Recreational resources exist. World of biology and geography

T.P. Sinko

Recreational resources peace

Grade 10

"How beautiful this world is - look ..."

The purpose of the lesson: to evaluate the recreational resources of the world, to identify their geography.

Lesson objectives:

Acquaintance with the recreational areas of our planet, the sights of the world;
- expanding horizons, curiosity, cognitive needs;
- development of skills in working with maps, statistical material, information technology;
- formation of the idea of ​​the unity of the world, that recreational resources are the property of all mankind;
- improving the information culture of students through the creation of slides, presentations;
- education of patriotism and internationalism;
- aesthetic and cultural development;
- development of business communication skills.

The purpose of our lesson is to identify the richness and diversity of the planet's recreational resources, evaluate them and map their geography.(multimedia support, work in notebooks)

Recreation - restoration of the physical and spiritual forces of a person spent in the process of life, increasing his health and working capacity
Recreational resources are natural and anthropogenic objects that have such properties as uniqueness, historical or artistic value, aesthetic appeal, health significance.

According to the peculiarities of origin, recreational resources can be divided into two subtypes:

Natural and recreational;
anthropogenic and recreational.

Natural and recreational resources include sea coasts, banks of rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, mineral water outlets, therapeutic mud, and favorable climatic conditions.
Recreational resources of anthropogenic origin are also called cultural and historical resources. Such objects include, for example, the Moscow Kremlin, Westminster Abbey in London, the Versailles Palace and Park Complex near Paris, the Taj Mahal in India, the Statue of Liberty in New York.

According to the nature of use, they are divided into 4 main types:
recreational and medical (treatment with mineral waters);
recreational and health-improving (swimming and beach areas);
recreational and sports (mountain and ski resorts);
recreational and educational ( historical monuments, scientific
tourism, business tourism, religious pilgrimage).

Recreational resources are the basis of recreation and tourism. At the end of 2004, the total number of World Heritage sites was 730, including 535 objects were classified as cultural, 144 - natural and 23 - cultural and natural, they are located in 125 countries of the world.

International tourism makes a significant contribution to the development of the world economy; revenues from this area of ​​activity already exceed 500 billion dollars. In many countries, tourism is a catalyst economic development in the region., According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism annually is the initiator of the production of goods and services worth more than 4 trillion. dollars, or 11% of world consumer spending, 5% of all tax revenues and a third of world trade in services, this is 3rd place after the export of oil and cars. The tourism industry is the largest employer. It provides employment for every tenth worker in the world (127 million people). According to WTO forecasts, the 21st century will be the century of tourism.

Today at our lesson there are representatives of various travel companies who gladly agreed to answer your questions about the organization of recreation and treatment.

? Question to the correspondent of the magazine "Relax"
What factors influence the development international tourism?
availability of recreational resources;
infrastructure development;
geographical position countries;
socio-economic factors.

? Question to the manager of the travel agency "Vokrug Sveta"
What can you say about the dynamics of international tourism?
Consider the dynamics of international tourism from 1950 to 2005. In 1950 the number of foreign tourists was 25 million people, 1960 - 80 million people, 1970 - 220 million people, 1980 - 285 million people, 1990 - 510 million people.
2004 - 528 million people
2004 - 766 million people,
2005 - 808 million people

(Statistics and chart displayed)

? Please tell us about the distribution of tourism in the main regions of the world
Answer: The distribution of tourism by major regions is as follows:
Europe - 60%, Asia - 15%, North America - 15%, America - 6%, Africa - 2%, Australia - 2%

(Statistics and map chart are displayed)

? Name the countries leading in the reception of tourists
Answer: The following countries are the leaders in the field of international tourism: France - 1st place, Spain - 2nd place, USA - 3rd place, Italy - 4th place, China - 5th place.

