Bull woman compatibility with other signs. Virgo woman born in the year of the bull Character of the virgin bull

The Ox Woman is family man who puts her family's values ​​above all else. A woman born in the year of the Ox is, first of all, a mother who keeps the family hearth and feels quite confident in this role. Generally general characteristics Ox women are good, but because of their independence, they often solve household problems on their own and do without the help of men.

The Ox Woman has a very strong will and iron character. Because of this feature, the representative of the sign falls into the husbands of lazy and infantile men who do not care for and do not help their spouse, therefore people born in the sign of the Ox have to stubbornly solve all problems by doing men's work.

General characteristics of the Ox woman

With a strong character, the Ox woman is still flirtatious and feminine. Such a person cannot stand gossips and gossips. Whatever a person’s characteristic, if someone needs support, the Ox will always help, encourage and reassure. The Ox woman does not follow fashion, but has her own taste and dresses well. Family and family interests always come first.

The Ox woman is a conservative, does not accept various changes, but if she plans something, she will not turn off the intended path.

Due to his strong character, he often dominates the family with other signs of the zodiac, but he does it tactfully, so that his husband does not suspect this. She gets along well with children, understands their problems, sets a personal example. He carefully monitors the education of his children. For the sake of the interests of children, she is ready to sacrifice everything. Usually, grown-up children respond to the Ox woman in the future with the same.

Ox woman in love

People born this year are very difficult to piss off, so the partner for the Ox woman must be with the same stable psyche and character. At work and in personal life, the representative of the sign likes to control the entire process, but prefers not to occupy leadership positions. She has enough family responsibilities, so the representative of the sign is not a careerist, but a homebody.

Others rarely understand her, and it can sometimes be difficult with other signs of the zodiac. In marriage, a woman tries to avoid scandals and quarrels, organizes life for her husband, as is customary in the family of his parents. A woman born in the year of the Ox is economical and tactful. She saves the family budget and appreciates stability. A man should be self-confident, not greedy and open to people and the world.

Ox Woman Compatibility

If you study the horoscope, then successful compatibility with other signs in marriage will be with the Snake, Rat or Rooster. For a representative of the sign, good compatibility in love can be with such signs as:

  • Capricorn
  • Sagittarius

People born in the year of the Ox, regardless of whether it is a wooden, water, metal, earth or fire sign, should pay attention to the signs of the elements of water, earth and air. Most often, people born under these signs have a balanced character and healthy ambitions. It is difficult to say who suits the Ox woman the most according to the horoscope, it largely depends on the upbringing and rhythm of life of each person. Regardless of which sign a woman born this year chooses for herself, it is worth paying attention to the person, and not to horoscope compatibility. different years.

Ox woman compatibility according to the eastern horoscope


For representatives of these signs of different years, family, home values ​​and children are important. The Rat man has some fussiness, but this quality is perfectly offset by the solidity of his partner. Such relationships will be happy and lasting. The wife will for many years control the house, the husband, manage the household and undoubtedly become the head of the family. All domestic issues will fall on her shoulders. But home improvement is her calling. At the same time, the Rat man does not object to this approach at all and will completely focus on obtaining material wealth, and after returning to a comfortable home after a hard day, he will arrange romantic evenings for his companion.

Bull Bull

If you study the horoscope, then such similar signs are well compatible in terms of career. They are a great team, but not lovers. People born this year are responsible and hardworking, conservative in their views and ready to plow to achieve the goal. They need to create not a family, but a labor union. Together they will collect a solid capital and ensure material well-being. But the main problem with these relationships is that partners can get bored. Both Bulls are conservative, live on schedule and cannot entertain themselves. They just get tired of each other. Then perhaps there will be entertainment on the side. But both will keep the union, no matter what. In these relationships, beautiful and happy children grow up, feeling the love of their parents.


Given the characteristics of these two signs and the horoscope, then such a pair is not very compatible. The temperaments of the spouses are too different, which gives rise to constant misunderstandings. The wife is conservative and does not want to accept the adventurism of her companion. The Tiger man is too active, cannot wait for a slow partner. Both are stubborn and not ready to make concessions. The wife is too strong-willed and strives to dominate the family, and in these relations only a man should become the head. If the partner is wise enough to give in, then he will give her a wonderful life for this humility.

Ox-Rabbit (Cat)

If the spouse trusts the partner more, then such an alliance will be very successful. Starting with friendship, the relationship in this couple develops into love. If the representative of the sign does not throw away his jealousy, then this relationship is doomed to failure. One day, a wife may get tired of being tormented by suspicions. Such signs have a very different idea of ​​\u200b\u200blove. For a wife, this is primarily a family, and a Rabbit man needs romance without obligations. Therefore, the initiator of the creation of such a union is most often a woman. The partner only needs to show that she is the best and unique. Perhaps, when total control is weakened on her part and more trust appears, then such an alliance will have a bright future.


