Improve the vocabulary.

Every day we communicatewith other people, pronounce hundreds of words, we work with documents, looking through the Internet pages, rewrite with friends and relatives, read magazines and newspapers, watch movies and TV shows. In the process of communication, transmission and perception of information, our consciousness processes many words. How many words you need to know a person to fully communicate, know the world and the surrounding reality?

According to various assessments of scientists, in english language About one million words, in Russian - from two hundred to five hundred thousand, Czech language has about fifty thousand words. But this does not mean at all that in order to master the tongue, you need to learn such a huge amount of words. The fact is that our vocabulary is divided into two types - active and passive. Active vocabulary are words that a person knows and actively uses. Words, whose value is a person knows, but which it rarely uses a passive vocabulary. Of course, passive reserve several times more active. Researchers of creativity William Shakespeare calculated that in his works he used about twenty thousand words, in the literary heritage of Karel Chapeka there are almost thirty thousand words. However, this does not mean that in everyday life Great writers were expressing difficult and vessels, using all their lexical baggage.

According to the estimates of linguists, Vocabulary, which European, including the average Russian, is in everyday life, is about a thousand words. Active vocabulary is about two or three thousand words. Thus, for spending the language at the initial level, several hundreds of frequently used words are enough. Here is the approximate gradation of the volume of the vocabulary:

1. 400-800 words- lexical luggage required for basic level Language knowledge;
2. up to 1500 words - stock that allows us to explain and read literature at the initial level;
3. up to 3000 words- The stock, with which you can confidently communicate on the household level and fluently reading non-specialized literature;
4. 5000 wordsin the lexical baggage will provide free reading the press and specialized literature;
5. 8000 wordsenough for comprehensive communication, reading literature of any degree of complexity, viewing television programs and films.

Should be consideredThese figures are only an approximate assessment of the number of words necessary for communication at a certain level, and, as a result, the number of words that need to know the wishing to explore a foreign language. Note that the active vocabulary is dynamic, it changes depending on which a person lives in what he works, where it works, etc. For example, the specificity of the person's work determines the lexical luggage used by it in labor activity. Therefore, it is important not only to expand the active vocabulary, but also to ensure that the words do not disappear from use and did not go from the asset to the passive.

There are various waysenrichment of the active vocabulary stock. Consider some of them:

1. The most common, effective and affordable method - Method of live communication. When communicating two interlocutors, as a rule, the mutual enrichment of their vocabularies.
2. Reading out loudallows you to use not only visual, but also auditory memory, facilitating and speeding up the memorization process.
3. Retelling read. When retelling the read brain actively processes the information received, while you need to try to maximize those words from the text that met for the first time or caused difficulty.
4. Interesting and useful work with a synonym dictionary. Many words have a number of synonyms, and a small game, the purpose of which - with the help of a dictionary, to replace the words in the text on synonyms as possible, significantly expand the vocabulary.

The richer vocabulary of manMoreover, Emko, colorfully and accurately, he can express his feelings and thoughts, the brighter of his picture of the world. It is necessary to strive to replenish the vocabulary of not only the studied, but also native language. Especially relevant, this is presented for the carriers of the Russian language, which the French writer Proster Merima spoke so wonderful: "Russian, as far as I can judge him, is the richest of all European lawlessness and seems to be instrumented to express the finest shades. Gifted with wonderful complication, connected to clarity, he is content with one word to transmit thoughts when whole phrases would take to another language. "

Great Russian! Studies of modern linguists testify: it has about two hundred thousand words. However, the average Russian uses no more than three thousand lexical structures in everyday life. There are many techniques how to replenish the Russian language. You can get acquainted with the most effective techniques for improving the culture of speech in the article.

The book is an endless source of knowledge. Expansion of the dictionary reserve by reading, analyzing and memorizing information is one of the most efficient methods for enriching speech. How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language and what to read for this? Not only artistic, but also scientifically popular, specialized literature of Russian and foreign authors should be studied, poetry. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

    slow, thoughtful reading with subsequent analysis of text;

    concentration on new terms, revolutions, lexical structures;

    practice to read out loud, memorizing or retelling text.

Stumbled upon an unfamiliar word, it is necessary to write it into a separate notebook / notebook, pick up synonyms, memorize interpretation and try to apply it in everyday life.

