Technology for the production of vegetable-based fruit puree. Analysis of the apple market in Russia and in the world

Preparation of raw materials, wiping and manufacturing technology

Fruits and berries are the key to our health and the main sources of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and biologically active substances necessary for good human nutrition. How to ensure the presence of vitamins on our table all year round, because fruits and berries spoil very quickly? This problem can be solved only through the proper organization of the processing of fruit and berries.

After harvesting, the physiological processes occurring in the fruits of fruits and berries are modified. In order to prevent spoilage of fruits and berries, industrial methods of processing fruits and berries are used, which include: physical, chemical and microbiological types of influence. The main physical method of preservation is heating sealed fruits and berries or fresh fruit and berry puree to a temperature of +100°C (pasteurization method) and over +100°C (sterilization method). Under the influence of high temperatures, the microorganisms on the fruits die. Sterilization of canned fruits can also be carried out under the influence of electric currents, ionizing and laser radiation, as well as using the aseptic method of exposure. At a sugar concentration of more than 65%, the fruits are disinfected from the harmful effects of microorganisms.

The processing of fruits and berries into fruit and berry puree is considered the basis for the production of both basic raw materials and ready-to-eat products. Russian enterprises involved in fruit and berry processing produce a wide range of fruit and berry purees. Traditionally, we produce such types of fruit puree as: cherry, quince, apricot, apple, pear, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, as well as combined fruit and vegetable puree. For example: apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin, etc.

Technology for the preparation of fruit and berry raw materials

When preparing products for processing, there are several steps common to most canning methods. These are such types of work as: washing, inspection, sorting, blanching, wiping, finishing, hermetic sealing and sterilization of fruit and berries.

The puree production process begins with washing and inspecting raw materials to remove rotten fruit. Prepared raw materials (fresh fruits and berries washed and selected from rot) are blanched to a state of softening, but without bringing them to full boil. The duration of the blanching procedure depends on the type, variety and degree of ripeness of the fruit. For example, pears and apples are blanched for no more than 15 minutes. Plums, peaches, apricots - no more than 10 minutes (at a temperature of no more than +100°C). The amount of liquid in the blanching container should be about 15% of the total weight of the fruit. Strawberries and raspberries do not blanch at all. During blanching, the most uniform heating of the fruits in the container is ensured, the fermentation process is completely stopped, and the yield of the finished product increases. This type of processing completely prevents the oxidation of polyphenols and increases the mass fraction of pectin in raw materials.

For blanching of raw materials, screw and shaft blanchers are used. For processing stone fruits (plums, peaches, cherries, apricots) and pome (pears, apples) crops, a screw scalder with a continuous cycle of operation is used. The performance of a screw scalder depends on the speed of its rotation and on the diameter of the screw. Most often, farms use a screw scalder with a capacity of 1 ton / h.

Blanching of fruits is made to a soft state, but with the obligatory preservation of the shape of the fruit. Overheating of fruits leads to their darkening and dilution of juices with condensate.

Scheme of a screw scalder: 1 - bunker; 2 - auger; 3 - upper chute; 4 - connecting sleeve; 5 - lower chute; 6 - unloading hopper

The next stage of processing is rubbing fruit and berries on special rubbing machines. Berries and pome fruits are mashed on conventional mashers, and stone fruits are mashed on mashers with wire whips and rubber pads. The quality of wiping is determined by the absence of crushed stones, coarse parts of the fruit pulp and skin.

Scheme of a rubbing machine for stone fruit: 1 - bunker; 2 - whips; 3 - gutter; 4 - shaft; 5 - sieves; 6 - gearbox; 7 - electric motor; 8 - collection.

For rubbing pome crops, universal rubbing machines KPU-M with a capacity of 5-7 tons / hour and a twin machine T1-K.P2D with a capacity of 3.5 tons / hour are used.

Scheme of the universal wiping machine KPU-M: 1 - bunker; 2 - cylinder; 3 - engine.

Next, the almost finished puree goes to the finish. The finishing process consists in rubbing the finished mass of puree through the sieve of the finisher. The diameter of the sieve holes is 0.4mm. In the process of finishing fruit and berry raw materials, the mass is additionally crushed to a homogeneous consistency with the complete removal of coarse particles.

At this stage, the finished fruit and berry puree is sent for heating and corking or for further processing in workshops for the production of sauces and pasta.

Fruit and berry puree

Fruit and berry raw materials are a ready-to-use product for making jams, marmalade, for the production of confectionery and for eating it. But in finished form, it is rarely eaten due to the increased acidity of the product. At this stage, the puree is sealed in a glass or tin container with the obligatory implementation of pasteurization and sterilization. Ready fruit and berry puree in a canned state can be stored for quite a long time.

The main advantage in the production of fruit and berry puree is the rather low requirements for the quality of the fruit (shape and size of the fruit). The fruits should have a fresh appearance (without rot), an aromatic smell and good taste.

To ensure better preservation of fruit and berry puree, before packaging and hermetic sealing, it is heated in special two-body digesters open type or in universal screw or tubular heaters.

The final stage in the production of fruit puree will be packaging, corking and sterilization of the puree. Fruit and berry puree is packaged in glass or lacquered tin containers with a capacity of 1 to 10 liters. Before bottling, the container is washed and sterilized in the usual way. Spilling puree into containers occurs only when hot. When packing, a strict temperature regime is observed - at least 85 ° C - 95 ° C.

Hermetically packed jars with fruit and berry puree are sterilized in autoclaves at a pressure of 147 kPa (or 1.5 atm), in accordance with established standards.

After cooling, the banks are transported to warehouses for further storage.

Fruit and berry pastes

Fruit pastes are obtained in the process of boiling fresh or desulfurized puree. Pasta is of three types and differs in the mass fraction of dry matter - 18.25, 30%. When preparing the pasta, the puree is boiled down to the desired consistency. Boiling is carried out in special two-body digesters, or in vacuum apparatuses. The digesters are equipped with agitators for mixing the raw materials. With insufficient mixing during the boiling process, the raw material may burn. Cooking pasta in vacuum machines is more efficient and faster.

Ready pasta after boiling in hot form is served for packaging and sterilization. Sterilization is carried out at a temperature of +100°C. Twenty-five and thirty percent paste is packaged in small containers. Pasta with a mass fraction of solids of 18% is poured into 3-liter jars.

