Filipinos - what are they? Filipino girls: beauty and exotic The Philippines is the life of ordinary people.


There is a city in the Philippines that is very fond of Western retirees. Despite the fact that there are no beautiful beaches, interesting architecture and world-famous monuments, Australian, European and American grandparents flock there in droves. There are no natural clinics and sanatoriums where you can improve your health. Maybe there is some kind of special atmosphere? No, everything is much simpler. Angeles is the Philippine Pattaya, the capital of prostitution, where pensioners come to remember their youth and have fun with local girls.

As expected, everything is rooted in history. Angeles is a former US military base. When the Philippines became an American colony, the military decided to establish a naval base called Clark in Angeles and a naval base in Subic Bay, which is a few hours away.

Of course, where the military appears in peacetime, prostitutes immediately appear there. Filipino beauties realized in time that many single foreigners who have money suddenly appeared in their area. There is even a legend that the US government in those years began to issue a two-dollar bill to make it easier for the warriors from Clark to pay off Filipino girls. That's how much their services cost.

As time went. Over time, the Philippines became an independent state and decided that the military bases of another country on its territory were somehow too much and withdrew all foreign troops. The Clark Air Force Base turned into a successful civilian airport, and the area around it began to be built up with shopping complexes and laying high-speed roads.

But the reputation is not going anywhere! Angeles has remained that legendary city where a two-dollar bill determined your mood. The “junior lieutenants - young boys” by this time already had gray hair and a good American pension. And their civilian friends listened to brave stories about Clark for several decades and also understood how to spend their old age.

As a result, the folk trail was not overgrown, and Angeles turned into a city of dreams. Grandfathers dream of a young girl. And the girls are about a rich grandfather. Everyone is content and happy.

When I arrived there to buy a motorcycle, I did not know about this feature of the city. In Manila, I met several foreigners of the age who all came from Angeles as one and said that this is a very cool city. It didn't bother me. Upon arrival, I immediately went to the motorcycle office, which was located next to the street called Walking street. It consisted entirely of bars with tight closed doors. Then I started to think about something. When I went in for a haircut and the hairdresser said that they usually call Walking street Night pussy market, I finally understood everything. And when a merchant came up to me on the street and said: “Psst… Hey guy, do you need Viagra?”, I was convinced that Angeles is not an ordinary city.

I checked into the Swagman Hotel. This was facilitated by the fact that in Manila he was advised to me by one, of course, an elderly American. He said: "If you go to Angeles, then Swagman - the best place and only 800 pesos. Here, take a business card." The hotel was twofold in terms of sensations. On the one hand, it is located in a quiet pleasant place, next to it there is a good restaurant with wi-fi and a waitress who sang “From Russia with love” to me when she brought food.

On the other hand, everything in Swagman is imbued with the spirit of an senile whore trip. It's dim, old furniture, huge beds for huge Americans, big handles built into the walls in the bathroom so that people with sciatica can sit down and wash. Once, when I was sitting in the hall, someone from the next room shouted in a terrible voice that he was dying and he needed help. The guards immediately ran towards him, and the girl at the reception calmly smiled at me: “Pay no attention. We often do that."

In the evening I went to Walking street for research purposes, to learn more about what was going on there, and of course to drink rum. I decided that first I would walk down the street, then I would go to every bar, drink one rum and cola and leave. My plan almost succeeded.

Walking street is very boring during the day and fun at night. During the day, everyone sleeps and treats a hangover, and at night they go out to have fun. At first glance, this is an ordinary tourist street, which is a little more than completely filled with girls. Usually they stand still and shout something inviting to the white man.

Administrator girls sit next to each door, who also invite you to the light and open the door with a special rope. To never get up again.

Cigarettes are the hottest commodity on the streets. For some reason, everyone sells them. Most likely they are not sold in bars and smoking is not allowed there. And so he went outside, bought a pack and smoked.

The street is 80% bars, which are not much different from each other. True, there are several "elite" establishments that differ only in large free space and a large number of girls. Under no circumstances should you take pictures inside. Heh, "shoot" in the literal sense, but figuratively - you can)

Inside, as a rule, there is a podium on which girls in swimsuits stand and dance to the beat of the music. Around the podium there are tables at which visitors sit, drink alcohol and look at the beauties. Each girl has 5-6 different laminated cards with seals and stamped paper hanging on her swimsuit. These are work permits, some kind of registration, perhaps medical certificates. Each girl also has a number or a name. Some write the name with a marker on the body.

Inside there is no feeling that you are in a brothel. Everything is very unobtrusive. No one offers dubious services or hints at them. You just sit and sip your rum and cola and watch the girls glare at you. This is perhaps the only action to attract your attention. Every 10-15 minutes someone rings the bell and the girls change. New ones stand on the podium, and the rest go to rest.

The girls don't look like prostitutes at all. These are ordinary girls who talk to themselves about something, laugh and make fun. There is no selection for appearance. There are beautiful ones, there are ugly ones. Some are slim, some are fat. But they all look equally good and well-groomed.

