Rhododendron - description of medicinal plant species, composition, useful properties, use in folk and traditional medicine, planting and care, where to buy, photo. Medicinal properties of the herb rhododendron adams - indications and contraindications, how to brew and pi

Adams rhododendron is an evergreen shrub, up to 50 cm in height. It grows on Far East and southern Tibet. The leaves are dense, matte, oblong, up to 2 cm in length. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences of 7-12 pieces. Flowers can be of various shades. In more detail, the plant can be seen in the photo below.

The most popular rhododendrons are Madame Masson and Adams. Adams rhododendron is listed in the Red Book of Buryatia. The people often call the plant sagan-dayla or sagandaila.

Sagan-dayla is translated as "life extension". The literal translation of the name of the plant is as follows: Sagan - white, Daila - wing. There is a legend that in old days warriors, returning after the war with a victory, stuck their spears into the slopes of the Sayans. After a certain time, a unique plant appeared at this place, which restores and fills the human body with energy and health.

The use of this plant among the peoples of Buryatia has been known since ancient times. Adams rhododendron has found its application in the world and folk medicine. Sagan-dailya is considered a general tonic and tonic medicine. Adams rhododendron acts on the body as an energy drink. If you drink an infusion of this plant after dinner, then at night you can simply not fall asleep. At home, growing this variety is quite easy.

In central Russia, it is recommended to grow only those varieties that are resistant to frost. It is necessary to plant a bush in open ground from April to May. A suitable place to plant Adams rhododendrons would be a slightly shady area where grass and weeds are absent.

Do not plant a plant next to big trees, which, with their voluminous crown, can cover the entire sun. You can plant a rhododendron on the east side of the site. Most often, several specimens are planted along the borders or country house. The plant prefers a moderately mild climate.


Proper watering affects the further laying of flower buds. It is recommended to water only with filtered water. room temperature.

Determining whether watering is needed or not is very simple. If the leaves have become lethargic and dull, then they do not have enough moisture. When there is enough moisture in the soil, the leaves look resilient and saturated. On especially hot days, you should spray the flower from a spray bottle.

Soil and top dressing

A suitable composition for adams rhododendrons will consist of the following components:

  • pine bedding,
  • garden soil,
  • peat.

All components must be mixed in equal proportions. It is necessary to feed Adams rhododendron with fertilizers for flowering plants. Top dressing is carried out during the period of active growth. The fertilizer dosage is indicated on the packaging.


Adams rhododendron can be propagated using seeds. It is best to carry out the breeding process in early spring. Seeds are sown in a wide container with a moistened mixture of peat and sand. On top of the planting is covered with polyethylene and placed on the window. Every day you need to ventilate the seeds and, if necessary, moisten the ground. The first sprouts begin to appear after 20-30 days. When the adams rhododendrons grow up and a couple of leaves appear on them, they can be transplanted into permanent pots. The first year, seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, and only then they are planted in open ground. Adams rhododendron will begin to bloom only in the 8th year of life.

Diseases and pests

Common pests are mealybug, scale insect, spider mite, aphid, weevil and bed bug. Insects that can be harvested by hand should be removed, and the adams rhododendron should be treated with an insecticide. Spider mites, weevil and bed bugs can be killed with diazine. In case of damage by weevils, it is recommended to process not only the plant itself, but also the top layer of the earth. Other pests can be removed with karbofos.

Diseases of rhododendron can occur due to improper care. Leaves are most often affected: spots, rust or stains may appear on them. Such spots appear, mainly with fungal diseases. Stains on the leaves are removed with a solution blue vitriol. As a prevention of fungal diseases, it is not necessary to fill the plant. Rhododendron roots should breathe and be dry. To prevent pests and diseases from attacking the plant, it is necessary to regularly weed all the weeds near the plantings. The grass must be carefully removed so that it does not interfere with the growth of the rhododendron. Subject to simple rules care plant will give a beautiful and abundant flowering.

Rhododendron Adams belongs to the heather family (Ericaceae), genus Rhododendron, subgenus Eurhododendron (A.Gray) Drude.

The morphological description of this species under the name Azalea fragrans is given in the work of I.O. Adams, containing a description of the plants of Eastern Siberia and published in 1834 by the Moscow Society of Naturalists. An earlier botanical description of the plant is given by Palass. Under the name Rhododendron fragrans (Adams) Maxim., Rh. anthopogon Don., Azalea pallida Turcz., Rh. As. Orientalis Paxt., the plant is described by many researchers of the Siberian flora: K.I. Maksimovich, N.S. Turchaninov and others. Its description is given by J. Prein (1888) and E. Bush (1915) in "Flora of Siberia and the Far East". Under the name of Adams' rhododendron, the plant is given in the "Flora of Central Siberia" by M.G. Popov (1959). Given there morphological description kind.

Rhododendron Adams is a small evergreen shrub, similar in appearance to Rhododendron parvifolium, strongly branched, with gray bark of old branches that peels off and exposes light brown layers of bark. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, spiky 1-4 cm long, on short petioles, wrinkled above and sparsely scaly-hairy with slightly curved edges, young ones are whitish below from continuous stellate corymbose scales, last year's ones are reddish-brown, very strongly smelling. The flowers are rather small, pale pink, odorless, in dense corymbs, 7-15 on short reddish-scaly branches, almost sessile. The lobes of the calyx are small, uneven, obtuse, 1.5-3 mm long. Corolla tube 6 - 7 mm long. The limb is almost flat, with somewhat unequal lobes 4-5 mm long in the pharynx and fluffy inside the tube. Filaments of stamens are naked, straight. Capsule 3-6 mm long, oblong, densely scaly hairy. Malyshev L.D. adds to this description an amendment that the corolla may be white or pinkish, but without a lilac tint, not bluish from drying. Stamens 5 enclosed in corolla tube.

There are many names in the literature by which the Adams rhododendron is known. It seems appropriate to bring them, since many of them indicate the characteristic properties of rhododendron, its use in everyday life, as well as morphological features. Among the inhabitants of the Baikal region, the Adams rhododendron is called fragrant wild rosemary, fragrant rod (in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the west of the Irkutsk Region), among the inhabitants of the Eastern and Central Sayan - Belogorsk tea, the Buryat name "sagan - yes-li" or "sakhandalya" (which is literally translated means "white wing"), Tofalar "ak-kaskara" (white kashkara). In Mongolian - Adamsyn terelzh, Tsagan-dal, Tibetan "Dal-garbo" or "da-li", and in the "Atlas of Tibetan Medicine" he is listed under the names ba-lu, da-lis.

In Eastern Siberia, Adams' rhododendron grows in the mountain systems of the Eastern and Western Sayan, the Baikal region, the Putorana Plateau, the Stanovoi and Kolyma Highlands (Angaro-Sayan, Daursky, Lena-Kolyma floristic regions).

Most researchers attribute it to carbonate-preferring rocks, and some even to typical calciphiles. Opinions on this issue differ.

Malyshev M.D. put forward a hypothesis that calcephilia expands the climatic limits of the existence of species, contributing to an easier penetration of alpine species into the forest belt, allowing to overcome climatic boundaries during settlement and changing weather and climatic conditions. Such facultative calcephiles make up a fourth of the flora of Eastern Siberia and most of the highland species.

