Triz. classes and games using triz-technologies

Mozgovaya Valentina Vladimirovna
MBDOU kindergarten No. 40 "Bee", p.Schepkin

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

using TRIZ technology

in the senior group

Theme: "Save the Enchanted Princess"

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage, to name the author; activate lexicon children; develop coherent speech of preschoolers; to promote the development of children's interest in the world around them; to systematize children's knowledge about natural phenomena; develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to problem solving; train analytical thinking, attention, learn to highlight distinctive features by comparison, find original solutions; cultivate interest in literature.

Lesson progress:

On the table is a toy house with closed windows and doors. The house is completely covered with a piece of cloth, so that the children cannot see it. A doll is hidden behind the house.

IN.: Children look, what do you think is under the fabric? Let's play the game "Danetka". In order to guess what is hidden there, you will ask me questions, and I will answer them either yes or no. A hint is an inanimate object.

Game "Danetka"

D: This is a book?

IN.: No

D: It is a toy?

IN.: Yes

D.: Maybe a doll?

IN.: No.

Children's answers...

D: Is this a house?

IN.: Yes

The teacher removes the fabric.

IN.: In a fairy-tale castle there lived a princess. She was bewitched by an evil witch. The princess fell asleep sound sleep and no one can wake her up. All the windows and doors were closed tightly, firmly, and even a ray of the sun could not get in there.

IN.: Guys, what do you think, what can be done to save the princess.

Children's answers.(Example: "defeat the evil sorceress", "solve tasks"

IN.: In order for the doors and windows to open and the princess to wake up, it is necessary to solve difficult tasks. Guys, let's try to disenchant the princess?

D.: Yes.

IN.: Look, all my tasks are hidden in a magic chest. But in order to find out what the first task is, you need to guess the riddle:

Who is the most shy of all the animals?

Whose ears are longer?

In the garden he eats carrots and cabbage leaves,

knows how to get away deftly,

If you suddenly meet a fox ...

Strongly mows eyes,

afraid of everyone and trembling ...

D.: Hare

IN.: Right. Well done boys. What is the name of a hare in fairy tales? (oblique, cowardly, jumping bunny) Now let's try to describe the bunny. What can you say about his fur? (soft, fluffy, gray). Tell me about the hare's tail? (short, soft, fluffy). And what can be said about the nature of the hare? What is he like in fairy tales? (cowardly)

The teacher takes out a wet hare toy from the chest.

IN.: Here is a wet and sad hare. If we can help him, the first window in the castle will open.

IN.: Guys, why do you think the hare is wet?

D.: He was swimming, stepped into a puddle, fell into the river, got caught in the rain.

Discussing with children contradictions in the weather

IN.: Guys, do you think the rain is good or bad?
IN.: What good is the rain?
(Children's answers: everything is growing, fresh air after the rain ...)
IN. Q: What's wrong with rain?
D: You can get sick.

IN.: So, it turns out that in the rain there is both good and bad. We say that rain is good when ..., and rain is bad for us when ...

IN.: What about the sun, good or bad?
IN.: Depending on when, depending on for whom and for what. Guys, what's good in the sun?
(Children's answers: it is affectionate, warm, it is light from it ...)
IN.: What's wrong with the sun?
D.: When it's hot, your head hurts and you want to drink; all flowers will wither.

IN.: It turns out that the sun also has something good and something bad.

IN.: How can we help the rabbit?

D.: Dry, warm a blanket, put in the sun.

IN.: Let's wrap her in a warm blanket and keep her warm. In the meantime, she is warming up, he asked you to help him. It turns out that he completely forgot from which fairy tale he came to us. Remember what fairy tales you know where main character hare?

D.:"Teremok", "Zayushkina hut", etc.

While the children are remembering fairy tales, the teacher quietly opens one window.

IN.: Guys, wait, the bunny is saying something. He remembered that he had come from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", and unfortunately it was time for him to return. Let's say goodbye to him.

IN.: We helped the bunny, warmed him up, remembered fairy tales where he was the main character and, look what happened, the upper window at the castle opened.

IN. : What else do we have in the box? poster "Fabulous confusion".

IN: See what is shown here.

IN: What fairy tales are mixed up? Name them.

IN: Right. What is wrong in the picture?

IN.: Here is another window opened. Now let's take a break and play the word reverse game

- happy - sad

- kind angry,

- Brave - cowardly,

Old - young

Strong - weak

Healthy - sick

Smart - stupid

- polite - rude,

- full - hungry,

- Mighty - weak,

- mischievous - obedient,

- Lazy - hardworking.

IN: Well done, now look at the board - the "shadows" of fairy-tale characters, we need to unravel them.
We call the shadow, turn it over, whether you guessed correctly.

IN: You recognized all the heroes well done.

Fizminutka "Magic Plants"

Get on your feet and imagine that we are in a magical forest, near a magical castle with our enchanted princess and you have turned into plants. Think about who would like to become what kind of plant? Someone is an oak, someone is a blade of grass, maybe someone wants to be a flower. Now imagine that a warm breeze is blowing, how your plant will react (options: strong wind, rain, snow, etc.).

IN: Well done! We return to our chairs.

IN.: Here we played. Look, you are all smiling. What is your mood.

D.: Good.

IN.: Guys, where can a smile live (Example: on the face, on the jacket, in the shower, etc.)

IN.: Look, another window has opened.

IN.: What else do we have left in the box?

And here is the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". But I think there is something wrong with this story. Listen carefully and correct me if there are any mistakes here.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Yellow Riding Hood:

Not yellow but red

Oh yes, Red. So, her dad called her and:

No, not dad, but mom.

Right. Her mother called her and said: go to Aunt Marina and take her:

She told her to go to her grandmother, and not to her aunt:

And Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother to take pies. And the road ran through the town square.

Not a square, but a forest.

And she met a bear.

Not a bear, but a wolf.

IN.: So all the doors and windows of the castle opened, but in order to wake up the princess, you need to remember the names of all the fairy tales that I will now think of for you.

From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl (Cinderella)

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good Doctor...

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all.

He's fed up

sit on the window

And he rolled

Into the forest along the path.


Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was that girl's name? (Snow Maiden)

What is this old woman's name?

The grandmother asks for a hut:

"Unfold your facade:

To me - in front, to the forest - back!

Stomp with a bone foot.

Call grandma .... (Yaga)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

He had a long nose.

What is a fairy tale? - Here is the question. (Pinocchio)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …(Bear)

IN.: Oh guys, look who's awake. This is our princess. The rays of the sun illuminated her entire castle and she woke up. Let's say hello to her. The princess is very grateful to you for your help, for your efforts, for your love for the Russians. folk tales and gives you gifts, I suggest you paint them yourself at home.

This is where our story ends. Thank you for attention! Come to us again!


environmental awareness training

using the TRIZ-RTV method

in the senior group

on the topic of:



Program content:

    to systematize children's knowledge about various types of transport, its constituent parts, features, past and future; to form the ability to establish causal relationships, express their ideas, defend their point of view, draw conclusions, conclusions; nurture a friendly relationship between children; to involve children in the lesson without psychological coercion, based on their interest.

Techniques and methods of TRIZ and RTV:

    system operator: the game “Magic TV”; the game "Teremok", contradictions: the game "Good-bad"; ARIZ (Algorithm for solving inventive problems): game “Letter SOS”; resources: the game "Masha the Confused"; systematization: “Yes-no-ka”; definition of function: the game "Drawing up a riddle"; FFO (Focal Object Method): “New Bicycle” ;

Lesson progress

V. - Guys, a guest will come to our lesson today, who is he, try to guess in the game “Yes-no-ka”. And the hint will be this: this guest knows how to buzz.

D. - Or maybe it's a mosquito, a fly, a spider, a beetle, a bumblebee?

V. - No, it's not an insect.

D. - Maybe it's a telephone, a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine?

V. - This is a man, a fairy-tale hero.

D. - The Nutcracker, Spiderman, Carlson.

V. - Yes, this is Carlson. He has been sitting in the tower for a long time and is waiting for you to guess him or not.

V. - What did he buzz about?

D. - Propeller.

Q. - How do you think, how did we get it?

D. - Arrived.

Q. - On what did he fly?

D. - On your propeller. Turned on the button and flew.

V. - So, he flew on his own.

Carlson (K) - Hello guys. So you said that I flew on my own. What else could I fly?

