Lesson “Wild animals of our forests. Summary of OOD in the preparatory group “Animals of our forests Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

Yulia Verevkina
Lesson summary “Wild animals of our forests”

The teacher-psychologist welcomes children: Hello guys! I invite everyone to the forest (the layout is set in front of the children).

Who lives in the forest? What can you call these animals? (Wild animals.)

Why are they called wild? (Because they live in the forest, take care of themselves, get their own food.)

Educational psychologist: Do you know what animals live in the forest? To find out, you need to solve riddles.

Didactic game "Who lives in the forest?"

1. Who is cold in winter?

Walking around angry and hungry? (Wolf.) A picture appears "wolf".

What kind of wolf? (Gray, shaggy, big... wild.)

What is the name of his house? (Lair.)

2. I wear a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In the forest on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel.) A picture appears "squirrel"

What kind of squirrel? (Red, fluffy, small).

What is the name of the house where the squirrel lives? (Hollow.)

3. The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

And in the village he steals chickens. (Fox.) A picture appears "fox".

Lisa, which one? (Red-haired, fluffy, cunning.)

What is the name of the fox's house? (Nora.)

4. A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare.) A picture appears "hare".

Tell me which hare? (Small, cowardly, gray in summer and white in winter)

What is the name of the hare's house? Does he have a home? (The hare brings out her cubs in a nest in the tall grass. When the bunny grows up, the whole forest becomes its home.)

5. In summer he walks without a road

Near pine and birch trees.

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear.) A picture appears "bear".

Tell me about the bear. What bear? (Big, shaggy, club-footed....)

What is the name of the bear's house? (In winter - the den, in summer - the whole forest.)

Dynamic pause "Animal Charge"

Jumping, jumping in little forest

Hares are white balls. (Hands near the chest, like the paws of hares; jumping.)

Jump - jump, jump - jump -

The little bunny stood on a stump (Jump forward and backward.)

He lined everyone up in order and began showing them exercises.

Once! Everyone walks in place.

Two! They wave their hands together.

Three! They sat down and stood up together.

Everyone scratched behind the ear.

We reached four.

Five! They bent over and bent over.

Six! Everyone lined up again

They walked like a squad.

Word game "Say a word"

Educational psychologist: It’s cold in the forest in winter, and hot in summer. In summer, all the animals are looking for somewhere to drink water. Animals with their cubs rush to the watering hole (the psychologist reads a poem, the children, finishing the phrases, name the cubs wild animals). Pictures with images are used wild animals and their young.

On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water.

The wolf was following the mother... Who? (Wolf cub.)

Sneaking after the mother fox... Who? (Little fox.)

The hedgehog was following his mother... Who? (Hedgehog.)

He was following the mother bear... Who? (Teddy bear.)

Jumped after the mother squirrel... Who? (Little squirrel.)

Jumped after the mother hare... Who? (Little bunny.)

A game "Find the trail"

Educational psychologist: In winter, footprints are clearly visible in the snow wild animals: They are different for everyone. We will now look at them all carefully, and then, using the chains of traces, we will find the places where they are hiding animals in winter cold.

Classification game "Russell animals»

Educational psychologist: Now take each animal and resettle. Homemade Where will you place the animals??

Children: In the yard.

Educational psychologist: A wild?

Children: In the forest.

A game "Who loves what" (done in workbooks)

A teacher-psychologist invites children to draw arrows from animals for their food(hare carrot, bear honey, squirrel mushrooms, hedgehog apple, fox fish).

A game "Nose - floor - ceiling" (development of attention)

Description: children stand near their chairs and follow the commands that the psychologist speaks and shows. Nose - point a finger at the nose, floor - lower your hands down, ceiling - raise your hands up.

The teacher-psychologist names and carries out all the commands together with the children, but at the same time makes mistakes on purpose. The children’s task is to listen carefully and accurately carry out only those commands that the psychologist calls.

Summarizing classes

Educational psychologist: Children, so what? animals live in the forest? (Children's answers.)

Educational psychologist: We played a lot today. Did you like it? What did you like most? (Children's answers) .

Publications on the topic:

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev" Topic: "Wild animals of our forests."

