Islant - Skychka or God's tree? What smells like in the garden what tree smells with cucumbers during flowering.

Garden is not only kingdom bright colors And the diversity of forms, but also the magical accumulation of a wide variety of flavors that wrap us in the lightest cloud of thin nuances with each walk or enchant in freshly cut bouquets. At the mention of fragrant plants, many primarily recall roses and charming flower flowers, and the most traditional shrubs are lilac, jasmine, and the pots. Meanwhile, among the trees and shrubs, many can boast a unique aroma, which is not even at a distance. Shrubs and trees with scented flowers are wrapped in a charming cloud of the whole garden. And we are not only about spring blossoms: among the largest garden inhabitants there are quite a few plants that can boast a strong aroma, but at the same time bloom in the most different times of the year. And if you want to make your garden not only with flowering, but also filled with notes of charming smells, such a fragrant kingdom, pay attention to the best fragrant shrubs and trees, many of which are also very original.

The magnificence of fragrant shrubs begins long before the "official" start of the Garden Season. Of course, in those countries where harsh frosts interfere with winter blossoms, amazing shrubs produce flowers only in February - March, but in the rest of the regions they can enjoy the first snow. Among the wintering shrubs, which can be found only in regions with a mild climate, is highlighted by their elegant fragrance of the magnificent December Gamamemis. Like a magic vision, its delicate filigree flowers densely dump the bush, surrounding the almond fragrance and filling the garden to the crash of seed boxes. A replacement with the approach of spring blooms a blossoming lilac on the smell, but not at all similar to her externally wolter year, decorating his bright branches February. In the regions with harsh winters, both shrubs bloom much later, in particular, the wolper year blooms only in April.

Following the scented "winter" shrubs, a real parade of spring flavors begins. Unique blistering smells of spring reveal all the wealth of the palette of the nuances and halftone. Charming CorigolinSis, Ximmia Japanese and anti-anti-cherry of antipaths are in a sweet light smell, Magonia and Iva - honey drum fragrances, and decorative viburnum - vanilla flavors. Magonia, if the end of winter is very soft, can bloom already in February, attracting early bees an amazing lonely cheerful flavor. In the spring in the garden, you can meet any fragrance saturation, because the main tone of the most fragrant crops is added and no less sweet, even if not such an original flowering of fruit shrubs.

At the beginning of the summer, honey aromas become even more rich due to the exotic blossom of the honeysuckle, the sweet-shrewd tone of the Chubuschnik, the tart of notework decorative cherries and completely irresistible fragrance of Himonantuses and Kalicantus. The legendary honeysuckle with her thick honey smell completely reveals its aroma only after sunset. Enchanting beautiful flowers, she massively attracts night insects, so it's better not to plant your honeysuckle too close from evening holidays. The Chubuschnik and externally, and the smell is very reminiscent of Jasmine, only unlike the original culture is winter-hardy. In the windless silent days the original aroma of Kalicant instantly attracts attention. But the most thick smells among trees and shrubs can offer, perhaps, June Lilacs and Chinese wisteria. With the arrival of July, completely different plants are published on the garden scene: tart and very fragrant Budduddes and Gaaltyteria, caropteris, gradually replacing the almond tones of Clematis, sweet obsessive smell of hydrangea and very saturated fragrance of cells. If you prefer spicy shades of flavors, then pay attention to the Mediterranean beauty Buddha, the long brushes of the inflorescences of which attract the butterfly stakes. From fruit notes in any garden, IIV Japanese stands out with its saturation. Yes, and numerous rhododendrons can make their fragrant lept in the overall picture of the fragrant garden. Some of the most fragrant shrubs are representatives of the genus of Kalina. Many of them smell very unusual, in particular, almost almond fragrant is characterized for viburnum. It blooms in the regions with a warm climate only in November, leaving the peak of blossoms to March and April.

Not always fragrant are blooming shrubs and trees. Many plants have an aroma with no inflorescences or fruits, but the leaves. Such unique cultures belong to Kariopteris, St. John's wort, and even Samshat. The most striking out of smells will offer its owners a charming bugger, which is valued, first of all, for unique changes in bright color of foliage. In the fall, this shrub is shrub in a cloud of a thin fragrance, resembling a large pastry shop with a smell of fresh baking.

