Osmokot fertilizer. Complex fertilizers for indoor flowers with prolonged action: the advantage of granular form Fertilizers for flowers with long-term action

Do you think gardening is too difficult? If yes, then an excellent product called “Osmocote” has been developed especially for you - a fertilizer that will allow any beginner to grow a garden of miracles without any problems. Today we want to tell you about it so that you have an idea of ​​how easy it is to grow the most capricious plants. And they will be truly luxurious.

Short description

What is Osmocote? Fertilizer is a familiar concept to every gardener. This is what they call plant food. However, there are a lot of them and, unfortunately, none of them guarantee an excellent result. They can only slightly contribute to improving the growth and development of the plant. So how is this feeding different from them? It has only recently appeared on our market and has gradually begun to win the trust of gardeners (and especially flower growers).

But, for example, in Europe fertilizer has been used for a long time and very successfully in professional and amateur landscaping. Almost all nurseries in the EU give preference to it, because it allows you to obtain a high-quality plant with an excellent decorative appearance. At the same time, gardeners seriously save time on care. That is, you don’t need to do anything: the crop will grow itself. Miracles? No, this is “Osmokot” - a new generation fertilizer.


What is the operating principle of this innovative product based on? Everything is very simple. You only apply Osmocote to the soil once, and a special capsule regulates the release of nutrients. Today, among the many preparations for plant nutrition, it is these long-acting products that are of greatest interest. In them, all the necessary substances for the life and development of green spaces are collected in a capsule covered with a special shell that allows water to pass through. It contains all trace elements in the required proportions. Of course, all plants cannot be satisfied with a single set of minerals, so Osmocote fertilizer can be found on the market in different variations. The instructions will help you make your choice.

Benefits of technology

Surely many people have a reasonable question: “Why such difficulties?” After all, you can dilute organic matter the old fashioned way, add any mineral fertilizer - and you’re done, the plants don’t need anything else. In fact, it's not that simple. The fact is that it is very difficult to calculate the correct proportions and assess the condition of the soil, that is, its real needs. The decomposition and absorption of fertilizers depends on a number of factors: temperature and humidity. That is, the flow of nutrients may dry up long before the next application of fertilizing or vice versa.

What is different about Osmokot fertilizer? Reviews from experienced gardeners indicate that this method of fertilizing has made it possible to make great strides forward. All the elements necessary for the plant are collected in one granule. Moreover, each capsule is covered with a semi-permeable shell made of biodegradable resin. Water easily gets inside and slowly washes away the necessary substances. This process continues throughout the entire period of the declared action, after which the shell is destroyed under the influence of soil bacteria. This method eliminates the leaching of nutrients from the soil. Also provides high percent their assimilation. In addition, local excess of the permissible concentration of one element is excluded.

Based on plant growth activity

Indeed, “Osmokot” is a fertilizer, the use of which is relevant in all weather conditions. Moreover, it adapts to the plants. For example, when the weather is hot and sunny, the shoot gets enough moisture. It grows very quickly. Under such conditions, the release of nutrients from the capsule occurs very quickly. As temperatures drop, the rate of mineral dissolution slows, corresponding to a similar slowdown in plant growth. Thus, the soil composition is automatically adjusted. Therefore, the gardener does not have to worry about this.

Types and main forms of release

What is Osmocote like? The fertilizer, a photo of which we provide in our article, is available in three main forms:

  • Granules that last 3-4 months, which means they are perfect for the summer season.
  • Capsules designed for 5-6 months.
  • Fertilizer that will last 8-9 months. It is suitable for potted plants and indoor greenhouses, conservatories and conservatories.

As we have already said, the rate of entry of elements into the soil will depend on the frequency of watering and temperature environment.


