The main features of the modern information society. The role of information and law in the information society


In the discipline "Information Law"

The concept of the information society, its structure, features.

The concept of "information society" appeared in the second half of the 1960s, and the term itself became the property of the scientific community in the 1970s. when Japan developed a plan to create an information society.

The information society is understood as a society in which the main condition for the well-being of every person and every state is knowledge obtained through unhindered access to information and the ability to work with it, and the exchange of information itself has no temporal, spatial or political boundaries.

Human society successively goes through 3 stages: pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial.

Features of a post-industrial society:

1) the primacy of scientific knowledge and information

2) wide automation and computerization of production

3) minimization of living labor in the process of material production

4) a gradual transition from an industrial economy to a service economy

5) the leading role of science and education. culture. medicine, mass dissemination of creative and intellectual labor

6) the emergence of a classless socio-professional structure

The concept of the information society is just a kind of theory of post-industrial society.

Features of the information society:

Scientific knowledge and information underlie

The information sector of the economy is developing

The concept of the electronic state

Dominated by electronic document management

There are changes in the system of employment, employment

The Russian Federation has adopted a number of policy documents related to the information society. Among the basic documents, the State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)" should be singled out.

In our country, there is also a Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation, approved on February 7, 2008

The purpose of the development and formation of the information society in the Russian Federation is to improve the quality of life of the population, ensure the competitiveness of Russia, develop the economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, improve the public administration system based on information technologies.

Main goals:

Formation of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure, provision of quality services and ensuring a high level of accessibility for the population

Improving the quality of education, medical care, social protection population

Improving the state system. Guarantees of constitutional rights of man and citizen in the information environment

Economic development

Improving the efficiency of public administration and local government, interaction civil society and business

Development of science

Preservation of the culture of a multinational people

Opposition to the use of the potential of information and telecommunication technologies in order to threaten the population

The development of the information society is based on the principles:

Partnership of the state, business and civil society

Freedom and equality to information and knowledge

Support domestic manufacturers

Development assistance international cooperation

Ensuring national security

The information society appears as an integral concept covering all aspects of the functioning of the social system.

Structure: individual and community, information relations

Legal problems:

Development of the conceptual apparatus

Face identification

professional ethics

Admissibility and reliability of information

Development prospects:

1) Implementation in all spheres of life

2) Information is a factor in changing the quality of life

3) Is a commodity, sold on a par with others

The role of information and law in the information society. information revolutions.

Information in the history of the development of civilization has always played a decisive role and served as the basis for decision-making at all levels and stages of development of society and the state. In the history of social development, several information revolutions can be distinguished, associated with fundamental changes in the production, processing and circulation of information, which led to radical transformations of social relations. As a result of such transformations, society acquired, in a certain sense, a new quality.

First Information Revolution associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative and quantitative leap in the information development of society. It became possible to fix knowledge on a material carrier, thereby alienating it from the manufacturer and passing it on from generation to generation.

Second Information Revolution(mid-16th century) was caused by the invention of printing (the first printers Gutenberg and Ivan Fedorov). The possibility of replicating and active dissemination of information has appeared, the accessibility of people to sources of knowledge has increased. This revolution radically changed society, created additional features familiarization with cultural values ​​at once large sections of the population.

The Third Information Revolution I ( late XIX c.) due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in significant volumes. The consequence of this revolution is an increase in the degree of dissemination of information, an increase in the information "coverage" of the population by means of broadcasting. The role of funds has increased mass media as mechanisms for disseminating messages and knowledge across large territories and providing them with citizens living on them, the accessibility of members of society to messages and knowledge has increased. The role of information as a means of influencing the development of society and the state has significantly increased, and it has become possible for people to quickly communicate with each other.

Fourth Information Revolution(mid-XX century) is associated with the invention of computer technology and the emergence of a personal computer, the creation of communication networks and telecommunications. It became possible to accumulate, store, process and transmit information in electronic form. Efficiency and speed of information creation and processing have increased, practically unlimited volumes of information began to accumulate in computer memory, the speed of transmission, search and receipt of information has increased.

Today we are experiencing fifth information revolution connected with the formation and development of cross-border global information and telecommunication networks, covering all countries and continents, penetrating into every home and affecting simultaneously both each person individually and huge masses of people. The most striking example of such a phenomenon and the result of the fifth revolution is the Internet. The essence of this revolution lies in the integration in a single information space around the world of software and technical means, means of communication and telecommunications, information stocks or stocks of knowledge as a single information telecommunications infrastructure in which legal and individuals, public authorities and local self-government. As a result, the speed and volume of processed information increase incredibly, new unique opportunities for the production, transmission and dissemination of information, search for and receipt of information, new types of traditional activities in these networks appear.

Information today has become a powerful, tangible resource that is even more valuable than natural financial, labor and other resources. Information has become a commodity that is bought and sold. Information has become a weapon, information wars arise and stop. The cross-border information network Internet is developing and entering our lives in the most active way.

All this seriously transforms the life of the individual, society, state. Civilization as a whole and each of us. in particular, we are at the stage of formation of a new type of society - the information society. This society is still incomprehensible to many. The social system and law, as one of the main regulators of this system, lag significantly behind the pace of development of the information society, from the incomprehensible speed of the offensive against us of new information technologies and the World Wide Web - ( building material» information society.

Information society

State policy in the field of informatization: concept and main goal.

GUI- a set of interrelated political, legal, economic, socio-cultural and organizational measures aimed at ensuring national priorities for the geopolitical, socio-economic and cultural development of society and creating conditions for Russia's transition to an information society. She is important integral part foreign and domestic policy of the state and covers all spheres of society.

The main strategic goal of the GPI- to ensure the transition to a new stage in Russia's development, the building of the information society and the country's entry into the global information community.

As the experience of developed countries shows, the achievement of this goal requires a coordinated regulatory impact of the state on the socio-political and technical and technological components of the informatization of society.

The main tasks of state policy in the field of informatization.

The main tasks of the GPI are:

1) modernization of information and telecommunications infrastructure;

2) development of information and telecommunication technologies;

3) effective formation and use of national information resources (IR) and ensuring wide, free access to them;

4) providing citizens with socially significant information and developing independent mass media;

5) preparing a person for life and work in the coming information age;

6) creation of the necessary regulatory legal framework for building the information society.

Classification of methods for ensuring information security objects in law enforcement and judicial systems. Content of specific methods.

To ensure the information security of objects in the law enforcement and judicial spheres, along with general methods, specific methods are used, namely:

1. creation of a secure multi-level system of integrated data banks of an operational-search, reference, forensic and statistical nature based on specialized information and telecommunication systems;

2. increasing the level of professional and special training of users of information systems.

It should be noted that during the transition to the information society and with the provision of a high level of availability of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure in our country, such new phenomena as cyberterrorism and cybercrime have appeared. In this vein, a number of such threats as the insecurity of information from distortion, dissemination, insecurity of information and communication channels, and a number of others can be distinguished.

Successfully addressing information security issues Russian Federation contribute state system protection of information, the system of protection of state secrets, the system of licensing activities in the field of protection of state secrets and the system of certification of means of protecting information.

15. The concept of information and the basic operations of its processing. Give examples.

Information- a product of dynamic interaction of objective data and subjective methods (natural, hardware, software)

Processing procedures:

1. collection and registration of information- in the courts upon admission statements of claim, appeals

2. transfer of information to the place of processing- sending by mail or fax

3. machine encoding of information- warming of information on machine media associated with encoding information

4. storage and retrieval of information– the possibility of multiple use, as well as the possibility of continuous generalization and processing of data

5. computational processing– a set of software tools and information arrays for solving functional tasks

6. reproduction of information- printing reports on the printer

7. decision-making and development of control actions- carried out by specialists based on the analysis of generalized information obtained using a computer

16. Information technology: concept, purpose of creation, main components. Give examples.

IT- a set of methods, methods and means that ensure the storage, processing, transmission and display of information

IT Goal: the production of information for its analysis by a person and the subsequent adoption of decisions on the basis of it to perform any actions.

IT components:

1. collection of data or primary information

2. data processing and obtaining result information

3. transfer of resulting information to a person for making decisions based on it.

17 . Classification of information technologies by levels of use. Give examples.

