Blue sides. Purple language or under it

The diagnosis in the language should be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach, with natural daylight and after the preliminary rinsing of the oral cavity.
Language is able to give a faithful tip to whom to go for help.
First of all, make a map of the correspondences. So, the tip of the language "watches" behind the heart and light, its middle part is behind the stomach and pancreas (these zones are located on the middle fold of the language), as well as the liver and spleen. According to the root of the language, you can judge the state of the intestine, and on the side sites - the kidneys. The median language fold reflects the state of the spine.
The location of the zones in the language schematically repeats the placement of the appropriate organs of the body, from the tip - the upper part of the body and to the root - the bottom of the body.

A healthy person is a pale pink language, without a flying, with a flat fold, well-pronounced papillas.
In the summer, the nipples of the tongue have a reddish tint and slightly increased, and in the fall and in the spring they are slightly yellowish or light. In the state of the tongue, eaten products, such as blueberries and beets, and excessively hot food, and adopted drugs, and the design of dentures, and the composition of the composite from which a seal is made. It should be remembered, assessing its health in the language in order not to take the track from the eaten carrot for a severe ailment.

The domestic experience of diagnostics in the language was first summarized in the labor "recognition of illness in language" headquarters Mikhail Nechaeva back in 1835
The language of healthy and children, and adults has a pale pink color, a smooth surface, on the tip composed of small papillars, in the middle third - from large, and at the root of the language - from the massive clusters of the papilla.

These nipples are about ten thousand taste, thermal and biochemical analyzers that directly, the most that neither simple way (through nervous conductors) are associated with various intestinal departments, liver, gallbladder, spleen and central nervous system.
We are so arranged that many organs are projected into separate areas of the surface of our tongue. digestive system.

For example, the stomach - throughout the middle of the language,
Liver - at the level of small indigenous teeth,
And at the tip of the language - a sigmoid and straight intestine.

Therefore, inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of these bodies are necessarily manifested by changes in the appearance of the language.
In medicine, very few rules without exception, but among them there is one such rule:

Symptoms of diseases manifest themselves in the language of about a day, two before the affected organs begin to hurt.

Conspect your tongue more often!
So, what can tell a change in the color of the tongue, if the language is normal to be pink.
Look at your tongue in the mirror. Observe its size, outline contour, surface, edge and color.

Note. This diagram is a reflection of your language in the mirror (this is a mirror image).

Crimson Signals about poisoning, which are accompanied by a high temperature, about severe infectious diseases or the heavy form of pneumonia.
· Red - Violations in cardiac and pulmonary systems, blood diseases, infectious diseases.
· Dark red - There are no grandparents as in red, but the patient's position is much more serious.
Dark red Language speaks of severe renal, toxic disorders.
The alternation of white and red spots is characteristic of Scarlantine.

If color bluish - There is a defect in the heart.
A bluish color of the lower side of the tongue can be caused by a circulatory disorder with cardiovascular failure.
Shine tint top and especially the lower surface of the language
long before the appearance of "gravity" on the heart, pain and sudden weakness prompts about cardiovascular insufficiency in middle-aged people, which, as a rule, are not ready to meet a sudden heart attack, and will help adopt prophylactic measures to the elderly people suffering from chronic heart failure.

Purple color language - Serious blood and lung diseases

Black Language indicates possible cholera infection

Bloodless, very pale language - the right sign of anemia and sharp exhaustion of the body
Pale color The lower part of the language speaks of the pathology of the gallbladder and the liver.
If there is a discoloration of the language, its lethargy or raising its sphere - it means this important body has a defect.
For example, if you see the imprint of the teeth along the edges of the tongue, it indicates an insufficient intestinal digestibility.
The discoloration or increased sensitivity of individual parts indicates a violation in those organs related to this part.

Whitish color Indicates the violation of the cap and the accumulation of mucus. Red or yellow-green indicates pyta disorders. Dark brown coloring indicates Vata violations. Dehydration language is a symptom of reducing Dhant Ras (plasma). Pale language indicates a decrease in Dhant Rakta (red blood tales).
The nature and color of the plaque on different zones of the language is also a signal of the presence of a particular disease.

- Slim raid - a sign of a starting disease, thick - chronic. - The thickening of the plaque speaks of the progression of the disease, and enlightenment and decrease inspires optimism: Health went on amendment.

Rock covering language indicates toxins in the stomach, thin or colon.
- If the flare posted the foundation of the language, the doctor may suspect the disorder of the intestinal and kidneys.
- If only the back of the tongue is covered, there are toxins in the colon,
- If the raid in the middle of the language is toxins are present in the stomach and the small intestine.
- Thin, easily removable whiff flare in the language and the metal taste in the mouth always accompany the acute gastroenteritis (the affix of the stomach and the small intestine), and the case of a person - to consult a doctor in time.

