Age stages of child development. Features of the stages of child development Periodization of growth and development of the child

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A total of 7 periods of growth and development of the child stand out. Names can be different, but the essence is always alone. The period lasts exactly as much as the baby is necessary for moving to a new stage of development.

Each stage is unique. He will never happen again in the life of the crumbs, but will bring him a lot of new things. There is an active development of psyche, thinking, memory. For 2-3 years, Kroch, for example, mastering his native language. The overall characteristics of these periods is the active development of the psyche.

The body grows with each month of life, the limbs are lengthened, the muscles become stronger and stronger. The parallelism of physical and mental development is important.. If something is one behind the norm, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. At all stages of life, the child needs help parents. Parents should understand that often change of character and mood does not depend on the child himself. It is affected by growing, changing the psyche, the development of the endocrine system.


Estimation is a continuous process of human development. Changes his view about the world, parents, about themselves. This is a whole range of body development processes, personality, emotions.. In order for the growing up normally, the child needs help and understand parents. After all, for kids, children and teenagers, all this is also very difficult.

Education can be divided into 7 large steps from the moment of conception to 16-18 years. Then his adult life begins. After 18 years, development, of course, does not stop, but all processes proceed far from so quickly.


The active development of the baby begins even before its appearance. The main task of the child's body is to prepare it as much as possible. Authorities, all systems for independent operation. The first period begins from the moment of conception and lasts until the birth. This stage is one of the most important in human life. From how pregnancy will be held, the progress of the kid will depend on.

Here mother needs to be especially attentive:

  • Proper nutrition

More fresh vegetables and fruits, light food. It is advisable to exclude everything sharp, bold, pickled. Drink juices, water.

  • You can not drink alcohol, drugs

Such substances are dangerous throughout the pregnancy. They can cause miscarriage on early or serious fetal changes. It is allowed a little good dry wine, but only 50-100 grams. It is bred in water, drink 15-20 minutes before meals. Such Small quantities it will not harm the baby, but will help, because there are many vitamins in it.

  • Smoking

If a woman smokes before pregnancy, then throwing smoking can not be dramatically. Try to minimize the number of cigarettes gradually and over time completely abandon them. Of course, nicotine negatively affects the development of the fetus.

  • Medicine

Any medication coordinate with your doctor. Some familiar to you (noscha, aspirin, fencarol, analgin) can greatly harm the fetus. Especially dangerous antibiotics, antipyretic, painkillers.

All 9 months, the baby must be alone. This is possible only if the mother will take care of himself. Characteristics of this period: rapid development and active kid's growth.


There was a branch of crumbs from the mother - Pupovina is cut. Now he needs to breathe himself, eat, digest food, create new blood taurus. From birth to the first month of life lasts the second period of the child's development - a period of newborn. Now the baby is very defenseless. He sleeps a lot - almost 20 hours a day. And when not sleeping, it eats, crying. Kroch is only getting used to changing the external environment. There is air, the other temperature, pressure. All this is new for him.

The main thing is to provide him with the right living conditions:

  • regular nutrition (every 2-3 hours);
  • calm dream (there is no bright light, noise in the room);
  • temperature is not lower than + 22c;
  • hygiene: Kid bathe 2 times a day with baby soap or foam;
  • the child feels protected when parents are next to him.

Immune system is very vulnerable now. She can not completely protect the crumb from diseases. Feed it from possible sources of danger:

Critical 40 days passed - now the new stage begins. The newborn is one of the main periods in the life of crumbs. This is a basis for further development. During this first month, children grow noticeably, add to 1 kg of weight and 2-3 centimeters of growth.

Baby period

From the end of the first month and up to 1 year - so much lasts the infant period. You will be surprised how your baby has changed much during this time. After the first month, this is a tiny baby who only eats, sleeps, crying ... And now he is already celebrating his first birthday. Time flies quickly, but this year is one of the most significant periods in terms of development.

Mental development

From the first days of life, the kid learns to use the senses. It develops his speech.

This is a lot for just 10-11 months of life. Such progress is considered global for the development of the kid. The bill is not on the week and months - he studies something new in a matter of days. Further on such achievements will require years of training.

Physical development

In just 1 year, a lot is changing:

At the end of the first year, the kids are very active, love to move.

Early age

From 1 year to 3 years, the period of early preschool age will last. This time is for
active development of the psyche. The kid learns to talk. At first he only listens. Then there is a connection "subject-name". He still can not say himself, but perfectly understands what it is about. By 3 years, children are already quite clearly talking, make up the right simple proposals. They can:

  • hello and say goodbye;
  • submit by name;
  • ask to drink, calling what exactly they want (water, juice, milk);
  • imitate animal voices;
  • know the names of household items (brush, cup, spoon, toy).