The range of the Adams rhododendron runs along the Yenisei, south along the Tuva (Tannu-Ola, Sangilen, Khaigaiga Ridges), captures the Eastern Sayan, then the border runs along the coast of northern Baikal (Cape Shartla) and goes to the north of Yakutia in the Olekminsky, Tomponsky districts up to Aldan highlands. In the east of Russia, the Adams rhododendron enters the Okhotsk coast (to the village of Ayan) and the northern part of the island. Sakhalin.

In the Eastern and Western Sayan, Adams' rhododendron grows on the rocky northern slopes of the subalpine and lower alpine belt. Malyshev M.D. even identified adamsorhododendron tundras as a separate subgroup of the classification of shrub tundras. He noted the coverage of rhododendron 0.3 - 0.5, about 40 cm high, above the shrubbery rises a radish of cedar or larch with a crown density of less than 0.1 - 0.2. Adams' rhododendron dominates in the shrub-grass layer (coverage 0.2 - 0.6) together with Arctous erythrocarpa Small., Dryas punctata Suz., Carex stenocarpa L.).

According to other sources, Adams' rhododendron is found in the subalpine and lower half of the alpine belt up to height. 2400 - 2500 m, sometimes descending into the forest belt, up to a height of 1300-1400 m. It grows on moderately wet and dry stony semi-soddy or lichen slopes, forms extensive thickets on the northern side in the upper border of the forest and subalpine belt. There is a wide distribution of the Adams rhododendron on the Stanovoy Highlands (Kindikan river, Shaman city, Devengardy, Olnya-Western, Gorbylok-Tsipisky, Olnya-Vostochnaya, Annudakan, Vira, Mudirikan rivers). It lives in the upper part of the forest belt, on gravel slopes, lichen tundra, and mossy larch ravines. Based on the combination of features, the authors classified the Adams rhododendron as a group of polyploid species. On the Baikal Ridge and the Putorana Plateau, Adams' rhododendron was noted in mass in the subalpine belt on lime-bearing rocks and semi-soddy slopes and larch sparse areas around the lake. Khaya-Kyuel, m. Ryty, m. Elokhin, city of Chersky. In Yakutia, its thickets are confined to larch moss patches among shrubs in the lakeside, subalpine belt along the peaty shores of lakes. It is common in the Kolyma Highlands and grows in the limestone subregion of the Kolyma floristic region, gradually decreasing to the east and sometimes found in the border parts of the Indigirsky region (middle reaches of the Kolyma River), in the Verkholensky region. There is also information in the literature about its presence in Kamchatka and the Chukchi Peninsula. Large thickets of Adams' rhododendron are also noted in the Republic of Mongolia (especially in Khubsugul and Khangai).

Closely related species of Adams' rhododendron are Rh.anthopogon D.Don from the Himalayas, Rh.collettian Aith.et Hemsl. from Afghanistan, Rh. Anthopogonoides Maxim, and Rh. cephalanthum Don. from Central China.

Rhododendrons have long been used as medicinal plants in Indo-Tibetan medicine. According to Buddhist mythology, rhododendron is one of the seven plants surrounding the god of medicine and health. Mongolian folk medicine used the flowers and leaves of Adams' rhododendron, it was believed that he had a miraculous ability to instill strength and vigor in a person, strengthen his performance and endurance, and increase sexual potency.

According to the resource "Nature of Baikal" nature.baikal.ru

Features of the content of Adams rhododendron in culture

Our customers and colleagues very often ask questions about how to successfully grow this plant in the garden, what argotechnics should be used and how not to ruin the plants after planting. In addition, many refer to the well-known difficulties of introducing the Adams rhododendron, and some even to IMPOSSIBILITY the content of this type of rhododendron in culture.

At the same time, we have accumulated considerable experience in the introduction of this type of rhododendrons. Rhododendron Adams has been tested by us for more than 10 years in the most different conditions. All this eventually made it possible to develop a number of recommendations and assert with full confidence that the maintenance of this type of rhododendron in the culture in the conditions of the central zone of the Russian Federation is possible.

In this article, we tried to summarize all the information we have accumulated about the content of this species, since questions about the Adams rhododendron come to us regularly and are of the same type. So:

1) THE SOIL. Adams' rhododendron was tested on different types of soils (pure high-moor peat, low-lying peat with a high degree of decomposition, mixtures of "peat / sand / coniferous litter" in various proportions). The best results were achieved on a site with a normal, low-lying, highly decomposed peat. Note that in nature, Adams' rhododendron grows on just such a substrate and is quite rare on moss and "young peat".

2) DRAINAGE. Drainage for Adams rhododendron is highly desirable. We use lime rubble, crushed stone, lime chips. At the same time, plants growing on clean peat without drainage also showed annual growth and, in general, looked quite viable.

3) LOCATION. It is best to plant the Adams rhododendron in partial shade, and in areas with pronounced hot summers - even in full shade (or in a place where the sun is in the morning and evening hours). For example, suitable place can serve as the north side of the house, hill or slope. In nature, Adams' rhododendron grows in abundance precisely on the northern and northeastern slopes (especially in the continental part - Altai, Sayan). In the event that the mountain valley is very open to the sun, the plant "rises" even higher along the northern slope to find the necessary shade during the daytime. Depending on the good location of the mountain valley relative to the sun, Adams' rhododendron can indeed (as noted by a number of scientists) descend to the forest zone and even penetrate into it.

4) WATER MODE. Rhododendron Adams needs regular watering, especially in hot weather. summer months. In nature, this species somehow gravitates towards rivers. The problem of increased evaporation of moisture from the soil can be solved by covering the near-trunk area with moss. In addition, irrigation is useful.

Note that plants still have a "margin of safety". Some samples were "thrown" by us into "free floating". It was a site in full sun, the substrate was lowland peat, the plants were not watered during the entire season. As a result, by the end of the season, almost all plants survived and were in quite tolerable condition. In the next season, with the improvement of conditions and care, the seedlings began to develop and grow.

5) WINTER RESISTANCE. Rhododendron Adams is completely winter-hardy in the conditions of the middle lane. It has a compromise attitude towards snow cover, since in nature it often grows on slopes, where snow is almost completely blown out in winter. Thus, the extremely severe winters of the continental mountain systems do not harm him in any way.

6) REPRODUCTION. Many buyers ask us for "large adult" specimens. Unfortunately, or, fortunately, we do not have such (more precisely, we do not sell them).
There are 2 correct ways to propagate this plant. This a) division of relatively young bushes And b) seed way.

We offer a very limited number of Adams rhododendron seedlings each year. This is due to objective reasons. Not every bush of this plant can be divided at all. Since this species is slow growing, the rooting of side shoots is also very, very slow even in conditions of high humidity.

Attempts to transfer adult specimens of Adams rhododendron from nature to garden conditions have been, remain and, most likely, will remain unsuccessful.
As for young plants theoretically capable of withstanding transportation, they are extremely rare, since a whole set of very favorable conditions is needed in nature for successful germination and further growth of seedlings. This also applies to many other rhododendrons (for example, Caucasian). That is why the populations of rhododendrons in the highland zone in the vast majority of cases are represented by adult plants that are already very many years old.