An extensive vocabulary is preceded by a grave work. Masters of eloquence recommend paying attention to the development of oratory. The ability to clearly formulate thoughts, saturatedly describe events or to retell the recently read information must have every erudite person. The active application of the studied material (in this case of new words) is the key to wealth of speech: in a conversation, in correspondence or during the speech it is necessary to express thoughts, carefully selecting optimal words.

Among the councils, how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language, the exercises for writing their own text have special effectiveness. For example, you can take a notebook and handle or open a text editor on your computer and just start writing. It is important to try to transfer own feelings On paper, learning detailed characterized events or tell history. Alternatively, you can start leading a log or start a virtual diary - a daily practice as a writer will make it possible to stir the brain and make it "dig" in its own lexical baggage.

"Well", "type", "as it were" and the protracted pauses "E-e-e" in one moment give a person with a poor vocabulary. Such structures pollute the speech of man, deprive her informativeness and beauty.

Specialized textbooks studying etymology of words are able to open new horizons of the native language. Weapons can be taken as classic volumes from Dahl or Ozhegov, and use online services to explore new words. It is noteworthy that intelligent dictionaries, in addition to interpretation, also contain examples of the consumption of the term in the context, which makes it possible to include it in the active lexicon.

A mandatory point in working with a dictionary is the transfer of unknown terms to a separate notebook. It is important from time to time to view compiled abstracts. Excellent copes with the task of replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language list of words, located in a prominent place. Placing stickers with terms in the workplace, the refrigerator or the mirror involves the auditorium to study the new vocabulary. You should not neglect the didactic cards: the word is written on one side, and on the other - its definition.

Novice linguists: tricks of learning native language

    The solution of verbal puzzles.Crossword, Scrabble, Boggl or Kranium - picking up the game in the soul, you can not only have a cool to have fun, but also expand your vocabulary, learn to think critically.

  • Regular training is a key to success. If the daily "load" is 3 words, then after a month, the vocabulary will increase by 90, and in a year - by 1080 words!
  • Secret from the series,which many neglect is nslisching audiobook, podcasts, lectures and public speeches of cultural and science figures.INabout cleaning time or ride to worksuch activities contribute to enrichment lexicwow baggagebut.

How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language to the student and child?

Speech abilities in children are formed by five years: upon reaching this age, the kid should be able to use various designs Complex proposals, own the skills of word formation and word, possess sufficient vocabulary. The lack of communication, ignoring reading, violations in pronunciation - the factors that lead to the fact that the child has a passive knowledge of speech.

The use of lexical baggage expansion techniques for adults to children is inefficient. The following rules from teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists will come to the rescue: they shared secrets, how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language in childhood.

    Without confusion! If a child calls mittens with gloves, and dish saucers, it makes sense to help the spell see the differences between these items through visual analysis. For example, drawing things causing confusion to carry out their detailed inspection and highlight the differences.

    Verbal connection. The Association game allows you to develop a child abstract thinking. For example, the baby should pick up for the word "guitar" in several nouns, adjectives and verbs (preferably synonymous): "Music" and "sound", "ringing" and "loud", "plays" and "branded".

    Hidden meaning. Specific thinking is inherent to children up to 7 years, later they begin to catch the author's "Messages" and learn to read "between the lines". Develop the ability to understand the figurative meaning helps the discussion of proverbs and sayings.

    Reading and communicating. Important aspects on how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language to the baby are the skills of communication and reading. You should always listen to the child, and also do not forget to instill love for literature.

How to quickly replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language? Use all the above techniques is complex. It is important to remember that success is achieved only by stubborn labor, and the erudite and developed personality becomes those who are ready to work continuously.

"William Shakespeare's dictionary at the counting of researchers is 12,000 words. The Negro dictionary from the ogombo tribe "MUMBO-YUMBO" is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely accounted for thirty, "this quote from the" twelve chairs "of Ilf and Petrov is familiar. Satyrics, and with them readers, we laughed at the nearby and undeveloped, but excessively self-confident and impudent elochka, all the interests, thoughts and emotions of which were easily laid in thirty words. Meanwhile, taking for writing lyrics, many, without noticing, turn the elochka into the cannibal. Whatever they want to write about, from under the pen leaves all the same "ho-ho!" And "Hit, boy!" In this lesson, we will talk about how to get rid of the Ellochka cannibal problems, expand their vocabulary. And in the next lesson, we learn how to learn how to use it correctly.


