desk with my future wife. She introduced us to Marfa.”

Philip Kirkorov was also an exemplary “bunny” in childhood. At school No. 413 of the Zhdanovsky district, little Bedrosovich studied from the 3rd to the 10th grade and all these years was an example to the children. The future pop star graduated from school with a gold medal, exemplary behavior and an ideal description for a graduate of a Soviet school.

Principal Kiselevskaya and class teacher Korotkova did not skimp on flattering reviews: “All the years, Philip Kirkorov studied excellently, did a lot of social work, and was an active participant in all social and labor affairs at school. He showed particular activity in preparation for the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR.

He was awarded certificates of honor for organizing political information at school. He was a member of the school's Komsomol committee and headed the political sector. For two years he was a member of the school certification commission for conducting the Lenin test, and was the chairman of the commission for holding political watch competitions.

In the 9th and 10th grades, he was unanimously recognized as an excellent student of the Lenin test at political assessments. He took part in the political poster competition “The World Through the Eyes of Children” and in the children’s drawing competition between school 413 in Moscow and the school in Brno, Czechoslovakia, where he received 1st prize for the drawing “My Motherland - the USSR.”

He was fond of theater and music, was a member of the school's theater group, graduated from a music school in piano and guitar with honors, and repeatedly took part in regional and city Olympiads in literature, history, and English, winning prizes.

Kirkorov Philip was an active participant in all communist subbotniks, collecting waste paper, and was among the first students to participate in socially useful work in the 10th grade at the Model Shoes factory in the Zhdanovsky district.”

The handsome Vasily Lanovoy, who played Gray in “Scarlet Sails”, Vronsky in “Anna Karenina”, Ivan Varabbas in “Officers” and a lot of other wonderful roles, also had a five-star matriculation certificate and was a diligent student of secondary school No. 510 of the Proletarsky Fleece.

Good guys

The future poet Andrei Voznesensky, who graduated from school No. 554, and the playwright Edward Radzinsky, who graduated from the 49th English special school, had only one B in their certificates - they left the schools with silver medals.

Little Vladimir Vysotsky, who studied at school 186 in the Kominternovsky district, was also an exemplary student and a solid student. There are equal numbers of “A” and “B” grades in his certificate, and “A” grades, of course, are in humanities and natural sciences.
“Machinist” and culinary specialist Andrei Makarevich once admitted that he considers the last bell to be the best event at school. It’s strange, because young Makar studied quite well. The museum has his certificate for the 8th grade, where he got “B” grades only in Russian, geometry, geography and chemistry, and “A” grades in other subjects.

In addition, Makarevich studied not in an ordinary high school, but in school No. 19, “with a number of subjects taught in English language“, which means that the requirements for students there were somewhat higher. Andrey somehow managed to combine his studies with a serious passion for music and even concerts, because “The Time Machine” began to emerge precisely at school.

The future “millionaire” Maxim Galkin also discovered his talents while studying at school. Maxim played in school plays, during recess and in groups he parodied classmates and teachers. In Maxim’s certificate for the 9th “A” grade of school No. 43, precisely in geography and biology there are not “A’s”, as in other subjects, but “B’s”. But he received “A’s” in Russian, literature and foreign languages ​​- it was not for nothing that Maxim went to study at the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of the Humanities.

Galkin’s senior colleague on stage Gennady Khazanov, to his mother’s delight, also studied well. It is not known with what grades he graduated from school No. 7 of the Leninsky RUNO in Moscow - the certificate has not been preserved. But in the fifth grade, little Gena had very few “B’s” - only in science, geography, German and labor.
Yura Luzhkov, a student at the Moscow seven-year boys' school No. 579, constantly got “C” grades in mathematics and foreign language. However, there are no “Cs” in his high school diploma. Apparently he has come to his senses.

C students

If Philip Kirkorov was an excellent student, then his ex-wife and business partner Alla Borisovna takes pride of place among the C students. And the red-haired schoolgirl Pugacheva has never been a Komsomol activist either. The grades on the Diva's certificate, exhibited at the Museum of Education, are very varied.

“A” in literature, work, singing (of course!) and behavior. "B" grades in Russian, algebra, geometry, physics and history. And “C” grades in drawing, geography, chemistry and foreign language. As life has shown, an “average” girl who was by no means brilliant in school lessons has grown into a megastar...

Andrei Mironov graduated from the same English special school No. 170 (now No. 49) as Edward Radzinsky, Vasily Livanov and Mark Rozovsky. Teachers gave young Mironov “C” grades only in the exact sciences (algebra, geometry and physics), but in English, geography, natural science, history and behavior, the future actor’s certificate was “excellent”.

