Strengthening nails at home Recipes Salt. Gel to strengthen nails and technology of its use

In the modern world of grace and beauty, a woman cannot do without well-groomed and beautiful nails. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately run to the salon if the nails began to be lazy and spend the clock to restore and strengthen the procedures. Everything can be done independently, being at home.

the site recommends to consider 15 tips, how to strengthen your nails at home. You will need 20 minutes of free time, some necessary ingredients, good mood and relaxing music (or good movie).

15 simple ways how to strengthen nails at home

The most common problems are: nail fragility, excessive growth of the cuticle, roughness of the nail plate, cracks or stains, stratification. How to strengthen your nails at home to solve all these problems? Renew the nail plate, get rid of spots and cracks will help recipes based on natural ingredients. Recipes prepared independently guarantee marigolds Healthy growth and beautiful view.

In addition to strong nails, the baths and masks will provide silk and gentle skin on their hands. Therefore, the means work in two directions: nails + leather on hand.

Recipes for strengthening nails at home

  1. We strengthen your nails using olive oil and lemon juice. In the water bath heat the tablespoon of oil and mix with 2 drops of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to your nails and fingers, wear natural gloves and go to bed. We wash off in the morning and enjoy the view. It is possible to carry out a nutritious and strengthening mask 2 times a week.
    Also about the possibilities of lemon - lemon for leather and nails
  2. Bath with the addition of sea salt Really strengthens, and besides, it's incredibly nails. On the floor liter of warm water, you need to add one spoon of sea salt. At will, in the bath, you can drop your favorite essential oil so that your handles also flamed for a long time. Keep your fingers in the bath can be 20 minutes, then wipe dry with a towel. Grease hands and nails with your favorite fat cream, slowly rubbing it into the skin and cuticle. You can use this recipe for the bath every day, but not more than 10 days. And repeat the complex in a month, not earlier.
  3. Red nail growth pepper You can use to prepare an effective mask for hands and nails. Half of the spoons of ground red pepper thoroughly mix with 11 drops of boiled water, add a spoon of a fatty hand cream.
    Stir everything, leave for 10 minutes so that the mask rested, then it is still 10 minutes to warm on a slow fire or water bath. Cool the mixture and smear the nails to a smooth layer, wait 15 minutes and wash off the ointment with warm water. Such a procedure should be carried out strictly once a month.
  4. Preparing ointment for durable nails from wax. 4 g wax melt and add yolk, screwed cooked. All mix and pour peach oil to form ointment. It is possible to rub my nails every day.
  5. Another means to strengthen the nails from lemon and salt. The tablespoon of the pressed lemon juice is mixed with several chip pinchs. Apply a means to nails with a brush. After 15 minutes of strengthening, wash off with water.
  6. We strengthen the nails of salt and iodine. One cup of warm water requires 1 spoon of salt and 4 drops of iodine. Lower your fingers into the solution and after 20 minutes you can rinse your fingers.
  7. To nails not resolve, It is necessary to apply on the nails with a tassel with a thin layer. Do it before bedtime so that the night of iodine has absorbed. Do not be afraid if the nails at first become yellow, in the morning the usual color will come back, and the nails will become stronger.
    We take care of the nails and hands with the help of berry masks: currant, lingonberry or cranberry. Berry soda nail and skin on hand, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.
  8. We treat nails using beeswax. Wax melted and dip finger tips and immediately immerse in cold water. It will completely repeat the contours of the fingers, providing reliable strengthening and moisturizing. We leave such covers on the fingers overnight, while putting hands in gloves. Beware of nails: We treat quickly and efficiently
  9. To strengthen and feed nails You can cook a decoction of medicinal herbs. We take chamomile, burdock, hunter and pour boiling water, let it stand. When cool, we lower your fingers to 15-30 minutes, let the nails are restored.
  10. We are preparing a bath from honey (2 tbsp), eggs and olive oil (2 tbsp.). Honey and oil mix and slightly warm in a water bath when the mixture will cool, add an egg and mix. Hands to lower in the mixture for 10 minutes, after rinse with water.

You need to make every effort to strengthen them. Of course, you can seek help to modern funds (lacquers, gels, etc.), but they all require financial costs, and besides, they contain chemicals that do not actually affect the structure of nail plates. There are numerous recipes to strengthen nails at home, which absolutely do not require any costs and at the same time give the best result.

