Ultrasounds and screenings are not a guarantee. He was destined to be born with us

“A sick child was born to the Petrovs. How could this happen? They have a decent family, do not drink, do not smoke. We prepared for pregnancy, followed all the recommendations of the doctor. Drunkards do not bother and give birth to healthy children every year. Where's the justice?"

Are you familiar with such stories? Perhaps you have repeatedly thought about why children with disabilities and physical defects are born in good families. At the same time, normal healthy children very often appear in the families of alcoholics and drug addicts.

In order to understand this issue, let's first get acquainted with such a concept as karma.

What is karma?

Karma- this is the Universal Law of causes and effects, according to which the good or bad actions of a person determine his fate. It depends on these actions whether he will suffer all his life or enjoy life.

The Law of Karma immediately realizes all human actions, both positive and negative. Thus, each of us bears full responsibility for our lives. Yes, we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens to us every day. Wealth or poverty is the answer to our actions.

How does the Law of Karma work?

The Law of Karma covers the past, present and future lives of a person.

And Jesus said: “All misfortunes are a partial payment of former debts. There are immutable laws of retribution: what a person does to another, someone else will do to him. Anyone who harms someone in thought, word and deed is condemned as a debtor under the law, and someone will also harm him in thought, word and deed. Misfortune is some sign that a person has not paid off his debts ...

A person who does evil to another person will never be forgiven until he corrects the evil. No one can correct evil, as soon as he himself created it.

A person will never be able to pray for his sin, and no one will forgive his sins. Only sincere repentance and good deeds can soften the blow. Then the punishment for the sin committed will be minimal.

The Universal Law of Boomerang says:“All our thoughts and actions, both evil and good, our actions, both good and bad, our actions, good and bad, return to us.”

It turns out that it is not profitable for a person to get angry, curse, envy, kill, mock, etc. After all, according to the Boomerang Law, all this will happen to him sooner or later.

What will happen if a person does not have time to work off his debts in this life? Yes, in addition, will he do anything else? He will work out everything in the next incarnation in the form of illnesses, poverty, misfortunes, failures. Such people, as a rule, have a difficult or tragic fate. They are forced to experience in their own skin all the bad, and sometimes terrible, that they once did to others.

For example, if a person was robbed, then he himself once did it. If not in this life, then in a past life.

I have already said that the greatest gift of God to man is freedom of choice. We make our choices every day, every minute. And our whole future life directly depends on this choice.

Three life paths

1 option: when a person lives, works and does nothing extra. And so on until the very end.

Option 2: when a person makes adjustments to his life, develops spiritually, does good to others, helps, etc. Thus, he improves his karma, and when something happens to him, it happens in a less painful form.

3 option: when a person sows evil, leads an immoral lifestyle. Due to this, he may die before his time.

Thus, receiving blows in life, we must look for the causes of our troubles only in ourselves. This is how the evolution of our souls will take place.

Many stop in their development. They think that in fact they are good and kind, but they were slandered, insulted, bewitched, deceived. The world is unfair to them! For such people, everyone around is to blame, from relatives and friends to the president.

According to the universal law all living beings are responsible for their karma. That is, for all your actions, deeds, desires, thoughts - both positive and negative. And also for their consequences.

When people exclaim: “Why is God punishing me?” - this is fundamentally not true. Every person has the right to choose. Thus, he either improves or worsens his fate. As the ancient sacred texts - the Vedas - say: if we sow good, we reap good; if we sow evil, we reap evil.

The Law of Karma is of Spiritual origin. Karma is not punishment or retribution. It represents the natural consequences of the activities of each person.

The influence of Karma on children

Based on the foregoing, one can understand why sick children are born.

We are approached by a lot of people whose children are sick. Either from birth, or fell ill after vaccinations suffered in infancy, or through the fault of doctors.

Their mothers come to us hoping for help. They are looking for alternative ways of recovery, as drug treatment is not enough. Many learn the method of cosmoenergetics in order to constantly help their child. Some manage to cure children completely (depending on the diagnosis, the degree of neglect, but, first of all, on the mood and desire of the mother herself).