As for seed reproduction, under artificial conditions, on the contrary, there is nothing complicated in this. This type of rhododendron is no more difficult than any other slow-growing species.

Plants obtained from seeds are more resistant in the conditions of the middle zone of the Russian Federation and this way breeding we use as the main in recent years.

7) And the last. One of the most common reasons gardeners want to have an Adams rhododendron in their yard is its fragrant leaves (and, accordingly, medicinal raw materials). In this regard, the questions "How fast does it grow?" are semi-large. and "How soon can I get a certain amount of leaves?".

It should be understood that the Adams rhododendron is a slow growing species. Therefore, it is hardly advisable to count on his "haircut" or obtaining a large mass of raw materials in a garden. Putting 1-2 leaves in tea is another matter. In addition, it is now no problem to buy its leaves and enjoy their aroma, while not damaging your garden specimens. It must be remembered that the substances contained in the leaves of the Adams rhododendron are very potent, so the use of plant materials should be conscious and limited by medical indications.

Photographs of Adams' rhododendron at the nursery.

Rhododendron Adams leaf can also be bought in our online store. Fresh raw materials are annually collected and sent to us directly by collectors. Place of collection - Mongolia, the region of Lake Khubsugul.

Photographs of Adams' rhododendron in shipments.

Until now, often there are old names for Adams' rhododendron:"white wing", fragrant wild rosemary, fragrant rod, Belogorsk tea and many others.

And "sagan-dayla" (or "sakhandayla"), invented hundreds of years ago by the Mongols, is used on a par with the official scientific name.


This famous plant is small evergreen shrub no more than half a meter high (usually a little over 10 cm). The stems are dark green in color, but over time they become overgrown with dark ash bark, brown closer to the base.

The leaves are dull green, dense, oblong, lanceolate in shape with blunt ends (occasionally sharp). Their length ranges from 1 to 2 cm, and their width is from 0.5 to 1 cm. The green color of young leaves on next year becomes reddish-brown. The flowers are light pink (almost white) or bright pink, have no smell.


This plant became known to the scientific world thanks to researcher of Siberia I.O. Adams. In his publication, published by the Moscow Society of Naturalists, he described in detail many Siberian plants, including "sagan dailya". Actually, in honor of this researcher, the Adams rhododendron and got its scientific name.

Today, Adams' rhododendron can be found in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Plant prefers a moderately humid cold climate. It grows mainly on rocky slopes.

Flowering and photo

Sagandale blooms all summer. Flowers are bright or light pink in color, collected in inflorescences of 10 pieces. Each flower in diameter reaches 15 mm.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the Adams rhododendron in the photo below:


Rhododendron for the garden

The beautiful pink flowers that grow annually on the Adams rhododendron bush encourage many people to plant this plant in their garden. Sahandaila feels good in garden conditions, at least she refuses to bloom quite rarely.

Rhododendron in traditional medicine

Adams' rhododendron has been used for centuries different nations for medicinal purposes.

Scientific studies have shown that the plant does indeed have some properties that can be useful in the treatment of various diseases.

So, for example, scientists have proven that the essential oil obtained from the leaves of the Adams rhododendron has strong antimicrobial properties- it is able to kill and suppress a number of harmful bacteria and microbes (cholera vibrio, streptococci, diphtheria bacilli and others).

Thanks to explicit bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, more recently, Adams' rhododendron has been used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Today you can find various preparations that include plant extract.

Rhododendron in dentistry

In the treatment of teeth and gums, water extracts of sagan-daily have been used. The reason for this is again the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.

Rhododendron in folk medicine

For gastrointestinal diseases

The antimicrobial properties of sagandale are particularly effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Leaf tea combined with proper diet significantly improves the patient's well-being, relieves pain and increases the effectiveness of other therapeutic agents and drugs.

Thanks to tannic property a decoction of rhododendron also helps with diarrhea.

For rheumatism

Tibetan medicine uses sagan-dailyu together with some other herbs for healing baths that can get rid of rheumatism.

To improve immunity

Teas, decoctions, as well as various tinctures based on the leaves and flowers of the Adams rhododendron are used as a prevention of viral diseases, as they increase the stability of the body as a whole.


Many essential oils are known for their diuretic properties. Residents of Siberia have long used products based on Adams rhododendron to speed up blood flow and remove harmful substances from the body.

In Buryatia, Adams' rhododendron is known as tonic, which does not affect individual organs, but the whole organism as a whole. It is believed that it stimulates the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems, relieves fatigue from the whole body.


Many rhododendrons are poisonous plants. Sagan-dayla safe for the human body but not for insects. Plant-based insecticidal agents inject insects into a state of intoxication, and some even paralyze.

Adams' rhododendron can become a very effective assistant. in the fight against domestic moths.

invigorating drink

A weak decoction of the leaves of the plant acts approximately like green tea. Drink tones, invigorates, relieves fatigue and hangover, is an excellent antioxidant.


Essential oil, obtained from a plant, has a strong and pleasant smell. It is used as a flavoring agent.


Rhododendron Adams - beautiful and useful plant, which has helped mankind for many centuries. Everyone should enjoy its gifts, at least once in a lifetime.

Useful video

Read more about the properties and use of Adams' rhododendron (sagandale) in the video below:

In the article we talk about Adams' rhododendron - what it looks like, where it grows. You will learn what remedies are prepared from this plant, and how they are useful.

Rhododendron Adams (Latin Rhododēndron adāmsii) is an evergreen perennial shrub of the Heather family.

Among the people there are other names for the plant: sagaan-dali, sakhandalya, sagaan-dayla, sagan-dayla, dala, white wing, white wings, fragrant wild rosemary, Belogorsk tea, Buryat tea.

What does it look like

Appearance of the Adams rhododendronThe Adams rhododendron is planted as an ornamental shrub.

The plant reaches a height of up to 0.5 meters. Branches splayed in different directions are covered with brown bark if the plant is young. When the plant is two or more years old, the color of the bark changes to dark ash. The old bark falls off, and under it a new layer opens - light brown.

Leaves are green all year round, oblong shape. Their length is about 1-2 centimeters, width 1 centimeter. The upper part of the leaves is shiny, green, the lower part is red or gray, which is given to it by thick scales.

The color of the flowers varies from pale pink to pink. Small in size - their diameter is not more than 15 millimeters. Collected in corymbs of 7-15 flowers. The flowering period is summer.

Rhododendron Adams exudes a fruity-floral scent.

Where does it grow

The habitat of Sagan-Dail (Adams' rhododendron) is the Far East, Sakhalin, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, the northeastern foothills of Tibet.

Prefers mountain forests, rocky slopes of highlands. The shrub can be found in lichen tundra, on the rocks by the sea. Likes rocky, medium moisture soil.

Leaves and inflorescences

Leaves and flowers of rhododendron have useful properties. Leaves and inflorescences of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Currently, the plant is included in the "List of plants and products of their processing, objects of animal origin, microorganisms, fungi and biologically active substances prohibited for use as part of biologically active food supplements" of the Technical Regulations Customs Union 021/2011 "On food safety".

Essential oils, which are part of the plant, are used in cosmetology and soap making.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the plant includes:

  • essential oil;
  • bagenic acid;
  • linolenic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • ursolic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin C;
  • andromethotoxin;
  • erikopin;
  • tannins;
  • resinous substances.

Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, Adams' rhododendron is used to treat gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

It has diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic properties. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism, fever, bleeding of a different nature.

Remedies based on Adams rhododendron have proven themselves for colds, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis.

Indicated in nervous diseases as a sedative.

Sagan-dayla has a complex effect on the body, primarily strengthening the immune system and restoring strength after a long illness.

Rhododendron is an ancient remedy for infertility. During pregnancy, its reception is stopped. It is indicated for such female ailments as cervical erosion, colpitis, vaginitis, itching.

How to collect

Leaves, flowers and tops of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. The flowers are cut off fresh, not darkened. The most useful are the flowers collected in July - August. During this period, they have the most vitamins.

How to apply

Tea, decoctions, infusions, tinctures are made from Adams rhododendron. In folk medicine, various means are prepared on the basis of Adams rhododendron: infusions, tinctures, powders, tea. They are used externally and internally.


Rhododendron tea stimulates the brain, improves memory. Recommended for people engaged in mental work.


  1. Rhododendron Adams - 1 leaf.
  2. Black tea - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Brew tea, add a leaf of rhododendron to it. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

How to use: Drink no more than 1-2 cups per day.

Result: Increases alertness.

Tea with the addition of rhododendron Adams, beneficial features which are described in the article, suitable for coffee lovers. Refusal of coffee will have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system, and taking tea with rhododendron stimulates brain activity no worse than coffee.


The powder is prepared from the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. It is ground to a state of fine dust.


  1. Adams Rhododendron Powder - 1 teaspoon
  2. Honey - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Mix the powder with honey.

How to use: Take the mixture once a day on an empty stomach.

Result: Helps with sluggish diseases, when there is a general breakdown.

This mixture is also suitable for those who suffer from insomnia.



  1. Rhododendron Adams - 1 leaf.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaf, leave for 30 minutes.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

Result: Blood pressure stabilizes.

If you decide to use rhododendron sprigs to combat hypertension, then instead of 1 leaf of the plant, use 0.5 teaspoon of finely chopped sprigs.


Tinctures are traditionally prepared on an alcohol basis. Therefore, such funds are not recommended for children and adolescents.


  1. Rhododendron Adams (flowers, leaves) - 200 grams.
  2. Vodka - 200-300 ml.

How to cook: Place the raw materials in a jar, filling it halfway. Fill with vodka to the brim. Insist for 14 days.

How to use: Take 10-15 drops, mixed with 100 ml of water, 3 times a day.

Result: Tincture helps with colitis. Restores the intestinal mucosa.


Rhododendron Adams has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • increased excitability;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 18 years.

Overdose causes hallucinations, overexcitation, urinary retention. If an overdose has been observed more than once, there may be impaired renal function.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain: eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom: Plants.
  • Department: Flower.
  • Class: Dicotyledons.
  • Order: Heather.
  • Family: Heather.
  • Genus: Rhododendron.
  • Species: Rhododendron Adams.


About 16 species of rhododendrons grow in Russia, 5 of them, including the Adams rhododendron, in Siberia.

Here are some of the species of this plant:

  • Rhododendron Albrecht.
  • Atlantic rhododendron.
  • Rhododendron Vasea.
  • Rhododendron is unflowered.
  • Dahurian rhododendron.
  • Tree rhododendron.
  • Rhododendron yellow.

Rhododendron Adams is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia.

How Adams' rhododendron grows, you can see in the video:

Rhododendron Adams infographic

Photo of Adams rhododendron, its useful properties and applications: Infographics on Adams rhododendron

What to remember

  1. Rhododendron Adams, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which you have studied, is recommended to be taken only after consulting a doctor.
  2. Rhododendron, for its attractive appearance, is used as an ornamental plant in garden beds.
  3. Rhododendron Adams, whose properties are often used in traditional medicine, can cause hallucinations.

Source: http://zdoroviebl.ru/rasteniya/rododendron-adamsa/

Rhododendron Adams

Rhododendron Adams popularly has a large number of other names, they call it fragrant shepherd boy, white wing, saagan-dali, fragrant wild rosemary, Belogorsk tea, and even grass that prolongs life. The plant belongs to the heather family.

Translated from the Buryat language, white means sagan. For this reason, doctors called him Sagan Dali, thus distinguishing him from other rhododendrons.

How sagan dali is harvested

  • Essential oils.
  • Tannins.
  • Andromedoxin.
  • Phenol.
  • resinous substances.
  • Tannins.
  • Cardeonolides, etc.

Useful qualities

First of all, I would like to clarify that rhododendron is a poisonous plant that has an intoxicating effect. However, in many countries it is used for the manufacture of medicines.

Sagan dali was used in ancient times, and to this day it is popular, especially in folk medicine. The plant helps in the fight against such diseases:

  • Intestinal tract.
  • Of cardio-vascular system.
  • Fever.
  • Various types of bleeding.
  • Colds.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Pellagra.

It is also a good diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. Copes with heat, tones up, helps to cope with fatigue, increases efficiency.

Rhododendron can be used to treat chronic diseases flowing sluggishly. For example, headaches, loss of energy, insomnia, a state of lethargy.

In Buryatia, local healers use sagandale as a tonic. The plant is capable of:

  • Normalize the work of the kidneys and heart.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Enhances potency.

Found another use for rhododendron - it remarkably eliminates a hangover.

According to historical data, people traveling in the mountains drink a drink from this plant to relieve tired legs.

Mongolian medicine used leaves and inflorescences. In their opinion, sagan dayla has a miraculous effect. Able to increase potency, endurance. Gives a surge of strength and vigor, increases efficiency and strengthens the immune system.

Rhododendron and Tibetan medicine did not bypass. With the help of the plant, diseases of the lungs were treated, nervous system, problems associated with gallbladder. Sagandaila also helps to find harmony.

Other positive properties of the flower are also known:

  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • The mood rises, the desire to work and create.

How to apply

Rhododendron Adams should be used under the clear guidance of specialists. Medicine from different countries makes its own recipes that have a specific purpose:

  • Tibetan medicine recommends the use of Daila rhododendron for the treatment of joints, rheumatism and arthritis. You should mix several types of wormwood (santolistnaya, cold), one-seeded ephedra, juniper needles and inflorescences (shoots) of daila. Combine everything in equal amounts and add to the bath.
  • To increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system, you can use sagan daily both separately and with other herbs. The pre-dried material is ground into powder, cane and fresh honey are added to it in equal amounts. The remedy should be taken on an empty stomach. Its action is a little slow, but it spreads to the entire body, strengthening it. In addition, the product is very tasty, thanks to the sweet and fragrant honey.
  • As you know, sagan dailya strengthens the heart muscle, is prescribed for heart convulsions, as a diuretic. Helps to cope with colds. For the same purposes, infusion is most often used. Preparing it is quite simple: you need 1 tsp for one glass of water. sagandale. You need to take it carefully, if you exceed the recommended dose, there may be a back reaction, for example, urinary retention, or overexcitation of the body.
  • We are preparing a decoction to improve the functioning of the heart, cheer up (as a sedative): you need 10 grams of grass for one glass of water. The composition should be boiled for about 7-8 minutes, and let it brew for 60 minutes. Strain. Dilute with cold boiling water to the original amount. Use 50-60 milliliters. The tool perfectly tones and kills harmful bacteria in the body.
  • With the help of the above decoction, stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis) can be treated. It also helps with intestinal disorders.
  • The decoction can be used both internally and externally. They wash wounds and skin lesions. It is possible to carry out rinsing of the oral cavity during the period of inflammatory processes.
  • An extract from the leaves of sagandale (10 percent), or a water-alcohol infusion, has very strong properties. They do an excellent job with various bacteria, dysentery bacilli, staphylococcus aureus. Capable of reducing blood pressure.
  • Over a period of many experiments, it was revealed that for medicinal purposes, that part of the Adams rhododendron that is above the ground is used. The use of roots is not fixed.
  • Sagan dailya can be consumed as an infusion, or simply drunk as a tea. It strengthens the immune system and invigorates. Such tea not only has a positive effect on the body, but is also a very tasty drink, which can replace a cup of coffee in the morning. The surge of energy will be for the whole working day. To prepare a tonic drink, you will need 1 glass of brewed tea, only a few leaves of sagan dail (up to 5 pieces) are added to it. Overdose is unacceptable. Also, you can cook in the following proportion: 1 gram of dried inflorescences per 300 milliliters of water.

Who is contraindicated

No matter how useful the plant has, there are always warnings and contraindications. Adams' rhododendron contains alkaloids, which are still little studied today. Therefore, any excess of the dose can affect how the perception of the color background, that is, there will be a hallucinogenic effect. Also, sagan dailya contains a large amount of essential oils.

An overdose can cause overexcitation of the body, urinary retention will occur, and kidney function will be disrupted. Therefore, it is not recommended to use products based on this plant on its own.

Where else is it used

In addition to the treatment of various diseases, the plant is added in the manufacture of soap and perfumes. All thanks to the pleasant and rich aroma.

Rhododendron is added as a fragrance to tea. A tea called "mountain tea" was produced in Irkutsk, it contains not only sagan daily, but also other useful and aromatic herbs.

At home, plants use it as a moth control agent. You can make sachets from dried leaves and flowers, and lay them out in moth habitats.

All plants are shrouded in secrets and legends, especially medicinal ones. Rhododendron Adams is no exception. There is a legend that the daily bush grows in the Sayan mountains after the war.

When people returned, they plunged spears into the rocks, thus perpetuating their invincibility and power.

Such a charge of strength and vigor was betrayed to mother earth, and Sagan Dalya absorbed everything in himself so that in the future he could share these qualities with people with the help of tinctures, tea, etc.

Another legend tells that the plant originated in the mountains near Lake Baikal. It happened after a love event between a young man Sagan (he could become a white eagle), and a young girl Dailey.

The eagle was able to get out of the evil witch, picking up his beloved, he flew very far. After him, there were several feathers in the blood. It was on this place that the medicinal herb sprouted, which turns green all year round.

Details about the plant

External signs of Adams rhododendron:

  • The bush is not large - up to half a meter (usually 12-15 centimeters).
  • Evergreen.
  • Old stems have a dark gray tint, which is replaced by brown at the base. A rich green color is visible under a layer of husk.
  • The stem is white when broken, turning brown after a while.
  • The leaves are oblong, the apex of which is slightly obtuse.
  • The length of the leaf is about 2 centimeters.
  • The width of the leaf is about a centimeter.
  • Petioles are short.
  • Young leaves are brown and covered with scales.
  • The plant emits a strong and rich aroma, which may vary depending on the place of growth.
  • Inflorescences of a pink shade, saturated or pale.
  • Flowers are odorless.
  • The diameter of one flower is about one and a half centimeters.
  • On one shield you can see from 7 to 15 flowers.
  • The flowering time of the plant is all summer.

Plant at home

Even experienced flower growers find it difficult to keep a plant at home. Rhododendron is capricious, and requires careful and scrupulous care.

In each period of growth, separate care is required:

  • Prefers to be outdoors in a shaded area. Can be taken out to the balcony or loggia. Optimum temperature– 17-20°С. Direct rays of the sun are contraindicated.
  • It is necessary to water the plant often, but in small quantities. On hot days, daily watering and spraying is acceptable. Tap water will not work, the plant will die from the presence of chlorine. It is recommended to defend it. Excessive moisture will lead to putrefactive processes of the root system.
  • It is necessary to feed the entire warm period, make it every 7 days.
  • Rhododendron Adams at home blooms in winter period starting from September.
  • The pot with the plant is transferred to a shaded window sill, while the light should be diffused. The optimum temperature for flowering is 11-15°C.
  • Watering is also carried out often, but little by little. Once every two days will be enough. Spraying is carried out daily. In order for the plant to have enough moisture, the pot with it can be placed in a pan with wet pebbles (pebbles) or water.
  • During flowering, only superphosphates are introduced, other types of top dressing are not needed.
  • All flowers that have faded should be removed.
  • Dry twigs and leaves are also removed.
  • 30 days after the end of flowering, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots. Thus, a beautiful appearance at the plant.

For the next flowering period to be successful, the flower needs to be looked after.

In fact, those who grow this amazing flower at home admire it so much that they do not pay attention to all the difficulties of care.

Source: http://ogorodnikam.com/sadovye-rasteniya/rododendron-adamsa/

Proper care of Rhododendron Adams at home

Adams' rhododendron has been known to many peoples for hundreds of years, which is why it has so many names: "sagan gave", "fragrant wild rosemary", "ak-kaskara" and that's not all.

This is a shrub with pink flowers different shades, which grows in Russia and Mongolia and is used for medicinal purposes by different peoples - for this they use the top of the inflorescence along with the leaves. Rhododendron Adams is used as a tonic and stimulant, tea with dried shoots helps with heart problems.

The bush of this useful plant can be grown in the garden. The most important thing is to know and adhere to the rules of planting and care. If you follow the recommendations, the Adamas rhododendron will delight you with flowering and benefit your body.


Rhododendron Adams belongs to the heather family (Ericaceae), genus Rhododendron, subgenus Eurhododendron (A.Gray) Drude.

This is a small evergreen shrub, similar in appearance to Rhododendron parvifolium, strongly branched, with gray bark of old branches, which peels off and exposes light brown layers of bark.

  • The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, spiky 1-4 cm long, on short petioles, wrinkled above and sparsely scaly-hairy with slightly curved edges, young ones are whitish below from continuous stellate corymbose scales, last year's ones are reddish-brown, very strongly smelling.
  • The flowers are rather small, pale pink, odorless, in dense corymbs, 7-15 on short reddish-scaly branches, almost sessile.
  • The lobes of the calyx are small, uneven, obtuse, 1.5-3 mm long.
  • Corolla tube 6 - 7 mm long.
  • The limb is almost flat, with somewhat unequal lobes 4-5 mm long in the pharynx and fluffy inside the tube.
  • Filaments of stamens are naked, straight.
  • Capsule 3-6 mm long, oblong, densely scaly hairy.

Malyshev L.D. adds to this description an amendment that the corolla may be white or pinkish, but without a lilac tint, not bluish from drying. Stamens 5 enclosed in corolla tube.