Project participants: Children middle group, teachers, assistant teacher, parents. Implementation period: 2-3 weeks of November Type: informational and creative.

"Wild Animals of Our Forests." ECD for speech development and familiarization with the outside world in the older group of children with mental retardation Goal: To consolidate the names of wild animals, their young, body parts, and dwellings; Foster love and caring attitude towards living nature;

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and fine motor skills in the 2nd junior group “Wild animals of our forests” Goals: enrich lexicon children; develop coherent speech skills, visual perception, attention; develop the ability to recognize objects.

Summary of GCD in the second junior group “Wild animals of our forests” GCD summary: “Wild animals of our forests” (2nd junior group) Goal: development of all components of children’s oral speech: grammatical structure.

Summary of a lesson on speech development. A story on a given topic “Wild animals of our forests” Goal: To develop monologue speech. Objectives: Educational: -Continue to teach how to compose a short story using reference pictures. -Exercise.

"Wild Animals of Our Forests." ECD for the OO "Artistic Development" (application) for children with speech disorders (stuttering) Application Topic: “Wild animals of our forests” Purpose: Correction of stuttering. Tasks: -Teach children to cut out a wolf in parts, advanced characteristics.

Abstract of the GCD for the FCCM “Wild animals of our forests” FCCM Topic: “Wild animals of our forests” Goal: Correction of stuttering. Objectives: - To deepen children's knowledge about the wild animals of our forests, about theirs.

Goal: To clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about wild animals. Tasks: 1. Updating the dictionary

Krylova Marina Vasilievna
Abstract of OOD in preparatory group"Beasts of our forests"

Software tasks.

Educational area "Cognitive Development".

Clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild animals; their leashes

features of appearance; what they eat, what their homes are called. Develop logical thinking, imagination, activate children's attention and memory. Learn to make a whole from parts. Develop fine motor skills.

Educational area "Speech development".

Continue to learn how to compose a short descriptive story using a diagram and imagination. Continue to teach children to give complete answers to questions; enrich vocabulary, develop children’s coherent speech. Learn to answer questions: whose? whose, form possessive adjectives (in the game "Whose Tail", select attributes for the subject (coordinate adjectives with nouns, use diminutive nouns in speech.

.Educational tasks:

Teach children kindness, evoke active sympathy for those who need it (animals, the desire to help them. Foster a love of nature.

Vocabulary work: dwelling, lair, hut, hollow, toothy, clubfooted, long-eared.

Preliminary work: reading V. Bianchi's stories about animals. conducting didactic and board-printed games on this topic, looking at illustrations, asking riddles. conversations.

Equipment: forest decoration (trees, stumps, bear’s den)-, toys (hare, squirrel, bear, tablecloth - "self-assembly", cut-out pictures for each child, cards depicting animal dwellings, individual cards of forest inhabitants, use of TSO.

Organizing time.

The teacher opens the mailbox, takes out a letter and reads it to the children.

Hello, dear guys. I was born on the moon and came down to earth to you.

I have never been in your forest, I have not seen animals. I really want to know where they live, what they eat, about their appearance, their habits.

Guys, who do you think this letter is from?

Children: from Luntik.

Educator: How did you guess? (children's answers).

Luntik appears on the TV screen.

Educator: Guys, look, and here Luntik has come down to earth.

Children greet Luntik.

Educator: Children, do you want to help Luntik learn about the life of the forest animals?

Main part.

Educator: Who lives in the forest?

Children list animals.

Educator: What can these animals be called, in one word?

Children's answers.

Educator: Why are they called wild animals?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to the forest.

The teacher reads a poem

Hello forest, wonderful forest.

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

On a dark stormy night.

Who is hiding in your wilderness,

What the beast what a bird.

Open everything, don’t hide it

You see, we have arrived.

Educator: Listen to the noise of the forest (sound recording of forest noise).

Guys, you love to play.

Game with imitation movements.

We will quietly go into the forest (walking in place)

What will we see in it? (turns right, left)

The trees grow there (smoothly across the sides

Branches point towards the sun, raise hands up)

A strong wind blows (swaying raised arms

And he shakes the trees up)

Hush, hush, don't make any noise

Lesnykh we want to find animals

And look for forest we will follow the tracks of animals.

