Amur sea. Amudarya River (Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan)

The great Russian river Amur is included in the list of the ten largest rivers in the world. In 2008, the Amur River was nominated in the Seven Wonders of Russia competition. The area of ​​the river basin is 1855 thousand square kilometers. Amur is the fourth river after such rivers as: Yenisei, Ob and Lena. The waters of the Amur pass through the valleys and taiga, overcoming the mountains. The length of the river reaches 2824 kilometers. The Amur begins at the confluence of the Argun and Shilka rivers, and flows into the Sakhalin Bay, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. If we take into account the Argun tributary, then the length of the Amur is approximately 4440 kilometers. Which .

Features of the Amur River

The name of the Amur River was formed from the Tungus-Manchu languages, the words "damur" and "amar" became the basis, translated as " big river". Interestingly, the Chinese call Amur Hei-lun-jiang, which means "black dragon river." Sometimes in China it is called the Black River or Amur Heihe. For the Mongols, Amur sounds like Khaara Muren, which means Black Water or Black River. Onon-gol tributaries are the source of the Amur.The river is located in the temperate latitudes of East Asia.On the territory of the Amur basin, such physical and geographical zones are represented as: steppe, forest-steppe, forest and semi-desert.Look at the beautiful.

The river valley is divided into three sections according to its features - these are the upper, middle and lower Amur. During heavy rains on the lower and middle Amur, floods reach 25 kilometers, and last for a maximum of seventy days. The network of high-water tributaries is also well developed, the main ones are: Zeya, Gorin and Lake Evoron, Bureya, Sungari, Ussuri. In the lower reaches of the river, the average depth is about 3.5 meters, and near Nikolevsk it reaches even five meters. Thanks to such conditions, sea vessels can pass through the Amur Estuary.

The Amur River flows in the territory of the summer monsoon rains, this explains the wide distribution of crystalline rocks, this is especially true of the upper reaches. This moment affected the permafrost, which is caused by poor water permeability and causes rapid water runoff. Winters here are long and very cold. In spring, the snow melts slowly, this is due to its specific water regime. Long spring, and small precipitation in winter do not lead to floods.

But heavy rainfall in summer leads to a catastrophic rise in water throughout the Amur River. For example, the water rises to six to ten meters. Such floods lead to devastating results, destroying settlements and eroding road embankments along its path. Such conditions lead to the fact that the level of transport significance decreases on the Amur. When the rains stop, the water level in the river falls sharply and reaches the average normal level.

A bit of history

In the middle of the 17th century, Russians appeared on the Amur, they called its upper reaches Shilka, this name was preserved until the mouth of the Shungal. In this place the river was called Shungal or Sungari. In some records of eyewitnesses, it is written that the Amur was the name of the river that flowed into the Shungal on the right, we are talking about the Ussuri. So the Amur River changed its name several times.

In 1854, Russian steam navigation was opened on the Amur River. To date, over thirty vessels of the "river-sea" category carry out passenger and cargo transportation in the Far East, as well as the Asia-Pacific region. The Amur in its course branches into several branches, which leads to the formation of many floodplain oxbow lakes, channels and lakes. Wetlands stretch along the entire river; they are very valuable natural complexes. This place reproduces fish stocks, and it is also a migratory region for millions of birds. Birds such as Dahurian and Japanese cranes, Far Eastern white storks build their nests. A particularly interesting sight is the observation of the vital activity of these birds.

The Amur basin is rich in diverse flora and fauna. After all, over five thousand species of plants, more than seventy species of animals and about four hundred species of birds grow here. Permanent residents include Amur tiger. More than 130 species of fish are found in the waters of the great river. Permanent residents include: white and black carp, silver carp, yellow-cheek, snakehead, carp, skygazer and Amur sturgeon. These fish have excellent taste qualities. Migratory salmon also go to spawn. Also, it is here that the world's largest sturgeon, Kaluga, lives, its weight reaches a ton. Therefore, on its banks you can see a lot of fishermen.

The Amur plains are densely populated. Over the past hundred years, the population in the Amur basin has increased almost tenfold. Of course, the influence of man on the local natural ecosystem has increased many times over. Stocks of fish resources have decreased, millions of hectares of habitats of rare birds have been lost.

Large-scale bank protection works have been carried out over the past fifteen years, many kilometers of concrete dams have been erected. Nevertheless, the Amur River is one of the iconic rivers of Russia, since most of it is located here. Interesting and important events are connected with this river. Today the Amur basin is a special attraction of the Russian Federation.

The Amur River is a large water artery in the east of the Eurasian continent. On the map of Russia, it marks not only one of the largest river basins, but also the border with China.

The first mention of a large water stream located in the southeastern part of Siberia appears in Russian historical sources in the 17th century. The Evenks called it Chirkola, noting that it flows into the Lama - the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The Amur River on the map of Russia first appeared after the expedition of E.P. Khabarov, as a result of which detailed map this river basin and established contacts with local tribes.

Among them, the following local names are common:

  • Amur Shilkar - "wide black river" - Dahurian name;
  • Chirkola is an Evenk toponym;
  • the Tungus called her Evur - “ good world”;
  • Amur Mangu - "big river" was called the stream by the Nanais;
  • Nivkhs used the name Yamur - "big water".

The Daurian name of the river has been fixed on the Russian and world physical map. But among other large peoples living in the Amur basin, its name has a different sound.

  1. The Mongols, on whose land about 2% of the flow lies, call it Khara-Muren - black water.
  2. The Manchus call the Amur the black river - Sakhalyan Ula.
  3. The Chinese have a river they call Heilongjiang, the Black Dragon River, ancient legend. Once upon a time, a white dragon lived here, which dispersed shoals of fish, overturned fishing boats, and killed people and animals. But one day a good black dragon appeared in these places. He defeated the villain and settled in the river stream.

