Wings wings for children Building. Bat

Full mice sees few years old, even less who can say anything is intelligible about them - so, rarity, random whim of nature! - And at all, the role of them, as well as terrestrial mammals in the era of dinosaurs, is not insignificant, and they themselves are not so small: out of 5.5 thousand species of mammals of the globe more than 1,200 - manochable, more species only in rodents. That is, every fourth-fifth beast of the planet flies.

In addition to the supremacy and some ocean islands, the bats dwell everywhere - and where the man's leg did not go, and where millions of legs are trapped city sidewalks, including they nest in secluded corners of modern buildings in megalopolis. Most of them never seen in the city - well, have you seen so much in your life in the city, say, short-sized nests? Just the hairs are flying in the afternoon and yell in the hearing range, so the eyes are called our eyes. The bats are not as follows, and if one-two flashed in the middle lane in the twilight, you can safely believe that there are 50-100 of these animals on a square kilometer. In oases,, for example, Central Asia dwells up to two thousand of these creatures per square kilometer; There are more of them than all other mammals.

By the origin, the detachment of the manus was used to be grouped together with helms, stupid and primates in the apparel of the archons. According to modern views, the manocragues belong to Laurersioteries - that is, closer to the wolves and sheep, than to people and normal mice. The manochable are divided into two sub-trainers: winglands (one family) and bats (17 families). Previously, it was suggested that these groups developed independently, and their similarity is convergently, but genetic studies show that they had a common flying ancestor.

When it was that the hands-ups appeared, it is unknown, for their remains are stored bad, but in the early Eocene they already existed and then they were about the same as now. In the skull of the oldest fossil species, there are no signs testifying to echolocation - this ability has developed in the belt later than the ability to fly. The most primitive from today's manochable - wings, with the exception of some night species, are also relying on vision and faces are similar to the muzzles of ground ancestors. Weldows and worst flyers among manacked: their wings are wide, with almost rounded ends. At the best flyers - bulldog bats - Wings are long, gray-shaped curved, allowing to achieve much greater speeds and maneuverability.

What is not specialists know about bats? On the network you can find varying degrees of braveness Transfers of something like "20 amazing facts From the life of bats, "but the ideas about the overall picture are almost not allowed. The human erudite man will mention the ability of bats to echolocation. From her and start. Fancy fleshy grows around the nostrils in some of them are needed to focus the ultrasound unwitting Signals. Smoothly manochable, hunting, emit ultrasound from mouth. Sound pulses are reflected from items and are captured by ear sinks.

In addition to ultrasound, bats are used by conventional sound signals, mainly for communication. These sounds are usually lying on the threshold of human perception. Children hear the duties and the peak of most species, the elderly are just a few. The frequencies that serve to orientate in flight are out of the range perceived by the human ear, and the fame of the Creator: the volume of the pisch of some species, for example, the Malay bat, equals 145 decibels - like a taking off aircraft. Even more should be to praise the Creator by the Volatile Mice yourself - they do not interfere with people to sleep at night, and they do not destroy them purposefully for only one noise.

The people were facilitated by the opinion that the eyes of bats are not adapted to see, but it is not. They have no worse vision than other animals, and some are even excellent, with the help of it they find food. Flowers do not distinguish (this is an indispensable condition for good night vision), but species that feed on nectar are capable of seeing in the ultraviolet range.

It is well developed and smelling with touch - besides ordinary for most mammals vibris on the face, tactile hairs are located on the surface of the aircraft and ear-sinks. Spatial memory is still well developed, especially at the honeycomb bats, the well-focused location beam of which is carrying out detailed information, but about very small area, and the idea of \u200b\u200bany major item is made up of individual fragments, as if we studied a large picture in the dark room With a narrow beam of the flashlight. Otherwise, it is impossible - when the bat, for example, flies through the forest, the series of its ultrasonic clicks causes a whole stream of reflected echo signals. If the animal fixed all these reflections, it would have turned out complete confusion. Therefore, such mice simultaneously capture the echo signals from the nearest subject and from the items located near the course, but not from all sides.

So, when the volatile mice who lived in the aviary, zoologists allowed to fly to a new room, then a whole week, fluttering there for a few seconds, examining a small piece of volume, they immediately returned to the familiar room. Only laid in memory "heard" with the help of a locator, again flew into an unfamiliar place behind the new portion of the news. But when the "map of the area" was drawn up, they began to behave so relaxed that it was impossible to catch them there. In nature, these creations are capable of storing a total 3D card with a total length of a total length of a total of several kilometers, with accurate locations of exits from grotts, sometimes indistinguishable among numerous stone planes.

The fragmented perception of the world makes them very wounded - if such animals worked out by man will move to another attic or another cave, then, not knowing a thoroughly new monastery, will be helpless for a long time. The development of speleotourism led to a reduction in the number of certain types of hundreds of times, and in moderate latitudes a variety and so it is not large - up to the northern border of the Taiga, there are no more than two or three species.

The Mediterranean species already have several dozen, and in the valleys of Congo and Amazon - several hundred. A manochables living in our country, completely insectiva, and in warm edges there are species that eat exclusively fish, frogs, nectar, fruits or blood. There is nothing particularly surprising in this, only the details are interesting. For example, on the hind limbs of fish lovers have long fingers with sharp curls, very similar to small bugs. High-speed shooting witnessed how the fishermen lowered the paws into the water and, having a sunbathing sacrifice, they were lightningly intercepted with her teeth. At the same time, all the energy of sound waves on the border of the air-water is reflected, the mouse does not see the fish itself under water. But she notices very weak fluctuations in water from the fins of the fish floating close to the surface.

Mexican bats that feed on frogs find those on hearing, and not echolocation, but on the square, published by the frogs themselves. This is distinguished by edible views from poisonous, and inside the species - too large individuals from suitable for catching.

Some bats feed on colors - they simply eat them entirely. Others drink nectar and lick flower pollen. All such species are very small, and some are just tiny. They have an elongated, conical. Long thick tongue, at the end of which a lot of bristle-shaped puffs, helps to lick pollen. Pollination of many plants depends exclusively from the manochable, eating nectar, and the flowers they visit, reveal their whites at night. Like fruits, beloved with bats, they are painted in modest green or brown tones and are at the most ends of the branches. Nectar of such colors is very rich in sugar, but there are few vitamins, proteins and fats in it. To eliminate the vitamin-protein breach in its nutrition, animals and eat pollen, and sometimes complement their insect menu. The inhabitants of Sri Lanka and the Philippines often see how such pollinators are seeded and drinking from the buckets of worked palm juice, assembled for the preparation of a local alcoholic beverage, and then fly with zigzags.

Real vampires are very timid animals, weigh no more than 30 g and rather weakness even by the standards of volatile mice. In their salivary glands there is a secret close to the girudine allocated by leeches. It does not give the blood and pain relief bite. Vampires do not impose their fangs in the jugular vein - they have short teeth. Having cut off the front cutters of a horse or a cow, vampires lick blood. In 10-30 minutes, they are put up to the point that they have a half of their own weight and for this reason can not take off. Here they will be helped with heavy duty kidneys, probably the best among all kidneys of all mammals. The vampire's buds begin to highlight the liquid after 2-3 minutes after eating. And he, leaving in the body the nutrients of someone else's blood, mig a water away, acquires the ability to fly. However, it is not necessary to imagine unnecessary horrors - at one time the vampire drinks no more tablespoon of blood. For a cow, this is a trifling loss, but if every night it is attacked several times, her health, of course, worsens. In addition, in some areas of Central America, vampires are messenger carriers.

A vampire. What is interesting, from all the vampire vampire the smallest teeth - he does not need to chew his food.

There are no vampires in the old world, and the rumor about the evil moral mice, although based on the facts, but stems out of ignorance. What is it like? And so: the anatomical structure of them is such that if they keep them horizontally, as other creatures, then in a few minutes the cruel oxygen hunger occurs. The fact is that their life flows either in sleeping position down her head, or in flight. They have immobably ribs - they drag into themselves with a diaphragm. In the horizontal position, the corresponding muscles are drained and is not wonderful that, choking, animals begin to fight in her hand and bite everything that will come. When it became clear, the zoologists caught for research of animals began to plant not in the bags, but in kapron or metal meshes, where they could hang down their heads. And it turned out that bats are good-natured and intelligent creatures, willingly reach contact with a person and even devastable for training.

Methods of hunting "our usual" - insectivores - bats are also diverse. Most of the manochable flyers are enough prey on the fly, helping their wings. When a major insect strikes the wing, the animal bends him and, as his hand, moves the prey to the mouth. Actually wings and there are front paws. Some catch butterflies with the help of the hind paws, "scratching" moths into the tailpoint. Double nights are not in the air, but collect butterflies from the arches at the beginning of the caves. Some Far Eastern bats prefer to catch insects, running around the ground. Flying they need only to the places of feeding.

In the laboratory, they calculated that for an hour one bat catches about 600 Drozophil. On the discovery, pursuit and the capture of each spent on average only ten seconds. Considering that, like any small warm-blooded, each bat in the active phase, the amount of food is required, comparable to its weight, one bruise of moshcars they destroy - without exaggeration - tons. In the center of the European part of the country, their hunt for insect pests by 10% accelerates the growth of trees. The useful activities of night letunov gave reason to adopt legislative provisions that equate their extermination to poaching (if anyone is interested, today according to the order of the IPR No. 107 of April 28, 2008 damage to the destruction of one individual of the bat, and not listed in the Red Book of the species, is estimated at 1500 rub.). But, alas, they continue to destroy, not only evil and ignorant people ...

If we swallow something, then digestion begins. The bats are not so. After a night hunting, when manochable sleep, reducing the body temperature, the enzymes in their stomach are idle, although it is nuts with food, the intestine is empty, such that the hydrolysis of the protein can not go - with a deep daytime dream of inseid animals, digestion is delayed at five o'clock. The ability to fall apart to the anabiosis is vitally needed to lose bad weather - there are almost no flying insects in bad weather, and frosts and rains in moderate latitudes can continue weeks. The fact is described when the involuntary recovery, hung up 48 days, as if nothing had happened to hunt, I quickly restored my tiny weight. However, some species continue to hunt and in the rain - there would be insects - and it was not enough for this, for example, the pipeline the same structure of wool, like ondate, beaver and dummy.

Listonos-builder builds a shelter for himself, snacking the veins on a sheet of banana or palm trees so that its halves are marching, forming a canopy that protects against the rain and the sun.

For the winter, most species of bats migrate into the warm edges, like birds, and the wintering winters in secluded places. It is best - in a cave, where the temperature is near zero (so that I don't want to eat) and sufficient humidity (so that I don't want to drink). Alas, in the caves now restlessly, then the case is tangling the tour. And you have to carry out the busy creatures for the winter to hide into an abandoned mine, in the attic or even in a sane and a hole of the coastal swallows. There is a lot of mice will not fit, oh they love the company, the truth is cold: in the hibernation, their calf is cooled to + 2 °, breathing and pulse hundreds of times less often than in summer. In terms of cooling and heating, a single mammal is not under the power of volatile mice - the temperature of their body without prejudice to health can vary from -7.5 ° to + 48.5 ° - the scatter of 56 °.

If you've ever removed from the walls sleeping in the cave in winter a bat "Only see, take a picture and let go" - Know: there is a chance that you killed the animal. In the middle lane, there are no flying insects for more than half a year, and life in miniature shoulders will be warm only due to the incentive in the summer of fat energy. The animal saves everything. If, during the flight, the heart makes 400-600 blows a minute, and the body temperature is about 40 °, then in the hibernation - sluggish 3-4 strokes, and the temperature drops to the dungeon temperature or the attic. The speed of biochemical processes falls a hundred times! Forced awakening with an emergency warming up "Dvigetel", stress from the catchment man and the search for another place is huge spending accumulated in the summer of energy.