Regardless of the type, this fertilizer will contain potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Without them, not a single plant can exist normally. But that is not all. Decorative deciduous and flowering plants, as well as fruit plants, are very demanding regarding the presence of various microelements in the soil. They especially need magnesium, copper, boron, manganese, and molybdenum. All these elements play a special role. Without them, it will be impossible to form a good root system. Therefore, these elements are contained in Osmokot complexes. Reviews from farmers confirm that the use of such fertilizer is simply fantastically convenient.

Nutrient ratio

The fastest-acting capsules, designed for 3-4 months, contain 16 mg/g of nitrogen, 9 mg/g of phosphorus and 12 mg/g of potassium. The second fertilizer option, designed for 5-6 months, changes the proportions quite a bit. A little less nitrogen is included - 15 mg/g. The rest of the lineup remains the same. Finally, the third option is the most balanced. That is why it is used in long-lasting capsules. This is 15 mg/g of nitrogen, and 9 mg/g of phosphorus and potassium.

Indoor flowers respond especially well to this fertilizer. Any form presented perfectly protects against potassium starvation, which primarily occurs in potted plants. The gradual migration of beneficial microelements into the soil ensures excellent growth, well-being and flowering, which is not always easy to achieve in room conditions. Fertilizer is also used when growing flowers hydroponically. In this case, the capsule turns out to be the only source of nutrition and ensures survival.

How to calculate the amount of fertilizer?

If everything is more or less clear with the garden, the dissolved substances will in any case be carried to certain territory, then what about potted plants? In particular, Osmokot fertilizer is often used for petunias, which makes it possible to achieve such a lush color that you rarely see if you feed them with standard humus.

So, for each type of granules there is a recommended dosage: from 1.5 to 4 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of pot (depending on whether weak, moderate or strong fertilizing is needed). Take into account the conditions: in extreme heat, it is better to add a smaller dosage of the drug, since its active dissolution can provoke an overdose of nutrients. Higher doses may be required for large plants during periods of active growth and flowering.

Consumption for certain crops

These granules are completely safe for the environment. The contents are absorbed by plants. This alone suggests that you can at least use the capsules at home. For small plants you will need 1-2 g per 1 liter of soil. For larger ones, especially during the period of active growth, at least 2-3 g per similar amount of soil. For example, a young thuja or juniper will require from 10 to 20 g. For a thuja 0.5 meters tall, about 60 g is needed, and for a large tree above one meter - 80.

Flowering plants (garden and park roses) require quite a large amount of fertilizer. When planting a two-year-old rose bush, you need to apply 20 g of fertilizer at the root, for climbing roses and large bushes - at least 100, and for very large plants - 150. This application of fertilizer will save you from subsequent worries about the fate of the plant.

Bioavailability of nutrients

What else is great about Osmokot flower fertilizer? The fact is that all the minerals that enter the soil from these granules are in a form accessible to plants. This statement may be a little confusing for amateur gardeners. But in fact, plants cannot absorb fertilizers in the form in which we apply them to the soil. It takes time for them to develop into something that a garden crop can use.

Some substances, entering the soil, settle for several years until the processes occurring in it adapt them and make them suitable for plants. Others may remain unchanged. That is, if the earth is rich in minerals, this does not mean that plants will be able to use them and grow on it. This is the uniqueness of this nutritional complex. All the elements it contains can be easily consumed by garden and indoor plants.


Regular use of Osmokot flower fertilizer gives remarkable results. The unique formula ensures an even distribution of nutrients in optimal proportions for plant growth. It is this complex that helps fulfill the previously impossible desire of gardeners: it nourishes the plant even when it cannot be moistened. This primarily applies to the cold season.

With regular use of the complex, green spaces grow quickly, evenly, and have good view. This is due to the fact that they are not threatened with regular shortages and subsequent excesses of nutrients, as is the case with the use of conventional fertilizers. That is, the likelihood of plant disease due to its improper maintenance is reduced. Different types of this fertilizer have different colors so that the gardener does not confuse which soil to add which granules. Judging by the reviews of gardeners, this is by far the most advanced way of feeding plants.