But before talking about how to strengthen the nails, you should say a few words why they break and go.

If you have, then you first need to pay attention to food. It may not provide your body by the number of vitamins and minerals necessary for its operation.

Most often, nails are laying and broken due to lack of calcium in the body. In view of this, the use of dairy and dairy products, which contain quite a lot of this element. If you do not like dairy products, you should purchase special preparations with calcium content. For example, calcium d3 nicomed. This drug is able to provide an organism not only by the daily need of calcium, but also vitamin D, which is necessary for better assimilation of this mineral.

In addition, you should pay your attention to the varnishes you are using. Cheap varnish coatings contain harmful substances that destroyly affect the nails. Therefore, it is better to abandon their use.

The cause of increased nail fragments may be frequent contact of the nail plates with aggressive substances that are part of household detergents. Remember, performing homework, you should always wear shopping gloves in the hands! They will protect not only your nails, but also the skin of the hands, which also needs careful care.

Quite often, nail fragility is determined by the presence of certain diseases. Therefore, if you do not see the reasons why nail plates can constantly roll around, consult a doctor and pass the examination for the identification of pathologies. After all, you can only strengthen your nails after eliminate the cause of their high luxury and stuffing.

The simplest recipes for nail strengthening

Very simple. You will not need to run to shops and acquire anything. You can use all those tools that you have at hand.


Surely you have an iodine in your home aid kit, which not only can be used to warm the skin and their disinfection, but also to strengthen the nails. Iodine has warming effects, which makes it possible to achieve improved microcirculation in the tips of the fingers. As a result of this, the nails will receive more nutrient elements through blood than usual, and their states will be much improved.

Use iodine is very simple. You need to remove a lacquer coating from the nails and with the help of a cotton sticks to apply iodine. After that, wash nothing. During the night, iodine completely absorbed into the nails, leaving no trace. It is best to perform this procedure every day. But it should be noted that over time the nails can be brightened.

If there is a lemon in your refrigerator, you can also use it to improve the condition of your marigolds. At the same time, you do not need to cook anything! Just cut a thick piece from lemon and stuck your nails in his flesh on a quarter of an hour. Performing such a procedure follows daily, after a week you can evaluate the first results.

In addition, you can squeeze and scrap juice and simply rub it into your nails. It will also give a good firming effect. But remember that there is an acid in lemon. And if you have on the skin around the nails, there are wounds, it is impossible to apply this tool.

Olive oil

Almost all homemade making masks to strengthen nails include the use of olive oil. This tool is really unique. It not only strengthens the nail plates, but also feeds, moisturizes and stimulates their growth. So why not use it in pure form?

Apply massage movements on your nails and the skin of the hands, and so that you do not get dirty everything around, top wear thin gloves and go to bed. In the morning, remove the gloves and wash your hands. After 4-5 procedures, your nails will be much stronger and get a healthy appearance, and the skin on your hands will become soft and silky, like a baby.


The grape contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary to maintain metabolic processes in the nail plates. You can use grapes as well as lemon - rub his juice or attach the pulp of grapes to the nails.

If your home has an oil from grape seed, it can also be put into move. Use it for the same scheme as olive oil. Believe me, the result will not make you wait long.

Sea salt to strengthen nails at home

If your home has a sea salt, then you can prepare a nail bath from it. Nail plates, besides, it has an antifungal effect, so the periodic use of salt baths is very useful.

To prepare such a bath, take a shallow bowl, which is then pouring near the liter of warm water and stir in it gram 20-30 sea salt. As a result, you will get a healing solution in which you need to lower the fingertips for a while (see your feelings, the nails must sprinkle well). After that, wipe your hand dry and treat your nails with some oil.

To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, a little lemon juice can be added to the saline solution. If you have not found the sea salt, then use the usual table salt. She must be accurate. Divide 2 tsp. Salts in warm water and add a few drops of iodine to it. The effect will be practical as the same as from the use of sea salt.

This tool is also available in a home first aid kit for everyone. However, it is absolutely not deservedly rarely used in cosmetology. Glycerin contains substances that stimulate regenerating processes. Its application will allow you to quickly restore your nails and strengthen them.

And it is also very easy to use it. It is necessary to apply glycerin in a small amount on the nails, put on the hands of cotton gloves and to like so about an hour. Then gloves should be removed and rinsed hands under cool water.

