The problem of influence on a man of genuine art. Impact of art per person: arguments

Each person realizes that medicine and education have a strong impact on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few will admire the idea that art is no less important. Nevertheless, this is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our lives.

What is art?
There are many definitions in different dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of its creation), which expresses the view of the artist to the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, creating something. The realization of the need to make the world is more beautiful.

Also, art is a way to know the world. For example, for a child who, drawing or singing songs, remembers new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with himself. This concept is so multigid, which is impossible to say, in which part of our life it is present, and in which there is no. Consider the arguments: the effect of art per person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our life. After all, it is under its impact that we call morality and upbringing.

Art types and its influence on human life
What is the first coming to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All this is art, kaki photo, circus, decorative and applied art, sculpture, architecture, stage and theater. The list can still be replenished. With each decade, the genres develops and new, since humanity does not stand still.
Here is one of the arguments: the effect of art on a human life is expressed in love for fairy tales. One of the most influential species is literature. Reading surrounds us from childhood. When we are very crumbs, my mother reads us fairy tales. Girls and boys are given rules for behavior and type of thinking on the example of fabulous heroines and heroes. In fairy tales, we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works there is a morality that teaches us how to do.

In school and university, we read the mandatory works of classical authors that contain more complex thoughts. Here the heroes make us think and ask yourself questions. Each direction in art pursues their goals, they are very diverse.

Art Functions: Additional Arguments
The effect of art on a person is extensive, he has various functions and goals. One of the main goals is educational. That morale at the end of the fairy tales. Obvious aesthetic function: artwork beautiful and develop taste. Close to this is a hedonistic function - bring pleasure. Some literary works often carry a prognostic function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their fantastic novels. Another very important feature is compensatory. From the word "compensation" when the artistic reality replaces us the main one. Here often we are talking about mental injuries or vital difficulties. When we turn on your favorite music to forget, or go to the movies to distract from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument - the effect of art per person through music. Hearing a symbolic song for yourself, someone can decide on an important act. If you move away from academic significance, the effect of the art of a person is very large. It gives inspiration. When a person at the exhibition saw a beautiful picture, came home and began to draw.

Consider another argument: the effect of art per person is visible in how the hand-meid is actively developing. People did not just imbued with a feeling of beautiful, but also with their own hands are ready to create masterpieces. Various directions of body art and tattoo - the desire to create a work of art on its skin.

Art around us
Did someone think about making up her apartment and thinking on the design that at the moment you can notice the effect of art on you? Creating furniture or accessories - part of decorative and applied creativity. Selection of colors, harmonious forms and ergonomics of space are exactly what designers are studying. Or another example: you are in the store, choosing a dress, preferred to the one that is properly tailored and thought out the designer. At the same time, fashion houses do not embarrass, trying to influence your selection of bright commercials. Video is also part of art. That is, looking at advertising, we are also under his influence. This is also an argument, the influence of genuine art on a person is not less revealed in higher spheres. Consider them.

Impact of art per person: arguments from literature
Literature is infinitely affected by us. Recall how in the ingenious work of the lion of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" Natasha Rostov sang for his brother and healed him from despair.

Another elegant example, as painting can save life, described O. Henry in the story "Last Leaf". The sick girl decided that he would die when the last leaf of ivy outside the window fell. She did not wait for her last day, as the leafle was drawn to her on the wall by the artist.

Another example of the impact of art per person (arguments from literature is very indicative) is the main character of the work of Ray Bradbury "Smile", which saves the picture with Jocond, believing in its great importance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the strength of creativity, he argued that, only reading books, a person would become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands pursues many artists, in particular there are several wonderful paintings under the same name "Boy with a book".

Proper influence
Like any impact, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works suggest longing, do not carry big aestheticism. Not all films are taught good. Especially carefully needed to follow the content that affects our children. The correct selection of things around us, music, movies, and even clothes will provide us with a good mood and will lead the right taste.

Art ... It is able to revive the soul of the person of their ashes, make him feel just incredible emotions and feelings. Art is a means by which the authors try to convey their thoughts to a person, to teach him to the beautiful.

The author talks about the need for art in our lives, he focuses on the fact that "the wonderful need to learn and appreciate it, just as you need to learn how to feel high music." Yuri Bondarev brings an example of the work of Mozart "Requiem", which unimaginably affects the listeners, "people frankly pour tears in the episode where the life of the Great Composer broke out." So the author shows that art can affect the thin strings of the soul of a person, make him feel unusual feelings.

Bondarev argues that art can strongly affect a person, because it is the most beautiful in his life. Art is able to change a person, his inner world. This is what you need to learn. Indeed, it is impossible to disagree with the author. I believe that art can make us experience joy and sadness, longing and excitement, happiness and many other emotions.

So, in the work of I.A. Through the "Oblomov" describes the attitude of the main character to the music. Oblomov, visiting Olga Ilinskaya, first heard she played on the piano. The author shows us how music can affect the inner world of man, on his emotions. Listening to the magnificent game, the hero was hard to restrain the tears, he felt strength and vigor, the desire to live and act.

