Kuzma Minin: biography and role in Russian history. Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after

(full name- Kuzma Minich [Minin’s son] Zakharyev Sukhoruky) - a glorious figure in the Time of Troubles; Nizhny Novgorod citizen, seller of meat and fish, who served in his youth in the militia of Alyabyev and Repnin, zemstvo elder and head of court affairs for the posad people; was a “favorite person” in Nizhny Novgorod for his honesty and “wise sense.” Details about his activities become known only in 1611, when a letter arrived in Nizhny Novgorod from Patriarch Hermogenes or from the Trinity Lavra (exactly unknown). After reading it, Archpriest Savva convinced the people to “stand for the faith,” but Minin’s passionate words turned out to be much more convincing: “We want to help the Moscow state, so we don’t spare our property, don’t spare anything, sell yards, pawn wives and children, beat with our foreheads those who would stand up for the true Orthodox faith and be our boss."

K. Makovsky. Minin's appeal on Nizhny Novgorod Square

Constant meetings began in Nizhny: they discussed how to rise, where to get people and funds. Such questions were addressed primarily to Minin, and he developed his plans in detail. Every day his influence grew; Nizhny Novgorod residents were carried away by Minin’s proposals and finally decided to form a militia, convene service people and collect money for them. On Minin’s advice, they gave “the third money,” that is, the third part of the property; on his advice, they chose as leader Prince D. M. Pozharsky, who was then being treated for wounds on an estate near Moscow and who wanted the economic part of the militia to be entrusted to Minin. According to the chronicle, he “quenched the thirsty hearts of the military and covered their nakedness and gave them peace in everything and by these deeds he gathered no small army." Other cities soon joined the Nizhny Novgorod residents, raised by the famous district charter, in the drafting of which Minin undoubtedly participated. At the beginning of April 1612, there was already a huge militia in Yaroslavl with Prince Pozharsky and Minin at the head; in August Chodkiewicz was defeated, and in October Moscow was cleared of Poles.

E. Lissner. Knowing the Poles from the Kremlin

The day after the coronation (July 12, 1613), Mikhail Feodorovich granted Minin the title of Duma nobleman and patrimony. Since then, sitting constantly in the Duma and living in the royal palace, Minin enjoyed great confidence from the tsar (in 1615 he was entrusted with taking care of Moscow, together with nearby boyars, during the tsar’s trip to the Trinity in the Sergius Monastery) and received the most important “parcels” . He died in 1616, “during the search” in Kazan places on the occasion of the uprising of the Tatars and Cheremis. His widow and only son The king granted new estates to Nefed (the solicitor). Minin's ashes rest in the Transfiguration Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1815, a monument to him was erected in Nizhny Novgorod, and in 1826 - in Moscow. Most historians (especially I.E. Zabelin and M.P. Pogodin) are defenders of Minin against N.I. Kostomarov, who considers him “a subtle and cunning man, with a strong will, a tough disposition, who used all means to achieve his goal and played first the role of a theatrical prophet" (an allusion to his words about the appearance of St. Sergius, according to the legend of the 18th century), and then "a dictator with harsh and cruel measures." Undoubtedly, Minin was a richly gifted and even exceptional person: with a great independent mind he combined the ability to feel deeply, to be imbued with an idea to the point of forgetting himself and at the same time remain a practical person who knew how to start a business, organize it and inspire the crowd with it.

Ivan Martos. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow

Wed. P. I. Melnikov, “Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod residents in troubled times” (“Moskvityanin”, 1850, No. 21); Chichagov, “The Life of Prince Pozharsky, Cellarer Palitsyn and K. Minin” (St. Petersburg, 1845); Kostomarov, “Personalities of the Time of Troubles” (“Bulletin of Europe”, 1871-1872 and in “Russian History in Biographies”); I. E. Zabelin, “Minin and Pozharsky” (M., 1883) and “Actions of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Architectural Commission.”

IN. R-v.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus-Efron

One day, in 1611, a letter came from Patriarch Gergemon from the Trinity Lavra to Nizhny Novgorod, to discuss which all the clergy and senior city officials gathered, among whom was the local zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin. He was a man of average income and a butcher by trade. Archpriest Savva began to ask the people to defend the faith, but Minin’s speech sounded most convincing. Then, with the support of the troops of Voivode Pozharsky, he assessed all the property of the Nizhny Novgorod population, and on his advice it was decided to give a third of the property (some a fifth) to support the militia. Those who did not want to pay had all their property confiscated, and they themselves were given up as slaves.