We are visited by mothers whose children have congenital deformities or defects, autism, cerebral palsy and other diseases. So, why is this happening? Why are babies born sick?

They get sick because they have a very heavy and loaded karma. They did too much evil in their past incarnations on Earth.

Souls of former killers, suicides- are embodied in the bodies of the disabled and freaks. Thus, they work out the evil that they did in the past. Mom, in turn, such a child is also given for certain deeds in the past.

How can a past life affect this one?

Here are a few more examples of what a person inherits health, illness and injury from their previous lives. Of particular importance is how exactly the person died, under what circumstances.

  1. Hanged, strangled in a past life may suffer from asthma in the present;
  2. Drowners may have diseased lungs;
  3. Those who die from alcohol have liver problems;
  4. Almost all earthlings feel wild dislike when they hear the screech of iron on glass or the creak of metal on metal. These sounds accompanied everyone who died from edged weapons - it is with such a sound that swords cut human heads along with helmets, it is with such a clang that arrows pierce armor on the chest.

And since the era of edged weapons has been going on for more than one millennium, then, naturally, almost everyone living on Earth in previous lives must have experienced death from metal.

People who in a past life died from cold or firearms now experience incomprehensible pain in the area of ​​​​the wound. If the blow hit the heart, the person is worried about pain in the heart, if the wound was in the head, the head hurts, etc. Very often, the places of injury are indicated by birthmarks.

  1. If a person died by falling from a great height, then the very moment of the fall will be firmly imprinted in his memory. Having been reborn, such a person will not remember all the details of the previous death, but when looking into the abyss, he will unconsciously recall the experienced horror of the fall;
  2. Rabies occurs in those people who have drowned in the past;
  3. Burned alive - in the following lives they experience an unconscious fear of fire;
  4. Hanged, strangled in the past - they panic if someone touches their neck, or such people cannot wear scarves, sweaters, turtlenecks, anything that squeezes the throat;
  5. Those buried alive are now tormented by the fear of closed spaces;
  6. The one who died in the past in the human crowd, was trampled in panic, is now experiencing discomfort at the sight of a large crowd of people;

He died after a long and protracted illness. In memory of the newly deceased father Leonid, we publish today his story about how his family lives with their son, who has Down syndrome.

Why sick babies are born

When we found out that we would have a child with Down syndrome, it was very difficult for us. All the time we heard only: “Hand over”, “Hand over, hand over ...” And where to hand over? There was no kindergarten, and in a boarding school they die by the age of 16.

And that was the main reason why I ended up in Germany. Here the situation is completely different. They treat the situation differently when a sick child is born.

In Germany, the disease is considered as a consequence of the social situation. After all, the causes of such diseases are known to everyone. At what age did you get married first? Eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Today they get married after thirty years, and also take into account the prodigal life, the state of “freundshaft” in which 90% of young people are, if they complete their education by the age of 27.

So we see these genetic diseases.

When a sick child is born, society takes care of him. In every smallest town there are specialized schools where such children are brought up completely free of charge. A bus picks up the baby near the house and takes it to school.

There, in Kyiv, everything was absolutely terrible. I had to hold my son tightly by the hand, and if he pulled out, he turned on the “fourth speed”, and it was possible to catch up with him only with the police.

It could only be kept at home, or in the summer at the dacha (but if the dacha was "barricaded").

A child with Down syndrome requires colossal inner work from all family members: after all, this is a living person, and he must be accepted somehow.

Specialists took care of our baby, and a year later we saw the result: he began to walk by the hand, he began to go into the store, he began to try to communicate.

And when we received an invitation to a birthday party from another such boy, we just burst into tears. It turns out that he is a member of society, he can communicate.

My son has a severe disability, but there are different degrees of illness, and in Germany there is an opportunity to work for people with Down syndrome. There they are members of society, they work at some factory, in the same way they put him on a bus, bring him to work, take him home. The society finances it.

We were offered a hostel for our son, saying: “You are not eternal, you will pick him up for the weekend. Besides, it won't be that hard for him."

And here already the choice arose before the members of the family. My third son said, “No, no, no. Dad, don't worry, no hostel, I'll take him to me. As long as I live, so long he will live with me.