It is undesirable to disturb the volatile mice in their dwellings and in the summer, especially in June and July. After all, they usually have only one or two young, born once a year. So the females summer sleep does not bring special benefits - they need to develop milk. But in the lazy males conducted in the winter hibernation and daytime, nine tenths of life, the period of staying on white light is more than the girlfriends - if the hibernation proceeds in silence and tranquility, there is almost no wear. Some of them live for 30 years. However, they have a real, active life of them only two to three years, as much as other warm-blooded creatures of the same size.

Migrating bats for the summer arrive in the same hollow, on the same attic, where they lived before. At the same time, some kind of male on 20 females are returned to some kind of historical homeland, and in other, very close species, all the winged men remain in the resort places. What attracts pregnant females from the graceful edges to the north? That's what . In June-July, when they feed the cubs, flying insects here much more than where the males remained. It is the abundance of insects that makes a tiny mother - a female dwarf's dwarf, weighing only five grams and born two young weighing in one gram, for three or four weeks to fill both by milk of both and 4.5 grams.

Zoologists, watching the life of the volatile mice in the aviary, saw how the hungry two-three-week cubs, whose mother decided to stay in another shelter, podkraulizes foreign borders. He has time to cling to the nipple flew into artificial female female and, together with her, quickly seeds there, where she left her offspring. Native child, making sure that the place is busy, hurries to get down to the free nipple. All managing mothers disinterestedly give milk with all two or three-week kids. And the point here is not only in the kindness of spiritual, but also in physiology. The amount of milk formed in females is very and very large for such small creatures - as a result, in any large colony with the death of a biological mother there is a high probability of a young survival.

From the birds and birds from the bats - not only predators. If the hollow, hidden by a manochable inhabitant, will like, for example, Skvortz, he, not embarrassed, drives the owner away. The bat is not resistant to the power - a bird even with equal dimensions stronger, invulnerable thanks to feathers and is armed with beak and claws. If no one is disturbing, bats in the dupes in the breeding season are the end of summer and the beginning of autumn - sometimes ... sing. Moreover, in the hearing human ear, the range, publishing soft sharp trills.

As a final stroke - a very nice instruction (similar to a slightly applied machine translation) on the breeding of volatile mice from the Russian-speaking site dedicated to pets. The author's style and markup are saved:

"The bats We multiply with pairing, like other mammals. They may have offspring during youth and can live up to 30 years, having the opportunity to multiply many times. Home bat It can be almost any kind, and its natural climate should be similar to where it will live.
Step 1

Keep a lot bats Together in the chicken coop. The chicken coop should be a solid box, quite large for yours. batsso that they can fly. It should be heavy grids below, on the sides and upstairs to the bats Could cling during sleep and wakefulness. The bats social animals and they will be happy if there will be many other bats. Bat It does not seek to keep the same partner throughout his life. The female mate with many males during their lives.
Step 2.
Wait until autumn to multiply bats. They will multiply independently without your intervention. The bats, age in two years, will be matured and ready for reproduction. In the fall, after mating, the female retains spermatozoa and keeps them until spring when they fertilize eggs. Pregnancy lasts about 16 weeks, which leads to birth from 1 to 4 babies at the beginning of spring.
Step 3.
Let Mother battle Develop milk for your kids who will be blind, bare and at first glance is not able to fly. Mother will wear children on her body about 2 weeks until they fix it. Follow the young so that they become mature, after which you will probably create a place for more pilots.
Step 4.
Move the young to another chicken coop to ensure that they have enough space for flights. They will fly on their own wings already in 20 days after birth. After the young is already in the air, breeding is completed until the next autumn.

Vvia. haritonoff

The manochables are the only mammals capable of a real, long, active flight. Body sizes from 3 to 40 centimeters, wings span from 18 to 150 centimeters, weight from 4 to 900 grams. This detachment includes the smallest mammal of Mirloine Fauna - recently opened in the rainforest of Thailand Craseonycteris Thonglongyai.

The body of the manochable is flattened dorzo-centrally. The front limbs are modified in the wings: forearm, minimal (metacpal) bones and phalanges of the fingers (except for the first, which are free) excessively extended; Between shoulder, forearm, fingers, body sides and rear limbs stretched fine elastic aircraft. The position of the hind limbs is unusual: the hips are deployed at right angles to the body and in the same plane with it, the gloves are directed back and to the sides. Own sinks are relatively large, well developed. Most species have a goat - vertically standing skin grown, separating from the front edge of the auditory. The tail in most species is long, fully or partially imprisoned in the interrog disponent; The free edge of this membrane is maintained by steam cartilage or bone spur derived from the heel. Along the ground, the spurs in many species stretches the skinful peculiar blade - epibloma. An example of the appearance of the evening exterior is given.

The hair cover on the body is well developed: the wing and usually interbounded membrane is covered with very rare and thin hairs and therefore seem naked. The color is usually neuropasky, brown and gray tones prevail.

The skeleton is characteristic, the clavicle and the presence of a small keel on the chest are characteristic. Most species for strengthening the shoulder joint develops additional articulation between the shovel and shoulder bone. Small bertovoy and elbow bones are strongly reduced.

The skulls of the skull disappear early and in adult animals are difficult distinguishable. In the front of the roof of the nasal department there is a different developed nose clipping. For most groups, manochable are characterized by underdevelopment, and sometimes the lack of intercelion bones, as a result of which the solid palate in most groups has a deep frontal cutting.

In the dental system there are all categories of teeth. A medium pair of upper cutters is always absent. The lower cutters are very small. Fangs (especially the upper) large, typical for predatory forms. Indigenous teeth are divided into three natural groups: small premium (front) - PRAEMOLARES small, similers, conical, each with the only root; the number varies and has great importance in recognition of childbirth and species. From many spongy rear native teeth - MOLARS (M and M) they are separated characteristic of manochable large pre-root (before non-mechanical) - Praemolares Prominantes, whose vertices almost reach the top of the fangs; Each is equipped with two roots. The teeth are sharp of spongy type. Dairy sharply different from constant. Tooth formula looks like this:

I 2-1 / 3-1, c 1/1, p 3-1 / 3-2, m 3-1 / 3-1 \u003d 38 - 20

All types of European fauna feed on insects, which are grabbed and eaten on the fly. In connection with the nature of food containing solid chitinium formations, the epithelium of the esophagus is healing. Stomach simple or double. The intestine is unusually short (only 1.5 - 4 times higher than the body length), the blind intestine is small or missing. Characterized by the extreme poverty of the intestinal flora. The bone of the penis is usually available. The form of the uterus is diverse. The surface of the brain is smooth, the olfactory shares are strongly reduced, the cerebellum is not closed with hemispheres.

For each type of manochable, its diet is characteristic, which includes different groups of arthropods in certain portions. There are also different strategies for the production of feed: some insects catch on the fly, others are collected from the substrate. Almost all volatile mice in nutrition predominate insects of detachments: dwarf and scales. Many bats (water night, bat - dwarf, forests, small evening, northern leather, two-color leather) Get hunting over the water in the clusters of small insects. In large: red-haired evening and late leather, a large proportion of nutrition is insects with rigid seals - May beetles, insurgents - Afodia, real navigasters. In the food of the tasty night, Nattera night, a water night, brown, a lot of not flying or active in the afternoon of arthropods - evidence of a collective strategy of feeding. The mosquitoes are most often eaten by the past night and long nightly nightness, and Natterer's nightly fellow flyer (Brachycera). NATTERER NATHERN LIGHTHER NIGHT, NATTERER NON lights and brown ushans eat also spiders - hayfields (OpiLiones). All bats prefer larger nutrition objects, insects less than 3mm almost completely ignored. In the diet dominated imaginal stages of insects. Only from the Ushanov and the caterpillars of the scoop and the spiders are singled out, and the late leather is a terrestrial clamium.

The preference is established by volatile mice of certain habitats, in particular, pros and ponds, as well as internal and external ecotons of forest arrays. Reliable coniferous forests are visited less often, low activity is registered above pastures, shrub puffs and in mixed forests. Differences in the use of volatile mice of different types of habitats are associated with the levels of diversity and abundance of insects in different biotopes. Systematic survey of summer habitats also made it possible to note one feature in the behavior of bats - close compliance of the gentle routes to the linear elements of the landscape: trails, green hedges, alleys, canals. Small species (water and pond nightnight, Nattera Natterorennight - Dwarf, Forest Nonfire, Brown Ushhan) Always adhere to linear elements of the landscape and almost never intersect open spaces, while larger species (late leather, red-haired evening) behave more Regardless of linear elements of the landscape.

Bats feed on twilight and night insects, not affordable for reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals, leading a daily lifestyle. In a moderate climate strip, the bats act as one of the strongest regulators of the number of night and twilight insects. Under the action of a highly developed stade instinct, these animals tend to combine each other and with the presence of favorable conditions, accumulate to the limit, which is possible with the usual feed reserves of the area. In the case of a complete (saturated) settlement, each species takes refuge and eats insects, respectively, its specialization. Distinguishing on the species composition of food, in time and duration, by districts and vertical zones of feeding, bats throughout the entire dark half of the day act on all areas and in all vertical zones. Destroying at the same time not some kind of insignificant part of the night and twilight insects, and reducing their number to a minimum necessary to maintain their population. If the feed in this area becomes little, bats change the place of feeding or even moving into other more stern places. The role of manochable in nature and for humans is very important.

All mancrew - night or twilight animals.

The leading sense authority is hearing. Orientation in space and detection of production is carried out due to the perception of reflected ultrasound signals (Echo Location). They publish ultrasound signals regardless of audible sounds and regardless of the respiratory act (both inhaling and with exhalation). The audibility range is very wide - from 12 to 100,000 Hz oscillations per second, the duration of the signal from 0.2 to 100 ms. This indicates an exclusively high hearing acute, while the vision of most is weakly developed, so the bats see poorly dependent on the time of day. Experiments were performed in 1793 by Abbot Ladzar Spallazeni, gathered at sunrise bats and brought to his house and released them there, thin threads were stretched from the ceiling. By releasing every mouse, Spallazeni put her eyes with wax. But no blind mouse hurt a thread. Swiss Naturalist Charles Juger learned about the experiments of Spallazan, and he repeated them. Then Charles Jurin plunged their ears with wax. The result was unexpected: the bats ceased to distinguish the surrounding items, began to stumble on the walls, exactly blind. The sound is known is oscillatory movements that spread wavely in an elastic environment. The human ear hears only sounds with a frequency of oscillation from 16 to 20 kilohertz. More high-frequency acoustic oscillations are already ultrasound, we are not heard. Ultrasound of the volatile mouse "feeling" surroundings, fill the surrounding by the space abbreviated by darkness to the most closest eye disorderly. In the larynx bats in the form of peculiar strings stretched voice ligaments, which, vibrating, produce sound. Mountains on their device resembles a whistle. Exhaled from the light air swirl rushes through it, there is a "whistle" of very high frequency. Bat can periodically delay air flow. Pressure, rushing through the larynx, air is twice as much as in the steam boiler. In the larynx bats, short-term sound oscillations are excited - ultrasonic impulses. A second should be from 5 to 60, and some from 10 to 100 pulses. Each impulse lasts two - five thousandths of a second (at the horseshoes five to ten hundredths). The brief of the beep is a very important physical factor. Only due to the matter, an accurate echo location is possible, that is, orientation with ultrasounds. At the time of the time of the sent signal and the first sounds of the recovered echo, the bat receives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe distance to the item that reflected the sound. Therefore, the sound impulse is so brief. Experiments have shown that before the start of the bat publishes only five to ten ultrasound pulses. In flight it is rapid up to thirty. With the approach to the obstacle, ultrasonic impulses follow even faster up to 50 - 60 times per second.

Bat echolokator - a very accurate navigation device. It is in a position to descend the object with a diameter of only 0.1 millimeters.