I talked to the administrator of one bar and she told me how everything works. Girls come there from different Philippine cities. Many from Davao City. In Russian, of course, it’s funny “Prostitute from Davao”) It is considered a very cool job if you dance in a bar on Walking street. Firstly, by local standards, girls make good money, and secondly, there is always a chance to pick up an elderly foreigner, marry him and leave the islands for a new life.

The removal technology is as follows. A foreigner comes to a bar, looks at the girls, chooses the one he likes and gives the waitress a number or a name. Then he pays 3,000 pesos (2,300 rubles) at the bar and can do whatever he wants with the girl for 24 hours. This is called go outside in the local language. Moreover, the girl receives only 50% of the amount (1150 rubles), the rest goes to the cashier of the bar.

Grandpas often rent not one, but 2-3 girls and spend their entire vacation with them. For girls, this is considered a superpower. But grandfather does not pay every day for their services, but simply takes them to restaurants and buys gifts. Many go with the girls to the sea, give teddy bears, iPhones and clothes. The girl is happy.

I went into the biggest bar and saw a picture that I will remember forever. Inside there was a second floor that looked like a semi-circular balcony overlooking the stage with the girls. There were the same tables, but probably the view was better. I was sitting downstairs and noticed that on the second floor there was a Korean in a cap with the inscription Playboy. He was talking about something with the waitress, and then he took out a wad of money and began to throw it down. All the courtesans forgot about the dances and rushed to catch them with a screech and jump in order to have time to grab the banknote in the air before the others.

The Korean had an incredibly cool look. He literally scattered money, and sometimes he pointed at the chosen girl with his finger and threw a bill to her. The girls stuffed money into their shorts and bras. I did not see the bills of what denomination he throws, but from a distance it looked like 500 pesos, that is, about 400 rubles. I thought he was some very rich man. It became interesting to me and I asked the administrator what kind of money he was throwing. She replied that it was 20 pesos (15 rubles)! And before throwing it, he asked the waitress to exchange money for twenty! Nightmare! In front of my eyes, a Korean rogue with a cool look was throwing change to Filipino prostitutes, and they almost fought over it!

Moreover, Koreans love such pseudo-squandering. My friend said that he also saw people of the same nationality who threw money a couple of years ago.

Another situation that struck me was with Frank. Frank is a retired Catholic pastor who has worked in a church in the Philippines for over 15 years. He himself is from Ireland, and I met him by chance near the island of Potipot. Then he blessed me to travel. Said, "God bless you!" and I was delighted that I had received a blessing from the priest.

But then, when I arrived in Angeles, I saw Frank accompanied by a Filipino woman who took him by the arm to the bars. There is a very important note here. I'm not judging Frank at all, just seeing a Catholic pastor in a strip bar is amazing to me. I was amazed then!

In general, as far as I understand, foreign pensioners do not need sex in the first place. They need company and care, which for some reason they do not receive at home. I have seen a lot of such couples in different regions of the Philippines and their relationship is more appreciated psychologically than physically. Filipinas have a mentality of honoring a man as a god, so they never fight, they always take care and do household chores. This is exactly what Western men lack who come to Angeles to live in normal family relationships and, perhaps, to feel the main. Apparently, the reasons for the popularity of Angeles lie in Western feminism.

I stayed on Walking street until 3 am and went around almost all the bars. There was a lot of rum and cola each, and by the end of the evening I was already in a deranged state. I left the last bar where a girl from Davao was talking about how good it was here, got into a tricycle that brought me to the hotel. I vaguely remember the road. I liked the fact that no one tried to deceive a completely drunk Russian, although the place is considered to be vile.

In the next post, I will start from Angeles on a motorcycle and go to the province of Bataan to the city of Mariveles to finally see the sea and rocks, watch cockfights and meet the Aita Filipino natives! Don't switch!


If you need help planning your trip to the Philippines, .

Filipinos - what are they?

As I wrote in a previous post, I believe that it is people who create the atmosphere of any place. But we also all know that the nature of people is influenced by their environment. So it is in the Philippines. Therefore, in order to answer the question “What are these Filipinos?”, you must first pay attention to their habitat.

big city filipinos

Surely in Manila you will not want to stay for a long time. A big city, with incredible traffic jams, slums side by side with skyscrapers, the smell of sewage, people sleeping right on the street. Agree, it's not pleasant. There are, of course, beautiful places, for example, Makati. But even there, a step to the right - a step to the left from the main road - and you will see a completely different side of downtown Manila.

The population of the city is huge. Note that I can't tell you the exact number. The thing is that many unrecorded people live in Manila. These are basically just those who sleep on the street - some in boxes, and some just on the pavement. It is better not to show all fancy electronic devices, expensive watches and similar things at all. Of course, there are also nice and friendly people there. But in general, the city is very criminogenic.

Filipino Islanders

Now let's look at Boracay. A small cozy island with a hot climate, beautiful beaches, stunning sunsets. And people are completely different. Open and friendly. Of course, there are also beggars and people sleeping on the streets.

By the way, this is the indigenous population of Boracay - the Ati people. They can even be called a local landmark, as they are natives who lived on the island long before people from other places flooded it.

There is also theft on the island. They can steal everything, even slippers. But among other things, theft here has such a small share that it is not feature Boracay.

Common features of Filipinos

There are some features that are inherent in all Filipinos.