1. function-oriented technologists(for solving one of the typical information processing functions): mathematical calculations, programming, algorithmization, image processing

2. domain-specific(for solving specific problems in a certain area): medical systems, insurance, financial and banking systems, gaming and entertainment systems

3. problem-oriented(applications of unified technical solutions that are invariant to all typical information processing functions and capable of adapting to specific applications within the framework of a selected problem): information retrieval systems, systems for translating from one language to another, databases and knowledge bases

18 .Classification of information technologies according to the type of information being processed, give examples.

IN dependencies on the type of processing information , IT can be directed to:

Data processing; (database control systems, tabular processors)

Processing of text information;

Graph processing;

Animation processing; (multimedia)

Knowledge processing. (expert systems)

Basic Database Concepts

Database (DB)- this is an information model that allows you to store data about a group of objects that have the same set of properties in an ordered form.

The creation of a database, its maintenance and provision of user access to it is carried out centrally with the help of special software tools - a database management system.

Database management system (DBMS) is a set of software and language tools necessary for creating databases, keeping them up to date and organizing the search for the necessary information in them.

A tabular database contains a list of objects of the same type, that is, objects that have the same set of properties. It is convenient to represent such a database as a two-dimensional table: in each row, the values ​​of the properties of one of the objects are sequentially placed; each property value is in its own column, headed by the property name.

Database field is a table column containing the values ​​of a specific property

Database entry is a table row containing a set of property values ​​placed in database fields.

key field is a field whose value uniquely identifies a record in a table.

The field type is defined the type of data it contains. Fields can contain data of the following basic types:

· counter- integers that are set automatically when entering records. These numbers cannot be changed by the user;

· text- texts containing up to 255 characters;

· numerical- numbers;

· date Time- date or time;

· monetary- numbers in monetary format;

· logical- values True(Yes or Lie(No);

· OLE object field- image or drawing

Each field type has its own set of properties. The most important properties of fields are:

· field size- defines the maximum length of a text or numeric field;

· field format- sets the data format;

· Obligatory field- indicates that this field must be filled in

Transaction management

A transaction is a sequence of operations on a database, considered by the DBMS as a whole. Either the transaction is successfully executed and the DBMS commits (COMMIT) the database changes made by this transaction to external memory, or none of these changes has any effect on the state of the database. The concept of a transaction is necessary to maintain the logical integrity of the database.


One of the main requirements for a DBMS is the reliability of data storage in external memory. Storage reliability refers to the fact that the DBMS must be able to restore the last consistent state of the database after any hardware or software failure.

Database language support

To work with databases, special languages ​​are used, generally called database languages. In early DBMS, several languages ​​​​specialized in their functions were supported.

Reference legal systems, their purpose. Reference examples legal systems in Russia

Reference and legal, or as they are also called information and legal systems, are a special group of computerized databases. They contain the most necessary information about the legal regulations of the country. The information includes the texts of decrees, regulations and decisions of all government agencies management. In addition, legal reference systems contain a lot of consulting material in the legal field, accounting and tax accounting, litigation, as well as many standard forms of various documentation. Such databases are widely used by translation agencies, large accounting firms and a number of other commercial organizations. Today, it is very important for professional lawyers to receive information and legal updates on time and to have at hand the most complete set of background information in the field of their activities. The rapid pace of business, the constant emergence of more and more new conditions for economic activity different enterprises demanded attention to themselves. This contributed to the creation of new opportunities for the immediate receipt of new reference and legal information - legal information systems. Indeed, today any activity, whether it is the translation of a passport into Russian or the preparation of a balance sheet, must be carried out in a certain manner established by law. To date, legal reference systems contain more than one hundred thousand printed pages of important information. It is very easy to get lost in such a volume, therefore, a convenient and quick search was developed for these systems, which will allow you to almost instantly find the necessary information at any time. Let's say you want to know what an apostille is and in what cases it is used. It will take fractions of seconds to search for such material if you use the help of reference and information systems. The purpose of the latter is to manage a variety of materials, which also include databases. Such systems are equipped with a simple and intuitive interface and extensive information processing functions. The following options will be offered to your attention: correction of the structure of the used object, various forms of working with the components of this object (additional entries, editing the object or deleting it), normal viewing and searching for various elements.

The concept and features of the information society.

Information society- step in the development of modern civilization,

characterized by an increase in the role of information and knowledge in the life of society, an increase in the share of infocommunications, information products and services in the gross domestic product, the creation of a global information space that ensures effective information interaction of people, their access to world information resources and the satisfaction of their social and personal needs in information products and services.

Signs of the information society:

1. increasing the role of information and knowledge in the life of society, the creation and development of the market for information and knowledge as factors of production in addition to markets natural resources, labor and capital, the transformation of information resources of society into real resources of social economic development;

2. creation of a global information space that ensures effective information interaction of people, their access to world information resources and satisfaction of their social and personal needs in information products and services;

3. formation and subsequent dominance in the economy of new technological structures based on the mass use of information and communication technologies.

These ways not only provide a constant increase in labor productivity, but also lead to the emergence of new forms of social and economic activity (distance education, telework, telemedicine, e-commerce, e-democracy, etc.);

4. increasing the level of professional and general cultural development by improving the education system and expanding the capabilities of information exchange systems for

international, national and regional levels, increasing the role of qualifications, professionalism and creativity as the most important characteristics of labor services;

5. creation of an effective system for ensuring the rights of citizens and social institutions and the free receipt, dissemination and use of information as the most important condition

democratic development, improving the interaction of the population with the authorities.

Russia, as part of the world civilization, is on the way to the formation of the information society.

In the history of the development of civilization, there have been several information revolutions - transformations of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing. The consequence of such transformations was the acquisition of a new quality by human society.

The first revolution was associated with the invention of writing, which led to a gigantic qualitative and quantitative leap. It became possible to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

The second (mid-16th century) was caused by the invention of printing, which radically changed industrial society, culture, and the organization of activities.

The third (the end of the 19th century) is due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.

The fourth one (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of the personal computer. Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems (information communications) are created on microprocessors and integrated circuits. This period is characterized by three main innovations:

· transition from mechanical and electric means of information conversion to electronic ones;

miniaturization of all nodes, devices, devices, machines;

creation of software-controlled devices and processes.

To create a more holistic view of this period, it is advisable to get acquainted with the change of generations of electronic computers (computers) and compare this information with the stages in the field of information processing and transmission.

1st generation (early 50s). Element base - electronic lamps. Computers were distinguished by large dimensions, high energy consumption, low speed, low reliability, programming in codes.

2nd generation (since the late 50s). Element base - semiconductor elements. All technical characteristics have improved in comparison with the computers of the previous generation. Algorithmic languages ​​are used for programming.

3rd generation (early 60s). Element base - integrated circuits, multilayer printed wiring. A sharp decrease in the dimensions of computers, an increase in their reliability, an increase in productivity. Access from remote terminals.

4th generation (since the mid-70s). Element base - microprocessors, large integrated circuits. Improved specifications. Mass production of personal computers. Directions of development: powerful multiprocessor computing systems with high performance, creation of cheap microcomputers.

5th generation (since the mid-80s). The development of intelligent computers began, with no success so far. Introduction to all areas of computer networks and their association, the use of distributed data processing, the widespread use of computer information technologies.

The latest information revolution brings to the fore a new industry - the information industry associated with the production of technical means, methods, technologies for the production of new knowledge. All types of information technologies, especially telecommunications, are becoming the most important components of the information industry. Modern information technology is based on advances in computer technology and communications.

Complication of industrial production, social, economic and political life, changes in the dynamics of processes in all areas human activity led, on the one hand, to an increase in the need for knowledge, and on the other hand, to the creation of new means and ways to meet these needs.

The rapid development of computer technology and information technology served as an impetus for the development of a society built on the use of various information and known as the information society.

Japanese scientists believe that in the information society, the process of computerization will give people access to reliable sources of information, save them from routine work, and provide a high level of automation of information processing in the industrial and social spheres. The driving force behind the development of society should be the production of information, not a material product. The material product will become more information-intensive, which means an increase in the share of innovation, design and marketing in its value.

The material and technological base of the information society are various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, and telecommunications.

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. The activity of people focuses mainly on the processing of information, and the production of materials and energy is assigned to machines.

In the transition to the information society, a new industry of information processing is emerging based on computer and telecommunication information technologies.