It is important to talk to the baby, read it out loud. New words are very quickly remembered. The characteristic of this period is an increase in independence. The kid passes the psychological separation from the mother. Becomes more and clearer for him that he is separate
personality. He can have his own desires or reluctance, he may well wear a blouse, getting up, wash ...

Closer to 3 years old kid can suddenly become aggressive In relation to other children, parents, other adults. Can hit the child is not a platform, bite mom when she clothes him. Do not worry about this. There is an emotional development, but the kid can not yet express everything with words or actions. Sometimes strong negative reactions lead to aggressive behavior. Specify the crumb on the error, but do not beat it and do not shout in response.

Preschool period

It takes from 3 to 6-7 years. During this time, Krook need to prepare for independence. He learns quickly. Active mental development continues:

  • increases the amount of memory
  • a person develops, character
  • the concentration time increases (up to 30 minutes on one subject)
  • improves speech (a child has 6-7 years old is considered quite developed)
  • the baby can take care of his hygiene itself (my hands washes before meals, copes with the toilet, washed)
  • social function is developed (knows how to get acquainted, gets friendly communication)
  • activities becomes completely meaningful.

This is the period of development of the nervous system and the brain. The baby is 6-7 years old, you can leave without fear for several hours at school - it normally copes without mom and dad.

At the end
the pre-school period will begin the next stage of active growth. Important physical changes occur. For example, teeth change: the dairy teeth fall out, the indigenous is growing. Muscles and bones are stronger, and the body is already more like a proportional body of an adult.

Important point - clinical examination before school. If there are some serious deviations of the baby's development, now they will be revealed. The lag of physical or mental development, speech defects, hearing and vision may prevent him from going to school. Be sure to pass regular examinations from the doctor. It is best if these problems are revealed as early as possible.

School age

From 7 to 16 years old is a period of preschool age. The main characteristic of this period is psychological cultivation. All the forces are aimed at learning, identity development. At this stage, emotional and volitional development is important. Child learns to control their actions, words, desire. There is a period of adaptation at school, and he is completely ready to learn the next 10-11 years.

An important role is played by communication.
The child comes into the first more or less serious social relations. There are different children, and everyone needs to find a common language. Friends are allocated, common interests. For the personal development of the child, this is important, because the personality is best developed in society. Already there is an opportunity to look at yourself from the part, critically evaluate yourself.

From 8-10 years, the second period of active growth begins. The boys grow faster than girls, but the sexual ripening in girls begins faster. Due to the rapid growth of the limbs in children at this age, problems with the spine can begin, scoliosis. Be sure to do sports, physical education. In children under 12-13 years old, the need for movements, active games remains.

Publit period

Boys starts from 12-13 years old, for girls a little previously - from 11-12 years. The period of puberty is another significant stage of development of any person. These are active changes in appearance, behavior, child self-assumption. Endocrine system is activated, sex hormones are actively produced. Changing the appearance of a teenager. It is now important to help the body that is rebuilt. Change the diet:

  • more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • child need to drink more water (up to 1.5 liters of fluid per day);
  • less oily, roasted;
  • less sugar, sweets.

With the development of a large number of genital hormones, the body begins to change - the teenager becomes like an adult. Girls have female contours of the body.

The psychological characteristics of this period is a change in its own perception. I don't like something in yourself i would like to change, imitate or, on the contrary, be unique ... For a child, it is difficult time, and parents must be treated with understanding to all changes.

Unfortunately, puberty period is also time to manifest many physiological and mental illness. Be sure to make sure that the child passes the annual examinations of the doctor, dispensarization. In addition, it is a period of growth and development of the organs of the sexual system. The young man first begins to look at himself not as a child, but as on an adult person.

How to help your child?

All major periods of development of your baby have something in common: at every stage your son or daughter needs their parents. Parents need to be understood that the child's behavior is associated with the development of the psyche, hormonal changes. There are several crisis periods when the child changes. No need to think that he just behaves badly or wants to pour you out. Changes occur imperceptibly even for him. The mental activity of the kid is complicated, and the world around changes.

Your face is important to understand. Yes, it is impossible all his pranks, aggression and bad behavior to encourage or not pay attention to them. For a child it is harmful. But you should not be aggressive with him, beat, shout. Try to understand what is happening now with your crumb. Does he want to be more independent? Learn yourself to keep a spoon or drink from a cup? There is nothing wrong with. Help him, show, teach. It will enable you in the future to build normal, healthy relationships with the child.

Every mother is useful to know about age, anatomy-physiological features of a children's body and about related opportunities for diseases. Why in infants most often observed disorder of digestion, and at the guys of school age - are sharply pronounced diseases? The nature of children's pain depends largely from age characteristics of the organism And from the environment of the environment.