Fruit and berry sauces

For the preparation of fruit sauces, fruit and berry puree is used as the main raw material. Traditionally, in many regions of Russia, quince, apricot, peach, pear, apple and plum sauces are produced. To prepare the sauce, the puree is subjected to secondary rubbing (finishing) using a sieve, the opening of which is not more than 0.8 mm. The process of boiling puree takes place using two-body digesters with mechanical agitators or using special vacuum devices.

In the process of boiling, pre-sifted granulated sugar is added, in the proportion: per 100 kg. puree is added 10-13 kg of granulated sugar. The amount of added sugar is determined by the mass fraction of dry matter of the fruit puree. When preparing apricot sauce, boiling is carried out to at least 23% of solids, and when preparing other types of sauces, boiling is done to at least 21%.

Hot finished sauces (temperature not less than 70 - 85 ° C) are packaged in varnished tins or glass jars. For sale through the distribution network, the recommended container volume is 1 liter. For use in a public catering network, packing in containers up to 3 liters is allowed. Metal lacquered lids are used for hermetic sealing. Immediately after rolling, the jars are placed in autoclaves for further sterilization.

According to the approved requirements, ready-made high-quality sauces must have a uniform consistency, do not contain seeds, fruit peel particles, or stone particles. A slight darkening of the top layer of fruit sauce is allowed. Taste and aromatic qualities should correspond to the taste and smell of the natural product from which the sauce is made.

A healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend today, but if an adult is able to independently control his diet, then children are completely dependent on the preferences of their parents. How to provide your baby with the prescribed proportions of vitamins and macronutrients? Reach out to reputable manufacturers baby food. For example, stock up on Sady Pridonya puree. Reviews about the products of this brand allow you to be sure that the child will grow up active, contented and happy.

From the history

They appeared in the Pridonskaya floodplain back in the 19th century, and in 1949 a fruit nursery was organized there. There were a great many fruits, but the sales market was lame, so it was decided to build a production complex for processing fruits into natural apple juice. And in 1997, the Sady Pridonya plant began its work, which specialized in the processing of apples and the production of juices. Apple, cherry and plum trees grow on the territory of the fruit nursery and the plant. The total area of ​​8000 hectares allows planting not only 66 summer, autumn and winter varieties of apples, but also enough vegetable crops. Further, the fruits go to the production of baby food. Accordingly, the range is expanding. Puree "Gardens of Pridonya" receives positive reviews for its natural composition, affordable prices and rich taste.

Brand Portfolio

Today "Gardens Pridonya" is the leading enterprise in Russia for the cultivation and processing of fruits and vegetables. The portfolio of brands includes such trademarks as "Zolotaya Rus", "Gardens of Pridonya", "Spelenok", "My" and "Juicy World". Every year, the range of products is replenished with new products that are very popular in our country. Recently, vegetable novelties have entered the market - a multi-vegetable mix with beetroot from the Sady Pridonya brand and carrot exotic from the Zolotaya Rus brand. In the recipe of these products, vegetables and fruits of our own production were used.

Quality Responsible

The company is actively developing, and now Sady Pridonya grows raw materials on farms in the Volgograd, Saratov, and Penza regions. The process does not use chemical additives, as the main goal of the company is to obtain healthy and tasty baby food. The diet of babies should be varied, and therefore it is impossible to do only with the available varieties of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, mashed potatoes "Gardens of Pridonya" are popular. "Apple" receives reviews as the most delicious and natural version of puree, but in general, the entire line meets the needs of kids in vitamins and minerals. The company tried to establish an ideal technological chain for its purpose, including agricultural production, processing and sale finished products. For their products, manufacturers have chosen the motto - "Quality First Hand".

What do they offer?

So, how rich is the range of mashed potatoes "Sady Pridonya"? Consumer reviews agree that puree is the best type of company product. For young consumers, a line of juices and purees from fruits and vegetables is offered in different packaging formats. The most popular and therefore popular format is 0.2 l, which since 2015 has been produced in the innovative form of Tetra Pak Slim Leaf packaging. This type of packaging has side edges, which make it comfortable to hold the box in your hand. This is especially important if we remember that the main consumers of mashed potatoes are small children. For all the years, only the fact that the products are based on green varieties of natural apples has remained unchanged. Puree production is based on cold mashing technology, which allows preserving the taste and benefits of all ingredients.

Let's walk the line

So, what is the range of mashed potatoes "Sady Pridonya"? Consumer reviews are favorable towards the brand, in no small part due to the breadth of the presented line. If you choose products in a tetra package, then the first thing to do is to select the Apple puree for 0.125 liters. Puree can be consumed by children from the age of 4 months. Contains natural applesauce with no added sugar. By the way, the products are in demand among the adult population of the country. The fact is that natural applesauce is a good substitute for butter in low-calorie baked goods. The taste only gets richer and brighter.

From the age of 5 months, you can eat apple-apricot puree for babies. The volume is the same, 0.125 liters. In the composition, in addition to apple, there is apricot puree, as well as sugar and water.

Sugar-free in the "Apple-Peach" puree with the same volume and lower age limit. The taste of the product is delicate.

You can’t eat fruits alone, and you can gradually dilute the diet with vegetables with Apple-Pumpkin puree. Pumpkin puree is very harmoniously combined with apple puree, and sugar is not needed here, because ripe pumpkin itself is very sweet.

After the pumpkin, you can teach your baby to carrots with Apple-Carrot puree. There is also no sugar in the product, but the sweetness has not diminished from this.

Some share of exotic sourness is in apple-cherry puree. It can be eaten from six months, and contains natural apples and cherries plus water.

Behind the glass

We have listed the main varieties of puree in tetra packs, but there is also a release form in which Sady Pridonya baby puree is sold. Consumer reviews are mixed, as some believe that products in glass last longer and taste better. Let's go through the assortment presented in stores. So, "Gardens of the Don". Baby puree "Zucchini" customer reviews put in the first place to taste. The composition contains only zucchini. There is no sugar. Volume 0.120 l. The taste is delicate, but quite specific for an adult, as there are no spices. But there are not parents, but kids! And those, in turn, are happy to gobble up products with zucchini.