Modern science knows 22 toponyms denoting a river stream flowing in the southeast of Russia. About half of them are translated into Russian as “black water”.

Geographic features of the river

Amur River on the map of Russia and countries East Asia has geographic-political and physical-geographic features of the location. Actually, its channel runs along the border zone between Russia and China. And the reservoirs included in its basin are also located on the territory of Mongolia.

The large size of the Amur river system is represented by a variety of natural areas:

natural areas Subzones A country
Lesnaya Mixed coniferous-deciduous forests Russia, China
Middle taiga
Southern taiga
forest-steppe China, Russia
Steppe China, Mongolia
semi-deserts Northern semi-deserts
Dry steppes

The average annual precipitation depends on the geographical location of a certain area of ​​the river basin, and ranges from 250 to 700 mm.

The location of the source and mouth on the map. Where does the river flow

The Amur River on the map of Russia begins at the eastern shore of about. Insane. Its mouth is the Amur Estuary. Its belonging to a certain sea area remains a controversial issue.

Soviet and some modern Russian researchers consider the Amur Estuary to be part of the Tatar Strait, which belongs to the Sea of ​​Japan. Interethnic research groups attribute the mouth of the Amur to the Sakhalin Bay, which is part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Length, depth of the river

The length of the Amur stream from source to mouth is 2824 km. In some encyclopedic sources give the following information as the length of its channel:

  • 4049 km - the length of the river system, which includes Hailar, Argun and Amur;
  • 4279 km - the total length of Onon, Cones and Amur;
  • 5052 km - the distance from the source of the Kerulen River through the Argun to the mouth of the Amur.

In its natural state, the width of the Amur channel varies from 900 to 5000 m. But during the period of heavy rainfall, its channel increases in diameter by 4-5 times. This state lasts 2-2.5 months.

The greatest depth of the flow was recorded in its narrowest part in the area of ​​the Tyrsky cliff. According to the readings of measuring instruments, the bottom here is at a depth of 50-60 m.


The Amur River on the map of Russia from the point of view of the domestic river navigation is divided into the following parts:

Each part has unique characteristics that create a unique picture of a picturesque, powerful and dangerous river flow.

Upper Amur

The part of the stream that flows between the high rocky shores formed by the Nyukzha ridge and the Greater Khingan mountain range has an average flow speed of 6-7 km/h. As the flow approaches Blagoveshchensk, the channel expands, and the speed of movement of water masses slows down to 5 km/h.

Middle Amur

The middle course of the river lies in a flat area, where the stream is divided into numerous branches and channels. The shores are low and marshy.

Approximately in the middle of this segment, in the region of the Lesser Khingan ridge, numerous channels converge into a single channel.

Photo of the Small Khingan ridge. There are many tributaries of the Amur River here.

It branches again on the segment between the city of Amurzet and Khabarovsk. The speed of the flow of the middle Amur is approximately 5.5 km/h, increasing in the region of the connection of the flow to 6.5 km/h.

Lower Amur

The last section of the stream passes through the Lower Amur Lowland, rich in backwaters, lakes and oxbow lakes. It, divided into many channels, flows among the gently sloping banks, slowing down to 4-4.5 km / h. Outside the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, the channel expands, passing into the Amur Estuary.


The Amur River on the map of Russia is constantly replenished by the waters of several hundred tributaries, which differ in size and length. A significant part of them are small seasonal flows that are not taken into account on the physical map.

The largest tributaries of the Amur are the following rivers:

Economic use of river waters

The Amur River has an important economic importance for the Far East region of Russia.

The main types for the Amur river basin on the map are the following economic activity:

Settlements adjacent to the river

On both banks of the Amur there are many settlements of various sizes. The largest number urban settlements are located on the Russian coast.

These include:

The Amur River is a border region. Therefore, several Chinese settlements are located on its right bank.

The largest of them are:

Bridges across the Amur

The Amur River is a wide water stream, the construction of crossings on which is a difficult task from a technical point of view.

There are currently the following mainstream crossings Amur basin:

Sights on the Amur River

On the banks of the Amur River there are many attractions of natural and man-made origin.

Natural attractions:

  1. "Burning" mountains- unique a natural phenomenon, which appeared as a result of spontaneous combustion of deposits of brown coal, which is part of the high sandy Amur coast. During the day, only wisps of smoke can be seen from the river, and at night, small flames become visible. This natural miracle is located in the area of ​​​​the village of Novovoskremenevka, Shimansky district, Amur region.
  2. Khingan Reserve- a picturesque area in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Lesser Khingan ridge. Here you can see many species of birds and animals, admire the flowering of pink lotuses.
  3. Bolshekhekhtsirsky nature reserve - a nature protection zone located not far from Khabarovsk. Here you can see a variety of plant and animal species, including the Amur tiger and the Himalayan bear.

Archaeological sites:

  1. In Blagoveshchensk, near the street. Nagornaya is a cemetery of dinosaurs is a unique paleontological monument that attracts scientists and lovers of prehistoric reptiles from all over the world. In the Blagoveshchensk excavation, the remains of both herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs are found.
  2. In the Khabarovsk Territory, near the village of Sekochi-Alyan, on large boulders are located cave drawings, whose age is more than 4 thousand years. Petroglyphs depict horses, anthropomorphic silhouettes, faces, solar signs. Experts note that ancient images are destroyed under the influence of natural factors and acts of vandalism.
  3. Albanian prison- archaeological site of the 17th century. on the site of the first Russian military settlement in the Amur region. In the village of Albazino there is a museum that tells about the history of the heroic fortress.

