Grigory kvasha marriage horoscope compatibility. New marriage horoscope

Marriage horoscope: find your perfect partner


(Marriage Destiny)

12 years have passed since the publication of the famous "Marriage Encyclopedia", in which the marriage horoscope was first set out. The fate of that book is not simple, on the one hand, dozens of reprints, the total circulation of more than 2 million. On the other hand, there are a lot of untitled copies, pirated editions, without mentioning the author, without references to the structural horoscope system, continuous replication on the Internet. Apart from the illegality of such dissemination of knowledge, it is worth mentioning that sometimes accidental and unjustified changes are made to the classical text.

It seems the time has come for a new edition of the marriage horoscope. The text is 100% updated. Nothing remains of the old version. It's not about mistakes, they were not in the old text. Changed the material supply system, added latest discoveries. Along with the exposition of the marriage theory, the theory and practice of the marriage purpose are expounded. Now these themes are equivalent.

And further. There is a great temptation to expand the text of the marriage horoscope by increasing the number of examples, by presenting more and more detailed and detailed. The author struggles with this temptation, trying to state everything as much as possible. briefly, although there is an incredible amount of material confirming the effectiveness of the marriage theory. And if desired, it was possible to publish a real encyclopedia.


The theory of marriage is simple unbelievable. If it were not for the 24 vector pairs that work by exception, then the marriage theory could simply be considered primitive. However, the simplicity of a theory is not a consequence of the simplicity of its discoverer, it is a consequence of the simplicity of the world itself. The world is much simpler than our ideas about it, too abstruse and scientific. Overcomplicated theories tend to be very far from the truth.

However, simplicity has a downside, simplicity is always full of paradoxes, it is like a payment for elementarity, insufficient complexity gives rise to paradox. Alas, most of the erroneous theories are incredibly complex, but terribly banal, everything is linear and sequential in them. This is how the human brain works, it is easier for us to build a cumbersome but loose structure than to find a multidimensional and multifaceted, but the simplest in its symmetry truth.

Let's start with elementary paradoxes lying on the surface. Romantic marriage. It is all roses, airy fabrics, poems and songs, lamentations. The main paradox of this marriage is that it is unthinkable without the rustle of banknotes. Romance, sincerity, naivety, purity, everything is covered with holy feelings, sometimes platonic, always festive - it would seem that there is no place for such dirt as money. However, the well-known idea that with a sweet paradise and in a hut - turned out to be a malicious lie. It is the holy feelings that need constant financial support. A romantic marriage is a holiday, and holidays are expensive - flowers, champagne, a snow-white yacht, a luxury car, that's what strengthens pure and bright feelings, but all this costs a lot of money.

Equal marriage is also full of paradoxes. Describing the cruel world of politicians and businessmen, we attribute shark habits to our rulers, finding in them qualities of the greatest rigidity and even cruelty. We all remember the famous phrase "Bolivar can't stand two". However, the marriage theory, describing business and politics through an equal marriage, proves that in this union a man very quickly loses his masculine qualities, becomes very feminine, and therefore a good politician (like a good businessman) is far from the ideals of a man. He is weak, cowardly, indecisive, and if cruel, it is more from cowardice than from an excess of courage.

Another paradox is connected with the refutation of the well-known misconception that the most sexual are rude, common folk bumpkins, and the flimsy intelligentsia is not suitable for serious sex. Everything is exactly the opposite - sexuality is directly related to the intellect, and certainly not to corpulence.

patriarchal marriage. This is where a stern bearded husband and a downtrodden, muzzled wife without rights, iron shackles of dogmas, rules, terrible slavery of household duties. So says the banal presentation. In fact, only in a patriarchal marriage is a person truly free, including a woman. Milk the cow and do what you want. Only in a patriarchal marriage, the spouse does not loom as an eternal ghost in the mind, does not stand with a rolling pin in the subconscious, does not climb into dreams, leaves thoughts pure.

spiritual marriage. Of course, banal ideas about this union are also erroneous. He is by no means as refined and intelligent as he might seem. In a certain sense, spiritual marriage is the union of two lawless people who have no morals, no rules, no conscience, no brakes. In a spiritual marriage, everything is possible, there is no such dirty trick that this union would not endure, because its essence is completely rubber - everything is forgiven, you can always go on a new circle. The soul endures everything, and the very structure of the soul is far from our too pure ideas about it.

Not a small number of paradoxes are generated by the intersection of the two newest creations of the Structural Horoscope - the theory of marriage destinations and the theory of combining horoscopes. Both theories, each in its own way, combine the annual (eastern) and monthly (zodiac) signs. As a result, correspondences are born that would never have occurred to those who create science based on what is commonly called "common sense". Let's say the sign of the King. He can be anything, can negotiate with any person, kind, condescending, patient, cheerful. It would seem a godsend for marriage. But come on, it is the King (as well as the Queen) who are practically unsuitable for marriage and sooner or later is affirmed in the idea that he (she) does not need marriage at all.

Paradoxical? Undoubtedly. And many people fall for this paradox. However, upon careful study of the issue, there is no mistake. Marriage is designed to compensate a person for the lack of some qualities. But the King (or Queen) has nothing to compensate, he (she) has everything. The question is - why are such people married? Marriage is much people need dogmatic, one-sided, purely outwardly unsuitable for marriage because of its uncompromising nature.

Sign of the Rationalist. These are not just smart people, they are real thinkers who can reason sensibly and powerfully. According to all of them, the place is precisely in an equal marriage, which requires smart conversations, the tension of the intellect, the creaking of brains and a tongue without bones. In reality, the Rationalists are all destined for the most boring and silent patriarchal marriage. Incomprehensibly, paradoxically, perhaps a mistake has crept in here ... Not at all. The fact is that a Rationalist should be talkative only in society, at work, and at home he needs to rest, gain strength, bring himself into a combat state. Paradoxical? Undoubtedly. But who and when proved to us that a person is one in the house and in the service? Nobody ever.

