What lunar day to start treatment. Cosmobiorhythmology astrology

How to plan the beginning of a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar? The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, so astrologers advise you to check the Lunar health calendar even before you go to the doctor.

Choosing a good date is quite simple, because there are many days in the lunar cycle that are suitable for starting a course of taking medications, vitamin preparations and conducting medical procedures. It is enough to know the basic rules that are based on the change in the phases of the moon, as well as to exclude unfavorable lunar days in advance.

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle for starting treatment

You have probably heard about the unfavorable, so-called "satanic" days in the lunar calendar. For the most part, these days are at the junction of the changing phases of the moon and are considered emotionally difficult due to the unusually powerful flow of energy from the Earth's satellite. Not all people can cope with it, hence the conflict situations, moments in which “everything falls out of hand”. Astrologers recommend not to forget that doctors are people too, and they advise to postpone the start of the course of treatment to another date.

So, unfavorable days for treatment: 9, 19, 29 lunar days.

The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable days

Having excluded the unfavorable lunar days, let's move on to choosing the most successful date. And here the main rule of the lunar phases works. All undertakings are best planned for growing moon, which, in the course of its own growth, contributes to the growth and development of all life on Earth. The most positive period of the lunar cycle to start taking medications and vitamin preparations, as well as a course of medical procedures, is second lunar quarter. Namely: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 lunar days.

Ancient world"Civilizations of Asia". Option 1.

1. Write down which civilizations that existed in the Ancient World, we have studied (8 civilizations). Where are they located. Write down the answer in your notebook.

2.a) Choose the correct statements in the table and write them down in your notebook.

The truth was revealed to Gautama, and he became the Buddha - "enlightened".

All the tribes of the Huang He valley merged into one people - the ancient Persians.

Hammurabi's laws were issued in the Persian kingdom.

Confucius followed the teachings of Zoroaster.

The Persian tribes were united by King Cyrus.

3. Which of the representatives of Indian society could utter these words:

“We keep a calendar by the stars, we treat diseases.” ____________________

"We teach our children to plow the land and graze cattle." _____________________

4. Match the name and country. One element of the right column corresponds to one element of the left column. Write down the answer in your notebook.

A) Moses

B) Buddha

B) Qin Shi Huang

1) Phoenicia

2) India

3) China

4) Palestine

If you lead the people through virtue and maintain order through ritual, the people will know shame and reform.

1. Hammurabi 2. Buddha 3. Confucius 4. Moses.

6. Nur-Sin was a good doctor. But one day he did an operation, after which the man died. The judge, following the laws of Hammurabi, pronounced a sentence: "Cut off the hand." Since then, Nur-Sin has not had a single operation. His family went bankrupt, he does not know how to pay off his debts, apparently, he will have to give his son into slavery.Write down the answers in your notebook.

A) What rules of relations between people were violated in Babylon? ____________________________________________________________________________

b) They did it because


C) Express your attitude to the laws of Hammurabi - do you agree with him in everything?

I think that ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The ancient world of "Civilization of Asia". Option 2.

1. Write down the definitions of the concepts of "civilization" (two meanings); "state", "power"; "taxes"; "laws"; "irrigated agriculture"; "tsar".

2. a) Choose the correct statements in the table and write them in your notebook.

b) Correct the false statements so that they become true. Write in a notebook.

3. Which of the representatives of Indian society could utter these words

"I'm making pots in preparation for a better rebirth." _______________

"I, uttering a spell, throw the sacrificial meat into the flame." _________________

4. Establish a correspondence between religion and country. One element of the right column corresponds to one element of the left column. Write down the answer in your notebook.

A) Buddhism

B) Judaism (belief in God Yahweh)

B) Confucianism

1) Phoenicia

2) India

3) China

4) Palestine

Be respectful to your parents and teachers. What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.

1. Hammurabi 2. Buddha 3. Moses. 4. Confucius

6. Emperor Qin Shihuang drove thousands of people to build the Great Wall of China. Many slaves, convicts, ordinary workers died of hunger and overwork, tearing down mountains, filling up gorges, paving a straight road, erecting walls and towers.

A) What rules of relations between people did the emperor violate? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) They did it because


C) Express your attitude to the actions of the emperor - do you agree with him in everything?

I think that_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

the influence of the moon on the human psyche.

The mental abilities and mood, emotions and behavior of a person depend on his mental state, which, in turn, is determined by many factors. From the point of view of astrology, the human psyche is strongly influenced by celestial bodies. solar system, depends on their relative position and position in relation to the signs of the Zodiac. The most noticeable influence on the psyche is exerted by the Moon, since its movement through the Zodiac is more rapid. A greater or lesser degree of influence of the Moon is predetermined by the nature of the zodiac sign under which it is in this moment located. Of course, this is just a general background. Sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of the Moon and other celestial bodies is individual for each person and depends both on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, and on his free will, thanks to which he can always consciously correct his own emotions and behavior.

MOON IN ARIES makes people more active, tougher, faster. They become more aggressive than usual, get excited more easily, bet on luck. At this time, the desire to excel, to take the initiative in their own hands, is more clearly manifested. At the forefront at this time are more personal than public interests. Thought is impulsive, the desire to impose one's own will on others often leads to fruitless disputes, tactlessness, rash actions. There is a growing desire to make new contacts, to visit previously unknown places, to start a new business. Thought works actively, giving rise to many ideas, which, nevertheless, often turn out to be utopian, divorced from reality. This period of spontaneous activity, which is characterized by the desire to immediately implement all fresh ideas and plans. The Moon in Aries adds courage and energy. During this period, it is useful to start new big things, but on the condition that they remain within the limits of reality, otherwise it's like banging your head against a wall. Money transactions require careful calculations, and even better - consultations with a specialist. This is a favorable period for work that requires excellent command of the instrument. It's good to play sports, but caution and haste increase the likelihood of injury. On the street, you should be more careful and attentive, especially for children, so it’s better to once again remind them of caution.

MOON IN TAURUS enhances parenting. Interest in everything related to their own children is growing. Children, on the contrary, are more obstinate, obey orders and prohibitions worse. These days it is best to influence them with praise and affection. But it is wiser to remove matches and sharp objects away from them. Housewives should be careful with hot pots and pans. The Moon in Taurus inclines thoughts towards reality, makes a person more stubborn, more conservative and more cautious. The fear of making the wrong decision makes you think carefully about everything in advance. You want to protect and strengthen what you have, and to properly adapt everything new to what you already have. In this position, the Moon sharpens the flair for everything earthly, real. Favorable time for detailed negotiations, for the conclusion of contracts, major transactions for the sale, especially in the field of art, needlework, agriculture. The position of the Moon is conducive to monetary transactions, although the manifestation of pettiness is not ruled out here. There is a clearer tendency to doubt too much the expediency of certain expenditures. These doubts are especially noticeable in wealthy people. There is also a stubborn desire not to deviate from one's own ideas, a tendency to evaluate everything from a material point of view. On the other hand, the Moon in Taurus gives rise to a desire to enjoy comfort, tidy up the house, take care of flowers, work in the garden or in the field. I want to draw and listen to music. Good time for friendly meetings. These days, I especially want something tasty, I just want something sweet. This should be remembered by people prone to overeating and overweight. Children at this time are calmer and more diligent, but also more stubborn, require more affection. School subjects are learned more slowly, but firmly.

MOON IN GEMINI makes people freer, more contact. Desire and need increase. There is a growing desire and need to receive and transmit information, to exchange ideas. I want to know the news, to know what is happening around, what others are doing. This is the best time for contacts, announcements, advertising, business telephone calls, negotiations, sending business letters. As a rule, during this period, the volume of correspondence, the number of phone calls increases, but errors in telephone connections also occur more often. Everything is conducive to literary pursuits. Mental activity is so active that it can lead to insomnia. Attention is scattered between many things at the same time, the desire to take on everything at once is more pronounced, there is a feeling that you do not have time for anything. Being late to the appointed time becomes frequent, a tendency to evade duties clearly emerges. There are frequent traffic accidents, misunderstandings in office work, primarily related to letters and documents. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness increase. Petty theft is more common. The right time for intellectual entertainment. Children are restless and distracted, tend to be late. At this time, they need to be better monitored. The same applies to your favorite animals: at this time you need an eye and an eye for them, as they may well get lost.