D. - By plane, rocket, helicopter, bird, balloon, flying Dutchman.

Q. - How can you call it all in one word?

D. - Transport.

K. - What is transport?

D. - These are cars.

V. - Now we will play the game "Magic TV" and tell everything about transport to our guest.

(slide number 2)

D. - Airplane, helicopter, rocket, balloon.

(slide number 3)

Q. - Where can we meet transport?

D. - On the street, in the sky, in space, on the road.

(slide number 4)

Q. - Who invented transport?

Q. - A long time ago, when ancient people lived, there was no transport, what did they use?

D. - On deer, dogs, horses, camels, elephants.

Q. - Who can name this type of transport?

D. - Guzhevoi.

(slide number 5)

Q. What common parts do these animals have?

D. - Head, torso, neck, legs, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hooves, tail.

(slide number 6)

Q. - Where can we meet him?

D. - On the street, next to a person, in a zoo, a circus.

(slide number 7)

Q. - What will happen to the car then?

D. - Get old. Will break. They'll make a new one. Will be scrap metal.

V. - Transport can serve as a teaching aid, a monument.

(slide number 8)

Q. - And now let's think about what is good in transport?

D. - You can ride it. Transport people and goods. If you're tired, you can go.

V. - There are many advantages of transport, but there are also disadvantages. Which?

D. - Transport can crush, fall into a pit, harmful gas comes out, there is nothing to breathe, they collide, it breaks.

V. - So, guys, transport is good, because you can ride on it, carry goods, and transport is bad, because accidents happen, there is harmful gas in it.

(slide number 9)

Q. - How to create a safe transport?

D. - Make it out of wood so that it drives with the help of electricity, with the help of a control panel.

Q. - But how can a person of the future move and carry goods?

D. - On a time machine, on a magic carpet, a flying saucer, a star.

Q. - And what did Carlson put on? What helped him move? What propeller is on it?

D. - On the back. On a sweater. On clothes.

V. - Here he has such magic clothes: it is not harmful, and it is not dangerous, and you don’t have to pay money, wherever you want, you go there.

K. - And I also know the interesting game "Masha the Confused". I will be Masha the confused.

V. - Carlson, since we are talking about transport today, then we will also play with transport.

D. - What's wrong with you?

K. - Lost.

K. - A boat. What am I going to ride on now?

D. - On the ship. On a submarine. By plane. On a barrel. On a stick. On a piece of wood.

V. - And now let's play "Teremok". Carlson will be with us by bus. The bus lives in the tower. Goes past the "Zhiguli".

Child (P). - Bus, let me into the tower.

K. - Tell me what we have in common, let me in.

R. - We have wheels.

K. - Come in.

V. - Here they live together, a train is passing by.

R. - We have a steering wheel.

D. - Come in.

V. - They live together. The ship floats by.

R. - Bus, let me into the tower.

D. - Tell me what we have in common, then let us go.

R. - We have a cabin.

K. - Come in.

V. - A helicopter flies by.

R. - Bus, let me into the tower.

D. - Tell me what you have in common, then you will come in.

R. - We have windows.

V. - They live together. A motorcycle is passing by.

R. - Bus, let me into the tower.

D. - Tell me what we have in common, then let us in.

R. - We have a seat.

V. - A bicycle is passing by.

R. - Bus, let me into the tower.

D. - Tell me what we have in common, then let us in.

R. - We transport goods, people.

D. - Come to us.

K. - Well done, guys, thanks for the game.

V. - Carlson, the guys can not only play, but also fantasize, invent. Let's make a bike. Let's invent a bike like never before. Give me any words, but not about transport.

D. - Tail, paws, ears, horns, head, money, ladder, flower, book.

Q. - Let's choose the words "book" and "money".

V. - And now what book will think?

(slide number 10)

D. - Solid, papery, hearty, thick, beautiful, shiny, large.

Q. - Money, what is it?

(slide number 10)

D. - Beautiful, yellow, shiny, painted, friendly.

Q. - Now let's substitute the words “heart” and “painted” for the word bicycle Heart bike. Close your eyes. Imagine what he is, for whom, how he looks, what he can do?

D. - Cardiac carries only good people. And if he sits bad person, he will turn it into a good one.

D. - He will carry my mother, she is expecting a baby, it is hard for her to walk, this bike will carry her.

Q. – And what kind of a painted bicycle is it?

D. - Multicolored. Brilliant. Carries beautiful people, makes them beautiful.

D. - Decorated with stars, this bike is for me, it will transport me from home to kindergarten.

V. - See what an interesting bicycle we have come up with.

K. - Guys, I also like to guess riddles.

V. - And we also know how to compose them.

V. - Let's divide the board into two halves and write a riddle about the train. On the first half, let's write down what he can do?

(slide number 11)

D. - rides

carries people

V. - Which of the vehicles does the same thing - we will write it down on the second half. What kind of transport is running?

D. - Machine. Bus.

Q. - What kind of transport can honk?

D. - Electric train.

Q. - What transport carries people?

D. - Airplane.

V. - Now we connect both parts. Help me:

Driving but not a car

Buzzing, but not the train

Carries people, but not a plane.

V. - Guys, when Carlson flew to us, the postman handed him a letter (shows an envelope with the inscription “SOS” and a picture - an airplane).

(slide number 12)

Q. - This is called help, the letter "SOS". Who do you think is asking for help?

D. - Pilot.

V. - I will read the letter to you and we will think about what to write in the answer, how to help (reads the letter).

Hello dear guys! We are in trouble, birds have settled on our airfield and they interfere with flights. We can collide with them, which will lead to the death of the bird and the plane with passengers. How can we be?

Q. - Birds at the airport are good, why?

D. - They like it, they live where they want.

Q. - And the birds at the airfield are bad, why?

D. - They can collide with the plane, they break the glass of the plane.

Q. - Now let's think about how to make the birds not want to fly at the airfield, what can they be afraid of?

D. - Scarecrow, noise, dog, cat, fire. We need to tell them not to go there.

Q. - Can we tell them like a bird?

V. - And who can?

K. - Thank you for Interesting games. It's time for me to return. Goodbye.

Q. - Did you guys like to play with Carlson?

Q. - What game did you find the most interesting?

Q. - Which one is the most difficult?

Q. - What game did you find the easiest?

Q. – What new did you learn today?

Program content:

  • systematize children's ideas senior group about the properties of objects;
  • develop the ability to transfer properties from one object to another;
  • continue to teach children the purposeful perception of familiar objects, the analysis of their signs, purpose;
  • to form the skills of forecasting and fantasizing, to develop attention;
  • to educate in children the desire to monitor their teeth, brush them, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Preliminary work with children:

1. Conversation: “If you want to be healthy”, “How to protect your teeth from caries” (A.A. Vakhrushev. Hello world! The world around a preschooler. Lesson No. 3, No. 4).

2. Conversation: "Make friends with a toothbrush."

3. Excursion to the dental office. Conversation with a dentist on the topics: “How to brush your teeth properly”, “Why does a person need healthy teeth”.

4. Checkup of children in the dentist's office.

5. Talking to children about the need to brush their teeth.

6. Conversation on the topic of the lesson using the "Children's Encyclopedia" and other methodological literature.

7. Conversation with children about useful and harmful products to save teeth; about rational nutrition, healthy lifestyle.

8. Conversation on the topic: "How to choose the right toothpaste and brush."

Lesson progress

Arranged randomly on the table different kinds brushes: toothbrush, for clothes, for shoes, massage, for care indoor plants, for washing toys.

Children solve the spatial element of the TRIZ technology "Yes-no".

Educator (V.). The hidden object is a toothbrush.

Children, I have various types of brushes on my table. Consider carefully what they are, how they are arranged. Now we will play the game "Yes-no". The hidden object is one of the brushes. And you need to figure it out and answer me which brushes are intended for what.

Children respond and stop their attention on the toothbrush.

IN. And now our toothbrush will “go” to the “Magic Screen”.

1st screen.

IN. Why is this brush called that?


Because they brush their teeth.

Because a toothbrush takes care of your teeth.

Because without it you can not brush your teeth well.

IN. What is her main task? Why should a person brush their teeth?


To keep them healthy, white, beautiful.

To avoid caries.

To have food to chew on.

To be pleasant to communicate, smile, talk.

IN. And yet, when a person has healthy teeth, then he himself is healthy. That is why we need to remember to brush our teeth every day.

1st child.

After eating, brush your teeth!

Do this twice a day.

2nd child.

Prefer fruits to sweets -

Very important products.

3rd child.

So that the tooth does not bother

Remember this rule:


We go to the dentist

Twice a year for admission

And then smiles light

You will keep it for many years.

Physical education "Smile".

2nd screen.

IN. Look at the brush, what parts does it consist of?

Children. It consists of a handle, villi, bristles.

IN. What are villi for?


To clean everything well between the teeth.

Sweep out all germs.

IN. Children, what kind of villi can be touched?



Not very hard.

Soft, wet.

Tender, cold.

Prickly, warm.

Pleasant, etc.

IN. That's right, the bristles of the brushes are different. That is why adults consult with a dentist about which toothbrush to choose. Therefore, different toothbrushes are produced for both adults and children: hard, soft, colored.

What proverbs and sayings about teeth do you know?


One bad tooth affects the entire jaw.

The bear does not tolerate toothache either.

For someone else's cheek, the mouth does not hurt.

The mouth is the cause of our diseases.

IN. Children, why does the brush have a handle?

Children. To hold a brush, etc.

IN. Imagine if toothbrushes didn't have handles, what an inconvenience would it be to brush your teeth?

Children. You can hurt the gums, the villi can get stuck between the teeth.

IN. Children, it is no coincidence that our toothbrush lay in this multitude of things. What other types of brushes are there? What are they for?


There are household brushes: you can clean dishes with them.