Ox woman and Dragon man are not very compatible. The Ox needs a serious stable relationship and reliable support, and the Tiger loves entertainment. Even the friends of this couple are different and therefore they do not rest together. At the same time, both partners are stubborn and not ready to change for each other. The wife wants to subdue the man to her will and this will be her main mistake. To maintain such an alliance, it is very important to simply accept each other, and not try to change for yourself.


This is an almost perfect couple. Each of the partners turns a blind eye to small flaws. They have similar temperaments, both value family and traditions. Such relationships are not exciting, but very stable. There will be few bright moments in their lives, but this is not the main thing. Stormy emotions, mood swings, new impressions - this is not typical for the temperament of this union. Together they will reach the maximum heights in their careers, achieve material well-being, and create a strong family. But a man needs to take some of the responsibility on himself, otherwise his partner will soon get tired of dragging everything on himself.


These two signs are poorly compatible with each other due to the difference in temperaments. The Horse man is a too freedom-loving person, and the Ox woman, in turn, is domineering and stubborn. If partners want to be together, then a lot will depend on the spouse. She must accept her partner and learn to understand him. Partners live in different rhythms. The couple does not need to bring their life together before conflict and confrontation. After all, both spouses are too proud and it will be difficult for them to meet each other halfway.


The relationship of the couple is very difficult throughout the years they lived together. Due to different temperaments, such people simply cannot be together for a long time. A man feels a lack of praise and attention. And the wife cannot give them to her man, because she does not know how to express emotions and has a restrained character. She is an excellent wife and mother, but the irresponsibility of a man just annoys her. To create comfort in the house, the Ox woman needs a certain material wealth, which such a man cannot give. The wife expects reliability and support, and he just enjoys life.

Bull Monkey

People born in the year of the Ox and the Monkey are not considered an ideal couple. Such an alliance is doomed to mutual insults. The representative of the sign speaks too straightforwardly and categorically about the shortcomings of the partner, which undermines the authority and annoys him. The Monkey man is an extrovert and that says it all. The wife hides too much and suffers. It is difficult for her to change her usual rhythm, as her partner wants. To save a relationship, a man must give some time to think and not push his wife with a decision. For harmony in the family, the wife needs to accept a partner with all his pluses and minuses.


This happy couple appreciates family and loyalty, so such a relationship will be strong and durable. With his frankness and courage, a man supports a practical and restrained partner. And she, in turn, creates a cozy nest for him. The Rooster man needs to be praised, and the Ox woman will treat everything he does with delight and admiration. All this flatters the spouse, amuses pride and raises his self-esteem.


Such an alliance can be quite stable. Both partners value honesty, devotion and loyalty. The wife reassures her partner with her constancy, and he will be devoted to her for her care and attention. She feels in him a hero and just a person, always ready to help. Next to such a man, the wife is always tender and desirable. Male Dog is a very faithful partner, but a jealous owner. If the spouse wants the partner to faithfully follow behind in her shadow, then life with him can become unbearable. The Dog man compromises, but will not even think about changing his mind. If you stop leading your man, then the spouse will achieve a lot. From the Bull you need a little patience.


The Pig man can spend everything that he has earned on entertainment. And for the spouse, comfort and peace in the house are important, which is difficult to achieve with such a wasteful partner. In this pair, the spouse will like the reliability and fortitude of his woman. And she, too, will like a sincere and cheerful man. If all monetary issues are resolved, then complete harmony can come in such an alliance.

Compatibility horoscope: virgo zodiac sign woman characteristic year of the bull - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Ox-Virgo Man

The Ox man - Virgo is not distinguished by his love for long conversations. He prefers to solve everything on the go and in a businesslike manner, which excludes sincerity in communication. In work they are diligent, accurate, but never cross the line of coldness and aloofness.

In their personal lives, such people look at their chosen ones for a long time, keeping them at a distance. But as soon as the Ox-Virgo man is determined, he immediately turns into an ardent and temperamental lover and is very jealous and authoritarian.

Ox-Virgo Woman

The Ox-Virgo woman is distinguished by a tendency to perfectionism, which greatly complicates life both for herself and those around her. She demands a lot from herself, therefore she is often unfair to others: tolerance for this combination of signs is not characteristic.

IN family life the Ox-Virgo woman is jealous to the extreme, prefers business relations with the distribution of rights and duties to romance.

The Ox-Virgo personality is tough and somewhat cruel. They easily cross the line between a joke and a mockery, categorically refusing to accept other people's shortcomings.

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Virgo, Ox born in a year

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms conditions and laws for a person external environment, his relationship with the people around him, in which he uses his method of behavior, assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth assigns a person one of the twelve levels for self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Virgo is the second sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are excellent leaders among ordinary performers. They tend to participate in the process as work performers, while at the same time leading colleagues from within the work process.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Virgo is “ foreman". A person of this sign is able to perfectly understand and feel the theory of the task assigned to him and practically implement it in circumstances, setting the team to the same attitude. Virgo lives by the principle: " Push yourself and you'll be fine". Virgo, like a spring, reflects the positive or negative attitude of interacting people. A person of the zodiac sign Virgo tries to assert himself in everything, on everything and everywhere, with everyone and everyone. People of the zodiac sign Virgo strain the dignity of the people around them or they themselves fall into stress state because of the infringement of their own merits.