The most important value for any Filipino is family. Therefore, the families here are very large. Usually there are about 5 children in a family. Can you imagine how many relatives every Filipino has! The elders are respected and taken care of, the younger ones are taken care of. Old people are never abandoned here, all relatives help each other.

For example, when in the Philippines at the end of the last century there was economic crisis, it was money transfers from abroad that helped the country get out of this crisis. Many Filipinos go abroad, but many come back. They generally do not like to be far from home, far from family. Often even in adulthood continue to live with their parents.

I have many acquaintances from wealthy families who have two passports - Filipino and American. Almost all of these acquaintances lived in the states, but then returned back. It's just that it's very difficult for human Filipinos to live in a materialistic world. They have different priorities.

The "dark side" of the Filipinos

But such a wonderful national feature has a negative side. The Philippines is a very corrupt country run by clans. This applies to both government and authorities, and business. Politicians here do not hide their business. Rather the opposite. Relatives of senators and even presidents also had or have similar positions. This also leads to large class disparities.

There is practically no middle class in the Philippines, more than 30% of the population is below the poverty line, and the country is ruled by clan members, who account for about 3% of the total population.

Filipinos are calm about material values ​​- be it houses, cars, clothes. But they will always feel superior to those below them on the social ladder. The head of the company can sleep in the same room with his subordinates, designed for 5 people, in an outrageously simple house, but he will always treat his subordinates only as subordinates, they treat him as a master. It doesn't sound arrogant or disrespectful, though. Everyone is polite to each other, no one humiliates anyone, but their class difference is still felt.

I recently made a discovery for myself. I have a lot of friends here from rich and influential families. And I always compared them with similar people in Russia and was amazed. They are completely different. They never try to show their status and financial situation. Here we are with my granddaughter former president Philippines McDonalds eat. Here with the son of the owner of the largest local transport company we dance barefoot in the club. By the way, they are quite calm about their appearance. I could come to the club in a friend's sweatshirt, which is very large for me, and everyone was happy to see me and no one looked askance. Yes, I generally walked by, saw friends in the club and joined. For six months, I only dyed my eyelashes with mascara a few times. Everything is natural here, everything is simple here. But I digress.

I looked, so I was surprised at all this, until I happened to be at a friend's house in Manila. He is 34 years old, lives with his father and older sister, and they have servants in the house. It was then that I realized what the catch was. Filipinos, in principle, do not like to travel far from home, travel a lot outside the country. But many cannot afford it. Therefore, since I, a Russian, live in the Philippines, before that I also visited several countries, I look good and have higher education, which means that I occupy a high step on the social ladder, which means that you can communicate with me. And it doesn’t matter at all that my mother is a teacher, my father is a store manager, and I earn all the money for my travels myself. It also doesn't matter who you work as - at the reception at the hotel, as a guide, kite instructor. If you are here, if you can afford it, then you are not from a lower caste. And I really never saw my local friends in the company of ordinary average Filipinos.

Such is their order, such a national trait. But, on the other hand, it is logical. As the saying goes, a well-fed hungry man is not a friend. People are always united in interest groups. So it's not just financial. Such Filipinos are more interested in communicating with traveling foreigners than with fellow citizens who have never gone beyond their barangay.

What are Filipinos proud of?

Treating everything materially equally, Filipinos are very proud of their achievements. I will give one example, and you will understand everything yourself. One day, a Filipino friend living in Manila took me to meet the sponsors of one of his events. We arrived at the office. My friend had a business conversation with a senior representative of the sponsoring company. The son of this employee was also in the office. A boy of nine years old. They talked about business for about 10 minutes, and then they began to talk about this boy. His mother immediately took out a thick folder. As it turned out, this is her son's portfolio, in which she collects all his diplomas, certificates, diaries and thanks. And my friend enthusiastically began to consider all this, ask questions, compare with himself in school years. This conversation has gone on for 20 minutes.

Did you notice, yes, that at a business meeting the partners discussed business for 10 minutes, and then they talked twice as long on personal topics? With us, businessmen can also exchange questions about the family, but casually and rather out of politeness. Participation in some famous event, involvement in a large company, meetings with celebrities, victories in competitions - all this is remembered and proudly told for years.

Filipino attitude to work

But the Filipinos have a different attitude to work. They reason like this: I live once and I don't live for work. You won't earn all the money. They look at us and marvel at how dependent we are on everything material, they even consider us selfish to some extent. For them, work is just a way to earn a livelihood. Although, of course, times are changing. The Filipinos are also changing. Some of them lived in other countries. Therefore, such concepts as self-realization, moral satisfaction from work have become characteristic of them. But until now, if the Filipino Bad mood he won't go to work. And if he does, he won't do anything.

Filipino time

In addition, there is the usual time, and there is the Filipino. Do not even hope that the Filipino will come at a strictly appointed hour. One of my Filipino friends even moved the clock ahead to always arrive on time. I once happened to work at a fashion show for one of the most popular men's magazines. The schedule was as follows: 10 am - collection, briefing, rehearsal; 15.00 - make-up, hairstyles, fitting; 16.00 - pre-party; 19.00 - start of the show.