However, the ratio of the main character of the work of I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" to art is very negative. Bazarov does not perceive it as an integral part of a person's life, he does not see his benefits and advantages. This was the limitations of his views. But the life of a person without art, without the "feeling of excellent" is very boring and monotony, which, unfortunately, did not recognize the hero.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that art is the most important part in the life of each of us. You just need to let him in your heart and soul, and it will be able to conquer the whole world.

Option 2.

Any kind of art for a person is the highest award for the efforts he attached to take part in it - either being the creator of the masterpiece, or simply admiring his results.

Musical compositions, mysterious canvases, elegant sculptures arose thanks to human knowledge, natural gift or desire to achieve such perfection.

In the process of creating any masterpiece of art, a person applies his talent, showing its opportunities in full force. Art develops, does not allow to remain in one place, in a state of inaction. Due to this, people are improving. Those who do to any extent refers to this area are creative people who are in constant search. Immersing in this world, they actively develop spiritually.

Thus, through the manifested imagination, purposefulness, fantasy, patience, art helps in approval of a life position, affects the person's world perception, helps to gain themselves, form their own image of thoughts.

If we are talking about music, then after listening to the classical works, the emotional, mental and even physical condition of a person is improving. Depending on the rhythm and the content of the melodies, the songs can either get the charge of incredible vigor, or calm down.

Under the influence of art, the inner world of a person is transformed. In any of his species - graphics, theater, painting, etc. It contains so much deep meaning and passion that is expressed due to peculiar expressive means that they are forced to think about themselves, the sense of life, allow the world a new way.

Any of works of art contributes to the distinction of good and evil, good and bad. Literary works have a huge force capable of acting on a person, transferring it to another world. Becoming the hero of the events depicted in the books, people will know new information on the basis of which they become better, correct mistakes after acquaintance with his characters, sympathize and rejoice with them. Literature may radically change the human worldview.

Under the influence of painting, the formation of a spiritual world of man. Participation in this type of activity contributes to self-expression, strengthening impressions. In sculptures, people embody their aesthetic desires, and for observers from the side they are cognitive.

Thus, art raises in man only the best character traits, increases the intellect, detecting and developing the qualities that were previously invisible.

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Art plays a big role in our lives: it gives us the opportunity to become spiritually richer, transfers the experience of past generations or encourages to create their works and makes us one of those who introduce people with a culture of one or another era.

The problem of source text is the problem of the effect of art per person. But how does art affect it? And what are the consequences of this influence?

V.Konetsky his text wants to convey to readers a thought that, firstly, the present art makes a man joyful and happy: "Art then art, when it causes a feeling of mumbling, but happiness." And, secondly, the thought that it makes us happy, because it seeks love for his homeland, to her rich cultural heritage: "And we are arranged that the most piercing happiness arises in us when we feel love for Rossi. "

Many great writers affected this problem.

For example, in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" of L.N. Tolstoy Natasha Rostov loved to sing, she was creative in kind. With his singing, the heroine encouraged others to art, raised their mood and did them happier. Natasha saved from despair upset after a large monetary loss of Nikolai Rostov with the help of creativity and singing.

And in the story of A.I. Kuprina "Pomegranate Bracelet" The influence of art on a person manifested itself in the fact that the pure and sincere feeling of yolkkova for Princess Sheina originated when listening to the composition of Beethoven "Aposonate". It is noteworthy that faith Nikolaevna appeared in the shower thanks to this person for such feelings towards her and an understanding arose that her life was touched by the real love, it was when listening to the same sonata.

Art gives us knowledge, wisdom, experience of other great people. It gives us the answers to the questions exciting us, saves in heavy life situations, makes the mental state more positive, fills our head in deep thoughts and gives us happiness.

Essay exam:

Have you ever thought about the impact on reading books on you? How can they change you? How can help? The role of the book as the work of one of the industries of art is truly great. The problem of the effect of art in the worldview of a person raises the famous publicist E. Vinokurov in its text.

The fact that the man of ancient times felt the impact of art objects speak the rock paintings, with the help of which ancient people tried to leave information about themselves to future generations, used art as a way to transfer tribesmen of feelings, sentiment, thoughts.

The author of the text proposed to me is considering this problem on the example of the Great Russian poet. From the first lines of the text of the Vinokurov analyzes the role of Creativity Sergey Yesenin in the life of the Russian man. The author notes the simplicity and accessibility of Yesenin poems, marks their spiritual depth.

The first sentence of the text fully transmits the position of the author: "You can say with confidence that there are few poets in the world, like Yesenin, the soul of the nation and using the unlimited love of the people." The author is confident in Yesenin as in the genius, great poet, who wrote only what feels, only the truth. Using metaphors "An artist intuition", "nude conscience of the nation", Vinokurov explains the uniqueness of the influence of the poet.