Intrauterine period of child development

The human development takes place two stages: intrauterine and non-utilized. The intrauterine period lasts about 9 months (270 days). The correct development of the fetus depends mainly on the state of the health of the mother, the conditions of its labor, life. Some diseases of the mother (especially viral infection), improper nutrition, improper lifestyle can lead to stillbirth, defects in development, deformities and diseases in the period of newborn and in the subsequent life of the baby.

Period of newborn

The first period of non-utilized development is a period of newborn - lasts 3-4 weeks from the moment of birth. The newborn falls into completely new living conditions: from a sterile environment, that is, a mimic, morning development period, the child moves to life in an external environment inhabited by microbes and rich in different stimuli. It must adapt to new living conditions, but the immaturity of the organs in the organism systems of the newborn, including the central nervous system, makes this device quite complicated, therefore the newborn body is particularly unstable and injured.

From diseases in this period, in addition to congenital defects of development and congenital infections (malaria, syphilis, less often tuberculosis, etc.), various injuries, diseases of the navel and umbilical wound are noted. At this age, inflammatory skin processes are observed, mercant rashes. Large susceptibility to some microbes with the peculiarities of the structure of the skin of newborns is often due to the influence of a minor infection, to a severe common blood infection - sepsis.

Child Physiology

The next period of the breastside last is mostly 1 year. (Some consider it large - up to 1.5 years.) At this age, the metabolism increases, the child is growing rapidly and develops. In the first half of life, he doubles his weight, by the year it triples. The length of the body increases by 20-25 cm. Such enhanced increase requires both reinforced nutrition. However, the digestive organs of the child are not sufficiently adapted to digest food, since in the period of uterine development, the power occurred through the mother's body. Minor errors in the feeding of the child (for example, the stubble) are easily due to the digestive tract, causation of food, non-dyspecification (diarrhea). That is why at this age, the so-called "sharp disorders of digestion and nutrition" is particularly often noted, which are hardly reflected in the general condition of children.

Incorrect feeding, shortcomings of care, regime and education, infectious diseases lead to chronic nutritional disorders (hypotrophy). At the same time, the correct development of the child is violated: it is lagging behind in weight and growth, the highest nervous activity, the function of the most important organs and organism systems, is reduced by infection resistance.

Among the diseases of breast cancers, Rahit is especially common. Rahit is the disease of the whole organism associated with violation of phosphorous calcium exchange. It arises as a result of a lack of vitamins in food, mainly vitamin D, unfavorable conditions of the external environment, insufficient stay in air, the sun, poor care for the child. When rickets are affected by the nervous system (excitability, anxiety, sweating, poor sleep), bone system (there is a softening of the bones of the skull, the curvature of long tubular bones, in severe cases - their dots), the muscular system, the function and other organs and body systems are disturbed. Rahit is dangerous and the fact that he delays the mental development of children; Such guys are much longer healthy begin to sit, stand, walk.

Sometimes in the first months of life there are also manifestations of exudative diathesis. Inflammatory lesions of the skin and mucous membranes appear (Seborrhea, eczema, scratch, urticaria, dough), frequent cold, bronchitis.

Wheave infants from acute respiratory diseases, including pneumonia (lung inflammation). Pulmonary diseases in small children proceed very hard and cause complications in the form of valuable processes (pleurisites taken.). Complications often lead to inflammation of the middle and inner ear and are accompanied by diarrhea.

Cort, Scarlatina, Difterey under six months of life are observed relatively rare, especially up to three months. This is due to congenital immunity - the ability of the body to the disease. After birth, the child receives valuable substances with milk mother that increases its infection resistance.

In the period of newborn and chest age, the highest incidence and mortality of children is observed. Therefore, parents should especially carefully fulfill all the instructions of the doctor and the medical sister on the care, regime and nutrition of the child.

Pre-school and pre-school periods of development

The third period is predosky (from 1 year to 3 years) and the fourth - preschool (from 3 to 7 years old) are characterized by the further growth and development of the child, but the growth rate compared to the pile age is significantly lower. The living conditions of the child change dramatically - it begins to walk, get acquainted with its objects around him, with an external environment. The transition from breastfeeding to a variety of food increases the danger of infection. Therefore, in these periods, especially in preschool, glides are often observed. Congenital immunity and the opposition of diseases that the child receives with Mother's milk, after a year weakens. Children at this age are sick, cough, scarletina, windmill. The danger of the disease is even more intensified if children are not made in a timely manner, thanks to which immunity is artificially produced in the body. Repeated vaccinations are very important - they strengthen the absence of the body to the disease.

In pre-school and preschool periods, the farther development and strengthening of the entire body of the child occurs. The digestive organs adapt to a new nutrition, therefore gastrointestinal diseases, exudative diathesis in preschool age are already less common. Respiratory organs are also strengthened, respiratory diseases are less serious, especially in preschool age, less often appear such complications as ear disease. Tuberculosis gives a more favorable outcome than in infants. Mortality of children is significantly lower.