Vocabulary (dictionary, lexicon) - This is a totality of words that the person understands and uses in their speech.

Vocabulary is made to divide two types: Active and passive.

Active vocabulary - these are the words that a person regularly uses in oral speech and writing.

Passive vocabulary - This set of words that a person knows and understands on a rumor or when reading, but they do not use them. You can check your passive vocabulary on this site..

Typically, the volume of passive vocabulary exceeds the volume of active dictionary reserve several times. At the same time, the volumes of active and passive vocabulary stock - moving values: a person constantly recognizes new words and at the same time forgets or ceases to use the words he has already learned.

What should be the volumes of active and passive vocabulary stock? It was suddenly difficult to answer this question. Volume of dictionary VI Dalya has two hundred thousand words, an academic dictionary of the modern Russian literary language - about a hundred thirty thousand, the last edition of the intelligent dictionary of Ozhegov - seventy thousand words. Obviously, such values \u200b\u200bexceed the vocabulary of even the very erudite person. Unfortunately, accurate scientific data on what an average of an active and passive vocabulary of an adult educated person is not. Estimates of the active dictionary reserve differ from five thousand to thirty five thousand words. As for the passive vocabulary stock, the scatter is from twenty thousand to one hundred thousand words. Most likely, truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. It is reasonable to assume that the active vocabulary of an adult man reaches approximately fifteen thousand words (as is known, the active vocabulary of such a master of the word as Pushkin was about twenty thousand words), and the passive vocabulary - forty-fifty thousand words (it's hard to imagine ordinary personwho would know all the meaning of the words from the regimen of Ozhegov).

There is an easy way to help roughly estimate the volume of passive vocabulary. Take dictionary, for example, the same dictionary of Ozhegov, open it on an arbitrary page, count how much of the defined words you know. Be honest with you: if the word seems to be familiar to you, but you don't know if you don't need it, then this word is not necessary. Next multiply this digit to the number of pages. Of course, you need to take into account that such a result is approximate: you should assume that all pages contain the same number of articles from which you know the same number of words. For the purity of the experiment, you can repeat these actions several times. However, you still do not get an accurate result.

If you are too lazy to mess with the dictionary and calculations yourself, you can use our test.

Ways to expand the vocabulary

When writing texts, it is very important that the words used are as varied as possible. This, firstly, allows you to most accurately express my thought, and secondly, makes the perception of text more easy for the reader. There are several rules to help expand their vocabulary. They were designed primarily for people learning foreign languagesBut can also be effectively used for native language.

Passive vocabulary

Read as much as possible. Reading - This is one of the main sources of arrival. new information, and accordingly, new words. At the same time, try to choose literature as high level as possible - it does not matter whether it is about artistic literature, historical literature or journalism. The higher the level of the authors, the greater the chance that they use a variety of vocabulary, and most importantly - they use words correctly. So you will memorize not only new words, but also the right ways to eat.

Do not be afraid to seem likely. Many people feel extremely embarrassed when their interlocutor seems very educated, read and uses a lot of unfamiliar words. In such a situation, many are afraid of landmarks, and therefore shy to ask about the meaning of a new word. Never do this way. It is always better to ask about an unfamiliar Word than life to stay in ignorance. Do not think that you look this word in the dictionary, when you come back home. You just forget it. If your interlocutor is really clever, your question will never seem funny to him.

Use the dictionary. It is useful to have a home set of academic dictionaries and encyclopedias to which you can contact when you need. Naturally, good dictionaries are not cheap, they are often published by small circulations and occupy a lot of space on the shelves. Fortunately, with the development of the Internet, the problem of access to dictionaries has been solved. Now you can find dictionaries and encyclopedias in almost any subject. Pretty convenient to use portals: and

Active vocabulary

The above tips help expand, first of all, passive vocabulary. However, the main topic of our lessons is an effective writing of texts. Therefore, the goal consists not only to learn new words, but also learn to actively use them in writing. Here are some exercises aimed at the translation of the word from the passive lexicon to active:

Note method. You need to take cards, leaves or color stickers. On the same side, you write the word you want to remember, on the other - its value, synonyms, examples of use. Such cards can be sought at home in transport, at work. Quickly, convenient and efficient!