- with a fat, or the language of the language - stagnation of food, accumulation of mucus, etc.,
- With a spotted purple nore language, blood stagnation.
- Slim tongue raid testifies to the beginning of the disease (or surface localization of the process),
- Thick tongue raid - about chronic disease (or deep localization of the process).
- whoreish raid on medium thirds with cracks across the edges signals: Probustin gastritis, ulcer of the stomach and duodenal.
- whoreish raid from the root - enterocolitis.
- white flare on the edges and on the front third - lung disease.
- foamy bloom at the edges and on the front third - chronic bronchitis.
- White raid along the edges of the rear third - diseases of the kidneys.
- White collapse over the entire surface - dysbacteriosis, thrush, stomatitis.
- White and red spots (the so-called strawberry language) - Scarlatina.
- Blue colors - Tiff, Dieseneria.
- Dense white color of the plaque - testimony of intoxication, constipation.
- White bloom speaks about increased dryness of digestive organs.
- white flare on the back of the tongue indicates the pathology of the thick bowel;
- On the middle third of the language - on problems with the duodenalist.
- The yellowish color of the plaque is a sign of the presence of problems in bile bubble.
The yellowness in the lower part of the language speaks of a developing jaundice.
The language took yellow color - probabilities in the work of digestive organs, liver disease, chronic cholecystitis.
With the yellow rode of the language - excess heat in the body. If the color is yellowish, there is an excess of bile in a bile bubble or violation in the liver.
Yellow raid increases with seasonal exacerbations of the liver and gallbladder.
One of the signs of a developing jaundice is yellow at the bottom of the tongue, which is found when lifting it to the sky.

Brown - diseases of the lungs and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Brown raid along the edge of the language (symmetrically with respect to the median fold) signals two-sided pneumonia.
- black and brown colors, with cracks - at Pellagra (deficiency of nicotine acid and vitamin B) - the tongue is covered with a difficult-scale sprinkler resembling a chessboard.
In the late stage, Pellagra, the language acquires a red shade with a lacquered surface - "Cardinal Language".

The dark color of the plaque speaks of severe chronic disorders of the digestive organs, accompanied by dehydration.
The black flare indicates disorders in the digestive system, especially in the pancreas and in the bustling bubble, as well as at disorders of the acid-alkaline blood balance due to dehydration of the body.

The line that goes in the middle of the language indicates an excitation running along the vertebral pole. If this line is twisted, it may indicate the deformation or curvature of the spine.

Prints of teeth on the front of the tongue and on its side surface speaks of hidden neurosis. The deeper the prints, the stronger the neurosis is expressed.

Curved, or rejected towards the language indicates an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, about violations of cerebellum or brain circulation functions.
Foam strips on both sides can mean the presence of rheumatism.
Flat ulcers point to the tuberculous process in the body.
A dry language with numerous cracks is in patients with diabetes.
The trembling language becomes in neurotic disorders and with diseases of the brain.

Lacked tongue.
Lacked tongue, has a shiny, smooth, bright red surface due to atrophy of taste papillars.
In some diseases, the number of papillas decreases, they become almost inconspicuous, and sometimes missing at all.
Because of this, the language looks smooth and brilliant, like the entire mucous membrane of the mouth.
It occurs when cancer of the stomach, with the inability of the body, absorb vitamin B2, chronic colitis.
With Pellagra (deficiency of nicotine acid and vitamin B) - the tongue is covered with a hard-colored black and brown bloom, with cracks resembling a chessboard. In the late stage, Pellagra, the language acquires a red shade with a lacquered surface - "Cardinal Language".

"Geographical" language
Children are always a sign of food allergies, and the location of inflamed and not inflamed areas of mucous membranes ("continents" and "seas") very accurately indicates the involvement in an allergic disease of one or another organ of the digestive system.

The geographical language is characterized by the presence on its surface of various in the color and size of areas with deep furrows and reliefs, typical for people with chronic damage to the gastrointestinal tract and in some mental disorders.
The geographical language is found in chronic lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in some forms of mental disorders. By this language, you can almost immediately diagnose the allergic state of individual organs.
If at the same time on the background of normal pink colour Bright red spots appear, it means that the disappearance of the papillars is a sign of anemia (Malokrovia). Increased, evenly red, but not raspberry lacquered tongue is most often a sign of metabolic disorders.
As well as -
"Geographical" language (uneven lunch and regeneration of the epithelium) - disorders in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, glides invasion, diathesis, toxicosis of pregnant women. When the language is brazed

Basic signs of gastrointestinal diseases, in language
When examining the language, attention is paid to the color, nature and location of the plaque, on the form and features of the surface and on various education in language.
The smoothing of the entire surface of the language indicates a reduced secretion of the gastric juice (hypoxy gastritis), which may arise as itself due to the disease of the stomach, but may be a consequence of other diseases (for example, liver disease and gallbladder).
Rough inflamed or not inflamed papillas on the entire surface of the tongue are more often observed with increased secretion of gastric juice (hyperacid gastritis).
Redness and easy painfulness of the tip of the tongue - (of course, not related to his burn) definitely indicate some disease of the pelvic organs: a sigmoid or rectum, bladder, uterus.

Edema and redness of the right half of the tongue from the tip to its middle - indicate the inflammatory disease of the liver.
The same changes on the left - the disease of the spleen. The appearance of ulcers in these sites means the severity and chronic nature of the disease.
The same changes in the middle part of the tongue and its edges on both sides - on a serious lung disease (before, first of all, they meant tuberculosis, now - chronic inflammations of lungs and oncological diseases).

