Coursework globalization of the economy, its essence and main stages. Economic aspects of globalization


Globalization is a complex, multifaceted and multilevel phenomenon that covers all spheres of society, but most of all the economy.

The term itself appeared in 1983. It was first used in an article by the American economist Levitt. It has been widely used since the 90s. There are many conflicting approaches to its definition, sometimes opposite. The concepts of "internationalization", "transnationalization" and "globalization" are compared.

Definition of the concept of globalization. Essence

« Globalization -- the process of world economic, political and cultural integration and unification. The main consequence of this is the global division of labor, migration (and, as a rule, concentration) on a global scale of capital, human and production resources, standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as convergence and merging of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is, it covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. Occurs as an increase in the number of common for the group state problems, and the expansion of the number and types of integrating subjects.

Globalization is the transition from the economies of individual countries to the economy of an international scale. Today, in a world that has become one big village, industrial production is international, and money flows quickly and unhindered from one country to another. In essence, border trade is not a hindrance. At the same time, multinational corporations concentrate enormous power in their hands, and the activities of anonymous investors can either contribute to material prosperity or lead to economic decline anywhere in the world. Globalization is both a cause and a consequence of modern information revolution. The tremendous advances in telecommunications, the enormous expansion of computing power and the creation of information networks such as the Internet are driving the process of globalization. Advanced technology allows you to overcome any distance.

The urgency of the problem of globalization is beyond doubt. It is being studied by many economists around the world. Examples include studies by Jeffrey Sachs and Andrew Warner of Harvard, David Dollar and Art Craai of the World Bank, and Jeffrey Frenkel and David Romer of Berkeley. The issue is often addressed in specialized journals such as the international “ The Economist”, scientific like “Science and Life” and many others.

It is known that many do not trust the supporters of globalization and do not believe in the possible benefits that it brings. In our opinion, this is due to the insufficient competence of the anti-globalists. Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, we would like to consider some of the arguments against globalization and perhaps challenge them.

Positive in globalization- free access to technologies, resources, the possibility of exchanging the results of activities, economic borders between countries are being erased.

The Negative of Globalization- its achievements are used in the interests of the most developed countries. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

In this way, globalization- this is the process of forming a single economic space, which takes place in given forms and at different levels.

Factors of globalization:

  • · the formation of unipolarity in the world economy, the transition to market relations in most countries, the creation of conditions for their convergence and interaction;
  • internationalization of economic life;
  • · liberalization of foreign economic activity;
  • development of international economic organizations;
  • regionalization and integration of countries;
  • · development of world currency, credit, financial markets;
  • · development of information technologies, communication systems.

Impact on the economy, society, domestic and foreign policy.

“The globalization of the economy is one of the laws of world development. The immeasurably increased interdependence of economies compared to integration various countries. It is associated with the formation of an economic space, where the sectoral structure, the exchange of information and technologies, the geography of the location of productive forces are determined taking into account the global situation, and economic ups and downs acquire planetary proportions.

The growing globalization of the economy is expressed in a sharp increase in the scale and pace of the movement of capital, outpacing the growth of international trade compared to GDP growth, the emergence of world financial markets operating around the clock in real time. Information systems created over the past decades have immeasurably increased the ability of financial capital to move quickly, which contains, at least potentially, the ability to destroy sustainable economic systems.

The globalization of the economy is a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, it facilitates economic interaction between states, creates conditions for countries to access the advanced achievements of mankind, ensures resource savings, and stimulates world progress. On the other hand, globalization has negative consequences: the consolidation of a peripheral model of the economy, the loss of their resources by countries that are not included in the “golden billion”, the ruin of small businesses, the spread of globalization of competition to weak countries, a decrease in living standards, etc. To make the fruits of globalization available to the maximum number of countries is one of the tasks facing the world community.

The emerging challenges of the economy are often discussed by influential politicians and economists together (World Economic Forum).

The problem of the population to access information technologies is currently of great importance. social significance and labeled as the problem of "digital divide". Like social inequality, “digital inequality” can significantly destabilize the normal functioning of the social process and public administration. Recently, the concept of a global society (Global society) has become increasingly popular in the world scientific community, from the point of view of which all the people of our planet are citizens of a single global society, which consists of many local societies of individual countries of the world. This concept greatly simplifies the consideration of globalization processes, which in this case turn into ordinary social transformations within the framework of a global society.