MOON IN CANCER exacerbates emotional feelings, enhances romantic mood. A tendency to daydreaming, sadness is clearly manifested, memories of the past excite. At the same time, I want to look through albums with old photographs, visit the places where I spent my childhood, meet my mother. People like to be treated like a mother, encouraged, pampered, they tend to believe in promises and promises. There are mood swings, whims, causeless resentment is exacerbated. Draws to wander in nature, especially on moonlit evenings. Relationships with the opposite sex are spiritual and emotional. The Moon in Cancer favors contacts with women. This is a time of fruitful work, especially in poetry and painting. The sense of ownership is noticeably enhanced, there may be difficulties in money matters: I want to have almost everything for nothing. It is not recommended to lend money, as it may be difficult to return. You should be moderate in your promises. A favorable period for transactions related to food, for all kinds of cooking, buying dishes, kitchen equipment and the like. At this time, people are prone to immoderation in eating and drinking, which can lead to disruption of the digestive system. Somewhere on a subconscious level, invitations to treats and drinks are pleasant, and the inviter causes unconscious sympathy. Schoolchildren at this time have difficulties with the exact sciences. But successful promise to be arranged at this time poetry evenings, literary and historical quizzes.

MOON IN LION makes people active, hedonistic. I want holidays and fun. Feasts during this period are more fun and larger than at other times. People are more greedy for promises and signs of attention, scatter compliments, tend to embellish reality, to see everything in a rosy light. Everyone likes solemnity, even some splendor. Actors are admired. I want to make an impression with at least catchy clothes - we all, to one degree or another, feel the need for recognition. Uncertainty disappears, people, on the one hand, are more objective in their judgments, but at the same time, this position of the Moon contributes to the spread of gossip and rumors, gives rise to a desire to flirt, fall in love. The attitude towards money is easy, we squander it right and left, spend it on luxury items and all sorts of little things. Increased cheerfulness. We feel better in motion than at rest. Things are going quite well, as the Moon in Leo sharpens organizational skills. People easily digest new ideas, respond to proposals to do something or organize. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to please each other. The authorities do not refuse advice and assistance, both personally and in business terms, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. good time for all sorts of shows and demonstrations. These days it is best to hold exhibitions, sales, auctions. Favorable time for classes in drama and pop circles. Children at school are initiative, but greedy for entertainment. Praise and encouragement will help to intensify the work in the lesson. The influence of the Moon can sometimes be expressed in the desire to get married, have a good rest.

MOON IN VIRGO makes people more nervous, critical, even absurd, the readiness to indulge in pleasure gives way to efficiency. Daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put things in order, put everything in its place, get new information and find a place for her. The slightest negligence, inaccuracy irritates. Well, this should be used when doing work that requires attention, accuracy, composure: processing statistical materials, analyzing facts, editing texts, calculating, detailed elaboration of plans, insurance, as well as general cleaning of a house, apartment, blanks, purchases. At this time, there are more trades than usual, but they are full of stipulations and conditions. The ability to generalize is weakening, there is a danger of getting confused in the details. Objective facts are more conspicuous. Auditors and controllers are more picky and pedantic. This is not the best time for romantic relationship, because since the partner’s mistakes are more striking, which means that mutual reproaches become more frequent. Under the influence of Virgo, there is a growing desire to interfere in other people's affairs with the best of intentions, the desire to help another, but they often forget to ask if this help is needed. Moon in Virgo exacerbates interest in food, clothing, diet, hygiene. Everything should be fresh, clean, healthy. Due to nervousness, disturbances in the activity of the digestive organs may occur. All of the above is reflected in school life. The teacher is more demanding on the answers of the students. Students, in turn, tend to doubt the correctness and accuracy of the data given by the teacher.

MOON IN LIBRA brings good and joyful mood. People become more contact, they like entertainment and feasts. I would like to spend time in a good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, to be creative. People are hungry for power. I want to hear only good and pleasant. The susceptibility of beauty is sharper, it pleases. Stronger interest in the opposite sex. The most harmonious relationships with relatives, friends, relatives. The moon favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Decisiveness weakens, decisions made during this period are easily changed. People are prone to arguments, but it doesn’t come to rubbish. Libra promotes reconciliation and peacemaking. Favorable time for buying clothes, works of art, furniture and other furnishings, perfumes, cosmetics, gifts. There are successful transactions related to clothing, jewelry, successful music, painting, drawing, design, dancing. Friendly meetings, discussion evenings are a success. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to cheer you up. Children are distracted and need calm guidance. There is a lively analysis and discussion of literary works in the school. Art circles work well.

MOON IN SCORPIO puts the stamp of passion on everything that is planned and conceived. Detailed plans are useful for any business and activity, but this is not the best time for new beginnings. The will and determination are stronger than usual, which makes it easier to get out of crisis situations. Volitional manifestations overcome diseases faster. A favorable period for meetings with authoritative people and strengthening one's own authority, but sharp straightforwardness can often lead to conflicts, especially with superiors. Sharp, sarcastic remarks up to insults are more often expressed. Scorpio adds bitterness right up, especially to women. The sexual attraction of the sexes is aggravated, but the expediency of business contacts with the opposite sex is questionable. The Moon in Scorpio generally increases doubt and distrust, especially towards strangers. In the family, unity is growing stronger, the desire to defend the interests of relatives and friends. Habits set the tone in behavior. A tendency to moralizing is found, while one's own behavior is often not taken into account. Interest in everything mysterious and mystical increases. Favorable time for lecturers and speakers: they more easily capture the attention of the public, more convincingly present and substantiate their views and arguments. Unfavorable period for working with equipment, machinery, tools. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is not recommended to buy and put on new things for the first time. They get dirty faster, wear out, deteriorate, and jewelry breaks. Be careful with alcohol! Here diligence can lead to disastrous results. Children during this period are also prone to insolence and demonstrations of strength. We must see to it that they do not annoy the younger and the weak. Sports competitions can be held.

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS adds optimism, improves well-being, has a good effect on physical form. There is a need for movement sports activities, physical work. Favorable time to participate in sports. Excessiveness in everything should be avoided, since optimism increases the tendency to exaggerate one's abilities and strengths. There is a desire for risk, a demonstration of one's own courage. The sense of justice is aggravated, it gives rise to a desire to stand up for friends, to protect them. It is only necessary, in the excitement of the struggle, not to forget what it is for. During this period, people are characterized by swiftness and thoughtlessness of actions and statements - they will do something on the fly, and only then they think. Nevertheless, all undertakings at this time are successful. Statements are sometimes too straightforward, but luck will not change in cases related to the court and the legal profession and with theological and publishing activities, higher education, travel and establishing external contacts. It is useful to instruct and teach children so that they behave calmly on the street. Sports activities can be held at the school.

MOON IN CAPRICORN gives rise to a feeling of loneliness, reduces emotional tone. People tend to withdraw into themselves. In relationships, affairs, any activity, efficiency and conciseness are in the foreground. Of all activities, we tend to choose the most difficult during this period. It seems to us that we must strictly follow the letter of the law, comply with all the rules and regulations, we are afraid of everything new and unusual. The last word in this period remains with the conservative. Attention is focused on the material side of things, and yet this is a bad time for banking operations. The moon favors everyday affairs, housework and chores that require perseverance, patience and concentration. The sense of reality is sharpened, plans for the future are built very correctly and reliably. In cases, various obstacles and opposition are possible, primarily in the form of restrictive rules and regulations. It seems that we are beginning to appreciate the good things that happened in the past. It's time to renew old acquaintances and contacts, conclude contracts and major deals. The Moon in Capricorn sharpens the sense of honor, duty, responsibility, self-discipline. More ordinary people tend to follow authorities, seek contacts with older, more experienced people. It's nice to help parents and relatives. Children are also more conscientious. They have a desire to be among adults, to listen to their conversations. This should not be banned: for them, this is not just curiosity, but a subconscious need to replenish their own life experience. At school, there are no special problems with discipline. Learned is fixed slowly but surely. The exact sciences and history are well assimilated.