The pathology of the digestive organs often leads to noticeable changes in the surface of the language. Different parts of the tongue are associated with different body bodies.

Thin, easily removable whippy flap in the language and the metal taste in the mouth always accompany the acute gastroenteritis (the affection of the stomach and the small intestine), and the case of a person - to consult a doctor in time.
A chronic gastroenteritis is always accompanied by sticky, difficult to remove gray gray with a rotten smell of mouth and caustic taste.

The ulcerative ulcer of the stomach or duodenal intestine is always accompanied by chronic gastroenteritis, so the gray collapse in the language is a permanent sign of these diseases,
But with them, another symptom is added to this external symptom.
Inflammation of the edges of the oral mucosa of the oral sheath around the necks of the front and root teeth of the lower jaw.
By the nature and sharpness of the inflammation of the mucous membrane around these teeth can be judged in advance about the exacerbation or sacrament of peptic ulcer.

Diagnosis in language - in photos

Language without bones
Indeed, the language itself does not boast a solid support. But the fold, which goes on his middle, accurately reflects the state of the human spine. Thus, the curvature of the fold at the tip of the tongue signals the neck osteochondrosis, in the middle of the problems in the thoracic department, the root - about lumbar osteochondrosis.
And the prints of teeth in the language, unless you were inappropriately bite it, they talk about disorders in digestion.

Disease signals that you can detect the diagnosis of language:
1. Excited condition of the body (thickened smooth medigar fold).
2. Curvating the spine in the lumbar department.
3. The curvature of the spine in the chest department.
4. Curvating the spine in the cervical department.
5. Chronic enterocolitis, dyspepsia (fingerprints of teeth on the side surfaces of the language).
6. Thyareotoxicosis, neurasthenia, alcoholism (tongue shaking).
7. Chronic fat intestinal diseases (many small intertwing folds).
8. Bad kidney work.
9. Violation of the functions of a large intestine.
10. Incixing of the large intestine.
11. Incixation of the gastrointestinal tract.
12. The weakness of cardiac activity.
13. Chronic bronchitis.
14. Bilateral pneumonia (brown raid).
15. Emphysema of the lungs.

Color of language - Body, as doctors say, is very informative.
Redness of the tip - a sign of weak cardiac activity, possibly starting ischemic Disease.
· Pale language - exhaustion.
· Red - violations in cardiac and pulmonary systems, blood disease, infectious diseases.
· Dark red - ailments are the same as in red, but the position of the patient is much more serious.
· Brilliant smooth - anemia.
· Purple - severe blood and lung diseases.
· Blue - disorders in the cardiovascular system, lungs, kidney malfunctions.
And further...
Tongue to doctor will bring
So what kind of specialist run, if you are unlikely? Language is able to give a faithful prompt. -
For example,
- Dry language, numerous cracks - fever, diarrhea, diabetes, anemia.
- burning - transferred stress, vegetionosis, cervical osteochondrosis.
- Swimming and redness on the right - hepatocolecystitis.
- Swimming and redness on the left - diseases of the spleen.
- Tremor (trembling) language - manifestation of neurasthenic syndrome, vegetionesurosis, thyrotoxicosis.
- "Geographical" language (uneven lunch and regeneration of the epithelium) - disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, glider invasions, diathesis, toxicosis of pregnant women. When the language is brazed

Another sign of problems in the body is a decrease in taste sensations.
If a person ceases to feel sweet, sour, salty or bitter, probabilities of nervous, endocrine systems.
Overdose of drugs, especially antibiotics, can also affect the language. This is the so-called dosage disease caused by intoxication of the body. In the language there may be raid, cracks, erosion, herpetic rashes, but most often the thrush.
In time, noticing these signals, you need to stop taking medication and consult with your doctor. So that the language is not screamed
Do not forget to regularly show your own language, so as not to miss the signals that not all well in the body.
By the way, it is better to show a tongue as Albert Einstein did on the famous photo, "this will have to pull it as much as possible to see and root.
And further....
Food products in different ways act on the internal organs of a person.

Sour and bitter juices formed with good chopping with teeth, or used in the form of vegetable, fruit or artificial solutions, reduce blood circulation in the intestine,
But at the same time, the blood circulation of the brain increases ("Limon reveals brains"),
lower skin temperature (no wonder, for example, cranberry juice is recommended for patients with fever) and
Enhance arterial pressure.

Sweet solutions enhance blood circulation in the intestine (so after taking sweets, a hungry man feels a tide of heat),
But reduce the blood circulation level of the brain ("From the sweet to sleep clone").

And about how to clean the language - falling in the language: a way to solve the problem

All the above, the listed signals of our body for the presence of various diseases require urgent appeal to those skilled in the art.
And yet - you need to inspect the language when it is clean. It can be put in order to a special massager for a language that is sold in a pharmacy, or a soft toothbrush. In addition to hygienic benefits, this procedure due to massage will be very favorable at the work of the organs with which the language, as it turns out, is deeply "tied".