A game “Whose traces?”

Educator: Guys, who do you think ran through, dodging and confusing his tracks? (hare).

So, whose tracks are these? (hare).

Educator: Sneaks cautiously, covering his tracks with his tail. (fox).

Whose tracks are these? (fox).

Educator: And here walked an angry brown man (bear).

Whose tracks are these? (bearish).

Educator: Fast small animal jump through the trees (squirrel)

Whose tracks are these? (squirrel).

Educator: Wanders angry, hungry (wolf).

Whose tracks are these? (wolf)

A game "Describe the animal".

Educator: I suggest you play a game "Describe the animal".

I will be the host and tell you riddles, and you will find the answer and tell about this animal using this diagram.

1. A flame flashed quickly behind the trees and bushes.

It flashed, ran,

There is no smoke or fire (fox).

Fox. Fox is not very large beast. She has beautiful red fur, a fluffy tail, a long muzzle, and pointed ears. The fox hunts mice. A fox lives in a hole under a bush.

2. Not a mouse, not a bird

frolicking in the forest,

Lives in the trees

And he gnaws nuts (squirrel)

Squirrel. She's a redhead. She has a beautiful fluffy tail. The ears are pointed at the ends of the tassel.

Her body is covered with warm fur. The squirrel eats nuts and mushrooms. She lives in a hollow in the forest. She is a thrifty housewife.

3. I live in the forest and meadow,

I'm spoiling the garden beds

And I run away without looking back (hare)

Hare. The hare has long ears and an elongated muzzle. Its hind legs are much longer than its front legs. Therefore, the hare runs and jumps very quickly. The bunny's fur coat is soft and warm. In winter it is white, and in summer gray: this makes it easier for him to hide from enemies. The hare lives in the forest under a bush.

4. Waddle the beast is coming

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams (bear)

Bear. The bear has a shaggy warm fur coat. His muzzle is elongated. The bear walks heavily, moving its paws somehow at random, which is why it was called clubfoot. But he can run fast. He climbs trees very skillfully. During the cold months, the bear climbs into a den, sleeps and sucks its paw.

Educator: Well done with the riddles.

You talked about animals. Are they alive?

Think and say. A. How do living objects differ from non-living objects? (live animals move, eat, breathe, etc.).

A game "Who eats what".

This tablecloth is self-assembled. Look! what lies in it.

Paints early in the morning

The sun is the edge of heaven.

Self-assembled tablecloth,

The forest spreads out.

Enough treats

He has it for everyone:

Sweet roots

Honey, mushrooms, nuts. (T. Shorygina).

Educator: Children, who will need nuts in the forest?

Children: Belke

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Tell me guys, what would you treat and feed the forest inhabitants? What do forest animals eat? animals?

The children's answers are accompanied by a video recording.

Children: Bear - honey, nuts, acorns, berries.

Squirrel – nuts, mushrooms, cones.

Hare - bark, branches, leaves.

Wolf - small rodents and other animals.

Fox - mice, chickens, hares.

A game "Collect a picture".

Guys, take out the cut-out pictures from the envelopes. There was a strong, strong wind in the forest and scattered all the parts of the drawing. Let's collect them.

Educator: Children, tell us what animal you made and select a characteristic for it.

What wolf? (gray, toothy, scary. wild, fast, predatory, dangerous).

Lisa, which one? (cunning, fluffy, red-haired, careful, sensitive, fast).

What kind of bear? (brown, clubfooted, clumsy, scary, big).

What kind of hare? (gray, white, long-eared, oblique, timid, fast, herbivorous, defenseless).

What kind of squirrel? (fluffy, fast, nimble, red, dexterous).

Beaver, which one? (furry, strong, sharp-toothed, underwater, caring).

Finger gymnastics.

A game “Whose tail?”.

"One morning the forest the animals woke up and saw that everyone has tails confused: a hare has a wolf's tail, a wolf has a fox's tail, a fox has a bear's tail. Upset animals. Help animals find their tails».

Children: A fox has a fox tail.

A fox with a fluffy tail appears on the TV screen.

Children: The hare has a hare's tail.