MOON IN AQUARIUS makes a person more sensitive and nervous. I want freedom from all restrictions, there is a desire to be the master of my own time. Routine work does not go well, solutions to everyday problems are difficult, new, interesting, unusual are more attracted. good time for scientific work, inventions. Everything is open to the new and original. New ideas bring noticeable results. Favorable time for working with electrical circuits, electrical equipment and electronic equipment. During this period, it is useful to focus on the future. It is possible that there will be a desire to change the usual state of affairs. In this position, the Moon favors state affairs, contacts with members of the government. The Moon in Aquarius promises surprises and surprises, meetings with interesting people, old friends. Premonitions and predictions come true. Own actions, the behavior of other people can be very unexpected and unusual. Interest is caused by novelties, purchases are due to the novelty of the product. I would like to be among friends, talk about politics, welfare, transformations, problems of science, spend time in intellectual entertainment (chess, checkers, bridge). Children can surprise with unexpected tricks, they are more inquisitive than usual, they often turn to adults with questions.

MOON IN PISCES increases, rather even exacerbates sensitivity, sentimentality. The feeling of reality is weakening, during this period it is better not to take on important matters. Time favors the clarification of facts, the hidden becomes clear. People are kind and caring towards each other. I want to feel care for myself, find sympathy, advice. The goal is most easily achieved by praise and flattery. Good time for charity creative work, advertising, arts. Success accompanies the activities of hospitals, courts, monasteries and other closed institutions. Social relations are good. The moon in Pisces can give rise to self-pity in a person, a desire for solitude, one wants to escape into the world of illusions, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages. At this time, you can not turn to predictors, as the prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Children are more sensitive than usual, tearful. It is difficult for them to concentrate in the lessons, they prefer to soar in the clouds. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially near water bodies - this raises the tone, adds mental strength.



The state of various organs and life support systems is closely related to the passage of the Moon through 12 signs of the Solar Zodiac. Each sign of this zodiac is "responsible" for a certain part of the body. Accordingly, when the moon passes through different signs Zodiac, the sensitivity of different organs and systems changes. You need to know this so as not to accidentally harm your body: after all, if you take care of it at the right time (for example, your teeth or throat), you can avoid many other problems - do not shake with fear of visiting a dentist, do not spend money on medicines, etc. .). Those organs that astrologically correlate with the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located at the moment of interest to you, must be helped. They can not be overstressed and subjected to planned surgical interventions.

Being engaged in medical or preventive procedures, choosing a day for an operation, one should be attentive to the position of the transit Moon, i.e. moving around the zodiac circle. The moon has on a man very big influence, especially on women and children, as well as those who have it strong in the horoscope. Its action can be compared with a revision. Being in a certain sign, it, as it were, checks the performance of these organs and, if they function abnormally, they let you know about their unreliability. Our intervention - whether operations, whether procedures on the organ, which the Moon is currently auditing - can give a negative result. Treatment of organs located in the opposite sign of the zodiac circle will be more successful than usual.

Avestan moon calendar

Source - book by P.P. Globes "Lunar Astrology", M., 1996

and lectures given by him in St. Petersburg

Just like in the solar calendar, the lunar calendar has not one component, but four: a calendar of days, years, months and hours. They are as unsteady and changing as their mistress herself, the Lady Mach.

The moon is the second luminary created to rule the night. But it just so happened that in our world, distorted by the invasion of Ahriman, she appears in the sky and during the day along with the Sun, leaving nights for the stars. The moon is constantly changing, and every day we see its face differently - either in the form of a full disk, or in the form of a thin sickle, or in the form of a semicircle. The light that reflects the moon. The moon itself does not glow. The path of the Moon is the path from darkness to light, from the irrational perception of the world to its realization. Awareness is illumination by the Sun. Remember how everything is clear and clearly visible from your window on a sunny day! Demons flee from such clarity and transparency. And in your house, illuminated by the sun, there are no dark corners. A completely different picture appears to our eyes on a moonlit night. As bright as day, as they say, when the full moon is shining. But how ghostly everything is in its unsteady light! But how mysterious and enigmatic everything is… Such is our soul. Everything that our mind cannot illuminate, we learn through emotions, on an intuitive level. We renounce abstractions and come out to pure perception, we leave logic - this is not its diocese - and come out to symbols, to myth. The question of what is better, what is more needed logic or intuition - has an answer: we need both. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres, the right one manages images, associations, emotions, direct perception; the left - logic, rational thinking, understanding of the perceived, the ability to explain and sort through.

Our life also consists of two components: reasonable wakefulness, unconscious - sleep. Yes, we also live in a dream - in a world completely different from our rational one. The Moon is also connected with this side of our life. Lady Mach protects us in a dream, transmits to us such information that we cannot perceive, being in a state of wakefulness. But one side of the Moon is never visible to us from the Earth - so is our soul for us: darkness. On the invisible side of the moon lives a demon that sends us nightmares, a vampire demon, a leech demon. It creeps out on certain lunar days, and if a person was born on a day when evil is especially strong, his whole life can turn into a nightmare. These are the days of the change of lunar phases: new moon and full moon, as well as the second and fourth quarters. We will talk about them in the description. lunar days.

Unlike the solar calendar, where everything can be quite clearly and simply presented in the form of tables, you will have to calculate and track the lunar days yourself. We can only give you a calculation method and a description of the days themselves.

Lunar calendar calculation

A lunar month may contain either 29 or 30 days, and the first and last days may be very short - up to several minutes. It depends on the new moon.

The first lunar day ALWAYS begins on a new moon. The time of the new moon can be found on the tear-off calendar.

All other days start at moonrise. Moonrise in the calendars are given for a certain area - the center of Moscow, for example. Depending on the longitude and latitude of the area, the time of sunrise will be different.

Recalculating the time of sunrise is the most difficult thing in the lunar calendar. The best thing here is, of course, computer programs, but not everyone has the opportunity to use them.

Petersburgers can use the book "Lunar calendar for St. Petersburg for 1900-2050." Ordina A.V. and Churyukina Yu.I., published in 1993, however, it contains errors in determining the numbers of days. From there, you can take only the values ​​​​of the time of sunrises and new moons

Muscovites can use tear-off calendars for each year. The rest will have to recalculate the data to their coordinates according to the Astronomical Yearbooks.

In addition, there is a "Calendar of the lunar and sunny days. XX century”, published in 1994 by the Moscow astrological center “ARTA”, which also contains corrections for latitude and longitude and the recalculation method.

Perhaps now there are some other sources, but we do not know about them.

If we need to live according to the Solar calendar, following its recommendations and doing good deeds of the day, then Lunar days need to be tracked - I was drawn to this and that today, which means ... And look at the recommendations of the day. This is an indication of the darkness in you that you are not aware of, this is the bringing of your demons into the light. If you managed to name the demon, you have already defeated him by half. But, if you say that "I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram..." ;), you can consider that he has already half defeated you.

So, the characteristics of lunar days. Source - book by P.P. Globes "Lunar Astrology", M, 1996 and lectures in St. Petersburg.

First lunar day.

It continues from the new moon to the first moonrise after the new moon. It can last only a few minutes (if, for example, the new moon is at 5.49, and the moon rises at 6.00).

This is one of the four days of Hekate, the dark moon. The moon is not visible in the sky these days.

Symbols - a lamp, a lamp, an altar.

A person may be drawn to become a victim on this day. But this may be a sacrifice to dark forces - as in ancient times they put an altar to Hecate at the crossroads so that it would not send nightmares to people. Sacrifice the dark forces to achieve something - think for yourself.

It is necessary to get rid of fears, to defeat these animals in yourself - otherwise they will defeat you.