To 15 shrubs and trees with the strongest smell belong:

- Hamamelis - blooming from January to March three-meter giant with flowering in the yellow-orange palette and almond aroma;
- Magonia Beale (Mahonia Bealei), blooming from February to April, with a lonelywed aroma, up to 2 meters high;
- Common wolper year, blooming in March and April, just up to 1 meter high with a lilac-like aroma;
- Bagroannik Japanese up to 7 meters in height with smelling cinnamon, vanilla and caramel leaves and inexpressible April flowering;
- Corigolis sparkling up to 2 meters high, whose yellow flowering in April and May is accompanied by a cloud of light aroma resembling primroses;
- cherry with bitter smell and from 10 to 15 meters high, blooming white large inflorescences in April - May;
- Photongilline mountain with a strong honey aroma, characteristic of white May inflorescences, up to 1 meter high;
- Skyman Japanese up to one and a half meters high, also blossoming with a valley fragrance;
- Lilac ordinary and her "sister" Lilac Chinese high up to 6 meters with flowering in purple range and dense, typical saturated aroma;
- Rhododendron yellow to 2 meters altitude with a very sweet smell of golden flowers, blooming in May;
- Chubusnik, a corn, with a characteristic strong smell, up to 3 meters high;
- honeysuckle honeycomb, the long shoots of which bloom in May - July with yellow flowers, seeing the garden at night with honey aroma;
- Brown-red Calicant blooming, up to 2 meters in height with spicy very strong flavors of flowers appearing in June and July;
- Budduda David, blooming all summer, up to 3 meters high with a no less strong smell with spicy notes;
- Kalina plowing, the aroma of pink flowers of which resembles a mixture of violets and almonds, up to 3 meters high, blooming from September to April.

Like other blooming cultures, fragrant shrubs and trees, fully reveal their fragrance in the afternoon, and early in the morning or late in the evening. Not accidentally because essential oils Jasmine or lavender petals are collected only in predestal clock. If you want to enjoy the aroma of shrubs in full, stroll around the evening garden.

Select fragrant shrubs and trees so that they fill the garden with flavors all year, quite simple. Of course, this should take into account the individual intolerance of individual smells, their tastes, climatic conditions and the timing of flowering of each shrub. In order for the garden always filled with strong flavors, the plants should be chosen so that they bloom alternately, picking up each other's aromas. Be sure to take into account the requirements of plants on illumination, soil characteristics. Choosing a landing place, consider that in order to enjoy their aroma of full, it is better to place fragrant cultures nearby from places of recreation, tracks, terraces, arbors. But at the same time, do not place two fragrant plants nearby: their aromas, intertwining, will create a thick heavy fragrance. It is necessary for each plant from the discharge of fragrant to fall out one less fragrance.

A simple fisherman of mines from Hong Kong fed his family by fishermen and sold a catch in the markets. And nothing foreshadowed that a miracle may happen in his life!

Once the catch was almost introduced it into the trance, since instead of fish, he pulled a piece of wood from the networks. But his sadness was short - he saw that the yellow liquid was filled, similar to the oil. Min kobov understood - a goldfish got into his network, because it was a huge piece of eagle tree, which is priceless for medicine and perfumery, TC is a source for the manufacture of aromatic substances.

Fisherman quickly sold it to $ 138 million and became very rich. Now he catches the fish only for his own pleasure with his own boat, which moves every day from his own berth, which is built near his own third villa on the ocean.

Yes, it is an agar tree (Dr. names Aloyne tree, a paradise tree, an eagle tree, agaru, agar, UD, Oud, Kalambak), Aquiralia (Aquilária) growing in tropical forests South-East Asia, the most valuable tree, heads the family of only 16 trees found in the world. Most of these trees have disappeared, as they were destroyed for the sake of essential oils. The average life expectancy of Aquiralia is 70-100 years, grows in wet tropical regions with an abundance of rains.

This is a big evergreen tree from which for many centuries produced an aromatic material. There is a dark, viscous tree core. At the beginning of the life of a tree, the core is light and bright, but climate and special microorganisms turn it into a unique natural aromatic substance.

Agarea tree is mined on special plantations in the jungle. The resulting wood, after drying, can immediately be used to enjoy the premises, as incense, or as raw materials for producing agar oil.

