Deren shrub: types, planting, care. Blood-red dogwood Blood-red dogwood ornamental trees and shrubs


Naturally grows in deciduous forests of the southern and central zones of the European part of Russia. In cultivation, it is found in urban green spaces of the natural distribution zone; used in steppe afforestation. Areas of application: Baltic states, middle forest zone (up to Moscow inclusive), southern forest-steppe and steppe zone the European part of Russia. It is unpretentious to the soil - it grows satisfactorily on relatively poor and dry soils; drought-resistant, tolerates urban conditions very well. Shade-tolerant. Sufficiently frost-resistant.


Deciduous shrub up to 3–4 m high with widely spreading dark red, sometimes green branches. The leaves are broadly elliptical or rounded-ovate, 5–10 cm long, 3–7 cm wide, with a pointed apex and a rounded or broadly wedge-shaped base; both sides of the leaves are covered with hairs, especially the lighter lower side. The flowers are small, bright white, in fluffy dense corymbs, 4–5 cm in diameter. The fruits are 0.6 cm in diameter, round, purple-black, inedible. It blooms in May-June, the fruits ripen in September. Red dogwood in autumn is very decorative with blood-red foliage, in the leafless state and especially in winter - with red shoots. Suitable for planting in groups in the edges and undergrowth. It has decorative forms: variegated - ’Variegata’ (Dipp.) Pojark; dark purple - ’Atro-sanguinea’ (gibbs.) Rehd. bright green - ’Viridissima’ (Dieck) Schelle.


Yadrovaya. The sapwood is wide, pinkish-brown in color, the heartwood is dark in color. The annual layers are hardly noticeable. At 15% humidity the density is 0.8 g/cm³, at 12% - 0.79 g/cm³.


Dries well. When dried artificially or naturally, wood dries out greatly and cracks.


Very durable.


The wood is resistant to rotting.

Technological properties

Glues satisfactorily with high quality adhesives, and is easier to bond with resin adhesives than with other types of adhesives. It pricks and saws well.

Doren is one of the genera of the dogwood or derenovaceae family, which includes several dozen species. IN natural conditions for growth they choose the temperate zone: the Far East, Europe, Siberia, North America, northern China. Shrubs of this genus are particularly decorative and are often used in landscape design, are used in landscaping. It received this property due to the many corymbose inflorescences, dense foliage on the shoots, and the plant is also known for its unpretentiousness and easy propagation. There is even one edible species of this plant - male degrass.

The most widespread species in culture is white derain, also sometimes called white sedine. In nature, it lives among bushes in the north and east of the Russian European part, along the banks of streams and rivers of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This shrub reaches 3 m in height, has many branches, and has thin, erect red-brown and coral-red shoots. The young bark has a bluish coating and a bright color. The leaves on the branches are arranged oppositely, have a dark green color, are slightly bluish-white below and are covered with hairs on both sides. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical or broadly ovate. At first glance, they appear a little wrinkled due to the raised veining. Flowering of the bush and fruiting occurs in the 3-4th year of the tree's life and begins in May-June. Its yellow-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The shrub is especially decorative in the autumn, when its leaves turn violet-red or purple-red. The shrub grows very quickly for the first 13-15 years, and after that the growth slows down and fades. The bush becomes darker at this time, and the red color remains exclusively on young shoots.

This species is also widespread due to its winter hardiness and frost resistance, it is not picky about shade, and perfectly adapts to city conditions. It grows remarkably well in any post, although it is more favorable in moist sandy loam. During prolonged drought, the leaves wither, but as soon as the humidity increases, they are restored. It is its unpretentiousness and unique decorative properties that have contributed to the use of shrubs in landscaping since 1741. It is ideal for large, loose groups and hedges. Propagate white dogwood by layering, cuttings, root suckers, and seeds. Sometimes it can be slightly damaged by aphids, but can be easily pruned.

Derain blood red

Somewhat less common in landscape design is blood-red turf (blood-red turf). Natural habitat - European part Russia, Carpathians, Scandinavia, Caucasus. Prefers forest edges, wet places near lakes and rivers. In such conditions, the shrub reaches 3-4 m, has flexible green shoots, but with age they acquire a reddish tint. It also has bright, green, egg-shaped leaves that are covered with hairs. At the end of the month of May, corymbose inflorescences bloom. Flowering occurs every year, starting at age seven, and lasts two weeks. Sometimes a second flowering occurs in August.

