In the autumn, with a quick riddle. Riddles about autumn and autumn phenomena for children

Reling riddles is a very exciting occupation. And not only an exciting, but also a cognitive, forcing the child to think and reason, find the answer. In the fall, of course, we will not do without the corresponding mysteries: about autumn as the time of year, about her gifts, autumn beauty. And it doesn't matter at all how much the child is 3-4, 5-6 or already 7-8 and even more, he will gladly guess such riddles.

Riddles about the time of year - autumn

Passed fox under the bush
And burned foliage
Fire on the twigs
And dressed
Autumn forest. (Fall)

Field empty, Mock Earth,
Rain watered when it happens? (Autumn)

Days became shorter
Long night steel
Who will say who knows
When does it happen? (Autumn)

Krasnaya's maiden came
And the leaves sprinkle.
And how she calls
Who, children guards? (Fall)

Yellow paint paint i
field, forest, valleys.
And I love the noise of rain,
Name you! (Fall)

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Fall)

Forest shook.
Red fox. (Fall)

Fox goes
And colors leaves. (Fall)

Red - Yellow Beauty -
Golden braid.
Tightly pour rains
Summer camp behind.
Wind leaves demolish
What is this? (Fall.)

Slush. Puddles. Bad weather.
Clouds of the sky are furious
In the park, a pedestrous leavefall.
Wind songs howls
In heaps of leaves sweeping.
The rain pouring like from the bucket.
What is the wonderful time?! (Fall)

Golden Guest
Cheerfully lives,
All your wealth
Dive distributes. (Fall)

Sad witch came -
She plaxiv and chalunya.
Painted leaflets everywhere
Mushrooms grow it from the tears. (Fall)

Leaves fall,
Rain drizzle
Herbs fade
Summer behind.
Wet weather
Everything is gray around.
This is the time of year
Guess my friend. (Fall)

Trees raged
Zlato - Queen.
The forest broke the forest.
Yellow, red, golden!
Dropped tears.
Crucified frost. (Fall)

The leaves fall with Osin, rushes in the sky gray wedge ... What is this time of year? (Fall)

I carry yields,
Fields again sowing
I send birds to the south,
Trees undressing
But we do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - ... (autumn)

Now we will only dream of summer,
Long ago in the south of poultry,
Leaves fly, semes are beating ...
It's time to come - it came ... (autumn).

How the rain goes
And the day of heat does not bring us.
Behind the leaves of the dance.
Everything is clear: it came (autumn).

Forest section
Sky collection
This is the time of year -
... (fall).

All trees wishes
In addition to lush pines,
Birds south flight.
Autumn has come).

Here is the sky, gray from clouds,
Through the random sun ray.
And everything covered with gilding:
Forest, field, river and swamp.
But, there was a ray and as before
I'm in warm rushing clothes.
It has a very early one, in eight ...
But what to do, it is ... (autumn)

Every year comes to us,
Leaves drives dance ...
Yellow cloak all the time wears.
What is the name of the princess? ... (fall)

On birings and on cock
Was once a green leaf,
And today - Golden,
Quietly under the legs falls.
Who threw him and threw?
Guess! Of course ... (autumn).

Good wizard took paint and brushes,
They painted and stalks and leaves,
Year became shorter for months eight
Milicia asking beauty (autumn).

Riser yellow blizzards:
The forest with himself dropped clothes.
Less often became birds Trelli:
Birds south flight.
Under the rain walks .. (autumn)

Forest - Molbert,
And the wind is the brushes.
Drawing herbs, leaves.
Gold and Sky Prosin
Brought with him ... (autumn)

Riddles about autumn trees and leaves

Orange, red
On the sun shine.
Their leaves like butterflies,
Spin and soar. (Trees in the fall)

Fall from the branch
gold coins. (Autumn leaves)

Red York
Fell on the Ozerko.
He himself was not drowned
And the water did not shuffle. (Autumn leaf)

In the wind flies
In the air is circling,
Yellow coin
On the grass is lying. (Autumn leaf)

Grow - green
Fall - please
Pass - sparkle. (Leaves)

Riddles about the autumn phenomena of nature

Walked, roof roof,
That is loud, then hiding.
Walked, wandered, tapping,
The owners fucked. (Rain)

He goes and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry in the house
Will knock us down to the window
And on the roof of Tuk and Tuk!
No, do not let, dear friend! (Rain)

Wash the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
Clouds and clouds he is a leader
You know, it's ... (rain)

Without a way and without a road
Walks the longest-legged
Hiding in clouds,
In the MGL
Only legs on earth. (Rain)

From the sky dripped sadly.
Everywhere wet, everywhere raw.
It is easy to escape from it,
Only the umbrella to get. (Rain)