Another coincidence of the horoscope and destiny of the so-called Knights, in the female version of the Slave of Love. Both those and others are created for a romantic marriage and are literally obsessed with the theme of love. It would seem that here we will definitely do without paradoxes. However, the paradox is quite obvious and very deep. Professors of love, they should love and love, carry their great knowledge to the masses, so to speak. And what does a romantic marriage require from us? And he requires abstinence, asceticism, so to speak, long separations from the opposite sex. Continuous feats of chivalry on the part of a man and equally endless feats of female devotion and expectation. Upon careful study, we will again be convinced that the scheme, although not banal, is reasonable. If you were already born a professor of love - strive for perfection, that is, the ideal, and where there is an ideal, there is always a place for a feat, and ... a romantic marriage.

National favorites - handsome Emotionals. They probably cooked the most delicious? In fact, they were given the broadest freedom - three marriages - equal, spiritual, romantic. The only prohibition is a patriarchal union.

Jesters, absurd and bright, funny and angry, they are all prepared for two marriages, What? Probably the most unpretentious - patriarchal and romantic, after all, easy people. And here it is not. These lightweight signs are destined to find harmony in the most difficult marriages - equal and spiritual.

Absolutely the same situation is with the eccentric Leaders, who are trying to copy the Jesters in everything.

Finally, the most paradoxical situation with Vectors. Villains, adventurers, fatal beauties (and beauties). According to banal logic, they are the least suitable for marriage. In fact, they are extremely good in marriage, they easily adapt to any conditions, to any stereotype, in fact, they are marriage universals, they even make a normal marriage out of vector madness.

Now about more fundamental paradoxes. One of the main paradoxes remains the coordinate of the marital structure. In fact, the 12 signs of the horoscope are divided into groups in five different ways. This division is called structures. Only one is relevant to marriage, to marriage theory. Which? - Of course, psychological, - psychologists would say, because behavior in marriage is a consequence of psychological stereotypes. Of course social structure, after all, the family is a cell of society, and the problem of marriage is a public matter, sociologists, political scientists and other social scientists would say. No, it's all about temperament, and therefore the energy structure will be the main thing for marriage! It is sexologists, psychoanalysts and other specialists from the detachment of intelligent hlipakov who are connected to the dispute. Finally, there will always be many supporters of the idea that marriages are made in heaven, and therefore, the main thing is precisely the structure of fate. The least votes would be collected by the so-called. ideological structure, because the connection between ideology and marriage is the least obvious. However, it was this structure that turned out to be the only one where male and female signs differ, and it was on this difference that the very possibility of female signs to interact with male signs was built. This paradox is from the category of primary ones.

And, finally, a paradox, without understanding of which the marriage theory remains an empty phrase. We are talking about the paradox of the disappearance of reacting signs. In fact, this paradox has a total character. However, for the first time and most fully, the paradox was studied precisely on the marriage theory. Its meaning is very simple, but unbearably paradoxical. Two signs (husband and wife) begin to interact in marriage, giving rise to some resultant substance - which in theory we call marriage. There are four types of such substances: the pink substance of romantic marriage, the gray patriarchal substance, the golden substance of equal marriage and the silver spiritual one. As soon as the substance was born, the annual signs of the spouses themselves seem to disappear. There are no more Tigers and Horses, no more Boars and Rats, Monkeys and Snakes disappear, it is no longer necessary to take into account the sign when describing marriage. People are left alone with the marriage monsters they have born. Therefore, to understand marriage, you must forget about your sign and remember only about the type of marriage. And this is extremely paradoxical and requires a very high abstraction of thinking, or ... reckless trust in the author.

The dissolution of the sign has one absolutely fantastic consequence. In the interaction of men and women, any external assessments, even the most correct ones, disappear. Any, the most antipathetic and nasty man can become charming and attractive within the marriage union. People around will only shrug their shoulders, because they see his sign, but for her this sign is no longer there. In the same way, the most charming and tempting woman for someone may turn out to be uninteresting, lean, boring. The owner of such a woman will be envied by thousands of people, and the owner himself will yawn and languish with boredom.

Each time, opening a book, the reader hopes to find in it something consonant with his thoughts, his spiritual structure, but is it always possible to find lines in someone else's text that address you directly? I think not. The structure of this book is such that here everyone will find words dedicated to him personally, and not just words, but all the information necessary to comprehend the possibilities given to you at birth. In this book, the author has collected almost all sections of the structural horoscope together, forming TEN horoscopes in a GENERAL SECTION. The PERSONAL SECTION repeats the GENERAL, but for each character separately. You can go directly to the PERSONAL SECTION, but if you need a more accurate and detailed understanding of the problem, you will need to return to the same topic in the GENERAL SECTION.
So how do you find yourself and succeed in life? Let's turn to the PERSONAL SECTION. So:
First. You need to believe in your annual sign, understand its main idea. For this there is a so-called title chapter. It is with such chapters that all 12 parts of the PERSONAL SECTIONS begin. Sometimes the stated topic shows a certain private plan of the sign (“Boar is a crafty predictor”), but more often it is really the most important, main idea for the sign (“Bull is the creator of the table of ranks”).
Second. The same annual sign, but already decomposed into components. The temperament of the sign, the source of its energy is the first component. The second component is your psychological type. The third is the relationship of the sign with fate. In fourth place is the type of spatial and social orientation. Having learned all the structural components of your sign, you can set the maximum list of possibilities inherent in the sign of your birth.
Third. It turns out that male and female signs are different, and in the most important thing - in a strategic approach to life. This is very important, perhaps the most important thing in the book. Here you need to read more carefully, especially since, having divided, male and female signs remain in the spectrum of four types of thinking - logicians, realists, mystics, volitionists. Know your element, and you will understand a lot in your life.
Fourth. World achievements sign. Find out which of the greats is closest to you in spirit.
Fifth. It's about marriage. Each of the 144 marriages (12 male signs to 12 female ones) receives its own personal text. It is clear that this text cannot be too detailed, and therefore for details it is necessary to refer to the GENERAL SECTION, where the basics of the five types of marriage (patriarchal, equal, romantic, spiritual, vector) are set out in the most detailed way, and the corresponding commandments are given.
Sixth. marriage purpose. There are two main interests here. The first interest is for those who have not yet married or again found themselves at a marital crossroads. Why not find out the annual sign of the betrothed destined according to the horoscope? The second interest is for those who are married and everything is fine with him. Why not see which of the spouses is more destined for whom? This is by no means superfluous, for it shows the true alignment of forces in the family. Some spouses usually overestimate their value, others underestimate. Do not forget that the theory of marital destiny is given in full in the GENERAL SECTION, in each PERSONAL SECTION only the destiny according to the horoscope is given.
Seventh. Having dealt with personal life, it is necessary to look at production problems. Whether you are a boss or not, relationships in a team must be built according to a certain scheme, and this scheme is set out in sufficient detail for your sign. From now on, 12 annual signs will be divided for you into 6 categories: Subordinate, Companion and Vector Servant will strengthen your position, but with the Vector Master, Clone and Advisor, you will have to be more careful and dose all contacts. By the way, this information is published for the first time.
Eighth. Virtual horoscope and image sign. The significance of this factor in life is growing rapidly, because in the modern, increasingly virtual world, people are met and seen off by their clothes, that is, by the image that they have created for themselves. And it is impossible to create a correct, that is, beneficial for you, image without a virtual horoscope. The only way is through endless trial and error. But do you have time for this?
Ninth. Successful and unsuccessful years, periods of forcing events and periods of complete abandonment of activity, and most importantly, the timing of the arrival of that same wind of time, which in some years must be caught by raising sails, and in other years it must be overcome by cutting elastic currents with your forehead. All this is also very important to know.
And the last. Absolutely all the materials in the book are open and verified by me personally. The stated horoscopes have nothing to do with astrology, or esotericism, or with the Chinese or the Babylonians. For everything said, I bear full personal responsibility. The only thing I would like to remind you is that I did not create a vector ring, marriage elements or virtual signs. I just discovered all this and am responsible for the fact that I have stated my theory better or worse. Everything else is the responsibility of the Creator.