Age periods of child development: younger school age

The fifth period is the younger school age (from 7 to 12 years old). At this age, communication of children with the environment is expanding. Guys learn at school, are in the team. Infectious diseases are especially dangerous for this age. Very often, the disease spreads through air - capillary infection. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room in schools, regularly ventilate classes.

Rheumatism is recognized as school age. In recent years, some scientists talk about the rejuvenation of this disease, that is, that rheumatism began to appear more often in preschool age and even in a predoschool, but still it is basically a disease of school age, and the disease is severe, leading to deep lesions of cardiovascular Systems, to the early disability of children. The causes of the disease and its causative agent have not yet been established. However, it is indisputable that the overall strengthening of the body by hardening, the right nutrition, the mode of classes and recreation contributes to the production of irritation to this disease. School diseases recognized the curvature of the spine and myopia associated in many respects with the wrong position of the body during school and at home. In case of incorrect mode, insufficient physical education and stay in the fresh air in children develop anemia, diseases of the nervous system.

Teenage period of the child's development

The sixth period is a period of puberty, or adolescent (from 12 to 18 years). Fast growth in this age leads to diseases associated with inconsistency, the imbalance between the growth and the magnitude of some organs (for example, the heart is the so-called "youthful heart"), as well as some functional disorders from the domestic secretion glands, especially often - thyroid, Disorders from the nervous system - neuropathy, etc. In the adolescence, the period of rapid growth and the transition to maturity, diseases are acute the character of the flashes. In this respect, tuberculosis is especially dangerous.

Thus, the nature of the disease of children is closely associated with the peculiarities of their body in various age periods and the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease and their current changes in different periods of childhood.

The main task of healthcare is not only to treat diseases, but also to prevent their appearance. And the task of parents is to provide everyday help in this: follow the timely conducting safety vaccinations, for systematic physical education, sports, for the correct position of the child's corps when performing homework, properly approach children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

The joint concern of parents and employees of health authorities will help to grow healthy, cheerful, well-resisting infection our young generation.

Tags: age periods of the child's development, physiology of development, diseases of children of different ages, physiological development of the child in different periods of life.

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With the help of age periodization an attempt is made to allocate the general patterns of the human life cycle. Due to the breakdown for periods of life, the patterns of personality development due to the specifics of different age-related stages are easier.
At the International Symposium of 1965 in the age physiology, there were also agreed to allocate 7 development periods in children's adolescence:

  1. Newborn - The first decade after birth (10 days).
  2. Breast age - From 11 days to achieve the year.
  3. Early childhood - 1-3 years.
  4. First children's period - 3-8 years.
  5. Second children's period - 8-11 and 8-12 years (girls and boys, respectively).
  6. Teenage years - 12-15 years and 13-16 years old (in girls and boys, respectively);
  7. Youth period - 16-20 years and 17-21 years (in girls and young men, respectively).

Depending on the criterion, psychological periodization marks different life periods of man. But regardless of the selected bases of periodization, most theories converge around the same age stages.

Erickson Development Stages

The psychologist from the United States E. Erickson allocated several psychosocial stages in the development of the personality, affecting life from early childhood to his youth.

Infancy - from the appearance of

Thanks to the care of the mother at this moment, the foundation bases are laid, such as confidence, a sense of trust, internal definition. Baby trusts the society, which is limited to the identity of the mother. But if the mother is untenable, unreliable, rejects the child, then suspicion is laid, a feeling of distrust.

Early childhood - 1-3 years

During this period, the kid learns to act independently - crawl, stand, walk, eat, dress, wash, etc. At this stage, its identity can be expressed by the formula "I myself". The formation of self-independence is promoted by reasonable permissions. If there is an excessive guardianship or, on the contrary, parents are too much awaited from the child, what is outside of its capabilities, then in these cases it is experiencing insecurity, doubts, shame, weakness and explosion.

Games' age - 3-6 years

At the preschool stage, there is a conflict between wine and initiative. Children begin to interest different professions, they willingly contact with peers, try new, easily go to upbringing and training, seeing a specific goal. The main sense of identity at this age becomes "I am what I will be."By promoting fantasies, independence and undertakings of the child, the development of initiative, creative abilities is strengthened, so the boundaries of its independence are expanding. If you restrict the activity of the child and "choking" by its control, then he will have a sense of guilt. Children with a sense of guilt are apparent, passive, will not be able to work productively in the future.

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School age - 6-12 years

At this age, the child is more seriously outside the family circle, the process of systematic learning begins. Schoolchildren are absorbed in the process of knowledge: what, how and from what it turns out. Now the identity of the child can be characterized by the words "I - what was able to learn." In the process of school learning, children assimilate the rules of active participation and conscious discipline. This period is dangerous in that there may be a sense of incompetence, inferiority, doubts about the status among peers or in their abilities.