We highlight the characteristic features of the information society:

· the problem of the information crisis has been solved; resolved the contradiction between the information avalanche and
information hunger;

· the priority of information in comparison with other resources is provided;

· the main form of development will be the information economy;

society will be based on automated generation, storage, processing and use of knowledge with
using the latest information technology and technology;

Information technology will become global in nature, covering all spheres of human social activity;

the information unity of the entire human civilization is being formed;

With the help of computer science tools, free access of each person to the information resources of the entire

· implementation of humanistic principles of social management and impact on the environment.

In addition to positive aspects, dangerous trends are also predicted:

the growing influence of the media on society;

Information technology can destroy the privacy of individuals and organizations;

· there is a problem of selection of high-quality and reliable information;

Many people will find it difficult to adapt to the information society environment. There is a danger of a gap between
"information elite" (people involved in the development of information technology) and consumers.


The activities of individuals, groups, teams and organizations now increasingly begin to depend on their awareness and ability to effectively use the available information. Before taking any action, you must great job on the collection and processing of information, its comprehension and analysis. Finding rational solutions in any area requires the processing of large amounts of information, which is sometimes impossible without the involvement of special technical means.

The increase in the volume of information became especially noticeable in the middle of the 20th century. An avalanche-like flow of information poured over a person, not giving him the opportunity to fully perceive this information. In the daily emerging new stream of information, it became increasingly difficult to navigate. Sometimes it has become more profitable to create a new material or intellectual product than to search for an analogue made earlier. As a result, an information crisis (explosion) sets in.

The world has accumulated a huge information potential, but people cannot use it in full due to their limited capabilities. The information crisis has put society in front of the need to find ways out of the current situation. The introduction of computers, modern means of processing and transmitting information in various fields of activity was the beginning of a new evolutionary process, called informatization, in the development of human society, which is at the stage of industrial development.

Informatization of society is an organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and exercising the rights of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources

Modern material production and other areas of activity are increasingly in need of information services, the processing of a huge amount of information. A universal technical means of processing any information is a computer, which plays the role of an amplifier of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole, and communication tools using computers serve to communicate and transmit information. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.

With the computerization of society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of the technical base of computers that ensure the prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

When informatizing society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity.

Thus, "informatization of society" is a broader concept than "computerization of society", and is aimed at the speedy mastery of information to meet their needs. In the concept of "informatization of society", the emphasis should be placed not so much on technical means as on the essence and goals of socio-technical progress. Computers are the basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Currently, all countries of the world, to one degree or another, carry out the process of informatization. For the successful implementation of the informatization program, it is desirable to follow the principles common to the entire world community:

Rejection of the desire in the first place to ensure the economic growth of the country;

the need to replace the economic structure based on heavy industry with a structure
based on knowledge-intensive industries;

· recognition of the priority nature of the information sector. The basis for successful economic development is
creation of a new infrastructure and service sector capable of supporting the national economy;

· wide use of achievements of world science and technology;

investing significant financial resources in informatization, both public and private;

announcement of the growth of the welfare of the country and its citizens by facilitating the conditions of communication and processing
information is the main goal of informatization. The result of the informatization process is the creation
information society, where not material objects are manipulated, but symbols, ideas, images,
intellect, knowledge. If we consider humanity as a whole, then it is currently moving from
industrial society to information society.

For each country, its movement from the industrial stage of development to the information stage is determined by the degree of informatization of society.



Resource - reserves, sources of something. Such an interpretation is given in the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov.

In an industrial society, where most of the efforts are directed to material production, there are several main types of resources that have already become classic economic categories:

material resources - a set of objects of labor intended for use in the production of a social product, for example, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, semi-finished products, parts, etc.;

natural resources – objects, processes, conditions of nature used by society to meet the material and spiritual needs of people;

labor resources - people who have general educational and professional knowledge to work in society;

financial resources - funds at the disposal of a state or commercial structure;

energy resources - energy carriers, such as coal, oil, oil products, gas, hydropower, electricity, etc.

In the information society, the focus and significance shifts from traditional types of resources to the information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered either as an economic or as another category; no one specifically talked about it, much less introduced any definitions.

One of the key concepts in the informatization of society was the concept of "information resources", the interpretation and discussion of which was carried out from the moment when they began to talk about the transition to the information society. Quite a lot of publications are devoted to this issue, which reflect both different opinions and definitions, and different scientific schools considering these concepts.

With the adoption of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" most of the uncertainty was removed. Guided not by the scientific side of this issue, but rather by the pragmatic position of the consumer of information, it is advisable to use the definition given in this law. Moreover, one cannot ignore the fact that legal interpretation in all cases is a support for the user of information in the protection of his rights.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems). It should be understood that the documents and arrays of information referred to in this law do not exist on their own. They represent in different forms the knowledge possessed by the people who created them. Thus, information resources are knowledge prepared by people for social use in society and fixed on a material carrier.

The information resources of society, if they are understood as knowledge, are alienated from those people who accumulated, generalized, analyzed, created, etc. This knowledge materialized in the form of documents, databases, knowledge bases, algorithms, computer programs, as well as works of art, literature, and science.

The information resources of a country, region, organization should be considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to the reserves of raw materials, energy, minerals and other resources.

The development of world information resources has allowed:

• turn information services into a global human activity;

· to form the world and domestic market of information services;

to form all kinds of databases of resources of regions and states, to which relatively inexpensive

increase the validity and efficiency of decisions made in firms, banks, stock exchanges, industry, trade
and others due to the timely use of the necessary information.


Information resources are the basis for creating information products. Any information product reflects the information model of its manufacturer and embodies its own idea of ​​a specific subject area for which it was created. An information product, being the result of human intellectual activity, must be fixed on a material carrier of any physical property in the form of documents, articles, reviews, programs, books, etc.

Information product - a set of data formed by the manufacturer for distribution in tangible or intangible form.

An information product can be distributed in the same way as any other material product, through services.

A service is the result of non-productive activities of an enterprise or person, aimed at meeting the needs of a person or organization in the use of various products.

Information service – obtaining and making information products available to the user.

In a narrow sense, an information service is often perceived as a service received with the help of computers, although in fact this concept is much broader.

When providing a service, an agreement (agreement) is concluded between two parties - providing and using the service. The contract specifies the term of its use and the corresponding remuneration.

The list of services is determined by the volume, quality, subject orientation in terms of the use of information resources and information products created on their basis.

Information services arise only in the presence of databases in a computer or non-computer version.

Database - a collection of related data, the organization rules of which are based on general principles descriptions, storage and manipulation of data.

Databases are a source and a kind of semi-finished product in the preparation of information services by the relevant services. Databases, although they were not named as such, existed before the computer period in libraries, archives, collections, information bureaus and other similar organizations. They contain all kinds of information about events, phenomena, objects, processes, publications, etc.

With the advent of computers, the volume of stored databases increases significantly and, accordingly, the range of information services expands.

Consider the classification of databases from the standpoint of their use to systematize information services and products.

Databases are usually divided into: bibliographic and non-bibliographic.

Bibliographic databases contain secondary information about documents, including abstracts and annotations.

Non-bibliographic databases come in many forms:

reference, containing information about various objects and phenomena, for example

· addresses, timetables, phone numbers of shops, etc.;

· full text containing primary information, such as articles, magazines, brochures, etc.;

numeric, containing quantitative characteristics and parameters of objects and phenomena, for example, chemical and
physical data, statistical and demographic data, etc.;

text-numeric containing descriptions of objects and their characteristics, for example, for industrial products,
firms, countries, etc.;

· financial, containing financial information provided by banks, stock exchanges, firms, etc.;

· legal, containing legal documents by industry, region, country.

Russian Institute of Management

Course work

in the discipline "Theory of State and Law" on the topic:

“Information Society: Concept and Trends”

Is done by a student


reg. number _________________

Specialty: "Jurisprudence"




2.1. The concept and essence of information

2.2. Development of ideas about information

2.3. The concept and essence of the information society

2.4. Causes and consequences of information revolutions

2.5. The emergence and main stages of the development of the information society

2.6. Informatization of society at present

2.7. Information society and power

2.8. Computerization of modern society





The information society is one of the theoretical models used to describe a qualitatively new stage of social development, which the developed countries have entered with the beginning of the information and computer revolution. The technological basis of society is not industrial, but information and telecommunication technologies (ITT).