The fruits ripen in the fall, and the leaves actually take on a bloody red hue.

This shrub is also well adapted to urban conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates drought and shade well, but prefers moist sandy loam or fresh loose loam. Recovers very quickly after a haircut. Shrubs are also used for other purposes: baskets and hoops are woven from its shoots, and the wood is used to make carpentry. The oil present in the seeds is used for technical purposes. The shrub is a good soil fixer because it has many root suckers. Therefore, it is often planted in hedges and on slopes.

Other types of derain

Good indicators of resistance to winter conditions even in Central Russia has alternate-leaved Derain, otherwise called alternate-leaved svidina. In Moscow, the height of the bush reaches one and a half meters; initially its shoots are green. Afterwards they change color to red-brown.

Equally unpretentious to winter conditions is the North American species of turf, which lives in thickets of bushes along ponds and rivers, as well as in humid forests. In appearance it is similar to white turf. The shrub blooms in 4-5 years of life with milky-white flowers, its fruits are bluish-reddish. The shrub reproduces by root shoots, cuttings, seeds, and layering.

Other North American species have no less good winter hardiness: Bayle's derain, fragrant derain, oblique derain, racemose derain.

Much less winter-hardy are species such as Couse derain, Canadian derain and flowering derain.

Flowering dogwood, otherwise known as flowering bentamidia, grows in the eastern part North America. This shrub loves warmth, in natural conditions it grows up to 6 m. The leaves have an elliptical shape, small flowers are collected in an inflorescence, which is surrounded by large bracts. Bentamidia Coase has 4 large white bracts and small yellow-green flowers. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical in shape, dark green in color, but slightly bluish-green below, and in the fall they become bright yellow. The fruits of Bentamidia Cousa are juicy, scarlet fruits, edible and have a tart taste. Bentamidia canadensis lives not only in Canada, but also in China, in Far East, in Russia, Japan. This view in Moscow winter period survives thanks to snow cover. If the winter is snowless, the bush can be severely damaged by frost.

Many East Asian species, most often from China (medicinal turf, Walther turf) are not frost-resistant. And even if you cover them in winter, they still die, surviving only in the botanical gardens of Moscow State University.

Reproduction of derain

Any type of tree propagates vegetatively. Its cuttings are rooted in greenhouses under glass in washed sand, which is poured in a 3-5 centimeter layer on a substrate made of turf mixture, or, alternatively, sand with humus soil. Before planting the shrub, the soil must be well watered. The cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees at a depth of 5 cm into the ground. During rooting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +20-25 degrees Celsius. We also must not forget about the high humidity, which is maintained by spraying with water and using a fogging unit. By autumn, plants have formed strong and strong roots, which allows them to be planted in the ground. But in the first winter, the turf should be covered with spruce branches and leaves.

Red derain (video)

Use of derain in the landscape

Many varieties of wood are used as material for creating hedges. To do this, they are planted next to each other and, growing, create a high and dense wall. Thanks to it, the air is filled with freshness and a pleasant aroma, and protection from dust and wind is formed. A very impressive and decorative hedge is formed from white wood, the special beauty of which is given by its variegated varieties with bright shoots. They are easily and well pruned and grow back very quickly.

If you are selecting shrubs for your site, then Special attention attention should be paid to the possibility of combining this plant and other ornamental species: flowering times, decorative properties, appearance, tolerance of certain conditions, size.

(Cornus alba)

White dogwood is a deciduous shrub that retains its attractiveness not only in summer, but also in winter thanks to its red shoots. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Grows quickly. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges.

(Cornus alba Argenteomarginata)

White dogwood Argenteomarginata is decorative with its variegated foliage. Not picky about soil. Grows well in sufficiently moist places. It is shade-tolerant, but does not lose its decorative value when grown in the shade. Frost-resistant. Tolerates pruning well. Decorative at any time of the year thanks to its variegated leaves and red shoots, especially bright in winter, it is often used in urban landscaping. Recommended for single and group plantings, as an accent in decorative compositions, and for creating hedges.