I'm telling you how it all happened. The German woman and I came at 9.45, sat, doing nothing, until about 11.30 (our Filipino friends came at 11), from 11.30 to 12.00 there was a rehearsal, then lunch, then we didn’t do anything for about an hour, then at about 13.00 we were made up for some reason (you can imagine how we looked and felt with a ton of makeup on our face at 35 degrees of heat). Pre-party, instead of the planned 16.00, started at 17.30. This action continued until 18.00. At 7 o'clock we corrected our makeup and hairstyles, at about 8 there was a fitting, and only at about 10 pm (instead of 19.00) the show began. And it was an official, very cool event that involved a lot of Filipino celebrities. The German woman and I almost went crazy from all this, but the Filipinos are fine.

Or another example. We worked with a friend (by the way, again with a German) at an event of one of the largest television channels. The work was supposed to start at 13.00 and end at 17.00. We arrived at 12.50 and started work only at 14.00. All this time we were sitting, watching how the organizers of the show were chatting, eating, sitting on Facebook, and trying to figure out when we would be given instructions and sent to work. We ended up working an hour less, but we were paid what we were supposed to be. This is normal Filipino practice. You have to either get used to this, or not work at all in the Philippines and with the Filipinos.

The Place of Religion in Filipino Life

Filipinos are also very pious people. In each, even the smallest locality there is a church, and even not one. A red corner is organized in the houses, statuettes of the Virgin Mary are on the streets. And not far from my house there was a cafe, for whose employees every Sunday evening a small spotlight was installed on the beach and showed the priest's sermon.

Filipinos are mostly Catholic. Therefore, they are forbidden to divorce. In fact, you can get a divorce, but this process stretches for years and costs a lot. Moreover, not all good schools accept children whose parents are divorced. Therefore, often Filipinos do not get divorced, but they also do not live together. Children are born early. When they asked me if I had children, I answered no, I was still young. Then came the question about my age. When I answered that I was only 22 years old, my interlocutors lamented that I should already have several children. That is why there are many Filipinas raising children alone. They marry under the pressure of society, give birth, and then they cannot live with their husband. And you can't get divorced. Maybe that's why the Filipinos have such a job as a "wife".

Intermarriage in the Philippines

Many "white" men come to the Philippines in search of a wife - for a vacation or for life. Sometimes Filipinas can have multiple regular white husbands. Very often you can see a picture: a Filipina with a white man, and around Filipino children who are clearly not from this man. At the same time, Filipinas themselves react very sharply to criticism about this. I once watched in a bar a picture of a Filipina pouring beer on a German, and then getting into a fight with him, because he said that the reason she was sitting with an elderly white man was money. If all girls have a dream - a prince on a white horse, then the Filipinos have a white prince. For some, this turns into work, someone really falls in love, builds a strong family.

I have several friends of mixed blood. And not always the mother is a Filipina. Sometimes the father is Filipino. Everyone is different. But the fact that there is such a job as a Filipino wife, no one hides. In general, Filipinas love to talk about their white men. For them, it is a matter of pride. And by the way, girls in the Philippines feel much safer than men. Especially in Boracay. The thing is, there are a lot of ladyboys here. I can see very active people. Sometimes men just have to run away from them.

Well, Filipinos in general...

…the people are very open, friendly and hospitable.

I will give a dialogue that I had with one tourist during the tour.

What do Filipinos do in free time?

- They gather with the whole yard, barbecue, play games, sing karaoke.
- No, they probably do it on holidays?
No, they do it every day.
- That is, everything that we do only on holidays, they do every day?

And it really is. And if it’s a holiday, then the preparation will be serious. Filipinos prepare for Halloween for two months, and immediately after it they begin to prepare for Christmas and the new year. That is, in early November, Christmas songs are already playing in supermarkets. And on Easter they generally rest for a week.

When I walked with an elastic bandage on my leg, almost everyone I met asked me what happened to me. And if they were acquaintances, then they immediately began to give advice, lament and feel sorry for me.

The guards in the cafe are so bored that they can even make you coffee or take away the tray. Sometimes it seems that they are the ones who perform the most functions in institutions. In addition to their main, for which they receive money. Try to imagine this with us. Impossible. Or a big, big rarity.

In conclusion, I can say that I love Filipinos very much. Before coming to the Philippines, I never thought I would say this. And now I'm talking. And they really have something to love.

An article from a blog of a girl living in the Philippines about Filipino women and relations with tourists from European countries.

Common couple: European and Filipina

My experience with international couples in the Philippines

Dear readers, before reading this publication, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the author only talked about where and how you can find a Filipino wife.
It is not in vain that I focus on this, because. letters have become more frequent, asking for recommendations, prompts and advice about Filipino women and girls.
I'm not an adviser here, much less an assistant.
I'm not a matchmaker 😉
There are many specialized sites and agencies that can help you get to know and develop relationships with Filipinas.
There is the Internet, which has a million dating sites, chats, social networks etc.
Who seeks will always find.

I never thought that I would cover such a sensitive topic in my blog about travel and life in Asia;)))
But a letter came from a reader of mine asking me to write about Filipino wives and how to find a Filipino wife.