The information society is a society in which: Information becomes the main economic resource, and the information sector comes out on top in terms of development rates, in terms of the number of employees, in terms of the share of capital investments, in terms of the share in GDP. ICT are becoming the main means of increasing production efficiency, strengthening competitiveness both in the domestic and global markets. There is a developed infrastructure that ensures the creation of sufficient information resources. This is primarily the education system and science.

There is a redistribution of resources in favor of science and education. In the United States, the so-called accumulated human capital is three times the assets of all American corporations.

Intellectual property becomes the main form of ownership. In the competitive struggle for the world championship appears new factor- the level of development of information infrastructure and industry.

Information becomes the subject of mass consumption. The information society provides any individual with access to any source of information. This is guaranteed by law (military and state secrets are also determined by law) and technical capabilities.

There are new criteria for assessing the level of development of society - the number of computers, the number of Internet connections, the number of mobile and fixed phones, etc.

The legal foundations of the information society are being developed. A unified integrated information system is being formed on the basis of technological convergence (the merger of telecommunications, computer-electronic, audiovisual technology).

Unified national information systems are being created (in the USA - in the 80s, in Western Europe - in the 90s).

The information society is formed as a global one and includes: the world "information economy"; single global information space; global information infrastructure; emerging global legal system.

In the information society, business activity flows into the information and communication environment. A virtual economy, a virtual financial system and the like are being formed, which puts critical issues about the mechanisms of their regulation and connection with the real, "physical" economy.


2.1. The concept and essence of information

Often the concept of "information" is used without thinking about the depth of its content, identifying the concepts of knowledge, data, information.

Obviously, the "everyday" use of the term "information" is completely inappropriate when it comes to the theory or theories of information. Often, in these theoretical constructions, the term "information" is filled with different meanings, and, therefore, the theories themselves highlight only part of the facets of a certain system of knowledge, which can be called the general theory of information or "informology" - the science of the processes and tasks of the transmission, distribution, processing and transformation of information.

The emergence of informology as a science can be attributed to the end of the 50s of our century, when the American engineer R. Hartley made an attempt to introduce a quantitative measure of information transmitted through communication channels.

The scientific definition of information is given quite simply, if we assume that information is a dynamic object that does not exist in nature on its own, but is formed during the interaction of data and methods. It exists only as long as this interaction lasts, and the rest of the time it remains in the form of data.

The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of information. Information (from Latin informatio - "clarification", "exposition"), originally - information transmitted by people orally, in writing or in another way (through conditional signals, technical means, and so on); since the middle of the 20th century, it has been a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton.

Information is one of the basic concepts of cybernetics in the section of information theory. In information theory, mathematical methods are used to study how to measure the amount of information contained in any messages and how information is transmitted.

Information is the product of the interaction of data and methods, considered in the context of this interaction.

Information appears in the process of communication with a certain object. Without communication with the object, obtaining information is almost impossible.

For example, in order to catch the necessary information from a newspaper, it is necessary to read the newspaper itself and draw conclusions, that is, collect and process information. If we just touch the newspaper, we will not get the necessary information.

Communication - transmission of a message from one side to another (who is with whom, through what, what is the content, the effects of communication).

Communication can occur at several levels - between individuals, between social groups, within the same society, between different societies.

Different signs in communication are endowed with different semantic meanings and are presented in the form of codes.

Much of modern communication is organized as institutions that appeal to mass audiences.

Communication is what is transmitted, it is the forms of ownership, the internal structure, the value of the organization, the reaction of the audience.

In our definition, it is important to clarify “…considered in the context of this interaction.” Here are some examples of why this is really important. Books are known to be data stores. They are designed to obtain information by reading. But if you try different books by touch or taste, you can also get information.

Such methods will make it possible to distinguish books made in leather, cardboard and paper bindings. Of course, these are not the methods that the authors of the books intended, but they also provide information, although not complete.

Analyzing the information value of newspapers, magazines, TV shows, we can come to the conclusion that it depends both on the data and on the methods by which they are consumed. It is one thing to carefully watch a TV movie, listening to every word, and quite another to watch it while talking on the phone.

2.2. Development of ideas about information

Despite the fact that the concept of information is very widely used in science, and in Everyday life, its strict scientific definition did not exist until recently. To this day, different scientific disciplines introduce this concept in different ways. There are three possible approaches here: anthropocentric, technocentric And non-deterministic .

essence anthropocentric approach is that information is identified with information And facts, which theoretically can be obtained and assimilated, that is, converted into knowledge. This approach is currently the most widely used. We can observe its examples, in particular, in Russian legislation.

“Information is understood as information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation”

(Federal Law No. 24-F3 No. “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” dated January 25, 1995, “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” No. 39 dated February 22, 1995)

essence technocentric approach is that information is identified with data. This approach has become very widespread in technical disciplines. For example, we often come across mentions that “information is transmitted over computer networks”, “information is processed by computers”, “information is stored in databases”. In all these cases there is a substitution of concepts.

The fact is that only data is transmitted over computer networks, computers process only data, and only data is stored in databases. Whether this data becomes information, and if so, which one, depends not only on the data, but also on numerous hardware, software, and natural methods.

In Russian legislation, we do not find clear signs of a technocentric approach, but they are found in the laws of other states, such as Germany. In particular, concepts such as information, access to information, modification of information, about all cases when it comes to the operation of technical systems are presented as data, data access, data modification .

Non-deterministic approach to the concept of information is also found quite widely. It consists in the rejection of the definition of information on the grounds that it is fundamental, as, for example, matter and energy. In particular, we will not find a definition of information in the “Law on State Secrets” and in the “Law on the Mass Media”, although this concept is used in both legal acts.

The absence of a definition of the concept used is not at all an oversight of the legislator. In many cases, the refusal to define information can be considered traditional. So, for example, we will not find a definition of information in such a respected reference publication as the Encyclopædia Britannica. The definition can only be obtained indirectly through the article "Information processing and information systems", which states that "... this term is used in relation to the facts and judgments received in everyday life from other living beings, from the media, from electronic bases data, as well as by observing environmental phenomena.”

Both anthropocentric and technocentric approaches are mixed here, after which the definition is reduced to the everyday level. At the same time, an extensive list of literature published over the past 50 years is given, the analysis of which did not give a direct definition.

2.3. The essence and concept of the information society

To begin with, it is necessary to understand exactly what a “post-industrial society” is.

The society in which we live at the beginning of the 21st century is called the information society.

The term "information society" appeared in the United States in the theory of the same name in the 70s of the XX century. So they began to call a society that outgrew the industrial one.

In modern literature, many definitions of post-industrial society are given, but in my term paper chose, in my opinion, the most complete and accurate definition.

So, between the post-industrial society and the information society, you can put an equal sign, because. modern post-industrial society in its daily activities can not do without information technology.

Information society (Information society) - the concept of post-industrial society; a new historical phase in the development of civilization, in which the main products of production are information and knowledge.

Postindustrial society, in turn, is a society in which the service sector has a priority development and prevails over the volume of industrial production and agricultural production.

In the social structure of the post-industrial society, the number of people employed in the service sector increases and new elites are formed: technocrats, scientist.

The hallmarks of the information society are:

1.) increasing the role of information and knowledge in the life of society;
2.) an increase in the share of information communications, products and services in the gross domestic product;
3.) creation of a global information space that provides:

a) effective information interaction of people;

b) their access to world information resources;

c) meeting their needs for information products and services.

The service sector involves the mass service of the population. It was thanks to the emergence of such a sphere as the service sector that the emergence of a global information infrastructure took place, the users of which are the entire information society.

New information technologies are used in almost all areas of activity and have a huge impact on social reality, greatly changing it.

Philosophers associate the main change with the emergence of a new social structure - the information infrastructure.

First of all, let's define the concept of "information infrastructure".

Information infrastructure is a set of means for processing and using information, combined into computer and information networks. Toffler believes that the information infrastructure will become the basis of the social and economic activities of the future, and will also allow any person to receive all the information of interest to him at any time and in any place.

The Global Information Infrastructure (GII) is an information entity that began to take shape in 1995 by a group of developed countries.

The global information infrastructure is being developed as a global information queuing network for the planet's population based on the integration of global and regional information and telecommunication systems, as well as digital television and radio broadcasting systems, satellite systems and mobile communications.

So, the information revolution has launched the process of building an information society. Some theorists (for example, Y. Masuda) predict its establishment in developed countries in the middle of the 21st century.