Eastern sign year of the Ox - 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045, 2057.

The Year of the Ox forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships on the third level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Ox are surrounded by relationships in society with people who involve them in executive processes. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Ox has to participate in work processes in which those interacting in behavior show positions “ chiefs". Interacting people behave arrogantly and uncompromisingly in relations with a person born in the year of the Ox. Surrounding regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in relations with a person born in the year of the Ox, they show increased sensuality and vulnerability. People around are fond of details and details of microimpressions. Interacting people with a person born in the year of the Ox lead relationships according to the principle of the zodiac sign Taurus " Be collected, but not constrained ».

Horoscope of Capricorn, born in the year Bull.

Such signs in a person can be characterized as a combination of his active method of behavior with the petty-greedy attitude towards him of the people around him. This person tries to influence the mood of the society in which he is. He demonstrates to the people around him his diligence and correctness, while the interacting people incline the Virgin under their leadership and their needs. Virgos are prone to promising creativity, regardless of the type of their activity. The Year of the Ox also accompanies this, forming in circumstances conditions through interacting people for creative processes based on impressions from the experience of past events and relationships with people. A person born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo in the year of the Ox may fall under the influence of society due to the accumulation of a crowd around him. Surrounding people during competition or work processes incline Virgo to the manifestation of brute physical strength.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" And " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

Horoscope Virgo-Ox

According to the horoscope, Virgo-Ox is by nature an attentive person who sometimes overestimates the requirements for himself and for those around him. Such individuals love to criticize everyone and are distinguished by a conservative character. Most often, these are balanced and cautious personalities in many ways. By their nature, they are tolerant towards loved ones, to whom they do not tend to make many demands.

These people often help others, because they are distinguished by their love of life and good nature. They are caring and reasonable in their actions, so they rarely refuse a request. Virgo-Oxen should look for such a life partner who will control their expenses without prejudice to generous impulses.

Horoscope of combining Virgo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Description of the sign Ox-Virgo (male)

The characteristic of a man of this earth sign is often associated with such concepts as reliability and stability. Especially if he was born in the year of the Ox. The element of the earth, to which the symbols of the zodiac and eastern horoscopes belong, endows the personality of the Ox-Virgo with excessive pedantry and conservatism. The man of this symbol has a rich creative potential. The main condition for its development is inspiration, an idea. Of course, financial income should become a necessary incentive for the vigorous activity of the earth sign. Otherwise, the man will not budge.

Main character traits

It is in the work that the temperament of our hero is clearly manifested. What are the main qualities of the Ox-Virgo sign? The man of this symbol is quite positive and sociable. This is an excellent owner of his house, loving coziness, order and comfort. Since childhood, he strives to cultivate discipline and responsibility in himself.

Born in the year called "Ox", the Virgo man, like no other, saves his space. It is important for him to feel free and independent. This person can be either an introvert or an extrovert.

In any case, the representative of the earth sign is most of the time positive and attracts a large number of of people. Others note that in relationships this earth sign strives to be honest, demonstrating decency and loyalty.

Professional activity

Born under the zodiac and eastern symbols of the Ox-Virgo, a man can perfectly prove himself in many areas of life. This will help him extraordinary perseverance and high performance. It is important that in dealing with colleagues and superiors, this person is able to show diplomacy, which has a positive effect on the development of his career.

The Virgo-Ox man often chooses the sphere of trade, agriculture, industry and construction. He is also not alien to legal and social activities. It is these professions that can bring him job satisfaction. It is important for a representative of this sign to know that others need him, and he is able to help them.

It is noteworthy that no matter who the Ox-Virgo (man) is, even with a small income, he manages to live in abundance. This is the most pleasant feature of his character, which the chosen one will certainly appreciate.

It is these words that are important for the one whose horoscope sign is Ox-Virgo. A man in love is quite selective. Perhaps that is why among the representatives of these constellations, early marriages are an infrequent occurrence. Although in romantic relationship he can plunge "with his head" at a young age.

What character trait can upset his chosen one? Ox-Virgo (man) in love sometimes shows excessive jealousy and a sense of ownership. On this basis, the couple often have unpleasant scenes. Therefore, for such young man It is extremely important to choose the right partner.

The question is, what should it be? Compliance, pliability and poise - these are the qualities that the Ox-Virgo (man) appreciates. In love, he is sincere, does not like parallel novels, and treats family values ​​with trepidation.

This is a case when at work he can be tough and demanding, and at home - soft and understanding. The birth of a child is a special joy for the representative of this sign. Astrologers believe that family Virgos born in the year of the Ox are much more successful and happier than the single personalities of this sign.