Vitamin B1.

Quite often, an increased nail fragility is observed with vitamin B1 deficiency. It participates in the process of blood circulation and metabolism. Therefore, its regular replenishment in the body is very important.

If you have vitamin B1 ampoule in your first aid kit, then you can use it for the medicinal bath. Take a shallow container, pour into it a liter of warm water, add vitamin B1 and lean a little lemon juice to the resulting solution. Lower in the water hands and hold them in it for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath will benefitly affect not only the state of your nails, but also on the skin.

Cottage cheese to strengthen nails

Cottage cheese is a natural source of calcium, which is so necessary for nails to strengthen them. Apply it on the nails, and on top of the hands are put on cotton gloves. Leave the mask for the whole night, and in the morning rinse your hands under running water. It should be noted that it is necessary to use good bold homemade cottage cheese, not the store. If cottage cheese is dry and badly impose on the nails, it can be mixed with any vegetable oil or egg yolk.


Speaking about strengthening nails at home by folk remedies, of course, it is impossible not to say about the benefits of herbs. They have a strengthening effect on nail plates, as well as protect them from inflammation and prevent weaving.

You can use any herbs - chamomile, oak boron, juniper, etc. Of them you need to cook a decoction, which will then serve as a bath. It is preparing very simple - takes 1 tbsp. The raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, it is about half an hour and filters.

All these recipes have one major advantage - they do not contain chemicals and are completely safe for health. And most importantly, their use will not affect your budget, and your marigolds will certainly tell you thanks for them!

Video to strengthen nails at home

Bulking nails do not look beautiful and cause concern. This problem is not recommended to be ignored, because without proper treatment and systematic prevention, it can lead to serious consequences.

Not so easy. There are many reasons in this problem, but, by observing certain conditions, this trouble can be avoided.

Causes of nail stratification: external and internal

Nail bundle - A fairly common problem that may arise due to many reasons, among which can be distinguished as external as internal.
The following external reasons can be distinguished:

environmental impact with severe frosts or too hot weather, the nails can be scented, which can lead to fragility and stratification; Going out on the street it is recommended to protect your hands with seasonal gloves;
the impact of household chemicals working at home or on the household plot, it is necessary to remember that chemicals have a negative impact on the skin of the hands and the nail plate; penetrated into the structure of the nail, they destroy its integrity, which leads to a stratification;
water temperature try not to lower your hands for a long time in cold or hot water., it also negatively affects the state of nails; Try to stick to the temperature slightly above room; It is not recommended to keep hands in the water for a long time - the nail plate softens, and excessive moisture destructively acts on the integrity of its structure;
excessive increasing passion this procedure is carried out at easy deformation of the nail surface to ensure maximum adhesion with an artificial plate; The penetration of glue into the nail structure also adversely affects its condition; it is recommended to alternate extension with restoring procedures.
injuries of the nail plate may result in the destruction of the structure, the emergence of separation; if the nail broke or injured, be sure to cut it with manicure scissors, do not bite and do not clog.
Domestic problems can also lead to the emergence of the problem of the bundle of the nail plate
the weakening of the body due to the suffering after severe ailments, pay attention to the state of the nails - They also weaken, lose their healthy color, become brittle and keen, so restoring the body, do not forget about the nails (strengthening procedures, vitamins they need).
lack of vitamins and microelements not all - diagnosis should be diagnosed In order to find out whether in the body of vitamins and trace elements in the body for a full growth of nails and their healthy state;
diet drinking by diets, remember that trying to reduce food, you reduce the necessary substances into the body; Taking care of the figure, you can harm the state of the nails; If you notice that the diet adversely affects the state of the nail, it is recommended that it is recommended to either correct the diet or completely abandon it.

No matter what reason the nails began to be lazy, it is necessary to respond urgently to what is happening otherwise, it will be difficult to restore a healthy look.

The bundle can go by itself after a while, but it is better to help nobbies are simple and accessible in terms of cost and execution. The main thing is to conduct them not from the case of the case, but systematically and in the complex.