General section




Virtual horoscope

Each of us has an annual sign, and it dictates its own conditions, its own rules of conduct to us. But there is also a zodiac sign, and it will have requirements for its carrier. How do these two signs coexist within one person, are they friendly or hostile, interact or hardly tolerate each other, like neighbors in a communal apartment?
This question has interested many researchers, but not only them. Any person who has known the significance of a horoscope should not be indifferent to the internal struggle of two horoscopes.
As a researcher, I spent ten years (1991-2001) solving this problem and now I know the exact answer. The signs very actively interact with each other, but at the same time they themselves do not change in any way, remain the same as they were, but from their interaction a third sign is born. Isn't it true that something similar happens in nature everywhere? The feminine and masculine principles interpenetrate and give birth to a new being, a new essence.
How to define your personal virtual sign?
To begin with, let's clarify the annual and zodiac signs (see tables on page 6).
So: the zodiac and eastern signs remain in a person on their own, but next to them there is also a third sign born from their interaction. Now there are three of them. It remains only to distribute responsibilities between the three signs, as well as to find names for the new horoscope and its signs and describe their qualities.
As for the distribution of responsibilities between the three signs of a person, not everything is simple. Each horoscope duplicates the functions of another, partially climbing into someone else's territory. And yet, if you decide on the most important thing, then:
The zodiac horoscope is health, life plans, ambitions, intentions, as well as all the characteristics of a person in childhood (up to 12 years old).
Eastern (annual) horoscope - these are types of thinking, types of creative orientation - everything that is connected with human behavior after 12 years, especially behavior in love and marriage. And of course, the realization of those very plans and their ambitions that the zodiac sign laid in a person.
The third horoscope, born in the struggle of plans and implementation, shows the type of human harmony. Correspondence of plans and implementation gives rise to high harmony, but makes a person less active. Weak correspondence reduces harmony, but increases energy. This is how the image of a person, the optimal image, is born. Since we are not talking about the real essence of a person, but only about his image, the picture he creates, the horoscope was called Virtual.
The signs in the new horoscope are not 12 or 144, but seven (King, Vector, Jester, Knight, Aristocrat, Professor, Leader). All the names of signs, as well as their descriptions, were determined experimentally, as a result of long studies of the fate of people who managed to find a favorable image and made a career on it, as well as the most famous film images of domestic and world cinema.
The mechanism of formation of signs is as follows. First you need to know the system of correspondence of annual and zodiac signs. Here she is:
Rat - Aries, Ox - Taurus, Tiger - Gemini, Cat - Cancer, Dragon - Leo, Snake - Virgo, Horse - Libra, Goat - Scorpio, Monkey - Sagittarius, Rooster - Capricorn, Dog - Aquarius, Boar - Pisces.
This list becomes the base for determining all signs and at the same time a list of combinations for determining one of the seven signs - the King.
Now 24 combinations associated with vector exceptions are removed from the field of all options (see below for a vector ring). To do this, you need to know the list of vector pairs and substitute it into the list of correspondences between the annual sign and the zodiac sign.
Vector pairs: Rat - Horse, Horse - Boar, Boar - Dragon, Dragon - Cat, Cat - Rooster, Rooster - Dog, Dog - Bull, Bull - Tiger, Tiger - Goat, Goat - Snake, Snake - Monkey, Monkey - Rat .
Each vector pair gives rise to two combinations of the Vector. For example, from a pair of Rat - Horse, a combination of Rat - Libra, as well as Aries - Horse, is obtained. And so on with all 12 pairs, which gives 24 combinations of the second sign - the Vector.
To find combinations of the next sign, it is necessary to take a step in one direction and a step in the other direction from the basic list (plus or minus one). For example, from the basic combination of Rat - Aries, we get two combinations of Rat - Pisces and Rat - Taurus. Both combinations give the Jester's horoscope. The same should be done with other basic horoscopes.
All other characters are obtained in a similar way. Knight - by shifting two steps (in both directions), Aristocrat - by shifting by three and six, Professor - by shifting by four, Leader - by shifting by five. All this is quite complicated, and therefore it is better to refer to the table, according to which it is very easy to find your sign in a virtual horoscope (see the table on page 7).
A careful eye can easily see the order in this table. The so-called Kings form a certain axis of symmetry, one might say, a diagonal of symmetry. The remaining signs are symmetrically located with respect to this diagonal. Jesters and Knights closer, Professors and Leaders away.
The symmetry of the new horoscope is such that it allows several ways of numbering signs. I would like to start with the most common sign and end with the rarest. This order is:
Aristocrat - 28 combinations of annual and zodiac signs,
Vector - 24 combinations,
Professor - 22 combinations,
Knight - 22 combinations,
Leader - 18 combinations,
Jester - 18 combinations,
King - 12 combinations.
Female and male images are theoretically indistinguishable. However, in practice, of course, some nuances emerge. So, in the image of the Professor in men, the required rigidity is more easily achievable than in women. In the image of the Knight, nobility and romanticism are manifested in women in a feminine way, in men in a masculine way. In other images, everything is almost identical.
The purpose of a virtual horoscope is to suggest to a person that only image (image), adhering to which he can achieve success in life.