He is our guiding star. He is a kind, smart boy. Yes, he is not like everyone else. Yes, he will not get an education. But he is human. And this is the most important thing. And on what basis to kill him, I do not understand. Just because he's not?

Another good doctor had a son with cerebral palsy. And then, when we met many years later, we sat at the table and talked, and his wife said: “Our Mishenka is the happiness of our family. Happiness! He made our souls softer for all of us. He softened our soul, its bitterness, formalism.

It's not easy for sick children to be born. The simplest thing is to tell them: “And we are all healthy. And we're fine."

This applies not only to my family - the whole society should perceive the illnesses of such children as the result of their own sinfulness, as the consequences of the evil in which the world lies, and by nursing such children, try to overcome this evil and sinfulness.

At the same time, if you take the easy way, as they do, in particular, in France, this will lead to an increase in anger in society, and the consequences will be tragic.

In Russia, in connection with the technical in the field of medicine, the same questions will soon arise.

Sick children have been born at all times, but recently their number has been catastrophically increasing year by year. What is the reason for this and how can this be explained? What to do?

Why are babies born sick?

"Ecology is to blame!" - without a moment's hesitation, many of you will answer. On the one hand, it seems so. Ecology in the modern world wants the best. But is she the only one to blame? Of course not!

Heredity may be the cause

Children are like parents, grandparents. But not only the resemblance is external. After all, it’s not without reason that people say: “The apple does not fall far from the apple tree.” Yes, there are hereditary diseases, and you can’t get away from them. This is schizophrenia, and hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. But this does not mean that 100% sick children will be born in the family. But the risk exists.
A very attentive person can notice such a pattern that family members can suffer from the same diseases, of course, each with his own pathology. The explanation is simple: life in the same conditions.

Could it be the mother's fault?

Or maybe the expectant mother is to blame? A baby can be born sick and because of his mother. We all know how it happens and how much it depends on mommy.
The pregnant mother fell ill with the flu, sore throat. Inflammation of the lungs or some other disease, and then the woman is treated. And what's going on? Even if the mother took medications that are not dangerous for the fetus, the very process of the disease can affect the health of the unborn baby. The blood can get pus toxins or something else, and all these poisons get to the unborn baby. Prenatal development of the fetus may occur, and if you do not listen and follow the recommendations of doctors, the baby may not be born healthy.

Bad habits

Bad habits are a real disaster. Alcoholism, smoking, drugs, everyone knows their consequences, but, unfortunately, they do not stop everyone.
There are many reasons why sick children are born. And diseases are different. A child's illness is the worst thing that can happen. And, unfortunately, no one is immune from this.

What should parents do, refuse or fight

A sick child was born, what to do? Abandon a sick baby or fight for his life?
Children can be born with different diseases and different deviations. But if he is still born, he has the right to live. And the right of every parent to abandon a sick baby or fight for his life. It is not worth condemning anyone for this, everyone has their own life and their own reasons, and their own opportunities.

For those who have not abandoned their baby, a few tips

  1. Do not give up hope, believe that a miracle will happen and your baby will recover. Whatever doctors say, no matter what verdicts they pass. Your faith will be passed on to the child, they feel it keenly.
  2. The child should not see your tears, do not cry over him. Leave it all at the door. Tell your baby that you love him, and for you it is a great happiness to be with him. You believe in him, believe that he will cope with his illness.
  3. Don't make yourself feel guilty. Every mother of a sick child blames herself. The past cannot be changed, it is gone, you need to live for today and work on what is available. Don't let the guilt take over.
  4. Mommy should always be healthy. Don't forget about yourself! Eat, even if there is no appetite, follow all the doctor's recommendations. The child needs help, and he needs you healthy.
  5. Try to save milk. Breast milk is an invaluable help.
  6. Feel free to ask for help from people close to you. It will take a lot of effort to treat a baby.
  7. Never compare your son or daughter with other children. They have a different destiny and a different story.

It's curious

On April 13, 2012, a six-legged baby was born in the Pakistani city of Sukkur in the family of Imran Sheikh, an X-ray worker. A few days later, an operation was performed to remove the extra limbs.
Believe in a miracle and fight for your baby. Children are happiness!