Aquiralia and, accordingly, agar oil is produced and grown only in Southeast Asia and is imported into the Arab countries with wholesale, perfume companies. Agarea oil is the result of a complex protective mechanism of an aloying tree. After the tree is infected with fungus, it begins to produce a resin, which "mature" soaps the trunk and forms so valuable wood. This process takes from several decades to hundreds of years.

The oil is valued in perfumery, as it is a strong retainer, in small doses included in the recipes of exquisite oriental spirits. The aroma of an aloyometa is necessary about 12 hours to open, the aroma skin can be saved for more than a day. It is especially valued in the perfumery of Arab Sheikh and Sultanov. The aroma is strong, sweet-woody, almost balsamic, similar to the smell of styracts, vetiver, sweetness resembling sandal.

The aroma of the oil of agar wood wood (Wood UD) belongs to the group of aphrodisiacs and is characterized by a very high cost (more precious than gold). Obtaining this oil ancient process kept in secret millenniums. Oriental aromas with Oil Oil Wood is an ancient recipe, known for a small circle of dedicated.

On the basis of this, Aphrodisiac is made expensive drugs intended for the treatment of sexual impotence.

The botanical name Aloexylon Agallochum comes from the Greek Aloe and Xylon you can assume the name - "tree having a taste of aloe". Obviously, when the eagle tree fell into Europe, then the defining factor was his taste of a bitter-binding. The Bible is mentioned in numbers XXIV, 6; In the songs of the song IV, 14 under the name "Stratsky"; IP. XXIV Syrah; Psalt. XLIV, 9. In the book, the Lord showed Moses tree, which he threw Merra in bitter waters, from which they became sweet. (Exodus XV. 25)

The accuracy of this legend from the Bible is confirmed by the fact that the Arabs with a piece of aloying tree corrected the taste of water. Especially important it was considered for travelers. Avicenna wrote that the merchants and travelers do not suffer from anything, as from the change of water, to correct her taste in it you need to put a little clay taken near your home and a piece of aloying tree.

In the fifties, they tried to grow alternate Nepal on the territory of India, the tree grew well, but it did not form a desired product, then they took the necessary insects living on this tree, but insects, unfortunately, did not get along in the new climate. So there are aloying trees, but there are no precious fragrant pieces in the wood.

In fact, agar oil is the result of a tree disease. It is formed as a protective reaction to fungal or bacterial defeat. The attacked trees begin to highlight the protective resin, which accumulates in the affected areas (roots, branches, parts of the trunk). Gradually resin literally impresses wood, becoming all the harder and acquiring dark brown, sometimes almost black color. At the same time, the core of Aquilaria (the central part of the tree, darker and old than the swamp) is the most defenseless before infection. It is for this reason that it often has to destroy all the tree to obtain oil, although it would be more profitable to cut off only the contaminated parts.

Agarwood exported to B. various forms (wood chips, powder, oil, as well as in the form of finished products, such as perfume, aromatic and drugs). The main udic importers are neighboring countries and Far East, in particular, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia (Where Agarwood is known as Oudh), as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.

Methods of receipt

There are three methods for producing option, namely, hydro-distillation, steam distillation and supercritical CO2 extraction. The first two are the most common. An important factor affecting the final product (oil) is the age of wood. Old trees have, firstly, a higher resin content, and, secondly, like a guilt, their resin becomes better with age. Speaking about the classification of Agarwood oil, it is also necessary to say that the highest quality is obtained at the first distillation. After each subsequent distillation of wood, the quality of the oil is reduced.

The oil obtained at hydro distillation is valued higher than the resulting steam distillation. As experts say, the latter lacks the bulk smoky nuances that come during hydro-distillation. In both methods, the resulting oil is filtered, put up in the sun and withstands some time. The more oil excerpt, the better it will be its fragrance.

When are synthetic substitutes needed?

The need to develop synthetic substitutes (analogs) usually occurs in the case when regular supplies of natural raw materials in the required quantities are not available and / or roads. For a situation with DD, it is very relevant. And therefore the perfume industry already actively uses its chemical counterparts. Thanks to its low cost, they occupied significant by volume, although the least favorable market segment. It is worth noting that these analogs in fact did not even close to the imitated natural product. The main chemical components responsible for the characteristic aroma of UMA, CESVITERPEN, in principle can be synthesized. However, they are very difficult to synthesize and expensive, which makes the process commercially completely unattractive.
Thus, the aroma of natural oil is a lot of hard to distinguish from its synthetic analogues. The real UD smells a magnificent - it is complete smoky, woody and balsamic shades. Warm aura with sour-sweet nuances. Synthetic Wy smells simple - it is a wood-leather smell that lacks the volume and shades game.