There are many names in the literature by which the Adams rhododendron is known. It seems appropriate to bring them, since many of them indicate the characteristic properties of rhododendron, its use in everyday life, as well as morphological features.

  1. Among the inhabitants of the Baikal region, the Adams rhododendron is called fragrant wild rosemary, fragrant rod (in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the west of the Irkutsk Region),
  2. the inhabitants of the Eastern and Central Sayan - Belogorsk tea,
  3. the Buryat name "sagan - yes-li" or "sakhandalya" (which literally means "white wing"),
  4. Tofalar "ak-kaskara" (white kashkara).
  5. in Mongolian - Adamsyn terelzh, tsagan-dal,
  6. Tibetan "Dal-garbo" or "da-li",
  7. in the "Atlas of Tibetan Medicine" it is listed under the names ba-lu, da-lis.

Rhododendron in Siberia

In Eastern Siberia, Adams' rhododendron grows in the mountain systems of the Eastern and Western Sayan, the Baikal region, the Putorana Plateau, the Stanovoi and Kolyma Highlands (Angaro-Sayan, Daursky, Lena-Kolyma floristic regions).

Most researchers attribute it to carbonate-preferring rocks, and some even to typical calcephiles. Opinions on this issue differ.

  • The range of the Adams rhododendron runs along the Yenisei, south along the Tuva (Tannu-Ola, Sangilen, Khaigaiga Ridges), captures the Eastern Sayan, then the border runs along the coast of northern Baikal (Cape Shartla) and goes to the north of Yakutia in the Olekminsky, Tomponsky districts up to Aldan highlands.

In the Eastern and Western Sayan, Adams' rhododendron grows on the rocky northern slopes of the subalpine and lower alpine belt. Malyshev M.D. even identified adamsorhododendron tundras as a separate subgroup of the classification of shrub tundras.

He noted the coverage of rhododendron 0.3 - 0.5, about 40 cm high, above the shrubbery rises a radish of cedar or larch with a crown density of less than 0.1 - 0.2. Adams' rhododendron dominates in the shrub-grass layer (coverage 0.2 - 0.6) together with Arctous erythrocarpa Small., Dryas punctata Suz., Carex stenocarpa L.).

Closely related species of Adams rhododendron are

  • Rh.anthopogon D.Don from the Himalayas,
  • Rh.collettian Aith.et Hemsl. from Afghanistan
  • Rh. Anthopogonoides Maxim, and
  • Rh.cephalanthum Don. from Central China.

Distribution of Rhododendron Adams

In Russia, the range of the Adams rhododendron runs along the Yenisei, south along the Tuva (Tannu-Ola, Sangilen, Khaigaiga ridges), captures the Eastern Sayan, then the border runs along the coast of northern Baikal (Cape Shartla) and goes to the north of Yakutia in Olekminsky, Tomponsky areas to the Aldan highlands.

In the east of Russia, the Adams rhododendron enters the Okhotsk coast (to the village of Ayan) and the northern part of the island. Sakhalin.

  1. The range continues in the southeastern part of Asia, numerous in Mongolia.
  2. On the territory of the Far East of Russia, the Adams rhododendron is found on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, on the Schmidt Peninsula (Sakhalin), in the upper reaches of the Selemdzha and Bureya.
  3. In addition, it is distributed in the Eastern and Western Sayan, Khamar-Daban, on the Barguzinsky Range, and the northeastern foothills of Tibet.

Saagan-dali grows in the highlands on moderately wet and dry stony semi-soddy or lichen slopes at the upper border of mountain forests (from 1300 to 2500 meters), sometimes descending into the forest belt.

Rhododendron Adams is a psychophyte and a cryophyte, i.e. plant in wet and cold habitats. Calcephilus - in nature, this species is confined to limestone outcrops.

Existing legends about the plant

All plants are shrouded in secrets and legends, especially medicinal ones. Rhododendron Adams is no exception.

There is a legend that the daily bush grows in the Sayan mountains after the war. When people returned, they plunged spears into the rocks, thus perpetuating their invincibility and power. Such a charge of strength and vigor was betrayed to mother earth, and Sagan Dalya absorbed everything in himself so that in the future he could share these qualities with people with the help of tinctures, tea, etc.

  • Another legend tells that the plant originated in the mountains near Lake Baikal.
  • It happened after a love event between a young man Sagan (he could become a white eagle), and a young girl Dailey.
  • The eagle was able to get out of the evil witch, picking up his beloved, he flew very far.
  • After him, there were several feathers in the blood.
  • It was on this place that the medicinal herb sprouted, which turns green all year round.
  • Because of this legend, the rhododendron is often called the white wing.

How is the Adams rhododendron harvested?

For the manufacture of medicines, the upper leafy part of the plant is used. It must be collected at the beginning of flowering, until the fruits appear.

The collected material should be dried. Do not do this in the sun, only in the shade. The correct raw material looks a little pinkish, or even white. There shouldn't be a blue tint.

People who have repeatedly encountered the collection of herbs and their use recommend collecting a plant with white inflorescences.

Rhododendron has a very rich composition, which includes:

  1. Acids (oleanolic, ursolic).
  2. Essential oils.
  3. Tannins.
  4. Andromedoxin.
  5. Phenol.
  6. resinous substances.
  7. Tannins.
  8. Cardeonolides, etc.

Main useful properties

The properties of the plant are very diverse, as it affects various organs of the body:

  • Significantly improves the functioning of metabolism, the functioning of the immune system, has a strong antiseptic effect;
  • Destroys harmful flora in the oral cavity;
  • Removes toxins from the body, in particular from the lungs;
  • Normalizes the work of the body, prevents the development of various diseases;
  • Affects the improvement of brain function;
  • Reduces fatigue and nervousness, improves potency and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Removes all the sensations that come after a hangover;
  • Completely removes unnecessary and harmful components from the body.

Sagan was given in ancient times by both shamans and healers, as well as people of a higher origin. These could be the emperors of Mongolia and China, as well as Siberian shamans. The extract was used as a substance to prolong life, rejuvenate, and improve health.

Many warriors and magicians used grass to gain strength, as well as to quickly enter a trance. Grass for a long time was considered a secret means, kept secret and was known exclusively to the elite layer of the population.

There are stories about how the great healer and shaman Vedikhan, who combined a large number of different oriental knowledge into a general theory of medicine, worked on the secrets of sagan dail for a long time. It is thanks to his work that we got the opportunity to enjoy this healing and healthy drink.

  1. It is best suited for people who are constantly passionate about physical and mental labor, such as astronauts, climbers, geologists, as well as many psychics and mediators.
  2. Also, many athletes were often fond of such tea.
  3. The tool perfectly helps a tired body, removes accumulated stress, helps the heart work, slows down the aging process, and also effectively cleans the kidneys, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes blood pressure.

Source: https://makkgreen.com/dekorativnolistnye/rododendron-adamsa.html

How to use Adams' rhododendron: 3 useful properties

Rhododendron is a very useful plant and its application is diverse. The Adams rhododendron plant belongs to the Heather family and is famous in many countries for its beneficial properties and beauty.

There are several names for this shrub (scented wild rosemary, Sagan-daily).

IN different countries at least 800 varieties of rhododendrons grow, but the most useful is the white Sagan-daily.

