Introduction to environmental protection in construction. Shevtsov, Konstantin Konstantinovich - Environmental protection in construction

Environmental issues in the design and construction of residential buildings began to be given attention only in last years when they suddenly switched to qualitative assessment construction products. These are, first of all, the materials from which we build and decorate buildings and their features in operation, their impact on people and the environment. The level of finishing and comfort is increasingly correlated with environmental conditions, and this is not only due to the deterioration environmental characteristics populated areas, but also with the introduction of harmful substances into residential premises along with low-quality building materials, the manifestation of negative impacts from the saturation of the home with various electrical appliances and equipment that do not always meet sanitary and hygienic norms and standards.

Thus, the quality of a home (residential building) is influenced primarily by the building material from which the structures are made and the room is decorated. For example, volatile substances emitted by the material may have harmful effects on human health. These substances include mainly low molecular weight products released from polymeric materials (plastics):

residual monomers - formaldehyde, phenol, styrene;

organic solvents - acetone, benzene, toluene, ethers, etc.;

volatile plasticizers - dibutyl dioctyl phthalate.

Maximum permissible concentrations have been established for them.

The quality of housing from an environmental point of view is influenced by external and internal factors:

physical (radioactivity, geopathogenicity, wind, humidity, temperature, vibration, noise);

chemical (emissions from vehicles and enterprises, dust and aerosol);

biological (household and biocenosis);

aesthetic (natural and architectural environment).

Therefore, in the design of a home, the main task from the point of view of health protection comes down to ensuring microclimatic comfort, including through the thermal efficiency of buildings and the protection of the air environment from pollution by harmful substances. The influence of physical and chemical factors on the quality of housing is ensured by architectural and structural means, and hygienic aspects (natural lighting, insolation, air exchange, noise, quality building materials, electromagnetic radiation) are regulated by standards, for example MGSN 3.01-96 “Residential buildings”.

Requirements for air purity in terms of CO 2 content, its ionic composition, dust content, and static electricity are set out in advisory documents.

On modern stage design and construction of housing great importance acquire factors such as visual and psychological comfort and geopathogenicity, but they are practically not regulated in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Of decisive importance in the formation of environmental comfort, including the air-thermal environment and acoustic conditions, is the removal of restrictions on the upper limit of apartment areas and a wider range of architectural and planning solutions. Expanding the possibilities of space-planning solutions for residential buildings through the introduction of I and II categories of comfort is guaranteed by achieving an increased level of comfort.

One of the main factors in creating environmental comfort is proper air exchange (at least 30 m 3 /h per person) to remove polluted air and neutralize harmful substances. This value ensures the content of CO 2 in indoor air within the permissible concentration (0.1%) and determines the minimum hygienic level. Optimal air conditions (CO 2 content - 0.05%) are achieved with an air exchange of 60 m 3 / h per person. This value can theoretically be obtained in a residential space with a height of 2.7 m and an area of ​​20 m2 with an outdoor air flow rate of 3 m3 / h per 1 m2 (provided that electric stoves are used in kitchens).

When worsening ecological situation due to gas pollution in the industrial region, or due to excessive use of polymer finishing materials, or due to their combined action, it is necessary to increase air exchange to 100... 120 m 3 / h. This figure is quite realistic for apartments without upper area restrictions. At the same time, a large range of construction and finishing materials currently allows one to make a choice and give preference to the ones that are of the highest environmental quality. Finishing materials must be selected according to the list approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, which is periodically updated with new materials that have received a certificate of environmental quality. The comfort of a home in a highly urbanized environment largely depends on the degree of protection of the apartment from noise, gas pollution, and dust, to which houses located along highways are most susceptible. Effective noise protection can be achieved in apartments of the first category of comfort due to the specificity of architectural and planning solutions that determine the organization of space for rest, food, work, and household activities.

The environmental friendliness of residential buildings is largely characterized by their thermal efficiency, which helps stabilize the indoor microclimate and save energy resources. It depends on the heat-insulating qualities of walls, windows, their connections, as well as on the heat capacity of a residential building, which is determined by the degree of its indentation and the depth of the body. Attitudes towards the use of air conditioners in homes are ambiguous. There is a negative impact on the nature of the ionic and ozone composition of air, which negatively affects people’s well-being.