Historical monuments:

The Amur River is unique river system on the map of Russia, which has great importance for the development of the economy, industry, culture and tourism of the Far East.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about the Amur River

ABOUT great river Amur:

The Amur River is located in the eastern part of Eurasia. It originates in the mountains of Western Manchuria at an altitude of 303 meters above sea level at the confluence of such rivers as Shilka and Argun. It flows to the east along the territory of Russia and the Russian-Chinese border. It flows into the Tatar Strait of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The length of the river is 2824 km, the basin area is 1.855 million square meters. km. The river basin covers 3 states: Mongolia, Russia and China.

From source to mouth

After the confluence of the Argun and Shilka, a single river flow flows east, forming a natural border between China and Russia. The river then turns to the southeast. Here it flows through small settlements and receives water from numerous tributaries. Between the cities of Blagoveshchensk (Russia) and Heihe (China) takes the Zeya River and expands significantly.

Further, the Bureya River flows into the Amur, and after 250 km the Songhua River flows through the territory of the PRC. After that, the river flow turns to the northeast and continues on its way towards the Russian city of Khabarovsk. Here there is a reunion with the Ussuri River, and the Russian-Chinese border ends.

Then the path continues along a wide valley in Russia. The riverbed runs to the northeast. It passes Amursk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, after which, after 200 km, the valley noticeably narrows, and the river abruptly goes north to the confluence with the Amgun River. After the confluence with the Amgun, the river flow sharply bends to the east, passes Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and flows 20 km downstream into the Tatar Strait.

The river is conditionally divided into 3 sections. The upper section is considered from the source to Blagoveshchensk. The middle section stretches from Blagoveshchensk to Khabarovsk. The lower section flows from Khabarovsk to the mouth. The northern part of the Tatar Strait is called the Amur Estuary. Therefore, we can say that the Amur River flows into the Amur Estuary. It will be absolutely correct.

Amur River on the map


The river is characterized by significant fluctuations in water level. They are caused by summer and autumn monsoon rains. They account for 75% of the annual flow. At the same time, the difference between the minimum and maximum levels can be 10-15 meters in the upper and middle reaches and up to 8 meters in the lower reaches.

During heavy rains, the river can overflow for 15-25 km and stay at this level for up to 2 months. Thanks to the construction of hydraulic structures on the Bureya, Zeya and Sungari rivers, floods in summer and autumn have become less pronounced, and in the lower reaches their level does not exceed 6 meters.

Tunnel and bridges

The construction of the first bridge across the river in the city of Khabarovsk was completed in 1916. Its length was 2599 meters. This made it possible for the trains of the Trans-Siberian Railway to cross the water barrier without the use of ferries. In 1975, an automobile and railway bridge was built across the Amur River in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Its length was 1400 meters. In 1999, the Khabarovsk bridge was reconstructed. In addition to the railway, the bridge was opened to car traffic. The second railway track was put into operation in 2009. The total length of the structure was 3890 meters with a width of 25 meters.

A single-track railway tunnel under the Amur was built in 1937-1941. Its length was 7198 meters. In Russia, it is the only underwater railway tunnel. It was put into operation in October 1942. At first it was used only by the military, and in 1964 it was opened first for freight trains, and then for passenger trains. Currently, the river is crossed by 3 railway tracks: 2 along the Khabarovsk bridge and 1 through an underwater tunnel.

The train leaves the underwater tunnel


The Amur River is navigable along its entire length. Navigation starts from the settlement of Pokrovka, located 4 km downstream from the confluence of the Argun and Shilka, and continues all the way to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the border river areas, the movement of private and small boats is prohibited. This is about 2 thousand km. Passenger transportation is carried out between China and Russia.


River fauna is considered one of the richest in Russia. 130 species of fish are found here, but only 36 of them are considered commercial. Of the fish, one can name black carp, skygazers, silver carps, as well as kaluga, which is the largest representative of sturgeons. Its length can reach 5.6 meters. Sakhalin and Amur sturgeons also live in the water, as well as salmon fish spawning. Endemic species include kaluga, Chinese perch, snakehead, yellow-cheeked, and squeaky killer whale.

The largest tributaries

One of the most major tributaries are Zeya river with a length of 1242 km. It surpasses the Amur in depth and width, but is considered its left tributary. The Zeya hydroelectric power station was built on the river.

Bureya River has a length of 623 km. The Bureya hydroelectric power station was built on it. The Songhua River has a length of 1927 km. It is a right tributary, flowing through the territory of China. The flow of the river is regulated by hydroelectric power plants.

Ussuri River with a length of 897 km forms a natural border between China and Russia. It is a right tributary, originating in the Sikhote-Alin mountains. Reunites with Amur in the center of Khabarovsk.

Amgun River reaches a length of 723 km. It is a left tributary. In the upper reaches it is a mountain river, and then flows through the taiga lowland. Anyui River has a length of 393 km. It is a right tributary. It flows through flat swampy terrain. Forms a wide mouth with ducts and sleeves.

View of the Amur in Khaborovsk


In the Amur River, an excess of phenol and nitrates is constantly recorded. In the fall of 2005, a Chinese chemical plant dumped toxic substances in Songhua. After that, a huge spot of nitrobenzene moved downstream. It was stopped by a dam specially erected for this purpose. In the summer of 2008, a large oil slick up to 2 km in diameter was found in the water in the Amur Region. Its origin has never been established.

2013 flood

In the summer of 2013, after prolonged rains, the Amur River burst its banks and flooded dozens of settlements in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region. The streets of such cities as Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk were subjected to flooding. Damage was caused to crop fields and hayfields. In total, 192 settlements with thousands of houses and summer cottages were affected.