We bring to your attention a video from the series "Wonders of the World - the Moscow Kremlin"

? Representative of the travel agency "Russia"
Could you tell us, please, how is the situation with tourism in Russia?
Answer: (analysis of work for 2005): The past year 2005 brought many surprises to the Russian tourism industry - both pleasant and unpleasant. The situation that has developed in the market for the entry of tourists cannot be called otherwise than critical. The number of foreign citizens coming to Russia for the purpose of sightseeing and educational recreation amounted to 2.38 million people, which is almost 17% less than in 2004. Negative dynamics was demonstrated by almost all directions without exception. The drop in the number of Polish tourists (-62%) was especially noticeable. Interest in Russia has also been lost by citizens of Western European countries - the Swiss, Norwegians, French, Greeks, Danes, and also the Japanese.
The flow of tourists from Spain, Belgium, Israel has increased. And Sweden became the leader in terms of growth dynamics. The increase in the number of guests from the UK, Turkey, Mongolia and Australia is noteworthy.
There are also problems in the outbound tourism sector - almost 6.8 million Russian citizens went abroad for tourism purposes last year. This is 3.5% more than in 2004. But in comparison with 2003-2004, when this indicator increased by 10-15%, it is difficult to call this dynamics good.
Noteworthy is the sharp increase in the number of tourists from Russia to China, Italy, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, India, Serbia and Montenegro (94.7%), Korea. The departure of our citizens to Poland, Thailand, and Malta has noticeably decreased.
(on the screen statistics of Russian tourism, advertisement of holidays in Malaysia - slide - plot)

? Representative of the travel company "Health";
- What resorts would you recommend to the residents of our country for recovery
Answer: Therapeutic recreation is becoming more and more popular among Russian travelers. Many clients believe that it is no longer fashionable to simply go on a tour abroad, tours in which rest is combined with medical and recreational procedures are considered to be in demand and prestigious. Resorts of Eastern Europe - the most popular holiday destination Russian tourists. Almost all tour operators operating in this market segment predict an increase in client demand for health programs in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria in the 2006 season.
For example, the office of the Polish representative office expects that the number of Russians traveling to the country for medical and health purposes will grow by about 12% this year, last year there were 32,000 of our compatriots here. It should be noted that on a global scale, 8% of all those wishing to improve their health visit Polish health resorts. The health resorts of Hungary are very popular, the most popular destinations for Russian tourists are Budapest and Lake Heviz.
Favorable price-quality ratio attracts more and more tourists to the resorts of Bulgaria. Today, here you can get almost all medical, health and beauty services that are offered in countries Western Europe but at lower prices. Now tourists from our country are in third place in terms of the number of vacationers in the resorts of Bulgaria. The resorts of Slovakia and the Czech Republic have a good medical base. If Czech Karlovy Vary is famous for its drinking water and social life, then in Slovakia there are many thermal mineral springs with water for external use.

In the new season, the tour operator in Israel presents its new destination - Jordan. The company offers a wide range of offers from treatment at the Dead Sea and holidays in Aqaba to a variety of excursion programs around the country. In January, an introductory tour of the resorts of the French Alps was made. Israeli resorts are in great demand: in 2004 Israel was visited by 1.5 million people, in 2005 - 2 million tourist arrivals. The positive dynamics was largely provided by the guests from Russia. The growth rate of tourist flow to Israel has grown over the past year by 25% and this is not the limit.

? Representative of the travel company "Priroda"
Which natural objects are most in demand among the population of the Earth?
Answer: The creations of human hands are beautiful, but nothing can strike our imagination like the beauties of nature. Nature! Here is the main architect of the planet!
only she can create grandiose and majestic waterfalls,
fire-breathing mountains, emerald forests.

We invite you to watch the video "Wonders of Nature - the Great Waterfalls of the World".