The Cauliflower puree is characterized by the same neutral taste. Contains only cabbage. The product is very juicy, so a little watery.

Several varieties of products repeat analogues in tetra packs. These are "Apple" puree, 0.120 l each, "Carrot", "Pumpkin", "Apple-Peach", "Apple-Pear-Plum" and "Apple-Apricot". But there are also original flavors in glass, for example, Apple-Blackcurrant puree. It contains grated apples and blackcurrant juice. And in the apple-cherry puree there is cherry juice.

What do the experts say?

But how do experts in baby food evaluate products? In particular, Sady Pridonya puree receives reviews as one of the most democratic brands on the Russian market. According to test results, the puree contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. In some instances, the presence of sugar spoils the picture, as the taste becomes oversweetened and unnatural. In general, the composition pleasantly surprised the experts, since the amount of vitamin C almost completely corresponds to the daily requirement of a six-month-old baby. Iron in the composition is four times less than in a whole apple, but this is enough for a quarter daily allowance child.

There are no toxins and pesticides in the products, and the level of nitrates is significantly below the norm. But there is sucrose, which is undesirable for baby food. In terms of packaging, the product received only favorable ratings, since the contents in tetra-packs do not deteriorate for a long time.

Do they argue about tastes?

In assessing the consistency and taste, the opinions of experts differed. Many mothers negatively evaluated the vegetable puree "Gardens of Pridonya". Reviews of the cauliflower product were predominantly neutral, as the taste seemed to be "empty". The mothers also expressed their rejection of the Apple-Apricot puree, which they called too sweet and starchy. The consistency of these products has been judged to be too runny, which is inconvenient when fed with a spoon or cup. Disputable opinions are caused by mashed potatoes "Gardens of Pridonya" "Zucchini". Reviews differ due to the fact that many also consider it to be too liquid, and therefore not satiating.

Who doesn't love apples? Probably none, or almost none! This fruit is familiar to us from early childhood, loved and tasty. Apple trees are very popular. fruit trees, have a huge number of varieties. Love for apples is characterized by great utility, good taste, unpretentiousness in cultivation. Semerenko is an old Russian type of apples, which will be discussed.

Origin and name

Semerenko apples have a feature associated with the name. Often the name of the variety is changed. Some consider, for example, Semirinka a different variety. This is not so, the real name of this fruit tree is Renet Plato Simirenko. How this species was born is not known for certain. In the late 80s of the 19th century, the breeder, gardener, agronomist, Lev Platonovich Simirenko first described this apple tree. According to Lev Platonovich, Semerenko was formed due to pollination. The apples got their name in honor of Lev Platonovich's father. As a result, the name changed a couple of letters, for convenience it was reduced, it turned out to be the well-known "Semerenko". In 1947, the variety was entered in the State Register of the Soviet Union.

Variety Description

The Semerenko tree is medium-sized, the branches are sprawling, the crown is shaped like a mushroom cap. The variety of apples Semerenko has a wide trunk, the bark of which is gray, from the side of the sun's rays it may have a brownish tint. Pour the usual elongated shape, green in light colors. If you look at the sheet, holding it horizontally, the edges will be folded up. The edge of the sheet is torn, has sharp oblique teeth. Shoots grow well (about 50 cm), straight in shape, of moderate thickness. Flowering occurs in mid-late time, it is distinguished by a large number of snow-white flowers.

The fruits of the Semerenko apple tree are light green in color with a scattering of white, small diameter subcutaneous dots, which are very clearly visible. If the tree grows in the south, on the side where the sun hits the most, a pink "barrel" is formed.

Apple fruits are medium to large in size, with a fruit weight of 140 to 170 g, maximum 200 g. The pulp is fine-grained, dense, but very juicy and sweet, has a creamy white color. Fruits are fragrant, some are distinguished by notes of spices in the smell.

Variety characteristics

The fruiting of this fruit tree is considered average, depending primarily on which tree will be grafted to. With an ordinary rootstock, an apple tree will produce a crop in six years. If you choose the semi-dwarf type MM-106 for grafting, the tree will please you with apples in 3 years, a maximum of 4.

Semerenko is a winter variety, a short thick stem keeps the fruits well on the eyelids, they do not fall for a long time. Fruits ripen in September, by the end of the month they are harvested, the harvest continues until mid-October.

This apple tree is sensitive to low temperatures. It can be difficult to endure frosts in winter, but due to the rapid growth of shoots, in a couple of years, it will “cure” completely. At the same time, Semerenko perfectly tolerates drought and wind. Therefore, the variety grows well in warm, steppe regions. It is also important that this fruit tree does not self-pollinate, so other varieties should always be growing nearby to help in pollination.


Gardeners love this variety for its excellent yield. The first years after the start of fruiting, the apple tree gives 15 kg of fruit, and the adult Semerenko, from 10 years old and older, pleases with a yield of 100 kilograms. The maximum output from one apple tree reaches 170 kg. The yield depends on the care of the trees. It is necessary to provide the apple tree with sufficient watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing with fertilizers. Do not forget about pruning once a year, in spring or autumn. In order for Semerenko to endure the winter well, not to freeze, you need to prepare the apple tree for winter. All these activities will help increase productivity.

disease resistance

Semerenko are susceptible to infectious diseases of apple trees. If a black mold-like layer appears on the leaves with branches, this is a sooty fungus. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to pluck all infected leaves and branches. After that, treat the entire tree with a solution of copper-soap or Bordeaux family. If a white coating appears on apples, leaves or shoots, as if sprinkled with flour, this infectious disease is called powdery mildew. It is necessary to remove all diseased areas, spray with a lime-sulphur solution.

Marsupial fungus or scab, the disease manifests itself by the formation of plaque on apples with foliage in the form of brown spots, sometimes with a rusty tint. This disease is not as dangerous as the previous ones, but can greatly affect the yield of a tree, appearance apples. They become unattractive, small, not the correct shape. Treatment, as usual, begins with the destruction of diseased parts: fruits, leaves, shoots. It is necessary to process the tree itself, fallen leaves, the soil under the apple tree. An effective folk recipe for a treatment solution: 1 kg of salt per 10 liters of water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The first most obvious advantage of Semerenko apples is their appearance. Apples of a beautiful green color, with a shiny and smooth skin, of the same size. The second equally important advantage will be the taste of the fruit, it is because of it that this variety has remained so popular for so many years. Gardeners and sellers love Semerenko for its good transport tolerance and long shelf life.