For our part, we can regularly carry out the surface of the surface of the oral muscles from the plaque with a silver or wooden spoon with the subsequent massaging of a soft toothbrush.

This simple procedure helps to improve the condition of the entire body.

All of course know that there are special devices for cleaning the language. And they appeared at least five centuries ago.

Candidate of cultural studies, Senior Researcher, Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg Anna Yuryevna Volkovich.

Avicenna in his treatises said that it is necessary to clear the tongue from the plaque, which gives an unpleasant breath. For these purposes, the famous doctor recommended cypress cones and sprinkles of trees rich in essential oils.

Armenian doctors who lived more than five hundred years ago were encouraged by the infirous means. The first material proof was discovered in 1998 on excavations in China.

Archaeologists found scrapers made of silver and covered with a thick layer of gold. They were designed for daily use by representatives of the ancient Chinese nobility. The widespread spread of scrapers in China was also noted by Russian Dr. Pisetsky, who visited the subwayless empire in 1874. In his records, he notes that local gourmets thoroughly clean the language before each meal intake. It was believed that this procedure makes it possible to better assess the taste qualities of cooked dishes.

But the scrapers for the tongue were in the course of Europeans. For example, when the future Russian emperor Paul and his spouse were in France, Maria Antoinette and Louis XVI presented them to the nestra, in which, among other things, there was a scraper for the language. Then he took a copy of the black shell from him, and Alexander I had already enjoyed it.

Karl Xii also had its personal device for cleaning the language. It was entirely made of ivory, only three semi-short cracks were cut on the working part, which increased the functionality of the scraper. The handle was decorated with a heraldic pattern.

But the scrapers were not only the prerogative of kings and kings. For the oral cavity, the courthouse also worked very carefully. Silver business masters, they made orders not only on jewelry and dishes, but also on different trinkets - mirrors, combs, bubbles for spirits and ... scrapers for language.

By the way, in Russia there was completely unique scrapers, there were no more such anywhere. They were silver spoons with several narrow semi-short cracks. On the handle there was a special face with which the median language line was cleared. In a word, all the subtleties of its anatomical structure were taken into account. In addition, silver disinfect the oral cavity and was good inflammation prevention.

IN Western Europe Everything was completely different. There were widespread scrapers from ivory or horny with the working part in the form of a loop. Such bone products were very often combined with toothpicks or even with scrapers for cleaning the mucous jack. The rich Europeans preferred silver scrapers with golden spraying.

In their laws, the structure of the scraper developed. Over the course of several centuries it remained standard: the length of the handle was 8-9 cm, and the working part was relatively small. In the XVIII century, road and pocket means of personal hygiene were very common, they were made very small. And then there was a tendency to increase the cleansing part, which made it well to treat the root of the tongue.

Now almost all scrapers are made of plastic. Therefore, products have to be completely changed - about the same way as the toothbrushes. It is naturally also because most modern scrapers have bristles. There are scrapers, in which the working part is represented by a pointed end.

And recently began to produce very interesting toothbrushes: on the one side of the bristle, and on the other, the scraper. Given such a variety, everyone can choose a model to taste. You just need to not forget that our language needs cleaning no less than the teeth.

Diagnosis of diseases in language is one of the main stages when examining the patient and the formulation of the general diagnosis of the most frequently used in the East. This type of diagnosis makes it possible to learn about the processes occurring in our body, the emergence and stages of the development of certain diseases.

Language - the indicator of our health, they always knew about it in the east, where such an unusual one originated, but enough effective method Diagnostics - diagnosis of diseases in language.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that the language is associated with the heart. It means not only the physical state of the language, but also we say, which we say, all this indicates certain problems with the heart. However, the body is a single whole, and the condition of the heart affects the other organs. And the state of various organs of our body is "projected" to the appropriate languages. Accordingly, changes in these languages \u200b\u200bof the language, including the change in their color or increased sensitivity, indicates violations and imbalance of energies in the corresponding organs.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the tip of the language corresponds to the upper part of the body and displays the condition of the lungs and hearts, the lateral languages \u200b\u200bof the language speak of the health of the liver and the raging bubble, the back of the language - the stomach and spleen, the root of the tongue shows the state of the kidneys.

Often, the first signs of the disease are manifested in the language (change in color, raising, redness, etc.). Therefore, when diagnosing diseases in the language, first of all pay attention to the amount, form and color of the language. According to Eastern medicine, the wind energy imbalance (RLUNG) has a red color, it is dry and rough, with small dents around the edges. In case of impairment of mucus (beken), the language may have a smooth or dim surface, it is a bit swollen, wet and sticky, with white-gray raid. The imbalance in the body of yellow energy (trip) also changes the type of language: it appears on a pale yellow fenders, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth.

Conducting diagnosis of diseases in language

Best time For the diagnosis of diseases in the language - on an empty stomach. Initially, the projections of all internal organs are determined in the language and any changes are noted. These changes make it possible to talk about the state of the relevant organ or body systems, and, above all, about blood condition. The doctor draws attention to the color of the tongue, the type of climax in different parts of the tongue, the surface shape (smooth, loose, dense, etc.), education in language (bubbles, papillomas, ulcers) and the location of their location, language mobility.