Date of publication: 09.29.2017 08:33

Long-acting fertilizer for fruit trees and shrubs in the form of pegs.

Mineral fertilizer for personal gardens and farmsteads.

  • New. It has no analogues in the domestic market.
  • Specialized fertilizer for fruit trees, fruit and berry bushes.
  • Affordable price.


Solid briquettes - stakes, weighing 100g. Packing: plastic bag, cardboard box. There are 5 pcs in one package. or 12 pcs. pegs.

Easy and convenient to use. Does not require soil preparation (digging, loosening).

  • Prolonged nutrition of roots. Does not over-salt the soil.
  • Contains all essential and essential minerals to ensure healthy growth for one year.


The fertilizer is intended to be applied as the main fertilizer to the soil and plant nutrition throughout the growing season. Fertilizer dissolution occurs gradually throughout the growing season, unlike traditional fertilizers, which immediately dissolve and are washed out of the soil.

Mass fraction of nutrients:

Total nitrogen, N 5.0;

Total phosphorus in terms of P2O5 8.0;

Total potassium in terms of K2O 4.0; pH 5.0-7.0.

Application deadline: Apply fertilizer once a year, in autumn or spring.

Mode of application:

Drive the required number (according to the table) of fertilizer pegs into the moistened soil over the entire area of ​​the tree trunk circle, focusing on the crown area, using a wooden hammer (with medium-force blows), in accordance with the recommended doses as the main fertilizer in spring and autumn.

On poor soils, fertilizer doses should be increased by 25-30%.

When feeding during the growing season, reduce the dose by 50%.

Fertilize correctly: fruit trees

Apple, pear, cherry.

During the season, fruit trees consume great amount nutrients that come from the soil in the form aqueous solutions. The supply simply needs to be replenished, otherwise the next harvest will be meager. But correct process fertilizing fruit trees such as apple, pear, and cherry is very labor-intensive.

Many gardeners try to fertilize in a lightweight form, simply scattering the calculated amount of fertilizer in the area around the tree trunk, which is extremely ineffective.

When applied superficially, fruit crops do not absorb phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. It is usually recommended to use furrows, annular grooves with an average application depth of 20 cm, or scatter fertilizers around the tree trunk, and then dig up to about half the bayonet of a shovel.

When digging around the trunk, there is a risk of damaging the lateral roots of the fruit tree.

Difficult? Labor intensive? Some amateur gardeners, for these reasons, refuse to apply fertilizers, thereby impoverishing the yields, as well as disrupting the development of the orchard and its quality. And in vain!

IN last years The method of applying root fertilizers using specialized fertilizer pegs is rapidly gaining momentum.

Fertilizers-pegs have a significant advantage in terms of speed of application, labor intensity, and also surpass traditional bulk fertilizers in the quality of nutrition of the root system.

The shape resembles pegs, a little more than ten centimeters long. Fertilizers are convenient, first of all - the method for application. It is enough to hammer the fertilizer peg into the soil, and it begins to work from the first minutes, delivering nutrients directly to the root system of the fruit tree.

In this case, the fertilizer reaches correct depth root system. Easy and convenient to apply.

One of these fertilizers for fruit trees is the "ROCKET" fertilizer.

This is a complex mineral fertilizer containing all the essential nutrients NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

Fertilizer pegs are remarkable not only for their ease of application. These are fertilizers from the class of long-acting fertilizers. The dissolution of the fertilizer occurs gradually, the peg slowly disintegrates, releasing nutrients layer by layer, dosed. For several months of the growing season.

Mode of application:

Drive several fertilizer pegs into the moistened soil over the entire area of ​​the tree trunk circle, focusing on the crown area, using a wooden hammer, in accordance with the recommended doses as the main fertilizer in spring and autumn. The number of "ROCKET" fertilizer pegs for each crop is determined according to the calculation table (on the back of the box).