“I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me, like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.” It would be nice to put the word “appeared” in the middle gender - “appeared”.
These are the following combinations:
Rooster + Aries, Rooster + Libra, Dog + Leo, Dog + Scorpio, Boar + Gemini, Boar + Virgo, Boar + Sagittarius, Rat + Capricorn, Rat + Cancer, Ox + Leo, Ox + Scorpio, Tiger + Pisces, Tiger + Virgo, Tiger + Sagittarius, Cat + Aries, Cat + Libra, Dragon + Aquarius, Dragon + Taurus, Dragon + Scorpio, Snake + Pisces, Snake + Gemini, Horse + Capricorn, Horse + Cancer, Goat + Aquarius, Goat + Taurus, Goat + Leo, Monkey + Pisces, Monkey + Gemini. There are 28 combinations in total.

The main thing is beauty

Well, for what image was the horoscope so generous, whom did it make the leader of society, which face did it suggest the most common among people? Well, the world of light and goodness can triumph, it is truly said that beauty will save the world, because the main purpose of the Aristocrat is to bring beauty to the world. Everything here is just like in a textbook, as Chekhov taught: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”
Let's start with the simplest, with clothes. The best thing to do is follow fashion, create fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, expand your wardrobe indefinitely. But this is only the beginning - much more important is elegance, the beauty of gesture and facial expressions, the beauty of the eyes. However, the eyes are already about the face.
The face for the Aristocrat is even more important than clothes. It just so happened that most people with this horoscope have large and expressive eyes and really very beautiful, harmonious faces. But even if for some reason the face has not become the standard of beauty, then it must be sweet, gentle and friendly. This, of course, is about facial expressions.
As for the soul and thoughts, here we come to the most important thing. An aristocrat must be presented as a morally impeccable and pure person. Any, the most insignificant doubts about moral impeccability, self-interest, malice, secret intentions must be refuted instantly.
Any number of new words can be added to Chekhov's list. Let there be beautiful furniture, beautiful smells, beautiful hairstyle, beautiful voice... Elegance and grace, every gesture, every wave of eyelashes, every look - everything must be perfect.
There is only one but: we are talking about stylish beauty, elegance, unity of style, but not about sweetness and prettiness.

Emotionality of an aristocrat

So that the picture is not so idyllic, we immediately note that such an accurate understanding of beauty and style is given to the Aristocrat due to the finest settings of emotional perception. It is spiritual subtlety and sensitivity that serve as a guarantee of the beauty and harmony of the Aristocrat.
So for beauty you have to pay thin nervous system, not adapted for rough relationships. Hence the wish to others: take care of the Aristocrats, treat them gently and reverently, literally blow off dust particles from them. The reward for such attention will be the continuous flowering of the Aristocrat. Imagine that this is a delicate flower, you can come up with a name yourself - a rose, a tulip, a lily of the valley, and so on. So treat the Aristocrat like a flower.
Well, the Aristocrat himself must conduct a very thorough revision in the arsenal of emotions, selecting emotions that are joyful, favorable, beautiful, expected by the very spectators who surround him.
Thus, the Aristocrat brings to life not only beauty, but also emotional richness. He should be able to rejoice if he is given a gift, he should be able to have fun if he is amused. Well, if the Aristocrat was offended, then he should be very reliably offended. So that he would immediately feel sorry for him. A feeling of compassion, a feeling of pity, an aristocrat must constantly evoke.
In a word, we are talking about noble manners, but very precise and harmonious, coming from the depths of the soul. But you shouldn’t be too zealous, you shouldn’t portray what they don’t expect from you: it’s stupid to be offended if no one offended you, it’s stupid to have fun if no one thought to amuse you. Well, and so on.

We must become the soul of a new company

But this is impossible

So: it is undesirable for an Aristocrat to go to power - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm, but inevitable disappointment. And what else?
And you don’t have to pretend to be a great smart guy, it’s much more important to seem honest, noble and moderately naive. No need to chatter non-stop, it is better to be beautifully silent or speak briefly, succinctly and aphoristically. Smart talk is not a noble thing. It is especially necessary to be wary of serious conversations that affect the emotional sphere. The aristocrat boils quickly and in a boiling state very quickly loses all its charm. It is better for all occasions to have some pre-prepared familiar words, and most importantly, intonations. In Aristocrat, intonation means more than the word itself.
It is absolutely impossible to be at enmity with anyone and never. If it’s completely unbearable, then it’s better to flare up, shout, but just don’t be at enmity on an ongoing basis. And therefore no long grievances, no revenge. Everyone should have equal, friendly relations. You should not join one of the warring groups, you should not accomplish feats in the name of friendship, you just need to have pleasant friendly relations with everyone. Absolute benevolence to all is the only way to preserve your own health. But it is necessary to take care of others in moderation. Take care of the Aristocrat. After all, it is the center of the universe.
The presence of enemies is detrimental to the Aristocrat. When he is not loved, he melts like a candle.

Aristocrat at work and in marriage

If the Aristocrat is the boss, then he must have a Cerberus deputy who would compensate for the softness of the too benevolent boss. In all other cases, the Aristocrat should strive to become everyone's favorite, the most beautiful, the most elegant, a person pleasant in every way. But most importantly - a man beyond suspicion, with impeccable moral authority.
In marriage, the Aristocrat is a complex figure, because he is not very comfortable in a small family team. In the family, the Aristocrat is crowded. The position of the sign in a patriarchal marriage is especially sad, because it requires devotion to the economy, and not to society. The aristocrat serves society, not chickens, sheep and cucumbers.