It is impossible to disagree with the position of Vinokurov. And from my point of view, art affects the perception of a man of the world. In the life of each of us there are periods when we feel empty, disappointed, lonely, and I am no exception. At such moments I love to listen to the works of the modern composer Louis Eynadi. They help me push everything bad from ourselves, to discover the strength to admire the world.

Similar exit of life dead end for the heroine Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is the Gospel. I was struck that Sonya Marmaladov, who was in a difficult situation, was able to find a support in the moral commandments specified in the Holy Scripture. After all, it is worth it only to remember the history of the resurrection of Lazarus, as she discarded her uncertainty and from the girl who needed pitiful girl turns into the one that this help is ready to provide.

No less interesting is the position of the famous American writer Ray Bradbury. In the novel "451 degrees Fahrenheit" the mistress of the house marked by firefighters to burn, refuses to leave the house one. The heroine chooses death in fire among his favorite books, so hate society. In this act, the influence of art per person is clearly traced, the invaluable meaning of it for everyone.

Analyzing this problem, we can conclude: art affects the life of society, helps a person to decide in this life, to understand why it is worth living.

Text E. Vinokurova

(1) It is safe to say that there are few poets in the world, like Yesenin, the soul of the nation and using the limitless love of the people. (2) Yesenina love different layers of society: young people and old men, workers and professors.

(3) What explain to the love of the Russian people to the creativity of Yesenin? (4) After all, this is a very complex poet, and there is no man who would understand it to the end, there is still no criticism that could explain and comment on all the wealth of the content of the Esenin poetry. (5) Its simplicity and accessibility sometimes hide from the eyes those huge spiritual depths, which are implicated in it.

(6) Yesenin is a national thinker, and this is primarily determined by the love of the poet. (7) See how it is largely and big to think, and he thinks on the most significant problems of the world, which so worry a person: about life and death, about the peasantry, about Russian history, about the fate of a separate personality and the entire people.

(8) Yesenin is a great artist intuition, and this also defines the special attitude of the people to the work of the poet. (9) Yesenin's thoughts are born together with the explosion of emotions - they are similar to dazzling outbreaks, this is most often the deepest spiritual insights. (10) No wonder he suggested: "But in the eyes of my insights of wondrous light." (11) With all his great intuition of the artist, he immediately guessed the truth, wrote only the truth, nothing but the truth, and therefore it is written on them every year it sounds louder and louder every year.

(12) Yesenin - Singer of Love. (13) This topic is also close to every person. (14) The poet of Knights stood for a high spiritual understanding of love, for the ultimate spirituality of the feeling, did not reconcile with the compromise, demanded the maximum love voltage, the maximum experience.

(15) The poet is a seismograph, compass. (16) He transmits the fluctuations of the era, he is a philosopher, we define the paths of history on it, the power of underground jolts. (17) It is necessary only that this seismograph is a bit, compass - accurate. (18) And Yesenin was ideal in this sense tool - he was a naked conscience of the nation.

(According to E. Vinokurov)

This essay of my student Anastasia Wise.

Sometimes it's a shame for peers who give little time to read, and after all, the reading person thinks, reflects! The problem of the influence of art per person, designated by the author of the proposed text, attracts the attention of many writers and publicists. And V. Astafyev thought about her, denoting her priority for thoughtful readers.

To convey the importance of the problem, he tells about the girl who lives quite a bit. Lina, being a student of the Medical Institute, knew what was doomed and lived in twenty years. The girl attended the theaters and understood: the world will always be divided into two poles: life and death. These ideas helped her see a subtle line between two short words. The author draws readers to the next fact: Lina hit the planetarium, in which the guides talked about the change of day and night, the seasons on Earth. She saw the star dome, and "where music came from heights." For a moment, the girl presented the swans and the dark strength that rests them, thought about eternal life. It was the music that made her climb, rushing up, live!

The author does not give a ready-made solution to the problem. He makes the reader think and conclude. And yet, watching what V. Astafyev writes that he worries him, allow himself to assume that the position is as follows: art has a huge impact on our lives, encourages good actions, makes thinking about good and kind . You need to seek art on time, and only then his huge force will open you the "immense mensive world".

Undoubtedly, V. Astafiev rights! I also hold a similar opinion, because art is able to influence all areas of our life, you only need to learn how to feel and understand the language of works.

The importance of this issue also proves the fact that it is especially brightly represented in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostov was far from beauty and did not possess a wonderful appearance. The heroine was able to hit Andrei Bolkonsky with his singing. Her voice influenced him, he felt her inner beauty and saw Natasha with a completely different person. Here it is a huge force of art!

The correctness of my position confirms another argument. How many songs were written during the war years! These melodies raised the people, walked a sense of patriotism, forced to go to the defense of the Motherland. Everyone knows the song "Sacred War". She became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War. With this song, Soviet people covered by the "rage of noble" went to the death fight. Music of War had a huge impact on the resistance of our soldiers in battles, their desire for victory.

In conclusion, I will emphasize the deep meaning of the text of V. Astafieva, who addressed attention to the problem of the influence of art per person. We only have to turn to the immense world of the beautiful, which will help find the right path and give answers to many questions.

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