? Representative of the travel company "Siberia":
What types of recreation do Siberians prefer?
Answer: Analysis of departures of NSO residents and slide advertising of Egypt

? Representative of the travel agency "Tourism and Sport"
What regions of the world can you suggest for sports tourism?
Answer: Two countries compete here - Austria and Andorra. Ski tours in Andorra enjoyed great success last season, as this was due to higher prices and entry rules to this country. The most popular region of Andorra among Russians is still the capital of Andorra la Vella. This year, about 40% of tourists went here.
In perspective great importance will have the Caucasus - the Krasnaya Polyana region, where there are all conditions for sports tourism. This resort has been nominated to host the 2014 Winter Olympics.

(Slide show on Andorra). Tourism map analysis.

Assessment of recreational resources of the world:
- How can you evaluate the recreational resources of the world?
- Is it possible to say that recreational resources are unlimited?
- Can the territory of the NSO have recreational value?

So, the main purpose of recreational resources is to maintain physical strength, emotional mood of a person, maintain health and spiritual enrichment. As tourists enter the last protected corners of the globe, the fate of the nature of our planet is of great concern.
Recreational resources, like any other resources, require rational use. In order to expand the recreational resources of the world, it is planned to carry out the following activities:
- creation of new green zones-reserves, national parks;
- development of modern infrastructure;
- development of the tourism industry on the basis of careful attitude to natural and cultural-historical sights.

During the lesson, students mark the areas of world tourism on the contour map.
Homework: work on contour maps, message or presentation of one of the recreational areas of the world.

Sinko Tatyana Petrovna,

geography teacher of the highest qualification category of economic lyceum

On present stage in the world great value acquired recreational resources. These are objects and phenomena of nature that can be used for recreation, treatment and tourism. IN last years there is a “recreational explosion” on Earth, which manifests itself in the increasing impact of the flow of people on nature. This is the result of the scientific and technological revolution and the isolation of man from nature. The use of recreational resources can be assessed by the number of tourists visiting the country. All countries of the world have some kind of recreational resources, but to the greatest extent vacationers are attracted by such countries as Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey, India, Mexico. The countries and regions where rich natural and recreational resources are combined with cultural and historical sights are the most popular. The development of recreational nature management and international tourism can bring a lot of income to these countries (Fig.). Among the natural and recreational objects, the most famous are: the coasts of the Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean, Red Seas; Hawaiian, Maldives, Canary, Bahamas and other islands; therapeutic mud of the Crimea; mineral water Caucasus.

Rice. international tourism

The use of modern world recreational resources is characterized by significant territorial unevenness.

World tourism organization, highlighting six main regions:
1. European (all European countries, countries former USSR+ Turkey,

Cyprus and Israel).
2. American (all countries of North and South America).
3. Asia-Pacific (APR, all countries of East and South-4. East Asia, Australia and Oceania).
5. Middle East (countries of Southwest Asia + Egypt and Libya).
African (all African countries except Egypt and Libya).
6. South Asian (countries of South Asia).

By number of objects world heritage lead European countries. About 1/5 of the world heritage sites are natural monuments. The unsettled socio-economic and political situation in some Asian countries, as well as the remoteness of some parts from Europe, reduces its attractiveness as a center of world tourism and recreation. Due to ongoing civil and political unrest, travel companies do not recommend visiting certain regions and countries: Colombia; Haiti; South Lebanon; Afghanistan; Congo; Rwanda; Algeria; Somalia. The vast majority of these countries and regions are characterized by political instability, military and national conflicts.

Rice. Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism

Recreational nature management is travel and excursions, hiking, relaxing on the beach, mountain climbing, sea and river cruises, visiting cultural and sporting events, recreation at tourist bases, fishing and hunting.

One of the types of recreational nature management is ecological tourism. Ecological tourism is divided into: seaside, mountain, river, sea, urban, scientific and educational. The objects are national and natural parks, separate landscapes, natural and natural-cultural sights. Ecotourists travel to their own and neighboring countries, but their main flow is directed from Europe and North America to tropical countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Ecuador). According to modern estimates, ecological tourism is the most rapidly developing part of the world's recreational nature management. Getting more widespread extreme tourism travel to the Arctic, Antarctica.