A hopeless C student was Natasha Belogortseva (this is Krachkovskaya's maiden name). She graduated from school No. 14 of the Lenin Runo with “C” grades in Russian, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, geography, astronomy and chemistry.

Afonya (Leonid Kuravlev), comrade Sukhov (Anatoly Kuznetsov) and the poor student Ganzha (Alexander Zbruev) were also notorious C students. They don’t have a single “A” in their certificates and very few “B”s. So, playing the role of the poor student Ganja in “Big Change,” Alexander Zbruev played himself.

The famous athletes Valery Kharlamov and Irina Rodnina did not shine with success either. The figure skater has only four "A's" in the 8th grade (literature, geometry, geography and physical education), the hockey player has even less - only one in physical education.


Believe it or not, the author and presenter of about ten Russian television programs, Lev Novozhenov, was a poor student at school. Not only not a single “A” for the year, but not even a “B”. And in the quarter, sometimes a rating of “2” flashed. In the museum there is a class magazine for the 8th grade, where in the fourth quarter there is a “couple” next to Novozhenov’s surname in the fourth quarter.

Vice-Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin, to put it mildly, also did not shine with knowledge. In the Russian language, the teacher sometimes gave the future leader of the capital a “two” in the quarter, but at the end of the year he corrected her and received a well-deserved “three”. In other subjects - “fours”, and more often - “threes”.

A careful study of class magazines and matriculation certificates of our celebrities showed: the biggest idiot at school was Mikhail Derzhavin. Michal Mikhalych barely graduated from Moscow school No. 73 of the Kyiv Regional Educational Institution. His 9th grade certificate is worthy of him. “Russian and literature - “not certified”, algebra - 2, geometry and trigonometry - “not certified”, natural science - 3, geography and history - 3, foreign - 4, drawing - 2, physical education - “not certified”, psychology - 3, diligence - 2, behavior - 5.

117 lessons were missed, including 9 due to illness. The resolution of the school’s pedagogical council on the student’s academic performance and behavior was “to reschedule the exam in algebra and geometry to the fall.” But all this did not prevent Mikhail Mikhailovich from becoming famous actor Moscow Theater of Satire and husband, first to Arkady Raikin’s daughter Ekaterina, then to the daughter of Marshal S. Budyonny Nina and singer Roxana Babayan. Women don't love you for your grades.


Popular actress and public figure Angelina Jolie did not like going to school. She was an outcast in class. School psychologists referred her to a group in need of psychotherapist help. But at the same time future star cinema realized that it could influence what was happening in society. She and her friends protested against the dismissal of physical education, and the campaign ended in success - Bill Smith remained to teach at the school.

Future actress Charlize Theron in primary school the children considered her an ugly duckling and did not want to be friends with her. The same fate befell Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, for whom it is associated with unpleasant memories.

Daniel Radcliffe, who played the legendary role of young Harry Potter, dropped out of school to film. The star of the films “Armageddon” and “The Lord of the Rings” Liv Tyler also dropped out of school at the age of 14 due to the fact that she could not stand school rules and requirements. Quentin Tarantino could not withstand the bullying of his classmates and also did not receive a certificate.

The famous actor and the object of adoration of many girls, Ashton Kutcher, already in school loved to be the center of attention. He always got into different stories, and once even went to prison after breaking the lock on the school. But despite this, he studied well and received high grades. Mexican actress Salma Hayek was also a diligent student. But she, like many schoolchildren, often lied to teachers and told all sorts of tall tales in order to get away with it.

Popular actor Hugh Grant, like Ashton Kutcher, is also already in school years loved attention, especially from the opposite sex. He liked to play in plays and be the subject of everyone's admiration. Young actress Keira Knightley couldn’t imagine her life without cinema and theater. In order to somehow force their daughter to study, the parents made concessions: Kira goes to classes, and they hire her an agent.

The star of the movie "Basic Instinct" Sharon Stone was a real daredevil in school. Her antics often made teachers blush. The heroine of the films “Charlie’s Angels” and “A Very Bad Teacher” was not the best student either. Cameron Diaz rarely turned in her homework for review and was surprised when she was transferred to the next one. And at the age of 16, Cameron had no time for studying at all - at this age she began her modeling career.

Among the geniuses of literature and physics, inventors and pioneers, there are also many who were not good at school science. Among them were Albert Einstein, who could not put two words together, and Isaac Newton, who was one of the worst students in the class, and Alexander Pushkin, who received two marks in all non-humanitarian subjects, and Thomas Edison, who was educated at home by his mother after expulsion from school.