Compatibility with other signs

Ox-Virgo - a man whose characteristics are described in our topic - in his youth can be fascinated by bright Libra girls. But how long can a partner withstand remarks from a picky partner? Astrologers believe that the compatibility of this pair is not very favorable.

The Virgo man himself understands this. Therefore, in this case, he is in no hurry with a marriage proposal. Also, alliances with Aquarius and Gemini are not recommended, especially if their birth falls on the years of the Rabbit, Pig or Goat. These women are too complex for the Ox-Virgo personality.

A man whose compatibility is doubtful with the listed signs will constantly feel nervous and uncomfortable with them. After all, he will often have to raise his voice to his chosen one, who, in turn, will perceive this as tyranny and tyranny.

However, everything will work out perfectly for the Virgo, born under the symbol of the Ox, with the girls born under the constellations of Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Let's look at compatibility with them in more detail.

Peace and prosperity

With the Scorpio girl, the Ox-Virgo man will have an extremely calm union. There will be no screams and scandals in it. Some external coldness of the partner will disturb the measured thoughts of the partner. This is like a challenge to the Virgo man from the chosen one. This madly attracts him and makes him experience a diverse cocktail of emotions: respect, admiration, awe, tenderness and passion. It is noteworthy that the couple does not get bored with each other, having one thing in common. On the contrary, it will bring them together and help to put together a good capital.

Harmony and comfort

The Pisces Woman is the exact opposite of the Ox-Virgo sign. A man whose characteristics show us that he is pragmatic and rational, unconsciously reaches for a water sign. Pisces is able to relax and soothe its partner due to its romance and femininity.

This is exactly the case when a man extracts cash, and the woman is engaged in home comfort: home design and cooking delicious meals. Astrologers believe that a uniform exchange of energies is observed in a couple, which gives the relationship an amazing harmony.

Sincerity and reliability

The Sagittarius girl is distinguished by her dynamic, lively character. At the beginning of cohabitation, the Virgo man (Bull) is somewhat embarrassed by the freedom-loving behavior of his chosen one. However, Sagittarius is wise enough not to cross a certain line in a relationship. Both can build a spiritual dialogue and respect a compromise. Such a couple is able to raise diversified children who will be distinguished by excellent adaptation in society.

A partner born under the sign of Capricorn will get along well with the Ox-Virgo man. Especially with the one who suffered a lot of unsuccessful relationships and his marriage took place after 30 years. Firstly, both signs belong to the earth element, which contributes to their excellent mutual understanding. This is the situation when a warm friendship arises between people and develops into deep love.

Secondly, many people will envy this couple, watching how a man and a woman support and protect each other. Growing children in this family will “absorb” the most best qualities their parents: mutual assistance, patience, friendship, family values ​​and lasting love.

We hope that our article describes in sufficient detail the characteristics of the Ox-Virgo sign and its alleged compatibility with the personalities of other symbols. This information will help both the main character of the topic and those who are ready to build professional and love relationships with him.

Virgo women born in the year of the Ox - their features

The characteristic of a woman with the zodiac sign Virgo, the year of the Ox, describes them as strong and confident people. The Ox Woman stands firmly on the ground and is not going to miss the stars from the sky. If we recall the well-known saying about a tit in the hand and a crane in the sky, then Virgo will definitely choose a tit. Moreover, if the tit does not meet her expectations, she will start working on it until she is satisfied with the result.

They definitely do not build unnecessary illusions and do not live in dreams.

The Ox Woman appreciates friendly communication, she has several devoted friends. She puts reliability and fidelity above all, therefore she does not exchange for trifles. She is not interested in frivolous relationships and fleeting intrigues, she is set to create a family. In work, such women are obligatory and executive, you can rely on them. They are never late for important meetings and keep their word with dignity.

Virgo woman born under the sign of the Boar

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The character of women Bulls - Dev: They will always experience the negative impact of this day. If they have a good start and upbringing, they will be able to overcome the vibrations of this day. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to realize their good character traits. They can become an excellent support for the disadvantaged and offended. They are strong in spirit, moral and overly responsible. And this creates the basis for their social exaltation.

The nature of these women is very complex, incompatible qualities do not combine. They can be especially sensitive to strangers, but sometimes they show indifference to their own people. They find it difficult to accept reality, which creates difficulties in all areas of life. Implementation positive qualities will allow them to become surrounded by other people. You don't have to completely cut yourself off from socializing so you don't get lonely.

Ox women - Virgo in love and relationships: IN early age relationships with the opposite sex allows them to discover other character traits in themselves. In particular, they can become open and empathetic people. However, the disappointment of first love leaves an imprint on them for life. They should tune in serious relationship V adulthood. They will be able to find a suitable partner and become happy.