Kuzma Minin: biography

Other cities soon joined the Nizhny Novgorod residents, who received a letter from Minin. And in 1612, a huge militia gathered in Yaroslavl, led by Kuzma Minin and Pozharsky. In August, Hetman Chodkiewicz was defeated, and in October the Poles were expelled from Moscow. On July 12, 1613, after Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ascended the throne, Kuzma Minin received the rank of Duma nobleman and patrimony. From then on, he sat in the Duma, enjoying the trust of the tsar, and lived in the palace. In 1615, he and the boyars were entrusted with protecting Moscow from enemies when the Tsar left for the Sergius Monastery.

The full name of this hero is Kuzma Minich Zakharyev-Sukhoruky. It is only known that he was born at the end of the 16th century and died on May 21, 1616. He was the son of Mina Ankudinov, a salt worker who lived in the small Volga town of Balakhna. It is a known fact that Tatyana Semyonovna, the widow of Minin, having buried her husband and son Nefed, to whom the Lord did not send children, took monastic vows in 1635 with the name Taisiya and soon rested. Minin's daughter Sophia was also a nun. The Minin line ends here.


In 1804, in Nizhny Novgorod, the sculptor I. P. Martos began working on a compositional monument to Minin. When the sketches were prepared, collection began Money. In 1811, 12,000 rubles were collected, and then the Cabinet of Ministers decided to erect a monument in Moscow.

The monument to Kuzma Minin and Pozharsky was erected in 1818 right on Red Square, and 10 years later a granite obelisk appeared in Nizhny Novgorod.

Death of Minin

Kuzma Minin died in 1616 in Kazan during the rebellion of the Tatars and Cheremis. His body was buried in the graveyard of the Pokhvalinskaya Church. In 1672, the first Metropolitan of Nizhny Novgorod, Filaret, ordered Minin’s ashes to be transferred to the Transfiguration Church of the Kremlin of Nizhny Novgorod. In 1930 the cathedral was destroyed, the ashes folk hero Kuzma was transferred for storage to the city historical museum-reserve.

Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Now we all know that the victory over the Poles and Lithuanians is associated with the names of Minin and Pozharsky, but few people imagine that the inspirer of this victory was the Rev. Father Sergius of Radonezh.

The first resistance of the people's militia against False Dmitry, collected according to the charters and letters of Archimandrite Dionysius, was defeated. However, he continued to seek help again. Together with the cellarer of the Trinity Monastery, Abraham Palitsyn, they called on the entire Russian Orthodox people to fight the invaders. The situation remained dangerous and extremely difficult.

Historical truth

In the life of the holy archpriest Sergius of Radonezh it is written that during this Time of Troubles a virtuous man Kuzma Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod. He was very concerned about his Fatherland and therefore fervently prayed to God. He even had a secluded cell at home, where he went to pray at night. And then one day, when he fell asleep in this little room of his, suddenly the wonderworker Sergius appeared to him in a dream and told him to begin collecting the treasury and hiring a military army to liberate Moscow.

Waking up early in the morning, Kuzma remembered the dream and could not understand why he dreamed, because he was not a prince or a governor, but a simple peaceful man who was weak and could not think about such serious matters that Saint Sergius told him about. And then he reassured himself that it would be insane pride to take this embarrassing dream seriously.

Second dream

But after some time, the Monk Sergius again appeared to him in a dream, who reproachfully told him to carry out his order. The saint conveyed to him the will of God, with which the Almighty wants to have mercy on all Russian Orthodox people from the torn apart wars and lead them to peace and silence. However, this requires a treasury and military men to free Moscow State from enemies. The Monk Sergius immediately warned him that older people would not take on such a task, but the younger ones would begin it and lead it to a good conclusion.

The next morning Kuzma woke up in trepidation and horror. He stood up, twisted severe pain from the crushed insides and the thought of the great responsibility entrusted to him. Now Minin finally realized that this was not a simple dream or a dream, but his real duty. And then he began to pray to Saint Sergius that he would heal him, and vowed to fulfill all his commands.