The ideas of a global society were expressed by the ancient Greek thinker Diogenes, he used the concept of a cosmopolitan, that is, a citizen of the world or a citizen of cosmopolitanism (the society of the world). In Orthodoxy, such concepts as “the human race”, “humanity”, “Christian world”, etc. were used. In the worldview of the inhabitants of China, Central Asia, the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan, an important place was human society that exists in its vastness.

In politics, globalization consists in the weakening of nation-states and contributes to the change and reduction of their sovereignty. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that modern states delegate more and more powers to influential international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, European Union, NATO, IMF and World Bank. On the other hand, by reducing state intervention in the economy and lowering taxes, the political influence of enterprises (especially large transnational corporations) increases. Due to the easier migration of people and the free movement of capital abroad, the power of states in relation to their citizens also decreases.

In the 21st century, along with the process of globalization, the process of regionalization is taking place, that is, the region has an increasing influence on the state of the system international relations as a factor, there is a change in the relationship between the global and regional components of world politics, and the influence of the region on the internal affairs of the state is also increasing. Moreover, regionalization is becoming characteristic not only for states with a federal form of structure, but also for unitary states, for entire continents and parts of the world. A clear example of regionalization is the European Union, where the natural development of the process of regionalization has led to the development of the concept of "Europe of regions", reflecting the increased importance of regions and aimed at determining their place in the EU. Organizations such as the Assembly of European Regions and the Committee of the Regions were created.

The problems of global politics are solved mainly by two clubs, such as: the Big Eight and the Big Twenty, the second one deals mainly with economic problems. Globalization helps to reduce the difference between foreign and domestic policy of the state. As a result, it allows for a significant increase in the degree of political participation worldwide.

There is a transnationalization of politics, when the growth of the number of intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations leads to the formation of the prerequisites for a single international bureaucracy.

All this creates a fundamentally new political reality based on the global institutions of the information age.

Globalization brings with it both opportunities for development and threats to the very existence of mankind in the form of global problems. There are at least two approaches:

  • 1) isolation from globalization in order to prevent all its costs,
  • 2) the use of globalization as a panacea for all problems. But, in any case, the imperative of globalization and attitudes towards it is to increase the manageability of human development.

In globalization, process and state should be singled out. As a constantly evolving process, globalization has always existed, since it historical process tended to go from local communities of people to global entities, but as a qualitatively new state of development of human civilization, globalization can only be spoken of since the second half of the 20th century.

As R. Robertson notes, globalization is a whole series of processes that unite the world.[]

Globalization should be distinguished from globalism, which is defined by Beck as the ideology of domination of the world market, since a sufficient number of global actors have already appeared that have a different view of globalization (China, India).

In addition, globalization is different from globality, which refers to the state in which we are already in an unformed world society.

At the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries. the world economy has become truly global. This became possible thanks to the creation of a new infrastructure, the main components of which were computer information and communication technologies.

They made it possible to envelop all societies with various network structures that actively influence the creation of a more globalized society.

Speaking about the process of globalization, it should be noted that the state-territory was the product of unique combinations of historical conditions. These conditions disappear. Modern tendencies undermine the state and the system of states. The politics of identity search is becoming one of the main goals of globalization.

State borders no longer coincide with the boundaries of the influence of globalization processes on the part of different subjects. The territory is globalized and virtualized. Although the international order is built on the principle of the inviolability of borders, the formal equality of all states, sovereignty, globalization threatens this principle with its daily practice.

The states of the beginning of the 21st century tend to strive after the end of the ideological split of the world to find a new identity, for example, this is manifested in an ethnic renaissance, increased demands for the formation of national, ethnic autonomies or the formation of sovereign states.

In a more dynamic and open world there is an increase in the influence of civil society as a source of power and legitimacy. In many ways, this happens through the spread of horizontal organizations built on the principle of network structures that are not controlled by states and can undermine the authority and legitimacy of the state, and contribute to the planting of anti-state ideology.

Network organizations are divided into two types: horizontal (interaction between state and non-state organizations) and vertical (supernational organizations of the transnational level).