There are dust brushes.

There are also brushes for the car; there are those who clean and sweep the streets.

There are floor brushes, eyelash brushes, etc.

IN. Why did man invent so many brushes? Why can't you use the same brush to clean shoes and clothes?

The children answer. The teacher analyzes their answers.


4th screen.

IN. What do you think people used to brush their teeth with in ancient times? After all, then they had not yet come up with such a convenient toothbrush.

Children. Sticks, grass, chewed flowers, tree bark ...

5th screen.

IN. What did these devices look like, what parts did they consist of?

Children. They were not like a toothbrush, they were uncomfortable to brush your teeth.

IN. Now listen to the story about the toothbrush.

The toothbrush was invented by primitive man. An ordinary stick with painted ends - that's all there was an "invention". But in our time in India, bazaars also sell “toothbrushes” made from twigs of a certain tree. To brush your teeth, it is enough to peel a branch from the bark and chew. The soaked fibers will successfully clean the teeth, and the juice that stands out (very pleasant in taste) has a disinfecting effect and perfectly strengthens the teeth and gums. In Rus', during the time of Ivan the Terrible, after a meal, they used the so-called dental broom or a stick-twig with a bunch of bristles at the end.

Peter I without fail ordered the boyars to brush their teeth with a damp cloth with crushed chalk before the famous assemblies.

But - this is a distant story. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and people have learned how to properly care for their teeth and oral cavity. There are different types of toothpastes for both adults and children. In addition, these pastes have a preventive and therapeutic effect. Improved and types of toothbrushes. There are simple, mechanical, and there are electrical ones.

6th screen.

IN. That is why man began to invent a new toothbrush.

And now we will play the game "Chain".

Chain game.

The first child names the object and its property, passes the ball, the second child - the object with the named property, the third - another property of the new object.

For example: sweet carrots - sugar is sweet, white sugar - snow is white, fluffy snow - a bunny is fluffy, etc.

7th screen.

IN. Children, now let's think about what is good in our toothbrush and what is bad?

8th screen.

Good or bad game.

9th screen.

IN. How can these shortcomings be eliminated? Let's invent right now our own toothbrush, which no one has ever seen before, this is the brush of the future. Close your eyes and imagine each of your new brush.

(Children's stories.)

Practical part.

Elements of visual activity.

Children draw the toothbrush they invented and comment on their drawing.

(Children's stories.)

I will have a brush with bristles on both sides. The villi will be held on the roller, which will rotate, and the villi will clean the teeth themselves. There will be a switch on the handle.

And my brush has a magic handle. As soon as I touch the handle, a magic screen will appear from there. I bring it to my mouth, and a light bulb lights up there. And they brush their teeth. My brush is called electronic.

And I have a toothbrush - invisible. As soon as I think that I need to brush my teeth, the brush flies to me by itself. Flies into your mouth and brushes your teeth. It is round and very small. She doesn't have a pen, but she cleans her teeth well. Brush your teeth and become invisible again. Here is my brush.

The mind of kids is free from stereotypes and patterns, it is truly active and open to learning about the vast world around. Non-standard perception of the world allows children to have charming spontaneity and purity, delightful ingenuity, the ability to be surprised and notice what serious adults sometimes cannot see. No wonder they say that the mouth of a baby speaks the truth. Over the past decades, one of the most popular methods in kindergartens is a version of the TRIZ technology (the theory of inventive problem solving) adapted for preschoolers, aimed at unlocking the creative potential of children, which is very important.

Goals and objectives of TRIZ pedagogy in kindergarten

The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) was born in the fifties of the twentieth century thanks to the intellectual efforts of the national scientist and science fiction writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller, who developed this concept based on the thesis "creativity in everything" - in the formulation of the question, the presentation of material, techniques and working methods. He relied on the statement of L. S. Vygotsky that the child perceives the program moments of learning to the extent that they correspond to the nature of his “I”, that is, the teacher must work in accordance with the principle of natural conformity. TRIZ methods and techniques have universal properties, have different levels of complexity, and are used in kindergarten from the age of three.

Each child is initially talented and even brilliant, but he must be taught to navigate in modern world in order to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum cost.

G. S. Altshuller

Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller was an outstanding scientist, who was distinguished by kindness and foresight

The strategic goal of TRIZ pedagogy is the comprehensive development of the child's creative abilities. Tasks of using TRIZ technology:

  • development of non-standard, systemic, uninhibited, wide-ranging, flexible thinking, the ability to track subtle cause-and-effect relationships, to see the logical patterns of ongoing phenomena and events;
  • formation of a holistic picture of the world;
  • fostering interest in search activities, the desire to develop unusual options problem solving;
  • development of speech, memory, creative imagination.

The strategic goal of TRIZ pedagogy is the development of the child's creative potential

The fundamental difference between TRIZ and the generally accepted traditional methods of education and upbringing is the desire to form a heuristic skill of independently searching for answers to questions, discovering the problematic grain of the problem, rather than automatically and mindlessly reproducing the algorithm proposed by adults.

The algorithm for solving any problems is built in a certain logical sequence of stages:

  1. Competent formulation of the task, identification of the problem (solving riddles, deciphering metaphors, children independently determine tasks).
  2. Identification and understanding of contradictions (good-bad, good-evil).
  3. Definition of resources (children find out what an object can do, what actions it performs).
  4. Expected optimal result (expectations are based on actual conditions).
  5. Modeling various options solutions, conflict resolution (exercises, role-playing games, puzzles, rebuses, etc.).
  6. Unexpected, bold solutions.

TRIZ technology can be an effective tool for developing analytical and structural thinking

Advantages of using TRIZ elements:

  • is a universal toolkit applicable during compulsory classes, gaming activities, regime moments;
  • allows you to reveal the individuality of each child;
  • stimulates the interchange of original ideas;
  • helps to feel the taste of success in achieving goals;
  • stimulates creative active independent thinking;
  • develops children's imagination, which is embodied in play, practical, artistic activities;
  • helps to form a personality capable of offering a non-standard solution, finding a way out of a difficult situation, helping others to look at the problem from a different angle.

Video: five steps to creative thinking (master class)

Video: lesson with TRIZ elements (the world around)

Methods and techniques of TRIZ technology

Let there be as many creative people as possible, the creator will always understand the creator. And the world will change for the better.

L. E. Belousova


Brainstorming - from a large number of proposed solutions and creative ideas, the most promising from a practical point of view are selected. This method can be called a “lifesaver”, because with its help children can find a way out of a difficult situation (how to save the Snow Maiden, how to draw without a brush, how to transfer water in a sieve, etc.).

Organization and conduct of brainstorming:

  1. Preparatory stage:
    • a clear and understandable statement of the problem,
    • formation of a team of participants and distribution of roles,
    • choice of leader.
  2. Main stage. The teacher encourages the creative passion and enthusiasm of his pupils, does not criticize, does not evaluate, does not limit the expressed thoughts and suggestions. Even the most absurd and bold ideas are heard and accepted for discussion. Contents of the main stage:
    • development,
    • combination,
    • idea optimization.
  3. The final stage:
    • critical analysis,
    • grade,
    • selection of the most valuable ideas.

During the brainstorming session, the most promising ideas are selected from a large number of proposed solutions.

Examples of questions for discussion:

  • how to prevent the bear from destroying the tower;
  • how to perform a melody without musical instruments;
  • how to tell a story without words;
  • how to draw without paints;
  • where to find summer in winter;
  • how not to stain the floor with dirty shoe soles.


The method was officially proposed by William Gordon in the early sixties. The purpose of the method is to introduce the unfamiliar, to move away from the familiar. According to the author, to develop Creative skills analogy will help the child:

Developed in the thirties of the twentieth century by Professor E. Kunze of the University of Berlin, it is used in the development of creative writing skills, when children compose a new, often unpredictable fairy tale plot from random words chosen at random from a book that denote characters, objects, actions, etc.

The catalog method promotes the development of children's imagination

Focal object method

It is a logical continuation of the catalog method. The method contributes to overcoming the inertia of thinking, the development of fantasy, since children are faced with the task of transferring the properties of one object to another, which, of course, breaks the stereotypes of perception. Subject cards are used for games, children name the characteristic features of these objects, then transfer them to other objects.

  • Game "Surprise" (senior group). The material is cards with the image various items(fancy dress, children's car, bright ball, balloon, doll, book, etc.). Two participants choose cards and name the features of the depicted objects, for example, “a beautiful, high-speed automatic car” or “an interesting, big book with fairy tales”. Then the teacher invites the children to “exchange” properties and talk about their objects again, but with new features: “I have a beautiful book with automatic control, which itself tells fairy tale stories. And I have a big car for fairy tale characters.”
  • The game "Inventors" (middle group) invites kids to design pieces of furniture, technical devices, unusual buildings, come up with a non-existent fantastic animal, for example, "Bunny Monkey" - was born in a family of a hare and a monkey, lives in the forest, runs fast, deftly climbs trees, jumping from branch to branch, loves sweet fruits and juicy vegetables.