Ox women - Virgo in finance and career: Career for them does not play a big role. However, their bright qualities of character and professionalism allow them to reach the highest leadership positions. They easily reach career positions. The financial side of career advancement is not a goal for them, but they gladly accept the opportunity to receive funds for a good and pleasant life. In this area of ​​life, they are always prosperous.

Women Oxen - Virgo in family and marriage: In the family, these women occupy a leadership position. They can become happy if they think about what happiness is. If their bar is not too high, they will be able to find rest in the family. They will be warm and comfortable, despite their desire to always be in the center of society. The birth of children for them will be an interesting event, but it is they who will be able to return them to the family, get rid of all the negative qualities of character.

Advice for women Ox - Virgo: These women should give up excessive demands on themselves. You can't put your happiness above the happiness of others. It is also worth rethinking happiness, understanding that it is near, and not somewhere in the distant future. Worldly wisdom will help them get more bonuses. By accepting these recommendations, these women will be able to surround themselves with the closest and dearest people. They will be more comfortable living in such an environment and accepting possible happiness.

Virgo born in the year of the Ox

The Ox is picky and overly persistent, and in combination with the Virgin who takes into account all the details, he is also critical to the limit. Naturally, this leaves a negative imprint on the attitude of people towards these personalities. Virgo-Oxen are often inherently conservative and this hinders their development.

People who combine these two signs have enough self-control, calmness and patience so as not to create discomfort for others. They are moderately cautious and unobtrusive.

Both men and women of Virgo-Ox are sympathetic and cheerful people, with whom others strive to communicate. They love to bring kindness and care to people. Often they are fail-safe and it happens that it works against them. These people need a reliable and faithful partner who will distinguish between his concern for others and concern for himself.

Virgo-Ox is mainly absorbed in caring for the family, children. Their parental feelings are reinforced by the power of patience and reason. They love to be around a faithful other half, with whom they feel confident. They need friends and their quantity is important. Virgo-Oxen protectors by nature, so their family, children, friends and loved ones always feel safe.

The most important thing in work for such people is diversity, the possibility of self-development, and intellectuality. Yes and in love relationships they avoid the ordinary and the banal. Virgo-Oxen are strong and therefore they are physically active - they love sports, hiking, cycling. One of the ways to unload for them is running in the fresh air. They love and cherish nature, gravitate towards beautiful places with an unusual landscape.

Bright shortcomings in the character of the Maiden-Oxen are pride, excessive self-confidence and pomposity. The people around them may be disappointed by ignorance and stubbornness on their part.

In their thoughts and main priority, these people have a house, life, family, well-being. They do not like to change anything and always adhere to the same rules and principles. Virgo-Oxen work tirelessly to provide all the necessary benefits of their family.

Virgo-Ox women have amazing accuracy and punctuality, they are collected and accurate in everything. And Virgo-Ox men are too ardent and passionate, but their loved ones are never negatively influenced from outside. After all, the Virgo-Ox man is always on guard and always vigilant towards strangers.

Ox-Virgo is so orderly and purposeful that he gives exclusive preference to one occupation once and for all. He always brings things to the end neatly and meticulously. He is not torn into several cases, as others are used to, he is engaged in something specific, regardless of external stimuli. These people are careful in communication, but loneliness is not for them.

Virgo-Ox is sexual by nature, but he thinks that this is more of a disadvantage, because he does not allow him to concentrate on his main occupation, because he is responsible and gladly takes this burden on his shoulders.

Ox Woman

Years of birth according to the Bull sign - 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 ...

Ox Woman - Personality Characteristics

Bull Woman restrained and quiet, has a truly steel will and, it seems, does not need male support at all. And, despite the outward sentimentality and tendency to tears, nothing can hide her true character. She is reliable, faithful and spends all her efforts to create a strong, friendly family. It often happens that the love of the Ox woman is without reciprocity, which makes her deeply unhappy.

Women born in the year of the Ox according to the eastern horoscope are distinguished by a sensitive and kind character. They are reliable and responsible in everything they undertake and you can easily rely on them. Career for this type of women is unimportant. The most important thing for them is to keep their home and give all their strength to their spouse and children.

The Ox Woman is quite pragmatic, and prefers realism to romantic dreams. A classic example of this type of woman is Margaret Thatcher and Princess Diana. Such a woman seems unbending and persistent, and in fact, she takes everything in her life extremely seriously: work, family, and even hobbies.

The Ox Woman is pleasant in communication, flirtatious and feminine. Even after the Ox woman marries, she has many admirers who help her solve many problems. For others, she gives the impression of a kind of simpleton, which is easy to deceive. But, in fact, this is far from the case. The Ox Woman is very cunning and far from being as naive as it seems. In addition, she has the gift of eloquence and can persuade anyone and anything. Her authority and ability to stay in society are admirable. In addition to the ability to speak beautifully, the Ox woman knows how to listen carefully. In her face, many find a reliable, faithful friend. But, it is better not to anger her and not to do dirty tricks. The Ox Woman is vindictive and will never forgive betrayal. This is a man of honor. Feeling dignity does not allow her to play by the rules and she does not allow others to do the same. He believes that success is valuable only when a person has achieved it himself. And everything else is unworthy of praise and admiration. She is hardworking and meticulous. Likes to follow a well-defined plan.