People of this day are waiting for their finest hour. They suddenly turn on and flash like fire. But they should not concentrate too much, brain strain is harmful to them. On this day, one should not be afraid and think about something bad - it can come true. You can’t get drunk - slags are deposited, thoughts become dirty. The day is not for contacts and not for group work. Cleanse your thoughts, otherwise stones will form in the body. Diseases of this day have spiritual causes.

If you first fell ill with something on this day, then if the first lunar day came after the 29th lunar day, the disease is severe and is treated slowly, the main thing is spiritual cleansing. If the first lunar day came after the 30th day, then do not rush to be treated, get sick, if you are patient - this is a disease that will cleanse you. But if it is required and cannot be tolerated, of course, get treated.

second lunar day

All other lunar days last from moonrise to the next moonrise, except for the last day (29 or 30), which lasts from the last moonrise before the next new moon to the new moon itself.

Keep in mind that the rising of the moon coincides with the rising of the sun only on the new moon (but then it is not visible in the sky), and with the setting of the sun - only on the full moon. On the remaining days of the lunar month, the night luminary rises "when it wants to." Follow the rising of the moon in the sky for several months, and much will become clear to you.

The symbols of the day are the mouth, the grasping mouth, the cornucopia.

This is another of the four days of Hekate, the last before the appearance of the newborn crescent moon in the sky.

Day of overfilling, saturation, appetite.

The person of this day has a thirst to devour and capture everything, this applies not only to food. But everything that a person has captured, he must assimilate, otherwise there will be a dump on the body. It is necessary to develop generosity, to be able to give to others. Do not grab yourself, but treat others, feed and drink, do not be greedy. At a low level, "generosity" is manifested only when it does not climb into itself.

The diseases of this day manifest themselves very insidiously, not where you expect. Fasting often helps, and food can lead to poisoning. It can also be treated with diet and herbs.

You can try to imagine different kinds food - from what will cause nausea, you need to refuse, exclude from the diet.

It often happens that the disease of this day returns, because. its roots remain intact.

third lunar day

This is the day when the thin crescent moon appears in the sky. If the sky is clear in the evening, then you will definitely see it immediately after sunset, not high above the horizon in the western part of the sky.

The crescent of the Moon is always turned with its convex side towards the Sun - after all, this is the side of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The thinner the crescent, the closer the Moon is to the Sun in the sky. The young moon is always visible in the evening after sunset above the horizon in the west, and the old moon is always visible in the morning above the eastern horizon before sunrise.

This is a very active day. There may be astral attacks and a sudden deterioration in well-being. A person can be bursting with energy unusual for him. You need to be ready to repel danger, but not bring this state to insanity, showing excessive vigilance and manic suspicion. Especially sensitive people notice this influence on themselves - up to dreams with wild animals attacking them. The symbol of this day is a leopard preparing to jump. For a man of this day, the best defense is an attack.

The days of Hekate are over, and the Moon is freed from her subjugation to the Sun. This is the day to start the affairs planned on the first day of the moon. This is a day of independence and manifestation of one's will. The man of this day is a knight in a tiger's skin: first he copes with his shortcomings and shortcomings (kills a leopard and puts on his skin), and only then does great things.

The diseases of this day are active and well manifested, understandable, but they must be treated immediately, without wasting time. The day is good for operations. Women endure the diseases of this day worse than men.

fourth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Tree. The tree is a symbol of knowledge and a symbol of ourselves. Our roots are a connection with tradition, egregor, with the Earth. Branches, top - in the sky, this is a connection with the upper world. The tree is constantly growing. In addition, the tree is a symbol of the family, and this is the day associated with the ancestors, with the house. People of this day are not recommended to leave their native places, they need to study the karma of their kind, genetics, their roots. They need to find ground under their feet and grow upwards. People of this day are constantly tempted to pick the fruit of knowledge from the tree, but this will lead them to severe disappointment, because. this is seduction. You need to earn it by cleaning the roots - then they will receive the fruit purified.

Unlike the previous day, the fourth day is passive. This is the day of meditation, the day of mastering sounds - mantras, prayers. A day to study the past.

Diseases of this day are associated with karma, with heredity. Treating them is long and difficult. Often diseases are incurable, but you can learn to live with them. Healing with water and prayers. Be sure to remember your ancestors and pray for them.

fifth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Unicorn, a mythical beast.

Remember the description of the Unicorn in R. Zelazny's book?

“… — Korvin! Look!, - whispering these words, Gerard squeezed my elbow.

I followed his gaze and froze in place. Without moving, we looked at the vision. A soft, radiant whiteness enveloped him, as if instead of wool and mane, the Unicorn was covered with down. Tiny cloven hooves and a thin twisted horn on a narrow head were cast in gold. He stood on a rock, nibbling at the lichen that had overgrown it. The unicorn lifted its head and looked at us. His eyes were bright emerald green. For a few moments we stood motionless. Then he made a quick and nervous movement with his front legs, as if he was grabbing air, hit the stone three times with his hooves and, fogging up, silently, like a snowflake, disappeared ”(R. Zelazny. The Chronicles of Amber. In five volumes. Volume One. Book Three. The Sign of the Unicorn SPb, 1992, p. 435)

The unicorn was credited with wisdom and the ability to recognize falsehood and evil. He could also predict the future and fulfill the desire of the person who tamed him, but only a pure innocent maiden could tame him. Others he pierced through with his horn.

This is one of the alchemical symbols.

A person born on this day is prone to absorption and primary transformation of both physical and spiritual food. You have to be careful to keep it clean. A lot of temptations arise that cannot be succumbed to: the Unicorn can be lured with golden apples or silver coins. Don't grab everything!

The second symbol of the day is Food. You can not use slaughter. Sacred cottage cheese, butter and honey. As for spiritual food, you need to choose a tradition and strictly adhere to it, not be an omnivore.

Diseases of the fifth day show the degree of your slagging. Clean food and clean air are very important, as well as the help of clean people - this is the main condition for recovery. It is easier for children to be treated, but in old age, when toxins are already accumulating, the diseases of this day are more difficult. Your behavior during treatment is very important: rudeness and foul language greatly worsen the result.

sixth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Crane. This is a sacred bird. In Rus', wells were in the form of cranes.

The day is associated with the energy of the air, with breathing, with prana. On such days, they looked at the sky, at the clouds - they received cosmic information. The people of this day are visionaries and dreamers, often living in a fictional world; they cannot stand being broken and forced; in contacts they prefer "free floating", a flow. They love clean air, clouds, air currents, high open places.

People of this day are able to transform the cosmic energy of the air and transfer it to others. They tend to be free-thinking. But they must not forget that living water must be taken from the well of life, and not from dreams.

The diseases of this day are very deceptive, often a misdiagnosis can be made, which will lead to a chronic course due to incorrect treatment. But in principle, with the right diagnosis, diseases are treated well. Women tolerate them better than men.

seventh lunar day

This day has many symbols: the Magic Wand (Scepter), the Rose of the Winds, the Weather Vane, the Rooster (weather vane), the Golden Harp of Eol.

It is also an air day, a wind day. Word Mastery Day. This means that you need to think carefully before you say anything. You can’t wish harm to anyone on this day, you can’t lie - then you will get sick: you will have a runny nose, cough and chest pain.

The people of this day are at best orators, public figures, acting through the Word. At a low level, they are thrown from side to side and deployed in the wind like a weather vane. The Holy Word is prayer, but prayers must be learned to pronounce correctly. In general, until you have learned to speak correctly, it is better to be silent more on this day. Not a single word spoken should be superfluous. The highest achievement of the seventh lunar day is the mastery of verbal magic (magic in Zoroastrianism means purification).

The diseases of this day are insidious, and self-medication cannot be done. Entrust treatment only to an experienced doctor! Less need to talk about the disease - it feeds it. If it started acutely, then it must be treated quickly, otherwise it will turn into a chronic form.

eighth lunar day

Symbols of the day - Phoenix, Butterfly, Moth.

On this day, the transition from the first lunar phase to the second falls. It's like death and new life: the Phoenix bird burns in the fire and rises from the ashes. In the worst case, it is a moth that irresistibly strives for a flame and burns in it.