A hare appears on the TV screen.

Children: A squirrel has a squirrel tail.

A squirrel appears on the TV screen.

Children: A wolf has a wolf's tail.

A wolf appears on the TV screen.

Well done guys, helped the forest dwellers find their tails

Physical exercise.

Merry animals.

The bunny jumps through the bushes,

Through the swamp and over the hummocks.

The squirrel jumps on the branches,

The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.

A bear with a clubfoot is walking,

He has crooked paws.

No paths, no paths

A prickly hedgehog is rolling.

Ball game.

A game "Call me kindly".

A hedgehog has quills, but a hedgehog? ….

The fox has a tail, and what about the little fox? ...

A hare has ears, but a little bunny?

A wolf has teeth, but a wolf cub? ...

The bear has a paw, and the bear cub? ...

The mouse has a nose, and the little mouse...

A game "Answer quickly".

The hare is white in winter. in the summer…

The hare has a short tail and ears...

The hare's hind legs are longer, and the front...

Fluffy hedgehog hare...

The hedgehog sleeps during the day and hunts...

The hedgehog is small, and the bear...

The squirrel is gray in winter. in the summer….

The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare...

The wolf is strong, and the hare...

The wolf is brave, and the hare

A game "Name the Family". They jump on two legs, making "ears" from the palms.

They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

They waddle.

They move in a half-squat, making their backs round.

Children, look, there’s a family here (show on TV screen).

Let's call it.

Mom is a hare, dad is a hare, and the baby is a hare.

Mom is a fox, dad is a fox, and the baby is a fox.

Mom is a bear, dad is a bear, and the cub is a bear cub.

Mother wolf. The father is a wolf, and the cub is a wolf cub.

Mom is a hedgehog, dad is a hedgehog, and the baby is a hedgehog.

Mom is a beaver, dad is a beaver, and the baby is a beaver.

Mother moose. The father is an elk, and the baby is a calf.

A game "Who lives where?".

Guys, everyone animals I have my own house in the forest. I know that you are good guys. Please help the animals find their home.

The children have cards on their tables that depict homes. animals:- lair, hollow, hole. den, hut. bush.

Each child has individual cards with pictures of animals.

Children choose their own home for each animal and tell who lives where.

The Luntik toy appears. thanks the children.

Thank you. you guys, today I learned a lot about animals where they live and what they eat.

about their appearance and habits.

And I want to give you an encyclopedia about animals. The children thank Luntik.

Children, our journey into the forest has ended, and it’s time for us to return home.

Well done, you played well today.

Educator: Children, let's remember what games we played today?

Tell me which game did you like best?

Their house, in which they live, hide and eat, breed. The forest is their protector.


Forest animals feel confident in their familiar habitat. They are comfortable in the forest, despite the fact that there are dangers here, but each species has adapted to defend itself and hide.

The crown jewel of the forest community is the elk, which belongs to the Deer family. Some specimens reach a length of up to three and a half meters and a height of up to two meters. The weight of such an animal can reach 500 kilograms. Agree, these are impressive parameters. It is very interesting to watch such a giant moving silently through the forest.

He is very strong and, oddly enough, swims and dives remarkably well. In addition, he has a keen ear and good instincts. Imagine that a moose can jump over a four-meter hole or a two-meter obstacle without a run. Not every animal can do this.

It lives exclusively in forests. In other areas it can only be found during spring migrations. At such times you can encounter him in the fields, sometimes he even enters villages. Elk feed on shoots of pine, rowan, aspen, buckthorn, bird cherry, and willow. It also eats herbaceous plants, mushrooms, moss, and berries. Forest animals are forced to look for food in winter. And they don’t always manage to find it so easily. Sometimes moose cause great harm by eating young pine trees and forest plantations. This only happens in winter period, when food is very tight, and a decent number of individuals are concentrated in a relatively small area.

However, forest districts are trying to carry out biotechnical measures to create comfortable and satisfying living conditions for these wonderful animals.

Forest animal bear

The most famous forest dweller. He is the indispensable hero of the majority folk tales. Moreover, he always acts as a good character. However, it should be noted that bears are predatory animals in the forest.