Why dd so roads?

Low oil outlet of vegetable raw materials, the complexity of the process of mining and shortage natural sources - These are the main reasons for the high cost. Wood used for oil production has a low resin content, and, as a rule, a minimum of 20 kg of wood is required to get 12 ml of oil. According to NaBeel Adam Ali, the Director of Swiss Arabian Perfumes, the High Quality Operating Trees Over the Processing of Trees older than 100 years . This, of course, does not mean that young trees do not give a good fragrance, but this is not exactly the level of quality, heritage and traditions. Nevertheless, the sales of perfumes based on the Break continue to grow every year, and to satisfy the demand, many perfumers began to use and compositions a mixture of natural and synthetic blow. New York Times)

ABDULLA AJMAL estimates, director Ajmal Perfumes, about 20 years ago, a kilogram of high-quality "E-class" is worth about $ 225.

Now the same amount of raw materials will cost about $ 1500. This is a stunning price increase. For those who are willing to spend more accessible to the highest quality, $ 24,950 per kilogram. But Mr. Agmal says that at such a price arrived small. New York Times)

Now average price For kg on the market - about 18,000 euros. This raw material is mainly used in natural perfumery - to increase the resistance and intensity of spirits.

Another reason for the high cost of Agara is that Aquilaria is now under threat of extinction. The most important types of Aquilaria are A. Agollocha, A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna. A. Malaccens are across around the world of Cites (Convention on International Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora), as well as IUCN (worldwide Union of Nature Protection). A. Crassna was included in the list of disappearing and protected species a few years ago by the Government of Vietnam.

Usage Ud.
An important way to use the Uda is the production of incense. Agar is considered aphrodisiac, both in the form of oil and in the form of an inception. The oil is often sold in Vietnamese pharmacies. Chinese medicine uses Aquilaria powder for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, lung diseases and stomach.

The garden is designed not only to delant the eyes, but also to please the fragrance. For this, skillful gardeners always tried to plant more fragrant plants in the garden. That is why in the old "grandmother" gardens grew so many fragrant flowers - heliotrops, amers, scented tobacco. They did not differ in particular beauty, but they filled the garden with an exquisite aroma, creating a unique atmosphere for evening walks. And if you want to make your garden not only with flowering, but also filled with notes of charming smells, such a fragrant kingdom, pay attention to the best fragrant shrubs and trees, many of which are also very original.

Among the trees and shrubs there are quite a few fragrant plants that can be decorating any garden. Selecting the plants for a fragrant garden, it is necessary to take into account the timing of their flowering. After all, when many fragrant plants are blooming at the same time, their flavors are mixed, losing their charm. And besides, the abundance of smells in the garden in other high-intentional specimens can cause dizziness. Mighting about it, you can advise you to choose several favorite plants, to the smells of which you are particularly not indifferent.

The first smells with a note of lilac, resembling about the close spring, will bring the flourishing in April the wolch year or wolf lyco. And before he wonders, we are already stunned by blundering smells of spring: the lungs and sweet aromas of Ximmia Japanese, cherry-antipki and corigolinsis, warm honey and mugonia and a delightful vanilla fragrance of ornamental caulial inherent origin. The cherry smell is strong, even even a bit of drunk. But he has his own fans. If you decide to put in your garden in the garden, keep in mind that it grows up to the size of an impressive tree. So one plant for the standard site will be quite enough.

June is the flowering time of white acacia. The languid smell of her flowers reminds us of the southern star nights and from one of this memories sweetly spin the head. However, many spicy southern fragrances prefer the thin smell of Garden Jasmine - Chubushnik. June is the time of his proud reign in our gardens. At this time, Russian gardens fill the white foam of flowering jasmine. Different varieties and varieties of this shrub smell in different ways, but I personally especially like the finest shades, with an admixture of lemon aroma. By the way, the neachless grades of jasmine, as a rule, smell stronger, and some terry are generally devoid of smell. But they are surprisingly beautiful.