As noted earlier, trees give a very large yield and this is a serious value. For those who are just choosing which apple tree to plant, the advantage will be that when grafting a dwarf variety on the floor, the tree will yield a crop in 3 years. Remember, the tree tolerates winds well, this is important for certain regions.

The disadvantages include the rapid growth of shoots, you will have to produce a mandatory annual pruning. Semerenko apples are susceptible to some diseases. Trees do not tolerate frost well and, if frostbite, can stop bearing fruit even for several years. Another disadvantage is that Semerenko is a self-fertile variety and requires additional trees to be planted to grow it.

Suitable region and climate

Based on the described features of Semerenko, it follows which climate and region is more preferable for this plant. Speaking specifically about the landing site for cultivation, it is better to choose a flat surface, without a shadow and preferably closed (you can just use a fence) on the north side. The absence of a shadow will be mandatory, and there are two reasons for this. First, in the sun, apples become large and sweet. Secondly, ripening occurs at the end of September, when the sun is no longer so active and daylight hours are getting shorter, the tree should be open to sunlight.

That is, the climate should be mild, with long summers and not harsh winters. This variety is best suited for the climate. southern districts Russia (Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Stavropol region, Adygea, North Ossetia), as well as Ukraine. Since the variety is quite resistant to external factors, it also grows in other, colder regions of the country. But there, good preparation and sheltering the tree for winter will be mandatory.

Useful properties of apples Semerenko

Semerenko apples have a low calorie content, so this product is recommended for those who have problems with being overweight. This product is very useful for babies, children older than 6 months are mashed with a little water. The benefits of apples also lie in the amount of vitamins in this product: A, B, E, C, K, H, P, PP. In addition to vitamins, this fruit is rich in various useful substances: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, copper and others.

Apple is one of the most useful foods for the human body. Semerenko are indicated for gastritis. Contribute to the normalization of liver function and digestive system. Due to the high fiber content, apples activate the metabolism, preventing constipation.

Calories per 100 grams - 37 kcal,

  • proteins - 0.5 g,
  • fats - 0.4 g,
  • carbohydrates - 9.1 g.

Semerenko apples are a dietary, low-calorie, tasty and healthy product. Fruits are widely distributed and available on consumer market. Doctors recommend eating two apples a day, this normalizes the digestive tract and will prevent many diseases.

By planting Semerenko on your site, you will ensure delicious apples and desserts from them all your family, relatives and friends!

The quality of the finished product is influenced by several factors, namely, the raw materials used for preparation, the formulation of the product, the production technology, as well as compliance with necessary conditions storage.

Canned mousses are canned foods obtained by rubbing (to obtain a puree), whipping and (or) preliminary enzyme treatment of fruits, vegetables or gourds with or without the addition of food acids, food additives, sugar and salt or without them (non-concentrated) concentrated.

The main raw materials for the production of fruit and vegetable products, namely, fruit and vegetable desserts in the form of mousse, are fruits and vegetables. As an additional raw material, sugar, water, cereals or a gelling component (gelatin, agag-agar), food acids, flavors and more are used.

The most common object as the main raw materials are apples, pears, apricots, pumpkins, melons, carrots and others.

Initially, for the production of fruit and vegetable mousse, it is necessary to obtain fruit and vegetable puree. Raw materials for the production of puree must be fresh, healthy, with a maximum content of dry soluble substances, pectin and organic acids. This provides a gelling consistency and the necessary yield of finished products obtained from puree. For the production of puree, fruits of technical or close to consumer stage of maturity are used. Unripe and overripe fruits give a poorly gelling puree with a reduced taste and aroma.

For puree products, the shape and appearance of the fruit do not matter, but it is desirable to use larger fruits in size, since the stone and seed chamber in large fruits take up less space. specific gravity than in small fruits. This reduces waste, increases the yield of puree when mashed. In addition, for the production of puree, you can use waste (peel, core) formed during the preparation of fruits for other types of canned food (compotes, jams). When processing apples for juice, puree is obtained from pomace after separation of the juice. This puree has a thicker consistency and is characterized by a high content of pectin. Less commonly used apricot, plum, cranberry puree. Purees of other types are used mainly as flavoring additives.

Fruit. Depending on the structure, they can be divided into the following main groups: pome - in the middle of which there is a five-celled chamber with seeds (apples, pears, quince, mountain ash, etc.); stone fruits - have a bone inside the pulp in a hard shell, which contains the core (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, dogwood, etc.); berries - fruits in which the seeds, which do not have a hard shell, are immersed directly in the juicy pulp. A separate group includes subtropical and tropical fruits: citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.), bananas, pineapples, etc.

Seed fruits. Apples. Of the pome fruits, apples are most used in the confectionery industry. They are processed mainly into apple puree, which serves as the basis for the production of almost all fruit and berry confectionery and semi-finished products. Applesauce gives the product a pleasant fruity taste and aroma that harmonizes well with various flavors. In many cases, these additives, such as berry supplies, determine the taste and aroma characteristic of the variety of products, and applesauce provides the main background common to all products.

For the preparation of puree, winter varieties of apples of removable maturity with a dense structure of the pulp, a good pronounced taste and aroma are used. More than 10,000 varieties of apples are known, but not all of them can be used as industrial ones.

The nutritional value of apples (especially in relation to their use in confectionery production) is due to their significant sugar content, the presence of acids, aromatic substances, vitamins, valuable mineral elements, as well as good gelling ability.

Antonovka ordinary is the main industrial variety of the northern and central strip of Russia and Belarus. Antonovka vulgaris tolerates transportation well and is preserved until February - March. The fruit is large in size, the pulp is juicy, aromatic, the taste is pleasant tartrate. The color of the skin is light yellow, sometimes with a blush. For confectionery production, Antonovka, grown in the Tula, Kaluga and Moscow regions, is considered the best.

Anise striped is widespread in the Volga region and central Russia. The size of the fruit is medium, the color is greenish-white, the consistency of the pulp is dense. This variety is winter-hardy, productive, resistant to diseases. From apples of this variety, a well gelling tore with a high content of solids is obtained.