What does a healthy person look like? Such a language has a pink color and a smooth surface, covered with a small whitish rope, nipples on the surface of the tongue are noticeable, due to which it looks like a velvety.

Communication of language zones with internal organs

Root language - intestines;

To the left of the tip of the tongue - the left light, right - right;

Language Center - Heart;

On the left side of the root of the language - the left kidney, on the right side - the right;

On the right side, between the projections of the lung and kidney - the projection of the liver.

Color of language

1. Pale language is a lack of energy and blood. This is a sign of anemia and exhaustion of the body.

2. The pale color of the lower side of the language - the diseases of the liver and the horizontal bubble.

3. Red (raspberry) color - heavy infectious diseases accompanied by high temperature, poisoning, pneumonia.

4. Dark-red color - heavy renal and toxic disorders, obesity and chronic alcoholism.

5. Bluidic Tint - Cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disruption with cardiovascular failure.

6. The yellowness in the lower part of the language is the development of jaundice.

Returns in language

The covering the tongue does not say about the accumulation in the stomach, thin or large toxins intestine. If only the back of the tongue is covered with toxins - there is a toxins in the colon, if the tax is noticeable only in the middle of the language - toxins are present in the stomach, thin and duodenal intestine.

1. No climb, the tongue is shiny - weak stomach energy, problems with intracerecretory activities.

2. Slightly swollen and wet language due to excessive tax. It may indicate the following diseases: the gastric ulcer or twelve pans, gastritis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, poor work of the kidneys, food or drug poisoning, infectious diseases (measles).

3. Thin raids - a starting disease or its superficial localization. Fat raid is a chronic disease.

4. White, wet, thin, raid - the energy of the stomach is in order.

5. Weak white raid is reduced acidity in the stomach, dysbacteriosis.

6. Yellowish raid is an excess of yellow binding bubble or liver disease.

7. Fat, or satisfyable, stagnation.

8. Purple spotted raids.

9. Black raid is a serious violation of the digestive system, especially the pancreas and the gully bubble. Also, such a tax arises with a violation of the acid-alkaline balance of blood (increasing acidity) as a result of dehydration.
11. Light gray raids - diphtheria.

12. If, over time, white raids are gradually thickened and becomes yellow, and then gray and dark - this suggests that the disease progresses. And if the ramp will be lighted and thinned - the disease retreats.

Spots in tongue

1. Alternation of white and red spots - a scarlet disease.

2. Blue spots are congestive phenomena in the cardiovascular system.

3. Dark spots - severe kidney damage.

Also during the diagnosis of diseases in the language should be paid attention to:

1. Tooth prints around the edges of the language. Deep imprints of the teeth on the front and side parts of the language talk about stress, neurosis, strong overwork. The most clear prints are observed with serious diseases of the central nervous system. In addition, the fingerprints of the teeth along the edges of the language indicate the dysbacteriosis, the clasp of the body and the insufficient intestinal digestibility.

2. " Dry Language" The feeling of the "dry" language and total dryness of the mucous membrane arises as a result of the development of an insufficient amount of saliva (thirst) and may be a sign large number Diseases: intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, increasing body temperature, diabetes. Often, the dryness of the language is accompanied by the occurrence of brown raid. If the mucous membrane loses too much moisture, cracks may appear on it. Also, the dryness of the language causes the loss of taste.

3. Lacquered and chess language. Lacked tongue - the surface is smooth, brilliant, bright red (as a result of atrophy of taste nipples). Diseases: chronic colitis, pellagra, stomach cancer. "Chess" language is a variety of lacquered language. Arises as a result of a shortage of vitamin B and nicotinic acid.

4. W.great and redness of the puffs of the language. The increase and redness of the papillas on the right half of the tongue, closer to the tip, speaks of the lesion of the liver, the left half of the sickness of the spleen, at the tip of the language - the diseases of the pelvic organs, along the edges and in the middle of the sickness of the lungs.

5. Curvature line of language He indicates the curvature of the spine: the curvature of the folds of the root of the tongue speaks of the curvature of the spine in the lumbar department, the curvature of the folds in the center of the language - curvature in the thoracic department, the curvature of the line at the tip of the tongue - curvature in the cervical area (cervical osteochondrosis).

6. Curvature or deflection of the language aside - Vascular disorders of the brain (stroke), mental illness.

7. Language shake - Brain disease, deep neurotic disorder.

8. Language ulcers. Ulcers on the surface of the tongue can talk about the disease of the digestive system (Crohn's disease).

We listed only the basic signs on which diagnosis of diseases may be carried out. This method of diagnostics requires the skill of the doctor, the ability not only to notice changes in the language, but also to combine the information obtained in order to formulate the correct diagnosis, which can be confirmed by subsequent diagnostic methods.

Language is a body that takes direct participation in many challenges, among whom speech, help in chewing food and her swallowing. The people are often called the "Health Mirror", since it is able to display the condition and functions of internal organs and systems. If there are failures in the body or the development of severe diseases, not only the form of the language may vary, but also its structure and color.

Consider in more detail what the language of a healthy person looks like, as well as how the definition of the disease is determined.