How can he take on such a task? to the common man? Where should we start? First, by God's providence, Minin was elected to the zemstvo elders, his contemporary, Trinity monk Simon Azaryin wrote about this. And he ceased to be an ordinary citizen, but became a trustee in the affairs of Nizhny Novgorod. Everywhere he visited, he addressed the residents of Nizhny Novgorod, telling them passionate patriotic speeches with tears in his eyes. Indeed, mostly young people listened to him, although he himself was no longer young. Older people held on to their peace and acquired property more. Minin himself could have done this if it were not for Elder Sergius, who awakened a living conscience in him. The young people began to convince their fathers that what was the use of their acquired wealth if the enemy would soon take their city? They were ready to lay down their hot heads for the liberation of Orthodoxy.

Common treasury and new militia

As a result, the whole city signed the verdict and decided to obey Kuzma. Minin himself, leaving a little for himself, gave the rest of the property into a common pot for the armament of soldiers. Rich merchants and traders followed him and began to bring in money. This general impulse also infected other city residents.

At this time, refugees - Streltsy with their families from the city of Smolensk, also taken by the Poles, found themselves near Arzamas. There were about 2000 of them, this gave rise to the creation of a militia dating back to January 6, 1612. This is where Minin showed himself to be an excellent organizer. Realizing that he still did not have enough funds, he, on behalf of the army, turned to very wealthy people with a request to borrow money until the day Moscow was cleared of enemies. For example, he was supported by salt workers Nikita and Maxim Stroganov, who gave 4,116 rubles, Grigory Nikitnikov, who contributed an amount of 500 rubles, and others.

Copper, iron, tin and charcoal began to be purchased with this money. In all the forges, of which there were eleven, gunsmiths forged spears and sabers day and night, and cannons and squeaks were cast in foundry pits.

Kuzma Minin. Prince Pozharsky

Simon Azaryin further wrote that the more the treasury multiplied, the more the military army increased, as if it were being collected from the entire Universe. Soon an experienced prince appeared - governor Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who was already at the head of the first unsuccessful militia, which disintegrated due to lack of funds and internal strife. Finally, Russian troops moved towards Moscow through Sergiev Posad. Soon a powerful and well-equipped army approached the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where a prayer service was served, and then Kuzma Minin told Archimandrite Dionysius about a vision in a dream of Elder Sergius of Radonezh, who called him to a great common cause.

The old archimandrite cried and thanked Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and the patron saint of Rus', St. Sergius, for their patronage and intercession. Until the case was completed, no one told anyone anything about it.


The army went from the monastery to Moscow, Father Dionysius blessed all the warriors with the cross and sprinkled them with holy water. At this time, a hurricane wind blew into the faces of the warriors, and they could hardly sit on their horses. Many thought it was a bad omen and even feared the future. However, at the end, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky rode up on horseback for the blessing. And when the archimandrite crossed the backs of the departing leaders, suddenly the monstrous hurricane changed and began to blow into the backs of the warriors, as if from the Trinity Monastery and from the very tomb of the wonderworker Sergius. The army immediately cheered up and felt hope and expectation of God's mercy.


The militia of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky and their campaign against Moscow were very successful, but not decisive. The Russians drove the Poles out of the city, God heard the prayers of St. Sergius. But immediately quarrels and disagreements began among the warriors. Then Archimandrite Dionysius and cellarer Abrahamy from the Lavra themselves headed to Moscow to reconcile the army. They promised to give the entire monastery treasury to the Cossacks, who complained that they had not been paid money. Cellarer Abraham wrote later that when the Trinity brought expensive things and treasury from the monastery monastery to the Cossack camp, they were ashamed and, embarrassed by each other, returned all the jewelry to the monastery treasury in complete safety, since they knew that this property was collected long years and was offered as a gift to God.

So on October 22, 1612, the capital captured and devastated by the Poles was recaptured by the Russians, Kitay-Gorod was taken, and a few days later the Polish garrison, unable to withstand the siege, left the Kremlin. Holy Rus' survived and did not perish at the hands of infidels. This is how, with the help of the patronage of the holy wonderworker Sergius and the people's militia, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky defended Russia and Orthodoxy.

The university graduates teachers, psychologists and linguists, engineers and managers, artists and designers.

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin traces its history to the creation of a teacher's institute in Novgorod in 1911. The university was named after Kozma Minin in 2011. Since then it has been called Minin University.

The modern university was the result of the merger of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University and the Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical University. Today the university has 6 faculties, scientific departments and laboratories, public student spaces, and its own driving school.

The university has areas unique to the region: philosophy, theology, production, fine arts. Traditional areas of educational activity, such as pedagogy, psychology, defectology, are being transformed in accordance with the requirements of the time. The areas of tourism, service, management, as well as innovative profiles are developing.