On this day, the highest Zoroastrian priests of Atharvana, the keepers of the fire, lit the sacred fire. Divine Fire can purify a prepared person, but burn an unprepared one - it transforms us from the inside, but it may happen that we do not calculate our strength. But people on the eighth lunar day can go back and repeat all over again. This is the day of internal transmutations, transformations, alchemy. A person is constantly changing, but he must return to the origins in order to start all over again.

One must be very careful with fire on this day.

The diseases of this day are severe, but the harder they begin, the faster they are cured. Temperature - our inner fire - helps a lot, you can’t knock it down. But this can be dangerous for the cores, this must be taken into account. If the disease proceeds without fever, it can be delayed.

Ninth lunar day

This is the second of the days on which the change of the first phase to the second, the quadrature aspect between the Moon and the Sun, can fall.

This is a critical, dangerous day, the first of the four so-called satanic days of the lunar calendar.

There are four satanic days in the lunar calendar: 9.15, 23, 29. It is believed that evil is in force these days. These days, you especially need to carefully monitor yourself and not succumb to provocations, not show anger, not be seduced by dubious prospects, not succumb to fear.

Symbols of the ninth lunar day - Bat, Bat. This day is associated with seduction. People can be seduced by any abomination, mistaking it for spiritual food, which they are looking for. If they fanatically believe in "found", then diabolical pride may develop. It may seem to them that they have gained wings and soared high, but these will be just the leathery wings of night fliers. Everything becomes inverted: white is taken for black and vice versa, they no longer distinguish between Good and Evil, the Manichaean heresy appears.

The Manichaean heresy is one of the worst. It is named after the "prophet" Mani, who lived in the Persian Empire in the 3rd century. It is still alive under various guises and names. We will definitely talk about this in the future. Its essence is that Good and Evil are one, inseparable and equal in our world.

A person on the ninth lunar day, who does not succumb to temptations and seductions, experiences suffering, he is haunted by nightmares, they are constantly trying to lead him astray. But if such a person passes all the tests with honor, he receives the support of the forces of light.

This is the day of cleansing. Follow your diet. Do not eat mushrooms on this day, it is believed that they are dangerous on this day, excite lust, and can lead to poisoning. Don't look in the mirror. A broken mirror and spilled milk are considered very bad omens on this day.

Try on this day to forgive those who offended you. Control your desires. Follow your thoughts.

Pay attention to how often the ninth lunar day in "tabloid" astrology is called happy and bringing the fulfillment of desires. But no one tells you - what kind of payment will you have to pay for such a performance ?!

Diseases of the ninth lunar day are of a mystical nature. This is a manifestation of the dirt of your kind, a family curse. They are treacherous, heavy and can be deadly.

Only you and your loved ones can help you. It will be extremely difficult for lonely people. Even if a person close and dear to you just sits and talks to you, it will already become easier for you. But watch your emotions and don't get carried away!

It's bad if you have a fever - apply ice. It is best to eat dairy products.

tenth lunar day

Symbols of the day - Fountain, Source of Water, Crab. The day of rest from the energies of the 9th lunar day, the day is passive. It is connected with the fact that a person already has a house, family, loved ones. Many people seek help from such people, tk. they have, as it were, an internal fountain of energy. Often they have a strong sexual attraction. If such a person, realizing his sexual attraction, uses it for selfish purposes, his body may suddenly collapse, cancerous tumors may appear (often they affect the genitals).

People of this day need to strengthen their home, family, eat from the source of a living tradition, engage in altruistic activities, and donate. They are shown fasting, ablutions clean water, bath, use a large number liquids.

Diseases are karmic. There may be fears and phobias, diseases affect the deep layers of the subconscious, come from childhood, from childhood fears and complexes. People with an upset sexual sphere - impotent, frigid women, people with an unsettled, unsuccessful personal life - do not tolerate the illness of this day very well. The field of marriage, family - heals and protects, family people easier to bear the disease. The diseases of this day are diseases of the wrong way of life, and until you change it, you will get sick. You can try to be treated with silver water, a bath.

Eleventh lunar day

Day of the Crown, Fire Sword, Crown, Fire Serpent (in the worst case, the Fire Breathing Dragon).

This is the day of transmutation, the awakening of hidden reserves, the transformation of human nature. Sword and Crown - symbols great strength but only for the deserving. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually. If we are impure, the Sword will destroy us.

It must be remembered that people of this day are often capable of unbridled manifestations. Their energy irritates even animals that rush at such people - they bite, butt, trample. It is impossible to kill animals on this day - you need to work on yourself, relax, concentrate energy inside and repolarize, not allow outbursts. It is impossible to engage in yogic practices (except for relaxing ones). Carefully need to use piercing and cutting objects, even in everyday life.

By the way, bread was not cut with a knife before, it was only broken. Now it remains only in rituals, but before it was an everyday custom. Bread is a sacred product, it is used for communion in both Zoroastrianism and Christianity.

Diseases of this day are strong, affecting the entire body. They start quickly - they leave quickly, but they cause repetitions at certain intervals. They take a lot of strength. Cause changes in the blood (monitor hemoglobin). You need to be very careful with antibiotics - especially if there is anemia.

twelfth lunar day

The symbols of the day are the Magic Chalice, the Holy Grail, the Skull.

The day of comprehension of the Divine mystery, the day of purification and communion. But if a person does not fulfill his spiritual tasks, then the cup turns into a skull, he experiences punishment and disincarnation.

The best people of this day are filled with joy, mercy, love, inner light. They help others, alleviate their suffering (often doctors from God), but they themselves are constantly cleansed. But if, having received a revelation, they use it for evil, captivate others with false wisdom, their depth becomes satanic.

If on this day you experience longing and grief for higher worlds“You are wasting your Divine gift. This day is not for fuss. Give people joy or retire for inner spiritual work.

It is not recommended to eat heavy food, it is better to drink more liquids. The use of vegetable oil and the treatment of incense of herbs and oils are indicated. Through the oil on this day you receive spiritual information (as in the anointing with oil in the church).

Do not burden your heart, be harmonious and calm.

The diseases of this day are mild, quickly passing and do not recur. You need complete rest. Help herbal tinctures. Try to put yourself in a good mood - and you will win.

thirteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Wheel, which is on highest level becomes a Talisman, and on the lowest turns into a Snake biting its own tail.

The wheel is a symbol of eternal repetition and return to normal. Eternal searches, repetition of your mistakes, eternal boredom and longing, if you do not go through the mystery of the 12th day - purification. At the highest level, a person already feels harmony in himself, receives magical protection, acquires spiritual brothers - this requires the catharsis of the previous day. Thus, a person renounces the old either through destruction and a forced return back, or finding a new harmony and creating his own world through purification and gaining protection.

On this day, talismans were made, protective inscriptions were applied on stones, rings, gems. This is the day of rejuvenation, correction of the program - moles, wrinkles may disappear (it is not recommended to reduce, these are signs, and when working out they disappear on their own). There is an opportunity to simply move from one level to another. Use herbs for cosmetic purposes.

The stomach on this day should not be empty (unlike the 12th day, when you can starve using water or juices).

The diseases of this day are severe, returning under similar circumstances - exclude these circumstances from your life, and such diseases will not return again.

fourteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Trumpet. This call, an eternal call, a person experiences longing, dissatisfaction, he waits, he turns back, he is overcome by doubts. Even a pure person can respond to a call that deviates from the Path.

People who live according to the highest program are always ready for a great feat, they struggle with the evil in them, they always strive to maintain purity and be ready when called. In the worst case, when a person lives according to a low program, he can follow the pipe of a rat-catcher like a child, he can be carried away.

On this day, you need to be careful with all sorts of incense, communication with spirits and not look in the mirror. Liquids are contraindicated, they carry pollution. Sweets are contraindicated. Salt is used as a participle: salt is white death for Angra Mainyu.

This day begins the Lunar Road.