She was larchy, in the cheese the land was stuck. (Rain)

Large, fractionally gained,
And wooch all the land. (Rain)

Who hits all night on the roof
Yes tapping
And mumbling, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

Tears drip out of clouds -
Crying Master is unlucky.
Gloomy Autumn Artist -
Swallows on the puddles ... (rain)

On the city rain autumn walking,
The mirror has lost his rain.
The mirror is on the asphalt lies,
The wind fits - it zadrock. (Puddle)

Clouds cattons,
Warter, blows.
In the light chops,
Sings yes fistulate. (Wind)

Flies, not a bird,
Warter, not a beast. (Wind)

The wind is playing,
they are cut from the trees.
Everywhere the leaves are circling -
this means ... (leaf fall).

Yellow leaves fly,
Fall, circling,
And under the legs just like that
How the carpet falls!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
It is just ... (leaf fall).

Yellow wings of aspen, birch,
Red - ash, oak and roses
In the air are circling and rustle
This autumn goes ... (leaf fall).

Autumn came to visit us
And with him brought ...
What? Say rapid!
Well, of course ... (leaf fall).

Leaves yellow circling,
On the ground rug lay down.
Yellow leaves dance
In the fall happens.
This dance is every year.
What is it called? (Leaf fall)

He is not snow, but also white,
And in the shadow a little blue.
What is it, what's the matter?!
On the grass whites ... (frost)

Although I quickly plot,
But the land still cooled. (First snow)

Gifts of autumn

Small, delete,
Through the land passed,
I found a red hat. (Mushroom)

It looks like an umbrella,
Only less per hundred times.
Kohl Thunderstorm on the horizon,
It is very happy.
If the rain and warm
He believes - lucky! (Mushroom)

Stood on a sturdy leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka. (Mushroom)

Who stands on a strong leg
In the brown leaves from the track?
Got a hat from grass,
No under hat head. (Mushroom)

I'm under a colored hat
I stand on my leg.
I have my own habits:
I always play hide and seek. (Mushroom)

Who has a hat without a head,
And foot without boot? (Mushroom)

Under the bushes
Under the sheets
We hid in the grass,
We are looking for us in the forest
We do not cry for you: "Ay!" (Mushroom)

No mushrooms friendship than these, -
Knife adults and children -
On hemp grow in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose. (Walked)

I'm in a red hat ragu
Among the roots of aspen.
You will see me for the mile -
I call me - ... (Support).

Along the forest tracks
Many white legs
In multicolored hats,
Missed notable.
Collect, do not bag!
This is ... (Syrozhka).

It grows in the ground,
Known in the whole world.
Frequently on the table
Spheres in uniform. (Potato)

Summer tried -
Dressed, dressed ...
And how autumn came up
We gave clothes.
A hundred clothes
We folded in the barrel. (Cabbage)

Orange root underground sits,
Store vitamins he keeps in himself,
Helps kids healthier to become
What is this vegetable, can you say? (Carrot)

Make you cry all around
Although he is not a dracne, but ... (onions).

Riddles about the autumn months

Circling, circling leaves,
Golden was covered with a garden.
From north to south land
Cranes rummaged.
Opened school doors.
What came to us for a month? (September)

Who comes in August
Summer red spends
Indian summer calls
In school children sends? (September)

Rain from heaven cap-cap-cap,
Yellow leaves are circling.
Everyone knows the defer
It's time to school in ... (September)

When it happens
Short summer? -
We expect it
And Babiim is called! (September)

Our queen, autumn,
We will ask you together:
Children are discreeting their secret,
Who is the second servant? (October)

All gloomy face of nature:
Handled gardens,
Take the forests,
Bird voice pile
Bear in a hibernation fell.

Slavny autumn leaf fall -
Leaves steep breeze.
Land moist to those kilt
Covers like a carpet.
Without foliage there are forests,
Axed bird voices
In the hibernation, the bear fell away -
What a month came to us? (October)

Here on the leaf of the maple,
Now he is just like a new one.
The day will pass - he will fall,
His wind will take.
Love sheet on dawn
Throwing our kleon in ... (October)

School opens in September
Doors for children of merry,
At the same time at your lesson -
Easily store products.
All with the fields we will gather
Before meeting with ... (October)

Wind gloomy clouds chasing
For the fields and the meadows.
And on the dark sky
Moon Moon Moves.
After sunny weather
September and October
Soon frowning nature
Waiting for arrivals ... (November)

Black and white field has become
It falls the rain, then snow.
And still got cold -
Ice squeezed water rivers.
I will warm in the field of fierce rye.
What for the month, tell me? (November)

Who is warm to us,
The first snow scares us?
Who calls to our cold,
You know? Of course yes! (November)



Reling riddles is a very exciting occupation. And not only an exciting, but also a cognitive, forcing the child to think and reason, find the answer. In the fall, of course, we will not do without the corresponding mysteries: about autumn as the time of year, about her gifts, autumn beauty. And it doesn't matter at all how much the child is 3-4, 5-6 or already 7-8 and even more, he will gladly guess such riddles.