Not always the source of smell are flowers or fruits. The foliage is also scented. Most often, she is inherent in the paturo-spicy fragrance, like the Samshat, Caroiteisis, Ga Fide and the Hypericum. The most striking out of smells will offer its owners a charming bugger, which is valued, first of all, for unique changes in bright color of foliage. In the fall, this shrub is shrub in a cloud of a thin fragrance, resembling a large pastry shop with a smell of fresh baking. How to choose suitable plants among this manifold? Select fragrant shrubs and trees so that they fill the garden with flavors all year, quite simple. Of course, this should take into account the individual intolerance to individual smells, their tastes, climatic conditions and the timing of flowering of each shrub. In order for the garden always filled with strong flavors, the plants should be chosen so that they bloom alternately, picking up each other's aromas. Be sure to take into account the requirements of plants on illumination, soil characteristics. Choosing a landing place, consider that in order to enjoy their aroma of full, it is better to place fragrant cultures nearby from places of recreation, tracks, terraces, arbors. But at the same time, do not place two fragrant plants nearby: their aromas, intertwining, will create a thick heavy fragrance. It is necessary for each plant from the discharge of fragrant to fall out one less fragrance.

Like other blooming cultures, fragrant shrubs and trees, fully reveal their fragrance in the afternoon, and early in the morning or late in the evening. It is not by chance that for essential oils of the petals of jasmine or lavender collect only in the predestal clock. If you want to enjoy the aroma of shrubs in full, stroll around the evening garden.

The picture is not pleasant. Staying in such a creaking and swinging forest causes a feeling of fear, and at the same time unwittingly surprised the ability of trees not to break, stand in martial arts with powerful wind gusts. Typically break only single, older trees with hurricane wind. And they are still surprised by the flexibility of young birchings, whose wind slightly tilts their thin peaks, but they find strength to rise again, straighten. The property of the special flexibility of young birchings is well reflected in the film V. Vasnetsov "Before the Thunderstorm". Particularly amazing flexibility of wood lien.

However, not all trees know how to stand in a storm and either with their power to keep the onslaught of the wind, or, nourishing, prevent the breakdown of their trunks.

Recall the group of soft pine species and a group of pine species with very strong wood, remember the birch fluffy with soft, well-thinned wood and "stone" types of birome - birch of Erman and Daurgy, as well as the "iron" birch of Schmidt, remember the different types of eucalyptus, which Some types with soft wood, and others with extremely durable. Isn't it surprising that the wood of one species (and within the limits of even individual forms) is well splitting, having uniformly annual layers, and in other species, the forms of the annual layers are postponed with extremely uneven, winding wood fibers make wood viscous, hardwood.

We got acquainted with the wood, a component of dead cells. We learned that these cells consist only of cell membranes, or from cellulose, impregnated with lignin.

And what is the cellulose? It turns out, cellulose is high molecular weight carbohydrates.

However, the wood remains (sometimes 25% of the total volume of wood) and living cells - parenchymal, or just parenchyma. Part of the parenchymal cells stretches along the axis of the barrel - it is a heavy parenchyma, and there are parenchymal cells collected in horizontal stripes - core rays that pass from the cortex to the center of the trunk. Parenchima cells form and resin moves. The whole complex of living and dead cells, the features of their structure and functioning and determine the variety of wood properties with revealed by its secrets and with still not fully drawn features.

How does wood participate in the exchange of substances taking place in the tree?

We learned about the structure of the wood, learned from which cells, from which fabrics it consists, we learned about the fact that it is a cellulose is a complex organic matter. If all the complex substances, the founding wood, decompose on the simpler, will it turn out that wood is built of such simple elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen - it is that they disappear during the burning of wood. In addition, the wood contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, gold, copper and other elements. They are found in the composition of ash remaining after burning wood.

Such a ability already known to us by the group of so-called "bottle trees" growing in dry tropics. And in New Zealand there is a tree - the books are high, growing in the first tier of subtropical forests. The book was called a water tree, since her wood is very slowly burning. At the same time, there are tree species capable of burning like matches. It is known that a whole group of tropical trees from different countrieshaving particularly beautiful and well-processed wood, received the national name "Red Tree". They own a thuja folded, or a giant, also called a red cedar, with wood easy and extremely durable. The group of "Red Trees" includes real cedar, self-sewing, tess and a large group of species from rainforest. For example, in the Western tropical area of \u200b\u200bAfrica, where the equatorial evergreen forests grow, there are more than 40 species having valuable wood, and among them the species with a long saving smell. Such valuable trees grow in the tropics of America and Asia. Unfortunately, many trees growing here are not yet sufficiently studied.