In a living room, the main share of sound energy penetrates, as a rule, through translucent barriers (windows). This is exactly what they should be given Special attention in the design, production and use of them in construction. To muffle traffic noise penetrating into residential premises, various modifications of noise-protective windows and window ventilation dampers must be developed and used, depending on the degree of noise load. When the window is closed, the necessary noise protection can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the glass, the air gap between them, installing a third glass, and improved sealing in the recesses. Such windows have a fairly high sound insulation ability and reduce traffic noise.

However, the functions of the window are not only noise protection. One of the main ones is ventilation, which is carried out through a window, sash, transom. When the window is open (to ventilate the room), the increase in external noise level is about 15 dB. In this case, to ensure noise protection, it is necessary to use special noise-proof ventilation devices and structures. One of such devices is ventilation dampers designed by MNIITEP for natural ventilation in residential premises, which, depending on the modification, have an efficiency of 28 to 35 dB. Muffler valves and ventilation devices various designs are produced by the German companies Sigenia and Grech-Unitas. Acoustic efficiency of these devices (Ru) ranges from 27 to 36...43 dB.

The design features of a number of window systems are based on technical solutions that provide controlled ventilation while maintaining high level noise protection. Self-ventilation options include, for example, in-profile ventilation techniques with the supply of a dosed amount of fresh air (German KBE system), ventilation techniques through cut-out seal fragments and by installing a self-regulating ventilation damper at the bottom of the sash, which responds to wind pressure.

In addition to windows, some increase in comfort in living rooms can be achieved by glazing balconies and loggias, this reduces transport noise by 7 dB. In apartment projects, especially category I dwellings, glazing techniques for summer premises are used without violating insolation indicators and the natural light coefficient while complying with fire safety requirements.

In construction, technologies for the production of double-glazed windows with increased sealing are being intensively developed. Modification of double-glazed windows is determined by the features of design solutions and implementation of installation units, the use various types glass, their relative position in the double-glazed window. Energy-saving glass with optical coating is used, which helps reduce the loss of thermal energy escaping through the window.

The project was developed taking into account modern standards and requirements for the design and operation of buildings and structures, using the latest technologies and building materials.

In the village Subsoil contamination environment mainly caused by vehicle exhaust gases and harmful emissions from enterprises. Therefore, the environmental conditions of the development area can be classified as conditionally favorable.

During reconstruction, it may be contaminated with construction and household waste from neighboring buildings. The relief of the site is not disturbed.

During operation, the impact on the environment will be: household waste, smoke from combustion natural gas, on which heating boilers operate, thermal effects during the heating period.

The project provides for enclosing the construction site with an enclosing metal fence. Entry to the construction site is organized from Polevaya Street. The location of passages relative to buildings and structures is adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89*.

The preparatory period for reconstruction involves removing the vegetation layer and clearing the construction site of debris, which is then transported to the city landfill by special vehicles. Plant soil (turf) is stored on the construction site in a designated place.

The project provides for the storage of construction materials. For storing bulk building materials: cement, lime, sand, crushed stone, and other materials. It is planned to build a temporary warehouse on the territory of the construction site, preventing the spraying or spreading of materials.

To collect construction waste, the project provides for the installation of metal containers, which, when filled, are transported to a landfill, with the administration of which an agreement has been concluded. When bulky waste or defective building structures appear, a place is provided for their storage and further removal.

The project provides for the restoration of the soil layer immediately after the completion of reconstruction. In this case, a plant layer is used that is transported by road from a special site.

All environmental protection measures are included in the estimate, and their implementation is included in the work schedule.

Reconstruction and operation of the designed facility will have an impact on the components of the environment natural environment:

  • -atmospheric air (pollution with gases, dust);
  • -water resources (discharge of surface wastewater from the territory of the designed facility, discharge of domestic wastewater into city sewer networks);
  • - noise impact (from vehicles and construction machinery during the construction of the project);
  • - waste generation (during construction - construction garbage and hard household waste from service personnel, during operation - solid household waste from the residents of the house).