Riddles about the time of year - autumn

Passed fox under the bush
And burned foliage
Fire on the twigs
And dressed
Autumn forest. (Fall)

Field empty, Mock Earth,
Rain watered when it happens? (Autumn)

Days became shorter
Long night steel
Who will say who knows
When does it happen? (Autumn)

Krasnaya's maiden came
And the leaves sprinkle.
And how she calls
Who, children guards? (Fall)

Yellow paint paint i
field, forest, valleys.
And I love the noise of rain,
Name you! (Fall)

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Fall)

Forest shook.
Red fox. (Fall)

Fox goes
And colors leaves. (Fall)

Red - Yellow Beauty -
Golden braid.
Tightly pour rains
Summer camp behind.
Wind leaves demolish
What is this? (Fall.)


Slush. Puddles. Bad weather.
Clouds of the sky are furious
In the park, a pedestrous leavefall.
Wind songs howls
In heaps of leaves sweeping.
The rain pouring like from the bucket.
What is the wonderful time?! (Fall)

Golden Guest
Cheerfully lives,
All your wealth
Dive distributes. (Fall)

Sad witch came -
She plaxiv and chalunya.
Painted leaflets everywhere
Mushrooms grow it from the tears. (Fall)

Leaves fall,
Rain drizzle
Herbs fade
Summer behind.
Wet weather
Everything is gray around.
This is the time of year
Guess my friend. (Fall)

Trees raged
Zlato - Queen.
The forest broke the forest.
Yellow, red, golden!
Dropped tears.
Crucified frost. (Fall)

The leaves fall with Osin, rushes in the sky gray wedge ... What is this time of year? (Fall)

I carry yields,
Fields again sowing
I send birds to the south,
Trees undressing
But we do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - ... (autumn)

Now we will only dream of summer,
Long ago in the south of poultry,
Leaves fly, semes are beating ...
It's time to come - it came ... (autumn).

How the rain goes
And the day of heat does not bring us.
Behind the leaves of the dance.
Everything is clear: it came (autumn).

Forest section
Sky collection
This is the time of year -
... (fall).

All trees wishes
In addition to lush pines,
Birds south flight.
Autumn has come).

Here is the sky, gray from clouds,
Through the random sun ray.
And everything covered with gilding:
Forest, field, river and swamp.
But, there was a ray and as before
I'm in warm rushing clothes.
It has a very early one, in eight ...
But what to do, it is ... (autumn)


Every year comes to us,
Leaves drives dance ...
Yellow cloak all the time wears.
What is the name of the princess? ... (fall)


On birings and on cock
Was once a green leaf,
And today - Golden,
Quietly under the legs falls.
Who threw him and threw?
Guess! Of course ... (autumn).

Good wizard took paint and brushes,
They painted and stalks and leaves,
Year became shorter for months eight
Milicia asking beauty (autumn).


Riser yellow blizzards:
The forest with himself dropped clothes.
Less often became birds Trelli:
Birds south flight.
Under the rain walks .. (autumn)

Forest - Molbert,
And the wind is the brushes.
Drawing herbs, leaves.
Gold and Sky Prosin
Brought with him ... (autumn)

Riddles pro autumn trees and leaves

Orange, red
On the sun shine.
Their leaves like butterflies,
Spin and soar. (Trees in the fall)

Fall from the branch
gold coins. (Autumn leaves)

Red York
Fell on the Ozerko.
He himself was not drowned
And the water did not shuffle. (Autumn leaf)

In the wind flies
In the air is circling,
Yellow coin
On the grass is lying. (Autumn leaf)

Grow - green
Fall - please
Pass - sparkle. (Leaves)

Riddles about the autumn phenomena of nature

Walked, roof roof,
That is loud, then hiding.
Walked, wandered, tapping,
The owners fucked. (Rain)

He goes and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry in the house
Will knock us down to the window
And on the roof of Tuk and Tuk!
No, do not let, dear friend! (Rain)

Wash the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
Clouds and clouds he is a leader
You know, it's ... (rain)

Without a way and without a road
Walks the longest-legged
Hiding in clouds,
In the MGL
Only legs on earth. (Rain)

From the sky dripped sadly.
Everywhere wet, everywhere raw.
It is easy to escape from it,
Only the umbrella to get. (Rain)

She was larchy, in the cheese the land was stuck. (Rain)

Large, fractionally gained,
And wooch all the land. (Rain)

Who hits all night on the roof
Yes tapping
And mumbling, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

Tears drip out of clouds -
Crying Master is unlucky.
Gloomy Autumn Artist -
Swallows on the puddles ... (rain)

On the city rain autumn walking,
The mirror has lost his rain.
The mirror is on the asphalt lies,
The wind fits - it zadrock. (Puddle)

Clouds cattons,
Warter, blows.
In the light chops,
Sings yes fistulate. (Wind)

Flies, not a bird,
Warter, not a beast. (Wind)

The wind is playing,
they are cut from the trees.
Everywhere the leaves are circling -
this means ... (leaf fall).