The article examines the impact of the globalization process on the national economy and its socio-economic content, defines and analyzes in detail its main forms. This article also identifies the main areas of the globalization process and determines its impact on the course of economic development. The focus is on technological progress, which can lead to a reduction in transport and communication costs. The author analyzes and reveals the essence of the nature of this process and determines its characteristics, also gives his own justification for the ongoing processes. The main factors influencing the process of globalization at the level of the national economy are determined, and a classification is carried out according to its main features. The article notes the features of the economic systems of various countries and the impact of globalization processes on them.


National economy

world economic connection

globalization process


market space

transnational corporation


technological progress

1. East - West: Regional subsystems and regional problems. MO MP MO - M.: 2003. - S. 20–21.

2. Guzev M.M. The development of capitalism in Russia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. in the aspect of global transformation processes // Philosophy of economy. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 145.

3. Zyuganov G. Globalization: a dead end or a way out? // Our contemporary. - M., 2001. - S. 68.

4. Kayumov N.K., Nazarov T.N., Makhmudov I.I., Rakhimov R.K., Umarov Kh.U. Globalization processes and economic problems of Tajikistan // Economy of Tajikistan: development strategy. - Dushanbe, 2003. - No. 4. - P. 42.

5. Malyarov O.V. Transition economy in the context of globalization: the role of the state. – M.: 2002. S. 67.

6. Nekipelov A.D. Russian economic strategy in the context of globalization // Philosophy of economy. - M.: 2004. - No. 2. - P. 25.

7. Kuznetsov V. What is globalization? MPEI and MO. - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 47.

8. Robertson R. Globalization Social Theory and Global Culture. - L., 1992. - C. 45.

The end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries are characterized by the intensification of globalization processes of world economic relations. During this period, the world economy stepped over to a qualitatively different stage in the development of the internationalization of economic ties. Globalization has become an important attribute of the real state of the world economic system, which determines the vector of development of the world economy.

Globalization as a process of integration of mankind in the economic, political and cultural component lasts for centuries. This process proceeded spontaneously and not smoothly, causing sharp socio-economic contradictions. In this context, modern globalization is no exception. It is distinguished by the most uneven development and the highest intensity of struggle and contradictions. On this occasion, G. Zyuganov makes a very correct conclusion that modern globalization follows from a number of new features that leave their mark on the nature of modern contradictions, on the general background of development.

Due to the versatility of the phenomenon under consideration, there are some methodological difficulties in its study. The complexity of studying the nature of globalization in methodological terms is primarily related to the content of this concept. The word "global" is derived from the French literally meaning global - universal, and from the Latin globus - a ball, and therefore has two meanings.

The first value means worldwide, i.e. covering the entire globe. The second meaning is comprehensive, complete, universal, universal.

In fact, each of these meanings of the word globalization gives a certain characteristic of the modern world economy. You can also combine these two meanings of globalization and determine that it is understood as a phenomenon of a universal nature, relating to all subjects of world economic relations.

In the context of economic relations between the subjects of the world economy, globalization is a process of formation, organization, functioning and development of a completely new world system based on the deepening of interconnections and interdependencies in all spheres of international relations.

The process of globalization, which is a multifaceted phenomenon, can be characterized both in a narrow and in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, globalization is a process of increasing the scale of world trade, international exchange, expanding the boundaries of integration processes. In other words, in the narrow sense, we are talking not only about traditional foreign trade in goods and services, but also about the movement of capital, the exchange of technologies, information, labor migration, etc.

In a broad sense, globalization is a process of transformation of national and regional socio-economic problems into common, global problems. Such a definition does not mean that globalization is always associated with the concept of universal problems of mankind. It must be borne in mind that globalization is a process, and global (universal) problems mean the presence of difficulties that cover the first process (globalization). In this regard, supporters of globalization consider the process of globalization as a broad, multifaceted process that covers all aspects of people's lives. In their opinion, globalization is born in the process of self-development of the economy and promotes the free movement of goods, capital and information. All this allows the process of globalization to create the best conditions for the growth of people's well-being. Another facet of the globalization process is the formation of a single global socio-economic system.

In economic and journalistic publications, the concepts of globalization and globalism are often encountered. If globalization by its nature reflects objective, often occurring changes, then the concept of globalism means changes in the subjective sphere. Also recently, the word “globalony” has appeared in an English-language publication, the meaning of which means an exaggerated problem. As a socio-economic process, globalization does not reflect a complete picture of the modern world, but a trend in the development of world economic relations, characterized by structural shifts and a noticeable effort of interaction between the interests of national elements and subsystems within the international division of labor.