It should be remembered that when applying traditional bulk fertilizers, fruit trees experience stress associated with “oversalting” the soil. At this moment, the intensity of water absorption by plant roots decreases due to the high concentration of salts, and water absorption by the roots can almost completely stop.

The use of RAKETA fertilizers eliminates both “over-salting” of the soil and burning of the roots. The concentration of nutrient salts is even throughout the entire time of dissolution of the fertilizer peg.

Many gardeners know what ovary shedding looks like; they have encountered an unpleasant situation when fruit trees have flowered well, set well, and the next day the entire ovary is already lying under the tree. This is due to the fact that at this moment, the tree determines how many fruits it can bring to maturity, based on how it is fed. At this moment, both a lack and an excess of fertilizers are harmful to the tree. If at this moment the correct amount of nutrients is present in the soil, there will be noticeably more fruit.

Fertilizer pegs "ROCKET" will perfectly help maintain the balance of nutrients in this case.

It is known that plants absorb only 30% of applied traditional mineral fertilizers. The rest of the fertilizers quickly dissolve, are quickly washed away, destroy the soil structure, and pollute surface and ground waters.

Slowly dissolving fertilizers "ROCKET" pegs have a beneficial effect on plants and soil fertility. They keep groundwater clean, which means the ecology of the green world around us.

Description: Solid briquettes - fertilizer pegs, weighing 100g. In one package: 5 pcs. Package weight: 500g.

Ask for fertilizer in “ROCKET” pegs at the ECOstyle store!

Dear beginning farmers, entrepreneurs, owners of new greenhouses and nurseries, large and not so big!

Thinking about Hydroponics? - Great choice!!! - but only if you have a lot of money and if you don’t care what taste your vegetables, fruits and berries will have.

If you decide to start your own farming business and produce natural, environmentally friendly products, but you do not have enough funds, then you have a real opportunity to save on expensive hydroponic equipment (component mixers, solution dispensers, pumps...) and electricity. At the same time, it will significantly simplify your work and ensure stable high performance harvest.

Does not require anything other than watering with regular water.

Completely eliminates human contact with the fertilizer.