Yellow leaves fly,
Fall, circling,
And under the legs just like that
How the carpet falls!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
It is just ... (leaf fall).

Yellow wings of aspen, birch,
Red - ash, oak and roses
In the air are circling and rustle
This autumn goes ... (leaf fall).

Autumn came to visit us
And with him brought ...
What? Say rapid!
Well, of course ... (leaf fall).

Leaves yellow circling,
On the ground rug lay down.
Yellow leaves dance
In the fall happens.
This dance is every year.
What is it called? (Leaf fall)

He is not snow, but also white,
And in the shadow a little blue.
What is it, what's the matter?!
On the grass whites ... (frost)

Although I quickly plot,
But the land still cooled. (First snow)

Gifts of autumn

Small, delete,
Through the land passed,
I found a red hat. (Mushroom)

It looks like an umbrella,
Only less per hundred times.
Kohl Thunderstorm on the horizon,
It is very happy.
If the rain and warm
He believes - lucky! (Mushroom)

Stood on a sturdy leg,
Now lies in Lukoshka. (Mushroom)

Who stands on a strong leg
In the brown leaves from the track?
Got a hat from grass,
No under hat head. (Mushroom)

I'm under a colored hat
I stand on my leg.
I have my own habits:
I always play hide and seek. (Mushroom)

Who has a hat without a head,
And foot without boot? (Mushroom)

Under the bushes
Under the sheets
We hid in the grass,
We are looking for us in the forest
We do not cry for you: "Ay!" (Mushroom)

No mushrooms friendship than these, -
Knife adults and children -
On hemp grow in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose. (Walked)

I'm in a red hat ragu
Among the roots of aspen.
You will see me for the mile -
I call me - ... (Support).

Along the forest tracks
Many white legs
In multicolored hats,
Missed notable.
Collect, do not bag!
This is ... (Syrozhka).

It grows in the ground,
Known in the whole world.
Frequently on the table
Spheres in uniform. (Potato)

Summer tried -
Dressed, dressed ...
And how autumn came up
We gave clothes.
A hundred clothes
We folded in the barrel. (Cabbage)

Orange root underground sits,
Store vitamins he keeps in himself,
Helps kids healthier to become
What is this vegetable, can you say? (Carrot)

Make you cry all around
Although he is not a dracne, but ... (onions).

Riddles about the autumn months

Circling, circling leaves,
Golden was covered with a garden.
From north to south land
Cranes rummaged.
Opened school doors.
What came to us for a month? (September)

Who comes in August
Summer red spends
Indian summer calls
In school children sends? (September)

Rain from heaven cap-cap-cap,
Yellow leaves are circling.
Everyone knows the defer
It's time to school in ... (September)

When it happens
Short summer? -
We expect it
And Babiim is called! (September)

Our queen, autumn,
We will ask you together:
Children are discreeting their secret,
Who is the second servant? (October)

All gloomy face of nature:
Handled gardens,
Take the forests,
Bird voice pile
Bear in a hibernation fell.

Slavny autumn leaf fall -
Leaves steep breeze.
Land moist to those kilt
Covers like a carpet.
Without foliage there are forests,
Axed bird voices
In the hibernation, the bear fell away -
What a month came to us? (October)

Here on the leaf of the maple,
Now he is just like a new one.
The day will pass - he will fall,
His wind will take.
Love sheet on dawn
Throwing our kleon in ... (October)

School opens in September
Doors for children of merry,
At the same time at your lesson -
Easily store products.
All with the fields we will gather
Before meeting with ... (October)

Wind gloomy clouds chasing
For the fields and the meadows.
And on the dark sky
Moon Moon Moves.
After sunny weather
September and October
Soon frowning nature
Waiting for arrivals ... (November)

Black and white field has become
It falls the rain, then snow.
And still got cold -
Ice squeezed water rivers.
I will warm in the field of fierce rye.
What for the month, tell me? (November)

Who is warm to us,
The first snow scares us?
Who calls to our cold,
You know? Of course yes! (November)

Despite the fact that autumn - it's time to fade nature, she gives us a lot of positive emotions: beautiful landscapes, circulating leaves, calm rain rustling. It is important to teach children to love the autumn time, see her charm and understand the natural processes associated with this time of the year. This can help genre of riddles.