Professor of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.V. Malyarov notes that “the process of globalization is of an objective nature, being the inevitable result of the development of the world economy, the strengthening of world economic ties. However, various alternative models of globalization are possible.

The above interpretations of globalization, as the interrelationship and interdependence of the countries of the world community, can be observed in other sources. Distinctive points and unity of opinions of various authors regarding the definition of the essential nature of globalization make it possible to define globalization as a constant growth of interconnections, interweaving, and economic mutual influence between countries. The process of globalization is reflected in the total increase in the flow of mobile factors of production, primarily labor and capital, goods and services, as well as information between countries, which inevitably leads to increased international integration in all spheres of society. In addition to the above, one can note the consideration of the characteristics of the economic systems of various countries and the positive or negative impact of globalization processes on them.

A prominent representative of the theory of globalization, the American economist T. Levitt, in one of his articles notes that globalization is the merging of markets for individual products produced by large multinational corporations. From this thesis, we can conclude that globalization is a form of market development with synergistic principles of self-organization, involving all spheres and national and international institutions in this process.

In Western economic literature, predominantly English and American, the nature of globalization is the subject of scholarly debate. One of the first theorists of the concept of globalization, the American economist R. Robertson, defining the nature of globalization, notes that it is a two-pronged process of turning the universal into the special and turning the special into the universal.

According to R. Robertson's conclusions, globalization is a process of ever-increasing impact on the socio-economic reality of individual countries of many factors of a different nature: economic, political, cultural, informational, etc.

The English scientist L. Skler considers globalization from the point of view of sociology. According to him, the main feature of the idea of ​​globalization is the fact that many contemporary issues cannot be adequately studied at the level of nation-states, i.e. in terms of international relations, and require global approaches. As a result of the studies of the nature of globalization, L. Skler developed the theory of the global system. The arguments of this theory, in his opinion, are transnational corporations, which are an institutional form of transnational economic activity, a class of transnational capitalists in the political sphere, professing the cultural and ideological concept of consumption. Considering the trend of strengthening the world's global positions of global capitalism, L. Skler notes that this process encounters resistance from social movements at local levels. L. Skler sees a way out of this contradiction in the global democratic institutionalization of local social protest against global capitalism, which ultimately leads to a progressive transformation of global capitalism itself. L. Skler notes that in order to be effective, social movements against global capitalism must undermine capitalism locally and find ways to globalize these local underminings, while simultaneously using the opportunities provided by democracy for the positive transformation of capitalism.

From the noted approaches to defining the essence and content of globalization, one can notice formulations based on a historical approach. The historical and logical approach to the emergence of globalization processes shows that its essence cannot be understood if we consider the nature of globalization as a completely new phenomenon, if we do not see it as a historical evolution. Despite this, within the framework of the historical approach, there are different points of view in the knowledge of the process of globalization. There are points of view, the authors of which consider globalization as a purely historical phenomenon, as an emerging phenomenon as a result of the development of society. Globalization in this context contains the foundations that arise in the course of social development associated with technological development.

The theoretical analysis of the process of globalization allows us to classify it through the prism of determining its features.

An analysis of the literature on economics shows that some economists consider the process of globalization to be the highest stage of international integration. For example, M.M. Guzev notes that the most important, leading and comprehensive trend of global economic (and not only economic) development in the second half of the twentieth century. is the process of globalization, understood (in the economy) as the highest stage of international integration, when economic sovereignty is voluntarily limited and national institutions governance of the global economy are becoming critical.

In our opinion, this formulation of the globalization process most widely reveals its essential characteristics. Nevertheless, according to our assumption, this formulation still needs to be supplemented, which, in our opinion, consists in taking into account the characteristics of national economies and the positive or negative impact of the globalization process on the course of economic development.

There are different approaches to the causes of the globalization process. Some experts make an attempt to explore the process of globalization through the prism of the great historical revolutions in the development of man himself, in which they see the main causes of globalization. Considering globalization as links of one chain, the proponents of this approach single out five historically important revolutionary changes in the development of mankind: the scientific and technological revolution; technical and information revolution; industrial-production revolution; a revolution in information and the development of natural resources and ideas; a revolution in information, communications and the Internet. The assumption of the spread of informatics and especially the Internet is often used as an argument in favor of the connection between the phenomenon of globalization and modern technology, which is regarded as a historical phenomenon. At the same time, the main factor that gives globalization an objective character is the result of scientific and technological progress. Globalization cannot be imagined without the technological and information revolution, which is most clearly manifested in the development of communications. Therefore, in the process of globalization, one can see the implementation of the product of the era of informatics with its technologies, in harmony with the ideal of a developed world order.