Strengthening laying nails

If your nails have become lazy, be sure to try out the possible reason for the ailment and eliminate it. To protect your nails, follow these rules:

protect your hands with gloves always when you go out, especially on hot days and at low temperatures;

Try not to contact with household chemicals if your hands are not protected by gloves;

Be sure to periodically take a course of vitamins that strengthen the nails;

Be careful to the diet: eat foods containing vitamins A, D;

do regular procedures that strengthen the structure of nails and feed it; Even if visible manifestations are not observed, do for prevention;

apply a cream daily to the hands, which will help soften the skin of the hands and cuticle, strengthen the nails.

Treatment of nail stratification at home

To strengthen the nail plate, it is not necessary to visit the salons and do expensive procedures. To do this, make a rule periodically if the bundle does not require serious treatment, to do the following procedures:

Compresses with oils. Can soften the nail plate, get it necessary with the necessary useful substances. Especially useful olive, castor, refill oil, pine and cedar oils.

They feed the weakened structure, filling it with the necessary substances, internally strengthen the nail plate. Compresses better do overnight.

Apply a small amount of oil onto cotton wheels, wrap the nails and place them in cosmetic gloves so that the discs are not shifted. Such compresses can be kept all night, and in the morning remove the remains of oils with the same discs and apply your usual hand cream.

Oil rubbing. If for some reason you do not have the ability to make compresses, you can apply several times a day on the nail plate oil, light massage movements rubbing them into nail. The convenience of this procedure is that it can be done even in the workplace, because it does not take much time.

Massage. Recommended during the procedures to massage hands, especially fingers in the field of nail growth. This stimulates blood circulation, which leads to the normalization of the necessary beneficial substances to the nail plate.

Sealing nails wax. . Beeswax, most often used during sealing, contains a huge amount of useful substances that can penetrate the structure of the nail itself and impregnate it. By forming a protective layer on the surface of the nail plate, the wax makes the nails less permeable, and the substances adversely affect its structures do not fall, which allows you to stop rallying.

Paraffin therapy. Procedure, alternative nail sealing. Immersing on half a minute nails in melted and diluted with oils cosmetic paraffin, you fill the cracks on the nail surface, thereby strengthening it.

After 5-7 dives, put on the hands of cosmetic gloves and go to them within 2-3 hours. Paraffin remnants stick to the nail surface. Paraffin therapy is useful in cold times when the nails are exposed to low temperatures. The procedure warms blood vessels, improving blood circulation and stimulating the flow of nutrients.

Nail baths. When smelling nails, it is not recommended to do the baths often, since water, penetrating into the nail structure, not only feeds, but also softens it. But it is not necessary to abandon the baths at all, it is better to choose the ingredients correctly: it is not recommended when wearing nail bundles to make baths with salt, soda or iodine - they can aggressively effect on the surface of the nail plate, provoking even greater bundle. And here and oils 1-2 times a month will be useful for the treatment of bundle.

With the bundle of nails it is not recommended to align nails using various scrubics, Because they will only destroy the surface of the nail. Do not lean the surface and polishing saws. If the bundle begins from the edge of the nail, it is better to cut it, because, becoming thin, it will break, which can lead to injury.

Prevention of nail separation

Miscellaneous nails is easier to prevent than treat, therefore, regardless of whether your nails are subject to this fear or not, make it time for yourself periodically, several times a month, carry out procedures that can help strengthen your nails.

Pay attention to the nutrition! Dissection is provoked by the lack of vitamins and trace elements. Enter in your diet dairy products containing calcium, vegetables, legumes and fruits. If there is a need to offer a course of vitamins.
Do not get carried away. Be sure to make a recovery break, during which you take care of the nails. Beautiful nails are not only a delightful manicure, but also a healthy look. And the stratification of nails does not make them attractive.

Do not bite the burrs, handle the edges only with a sawmaker with a small application. Processing the edges of the sawmill, make sure that they remain smooth, did not cling to their hair and clothing. Be sure to do the broken nail, because an uneven edge can lead to the detachment of the fragment and provoke further decreases. When manicure, try not to injure the nail plate: damage disrupts integrity and can lead to a bundle.

Remember: Nails should also rest! Several times a year arrange them "Vacations"! At this time, try not to paint them with decorative varnish, reduce the length. Turn the nogotochy with reducing and nutritional procedures. Daily concern for nails will necessarily affect their appearance and health.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are one of the important indicators of the health of the body as a whole. If they are stratified, break, poorly grow or become completely thin, and there are small spots of white color, it means that something is wrong with them. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to reinforce them.

