What languages ​​does Sergey Lavrov speak. Sergey Lavrov - biography, family, children, photos

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is considered one of the well-known ministers of the current Russian Government. The portfolio of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been held permanently for 13 years.

He took up his current duties in 2004. The birthday of the future statesman was the day of the vernal equinox March 21, 1950 Parents were ministerial employees.

The official biography of Lavrov says that he is Russian by nationality. However, at one of the public meetings, Lavrov reports the presence of Georgian roots and Armenian blood.

According to one version, the future minister was raised by his stepfather, who, having adopted him, gave his last name.

He began to receive general education in the Moscow region, then he was transferred to the capital. Finished school with honors. During this time, he taught English language. He showed a particular interest in physics. Higher education received at MGIMO.

During his student life, he studied the Sinhala language, common in Sri Lanka. Took part in public life students. The anthem written by Lavrov is considered the official anthem of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

He began his service at the diplomatic mission in Sri Lanka. After 4 years he received a diplomatic rank. IN home country returned as third secretary.

In the early 80s. was appointed First Secretary of the Permanent Mission Soviet Union at the UN. In the future, the activities of a civil servant will be closely linked with international organizations.

He held the post of first secretary for 7 years. In 1988, he returned from New York to his homeland and began the public service as deputy head of the department of the International Economic Relations. After the collapse of the country, he became director of the Department of International Organizations under the Russian government.

He was directly involved in the approval of the Charter of the CIS, settled numerous conflicts that arose in the post-Soviet space.

In 1994, Sergei Viktorovich assumed the duties of the Permanent Representative of the Government of Russia to the UN. Position of Representative Russian Federation at the UN in the diplomatic hierarchy is equal to the first deputy minister of foreign affairs.

The second business trip to the United States brought Lavrov diplomatic fame because of the speech made at one of the UN meetings. The sharp speech was devoted to the violation of diplomatic immunity by the American police. The states were forced to formally apologize to the Russian Federation.

During work activities at the Security Summit, the minister got acquainted with the issues and problems of an international character, among which the conflict around Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia is distinguished. In 2003, the Russian diplomatic mission to the UN received a record number of positive responses under the leadership of Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov.

It is generally accepted that the second President of the Russian Federation noticed the future Minister of Foreign Affairs at the UN Millennium Summit. Lavrov returned to his homeland 10 years later, after the appointment of his candidacy for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The priority directions and tasks of the policy of the Russian Federation on the world stage were displayed in an article that he wrote when he took up a new position. The article was published by many Russian and international media. Restoration of the Russian status of a superpower in 2004 is considered a diplomatic success. Then Russia used the exclusive right of prohibition at the UN Security Council.

In the same year, he took part in an agreement on the division of the bottom of the Caspian Sea into national segments.

In 2006, he participated in an unprecedented Russian-Chinese summit. The signed agreements concerned the construction of new nuclear energy sources. In 2010 he became a member of the Russian Government Commission for economic development and integration.

Personal life

Lavrov got married as a third-year student. The wife has a philological education, is a teacher of her native language.

They have an only daughter, who was educated at Columbia University, defended a master's degree in economics in London.

Hobbies include:

  • football;
  • rafting;
  • guitar singing;
  • hiking;
  • versification;
  • jokes.

In addition to knowing English and Sinhala, Lavrov studied French. However, Lavrov, according to his own statement, does not speak French well. The minister is a heavy smoker, with this bad habit link the quote in which Lavrov called the UN Secretary General just a manager.

Lavrov was awarded numerous honorary prizes and awards, among which the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" is distinguished.

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (famous politician) was born on March 21 back in 1950 in Moscow. At the moment, he directly occupies the post of Minister of Russia. The biography of Sergei Lavrov is certainly interesting to many. Let's talk about this truly amazing person in more detail.