System analysis (system operator)

The method helps to form a holistic picture of the world, develops "multi-screen" thinking, as it teaches to see the interaction of objects in unity and opposition, to be aware of the movement of time, as well as to understand and evaluate the role and place of each object. The value of system analysis:

  • It helps to figure out what parts (subsystem) consists of and what element of the whole (supersystem) an object (system) is; introduces the actions and functional properties of individual parts, allows you to understand what subsystems and systems these parts are combined into, what kind of vertical (from bottom to top) they form.

    system operator. Object - fox

  • Contributes to the formation of the ability to analyze the actions of the object, taking into account the time scale (past, present, future) at the level of the system, subsystem and subsystem.

    System object (timeline). Object - bow

  • System: hare.
  • Subsystem: eyes, nose, long ears, soft paws, fluffy tail.
  • Supersystem: forest animals.
  • Past: before the hare was a little hare, the hare mother took care of him, she fed him milk, taught him to get food, hide from predatory animals.
  • Present: now the hare is an adult, he is beautiful, strong, dexterous and fluffy.
  • Future: the hare will grow up, turn into an old, wise hare who will take care of his grandchildren.
  • Anti-system: the hare is afraid of the wolf, therefore, the wolf hunts the hare and can eat it.

In working with older preschoolers, an extended, nine-screen version of the Magic Screen technique is used; for younger preschoolers, three or five elements are used, located in a horizontal or vertical row. Similarly, you can build an interesting cognitive conversation during games and walks, for example, about why it rains, snowflakes fall, a rainbow appears, birds and butterflies fly, trees and flowers grow, etc.

How to master systems analysis: Lull rings

Lull's rings help to master systems thinking - an effective multifunctional game aid that is used in all types of educational activities (mathematics, speech development, musical education, literacy) and consists of three rotating circular zones:

  • a small circle - cards with the image of objects participating in a role-playing game (fairy-tale heroes, a person, an animal, an object, etc.);
  • middle circle - attributes for the game (magic wand, steering wheel, syringe, hole, nest, etc.);
  • large circle - actions of objects (rescues the princess, rides, heals, runs, etc.).

Rings of Lull is an effective multifunctional game tool that is used in all types of educational activities

  • The game "Tale in a new way." Two rings are spun, then the child models a story using a random combination of two cards (a fairy tale hero and a fairy tale attribute). You need to compose the plot of a fairy tale, considering, for example, such unusual couples as Cinderella and the Golden Key, Pinocchio and walking boots, Cheburashka and a magic carpet, etc.
  • The game "Who is whose cub." Circles depicting animals and babies. A paradoxical situation is discussed, for example: “How will hares raise a wolf cub, and a chicken a fox?”.

Video: Lull rings

Morphological analysis

Morphological analysis is a combinatorial method, the essence of which involves the birth of a new original creative solution or image by systematic enumeration of all theoretically possible solutions or object characteristics. The morphological table consists of two coordinate axes - horizontal (object) and vertical (features). The morphological box includes a larger number of axial lines, for example, there can be several objects (a child, a teenager, an old man), the list of characteristics is expanding (clothing, mode of movement, appearance, character).

Example: random selection of characteristics gives very interesting new images, for example, Carlson is a cute, obedient child dressed in a festive costume, living in an enchanted castle and moving around on roller skates. Such funny game opens up new opportunities for children's artistic experimentation and development of imagination.

The morphological table consists of two coordinate axes - horizontal (flower) and vertical (color, shape, quantity, shape)


Rather a game than a method, Danetka teaches to formulate questions accurately and clearly, to highlight the most significant features, to systematize objects according to general characteristics.

Rules: children guess the object with the help of leading questions, which they themselves formulate, you can only answer “yes” or “no”. Initially, questions of a general nature are raised (this is a person, an animal, a mechanism, a plant, etc.), then more directed and clarifying.

Danetka is a method that teaches you to formulate questions accurately and clearly, to find the most important features, to systematize objects according to general characteristics.

"Gold fish"

The method teaches to distinguish between the real and fantastic worlds, to see the interpenetration and interweaving of these two worlds. Analysis of the fairy tale in terms of the separation of real and fantastic events:

  • the old man threw a net and pulled out a fish - a real situation;
  • caught a talking Goldfish - unrealistic, because aquarium fish do not live in the sea.

Hypothesis: an aquarium crashed on the deck of a ship making a round-the-world voyage, and a goldfish fell into the sea. Thus, the hypothesis helps to step over from a fabulous, fantastic situation into a real one.

Typical fantasy techniques - six true wizard friends help a child to get used to the fantasy world, who, under the power of an adult, turn into a baby, transform a stone into a person or animal, go on a journey in a time machine, connect the fragments of a broken vase.

Modeling with little people develops understanding of the essence natural phenomena, the composition of matter. Fairy-tale characters behave differently in different substances, for example, in solids they are inseparable, motionless and firmly pressed against each other, in liquids they are next to each other, but not so close, finally, in gaseous ones they are very playful and constantly are moving. Therefore, through experimentation, children come to the conclusion that when water turns into ice, little men change their character and behavior.

Modeling by little men is valuable for its simplicity and clarity

TRIZ technology classes in kindergarten

Each teacher is interested in ensuring that the children are not bored in the classroom, and that they complete the tasks as consciously as possible, while showing independence and creativity.

Types of occupations:

TRIZ lesson plan

A lesson in TRIZ technology is held within the same time frame (15 minutes for the junior group, 20 minutes for the middle group, 25–30 minutes for the senior and preparatory group) as the traditional one and in a similar structure, but the filling of the stages differs in specific tasks and exercises corresponding to logic of solving inventive problems.

  1. Stage one (introductory, motivating) - awakening interest, identifying a problem, setting a task, formulating the topic of the lesson. Tools: morphological analysis, synectics (tips in the form of metaphors, riddles, elements of theatrical staging).
  2. Stage two (main) - clarification of contradictions, clarification resource base with the help of games, modeling of possible solutions using the methods of TRIZ methodology.
  3. Stage three (reflection) - choosing the optimal solution, self-assessment and introspection (What did you do? What did you learn new? What worked and what didn’t?), tracking the logical chain of reasoning. Tools: introduction to the work of the element of the system operator, the use of morphological analysis.

Table: summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Visiting a fairy tale", author Natalia Olegovna Paraunina