Notebook synonyms. You can take a simple notebook or create an electronic document where you will record words and rows of synonyms for them. For example, take the word result. A series of synonyms for it: consequence, consequence, trail, fruit, sum, result, conclusion, conclusion. It should be remembered that not only synonymous words can be attached here, but also whole designs: Thus, so, it can be concluded from here, we came to the fact that, etc. Also in such a notebook you can make a margin about the nature of a word: outdated, high, spacious, peaoranical. If you use an electronic document, the words on one topic can be combined into separate blocks. In addition, a similar notebook can also be complemented by antonyms.

Thematic cards. It is convenient to use them if you want to remember and translate several words related to our active dictionary to your active dictionary. Record them on one card and attach to a prominent place. As a result, if you remembered at least one word from the card, you will inevitably come to mind and others.

Association method. Try to accompany the memorization of words associations: figurative, color, olfactory, tactile, flavoring, motor. The presence of such an association will help much faster to remember the necessary word. Moreover, you can get a closer word for you in some short poem or insert it into stupid and no meaning, but a memorable statement.

Saying and writing. We are accustomed that presentation and essay are school exercises, and, by graduating from school, you can never return to them. Meanwhile, they help significantly improve writing skills and expand their active vocabulary. The presentation is suitable for the situation when you have read the text in which you met many unfamiliar, but useful words. Make a brief written retelling of this text using these keywords, and they will remain in your memory. As for the writings, it is not necessary to write long treatises, a short story story in five sentences in which you insert new words.

Memory calendar. This is a graph of repeating the words you want to translate into an active dictionary. It is based on studies of human memory. Scientists have long found that a week later, a person forgets eighty percent of all received new information. However, this percentage can be significantly reduced if you repeat the material at certain intervals. Then he gets into long-term active memory. For this, the so-called rational repeat mode was developed. For convenience, we give the table:

  • First repetition. Immediately after reading
  • Second repetition. After half an hour
  • Third repetition. In one day
  • Fourth repetition. Two days later
  • Fifth repetition. After three days
  • Sixth repetition. In a week
  • Seventh repetition. In two weeks
  • Eighth repetition. A month later
  • Ninth repetition. After two months

To achieve the most effect, it is desirable not to deviate from the schedule. It is also best not to try to remember a large array of words at the same time. It is better to break the words on small thematic groups and for each group to create your repetition calendar.

Crosswords, linguistic games and puzzles. An excellent way to combine useful with pleasant: Practice learned words and play! Here are some of the most common language games: Scrabble (in the Russian version - erudite, bald), anagramms, antifrauses, drums, metagrams, hat, contact.

Check your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the subject of this lesson, you can pass a small test consisting of several questions. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After choosing one of the options, the system automatically moves to the next question. The points you receive affect the correctness of your answers and spent time spent. Please note that questions every time are different, and the options are mixed.

What is the difference between the language consciousness of our contemporary and, say, the contemporary of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin?

Almost fifteen years we have worked on the preparation of a complete associative dictionary of the Russian language. It turned out that the average young man of the XXI century actively owns about 32 thousand words. This is not only our "lexical minimum", but also the picture of the linguistic verbal consciousness. We interviewed mostly youth, this is the contingent that is now becoming the most active in society.

32 thousand words. It is much more than it could be assumed, listening to what language teens on the street speak in the street. Let us allow myself a blaspheme comparison: the Pushkina dictionary numbered about 22 thousand words.

Well, with Pushkin, everything is simple. After all, they took into account only the words that the great poet used in his works. A huge lexical array remained outside the counting.

Imagine this situation: a graduate of Pushkin Lyceum speaks with students of some modern gymnasium. Do they understand each other?

Just in the cycle of marked award, the book "Dictionary of Pushkin and Russian Language Ability". I analyzed what would happen if the contemporary Pushkin read, let's say a story of Macanin. How much did the evolution take our tongue from Pushkinsky? It turned out that almost everything was understandable, with the exception of those realities, which even predicted in the XIX century it was impossible. The fact that young people speak some special, incomprehensible Russian language, "forgive me, the misties of journalists. Yes, in the vocabulary of young fashion words. But they very quickly come out of use. We studied the kernel of the linguistic consciousness, the words with which the Russian man responds to the world around.