Since the beginning, we thought that only small insectivative bats like nightpoints and insectures, and large flying faders and dogs feed on fruit in tropical forests are natural echo sounds, but it is proved that all bats are endowed with echo sounders. In flight routestuses all the time click tongue. The sound breaks out in the angles of the mouth, which at rouzettus are always ajet.

Recently, the researchers allocate mostly three types of natural sonars: whispering, chanting, stringing or frequency - modulating.

Whispering bats dwell in the tropics of America. Many of them feed on fruit, but they also catch insects on the leaves of plants. Their echootizing signals are very short and very quiet clicks. Each sound lasts a thousandth of a second and very weak. Usually their echo sounder works at frequencies of 150 kilohertz.

Scanding the horseshoes. Dimensions they are named for growths on the face, in the form of leathery horseshoe double ring surrounding the nostrils and mouth. The growths are a kind of megaphone, guiding sound signals with a narrow beam in the other side where the bat looks. Ultrasound of the honeycomb is sent to the space, not through the mouth, but through the nose.

American brown nightnight begins his spectacle with a frequency of about 90 kilohertz, and finishes it in 45 kilohertz.

Frequently, the modulating echo sounder and the volatile mice - fishermen, breaking through the waters, their dragonfaction is reflected from the swimming bubble of fish, and its echo returns to the fisherman.

In the countries of S. temperate climates A manochargers make seasonal flights, migrations, and in suitable shelters flow into winter hibernation. Body temperature of bats Outside the activity period depends on the ambient temperature and may vary from - 7.5є to + 48.5є. Most bats have a developed social instinct and settle down by the colonies. With minor general sizes, life expectancy is large, some individuals are waiting until 15-20 years.

In latitudes with a moderate climate, only one generation is annually, but there are exceptions, for example, the bulldog bats are three broods per year. The pairing period is stretched from autumn to spring, spermatozoa after koitus is preserved in the sex paths of females all winter. Ovulation and fertilization occur in spring. The female gives birth to one or two cubs. But there are also exceptions such as hairy gladkonosos, they are born to four cubs, but are known for the birth of five cubs.

Variability and morphism can be described as follows. The development of young people proceeds very quickly. On the third - sixth week of life, young individuals already achieve the size of the parents, while maintaining the difference only in a more dark and dim color of juvenile fur and in cartilage formations at the ends of the long bones (Metatar, Falang). After the first (juvenile) molt, which ends at the age of one to two months, the young individual also loses his color difference from an adult individual. Individual variability is insignificant, most of the signs are amazingly stable. Seasonal morphisms are manifested only in the character (height, silkiness) of fur and in tone or in color of its painting. Geographical variability (color and sizes) in many types of reinforcement. Sexual dimorphism is not at all pronounced or expressed, but very weak. Not rare polymorphism coloring.

A manochable are one of the prosperous mammalian groups. The overall direction of the evolution of the detachment went along the path of mastering airspace, that is, the improvement of the latitive abilities. Probably, manochable take their origin from primitive woody insectivores. CHIROPTERA ancestors are taken to represent the mammals of the modern car, having initially adapts to the planning flight, on the basis of which, by evolution, their descendants switched to an active flight.

Wings of the Lizards - Pterodactles were stretched in addition to the shoulder and forearm on a very long Mizinz. A manochable blade of the wing maintains the bones of four very long fingers. The third finger is usually the length of the head, body plus legs. Only the end of the first, that is, the big, finger is free, protrudes from the front edge of the membrane and is equipped with sharp claws. Most of the Krylnov is free and tiny claw of the second finger. The fingers of the hind limbs - with claws and from the membrane are free, they, resting the day or in the winter hibernation, cling to branches or other objects. Muscles, leading wings in motion, accounts for only 7% of the weight of the animal (in birds an average of 17%). However, on the chest, the manocharged is a small similar, bird kil, to which the main muscles are attached.

In the detachment of the hands-made approximately 1000 species, which is ј part of all mammals. The age of the most ancient from the found fossil representatives of the hands-made, is the truth already highly specialized, - 50 million years.

The spread of the detachment covers the entire globe to the polar borders wood vegetation. Only the extreme north, Antarctic and some oceanic islands are not populated by mancaps. The most numerous and diverse are manochable in tropical and subtropical regions.

The detachment of the manwork is divided into two separate suburbs:

1. Weldows (Megachiroptera) - fertilizer forms from small to relatively large (wingspan of up to 1.5 meters) size, with primitive features of the organization. About 150 species of Krylnov are combined into one family - Pteropidae.

2. Bats (Microchiroptera) - small animals. In the bulk of insectivores, less often fertilized, predatory and bloodsight forms with a more specialized organization. The area of \u200b\u200bthe sub-train coincides with the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole detachment. About 800 species of volatile mice are grouped in 16 modern families.

In the European part of the mainland there are representatives of only this sub-train. They are 34 species and belong to 3 families:

1. Vaccoless bats. Rhinolophidae.

2. Bulldog bats. Molossidae.

3. Ordinary bats. Vespertilionidae.

Bats are very important in nature and human life. Along with the insectivore birds, this is one of the tools capable of regulating the number of insects - pests, one of the biological methods of combating them. With the development of the industry, there is a gradual reduction in areas occupied by forest arrays. Perennial plantings are cut down, where the hollows in which the bats are populated - dendrofyls. Mass application Yadohimikatov in forest and agriculture leads to a decrease in the feed base, and often together with insects, which feed the bats, dying and the bats themselves.

Detachable detachment

This detachment includes bats and wings. The only group of mammals capable of long-term active flight. The forelimbs are turned into wings. They are formed by a thin elastic leathery flying refill, which is stretched between the elongated fingers of the front limbs (except for the short first finger), shoulder, forearm, body sides, rear limbs and tail. The bones of the skeleton are thin and light, the cavities of some of them are filled with air. On the chest there is a keel, to which, like in birds, highly developed thoracic muscles are attached.

Tennation and hearing are very well developed at the volatile mice, worse - vision and weakly - smell. Bats have echolocation - the ability to perceive the hearing authorities reflection (echo) of ultrasounds issued by them during the flight. This allows them to feel small moving mining in the dark.

Bats - Night animals, in day asylums (Dupell, Cave, in the attic, etc.) hang, wrapped in wing membranes. Feed insects, which are catching a raid in the air. Most bats winters in our country, fall into hibernation, some fly to warm edges.

We usually multiply once a year and bring 1-2 young, which immediately after birth are firmly attached to the nipples of the mother. In the first days, the female flies on the hunt with the young. The ability to flight and independence of young acquires aged approximately 1.5 months.

On the territory of our country, such types of volatile mice are widespread like a red-haired evening and an ears.

Redhead evening

Redhead evening - Large bat, body length 6-6.5 cm, tail - 4.5-5.5 cm. For it, long narrow wings are characterized, brown color painting and lighter abdomen.

Redhead evening evening dwells in the wipes of old deciduous trees, one, or small groups. She, like all bats, active at twilight and at night, flies over the edges, forest glades in search of food - mostly night insects, which detects with echolocation.

In the fall, with the onset of the cold, the evening is closed in secluded places, the hollow, attic, fall into the hibernation, winter.

Ushan Lives in the forests, deserts, mountains. He is somewhat less red-haired evening, body length is 5-6 cm. He has big ears, equal Length Body, but short wings. Coloring fur Changeable, top of the body from the pale-yellowish color to dark brown, the bottom is light.

It feeds on insects, he not only catches them, but also collects with branches. For the winter is closed in insulated rooms (basements, cellar, dungeons, etc.), caves and flows into the hibernation. Benefit, destroying insect pests.

From the book Life of animals Volume I Mammals Author Bram Alfred Edmund

Detachment III Arupped (Chiroptera) Before sunset, the peculiar activities of animals belonging to one of the wonderful groups of mammals begins. Of all the gaps, wells and holes crawl, the dark mass of bats, which the day fearfully hid,

From the book of the world of animals. Volume 2 [Stories about the beasts of the winged, armored, lastonous, pipe-seeming, hare, cetacean and human-like] Author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Detachment trafficking p. 285, insertion 18ps - Elephas Maximus and Loxodonta AfricanArt. 285, the insertion of the 19Hobot is not the continuation of the nose, and the upper lip grown with the nose. Interestingly, the zoo zoo elephant can easily lift a trunk with a floor of coins or buttime, to suck maternal

From book Animal world Dagestan Author Shamardanov Ziaudin Abdulganievich

Delivered manochable units of beasts captured the true, warming flight. The origin of the ancient: Millions 60-70 ago, at some primitive wood insectivores developed at the beginning of the aircraft of the Body's sides, similar to those that we see now

From the Book Mammals Author Sivozyzov Vladislav Ivanovich

From the book Anthropology and Biology Concepts Author Kurcanov Nikolai Anatolyevich

The detachment is manochable (Chiroptera) - the thriving detachment of mammals, combines two sublits: wings and bats, about 850 species. Distributed everywhere, excluding the polar regions and few oceanic islands. Lead the twilight or night lifestyle. Day

From the book of the author

The detachment of insectivores to this detachment includes hedgehogs, moles, earthling. These are small animals with a small brain, whose hemisphere does not have a furrow and sorus. Teeth are weakly differentiated. Most insectivores have an elongated face with a small trunk.

From the book of the author

Detachment Town-like is small and medium sizes of mammals. They have two pairs of cutters in the upper jaw, located one after another so that behind the large front of the front is the second pair of small and short. In the lower jaw only one pair of cutters. No fangs, and cutters

From the book of the author

Detachment rodent squad unites different types Protein, beavers, mice, voles, rats and many others. They are distinguished by a number of features. One of them is a peculiar structure of teeth, adapted to nutrition of solid vegetable food (branches of trees and shrubs, seeds,

From the book of the author

The detachment of the predatory detachment combines quite a variety of appearance mammals. However, they are characterized by a number of common features. Most feeds mainly by spinal animals, few omnivores. All predatory small cutters, large conical fangs and

From the book of the author

Dettle of Lastonodi Lastonodi - marine mammals, preserved communication with land, where they rest, multiply and linen. Most dwells in the coastal zone, and only some species live in the open sea. All of them, like aquatic animals, have a peculiar appearance:

From the book of the author

The cetacean squad this detachment unites mammals, the whole life of which takes place in water. In connection with the water lifestyle, the body of them acquired a torpedo-shaped, well-streaming form, the front limbs were turned into fins, their hind limbs disappeared. Tail

From the book of the author

The detachment detachment detachments combines two types of elephants: African and Indian. These are the biggest ground mammalsFor which a number of features are characterized. One of them is the presence of a trunk arising from the instance of the nose and the upper lip. He serves the sense of smell,

From the book of the author

The detachment of non-parqualized is mostly pretty large animals. The number of fingers is different. For all the nonposperic characteristic of the strong development of the third (medium) finger carrying the bulk of the body. The remaining fingers are weaker. On end phalanges -

From the book of the author

The detachment of man-fated to the detachment belongs to herbivorous animals of medium and large sizes, adapted to the rapid run. Most long legs with a pair of fingers (2 or 4) dressed with hooves. The axis of the limbs passes between the third and fourth

From the book of the author

The detachment of primates to this detachment belongs to the most diverse appearance and lifestyles of mammals. However, they have a number of common signs: a relatively large cranial box, the sockets are almost always ahead, the thumb is opposed

From the book of the author

7.2. A detachment of primates a person belongs to the instrument of primates (Primates). To understand the systematic position in it, it is necessary to represent a phylogenetic relationship different groups of this

Overview of the detachment of manocracy
(Based on: S. V. Kroskop in the book "Diversity of Mammals" (Rossolimo O. L., etc., Moscow, Publishing house KMK, 2004), as amended)