I want to warn you right away that I will only write about what I personally met.
Therefore, I won’t tell you anything about sex tourism in the Philippines, because. never cared about this issue.
Perhaps “following a Filipino wife” could be classified as a form of sex tourism.
My post will deal exclusively with legal marriage with a Filipino girl/woman.

In the Philippines, there are prostitutes, and transvestites, and gays.
But they are not everywhere or everywhere, they do not offer themselves on every corner.
Many descriptions of "worn out" tourists are overblown and exaggerated.
Maybe leading role human psychology is playing - everyone wants to enhance the impressions of their exploits.

To be honest, that in the Philippines, all girls and women, regardless of age and social class, dream of marrying a foreigner, and it doesn’t matter if it’s old or young, rich or poor, handsome or not, we found out only when we arrived here.
When we spent our first week in the Philippines at the Ponce Suites in Davao, we met mixed couples all the time.

A typical portrait of mixed couples that we met in Davao: the wife is a girl no older than 30 years old, with good external data, the husband is a man of European appearance, 50 years old and older.
Sometimes we were simply shocked by the fact that a very young Filipino girl was not the daughter of a foreigner, but his wife.

Much later, having met most of the foreigners and their Filipino wives on Samal Island, we learned a lot of interesting things.

Man is clearly happy with his Filipino girlfriend

Why do foreigners love to marry Filipinas?

  • The Philippine Islands are an ideal place to live in general and even more so for retirement

Great weather all year round, sea, lots of interesting places and activities (diving, surfing).
For a retiree from Europe or America, the Philippine housing, food and entertainment prices are just perfect.

In the Philippines, you can live and not deny yourself anything for $ 1,000 - $ 1,500 per month.
The average pension of our acquaintances from Europe and the USA is 3,500 Euros.
A big plus for retirement can be considered personal savings in a bank account for almost every European.
It is not difficult to calculate that living in the Philippines is much cheaper (Philippine prices) than in Europe or the USA.
There is an obvious benefit in spending your retirement years in a warm and inexpensive tropical country.

  • Real estate in the Philippines is several times cheaper than in Europe or in the USA

A beautiful house overlooking the sea and a plot of land near the very sea can be purchased for a couple of million pesos (approximately $ 47-48 thousand).
In Minsk, for example, for such a price you can buy a odnushka on the outskirts.
Many foreigners buy land in the Philippines and then build their dream home there (having previously sold their “old dream” home in Europe or the US).

A huge disadvantage of the Philippine real estate market is the law that land, like real estate itself, can only be acquired by a citizen of the Philippines or a joint venture (the share of the Philippines in the authorized capital is at least 51%).
This is where a Filipino wife is needed more than ever.

As a rule, the owners of all real estate that foreign husbands acquire in the Philippines are their wives.
Do not think that it is so easy for a Filipino wife after a divorce to “grab” all the property of a foreign husband.
Foreigners are practical people and it is customary for them to draw up a marriage contract so as not to spend months later in court, dividing forks and spoons and other jointly acquired property.

  • filipino women

Haven't you ever wanted to start life with clean slate, V new country, with new friends, spouses, etc.
Here is a great opportunity for foreign retirees to live another life in the Philippines with a Filipino wife.
A young and beautiful wife for an elderly man is cool)))
And it does not matter at all that she coveted the fact that you are a foreigner and does not have any feelings for you at all.

Foreigners find the characteristic qualities of Filipinas very suitable for married life.
In turn, the girls are so grateful to their white husband (and if a Filipino is grateful for something, then this is for real) that it already draws on love.
By themselves, they are obedient, hardworking and do not speak against.
A man who is used to the fact that a woman constantly has to fight and, to prove something, does not need anything else.
World statistics show that the best nurses, nurses and nannies are Filipinos, in addition, she agrees to work for a lower salary than others, which, compared to what she can earn here (note in the Philippines), is simply huge .

As for the island of Samala and the city of Davao.
Pensioners from Germany, Switzerland, the USA, Italy and Canada like to settle here.
I draw such conclusions, because. I judge by those people whom we personally know or met in Samal bars and at the Bureau of Immigration in Davao.

Now I will draw a typical portrait of a foreign husband who lives on Samal Island or in Davao.
A man over 50 (even over 70 is), in his home country lived in or near the capital, had a stable income from his own business or a well-paid job, was previously married, has older children.
You can’t write anything special about external data - ordinary men over 50, not outstanding handsome men.

Another Filipina made her life

Why do Filipino women dream of a foreign husband?

  • For the most part, Filipinas grew up in large poor families or families with average incomes.

Daughters of wealthy parents are more likely to choose a husband for love, and not because of profit.
A foreign husband will be able to support both his wife and her family.

In principle, this is what happens to the entire family of the bride (parents, numerous brothers, sisters and their families) stop working at all or do not particularly strain, and live on the money that their foreign son-in-law gives them.
You need to be ready for this and you can’t get away from financial assistance to relatives, because. you can run into conflict.

In most cases, the girls do not even have a passport, because you need to pay a decent price for obtaining documents.
Local as an identification document uses a pass that is issued to them at school or a pass to the place of work.

  • The level of education among Filipino brides is very low, some can barely read or write.