Almost all varieties of rhododendron prefer a cold climate. The shrub feels great in Siberia, in the harsh Far East. The name of the plant means "rose tree".

Plants are indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system

There is a legend about Adams' evergreen rhododendron. After defeating the enemy, the victors stuck their spears into the soil of the Sayan Mountains to fill this territory with strength. After a while, a healing herb with amazing properties grew in the mountains.

The height of the Adams shrub is at least 50 cm, oval, elongated leaves are located on the splayed branches. The leaves are hard to the touch, covered with small scales on the back, and the front side remains bare.

The flowering period falls on the whole summer, the flowers are distinguished by a pale pink hue, have a pleasant aroma, are connected in corymbose inflorescences (up to 15 flowers).

Each part of the shrub has many useful substances:

  • The leaves contain flavonoids (rutin, mirecetin, quercetin);
  • Each flower during flowering is rich in vitamins C, D;
  • The shoots contain many resinous substances, acids and andromedotoxin;
  • In all parts of the shrub there is erikopin, which fills the body with strength.

It has been established that a large amount of essential oils are present in the leaves of the sagan-daily grass. In addition to oils, the plant is rich in fatty acids, methyl alcohol, and phenol.

What is golden rhododendron

Golden rhododendron grows up to 80 cm. There is a dark brown bark on the branches and trunk. Due to the low overhang, branches can be very twisted. The shrub has short, dense leaves, their arrangement is regular, they are entire.

The part of this shrub used in the treatment is the leaves. Harvesting them begins during the period of active flowering, when the plant is about 2-3 years old.

The plant during the flowering period is rich in large flowers collected in umbrellas. The fruit is an elongated capsule with five nests, which contains many seeds.

The place of growth of this species is the Eastern part of Siberia, inclined terrain or high mountain Tundra. This variety is widely used for the manufacture of traditional medicine and homeopathy.

The described species is characterized by medicinal properties:

  • Means with golden rhododendron will help to cope with heart failure, normalize local blood circulation, lower blood pressure;
  • With the help of a diuretic effect, it is possible to remove excess fluid from the body, to overcome shortness of breath;
  • Antibacterial properties provide victory over pathogenic bacteria in the body.

In addition to the above effects, the plant is used to prepare folk remedies from diseases of the throat, oral cavity. In traditional medicine, it is customary to use the ground part of the plant.

Evergreen wild rosemary: Dahurian rhododendron

The Vereskov family includes many rhododendron plants (Caucasian, Ledebour, Dahurian, etc.). Each variety is characterized by certain useful properties and structural features.

For example, the Daurian species is a perennial shrub that grows up to 2 meters. In Russia, this species has long been called wild rosemary. Its branches are directed upwards and strongly branched. The leaves are small with curved edges.

Daurian rhododendron begins to bloom by the end of April, flowering lasts up to 2 weeks. The flowers are pink-lilac or white in color. The fruit is an elongated capsule oval shape with many seeds. It prefers to grow in the northern latitudes of China, on the Korean Peninsula.

Useful properties of Daurian rhodendron:

  • Favorably affects the work of the heart muscle, normalizes heart palpitations;
  • Indicated for patients suffering from hypertension;
  • Relieves shortness of breath, enhances the activity of the heart;
  • Helps to cope with swelling of the extremities.

Rhododendron has been used in folk medicine for many decades. Currently, the plant is popular among herbalists, and is also used to create pharmaceutical medicines.

All about the beneficial qualities of the plant: rhododendron flower

Since ancient times, the healing shrub has been used by Tibetan herbalists and shamans of Buryatia for treatment. And among modern flower growers, the azalea flower (room rhododendron) is very popular.

Rhododendron leaves are useful because they contain glycosides, steroids, saponin, vitamin C, triterpenoids, phenols, diterpenoids, tannins, cardenolides, essential oils.

Adams shrub has found application in traditional medicine and in cosmetology. In addition to a good tonic, tonic effect, it has been established that the properties of the plant are in no way inferior to the famous ginseng.

Fragrant wild rosemary is widely used in cosmetology. Masks or tonics with rhododendron stop the development of wrinkles, nourish the skin, and also remove swelling.

  • To strengthen the vascular walls, normalize pressure;
  • To alleviate the symptoms of osteochondrosis (cervical, thoracic);
  • With urethritis in men, female cystitis, or as a means of restoring the intestinal microflora;
  • The raw material is effective in fighting viral infections;
  • Useful properties of medicinal herbs will help get rid of excess weight;
  • Healing decoctions are indicated for bleeding gums, periodontitis.

In addition to these properties, the shrub normalizes the patient's sleep. In addition, it was found that the plant has a beneficial effect on male potency.

How to use rhododendron products photo

The main raw materials for the preparation of traditional medicines are the leaves and flowers of the plant. For example, flowers are effective for edema, high blood pressure.

There are many ways to use medicinal herbs:

  • Tea. If you use rhododendron in the form of tea, you will be able to get rid of depression, fatigue.
  • Alcohol tincture. This remedy is indicated for the treatment of wounds, is used as a gargle, relieves rheumatic pains.
  • Water infusion. A special decoction is indicated to strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, and is often used as a prevention of colds.
  • Leaf powder. Stabilizes blood pressure, improves tone.

Despite the many useful qualities, the Adams rhododendron has contraindications for use.

The plant should not be used by patients who regularly suffer from hypertension or young children. People with nervous disorders should take such drugs with caution.

Rhododendron Adams flower (video)

Rhododendron is an amazing herb with many beneficial properties. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the plant has found wide application in cosmetology and landscape design. Modern flower growers have created beautiful greenhouses from blooming azalea.

Sagan-dayla literally translates as "white wings". Returning from a campaign, mighty warriors plunged spears into the slopes of the Sayans in order to transfer strength to the soil. Later, flowering shrubs appeared on these slopes, giving endurance and strength.

Sagan-dailya is a medicinal plant, according to the botanical classification it is called Adams' rhododendron, but the most common are fragrant rosemary, sagan-dal, "white wings".

As a typical representative of rhododendrons, it stands out for its beautiful flowers and decorative appearance. This is a perennial shrub with evergreen leaves and spreading branches, no more than half a meter high.

The leaves are pointed, bright green towards the top of the bush, below, closer to the root, they acquire orange, yellow or gray hues. It blooms in the summer, the inflorescences are pale pink, large, up to one and a half centimeters.

It grows mainly on rocky soil in the mountains, at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, but is also found in the tundra. Sagan-Dail habitat: Sakhalin Island, Siberia, Yakutia, Lake Baikal, foothills of Tibet, Mongolian mountains Krasnoyarsk region, Chita region and Buryatia.

Collection and preparation

The leaves and tops of the inflorescences of Sagan-Dail have healing properties. For harvesting, only recently blossomed flowers are collected; when dried, they should not change color.

Suitable time for collection is July and August. During this period, the plant manages to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins. Drying is best in the fresh air in the shade.