Detachable Detachable - Chiroptera
In traditional systems, they are considered close to primates, tupayams and wool blocks as members of Archonta cohorts; in newest systemsBased mainly on molecular genetic data, close with cohort Ferungulata (predatory and hoofs).
Taxomically a very diverse detachment, close to the peak of evolutionary development. According to the species abundance, manochable is inferior only to rodents: there are almost 1100 species in the detachment, which is approximately 1/5 of the living mammals.
Based on morphology traditionally allocate 2 sub-trainers: winglands (MICACHIROPTERA) and bats (Microchiroptera), which are isolated so much that sometimes there are assumptions about the absence of direct related relationships. In the first sublit, the 1st family, in the second - at least 16. Recently, based on the analysis of molecular genetic data, other sub-trainers are offered: YinpteroChiroptera, which includes Krylnow, mice, horseshoes and spearnesses, and YangoChiroptera, which unites all other families. It would probably be the most correct to give all three groups the same rank and consider them with independent suburbs.
In the fossil condition, belocked are known from late Paleocene: the most ancient representatives of the detachment (genus † Icaronycteris) All its morphological features are already demonstrated. In the early Eocene of Europe and North America, there are already about a dozen childbirth and at least 4-5 families (everyone belongs to Microchiroptera). Judging by the found remains, all Eocene manochables were fed in the insects and were probably echoocrating. By the end of Eocene, the detachment, apparently, acquired all-time distribution.
Key adaptation of manochable - the ability to active flight, for which the front limbs are used, converted into wings. The carrier surface is naked leathery spidal, stretched between the elongated II-V fingers of the front limb, and the rear limb. Often there is also a tailpoint stretched between the rear limbs and partially or fully including the tail. In a few bats, a long tail is free from a membrane, for example, in the Rhinopomatidae family.
Sizes in general small: swine mass (rod Craseonycteris) From the Indochina there are only about 2g, the largest volatile fox Pteropus. - until 1600, the scope of the wings of 15-170 cm. The body is covered with thick hair, usually monotonously painted in brown tones (from pallets to bright red and almost black); Some representatives have a stronger, sometimes pins in color. The muzzle among representatives of a number of families carries special skin grows, which are functionally part of the echolocation apparatus. The eyes are usually small, the size of the ear shell varies from a very small, almost hidden in the hairproof, to very large, about half of the total body length with the tail (maximum magnitude for mammals). At the species of Thyropteridae and Myzopodidae family at the base of the brush and rounded suckers are developed at the foot, allowing animals to hold on the underside of the leaves. In the Krylnov on the sternum, similar to the birds, develops a powerful bone ridge - Kiel, to which the breast muscles are attached; There are no volatile keel mice, and the muscle support is ensured by immobilization (and sometimes full of inclination) of the pectoral parts.
The position of the hind limbs is unusual: the hips are deployed at right angles to the body, in connection with which the shin is directed back and to the side. Such a structure is a device to a specific method of accommodation for rest: A manochable suspended on the side of the vertical or from the bottom to the horizontal surfaces, clinging to the claws of the rear paws for the slightest irregularities.
For the skull, it is characterized by early earring of seams between the bones (also similarities with birds), the reduction of the intercelion bone, with which the underdevelopment of the incisors is connected. Tooth formula I1-2 / 0-2 C1 / 1 P1-3 / 1-3 M1-2 / 2 \u003d 16-32. Fangs are large, brush teeth in insectoral forms with sharp vertices and ridges, in fertile with a lined surface.
Commonly distributed, the greatest diversity is timed to wet tropics, only a few groups penetrate the arid areas; None in highlands and the Arctic.
Activity is usually night, on a day are arranged in the caves (forming sometimes gigantic clusters of several hundred thousand individuals), various cavities in buildings, trees, between branches.
Most carnivores: Food mainly insects, in the form of elimination with small vertebrates. There are specialized frucery and nectaries (mainly representatives of the PTeropodidae and PhylLostomidae families).
We multiply in the tropics year-round, in moderate latitudes - in the warm season. In the second case, some types of Vespertilionidae family mate in the fall, the sperm is stored in the genital females, fertilization occurs in the spring. In the litter most often 1, less often 2 cubs, whom the females of some kinds during the flight are held on themselves on themselves on the abdominal side of the body (the cub is holding himself), and other species are left in shelter. In captivity live to 15-17 years.
(Detachment system Doers you can see)

Weldran step - Megachiroptera
Includes 1 modern manochable family.
The aircraft is somewhat different from such a volatile mice of the Microchiroptera sublist. The ribs retain the rolling joint both with the spine and the sternum; The latter carries more or less developed keel. The second finger of the front limbs always contains three phalanxies and retains significant independence; Most species he with claws. The skull has some similarity with the skull of the lower primates. The brush teeth with a fully lost tribosphenic structure of the crown, low, with non-discovered strumies and a longitudinal groove, adapted to the fetus crisp.
Most of the representatives of the sublistrate in flight do not use echolocation, focusing mainly with vision and smell. Feed almost exclusively fruits.

Family of Wornean - Pteropodidae Gray, 1821
Separate family, the only representative of the Megachiroptera sublit. Related links and origin are poorly known; Some morphological data testify in favor of the separation at the level of the detachment, molecular - no more than superfamily.
An extensive group, which includes about 40 genera and 160 species. They are grouping in 3-4 subfamily: 1) The most diverse wings are actually (PTteroPodinae), mainly fronewater, typical for family of appearance, 2) Garpiy Weldows (Harpyionycterinae, 1 genus), possessing peculiar bent forwards to the cutters and tuberculous indigenous teeth, 3) Tube-knitted wings (Nyctimeninae, 2 kinds), devoid of lower cutters and possess peculiar tubular nostrils, 4) Long-language wings (MacRoglossinae, 5 genera), adapted to nutrition nectar.
Paleontological chronicle is extremely poor: two fossil types (†) are described in fragmented remains of oligocene and myocene. Archaeopteropus. and † Propotto.) attributed to this family. Recently, more ancient medium-set residues were discovered, presumably assigned to this family.
Dimensions from small to the largest among manocharged: the mass of the smallest nectariodic forms of about 15 g, fruitric volatile foxes - up to one and a half (the largest in the detachment), when the wings are wing 1.7 m. Tail short, rudimentary (except Australian kind Notopterishaving a long and thin tail), an interstitrous membrane is poorly developed (usually has a skin sprinkler on the inner side of the legs. The head is usually with an elongated ("dog") muzzle, close-up: from here the names of some kind of birth - "volatile dogs" or "volatile foxes ". The ear shell is small, oval, closed on the inner edge. The gogerel is missing. The specific structure of the language and the upper sky is adapted for the fetus pulp.
Skull with an elongated facial department. Dental formula I1-2 / 0-2 C1 / 1 P3 / 3 M1-2 / 2-3 \u003d 24-34, some forms have a decrease in the amount of teeth up to 24 due to the incisors and premolars. Cutters are small. Well-developed fangs are even in those species that have brushed teeth reduced.
Completed in the eastern hemisphere from Africa to Australia and the islands of the western part of Oceania. Inhabit tropical and subtropical areas, usually in forest biotopes, sometimes settle near a person even in large cities.
Twilight or night, sometimes daylight. The day is carried out on the branches of trees, in caves and other shelters. Some species make periodic migrations associated with the ripening of fruits serving them by food. Food is mainly fruits (eat pulp or drink only juice), nectar and pollen flowers. Insects are extra food only for some species.
The reproduction has a seasonal nature and timed to the beginning of the wet season (most species have two breeding peaks). During the year, the female brings offspring once, in the litter 1, less often 2 cubs. In some clans there is a delay in embryonic development (most often, deferred implantation), increasing the total duration of pregnancy more than twice.
The genus of a palm tree ( Eidolon. Rafinesque, 1815) applies with the widespread robusttus and three more kinds to a special tribe, whose representatives are sometimes called "volatile dogs." The most archaic of the now living wrelnov. Palm Kryblan ( Eidolon. helvum. Kerr, 1792) - the only representative of the genus. Dimensions Medium: body weight 230-350 g, body length 14-21 cm, wings span up to 76 cm. The muzzle is elongated, "dog", with very close-ups. Fur thick and short, also covers the upper side of the forearm. Color from straw-yellow to rusty brown, brighter brighter and bright on the neck and patch. The back is grayish, forearms are almost white. Wings for the wing is relatively narrow and pointed. The tail is rudimentary, but always there. Teeth 34.
Completed in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, in Africa south of Sahara and Madagascar. Inhabits various types of forests, steady and savannah. Rises in the mountains up to 2000 m above sea level. Trips usually suite in the crowns of high trees, although the occasion is also used and caves. Lives colonies from several tens to hundreds of thousands of individuals. During the trip, it behaves noisy; Some of the individual remains active throughout the day. It feeds mainly by various fruits. The kneon of the colony has a diameter on average about 60 km. In some places, the Colony of Palm Krylov is caused damage to agriculture. In some countries, Africa meat of this wing is used in food.
Pairing takes place from April to June. There is a delay in implantation of a fertilized egg. As a result, although the pregnancy itself is 4 months, young are born only in February-March. Each female is born one cub.
Rod vibrant foxes ( Pteropus. Erxleben, 1777) - the most extensive genus in the family, combines more than 60 species. The dimensions are varied, but more often large: body length 14-70 cm, mass - from 45 g to 1.6 kg. Wings wide and long, interstitrous membrane is completely absent. The front of the skull (and, accordingly, the muzzle) is somewhat elongated, hence the trivial name of the genus. Hearing drums are weakly developed. Previous teeth are not reduced.
Completed in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia, Australia, Islands of the Indian and Western Pacific Ocean. Inhabit forests, more often in wetlands, the prerequisite is the presence in the vicinity of the reservoir; With the development of agriculture, and, especially, gardening, begin to become a human housing. Recently, it began to appear in large cities where high trees have been preserved.
Forming large colonies, especially in the breeding season. Accumulations up to 250000 individuals are recorded at a density of 4000-8000 animals per 1 hectare. Tell, as a rule, a night lifestyle, although some island species can be active and day. The day spend on the trees, under the cornices of the roofs, in the caves, hanging down your head, attaching with sharp claws of the hind limbs. The flight is heavy, slow, with frequent wingspins. Food is wanted by vision and smell, ultrasonic location do not use. Freacted, feed on the juice of fruits, while biteling a piece of pulp, pressing it with teeth, the liquid is swallowed, and the remnants squeezed to almost dry state. Sometimes they chew the leaves of eucalyptus and other plants, eating nectar and pollen. Some gentle fruits (bananas) eat entirely.
Pairing comes from July to October. There is a delay in embryonic development; Most cubs appear in March. The cubs remain with the mother of 3-4 months.
In places harm to agriculture, destroying the harvest of fruits. In this regard, in a number of places with volatile foxes, struggling using poisoning substances. Sometimes these wrelings are hunting for meat, which is used in food in Thailand, Cambodia, in the Seychelles. Some species, especially endemics of small islands, extremely rare. 4 species are listed in the Red Book of IUCN, and the entire genus is entirely included in the II application of CITES.
One of the largest representatives of the kind and squad as a whole is a giant fucking fox ( Pteropus. vampyrus. Linnaeus, 1758), with a body weight about 1 kg and forearm length up to 22 cm. Completed in southern Burma, Indochier, Malacca, on the large and small Stern Islands, Andaman Islands and the Philippines, inhabit predominantly palpal. Happiness arranges in kroons big trees, settles groups of at least 100 individuals.
The genus of the wing is short-cast ( Cynopterus. Cuvier, 1824) - a small genus, includes about 5 species. The dimensions are small for the family: the mass of 50-100 g, the scope of the wings 30-45 cm. The muzzle is shortened, theredes are reduced to 1 in each jaw. Wings are unintended and wide. Ear shells are rounded, with a characteristic white border along the edge. The wool of medium luggage, pretty brightly painted, especially in adult males, often having a bright redhead or greenish-yellow "collar".
The area covers the forest and open spaces of the Indoala region from the sea level to a height of 1800 m. Usually keep in small groups, the old males are single. Refuge usually serve a different kind of cavity; Some species are arranged at the closure in the crowns of trees, and they arrange asylum in the bunches of the fruits of palm trees, squandering their middle part, or stealing the alkali of a large leaf, so that he curl into the "boating" (the only case among the hands-made old light). For most of the range, there are two peaks of breeding, in the spring and early autumn. Each female gives up for a year 1 cub.
Food preferably juice, less rarely pulp the fruit of palm trees, fig trees, bananas. In search of foods can fly overnight to 100 km. Occasionally eat insects. With large clusters, it can harm the plantations. Transferring the fruits of plants, contribute to their settlement. Probably play a role in pollining a number of tropical trees and Lian.
Typical kind representative - Kryblan Shopor Fan Indian ( Cynopterus SphinxVahl, 1797), widespread in Southeast Asia, from Pakistan and Ceylon to Southeast China and the Big Stern Islands.