Youth - 12-19 or 13-20 years from different floors

This is the most important period of psychosocial human development. Growing out of the child, but not yet an adult, a teenager at that time faces unfamiliar social roles and specific requirements. Teens seek to appreciate the world, build their attitude to him, spontaneously looking for answers to important questions for themselves: "Who am I?", Who I want to become? ". They are asleeping a piercing sense of selflessness, aimlessness, spiritual discord that sometimes throws them to negative self-identification and deviating behavior. Role-playing confusion, the identity crisis makes it difficult to choose between continuing education and career search. Sometimes there are doubts about their sex identity. The success of the exit from the crisis of a young period can be expressed in the appearance of positive quality - loyalty when a teenager, making a choice, finding his way in life, remains faithful obligations assigned to himself, he takes the foundations of society and further adheres to them.

Patterns of child development and its periodization of Vygotsky

Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky allocated 4 main features or laws of child development.
Cyclicity. The development process has a rather complex structure, the content and speed of development over the course of childhood are constantly changing. So, increasing and intensive development at some point is changing for attenuation and slowdown. The value of the month in the development of the baby is much larger than the value of the month in the teenager, since in the first case the development cycle is more intense.
The unevenness of the development of different sides of the individual, for example, mental functions. In some periods, the mental function dominates, develops most intensively, while the development of other functions retreats into the shadow and depends only on the dominant function. In each age period, the restructuring of interfunctional connections begins, the new function is the new feature, and new dependencies are established between the other functions.
According to Vygotsky, there are two types of age-speaking age periods: stable and critical. Here is the periodization ranged:

  1. The crisis of the newborn.
  2. Infancy - 2-12 months.
  3. The first year crisis.
  4. Early childhood - 1-3 years.
  5. Crisis of three years.
  6. Preschool age - 3-7 years.
  7. Crisis seven years old.
  8. School age - 8-12 years old.
  9. Crisis 13 years.
  10. Pubertal age - 14-17 years old.
  11. Crisis 17 years.

Periodization and leading activities on elconomic

The Soviet psychologist D. B. Elkonin believed that for each age there is an inherent system of activities, however, a special place in it occupies the leading activity. At the same time, the lead is optional, the activity that the child takes longer, and the one that is the main thing in its meaning for the development of the psyche. In accordance with the leading activities, Elconin allocates periods of child development:

Features of the development of preschool children

Each age of a person is compared its level of mental, physical and social development. ...

  1. InfancyWhen the chatting of a child with adults is direct, emotional.
  2. Early age (1-3 years) With the predominance of objective activities.
  3. Preschool age (3-7 years)with the predominance of role-playing games.
  4. Junior school age (8-12 years old) with the dominance of training activities.
  5. Teenage age (11-15 years old) with personally intimate communication with peers.
  6. Youth.

Inside the activity itself, psychological neoplasms differ. When one leading activity is replaced by another (for example, instead of the gaming activity of the preschooler, an educational activity of the younger schoolboy arises), then the crisis comes. In content, it is possible to distinguish the crises of relations characteristic of 3 and 11 years and crises of worldviews, which are per 1 year, 7 and 15 years.

Stage of Cognitive Development of Piaget

Franco-Swiss psychologist J. Piaget put in the head of the stage of cognitive development, simply speaking, the level of development of intelligence.

Sensomotor Intellect

It manifests itself from birth to one and a half or two years. The kid during this period develops motor structures and feelings:vision, hearing, smell, tactile perception, manipulation, all this is done from curiosity to the environment. For the baby, connections are opened between its actions and the result - to pull the pellery and get to the cherished toy lying on it. He also begins to understand that other items exist independently of him, and constantly learns to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world.

Representative (Specifically Operational) Intellect

It corresponds to the age of concrete actions (2-11 years). The mental development of the baby reaches a higher level. Symbolic thinking develops here, the interiorization of actions begins, semiotic functions are formed (mental image, language). There are visual shaped representations of objects that the baby indicates not direct actions, but names.
Initially, the thinking is illogical, subjective in nature, but after 7 years, logical thinking sprouts are formed. Development stages can be replaced faster or slower thanks to the cultural and social surrounding at least by how fully they provide the child suitable for the task and materials.
Ineffective is the transfer of finished knowledge, for example, a bunning of the correct answers, since it is necessary to develop their own activity in the design and regulation of cognitive processes. Important for the development of thinking is also the exchange of ideas, disputes and discussions with peers. When moving to specific operational thinking, all mental processes, the ability to cooperate, moral judgments are rebuilt. But these logical operations remain specific and applied only to real objects and manipulations over them, since the reality of the child is represented by a specific content.