- But youth's kosonasya is difficult to challenge.

By the number of words, the dictionary of our contemporary is not inferior to previous generations. After all, if Ozhegova has 70 thousand words in the dictionary, this does not mean that there are people who all use them in their speech. I, for example, I can not boast. In addition, about 10 thousand words - such that Russian people never heard. Typically, the dictionary of young people explore in the situation when they communicate in slang. But when, let's say, a student from his "passformer", where he had any hundred words, goes to a wide linguistic stage - answers the exam or gives you an interview - he acts as a full-fledged cultural heir to the language of his ancestors. Another thing, cultural background of young narrowed. Bright example: We ask to give the Association to the word "Rubikon". Answers: "Rubik Cube", "Something Military", "Name Details of the Machine". That is, on what occasion and by whom the words "Lotter was thrown were spoken. Rubikon Perid" our respondents did not know.

We interviewed many carriers of the Russian language. Everyone received a questionnaire with hundreds of words to which he had to answer in writing the first to the Association came to him. For example, the word "table" gives rise to associations: "round", "dining", "on four legs" and so on. As a result, the first stage of the survey covered five thousand people from a wide variety of cities throughout Russia. It turned out the first volume of the dictionary, which included 1300 words-incentives with the association generated by them - five hundred per each. At the second stage of research, the words given in the responses were taken as incentives. That is, it was necessary to come up with the Association for the word "dining." New chains deployed: "Dining hour", "lunch break", "Service". On the third - incentives were the words given in the responses of the second stage. But to turn it all this for the fourth time it did not work. Words began to repeat. There was no increase in new associations. So got out this figure - 32 thousand.

Now we can predict where our thought goes, what are the cultural priorities of young people.

Undoubtedly, rich vocabulary is an indicator of high intellectual human development. If you have a beautiful speech, then in modern world You will be perceived as a person with good education and culture, creative person. People who own an extensive vocabulary in society, as a rule, cause more respect, rather than those that "a few words to connect" cannot. Even if you have already come out of children, it does not mean that you cannot enrich your speech - this is possible at any age. Read books developing speechSurely, you know that reading books is useful for a variety of reasons. This process can help in improving memory, diction, and, of course, is able to positively affect the quality of your vocabulary. Start with those writers whose creativity is close and understandable to you. Over time go to more complex works. Pay attention to text containing interesting expressions that you would like to remember and subsequently use. Re-read these hearing expressions - so you will remember them better. The most interesting of them can be written in a separate notebook. Expand the vocabulary in communication with smart peopleIf you wish to replenish your lexicon with interesting verdicts or simply smart words, then, of course, you should not neglect communication with intellectuals. If you have noticed that the speech of people who surround you are very poor, then, of course, you should understand that you will not have the necessary skills for yourself from communicating with them. Moreover, you yourself can lose the acquired lexical stock. Don't be afraid to seem stupid, starting to communicate with people who know a lot of interesting information - this is one of the most effective ways Increase your intellectual level, and it was unreasonable not to take advantage of it. Improve your speech and lexical stock studying new wordsWhen you hear or notice when reading a new word, in no case do not attempt to "slip" it - see the definition in the dictionary. In addition, it is important to note for yourself, in which it is precisely the turn of speech that is used. After that, try to mentally replace it with a suitable synonym. Subsequently, fully understood the meaning of an unfamiliar word, you can replenish your lexicon. To make it easier to remember, try to visualize it in your mind, adding images related to this word. Let the picture in your imagination will be most saturated as possible. What literature to read for the development of competent speechFor our time, the reference can be called the speech of the middle of the twentieth century - it is as close as possible to modern, but there has not yet absorbed various jaronisms and warbarisms that appeared later. Therefore, it is desirable to give preference to literature mainly of this period. Books of Russian and English classics will be most effective. Also it is worth noting that there are also special books that help in developing speech. Let's call some of them. First of all, pay attention to the "Mastery of the Ethey Speech" B. D, Gaimakova. First of all, the book will be interested in people who plan to work on television and radio. However, all the rest of this work will be useful. Includes three parts that tell about the rules of public speech, technique and culture of speech. We will not go around the attention and book N. Gal "The Word of Living and Dead." The author is a famous translator, but her work will be interesting not only to her colleagues. The work will help you find your own style, avoiding the "dead" language.