Days of the Lunar Road - a few days near the full moon ( People born on these days are guides. But they can take any impact, both light and dark, so they need to develop a spiritual core in themselves, i.e. work on your sun. Indeed, on the Lunar Road, the night luminary has the maximum glow, but at the same time the Moon is at the maximum distance from the Sun - i.e. it is the most independent, and such people are amenable to influence while it is, but all decisions are still made by themselves, tk. shake off any influences as soon as the influence from outside ends.

On the 14th lunar day, you need to take care and not strain your eyes.

The diseases of this day are pulling a whole string of new diseases. You need to be treated seriously and carefully, treatment should be comprehensive and systematic. A lot depends on the doctor and the treatment system that he uses.

fifteenth lunar day

This lunar day is associated with the transition from one hemisphere to another and, as a result, with guides from one world to another - such as the black jackal Anubis (or the wild dog Sab) among the Egyptians. It is also a myth about the abduction of Proserpina and her departure to the underworld. The mystery of the battle with the snake (Georgy the Victorious, the battle on the Kalinov Bridge with the Serpent Gorynych and similar myths) reflects the battle of a person with his own passions and the possibility of entering the world - into the upper hemisphere. By the way, eating viburnum berries and drinking viburnum juice is useful on this day - it improves blood. At the highest level, a person receives a spiritual inheritance, at the lowest level he snatches other people's pieces, uses someone else's.

On this day, a person is tempted to fight, but it should be a defense of justice, and a person should not get high from victory and should not evade battle under various pretexts - the battle is the fulfillment of duty, as Krishna taught Arjuna before the fight with the Kauravas in the Mahabharata.

It’s bad to get sick on such a day - lower astral entities, all sorts of larvae, immediately pounce. Diseases of the day are associated with the evil eye and spoilage. You need to look for people who will be able to pray for you, to scold you - in no way yourself. You will be saved if you do not hatch revenge; fasting, prayer, cleansing will help.

Do not wish evil even to the one who sent damage to you. Understand that you can’t get a clean person like that, which means that you are also to blame for your illness. This means that your vara - protection - is broken. Need to be restored. Get clean.

The best time for purification is during eclipses. They are freed from spiritual illnesses during solar eclipses, from illnesses of the soul, from bad habits - during lunar eclipses. Each eclipse has its own specifics, but the general recommendations are that you need to behave with dignity and not lay bad thoughts, words and deeds in future negative events in your life, because. in an eclipse, fate thickens, and what is laid down is irreversible. Determine the time of the eclipse from the ephemeris or check out the Astronomical Yearbook at given year. On this day, try not to plan important things, if possible, stay at home, take a contrast shower before and after the eclipse, lie down during the eclipse in savasana or just in a relaxed state, think about what you would like to get rid of and push it away mentally. If you do not have such an opportunity, then at least watch your behavior and do not succumb to provocations, behave in any case with dignity.

On full moons, lunar eclipses occur. If you know the practices of fasting, then for a couple of days around the eclipse you can starve - if this is not contraindicated for you.

In any case, you don’t need to force yourself when you live according to the lunar calendar - you can’t do this even with good intentions. Learn to be grateful when something works out for you, and not get too upset if it doesn’t work out.

sixteenth lunar day

Symbols of the day - Dove, Psyche (Soul), Palm tree, Ladder.

A passive, contemplative, clean day, a day of aspiration upward, flight, growth - but also mental suffering in the event that a person allows passions to enter into himself, gives in to attraction (remember the myth of Psyche). The previous day is the day of George the Victorious, and this day is the day of the Virgin, whom he freed. A person has a pure soul, he is like a white dove waiting to be released. He needs to get rid of everything that resembles passion, otherwise he will drink and go on a spree from longing, lose the meaning of life, his spiritual searches will be fruitless. If a person lives in accordance with the energies of the day, then he enjoys life, loves nature, understands the language of plants, animals and birds. If he sweeps aside all lower instincts from himself - anger, envy, idle curiosity, vindictiveness, if he is not fussy and not too active in life - he gains wisdom and calmness, begins a long journey of climbing the stairs, he can have a constant connection with the Angel - The guardian, in his inner world, all worlds open to such a person.

Day of pure colors - white, silver, blue. Day of ablutions and prayer. This day is not for sex, and even spouses should remember this. You can’t eat slaughter and everything that is symbolically associated with sexual relations - mushrooms, corresponding fruits and vegetables. Too fast movements and activity give rise to disasters, this must be avoided.

If the full moon occurs on the 16th day, the next two weeks will be soft, harmonious and calm, and if on the previous 15th, then excited and excited.

Day 16 illnesses are psychosomatic in nature. So, a person who is constantly irritated and angry suffers, as a rule, from diseases of the gallbladder, and melancholy and depression can affect, for example, the stomach. Treatment with psychotherapy or self-hypnosis.

The full moon on the 16th lunar day gives blood renewal. Any spiritual impurity is reflected in its composition, so cleansing procedures are recommended.

seventeenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a bunch of grapes. It is connected with intuitive knowledge, ecstasy, frenzy, transfiguration. But not to be confused with demon possession and high. Before experiencing a state of joy and ecstasy, it is necessary to go through the cold of asceticism, self-restraint and abstinence for several months, otherwise a person can become possessed by demons, fall under the power of elemental spirits, "explode", go crazy, earn epilepsy, which is not at all is the "divine disease" as it was called. Emancipation should not reach violence, cynicism, arrogance and uncontrollable drunkenness. You can't indulge your instincts. You need to direct your energy into a creative channel, create works of art, open your soul in creativity or in love.

Nothing can be taken to extremes - neither asceticism nor emancipation. Who is more pleasant for you - a dry and clogged ascetic with installations for correctness or a completely disinhibited and reckless reveler? There must be harmony, everything is good in moderation and in due time.

You can eat and drink everything on this day, but it is better not to use anything that leads to heaviness and dullness.

The diseases of this day have vivid symptoms, an acute and rather long course.

Interestingly, alcoholics do not get sick on this day. This is not a call to alcoholism, but Zoroastrians have always been suspicious of absolute teetotalers, because wine reveals the inner essence of a person. Ancient texts say that if a pure person drinks wine, he becomes more sociable and pleasant to others, his health improves. But if a person has rot inside, he will become irritable and unpleasant for others, his health will not improve, he will suffer, and those around him too.

On the 17th day it is useful to drink wine - best of all red, warmed up with spices and honey. Red wine removes radioactive decay products from the body.

Women endure illness on the 17th day more difficult, since most of them tend to drink little or not drink at all.

eighteenth lunar day

The symbols of the day are the Mirror, Ice, Snow, Crystal, Crystal, and also the Monkey.

To understand this day, you can remember " snow queen"And the mirror of the troll, the hero of the Ramayana Hanuman - the noble leader of the monkeys, the flying monkeys from The Wizard of the Emerald City, who faithfully serve their master regardless of the degree of nobility of his wishes, and, finally, the lowest manifestation - the monkey from Krylov's fable "The Monkey and glasses".

Thus, this day can manifest the purity of a person as a crystal mirror - the task of such a person will be to serve some high idea, the ability to renounce his Ego, look at himself from the outside, the ability to self-denial and self-sacrifice.

But if it is a crooked mirror of a troll, and if a fragment of it gets into the eye, then such a person may imagine himself the crown of creation, his path will be miserable and low, his destiny is the world of absurdity and distortion, nightmares, illusions and seduction, mockery and antics.

On this day, you can not get drunk, you must protect the kidneys. Massages and rubbing with vegetable oils are good. Need to sleep less. Dangerous smells. On this day, old wounds can be opened.

The ritual food is nuts.

The diseases of this day are akin to monkeys - they disguise themselves and grimace. As a result, there may be a misdiagnosis, and incorrect prescription of medications can lead to allergies. In women, the upper respiratory tract is affected, and in men, the skin. There may also be drug poisoning.

nineteenth lunar day

Symbols of the day - Spider (it can be poisonous spider Tarantula), Network, Hercules.