Does Nail Care Need? What does he give?

Professional nails care is possible to provide at home. To do this, it is necessary to take advantage of some baths and other folk remedies.

Such procedures will make them more durable, soften the cuticle and the skin of the fingers. It is worth noting the golden rule: cauting behind the nails of the house, it is very important to comply with all the recommendations, as well as have patience and not be lazy.


Before you start acting, you need to know from what nails consist. The nail plate has several layers of keratin, which are divided by thin layers of fat and water. It is their balance that affects the health and beauty of nails directly on the health and beauty of nails. When the nail plate is desired and completely small fat in it, it will constantly break and thin. With systematic contact with water, the nails absorb moisture, swell and smell.

The main reasons for the poor state of nails can be called damage to the chemical, as well as a mechanical nature.

To nails have always been healthy, strong and raised quickly, it is worth complying with some recommendations:

  1. Do not wash your hands very hot water. Always carefully wipe the skin, because the abundance of moisture adversely affects the structure of the nail plate.
  2. In winter, as well as in the offseason, be sure to wear gloves purely from natural materials. Since the wind and the cold will influence the filming of the nails, but the synthetics will deprive moisture.
  3. Cleaning and washing dishes should be made exclusively in rubber gloves. If they are not at hand, then smear your hands in a fatty cream in advance.
  4. When performing a manicure of the house, it is necessary to apply a glass of glass, having a greater degree of abrasiveness (from 220 grit). It is worth saying that the sides of the nail should not be styled, because the plate will be injured and flawed.
  5. All the time, use moisturizing creams with vitamins, lemon or natural base oil.
  6. Do not constantly increase your nails and use shelac. Since the long wearing of artificial coverage and constant correction will affect the state of the nail plate.
  7. It is worth noting that it is necessary to strengthen, as well as increase in salon conditions, only healthy nails are necessary, which will be able to keep not only gel, but also acrylic. Otherwise, these substances will bring only harm.
  8. Use ordinary varnishes, but only good quality. They will perfectly help protect your nails from environmental impact.

Strengthening nails with proper nutrition

There is just a colossal number of ways to strengthen the nails at home.

First of all, it is worth saying that nutrition has a very strong effect on nail health. If very few microelements and vitamins come to the body, and there are frequent and very strict diets, the nails become weak.

Mandatory for magnesium organism. The trace element will not only strengthen the nails, but also removes white specks. To speed up the growth of the nails, the ration must also include calcium. Sodium will also help accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them. To make stronger brittle and laying plates, be sure to turn on more protein into the diet.

It is worth saying that long rejection of fats for fast slimming at home, also sometimes become the main cause of nail separation.

Baths with salt

How to strengthen your nails? Make a bath. Nail plates greatly strengthen the procedures with salt as marine and cook. How to do them? About this further in the article.

To do this, we need to dissolve two tbsp. l. Sea salt in warm water. Only fingertips are lowered there literally for 15-20 minutes. When the procedure is over, your hands should be blown up with a towel and apply a nutrient cream.

As prophylaxis salt baths are necessary only once a week. If there is a decrease in, thinning, then it is necessary to make a procedure for at least 10 days, daily. A month later, the course is repeated.

Lemon masks

How to strengthen nails at home with lemon? Now we will tell.

  1. For the fund you need lemon. The fruit is washing, the peel is cleaned with a part of the pulp. Next, only the tips of the fingers are lowered in the resulting mass for 10 minutes.
  2. In a slightly heated vegetable oil, lemon juice is added. Proportion: 100 ml of oil, 5 ml of juice, everything is mixed well. The procedure is carried out within 10 minutes.
  3. The egg yolk is rubbed with 10 ml of lemon juice and a teaspoon is added in shallow salt. Everything is mixed. The mass is applied to the nails.

Strengthening gel

How to strengthen your nails? In the modern nail industry there is still a method. To do this, use gel. He gradually displaces so relevant extension, as it is safer, does not make the plates thin and in the end the manicure looks more naturally.

How to strengthen the nails gel? This, of course, will be best told in a specialized salon. Naturally, it is possible to learn and yourself. To do this, you need to buy some materials, then practice on yourself either on some of the relatives. This procedure will be easier to build up, and the consumable material is required less.