The most common of them are commented by our expert, geneticist, candidate of medical sciences Yulia Kotalevskaya.

Myth one. Genetic disease is the result of poor heredity

In fact. Theoretically, any married couple has. On average, it is 5%. In the vast majority of cases, the birth of a child with a genetic anomaly is a completely unpredictable process. A gene defect often occurs spontaneously, from the very first hours of intrauterine life.

In addition, each of us is a hidden carrier of an average of five. But in order for this risk to materialize, you need to meet a person who has pathological changes in the same gene. The probability of such a meeting is very small.

Myth two. Handicapped children are born from consanguineous marriages

In fact. Not always. Another thing is that the risk of meeting a person with a similar gene mutation in such a marriage is much higher: a man and a woman have a common ancestor. In the language of genetics, this is called the "founder effect", in which the probability of passing pathologically altered genes to offspring increases. That is why such marriages in different countries of the world have been banned for a long time.

Myth three. The birth of a sick child is a consequence of drunken conception

In fact. And it's not. After conception, there is a relatively safe period in which it moves along the internal female genital organs to the place of implantation (attachment) to the uterine wall and does not have any contact with the mother's blood.

What can not be said about the further period of pregnancy, during which a woman should not drink alcohol in any case. Especially in the period up to 12 weeks, when all organs and systems are formed in the child.

Myth four. It's all about taking medication during pregnancy

In fact. The list of teratogenic drugs that cause severe fetal malformations is small. It includes antitumor, a number of antibiotics.

In addition, there are situations when a pregnant woman suffering from some chronic disease (thyroid gland, heart, etc.) simply cannot do without taking certain medications. In medicine, there is a golden rule in this regard: if the benefits of taking the drug outweigh the harm, you can take it during pregnancy.

The same applies to fetal ultrasound, which some pregnant women are so afraid to do. And often they miss a really serious pathology in the unborn child. Long-term obstetric and gynecological practice all over the world shows that ultrasound is absolutely harmless for the fetus.

Myth five. The birth of a child with a genetic anomaly is a cross for the whole family

In fact. There is a chance to give birth to a healthy child even in those families where there have already been several cases of the birth of a handicapped child. It all depends on the type of this genetic disease. But only a geneticist can calculate this risk. That is why it is so important to know the genealogy and medical history of one's family, as well as to examine the sick child already in the family as carefully as possible. Accurate knowledge of his diagnosis will help, at the planning stage of the next pregnancy, to assess the risk and prevent the possibility of a recurrence of a family tragedy.

There are also methods of prenatal (intrauterine) diagnostics, when, with the help of a study of amniotic fluid in certain diseases, it is possible to say exactly which child a given woman “carries” under her heart.

The birth of a sick baby is always a grief for the family. But it is even worse for a mother to hear accusations, they say, she herself is to blame, because modern ones allow you to find out about problems even before childbirth. And almost any news article that features a child who was born disabled (especially mentally retarded) attracts “well-wishers” who advise keeping “such” children away from “normal” ones. A striking example is the story of the girl Masha, who suffers from Down syndrome. Because of her . And although the situation is ambiguous, because Masha was not a student of the class for which the album was made, nevertheless, the attitude towards special children is obvious.

Let me give you some statistics on Down syndrome.

- The chance of detecting signs of the syndrome in the fetus before the 22nd week of development during routine screening (ultrasound, blood tests) is from 60% to 90%.
- More than 90% of women, having received a confirmation of the diagnosis, go for an abortion.
- In Russia, 2.5 thousand babies with trisomy on the 21st chromosome are born every year. In 85% of cases, parents leave such children in the maternity hospital.

: “Parents who decide on the birth of a “special” child are divided into two types. Some do it at a more mature age, perfectly understanding what they are getting into, and sensibly assessing the financial situation of the family, their strengths and capabilities. The second, most often younger, are guided more by emotions, having absolutely no idea what awaits them after the birth of the long-awaited baby.