In the article, we will give examples of mysteries on the topic of autumn for preschoolers.

In ancient times, this verbal genre was a way to recognize human wisdom. Today, the riddle is considered to be entertainment. In fact this is not true. The genre of the riddle encourages the child to guess the described object or phenomenon, and therefore forms intelligence. The riddle requires knowledge, ideas about the surrounding reality.

Thus, due to this, it is possible in a relaxed game form to consolidate the knowledge of kids about the signs and phenomena of autumn, expand their horizons, strengthen the imagination, form a logical thinking. But that guessing makes benefit you need to know how to make riddles.

Autumn riddles for children with answers

They can be offered to kids during a children's matinee dedicated to the parish of autumn. They also divert walks. For example:

Leaves with branches fly away,

Birds south fly away.

"What during the season?" - ask.

We will answer: "This is ..." (autumn).

I carry yields,

Fields again sowing

I send birds to the south,

Trees undressing

But we do not touch the pines and Christmas trees,

I am ... (autumn).

Passed through the meadows, in the forests and fields,

The supplies prepared us.

Stublished them into the cellar, in the crust.

She said: "Zima will come for me" (autumn).

After kids guess the riddles, discuss with them, what is remarkable autumn? Let them answer in their own words now. Next, you can ask them that they also know about this season. You will have an interesting conversation.

With the help of the next mysteries, explain to children what a leaffall is why the leaves are yellowing in the fall.

Sits - green,

falls yellow

lies - black (leaf).

All summer over us about something whispered,

By winter under his feet, they were shaking (leaves).

Tell the kids that autumn is very diverse and several stages take place. Discuss with the kids features of each month you will be helped by the following riddles:

August is a troublesome month -

Spread apples and plums,

Peach and pears and pears.

Just manage to eat them,

But klem in the yard

Fall in ... (September).

All gloomy face of nature:

Handled gardens,

Take the forests,

Bear in a hibernation fell.

What a month came to us? (October)

The most gloomy month of the year,

I want to go home, -

Soon sleepy nature

Meet with winter (November).

In the group you can diversify the flow of mysteries using illustrations. Offer children pictures with different phenomena autumn Nature. Discuss what is depicted on them. And now let the kids carefully listen to the riddles and show the picture that matches the correct answer.

Let us give the following examples of mysteries about autumn for preschoolers with answers:

I got cold at night,

Steel puddles freeze.

And on the grass - velvet blue.

What is that? (frost)

Wind cloud will call

Cloud across the sky floats.

And on top of the gardens and groves

Cold freezes ... (rain).

In September and in October

There are so many in the yard!

Rain passed - left them

Medium, small, large (puddles).

Tears drip out of clouds -

Crying Master is unlucky.

Gloomy autumn artist,

Swallows puddles ... (rain).

Here is an old woman

Dirt breeds on the track.

Looks like a wet lapto -

Everything is called the old woman ... (slush).

Please note that in some given examples, the answers are rhymes, which greatly simplifies gaunting. Therefore, for children senior group Suggest riddles about autumn, where the answers are not rhyme. Here preschoolers need to be more attentive, able to logically think and think about the correct version.

Still mgars can be diversified

We offer several examples of mysteries about autumn for preschoolers who will help them relax and distract a little from serious classes.

It became frowning outside the window (the kids make the corps, hands on the belt),

The rain asks for us into the house (moves with brushes, depict the rain),

In the house is dry, and outside (connect hands above the head in the form of a roof),

Appeared everywhere ... (puddles) (rhythmically stepping).

The leaves are circling in the air (the children are circling),

Quietly on the grass lay down (lowered hands and squat).

Resets the leaves of the garden (shook with brushes) -

It is just ... (leaf fall) (kids shout out the answer and compress and squeeze the cams).

Do not forget that many delicious fruits appear in the fall. You can organize the game with babies. Tie your eyes, tell the riddle and offer to taste any fruit or vegetable. And now let the kids say that they ate, whether the product was a riddle about it, and explains its answer. By the way, the mystery can be about the inedible item - then the game will be more diverse and fun.

We give a few more examples of autumn mysteries for preschoolers with answers:

He is big,

How the ball is football!

If ripe - all satisfied!

So it is pleasant for the taste!

What's this? ... (watermelon)

And green and dense

A bush grew on the garden.

Run a little:

Under the bush ... (potato).

Spring green

In the summer sunbathe

In the autumn, put on the ones

Red corals (rowan).