In Khabarovsk, the water level rose to 8.08 meters in early September. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the water level reached 9.1 meters. At the end of the first decade of September, the water began to recede. By the end of September, the flood rushed into the Tatar Strait, and a massive decline in water began.

river name

The Chinese called the river Heilong Jiang, which means "black dragon river". And the Tungus and Manchus said "Amar", that is, "big river". In Mongolian, "black river" is pronounced "Khar Moron". Be that as it may, the Russian discoverers named the long and wide river Cupid. With this name, it is indicated on the maps.

Amur (Chinese trad. 黑龍江, pinyin: Hēilóng-jiāng, pall.: Heilongjiang) is a river on Far East in East Asia. It flows through the territory of Russia and the border between Russia and China. Length - 2824 km.

Falls into .
The name of the river comes from the common basis for the Tungus-Manchu languages ​​"amar", "damur" - "big river". The Chinese called the Amur "Heihe" (Chinese 黑河, "Black River") - "black river", then "Heilongjiang" - (Chinese 黑龙江, "Black Dragon River").

According to legend, in ancient times, a black dragon that lived in the river and personified goodness defeated an evil, white dragon that drowned boats on the river, prevented people from fishing and generally attacked any living creature. The winner remained to live at the bottom of the river in the region of the Khingan cheeks, which is on the border of the Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions. Since then, this river has been called the Black Dragon River.

The "tail" of the Black Dragon is located in the steppes of Mongolia and Dauria, the "torso" lies in four Russian regions and in one Chinese province. Two left "paws" reach the very Stanovoy Range, where the tributaries of the Amur - Zeya and Bureya originate, and two right "paws" - tributaries of the Sungari and Ussuri - in China and Primorye. The "head" of the Dragon rests, and he "drinks water" of the Tatar Strait. The length of the "body" of the Black Dragon from the "tail" to the "head" is more than 4,500 km, and its area (the Amur basin) reaches 1.8 million square meters. km.

The Mongols called Amur "Amur Khara-Muren" - "black wide river". In Manchu, the river is called "sakhaliyan ula", where "sakhaliyan" means "black" and "ula" means "water". The Amur River itself begins after the confluence of the Shilka - "narrow valley" in Evenk and Argun - "wide" (ergun) in Mongolian.

Geographical position
The Amur River basin is located in the temperate latitudes of East Asia. Within the Amur basin, there are four physical-geographical zones: forest (with subzones of coniferous-deciduous forests, middle and southern taiga), forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert (with the northern subzone of semi-deserts and the subzone of dry steppes). The amount of annual precipitation varies from 250-300 mm in the most arid southwestern part of the Amur headwaters to 750 mm in the southeastern part of the Sikhote-Alin ridge.

Amur is formed and is considered to be the eastern tip of the Mad Island). The length of the river is 2824 kilometers from the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers to its confluence with the Amur Estuary. Regarding the belonging of the Amur Estuary to the Sakhalin Bay and, therefore, either to the Tatar Strait and, accordingly, to the Sea of ​​Japan, the opinions of various authors differ - the TSB refers the Amur Estuary to the Sea of ​​Japan, and the International Hydrographic Organization - to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. TSB indicates that the mouth of the Amur is considered to be the alignment of the Ozerpakh and Pronge capes at the outlet of the Amur to the Amur Estuary.

The length of the Onon-Shilka-Amur system is 4,279 km. and to the mouth of the Amur - 4049 kilometers. From the source of the Kerulen River, through the Argun and to the mouth of the Amur - 5,052 km.

The Amur River basin is located within three states - Russia (995 thousand km², about 54% of the territory), also China (44.2%) and Mongolia (1.8%). The Russian sector of the river basin, in turn, can be divided into two unequal parts - the Siberian, which includes the corresponding sections of the basins and the Argun, and the Far East, within which essentially the entire Amur valley is located - the left bank of the upper and middle Amur and the entire lower Amur, with the corresponding tributary basins.
In accordance with the Russian pilotage, the Amur is divided into: the upper Amur - to Blagoveshchensk; the middle Amur - from Blagoveshchensk to Khabarovsk and the lower Amur - below Khabarovsk.

river hydrology
In terms of basin area (1,855 thousand km²), the Amur ranks fourth among the rivers of Russia (after the Yenisei, Ob and Lena) and tenth among the world's rivers. The average annual water consumption is 9819 m³/s in the area of ​​Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 11400 m³/s in the area of ​​the mouth.
According to the features of the valley, the river is divided into three main sections: the upper Amur (up to the mouth of the Zeya River; 883 kilometers), the speed of the flow is 5.3 km / h, the middle Amur (from the mouth of the Zeya River to the mouth of the Ussuri River inclusive; 975 kilometers), the speed of the flow 5.5 km / h and the lower Amur (from the mouth of the Ussuri River to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur; 966 kilometers), the speed of the current is 4.2 km / h.

The most important feature of the hydrological regime of the Amur is significant fluctuations in the water level, caused almost exclusively by summer-autumn monsoon rains, which account for up to 75% of the annual runoff. Level fluctuations in the riverbed relative to the low water range from 10-15 meters in the upper and middle, and up to 6-8 in the lower Amur. At the same time, during the most severe showers, spills on the middle and lower Amur can reach 10–25 kilometers and last up to 70 days. After the construction of hydropower facilities on the main tributaries of the Zeya, Bureya and Sungari, the summer-autumn floods on the river are less pronounced and in the lower reaches of the river the level changes are 3–6 m.

The diversity of the ichthyofauna of the Amur is unparalleled among the rivers of Russia. There are 108 (according to the latest data ~139) species and subspecies of fish (see the List of Amur fish), belonging to five faunal ichthyocomplexes. Of these, only 36 species are of commercial importance. For comparison, there are 42 species of fish in the Syr Darya, 46 in the Lena, 47 in the Ob, 63 in the Yenisei, and 77 in the Volga. and black carp, silver carp, skygazer, etc.) and "Indian" (snakehead, killer whale, rotan). One of the largest representatives of sturgeons lives here - kaluga, reaching 4-5 m in length; there are Amur and Sakhalin sturgeons. Amur is the richest salmon river in Eurasia, 9 species spawn here salmon fish. Endemics of the Amur basin: kaluga, yellow-cheeked, auha (Chinese perch), killer whale and snakehead.