To understand how the diagnosis of diseases in the language occurs, you should first figure out the physiological structure. A healthy human tongue outwardly has a gentle pink shade, a smooth surface and a wedge medium. It consists of muscles, which makes it very moving. The back area of \u200b\u200bthe language that connects with the shell of the mouth is called the root.

An important role in identifying different diseases is played by shade, shape and presence of lesions. The front (the most mobile part) has the name "body" of the language. The upper area is called the "back".
All zones in the language are covered with small papillars, the main function of which is the distinguishing of the taste of the food taken by man. For the same reason, such nipples make it a little velvet to the touch.
The language since ancient times was considered a health authority. It is on it that in most cases have been diagnosed with a patient without using modern methods for diagnosis, such as blood tests or ultrasound.

Diagnostic criteria

To date, the diagnosis of patient when identifying pathologies of internal organs is also often confirmed after inspection by a human language doctor. To identify a disease in language, it should not only know what a healthy language looks like, but also to pay attention to the following criteria:

Important! Change in language cover is usually observed with those diseases that do not have a direct connection with the pathologies of the oral cavity. That is why, when the appearance of plaque or other changes, it is recommended to apply not only to the dentist, but also to a gastroenterologist, a hepatologist and an endocrinologist.

Healthy Language

People who do not suffer from heavy sharp or chronic diseases have a smooth pink language, in the middle of which one smooth fold is running. At the same time, the organ is very movable and soft. During the conversation, he does not cause a person no discomfort or pain.
Healthy people have nipples well noticeable. IN different time The year on the mucosa can be viewed a small amount of white plaque, which in the summer can be a little more. In winter, the raid is able to acquire a yellowish tint. This is the norm and does not indicate the development of the disease.

Red tongue in humans, which is slightly increased, indicates a violation of metabolism in the body.

Important! Sometimes a small raid may indicate the progression of a small oral disease. For example, it may be candidiasis, caries or gingivitis. A more dense bright flare usually demonstrates the progression of chronic pathologies.

Diagnosis in color

Not everyone knows what the color of the language speaks and what pathologies it can testify. To figure it out, some nuances should be known:

In addition, the following languages \u200b\u200bindicate illness:

  1. Yellow color with an admixture of green can talk about the exacerbation of the stomach ulcers.
  2. Blue shade happens with poisoning.
  3. Dark talks about bleeding in the oral cavity, as well as gum diseases or teeth.
  4. Black color, which is so often the cause of fear of parents, indicates the weakness of the liver and spleen, as well as strong viral lesions.

Disruption of adrenal operations can provoke the appearance of black plaque.

If the organ is covered with black spots, then this may be a sign of disrupting hormone production adrenal glands. Usually after treatment, the body acquires its normal shade.

Also completely black there is an injury to the organism cholera. Blue colour The organ in its upper part may be a sign of cardiovascular insufficiency, which is subsequently able to lead to a heart attack.

Raid and its types

A flare, which is formed in the language, usually testifies to toxins in the intestine or stomach. It may be such varieties:

  1. White raid can point out the lungs and poor intestinal work. If at the same time the flare has a white-gray dirty color, this indicates long constipation and cluster toxins in the body.
  2. A small raid in the middle of the body testifies to gastritis, its exacerbation or the transition of a disease in a chronic form.
  3. With the development of a thin, easily eliminating plaque, which needs to be addressed to the gastroenterologist, as this is an obvious sign of acute gastroenteritis.
  4. With the appearance of a dry gray fly, which is localized throughout the organ, you need to complete a full examination of the gastrointestinal tract, as this may indicate the development of umnical in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Black raid happens with serious disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the gallbladder.
  6. A dense yellow raid happens with liver diseases (hepatitis).

The human language can be the right indicator of the presence of certain diseases.

If deviations are observed from the norm in its appearance, It makes sense to turn to a medical personnel and conduct diagnostics.

1. What is the change in language

Under the changes in the language are understood to violations of its color, the integrity of the surface, the pathology of forms and sizes. IN normal condition The language should be wet and clean, not to have a plaque on the surface.

Its two halves should also be identical in shape and sizes. Color is normal - bright pink. When the language is supervised, it should be located in the center without deviations and tip, and the entire language is right or left.

Everything else is considered to be changes that can talk about the presence of a serious disease.

2. Causes of language changes

Basically, explicit changes in the language talk about the presence of a person of a particular disease. Independent pathology of the language is much less likely.

His color may change when high temperatures. Also, the causes of the lesion may be language injuries as a result of boning, burn, wearing braces.

3. In what diseases this symptom is found

The most popular pathology of the language is a change of its color. Depending on how the tint is acquired, the disease can be determined that caused this:

  • Red language can talk about severe infectious diseases, as well as impaired kidney functions;
  • The raspberry color of the language is associated with anemia, scarletina;
  • Language pale is also related to anemia, as well as to sharp depletion;
  • Yellow language - symptom excess bile in a bustling bubble or problems in the work of the liver;
  • The blue shade is almost always a sign of the problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • The dark purple color of the language speaks of heart failure, ischemia or blood coagulation disorders, as well as violation of cerebral circulation;
  • The black color of the tongue can be a sign of dehydration, severe disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, cholera;
  • Green is talking about the stitch of bile;
  • Brown tongue is associated with kidney disease;
  • Blue language talks about intestinal diseases.