2.4. Causes and consequences of information revolutions

Until the 16th century, the activity of society was aimed at mastering the substance, that is, the knowledge of the properties of matter and the manufacture of first primitive, and then more complex tools.

Then, in the process of the formation of an industrial society, the problem of mastering energy came to the fore - first thermal, then electrical, and finally, in the 20th century, atomic energy. The mastery of energy made it possible to master the mass production of consumer values ​​and, as a result, to raise the standard of living of people and change the nature of their work.

At the same time, people have always had a need to express and remember information about the world around them.

Several information revolutions have taken place in the history of the development of civilizations.

First revolution associated with the invention of writing. It became possible to disseminate knowledge and preserve it for transmission to future generations.

Second revolution(mid-16th century) was caused by the invention of printing, which radically changed public culture.

Third revolution(late 19th century) due to the invention of electricity. Telegraph, telephone, radio appeared, allowing to quickly transmit information.

Fourth revolution(70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of the personal computer (PC).

The creation of personal computers was predetermined by the growing volumes of information that are difficult to cope with using traditional technologies: paper and pen. This contradiction began to have a negative impact on the growth rate of scientific and technological progress (STP). They began to talk about the "information explosion", calling so the rapid growth of flows and volumes of information.

As a result, as a means for storing, processing and transmitting information, scientific and technological progress offered society a personal computer.

2.5. The emergence and main stages of the development of the information society

In the 1980s and 1990s, philosophers and sociologists developed the theory of the information society. In this work, the efforts of such well-known philosophers in the West as Yoshita Masuda, Zbigniew Brzezinski (some time ago a former adviser to the President of the United States), and J. Nasbitt were combined.

But the theory of the information society of the American philosopher Alvin Toffler (b. 1928) is best known, since his sensational books “Futureshock” (Shock from a collision with the future, 1971), “Ecospasm” (1975), “Third Wave” (1980) we have were translated.

Toffler, like many other Western philosophers, criticized the shortcomings of industrial society, noted its crisis and signs of transition to new form existence, information society.

Toffler connects the transformation of society into an information society with the information revolution that began in the second half of the 20th century.

The information revolution, as Alwyn Toffler notes, consists of two revolutions:

1) computer;

2) telecommunications.

The telecommunications revolution begins in the mid-1970s and merges with the computer one. The computer revolution begins much earlier and proceeds in several stages.

First big stage covers the years 1930-1970, which is called the "zero cycle". It begins with the creation of the first computers by the American physicist J. Atanasov and the German engineer K. Zuse.

At this stage, in 1951, the first commercial computer UNIVAC-1 was created (it weighed 30 tons, contained 18 thousand lamps and performed 5 thousand operations per second). Second significant stage computer revolution begins with the creation of the first personal computers and their mass production.

The telecommunications revolution is associated with the creation

a) fiber optic technologies;

b) satellite technologies.

The confluence of computer and telecommunication technologies has created a multitude of new products and services on the market. The information and telecommunications industry has now become a key sector of the economy of developed countries.

Developed countries prefer to import consumer goods, but export information industry products, and earn national wealth from their sale.

Information technology is expensive, much more expensive than consumer goods, which ensures that developed countries continue to have a high standard of living, far exceeding that of developing countries.

In addition, leadership in information technology gives them the opportunity to continue to claim political leadership in the world.

For example, the United States is one of the recognized leaders in world politics, controls more than 40% of the information technology trade market.

The United States has mothballed its fossil resources and imports more goods than it exports, but exports more services (especially in the field of information technology) than it imports.

The leadership in the field of informatization of the United States is understandable: 41% of all computers in the world are located there; 40% of families there own personal computers, and 20% - modems, that is, they are Internet users.

Thanks to the merging of the computer and telecommunications revolutions, it became possible to create information networks of enormous proportions, up to global ones. Through these networks, it is possible to transmit, find and process the necessary information much faster.

2.6. Informatization of society at present

Until recently, no one imagined that humanity would be on the threshold of a new era in the development of civilization - information.

Currently, there is an active process of informatization of society.

Informatization is understood as the active introduction of computer technology and new information technologies in various areas of production, public and private life of people.

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

Recently there has been new category culture - informational. This is due to the fact that in order to live and work in the information society, a person must be prepared for the rapid perception and processing of large amounts of information; he needs to master modern means, methods and technology of work.

In addition, in the new living conditions, the degree of awareness of one person directly depends on the information acquired by other people. Therefore, it is no longer enough to be able to independently master and accumulate information, but one should learn such a technology for working with information when decisions are prepared and made on the basis of collective knowledge. Thus, a person must have a certain level of culture to work with information.

information culture- the ability to purposefully work with information and use computer information technology, modern tools and methods to receive, process and transmit it.

Being the most important component of culture as a whole, information culture is a product of a variety of human creative abilities.

Information culture is manifested in the following:

In specific skills in the use of various technical devices - from telephone to personal computer and computer networks;

The ability to use computer information technology in their work;

In the ability to extract information from various sources - from periodicals to electronic communications;

The ability to present information in an understandable way and use it effectively;

In knowledge of analytical methods of information processing;

The ability to work with various types information.

Information culture borrows and uses the achievements of many sciences: cybernetics, computer science, information theory, mathematics, database design theory and a number of other disciplines. An integral part of information culture is knowledge of information technology and the ability to apply it in practice.

Relatively recently, another new information technology has appeared - virtual reality.

Virtual reality (VR) is a highly developed form of computer simulation that allows the user to immerse themselves in an artificial world and directly act in it using special sensory devices that associate their movements with audiovisual effects.

In this case, the visual, auditory, tactile and motor sensations of the user are replaced by their imitation generated by the computer.

The characteristic features of virtual reality are:
- modeling in real time;
- imitation of the environment with a high degree of realism;
- the ability to influence the environment and have feedback at the same time.

A kind of virtual reality can be called a computer game.

Computer game (Computer game) - a game built using the multimedia capabilities of a computer.

A computer game is defined by an algorithm that describes the process of passing it. Computer games are divided into business, developing, educational and entertaining.

In the book “The Third Wave” (under the name of which the information or post-industrial society stands here), Toffler, considering the new characteristics of everyday life that have appeared, notes that in the information society there is a revision of the basic principles of organizing the life of society (or, as he says, “revision of the code of civilization ").

The civilization of industrial society was based on six principles:

1) synchronization;

2) specialization;

3) standardization;

4) concentration;

5) maximization;

6) centralization.

All of them collapse in the information society and are replaced by others that make up the features of the information society:

1) Synchronization. Synchronized with the rhythms of production, the mechanized rhythm of life is replaced by social rhythms - the rhythms of activity not related to the production of things. Social activity itself is becoming more diverse, and its rhythms are also diversifying.

The main types of social activities are those associated with the production of information, in particular, the role of science and education, which feed the development of new technologies, is greatly increasing.

2) Specialization. The production of information is becoming a new way of creating social wealth. This method is based not on physical strength, but on the mental abilities of a person, and they develop in the process of education.

Education in the information society is subject to new requirements, due to the fact that in production now the change of technologies is happening very quickly, new types of labor appear, and the old ones disappear completely. In this regard, there is a need to transfer labor resources from one industry to another.

Who can quickly switch from one job to another? - Someone who is not a narrow specialist, but has a good fundamental education. Therefore, a characteristic feature of the labor market in the information society is its despecialization and high educational level.

Toffler makes very curious remarks about the new social role of knowledge. In an industrial society, wealth was expressed in the form of capital (money), in an information society, wealth acquires a new, intangible form - the form of symbolic capital, or information (knowledge). If the industrial society was a society of mass production of durable goods, then the information society, according to Toffler, will be a society of mass production of knowledge.

Knowledge how capital is radically different from money capital: they are:

a) inexhaustible;

b) available to an infinite number of users.

Even money, which was a unit of exchange in an industrial society, in the information society takes the form of information, becomes electronic money - credit cards, the use of which occurs with the help of a computer.

Electronic money is becoming more and more popular. In 1990, there were more than 187 million credit card holders in the world, today, thanks to the inclusion of Russia in the global electronic banking network, their number has increased significantly.

Electronic money - this is, first of all, security in settlements, as well as convenience, ensuring the speed of concluding a major transaction.

Over the past three decades, the term "electronic money" has become widespread, both in foreign and domestic economic practice. There are many scientific works devoted to certain aspects of the development of electronic money.