Shtreifling (autumn striped) is a widespread variety in the middle and central zones of the country. The size of the fruit is large, the color is yellowish, the flesh is juicy. From apples of this variety, a light puree with good gelling ability is obtained.

In the middle and northern strip of the country, there are other varieties suitable for use in the confectionery industry: Golden Kursk Renette, Skryzhapel, Borovinka, Kitaika, Cinnamon pineapple, etc.

Of the southern varieties, Renet Simirenko, Pepin saffron, Kandil, Jirgadzhi, Slavyanka, Chinese Pendant, etc. are widely used.

For example, from apples of the Slavyanka variety, you can get a well gelling puree with a high content of solids; from the variety Pendant-Chinese - well-gelling light puree; Pepin saffron gives a puree with a high content of gelling substances of a beautiful, bright orange-red color, which is used to make colored marmalade.

Yakhontovo-red varieties of apples also give a good puree with a beautiful red color.

Jonathan. Trees are medium. Fruits of medium size, with a beautiful bright red blush, juicy, wine-sweet, fragrant, dessert taste. Removable maturity occurs in early October, persists until May. The variety is fast-growing, fruitful.

Golden Delicious is bred in the USA. Trees of medium vigor. Fruits of the average size, golden coloring. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, excellent taste. The fruits are consumed fresh and are good for processing: juices, compotes, marshmallows, marmalades, chips. Advantages of the variety: early maturity, high yield, fruit quality at the level of world standards. Removable maturity occurs in September. Stored until April. It enters fruiting season early. Winter-hardy. Transportable. Differs in keeping quality, resistance to diseases and pests.

Red Delicious. Red-fruited clone of the variety Delicious. The fruits are large. The pulp is juicy, firm, coarse-grained, of good taste.

Medium-quality varieties of apples for confectionery production include apples of various varieties of the middle and southern strip.

Wild apples in a number of regions have a good gelling ability. Due to their tart taste and increased color, their puree is used for the production of marmalade, as an additive to puree from cultivars of apples.

Pears. In the confectionery industry, pears occupy an insignificant place. The best varieties pears are grown in the southern regions (Crimea, Transcaucasia). The cultural pear differs in tenderness of pulp and high sugar content. However, the tore of them has low acidity and a weak aroma, does not have a gelling ability; after boiling with sugar, an insufficiently viscous mass is obtained.

Pears Williams. Fruits from medium to large size with an average weight of 170 g, on young trees up to 180 g, oblong-pear-shaped, with a slightly bumpy surface. The pulp is yellowish-white, tender, melting, juicy, wine-sweet with a peculiar nutmeg aroma, excellent dessert taste. Yields vary depending on growing conditions. Winter hardiness and drought resistance of the variety is low, especially at a young age; undemanding to soil conditions, but it works better on fertile, well-watered soils. The variety is sensitive to air drought. Scab is affected to an average degree, strongly affected by aphids and sucker.

Advantages of the variety: regular good yield, early maturity, high quality of fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: poor drought resistance and winter hardiness of trees.

The variety is widely used in breeding.

Pears Conference The pulp of the fruit is bright white, quite firm, very juicy. The disadvantage of the variety can be considered the almost complete absence of aroma. The fruits of this variety are very good in taste, have an excellent presentation and are most suitable for long-term storage. The variety is well suited for transportation.

Stone fruit. The most valuable stone fruits for the confectionery industry are apricots and some varieties of plums; peaches, cherries, cherries, dogwoods, etc. are also used.

Apricots. This valuable culture grows mainly in the south - in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the south of Ukraine.

Apricots are divided into two groups: pubescent with mealy pulp, with smooth skin and sweet juicy pulp. There are many varieties of apricots. Most. common varieties: Babai, Kandak, Isfarak, Shindakhlan, Bukhara, Shalah, Krasnoshchekiy, Pineapple, Nikitsky, etc.

For processing into puree, spherical Central Asian varieties with fluffy skins, such as Samarkand kandak, as well as Caucasian and European varieties, are especially suitable. Puree from these fruits is most often used in the production of jelly sweets. These fruits have a high content of pectin, acids, sugar and form a jelly with characteristic properties. If jelly from applesauce turns out to be brittle, and jelly formation occurs at a high humidity of the product (in the production of marmalade at a moisture content of 39--40%), then jelly from stone fruits turns out to be more dense, flexible and viscous.

Masses with a base of apricot puree can be boiled down to a moisture content of 15--20%; after cooling, they gel normally. This feature, characteristic of candy-type jelly, is explained by the quality of the pectin contained in the raw material and its properties. Apricot puree is widely used in almost all recipes for jelly sweets, marmalade, stalemate, as well as in recipes for marshmallows, jelly dragee cases and fruit and berry semi-finished products, for finishing flour confectionery and in some recipes for caramel fillings, jam, etc. Dried apricots are used for manufacture of some oriental products.

Melons. Pumpkin is the largest of all existing vegetables on Earth. There are individuals weighing 200 or more kilograms, and not so long ago a pumpkin was grown in the USA - a record holder, whose weight was 302 kilograms. At the same time, you can also meet little ones - pumpkins, unusually beautiful and graceful, of bizarre shapes and various colors. These are the so-called ornamental pumpkins. There are several dozen varieties of pumpkins. For example, such species as Arabatsky, Gilea, Zhdana, Lel, Almond 35, Mozoleevsky 15, Novinka, Polevichka, Slavuta, Ukrainian multiple, Kherson belong to mid-season varieties. Despite the fact that there are many varieties of pumpkins, they are very similar in taste. As a general rule, the smaller the pumpkin, the sweeter it is. The most common varieties of small mid-ripening pumpkins are Rocket, Kroshka, Parisian Red.

Rocket. The stem reaches a length of about 4-5 m. The shape of the fruit is elongated and elliptical, weighing about 5 kg. The bark is light grey. Some fruits are distinguished by light, wide stripes that run from the top of the fruit to the stem. Inner part orange in color and quite dense. The period from germination to full maturity takes about 150 days. The seeds of this variety are light brown in color.

Gribovskaya bush. This is an early ripe variety of pumpkin used for table and fodder purposes. The plant is powerful, bushy, and the fruits are oval or cylindrical, with a run to the stalk, with a smooth or slightly ribbed surface, with an average weight of 2.3-4.8 kg. The color of the fruit when fully ripe is light orange, with a black-green pattern, the flesh is dark orange, dense, the pumpkin is sweet in taste.