Every day I will learn a new wordIf you every day you will enrich your vocabulary with a new word, then, of course, after some time you can very effectively shine with new knowledge. There are many applications and sites on the network offering to learn new words. Also, communities with this orientation exist in VC. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to just teach unfamiliar words - they should be used in everyday life. From the evening, learn some new concept for yourself, and next day try to apply it in a conversation with someone. So memorization will be much more efficient. Hearing an unfamiliar word, be sure to "google" his meaningAs soon as you bring to hear the word, the value of which is unknown to you or has a rather blurry character for you, remember it. For loyalty, you can burn it on a piece. Subsequently, at the first convenient case, look at the Internet the meaning of this word. Read out loud, learn, teach poemsRead out loud, and also to memorize the poems is doubly. Thus, you not only develop your memory, but also assimilate vocabulary and syntax. In Russian, the order of words in the proposal can be called fairly free, but not everyone uses this freedom to fully. Almost each of us has ready-made syntactic structures, thereby limiting the lexical range. If you have a task to expand this range, then when building phrases you should use a creative approach. For example, if you are used to using the phrase "I want", then try to replace it with others - "I wish," I would like "and the like. Of course, the reading of certain works will help you can easily replace the words challenged earlier. Nevertheless, often, starting reading, we plunge into the plot, practically not focusing on vocabulary. As a result, the linguistic abundance of the work often passes by us. In order to avoid this, use this psychological trick: read the books that the author wrote from the first person. When you study them without a rush and thoughtfully, ready-made phrases will be postponed in memory, which you can subsequently use when talking about yourself. Simple words of replacement for complex, expanding horizonsTry to apply more complex words in your speech by replacing them simple wordsthat you are used to using earlier. To do this, to any words that you regularly use, look for synonyms. So you will greatly enrich and diversify your vocabulary. Do not feel about this task, as something very complex and requiring serious energy costs is a natural process that can continue until the end of life. Bare down crosswordsThe breakdown of crosswords is not just entertainment, but also a wonderful way to increase the lexical stock. Do not neglect this opportunity on vacation, at home, on the road. Pay attention to crosswords that are published in well-known, well-proven editions.

Listen to audiobooksIf you spend a lot of time driving, and you have little free time, in order to read artwork and stilding dictionaries, then take the audio coupon by listening. Also, this technique is useful for those people who better perceive information on rumors. Do not even doubt that if you drive time in a traffic jam under the sound of good audiobooks, these minutes will benefit you. Watch the videoSorry, the enrichment of the vocabulary can occur in the moments of viewing a variety of video. We are talking about all kinds of quizzes, intelligent talk shows, documentary projects. It is also not worth discounting and special courses contributing to the replenishment of the lexicon. Thus, you can not only have a good time, but also benefit your own self-development. Of course, it is important to distinguish between the standing materials from unnecessary to you. For example, if you see in the television program that the time of another youth reality show or a stupid militant of the 90s with the appropriate translation is nearing, then it is better to devote time to anything else, because such a viewing will not only bring you good, but can harm . Note methodYou may have faced the fact that you are very difficult to memorize new terms. In this situation, the already mentioned "notes" method will help. Get a pack of stickers, after which on one side of the leaflet write a new word, and on the other - its value. Now skip the stickers around the apartment. Now "complex" words will constantly come across you on your eyes, and you can reread them again and again until they are fully learned and included in your familiar lexical stock. WriteYou will quickly learn how to literate the use of new expressions if you do a written activity. For this, of course, it is not necessary to be a writer - just allocate at least half an hour a day to write some small text. It may be a simple statement of your own thoughts on a particular occasion. For example, you can write what you dream about what kind of people you are unpleasant that you can admire you in another person and the like. You can even write an article by several pages on the topic of interest to you. Having been following the writing of any text, you will have some time to think about your thoughts, thanks to which you will have the opportunity to learn how to use new phrases to competently, laconically inserting them into the text in the right place. Writing, of course, belongs to creative activitywhich activates your mental potential. Naturally, it is wonderfully trains the brain, allowing you to remember the words that you have previously practically used in speech.

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