Biography of Sergei Lavrov: work

Unfortunately, little is known about the politician's childhood years. In 1972 he quite successfully graduated from the Moscow state institute international relations. Almost immediately after studying at a higher educational institution, he went to work at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka. Then he was appointed to the main post of secretary (second) of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the period from 1988 to 1990, Sergei Viktorovich worked as deputy (first) head of the so-called Department of International Economic Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Of course, all the activities of the politician were somehow connected with So, in 1994, the biography of Sergei Lavrov made new turn. The thing is that he was appointed permanent representative of our country to the UN. By a decree of 2004, Lavrov was already appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, while, of course, he was a permanent member

Politician's family

Sergey Lavrov's parents worked all their lives in Vneshtorg. It is noteworthy that the circle of their friends in one way or another related to foreign politics. Sergey from the very beginning early childhood listened to numerous stories about other countries, which, of course, influenced the choice of his future profession. It should be noted that at the school of the future diplomat, not only foreign languages, but also in particular physics. Most likely, this happened only because the teacher in this subject was not just a teacher, but a real friend for many children. Sergei decided to apply to both MEPhI and MGIMO at the same time. However, in the last institution of higher education, exams began a little earlier (literally one month). These 30 days determined further fate diplomat. The thing is that the boy immediately obeyed his parents and made a choice in favor of MGIMO.

Personal life

The biography of Sergei Lavrov always brought him unexpected surprises, and this happened with his personal life. He met a teacher of Russian language and literature, Maria, while still at the institute. They officially legalized their marriage already in their third year. Sergey Lavrov's wife, after graduation, accompanied him to various meetings and conferences, starting with the very first trip to Sri Lanka, which was discussed a little higher. Soon the daughter Catherine was born. She decided not to follow in the footsteps of her parents, and quite successfully entered the prestigious

Entertainment and hobbies

In the circle of friends, the politician is known primarily for playing the guitar perfectly and even sings along in a hoarse voice, like Vysotsky himself. Moreover, he writes poetry and songs well, plays football. Lavrov is known for his love of banya, Scotch whiskey and Italian cuisine.

Recently, Sergei Viktorovich has become seriously interested in rafting (this is a descent on special rafts along mountain rivers). He tries to carve out about two weeks from his busy schedule every year in order to fully devote time to this hobby. Hobby companions know a few unspoken rules. So, during such a rest it is not allowed to listen to the radio, watch television or read newspapers. In principle, this is a complete disconnection from the external problematic world and all the accompanying difficulties. Only when the team arrives at the destination in a few days, you can return to the usual pace of life again.

Sergei Lavrov, whose biography is replete with numerous trips abroad, has always been considered a heavy smoker. Moreover, he even defended this right, as they say, in fact high level. And he had a very comical conflict with Secretary General Kofi Annan. He decided one day to introduce a smoking ban at the UN headquarters itself, which is located in New York. However, Sergei Viktorovich himself simply ignored such restrictions. He stated that the headquarters is a kind of home for absolutely all members of the UN, and the Secretary General himself only takes on the function of manager. This position aroused respect from himself. When Lavrov was subsequently appointed directly to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, he made a special report in which he spoke of the high professionalism of the politician.


It is safe to say that the politician is literally fluent in English, also at a high level in French and even Sinhala. Note that the Sinhalese are called the indigenous population of Sri Lanka, where the man worked at the beginning of his career for a rather long period of time. Moreover, S. V. Lavrov was awarded several orders, including the following: "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the first degree, and the so-called "Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow" of the second degree.


In this article, we talked about who Sergey Lavrov is. The biography of this person really causes exceptional respect. After successful completion of higher educational institution he immediately set about his international career. At the moment he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Lavrov, of course, has proven himself only on the positive side. He never hid from journalists, and did not create grounds for writing devastating articles that discredit his reputation. This truly outstanding politician manages to resolve world conflicts in time, maintain an appropriate environment and relationships with other powers. We hope that later SV Lavrov will work only for the benefit of the country.

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich- Soviet and Russian diplomat and statesman. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since March 9, 2004. Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.