Purpose and objectives of the lessonGoal: To continue teaching children about creative storytelling
using TRIZ technology.
Educational tasks:
  1. Clarify and enrich children's knowledge of Russian folk and author's fairy tales.
  2. Learn to recognize fairy tale characters.
  3. Continue to teach children to compose fairy tale, to connect separate pictures into a single plot by a logical chain of actions and transformations. Use means of expression- description. Learn to use graphic analogy (TRIZ) when highlighting in an image fairy tale hero the most important thing is character.
  4. Improve the ability to use different parts of speech accurately in meaning.
  5. Introduce synonyms into the dictionary of children: kind, laughing, affectionate, gentle, cheerful, playful. Antonyms: kind, evil, cheerful - sad, healthy - sick and others.
  6. Continue building skills learning activities: act according to the proposed plan, correctly evaluate the results of their activities.
  7. Continue to teach children to formulate complete answers to the question posed.
  8. To form the ability to listen carefully to the teacher's questions, to follow the order when answering questions, to listen to another child without interrupting.
First stage (introductory)Chairs stand in a semicircle near the board. On each chair is a landmark (flower). Children go to the music "Visiting a fairy tale", stand near the teacher.
Q: There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
We will knock on the door of a fairy tale,
Fairy tale, you are waiting for us to visit.
Q: Today we are going to visit fairy tales.
"If you name a fairy tale,
Take the flower with you."
Q: Name your favorite fairy tale.
Children call, the teacher hangs a "flower" around the neck of each child -
reference point.
In it unusual flowers- they will help you travel through fairy tales.
"All the flowers swayed
We ended up in the land of fairy tales."
Children sit on chairs, on the back of each "own" landmark.
Second stage (main)Q: Children, the magician put on “invisibility caps” for fairy-tale heroes, so now we will hear only their voices. Listen carefully and call quickly.
Sounds like an audio recording. The children name the characters. Voice: Brother - Ivanushka, Masha, Gold fish, Carlson, Princess - frog. Winnie the Pooh, Mama Goat, Fox, Emelya, Morozko, Ivan the Fool.
V: Well done! You have recognized all the heroes, but the wizard continues to perform tricks.
On the board is a poster "Fabulous confusion."
Q: Look what he did?
D: He mixed up all the fairy tales.
Q: And what fairy tales did he mix up? Name them.
D: "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Masha and the Bear", "The Frog Princess", "Princess and the Pea", "By the Pike", "Zayushkina Hut", "Hare - Boast ".
V: Right. And what did the wizard mix up in the picture?
D: Cinderella is given a glass slipper to try on, not boots.
Trying on a shoe is not a cat in boots, but a prince.
The bear carries not the Princess - a frog, but Mashenka.
The Princess on Gorshin sleeps not on the stove, but on the feather bed, but the stove from the fairy tale "By the Command of the Pike."
Little Red Riding Hood meets not a hare, but a wolf.
(The teacher removes the poster from the board).
Q: “We all figured out fairy tales
And they found all the heroes.
We need to go further."
(Children stand one after another and follow the teacher).
B: “We will go along the path
Let's cross the bridge."
(“Bridge” - two arcs. Children pass between them).
Q: The one who says the opposite word will pass over the bridge. Flowers will help you find your place.
- Cheerful - sad,
- kind angry,
- Bold - cowardly,
- old - young,
- strong - weak,
- Healthy - sick,
- smart - stupid,
- polite - rude,
- Full - hungry,
- Mighty - weak,
- mischievous - obedient,
- Lazy - hardworking.
The bridge is removed. To the left of the window is an easel. On the floor - flowers - landmarks. Children stand, each, near their landmark.
On the easel - "shadows" of fairy-tale characters.
Q: The Wizard has hidden the heroes. If we solve them, we will save them from magic.
Q: We name the shadow, turn it over, did you guess correctly.
D: This is Baba Yaga, Puss in Boots, King, Emelya, Mermaid, Pinocchio, Serpent Gorynych.
(As they name, the children turn the illustrations over, there is a color image).
Q: You have recognized all the heroes, now let's rest.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
We came to a wonderful forest.
(Eyes draw a circle to the right).
It contains many fairy tales and miracles. (Circle left)
Pine on the left - spruce on the right, (Eyes to the right and left)
Woodpecker on top, here and there. (Eyes up and down)
You open your eyes, close.
And hurry home.
B: Go to the window. Look at the circle on the window, look at the house.
How many windows on the ground floor have lights on? Count. Look at the circle. On the top floor?
V: Well done! Back to our chairs
Q: While we were traveling, the wizard came here again and left us portraits, but unusual ones, portraits - lines.
Q: What line is this?
(The teacher shows a wavy line on the board).
D: It's a wavy line.
Q: What kind of character should a hero have who can be depicted with such a line?
D: He should be kind, gentle, affectionate, hardworking, caring
Q: List the heroes of fairy tales with such a character.
D: Cinderella, Snow White, the Swan Princess, Masha, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful.
Q: Right, why?
D: They are all kind, generous, caring, affectionate, gentle.
(The teacher hangs a portrait of Cinderella on the board next to the line).
(There is a broken line on the board).
Q: Do you think a broken line can draw a kind character?
D: No.
Q: What does this line look like?
D: It looks like lightning, thorns, needles.
Q: So what kind of characters can be represented by this line?
D: They are evil, cruel, heartless, envious.
Q: List them.
D: Kashchei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Miracle Yudo.
(Together with the line character-Snake Gorynych).
Q: Right, what is the name of this hero?
D: His name is Ivan Tsarevich.
Q: What line can I draw it?
D: You can draw a straight line.
Q: Why? What is his character?
D: He is kind, strong, courageous, brave, brave, powerful, wise.
Q: List the heroes who have this character.
D: Ivan is a peasant son, Ivan is Tsarevich, Prince Gvidon, Tsar Saltan, Elisha.
(On the board is the character of Ivan Tsarevich and a straight line.)
(The teacher hangs Pinocchio and a line depicting an arc).
Q: Why did I place this line next to this hero? What's his name?
D: His name is Emelya.
Q: What is his personality?
D: Cheerful, mischievous, funny.
Q: Why such a line? What does she look like?
D: It looks like a smile.
Q: What characters with such a character do you know?
D: Emelya, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Carlson.
V: Well done! You are right about the characters. And now you yourself will turn into fairy-tale characters.
Music sounds, the children get up, come out from behind the chairs, build a circle.
Q: What is this masquerade?
And animals and birds parade,
You won't understand anything
Where is the squirrel, where is the hedgehog.
Get ready and watch!
Fabulous animal freeze in place.
Fairy tales have come to visit us.
Who is who - determine.
Pinocchio and Kashchei,
Both Malvina and the villain.
Get ready and watch!
A figure from a fairy tale freeze in place.
(Children go to their chairs).
Q: And now we will compose our own fairy tale.
"Let's play with a cube,
Let's write a story."
(On the easel is a plan-scheme of fairy tales).
Q: The first step is to throw a die, count how many fell out, look for a scheme, this is the beginning of a fairy tale. We make an offer. We throw the dice again - we consider, we draw up the second sentence according to the scheme that has fallen out. Just five steps.
Our fairy tale should be interesting, complete, a miracle, magic should happen in it. It must contain fairy-tale heroes and good to defeat evil.
(Children compose a fairy tale according to the patterns that have fallen out, the teacher guides, asks questions).
Third stage (reflection)V: Well done! Now it's time for us to return.
Did you enjoy visiting fairy tales?
D: Yes.
Q: What did you like? What do you remember the most? (Children answer)
Q: To believe in a fairy tale is happiness,
And for those who believe
A fairy tale will surely open all the doors.
The teacher distributes medals - souvenirs.

Table: examples of topics for TRIZ classes

"Advice to a cheerful Kolobok" (middle group)Comprehensive lesson for the development of imagination.
Purpose: development of children's creative imagination in speech and visual activity based on TRIZ elements.
  • landscape sheet (cut in the shape of a magic mirror),
  • watercolor paints,
  • wax pencils,
  • markers,
  • thick and thin brushes,
  • jars of water.
"Journey through fairy tales" (senior group)Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales and their names.
  • To train the ability to select definitions for a given word, to consolidate the coordination of parts of speech in a phrase, to develop the ability to systematize data, to activate antonyms-adjectives in children's speech.
  • Strengthen the ability to make a chain-story. Think of rhyming words.
  • Continue to teach children to make a riddle using a reference model, to compose a fairy tale using the “catalog” method, in which there are two heroes - positive and negative, each with their own goals.
  • Develop coherent speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination.
  • To educate children in kindness, readiness to help those who need it.

Materials and equipment:

  • blue ribbons,
  • tree models,
  • stick, spoon,
  • a chest with a balloon and subject pictures (rose, bicycle, ice cream),
  • frog toy,
  • flannelograph,
  • puzzle model,
  • flower,
  • fairy tale book,
  • audio recording,
  • fairy meadow layout.
"The World Around Us" (senior group)Tasks:
  1. Continue to teach to establish causal relationships between objects and phenomena.
  2. To form the ability to work with the help of symbols.
  3. Develop a desire to work together.


  • magic chest,
  • subject pictures,
  • storytelling model.
  • method of morphological analysis,
  • focal object method,
  • synectics method.

Vocabulary: highlighting the first sound in a word.

"Save the Princess"Lesson on the development of speech and familiarization with literature.
  • to consolidate the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage;
  • to activate the vocabulary of children; develop coherent speech of preschoolers;
  • to promote the development of children's interest in the world around them;
  • to systematize children's knowledge about natural phenomena, animals;
  • cultivate interest in literature.


  • a letter with a paper key cut into pieces;
  • toy - hare;
  • blanket
  • letters (t, e, p, e, m, o, k);
  • subject pictures: house, car, flower, butterfly, ball, pencil;
  • pictures for determining the size of animals;
  • simple pencils.
"Seasons" (preparatory group)Target. To develop the creative and musical abilities of children in the process of consolidating knowledge about natural phenomena in different time of the year.
  • to consolidate and systematize the knowledge and ideas of pupils about the characteristic features of the seasons, about living and inanimate nature;
  • develop imagination, creative activity and independence;
  • develop thinking, attention, memory;
  • to form the ability to emotionally respond to music in all types of musical activity: perception, performance, creativity;
  • to consolidate the ability to convey the mood, the nature of music in singing, playing musical instruments, dance improvisations;
  • develop the ability to create your own dance improvisations;
  • develop the ability to choose musical instruments corresponding to the nature of the music, and accompany the performance of the song by playing musical instruments;
  • to improve the ability of pupils to select adjectives to characterize the signs of the seasons.


  • projector and multimedia screen;
  • a video sequence of photographs of the seasons;
  • pictures of wizards;
  • tape recorder, audio recordings of musical works;
  • children's musical instruments;
  • morph table;
  • cards with a schematic image will take the seasons.

Musical repertoire:

  • "Autumn Song", "March", P.I. Tchaikovsky;
  • “Frost walks around the yard” (lyrics by M. Vershina, music by D. Perlov);
  • "Morning" by E. Grieg;
  • "Golden Gate" (Russian folk melody).
"How the fox hid the rabbits"
(middle group)
Complex occupation.
  • to teach children to single out a supersystem of objects;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons and their signs;
  • fix the score within 3, knowledge of geometric shapes;
  • exercise in the classification of objects;
  • develop logic and associativity of thinking,
  • develop creative imagination.