Chit. New mid-season (120 days) pumpkin variety. Plants are long climbing, with small (up to 2-5 kg) fruits. The bark is smooth, slightly ribbed, gray; during storage, individual fruits acquire a slightly pink color. The stalk is easily separated from the fruit. The pulp is dense, bright yellow. The shelf life of the fruit is quite long - up to June. Taste improves over the storage period. Productivity due to the small mass of fruits is low. Seeds are large, yellow.

Parisian red. An excellent variety of pumpkin with tender flesh. The period from germination to full ripening of fruits is 105-115 days. The fruit is flattened with a wrinkled-segmented surface, the background is bright orange, the mesh and pattern are absent. The flesh is creamy pink. Transportability and fruit storage capacity are good.

table varieties

Marble. The standard of table pumpkins, the most delicious of all known. Raw - better than carrots. Roasted pumpkin skin is very tender. Sugar 11%, and sometimes up to 12%, which is rare for melons.

The heavier, bumpier and ribbed fruit, the thicker the stalk - the sweeter, more solids and everything else. Seeds are yellow, armored.

The variety is medium late, ripens on the 120th day. Fruits 6-8-10 kg. They lie for a year or longer, are transportable. At the very end of the growing season, it suffers from powdery mildew, but this is no longer scary.

Azure - smoother, with white seeds. Ripens a couple of weeks earlier than Marble. The pulp is softer. Everything else - like Marble.

Canteen winter 5-A. The fruits are larger than those of the Marble, the yield is slightly higher - and they lose the quality of the fruits a little.

Productivity - 45-55 t/ha without irrigation.

Universal grades

Basal - bush form. The most technologically advanced of the versatile pumpkins with high level Sahara. The fruits are knitted at the root and lie in rows. Sugars - 6%. With a scheme of 1.4x0.5 m (12,000 pcs/ha), the yield reaches 110 t/ha. At the same time, the seed yield is up to 700 kg/ha. The oil is unique: 50% fat, vitamin E - an order of magnitude more than in other varieties. The pulp is ideal for juice, mashed potatoes, ketchups.

Butternut squash

Varieties of nutmeg pumpkin are universal, with a high content of carotene. Previously, carotene and natural dyes were obtained from them. More plastic, less sun-loving, easier to tolerate stress.

Vitamin. Very productive. Fruits of 10-13 kg, transportable, keeping. Sugar - up to 7%, dry matter - up to 12%, carotene - up to 30 mg / 100 g (for comparison, in carrots - 6-15 mg / 100 g). There is a slight fodder flavor, so the variety is intended for processing.

Prikubanskaya - "interception" with one seed chamber. The pulp makes up to 85% of the fruit. Carotene is slightly less, but sugar is up to 8%, and there is no feed aftertaste - the fruit is almost table-like, convenient and beautiful in the kitchen. Despite small fruits, 50 t/ha yields confidently.

Additional raw materials. Gelling agents, which include agar-agar and gelatin, are used for sweet dishes.

At home, it is better to use gelatin, which is rinsed in cold water and soaked for 40-60 minutes before use.

Agar-agar is one of the strongest gelling agents used today in the food industry. It is made from fairly expensive seaweed(gracilaria, gellidium, anfeltia, euheum). An aqueous solution of agar-agar has a melting point of 80 - 900C, and when cooled to 450?C, it thickens the product and forms jellies.

The scope of agar-agar in the food industry is quite wide. In particular, it is used in the manufacture of marmalade, jelly, meat and fish jellies. In ice cream, agar-agar prevents the formation of ice crystals. It is also used in the clarification of juices.

A characteristic feature of jellies based on agar-agar is a vitreous fracture. The amount of agar-agar added to food products depends entirely on their recipe and product standards, and is not limited by other indicators.

Traditionally, the standard indicator is the dosage at the level of 1-1.2% by weight of the finished product. It must be taken into account that the gel-forming ability decreases when an aqueous solution of agar-agar is heated in the presence of acids. Its main suppliers are Chile, Spain, Morocco, China, Italy, Germany.

IN modern world, it is impossible to imagine the production of any product without the use of pectin. By itself, pectin is a gluing substance of plant origin. It is almost impossible to replace it with synthetic products, since a natural product guarantees the preservation of the taste of the product, and this plays a big role in the world of competition. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in the manufacture of chocolate, this component is simply necessary.

Carrageenan has excellent gelling properties and can create a variety of textures. It forms transparent thermoreversible gels with minimal syneresis. It can melt at high temperature and has the ability to gel at room temperature, thus eliminating the need for special refrigeration.

Only with the right selection of components, confectionery products will become a wonderful pleasure, and, accordingly, will be in demand by customers.

Gelatin. It is a gelling agent of animal origin. Get gelatin from raw materials containing collagen or osein (skins, tendons, cartilage and bones of animals). Widely used in the production of confectionery.

In cold water and dilute acids, gelatin swells, absorbing water in an amount 10-15 times its own weight. Gelatin dissolves easily in hot water, forming a jelly when cooled. The gelling ability of gelatin is 5...8 times weaker than agar and pectin.

Groats are used as thickeners and to maintain the shape and consistency of the finished product. For mousses and desserts are used: semolina, rice, oatmeal, traditionally semolina. Each has its own characteristics: semolina retains the shape of the finished product well, like rice it gives a delicate texture to the finished product, while oatmeal is the most useful from a physiological point of view.

Flavoring agents are used in the manufacture of some products. The role of flavoring substances can be performed by various products. For example, sometimes a recipe calls for the addition of wine or liquor as flavorings. Wine is added strictly according to the recipe, because its excess can give the product a bitter aftertaste. The color of the wine should match the color of the products, as dark wine can ruin a light cream.

You can flavor products and sweet dishes, for example, with vanilla sugar, essence of lemon, orange and tangerine, coffee, fruit essences. Some spices are used: cinnamon, cloves, allspice, black pepper, bay leaf.

To give the dessert the desired color, artificial and natural food colors produced in production are used.

Food acids are used to improve the taste of confectionery and sweet dishes, as well as to combine with chemical leavening agents and protect syrups and jams from sugaring. These include citric and tartaric acids. When used, the acid must be dissolved in water.