The greatest tourist and recreational activity is distinguished by people aged 30 to 50 years. At least 25% of all tourists are young people who are financially well-off in developed countries, have a good education and strive to satisfy their unique interests in the knowledge of nature. In the richest country of capital in the United States, more than 70% of families with an annual income of less than 2 thousand dollars do not travel outside the country, 20% of tourists account for 80% of all travel. In Germany, more than 60% of the population is not included in migration recreation at all. In the UK, 40% of the adult population 78.8% do not travel. In developing countries, foreign tourism is rather poorly developed, the fact remains that the vast majority of more than four billion people in the world have not yet crossed the borders of their country. According to statistical studies, it has been established that in the middle of the 20th century, more than 2 billion people never left their village or city. The greatest interest in travel is shown by middle-income strata of the population: employees, youth, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs.
According to numerous surveys and questionnaires, the following factors influence the choice of turfima:

Advice from friends and acquaintances: 31.6%;
Prices: 26.7%;
Availability of a license: 18.1%;
Service set: 15.6%;
Terms and experience in the market: 14.8%;
Personal experience communication with this firm: 13.0%;
Expert advice: 11.3%;
Employee friendliness: 8.8%;
Travel firm ratings: 4.7%;
Advertising: 3.7%;
Mention of a travel company in directories: 3.4%;
Good office: 2.5%;
Convenient location: 2.5%;
Other indicators: 5.9%.

The tourism industry is a significant factor contributing to the more intensive economic development of those areas of the globe that are located far from large industrial centers and have little economic resources. In a number of states, tourism has become a large independent branch of the economy, occupying a leading position in the economy. This is largely due to the fact that the modern tourism industry provides a large amount of services consumed by tourists during their travel abroad.

Recreational resources of the world. Recreational called natural conditions, resources and public facilities

Which can be used for recreation, tourism and healthcare.

Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical. Natural and recreational include sea and lake coasts, mountainous areas, territories with a comfortable temperature regime, they are used for such types of tourism: beach (Cote d'Azur of France, Italian Riviera, Golden Sands of Bulgaria, islands of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, Oceania), winter ( Alps, Scandinavian mountains, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Cordillera), ecological (visiting national parks and undeveloped territories).

Resources of the World Ocean. Since the second half of the XX century. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the resources of the World Ocean. The ocean is rich in biological, mineral and energy resources. IN sea ​​water more than 70 dissolved chemical elements, for which it is called "liquid ore". Using Newest technologies, some of them are already being removed from the water, in particular bromine, iodine, magnesium, table salt, etc.

The biological resources of the oceans are marine organisms that the person uses. There are 180,000 animal species and 20,000 plant species in the Ocean. Economic importance have fish, marine invertebrates (oysters, crabs), marine mammals(whales, walruses, seals) and seaweed. So far, they provide the food needs of mankind by only 2%. The shelf zone is the most productive.

The mineral resources of the World Ocean are very diverse. Now oil is being produced on the shelf of the ocean, natural gas, coal, iron ores, diamonds, gold, amber, etc. The development of the ocean floor began. Large reserves of iron-manganese raw materials have been found here, significantly exceeding its reserves on land. In addition to the main components, ocean deposits contain more than 20 useful elements: nickel, cobalt, copper, titanium, molybdenum, etc. Technologies for the extraction of iron-manganese ores from the ocean floor have already been developed in the USA, Japan, Germany and other countries.

The energy resources of the oceans are inexhaustible and diverse. Tidal energy is already being used in France, CILLA, Russia, Japan. A significant reserve is the energy of waves, sea currents, water temperature differences.

In our time, there is a problem of economical use of the wealth of the oceans, the protection of its resources. The world community is especially concerned about the oil pollution of the ocean. After all, only 1 g of oil is enough to destroy life in 1 m3 of water. To preserve the nature of the World Ocean, international agreements are concluded on the protection of waters from pollution, rules for the use biological resources, banning tests of weapons of mass destruction in the ocean. Great hopes are placed on the use of truly inexhaustible resources in the future: the energy of the Sun, wind, the internal heat of the Earth, space.