Movie images

The most revealing image is an elegant and sensitive beauty, big-eyed and silent. For example, Larisa Guzeeva (Boar, Gemini) in the Cruel Romance. It is significant that according to the plot she is very pure and modest, but nevertheless, all men revolve around her without exception. She is the center of attention. But the main thing is that she is not just a doll, she is a measure of purity and honesty. It is tragic not only that she was killed, it is terrible that they dared to deceive her.
In the male version, the same center of attention and adoration Oleg Dal (Snake, Gemini) in the role of Prince Florizel. Gorgeous costumes, elegance, but most importantly - moral purity, which allows you to judge other people according to their conscience.
A more capricious option: Ornella Muti (Monkey, Pisces) in The Taming of the Shrew. Beauty, elegance, expressive silence - everything is in place. There is a little lack of benevolence, and selfishness and secret intent are felt too much.
Andrei Mironov (Snake, Pisces) in The Diamond Hand is a handsome man in wonderful outfits, but beauty turns into an end in itself, absolutely nothing is said about the beauty of the soul.
You can’t call Chulpan Khamatova (Cat, Libra) a luxurious beauty, but her heroine (“Country of the Deaf”) is infinitely charming, touching and pure, you always want to pity her, protect her, just stroke her. The same with Elena Safonova (Monkey, Gemini) in "Winter Cherry".
In the male version, Evgeny Leonov (Tiger, Virgo) or Anatoly Papanov (Dog, Scorpio) are far from the ideals of costume handsome men. However, Leonov in almost all his roles (Striped Flight, Zigzag of Fortune) is surprisingly plastic, infinitely charming and attractive. Papanov in our cinema has always been a measure of honor and conscience (“Children of Don Quixote”, “Belorussky Station”). The same with Frunzik Mkrtchyan (Horse, Cancer) - "Mimino".
The number of people's favorites in this horoscope does not fit into any framework. Larisa Udovichenko (Goat, Taurus), Olga Ostroumova (Boar, Virgo), Claudia Cardinale (Cat, Aries), Svetlana Svetlichnaya (Dragon, Taurus), Barbara Brylska (Snake, Gemini), Alexei Batalov (Dragon, Scorpio), Vyacheslav Tikhonov (Dragon, Aquarius), Yuri Solomin (Boar, Gemini), Alexei Buldakov, Georgy Zhzhenov, Pavel Luspekaev (all - Cat, Aries), Oleg Yankovsky (Monkey, Pisces), Anatoly Kuznetsov (Horse, Capricorn), Gerard Depardieu (Rat , Capricorn), Robert de Niro (Goat, Leo), Alexander Abdulov (Snake, Pisces).


“I am a part of that force that always wants evil and always does good” - Goethe says these words, frankly, not quite a person. Well, Vectors are also not just people, they are exceptions to the general series, because there is no balance in their horoscope.
Here are these strange combinations-exceptions:
Rooster + Aquarius, Rooster + Cancer, Dog + Capricorn, Dog + Taurus, Boar + Leo, Boar + Libra, Rat + Libra, Boar + Sagittarius, Ox + Aquarius, Ox + Gemini, Tiger + Taurus, Tiger + Scorpio, Cat + Capricorn, Cat + Leo, Dragon + Pisces, Dragon + Cancer, Snake + Scorpio, Snake + Sagittarius, Horse + Pisces, Horse + Aries, Goat + Gemini, Goat + Virgo, Monkey + Aries, Monkey + Virgo. There are 24 combinations in total.

The main thing is anxiety

Other father-in-law signs are more or less balanced. The King is overbalanced, the Jester or the Leader is not well balanced. The remaining three signs are more or less balanced. But the Vector must, well, simply must be unbalanced. This, of course, is about the image, the image of a person. If, for some reason, the image has been balanced, then things are bad, the vector energy of chaos will make its way inside the person, and then you have to wait for trouble, and Goethe's words will sound different: "Eternally wants good and always does evil."
The imbalance of the Vector should show through in every look, every gesture, in words, eyes, deeds. It should be like a bare live wire, like a spark-cutting machine. At the same time, Vector is very far from neurasthenia and other nervous diseases, his nerves are like ropes. This is not nervousness, this is some kind of eternal itch, a thirst for movement, a thirst for fuss. Someone is called into the world to establish harmony and order, and someone (of course, this is Vector) is called to destroy excessive order, giving rise to chaos. In this sense, the Vector is an ideal machine for the production of chaos, something like an apparatus for creating a series of random numbers.
So the main task of the Vector is to worry yourself and infect others with your anxiety. At the same time, the most remarkable thing is that anxiety should be unreasonable, no matter what.
Many Vectors cannot sit still for a long time, they constantly jump up, run somewhere. The movements are convulsive, vibrating, jerky or tense. In Vector's eyes, either needles or sparks.

Vector adventurism

Anxiety is a touch, a type of vibration, the reality of the image cannot be created by this trembling. Need action. And the worst actions.
The simplest option is the role of an embodied temptation for the opposite sex. Such behavior, in which there is not even a hint of the usual friendly good nature or, God forbid, indifference, but, on the contrary, the thought of flirting, coquetry, flirting, and of a rather aggressive kind, immediately arises. Words, gestures, glances should, without any preliminary preparation, literally pierce through.
Ordinary, balanced people know how difficult it is to maintain oneself in such an aggressive mood all the time. But the Vector can play the role of a fatal seducer for many years and even decades. Surprisingly, in marriage, despite his bad reputation, Vector turns into a wonderful family man who knows exactly how to save a family.
Another kind of adventurous behavior is quarrelsomeness, scandalousness and intrigue. All these qualities have long been stigmatized by mankind, but something is not visible that they have declined. As for bitches and stervoids, the demand for them is consistently high at all times. What's the matter here? And that they are needed. They do not let people sleep, turn them on, wake them up. And we are talking about any area - family, science, philosophy, politics.
How amazingly the career of Nikita Khrushchev (Horse, Aries) advanced when he threw off the mask of a jester and clown under the Stalinist Politburo and played with the full force of his temperament, famously, powerfully. “Kuzka's mother”, “aspen stake in the grave of imperialism”, and the famous shoe with which he knocked on the UN podium - what image-maker could teach him such behavior?

Grigory Kvasha: Marriage horoscope

The structural horoscope for a very long time refused to talk about marriage topics with unmarried ladies - on the sole basis that if there is no marriage, there is no conversation. However, the paradox of the situation lies precisely in the fact that marriage is of most interest to those who do not have it. This is how a person works - he wants to know what awaits him, what is intended for him. And therefore, unable to resist, the marriage theory nevertheless decided to issue a new section - the marriage destinations of a married couple.