The main objects that have a polluting effect on the atmospheric air:

during the reconstruction period - construction equipment and dust during construction work;

during operation - road transport.

During the reconstruction period, construction machinery and mechanisms have an impact on the atmospheric air, vehicles used during reconstruction, as well as dust generation during bulldozing and loading operations. Impacts are expected to be small and for short periods of time.

To minimize the harmful effects on atmospheric air during the period of house reconstruction, it is recommended:

  • -provide for simultaneous operation of no more than 1-2 mechanisms;
  • -watering the area in warm weather sunny days to reduce air dust;

The operation of the reconstructed facility has an impact on the atmospheric air within acceptable values ​​and will not make significant changes to the ecological situation of the area.

The reconstructed facility is located outside the protection zones of water bodies.

Water supply to the reconstructed facility is provided from the city water supply networks in accordance with the technical conditions for connection to municipal water supply and sewerage systems.

During the construction work and subsequent operation of the reconstructed facility, a negative impact on the soil, surface and groundwater is possible:

  • -violation or reduction of the properties of the plant layer;
  • -violation of surface runoff parameters and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site and adjacent territory.

Measures for restoration (reclamation) of the land plot were carried out by adding a layer of plant soil under lawns and flower beds, as well as 100% filling of planting holes for planting shrubs and trees.

The selected area contains low-value green spaces. The area free of buildings and surfaces will be landscaped with lawn, shrubs, trees, taking into account the routing of underground utility networks and compliance with regulatory gaps to buildings and structures.

The main source of intermittent noise filling the acoustic environment on the territory of the reconstructed facility will be vehicles.

During the construction period, noise impact on nearby residential buildings will be caused by construction mechanisms, because Simultaneous operation of no more than 1-2 mechanisms is envisaged and the work will be temporary in nature, the noise impact will be within acceptable limits.

To reduce the level of noise impact, the following measures are provided:

  • - the use of rational technology for conducting work, which reduces the duration of simultaneous operation of several construction and transport vehicles;
  • - due to more stringent standards for the permissible sound pressure level in the territory immediately adjacent to residential buildings, established from 7 to 23 hours, it is prohibited to work in the evening and night hours;
  • - for sound insulation of machine engines, use protective casings and hoods with multi-layer coatings made of rubber, foam rubber, etc.

Atmospheric air pollution comes from vehicles in parking areas. A constant contribution to the level of air pollution occurs when entering/exiting sites and warming up engines.

The size of the regulatory sanitary protection zone for this class of structures in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ is not limited.

External noise sources during the operation of the designed facility will not produce a sound level in residential buildings higher than permissible.

Domestic wastewater of the designed facility is discharged into the city sewerage network in accordance with the technical conditions for connection to municipal water supply and sewerage systems, which eliminates pollution groundwater and soils.

According to the above measures for the protection of the natural environment, we can conclude that it is possible to reconstruct the house and the minimal contribution of this object to changing the existing ecological environment in the area.

Buildings and structures provide big influence on the environment. Their appearance causes significant changes in air and aquatic environments, in the condition of the soils of the construction site. The vegetation cover is changing - artificial plantings are replacing the destroyed natural ones. The mode of moisture evaporation changes. average temperature in the built-up area is constantly higher than outside it.

Ill-conceived technologies, organization and production of work itself determine high costs of energy and materials, and a high degree of environmental pollution. The construction process is relatively short. The interaction of a building or structure with the environment, its nature and consequences are determined during a period of long-term operation. This implies the importance of this period in determining the profitability of the object, i.e. How will not only its appearance, but also its long-term functioning affect the state of the environment?

The design process requires careful consideration of the economic consequences of decisions made. An environmental approach should characterize the design, construction, and operation of the building. When designing, in turn, it must be consistent with both volumetric planning and constructive decisions; when choosing materials for construction, when determining construction technology, etc.

The efforts of all governing bodies, both central and local, should be aimed at ensuring that a prudent attitude towards nature becomes a subject of constant concern for teams, managers and specialists in all sectors of the economy, the norm Everyday life of people.