Recreational resources are resources of all kinds that can be used to meet the needs of the population in recreation and tourism. On the basis of recreational resources, it is possible to organize branches of the economy specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

  • natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, water bodies, vegetation, animal world);
  • cultural and historical sights;
  • the economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources.

Recreational resources are a set of elements of natural, natural-technical and socio-economic geosystems, which, with the appropriate development of productive forces, can be used to organize a recreational economy. Recreational resources except natural objects include any types of matter, energy, information, which are the basis for the functioning, development, stable existence of the recreational system. Recreational resources are one of the prerequisites for the formation of a separate branch of the economy - the recreational economy.

IN modern world recreational resources, i.e. resources natural areas as areas of recreation, treatment and tourism. Of course, these resources cannot be called purely natural, since they also include objects of anthropogenic origin, primarily historical and architectural monuments (for example, the palace and park ensembles of Petrodvorets near St. Petersburg and Versailles near Paris, the Roman Colosseum, the Acropolis of Athens, Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, etc.). But the basis of recreational resources is still natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, forests, mountainous regions, etc.

The growing flow of people “to nature” (recreational explosion) is the result of the scientific and technological revolution, which, figuratively speaking, unloaded our muscles, strained our nerves and tore us away from nature. Every country in the world has some kind of recreational resources. Man is attracted not only by the magnificent beaches of the Mediterranean, Tropical Africa and the Hawaiian Islands, the Crimea and Transcaucasia, but also the Andes and the Himalayas, the Pamirs and the Tien Shan, the Alps and the Caucasus, rushing skyward covered with snow caps.

Classification of recreational resources in balneology

  • Elementary resources: climate resources; components of the natural landscape (types of the southern landscape, the degree of comfort of the landscape, etc.); temporary (seasons of the year); spatial-territorial (geographical latitudes, solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation zones);
  • Hydrographic elementary resources: water; monuments of nature - open reservoirs, springs, etc.;
  • Hydromineral elemental resources: healing mineral waters; healing mud; healing clays; other medicinal natural resources;
  • Forest elementary resources: state forest fund; natural reserve fund, etc.; urban forests (on the lands of urban settlements), forests - natural monuments, etc.;
  • Orographic elementary resources: mountainous areas; flat areas; rough terrain; health-improving areas and resorts;
  • Biological elemental resources:

— biofauna;

- bioflora;

  • Socio-cultural elementary resources: components of the cultural landscape (ethnos, folk epic, folk cuisine, folk crafts, museums, art galleries, panoramas, cultural monuments various forms property, etc.); range of recreation facilities (clubs, palaces of culture, discos, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, casinos, bowling, slot machine halls, etc.);
  • Road transport elementary resources:

– air transport: availability of the nearest major airport, convenient schedule of arrival and departure of aircraft;

— railway transport: the state of development of the railway network; convenient schedule of arrival and departure of trains;

— road transport: state of development and quality of the road network; availability and convenient operation of gas stations, service stations, catering and consumer services;

  • Labor elementary resources (medical, technical and service staff, security departmental housing and hostel, home ownership; mortgage lending for home purchases, etc.)
  • Communication elementary resources (the state of development of communication services, radio, long-distance pay phone, polyprogram television, relay stations: Internet, cell phone);
  • Basic health resources: the development of municipal and private health care systems to provide emergency qualified medical medical care; obligatory and voluntary medical insurance services; the level of professional training of medical personnel of sanatorium-resort organizations, the required composition of medical specialists; availability of a license, etc.;
  • The level of development of elementary resources of the banking system and its availability;
  • Energy elemental resources;
  • Elementary service resources: hairdressing and beauty salons, beauty salons; atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes; dry cleaning; laundry; shops, etc.;
  • Elementary resources of sports leisure ( GYM's, sports halls, sauna with a swimming pool, sports grounds, etc.)