A distinctive feature of globalization is that it gradually transforms the national economy into a single space where goods, services and mobile factors of production move freely and ideas that stimulate the development of modern institutions spread. The disclosure of the essential characteristics of globalization as a new economic space is connected with the fact that in the late 90s the daily turnover in the foreign exchange markets reached 1.5 trillion US dollars. Approximately 20% of all goods and services produced in the world are exchanged on the world market.

Compared with noted researchers, domestic economists, N.K. Kayumov, T.N. Nazarov, I.I. Makhmudov, R.K. Rakhimov, H.U. Umarov, the process of globalization is associated with the emergence of new geopolitical formations and borders. In their opinion, the beginning of the era of globalization is associated with the disappearance of political borders and local currencies.

With the advent of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a new period begins in the process of globalization. This period begins with the release of trade and financial services from all restrictions that were imposed by the governments of all countries. This period includes the expansion of the European Union (EU), the growing role of the G7 in world politics, the expansion of the field of action of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the emergence of new economic blocs, the emergence of regional currencies (euro), the revision of the role of the UN, etc. . The mentioned processes clearly manifested themselves in the 20th century and intensified at the beginning of the 21st century. The emergence of the noted processes served as an aid to the assertion that globalization as a phenomenon arose only in the 20th century.

The peculiarity of globalization is primarily manifested in the process of formation and further development of a single world economic space based on new technologies. The most obvious expression of this process is the general availability of the possibility of instantly transferring any amount of money from one point in the world to any other point and obtaining the necessary information almost free of charge.

From the point of view of economic science, globalization is primarily associated with the idea of ​​a free world market. The internationalization of production through the prism of creating a network of enterprises operates in the global commodity and financial markets based on high information technologies, and labor as the main factor of production competes in the global labor market.

The main areas of the globalization process are technologies, ethical values, new threats international security and stability (international terrorism, internationalization of crime, expansion of weapons of mass destruction), etc.

Among the noted areas, the leading place belongs to technological progress, which can lead to a reduction in transport and communication costs. Information service is directly related to success in e-mail. Thanks to the development of the Internet, many companies have expanded their sales markets by going global.

Therefore, in the process of globalization, trade liberalization occupies a special position: it has limited the possibilities of protectionist policies and served as an aid to the development of free world trade. As a result, many tariffs were significantly reduced, and most barriers to international trade in goods and services were removed. As a result, the international movement of goods has led to the intercountry movement of mobile factors of production.

It should be noted that all the above definitions of globalization to a certain extent have a scientific justification and reveal its nature in a historical context. Despite this, the noted definitions of the process under study can be supplemented taking into account the changing conjuncture of world economic relations. In our opinion, in defining the process of globalization, in addition to processes of global significance, it is also necessary to take into account the interdependence of all countries of the world community. Consequently, the process of globalization is mainly understood as a process in relatively developed countries, and the impact of this process on the most underdeveloped countries for some reason is not taken into account by researchers. It is in this perspective that we propose some addition to the definition of the essence of this concept. Thus, in our opinion, globalization is an interdependent and interconnected state of the world economy, which is reflected in the socio-economic situation of absolutely all countries of the world community.

It should be noted that we only propose to supplement the existing definitions of the globalization process, taking into account their impact on the socio-economic situation of the most underdeveloped countries of the world. We believe that taking into account the impact of globalization on underdeveloped countries further expands the field for further research and such countries will not remain on the sidelines of the inevitable process of globalization.

Bibliographic link

Kasimova D.I. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTENT OF THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY // Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 12-6. - S. 1224-1228;
URL: (date of access: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

As well as about the prerequisites for the emergence, and about the definition of the process of globalization, there are many disagreements, because the process itself is complex, multidimensional and ambiguous. Scientists agree that globalization means not only a new quantitative measurement of the degree of intensity of interconnections between individual countries and their economies, but mainly a new quality of such ties, when a new, global (not identical to a simple sum of national economies) level of economic globalization is formed. For example, V. Kuvaldin considers globalization to be the process of unimpeded movement of capital, goods, services, labor, the universalization of economic life, which makes the economic space more homogeneous and is a prerequisite for the transformation of the modern world into a "megasociety".