Formal Operational Intellect

A period of formal operations, characteristic of formal-operational intelligence, falls at the age of 11-15 years, during which abstract thinking is formed. Formal-operational structures can be observed when the child begins to hypothetically arguing, without having a specific support and independently of the contents of the subject area.
The basis of the logic of adults is formal thinking processes, it is on them the simplest scientific thinking that manipulates hypothesis and uses the deduction. With the help of abstract thinking, it is possible to build conclusions, using the rules of combinatorics and formal logic. Thanks to this, the teenager can understand the theory, build his own, touch adult worldview, temporarily leaving the limits of his own experience. With the help of hypothetical reasoning, the teenager falls into the sphere potentially possible, although his idealized ideas can not be verified, so they remain contradictory to the actual position of affairs.

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Naive idealism

The cognitive egocentrism of adolescents of Piaget designated the "naive idealism" a teenager who thinks unlimited power, thus striving to make a more perfect world. But when the teenager assumes adult social roles, then it comes to obstacles, he has to take into account external circumstances. So in the new sphere, the final intellectual decentration occurs.

Pedagogical periodization

Pedagogical periodization is associated with the division of educational institutions for preschool (kindergarten and nursery) and school (all school stages). 6 periods differ here:

  1. Infancy - from the appearance of up to the year.
  2. Early childhood - 1-3 years.
  3. Pre-school period - 3-6 years.
  4. The younger school period is 6-10 years old.
  5. The middle school period is 10-15 years old.
  6. Senior school period - 15-18 years old.

Knowing the most important stages of individual development of children and arising in these stages of problems is the most important condition for effective educational and educational work that form life skills that help strengthen and maintain health.
Since there is no generally accepted definition of youth and adolescence, the UN began to consider people for 10-19 years old, and young people are 15-24 years old, which is used for statistics, so as not to confuse the wording of UN member countries. Teenagers and young people are jointly denoted by the phrase "young people" with age framework for 10-24 years. In the Convention on the Rights of the Child Children, all persons are considered to achieve 18 years.

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Coming to this world, the baby already has features characteristic of all newborn children. All of them will have a long way of becoming in a physiological, psychological and social plan.

Stages of child development by age

Causes of the selection of the stages of the child's development

During the life, the kid is developing at different speeds and intensity. But in certain stages there are changes that are turning points in the development of children. Such critical periods, as psychologists call them, do not have clear boundaries. But, nevertheless, each subsequent stage is different from the previous one. This is due to the development of various organs and human systems in different age periods. On the way from a helpless infection to a well-formed member of society, each person passes several stages, during which neoplasms occur in its mental development.

Educators, teachers, leaders of circles should take into account age characteristics for the successful formation of their personal qualities.

Crisis of newborns

This first stage of life lasts from birth to 1 year. He began to allocate the last of all existing ones. Its main features are as follows.

Newborn baby is a separate personality

The newborn is essentially a biologically helpless being and cannot survive without adult influence. The neoplasm of this age is considered to be the chiffness of the child from the parent organism, the emergence of an individual mental life.

Reactions characterizing the normal development of the child of this age:

  • an increase in motor activity, revival when an adult appears;
  • communication with a cry or crying;
  • increasing vocalization (consumption of vowel sounds, a little later - consideration);
  • the appearance of a smile as a reaction to the expression of adults.

At this age, the foundations of speech skills are laid, so by the end of the first year of life, some children can pronounce several ordinary words or syllables.

Development until the first stage

Every month there is a motor activity: the baby begins to take toys in his hand, shift from one to another, trying to crawl, and by year or a little earlier - to walk. With the beginning of walking, the kid significantly expands the boundaries of his world, the nature of the survey of the surrounding items.

An early age (from 1 to 3 years)

Here is the first birthday behind, the baby comes into a new phase of its development. The child still says, however, not all words succeed, but the closest environment understands him perfectly. The vocabulary of the child is increasing as the world's knowledge.

Items become not just objects, but things having their functions (a chair to sit, a spoon - so that there is a stroller - to go for a walk). Details from the year to 3 years

Children from year to 3 years begin to socialize

The child begins to build its relationship with other people (adults and children).

Closer to 3 years, he begins to show that he does not like the guardianship of adults, he begins to show intolerance, perseverance, whispering, insists on his. Parents should start providing more independence (within reasonable).

The physical capabilities of children at an early age increase significantly. The need for movement is large, so the restriction of children in this can lead to whims, disobedience, exception and, as a result, to a bad sleep and appetite.

The activity of the child's actions is important to regulate: after moving games you need to captivate the baby with calm reading books, watching cartoons, games with the designer, etc.

Preparing for school (3 - 5 years old)

This age is called preschool. Usually at this age, the children visit the kindergarten and get the skills of life in the team. Games are more and more educational character. The children of this age category have good memory, so it is easy for them to remember some letters, numbers, foreign words. The child begins to develop a worldview, self-esteem develops.

School preparation - the main task in the period 3-5 years

Children of preschool age are often revealed for valid due to the development of imagination and figurative thinking. The main thing for adults is to understand with what intent the child told a lie, and take an appropriate decision. Most often, children's not true - it is no more than a small fantasy, invented fairy tale.