Water used in the production of food products must comply with the requirements of SanPiN " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems".

Some of the best spices for fruits and vegetables and desserts in general are nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, mint and others. These components are highly valued, they give the finished product an unforgettable aroma, taste and largely affect the completeness and integrity of the dessert, therefore, this raw material used must be of the highest quality, meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and be stored in proper conditions.

To give the product a sweet taste, sugar, fructose, and various sweeteners are used. Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. Sugar is very hygroscopic (absorbs moisture well), soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry ventilated area relative humidity air is not higher than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps, at t=18?C. Sugar reduces the solubility of the gelling agent, at the same time increases the strength of the resulting jelly, increases the melting point and gelling point. Pectin without sugar does not form jelly.


The food and processing industry in Russia is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, designed to ensure a sustainable supply of the population with the necessary high-quality food.

Bread products are one of the main human foodstuffs. Daily consumption bread in different countries is from 150 to 500 g per capita.

In Russia, bread is traditionally consumed a lot - on average, up to 330 g per day. During periods of economic instability, the consumption of bread inevitably increases, since bread is one of the cheapest foodstuffs. Due to the consumption of bread, a person almost half satisfies his need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts.

Expanding the range and increasing the production of bakery products enriched with microelements, vitamins and amino acids is the most accessible and promising preventive measure to improve public health.

The actual problem of bakery in modern conditions is the development of technologies that provide for the enrichment of bread with dietary fiber, and, in particular, with pectin substances. Therefore, the attention of many researchers is attracted by pectin, since it has great opportunities, including the ability to remove heavy and radioactive metals from the body. It has been established that the addition of pectins to the dough affects the biological, colloidal and microbiological processes occurring in the dough. In addition, doctors have found that bakery products enriched with pectin have a sorption, local anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect. Therefore, the use of pectin in the production of bakery products is very important, since bread is the most commonly consumed food product. The introduction of pectin substances into its formulation not only improves the quality of finished products, but also gives them medicinal properties. The most accessible and rich source of pectins are apples, which adsorb (bind) bacterial toxins and toxic substances such as salts of mercury, lead, copper, remove them from the body and are important for preventing poisoning of people dealing with these metals. Cowberry and wild rose fruits are also rich in pectin.

Rosehip infusion is added to the dough to enrich bread with ascorbic acid, folacin, mineral salts, improving the organoleptic properties of baked bread. Thanks to rose hips, the porosity of bread, the elastic qualities of the crust increase, the taste and aroma improve, the bread stales more slowly. The use of rose hips helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lingonberries have long been used in Rus', both for food and for medicinal purposes. Berries fresh and soaked, as well as dried, were used for scurvy and rheumatism, as a diuretic. Lingonberry is recommended for beriberi.

Goal of the work: To determine the effect of fruit and berry fillings based on applesauce with the use of lingonberry and rosehip processing products on the quality of bread made from premium wheat flour.

Work tasks:

1. To study the effect of fruit and berry fillers on the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of bread quality;

2. Determine the effect of storage time on the acidity of bread and the development of microorganisms.


Technology for the production of apple puree as the basis of fruit and berry fillers

In the confectionery industry, semi-finished products prepared from fresh fruits and berries are used as raw materials. These semi-finished products are produced by enterprises of the confectionery or canning industry. The main fruit and berry semi-finished products include: pulps of different fruits, fruit and berry puree, decoctions, supplies.

Gelling agents are substances that are introduced into prescription mixtures of confectionery products, usually in small quantities, to create a gelatinous structure of manufactured products. The gelling agents used in the Russian Federation include pectin substances, agar, agaroid, furtselaran, modified starch, gelatin and gums. Pectin-containing fruit raw materials should also be classified as gelling agents.

In the confectionery industry, pulps from apples, apricots, plums, raspberries, and strawberries are most common.

Fruit and berry puree is pureed fruit pulp. Applesauce is the most widespread in the confectionery industry, which is the main raw material in most fruit and berry products, and other types of purees are introduced, as a rule, as flavoring additives.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products. Pulps are fruits or berries, whole or cut, with or without core removed (seeds, seed box, stones), usually filled with a preservative solution, mainly sulfuric acid solution, or quick-frozen. Fruit and berry puree is more transportable than whole fruits and berries. Puree is a semi-finished product, convenient for mixing with sugar and other constituent parts recipes, it is suitable for boiling, churning and for the formation of jelly with sugar. Different varieties of apples are of different value for the confectionery industry. For the production of applesauce, mainly winter varieties of apples are used.

Along with apple puree, apricot puree is also widely used, which is also the main raw material in the manufacture of pats and some cases of jelly-fruit sweets.

Fruit puree is usually made from pulp preserved with sulfur dioxide, or from fresh fruit, with the addition of food-grade chemical preservatives such as sulfur dioxide or sodium benzoate. Currently, sorbic acid salts are also used for preservation.

Fruit puree used for the manufacture of children's assortment of confectionery products should not contain traces of preservatives. In this case, sterilized or freshly frozen fruit puree is used.

The technological process for the production of puree from fresh apples consists of the following main operations:

1) Inspection - removal of low quality fruits and sorting by size - and washing;

2) Locking up to 24 hours (only for the production of the highest grades of puree). Zamochka contributes to obtaining a lighter puree, since during zamochka part of the water displaces air, which slows down the enzymatic oxidative processes that occur in the presence of atmospheric oxygen;

3) Steam treatment at an absolute pressure of 110 ... 120 kPa or boiling in water (scalding). Duration 15 ... 25 minutes, depending on the variety of apples. Under the influence high temperature and the acid present in apples, hydrolysis of protopectin occurs, it is hydrolyzed and turns into pectin, the cells soften, the amount of pectin substances with gelling ability increases. With prolonged processing or at very high temperatures, further hydrolysis of pectin occurs with the formation of substances with a reduced ability to gel formation. It is necessary to conduct the process in such a way as to cause hydrolysis of protopectin and prevent significant hydrolysis of pectin.