Farmers Bats - Microchiroptera
Representatives of this sublistrate are called "bats" for small sizes, short monotonous hair cover, often published squeak.
Includes 16-17 modern and all the well-known fossil family of manochable. Most modern families, except EMBallonuridae, are grouped into two macrostaxon: YinoChiroptera includes forms that have foremaster bones never grow up with maxillary; Representatives of YangoChiroptera offer bones completely growl with maxillary. Recently, based on the data of molecular systematics, the Nycteridae family is excluded from Yinochiroptera.
Elements of the pectoral part of the axial skeleton are in varying degrees are immobilized, up to the full captivity of the part of the vertebrae, ribs and sternum. Ribra in any case is almost fixed, and breathing is carried out at the expense of the diaphragm. Kiel on the chest does not develop. In the wings, the second finger is more or less rid of the third, has no more than 1 phalanx and does not have claw; The exception is some of the most ancient fossil forms. The shape and proportion of wings, like all the external habitus, is very diverse. The tailpoint is developed differently, but always expressed. Eyes are usually small.
The skull of diverse shape and proportions, always with well-developed bone hearing drums. The eyeball is not closed, it is usually fed from the temporal depression. Bribosphenic brushful teeth, tubercles and ridges form a characteristic W-shaped structure, traces of which are usually preserved even from specialized herbivorous forms.
Vision plays in many species a minor role in orientation in space, with respect to echolocation. Echolocation is well developed in all representatives, echolocation signals are produced by larynx.
There is a pronounced flight specialization: some forms have mastered the slow, but high-chaired flight and the ability to hang in the air, others are adapted to a rapid economical, but relatively small-handed flight.
Most feeds animal food, mainly insects; There are also specialized predatory, fishing, frost and nectarious forms.

Family People - Rhinopomatidae Bonaparte, 1838
Monotypic family, consisting of one kind of ishechvosts ( Rhinopoma. Geoffroy, 1818) and 3-4 species. Together with pigs, Rhinopomatoidea is formed. Archaic on many signs Group, however, is not known in the fossil state.
Sizes are small: the length of the body is 5-9 cm, the weight of up to 15 g. The tail is thin and long, almost equal to the length of the body, most of its part is free from the tailpoint. The tailpoint is very narrow. Wings are long and wide. At the end of the muzzle around the nostrils there is a small rounded nasal sheet. The ears are relatively large, connected to the foreheads of the skin. The goselle is well developed, the kleon will noticeably bent. The wool is short, the crushes, the bottom of the abdomen and the muzzle are almost naked. Skull with a shortened facial department, highly swollen nose bones and concave frontal. Teeth characteristic "insectivores", of all of them 28.
Distributed in Eastern and Northeast Africa, Arabia, Front Asia and South Asia east to Thailand and Sumatra. Inhabiting arid, mainly flavored landscapes. Asylums serve as caves, rock cracks and human buildings. Usually form colonies up to several thousand individuals, but can live in small groups. In shelters, usually sit on vertical walls, holding all four limbs. Can fall into a short catching.
Feed insects. The flight is very peculiar, the wavy, consisting of alternating series of frequent waxes and sliding on painted wings. Reproduction seasonal, once a year. Pregnancy for about 3 months, females bring one cub. Young animals get up on the wing of 6-8 weeks.

Family of Swine - Craseonycteridae Hill, 1974
Monotypic family close to mice. Includes 1 genus and species - Swinonos ( Craseonycteris Thonglongyai.), described only in 1974. The closest relatives of the previous family. The smallest representatives of the manwork: the body weight is about 2 g, the wingspan of 15-16 cm. There is no tail, but the tailpoint is developed. Ears are large, with long walkways. The second finger of the wing with one bone phalange. The structure of the skull is reminiscent of mice. Teeth 28.
Distributed on a limited territory in the south-west of Thailand and in the adjacent areas of Burma. Make the caves. Food with small insects, which are caught in the air or collected from the surface of the leaves.

Family, Rhinolophidae Gray, 1825
The central group of Rhinolophoidea supersaturation. Includes 10 clans divided into two subfaming: rhinolophinae veils (Rhinolophinae) with 1 native and leaflets of old light, or hike (rhynonycterinae \u003d hipposiderinae); The latter is sometimes considered as an independent family. Family is very archaic; In the paleontological chronicle, it appears in Late Eocene, and presented by modern childbirth. About 5-6 fossil clans are described.
Dimensions from small to relatively large for sub-train: body length 3.5-11 cm, mass from 4 to 180. The tail is thin, one species can reach half of the length of the body, in the other short; there is no less; When there is, it is entirely imprisoned in a well-developed tailpoint. In a state of rest, the tail is bent up onto the back. The head is wide and rounded. On the face there are peculiar naked leathery formations - nasal sheets, one of the most difficult arranged among bats. They differ in their composition: front leaflet (horseshoe), in front of the front and sides of the nostrils; Middle leafle, located immediately behind the nostrils and the rear sheet located on the middle part of Rostra. Some species both ahead and behind the main leaves can be formed additional different shapes. Ear shells are thin, sheets, without a goat, but usually with pronounced antique.
The axial skeleton and belts of the limbs are sufficiently unusual: the front of the breast and the last cervical vertebrae will be afraid of the part of the vertebrae, part of the Röbebe and the Ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint, forming a solid bone ring; Lobc and sciatic bones are reduced. All this provides hard bone frame for the locomotor unit, while simultaneously limiting the mobility of the hind limbs.
The bones of the skull in the front of the swollen, form a characteristic elevation over very deep and widespread nasal cutting. Intercelion bones are represented only by cartilaginous plates, the rear edge of the neba-haired. Teeth of the "insectoral" type. Tooth formula I1 / 2 C1 / 1 P1-2 / 2-3 M3 / 3 \u003d 28-32. The upper cutters sitting on cartilage, very small.
Inhabit the tropical and moderate zones of the Eastern Hemisphere from Africa and Western Europe to Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia; north are common to the coast of the North Sea, Western Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia; In the east of the range - to Japan.
Due to the features of the structure of the skeleton, the possibility of movement of most representatives of the solid surface family are very limited: they are usually suspended from the summer from below to the cradle arches, along which it can be moved down with the rear legs. Only some of the most primitive types of families are capable of moving on a substrate on four limbs.
Rod horseshoes ( Rhinolophus. Lacepede, 1799) - the only genus of the subfamily Rhinolophinae. Includes up to 80 species, related relations between which are extremely confused and little studied. In the fossil state is known from the late Eocenta.
The size range approximately corresponds to such a family: the body length is 3.5-11 cm, the mass of 4 to 35 g. The nasal sheets are most difficult to organize in the family. Horseshoe really has a horseshoe form and is usually equal to the width of the muzzle of the animal. The average sheet (saddle) has the form of a cartilage ridge starting on the back of the nasal partition. Its upper edge forms various shapes the protrusion - the connecting process, which is ongoing back to the base of the rear sheet. Rear sheet (lancet) in most species of more or less triangular shape, often with cellular structures at the base. Wings are wide and relatively short. Fingers of the rear legs with three phalanges. Skull with very high swollen behind the nasal clipping and with a short bone neba, reaching only to the level of the second indigenous teeth. Teeth 32 (the largest number in the family).
Distribution coincides with such a family. Inhabiting a wide variety of landscapes, from tropical forests Up to semi-deserts, in the mountains rise to 3200 m. Refuge - caves, grottoes, stone buildings and underground structures, less often - hollow trees. Male usually colonies from 10-20 to many thousands of individuals. Feed insects, which, as a rule, catch in the air. Often hunt, using additives. The flight is slow and very mall. In the flight, echolocation signals of constant frequency and significant duration are published.
Kind of hike Hipposideros. Gray, 1831) - the central race of the subference Rhynonycterinae, includes up to 60 species. Known from the end of the Eocenta. The size of small to large: body length is 3.5-11 cm, the length of the forearm is 33-105 mm, the mass of 6-180 g. The nasal sheets are organized easier than at the horseshoes: Horseshoe angular and relatively narrow, medium and The rear sheets in a typical version have a type of transverse cartilage rollers (rear sometimes with a cellular structure). There may be additional leaflets on the sides of the horseshoe (up to 4 pairs). On the forehead in adult males of many species there is a special odoring iron. Wings are wide, various proportions in species with a different specialization. Foot fingers with two phalanges each. Skull with small swolmers behind the nasal cutting and a longer bone neba, reaching the level of the third root tooth. Teeth 28-30.
South Sahara, in Madagascar, in South Asia, Oceania and Australia are common in Africa. Inhabited various types of forests, palpal and savanna. Dnight in woody dupes, caves, grottoes, norah large rodents, buildings. Form colonies from several tens to thousands of individuals, sometimes together with other types of manochable. Males and females hold together. In regions with a seasonal climate, cooling can be broken. Feed a variety of insects, which some kinds catch in the air (sometimes from the additives), others are collected from the substrate. The flight is unprecedented, its characteristics in different species vary greatly. Echolokation signals, as well as at horseshoes, constant frequency. Reproduction in different species can have both one and two peaks. In the brood 1 cub.
(About the types of fauna of Russia and neighboring countries can be found)

Family False Vampires - Megadermatidae Allen, 1864
A small family includes 4 kinds and 5 species. Along with the previous family, it is part of Rhinolophoidea. The fossil state is known since the beginning of oligocene.
Large bats: body length 6.5-14 cm, weight of 20-170 g, wings span up to 60 cm. Large sheets are large, simple: consist of a rounded base and a sheet vertical blade. Very large ears are connected by a skin fold. The goselves is well developed, a very peculiar form - with an additional vertex of the Kepende from the main one. There is no tail, but the tailpoint is wide. Wings are long and very wide. Large eyes. Skull without intercelion bone and, accordingly, the upper incisors. Upper fangs with additional vertices. Total teeth 26-28.
South Sahara, South Asia, Australia and the Islands of the Zonda Shelf are common in Africa. Inhabited a variety of forest and forest-steppe biotopes, both wet and arid. Refuge - caves, grottoes, hollow trees, buildings. Usually live by small groups. Like the horseshoes, with difficulty moving on a solid surface, but they fly extremely mannere and might hang in the air.
Small representatives of the family feed on insects and spiderman, large - also small spinal, including frogs, lizards, and imaginary rodents. Australian false vampire ( Macroderma Gigas.) Specializes in nutrition of volatile mice. Attack, as a rule, from the additives; The prey is enough teeth with a substrate - land, vertical walls, branches, ceiling caves.
Reproduction once a year, pregnancy up to 4.5 months. In brood 1, rarely - 2 cubs. Australian false vampire is rare and is under guard, introduced into the Red Book of IUCN.