How to make your work easier - with APION, plants only need watering (read); - You get the harvest two weeks earlier - always of high quality (read); - You grow developed and persistent plants and flowers (read), - You save your time, money and other resources (read) - You do not pollute the soil with excess fertilizers, moreover, you improve it (read). - More details on Wikipedia The only operation you need to do is to place the APIONs in the root zone of a growing plant or when planting it, and then simply water it and carry out normal care. APION will do the rest for you, while ensuring high productivity and quality. - Contact of people with fertilizers is excluded (read more) If you feel that the cultivation technology you used before does not bring the desired result and does not make your work easier, then you can switch to APIONS at ANY TIME, even if it is the middle of the season. With normal watering, the result will be noticeable within two to three weeks. Be careful! APION - package - DO NOT OPEN!!! APION contains all the main macro-/micro-elements and humates. APION is placed in a hole near a growing plant or under the root ball when planting seedlings, then you only need watering (preferably drip) and normal care, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ROOT FEEDING! Foliar feeding on the leaf is allowed. We recommend additionally adding dolomite flour, a source of calcium and magnesium, to artificial soil mixtures (substrates). Only initial filling of the soil with ready-made compost, rotted manure and other fertilizers is allowed. We produce a special fertilizer - APION. This is a long-acting fertilizer, with a working life for various brands from several months to one and a half years. APION carefully and evenly doses the nutrients it contains throughout the entire period of action, preventing “starvation” or “oversaturation” of the plant and provides optimal nutritional conditions throughout the entire growing season. APION contains a specially selected complex of macro-elements, micro-elements and growth stimulants, forming a basic nutritional composition with the formula 18-6-18 according to NPK, which is suitable for almost all plants, subject to local application. The use of APION fertilizer allows you to completely eliminate labor costs for periodic feeding of grown plants, since it implies its one-time application for a certain period of time, during which no other actions other than watering are required. With the use of APION fertilizer, in most cases, no measures to protect against diseases are required, since under the conditions of ideal nutrition that you create with its help, the plant is not afraid of either disease or frost, APION is used as in open ground, and in greenhouses or when grown in pots. Nutrients are not carried by irrigation water, as in traditional technologies cultivation, and are not washed into the lower layers, which eliminates soil poisoning. Instead, a slowly dosed amount of solution is almost completely absorbed by the plant as it grows and bears fruit. Now many are concerned about finding environmentally friendly food products, but the content of harmful substances in fruits grown using APION is one and a half times lower established norm - this is easy to check. For beginning greenhouse vegetable growers, APION is an excellent opportunity to reduce initial investments in expensive dosing equipment and transfer these costs to operating costs. All you need to organize is a greenhouse, drip irrigation with regular water, APIONs and the seedlings themselves. Next, general care of the greenhouse and plants - and your greenhouse business is ready! Also, APION is widely used in landscape design and gardening, as it can significantly increase the survival rate of green material and optimize their care. These factors are very important for landscaping companies, since they eliminate the need to replace expensive plants from clients, often at their own expense, and also reduce labor costs for periodic excavation work associated with feeding plants. For end clients, these factors are also important because they help avoid fuss and unnecessary waste of money. APION belongs to the class of safe fertilizers, since the APION package cannot be opened and is placed directly in the shell, which eliminates direct human contact with the fertilizer or solution. This also has a beneficial effect on weed control, since the fertilizer is released only in the root area of ​​the plant, but not on the soil surface. The membrane shell of APION is made of a material that completely decomposes in the ground after a certain time after completion of its work, which makes this fertilizer also environmentally friendly. TU 2186-001-02068870-99. Trademark of the Russian Federation No. 100154 ®. Russian patents. . General Instructions for Use - (read - here) How to lay APION - (view - here) Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion - (view - here) Extract from the approved rules for the care of green spaces in Moscow. Photo materials, as well as experiences, reviews and results - (read here) Here we share our experiences and answer your questions - Country Club - Forum - Local or General catering? - Decide for yourself - here. APION - Automatic Feeding Osmotic Pump is a long-acting fertilizer that provides local nutrition in the root zone of the plant throughout the growing season. Content according to NPK (18:6:18 + microelements + humates). APION is sometimes called a long-acting osmotic fertilizer. This is a dosing device in the form of a soft container containing nutrients, which functions in the root habitat and controls the release into the soil of a solution of a balanced complex of macro- and microelements and growth bioregulators, without the use of any energy sources (replaces a complex set of hydroponic systems). - Synchronous operation of APION with a plant (read here) Areas of application: Growing almost all types of plants in open and protected ground - industrial greenhouses, farming, personal plot, landscape design, landscaping, winter garden, greenhouse, house plants.

Complex fertilizers consist of several substances that provide plants with the necessary nutrition for active growth and beautiful flowering. As a rule, such fertilizers are based on nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Most complex fertilizers are presented in liquid form; they are diluted with water and used for root and leaf treatment of flowers. That is, the drugs begin to work immediately after use.

Effect of granular fertilizers

For a more prolonged action of beneficial microelements, complex ones are produced in granular form. They must be applied directly to the soil without first dissolving in water.

The advantage and peculiarity of the action of such preparations is that nutrients are supplied to plants gradually as the granules dissolve. This almost completely eliminates the possibility of burning root system flowers as a result of an overdose.

Depending on the air temperature and the amount of moisture, plants receive the required amount of minerals in small doses. As the temperature in the room decreases, the need of flowers for microelements also decreases, which also cease to be intensively released from the granules.

A single application of granules allows you to provide flowers with food for at least 2 months, which is very convenient.