  • easel,
  • toys,
  • cloth,
  • dishes,
  • vegetables - 3 pcs. each type;
  • 2 trays, 2 baskets;
  • geometric figures:
    • circle,
    • square,
    • triangle;
  • an envelope with silhouettes of hares made of light gray paper;
  • gouache paints - white, black;
  • wet wipes.
"Chest with riddles" (middle group)Classes to get acquainted with the surrounding world.
Program content:
  • enrich children's ideas about the variety of objects man-made world;
  • exercise children in the ability to find a hidden object according to its verbal description, classify objects according to various reasons (material, function, appearance features),
  • find common and different between objects and establish relationships between them;
  • develop the skills of creative speech activity - exercise in composing riddles, fairy tales;
  • continue to teach children to model riddles and fairy tales of their own composition;
  • develop cognitive mental processes, speech, fine motor skills of the hand;
  • to form the skills of collective interaction;
  • to cultivate interest in the knowledge of the world, the desire to create a creative product.

Materials and equipment:

  • box;
  • nail;
  • cup;
  • pencil;
  • handkerchiefs (according to the number of children);
  • manual "Graphic models";
  • colour pencils;
  • sheets of A4 paper.
"Ant's story" (senior group)cognitive development.
  • Systematize knowledge about general and hallmarks insects.
  • To acquaint children with the rules and the course of games using TRIZ technology.
  • To fix the types of modeling: model - words (riddles, description); model - volume (modeling of structures made of paper, natural material).
  • Exercise in the ability to find analogies, connections between objects, the ability to classify objects.
  • To develop in preschoolers speech, creative imagination, as well as such qualities of thinking as:
    • flexibility,
    • mobility,
    • consistency,
    • dialectic,
    • search activity,
    • desire for novelty.
  • To cultivate purposefulness in finding solutions to emerging problems, a kind attitude towards insects.

Object-spatial developing environment:

  • ecological room;
  • TV;
  • audio recordings of sounds of nature;
  • a fragment of the cartoon "Ant-braggart";
  • magnetic board;
  • screen "Teremok";
  • subject pictures;
  • Magic wand;
  • blue material;
  • log sticks for the bridge;
  • a rod with a tied cardboard "mosquito";
  • sticks-pencils for an anthill;
  • parts of toy insects on magnets.
"Listen with all your ears" (middle group)Integration of game activity in the cognitive-experimental development of preschoolers.
Purpose: familiarization with the types and function of the ear, its structure.
  • To give elementary ideas about the organs of hearing; give an understanding of the basic functions of the ear.
  • To teach through experimental and experimental activities to develop the strength, height, timbre of sounds.
  • Learn the elements of self-massage of the auricle.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the rules of ear care.
  • Cultivate respect for your health.

Dictionary activation:

  • Auricle,
  • eardrum,
  • deaf or hard of hearing people
  • hearing,
  • sound,
  • vocal cords.


  • ear layout;
  • set of musical instruments:
    • guitar,
    • glockenspiel,
    • xylophone,
    • whistle,
    • drum,
    • ratchet,
    • triangle,
    • tambourine,
    • maracas,
    • harp,
    • bell,
    • hammer,
    • harmonic;
  • Pictures:
    • dolphin,
    • wolf,
    • grasshopper;
  • item box:
    • matches,
    • clip,
    • pencil,
    • nails,
    • hairpin,
    • cotton swab,
    • headphones,
    • earplugs,
    • cap;
  • phonograms:
    • "Sounds of the Forest"
    • "Song of Firka",
    • "bell ringing"
    • rhythmic composition "Travolta";
  • paper straws for each child.
"Visiting Princess Droplets" (middle group)Purpose: to show children the importance of water in human life.
  • clarify and expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, that water can be in different states of aggregation depending on temperature;
  • form the foundations of systemic thinking and logical analysis;
  • to consolidate the skills of agreeing adjectives with nouns;
  • educate children environmental concepts about water as a source of life on Earth;
  • to give children a sense of their importance and a warm attitude towards themselves around.

Material for the lesson:

  • multimedia equipment,
  • globe,
  • vessels with drinking and salt water,
  • ice cubes,
  • vessels with hot and cold water,
  • audio recording of music resembling the sound of water,
  • a large sheet of blue drawing paper, on which fish are drawn with missing individual parts of the body (fins, tail, eyes, etc.).

Preliminary work:

  • examining a map, a globe, albums on the topics “Sea animals”, “Fish”;
  • walks to the reservoir;
  • monitoring the state of water depending on temperature.

Follow-up: inventing and drawing a magic fish using the game “Wonderful things” (focal object method).

Table: card index of TRIZ games

What can he do? (game for children from 3 years old)Purpose: formation of the ability to identify the functions of an object
Rules of the game: The host calls the object. (The object can be shown or guessed using the Yes-No game or riddle). Children must determine what the object can do or what is done with it.
Game progress:
Teacher: TV.
Children: May break, may show different films, cartoons, songs, may gather dust, turn on, turn off.
Q: What can the ball do?
D: Jump, roll, swim, deflate, get lost, burst, bounce, get dirty, lie down.
B: Let's pretend. Our ball got into the fairy tale "Kolobok". How can he help Kolobok?
Note: You can move the object to fantastic, unrealistic situations and see what additional functions the object has.
The basis of personal culture.
Q: What is a polite person and what can he do?
D: Greet, politely see off guests, take care of a sick person or dog, he can give up his seat on the bus or tram to an old woman, and also carry a bag.
Q: More?
D: To help another person out of trouble or a difficult situation.
Q: What can a plant do?
D: Grow, drink water, bloom, close, can sway from the wind, can die, can smell delicious, or maybe tasteless, can prick.
Q: What can an elephant do?
D: An elephant can walk, breathe, grow. The elephant gets his own food, transports goods, people, performs in the circus. He helps people in the household: he even carries logs.
Q: What can rain do?
D: Dissolve the ice.
Earlier-later (from 3 years of age)Purpose: to teach children to make a logical chain of actions, to consolidate the concepts of "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday" ... to develop speech, memory.
Rules of the game:
The host calls a situation, and the children say what happened before or what will happen after. Can be accompanied by a show (simulation of action). For clarity, you can use the time axis, where you will see a step-by-step sequence of events forward or backward.
Game progress:
B: We are on a walk with you now. What happened before we went for a walk?
D: We dressed for a walk.
Q: And before that?
D: Before getting dressed, we folded toys, and before that we played builders, and before that we had breakfast ...
B: We came from a walk. What will happen next?
D: We will undress, wash our hands, the attendants will lay the tables ....
B: I made a dress. What did I do before? Show me!
D: You went to the store, bought fabric (the child silently shows with actions), took scissors, cut the fabric ....
When fixing the concepts of "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday" ...
Q: What day of the week is it today?
D: Tuesday.
Q: What day of the week was yesterday?
D: Monday.
Q: What day of the week is tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow?
Train (from 3 years of age)Purpose: to teach to build logical chains, develop attention, memory, thinking.
Rules of the game:
The facilitator prepares 5–6 options for depicting one object in different time periods: a tree or a bird, or a flower, a person, and so on (objects of a living system). Cards with the image of one object are distributed to the players.
Game progress:
The leader is a teacher, and later a child is a train, and the rest of the children are wagons. The "time train" is being built.
Q: Let's take the human time train. On the table are images of a baby, a little girl and a boy, a schoolchild, a teenager, an adult, an elderly person.
Each child chooses a picture they like. The host takes his own, gets up, and behind him stands the child with the next picture in meaning, and so on.
(When getting acquainted with the concepts of "system now", "system in the past", "system in the future").
(When expanding the understanding of the growth and development of representatives of the animal world, when observing the inhabitants of a corner of nature, as well as getting acquainted with the seasons).
Q: Here is a picture of a green leaf. (Pictures of a leaf were selected in advance at different time intervals: a yellow leaf, a fallen leaf, a leaf under the snow, a small leaf with a light green color, and so on).
Children choose pictures and line up in a train.
Q: What season is it now?
D: Winter.
Q: What happens in winter?
D: It's snowing, frost.
Q: Is it good?
D: You can go sledding.
Q: Why is sledding bad?
D: You can fall and hit.
Q: I am setting up the first carriage of the train of time. In the picture it is snowing, they are skating. What season will be next?
Children choose pictures.
Note: For older preschool children, you can build a more complex "time train". An object is taken from an inanimate system: a car - as a mode of transport or as a means for transporting cargo.
Where does he live? (from 3 years old)Purpose: to identify suprasystemic connections, develop speech, thinking.
Rules of the game:
The host names the objects of the world. In junior preschool age- these are inanimate objects from the immediate environment and objects of wildlife. In senior preschool age, these are any objects and phenomena of the real and fantasy worlds (where a smile, fire lives). Children name the habitat of living objects and the location of real and fantastic objects.
Game progress:
Q: Look how many pictures there are! Choose any one for yourself!
At an older age, objects can be guessed in advance by the children themselves, or the leader calls the object to everyone from himself. If the educator has a clear goal: to fix, for example, the section “Living and non-living system”, then the main set of pictures should consist of objects of a living and non-living system, and so on.
Q: Where does the bear live?
D: In the forest, in the zoo.
Q: What else?
D: In cartoons, in candy wrappers.
Q: Where does the dog live?
D: In a kennel, if she guards the house. In the house, right in the apartment. And there are dogs living on the street - stray.
Q: Where does plantain live?
D: It grows on the path. On the lawn and in the field. Also in the pharmacy. And when I applied it to the wound, it lived on my leg. And I drank it, so it was in my tummy.
Q: Where does the nail live?
D: In the table, in the factory, with dad in the garage. In a toolbox. On the wall. In a chair. In my shoe!
What will happen if ... (from 3 years old)Purpose: to develop thinking, speech, flexibility of mind, imagination, introduce the properties of objects, the surrounding world.
Rules of the game.
This game is based on questions and answers. “What will happen if paper, a stone, a beetle falls into a bath of water?”, “What will happen if it snows in summer?”
Questions can be different - both everyday and "fantasy", for example: "What will happen if you end up on Mars?"
Game progress:
The teacher asks the child a question "What will happen if paper falls into a bath of water." The child answers the paper will get wet, melt, float, etc.
The sun is shining (from 3 years old)Purpose: to develop thinking, speech, speech, flexibility of mind, imagination.
Rules of the game:
You start a sentence and the child finishes. For example, it is raining, and also ... the sun is shining ... a dog is barking ... a locomotive is rushing ...
Game progress:
You can combine two objects or living beings and name common actions for them. Snow and ice are melting, a bird and a plane are flying, a bunny and a frog are jumping. Or one action and many objects: a fish floats, a boat, a ship, an iceberg… What else? The sun is warm, a fur coat, a battery ... And what else? The car is humming, the train...
Good - bad (game from preschool age)Purpose: To teach children to distinguish positive and negative sides in objects and objects of the world around them.
Rules of the game:
Leading is any object or, in the senior preschool age, a system, a phenomenon, in which positive and negative properties are determined.
Game progress.
1 option:

D: Because she's sweet.
Q: Eating candy is bad. Why?
D: Teeth can hurt.
That is, questions are asked according to the principle: “something is good - why?”, “something is bad - why?”.
Option 2:
B: Eating candy is good. Why?
D: Because she's sweet.
Q: Sweet candy is bad. Why?
D: Teeth can hurt.
Q: Your teeth will hurt - that's good. Why?
D: Go see a doctor right away. What if your teeth hurt and you didn't notice.
That is, the questions go in a chain.
One, two, three... run to me! (from 3 years of age)Purpose: to compare systems, to teach to highlight the main feature, to develop attention, thinking.
Rules of the game:
The facilitator distributes pictures with the image of various objects to all the players. Depending on the age, the content of the pictures changes: in the younger groups, these are objects of the immediate environment, animals, and in the older groups, these are objects of a more complex content, as well as natural phenomena and objects. inanimate nature. Children can simply guess any object without using a picture. Children stand at the other end of the hall and, according to a certain setting of the teacher, run up to him. In older preschool age, the leader can be a child. The educator or the leading child then analyzes whether the player made a mistake, highlighting any properties of the system.
Game progress:
“One, two, three, everyone who has wings, run to me!” (Children run up who have images of an airplane, birds in the picture ...) The rest of the children stand still.
Further, any components of the subsystem can be selected (eyes, angle, wheels, smell, sound ...). The facilitator asks the players where their objects have these parts.
Note: You can use supersystem tasks.
For example: “One, two, three, everyone who lives in the field, run to me!” Children run up to the leader with the image or hidden objects of cabbage, stone, sand, earth, mouse, grass, wind, tractor. The facilitator asks at what moments the tractor can be in the field (during sowing or harvesting).
You can use assignments for the function of an object.
For example: “One, two, three, those who can sing run to me!” Children with the image of a bird, a man, a wind, a radio run up to the leader ...
It is interesting to use assignments for temporal dependency.
For example: “One, two, three, everyone who used to be small, run to me!” Children with the image of a man, a bird, a flower, wind run up to the leader ... Children with the image of a tractor, earth, sand do not run up ...
When forming an idea about some plants: “One, two, three, everyone who has leaves (trunks, stems, roots, flowers) - run to me. When forming ideas about animals (eyes, hair, long fluffy tail, hooves, horns ...).
Decrease and increase (from 3 years old)Purpose of the game: to enrich the vocabulary of children, to learn to form with the help of suffixes: - ok, - chik, - check, - ische.
Rules of the game.
Say: "I will name someone or something, and you make it small." For example, a mushroom is a fungus, a chair is a high chair, a leaf is a leaf.
Make sure that the child does not name the cubs of animals instead of the correct answer: not a hare - a hare, but a hare - a hare; not a cow is a calf, but a cow is a cow.
The same can be done in reverse. The adult calls the "reduced" word, and the child gives its usual version.
The same games can be played with "increasing" suffixes: cat - cat, lesson - tract.
Name it in one word (from 3 years old)Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, to develop speech, attention, thinking.
Rules of the game.
An adult describes something, and a child calls it in one word. For example, the morning meal is breakfast; large dishes for making compote - a saucepan; the tree that is decorated for the New Year is a Christmas tree.
Chain (from 3 years old)Purpose: to teach children to highlight the signs of objects, to develop thinking, speech of children.
Rules of the game:
The host shows the child a picture of an object, he calls it. The picture is then passed on to another child. He must name one of the signs of the object and pass the picture to the next one. It is necessary to name as many signs as possible and not repeat.
Game progress:
The host shows a picture with the image of glasses, the child, having seen the picture, says the glasses are round and passes the picture to the next player. The next player says sunglasses and passes the picture to the next player, etc.
What was - what became (from the age of 4)Purpose: to determine the line of development of the object, to develop logical thinking, speech. Rules of the game:
Option 1: The host names the material (clay, wood, fabric ...), and the children name the objects of the material world in which these materials are present ...
Option 2: The host names the object of the man-made world, and the children determine what materials were used in its manufacture.
Game progress:
B: Glass. It used to be an alloy of different materials.
D: Dishes, windows, a mirror are made of glass. There is glass in the TV screen, glass showcases in the store. And I saw a glass table. My mother has glass beads.
Q: What's good about glass table?
D: It's beautiful, you can see how the cat lies under the table.
Q: What's wrong with such a table?
D: Such a table can break and people will be cut by fragments ...
Q: What else can be made of glass?
D: There are glasses in glasses, there are glass chandeliers, and there are glass bulbs in them, there is also glass in the clock.
Q: Have you heard the expression: "He has a glass heart." Who can you say that about?
D: So you can say about an evil, "prickly" person. Baba Yaga has an evil heart, she has it from sharp fragments.
Q: Name fairy tales in which there are heroes with a glass heart!
The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.
Magic traffic light (from 4 years of age)Purpose: To teach children to distinguish a system, subsystem and supersystem of an object, to develop logical thinking, attention, speech. Rules of the game:
At the "Magic traffic light" red color means the subsystem of the object, yellow - the system, green - the supersystem. Thus, any object is considered. The object in question can hang (lie) in front of the child, or it can be removed after the show.
Game progress:
The teacher hangs out a subject picture of the machine (at the senior preschool age - a diagram of the machine).
Q: If I raise a red circle - you tell me what the car consists of. If I raise a green circle, you tell me what the car is a part of. And if I raise a yellow circle, then you tell me: what is it for; draw this object in the air, depict this object (in the senior and preparatory group - by empathy).
This game can be used when considering a picture.
Q: If I raise a red circle, you will name the objects that you see in the picture. If I show you a yellow circle, you can tell me what this picture can be called. And if I raise the green circle - determine what the subject of the picture is a part of (the natural world, transport, pets).
Living and non-living systems.
B: Cactus. (raises a green circle).
D: Cactus refers to natural world, to a living system, to plants. He can live in a room on the windowsill, and he also lives in the desert.
The teacher (in the senior and preparatory groups - a child) raises a red circle.
D: The cactus has roots, thorns, flowers in adult cacti.
Q: Why do cactus have thorns?
D: In order not to be torn off, he defends himself in such a way.
The teacher raises the yellow circle.
D: The cactus is needed for beauty (especially when it blooms), the cactus gives oxygen, and people breathe oxygen, and the cactus is also food for animals in the desert.
Educator or leader - the child asks to turn into cacti: into a flowering cactus, into a cactus that was watered a lot, a cactus in a cramped pot, a cactus in the desert ...
Fairy tale boxPurpose: to develop speech, thinking, imagination, enrich the vocabulary of children. You will need a box with 8-10 (pictures).
Rules of the game.
The teacher offers to randomly take out the figures from the box. We need to figure out who or what this object will be in a fairy tale. After the first player has said 2-3 sentences, the next player takes out another item and continues the story. When the story is over, the items are put together and the story begins. new story. It is important that each time you get a complete story, and that the child in different situations come up with different options for actions with the same object.
Confusion (from 4 years old)Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to find typical properties of an object.
Game progress: The teacher names 3-4 objects with unusual properties (for example, a pointed tiger, a striped pencil, a frozen shelf, book glass) and asks the children to restore order, that is, to select a typical property for each object.
We save Kolobok (from 4 years old)Purpose: to develop creative imagination, to teach fantasy to endow well-known fairy-tale characters with qualities that are not inherent in them. Develop unconventional thinking.
Equipment: book "Kolobok"
table theater "Kolobok".
TRIZ tool: "Good-bad" game (revealing negative and positive properties, resolving contradictions).
Game progress:
- Children, look carefully, who can tell the name of this book? That's right, "Kolobok". I will open the book, and you call Kolobok, maybe he will come to us.
Children call, Kolobok (table theater) appears.
- Kolobok, why are you so sad? Guys, he is sad because he forgot who he met in his fairy tale, what characters. Let's help him.
Children list the heroes of the fairy tale, retell its content.
- The fox really wanted to eat Kolobok. Is it good or bad?
- What is good (the fox ate)?
- What is bad (Kolobok was eaten)?
- What can be done so that Kolobok does not get the Fox, how to save it? (feed before meeting with Kolobok)? What should Kolobok become so that the Fox does not want to eat it (inedible, dirty, stale, poisonous)?
Guess the secret (from 4 years old)Purpose: to teach children to build hypotheses.
Game progress: The teacher offers a phrase: an object + an unusual sign (for example, a furry book). He asks the children to make suggestions from which object this feature could be taken - hairiness. The answers of the children are in the bear, dog, etc.