Main tributaries: Zeya, Bureya, Sungari, Ussuri, Anyui, Amgun.

bridge across the Amur in Khabarovsk (5 thousand rubles)

Controversy: Cupid or Zeya
There is an opinion that the Zeya is not a tributary of the Amur, but vice versa. It is clearly seen from space that the Zeya at the confluence of the rivers is wider and more full-flowing than the Amur. In addition, geologically, it is the Zeya valley that is a continuation of the Amur valley, when viewed from south to north.

Cities: Amursk, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (Russia), Heihe (China).

Embankment of the Amur River, Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur

Russian shipping on the Amur began in 1854. The Amur is navigable along its entire length - from Pokrovka (4 km downstream from the confluence of Shilka and Argun), where it has a guaranteed width of 300 meters and a depth of 1.3 m, and to the confluence with the Amur Estuary.
Russian freight and passenger transportation is carried out by the Amur River Shipping Company. Motor ships "Meteor" run on the route Khabarovsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur-Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Before the collapse of the USSR, Soviet and foreign tourists traveled on the cruise ship "30 years of the GDR" and on seven Amur passenger ships of project 860 ("Erofey Khabarov", "Semyon Dezhnev", "Miklukho-Maklay", "G. I. Nevelskoy", " V. Poyarkov”, “Przhevalsky”, “Georgy Sedov”), in the 2010s. there is no river tourism. Between Khabarovsk and the Chinese town of Fuyuan m / v "Polesie" go, mainly transporting "shuttles". In the Khabarovsk region, suburban passenger transportation is carried out on the ships "OM", "Moscow", "Moskvich" and "Zarya".

Russian navigation standards along the border part of the Amur prohibit private and small-sized navigation from Pokrovka ( Transbaikal region) to Khabarovsk, that is, more than 2,000 km of part of the Amur for navigation by Russian private individuals is closed.

Amur as a border river
In the middle of the 20th century, the natural process of the transition of the Amur River to a new channel began, which sharply accelerated at the beginning of the 21st century due to the actions of the Chinese side. The displacement of the channel, according to scientists, can lead to the washing away of several Russian villages and the destruction of the pillars of the Khabarovsk bridge.
Russian experts are talking about a real hydrotechnical war. Over the past ten to fifteen years, on the Chinese side of the Amur, large-scale bank protection work has been carried out with the construction of many kilometers of concrete dams, which leads to the fact that the main channel is “squeezed out” to the north, towards the Russian low and easily eroded left bank. However, the flood of the river in the summer of 2013 was supposed to clearly demonstrate to Russian specialists what “large-scale bank protection works” are really needed for, and what happens if the construction of dams is neglected.

The Amur becomes shallower catastrophically in the Khabarovsk region, while the Beshenaya and Pemzenskaya channels, located on the opposite bank, become wider and deeper every year. According to hydrologists, their runoff increases by at least 3% annually. Already in the winter of 2005, the Pemzenskaya channel absorbed 51% of the total water flow in the Amur, which means that at present it is already the main channel, and not a secondary branch.

In the area of ​​the village of Vladimirovka, a large-scale hydraulic structure was built - an overflow dam across the Pemzenskaya channel. At least 80 thousand cubic meters of stone were laid in the body of the underwater dam. In parallel with the blocking of the Pemzenskaya channel, an overflow dam was also built on the Beshenaya channel. According to the calculations of scientists, this is where the main flow of water will go after a dam is built at the source of the Pemzenskaya channel. The designers also consider it necessary to strengthen the sandy left bank with stone filling, otherwise the Amur will be able to wash away the hydraulic structures under construction.

In 2005, the process of shallowing the Amur near Khabarovsk somewhat slowed down due to the commencement of hydrotechnical work. However, in connection with the settlement of border issues between the PRC and Russia completed in 2004-2005, the PRC receives under its jurisdiction more than 350 km² of territory: Tarabarov Island and a third of Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island in the Khabarovsk region - and together with these lands, the already built hydraulic structures - in in particular, a dam on the Pryamoy channel, which separates the islands of Bolshoi Ussuriysky and Tarabarov.

There are fears that the new owners will destroy the built Russian side hydraulic structures, which will lead to the continuation of the process of shallowing the Amur channel near Khabarovsk and the destruction of the left bank.
On August 26, 2014, the solemn laying ceremony of a memorial stone began, marking the start of the construction of a transboundary railway bridge across the Amur River between the Chinese city of Tongjiang (Heilongjiang province) and the village of Nizhneleninskoye (Leninsky district of the Jewish Autonomous Region). The length of the bridge will be 2.3 kilometers (the Russian part is 300 meters).

flood on the Amur

Floods in the Russian Far East and China (2013)
In August 2013, after many days of heavy rains, a catastrophic flood occurred on the Amur. In the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Khabarovsk Territory, dozens of settlements are flooded, the population is being evacuated, the streets of Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk and other cities are flooded. The land of the left-bank islands disappeared under water. Agricultural crops died in the fields, hayfields were flooded. Animals suffer from flooding, due to the fact that the fields where livestock used to be brought out are flooded. Some wild animals swam across the river to escape the elements.
As of August 26, 2013, a total of 185 settlements, 9.5 thousand residential buildings, 13.8 thousand household plots, 3.8 thousand summer cottages and 374 social objects. Also went under water 611 km highways and 566.8 thousand hectares of agricultural land with crops. Passenger traffic along the Amur has been suspended.