The practical implementation of environmental protection tasks can only be successful if specialists from all sectors combine their efforts National economy based on a clear understanding environmental problems and knowledge that was acquired in the process of studying at school and higher education educational institution. Thus, we should talk about the need to study and identify environmental aspects in any human activity, including engineering ecology, within the framework of which the environmental aspects of the activities of industries and construction should be considered. The nature of the environmental impact of civil and industrial buildings and their complexes - industrial facilities, cities and towns - depends on specialist builders. The instructions on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 1.02.01-85) already provide for the development of measures for the rational use natural resources. Environmental requirements have been introduced into a number of other regulatory documents (SNiP 2.06.15-85, SNiP 3.01.01-85, etc.).

Measures to protect the natural environment include all types of human activities aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the negative impact of anthropogenic factors, preserving, improving and rationally using natural resources. In human construction activities, such activities include:

urban planning measures aimed at environmentally sound placement of enterprises, populated areas and transport networks;

architectural and construction measures that determine the choice of environmentally friendly space-planning and design solutions;

selection of environmentally friendly materials in design and construction;

the use of low-waste and waste-free technological processes and production in the extraction and processing of building materials;

construction and operation of treatment and neutralization facilities and devices;

land reclamation;

measures to combat soil erosion and pollution;

measures for the protection of water and subsoil and the rational use of mineral resources;

measures for the protection and reproduction of flora and fauna, etc.

The measure of success in achieving these goals is environmental, economic and social results. An environmental result is a reduction in the negative impact on the environment and an improvement in its condition. It is determined by a decrease in the concentration of harmful substances, radiation levels, noise and other adverse phenomena.

Economic results determine the rational use and prevention of destruction or loss of natural resources, living and embodied labor in the production and non-production spheres of the economy, as well as in the sphere of personal consumption.

The social result can be expressed in an increase in the physical standard characterizing the population; reduction of diseases; increasing the life expectancy of people and the period of their active activity; improving working and rest conditions; preservation of natural, historical and cultural monuments; creating conditions for the development and improvement of human creative potential, the growth of culture.

The construction site for the projected residential building was chosen in a residential microdistrict, seven kilometers away from the main industrial production, and located on the leeward side. Wide highways are designed near the house, which are blown by the wind, which ensures air exchange and the absence of air stagnation areas.

Car parking areas are located near the main highways and removed from intra-block parking lots, which will reduce gas pollution in the residential area.

Planting trees and shrubs between the road and a residential building, designed as part of the landscaping of the territory, as well as inside the block, protects the house from city noise and vehicle noise. Green spaces lead to an improvement in the gas composition of the air and its purification.

At the start of construction work, a 40 cm thick layer of vegetation is collected and transported to a storage site at a distance of 3 km. During the development of a foundation pit for the construction of a house, the soil is transported for the vertical planning of the residential area under construction, as well as to the storage site for backfilling the foundation cavities of the house under construction at a distance of 3 km.

The water supply for the residential building is provided from the city artesian water supply network with a full cycle of water purification and disinfection. Household sewage water is discharged through city-wide sewerage networks to treatment facilities, where they undergo a full cycle of treatment and disposal.

The residential building is designed in such an orientation to create a screen to protect the courtyard part of the building from noise, as well as from the prevailing winds. The main structures of the residential building are designed from natural, environmentally friendly materials (red ceramic bricks, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, gypsum partitions, wooden structures windows, doors, paper wallpaper, glazed tiles).

To save thermal energy, the residential building is oriented in such a way that one side of the house receives solar energy before 12 hours, and the other half of the house after 12 hours. The apartments are interlocked in such a way that they have one wall facing the façade and three walls interlocking with each other. External walls are designed with insulation, which improves energy saving and reduces heat loss of the building.

The above measures to protect the environment and reduce its pollution make it possible to ensure the painless development of civilization and the human community in the future.

The creation of an artificial environment that supports life has been characteristic of humans since prehistoric times, and the scale of this activity has expanded throughout human history. At first, primitive people could only create small islands of a “cultural” environment. Currently, the natural environment in many areas of the globe forms only islands, which, as a rule, are specially maintained and protected in the form of nature reserves or protected zones. But the point is not just quantitative changes; not only the ratio of natural and artificial elements of the human living environment changes, but also its internal structure.