You can tell about the interesting case associated with another non-complicated nature of the wood of some tropical plants - the special resistance of their smell.

Once from China, a fan was brought from the wood famous by his sandalwood smell. Everyone admired the grace of Water, but especially the amazing thin smell, exuded them. This smell is indescribable peculiar - strong and at the same time gentle smell of roses with a tint of bitterness. Years passed, and the smell I am overwhelmed did not disappear, and even after 20 years, Father made a slightly caught fragrance of the tree, which grew up in distant China.

The forester, who gave us a fan, said that he was made of white Santalum wood from the Santalia family. This tree grows in a wild state on the islands of the Malay archipelago and cultivated in China and India. The wood is aromatic due to the content (up to 6%) of the essential santal oil used in perfumery and medicine (delays the growth of pathogens of some diseases). Fruits are used - the valuable oil is produced.

In India and China, Santalum White wood used starting from the V century to our era and even exported to Egypt and other countries. From this wood, known as the "sandalwood" (or simply "Sandala"), produce all sorts of carved products: figurines, fan, caskets, smoking sticks, lockers and different souvenirs.

In kind, Santalum has several more species having fragrant wood, similar to Santalum White Wood. Close on the aroma to this wood and wood of certain types of other types and even from other families, so "sandalwood" is a conditional concept.

Trees with wood unusually fragrant and persistently preserving it long years You can meet not only in China and India, but also in the rainforests of Africa and America. Products from Sandala can be bought in the bazaars in some African countries. When visiting the bazaar in one of the cities of Mozambique, Soviet experts were able to purchase several products from the "sandalwood" tree. Bought items could be easily discussed among the sets of other goods through a peculiar strong aroma emanating from the wood. This smell is felt even at a distance of several meters. When considering purchased products, everyone was surprised that the wood was different in the texture and color. It turned out that the products were made of wood different species, Including from the Bafia shiny from the bean family, which is called Angolan or African sandalwood.

Beautiful smell of wood has a campash tree growing in South Americawhich is also called the "sandalwood" tree or blue or black "sandallery". This tree is also from the bean family, and its valuable sound wood with the roase initially bright red, then shines and finally becomes purple-black, and freshly cut wood smells like a violet. This wood is highly appreciated as furniture and parquet material and as a resistant dye, and wood extracts are used in medicine. Sandalwood is also called Chukia to the heavenly from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia with a beautiful durable wood, which termites do not inspire.

So, a whole group of species - "sandalwaling" trees growing in the tropics of different countries - it has wood having a wonderful and peculiar, and most importantly, a very resistant fragrance, which is still a mystery of the sandal.

Exclusively the smell is kept for a long time and in some species from the kind of a ciconment, for example, a camoon camoon, or camphor laurel, from the Lavrovy family. The camoon camphor-made smell, although pleasant, but very different from the smell of "sandalwood".

A camoon camoon grows in South and West China and Japan, lives up to 1000 years, sometimes reaches a height of 50 m and the barrel diameter to 5 m. The strong smell has not only wood, but also all parts of the tree containing fragrant substances. This corticle is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries to obtain camphor and camphor oil. His wood, albeit with low physical and mechanical qualities, but beautiful and famous for the fact that it is stored for centuries. Camfar is a source of obtaining many aromatic and pharmaceutical products.

Many tropical and subtropical wood plants have fragrant wood. What a variety of smells! Wood happens with a sharp or weak odor, with a pleasant or disgusting, with a quickly disappearing or resistant, persistent, like Santal White and Camoon camoon, for many years. Wood tropical plants can be considered a natural unique chemical laboratory for the production of essential substances - the source of various odors.

However, fragrant wood is characteristic not only for plants of tropics and subtropics. We know that coniferous wood rocks growing in European and Asian taiga forests (pine, spruce, larch), also have wood separating fragrant substances. And in fir, fragrant resinous substances are focused not in the wood, but under the crust, in special storage rivals, and it is precisely from this resin that a wonderful camphor is obtained.