Four marriages and one exception

Before talking about destinations, I would like to recall that the structural horoscope speaks of four types of marriage and one exception. These are four balanced marriages: patriarchal, romantic, equal, spiritual. And a non-equilibrium marriage is a vector one, with the relationship of the spouses "master - servant".

Spouses in a patriarchal marriage - one year, or the difference between the years of birth is a multiple of four. Both spouses must be inside the same triple of signs: either they are in the trio of Horse, Tiger, Dog, or in the trio of Cat, Goat, Boar, in the trio of Rooster, Snake, Ox, and finally, a variant of patriarchal marriage is possible within the trio of Rat, Monkey, Dragon. An exception is one union Monkey - Rat.

A patriarchal marriage must give its children to society.

In a romantic marriage, the difference in the years of birth of the spouses is a multiple of two, but not a multiple of four. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Dog or Tiger, then the other of the three is Rat, Monkey, Dragon. And if one of the spouses is a Rooster, a Snake or a Bull, then the other of the three is a Goat, a Cat or a Boar. Three unions were excluded: Horse - Rat, Goat - Snake, Rooster - Cat.

A romantic marriage must give back its beauty to society.

Romantic marriage requires constant separation from the spouses.

equal marriage

For an equal marriage, arithmetic calculation is not convenient. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger or Dog, then the other is from the three Rooster, Snake, Ox. If one of the spouses is a Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is from the three Cat, Boar, Goat. There are five exceptions here: Tiger - Bull, Dog - Bull, Dog - Rooster, Cat - Dragon, Boar - Dragon.

Equal marriage must give society its energy and its aggression.

An equal marriage requires constant contact from the spouses.

We can say that in spiritual marriage all the remaining combinations. If one of the spouses is a Horse, Tiger, Dog, then the other is a Cat, Boar or Goat. If one of the spouses is a Rat, Monkey, Dragon, then the other is certainly a Bull, Rooster or Snake. There are three exceptions: Tiger - Goat, Horse - Boar, Snake - Monkey.

Spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. We are talking about the continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approximations and distances. Spiritual marriage must sway.

Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the basis of the future anarchist-individualistic society.

Spiritual marriage is the only one of equilibrium (vector does not count), in which a person "floats" from his sign.

Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, despite its anti-social and anti-social nature, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage.

Vector marriage

Vector marriage, in fact, is not a marriage, but some kind of magical action with an unpredictable scenario. All of the above exceptions are collected in a vector union: Horse - Rat, Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse. That is, signs that are with each other in a "master - servant" relationship.

A vector marriage is either too good or too bad. Everything average, ordinary, universal for a vector marriage is impossible. Either delight or despair. Vector tests are sent to those from whom they expect a sharp change in life priorities, who have already grown out of their old pants, but do not dare to change them.

Breaking up a vector marriage is as difficult as maintaining equilibrium marriages (these are all the others except the vector one).

Grigory Kvasha.
Structural horoscope: Marriage destinations.

Year signs table

Start Ending years
Rat 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Bull 13th of January 31th of December 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Tiger 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
Cat 13th of January 31th of December 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
The Dragon 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
Snake 13th of January 31th of December 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989
Horse 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990
Goat 13th of January 31th of December 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991
Monkey 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992
Rooster 13th of January 31th of December 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993
Dog 1st of January 13th of January
next year
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994
Boar 13th of January 31th of December 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995

Table of marriage types

Rat Bull Tiger Cat The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Boar
Rat 1 4 3 2 1 4 0 2 0 4 3 2
Bull 4 1 0 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 0 3
Tiger 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 4
Cat 2 3 4 1 0 3 4 1 2 0 4 1
The Dragon 1 4 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 0
Snake 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 0 0 1 2 3
Horse 0 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0
Goat 2 3 0 1 2 0 4 1 2 3 4 1
Monkey 0 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 4 3 2
Rooster 4 1 2 0 4 1 2 3 4 1 0 3
Dog 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 0 1 4
Boar 2 3 4 1 0 3 0 1 2 3 4 1

Meaning of the numbers:
1 - Patriarchal, nesting, household marriage.
2 - Equal, intellectual, competitive marriage.
3 - Romantic, poetic, sublime marriage.
4 - Spiritual, internal, endless marriage.
Under the sign "0" is a Vector marriage.

Age horoscope, photo

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updated 09/30/2012


Grigory Semenovich Kvasha

New marriage horoscope. Find your perfect partner


In this book, for the first time in his practice, the author tried to look at the problem of love not only from a female point of view, but also from a male one. Usually only one female version was written, that is, any of the 144 possible (12 female signs multiplied by 12 male) unions was sought through female signs and, in fact, was described from a female point of view. Now there is a male version. From now on, a man does not need to look for a description of his union through the sign of his woman.

Thus, 288 descriptions of various unions are given in the book, so that each union is described twice, from the side of the woman and from the side of the man. In the female description, for clarity, more attention is paid to visual examples (from films), more is said about love in the life of the great. In the male description, more attention is paid to theory, because a certain abstract principle is more important for a man than a visual image.

In any case, it makes sense to read the description of your union from both a male and female point of view. But this, alas, is not enough. It is necessary to read that fragment of the theoretical part, which describes the union in which you fell (Patriarchal, Romantic, Equal, Spiritual, Vector). Particular attention should be paid to the so-called Commandments, which give detailed and strict instructions on the strategy of behavior.



Theory of love

To understand the love and marriage interaction of a man and a woman, it is enough to know ideological structure, dividing the 12 annual signs of the horoscope into four triples. The point is that in ideological structure male and female signs are fundamentally different from each other. Understanding this difference makes it possible to begin the process of literally penetrating each other, which ultimately leads to a true union of love for a new entity that allows you to calculate the Structural horoscope.

Note that the signs differ not completely, but only partially. The so-called external attributes, the language sphere of the signs is the same, only the denominators differ, that is, the types of thinking. Moreover, in men, the types of thinking coincide with the attributive meaning of the sign, while in women they do not.

Male signs

Tiger, Dog, Horse are the signs of Will. Their will is present both at the level of external manifestations - a bewitching appearance, voice, imperious manners, and at the level of thinking - strategic planning, a long decision-making process and at the same time a powerful desire to fulfill this decision.