Bumblebee Family - EMBallonuridae Gervais, 1855
Archaic family, standing by a mansion among volatile mice; Perhaps is a nursing group for the ancestors of all major evolutionary lines of the MICROCHIROCHIROPTERA sub-line or only for YangoChiroptera. Combines 12 modern births grouped in 3 subfaming: EMBALLONURINAE, including 8 archaic genera, common in both old and new light; Diclidurinae with two peculiar American clans; Taphozoinae, which includes the two most specialized genus (sometimes stand out into a separate family). Fossil residues are known from the average Eocene.
Sizes from small to relatively large: body length from 3.5 to 16 cm, weight 5-105. The tail of various lengths, its distal half leaves on the top side of the tailpoint and lies freely on top of it. The ears of the average size are sometimes combined with a narrow skin fold, with a well-developed rounded goather. Wings of various proportions. Coloring is usually monophonic, from dark brown to almost white (representatives of the genus Diclidurus.), Some species may have a "frosty" ripple of white hairs in the dark background. Some American giving births are open on the bark of trees, two zigzag stripes go along the back. No nasal sheets. Skull with a strongly concave frontal profile, raised the front front of the front part and long subtle super-charts. Teeth of a typical "insectivinal" type. Tooths 30-34 (in different kinds of different types of incisors).
The range covers the tropics of South and Central America, Africa (except Sahara), Madagascar, South Asia, most of Oceania and Australia. Inhabit a variety of forests and gentlemen, some species will settle even in large settlements. Refuge - cracked cliffs, stone buildings, ruins, vapla; Some kinds of having rolled dry leaves or are placed open on the crust of trees. At the twenty, usually sit on vertical surfaces, keeping with all the limbs, the ends of the wings bend on the spinal side (unlike most manochable). Live single, groups of 10-40 or form large colonies.
Feed insects that are caught in the air, some species also eat fruit. For orientation, both echolocation and well-developed vision are used. The reproduction of some kinds of seeds, others can occur yearly. In the brood one cub.
The genust bruken grave ( Taphozous. Geoffroy, 1818) is one of the most isolated generics of the family. Includes 13 species. In the fossil state are known from the early Miocene. Sizes Medium and large: body length 6-10 cm, forearm length 5.5-8 cm, weight up to 60 g. Tail about 1/3 body length. Wings are narrow in the distal part and pointed. The wing is well developed a glandular bag located on the underside between the forearm and the fifth metacarpalia. Some species have a large ironed bag or just a glandular field are developed under the lower jaw. Skull with varying degrees with a concave frontal profile and concave behind the fang of the upper jaw. Teeth 30.
In almost all of Africa, South Asia, from the Middle East to the Indochyan and Islands of the Malay Archipelago, on New Guinea and in Australia, are widespread. Inhabit various landscapes, including big cities. Asylums serve rock cracks and stone buildings, including the ancient temples and tombs (hence the name of the genus). Hunt for open airspaces, above the level of crowns and buildings, fast flight. Food flying insects.
Brokel black and black ( Taphozous Melanopogon. TEMMINCK, 1841) - a typical representative of the genus, weighing 23-30 g, with a length of the forearm of 60-68 mm, monotonous-dark color, without a throat bag. Distributed in South Asia, from Pakistan to Vietnam, Philippines, Malakki and the Stern Islands.

Schildren family - Nycteridae Hoeven, 1855
A small family, including the only sense of the slut ( Nycteris Cuvier et geoffroy, 1795) with 12-13 species. Previously considered close to the Megadermatidae family, however, judging by molecular data, are one of the bandal radiation groups YangoChiroptera, possibly nursing to EMBallonuridae.
Sizes are small and medium: body length 4-9.5 cm, the length of the forearm is 3.2-6 cm. The tail is longer than the body, fully concluded in a very wide tailpoint, ends with a cartilage fork supporting the free edge of the membrane. Wings wide. The ears are large, connected to the forehead with a low fold, with a small but well-developed goat. Along the upper side of the muzzle goes deep longitudinal furrows. In its front, there are closely planted nostrils, behind the rear sheet of the furrow ends with a deep fossa. The nasal sheets are well developed, the front is one-piece, and the middle and rear, separated by the furrows, turn out to be pairwise.
A skull with a wide pressure on the upper side of the front part, the edges of which in the form of thin plates are issued for the contour of the skull itself. Intermitory bones and upper incisors are normally developed, the tooth formula I2 / 3 C1 / 1 P1 / 2 M3 / 3 \u003d 32.
Distribution covers Africa south of Sahara, Madagascar, the front Asia, Malacca Peninsula and the Stern Islands; One species found on Corfu Island (Mediterranean Sea). Most species inhabit various dry parel and savannah, some live in dense forests. Asylums serve a hollow, caves, cavities in the rocks, ruins and buildings, some kinds of dudder in kroons among foliage. Live usually single, couples or small groups, for N. Thebaica. In South Africa, a colony is known for 500-600 individuals.
All slotheraphes have a very mannere flight, allowing to catch extraction on the ground or branches of trees. Most small species feed on insects, spiders and other arthropods, a gigantic slit ( N. grandis) Eats fish, frogs, lizards and small bats.
The reproduction of different species and in different places can be both seasonal and year-round. Pregnancy is 4-5 months old, cubs stay with a mother for another 2 months. Each female brings 1 cub per year.

Bay family, or fishing bats - Noctilionidae Gray, 1821
Includes the only genus of the race Noctilio. Linnaeus, 1766) with 2 species. NOCTILIONOIDEA is close to the chief and leafness, formed with them. The fossil state is known with Miocene.
Sizes Medium and large: body length 5-13 cm, the mass of 18-80 g. The tail is short, almost not enclosed in the tailpoint. The latter is well developed and maintained by extremely long spurs. Wings are very long, the widest in the middle side (at the level of the fifth finger); The wing membrane is attached to the leg almost at the knee level. The legs are long, the feet are very large, with large strong curved claws. The muzzle without nasal leaves. The upper lips are hanging wide folds, form striple bags. Ears of medium length, with pointed peaks; The goselves is developed, with a gear rear edge. Rostral part of the skull is shortened, the skull itself with pronounced ridges. Total teeth 28. Upper fangs are very long, indigenous teeth of the "insectivoid" type.
Distributed in the central and South America From South Mexico to Ecuador, South Brazil and Northern Argentina. Inhabited by regional habitat, mainly valleys large rivers and shallow sea bays. Asylums serve the hollows of trees, caves, crevices of rocks, human buildings. Live in groups of 10-30 individuals, often together with other types of volatile mice. Flight during the hunting is unprecedented, zigzag. It is powered by rounded insects, water crustaceans and fine fish, picking up the production of claws from the surface of the water.
We multiply once a year, bringing one cub. Late stages of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation are confined to the wet season.

Selection family - Mormoopidae SAUSSURE, 1860
A small family, close to Lovenos (PhylLostomidae). Includes 3 kinds and about 10 species. The fossil state is known from the Pleistocena of North America and the Antille Islands.
Sizes Small and medium: body length 50-80 mm, weight 7.5-20 g. The tail is, about 1/3 of the body length, approximately half of the length protrudes from the interbederal membrane. Wings are relatively long and wide. In kind of pockets ( Pteronotus.) The wing membranes grow on the back, creating the impression that the animal is naked from above. At the tip of the muzzle around the nostrils there is a small nasal sheet, the complex leathery is developing on the bottom lip and chin. Ear shells are small, with pointed peaks. The goselves is developed, a peculiar form, with an additional leathery blade directed at right angles to the goosle itself. Skull with bent upwards. Teeth 34.
Completed from the southwest of the United States and California bay through the entire Central America (including the Antilles) to the Northern Peru and Central Brazil. Inhabiting a variety of landscapes, from wet rainforests to semi-desert. Live big colonies in caves. Food exclusively insects, which are caught in the air. Reproduction seasonal, once a year. Females bring one cub.

Family Liston - PhylLostomidae Gray, 1825
One of the most extensive and morphologically diverse families of the MICROCHIROPTERA sub-linear family. According to the most common views, this family, together with the healership and the chief, forms a monophyletic group, autochthonne for South America, where it originated on the Baleogen-Neogen border. Indisputable fossil remains of representatives of this family found in the early Miocene of South America.
In the family of American interestrs, as a rule, 6 submenses that combine at least 50 genera and about 140-150 species are distinguished: 1) real interestrs (PhylLostominae) - omnivorous types of small to very large; 2) Long-edged sheets (Glossophaginae) - small species, specialized in nutrition nectar and pollen; 3) short-tired leaves (carollinae) - minor non-specialized festal sheets; 4) Freast Lovers (Stenodermatinae) - Small and medium-sized frustration species with a strongly shortened muzzle; 5) BreachyphylLinae (BrachyphylLinae) - minor non-specialized herbivorous sheets; 6) Bloods (desmodontinae) are large leaflets, specialized in blood power. Some authors based on significant differences in morphology and physiology, distinguish between bloodsuckers in a special family of DesmodTontidae, according to other scientists, these specialized bats are closely related to real interests. Sometimes, as a subframe, the chipsers are included here.
Dimensions from small to the largest in the sub-train: the length of the body from 35-40 mm to 14 cm in a large lamp ( Vampyrum Spectrum). The tail may be long, short or not at all. Intersothen membrane in the latter case can be reduced (for example, representatives of childbirth Artibeus.and Stenoderma.), but more often developed and maintained by very long spurs. Wings in representatives of the family are wide, ensuring the possibility of slow and very maneuverable flight and hanging on the spot. The bloodsicles are capable of moving very quickly on the ground by jumping: their hind legs are practically free from the membrane, and the large finger of the wing is very developed.
Most species behind the nostrils have a nasal sheet. As a rule, it really has a more or less leaf shape, in contrast to similar structures in the left light of the old light (Rhinolophidae). Its dimensions are very different: Nasmenosh ( Lonchorina Aurita.) It exceeds the length of the head, and in highly looped letters, the skin roller has been reduced. Blood axles are missing, the nostrils surrounds a low skin fold. In the sheets of the folded rod ( Centurio Senex.) The face developed numerous folds and rollers, but the nasal sheet itself is also not. Representatives of childbirth Sphaeronycterisand Centurio.under the throat is a wide skin fold, which has a sleeper animal frame and completely closes the face to the bases of the ears. Ears of various shapes and magnitude, sometimes all elongated, with a small goat. At species that feed on the nectar and pollen, the tongue is very elongated, very moved and is closer to the end of the "silent" from long bristle-like papillars.
The color is more often monophonic, different shades of brown, sometimes almost black or dark gray. Some species have white or yellow spots Or the strip (more often - on the head or shoulders), sometimes a striped pattern has a wing membrane. In white sheets ( ECTOPHYLLA ALBA.) Fur painting pure-white, bare skin of light yellow.
The limitless bones of the skull are large, they grow together and with the topless bones, which is sometimes considered a primitive sign. Tooth system Changeable: The number of teeth ranges from 20 in real blood circulation ( Desmodus Rotundus.) To 34. The chewing surface of the indigenous teeth is also susceptible to strong variability - from a primitive cutting type characteristic of most insectiva volatile mice, to a gouring type, like in Krylov. Blood axles have a highly developed first pair of upper incisors, having very sharp tops and rear blades. The lower jaw is longer than the top and has special recesses that perform the function of protective sheath for the upper cutters.
The leading role in the orientation and search for food, as in most bats, playing echolocation. Frequency-modulated echolokation signals, their frequency characteristics differ greatly in the species with different types of hunting. Large, well-developed eyes in most of the representatives of the family indicate a significant role of vision in the orientation: fruitric species have a better vision than in the insectivores. In addition, a big role in the search for food, first of all, female species, plays the smell.
The distribution area of \u200b\u200bthe family covers the southern and North America From Brazil and the northern regions of Argentina to the north to the islands of the Caribbean and the southwest of the United States. Lovenos live in a wide variety of biotopes of tropics and subtropics, from desert to wet rainforest.
As shelters use caves or voupels. Some species, such as Lovenos-Builder Uroderma Bilobatum, "build" asylum, stealing a wide sheet in such a way that it is folded along the main vein. Live one one or small groups, less often by large colonies, sometimes from several species. The harem organization of the group is quite common, when shelters occupy 10-15 females with multi-armed cubs and one adult male. All kinds of family 1 cub are in litter.
Active sheets at night. The nature of nutrition is very diverse. Food objects are insects, fruits, nectar and pollen. Many species are omnivorous, feeding and vegetable (fruits, pollen), and animal food, and even in different populations of one species, food composition can vary very much. Long-distance Litonos specialized in dusting with pollen and nectar. During the feeding, they often hang in the air in front of the flower, having fluttering the wings, as the hummingbirds do, and the nectar from the flower depths take long. Running, they contribute to pollination, and a number of plants of the new world are adapted to pollinate only by these volatile mice. Some large omnivorous letters eat small vertebrates. In particular, big leafness ( Vampyrum Spectrum) hunts on lizards and small mammals, and it is able to kill a bristly rat ( Prochimys.) With yourself size. He is hunting sleeping birds, tearing them in the dark from the branches. Bachromatogube leaf ( Trachops Cirrhosus.) Hufts on a variety of wood frogs, looking for them first in the marriage crock. Long-legged leaf ( Macrophyllum macrophyllum) Probably occasionally catches fish.
Three types of bloodsucms, as clearly from the name, feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals; At the same time, the vampire is ordinary ( Desmodus Rotundus.) Attacks primarily mammals, including a person, and two other species feed on large birds. Such a peculiar method of nutrition led to significant changes in both morphology and in blood physiology, making it impossible to use any other feeds.
For a person, many sheets are important as pollinators and seed distributors, and some fruent species - and as local pests of agriculture. The blood circulation causes certain damage, attacking pets. In addition, they are a natural reservoir of one of the strains of rabies virus. Many species are poorly investigated due to the peculiarities of distribution and, possibly habitat in a very limited territory, however, no leafons are specially protected (not counting local legislation).
Kopienos ( PhylLostomus.Lacepede, 1799) includes 4 species. This is the central genus of the most archaic subfamily of PhylLostominae. Dimensions are medium and large: body length 6-13 cm, weight of 20-100 g. The nasal sheet is small, but well developed, the correct spear-shaped form. On the bottom lip there is a V-shaped furrow, contracted by rows of small growing. Middle-size ears, widely placed, with a well-developed triangular goather. Skull massive. Teeth 34, indigenous teeth are more or less "insectivoid" type.
Completed in the central and tropical part of South America. Move in different asylums: hollows, buildings, caves, adhering to wet rainforests, raw places, valleys of small rivers. Form clusters to several thousand individuals in one cave. The whole colony is divided into separate harem groups of 15-20 females. Each group takes a certain place in the shelter, which protects the harem male. The composition of the harem is stable and can persist for many years. The idle males also form clusters with a number of about 20 individuals, but these groupings are less stable. The hunt is departed at dusk, hunt at a distance of 1-5 km from the shelter. Omnivores.
The genus is short-tailed ( Carollia.Gray, 1838) also combines 4 species. Together with nearby family Rhinophylla Forms the subfamily of Carolliinae. The largest and widespread kind of kind - Carollia Perspecillata.This is a small amount of body length 50-65 mm and weighing 10-20 g. The tail is short, 3-14 mm long, does not reach the middle of the tailpoint. Nasal sheet and middle-size sinks. Kozelok short, triangular. The body, including the face to the base of the leaf, is covered with thick, soft short-lived wool. Wings wide, the wing membrane is attached to ankle joint. The face department of the skull is short and massive, but also to a lesser extent than more specialized species. Teeth 32; Indigenous teeth with a lost W-structural structure, but still less specialized than many fruitric lamb.
The eyes are relatively small, the main method of orientation in space is echolocation. In general, echolocation is designed worse than that of insectivore manocratic. Frequency-modulated echolocation signals; Pulses lasting 0.5-1 ms consist of three harmonics, 48-24 kHz, 80-48 kHz and 112-80 kHz and are made through mouth or through nostrils. The sense of smell is very strong, and probably plays a leading role in finding food. Completed from East Mexico to South Brazil and Paraguay. Inhabit predominantly wet rainforests. Play an important role in the ecosystem of neoprechy forest as seed distributors.