  • The stars told how they studied at school

Stories are often told about how famous people as children they skipped classes and dropped out of school, and then, thanks to other talents, they became stars of cinema, music and even science. Because of this, a myth has already developed that schools and universities only destroy talent, and in order to be successful, you need to take a different path.

However, among celebrities there are many excellent students and diligent students. Perhaps it was their studies that developed in them the qualities that are necessary for a successful career.

Foreign excellent students

The beautiful Natalie Portman was labeled a nerd at school. Despite the fact that the girl gained acting fame at a very young age, this did not affect her studies in any way. She managed to successfully combine education and filming blockbusters. She even missed the Star Wars premiere to study for exams. The actress herself admits that if she had a choice between a film career and new knowledge, she would have given up filming without hesitation. She achieved great results in her studies - she graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at Harvard and studied five foreign languages.

Jodie Foster also boasts knowledge of languages ​​- she is fluent in French, as well as Italian, Spanish and German. Foster majored in literary criticism and received her diploma with honors from the prestigious Yale University.

David Duchovny can be called an exemplary pupil and student. After successful studies at school, he moved on - he entered Princeton University at the Faculty of Pedagogy, became a master's degree, and then a graduate student.

Russian excellent students

Philipp Kirkorov is considered the most diligent schoolchild on the Russian stage. What he took away from school was not only gold medal, but also a whole armful




Psychologists have long noticed that successful people often they turn out not to be excellent students and good boys, but to be C students and hooligans. Bright, creative personalities They have often been rebels since childhood.

This was, for example, Marlon Brando. The son of a traveling salesman, despised by his classmates, tried to gain authority among his peers with his extravagant antics. One of them - when Marlon rode a motorcycle through the corridors of his alma mater - cost him expulsion from school. Brando subsequently never bothered to complete his secondary education, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a great actor.

Gerard Depardieu was a juvenile delinquent. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school, traveling around Europe with money earned from selling stolen cars and trading in contraband goods. He, of course, did not return to school. Kevin Spacey also had a stormy childhood: he was kicked out of a military school for brutally beating a classmate.

Al Pacino, a top athlete and school bully, spent so much time on the baseball field that he had no time to go to class, much less learn anything. By the age of 17, he realized that he was simply wasting his time at school. He had to start his future brilliant acting career by working as a courier and dishwasher. And another careless student, Jean-Paul Belmondo, left school at the age of 16 to pursue a boxing career, which, however, lasted only two years.

Of course, among the two-star celebrities, not all were hooligans - some owe their “successes” to impenetrable laziness. For example, Quentin Tarantino was terribly lazy. He skipped classes and studied so poorly that his mother, tired of the constant complaints of teachers against her son, at the age of 15 allowed him to leave school with one condition - to find a job in return.

But Jim Carrey was a poor student not at all due to a lack of diligence. He just showed enough diligence and was in good standing in the class - until his parents fell on hard times and he had to get a job at a factory as a cleaner to help feed his family. But, after working eight hours at the factory (after school), he was so tired that no science could fit into his head. Jim spent three whole years in 10th grade before giving up. He realized that he would never overcome school wisdom in such conditions.

Demi Moore left school at the age of 16 not because of a good life. She had no choice - her divorced, alcoholic mother could not properly take care of her daughter. And Demi began her career as a collector - collecting money from debtors.

Nicole Kidman also had to leave school against her will. Her mother fell ill with cancer, and the girl decided: now there is no time to study, she needs to take care of the person closest to her. And she never returned to school... And the sex symbol of all times, Marilyn Monroe, decided at the age of 16 to marry worker James Doherty in order to escape from yet another foster family and become independent. Marilyn achieved her goal, but never completed her school education.

Some celebrities interrupted their studies not because of family problems or poverty. Children can sometimes be very cruel to those who are somehow different from them. Winona Ryder had to experience this herself, who was beaten at school because she was the daughter of free-thinking hippies, and even dressed like a boy. In the 7th grade, her head was smashed so badly that she had difficulty getting home. Of course, school was over.

Kate Winslet could not stand the constant bullying of herself and herself. Fat Kate (she was very plump at that time) could not come to terms with the fact that she was called at school not by her name, but by the offensive nickname Bubble. Proud Pierce Brosnan could not stand the ridicule either - snobs treated him at school as a “dirty Irishman.” He left his offenders, but was left without a certificate.

There are a lot of celebrities who are dropouts among those who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. The inability to quickly read and assimilate any significant amount of information has long been considered a sign of short-sightedness. But it turned out that IQ had nothing to do with it. For example, director Guy Ritchie's IQ test results were excellent, but he could not study. Unable to withstand the constant ridicule, Guy dropped out of school, not yet knowing what his problem actually was. Doctors made an unpleasant diagnosis only when he was already an adult.

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