Video: games based on TRIZ technology

Development of speech according to TRIZ technology

TRIZ can also be widely used to develop students' speech skills.

Main stages

Development of expressiveness of speech by creating figurative characteristics of the object:

  1. Stage one (with three years) - creating comparisons in color, shape, actions (red fox, the same as Antoshka in a children's song).
  2. Stage two (4–5 years) - compiling your own riddles in accordance with the developed models in the form of plates with questions. For example, the proposed object is the sun. Children consistently answer questions, the teacher fills in the table, entering the characteristics (color, shape, action): what? - yellow, round, warming; what happens the same? - chicken, ball, stove. Next, the children are given the task to name the signs of objects: a fluffy chicken, a balloon, a warm stove. After filling out the table, the teacher asks the children to try to make a riddle, inserting links “How” or “But not” between the phrases. Students work both individually and in collaboration with each other. The final version of the riddle about the sun: “Yellow, like a fluffy chicken; round like a balloon, warming, but not a warm stove.
  3. Learning to compose metaphors (six-seven years) - it is proposed to master the simplest algorithm for independently inventing a metaphorical phrase. For example, first an object (stars) is selected, about which a proposal will be made, a property is determined (bright), then an object with a similar sign is selected (burning embers), a place is indicated (night sky), finally a proposal is made (The night sky sparkled brightly with burning embers) .

writing poetry

Compilation of rhymed texts - scientists have come to the conclusion that children from the age of three have a natural need for such a verbal game as versification. TRIZ proposes to use the genre of funny absurdity, a five-line poem, which got its eponymous name from the Irish town of Limerick. An example of a limerick poem:

What would happen if the songbird
Was not as beautiful as a titmouse
Then she would not run after the beetle,
And then did not lie on the grass for a long time?
It would be better if she flew in the sky.

In addition, writing rhyming texts can be presented in the form of fun creative games that require a little preliminary preparation from the educator:

  • “Rhymed pictures” - the teacher selects pairs of pictures depicting objects whose names make up a simple rhyme, then shows one of the pictures and asks to pick up a pair.
  • “Pick up a word” - children learn to choose a rhyme for the proposed word.
  • “Teaser” - children modify words-characteristics with the help of diminutive suffixes and seem to “tease” objects (covering cap, lost umbrella, etc.).

Drawing up creative realistic and fantasy stories from a picture

Possible options and techniques:

  • games "Spyglass", "Hunters for details", which help to concentrate the attention of children on the object and emphasize all of it important details and characteristics;
  • “Looking for friends”, “Unifiers” - aim children at establishing links between objects;
  • selection of metaphors, figurative verbal comparisons, moving an object into the past or future;
  • empathy technique - reincarnation into a hero, "getting used to" his emotional state and telling on his behalf, conveying character traits with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Picture storytelling teaches children to fantasize and develops logic

Compilation of fairy tale texts

Retelling and changing the famous fairy tale plot. Games and exercises that are a kind of creative and intellectual warm-up in the preparation of children:

  • “Name the hero”: the teacher indicates some general feature or characteristic, and the children name specific fairy-tale characters. Example: Remember the fairy-tale heroines-girls. (Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Malvina, Gerda, Alyonushka, etc.).
  • “Actions of a fairy-tale character”: the teacher calls a fairy-tale hero, for example, Masha from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” and asks to name all the actions of the girl. According to the terms of the game, only verbs can be used (didn’t obey, ran, walked, forgot, saved, helped). Then the teacher offers to recall the heroes of other fairy tales who would perform similar actions.
  • "Wizard's Miracles": the game is built on the method of a typical fantasy technique. The teacher suggests imagining themselves as magicians and telling what extraordinary property they endowed ordinary objects with, then assessing the practical significance of miraculous powers, explaining why magic can be good and sometimes evil. Example: a bird in enchanted forest meets with the Wizard of Glaciation, now everything she touches turns into an ice block. It is bad if she sits on a tree branch and good if she stops the evil hunter.
  • "There, on unknown paths ...": the game is based on the intersection of an object and a place. The teacher works with cards depicting characters and the place where the plot will unfold. Example: Alyonushka ended up in Koshcheevo's kingdom. How will she be saved? Who will help her?
  • Descriptive stories. The fairy tale story unfolds in accordance with the traditions of the storyline: the hero grows up, shows unusual abilities and talents, faces difficult circumstances in adulthood, defeats witchcraft, returns his vitality.
  • Fairy tales with a pronounced conflict between good and evil, the third active force is a magical object or word, a spell with supernatural abilities.

Video: TRIZ technology in speech development classes

Video: dossier on a fairy-tale character (senior group)

Video: Carousel game

Making a corner using TRIZ technology

A well-designed, accessible and safe TRIZ corner is an excellent tool for stimulating curiosity, individual cognitive activity, and independence of kids.

In TRIZ classes, you can also use didactic manuals designed to familiarize you with a particular topic.

  • Natural material for experimentation (shells, pebbles, twigs, dry leaves, etc.) - helps to acquaint kids with objects of nature, touch the understanding of the laws of the natural world. Share with friends!
  • Many were convinced own experience that TRIZ methods are perceived with interest by children, bring revival and fascination to educational process. TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving - becomes an effective assistant in the formation of children's creative thinking, intellectual courage, readiness to make decisions.

    In this section, we have collected for your pedagogical piggy bank the real experience of colleagues in the application of TRIZ technologies in their work. Use the successful solutions outlined in these publications, and a positive result will not be long in coming. In society, intellectually courageous, independent, active people are valued. TRIZ methods contribute to the development of precisely these personality traits.

    Plan your TRIZ classes with us!

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    Showing publications 1-10 of 1555 .
    All sections | TRIZ. Lessons and games using TRIZ technologies

    GCD on cognitive development "The World of Nature" using TRIZ technology "Let's help a puppy find his friend's mother" The activity is compiled in accordance with the age of the children of the second junior group, requirements and recommendations of the program "Childhood". Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", « Speech development» , "Social and communicative development", "Physical development",...

    Abstract of a comprehensive lesson using TRIZ technologies "Journey to the Magic Forest" for the younger group of 3-4 years Synopsis of the integrated classes using TRIZ technologies"Journey to the Magical Forest" Target: To form the ability to think using the techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison; activate children's vocabulary, develop cognitive activity, attention, memory, creative ...

    TRIZ. Classes and games using TRIZ technologies - Abstract of GCD in the middle group using game technology and elements of the TRIZ methodology "Journey to the land of fairy tales"

    Publication "Synopsis of GCD in the middle group using game technology and ..." Synopsis of GCD in middle group using gaming technology and elements of the TRIZ methodology "Journey to the land of fairy tales" Purpose: Creating conditions for the natural solution of accessible cognitive tasks through gaming techniques and elements of the TRIZ methodology. Tasks: 1....

    MAAM Pictures Library

    Application of TRIZ Methods and Techniques in Working with Preschool Children Sukharkova N.M. teacher MBDOU "Ilansky kindergarten No. 50" Good afternoon, dear colleagues! 1sl. I want to introduce you the technology that I use in my work Triz. 2sl. TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving 3cl. The TRIZ methodology was invented and developed by the Soviet ...

    The use of TRIZ methods in the modern physical development of children Implementation of the concept healthy lifestyle life in a preschool educational institution is based on the basic principles, which include positive motivation, aesthetics, morality, purposefulness, social utility, regularity, rhythm, etc....

    "Advice to a cheerful Kolobok". Summary of GCD on the development of speech using TRIZ elements in the middle group“Advice for a cheerful kolobok” GCD on the development of speech using TRIZ elements in the middle group Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative, cognitive, speech, physical development. Types of children's activities: Playing, communicative, ...

    TRIZ. Classes and games using TRIZ technologies - Abstract of a lesson on theatrical activities using TRIZ elements in the middle group "Zayushkina hut"

    GCD on theatrical activities using TRIZ elements in the middle group "Zayushkina hut" Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative", "Cognitive", "Speech". Types of children's activities: Game, communicative, cognitive - ...

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