Popular types of granular fertilizers

For fertilizers for indoor flowers, the following preparations in granular form are widely used:

The granular form of fertilizers provides indoor flowers with all the necessary nutrients for a long time, which has a positive effect on their growth and flowering.

Long-acting fertilizer for indoor flowers Osmokot - video

“Complex mineral glassy fertilizer of prolonged action “Agrovitaqua-AVA” brand AVA (“AVA Universal 2-3 years”, “AVA Elite Landscape”, “AVA Elite Gardener”, “AVA for perennial garden flowers”), brand AVA-1 ( “AVA for annual garden and balcony flowers”, “AVA Universal 1 year”, “AVA Universal with urea”, “AVA for decorative flowers indoor plants", "AVA for flowers", "AVA for vegetables", "AVA for sowing seeds", "AVA Elite Season")

Read carefully before use!
(for personal subsidiary plots).

  • It is used as a concentrated and effective phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer of prolonged action for all crops in open and protected soils on all types of soils on private farms. The fertilizer contains a complex of microelements that optimize plant nutrition in various phases of development. Designed for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers, farmers and landscape design enthusiasts.
Brand of drug Culture Time and features of application Dose of the drug
BrandAVA, including: AVA Universal 2-3 years (250 g, 500 g, 900 g) AVA Elite Landscape 1 kg. AVA Elite Gardener 1 kg. AVA for perennial garden flowers 100 g. Fruits and berries ornamental trees(apple, pear, cherry, plum, etc.) – application during planting, fertilizing 50-100 g per tree
Fruit and berry and ornamental shrubs (currants, gooseberries, etc.) - application during planting, fertilizing Spring-autumn Application into the soil, embed into the soil along the perimeter of the crown, in the zone of active root growth

20-50 g per bush

Strawberries, strawberries - applied during planting. Spring-autumn Application to the soil in the zone of active root growth 3-5 g per plant
BrandAVA- 1, incl.: AVA Universal 1 year (250 g, 500 g, 900 g) AVA Elite Season 1 kg AVA for flower and ornamental indoor plants (blister) 9 g AVA for annual garden and balcony flowers 100 g AVA for flowers 30 g AVA for vegetables 30 g. AVA for sowing seeds 30 g. Vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, all types of cabbage, etc.), all green crops, flower and ornamental crops, preparation of soil mixtures Spring-summer Apply evenly into furrows before planting. Mix the fertilizer with the prepared soil

5-10g/m2 or 3-5g/liter of soil

Vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, root vegetables), all green crops, flower and ornamental crops - the main application when planting or fertilizing Spring-summer Application into the soil, embed into the soil, into the zone of active root growth

10 g/m 2 soil or 3-5 g/plant

All crops - root feeding Spring-autumn Watering. Prepare an infusion and water the soil, shaking it first. The sediment can be reused many times

Preparation of infusion - 4 g/l,

Suspension consumption

All crops - foliar feeding Spring-autumn Spraying. Prepare an infusion and spray the leaves of the plants, shaking first. The sediment can be reused many times

Preparation of infusion - 2 g/l,

Suspension consumption

1.5-10 l/10m 2

Floral and decorative crops for indoor floriculture - root feeding All year round Watering. Prepare an infusion and water the soil, shaking it first. The sediment can be reused many times Preparation of infusion 4 g/l. Suspension consumption until the earth clod is completely moistened
Floral and ornamental crops for indoor floriculture - foliar feeding All year round Spraying. Prepare an infusion and spray the leaves of the plants, shaking first. The sediment can be reused many times Preparation of infusion 2 g/l Suspension consumption - until the leaf surface is completely moistened
AVA Universal with urea (500 g, 900 g, blister 9 g) All types of ornamental, fruit and berry, vegetable, green and flower and ornamental crops - during planting and fertilizing Spring - summer Application into the soil when sowing seeds. When planting plants and seedlings in the ground When feeding plants during the growing season When sowing seeds, mix 1 teaspoon of seeds with 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of fertilizer and ½ cup of fine sand. For seedlings - 3-5 g per plant, add to the hole. Preparation of infusion - 2 g/l, Suspension consumption 1.5-10 l/10m2