Above the ground green tail,

Under the ground is a red nose.

Bunny flies deftly ...

What is her name? ... (carrot)

Children's riddles on autumn. Riddles for preschoolers and younger students.

Autumn riddles For children with answers

Leaves with branches fly away,

Birds south fly away.

"What during the season?" - ask.

We will answer: "This ..." (autumn)

Our beds lowered.

Garden and garden in order.

You, the Earth, another give birth.

We collected ... (Vintage)

The leaves are circling in the air,

Quietly falling on the grass.

Resets the leaves of the garden -

It's just ... (leaf fall)

I got cold at night,

Steel puddles freeze.

And on the grass - velvet blue.

What is that? (Frost)

Wind cloud will call

Cloud across the sky floats.

And on top of the gardens and groves

Freezes cold ... (rain)

Grouro became frowning

The rain asks us to the house.

In the house dry, and outside

Appeared everywhere ... (puddles)

In the gray sky low

Clouds go close

Close the horizon.

It will be raining.

We took ... (umbrella)

The guy is almost seven years old.

Over your shoulders.

And in the hands of a big bouquet,

On the cheeks of the blush.

What for the festive date?

Branches in the park rustle,

Drop your outfit.

He is oak and birch

Multicolored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

He pours slapped wall

And knocks on our windows.

Cold, pouring,

And in the garden gazebo wet.

Autumn leaf is long circling,

So that then go down in the puddle. (Fall rain)

In the fall he is often needed -

If it gets raining on puddles,

If the sky is in black clouds,

He is the best assistant for us.

Above it cut

And canopy your arms! (Umbrella)

In September and in October

There are so many in the yard!

Rain passed - left them

Medium, small, large. (Puddles)

Autumn leaf is long circling,

And his barbarian dries.

And then we together with Varai

Houses do ... (Herbarium)

Riddles about autumn

Field empty, Mock Earth,
Rain watered when it happens?

Days became shorter
Long night steel
Who will say who knows
When does it happen?

In the morning we go to the courtyard -
The leaves will rain
Under the legs rustle
And fly, fly, fly ...

Leaves fall with Osin,
rush in the sky acute wedge

I carry yields,
Fields again sowing
I send birds to the south,
Trees undressing
But we do not touch the pines and Christmas trees.
I - ...

Came without paints
B without brush
And repainted all the leaves.

Forest section
Sky collection

This is the time of year - ...


I carry yields, sowing the fields again,
I send the birds to the south, the trees undress,

But I do not touch the pines and Christmas trees, I ...


There is no sun, in the sky clouds,
The wind is harmful and spiny,
Blowing so, no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)

Red York
Fell on the Ozerko,
He himself was not drowned
And the water did not shuffle.
(Autumn leaf)

Who hits all night on the roof
Yes tapping

And mumbling, and sings, lulls?

She was larchy, in the cheese the land was stuck.

Large, it turned out more fractionally, and watched the whole earth.

He goes and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry in the house
Will knock us down to the window
And on the roof of Tuk and Tuk!
No, do not let, dear friend!

Without a way and without a road
Walks the longest-legged
Hiding in clouds,
In the MGL
Only legs on earth.

Wash the field, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
Clouds and clouds he is a leader
You know, it is ...

Clouds cattons,
Warter, blows.
In the light chops,

Sings yes fistulate.

Flies, not a bird,
Warter, not a beast.

Autumn came to visit us
And with him brought ...
What? Say rapid!
Well, of course...
(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves fly,
Fall, circling,

And under the legs just like that

How the carpet falls!

What kind of yellow snowfall?

It's simple...

(Leaf fall)

Not spiny, light blue
The bushes are awake ...

Not snow, not ice,
And the trees will remove silver.

    Where in the fall hide butterflies?In the bark of trees

    Guess the folk riddle. This month is the family grandson of September, the Son of October and the Patus of the Winter.November

    What falls in the fall "quiet hunting"?Collecting mushrooms

    Who, according to a famous proverb, is counting on the autumn?Chickens

    In which autumn month, is such a phenomenon begins as a lentil (the formation of a fixed solid ice layer)?In November

    Continue folk wisdom: it will rain, there will be ...mushrooms

    When autumn comes to a popular calendar?September 14

    What day are it called the day of "autumn equinox"?23 September

    Before Peter I New Year In Russia, celebrated on this day.September 1

    In which month in Australia, autumn begins?In March

Appeared without paints and without brushes,
Namig roasted on the leaf trees.

Girl appeared beautiful,
From the trees leaves breaks.
What is her name,
Try, name!

She truncated by furtively,
With Book Book, with a notebook.
Calling again to school
Start school again.
Shooted everything with gold.
Trees are yellow. (Fall).