As a result of heat treatment, the product is also sterilized, the vital activity of the microflora that enters the apple mass along with the raw material stops. Sterilization greatly increases the stability of the puree during storage. Under the action of high temperature, enzymes are destroyed, as a result of which enzymatic oxidation of tannins is prevented and apples lose their ability to darken. Those enzymes that cause the hydrolysis of pectin substances are also destroyed, therefore, during normal storage, the gelling ability of puree does not change;

4) Rubbing: primary - through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm and secondary - through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.7 ... 1.0 mm, accompanied by cooling (up to 35 ... 40 ° C). The purpose of rubbing is to remove the coarse and inedible parts of the fruit: seeds, seed pods. At the same time, the fruit pulp is crushed, which is necessary to obtain products of a homogeneous consistency in the future;

5) Chemical preservation - sulfur dioxide, sodium benzoate or sorbic acid.

Sulfur dioxide canning is carried out directly from cylinders (at a rate of 1 kg in 6 ... 8 minutes) or more often with a 6% solution of sulfurous acid.

Sulfurous acid is a toxic, volatile, strong preservative. Due to its volatility, this preservative is relatively easy to remove not only when heated, but also at room temperature, with stirring at high speed or by churning. Due to toxicity, the content of free sulfurous acid is allowed no more than 20 mg per 1 kg of finished fruit and berry products. In fruit and berry semi-finished products (mashed potatoes and pulps) intended for industrial processing, sulfurous acid is introduced in an amount of 0.1 ... 0.2% based on the weight of the product (mashed potatoes, pulp). When preserving with sulfuric acid, the color of the products decreases. During long-term storage of semi-finished products, sulfurous acid partially reacts with some organic compounds (proteins, sugars), forming non-volatile compounds, and can also be partially oxidized to sulfuric acid. In addition, when stored in a non-hermetic container, a decrease in the concentration of sulfurous acid is possible as a result of partial volatilization.

Benzoic acid is less toxic than sulfuric acid. It is allowed to introduce it into fruit purees in the amount of 0.05 ... 0.10%. Benzoic acid is poorly soluble in water, so it is usually introduced into puree in the form of a sodium salt, which has a high solubility. For conservation with sodium benzoate, a 5% solution is used.

Sorbic acid and its sodium salts have a fairly high bactericidal effect and are considered harmless to the human body in small doses. Therefore, sorbic acid as a preservative in last years is becoming more and more widely used. The optimal concentration of sorbic acid in food products during canning is 0.07%.

Except chemical methods others are also used for canning puree: heat sterilization, drying, cooking with sugar, freezing. These methods (with the exception of cooking with sugar) have not yet found enough wide application in the production of applesauce. For the manufacture of children's products, only sterilized puree is used.

Puree is usually packaged in barrels from 100 to 200 liters. The quality of the barrels is of the utmost importance. They must fully comply with the current technical conditions.

Barrels must be carefully prepared before filling. For this purpose, they are pre-soaked, then scalded with steam. New barrels that have not been in use must be pre-treated with a 3 ... 5% soda solution. After treatment with soda, the barrel is washed several times with clean cold water until all traces of alkali are removed. Old barrels that have not been treated with alkali should be fumigated with sulfur after scalding. Barrels with applesauce, preserved with sulfur dioxide, are immediately clogged at a puree temperature not higher than 55 ... 60 ° C. After capping the barrels with puree, they are kept for 3-4 days before shipment under special supervision in the coldest possible place. After the final test, the barrels are corked and hoops are fixed on them.

Compacted (boiled) and dry applesauce is used to shorten the pastille production cycle. For marshmallows, puree with a solids content of about 17% is used, and for marshmallows - no more than 15%. The use of a more compacted puree worsens the quality of pastille products.

Compacted puree is usually made from pulp rather than puree. Puree, especially apple puree, has a very low thermal conductivity, high viscosity, easily sticks to the walls of boilers when heated (without sugar) and, as a rule, burns, so it is very difficult to compact apple puree by boiling. Coarsely crushed apple pulp, being in aqueous solution preservative, has a low viscosity and is relatively easy to boil. The compacted puree obtained from the pulp, compared to the compacted puree obtained by boiling the puree, is much lighter and has higher gelling properties.

In order to reduce the hydrolytic breakdown of pectin substances, boiling is carried out at low temperatures in vacuum apparatuses.

Since sulfurous anhydride is largely volatilized from the pulp during compaction, a preservative is usually added to the pulp after compaction.

The use of compacted and especially dry fruit and berry puree in the confectionery industry gives a significant economic effect. Obtaining compacted puree, both boiled and dry, with a high content of solids, leads to a reduction in the volume of the mass of puree and reduces the consumption of containers, storage space and transport.

In boiled apple puree, used in the confectionery industry, there are 1.5 ... 2 times more, and in dry puree 9 times more solids than in the original liquid puree.

Dry puree due to high content dry matter and acid is well stored, does not require barrel packaging, the use of chemical preservatives is not necessary for it. But dry puree has some hygroscopicity due to the high content of invert sugar and needs to be sealed, which is quite well ensured by packaging in plastic bags.

Dry fruit and berry puree dissolves well in cold water and in liquid fruit puree, which allows it to be used to normalize the dry matter content in liquid puree, as well as to obtain thickened puree without boiling (by dissolving dry puree in liquid puree).

The quality of dry and boiled puree depends on the temperature and time of its exposure during the compaction process. Under the influence of elevated temperature, hydrolysis of some organic substances - sucrose and partially pectin substances - and a decrease in the content of volatile aromatic substances, acids, etc. substances and some decrease in acidity and gelling ability.

The production of dry puree is reduced to drying ordinary liquid puree. It is essential to choose the type of dryer that provides the shortest contact time of the heating surface with the puree. Testing different types of dryers shows the advantages of vacuum roller dryers.

Samples of dry apple puree made both in Russia and abroad testify that dry puree still cannot completely replace liquid puree in terms of quality, but its use to normalize the content of solids in liquid puree, as well as to obtain compacted puree without heating is highly appropriate.

Applesauce has a positive effect on the formation and stability of foamy confectionery masses. In this case, the gelling ability of puree is of primary importance. The pectin substances of apple puree are adsorbed on the films of air bubbles of the foamy mass and contribute to an increase in the strength of the foam.

The addition of apple puree to the churned masses has little effect on the dispersion, but depending on the gelling ability of the puree and its amount, the viscosity of the masses increases by 1.5 ... 2 times.

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