(Cornus alba Aurea)

White dogwood Aurea is a deciduous shrub with matte yellow leaves and burgundy shoots. It prefers damp planting sites, although it is a fairly drought-resistant plant. Has high winter hardiness. Used in single and group plantings, when creating hedges, tree and shrub groups, and mixborders.

(Cornus alba Gouchaultii)

White dogwood Gouchalti is decorative with its variegated, yellow-green foliage. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Grows quickly. Used in city and park areas as a color accent.

(Cornus Alba Kesselringii)

White Kesselring's dogwood is a deciduous shrub with bright green leaves and purple-black shoots. Unpretentious. Withstands haircuts very well. Frost-resistant. Shade-tolerant. It is very decorative in winter when planted with a tree with yellow or red shoots. Used as a hedge, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Cream Cracker)

White dogwood Cream Cracker is a fast-growing shrub with thin decorative shoots. The bark on young shoots is blood red. Leaves with creamy white stripes. Young growths with bright golden leaves. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant, winter-hardy. Very resistant to damage by diseases and pests. Used for group plantings, creating tree and shrub groups. Looks great as a background for low groups of shrubs and flower beds, unshaped hedges, and for winter-spring effects in the garden.

(Cornus alba Sibirica)

White Siberian dogwood is a deciduous, vigorous shrub. Young shoots are bright coral-red in color, erect. Unpretentious, tolerates pruning well. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. Has high frost resistance. Effective as an edge and in the undergrowth of birch trees.

(Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata)

White dogwood Sibirika Variegata is a deciduous shrub with variegated, green-white leaves with a pinkish edge. It is not picky about soil, but prefers sufficient moisture. Resistant to diseases. Tolerates haircuts well. In winter it is decorative with its shoots, which turn bright crimson in cold weather. Tolerates urban conditions well. Used for hedges, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Spaethii)

Shpet's white dogwood is interesting for its autumn violet-purple color of the leaves, with which the clusters of white fruits contrast effectively. In winter, the stems turn deep red. In summer, the leaves are yellow-green. Grows quickly. Not picky about soil. Shade-tolerant. Frost resistance is average, young shoots are partially frozen, but quickly recover in the spring. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges. Can become a beautiful color accent in every garden composition.

(Cornus alba elegantissima)

White dogwood Elegantissima is a large, spreading shrub with variegated leaves and red decorative shoots. The growth rate is fast. Winter-hardy. Tolerates urban growing conditions very well. Drought resistant. Used for hedges, in single and group plantings, as a lining for tall trees.

(Cornus canadensis)

Canadian dogwood is a creeping shrub no more than 20 cm high. The leaves are green, collected in corollas of 4 - 6, from the core of which small green flowers with large white bracts appear. After flowering, bright red fruits are formed. It grows slowly. Likes slightly acidic, moist soil with good drainage. Can grow in partial shade. Pairs well with rhodedrons and azaleas. It grows well in heather gardens, as well as under tree trunks, allowing you to create a beautiful and unusual carpet.

(Cornus mas)

The male dogwood is a large deciduous shrub that blooms profusely before the leaves appear. Its other name is common dogwood. Its berries are not only decorative, but also edible. Not picky about soil. Sun-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Drought resistant. Frost-resistant. tolerates urban conditions well. Responds well to haircuts. It is used in single and group plantings, hedges, and as undergrowth in sparse plantings.

(Cornus stolonifera Kelsey)

Kelsey's shoot dogwood is a small shrub that produces a large mass of shoots. Annual shoots are thin, red-brown, very decorative in winter. The leaves are bright green, slightly convex, turning bright yellow to orange-red in the fall. May suffer from late frosts, but recovers quickly from frost damage. Not picky about soil. Prefers moist planting sites. It grows very widely due to rooting shoots. Recommended for trimming taller bushes.

Sprout grass Flaviramea is a deciduous shrub with a dense crown. In spring and autumn the shoots are yellow-olive in color. Used to create tree and shrub groups, mixborders, hedges, and decorative compositions. Not picky about soil. Prefers moist planting sites. Winter-hardy, light-loving. Recommended for creating tree and shrub groups and hedges.

(Cornus sibirica)

Siberian dogwood is a large deciduous shrub. It is not picky about soil, but prefers moist planting sites. Drought-resistant, but grows better in moist soils. Loses leaves early in autumn. Tolerates pruning well. Used in groups and single plantings, in undergrowth and forest edges. Suitable for constructing hedges, for securing the banks of reservoirs and ravines.