Popular change in language - the appearance of plaque. He can meet with such problems:

  • infectious diseases;
  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

To determine which agency changes are undergoing, it is possible by the location of the plaque in the language and its nature:

  • If the language of the language is located a white flare having a slightly grayish tint, it can talk about the high acidity of the gastric juice, the stomach ulcer either duodenum;
  • If the white flare is accompanied by dryness, it may be a sign of gastritis with reduced acidity of the stomach juice;
  • At the root of the tongue, the flare is manifested in the intestinal diseases. Also the cause may be frequent constipation;
  • Rock at the edges of the tongue and on its root appears in renal diseases.

4. Diagnostics when changing language

Diagnostics in this case will include such steps:

  • Analysis of complaints and anamnesis. Takes into account the nature of the change, the time of their appearance, violations that they are accompanied by the presence of symptoms in which the patient can link the changes manifested;
  • Anamnesis analysis of life. Affairs are taken into account chronic diseases if available, hereditary diseases, bad habits, reception of certain drugs, contact with toxic substances;
  • Physical inspection. The process defines the form of the language and its size, tint, the presence of the plaque, the surface. I. is also taken into account general state patient;
  • Scraping from the surface of the tongue and its study. Performed when there is a risk of infectious diseases;
  • Consultation of medical professionals narrow direction. It may be a dentist, a neuropathologist, a gastroenterologist, a dermatovenerologist.

Additional research methods. Performed in accordance with individual indicators in order to clarify the diagnosis.

These may be laboratory methods, such as urine and blood tests, as well as instrumental methods: ultrasound and fibroezophageastrodenoscopy.

5. Treatment


Treatment in this case will be aimed at eliminating the disease that provoked a change in language. In tumors of the tongue, this may be radial treatment and surgical intervention.

With such an infectious disease, like candidiasis, antifungal drugs can be appointed.

At home

At home, you can resort to the rinse of the oral cavity with drugs that take inflammation. It may be chamders of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula, as well as alkaline solutions like soda.

Ringed mouth need after each meal. Stripping is especially useful in violation of the integrity of the language surface, for example, in the presence of cracks or the lunch of the epithelium.

6. Preventive measures

To prevent diseases that can cause changes in the language, such prevention measures should be observed:

  • Right ration, implying limitations of oily, acute and fried. Rational nutrition helps to prevent diseases of the digestive system;
  • It is recommended to refuse smoking, because the surface cells of the oral cavity die because of it, the risk of infectious diseases increases and blood supply is worse, both in the oral cavity and in digestive bodies;
  • Be sure to observe the hygiene of the oral cavityWhat will help prevent the development of bacteria.

Diagnostics by language

7. Forecast

With any changes in the language, the forecast will be favorable if diagnosis is made on time and, accordingly, proper treatment is scheduled.

If a person does not take any action, he can make it a serious damage. First, because the main disease will progress. And secondly, because the change itself can provoke such complications as violations of speech, displacement of teeth and bite disruption and, of course, psychological discomfort.

Based on all the above, we can make such conclusions:

  • Changes in the language are deviations from the norm of its color, size, form, the manifestation of plaque and abnormal phenomena;
  • Language changes may indicate a variety of diseases, in particular, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Important diagnosis and treatment that may include and medication drugs, and homemade methods, such as rinse with grasses.

It is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach, esophagus and 12 pans, pancreatic diseases and liver alcohol etiology. Conducts the discharge of intestinal dysbiosis and constipation.

Each of us the childhood remembers these words: "Say aaaa ..". The doctor examined the mouth into the tongue and throat, to diagnose the state from early age. The largest organ in the oral cavity is the initial part of the digestive system is the language. What he represents - is a muscular organ attached to the base of the mouth, in which the muscles are located in the 3D image - three-dimensional (longitudinal, transverse and vertical), with abundant innervation and powerful blood supply.

In the language there are nipples of four species: filamentous, oval, mushroom and sheets, which are designed to perceive taste, through flavor receptors, which are mainly located on these papillas .. Thus, we explore the world and adapt to it. The feeling of taste helps us to figure out what is useful, and what is harmful and dangerous for us and this feeling developed in the process of human development and is also inherent to everyone without exception to animals.

We use language used for tasting, swallowing, and chewing food. Language is also used to form sounds and words that can become a song, verse, words of love or even hatred. That is, the language is also a communication authority. If we accidentally bite the language, it is very unpleasant because the language is an important body for everyday life: We use it to talk and eat.

In the article, we will look at what we can see watching the language in self-examination and consider some of the most part of the language diseases.

Normal healthy language Reddish-pink color with a small thin white tap like a film covering its surface. This raid is easily removed. Language easily placed in the oral cavity, it does not go out for the dental, smooth, wet and smooth. Packs are clearly pronounced.
Exploring the language can be identified in the body in the body, indicating an unhealthy or improper lifestyle.