Girl in Pöstrom Square,
Cleaned hotels:
Alo Necklace for Ryabbin,
Bright pink skirts for Osin,
Yellow hats - poplar. (Fall)

Breed the guy is long-grained, to crude land. (Rain)

A large fraction stuck, I soaked everything around. (Rain)

Little sunlight
Cloud sails across the sky
The wind is evil, merciless
The whole foliage with the trees rivet.
What time of year does it happen? (End of autumn)

Foliage bright flies
In dance quickly spinning,
Warning is very silly,
The canvas stacked!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
That autumn (leaf fall)

Harvest is big carries
Sow re-fields
Sends birds south,
Yellow circle earth
Only pine green swings.
How is this time of year called? (Fall)

Days became short,
And the night is authentic
Who guesses
When does it happen? (Autumn)

Foliage with trees removes
Migratory birds shipping.
"What during the season?" - ask.
We will answer: "This is - (autumn)!"

Motion paint I am paint
Field, forest and parks.
And I love the noise of rain,
What is my name, friends? (Fall)

Yellow and red
on the sun shine.
Their leaves like butterflies,
Fly and circle. (Autumn trees)

On the tree - green,
Fell yellow,
Picked up - black. (Leaves in autumn)

Guest - autumn closed
And as a gift brought ...
What? Tell me, at random!
This is yellow (leaf fall).

He goes and we run
Sorry, catch up anyway!
In the house to hide in a hurry
Suddenly a knock on the window
And on the roof of Tuk and Tuk!
Sorry, do not let, friend! (Rain)

All sad face of nature:
Darkened gardens,
All forests were expovered,
Picheli voices
Bear in Berloga fell.
Who appeared to us? (Fall)

There is a guy on the road,
Puts us a carpet under your feet,
Not simple, but gold.
What kind of guy is this? (Tree, resets the foliage)

Sky in clouds
Hamura people
Birds, beasts and houses,
Only one trees in gold,
Joyfully stand then.
The days are shorter, the night is darker.
What is this during?
Tell me as soon as possible. (Fall)

In the park I saw a lot of beauty,
So much gold around, look and you.
Bright birch, maples and aspens
What time of year there are, tell us? (Autumn)

Birds were hidden, flew into the edge, where sunny, warm.
The harvest has slept on the glory, the leaves are yellow for a long time,
We rejoice very, coming (autumn).

What is the first tree before all yellow? (Birch)

What time of year:
Leaves blush and yellow
Birds south fly away
The days are shorter, and the night is longer.
The sun heats badly. (Autumn)

With a finger on his back, the boy runs.
In it, notebooks and books carries.
First once is coming He is to school.
This number is all familiar to us. (First of September)

What a motley carpet
Under your feet rustle?
I walk on it,
And in the eyes everything is rippled. (Carpet from leaves)

The beds were completely sunk
Garden and garden removed.
You, the Earth rest!
We collected ... (Vintage)

Which village leaves fall in green? (Olha Gray)

Fields empty
Rains pour weeks.
The night is increasingly
Days colder! (Fall)

Suck berries on it,
We will collect and make beads.
What kind of tree is
Berries hang and winter. (Rowan)

Name the autumn shades. (Red, yellow, brown)

This month is a friend: autumn comes.
Beets, carrots, potatoes are cleaned.
Apples are sleeping. (September)

Next in September
Comes ... (October)

Nights became cold
Goes, then rain, then snowball,
Puddles frozen
Birds are more difficult to extract food! (November)

Fall leaves with riphars,
Fit wedge in the sky.
When does this happen? (Autumn)

Painted all yellow:
And forest, valleys, fields.
Loves the noise of rain!
Remembered you, me? (Fall)

The air is damp
Circle got cold.
Bushes, trees in other outfits,
Sheets are slowly falling.
Now you understand friends?
Golden came ... (autumn)

Here grandmother dirt spread
Everywhere slippery and wet. (Slush)

Came without paints and without a brush,
All gilded ... (autumn)

In summer and in spring in one color,
Noisy, rustle.
And multicolored will become
The wind is flying. (Leaf)

Children rubber boots dressed.
Wake up multicolored leaves janitor in the yard.
Guess the name of this pore? (Fall)

Trees fly out, fade flowers, nights in short and cold days. Poultry flew away, the beasts in the hibernation lay down. What is this during the year? (Fall)

Raspanitsa Crazy! Naughty! She laughs everything, with his deceptive warmth to amusing everyone! And everything is happy - it is time to come! She is hard driven, in a leaf foliage, all the way we gave us and that in her fire disappeared forever! Who is this ledge? (Fall)