When designing garden plots, it is important to create a space that is interesting and not boring in terms of color content. The decorative properties of some plants make it possible to create bright spots on a monotonous green or other background. To accentuate attention, surprise the eye and capture the imagination, many gardeners place red turf next to their homes. This shrubby plant can add brightness and uniqueness to any environment.

Red dogwood: general characteristics

Red dogwood, like white and variegated dogwood, belongs to the dogwood family and has many of the characteristics of this species. Unlike its cousins, the blood-red svidina, another name for the plant, is of European origin. It can be found along the banks of lakes and rivers in northwestern Russia, the Baltic states and Scandinavia, in the lower reaches of the Don and on the Balkan Peninsula. This determines the nature of the plant itself and its growing conditions.

1. Deciduous shrub. The leaves are bright green in spring and summer and blood red in autumn. The ovoid-shaped foliage has delicate pubescence. Above it is light green in color, in the lower part it has a white tint. Leaf size is from 5 to 10 cm. The bush falls off as frost sets in. Branches left without foliage retain their decorative properties in winter. They look especially impressive against the background of white snow.

2. Long shoots create a branched, spreading, dense crown. Just like the white dogwood, when young they are greenish in color with pinkish veins. As they grow, they change color to purple-red. By autumn, the entire bush becomes a rich burgundy color, which explains its name.

3. The height of the bush is up to 4 meters. The shoots grow very actively, reaching a growth length of more than half a meter in one season. A healthy plant can grow up to 4 meters in width from spring to autumn.

Flowering shrub. Fluffy corymbose inflorescences consist of numerous (50-70 pieces) pale, inconspicuous flowers. They bloom in May and June. At good care and favorable external factors, re-blooming is possible in September. The flowers last for 15-20 days and fall off, forming seed pods - black and blue balls, the size of a pea.

This species is not so demanding of moisture, survives well in hot climates, but is much less resistant to severe frosts. He doesn’t care about urban gas pollution and harmful impurities in environment. Due to its ability to absorb harmful components, red turf can serve as a natural filter for purifying the air and producing useful oxygen. Despite its impressive size. The bush is able to withstand winds of any strength and not break under the weight of snow or ice in winter. The shoots are particularly flexible, which allows them to survive in any weather.

Red dogwood: decorative properties and application

In terms of decorativeness, the blood-red pig has no equal. She looks equally attractive in any season. In spring and summer it pleases with delicate greenery, in autumn with orange and then wine-red color. In winter, elastic burgundy branches can be seen from any distance due to the fact that other plants and trees lose their attractiveness and become less noticeable.

A tall, bright plant can become the basis for a hedge planted along a fence made of a picket fence or chain-link mesh. In summer it will completely hide the area from prying eyes, and in winter it will create an additional shield from uninvited guests. At the same time, it is not necessary to plant the bushes densely, since the crown has a large width. By connecting with each other, the branches of different seedlings form a reliable fortification. A tall shrub planted near the wall will help hide defects in the building or play the role of sun protection in the summer heat.

This shrub looks picturesque alone and in a group. It can be placed in the middle of the lawn. In summer it will decorate the green grass, and in the cold season it will become especially expressive against the backdrop of snow-white cover. If you hang lanterns along the spreading branches in winter, the bush can be used as a source of lighting in the evening or during festive events.

Like other species from the dogwood family, red turf can serve as a good support when creating slopes and fortifications in complex landscapes in areas of different levels. By interlocking with each other, the roots of the shrub prevent the soil from crumbling. Planting bushes in rows located at different elevations creates a special character for the entire landscape.

Blood red pigtail can be combined with white and variegated ones. From this, the landscape acquires a unique attractiveness due to interesting game paints To do this, it is important to monitor the growth of plants and carry out regular pruning (haircutting) and shaping the bushes so that the bright wine leaves of larger sizes and long shoots do not cover their light-colored counterparts.

Derain is able to grow in one place for a quarter of a century without transplanting. In this case, the bush can gradually turn into a tree with hard wood covered with thick bark. At the same time, it does not lose its decorative effect, it only takes on slightly different shapes.