Rooster, Snake, Ox are signs of Logic. They know how to count, they know how to plan, however, sometimes too schematically. These are signs of combat, cocky, with a good reaction.

Cat, Goat and Boar These are Realist signs. Their main advantage is the ability to rely on life experience, their own and others ... Observant, internally balanced people, they have an aesthetic perception of the world.

Rat, Monkey, Dragon- Signs-Mystics, signs of Love. Their mysticism is, first of all, the unwillingness to rely on formal logic and life experience. Therefore, mystical signs give the most unbiased people who will believe only in what they themselves check. The flip side of such corrosive empiricism is a breakthrough into the mystical world of dreams, visions and hallucinations.

Women's signs

Tiger, Dog and Horse outwardly they demonstrate the same Will as male signs, the same signs of power in voice, posture, look. In reality, they have logical thinking, exactly the same as that of men of logical signs ...

Rooster, Snake, Ox demonstrate exactly the opposite qualities than the men of their signs. Outwardly, they are just as militant and harsh as men, but their type of thinking is strong-willed, which is why they are able to reign, manage, be responsible for the life of large groups of people.

Cat, goat and boar. Outwardly, the same calmness and contemplation as in men. In fact, a powerful mystical will, a mystical comprehension of the truth, but a misunderstanding of the realities of life.

Rat, Monkey, Dragon- everything is the opposite here: outwardly - folly, close to insanity, in fact - a powerful realistic mind, a wonderful sense of taste, proportion, style, etc.

There is only one step left before the theory of love interaction. Those unions where the linguistic sphere (way of life) is one, are everyday unions, with the primacy of the external side of life.

Those alliances in which the types of thinking are the same will be mental, intellectual alliances, alliances of struggle and rivalry.


Meaning of the numbers:

1 - Patriarchal, nesting, domestic marriage.

2 - Equal, intellectual, competitive marriage.

3 - Romantic, poetic, sublime marriage.

4 - Spiritual, inner, endless marriage.

Under the "O" sign is a Vector marriage.

The third type of union is Romantic, it contains signs with opposite types of attributes (for example, a combination of will and mysticism, logic and contemplation).

The fourth type of union is the most difficult - Spiritual. Here it is not the types of paraphernalia that oppose each other, but the types of thinking ...

Vector union. unpredictability

The vector ring is a fairy tale, a myth, a song, it is so mystical and mysterious, but at the same time it is the most rude and harsh reality, from which it is impossible to fence off by talking about disbelief in horoscopes.

So, Vector ring. We will announce, as they say, the entire list of actors. Rat - Monkey, Monkey - Snake, Snake - Goat, Goat - Tiger, Tiger - Bull, Bull - Dog, Dog - Rooster, Rooster - Cat, Cat - Dragon, Dragon - Boar, Boar - Horse, Horse - Rat. The positions of the signs are not equivalent. In each listed pair, the Servant is in the first place, the Master is in the second.


If we try to explain approximately, using generally accepted concepts, what happens when Vector neighbors come into contact, it turns out that Vector relations are like a master key that opens a person's protective field. In any other case, it takes a long time to pick up the keys to a person, or try to persuade him personally to give you the keys to his heart, his soul, his body, etc. Vector contact is like a break-in, a break in the wall, and sometimes the complete destruction of the roof over your head .

In the situation that has arisen (after opening the protective systems of a person), it would seem that there are many advantages - quickly established contact, a complete sense of comfort, the simultaneous possibility of the hottest passion, and spiritual understanding, and intellectual harmonization. However, the summer of love euphoria ends soon, and winter comes real life. This is where it turns out that someone's immune system is destroyed, someone's nerves are completely out of balance, someone has become excessively aggressive, and someone has switched off from life and wanders around as if hypnotized.

The general wording states that the Servant in the Vector Union is degrading, and the Master is losing his conscience (hameet). In fact, there are many options - the Servant can become hysterical, eccentric, the Master will have to follow such a Servant as a nanny, etc.

In general, Vector unions are extremely diverse in their scenarios. The most common scenario is when two cannot be apart for a long time, but as soon as they come together, conflicts begin. There are cases when the participants of the Vector Union grow together, like Siamese twins, wander everywhere, holding hands ... It happens that the Vector Union stuns people and they turn off without perceiving the world. The only immutable truth here is that, unlike all other unions, the Vector scenario cannot be predicted, cannot be guaranteed. In fact, you never know how people whose house has collapsed will behave - they will leave, start building a new one, continue their life in ruins, move to their neighbors ...

Vector commandments

For some, the Vector Union is an obvious proof of Divine intervention in our lives, for others it is an equally obvious consequence of the devil's machinations. Hence the main commandment: once in the Vector Union, do not rely on everyday life. A vector union is a guarantee, if not adventure, then at least anomaly. Expect that aliens will visit you, a poltergeist will settle under the bed, drums, devils, angels will appear everywhere, everything will mix up in the house and will spin under your feet. In a word, your life, already not simple and clear, will become completely beyond the control of reason. You can rush through the churches with fear, expelling an evil spirit, or consecrate a strange union with a church blessing. But this, alas, does not change anything, the church has no power over the Vector Ring.

You can join the Vector Union for great love, you can get into it completely by accident, you can pretend that the Vector Union meant nothing to you, but you will never be able to prove that this story has not turned you inside out. It is a scalpel, God or hell, but it is the sharpest surgical instrument, and it is not used for nothing. And even if you manage to get out of the Vector Union alive and unharmed, the scar will remain for life.

Astrology is perceived by many as a pseudoscience, but, nevertheless, it continues to exist and develop. Grigory Kvasha expressed a special view of astrology, which practically turned all the usual foundations for creating horoscopes. This person still causes a lot of emotions and comments, his theories are tested and questioned. But there is a whole army of his fans who remember this man with special gratitude, who opened up a completely new world to them.

Grigory Kvasha: a short biography

On this moment the famous astrologer is already 62 years old, he devoted most of his life to the creation and confirmation of his theory. Kvasha Grigory Semenovich was born in Chelyabinsk, after his family moved to Tashkent, where the future astrologer spent all his childhood. He became interested in horoscopes in 1985 and suggested that many events in a person's life are subject to completely different influences than previously thought. He created special system"Structural horoscope", when only the date of birth of a person is taken as a starting point. Moreover, Grigory Kvasha believes that the stars have the smallest degree of influence on a person, most of it life cycle depends on some mystical connections.