Abstractly, globalization can be defined as a process leading to the internationalization of production and scientific and technical progress, to the unification of capital, international financial markets, people into a single world system, a global community.

First of all, the most important methodological and practical issue is to determine the relationship between the concepts of "globalization", "internationalization of economic life", "international economic cooperation", "international economic integration".

As a result of international cooperation in production, the development of the international division of labor, foreign trade and international economic relations in general, there is an increase in the interconnection and interdependence of national economies, the normal development of which is impossible without taking into account the external factor. This phenomenon is usually called the internationalization of economic life, which creates the basis for the functioning of TNCs. It manifests itself in the combination of capital and natural resources. The next level of the globalization process is the integration of national economies, which is characterized by the unification, coordination of the efforts of countries and the formation of competitive national economies and leads to the development of sustainable economic ties, the expansion of the international market.

In its development, the internationalization of the economy has gone through a number of stages. Initially, it was an international economic cooperation: it affected, first of all, the sphere of circulation and was associated with the emergence of international trade (late XVIII - early XX century). At the end of the 19th century, the international movement of capital is gaining momentum.

The next stage was international economic integration, objectively due to the deepening of the international division of labor, the internationalization of capital, the global nature of scientific and technological progress and the increase in the degree of openness of national economies and freedom of trade. Integration translated from Latin (integratio) means the connection of individual parts into a common, whole, united.

International economic integration can be characterized as a process of economic unification of countries based on the division of labor between individual national economies, the interaction of their economies at various levels and in various forms through the development of deep stable relationships.

International economic integration is a fairly high, effective and promising stage in the development of the world economy, a qualitatively new and more complex stage in the internationalization of economic ties. At this stage, not only the convergence of national economies takes place, but also the joint solution of economic problems is ensured. Therefore, economic integration can be represented as a process of economic interaction between countries, leading to convergence of economic mechanisms, taking the form of interstate agreements and coordinated by interstate bodies.

Economic integration is expressed in:

cooperation between the national economies of different countries and their complete or partial unification;

elimination of barriers in the movement of goods, services, capital, labor between these countries;

convergence of the markets of each of the individual countries in order to form one single (common) market;

erasing differences between economic entities belonging to different states;

the absence of any form of discrimination against foreign partners in each of the national economies, etc.

The processes of economic integration are taking place both on a bilateral, and on a regional or global basis. As a characteristic feature of integration associations at the present time, one can name their development at the regional level: integral regional economic complexes with common supranational and interstate governing bodies are being created.

At the present stage, profound changes are taking place in the entire system of international relations. Globalization is becoming their essential feature. Schematically, the processes leading to economic integration and globalization can be expressed by an interconnected chain, shown in Fig. 1:


Economic integration is the core of the globalization process, and globalization itself is a higher stage of internationalization, its further development.

Economic globalization is a combination of two processes - the globalization of markets (capital, labor resources, goods and services) and the globalization of economic forms, which refers to the consolidation of the organizational structures of the economy - from medieval guild organizations to global supercorporations.

Globalization is a complex process that covers three main processes in parallel:

1) reduction of barriers to economic, political and cultural interaction between countries and peoples;

2) the trend towards the creation of homogeneous economic, political and cultural spaces;

3) formation of structures of global manageability.

The process of globalization is ambiguous: on the one hand, it is an objective process - the result of the development of productive forces and related economic relations, and on the other hand, it is a subjective process, which is the result of a certain policy of the most powerful countries.

The process of globalization covers different areas of the world economy:

External, international, world trade in goods, services, technologies, objects of intellectual property;

International movement of factors of production (labor, capital, information);

International financial, credit and currency transactions (gratuitous financing and assistance, credits and loans of subjects of international economic relations);

Industrial, scientific and technical, technological and informational cooperation.

The modern globalization of the world economy is expressed in the processes shown in Figure 2:


The deepening of the internationalization of production is manifested in the fact that manufacturers from many countries of the world participate in the consciousness of the final product in various forms and at different stages. Intermediate goods and semi-finished products occupy an increasing share in world trade.

The deepening of the internationalization of capital lies in the growth of the international movement of capital between countries, primarily in the form of direct investment, the internationalization of the stock market.