Chinese medicine She examines the language in more detail and gives evidence that the root of the language reflects the state of the kidneys, the bladder and intestines, the side parts - the liver and the gallbladder, the tip of the tongue - the heart, and the middle of the stomach and spleen, the region in the middle - the state of the lungs.
Fig. one.

Language reflects the state of human organs

As evidenced by the color of the language (not laid):

Norm - reddish pink

Pale Language - anemia, candidal infections, dehydration, digestion disruption. .

Yellowish tint - problems with light, less frequently, the acquaintances of the acidity of the stomach.

Scarlet Language - Wears the scientific name of Eritrekia. Frequently combined with heart disease and blood system. Some acid products May cause temporary redness and discomfort - it is necessary to exclude. However, the red language can be a sign of the main disease. Some red color changes in the language can be associated with a deficiency of vitamins, Cavasaki disease, or streptococcal infection (scarletten). Erythlace with erased papillas in combination with white regions should alert - it may be a prematurity state if the picture or pain does not pass or increases in size it is recommended to make a biopsy to eliminate the cancer of the oral cavity. - These are diseases of the circulatory system and heart.

Bright pink tongue Reflects ARVI, influenza, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Purple shades Speak of circulatory impairment (stagnant language), which can be associated with hypertension and heart failure.

Flood color:

I remind once again that thin whiteish easily shot - This is the norm.

Thick light flag It may indicate chronic intoxication, infectious disease or gastritis, and the thicker raid, the longer a person has been carrying these chronic diseases.
Gray raid, most often indicates the presence of ulcer of stomach or gastroenteritis.

Yellow flask Speaks about problems with the small intestine, it is possible or an ulcer of the stomach and duodenalist. The same flare usually appears with incorrectly selected rigid diets, improper nutrition, which leads to the specified diseases. A dense raid, which is accompanied by pain indicates with a high probability of liver disease or poor oral cavity.

Black Flaw in Language - see below

Picture of language diseases:


The cause of the thrush are yeast-like mushrooms Candida Albikans. The disease indicates a decrease in the level of immunity and is caused, most often, disruption of microbioma - intestinal flora.

Manifestation of oral candidiasis

Little children under 3 years old are often found, especially with artificial nutrition.

In children with artificial feeding, thrush is often found

I often observed such a language at malicious smokers. It is distinguished by a true form at which the growing and thickening of the filamentous papillas is observed, painting them in a dark color, and a false form. The latter is characterized by changing the color of the back of the tongue, the appearance of the plaque, which is easily removed. The person complains about the feeling of the foreign body in the mouth, the roughness of the tongue, his darkening. The reasons for this pathology are not fully identified. Scientists suggest a negative impact of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, bacteria and rickettsis on metabolic processes in surface epithelial layers.

Black chicken language

Red flat deprived.

Sometimes a rash similar to lace, white spots or red shiny tubercles on the inner surface of the cheek or language can be indicated as a red flat deprived. The reasons are still unknown. In general, soft red flat deprived does not need treatment. If it causes pain or ulcers, then treatment by a professional specializing in language diseases. Rota red flat deprived can be chronic and can increase the risk of cavity cancer. Red flat deprived can also appear on the skin, the scalp, nails and outdoor genitals.

Flaw in language. Red flat deprived.


It is one of the earliest symptoms of AIDS. The presence of white or gray color of the spot is your language, gums or the inner surface of the cheek can be a sign of leukeloplakia. It can be developed slowly for several weeks to several months and become thick and slightly raised, and then the spot becomes smaller and dense. Not deleted when cleaning the language. Lakeaukia is usually painless, but sometimes it can be sensitive to touch, heat, acute food, or other irritation.

Leukoplakia - accompanies HIV infection. Patient Clinic Mayo

Geographical language

Geographical Glossite - begins with the appearance of a small grayish spot on the back of the tongue, which gradually grow up and changes its shape, reminding the map. The stains can change the location, shape and sizes within a few minutes - several hours of the disease often chronic - stains merge with each other, in the center of the foci there is a complete recovery of the epithelium, and on the edges - gray bezel. More often, the geographical language begins in children for 3-7 years and in women 30-40 years old, and there is practically no pain. Only with an external inspection, a person may accidentally notice a specific color color color. The reasons for the appearance of such a disease have not yet been identified. As a rule, no treatment is required.

The collapse in the language resembles a card and changes quickly ..

"Bugger lies"

According to the ancient mythical legend, the lie leaves the traces in the language - it strikes the tongue and arise cones, like cones on the head from shocks. Scientific name Transient papillitis language Inflammation of language papillas - sometimes it can even speaking truth. These small, innocent cones go through themselves usually in a few days, but they may be uncomfortable. Their cause is a mystery - it may be a reaction to a certain food (by type of allergies) or minor injuries to teeth. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, as Papillitis quickly passes itself - there are enough medical substances in saliva to restore inflamed nipples. If you feel discomfort, you can make a rinse with very strong black tea or decoction of the bark of oak ..


About dryness in the mouth and other diagnostic signs Let's talk later in the following posts.

Diagnostics in language, iridodiagnostics and bioresonance diagnostics are available in our clinic.

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