Electronic money refers to both non-cash money and cash. Initially, electronic money in domestic science was understood as new means of payment based on the use of computers.

One of the first to use the term "electronic money" was V.M. Usoskin. In Western circles, the so-called technological approach to the definition of electronic money prevails.

By definition of the well-known Bank for International Settlements, electronic money is a stored value or prepaid products, where a record of the funds or value available to the consumer is stored on a technical device owned by the consumer.

Electronic money (Electronic money - E-money) - in a broad sense - a form of organization of money circulation in the association of information networks.

In a narrow sense - digital money.

digital money(Digitalcash) is an electronic analogue of cash. Digital money can be bought, it is stored electronically in special devices and is at the disposal of the buyer.

Smart cards or special computer systems are used as storage devices.

smart card (Smart-card; Chipcard; Integratedcircuitcard (IC) - a credit card with a built-in microprocessor, which has a high level of protection and the ability to conduct multi-currency payments.

Cash cards are used to exchange electronic money for cash.

cash card(Cash card) - a bank card used to receive cash from cash machines.

Non-cash payment for goods, works, services is carried out by means of a payment card.

Payment card (Charge card) - a plastic card that provides the person using it with the possibility of basic cash payment for goods or services.

There are also discount cards.

Discount card(Discount card) - a special card issued by a commercial organization that provides a discount on the price of goods.

Through discount cards:
- purchases are encouraged; or
- events are stimulated: marriage, anniversaries, etc.

There are other cards, but I have named the most common ones.

3) Standardization. In the information society, there is a tendency towards individualization in everything.

4) Concentration. The principle of concentration of production, which entailed the concentration of the population in large cities, will be replaced in the information society by the principle of the optimal combination of large and small, because the main production - the production of knowledge - is not tied to sources of fossil resources.

Computers can be brought anywhere in the world, from anywhere you can enter the information network and become a participant in the production of knowledge (write a book, calculate a project, draw up a report, and so on).

5) Maximization. The principle of maximization, which determined the construction of gigantic plants and factories, huge research institutes, will be replaced (and has already begun to change) by the principle of creating temporary teams to solve special problems. These teams will be able to set a convenient mode of work for themselves.

6) Centralization. The principle of centralization will be replaced by the principle of decentralization and deurbanization (from the Latin urbs - city) - a decrease in the role of cities in public life, since the need for the existence of huge cities (megacities) disappears.

Toffler also notes that in the socio-political sphere and in the field of international economics, information technologies open up completely unprecedented prospects.

Currently, there are all prerequisites for:

1) creating a global economy (the United Europe became the first step in this direction);

2) solutions to social problems.

The openness of information makes a person stronger, and state power more dependent on citizens. Telecommunication networks create opportunities for the direct participation of all citizens in government, which makes it possible to avoid making important government decisions that ignore the interests of citizens or even their minority.

Of course, all the optimistic forecasts that sound in the theory of the information society have as their premise a revision on the scale of the whole of mankind of attitudes towards the goals and objectives of production.

Production must be put at the service of vital interests, and not war. It should develop taking into account the global problems facing, all people of the information society should be characterized by a high level of environmental consciousness.

The main question, the solution of which will determine the development of production, should not be the question “how?”, but the question “why?”.

It is believed that Western countries have already entered the information society, Russia, like all developing countries, is on its threshold.

In his other book, Futurshock, Toffler notes the already manifest features of the new society: the too rapid variability of life, the associated sense of instability of everything that happens, and notes the new problems caused by this, which he calls the word "futurshock". “Transience, novelty and diversity are the hallmarks of the future that shock us,” Toffler wrote. "Futurshock" literally means "future shock". According to Toffler, it manifests itself in the violation of decision-making processes.

People can no longer use the recipes for life created by past generations, they have to create their own.

The ongoing changes concern not only the production activities of people, but also their personal lives, human relations. Permanent relationships (friends, family) become a luxury.

For example, the family has always been a shock absorber, an island of stability. But she is also changing, and no one can say what will happen to her tomorrow.

The family is destroyed

1) new birth technologies - they change the attitude towards motherhood and fatherhood: mother and father may no longer be the only or unknown, or in general - only the mother (multi-mice, cloning);

2) mobility in pursuit of work;

3) increase in life expectancy: love passes due to unequal development.

Next, we will consider the interaction of the information society with another socially important political institution - the authorities.

2.7. Information society and power

The management of the information society is carried out on the basis of the powers of authority by the system of state bodies.

Power is information not speaking at all. It is those people who can listen effectively and are able to extract valuable information from what they hear and have power.

The famous English statesman and political figure F. Chesterfield said in this regard: “By listening to a person, we instill self-respect in him.”

One of the most meaningful classifications of power is its division in accordance with resources:

- economic,

- social,

- spiritual and informational,

- coercive (political in the narrow sense).

economic power is control over economic resources, ownership of values.

social power involves the distribution of statuses, benefits, privileges.

Spiritual and informational power- this is power over people, carried out with the help of scientific knowledge and information (preparation of decisions, influence on consciousness, including manipulation).

Coercive power relies on power resources and means control over people through the threat or use of violence (a sign of political power).

As we see from the definition of spiritual and informational power, information is also a tool for managing the modern information society.

In the United States, back in 1966, the Freedom of Information Act was passed. The essence of the law is given below.

The Freedom of Information Act of 1966 (FOIA) - in the United States - a law that requires all US federal agencies to provide citizens with free access to all available information, except for that related to national defense, law enforcement, financial and personal documents.

Subsequently, new technologies appeared in the information sphere that are directly related to information, the economy and other important areas of life.

Information sphere(Information sphere) according to the legislation of the Russian Federation - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

The information sphere requires an information environment.

Information environment(formationenvironment, iformationsocietiesenvironment) - a set of technical and software tools for storing, processing and transmitting information, as well as socio-economic and cultural conditions for the implementation of informatization processes.

In the information sphere, even e-government, e-taxes, Internet voting, and much more have appeared.

Let's take a closer look at each of these technologies.

e-Government (Electronicgovernment - e-Government) - a public administration system based on electronic means of processing, transmitting and disseminating information.

Electronic taxes(Electronics taxes - e-Taxes) - a technology for processing and transmitting tax statements online.

Internet voting(Internet vote) - voting using the Internet environment. In Internet voting, the voter receives an electronic ballot on a certain website and votes. The authenticity of the ballot is guaranteed by means of a digital signature.

In this regard, the authorities made it easier for their fellow citizens to perform certain actions prescribed by law, such as voting or paying taxes.

The appearance of handling electronic money has led to the emergence of information crime.

Information crime- unlawful actions in the information sphere that violate the rights of an individual, organization or state established by law and cause them moral harm or material damage.

But how to protect information from misuse, how to protect information from information crime?

For this, a special information legislation was developed.

Information legislation(Information legislation) - a set of laws, regulations and other forms of legal regulation in the field of circulation and production of information and the use of information technologies.

Such legislation exists in the Russian Federation. An example is the Federal Law No. 24-F3 No. “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” dated January 25, 1995.

Just as the Russian legislation provides for the freedom of the individual, so the information legislation has its own, informational freedom of the individual.

Information freedom of the individual- human right:
- receive information necessary for his life, professional activity and development;
- to express their point of view about certain natural or social phenomena;
- share information with other people.

Information here means any information, except for that which is a state secret of the country.

In order to educate cultural professional users in your country, it is necessary to instill in them computer literacy.

Computer literacy(Computer literacy) implies possession of a sufficient set of knowledge and skills to work on a computer.

To achieve these goals, at present, educational institutions, including secondary educational institutions, have introduced subjects for the study of information technology, where future potential information users are taught various computer programs, shells, and the like.

2.8. Computerization of modern society

The process of development of the information society begins with its computerization.

Computerization(Computerization) - the process of introducing computers that provide automation of information processes and technologies in various areas of human activity.

The purpose of computerization is to improve the quality of life of people by increasing productivity and facilitating their working conditions.

Along with computerization, there is a more specific concept of home computerization.

Home computerization(Home computerisation) - the process of equipping households with computer devices. In the Russian Federation, home computerization is an element of the state policy of informatization, focused on meeting the needs of the population for information and knowledge directly at home.

It can satisfy the needs thanks to special search engines.