Service industries

It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without schools, hospitals, shops, catering establishments, museums, etc. All these types of enterprises are part of the service sector (service sector). The location of service enterprises coincides with the geography of the population. However, the level, quality, and completeness of the set of services provided differ not only by region, but also within each of them - between rural areas and cities, even within big city- between central and outlying ("sleeping" and "industrial") areas. The location of service enterprises is also determined by the different frequency of demand for different types of services. The volume of demand for services also plays a role. A theater cannot exist in a village or town. Perhaps the only service industry that has large regional differences is the recreational economy.


"Recreational resources and their classification"


In the development of tourism and recreation, the role of recreational resources is great. Therefore, in order to determine the possibilities of using any territory for recreational purposes, it is necessary to study and evaluate the recreational and tourist resources that the territory possesses.

Under recreational resources understood components natural environment and phenomena of a socio-cultural nature, which, due to certain properties (uniqueness, originality, aesthetic appeal, health-improving significance), can be used to organize various kinds and forms of recreational activities. Recreational resources are characterized by contrast with the habitual human environment and a combination of various natural and cultural environments. Almost any place that meets two criteria is recognized as recreational resources:

1) the place is different from the habitat familiar to man;

2) represented by a combination of two or more naturally different environments;

Classification of recreational resources

Recreational resources can be classified as follows:

1) by origin;

2) by types of recreational use;

3) by the rate of exhaustion;

4) if possible, economic replenishment;

5) if possible, replacing some resources with others;

6) if possible self-healing and cultivation;

The involvement of recreational resources in the process of recreational activities can be different in nature:

1) perceived visually - landscapes, sightseeing objects;

2) use without direct expenditure;

3) directly spent in the process of recreation;

By origin, natural recreational resources are divided into physical, biological, energy-informational.

Physical recreational resources are all components inanimate nature, classified as physical and geographical resources: geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, thermal.

Energy-informational recreational resources are fields of noospheric nature that serve as factors of the attractiveness of the area or landscape and positively affect the psychophysical (emotional and spiritual) state of a person. This type of resource is the basis for the development of cultural and religious tourism.

Biological recreational resources are understood as all components of wildlife, including soil, faunistic, and floristic.

All natural recreational resources - physical, biological, energy-informational are united and inextricably linked by the flows of matter and energy, form complex recreational resources of natural-territorial recreational complexes;

On this basis, the types of natural recreational resources are identified: geological, morphological, climatic, etc. Each type of natural recreational resources has its own characteristics, inherent only to them, on the basis of which the types are distinguished:

1) possible use (direct and indirect).

2) according to the degree of attractiveness;

3) according to medical and health-improving properties;

4) by historical and evolutionary uniqueness;

5) according to environmental criteria.

Recreational resources are largely derived from the recreational needs of the population, which, in turn, are determined by the tasks of the socio-cultural development of the territory. Thus, the main reason and factor for the transformation of the totality of certain properties of the territory into recreational resources is the need for socio-cultural development of the territory.

Tourism resources are understood as combinations of components of nature, socio-economic conditions and cultural values, which act as conditions for satisfying the tourist needs of a person. Tourism resources can be divided into the following groups:

1) natural - climate, water resources, relief, caves, flora and fauna, National parks, scenic landscapes;

2) cultural-historical - cultural, historical, archaeological, ethnographic objects;

3) socio-economic conditions and resources - the economic and geographical position of the territory, its transport accessibility, the level of economic development, labor resources, etc.

It should be noted that recreational resources are more broad concept than tourist ones, since it includes components of nature, socio-economic conditions and cultural values ​​as a condition for satisfying all human recreational needs, including medical ones.

To identify the recreational opportunities of the territory, it is important to conduct a recreational assessment of natural resources; assessment is a reflection of the connection between a person (subject) and elements environment or the environment as a whole. There are three main assessments of natural resources in science: medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic, technological.