They can rightfully be called the masters of the forest. The bear has a powerful body, fairly small eyes and ears. He has a hump on his withers, which is nothing more than muscles that give him the ability to deliver very strong blows. The bear's tail is very small, about twenty centimeters. He is practically invisible in his thick, shaggy fur. The color of the animal varies from light brown to almost black. Of course, the most typical color is brown.

The animal has very powerful paws. Each of them has five fingers. The claws on the animal's paws reach ten centimeters in length.

Brown bear habitat

These majestic forest animals previously inhabited vast territories. Now their range has narrowed significantly. Currently they are found in Finland and Scandinavia, sometimes in forests Central Europe and, of course, in the taiga and tundra in Russia.

The size and body weight of bears depend entirely on their habitat. The weight of animals living in Russia does not exceed 120 kilograms. However, Far Eastern bears are much larger. Their weight reaches 750 kilograms.

Their favorite habitat is impenetrable forest areas littered with windbreaks or places with dense thickets of bushes and trees. However, they also love rough terrain, and therefore can be found in the tundra and high mountain forests.

What does a predator eat?

It must be said that the bear eats almost everything that can be eaten. Most of his diet is plant foods: herbs, mushrooms, berries, nuts. When an animal does not have enough food, it can eat insects and larvae, rodents, reptiles and even carrion. Large representatives can afford to hunt ungulates. It is only at first glance that these forest animals seem very clumsy. In fact, when chasing prey, bears show miracles of dexterity. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour.

Bears also love to eat fish. By autumn they eat off and gain about twenty percent of their weight.

Hibernation of bears

However, the life of forest animals changes very much in winter. Bears spend half of the year in their den-den, hibernating. They choose a place for their home in the most inaccessible places. As a rule, they make their winter rookery under the huge roots of broken spruce trees, in rock crevices, and in rubble after windbreaks. They line the inside of their house with dry moss and grass. Bears sleep quite lightly. If you disturb him, he may well wake up, and then be forced to look for a new cozy place to sleep.

When there are very hungry years and the bear cannot gain enough fat reserves, it does not fall asleep. The animal simply wanders in search of food. Such a bear is called a connecting rod. During this period, he becomes very aggressive and is capable of attacking even a person.

The mating season for bears is in May and June. It is usually accompanied by strong roaring and fights between competing males.

After mating, a female bear gives birth to cubs after about six months. They are born in a den. As a rule, two babies are born weighing up to half a kilogram. By the time the couple leaves the den, the offspring have reached the size of a dog and are already beginning to feed with the adults.

The cubs live with their mother for a couple of years. They reach sexual maturity at three to four years. In general, bears live in wildlife up to thirty years of age.


We always associate forest animals with predators. One of their representatives is the wolf. There are a huge number of them in our country. They have long been actively fought against, since they cause significant damage to the household.

It is widely believed that the wolf is a forest animal. However, this is not quite true. There are many of them living in the tundra. They prefer open spaces. And people are forcing them to go into the forests, actively fighting them.

Outwardly, the wolf looks like a large large dog. He has a powerful physique. The length of its body reaches up to 1.5 meters. Weight ranges from 30 to 45 kilograms. Females are generally smaller than males.

Wolves have strong and resilient paws. They are long distance runners. In general, this is a highly organized animal and also very smart. Looking at each other, the wolves exchange information.

This animal has well-developed hearing, excellent sense of smell and vision. The wolf receives all information about the surrounding world through its sense of smell. He is able to distinguish the tracks of forest animals by smell many hours after they left them. In general, it is difficult for us to imagine the variety of smells that a wolf can distinguish.

Habits of wolves

Wolves are very strong and hardy animals. They reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers in pursuit of prey. And in a throw this value increases to 80.

In summer, wolves live in pairs and raise their offspring strictly within their own territory. By winter, young individuals, together with older ones, gather in groups and lead a wandering lifestyle. Wolves, like all forest animals, change their lifestyle in winter.

Usually a pack consists of ten wolves, which are representatives of the same family. Sometimes several flocks can unite into one larger one. This is possible in severe snowy times or when there is very large prey.

What do wolves eat?