The astrologer not only began to study the horoscopes of individuals, but also became interested in historical cycles. Thanks to them, Grigory Kvasha made many forecasts for the development of major world powers, including Russia. Most of the predictions made came true in the coming years, which brought the astrologer immense popularity. He has published more than thirty books, and in 2000 he became a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Now Grigory Kvasha continues to work on his theory, writes books and gives lectures. Many of his works deal with marital relations and the compatibility of partners.

"Structural horoscope": basics and description

The horoscope of Gregory Kvasha is truly unusual. Most often, when we want to know something about ourselves, we look into the zodiac and eastern horoscope. In them you can get information about your character traits and implementation in life. The zodiac horoscope gives a complete picture of what features a person is endowed with at birth. They determine his reactions to various situations and problems. And the eastern horoscope tells you how to properly realize yourself in life. "Structural horoscope" has become an ideal combination of pragmatic zodiac and philosophical oriental.

The horoscope of Grigory Kvasha implies the creation of completely new personality psychotypes at the intersection of two horoscopes, which are superimposed on perception modern world. The description of each psychotype is made by the author in an accessible and understandable language, it gives not only a personality characteristic, but also recommendations for building a life line of behavior.

Psychotypes according to the structural horoscope of Kvasha

Of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and the twelve animals Eastern horoscope Grigory Kvasha, by combining, identified seven psychotypes, on which his "Structural Horoscope" is built. The name of each type is characteristic and says a lot about itself:

  • King.
  • Professor.
  • Leader.
  • Knight.
  • Aristocrat.
  • Vector.

The author does not pretend to deep penetration into the depths and secrets of the personality, but the external hit of the type is simply amazing. Of course, you should not take this horoscope too seriously, but perhaps you will definitely learn something new and interesting about yourself.

"Vector horoscope"

Grigory Kvasha created a rather bold theory of the "Vector Horoscope". Based on this theory, the author claims that each sign of the eastern horoscope has two neighboring signs that can enter into karmic dependence with it.

Grigory Kvasha's "Vector Horoscope" reveals people in partnerships, he talks about how people change next to their partner and manifest themselves in relationships. According to this theory, everyone changes in a relationship and not only creates something new, but also transmits this energy to the outside world. Therefore, the "Vector Horoscope" by Grigory Kvasha gives a lot of information about the compatibility of partners. This is not about everyday and any other compatibility of characters, but about energy, on which the fate of the couple depends. The author proved that it is the energy at the karmic level that determines the future of the couple and the intensity of passions in their relationship.

According to the horoscope, each sign can enter into a "servant-master" relationship with certain two partners. Roles change depending on the partner. Such relationships are considered the most unpredictable and are called "vector ring".

Vector ring: a brief description

The vector ring is a deeper level of the "Structural horoscope". It determines how the relationship will be built in a couple. Be sure that when the "servant" and the "master" come together, it will be impossible for them to part. Grigory Kvasha explains that it is simply impossible to predict the outcome of events in this pair. Each such relationship develops according to its own scenario, but always violently and emotionally. From the point of view of energy, relations along the vector ring are a kind of breaking of all the protective codes of the body. People seem to dissolve into each other, they become one whole at all energy levels. They usually can hardly exist in the same space - they constantly quarrel and sort things out, but when they part, they feel very bad and start to get sick. On the one hand, the vector ring gives the couple a lot of emotions, but on the other hand, it completely destroys personalities, fusing them into something new and united. We can say that all relations develop according to the principle of a pendulum. They have periods of ups and downs, but looped couples do not have the possibility of recession - their relationship develops strictly along the ring, they become more and more saturated with each new round.

Grigory Kvasha does not recommend marriage according to the type of a vector ring; such couples are doomed to exist in constant scandals. The only exception is creative unions. The vector ring gives them strength for successful development in their profession and new ideas.

Compatibility according to the "Structural horoscope"

The compatibility horoscope of Gregory Kvasha suggests the presence of four types of marriage. It is worth clarifying that the author does not like to discuss relationships separately from marriage. He believes that all other attempts to build a relationship do not matter. According to Kvasha's theory, marriages can be:

  • patriarchal;
  • equal;
  • spiritual;
  • romantic.


Patriarchal marriage is subject to a clear structure - the man earns money, and the woman is responsible for raising children and comfort. Such relationships are possible if the spouses are of the same age or the age difference is divisible by four.

Equal marriage: features

The union of equal people, on the one hand, carries with it the constant satisfaction of communicating with your comrade-in-arms. But that's just the pitfalls in such a marriage is much more than the obvious advantages. Partners are in a state of constant struggle for superiority, they compete in almost all areas of life. Coexistence in an equal marriage turns into an endless theater of war.

spiritual union

In this marriage, people are held together by the unity of interests and spiritual values. Both partners are constantly growing and improving in this relationship. They learn to sort things out on a different level and, in the end, achieve complete mutual understanding and harmony.

romantic union

In this pair, the relationship is akin to building castles in the air. Partners see each other through "rose-colored glasses", they seem to hover above reality. Such couples are characterized by love at first sight, it inspires them and provides food for spiritual growth. In such unions, the age difference between partners is a multiple of two.

Grigory Kvasha: astrologer's forecasts

The famous astrologer is distinguished by very bold predictions for the future. And he does it on a national scale. For example, in the nineties of the last century, he completely predicted the political career of Boris Yeltsin. He often predicted the results of elections in the United States and other countries months in advance.

For such forecasts, Grigory Kvasha used mathematical knowledge, which allowed him to derive a certain cyclicity historical events. The author of the "Structural Horoscope" presents all the events of the past and future as a close relationship math problems that just require their proper solution.

The astrologer gives quite a lot of predictions about the future of Russia. He sees in it only positive aspects that will lead to the revival of the greatness of the country. In the near future, according to Kvasha's forecasts, the dollar will finally collapse, which will lead to the strengthening of the ruble and yen. France will take the lead in Europe, while Germany will long years will be puzzled by the solution of their internal problems.

Who knows how right Grigory Kvasha will turn out to be? We can trust him or not, but only time will tell which of the famous astrologer's predictions will be confirmed in the near future.

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