Information retrieval system (Information retrieval system) - a system that performs the following functions:

Storage of large amounts of information;
- fast search of the required information;
- adding, deleting and changing stored information;
- output of information in a human-friendly form.

- automated (coputerised);
- bibliographic (reference);
- dialogue (online);
- documentary and factographic information retrieval systems.

Search system (Search engine) - on the Internet - a special website on which the user, upon a given request, can receive links to sites that match this request.

The search engine consists of three components:
-1- search robot;
-2- system index;
-3- programs that:
a) handles the user's request,
b) finds documents in the index that meet the query criteria,
c) displays a list of found documents in descending order of relevance.

As a society can be divided according to interests into different groups (subcultures), so in the information society there is a division into various subcultures.

Subculture(Subculture, from lat.Sub - under + Cultura - education) - a system of values, behaviors, lifestyle of any social group, which is an independent holistic education within the dominant culture.

Subculture arises as a positive or negative reaction to the prevailing culture and social structure in society among different social strata and age groups.

Along with the division of society, the reverse process takes place - merging. In the information society, information groups merge into one community with the help of a network, i.e. Society is becoming a network.

network society(Network society) - a society in which a significant part of information interactions is carried out using information networks. Moreover, the composition of this society is constantly replenished with new users.

The main factor increasing the number of users is, of course, the information need of the population of the entire planet.

information need(Information need) - a need that arises when the goal facing the user in the course of his professional activity or in his social and everyday practice cannot be achieved without additional information.

Additional information in this context refers to the World Wide Web.

The World Wide Web (WorldWideWeb - WWW, Web) - the main service on the Internet, which allows you to access information on any servers connected to the network. The World Wide Web is organized on the principles of hypermedia.

Under hypermedia(Hypermedia) refers to the technology of presenting information in the form of relatively small blocks associated with each other.

Of course, the World Wide Web allows you to access any information on any servers connected to the network. But in order to get information using the web, you need a device with access to the Internet.

Internet (Internet) - a global information network, parts of which are logically interconnected with each other through a single address space based on the TCP / IP protocol.

The Internet consists of many interconnected computer networks and provides remote access to computers, e-mail, bulletin boards, databases, and discussion groups.

A device is a computer.

Computer (Electronic computer - COMPUTER, Computer) in the broad sense of the word, a programmable electronic device capable of processing data and performing calculations, as well as performing other character manipulation tasks.

There are two main classes of computers:
- digital computers (computers) that process data in the form of numerical binary codes;
- analog computers that process continuously changing physical quantities that are analogues of calculated quantities.

In a narrower (personal) sense Personal Computer (PC, Personalcomputer - PC) - a universal computer designed for individual use.

Typically, personal computers are designed on the basis of the principle of open architecture and are based on microprocessors.

home computer(Home computer) - a household personal computer designed for use in homes and aimed at non-professional users.

A computer is a thing that has a certain value. Therefore, in order to join the information society, it is necessary to purchase a computer.

Any computer consists of two components:

1). Hardware;

2). Software.

Hardware (Hardware)- a complex of electronic, electrical and mechanical devices that are part of a system or network.

Hardware includes:
- computers and logical devices;
- external devices and diagnostic equipment;
- power equipment, batteries and accumulators.

Software(Software) - a set of programs: - providing data processing or transmission;
- intended for repeated use and application by different users.

According to the types of functions performed, the software is divided into system, application and instrumental.
Software - according to GOST 19781-90 - a set of programs of the information processing system and program documents necessary for their operation.

Both hardware and software are interconnected. One doesn't work without the other. Each "element of the chain" is necessary, and performs its functions.

The process of acquiring computers by the population is directly related to the social inequality of modern society.

2.9. Information inequality of modern society

Social inequality (Social inequality) - a form of social differentiation in which individuals, social groups, strata, classes are at different levels of the vertical social hierarchy and have unequal life chances and opportunities to meet needs.

Consider three main social classes:

1). The rich (i.e. the elite);

2). Middle class;

3). Poor.

All these three social classes make up the concept of society in the broadest sense of the word.

Society(Society) - a set of people:
- United by historically established forms of their relationship and interaction in order to meet their needs;
- characterized by:

1) stability;

2) integrity;

3) self-development;

4) the presence of special social values ​​and norms that determine their behavior.

Society is a human community, the specificity of which is the relationship of people to each other. Society is a product of human interaction.
Society is an integral system of social institutions that perform the functions of regulating economic, political, legal, moral and other relations.

According to many scientists, philosophers, political scientists and politicians the basis of society was unanimously recognized precisely as the middle class of classical activities, the middle class was unanimously recognized _______________________________________________ the middle class.

It is the middle class that subtly feels any changes in the state and is subject to it to change the situation, if necessary.

Middle class(Middle class) - a class that occupies an intermediate position between the main classes in the system of social stratification.

The middle class is characterized by a heterogeneous position, contradictory interests, consciousness and political behavior.

Distinguish between the old middle class and the new middle class.

old middle class- medium and small owners: small entrepreneurs, traders, artisans, freelancers, small and medium farmers, owners of small manufacturing firms.

New middle class- employees, managers, engineers, professional mental workers, who do not own the means of production and live by selling their labor.

Next, let's compare the ratio of rich, middle class and poor in the Russian Federation and the United States. Since this ratio is constantly changing, we will study the general view of the picture.

Since acquiring a computer and learning how to work on it in the status of a professional requires constant study and retraining, because. scientific progress does not stand still, then the conclusion follows that to join the information society, basically, only the rich and middle class can do it.

In connection with the above, we analyze the situation.

The structure of US society is usually depicted as a quadrangle.

Table No. 1 shows that the middle class is the basis of American society and makes up approximately 40% of the entire society, while the poor and the rich each make up 30% of the entire US society.

Based on these data, we can conclude that at the moment the middle class (40%) and the rich (30%) can actually become an information society.

In total, 70% of US citizens come out. It should be noted that the figure is very high.

The structure of society in the Russian Federation is usually depicted as a pyramid.

Table No. 2 shows the ratio of classes in modern society in our country. It can be seen with the naked eye that the basis of society in Russia is made up of such classes as the middle class and the class of the poor. So, the poor - 45%, the middle class - 45%, the remaining 10% is the elite.

It follows from this that no more than 55% of the entire population of the Russian Federation (45% of the middle class + 10% of the rich) can consider themselves an information society.

Let's compare the indicators obtained during the analysis.

The information society in the United States is 70% of the citizens, while in Russia this society can be characterized with 55% of the citizens of the Russian Federation.

Next, we calculate the number of the information society in the US and the Russian Federation in specific numbers, since the number of people in the countries we compare is unequal.

According to Table No. 3 about Let us limit what part of the total number of the population can be considered informational in these countries. For each of the countries we compare, we will take as a basis the population (according to data for 2006) - 100%.

We get that the number of the information society in the Russian Federation is about 80 million people (145 >< 0,55 = 79,75).

In the United States, however, the number of the information society is much higher, at approximately 190 million people (271 >< 0,7 = 189,7).

So, the information society and potentially ready to become one, in the US is more than two times (2.38) more than in Russia.

The obtained negative result was influenced, first of all, by two factors (problems):

1. Reduction of the population (in 2006, the permanent population of Russia decreased by 561.2 thousand people, or by 0.39%);

2. Half of the country's population living below the poverty line.

As for the first problem, in recent years the Government of the Russian Federation has been actively trying to avoid a crisis in the country caused by these two problems. Various social programs are being created, including material incentives (maternity capital) for mothers for the birth of a second child.

It is not yet possible to track the change in the population and their social quality component, the above social programs have been introduced recently.

Unfortunately, on the second social problem, the question remains open, despite the fact that our country currently occupies a leading position in terms of prices, ahead of New York, Tokyo and London.


It is obvious that at present we are entering the information era, where the main commodity will be information in its various manifestations.

Receiving undeniable benefits, such as the availability of information, its rapid dissemination, the free exchange of data between people, etc., one cannot but take into account the increased and changed requirements for a person as a member of society.

In the period of transition to the information society, in addition to solving the problems described above, it is necessary to prepare a person for the rapid perception and processing of large amounts of information, mastering modern means, methods and technology of work. In addition, new working conditions give rise to the dependence of the awareness of one person on the information acquired by other people.

Now it is no longer enough to be able to independently master and accumulate information, but it is necessary to learn such a technology for working with information when decisions are prepared and made on the basis of collective knowledge. This suggests that a person must have a certain level of culture in handling information.