Since the wolf is a predator, meat is the basis of its diet. Although sometimes an animal can try plant foods. The wolf hunts absolutely any animal that is within his power. If he has enough game, he will not stop looking into human settlements. Wolves are very intelligent and understand the full extent of the risk.

In the forest, this animal hunts for almost all inhabitants, from elk to chipmunk and vole. Of course, its favorite prey, depending on its habitat, is wapiti and roe deer. However, the wolf will not disdain a fox, a raccoon, a rat, a ferret, a pig, or a hare. The hunting habits of wolves are varied. They can wait for their prey in ambush, or they can for a long time drive her. And their collective hunt is generally a complex, well-coordinated mechanism where everyone understands each other without words.

Very prudently, they drive their prey into the water in a flock. The wolf is a large predator, but it can catch fish, frogs, mice, and also likes to destroy bird nests.

But it is not always only forest animals and birds that become the prey of predators. In populated areas there is not enough game, and therefore in harsh winter months When it becomes very difficult to survive, wolves stay closer to villages and begin to rob. Their prey can be sheep, dogs, pigs, horses, cows, and goose. In general, any living creature that a predator can reach. Even one individual is capable of causing big damage overnight.


Forest animals for children are, rather, fairy-tale characters. And the fox is generally the heroine of many children's fairy tales. However, as a fairy-tale person, she is endowed with those features that are inherent in her in real life. The fox is both beautiful and cunning. She has a long fluffy tail and a cunning narrow muzzle and small eyes. This predator is really slender and graceful; in size it is comparable to a small dog. Weighs from six to ten kilograms.

Since childhood, we are accustomed to calling the fox red. And rightly so. It’s just that in life her belly is white or grayish. The back and sides are colored differently: from light gray to bright red. As a rule, northern foxes have bright colors. And the more faded ones are those that live in the forest-steppe. Silver fox fur is considered the most beautiful and expensive. Such foxes have long been bred on special farms, since they are extremely rare in the wild. And among people, their fur is especially popular for its beauty.

In summer, the animal looks a little awkward due to the fact that the fur becomes short and stiff during this period. But by autumn the fox grows a beautiful winter coat. The predator sheds only once a year - in the spring.

Habits of a sly fox

The fox is found not only in the forest, but also in the tundra, mountains, steppes, swamps, and even near human habitation. She is great at adapting to any conditions, but still loves more open spaces. She doesn't like the remote taiga.

In life, as in fairy tales, the fox is very fast and agile. She runs very quickly and easily catches insects flying by. As a rule, she moves at a leisurely trot. Periodically stops, looks around, looks around. Lisa is very careful. When it sneaks up on prey, it crawls quietly on its belly, almost merging with the ground. But he runs away from pursuit with large and sharp leaps, skillfully confusing his tracks.

You can see downright fairy-tale episodes in fox behavior. People invented them for a reason. All stories are taken from real life. Foxes are truly cunning predators who approach hunting wisely. Rather, they take prey not by force, but by seduction. No other animal is named by its patronymic. And the fox's name is Patrikeevna. Why?

Once upon a time there was such a prince named Patrikey. He became famous for his cunning and resourcefulness. Since then, the very name Patrikey has been associated with cunning people. The fox has long been known among the people as a cheat, which is why it was dubbed Patrikeevna.

Who do foxes hunt?

Foxes are very active animals. In winter, its tangled tracks are clearly visible in the snow. You can immediately see where the cheat was hunting. It is generally accepted that foxes feed on hares. But this is a big misconception. She is not able to catch up with such fast prey. Of course, if she stumbles upon defenseless bunnies somewhere, she will certainly take advantage of the opportunity. That’s why hares are a very rare dish in her diet. She just can't keep up with them.

Foxes feed on a variety of insects, birds and animals. But the basis of their menu is rodents. Predators are excellent at exterminating voles. In addition, they know how to fish in shallow waters. Sometimes animals feast on berries.


The forest life of animals is very interesting to study. All representatives of the animal world are very different, some run away, others hunt. Previously we looked at some predators. Now let's talk about the brightest representative of the forests. Of course, about the hare.