At this age, the child has its abilities. Dar of drawing, singing, reclamation needs to be used now. A visit to circles, early school schools can help in this. In addition, communicating with peers will well affect the mental health of the child.

The development of younger schoolchildren (6 - 11 years old)

To this age, the development of the child's brain creates prerequisites for learning it to different sciences. Changing the Day of the Day, an increase in time for intellectual activity require the development of new skills: perpetuity, patience, self-analysis, concentration, concentration.

Junior School Age - First Stage of Adult

The development of the social "I" of the schoolchild allows him to see his role in social relations, to have his point of view. The younger school age of a child is communication with peers and the development of various types of relations between them: Friendship, Competition.

Development of children from 12 to 15 years

Middle school age of children is a teenage period for their development. This is the age when children decreases the desire for study. Teenage crisis is associated with the transition of children to a new stage of intellectual development. Children think in a new way, they change behavior, there is a transition from concrete to logical thinking.

Periods of increased activity are replaced by the time of reduced performance, the children of this age selectively relate to the sciences. The child's desire to a certain type of activity, which may become the basis of the future profession.

Middle school age - awareness of his future

Teens most love to communicate than learn, priority consider relationships with peers, and not with family. They begin to show interest in the opposite sex representatives, are experiencing sexual attraction.

This is the time of manifestation of stubbornness, timewise, rudeness in relation to adults, the riot against the rules and rules, negativism to public opinion.

The teenager wants more independence, he is annoyed by the introduction of anyone in his inner world.

Formation of the personality of children of senior school age

The final psychological and physiological formation of children occurs between 16 to 18 years. Children at this age are preparing to finish school, think about the choice of profession. Their mental abilities undergo the final stage of their development, but their improvement continues. More and more need young people to solitude, philosophizing, they protect their inner world from whose encroachments, consider themselves quite independent.

Teenage age - the most complicated

They want to understand themselves, the peculiarities of their character, show demanding to those surrounding them. In this period, they develop a dedication, public activity, initiative. These are already quite formed personalities, they are more responsible for self-education issues.

The age features of children in different stages of their lives should be considered adults when communicating with them and attempts to explain their behavior. Understanding by adult life situations of children will facilitate the socialization of the latter and help adapt them in an adult world.

The age periodization of children's development has several classifications, each of which aims to allocate some patterns of physical and psychological maturity. Similar division of the life of children and adolescents to certain stages helps to understand the features of development and adjust the specific manifestations of their negative parties.

Some pedagogical figures consider the process of growing up with a continuous action that does not have borders, arguing this fluidity and variability of life. However, modern pedagogy through numerous studies has proved the need to allocate age stages, as each of them is qualitatively different.

Despite the unevenness of each stage, the boundaries of which depend on the individual characteristics of children, each child lives all periods of growing consistently.

Some definitions

The age periodization of childhood has not yet have a clear definition.

So, there is division on the development of physiological, social and psychological signs of growing up. However, today there are no criteria capable of combining social and biological indicators.

Moreover, there are two approaches to any classifications: spontaneous and regulatory.

Followers of the spontaneous approach believe that periodization of childhood and the features of development they are formed unconsciously under the influence of a plurality of random factors, which are impossible.

The regulatory approach provides for the organization of such an educational process, which can take into account all random circumstances and ensure optimal conditions for the development of the child at every age stage.

It is believed that the optimal classification of various age groups will be the one that will maximize not only the factors of physiology and psychology, but also the conditions and features of the education, training and social adaptation of the child.

Types of periodization

Despite the large variety of periodization options, it is customary to allocate 2 types of classification: physiological and psychological.

As for physiological periodization, it was adopted back in 1965 during the international symposium, which discussed issues of age physiology. It was decided to allocate only 7 periods of the development of children and adolescents:

  • Stage of newborn, which lasts only 10 days from birth;
  • Breastfeeding period, which ends in 1 year;
  • Early age provides for the development of the child over the year to 3 years;

  • The beginning of childhood lasts from 3 to 8 years;
  • The end of childhood marks the boys in 12, and girls at 11 years old;
  • The teenage period ends in girls to 15, and boys by the age of 16;
  • The junior phase lasts from 17 years to 21 years old at the young men, while the girls have ends by 20 years.

Psychological periodizations are several, however, despite their different criteria, most of them are based on the same age stages. Consider the features of some of them.

Erickson. Stages

Eric Erickson, a well-known American psychologist, believes that the stages of the child's development are related to psychosocial aspects. They developed periodization based on this principle.

E. Erickson believes that the correct psychosocial development of the child should provide family and institutions of education.

Patterns of adults on Vygotsky.