This procedure is very useful. And not only for the plate, but also for the cuticle. Thanks to it, it is possible to do less frequently edged manicure. The nail plate after the procedure is aligned, it becomes thicker and durable. In addition, such a strengthening is much cheaper than building and it can be done at home.

Naturally, it is better to solve this issue from the inside, and the gel will help to prevent bad consequences from the outside.

Strengthening powder: benefits

To understand, powder, you need to know what it is. Now we'll figure it out in this matter. Acrylic powder is a polymer powder of synthetic origin. It very quickly becomes solid when connecting with a special fluid.

Such a procedure is very necessary and relevant at the present time. There are quite a lot of positive moments in it:

  1. Good quality perfectly worst all the nail plate. It will not break out, turn into crystalline. With a similar means it is possible to create an unusual design, surprising all familiar.
  2. Excellent strengthening of nails. The peculiarity of this material is that it is possible to leave without any decorative coating. In any situation, the manicure will look neat and natural. Acrylic is able to close the literally all microcracks.
  3. The presented coating helps the nails to cope with any temperature drops and mechanical load. The surface will be plastic and will not break. It will also not become soft from long stay in water.

Strengthening powder: Step-by-step instructions

  • Before the procedure, degrease the plate, apply the database.
  • After drying.
  • Next sprinkle powder.
  • After drying under the lamp.
  • Then the excess material is removed.

That's how to strengthen the nails. Now you can apply any coating.

This method is an innovative technique. How to strengthen the nails with gel varnish? Now we will tell. First applies the base layer of Neil-Prepare and Primera. The means are applied both on the plate and to the ends. After cover the thin layer of the base. Seeing the nails in the lamp for two minutes. The next step is to apply a thin layer of gel lacquer. Next it should be dried in the lamp. The duration of this procedure is two minutes.

Then finish-gel is applied. After that, it is necessary to gently seal free edges without falling on the cuticle. Drying in the lamp is four minutes. Further on the cuticles necessarily apply a special softening oil.

So we sorted out how to strengthen the nails at home. It can be said that if you want to have strong and healthy nails, try to make a cutting manicure as possible, do not use metal materials from metal to feed nails. It is best to choose new options having Teflon coating. Manicure must be done systematically, no less than once a week. Varnish to remove only a special fluid that will not contain acetone.

Do not forget that the nails should be resting from any coating, even if it is the highest quality. Instead of gel varnish, use therapeutic they will give nails to protect against malicious environments, will help make beautiful, healthy and strong plates from thin and very fragile nails. Any means to strengthen nails in the form of varnish has no color. When the nails become healthy, therapeutic varnish is good to use as the basis of several layers for the simplest means. For nails, which are very broken, use calcium products, and for strata - lacquers with fruit acids.


Now you know how to strengthen the nails with gel, powder and folk remedies. As you can see, there are many options. Choose a suitable tool and strengthen your nails.

Beautiful nails - An indicator of health and proper care, so everyone who wants to be the owner of a beautiful manicure, understand that without proper attention, it is impossible to achieve the desired result. But what do you need to know that your actions do not harm the nails and the skin of your hands?

The structure of the nail, or that we strengthen

In the human body, the nails perform a protective function, closing the sensitive part of the phalange of the fingers.

Nail condition - human health paper: disruption of the structure, colors, spots on the nails talk about failure in the work of the body, so it is better to start care of the nails with the identification of the reasons that influence the appearance of the nail plate. To do this, you need to pass a medical examination.

In its structure, the nail plate is a horn formation of a plate structure, the main substance of which is keratin

The nail plate at the formation stage is impregnated with vitamins and microelements that receive from the body. Their assimilation depends on both heredity and on objective causes (unbalanced nutrition or negative impact of the environment).

Despite the fact that the visible part of the nail represents dead cells, care must be constant, since their structure can decrease, break, deform and change color. Baths, compresses, rubbing substances are able to strengthen the nail structure and feed its bases, stimulating growth and improving the appearance.

Structuring or brokenness of nails: similarities and differences

The bundle and fragility of nails are two problems caused by improper care. Despite the overall causes of occurrence, treatment has some differences.

Most often comes from the impact on it of chemicals or excessive increase in increasing (with this procedure, the structure of the nail plate is deformed, and the chemical agents are easily penetrated into it, leading to detachment).

Effective will be compresses with oils or rubbing them. But the baths can harm, because the penetration of the liquid into the nail structure can aggravate the problem.