The water level near Khabarovsk on August 18, 2013 exceeded the "absolute maximum" of 1913, rising 6.42 meters above the ordinary. On August 27, 2013, at 12:00 Khabarovsk time (5:00 Moscow time), a level of 736 cm was recorded. On September 4, the water in the Amur rose to 808 cm. From September 5, the beginning of a decrease in the water level was noted.
On September 12, 2013, the water level near Komsomolsk-on-Amur reached 9.1 m and began to decline in the following days.
On September 23, 2013, the crest of the flood entered the Tatar Strait, and a general decline in the water level began.

Amur petroglyphs

Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan are petroglyphs (rock paintings) on the surface of basalt boulders located near the national village of Sikachi-Alyan and the village of Malyshevo (Khabarovsk district of the Khabarovsk Territory).
On the right bank of the Amur there is an outcrop of rocks (cliff), near the water's edge basalt boulders lie freely with images of animals (moose, horses) hollowed out on their surface, hunting scenes, human figures sitting people in boats, anthropomorphic shaman masks-masks. The images are distinguished by symbolism and strong ornamental traditions. In the village of Sikachi-Alyan, all types of petroglyphs of that era are presented. In other areas of the Khabarovsk Territory, petroglyphs were also found, but only one or two images are found (either animals, or masks, or people, but not all together, as in Sikachi-Alyan).
The petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan have been known since ancient times (the village of Sikachi-Alyan is located on the site of an ancient Nanai camp).
The first scientific description of petroglyphs was made in 1859 by R.K. Maak.
V. A. Alftan (1894), L. Ya. Sternberg, V. K. Arseniev took part in the description and study of the petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan.
The petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan gained world fame in 1935 after the research of Academician A.P. Okladnikov.
Early petroglyphs belong to the Osipov culture, were hollowed out with stone tools and date back to the 12th-9th millennium BC. e.

Museum in the village of Sikachi-Alyan
Archaeologists suggest that the wild horses depicted on the boulders were found in the Amur region only during the Ice Age.
Among the petroglyphs there is an image of a mammoth, perhaps the ancient people hunted them.
Late petroglyphs date back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. and hollowed out with iron tools.
Petroglyphs are located in the flooded zone (in some periods of the year they are not visible), during the spring ice drift they can be damaged by ice floes.
In total, about 300 scientific descriptions of individual rock art have been made. At present, there are somewhat fewer petroglyphs, about 200, some of them were lost - they were demolished by ice floes floating in the spring and are located at the bottom of the river.
It is assumed that some of the petroglyphs are not visible (the boulder is turned upside down).
An open-air museum has been organized at the location of the petroglyphs.
In the national Nanai village of Sikachi-Alyan, there is an ethnographic museum - a branch of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum. N. I. Grodekova.
From some of the most famous boulders with petroglyphs, exact copies were made, concrete dummies were made. Models with petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan are part of the exposition of the Khabarovsk Museum of Archeology (a branch of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov).
The petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan are a place of religious worship (shamanism) and a national symbol of the Nanai people.

History of the Amur military flotilla
The first Russian warships appeared on the Amur River in the summer of 1644 - they were the plows of the Cossack head V. D. Poyarkov, who, with a small detachment of 85 people, rafted down the river and, after wintering in the lower reaches of the Amur, returned to the Yakut prison.
The second expedition led by ataman E.P. Khabarov, which reached the Amur in 1650 also on plows, managed to create Russian settlements along the Amur for a while, but after unsuccessful military operations with Qing China in 1689, under the terms of the unequal Nerchinsk peace, the Russians were forced to leave Amur for 160 years.
On July 10, 1850, as a result of the expedition of Captain-Lieutenant G. I. Nevelsky (later transformed into the Amur expedition), the lower reaches of the Amur became again available to Russia, and on May 18, 1854, the Argun steamer of the Siberian military flotilla, built on the Shilka River, entered the Amur and for the first time carried out rafting to the lower reaches, becoming the first ship Navy Russia in the upper and middle reaches of this river.
Almost simultaneously, in 1855, the screw schooner Vostok of the same flotilla and the steam launch Nadezhda of the Amur expedition sailed in the lower reaches of the Amur.
By the time the Aigun treaty was concluded in 1858 and a little later (by 1863), Russia had a pair of wooden gunboats on the Amur and Ussuri rivers and the Sungacha and Ussuri steamers for navigation along the Ussuri, Sungach and Lake Khanka rivers. All these ships were organizationally part of the Siberian Flotilla of the Maritime Department.
Nevertheless, a permanent connection of the Navy on the Amur did not exist for about 60 years, despite the aggravation in relations with China in 1860 and 1880.
Along the Amur and its tributaries since the 1860s. there were private and state-owned steamships, some of which belonged to the Military Department and could be armed: Zeya, Onon, Ingoda, Chita, Konstantin, General Korsakov. On the Amur there were also unarmed steamships of the Siberian flotilla "Shilka", "Amur", "Lena", "Sungacha", "Ussuri", "Tug", "Polza", "Success", screw launches and barges. Steamships were mainly engaged in economic transportation and supply. TO late XIX centuries, 160 steam ships and 261 barges sailed along the Amur and tributaries.