The well-known Soviet psychologist L. Vygotsky not only proposed his classification of the stages of age-related development, but also allocated special patterns that accompany the growing children and adolescents.

  • The presence of cyclicity. Each stage is characterized by individual temporary boundaries, a special tempo and content that have the ability to modify during the entire period of growing up. Some periods are intense and pronounced, while others can manifest themselves quite imperceptible.
  • The scope of development proves the unevenness of the development of psychological functions. During each age stage, a new feature of psychological consciousness comes out to the foreground. Thus, in the mind of the child there is a constant restructuring of links between functions.
  • Metamorphosis of matners are manifested due to the chain of high-quality transformations in the psyche of the child. At the same time, their quantitative component is moving to the background. The mental state of the kid is completely different on all age stages.
  • Regular combination of evolution and involution, which, interacting, bring a child to a new level of psychological and social development.

Vygotsky believed that the only driving force for the development of any child was training. In order for training to complete the function entrusted to it, it should be focused not on those stages of development that are suitable for completion, but on those that have not yet begun. Thus, the orientation of learning should be directed to the future.

The psychologist operated on the term "nearest development." The essence of it comes down to the competent definition of those mental abilities of the child who are currently at the moment, and those that he is capable of. This determines the possible level of complexity of tasks offered by a student: they should allow developing abilities, and not to demonstrate the knowledge gained.

A no less important place in the zone of the nearest development is occupied by psychological interaction with adults, which should be a conductor into the world of further independent mature.

Psychological age by definition of Vygotsky

A psychologist based on the psychological age of children, who reveals social adaptation on a certain stage of growing up its age periodization.

As the child grows up, old development prerequisites come into conflict with new, more important factors that break the world's current attitude and remove the new stage of growing up. Thus, the psychological age is changing.

The psychologist believed that the types of age transformations were two species: stable and crisis. Based on this definition, it was allocated by such age periodization:

  • Crisis of a newborn baby;
  • Infant age up to 1 year;
  • The crisis of the first year of life;
  • The beginning of the childhood period, which lasts up to three years;
  • Three years crisis;
  • Age to school up to 7 years;
  • Crisis of seven years;
  • Time study at school includes age until 11-12 years;
  • Crisis period of thirteen teenagers;
  • Half years, which last up to 17 years;
  • The identity crisis of seventeen years old.

In addition, Vygotsky believed that the periodization of children's age should be based on three factors:

  • External manifestations of mature (for example, by the presence or absence of teeth, their change with dairy per constant);
  • Characteristics of any criterion (for example, periodization of J. Piaget, which is based on mental development);
  • Significant factors of psychomotor development (as an example, the classification of L. Slobodchikov can be brought).

Modern psychology and pedagogy adheres to the periodization of D. Elkonin, which is based on
leads L. Vygotsky. A distinctive feature of this classification in the allocation of basic laws of activity in a growing person. That is, a psychologist assumed that the mental development of children was due to a continuous change of activity.

Properties of crisis periods

Periods of crises that were first identified by Vygotsky, they are interpreted differently by psychologists. Some consider them natural indicators adaptation to new conditions during which the child develops and moves to a new stage of development. Others - deviation from normal development. Third consider crises with optional manifestation, that is, it is optional in the development of the child.

In any case, to deny the presence of crisis periods in the life of children would be meaningless. At this time, the formation of new properties of the psyche, laying the norms and mains, a change in the general worldview.

Despite the fact that every crisis stage is characterized by an individual manifestation, there are a number of signs that combine all the critical periods in the life of children.

  • Refusal to cooperate with adults;
  • Easy vulnerability, syradiability, which manifest itself in closure or manifestation of aggression;
  • Inability to cope with negative emotions;

  • The desire to achieve complete independence, with which, as a rule, do not imagine what to do.

During the crisis, children lose interest in their studies, their interests are changing radically, conflict situations with their people environs are possible.

The occurrence of the crisis, as well as the sharpness of its flow, is associated with a multitude of factors. At the same time, determine which one played a major role, sometimes not possible.

At the time of overcoming the crisis period, a person's transition to a new stage of physical, psychological and social development takes place.

Consider using the Table the main manifestations of crisis periods at different age groups.

During the course of all age periods, the basic recommendations of parents are reduced to the following:

  • Keep calm;
  • Silence listen;
  • Give the valuable advice;
  • Do not impose your own society;
  • Respect the choice of your child;
  • Give him a reasonable freedom of action corresponding to age;
  • Love your child;
  • Speak him about his love as much as possible.

Observing these simple rules, adults will not only be easier to survive these difficult times, but will help in this difficult to do their children.

Let's summarize

Any age classification is very conditional, as well as its borders. It is impossible to evaluate the degree of development of its child with dry average data.

However, knowing the main periods of development of children, parents will be able to prepare for future changes in behavior and the worldview of their heirs and avoid very serious mistakes in the process of their upbringing.

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