Basically, they only completed the initial public school, because for continuing education you need to pay money and not small.
You can’t get a good job in the poorest country in Asia or abroad with such data, and a successful marriage will allow a girl not to strain for food all day as a saleswoman in the market or a milkmaid on a farm.

  • Upbringing

Everywhere in the Philippines: in the family, on television in series and films, in television programs and talk shows, the dream of a prince is cultivated in women.
Philippine princes, as a rule, are already busy, and not as rich and attractive as foreign ones.
Filipino women sleep and see a foreign husband, albeit not the first freshness, even if he treats you like furniture, because. he bought the woman and her whole family to boot.

Portrait of a typical Filipino wife: a girl or a young woman no older than 30, good external data, lack of education and profession, from a large family, a virgin (there are exceptions, but rarely, because such a bride is much less valued).

Now for the exceptions.
We have examples of equal marriages between a Filipina and a foreigner, but this is a rarity and rather an exception to the rule.
Such marriages were concluded for love or sympathy, there is no particular age difference between the spouses, therefore the bride at the time of the meeting was 40-45 years old.
Such women worked successfully and were financially independent.
In such families, everything is like everywhere else, quarrels, reconciliations, the wife can argue with her husband and express her point of view, she has her own money and independence.

In most mixed marriages in the Philippines, the husband is the master and the wife is the servant.
Just don't be fooled by the meek nature of Filipino wives.
Yes, they are usually powerless and cannot openly confront their husband, they understand well what position they are in, but a woman will always find how to manipulate a man (sex, life, food, etc.).

Filipinos waiting for grooms))

Where can you meet girls who will happily become your Filipino wife

  • Everywhere

On the street, in a store, in a cafe, in a restaurant, anywhere and anytime.
You just need to pay attention to it.
If she is not already married, you can easily flirt with her.
Very often, Filipinas make eyes at you and even impudently offer themselves as wives.

Such a case also happened to my man, he was brazenly “squared” by the manager of the Samsung store in Gaisano Mall, when my husband alone bought me a netbook as a birthday present.
She did not bother to describe the characteristics of the netbook, the girl directly asked her husband where he was from, if he had a girlfriend and if he wanted to marry her, etc.
The husband said that he was already married, and the manager asked the wife of a Filipina or not, he answered no - Belarusian.
Only after that she got upset and fell behind, apparently you can still compete with a Filipino wife, but not with a foreigner;))))

On one of the specialized sites, an American who lived on the island of Cebu for several years describes his memories:
It will be true if you say that the goal of a Filipino girl is to get a foreign man, marry him and move to live with him.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that the vast majority of dating sites are created for foreigners who correspond with Filipino girls (the fact that they are English-speaking plays an important role).
Despite being incredibly shy, Filipino girls are at the same time very friendly and open to dating male tourists.
It is not uncommon to meet a Filipina on the street, in a store, in a bar, at a disco or anywhere else.

Here you see how she walks beside you and you know what will happen next: she turns around, smiles, giggles and is embarrassed.
When this happens, she makes it clear that she is interested in you. Go up to her and say "hello" and again you know the further course of events: she invites you to her house to introduce her to her family.
You come to her house, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that even when you first see you, they discuss wedding plans with you!
Filipino girls are very good at sex just like girls from go-go bars, but once you get married you don't pay for sex anymore 😉

Filipinos at the bar
  • Girly bar is a special place, a bar in which different girls are constantly

There are a lot of such bars on Samal Island.
A man comes to the Girly bar, drinks, relaxes, and at the same time gets acquainted and chooses a contender for the hand and heart.
By the way, he pays for the drinks of the girls with whom the man communicates.

Guess which of these cute girls is in the photo in Girly Bar Trance, but according to the local Bajot ;)))

In such bars you can also find companions for one night - Filipino prostitutes.
Be vigilant and careful, because. your weakness can cost you dearly.

The Philippines is de facto considered one of the top sex tourism destinations in the world.
Of course, even the wildest Philippine resorts cannot be compared with the sexy Mecca - Pattaya (Thailand), because the country figuratively “lived 300 years in a monastery” (under the rule of Spain) and only “50 - in Hollywood” (under the influence of the USA).
The Philippines is a Catholic country and prostitution is officially prohibited here.

If in Thailand there is a sex industry with salons and barkers, then in the Philippines it is more and more like amateur performances, for example, in a bar, a visitor will almost certainly be approached to get acquainted with any plans for the future - from a fleeting meeting to a real wedding.
Experts note the greater external attractiveness of Filipinas in comparison with Thais.

Set-ups with minors.
In the Philippines, sexual exploitation of minors is severely punished.
Formally, the “age of consent” is only 12 years old, but the law makes it a crime to have sex with boys or girls under 18 if the adult partner offers money, gifts, or other rewards in exchange for sex.
This can be exploited by criminal groups blackmailing criminal sex tourists.

An accidental, and, it seems, not quite random acquaintance can pour a “special” drug into a drink, and the client will wake up the next day without a wallet and with a sore head.

Venereal diseases and AIDS.
"Love" diseases, as elsewhere, accompany free morals.