patrol ship of the Amur flotilla

The first connection appeared in 1895-1897, although it was not a naval one.
The Amur-Ussuri Cossack flotilla was created to defend the border line, serve the Cossack villages located on the banks of the Amur, Ussuri and Shilka.
It initially consisted of the Ataman steamships (flagship), the Ussuri Cossack, the Patrol steamboat, the Lena and Bulava barges. The crews included Transbaikal, Amur, Ussuri Cossacks.
Senior commander (a position equivalent in status to the position of commander of a separate Cossack hundred) until 1901 - Lukhmanov, Dmitry Afanasevich.
The flotilla was based on the Iman River and was subordinate to the Amur Cossack troops and quite successfully defended Russian subjects from the attacks of the Chinese Honghuz, transported goods and passengers until 1917.
The Boxer uprising of 1900, during which boxer and hunghuz gangs fired on Russian ships on the river, showed the need for actual ownership of the waters of the Amur and its tributaries. In addition, the suppression of this uprising resulted in a real war for Russia with regular Chinese troops, during which Russian troops defended the CER, Harbin and occupied Manchuria. In the course of these hostilities, the military command took a number of urgent measures: the steamships of the Khilok, Tretiy, Gazimur, Amazar, Selenga and Sungari Waterways Administration were armed with field artillery. The ships were subordinate to the army command. Their crews, as well as the Cossacks of the Amur-Ussuri flotilla, under the fire of the Chinese, had to escort civilian ships along the Amur, and also break through to Harbin along the Sungari.
During Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 there were 6 armed steamships on the Amur (Selenga, Khilok of the Military Department, Third, Sixth, Eighteenth, Askold of the Border Guard), border boats Arthur and Sentry, 7 152-mm two-gun floating non-self-propelled batteries of the Siberian flotilla (“Berkut”, “Eagle”, “Lungin”, “Chibis”, “Vulture”, “Sokol”, “Krokhal”), 17 obsolete destroyers (No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 9, No. 18, No. 47, No. 48, No. 61, No. 64, No. 91, No. 92, No. 93, No. 95, No. 96, No. 97, No. 98, No. 126) and semi-submarine destroyer (torpedo boat) "Keta » Siberian flotilla. Based mainly in Nikolaevsk, these ships carried out military transportation, carried out antiamphibious defense of the mouth of the Amur and De-Kastri Bay, although they did not directly participate in hostilities (except for the Keta).
Even before the Russo-Japanese War, in 1903, the Naval Department decided to create a permanent naval flotilla on the Amur and build special military ships for it. Shortly before the end of hostilities, on April 2, 1905, a separate detachment of ships of the Siberian flotilla was formed, which included all warships on the Amur River. Amur river
The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) is a railway in Eastern Siberia and the Far East (subordinate to the Eastern Railway and the Far Eastern Railway).

One of the largest railway lines in the world. The main route Taishet - Sovetskaya Gavan was built with long breaks from 1938 to 1984. The construction of the central part of the railway, which took place in complex geological and climatic conditions, took more than 12 years, and one of the most difficult sections - the Severo-Muisky tunnel - was put into permanent operation only in 2003. BAM is the eastern part of the Great Northern Railway, a 1928 Soviet project.
The BAM is almost 500 km shorter than the Trans-Siberian in the section from Taishet to the seaport of Vanino. The volume of cargo transportation for 2014 is about 12 million tons.
The length of the main route Taishet - Sovetskaya Gavan is 4287 km. BAM runs north of the Trans-Siberian Railway, branching off from it in Taishet, crosses the Angara in Bratsk, crosses the Lena in Ust-Kut, passes through Severobaikalsk, skirting Lake Baikal from the north, then passes through Tynda, crosses the Amur in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and ends on the shore Pacific Ocean in Sovetskaya Gavan. Branches: to Ust-Ilimsk (215 km); to the Chineyskoye field (66 km); to Bamovskaya station (179 km); to Yakutsk (at the end of 2010, 930 km were built, construction continues on the Kerdem-Yakutsk section) (1078 km); to the Elga field (300 km); to Izvestkovaya station (326 km); to Chegdomyn (16 km); to Volochaevka station (351 km); to the Black Cape station - the road to the abandoned construction site of an underwater tunnel to Sakhalin Island (120 km).
The route of the highway runs mainly in mountainous areas, including through the Stanovoye Upland, cutting through seven mountain ranges. The highest point of the path is the Mururinsky Pass [(1323 meters above sea level); the steep slopes when entering this pass require the use of dual traction and limiting the weight of trains. Ten tunnels have been drilled along the route of the road, among them is the longest Severo-Muysky tunnel in Russia.
The route of the road intersects 11 major rivers, in total 2230 large and small bridges were built on it. The highway passes through more than 200 railway stations and sidings, more than 60 cities and towns.
From Taishet to Ust-Kut the road is double-track and electrified on alternating current (25 kV), from Ust-Kut to Taksimo station the road is single-track and electrified on alternating current (25 kV), to the east the movement is carried out on diesel traction.

Fishing report: February 26, 2014, February 26, 2014, Amur, river
Donka / Feeder / Picker.
Catch: more than 10 kilograms

Fishing place:
Spit opposite Cape Kiorinsky Island, above Lake Khummi

Actually, I went pike fishing. However, in the first half of the day there were approaches of whitefish to a small balancer. The weather whispered, the neighbors did not get it (except for one moment when the "owners" of the holes appeared). I'll deviate a little from the topic - to gouge ice more than 1 meter - "pleasure", I must say - unpleasant, long and exhausting. Therefore, past holes are practiced in the hope that the owner will not come. Thus, the holes do not freeze, and the owners are new every time :).
Sig hits the bait hard, with hunger. If he also weighs under 2 kilograms - adrenaline !!! After dinner, a pike came up. 4-5 squints were caught in 2 hours of lure, the big one took the balancer reluctantly - at first I thought it was a hook. But when I pulled it to the top, I realized that it was coming. And here comes the beauty! After it there were more approaches, but a couple more squints were caught. Thank you Podi (Nanai god of Amur) - this time he helped add another wonderful day to life!