Family of Voronkukhi - Natalidae Gray, 1866
Little family with 1 native and 5 species. The archaic bats are possibly close to the ancestors of American leafoshs or smooth. The fossil state is known from Eocene North America.
Sizes Small: body length 3.5-5.5 cm, weight 4-10 g. The tail is longer than the body, fully concluded in the tailpoint. No nasal sheets. Ear shells are widely spaced, medium size, a funnel-shaped form. The gogerel is well developed, more or less triangular shape. On the face in adult males, there is a special skin formation, which is likely to be both sensory and secretory function - the so-called "Natalino authority". Fur thick and long, evenly, usually - light painted (from light gray to chestnut). Skull with an elongated Rostrum and noticeably concave frontal profile. Tooth formula is most primitive for manochable: I2 / 3 C1 / 1 P3 / 3 M3 / 3 \u003d 38; Indigenous teeth of the "insectoral" type.
Completed in the central and north of South America and on the islands of the Caribbean. Mountains rise to 2500 m. Inhabit various forests. Refuge serve caves and mines. Live with colonies or small groups, often as part of mixed colonies from different types of volatile mice. The males in the season feeding offspring are held separately from females.
The flight is slow, maneuverable, with frequent waving wings. Capable to hang in the air. Feed insects. The reproduction is timed to the wet season. In the litter 1 cub.

Family of Captive, or Smoky Bats - Furipteridae Gray, 1866
Little family with 2 kinds and species. In the fossil state is not known. Sizes are small: the length of the body is 3.5-6 cm, the length of the forearm is 3-4 cm, the mass of about 3 g. The tail is somewhat shorter than the body, completely concluded into a wide tailpoint, does not reach its free edge. No nasal leaves, nostrils open at the end of the muzzle extended in a small patch. Lips may have leathery grows and folds. The ears of the funnel shape, the foundation of the ear, racing forward, covers the eye. The goelle is small, expanded at the base. The big finger of the wing is strongly reduced, completely not functional and fully included in the wing meter. The third and fourth fingers of the foot are screamed, up to claws. Skull with deep concave frontal profile. Tooth formula I2 / 3 C1 / 1 P2 / 3 M3 / 3 \u003d 36.
Completed in Central and South America, from Costa Rica and Trinidad Island to Northern Brazil and Northern Chile. Biology has little studied. Probably inhabit forests. Refuge serve caves and gallery. Live in small colonies from several individuals to one and a half hundred. Male and females hold together. The flight is slow, trembling, resembles a butterfly flight. Feed with small night butterflies, which are probably caught in the air. The reproduction is not studied, perhaps - not seasonal. In the litter 1 cub.

Amber Family American - Thyropteridae Miller, 1907
Includes 1 gene with 2 species. Probably closest to Voronkukhim. In the fossil state are unknown. Mine bats: body length 3.5-5 cm, forearm length up to 38 mm, weight about 4-4.5 g. The tail is about a third in short, it is concluded in the tailpoint, slightly stands for its free edge. There are no nasal leaflets, but there are small leathery grows over the nostrils. Nostrils are widely placed. Middle-size ears, funneloid, with a small goat. At the feet and large fingers of the wings are developed disc-shaped suckers. The third and fourth fingers of the foot are accumulated to the bases of claws. Coloring thick long fur is reddish-brown with back and brown or white with brute. Skull with a long Rostrum and a concave frontal profile. Teeth 38 (like Voronkukhi).
Completed in Central and South America from South Mexico to South Brazil and Peru. Inhabiting evergreen tropical forests. Asylums serve large leathery leaves, primarily bananas and heliconiums, to which the animals are attached using suction cups. During the twilight, unlike other bats, they are sitting up. Live single or small groups (up to 9 individuals). Feed insects.
The reproduction, apparently, the non-seasonal (i.e., the reproductive cycles of individual females are not synchronized), but the peak of it falls at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn. In the litter 1 cub.

Family Prix Plates Madagascar - Myzopodidae Thomas, 1904
Monotypic family with the only genus - Myzopoda., and two species. The fossil state is known from Pleistocene East Africa. Nearest related links are not clear.
Dimensions Average: the length of the body is about 6 cm, the length of the forearm is about 5 cm. On the bases of large fingers of the wings and the ankle joints, sucking discs are developed (noticeably different in structure and histology from those Thyroptera). Nasal sheet no. Top lips wide and hang on the sides of the lower jaw. The ears are large, noticeably longer than the head, have a developed, albeit small, konzelok and an additional routing of a mushroom-shaped form, closing the auditory clipping. The tail is long, concluded in the membrane, about a third stands for its free edge. Skull with rounded cerebral capsule and massive zilly arcs. Tooths 38, but the first and second tops are very small (unlike Voronkukhov).
Completed in Madagascar. Biology has practically not studied. Probably, large leaf leaves are used as shelters. Feed insects, which, apparently, catch in the air.

Family Planny, or Bats New Zealand
- Mystacinidae Dobson, 1875
Monotypic family with 1 native and two species (one of which is considered to be extinct). Related links are not clear: the family is brought together with smooth, bulldog or sheets.
Dimensions Average: forearm length 4-5 cm, weight 12-35 g. Tail short; Like bascocrokes, it comes out of the upper side of the tailpoint and half of its length is free. No nasal leaves, at the end of the elongated muzzle there is a small pad on which there are nostrils. Ears are quite long, pointed, with well-developed straight pointed kids. Claws on the thumb and on the fingers of the feet are long, thin and highly curved, with a tooth on the bottom (concave) side. Fear fleshy, large. Very thick fur grayish-brown top and white bottom. Teeth of the "insectivoid" type, tooth formula I1 / 1 C1 / 1 P2 / 2 M3 / 3 \u003d 28.
Distributed in New Zealand. Inhabiting a variety of forests. Asylum in the wrappers of trees, cracks, rocking grottoes. Form colonies up to several hundred individuals. Clear from shelters late in the evening. In the south of the range, as well as in the mountains, in the winter they can fall into a stupid during cooling, but again they become active during thaws. I look for food primarily on Earth, perfectly run "on all fours," completely folding the wings, in search of foods are often buried in the OPED. Food with terrestrial invertebrates - insects, spiders, multipaths and even rainworms; Also eat fruits and pollen.
Pairing occurs with phenologic autumn (that is, in March-May). There is a delay in pregnancy (it is not known at what physiological stage), young born in December-January.
New Zealand bats strongly suffer from introduced mammals - small quench, cats, etc. Area Mystacina Tuberculate, once solid, now consists of fragments that are not connected with each other; Representatives M. Robusta. Last seen in 1965