  • Beauty contests, dance and song contests

Filipinos are simply obsessed with beauty pageants.
Every city or town has its own Beauty Queen.
The most beautiful and talented are concentrated at the competition.
There are plenty to choose from.
Only ambitious girls participate in competitions, who can easily refuse if they consider that a man is not worthy of her.

  • Marriage agencies and dating sites (both in your country and in the Philippines)

If a man does not want to go to the Philippines to look for his wife, he can start remote reconnaissance.
There are many specialized Internet resources where you can get mountains of information about Filipino women, Philippine laws on marriage, family, children, etc.

There are specialized marriage agencies that will select a girl based on needs, arrange correspondence with potential brides for a man, send photos, videos, and talk about the family.
Agencies will help you organize your marriage (collect documents, buy tickets, arrange everything with the authorities).

If you are going to live in your country, an agency representative can arrange a marriage at a distance, as well as deliver your wife to your place of residence.

Many foreigners do just that, correspond for some time, and then come to check the information on the spot.
If everything suits the foreigner, he agrees with the bride's parents (if any) or with other family members about the wedding.

filipino family

Once, in a private conversation with one of the Filipino wives, I asked her if she was happy or not?
She said that she was already used and happy, and every day she thanks God for her husband.
People in the Philippines see nothing wrong with "selling out" their daughter, sister, niece, etc. a foreigner for a wife.
In their opinion, it is better to live with an unloved person than in poverty, but with someone dear to your heart.
Their right, their choice, their life!

Here I will collect some facts about how Filipinos live.

— Filipinos can't help but greet you, you'll hear *hi/hello* almost everywhere you go. They also consider it polite to ask where you are going (Where are you going?), it's something like the American *how are you?*. As well as the standard questions of Filipinos: *How long did you come here?*, *Do you like it here in the Philippines*, *Who do you live here with?*, *Do you have a husband / wife, and children?*, *How old are you years?*. Very curious people! But they ask all this very nicely, which does not cause irritation, even if this has happened for the hundredth time.

- Many Filipinos do not know where Russia is, mostly, of course, children, but many adults also do not know.

- All Filipinas want to marry foreigners, and it doesn’t matter if these old people are foreigners, or vice versa 17-year-olds.

Sunday is a national holiday. On this day, the Filipinos, one might say, have a holiday. It is on Sundays that you can see them drunk. They don't clean these days, and they didn't even want to grind us a machete for coconuts, they said to come tomorrow.

- Most Filipinos are slow and lazy, live in some kind of their own rhythm of life (the Thais, by the way, have something similar). But there are also very hardworking and responsible!

— Filipinos are very kind and helpful, they will always help if possible. Always smile when meeting. And they are also very sociable. If you are traveling, for example, with a biker taxi driver, then he will definitely start a conversation with you, ask about this and that, and maybe tell something about himself. The sellers in the markets are the same, and so on.

- To each other and to foreigners, all Filipinos address only *ma'am* and *sir*.

“Many live very poorly. In small miserable houses .. But there are also wealthy Filipinos, though there are much fewer of them.

- Almost all Filipinos have large families, large families. And in general, there are a lot of people in the Philippines .. This country looks overpopulated, this is especially evident in cities, and not in villages.

- Without exception, all Filipinos eat rice, they can’t even imagine how you can eat something without it. Rice is their main dish, and fish, chicken, seafood, meat or vegetables are already as an addition. If you don’t order rice in a cafe or restaurant, Filipinos are wildly surprised, they always clarify several times whether there really is no rice. And if you order rice not for each person in a portion, but one portion, for example, for several people, then surprise will also follow. Filipinos also love boiled peanuts and sell them everywhere, while fried peanuts can be found many times less often. Also, the locals are very proud of their fruits, especially durians.

— Taxi drivers love to cheat, to ask more money, especially if they see that the foreigner is not in the subject of the cost of payment. And it also often happens that you agree on this price, and at the end of the trip they will demand more! Never give in to them, even if they make a very offended face.

- At 9, maximum 10 o'clock, Filipinos already go to bed. And they get up very early, at 6 o'clock. In principle, I have almost the same regimen here, only I go to bed at 10-11.

- In the Philippine villages, locals breed cows, pigs (light and black), chickens, geese, etc. All these comrades graze right among the palm trees.

“Children in the Philippines are very, very obsessive. They never feel the line between themselves and adults, as children in Russia do. It happens that they do not allow you to swim in the sea, do not allow you to sunbathe, do not allow you to be alone with yourself. And also a lot of people ask for money, even decent ones. It is not clear where they have such habits.

— The most important purchase for Filipinos is a bike or scooter. It is for him that they so diligently save money or take loans.

- In the Philippines, bank card payments are less developed. More precisely, they are accepted almost everywhere, as in other countries, but card transactions are very slow .. I have not seen anything like this anywhere.

- at the entrances to all shopping centers and in the subway, everyone's bag is checked, and they also examine you for weapons.

- When you enter, you are asked to show a return ticket. Here with it strictly.

- Filipinos love to be photographed, and almost everyone is sure to pose.

“Children here love to swim very much, everyone swims very well and very quickly, they dive, they don’t get out of the water for hours.