Red dogwood has not only aesthetic appeal, but also practical, applied applications:

  1. Due to their flexibility and pliability, the long, rich burgundy shoots of the bush are used in weaving various products: baskets, rugs, household utensils and home decorations;
  2. old, thick, woody and especially strong branches are suitable for use in carpentry. Unusual color wood gives the products a special warmth and decorativeness;
  3. An oil is extracted from the blue-black seeds of the bush, which is not capable of drying out and is used as a lubricant for technical purposes.

In landscape design, red derain is used everywhere. Uncapricious and unpretentious plant pleases the eye and attracts attention with its unsurpassed beauty.

Most people who have gardening and personal plots, are trying to create Beautiful design, decorate your territory. Many people like to plant ornamental trees and shrubs. Derain will become blood red and white excellent option. These tall bushes will decorate the lawn and give the area as a whole a well-groomed and attractive look. Today we will tell you about the types of derain, we will describe these plants, and you will also be able to learn all the rules for planting and caring for ornamental shrubs.

White derain shrub: description

This deciduous shrub is certainly perfect for decorating a site. It can grow up to three meters. If you don't take care of it, it becomes too sprawling and unkempt, and all its charm is lost, so consistent trimming is necessary. Of course, it may seem too tedious, but it's worth it! If you don’t start the plant, you won’t need a lot of time and effort for “hairdressing” procedures.

So, the derain bush white very bright. Its shoots are red in color, which turns brown over time. The same pruning and removal of old shoots will help maintain color saturation. After the leaves fall, the beauty of the shrub does not disappear; it will look especially fascinating in winter, against the backdrop of snow.

The foliage is very impressively colored. The underside of the leaf is dark green, while the top is light. In addition, each leaf is decorated with an uneven white border, and the rest of the leaf has white spots. Neither edges nor spots will disappear in the autumn when the foliage turns purple.

You should not miss from the description the moment of flowering of the white derena bush. The flowers fill the entire tree and are white and yellow in color. They are small, only one and a half centimeters in diameter, flat, collected in elegant five-centimeter inflorescences. In autumn, blue-white fruits appear on the derena shrub; they are unsuitable for consumption.

Where to plant?

The deren shrub is absolutely not demanding on the quality of the soil. It tolerates heat and frost well and grows well in the sun and in the shade. The turf is resistant to droughts, but it also feels excellent at high humidity. If you have a wetland on your site, you can plant the described ornamental shrub there. It will not only decorate a damp place where not every plant can survive, but will also dry it out quite a bit.

The white derain shrub can be planted as a hedge. It looks great alone or together with other ornamental plants. The juxtaposition of white and bloody wood looks especially gorgeous. Ornamental shrubs and trees are popular for decorating city parks. They tolerate haircuts well and are not particularly demanding in care.

Red derain shrub: description

This plant came to us from Europe. It belongs to the dogwood family, like all other types of dogwood. In nature, it can be found on the slopes of lakes and rivers, in bushes, and on forest edges. Growing in the wild, the red derain shrub can grow up to four meters and is spreading.

New shoots of this plant are green but turn red over time. The foliage is abundant, dark green on the inside and light green on the underside. Unlike white dogwood shrubs, they are not decorated with spots and a white border; their charm lies in something else. Each leaf has a "hair covering" and they look very cute. In autumn, the foliage turns blood red, as do the stems, hence the name.

The derena shrub begins to bloom at the end of May and continues for three weeks. If the climate is favorable, then another flowering is possible in August. The tree first begins to bloom when it is seven years old. The flowers are creamy-white in color, collected in inflorescences as neat as those of the white tree. In autumn, the bush is covered with black fruits, but no matter how attractive they look, they are completely inedible.

The turf shrub is very beautiful in winter, especially when there is an abundance of snow. The red stripes of the plant stems are clearly visible on the white canvas, which cannot but attract admiring glances. It looks amazing, fabulously mesmerizing.

The turf shrub, a photo of which is in this article, should be planted in a place where there is a contrast of colors. It is winter-hardy and tolerates both drought and high humidity. The root system has many small branches, so the plant can be used not only for decoration, but also to strengthen the soil on slopes.