Compared to other representatives Eastern horoscope, the Ox woman seems a little dull and faded. She prefers reading books to noisy clubs and chooses space instead of city bustle. country house and rest by the river. You will never meet her at the bar or at the disco.

The Ox Woman is beautiful and sexy, however, she hides this quality of hers and shows only one and only man with whom she decided to link her fate. She has a rich imagination and a depth of feeling that absorbs with her head.

Woman of the Year of the Ox - love and family

Most women born in the year of the Ox become ideal wives. They are hardworking, honest and impeccable. These women will try to study the needs of their spouse as much as possible, his favorite dishes and create the most comfortable living conditions for their loved ones. In the family, as well as in life, she manifests herself quite confidently and stably. She doesn’t like petty quarrels and scandals over trifles and tries to make her husband’s life the same as he was in his parental family.

The Ox Woman is the very personification of the mother, the keeper of the hearth. This is an example of marital fidelity and devotion. It is as if she was created in order to be a wife and mother. And even if the bull woman works hard and hard, she will find time for her loved ones and the interests of the family will always be above her own for her. She is virtuous and decent and does not tolerate gossip and deceit. The Ox Woman is able to accumulate and grow resentment. But, when the limit of patience comes, you will be surprised by her aggressive and explosive temperament. And if the female bull showed a flash of her rage, almost nothing will help you regain her trust and start a relationship from scratch.

As a rule, the Ox woman knows how to dress beautifully and takes care of herself. However, the basis of her attractiveness is the atmosphere that she creates around herself. She, like no one else, knows how to provide support to those who need it, reassure and encourage. She is obligatory and demanding of herself, responsive to the suffering and troubles of others, and stupidity and cruelty hurt her kind and pure soul painfully. With a man, she will never flirt and flirt. The Ox Woman will immediately make it clear to the man whether he is interested in her or not.

For the sake of children, the Ox woman is capable of anything. She is a wonderful mother who will not be difficult to cook in the blink of an eye Apple pie or a five-course meal. Children, as a rule, are well brought up and going to visit them, you can safely take at least a crystal vase with you.

If it suddenly happens that the Ox woman is left without a husband, this will not unsettle her for a long time. On the contrary, she will actively take up the upbringing of children, join the parent committee, fulfill her social duties, and will not feel inferior without a man.

This woman is friendly and helpful. And her genuine sympathy is sometimes disarmed. So, if there was a quarrel, then the man will not be able to be angry with her for a long time.

The house for the Ox woman is a real sanctuary. She gives him a lot of attention, creating comfort, coziness and a wonderful atmosphere. Ox Woman prefers a private house outside the city to be closer to nature. But, if she does not have such an opportunity, then a house with a garden near the reservoir will make her happy.

But, despite such an almost ideal character, the Ox woman also has a negative trait. This is excessive jealousy, which can destroy their family happiness. In men, the Ox woman appreciates, first of all, independence, determination and business acumen, but the paradox is that she often comes across weak, weak-willed partners.

Ox woman horoscope - career

Bull women, like men born under this sign of the horoscope, are leaders by nature. Thanks to their diligence and patience, hard work and determination, they can achieve a lot in their chosen profession. They are careful and clearly understand what to do in order to achieve the goal. They never build castles in the air and stand firmly on the ground.

If the Ox woman occupies a leadership position, then from her employees she will demand full commemoration and the same zealous attitude to work as her own. Despite her gentleness, the Ox woman enjoys power and her ability to give instructions. If employees do not obey, then the Ox woman in a rage is able to commit many rash acts and greatly harm her career and business. The Ox woman has the talent of an organizer, but even if she seeks to demonstrate her power, she still remains a rather inert creature inside. "You can't hide an awl in a bag", this The Iron Lady even on the throne can feel insecure. She is prone to strong hesitation before making important decisions, and is not adapted to change, in much the same way that a galloping bull does not cope well with unexpected sharp turns.

The Ox Woman is organized and consistent. Always brings the job to the end. But, she's hard to find mutual language. Since she is not sociable and does not share her thoughts and ideas. She looks closely at unfamiliar people for a very long time and it will take a very long time when she begins to truly trust them. But, if this nevertheless happened and you became a true friend to the Ox woman, then you will be privy to all his secrets. For successful work, the Ox woman needs a creative and open partner who can help him negotiate.

If the Ox woman works just like an ordinary employee, then she prefers to do it alone. Employees and colleagues appreciate her for her honesty, responsibility, administrative and political talent. She will never back down from difficulties and even can organize people and set specific tasks for them in order to get out of the current situation.