Every city in the Philippines has its own language. For example, in Manila they speak Tagalog, in and on in Bisaye. Most people in the Philippines speak Tagalog (22,000,000 people), followed by Cebuano, with much less other languages. But 90% of the population of the Philippines speaks English language which is very important if you live in this country. And in general, in the Philippines, absolutely all inscriptions, names and all equipment are only in English, I have never seen inscriptions in the local language.

The Philippines is one of the few Asian countries where Christians predominate. The bulk of Christians here are Catholics, and this is due to the fact that the country was discovered and colonized by the Spaniards in the era of the Counter-Reformation. Prior to this, pagan tribes lived in the Philippines, which is why Christianity allowed them to consolidate. The oldest Catholic churches here were built in the 16th century. One of the features of Philippine Catholicism is that some especially zealous believers in Good Friday engage in self-flagellation and allow themselves to be crucified on crosses. Baptism was brought to the Philippines by American missionaries in 1898 and now this denomination has 350,000 believers. Jehovah's Witnesses are active in missionary work. And Muslims, who make up only 5% of the population, live mainly in the southern Philippines.

- Filipinos, like Thais, are always ready to take you to their toilet, at home, if you ask where the toilet is, but there is none nearby.

In general, Filipinos are very pleasant people, and they make only a good, positive impression. And the Philippines is a very contrasting country, there are beautiful views, but there are very poor areas that some may be horrified.
See also general information about the Philippines, and information about the capital, city,.

Children are very common in the Philippines...

Poor areas in the Philippines...

And these are the heavenly places of the Philippines:

Local youth:


Basic public transport in the Philippines:

How do Filipinos live?

Some Filipinos live prosperously:

And someone even has a house in the trees ...

Filipinos are busy with coconut business:


The secret of the success of the Filipinos is in the versatility of their appearance, which combines the features of the Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Australoid races. Many Americans, Canadians or Europeans will prefer a Filipina for marriage from all Asian women, not only because of beauty, but also because of the lack of a language barrier (in the Philippines, almost everyone speaks English, because the country is a former American colony), and also religious: 90% of Filipinos are Christians.
Filipinos are not a single people, but a group of peoples. This is the name of the entire 100 million population of the Philippine Islands, as well as the descendants of immigrants from the Philippines living in other countries, for example, 3.5 million Filipinos live in the USA.

23rd place. Catherine Zoe / Catherine Zoe- Filipino model, has Dutch roots.

22nd place. Iya Villania / Iya Villania- Australian actress She was born on June 29, 1986 in Australia to a Filipino family.

21st place. Marie-Ann Umali / Marie-Ann Umali- Representative of the Philippines at Miss World 2009. Has Lebanese roots.

20th place. Shamsi Supsup / Shamcey Supsup(born May 16, 1986) - 3rd Vice-Miss Universe 2011.

19th place. Patricia Fernandez / Patricia Fernandez(b. November 5, 1985, Pasig, Philippines) - the representative of the Philippines at Miss International 2008, where she got into the top 12.

18th place. Patricia Tumulak / Patricia Tumulak(b. March 3, 1988, Quezon City, Philippines) - the representative of the Philippines at the Miss Multiverse International 2014 pageant.

17th place. Anne Curtis / Anne Curtis is a Filipino actress and TV presenter. She was born on February 17, 1985 in Australia to an Australian and Filipina family. When Ann was a child, the family moved to the Philippines.

16th place. Christina Hermosa / Kristine Hermosa(born September 9, 1983) is a Filipino actress.

15th place. Michelle Madrigal / Michelle Madrigal(born September 4, 1988, Quezon City) is a Filipino actress.

14th place. Samuel "Sam" Pinto / Samuelle "Sam" Pinto(born December 11, 1989) is a Filipino actress and model.

13th place. Christina Cassandra Concepcion / Kristina Cassandra Concepcion(b. April 7, 1985, Manila), better known as K.C. Concept is a Filipino actress and singer.

12th place. Marian Rivera / Marian Rivera is a Filipino model and actress. She was born on August 12, 1984 in Madrid (Spain) in a family of Filipinos. Her parents divorced 2 years after her birth, and her mother took her daughter to the Philippines.

11th place. Ruffa Gutierrez / Ruffa Gutierrez(born June 24, 1974, Manila) - Filipino model, actress, 2nd Vice-Miss World 1993.

10th place. Alodia Gosiengfiao / Alodia Gosiengfiao(b. March 9, 1988, Quezon City) - Filipino cosplayer, as well as a model, actress, singer. Her father is a Filipino Chinese, her mother is of Spanish descent.

9th place. Valerie Weigmann(born November 22, 1989, Wiesbaden, Germany) - Filipino TV presenter, model. She represented the Philippines at Miss World 2014. Her father is German and her mother is Filipino.

8th place. Zarina Gatbonton / Czarina Gatbonton- Representative of the Philippines at Miss World 2010.

7th place. Lauren Young(born November 8, 1993, Alexandria, USA) - Filipino actress and model, younger sister Miss World 2013 Megan Young.

6th place. Isabel Preysler / Isabel Preysler(born February 18, 1951, Manila) - Spanish-Filipino model and TV presenter, the first wife of the famous Spanish singer Julio Iglesias, the mother of singers Enrique Iglesias and Julio Iglesias Jr.

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