There are pros and cons to each position: solid parents have a clear plan, but “spontaneous” parents are more likely to get something, simply because they do not know that it is impossible. But all parents of "special" children in one way or another change the attitude of society towards them - through relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is already better than it was twenty and ten years ago, although from the outside it may seem that almost nothing has changed.

These figures refer to only one disease, the name of which is on everyone's lips. But there are still children with cerebral palsy, often resulting from birth trauma or prematurity, children with various autism spectrum disorders, which do not always manifest themselves in the first year of a baby’s life, children with mental retardation and many more defects in physical and mental development. But let's return to Down syndrome, taken as a vivid example, and look at the statistics from a different angle.

“Let them give birth and raise, just away from me and my children”

In at least 10% of cases, the problem during pregnancy goes unnoticed. Reassured by false negative results, parents do not do in-depth examinations, and the pathology is detected already in the later stages or after childbirth. And then you already have to choose not between abortion and the preservation of pregnancy, but between raising a sick child, treating him and abandoning the baby. Few find the strength to abandon most plans and hopes and actually devote their lives to the rehabilitation of a disabled person in a society that does not accept disabled people. The news that has flown around the Internet is indicative that.

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Why do not dare to terminate a pregnancy those who genetic studies have accurately confirmed the diagnosis? Someone does not accept the murder of an unborn child. Someone is ready to love the long-awaited baby in any way, no matter how he is born. Someone hopes for a miracle... No one, except the woman herself, has the right to decide whether to have an abortion or give birth to her. No one has the right to force her to write a refusal from a seriously ill child or to take on all the hardships of his upbringing without a guarantee of success. And no one dares to reproach her for any of these decisions.

“Yes, let them give birth and raise whoever they want, just away from me and my children!” - will sound from all sides. “I have the right not to listen to their screams and not to admire the drool and snot in a cafe, on the street, in the subway. And in general, they are unpredictable - suddenly rush? Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who want to send to the reservation or at least to closed boarding schools children with mental disorders or who do not meet some aesthetic standards. And if on the street they usually only squint in disgust, take their kids away from the site or simply move away, then on the Internet they allow themselves to express dissatisfaction very, very loudly. How about another recent case where .

And these are only those stories that got on the Internet, and therefore people learned about them. How many really are those who no one cares about?

"My 'special' son is 6 and I can't imagine life without him"

In fact, the parents of sick children themselves often limit their circle of friends, locking themselves up among the same families, where they don’t have to explain or prove anything to anyone, justify themselves to anyone. Over time, they learn to live with it, smile, look for - and find - joy in various little things, which many seem insignificant or stupid. Do not build far-reaching plans, but live for today. Try not to think or talk about problems, but simply solve them over and over again. It's easier. It is easier not to fall into despair, not to go crazy from the unequal nature of the efforts and results.

But in many ways, such escapism is a defensive reaction against aggression and simply the indelicacy of a society that does not want to accept those who do not fit into the framework of a conventional norm. Many of these mothers need the help of a psychologist, and simply the support of others, because when you run into rejection by other people over and over again, you literally give up.

Olga, mother of a "special" child: “We are still far from the level of many European countries - I remember how I was struck by a home for young disabled people in Finland, where I ended up after a volunteer trip to a very prosperous boarding school for disabled children by Russian standards. I was struck not so much by the well-established life, repair, comfort, but by the attitude of the staff. When I asked the director the question "How often do your parents abandon a disabled child?", she simply did not understand me. "What does it mean to refuse?" she asked. "It's their child."

Being a parent of a "special child" is not easy. I am told from time to time that I am strong, that I am a hero and admired. This is great support, but, believe me, there is no heroism in life with a “special” child - we simply have no other choice with his father. My “special” son is six years old, and I can’t imagine life without him, but I still don’t know the answer to the question, “whether to give birth to a obviously sick child.” In our country, being the parent of such a baby means struggling all the time, often with the feeling that you are trying to break through a wall with your forehead in the hope that one day it will collapse.

Sick children, regardless of their IQ, may well be happy - if given the chance to be born and live in a family. Parents who raise sick children can stop fleeing to their less hopeless reality if society stops stigmatizing them for their child being different.

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