This day is considered very dangerous. It is used by black magicians for all sorts of abominations. A diabolical net is spread over the world. For purification and expulsion of evil spirits, a fire is lit. This is the fire of a candle: with a lit candle and a prayer, you can go around your home clockwise, illuminate all the dark corners, burn the entire black web. This is the fire of knowledge, illuminating the dark nooks and crannies of our imperfect mind: the day esoteric practices, astrological work, meditation on the stars, organization of protection from astral attacks.

We must be extremely careful and careful in our actions - on this day we are tested for pride and revenge. Through the manifestation of the lower instincts on this day, we can fall into the network of the devil. The goddess Arachne was turned into a spider by Athena for pride. You can not beat the proud and challenge the higher world.

You need to be careful with all sorts of insects - their bites on this day are poisonous. The day is generally associated with poisons and antidotes - poisons in homeopathic doses can help develop an antidote in the body.

Keep your body and home clean! The fire should burn - candles, lamps.

Contacts with people are unfavorable.

The diseases of this day are very severe. Treat with medication. It is better not to do operations, even to remove teeth - you can die. Diseases are repeated, but in a different form, reborn.

It is easier for people who have magical powers. Impotent patients are very seriously ill.

twentieth lunar day

Eagle is associated with this day. This bird is a symbol of spiritual and religious achievement, spiritual transformation, flight, knowledge of the law, self-knowledge and contemplation. This is the day of contact with the Teacher and the day of gaining roots after wandering, the knowledge of one's direction.

Born on this day is a lonely person, he has one nest, which he fiercely defends, which he remembers with love, wherever he wanders. Its nest is very high, in the sky. Looking for treasures not on earth, but in heaven, reaches the heights of knowledge.

At a low level - pride, chivalry, malice, disgust, arrogance, and, as a result, exile and hermitage, vagrancy.

On this day, vision becomes very sharp - it becomes eagle, you need to take care of your eyes. Do not lift anything from the ground. Don't eat stale food. Good day for fasting. Look to the sky - there may be signs, signs. Stay at home, take care of your family. You must follow the traditions of your family.

Diseases depend largely on the environment in which you live. Easier tolerated by older people who live surrounded by a family in which everything is going well. Treatment is unhurried, but according to a very strict system - once you start treatment, go to the end, do not change anything.

twenty first lunar day

The symbols of the day are the white winged horses of Mithra with golden manes and hooves, the horses of Dawn, Pegasus, Centaurs, the Chariot.

A very active, abrupt day associated with change, victory, triumph, with strength, movement; day of chivalry, day of honor, duty, responsibility, purity and fidelity.

You can read about the cult of Mithras in the territory of the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD in the book: Franz Cumont. Mysteries of Mitra, St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 2000.

Mithra is a symbol of the victorious Sun, light that dispels darkness. Mithra is the light that appears before sunrise. His chariot is drawn by four white horses. The hooves of Mitra's horses in astrology are associated with the Lunar nodes - indicators of fate, inevitability, as well as the direction of the karmic path of development, i.e. the path of the chariot is not chaotic, it is directed towards a specific goal.

The centaur is a half-man, half-horse (the strength and speed of a horse, and the human mind), has knowledge and wisdom (the centaur Chiron, Kitovras).

In the worst case, people for 21 days become indomitable proud, their militant impulse is blind, and they can fall into the abyss, of which there are so many on their way.

This is a day for group work, collective energies - solitude is contraindicated. The day is very active, you need to start traveling and long trips, you can change jobs, you can take oaths and vows, but you can’t lie.

Food should not give a load on the liver and help cleanse the blood - cranberries, carrots, beets, mountain ash, pomegranates are very useful on this day.

Diseases of this day are easier to bear on the road. Need more movement to lie down is not recommended. The symptoms of the disease are simple, it passes quickly if you are active.

twenty second lunar day

Day of wisdom and knowledge. Its symbols are the White Elephant (Ganesha) and the Key. The key is golden, with its help the door of secret knowledge opens. Such knowledge is given as a revelation, reading from the information field.

People born on this day strive for knowledge, comprehend any science, penetrate into the innermost meaning of all things. These are teachers, keepers of knowledge and preachers. They discover the ancient wisdom hidden in writing and symbols. But at a low level, they become unbreakable conservatives.

This is a day for assimilation of information, reading books, studying rituals and ceremonies, for transferring one's experience and knowledge to others.

You can eat a lot on this day, but vegetarian food is better.

Diseases of this day are severe, with a frequent transition to a chronic form. It must be overcome, endured, endured. You need to learn as much as possible about your disease - then it is easier to treat.

twenty third lunar day

The third of the satanic lunar days. Its symbol is the Crocodile, pretending to be a log and lying in wait for another victim, or the Chimera, a terrible monster with three heads: a lion, a goat and a snake, devouring all living things. Another symbol of the day is Moloch, a deity to whom children were sacrificed in Palestine, Phoenicia and Carthage. However, initially it was a rite of consecration of children to God, and then they became travelers, discovered new lands.

The higher people of this day are absolute protectors. They are also chosen to carry out a heavenly judgment on someone - they do not even suspect it themselves. But if a person is not able to cope with insatiability, anger, unbridledness, if he is subject to anger, gluttony, shows a thirst for revenge and irrepressible greed, then he goes on a low path.

On such a day, many vampires are born, possessed, freaks, people who bear the marks of the devil.

On this day, you need to carefully monitor your manifestations, not succumb to provocations, and not show low traits. One must beware of climbing into the crowd, one must not take unjustified risks - a day of catastrophes and great dangers. Less communication on this day!

Dairy food is the best. Drinking alcohol is not recommended.

Do not cut your nails and hair on this day. Avoid any operation.

The house can be fumigated with wild rosemary and thyme.

It is very bad to get sick on this day. Especially badly getting injured the consequences can remain for life.

twenty fourth lunar day

This day is associated with Russia. We need to pray for our country on this day.

The symbols of the day are the Bear, the Mountain, the Volcano, the Cave, the Phallus, Hephaestus and the Cyclopes.

Power day, active, the awakening of male sexual energy, the day of conception, fertility, healing (blood was bled on this day). A creative day, the construction of cyclopean structures began - those in which collective energy is embedded.

The life of the people of this day is dual: either they want to retire and hide in a cave, or there is a desire to realize and transform their energy. Such people cannot live without a partner, they are natural tantrists. But at a low level, such people become vampires, sorcerers and witches, they use and transform sexual energy, they can become perverts and sadists. On such people fall the sins of a whole family and, perhaps, even a whole nation.

On this day, it is useful to come into contact with the earth - it nourishes. Metals must be avoided. Good sauna, no wrapping up. Weak person should sleep a lot. You can eat a lot - you should not starve, but drinking a lot is not recommended. It is better not to climb into the crowd if you do not know how to work with collective energies.

The illnesses of this day are debilitating, severe, long. The blood is often affected. It is bad to lose weight - the disease is delayed. Good to sleep a lot. It is necessary to include the reserves of the body and not to abuse drugs.

twenty fifth lunar day

The symbols of the day are the Turtle and the Shell.

The turtle is a symbol of the stability of the universe, a wise keeper of information. The pattern on the tortoise shell is a reflection of the sky. Spiral-shaped sea shell - folded time. The rumble of the sea is always heard in the shells, they keep it for many years, even when they are already on land.

Day of deep knowledge - on this day, all accidents are not accidental and are signs, pointing fingers, prophecies. Dreams on this day are prophetic. But you can’t rush and you can’t provoke the inclusions yourself - just don’t miss the moment when they give you a sign, when they provoke you, when they invite you to work.

People of this day are slow, silent, secretive, they experience everything inside. Since childhood, they are wise and unhurried. They are constantly given signs, signals without them they do not move anywhere. Loners. They have inner stability and balance, they cannot be led astray from the spiritual path. But at a low level of development, these people use their gifts far from the best way. They know how to wait for the moment when the enemy weakens, and then they push him in the back or, having provoked frankness, spit in the soul.

On this day, coarse food is contraindicated. Do not drink, smoke, take medication. You can't fuss. Take care of your ears - you should not treat them and even poke around in them.