The smell of wood emanating from the New Year tree, all sign and pleasant. Very pleasant the smell of resinous wood of pine ordinary, which when drying wood gradually disappears. The smell of pine is especially valued, since the etheric substances isolated - the phytoncides contained not only in the needle, but also in wood, destructively act on the pathogens of various diseases and pests.

Some plants have hazardous wood, sourcing substances harmful to people. With the billet and processing of tees - "Negan-Tree" containing poisonous alkaloids (toxin and ephedrine) not only in the leaves and berries, but also in the wood, there were allergic diseases, since the Tissa wood for many people toxic.

There are cases when even unseated trees sometimes turned out to be toxic for those who processed them. For example, in France, at the harvesting of Maple, some people were affected by the lungs, and even the inflammation of the skin - dermatitis once began in lumberjacks. These mysterious phenomena scientists managed to solve. It turns out that the poisonous allocations of wood are harmful productsFormed in the exchange of substances in wood tissues and accumulating in the central part of the barrel (in the kernel), which is usually more brightly painted. That is why the poisoning of lumberjacks was observed at the beginning of the summer, when intensive metabolism occurs in the plant. Poisonous substances can accumulate in resin, and gaming strokes (allocating gums), and they are mainly from tanids and some other substances. The accumulating metabolic products have a certain biological value for wood, as they are toxic for mushrooms and bacteria and prevent woodpowing. Usually their concentration is small, and wood containing them, not poisonous, but sometimes their amount in the wood increases, and when processing such wood, a person may have a reaction to harmful substances - allergies.

In relation to the various chemicals contained in the wood, many still unknown. There are trees, like a teaser, having obviously poisonous wood, containing alkaloids or glucosides and other substances, while an unknown chemical composition. There are trees with poisonous leaves and bark, but with non-temil wood and vice versa.

To poisonous trees includes the Samshat Kolkhidsky growing in our country, who is found in Western Transcaucasia and in the North Caucasus. He has all parts of the tree of poisonous and have an unpleasant smell, which comes from the alkaloid of tows, sometimes causing allergies in humans. Especially dangerous wood containing alkaloid, similar to the serpentine poison - Kurara. When processing such wood, there were cases of severe poisoning and even with fatal outcome. Poisonous wood in teak tree, at Terminal, in some trees belonging to the Red Tree group.

Acquaintance with fragrant and poisonous wood has shown that there are very diverse, mostly complex essential substances, we will take the composition of some of them have not yet been studied.

Other properties of wood, many years who are mysterious, are now disclosed. It is possible to attribute the phenomena of the attractive strength of trees with lightning.

It is difficult to imagine, but at the very beginning of the nineteenth century, this leaving of China, Japan and Australia was considered an enviable acquisition for any European Botanical Garden.

In 1809, Ailant first appeared in Russian Empire. Since then, the tree has become so quickly conquered the southern lands that gardeners grabbed the head: the plant was longly multiplied by root siblings and seeds, occupying extensive territories.

In his homeland, the tree is affectionately called Paradise, God's Tree. We also, on the contrary, it is a contemptuous intact nickname - smelly. I must say, put the leaves are really emitting a very unpleasant smell.

Fighting ailant is carried out by people for almost two centuries, however, without much success. But once the trees were delivered to Russia with good intentions - the fact is that in India, Japan and China with the leaves of this tree feed the silk worms. When the seedling generation has grown in Crimea and in the Caucasus, experiments were carried out to obtain a domestic silk thread. They say the raw materials in quality did not yield to overseas samples. But then the case is stitched, and the production of silk has not yet established.

And the tree continued the triumphal procession on the southern lands. Although alanta is a nuclear age (forty-sixty years old), but he can rightly be considered a growth champion. The seed tree is able to stretch over the year for three meters, and the piglet from the stump reaches the same period of one and a half meter! The tiny plant, striving for the Sun, even a thick layer of asphalt is easily pierced. And on the abundance of root offspring, he does not find equal at all.

In the sixties of the last century, a hot discussion was broke out on the pages of the magazine "Nature", where the opponents of the plant accused the ailant in the fact that he was able to cause dermatitis and attacks of suffocation from asthmatics. True, there was no good evidence. In defense of the ailant, it can be said that a more unpretentious and fast-growing tree is difficult to imagine. Yes, and externally smelting is very attractive.

So lives this alien side by side with a man. As they say in one famous proverb - and it is impossible together, and apart in any way.

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