Lavrov (Kalantarov) Sergey Viktorovich, 03/21/1950, born in Moscow.

According to polls conducted by VTsIOM, Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly been among the top three most effective ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation. After 12 years in office, Gazeta.ru characterized Lavrov as an "impressive intellectual" who, on a par with Shoigu, one of the most popular ministers in the country.

Relatives. Wife: Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova, born April 4, 1950, philologist by education. For a long time worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York. She is currently retired and runs a household.

Daughter: Vinokurova (maiden name Lavrova) Ekaterina Sergeevna, born on April 3, 1983, co-director of the Russian branch of Christie's auction house. She graduated from Columbia University and the Higher School of Economics in London. She lived outside the Russian Federation for a long time, including when her father was the minister of foreign affairs, for which Lavrov was often criticized.

Hobbies. He writes poetry and loves to sing with the guitar. Wrote the MGIMO anthem. Hobby - rafting. He was one of the organizers and the first president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. Sergei Viktorovich loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak (Moscow).


  • With a silver medal, he graduated from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language.
  • In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Eastern Branch).

He speaks English, studied Sinhala, Dhivehi and French.

Labor activity

  • From 1972 to 1976 he was an intern, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka, from 1976 to 1981 he held the positions of third, second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.
  • From 1988 to 1992 - Deputy, First Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, Head of the same Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was a member of the CPSU until 1991.
  • From 1991 to 1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • In 1992 he was appointed Director of the Department of International Organizations and global problems Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Supervised the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Department for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Department for CIS States of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He held this post until January 1994.
  • Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations UN system.
  • Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.
  • From 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council.
  • On March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • In May 2004, after taking office of the President of the Russian Federation elected for the next term, he was again appointed to this post. Similarly, he was reappointed in May 2008 after Dmitry Medvedev took office.
  • On May 21, 2012, he once again received the portfolio of a minister after Vladimir Putin took office.
  • May 18, 2018 was approved new composition government of the Russian Federation, in which Lavrov retained his post.

Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010 - Member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration

Sergei Lavrov, 64, Russia's foreign minister is one of the most popular ministers in the country. How is the personal life of Sergei Lavrov, what is known about his wife and daughter?

Sergei Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950. It is known that Sergey Lavrov's father was an Armenian from Tbilisi. According to some sources, he bore the surname Kalantarov.

Sergey Lavrov's mother worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Sergey Lavrov's height is 185 cm, weight is 80 kg.

Sergey Viktorovich studied at the school named after V. Korolenko in the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region. And he graduated from a Moscow school with a silver medal, in which he studied English in depth.

In 1972, Sergei Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (this is MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov speaks three languages: French, English and Sinhalese.

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is stable and has not changed for 40 years. Sergei Lavrov married in his third year, linking his life with the future teacher of Russian language and literature, Maria.

“I noticed Seryozha right away: handsome, tall, strongly built,” recalls Maria Alexandrovna. “And when at parties he picked up a guitar and wheezed “under Vysotsky”, the girls went crazy.”

Maria Lavrova accompanied her husband on all his trips, starting from the very first - a four-year business trip to Sri Lanka. Subsequently, during the work of Lavrov as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, she led the library of the mission.

Their only daughter Katya Lavrova was born in New York, when Sergei Viktorovich worked in the Soviet Permanent Mission to the UN. She graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, the girl left for an internship in London. There, Catherine met the son of a pharmaceutical magnate, a Cambridge graduate, Alexander Vinokurov.

In 2008 they got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. The couple later had a daughter.

Now the son-in-law of the minister holds the position of president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Sergey Viktorovich is a heavy smoker. Defending his rights, he even went into conflict with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who banned smoking at the headquarters of the Organization. Lavrov objected that the order was illegal because Annan was not the owner of the building.

The Russian Foreign Minister loves to write poetry and sing along with the guitar. Sergey Lavrov is fond of rafting. He is the President of the country's Rowing Slalom Federation.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov loves to play football. He is a fan of the Moscow team "Spartak".