Leather family, or smooth - Vespertilionidae Gray, 1821
This family is the most numerous, widespread and prosperous among manochalter. Nearest related links are not clear, it is assumed with the families of Molossidae, Natalidae and Myzopodidae. Currently, smoothly allocate in a separate Vespertilionoidea.
In the world fauna there are 35-40 clans and about 340 species. Supplement groups and many kinds require audit. As a rule, 4-5 submenses are allocated in the family: 1) Gladkonosi decorated (Kerivoulinae), which includes the 2 most archaic genus, 2) leather (vespertilioninae), including the overwhelming majority of childbirth, 3) tube (Murininae), combining 2 specialized clauses with tubular Nostrils and a peculiar structure of fur, 4) Pale smooth (Antrozoinae), also includes two peculiar American genus, and 5) long-old (miniopterinae) with a single genus, characterized by the structure of the wing and sternum. The last two submenses are sometimes elevated in the rank of independent families, and Myotinae is allocated from Vespertilioninae (the most archaic childbirth) and NYCHTOPHILINAE (the only representatives of the family with stairous nasal sheets) as independent subspecies.
In the fossil condition, the family is known from the average Eocene in the old world and from oligocene - in the new. Total described about 15 extinct birth. Modern births are known since Miocene.
Sizes from small to medium: body length 3.5-10.5 cm, forearm length 2.2-8 cm, weight 3-80 g. The proportions of the body and the wings are diverse. The long tail is entirely imprisoned in the tailpoint (sometimes several mm stands for its free edge), in a calm condition, fenced to the underside of the body. Bone or cartilage spurs supporting the tailpoint well developed. The surface of the head around the nose is devoid of skin growths (except delivery NYCTOPHILUS. and Pharotis); There may be fleshy grows on the lips, for example, in the glazing grooves of the grip Chalinolobus.). Under the skin of the muzzle, as well as on the cheeks, many species are developed large glands. The ears of a variety of shapes are usually not fascinated with each other, can be very large (up to 2/3 of body length). The goel is well developed. On large fingers of wings and feet can develop leathery pads; Disclands (Rod Eudiscopus.) At the feet formed suckers.
Wool is usually thick, different lengths. The color is very diverse: from almost white to brightly red and black, sometimes with "silver bending", "frosty ripples" and even with a pattern of white spots of various shapes and sizes, belly often lighter back. The hair is usually two-, sometimes tricolor. Some species are developed odorous brush glands. Females 1, less often 2 pairs of chest nipples.
The shape of the skull is diverse, however there are always deep and nasal cuttings. In the skull, the limitless bones are separated by a chicken clippin and do not have some kind of processes. The amount of teeth varies from 28 to 38 due to various amounts of incisors and thered. The number of indigenous teeth is always 3/3, W-shaped crests are well developed on their chewing surface. In all subfaming and tribes, there is a tendency to shorten the face of the skull and the reduction of premolars. The most complete set of teeth - I2 / 3 C1 / 1 P3 / 3 M3 / 3 \u003d 38 - in decorated gladkonos and most nights.
Distribution practically coincides with the area of \u200b\u200bthe detachment (except for some small islands). The types of families are found at all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. The northern borders of the range coincides with the border of the forest area. Inhabiting a wide variety of landscapes - from deserts to tropical and boreal forests. Moderate areas and anthropogenic landscapes (including cities) have mastered the actively landscaped.
Asylums serve as caves, hollows, rock cracks, a variety of buildings, epiphytic vegetation; winter shelter Boreal species - caves and underground facilities. Live one one or colonies from several tens of tens of thousands of individuals; Often different types form mixed colonies. Colonies consist mainly of females with cubs, most males are kept separately.
In moderate latitudes, fall in winter hibernation, some species make seasonal migrations up to 1500 km. Twilight and night activity, occasionally is around the clock.
Most species feed on night insects, which are caught on the fly or assemble from the surface of the earth, tree trunks, leaves, water surface. Some species eat spider-shaped, small fish. Food cases are known by terrestrial vertebrates: Pale gladkonos ( Antrozous Pallidus.), probably, sometimes catches and eats small jumpers.
Bring from 1 to 3 (some tropical species) of broods per year, 1-2 (up to 4-5) young. The pairing period can be localized in time, with severe gon, or stretched (especially at the wintering species). Ovulation can precede a long-term (up to 7-8 months) storage of sperm in the sex paths of female or delayed implantation of fertilized egg (in long-term Miniopterus.). We multiply in the warm season or in the wet season, sometimes all year round. Pregnancy about 1.5-3 months, lactation about 1-2 months.
(About the types and childbirth of the fauna of Russia and neighboring countries can be read)

Family Fieldwork, or Bulldog - Molossidae Gervais, 1856
The family combines about 19 genera, and 90 species divided into 2 subfamily; In a separate subfamily, a peculiar archaic genus Tomopeasas ( Tomopeas.), sometimes attributed to vespertilionidae. Related ties are not clear, it is most often assumed by relationship with smooth. In the fossil state are known from Eosen Europe and North America. Total described about 5 fossil clans; Modern births are known since oligotes.
Dimensions are medium and small: body length 4-14.5 cm, forearm length 3-8.5 cm, wings span 19-60 cm, weight 6-190 g. The muzzle without any skin-cartilaginous growth, but often with very Wide leathery upper lips, made by cross folds. The ears are usually wide, fleshy, with a small goat, and usually with antiques, are often connected on the forehead with a lean jumper. In some folds, the ear shells are rented forward and grow up to the midline of the muzzle, sometimes - almost to the nose mushfa (the rod of the folding produce is more, Otomops.). Short ears only in Holokozhev (Rod Cheiromeles.), but they have a rudimentary fold that connects the right and left ear. The wing is very long, pointed. The tail is usually a bit longer than half the body, fleshy, significantly protrudes from a narrow interfolder membrane; Hence another family name - free-eyed. The hind limbs are pretty short, massive, feet wide, often with long curved bristles.
The wool is usually thick, short, sometimes the hairproof is reduced (in kind Cheiromeles.). The color is diverse: from light gray to reddish-brown and almost black, usually monophonic, belly is sometimes noticeable lighter back. Some species are developed odorous throat glands. In females, a pair of chest nipples. In the skull, the foremountable bones are well developed, with powerful cutters, are usually separated by narrow chicken cutting. Tooth formula I1 / 1-3 C1 / 1 P1-2 / 2 M3 / 3 \u003d 26-32.
Distribution covers the tropics and subtropics of all continents, in the new world from the USA to the Central Argentina and the islands of the Caribbean, in the old world - from the Mediterranean, Central Asia, East China, Korea and Japan to South Africa, Australia and Fiji Islands.
Inhabiting a variety of landscapes from deserts to deciduous forests, not avoiding anthropogenic land; In the mountains up to 3100 m above sea level. Refuge - caves, rock cracks, covering roofs of human buildings, hollow. Form colonies from several tens to many thousands of individuals. Folding Meksican ( Tadarida Brasiliensis) In some caves, the USA forms colonies up to 20 million individuals are the greatest clusters of mammals on Earth. Significant seasonal migrations can make, places can be included in adverse seasons.
Insecto, hunt usually at high altitude, the flight is a rapid, resembles the flight of the haircuts. In the flight, weakly frequency-modulated echolokation signals are very high intensity.
Pairing shortly before ovulation, multiply in the warm season or in a wet season, some tropical species bring up to 3 broods per year, 1 cubs. Pregnancy is about 2-3 months, lactation is about 1-2 months.
One of the most common - rod folds (Tadarida.RAFINESQUE, 1814), numbering more than 8 species common in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. Previously, here were included as poms of small folding bags ( Chaerephon.), folds-bubbles-goblins ( Mormopterus.) and the folds of large ( MOPS.), then the genus consisted up to 45-48 species. Together with those named and another 2-3 births, the Tadaridini tribe is sometimes considered as a subfamily.
(About the type of fauna of Russia and neighboring countries can be found)

(c) Crucop S. V., Text, Figures, 2004
(c) Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, 2004

There were still those times in the summer when the volatile mice were considered vampires and the messengers of the devil. Many and are now afraid of the winged creatures, happily believing that the creature of the size of the kitten is able to attack and drink all the blood. People are reasonable, not experiencing fear of the animal, are actively arguing, it is useful or harmful this miracle of nature.

The fact that this is a miracle, no doubt causes. The only flying mammal on Earth, this fact is already doing the animal special. Yes, and the evolutionary step in the bat is much higher than other winged creatures (feathery, insects).

General concepts and appearance

In addition to the name "Mouse" at the air and land representatives of the family, there is nothing more. They have absolutely miscellaneous origin, Building, lifestyle. Winged beauties come from the detachment of manochable, and they were named mice for some external similarities with rodent and the ability to issue similar to mouse sick sounds.

The main part of the body is occupied by wings. Without them, the animal will be miniature, the shortest creation with a slightly elongated face, very similar to the mouse is land. Someone the exterior of the bat seems cute, someone adjusted to the trembling the nose of a strange form, big ears, a large mouth with obviously pronounced sharp teeth and incomprehensible headighters.

Of all the varieties of a flying family, the fruit dog of the genus of the Krylnov is perhaps the most pretty. It has big, expressive eyes and "fox" muzzle. White type of flyers is equipped with an outflow on the nose in the form of a horn, which is why the sense of smell looks like a petal. Such a structure is not by chance: the nostrils put forward thinly and quickly capture the slightest odors.

At the bulldog mouse, the appearance is also not the most common. The muzzle is equipped with a cross fold of cartilage tissue, through the nose from the ear to the ear. This "roller" connects the ends of the oars, thereby making them more, and the hearing is perfect. Mouse Ushan is simply huge compared to the torso ears, which makes it possible in echolocation perfect. By the way, it is this mouse that belongs to the detachment of vampires and really feeds on blood. But not human and not in frightening volumes, so it's still not worth making a deadly monster.

External features do not just create an appearance of a animal, they talk about its food addictions. Fruit flyers do not need powerful location devices, but they have outstanding nostrils. After all, the food is mined exclusively by smell.

The ability to move through the air in the winged animals is radically different from the bird's aircraft. The feathered lightweight bone structure, pulmonary air bags and a special structure of the pen with different functions. The family of manochable does not have such complex designs. Their wings are leathery interfachable formations that swallow as a raincoat, catch the air flow and it helps the animal to "repel" from it and soar.

Such a device for summer and the structure has a special. So, the limbs at the mouse are not just paws, and the wing blast: the shoulder is short, forearm and four fingers long, so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe scope was more. From the very base of the neck to the tips of the fingers, except for the big, tensioned the skin-fibrous "mantle". Largely has its own function. It is equipped with a chain clay and serves to capture.


The day of the animal almost sees, so at this time he sleeps. In the structure of his eye there are no receptors-kolkovki responsible for day vision. But there are receptors-sticks, which makes the animal on the twilight and at night. But many species have skin folds in front of their eyes. This is another fact in favor of the assertion that the mouse moves in space is still not due to the vision, but by echolocation. Weldows have day vision, so it is quite possible to meet them in a daytime.

It is difficult for a person to imagine how you can fly, catching prey and find the road to a nest without an eye, but for mice it is common. An animal publishes ultrasound, which perceive people are not under power. It reflects from objects around and returns to the owner. The radius of the wave is 15 m. Returning, the information takes place in the ear and processed inside the organ of hearing. This is the basic concept of echolocation. What, by the way, used people to create scanner instruments sea depths. The same way of interaction with the environment from the whole world of mammals is still only at Dolphins.

Russian residents of a flying family are small, up to 5 cm in the body and up to 20 cm in the wings. Their weight is only 2-5 g Ushans, pigtone and white species are also not different. The pine mouse is generally considered the smallest mammal on

planet. There are giants. They can weigh up to 1 kg, and the wing span to 150 cm with a torso at 40 cm. Such gigids are found in the manus of the Krylanov family, the subspecies of the South American false vampire.

Flying bat is not too rapid, up to 20 km / h. Although there is a record holder - Brazilian folds. It develops 100 km / h. Flying mice (there are such species) are capable of flying more than 300 km.

On the ground, walk the winged creatures is inconvenient. Their native element air. True, a vampire subspecies possesses the femoral bone streaming and, if necessary, can move on the surface, leaning on the pads of the paws. But the winglands are not under power. Their terrestrial movements are clumsy and awkwards.

Diet and Features of Sleep Winged Salsa

Food addiction depend on the type, why the mouse is divided into categories:


    Vegetarians (fruit).




Sleep mancasts upside down. Cognacs clinging for a suitable crossbar, hide with a cloak of wings and hang in clusters. As soon as the animal honors a danger, he spreads the wings and flies, not bagping and taking a vertical position.


The reproduction of volatile mice

Before the winter bed, the animals begins the marriage season. For the hitch of offspring takes several months. The milk female feeds the baby for 2 weeks, but surrounds care and care longer, up to the month. In litter 1-2 young. According to some data, the bat is capable of burning three decades.

Until now, this animal remains unusual for understanding the person creating, mysterious and interesting. It will be long ago to study it for a long time, most likely, there is a lot of amazing that we do not know about these night beauties.

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