Climate plays a leading role in biomedical assessments. In the analysis, it is necessary to identify the comfort of the conditions, which is determined by climatic and biomedical characteristics, but the concept of "comfort" is relative, because for some types of recreation (for example, ski trips), conditions typical for winter period the middle lane and for the transitional seasons of the northern territories.

The psychological assessment takes into account, first of all, the aesthetic qualities of the territory - exoticism and uniqueness. The exoticism of the territory is defined as the degree of contrast between the place of rest in relation to the permanent place of residence, and the uniqueness - as the degree of occurrence or originality of objects and phenomena. Scientists have proposed a number of provisions for measuring the aesthetic properties of the territory. So, the most attractive landscapes are the border ones: water-land, forest-glade, hill-plain.

Technological assessment reflects the interaction of man and the natural environment through the "technology" of recreational activities and technology. Firstly, the possibilities for a certain type of recreation are evaluated, and, secondly, the possibilities of engineering and construction development of the territory.

An economic assessment of natural recreational resources is necessary for business case investments in the reproduction, protection and improvement of the use of recreational resources. This assessment is closely related to the type of resource, its quality, location relative to areas of demand, technology of use, environmental qualities. Communication can be expressed by a system of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Quantitative ones include the availability of places of recreation and tourism, their carrying capacity, the consumption of medical resources per person per day, the concentration of people in recreational areas, etc. Qualitative indicators take into account the attractiveness of the tourist site, landscape, comfort level, etc.

A particular difficulty in evaluating recreational resources lies in the fact that they must be considered both from the position of recreation organizers and from the position of vacationers. The effectiveness of rest is determined by the possibility of combining different types occupations, which implies the need integrated approach to the assessment of resources. When evaluating resource combinations, it is important to identify the weight and significance of individual components that make up the overall value of the natural complex.

There are various methods for assessing natural recreational resources, but the most common and most appropriate for a comprehensive recreational analysis of the territory is the assessment of the degree of favorableness of certain parameters for recreational research. When considering natural resources, it is advisable to apply a factor-integral assessment of the resource, depending on the type of recreational activity in which this resource is used.

Also, for the development of the tourism industry, it is of great importance to take into account the norms of anthropogenic pressure on natural complexes, since the illiterate exploitation of natural resources adversely affects the ecological state of natural complexes. Thus, a prerequisite for the suitability of natural recreational resources is the ecological well-being of the natural environment.

Varieties of natural recreational resources

Among the recreational and tourism resources, the role and importance of natural recreational resources is especially great. They are divided into:

1) climatic;

2) geomorphological;

3) hydrological;

4) hydromineral;

5) soil and vegetable;

6) faunistic.

A special place among them is occupied by landscape and natural resources, which are complex recreational resources.

Let's consider separate types of natural recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources.

Climatic recreational resources are meteorological elements or their combinations that have medical and biological properties and are used in the recreation process.

This type of recreational resources is fundamental. Certain types of climate contribute to an effective increase in the physical and spiritual strength of a person, both by themselves and in combination with others. natural resources, which can be classified as recreational in the region. In this sense, climatic recreational resources can have a regional aspect.

The impact of climate on the human body is called bioclimate. In accordance with this, bioclimatic parameters differ from ordinary meteorological characteristics, since they represent a complex effect of the meteorological characteristics of air masses on the human body: temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure.

To assess the bioclimate, all bioclimatic parameters are considered according to the degree of their favorable effect on the human body. At the same time, unfavorable factors that have an increased load on the adaptive systems of the human body are called annoying. Meteorological conditions, leading to less pronounced tension of adaptive mechanisms in the human body, are called training. In general, they are relatively favorable, and for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, they are useful conditions that have a training effect. sparing climatic conditions favorable for all people without exception, including for debilitated patients who are on medical rest in a sanatorium or resort.

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