Planting derain shrubs

As we wrote, both white and red species grow well in the shade. But the color of foliage and shoots may fade in ornamental shrubs and trees if there is insufficient sunlight. In this case, the tree will stretch out, its crown will become less dense, and the shoots will be pale, and from an aesthetic point of view this is unsightly. It is worth noting that the more intense the sun's rays heat the bush, the richer the red color of its shoots becomes.

The turf shrub may not grow very quickly in the first two years, but then it will sharply increase in growth, so when planting, take into account the possibility of its free growth.

Soil selection

The described plant is completely unpretentious to the quality of the soil; it can grow in any soil. But for better growth and beauty, it will still need fertile soil, or you can feed it. Before planting, it is necessary to add organic fertilizer to the hole - this can be manure or compost. If the area is too wet, install drainage to prevent water from pooling at the roots.

Landing rules

When choosing a seedling, ask the seller to choose for you one that has not reached four years of age. If its roots have dried out a little, then you will need to place the plant in water for several hours so that they straighten out and are well nourished. If you wish, you can treat the roots with a growth stimulator. After this, the turf shrub must be trimmed down to fifteen centimeters so that the shoots do not draw out all the forces that the roots will need for development.

Planting can be done in both spring and autumn. The latter is more preferable, because after the snow melts the plant will immediately begin to grow and will need much less time to adapt. In addition, in the fall the soil is saturated with moisture, and the bush will only need to be watered once, during planting.

If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then the plant is planted with a large lump of soil on the roots so as not to disturb them. After the ground is mulched, the seedling is watered steadily. The area should not be allowed to dry out.


During dry and hot summers, you will need to water the decorative derain shrubs generously every week. If there is not enough moisture, the foliage will lose its elasticity, but after drinking water it will quickly return to its original appearance.

If the shrub is planted together with other plants that are regularly watered, the derain will not require individual procedures.


The shrub does not need feeding, but literally enjoys it. If you sometimes pamper your handsome man with fertilizers, he will reward you with juicier, brighter shoots and a lush crown. A tree that is cared for blooms more profusely and is denser. In the fall, a lot of berries will appear on the bushes, which, although inedible, are still needed. They look impressive against the background of foliage that has changed color.

Proper feeding is:

  • in spring you need minerals (from 100 to 150 grams per bush);
  • In summer, organic matter is needed (5 kilograms of manure per plant).

These feedings are carried out once a year.


A derain shrub without stable haircuts will lose its beauty. The shoots will turn brown, and their lower part will become completely bare. In addition, without removing shoots and pruning, the plant will quickly grow to the sides. Its branches will fall to the ground, its roots will fill everything around. Externally, the bush will look very untidy and will cease to be a decoration of the site.

The first time the turf needs to be cut is when it reaches the age of three. In the spring you will need to cut off all old shoots by twenty centimeters. In autumn, the procedure involves removing all weak shoots that spoil the appearance of the bush. It will also be necessary to shorten old ones that might have been overlooked in the spring.

Are shrubs afraid of pests and diseases?

Deren almost never gets sick. The shrub may not develop well if the area is very swampy, in which case drainage can be created. To do this, holes are dug along the plantings; they need to be filled with stones or crushed stone.

Prevention against pests is not carried out, since the turf shrub is rarely attacked by them. But at the same time, regular inspection of the plant is necessary: ​​aphids may settle on it, sucking the juices, larvae of the yellow-orange fly, or a sawfly that will feed on the foliage. If one of the listed insects is detected, it is necessary to eliminate them using insecticides.


There are several ways to decorate your site with derain shrubs. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Derain seeds they need to be planted in the fall, and if it is planned to do this in the spring, then they need to be hardened off by placing them in the refrigerator or under the snow for two months. From seeds, a full-fledged bush will grow only after seven years.
  2. Plant with layerings- The easiest way. To do this, the lowest branch is tilted to the ground, pressed and secured with a bracket. The place of contact is sprinkled with humus; by autumn, roots will appear there. You can plant a new plant from the main bush in the spring.
  3. Cuttings You can also propagate turf. To do this, fresh shoots that have just begun to grow stiff in June are cut at an angle with sharp pruning shears. All are deleted lower leaves, the tip, the cutting is placed in the soil in a greenhouse, watered steadily. By autumn, roots will appear, and the cuttings can be planted in open ground.
  4. You can divide a large bush into several small ones by digging it out completely.

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