The proportion of artificial components arising under the influence of scientific and technological progress is now increasing to such an extent that they begin to affect the biological conditions of life on Earth.

Changes in the natural properties of vast territories, especially in densely populated, economically developed countries, cause a contradiction between the possibilities of using the environment for production needs and its suitability for human habitation. Intervention in the life of the biosphere has already disrupted the original natural balance to such an extent that it has set in motion processes that (if left unchecked) can become a threat to the very existence of the biosphere.

Architectural and construction environmental protection measures during construction

Caring for the living environment is not limited to just recording, measuring and economically assessing harmful effects. Our country has adopted special laws on land and water, decisions on conservation natural resources(for example, Lake Baikal), specific measures have been developed to prevent river pollution, work is underway to cleanse the atmosphere and introduce new technology, which will eliminate the possibility of environmental pollution. Other countries are also developing measures to protect the living environment.

State decrees on measures to further improve nature protection and rational use of natural resources emphasize that the achievements of scientific and technological progress and a strong industrial base make it possible, in economic conditions, to intelligently resolve the issue of rational use of natural resources and neutralize the side effects of economic activity that are harmful to nature and humans. Without taking this into account, it is impossible to solve the problems of the development of urban planning and industrial architecture, because concern for the human environment, the state of nature and its transformation in connection with industrial construction is largely the content of the architecture itself, which determines the living conditions in which a person finds himself. In addition, with the development of industry, more and more new production processes arise, accompanied by a powerful release of harmful substances, the impact of which on the human body and nature has not been sufficiently studied. In conditions of concentration of various industries in one industrial area, several types of hazards are often identified, the joint effect of which on the human body has also been little studied.

Unfortunately, air pollution is observed especially in large industrial cities, for example Berezniki, Solikamsk, Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk, Lipetsk, etc. Pollution of water bodies, air and soil, deterioration of the natural landscape is almost inevitable in cases where the problems of urban planning and industrial construction are solved without comprehensive consideration of hygienic, social, natural and climatic factors. Total number production facilities divided into hazard classes in accordance with Sanitary Design Standards are given on rice. 3.

Rice. 3. Number of industries by hazard class: A - chemical industry; B - ferrous metallurgy; B- mechanical engineering and metalworking; G - construction industry; D - forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industries; E - textile and light industry; F - food industry

In our country, intensive work is underway to find the most effective methods for organizing technological processes that are not accompanied by harmful emissions into the atmosphere. These methods include: gas cleaning, dust collection and recovery, as well as various noise control measures. Measures such as the conversion of thermal power plants, boiler houses and enterprises to new types of fuel also contribute to reducing air pollution and improving the architectural appearance of cities and industrial enterprises. In Moscow, for example, thousands of boiler houses have already been converted to gas, and all coal boiler houses in the city have been liquidated. The same measures are being taken in many industrial cities of our country.

Architectural and construction measures aimed at reducing the harmfulness of industrial emissions and improving living conditions in cities and towns include correct consideration of the direction of prevailing winds, the creation of appropriate sanitary protection zones between industrial facilities - sources of pollution and residential areas, etc. However, numerous examples show that architectural and construction measures are not reliable enough. In some cases, the volumes of harmful emissions into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises are so large that increasing the sanitary protection gaps between sources of pollution and residential areas to 5 or even 10 km does not ensure proper cleanliness of the city’s air basin.

In addition, an increase in sanitary protection zones leads to irrational use of the territory, lengthening of utility lines, additional loss of time for workers on travel and increased construction costs. At the same time, one of the main tasks - improving working conditions at the enterprise itself and in places of residence - remains in many cases unresolved ( rice. 4).

Fig. 4. Methods for orienting Class I enterprises according to sanitary characteristics in relation to the residential area of ​​the city. When placing enterprises with the end A side towards the residential area (option 2), the concentration of harmful substances in the air per unit area of ​​the residential area increases compared to option 1 by B/A times

The load on the environment in the form of residual products from economic activities is rapidly increasing with the development of productive forces. The efforts of scientists are aimed at developing a development concept that would make it possible to effectively use the achievements of science and technology to meet the urgent material needs of society without disturbing the ecological balance.