Photo: wikimedia.org, alumni.mgimo.ru

The personal life of one of the most popular Russian ministers, Sergei Lavrov, is of interest to the general public almost more than the life of some superstar. Meanwhile, his family history is Soviet-style simple and understandable. He has been married for over forty years. The wife of the politician, Maria Aleksandrovna Lavrova, does not give interviews and avoid publicity.

Sergei Lavrov's wedding happened when he was in his third year at MGIMO, and Maria was a student at the Pedagogical Institute. In one of the rare interviews, she recalls that Sergey conquered her with her tall height (185 cm), powerful masculine energy and singing with a guitar. He then masterfully performed the songs "Under Vysotsky", and the girls were crazy.

At the end of the university, Maria could not work in her specialty, and entered a very difficult and responsible position - "the diplomat's wife". The first business trip took place in Sri Lanka, where Maria Alexandrovna had to experience for the first time all the complexity of attending official receptions and parties.

Knowledge of etiquette, traditions and laws of the country in which the spouse serves, tact, patience and wisdom - these skills and qualities cannot be provided to Lavrov's wife.

Nevertheless, Maria Lavrova's philological education was useful - in the year of her husband's permanent mission to the UN, she headed the mission's library. Besides, she became the founder and head of the "Women's Club".

This organization helped the wives of diplomats to adapt in a foreign country upon arrival, Maria introduced the wives of diplomats to New York, to the rules of life and behavior in a foreign and far from always friendly territory.

The club was incredibly popular, and many wives of diplomats gratefully recall the help that Maria Alexandrovna provided them.

Caring for a husband and raising children

During Lavrov's diplomatic service in the United States, Daughter Ekaterina was born in New York. She received her education in the United States, graduating from Columbia University, where she studied political science. Ekaterina received her master's degree in England, already in the direction of "Economics".

Interesting Notes:

Now the daughter of Maria and Sergey Lavrov lives in Russia, and she is much more accessible to the press. Some time ago, she was the director of the auction house Christie's, and then headed the company "Smart art".

In connection with her activities, Ekaterina Lavrova is simply forced to give interviews to glossy magazines. Her memories of childhood make the image of Maria Lavrova more prominent, and somewhat remove the veil from her closed life. In particular, Catherine admits that she is alien to the mentality of Americans, and she always knew that she would marry a Russian and connect his life with Russia.

This traces big influence Maria Lavrova, who was mainly engaged in raising her daughter, Ekaterina recalls with gratitude the “struggle for the Russian language” that her mother steadily arranged. Much attention was paid to the knowledge of the history, culture and rich heritage of the Russian people. Despite the fact that Ektarina spent 17 years in a foreign land, she remained Russian in her soul and in her heart.

The diplomat's daughter sees her mission in the fact that Russian contemporary artists would find world recognition. Ekaterina Lavrova (married Vinokurova) helps Russian artists meet collectors and gallery owners.

“I hope that in 10-15 years our artists will take pride of place in museum collections, in collections of major funds and in the homes of important collectors. This is the main motivation!”

In 21010, Sergei and Maria Lavrov became grandparents - Catherine gave birth to their son Leonid.

Press about Lavrov's wife

Little is written about the wife of the colorful minister, and this mainly concerns the activities of her influential spouse. In particular, journalists like to count the money of both the politician himself and his wife. In the anti-corruption declaration for 2105, the property of the minister's wife is:

  • Land plot for individual residential construction, which is in shared ownership with an area of ​​2845 sq. m.
  • Jointly owned residential building with an area of ​​499 sq.m.
  • Apartment in gratuitous use with an area of ​​247.3 sq. m.
  • Garage 15.6 sq. m.
  • Garage 100 sq. m jointly owned.
  • From Vehicle Lavrov's wife has a passenger car, Kia Ceed

Considering that the land plot, the apartment and the large garage are also listed in the declaration of Sergey Lavrov, it can be safely concluded that the shared and joint ownership is registered together with the spouse.

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