Medicinal properties

By chemical composition Sagan-Dail grass has no natural analogues. The study found in the plant:

  1. Terpenic and organic acids. Thanks to ursolic acid, lipid metabolism improves, which contributes to effective weight loss, and oleanolic acid reduces the fragility of the vascular walls and stabilizes the heart rate.
  2. High content of glycosides and tannins (tannins). Tannins restore normal bowel function during diarrhea, glycosides are useful for preventing blood clots and reducing vascular fragility.
  3. The presence of quercetin and myricetin (antioxidants that bind free radicals). Participate in strengthening the immune system, have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and tonic effects.
  4. Resins, essential oils and phytoncides (biologically active components that regulate and suppress the growth of pathogens). Essential oils and resins give decoctions a delicate aroma of strawberries and have a general therapeutic effect (for colds and acute respiratory viral infections) and a local one when washing ulcers and purulent wounds.

For men

The active substances in the composition of the plant have a beneficial effect on the work of the male reproductive system. With the systematic use of a decoction or infusion, a positive trend is manifested in the fight against inflammation of the prostate gland and related problems - edema, urinary retention, infections and urolithiasis at an early stage. In addition, sagan-dayla is a natural aphrodisiac and restores potency.

Indications for use

Sagan-daily does not have official registration as a medicinal plant, but it positive influence on the organs and systems of the body cannot be underestimated.

Organ systems, in painful conditions of which, it is useful to use Adams' rhododendron:

  1. The cardiovascular system. Useful substances in the composition of the herb are able to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.
  2. urinary system. With edema, nephritis, cystitis, tea and decoction of sagan-daile has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, and stimulates the removal of sand from the kidneys and bladder.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It helps to restore the microflora in the intestines, protects the liver during inflammation, and the tannins in the leaves of rhododendron are effective in bacterial diarrhea.
  4. The musculoskeletal system. Relieves pain in rheumatoid joint damage, all forms of arthritis and sciatica. Compresses from the infusion of Sagan-Dail relieve swelling and reduce pain from bruises.
  5. Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Herbal tea will have antipyretic (normalizes temperature), diaphoretic, antiviral and antibacterial action. It is indispensable as a prophylactic seasonal tonic for outbreaks of SARS (acute respiratory diseases).
  6. Nervous system. A decoction based on Adams' rhododendron helps to cope with conditions such as apathy, neurosis and loss of strength. In addition to the above, it improves brain function, concentration and memory (with increased mental stress).
  7. reproductive system. Helps to stabilize the psycho-emotional state during menopause and improve metabolism. Men are shown as a folk aphrodisiac and a remedy for inflammation of the prostate.
  8. Malignant tumors. A decoction and tea based on Sagan-Dail restores strength and helps fight infections, and is included in the recovery complex after chemotherapy treatment of oncological diseases.
  9. Intoxication. Promotes the elimination of toxins in various types of poisoning and after excessive alcohol consumption.
  10. Diseases of the mouth, throat, skin rashes - a decoction of the herb is used as a natural antiseptic and pain reliever.

Dosage forms based on Sagan-Dail

You can take sagan-dayl in the form of tea, infusion, decoction, alcohol tincture. It is important not to forget that the herb has an energy-stimulating effect and it is better to take it inside before lunch or, in extreme cases, before 5 pm.


A decoction of the Adams rhododendron. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 10 g of chopped herbs for 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and cook over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for another hour, remove the remnants of the herb and dilute with boiled water to the original volume.

The resulting remedy can be taken orally as a tonic drink for 0.5 cups and as an external medicine. Tannins in the composition of the decoction cope with diarrhea in case of poisoning and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Bath decoction. A pronounced effect is achieved from baths based on Sagan-Dail according to a Tibetan recipe. To prepare the mixture, Dahurian rhododendron, Adams rhododendron, wormwood, cold wormwood, single-seeded ephedra and juniper needles are combined in equal parts. The course of baths is prescribed for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, after injuries of the skeletal system of the musculoskeletal system.


For water infusion, add a glass of boiling water to half a teaspoon of dried herb, leave for 2 hours and drink inside a glass 2 times a day.

The infusion helps with swelling associated with the cardiovascular system, a tendency to bleeding, and colds.

As a stimulant, it can be used with high mental stress, nervous strain and problems with potency.

Infusion for external use is more concentrated - add 100 gr. to 1 liter of boiling water. herbs and let it brew for 10-12 hours. The resulting infusion can be used to rinse the mouth and throat.

Infusion for high blood pressure:

  • sagan-dayla - 10 gr.
  • motherwort - 10 gr.
  • mint leaves - 15 gr.
  • calendula roots - 15 gr.
  • milk - 200 ml.
  • honey - add to the cooled broth to taste.

Mix all the components and boil, then cool to room temperature and after straining, use 15 ml twice a day. The daily therapeutic dose should not exceed two glasses a day, with an overdose, tachycardia, nervous excitement appear, and sleep is disturbed.

Outwardly, a decoction is also used as a rinse for sore throat, pharyngitis, or for washing trophic ulcers and purulent wounds.

Infusion for the treatment of neurosis. Mix chamomile with sagan-dail in a ratio of 1: 2, pour hot water and insist for a day. Drink in the morning and in the evening in a warm form, 10 ml each.


Adams rhododendron tincture can be prepared with alcohol or vodka. To do this, in a dark glass bowl, mix all the ingredients in proportion: 1 part of dried grass shoots and 10 parts of alcohol or vodka.

Infuse in a cool place for at least a week and use externally as a rub for back pain, joint pain, to dissolve bruises, or use as a facial tonic.

Pharmacy preparations

The leaves of wild rosemary (or Adams' rhododendron) are used in folk medicine as simple means and as a component of homeopathic supplements. For example, sagan dailya is part of the preparation for papillomas - Papilight.

The reason for such a low popularity of this medicinal plant is the low level of knowledge of the alkaloids contained in the leaves and shoots of the plant. But at the same time, water extract and extracts from Sagan-Dail are in demand in cosmetology - as components for creams, lotions, tonics.

Tonic tea

To prepare a tonic tea, you need a pinch of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water. It is enough to brew for 10 minutes, then filter and drink.

Sagan-Dail tea helps to improve metabolism and eliminate toxins, has an immunomodulatory effect (increases the body's natural defenses), and normalizes digestive function. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and excretory system, tones up with fatigue, overwork and improves potency.

Sagan-daily can be taken neat or added to regular tea leaves. To prepare herbal tea, a third of a teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured into a glass of boiled water and infused for 10-15 minutes. Take in the morning. An interesting combination is obtained when mixed with green tea, pu-erh.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications to the use of Adams rhododendron are associated with:

  • individual intolerance.
  • prone to allergies.
  • pregnancy.
  • period of breastfeeding.

In the leaves of sagan-daily, in addition to essential oil recorded a high percentage of little-studied alkaloids that cause nausea, diarrhea and skin allergies. With uncontrolled use or overdose of decoctions and infusions, hallucinations may appear, accompanied by a change in color perception.

An overdose of drugs based on Adams rhododendron is especially dangerous in case of severe damage to the kidneys, heart and liver.

Rhododendron Adams is not in vain called "life-prolonging" - it is a natural energy drink, many times superior in quality and beneficial effect to ginseng, lemongrass and eleutherococcus.

But despite the abundance of positive reviews and categorical prohibitions on the part of official medicine, sagan-daily is not registered. medicinal plant. The use of decoctions, infusions and tinctures based on it is better to first agree with your doctor.

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