Fishing report: August 15, August 15, Amur, river
Float tackle. Catch: 3-5 kilograms
Place of fishing: Area "Water intake"
Departure was on the "fool" - heavy rain, changing with drizzle. The end of the working day - fatigue, irritability have accumulated ... Only with a fishing rod by the water can you move away from daytime worries.
Leaving the city did not particularly count on luck. But, approaching the "Crocodile" I saw a gap above the Amur bridge! From the first flooding of the road, I drove a little - the second, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "cultural recreation of the villagers" (in front of the pit), did not move. I asked the fisherman for permission to sit next to me, and while I was unwinding the fishing rod, in front of my eyes he pulled out 3 crucians.
The rain has stopped, there is no wind - beauty! Pecked with varying success - then 2-3 pieces in a row, then calm. Sergei periodically came across a large ostrobelly.
At 20.00 everything "died". Viktorych got ready and left. At 20.40 it started again - one by one. It was interesting - the sun at sunset hid in the clouds. But, as soon as it appeared again from behind the clouds, the bite improved dramatically and the lull was replaced by movement!
At 21.00 the wind died down completely, the sun began to hide and I was going home.

Trouble happened - young guys drove up and, unobtrusively apologizing, began to cast fishing rods near ours, and then completely, "squeezed" ... And the water is very strong. It looks like the record level of 7.10 meters will be "broken" near Komsomolsk-on-Amur. It's a pity for people - the economy is dying, before our eyes, it is dying slowly and nothing can be done. On TV and on the Internet - sheer window dressing ...

Fishing report: October 27, October 27, Amur, river
Float tackle. Catch: 5-10 kilograms
Place of fishing: City limits, Sovkhoznaya channel, left bank closer to the confluence with the Khorpinskaya channel

I will try to tell the story in a way that is interesting. I guess that many people do not know such a fish. But you can read about it:
So, the trip took place as usual - not prepared, "on call". I woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and thought: "Is it possible to close the season - the last sunny days, the wind is not strong ..?" No sooner said than done, call a friend (he is on vacation and leaves for Thailand in a day) and we move out by 14.00. They took fishing rods, I, as usual, am spinning on duty. Go. Without lunch, but with a great desire to get somewhere. Get there so that it is not far away, but also so that the people do not interfere with rest, chat.
I never thought that, in practice, there are such roads in the city, or rather, complete impassability. Twice there was a desire to turn back. But, the desire to go fishing and not waste time looking for other places took over. Twice I "sat" in a jeep, but we left and got there! I liked the place very much, the wind bothered me. I immediately abandoned fishing with a bait - with a strong wind it will not be possible to make a long cast, and along the coast there is not a great depth - up to 1.5 meters.
We went to catch a chebak, a horse - these beasts love the flow and depth more. As it turned out later, even aground there are worthy specimens! The first cast - and a bite. But, some kind of sluggish, not solid. I’ll add right away - on the Amur, any fish bites sharply, expressively (crucian carp pulls to the bottom, gudgeon - small and large “hollows”, the horse - like a real horse - bends the spinning "in an arc" when biting) ... And here ... I'm waiting second bite and miss her.
I took the spinning in my hand. The first slight push in the hand - hooked - the horse was 200-300 grams. I didn’t put more spinning on Rogatulin. A friend nearby tried his luck with a float rod and looked wistfully in my direction - he never mastered the spinning. Within 30-40 minutes, I hung about a dozen measured horses on a kukan. And a friend's float began to slowly sink in the current. It is possible - a hook ...
And there is a horse, 800 grams! Here is the depth of 1.5 - I never thought that a large horse roams at such depths! In two hours of fishing, without straining and fuss, more than 15 horses and one chebak were caught! The way back was no longer so gloomy and unpleasant.

Fishing report: January 03, January 03, Amur, river
Flashing. Catch: more than 10 kilograms
Fishing place:
Below Amursk (beyond Ommy) about 40 km, left bank. From the shore - about 10-15 meters.
We drove longer than usual - the brakes froze, the shock absorbers completely refused to work in such a frost ... More than once I regretted the "undertaking" on the road ... But, be that as it may, we arrived.
They found their holes right away, refreshed them, stood on them at about 9.30. "Drum" was planned - by 12.30 no approach, not even a "scratch", a hint of fish! He came out with a proposal - either to touch the house, or to change the place. We decided with my father to change places. The new place was radically different from ours - instead of a dump under the coast - a small depression in the coast line, with a gradual increase in depth, almost no current, but near the hummocks, which were at a distance of about 40 meters from the coast.
Refreshed someone's holes, got up. The time was approaching 2 pm. The first bite (which ended successfully for the fisherman) took place at 14.30. Then, with an interval of about 20-30 minutes until 17.00, 8 pikes and 2 catfish flaunted on the ice. Father lagged behind a little - he got 4 pikes that day. I noticed that the closer to the evening, the larger the pike took. The latter pulled 3-3.5 kilograms! Gorgeous! At some point, it seemed that it got warmer - the sun pushed through the fog of frost. As it turned out later, the temperature during the day rose above -30! At the last place we met with a local abrigen - a peasant, 60-65 years old, has been living in a dugout for 9 years.
The day before, he had frostbite on his fingers and we helped him save 2 holes with “crabs” from under the ice. He said that the Nanais go to the other side for pike, but "there are none here." He, in fact, told us that on the thermometer - -45! He treated us to the meat of a young goat, I gave him a cream from the frost and promised to bring beer next time.


Team Nomads
V. Polevanov In Search of the Source of the Amur // Science and Life. - M., 2008. - No. 10.
Amur (river in Asia) - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
Amur branch of the Federal State Institution "TFGI for the Far Eastern Federal District" - Hydrological essay
Navigation on the Amur River (Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region)
Amur, river // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
"Amur, river" in the Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia.
Cupid // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
Wikipedia site.

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