It is paradoxical, but it is a fact that all the so-called industrial hazards are, essentially, substances that are valuable for the national economy and industry, but are unused and emitted into the air or water bodies. For example, let’s name the “harmful” dust from many cement factories, which covers large areas of cities, destroys green spaces, interferes with normal work and worsens people’s living conditions. Meanwhile, this dust represents hundreds of tons of premium quality cement that is lost annually by the national economy.

At the same time, the practice of operating many domestic and foreign industrial enterprises shows that with proper attention to this issue, which has not only technical and economic, but also social significance, and using the latest achievements of science and technology, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the emission of industrial hazards from units into the workshop or atmosphere and improve working conditions. For example, in Montreal (Canada) there is a large meat processing plant in which all the air emitted through the ventilation system is subjected to scenting with a manganese solution. Thanks to this, the enterprise does not emit a specific odor, which is usually characteristic of meat processing plants and meat processing plants. Good results were achieved at metallurgical plants in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Norilsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye. These enterprises have taken comprehensive measures to improve technology, improve production standards, create comfortable working conditions and a favorable architectural and artistic environment.

However, in many cases, the desired level of cleanliness of air, water bodies and soil is not achieved. Hence the task arose of monitoring and establishing scientifically based standards - maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of harmful substances in the human living environment, and architects also took an active part in this work. The standards set out, in particular, the requirements for the location of enterprises, the decision of master plans, sanitary restrictions on the maximum permissible concentration of industrial hazards in the work area and in populated areas (rice. 5-8).

Rice. 5. Comparison of options for locating the residential zone of a new city at the “Resettlement Scheme” stage. I, II, III - options with compact, linear and dispersed residential zones. Taking into account hygienic, architectural, planning, transport and economic advantages, option I is accepted: 1 - residential areas; 2 - territory occupied by city-forming industry; 3- recreation areas; 4 - railway line; 5 - direction of prevailing winds; 6 - highways; 7 - city transport lines

Fig. 6 An example of zoning of a modern city with a chemical industry for 175 thousand inhabitants: 1 - industrial center of chemical production; 2 - territories of residential areas; 3 - community centers; 4 - industrial and communal zone; 5 - development reserves; 6 - recreation area

The standards are closely related to architectural activities in the field of industrial construction. Architects, together with medical hygienists, determine the conditions for the rational selection of territories for industrial enterprises, taking into account the specifics of the production facilities planned for construction and the location of cultural and public service institutions, as well as public centers ( rice. 9, 10).

Improvement of standards for improving working conditions and the environment in connection with industrial construction is also ongoing on an international scale.

Fig. 9. Layout of cultural and public service institutions and public centers in a new city for 350 thousand inhabitants: 1 - community Center microdistrict; 2 - subcenter of a residential area; 3 - shopping and cultural center of a residential area; 4 - sports center of a residential area; 5 - citywide The educational center; 6 - sports center of the urban area; 7 - hotel; 8 - club; 9 - Palace of Children's Creativity; 10 - citywide sports center; 11 - yacht club; 12 - beach area and recreation area; 13 - park of culture and recreation: 14 - city center; 15 - green spaces; 16 - residential areas

In our country, control functions for the protection of nature, air, soil and water bodies are carried out by state institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health. These institutions control: the implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate pollution of surface and groundwater used for drinking, cultural and domestic purposes by the population, as well as soil and atmospheric air with harmful industrial emissions and household waste; compliance with hygiene standards and sanitary rules when long-term planning industrial development, in the design, construction, reconstruction, change in the profile and production technology of enterprises, public utilities and other facilities, as well as in the planning and development of populated areas, the construction of residential buildings, public and other buildings.

Rice. 10. Fragment of the planning and development of the center of the new city: 1 - monument; 2 - stands for honored guests; 3 - administrative building; 4 - concert hall; 5 - Wedding Palace; 6 - Palace of Culture; 7 - library; 8 - cinema and concert hall; 9 - shopping center

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