Nail fragility usually appears as a consequence of hypothermia or drying, and the luxury may be incorrect nails care: try not to bite your nails and burrs, hang a special file, working with household chemicals. Protect your hands with gloves.

In the cold and heat, going out, be sure to wear gloves to protect the skin and nails. To minimize nail fragility, moisturizing is required, so they will bring the desired result.

In case of bundle and fragility of the nails should avoid scrubies to level the surface or stimulating the growth of the bath with red pepper or iodine, as they can harm.

Acceleration of nail growth

It is impossible to grow long nails in the week. Everything has come with this fact. The growth of nails depends on several factors: it is a genetic predisposition, the health of the body as a whole and the correct care. It is believed that no more than 3 millimeters increase over the week.

The growth of the nails will slow down if the balanced nutrition is impaired and the substance necessary for the growth (calcium, minerals), which bete in dairy products, do not fall into the organism. Enter these products in your diet to support the growth of nails.

Once a week you can do baths or compresses with red pepper or iodine ; They are able to stimulate blood circulation, which will allow nutrients to get to the base of the nail and affect the acceleration of growth. But it is worth noting that the use of iodine or pepper causing means can lead to surface cutting, so you must alternate the procedure recommended to increase the procedure with moisturizing (baths and compresses with olive, sea buckthorn, castor oils) and do not forget about the use of a moisturizing hand cream and Nail.

Accelerate nail growth will help massage hands handswhich can be done after moisturizing the bath or as an independent procedure.

Daily care and monthly

In a desire to help your nails need to know exactly what procedures and how often can be carried out. Clean the rules for yourself several times a day to moisten your hands and nails with a special cream, especially it is important in severe frosts or at high air temperatures, when the hands and nails are subject to negative impact.

But to level the surface of the nail plate using scrubies it is recommended to do no more than 2 times a month, because with this procedure the upper layer is slightly removed, which, when excessive passion, can harm, making the nails less strong.

You should not often make compresses and baths with red pepper and iodine, as they can burn the cuticle.

Do not forget 1-2 times a month to make a manicure, removing the cuticle and hanging nails. If you do not do it yourself, contact a specialist.

If you are increasing your nails or use Shellac, remember that sometimes nails should be given to rest.

SPA at home

And at home you can make a spa procedures that will almost not differ from the salon.

Cancel and relax the skin of the hands with the bath. You can add oils in warm water (especially efficiently olive and rosemary), lemon juice, a few drops of essential oils, menthol extract or lavender, a pinch of soda or cinnamon, then immerse in the hand of hands and keep 5-7 minutes.

Clear hands from dead epithelium particles perhaps with a pylling. 2-3 tablespoons of sugar or sea salt. You can then add two tablespoons of olive oil, a few drops of tea tree oil. Carefully massage hands, making smooth movements from wrists to fingers. After well, wash the solution with warm water.

The mask will not only calm the skin of the hands, but also the necessary vitamins. It is very easy to cook at home: you need to mix the crushed flesh of one orange with a teaspoon of sesame or olive oil, add one pinch of red pepper. Apply and rinsed in 3-5 minutes. After lubricate the skin of the oil.

These simple procedures can make each at home, and the effect of them will be no worse than in the beauty salon.

Paraffin therapy at home

Parafinotherapy for the skin of the arms and nails is a pleasant and useful procedure that is easy to do at home in the presence of special devices: baths for paraffin therapy, special paraffin, moisturizing hand cream, cosmetic gloves or a warm towel.

Before the procedure, you should prepare the skin of the hands and nails: it is necessary to remove the nail polish, soften the skin of the hands in the bath with bravery of herbs or oils, make a light massage and clean the skin and nails to the scrub. Such preparation will increase the effectiveness of paraffin therapy.

During the procedure, lower the hands into the Capacity with paraffin for 30 seconds 1 minute, then let's cool down and lower again. And so 5-7 times. Then put on cosmetic gloves and go to them and a half. Remove paraffin from the hands and apply a moisturizing cream.

Parafinotherapy is especially useful in the cold season when the skin of the hands and nails are exposed to low temperatures. The blood supply to normalizes that helps the skin and nails get the necessary meals.