Distinctive name:

  • “Complex mineral glassy fertilizer of prolonged action “Agrovitaqua-AVA” brand AVA (“AVA Universal 2-3 years”, “AVA Elite Landscape”, “AVA Elite Gardener”, “AVA for perennial garden flowers”), brand AVA-1 ( “AVA for annual garden and balcony flowers”, “AVA Universal 1 year”, “AVA Universal with urea”, “AVA for floral and ornamental indoor plants”, “AVA for flowers”, “AVA for vegetables”,"AVA for sowing seeds", "AVA Elite Season")


  • TU 2189-001-50032241-99, Brand AVA ("AVA Station wagon 1 year")
  • TU 2189-001-500032241-99, Brand AVA (“AVA Station wagon 2-3 years”)

Mass fraction of nutrients:

  • Not less than: P2O5 - 48-55%, K2O - 14-25%, CaO - 8%, MgO - 4%,
    trace elements: S, B, Si, Fe, Mn, Co, Mo, Zn, Cu, Se


  • It is used as a long-acting phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer with microelements for the main application, root and foliar feeding of fruits and berries, vegetables, flower and ornamental crops on all types of soils in private farms


  • Fire and explosion safe

Hazard Class:

  • Hazard class 4 (low-hazard substance). Safety measures according to SanPin 1.2.1077-01 and SP 1.2.1170-02. First aid for poisoning: in case of contact with skin, remove contaminated clothing and rinse skin running water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water. In case of accidental ingestion, drink a large number of warm water, induce vomiting, take activated carbon (at the rate of 1 g of sorbent per 1 kg of the victim’s weight). If necessary, consult a doctor.

Safety measures during operation, transportation and storage:

  • Wear gloves when working and wash your hands with soap after work.
  • Transportation of fertilizer is carried out by all types of transport, subject to protection from precipitation and mechanical damage, taking into account the requirements of SanPin 1.2.1077-01, SP 1.2.1170-02. Not allowed to use Vehicle, previously used to transport pesticides and other harmful substances. Transport marking – in accordance with GOST 14192 “Marking of cargo” with the application of a manipulation sign “Afraid of dampness”
  • Storage: in dry closed warehouses, excluding the ingress of precipitation and groundwater, in closed original packaging (containers), separately from other materials, substances and food products, in places inaccessible to children and animals. (compliance with SanPin 1.2.1077-01 “Hygienic requirements for the use and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals, SP 1.2.1170-02 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of agrochemicals”) Packaging must ensure the safety of products and their safety for the consumer and the environment.

Methods for neutralizing spilled or scattered agrochemicals, methods for neutralization, disposal of containers and agrochemical residues:

  • Scattered or spilled agrochemicals can be collected and used for their intended purpose.The container is disposed of by burning in a specially designated place.

Best before date:

  • Without restrictions, provided that it is stored in a dry place in a closed container

Warranty period of storage:

  • 5 years from the date of manufacture for the drug, 3 years for gelatin capsules in blister packs

Date of manufacture:

  • March 2007

Net weight:

  • 0.009 kg – gelatin capsules in blister packs;
  • 0.03 kg – laminated bags;
  • 0.1 kg; 0.2 kg; 0.25 kg; 0.5 kg; 0.6 kg; 0.9 kg - PET cans, 1.0 kg, 3.0 kg, 5.0 kg - plastic bags
  • 25 kg, - polypropylene bags

Batch No.

  • 4, 4 a

State registration number:

  • № 0575 – 07 – 202 – 180 – 0 – 0 – 0 - 1

Registration number of container label:

  • 213-877 (0.25 kg; 0.5 kg; 0.9 kg)

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