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Since ancient times, learned astrologers have noticed that there is a relationship between the year, month, date, place of birth and character of a person, his predisposition to a certain job, or to building a family of a special type. Therefore, it is very important when interacting with people, or recruiting staff, choosing a close friend or loved one, pay attention to such indicators as the horoscope and the eastern calendar.

The Eastern horoscope divides all people into 12 types of animals, depending on the year of the lunar calendar. Bulls include those born in the period from January 1949 to February 1950, from February 1961 to February 1962, from February 1973 to January 1974, from February 1985 to February 1986 , from February 1997 to January 1998, from January 2009 to February 2010. The next small bulls will appear in 2021.

Women and men bulls are distinguished by special perseverance, stamina, justice and honesty. They are fanatical about the rules. Perfectionists in the details. They love their family and take care of it. Work is also valued and put a lot of effort into it. Below we will talk in more detail about women and girls born in the year of the Ox.

Ox girls are hardworking, they do not show as many emotions as representatives of other signs. Very thoughtful. But this is only on the surface. The female bull, in fact, is a very reverent creature. She treats her family and friends with great love and care. If you become her partner or close friend, then this is forever.

Bull woman personality trait

Bull girls have fundamental character traits that cannot be confused with any other sign of the eastern calendar:

  • perseverance;
  • stubbornness;
  • Strict personal beliefs;
  • Fanaticism for work and family;
  • Comprehensive concern for others;
  • The persistence of her love;
  • workaholism;
  • Practicality;
  • Reliability;
  • Having leadership qualities.

There are many celebrities among bull women who have worked hard to achieve success. Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Madeleine Albright, Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, Jane Fonda and Barbara Cartland, to name a few.

Questionnaire characteristics of a woman born in the year of the bull:

  • Favorite color - blue, purple and its shades, red;
  • Favorite numbers are one and nine;
  • Favorite flowers are tulips and peonies, also the female bull according to the sign of the zodiac loves the smell of sage, pines, firs, she likes rhododendrons;
  • Favorite time of day - from one in the morning to three, they say about these pre-dawn minutes - "Time of the Bull";
  • Favorite time of the year - winter, and especially the month of January;
  • The sign of the zodiac related in characteristics to a woman is a bull - Capricorn, a fellow in stubbornness and stamina;
  • Countries that correspond to the Ox in the astrological arrangement, and in which the bull girl will feel comfortable - from the Southern Hemisphere: New Zealand, Venezuela, from the Northern Hemisphere - Nigeria, Syria, Jordan, Palestine;
  • Signs with which there is compatibility - Rat, Pig, Rooster, Cat;
  • Badly converge with those born in the year - Goats, Snakes, Horses;
  • Unloved colors - white, green, black;
  • The bad numbers are three and four.

woman born in the year of the ox

With a woman with the characteristics of a bull, everyone is trying to make friends. She is attractive as a friend and friend. Honest, faithful, does not like to gossip and does not support when others gossip. She can be trusted with any secret, and she will not go beyond your conversation. The bull girl will support both advice and deed. If you have become a close friend to her, then you will not find a more reliable accomplice.

There is a real downside. If you betray her once, she will not forgive you. And will stay away from you. And do not try to prick her yet, the girl's anger is a bull is terrible and dangerous. Be afraid!

How to win a female bull

If you like a bull girl, don't try to win her over with machismo. She doesn't like too much frivolity. It is better to charm her with sincerity and care. Wrapping up in a warm blanket and bringing fragrant coffee, or preparing a delicious breakfast for her is something that the bull woman will appreciate and be grateful to you. Make sure she has an umbrella on a rainy day so that she has time to have lunch, so that she does not wander around late at night if the boss kept her at work. A nice text message or a bouquet of flowers will also please her.

But all this will work only if the woman born in the year of the bull herself is favorable to you. If such a beauty has not defined you as “hers forever”, it is unlikely that you will be able to get through to her. Such girls try not to waste time on trifles, and will not flirt just like that. Bull woman is looking for a permanent partner and a stable relationship.

Also, you should not overspend, because of its excessive practicality, the Ox-woman cannot look at spending money without pain. It is important for her that the money does not run out, and there is always a reserve for a rainy day. Motov such a girl can not stand the spirit. It is better to give her a new phone or a practical branded handbag than to show off in Michelin restaurants.

Horoscope women bull career

The beauties of the bulls, although they possess leadership qualities but they do not aspire to leadership positions. They are hardworking and diligent, able to work for the good of the company without compensation. They put their soul into all the projects in which they are involved, but if they stop feeling comfortable with the team, they will leave. And nothing can stop a girl according to the zodiac sign of the bull. She works better alone than with people who stress with or without reason.

As for money, this is not an unimportant factor when choosing a job. Even if the girl does not like the profession itself, but will bring not a small income, she will choose it without hesitation. Such women do not aspire to diamonds and Chrysler cars, but the money should regularly drip into the account and in the future ensure a comfortable old age for her and a good education for her children.