Hares, as in fairy tales, have long ears and short tails. Their hind legs are much longer and more powerful than their front legs. In winter, it is clearly visible in the snow that the prints of the hind paws are ahead of the front ones. This is caused by the fact that they carry them forward while running.

These animals feed on food that does not attract others at all, for example, bark, young shoots and branches, and grass.

Many fairy tales have been written about forest animals, but the favorite hero has always been the hare. Even in life, when escaping from pursuit, he is cunning and tries to confuse his tracks, jumping first in one direction, then in the other, just as in children’s stories. He is capable of running at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Not every predator can keep up with such fast prey. In general, hares have many ways to escape persecution. These are so cunning forest creatures. Animals know how to both run away and defend themselves, and in each case they use the most optimal tactics - their sense of smell is so developed.

But it is not so much their cunning that saves the hares as they win with their numbers. They have four to five litters each year. Each of which can contain from two to five bunnies.

The most famous are the white hare. They weigh up to seven and a half kilograms and reach a length of 70 centimeters. Their main difference is the color of the fur. Browns do not change their color in winter. But in summer it is much more difficult to distinguish these varieties.

In general, hares tend to live a sedentary life. Of course, they gallop across fields and meadows, going quite long distances. But then they return to their habitat. Very rarely they can migrate. This only happens in particularly cold and snowy winters.

Who else lives in the forest?

We have listed only the most famous animals, since it is difficult to pay attention to all forest inhabitants within the scope of this article. There are actually a lot of them: wild boars, badgers, hedgehogs, moles, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, sables, martens, raccoons, deer, roe deer, lynxes... As they say, from young to old. They are all very different and interesting. In addition, it would be unfair not to mention birds, which also live quite a lot in our forests.

Forest birds

Not only are forest animals diverse, photos of some of which are given in the article, but also birds. The world of winged creatures is no less interesting. There are a huge number of species living in forests. Here you can find: woodpeckers, larks, robins, orioles, crossbills, nightingales, buntings, magpies, ducks, wagtails, swifts and many others.

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Slide captions:

Wild animals “Inhabitants of the forest” part 1 Prepared by: Chernykh T.A.

Brown bear Brown bear lives in the forest and loves to climb trees. Despite his clumsiness, he can run fast and swim well.

Brown bear The bear is an omnivore. His favorite treats are honey and raspberries. And Brown Bear is an excellent fisherman!

Brown bear The bear lives in a den. He sleeps in his house all winter, living off accumulated fat reserves. in spring Brown bear wakes up.

The most famous bear cub - Winnie the Pooh HONEY

Squirrel The squirrel lives in the forest, but sometimes it can be found in the park. Such squirrels are not afraid of humans and can take a nut from his hands. It is better not to give peanuts and sunflower seeds to squirrels.

Squirrel Squirrels are omnivores; they love to feast on nuts, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. In spring they feed on tree buds. Sometimes they eat insects, frogs and small birds.

Squirrel Duplo is a house for a squirrel, where it stores supplies for the winter. And sometimes he buries nuts in the ground.

Hare The hare is the most timid animal. As soon as he hears a rustle, he’ll immediately run - he’s an excellent athlete! In summer the hare is gray, and in winter it changes its coat to white.

Hare The hare loves carrots, apples and cabbage, but since he is a forest dweller, he eats different grass, thin twigs, bark, seeds, berries.

Hare The hare lives in a hole that it digs under a bush, so it hides from predators - the wolf and the fox.

Wolf Wolves live in packs, the strongest and bravest wolf is the leader.

Wolf A wolf does not have a special home; they can live in a rock crevice or thicket of bushes, but when they breed, they make a den.

Wolf The wolf is a predator and hunts at night. Eats meat, poultry, loves fish. When there is no prey, wolves eat berries, fruits and even mushrooms. At night you can hear a wolf howling at the moon.

Boar The boar is the ancient ancestor of the pig. Lives where there is water nearby. Although the boar is clumsy, it runs quickly and swims well. The boar is a very ferocious animal!

Wild boar During the day, the wild boar lies in a dug hole, and in the evening it comes out to look for food - these are roots, fruits, plants. Favorite treat wild boar - acorns.

Boar The boar is very strong, they are not afraid of anyone except the wolf, lynx and man.

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