The university has strong scientific traditions. Applicants can try themselves in the scientific society of students “Eureka” - it has been operating for more than 30 years. This a great opportunity for high school students to feel like a scientist, to “come” to science while still at school. High school students conduct scientific projects under the guidance of university teachers, associate professors or professors and present their results at the annual city conference.

The university regularly holds olympiads, conferences, round tables. There is a scientific student society "Wind Rose", research clubs, a scientific and practical club "Pelikanovsky Special Forces", and circles at departments. There are creative and coworking centers, sport Club and volunteer associations. Those who wish can join teaching teams and guide teams and begin the journey professional fulfillment already while studying.

Active in science and social activities, academically successful students regularly participate and win scholarship competitions. Scholarship programs as many as 7 - personal and state.

There are also the Council of Student Initiatives and the Creative Student Activities - everyone can put forward their own ideas, initiatives, proposals and be heard.

The project "Partnership without Borders" is being implemented - the university annually holds the YouLead forum (together with the international student organization AIESEC), develops joint programs with foreign universities - undergraduate, graduate, and master's degrees. Foreign specialists and teachers are involved in training. Students take part in international competitions for scholarships and grants, and a foreign language center has been created.

The university makes the teaching profession modern and popular. What should a teacher and an educational institution be like now, how to meet the standards of the time and preserve traditions? A number of non-standard solutions became the basis of 12 Strategic initiatives of the university. They include career guidance work, innovations in approaches and methods of teaching, the above-mentioned “Partnership without Borders,” and immersion in practice. The university creates teachers of the future who are interested in working, discovering new facets of the profession and driving progress.

More details Collapse https://www.mininuniver.ru/

The Nizhny Novgorod Teachers' Institute was established in Nizhny Novgorod, which began training teachers for higher primary schools in Nizhny Novgorod and the cities of the Nizhny Novgorod province. In the second year of the institute’s operation, 29 students were admitted to the first year, of which 20 people came from peasant families. On January 1, 1914, 81 people were studying at the institute. The first graduation from the institute took place in July 1914.

Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute (1918-1919)

On May 7, 1918, at the All-Russian Congress of delegates from students of 22 teachers’ colleges, the issue of “raising teacher’s institutes to the status of higher educational institutions and assigning the name pedagogical to the reformed institutes” was considered. During the first academic year, the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute worked with 39 teachers and 89 students.

Institute of Public Education (1919-1921)

Before the next academic year, the pedagogical institute underwent reorganization. Following the instructions of the Commissariat of Education, the provincial department public education on September 1, 1919, it closed the Pedagogical Institute and the Teachers' Seminary, and on November 13, merged them into a single higher educational institution - the Institute of Public Education (IPE), to which the basic school of the former teachers' institute was transferred.

Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute (1921-1926)

By order of the People's Commissariat of Education, in the fall of 1921, the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Public Education was again transformed into a pedagogical institute, and agricultural economist D. G. Lurie was appointed its rector. On September 15, 1921, the institute moved into the building of the former Nizhny Novgorod provincial gymnasium, which it still occupies. He inherited from the gymnasium equipment for classrooms and the richest library in the city. In -1922, the teaching of subjects was organized in 4 cycles: socio-historical, physical and chemical, natural science and natural geographical. In the academic year, the institute consisted of five departments: physics and technology, natural agronomics, socio-economics, political and educational, and school. Instead of the last academic year, a linguistic department with a Russian language section was created. The number of students grew steadily from one academic year to another and in the academic year amounted to 425 people.

Faculty of Education of Nizhny Novgorod University (1926-1930)

In 1926, the Pedagogical Institute was annexed to the University of Nizhny Novgorod as a faculty with 5 departments (physico-mathematical, chemical-biological, socio-historical, departments of language and literature, as well as political education). In fact, maintaining autonomy, the institute existed at the university until the spring of 1930, when NSU was disbanded.

Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) State Pedagogical Institute (1930-1993)

Throughout the 30s, the institute expanded and was rebuilt. In the academic year, the institute consisted of 9 departments (socio-historical, socio-economic, physical, mathematical, natural, chemical, biological, preschool and pedagogical), in which 775 students studied. In the spring of 1931, a two-year “evening pedagogical institute” was created at the institute for accelerated training of factory school teachers and workers preschool institutions. Instead of departments, faculties were introduced in August, and there were 5 of them at the institute: history, language and literature, physics and mathematics, natural sciences and pedagogy. In October, an autonomous two-year teachers' institute with three departments is organized at the Pedagogical Institute. In the first half of the 30s, the gymnasium building was built on: two floors were built above its side parts (former wings connected to the main building), and one above the main building. This significantly replenished the auditorium fund. In the fall of 1932, local authorities assigned the name of Maxim Gorky to the institute, which became known as the Maxim Gorky Gorky Pedagogical Institute. To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War There were 1,350 students studying full-time at the institute. During the war, the institute was transferred to the building of the Agricultural Institute. Before the revolution there was a theological seminary there, and now it is the second building of the NSPU. During the war years they left the institute to join the ranks Soviet army 287 people (of which 243 are students). 59 people were volunteers, 40 of them were girls. In the 1944-1945 academic year, the institute reached the pre-war level in terms of the number of students. During the war years, the institute continued to work: new courses were developed and taught; a number of classrooms were opened, new students were systematically admitted, scholarships were regularly paid, departments continued to conduct scientific work, strengthening ties with production, including defense.

After the war, the headquarters of the Moscow Military District and the hospital moved out of the building of the former Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, major repairs were carried out, laboratories and offices were restored. In 1945/1946 academic year Classes were conducted at the faculties of language and literature, history, biology, geography, physics and mathematics and pedagogy with preschool and school departments. In 1947, a faculty was added to them physical education and sports with a 4-year training period. In 1949, a department of logic, psychology and Russian language was created at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. In 1947, a second teaching specialty was introduced at the faculties (except for pedagogy and physical education), and therefore the duration of training was increased to 5 years.

Modern Russia

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

During this period, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and the institute was transformed into a university and received the name “Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University”.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (No. 1466 of April 7, 2011), the NSPU and the Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical University were reorganized through a merger. The united university was named “Minin University” or “Kozma Minin NSPU”.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after. Kozma Minin (Minin University)
(NSPU, Minin University)
International name

Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Minin University)

Year of foundation
Year of reorganization

Fedorov Alexander Alexandrovich


10.5 thousand people

Foreign students

324 people


617 people

Legal address

Coordinates: 56°19′34″ n. w. /  44°00′27″ E. d. 56.326111° s. w.56.326111 , 44.0075

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after. Kozma Minin (Minin University) 44.0075° E. d.

(G) (O) (I)

- one of the oldest and largest pedagogical universities in Russia.

Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute (1918–1919)

On May 7 of this year, at the All-Russian Congress of delegates from students of 22 teachers' colleges, the issue of “raising teacher institutes to the status of higher educational institutions and assigning the name pedagogical to the reformed institutes” was considered. During the first academic year, the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical Institute operated with 39 teachers and 89 students.

Institute of Public Education (1919–1921)

By order of the People's Commissariat of Education, in the fall of the year the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Public Education will again be transformed into a pedagogical institute. On September 15 of the year, the institute moved into the building of the former Nizhny Novgorod provincial gymnasium, which it still occupies. He inherited from the gymnasium equipment for classrooms and the richest library in the city. In – years, the teaching of subjects was organized in 4 cycles: socio-historical, physical and chemical, natural science and natural geographical. In the academic year, the institute consisted of five departments: physics and technology, natural agronomics, socio-economics, political and educational, and school. Instead of the last academic year, a linguistic department with a Russian language section was created. The number of students grew steadily from one academic year to another and in the academic year their number was 425.

Faculty of Education of Nizhny Novgorod University (1926–1930)

In the year, the Pedagogical Institute was affiliated with the University of Nizhny Novgorod as a faculty with 5 departments (physico-mathematical, chemical-biological, socio-historical, departments of language and literature, as well as political education). In fact, maintaining autonomy, the institute existed at the university until the spring of the year, when NSU was disbanded.

Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) State Pedagogical Institute (1930–1993)

Throughout the 1930s, there was a process of expansion of the institute and its restructuring. In the academic year, the institute consisted of 9 departments (socio-historical, socio-economic, physical, mathematical, natural, chemical, biological, preschool and pedagogical), in which 775 students studied. In the spring of the year, a two-year “evening pedagogical institute” was created at the institute for accelerated training of teachers of factory schools and workers of preschool institutions. In the year. Instead of departments, faculties were introduced in August, and the institute now has 5 of them: history, language and literature, physics and mathematics, natural sciences and pedagogy. In October, an autonomous two-year teachers' institute with three departments is organized at the Pedagogical Institute. In the first half of the 30s, the gymnasium building was built on: two floors were built above its side parts (former wings connected to the main building), and one above the main building. This significantly replenished the auditorium fund. In the fall of the year, local authorities named the institute after Maxim Gorky, which became known as the Gorky Pedagogical Institute named after Maxim Gorky. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 1,350 students were studying full-time at the institute. During the war, the institute was moved to the building of the Agricultural Institute. Before the revolution there was a theological seminary there, and now it is the second building of the NSPU. During the war years, 287 people left the institute to join the Soviet army (243 of them were students). 59 people were volunteers, 40 of them were girls. In the 1944-1945 academic year, the institute reached pre-war levels in terms of student enrollment. During the war years, the institute functioned normally: new courses were developed and taught; A number of classrooms were opened, new students were systematically admitted, scholarships were regularly paid, departments continued to conduct scientific work, strengthening ties with production, including defense.

After the war, the headquarters of the Moscow Military District and the hospital moved out of the building of the former Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, major repairs were carried out, laboratories and offices were restored. In the 1945/1946 academic year, classes were conducted at the faculties of language and literature, history, biology, geography, physics and mathematics and pedagogy with preschool and school departments. In 1947, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports was added to them with a 4-year term of study. In 1949, a department of logic, psychology and Russian language was created at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. In 1947, a second teaching specialty was introduced at the faculties (except for pedagogy and physical education), and therefore the duration of training was increased to 5 years.

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (1993–2011)

During this period, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and the institute was transformed into a university and received the name “Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University”.

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin - Minin University (since September 7, 2011)

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (No. 1466 dated April 7, 2011), the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University" and the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volzhsky State Engineering and Pedagogical University" were reorganized in the form of affiliation of VGIPU with NSPU. NSPU is the oldest university in the region, VGIPU is the youngest of the state universities in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Two teams - teachers and scientists, students and graduate students - united in order to build a modern large educational organization new type, meeting modern stage development of society and the education system.

Faculties and departments

Faculty of Natural Geography
  • Department of Anatomy, Human Physiology and Fundamentals of Life Safety
  • Department of Biology and Biological Education
  • Department of Chemistry and Chemical Education
  • Department of Physical Geography and Geoecological Education
  • Department of Ecology and Environmental Education
  • Department of Socio-Economic Geography and Methods of Teaching Geography
  • Department of Ecology and Environmental Management
Faculty of Psychology and Education
  • Department of Preschool Pedagogy
  • Department of General Pedagogy and Social Work
  • Department of Social Psychology
  • Department music education and aesthetic education
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of General Psychology
  • Department of Correctional Pedagogy
  • Department of Special Psychology
  • Department of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject Methodologies of Primary Education
Faculty of Vocational and Pedagogical Education
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education
  • Department of Construction and Welding Technologies
  • Department of Design
  • Department of Andragogy and Pedagogy
Faculty of Philology
  • Department of Russian Language
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Russian Literature
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • Department of Russian Speech Culture
  • Department of World Literature
  • Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian Literature
Faculty of Socio-Economics
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Philosophy and History of Worldview
  • Department of Finance and Insurance
  • Department of Economics of Organization
Faculty of Technology and Economics
  • Department of General Technical Disciplines
  • Department of Decorative, Applied and Fine Arts
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering and information technologies
  • Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Physical Education
  • Department of Sports Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department of Sports
  • Department of Sports Games and Gymnastics
  • Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics
  • Department of Algebra and Geometry
  • Department of Theoretical Physics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Physics
  • Department of Mathematical Analysis, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • Department of Informatics and Information Technologies
History department
  • Department of Russian History
  • Department of General History and Classical Cycle Disciplines
  • Department modern history Russia
Faculty of Design and Information Technology
  • Department of Mathematics and Informatics
  • Department of Environmental Design
Automotive Faculty
  • Department of Automobile Transport
  • Department of General Engineering Training
  • Department of Physical Culture and Sports
Faculty of Philosophy and Theology
  • Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Astronomy and History of Natural Sciences

Famous teachers

  • Fedorov, Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Lukoyanov, Valery Vitalievich
  • Fortunatova, Vera Alekseevna
  • Kaurkin, Radislav Vyacheslavovich

Famous graduates


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