The field of activity where you can apply the personal qualities of a workaholic bull starts from the waiter and ends with the economic department in a large corporation. Women With characteristic of the bull according to the horoscope capable of a lot. Be good salespeople, consultants, managers, hotel managers, curators in art galleries, creative mentors. This wonderful, creative and enterprising lady can do anything.

Bull woman in love and family

A woman who is a bull according to the horoscope does not like to show her feelings and emotions in front of strangers, so it seems to some that she is cold and inaccessible. But for the man who took the key to her heart, The Snow Queen open from the other side. She will be passionate both in bed and at the stove. The Ox woman according to the sign of the zodiac will not allow her beloved to be hungry both sexually and gastronomically. The kitchen delights of a beauty can reach the point that she will discuss with his mother those dishes that are best for a young man to cook so that he feels comfortable at home.

The Ox woman is the partner whom everyone advises to marry. They won't cheat, they won't betray, they won't leave with your friend. You can safely rely on them, and leave the children under supervision and the cat. They are able to fall in love once and to the grave. There are even times when they marry their “first love” and live happily ever after.

The character of women Bulls - Dev: They will always experience the negative impact of this day. If they have a good start and upbringing, they will be able to overcome the vibrations of this day. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to realize their good character traits. They can become an excellent support for the disadvantaged and offended. They are strong in spirit, moral and overly responsible. And this creates the basis for their social exaltation.

The nature of these women is very complex, incompatible qualities do not combine. They can be especially sensitive to strangers, but sometimes they show indifference to their own people. They find it difficult to accept reality, which creates difficulties in all areas of life. The realization of positive qualities will allow them to become surrounded by other people. You don't have to completely cut yourself off from socializing so you don't get lonely.

Ox women - Virgo in love and relationships: At an early age, relationships with the opposite sex allow them to discover other character traits in themselves. In particular, they can become open and empathetic people. However, the disappointment of first love leaves an imprint on them for life. They should tune in to a serious relationship in adulthood. They will be able to find a suitable partner and become happy.

Ox women - Virgo in finance and career: Career for them does not play a big role. However, their bright qualities of character and professionalism allow them to reach the highest leadership positions. They easily reach career positions. The financial side of career advancement is not a goal for them, but they gladly accept the opportunity to receive funds for a good and pleasant life. In this area of ​​life, they are always prosperous.

Ox women - Virgo in family and marriage: In the family, these women occupy a leadership position. They can become happy if they think about what happiness is. If their bar is not too high, they will be able to find rest in the family. They will be warm and comfortable, despite their desire to always be in the center of society. The birth of children for them will be an interesting event, but it is they who will be able to return them to the family, get rid of all the negative qualities of character.

Advice to women Ox - Virgo: These women should give up excessive demands on themselves. You can't put your happiness above the happiness of others. It is also worth rethinking happiness, understanding that it is near, and not somewhere in the distant future. Worldly wisdom will help them get more bonuses. By accepting these recommendations, these women will be able to surround themselves with the closest and dearest people. They will be more comfortable living in such an environment and accepting possible happiness.

They will always experience the negative impact of this zodiac sign. If they have a good start and upbringing, they will be able to overcome dangerous vibrations. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to realize their good character traits. They can become an excellent support for the disadvantaged and offended. They are strong in spirit, moral and overly responsible. And this creates the basis for their social exaltation.

The nature of these women is very complex, incompatible qualities do not combine. They can be especially sensitive to strangers, but sometimes they show indifference to their own people. They find it difficult to accept reality, which creates difficulties in all areas of life. The realization of positive qualities will allow them to become surrounded by other people. You don't have to completely cut yourself off from socializing so you don't get lonely.

Characteristics of the Virgo-Ox woman in Love

At an early age, relationships with the opposite sex allow them to discover other character traits in themselves. In particular, they can become open and empathetic people. However, the disappointment of first love leaves an imprint on them for life. They should tune in to a serious relationship in adulthood. They will be able to find a suitable partner and become happy.

Horoscope of the Virgo-Ox woman in Family and Marriage

In the family, these women occupy a leadership position. They can become happy if they think about what happiness is. If their bar is not too high, they will be able to find rest in the family. They will be warm and comfortable, despite their desire to always be in the center of society. The birth of children for them will be an interesting event, but it is they who will be able to return them to the family, get rid of all the negative qualities of character.

Ox Virgo Woman - Career and Finance

Career for them does not play a big role. However, their bright qualities of character and professionalism allow them to reach the highest leadership positions. They easily reach career positions. The financial side of career advancement is not a goal for them, but they gladly accept the opportunity to receive funds for a good and pleasant life. In this area of ​​life, they are always prosperous.

These women should give up excessive demands on themselves. You can't put your happiness above the happiness of others. It is also worth rethinking happiness, understanding that it is near, and not somewhere in the distant future. Worldly wisdom will help them get more bonuses. By accepting these recommendations, these women will be able to surround themselves with the closest and dearest people. They will be more comfortable living in such an environment and accepting possible happiness.

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