Diseases of this day require painstaking treatment. It is necessary to strictly follow medical prescriptions, then it will be blocked and will not pass to other organs. Self-treatment is possible, but in strict accordance with the prescriptions of the therapeutic guide.

twenty sixth lunar day

Symbols of the day - Frog, Toad in the swamp.

Pretty tough day. The toad represents false wisdom, pride, vanity, self-aggrandizement. A person is drawn to gossip, to a farce, to baseness.

The frog is a symbol of a test of strength, a tendency to be seduced by one's own wisdom. Remember the tale of the Frog Princess, how many trials Ivan Tsarevich had to go through!

Teachers arrange a test for students: they pass the test of water, fire, solitude from the world. But the most difficult is often the test of the world. A person who has gone through all the hard trials can be overcome by pride and contempt for ordinary people. In this case, his wisdom is false, because. in each person it is necessary to see that bright and high that is inherent in him, although, perhaps, has not yet been realized. Only together can we come to a new heaven, because humanity is one. Alone, the highest goal cannot be achieved.

This is the day of purification, getting rid of the frog skin.

On this day, it is better to be more silent. Meat cannot be eaten. Good cranberries, all round vegetables and fruits. You can eat fish and greens.

Do not remove your teeth on this day!

Avoid smoke and smoky areas.

Do not swim, do not swim - you can drown.

Do not participate in gossip, watch your emotions - do not break down yourself, but forgive other breakdowns.

Diseases of this day often have false symptoms, and can become chronic due to improper treatment. Treatment should be comprehensive, i.e. the whole body needs to be treated.

You can not do surgery - this can lead to malignant degeneration of tissues. In general, treatment should be cautious.

Twenty-seventh lunar day.

Many symbols of this day are associated with the sea: Lighthouse, Island, Ship, Anchor, Neptune's Trident, Scylla and Charybdis - shifting sea rocks, between which the ship had to slip in order not to be crushed, Sea monsters.

Day of mastering the secret, hidden, Neptunian energies. Both the sea and the trident are associated with Neptune - a symbol of power over sea ​​elements. Traveling on a stormy sea - mystical search, spiritual wanderings, wanderings, the path to the unknown island of the Blessed, gaining hope (anchor), and light on the way (beacon).

In the worst case, a person can get lost in illusions, lose a clear direction in life, not find his lighthouse and his island, his life will come to a state of chaos.

On this day, drunkenness is contraindicated, you can not turn to hypnotists and psychics for help. You can't play weddings. It is undesirable to sleep a lot, although it pulls. You can not come into contact with cold water (swim and swim) and with fire (only if there is a lot of internal fire, then you can).

Don't donate blood or take drugs.

It's good to be in nature. Good to listen to music. We should not forget our relatives and friends.

Diseases are easier in old age. You can drink more liquid. Bath and massage help.

twenty-eighth lunar day

This day may be the first day of Hekate if the month contains 29 days. In this case, it is critical and its symbol will be the Black Lotus. If there are 30 days in a month, then this is a pure and bright day of the White Lotus.

The lotus lives simultaneously in all the elements - its roots are in the earth, the stem is in the water, the leaves are on the border of water and air, and the flower is in the air and under the sun's rays.

Lotus is a favorite symbol of Eastern religions. It is associated with self-knowledge, with the opening of the chakras; with creative power, with fertility, eternal birth, immortality and eternal life. This is a symbol of the interaction of male and female principles.

In Egypt, the lotus served as the throne of Isis and Osiris, the image of the lotus was a symbol of Upper Egypt.

In India, the lotus goddesses Padma, Sri, Lakshmi were loved. The Buddha sat on a lotus flower. The demiurge of the universe, Vishnu, gave birth to a lotus flower and Brahma from his navel. Everyone knows the "lotus mantra" "Om mani padme hum" (padma - lotus). For modern India the red lotus flower is the emblem.

In China, the lotus was revered in both Taoism and Buddhism. Buddha Amitofo Buddha of the Western sky, paradise, sits surrounded by lotuses. The lotus lake of the western sky is overgrown with flowers, each of which is the soul of a dead person.

In the Mediterranean, the lotus was dedicated to Hera. The Greek tradition spoke of the nymph Lotis, who was turned into a lotus tree when she was escaping Priapus who was pursuing her.

The highest person of this day sees the reason in everything, refuses illusions, he does not care where to live and what to do, he, like the Sun, gives his energy to all living things.

At the lowest level, the mystery of the lotophage is played.

Lotus eaters are lotus eaters. When the ship of Odysseus sailed to their shores, they treated the seafarers with a sweet-honey lotus, and they forgot everything in the world.

The lower person is “not caring”, he is absolutely not interested in anything, nothing touches him, he is cynical and down to earth.

On this day, it is good to plant plants, but do not tear and give flowers, do not cut down trees.

You can buy a new house and move into it, you can repair the old one.

From food, meat and everything that can sprout - seeds, nuts are contraindicated. You can drink wine. You can go hungry if you want.

On this day, you need to protect your eyesight.

The illnesses of this day are serious, have a karmic nature, may have death. It is necessary to be treated intuitively, on a whim. It is impossible to change medicines during treatment. Try to understand the causes of the disease. Meditation may help.

twenty ninth lunar day

The symbols of the day are the Octopus, the many-headed Hydra.

This is one of the most terrible satanic days of the lunar calendar. On this day, a person is faced with the Prince of Darkness himself, with Lucifer - the thief of evil, the thief of light. This is the day of the battle between the Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu) and the Destroyer (Angra Mainyu). In Christianity, this is the battle of the Archangel Michael with Satan, among the Greeks - Hercules with the Hydra.

The entire lunar calendar is an ascent through the circles of the astral world to the light. Every day is a certain stage that cannot be bypassed or overlooked. Day 29 is the last and most terrible test. Only when you deal with small and not so small demons, you will face their master himself.

The hero cuts off the heads of the monster, but new ones immediately grow in their place. In Russian fairy tales, the hero won only when he struck a fiery finger - burned the Serpent's neck. Fire is the strength of the spirit, and only those who possess this fire can cope with the monster. If this fire does not exist, he will lose his head himself.

All sorts of temptations, nightmares are sent on this day, scary dreams, demons can simply move into a person. Constant protection is needed - prayer, purification, magic circles and the construction of a vara (protective space in the shape of a square).

On this day, cleansing, washing before going to bed (contrast shower, you can hold your feet in very cold water before going to bed), the fire must constantly burn. Avoid turbidity, muddy water, dark rooms. Do not wear items made of bone and horn. Bake bread - the demons flee from it in fear. Don't start new things. In general, try to do only the most necessary household chores. Don't eat meat. Good dairy food.

Diseases are among the most severe. This is a consequence of the collective field of evil. Worst of all are those who give in to resonance (people with a resonant horoscope or with the protection removed). Operations cannot be done. The doctor should be his own. It's good to starve. The disease comes out through water and wax. Purification and ablution are obligatory.

thirtieth lunar day

Its symbol is the Golden Swan in a purple lake.

This day can be very short. It continues from the last moonrise before the new moon until the new moon itself. This day may not be at all - then all the satanic days of the next month will manifest themselves to the fullest.

This is the final day, it completes the lunar month. Such is the person born on this day - he, as it were, sums up everything. If he gains something, it is forever. He strives for the ideal, sees spiritual values, strives for the highest love. The commandment of this day: "God is Love." One must learn beauty and live beautifully, learn to love, to be merciful and generous, to bring only joy to others.

At a low level, this is an ugly duckling - forced early independence, longing and grief, misunderstanding of what he wants, rejection and loneliness.

It is impossible to accelerate events on this day, fuss is contraindicated. Brain strain is dangerous. You can not smell something sharp and sharp. You can not eat heavy and rough food, drink a lot of liquid - there must be a measure and harmony in everything.

The diseases of this day are spiritual and are treated accordingly. Medicines won't help. Ablution, purification, awareness, prayers. If you can defeat the disease, rejuvenate and prolong your life.

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