It should be noted that the problem of informatization of society is discussed today by scientists more and more widely. Since obtaining information about what is happening in the country and in the world no longer requires direct communication between people, a person will be increasingly isolated from society, subjected to the illusion of independence from it.

It is necessary to cultivate a sense of responsibility of each person for what is happening in the world, achieving a clear understanding of the interdependence of all people. This task relates, first of all, to the education system and the mass media.

The nature of changes in the social structure predicted by scientists under the influence of informatization in the above areas is as follows:

The number of social groups will grow, which will naturally lead to a decrease in their average size. Modern information technologies provide a real opportunity for a more accurate, operational consideration of people's interests.

The qualitative parameters of social groups will improve in terms of such parameters as the level of education, intelligence, etc.

The new percentages between social groups identified in society according to various criteria will probably look like this:

1) the proportion of people engaged in intellectual work - intellectuals - will increase.

The emergence of a special class of "intellectuals" is predicted. For those who do not want or cannot work intellectually, work is supposed to be in the field of information services, which, as noted earlier, should account for more than 50% in the information society in the employment structure, or in the field of material production.

2) the number of able-bodied people will increase. Older people will be able to continue working even after retirement, as the working age bar will rise (the body ages before the brain).

The pyramidal socio-economic structure will increasingly give way to a network-like (mosaic) structure. The structure of the network more closely matches the new information technology.

American researchers note that "the convergence of changing social and personal values ​​with new technology and energy-economic needs makes the formation of a mosaic society essentially inevitable."

One of the highest places in the hierarchy of values ​​(along with innovation) is the autonomy of the individual, which is not typical of a traditional society at all.

Personality is realized only through belonging to a certain corporation, being an element in a strictly defined system of corporate relations. If a person is not included in any corporation, he is not a person.

In a technogenic civilization, a special type of personal autonomy arises: a person can change his corporate ties, since he is not rigidly attached to them, he can and is able to very flexibly build his relationships with people, immerse himself in different social communities, in different cultural traditions.

Modern science and technical creativity draw fundamentally new types of objects into the field of human activity, the development of which requires new strategies. We are talking about objects that are self-developing systems characterized by synergistic effects. Their development is always accompanied by the passage of the system through special states of instability, when small random impacts can lead to the emergence of new structures, new levels of organization of the system, which affect the already established levels and transform them.

For free orientation in the information flow, a person must have an information culture as one of the components of a common culture. The growing power of the flow of information exchange between people has given rise to a new type of culture in which everything is subject to the need for classification, unification in order to maximize compression and increase efficiency in transmission from person to person, whether in person or through the media.

There is the problem of human life and activity in the new society, the form of its existence. Will he live in the "Electronic Cottage" as some futurists predicted, or will the form of life not change dramatically.

Philosopher Alvin Toffler, for example, predicts the birth of the "prosumer" - consumer and producer rolled into one.

During the “first wave” period, most people consumed what they produced themselves. You can call them "consumers". The Industrial Revolution separated the functions of production and consumption, thus giving rise to the producer and the consumer.

At present, the boundary separating the producer from the consumer is becoming less and less clear. The meaning of the “prosumer” is growing... In a word, there is a kind of return to society of the “prosumer”, who was the dominant figure in the society of the “first wave”. Of course, it will be a “prosumer”, equipped with modern technology, working in an electronic cottage and leading a modern lifestyle.”

Everyone will have to rethink their life position as an individual, it is clear that there will be a redistribution of life values.

Our future largely depends on which direction modern society direct the development of scientific and technological progress.


1. Lecture notes of the RIU teacher on the discipline "Theory of State and Law"

2. Lecture notes of the RIU teacher in the discipline "Philosophy"

3. Komarov S.A., Malko A.V., Theory of State and Law: Educational and Methodological Guide. - M.: NORMA, 2003

4. “Introduction to Philosophy. Part I, ed. ed. I. T. Frolova, Moscow: Politizdat, 1989

5. Toffler O. The third wave. In journal: USA - economy, politics, ideology. #7-11 for 1982.

6. Modern Western philosophy. Dictionary. M .: Publishing house polit. literature, 2001

7. Rumynina V.V., Klimenko A.V. Theory of State and Law: A Methodological Guide. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002
8. Morozova L.A. Theory of State and Law: Refresher Course in Questions and Answers. - M.: NORMA, 2003

9. "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary", A.M. Prokhorov, M.S. Gilyarov, E.M. Zhukov, M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981

10. Protasov V.N. Theory of State and Law: Exam Handbook, 2nd ed. - M., 2004
11. Nersesyants V.S. Theory of Law and State: A Short Training Course. - M.: NORMA, 2001
12. Chervonyuk V.I. Theory of State and Law: Textbook. - M.: INFRA - M, 2006


In Russia, over the past 7-10 years, such factors of socio-economic, scientific, technical and cultural development have been formed that can be considered as prerequisites for the transition to an information society. These prerequisites include: 1.1. Information is becoming a public development resource, the scale of its use has become comparable to traditional (energy, raw materials, etc.) resources. Even today, the volume of sales in Russia of only computer technology and informatics (mainly PCs and peripherals) reaches more than one million pieces a year and is estimated at about 1.5 billion dollars. As world experience shows, the cost of selling a software product is usually equal to or somewhat higher than the cost of equipment, and the cost of personal communications, audio and video equipment is usually commensurate with the cost of computer equipment. These minimum approximate estimates amount to 4.5 billion dollars in total, which will be about 5% of Russia's GDP in 1997. This value of the total cost of information already has a macroeconomic significance and characterizes the growth in the use of the "information" resource. 1.2. We can say that in Russia the domestic market of telecommunications, information technologies, products and services has been formed and is successfully developing. The volume of funds circulating in the Russian market reaches 5-7.5 billion dollars a year. 1.3. In general, in the country, despite the economic downturn, the computer fleet is growing, and the development of telecommunication systems and means is proceeding at an accelerated pace. The number of corporate information networks is growing and the number of subscribers of the world's open networks is continuously increasing. The number of Russian Internet users is approaching one million. The national communication network using satellite channels is being intensively expanded. The country is successfully telephonized and the market for mobile communications is growing rapidly. 1.4. Many sectors of the economy, banking and public administration have been largely computerized. 1.5. IN public opinion there is an understanding of the relevance of the task of transition to the information society from the political and economic points of view. This is evidenced by the wide public resonance of the Concept of State Information Policy, which can be considered as a policy of ensuring initial stage Russia's transition to the information society. 1.6. Today Russia is part of the global political and economic community in a way it has never been in the past. Literally and figuratively, Russia is connected to the rest of the world by cable and satellite communication channels, actively used by hundreds of thousands of cellular and simple telephones, faxes, computers, etc. 1.7. Formed and functioning state structure responsible for the creation and development of the information technology basis for the provision of transition processes.


AND ABOUT- societies in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. Signs: 1) awareness by society of the priority of I. over another product of human activity; 2) the fundamental principle of all areas of human activity (economic, production, political, educational, scientific, etc.) is I.; 3) I. is a product of the activity of modern man; 4) I. in its pure form is the subject of sale; 5) equal opportunities in access to I. of all segments of the population; 6) safety of IO, I.; 7) protection of intellectual property; 8) interaction of all state structures among themselves on the basis of ICT; 9) IS management by the state, public organizations. 05/28/1999 The concept of the formation of IO in the Russian Federation to characteristic features and signs of AI include: 1) the formation of a single information and communication space of the Russian Federation as part of the global information space, the full participation of the Russian Federation in the processes of information and economic integration of regions, countries and peoples; 2) the formation and subsequent dominance in the economy of new technological modes based on the massive use of promising information technologies, computer technology and telecommunications; 3) creation and development of the market of information and knowledge as factors of production in addition to the markets of natural resources, labor and capital, the transition of information resources of society into real resources of socio-economic development, the actual satisfaction of society's needs for information products and services; 4) an increase in the role of information and communication infrastructure in the system of social production; 5) raising the level of education, scientific, technical and cultural development by expanding the capabilities of information exchange systems at the international, national and regional levels and, accordingly, increasing the role of qualifications, professionalism and creativity as the most important characteristics of labor services; 6) creation of an effective system for ensuring the rights of citizens and social institutions to freely receive, disseminate and use information as an essential condition for democratic development.

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