In the lead sky, the shades of the Renie are still visible, which is melting in heaven, and their traces all this time will hide, all skipping and turning into a farewell leaf fall! What is this time of year? (Fall)

On the leaf branch remained the last. Misses, it grows about the old days. All the brothers already scattered him, and he stayed alone with his home (what?) Meet. (Fall)

It's time for the heat, now it has arrived. And, B. bright paint. All, she knocks on the house - the door is calling. She calls her admire of her art, as her magic brush painted everything around! It (autumn)

Rain pours for glass and all frown circle. It begins to get colder and earlier to darken outside the window. The sun is less likely shining and everything breathes around a slightly audible, farewell warmth. Faded flowers, faded her grass. This is a guest (who?) Came. (Fall)

The birds fly away after the outgoing warmth, they will later return again, together with the spring. Following the warmth, flowers and leaves are faded with trees. Suit somehow a bit. The sun sleeps again in the clouds. It is tired for the summer, see, shining and shine. It's time for peace - comes (what?) Again. (Fall)

In the forest today, everything is somehow not so: Trelli birds are not heard and rustles, too, only gold heavy rings on the legs. Everything froze as if waiting for something. And what can I wait after the summer? (Fall)

This month autumn borders with winter. This month is the last in the autumn period. It is called (November)

Summer is still not gone. This month the sun tired warms yet. Argue with autumn summer - whose month is it? Summer said: "He is mine! Still warm, still bloom flowers! " What the autumn told: "Heat is not at all! You look at the sun - it's not tired already! And what flowers? There are still those who are stubborn like you! And by law my month! It's time to you, my brother, on peace! " In which month, autumn with the summer "argue"? (In September)

Maybe you will be interested in compositions about autumn

Riddles for children about autumn

Came all in golden outfit,
And transformed the whole nature.
Brought with it cold rains
Repainted, fading plants,
Distilted a colorful carpet.
It turned out a tender bright ... (autumn).

All bushes and trees are noisy,
And remove your outfit.
Who can help us
And calls
What do the tender beauty call, which came?
Magic hotels made of mushrooms and vegetables brought!
Guess? This ... (autumn).

Guys help,
Call the second brother
What goes after September?
This is ... (October).

On rustic gardens,
Circle lies naked cold earth.
The days are shorter
At night freezing.
Sometimes it can pour snow.
This third brother is named ... (November).

Magic maiden
Conduct a brush master.
Where does not spend, there is everywhere the bright track leaves!
Guess, without tip?
Red - girl - ... (autumn).

Grow on fruit trees,
Solid bases
Inside hiding kernels,
And call them ... (walnuts).

Can fly by passing
But, not a forest bird,
Put multi-colored leaves,
Dry Cleene Seeds.
Smoothly drives into school.
Schoolchildren leave home in the morning.
They guessed, this ... (autumn wind).

A little silver on branches,
Called white ... (frost).

Future base for herbarium on the tree of Krasnel,
And then he flew to the book.
Guess what is called part of different trees?
This is lightweight with residents ... (leaf).

All the time is low temperature,
Sometimes it rains heavy rain.
Vintage all for storing in the cellar.
Wet, slippery asphalt.
I want to be in my room.
This period is called ... (Late autumn).

He knocked on
It comes bright ... (Belated autumn).

In forest natural corners,
In stock: fruits, mushrooms, berries and roots.
Who is it?
These are wild animals ... (hedgehogs, proteins).

A plaintive cry is heard,
Flying wedge south.
I swept past ... (static caravaline).

Many birds in the autumn weeks
In the warm edges flew.
What is the name of this part of the earth - ... (south).

There is a tree, and on curved branches,
Hung dark, red, ripe bunches,
Frozing ... (Ryabines).

We collected ripe, coral berries.
And smear a necklace
And Masha performed the cradle.
They grow on the old ... (Ryabina).

At first, buds were blooming,
Then green fruit.
Then the purple shells dressed.
How are these berries called?
Who will tell and guess?
These are ripe baskets ... (rowan).

If the knock stands in the morning,
So he went and wins everything around!
They call it firmly ... (rain).

A resident of forests is preparing to sleep,
Locals in Berloga,
To the best warm days.
Call him ... (bear).

Hides a smart girl
In a comfortable part of the tree supplies.
And winter cold eats like a find.
It is a bright, fiery colors ... (protein).
If the rain went in the morning,
That we take with you a special device.
It is called ... (umbrella).

We love them we collect,
And filling a basket
Wait for my friend,
I will put another ... (fungus)!

Appeared on the edges of the fun ... (Honor).

He is in a bright shirt.
With white peas.
Ripens on forest expanses,
And this mushroom is called ... (agar).

Merim we are in them the depth of puddle.
All bright, different pictures and painting.
These are rubber ... (boots).

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