Nail oils

Effective nail care means are different oils that can be purchased in pharmacies or shops. The range of use of oils is wide: you can add oils in the bath, to align the surface of the nail, make compresses for the skin and nails or apply as a basis for massage. A few drops of oil can be added to the hand cream to strengthen its properties.

Oils possess therapeutic properties. Olive oil, lemon ether used to improve color, softening the cuticle; Strengthening nails contribute castor, REean and linen Oils that contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.

As preventive tools, if possible, infection with fungal diseases or for their treatment at the initial stage, can use oils tea tree, cedar or pine. Reduce the manifestation of fragility and bundle will help almond and sunflower oil. Peanut butterWith a significant content of vitamin E, will strengthen your nails.

Use of oil jojoba At home will be an alternative to expensive nail care procedures, since it is capable of creating a protective film on the nail plate, which does not allow to penetrate the nail structure of harmful substances, protects against drying or exposure to low temperatures.

Store oils follows in the refrigerator, as light and heat can destroy their structure, and the vitamins and microelements contained in oils lose their healing properties.

Folk remedies for nail care

Nails also need careful care and mandatory care. Improve their condition and external can be at home with the help of affordable folk remedies.

Among the proven validatives, various nail masks are especially likely. For a month, you can strengthen them rubbing the mixture of half a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, half a tablespoon of beer and a teaspoon of lemon juice. You need to keep 20 minutes, after carefully wrap your hands with a napkin and smoothly massaging the nails. After the procedure, it is impossible to water 2 hours. You need to repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Improve the color and strengthen the nails will help an ordinary iodine and any vegetable oil. Mixing them in proportion 2 iodine drops on 1 tablespoon of oil, I need to rub them into nail and skin next to it. Very soon you will see the result.

You heard about the wonderful properties of red peppers. In addition to improving immunity people who regularly add it to food, gain healthy strong nails. With red pepper, you can also make a mask. Add a teaspoon of ground pepper to a teaspoon to a teaspoon and ten drops of water. Blend apply to the nail plate and leave for 20 minutes. After rinse your hands with warm water.

Such effective folk remedies for nails are available to everyone and accurately improve the state of your hands.

Cosmetics for hands and nails

Cosmetics for hands and nails are also necessary as facilities for face, body and hair. So that your hands and nails look always well-groomed, have the following cosmetics in our arsenal:

    Cream for hands and nails (nutritious, moisturizing);

    Oils for baths, massage, compresses;

    Scrubs for the skin or nails;

    A means for removing varnish (preferably without acetone);

    Several decorative varnishes;

    Lucky to strengthen and power nails.

Get a high-quality manicure set with several types of nail files, tweezers.

All this will help make your nails and hands with handsome.

Lucky cosmetic and strengthening: harm and benefits

Beautiful manicure is impossible without using varnishes. Designers of nails are able to turn your nails into a real work of art. But not all varnishes harmless.

Sometimes you notice that after you removed the varnish, your nails have a yellowish or even brown shade, an uneven surface. The reason is clear: you made harm to the poor-quality agent!

Choosing varnish, pay attention to the shelf life. Never divide the dried lacquer acetone. It is recommended not to store varnishes for more than a year, because they become dense, poorly applied to the nails. If you prefer to pick up the tone of the lacquer to along, then it is better to paint your nails in the cabin. Home is better to have neutral varnishes suitable for your daily wardrobe.

Avoid using dark shades varnishes. With long-term use, the coloring pigments of the varnish can penetrate the structure of the nail plate and And when used, be sure to use the basis for varnish.

In pharmacies you will be able to acquire therapeutic varnishes that contribute to growth, strengthening, getting rid of fragility and bundle. Before buying, be sure to read annotation and recommendations for use, since even therapeutic varnishes can harm if using them incorrectly.

Nail care and skin care rules

In order for the effect of nail and skin care procedures to be maximally, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

    Care should be permanent: Use the hand and nail cream daily, make the baths, massage several times a week.

    Try not to go out into hot weather or at low temperatures, without protecting your hands with gloves.

    Do not contact with chemicals without rubber gloves: otherwise you will apply irreparable harm.

    Follow the balance of your nutrition.

    Periodically pass the medical examination, since the state of health will affect and on the state of the skin of the hands and nails.

    Use only high-quality products, do not save, buying cosmetics on sales.

Observing these simple rules, you can save the beauty of your hands and nails for many years.

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