Globalization of productive forces through the exchange of means of production and scientific, technical, technological knowledge, as well as in the form of international specialization and cooperation, linking economic units into integral production and consumer systems; international movement of productive resources.

Formation of a global material, informational, organizational and economic infrastructure that ensures the implementation of international cooperation.

Strengthening the internationalization of exchange based on the deepening of the international division of labor, the increase in the scale and qualitative change in the nature of traditional international trade. A more important area of ​​international cooperation is the service sector, which is developing faster than the production sector.

The scale of international labor migration is increasing. People from poor countries find themselves in the unskilled or low-skilled labor force in developed countries. At the same time, countries that use foreign labor to fill certain niches in the labor market associated with low-skilled and low-paid work are trying to keep migration within certain limits. At the same time, modern telecommunication technologies open up new opportunities in this area and make it possible to painlessly limit migration processes.

The internationalization of the impact of production and consumption on environment which causes a growing need for international cooperation aimed at solving the global problems of our time.

Economic globalization is characterized by: free trade, free movement of capital, lower taxes on corporate profits, ease of movement of industries between different states in the interests of reducing labor costs and Natural resources, as well as:

Developed and developing countries are steadily converging in terms of wages, commodity prices and enterprise profitability;

The number and size of mergers of companies within countries and at the transnational level are growing, accompanied by radical restructuring and a decrease in the number of employed workers;

A trend towards outsourcing non-core activities of companies to specialized companies. Of particular importance is outsourcing from developed countries to developing countries, which leads to a reduction in employment in developed countries and an increase in employment and income in developing countries;

The rapid dissemination of financial information around the world thanks to the Internet, the trend towards greater openness of enterprises;

Great importance stock exchanges and those "financial instruments" that they trade - shares of enterprises and mutual funds, commodity futures;

The influence of a few national currencies through the international system of free foreign exchange on economic processes in various countries;

Increase in consumer loans as a platform for further growth in consumption. On the other hand, the impossibility of maintaining an average standard of living without attracting loans;

Growing income stratification in both developed and developing countries, which is strongly affected by unequal access to education.

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"Economic globalization: essence and possible consequences"

Moscow - 2011


3. Prospects for globalization

4. Globalization: imperatives and opportunities for Russia

5. Conclusion

6. List of references.


At the turn of the last and present centuries, globalization has established itself as one of the main, fundamental trends in the development of the world economy. The statement of this circumstance has become an indispensable attribute of numerous research publications and practically all textbooks on the world economy and international economic relations. Due to the significance of the real role of globalization in the life of modern society, it again and again becomes the subject of scientific and near-scientific research around the world. At the same time, even such fundamental, key issues as the essence and content of the category "globalization of the economy" (GE), its manifestations and prospects, positive and negative consequences, the impact on the economy of Russia and other countries - obviously, due to the complexity and inconsistency of the GE - are not interpreted unambiguously. In this regard, the author considers it necessary to state his vision of this problem against the background of other points of view.

1. The essence and main features of the globalization of the economy

The "pioneer" in the study of the problems of globalization of the economy (GE) and the "creator" of the term "globalization" was known as the American scientist T. Levitt after the publication in 1983 of his book "Globalization of Markets". Since then, in the scientific and journalistic literature devoted to the problems of the world economy, the term "globalization" has undergone massive, chaotic and often ugly replication. Moreover, it can be said that the adjective “global” is inclined in any way, is used according to the standards of the “everyday mind” (in the latter case, the authors, using the term “global”, and not understanding what it means “worldwide”, at best identify it with the concepts of "general", "state", "national economic", etc.).

In approaches to the interpretation of this category, two poles can be distinguished, a kind of "excesses". On the one hand, almost any more or less significant world economic phenomenon is tied to globalization, both positively and negatively. This kind of absolutization, whether it is immoderate praise (“globalists”) or indiscriminate swearing (“anti-globalists”), which is widespread in Russian and foreign publications, does not seem fruitful.

On the other hand, it is completely wrong, as, for example, V. Naishul does, to consider globalization as “nothing more than a political label”, that is, a politically motivated fiction that does not reflect the fundamental realities and relationships in the modern world. If this were so, then many highly competent and authoritative researchers around the world would hardly have begun to study globalization in detail (for a quarter of a century), it would hardly continue to excite the minds of influential politicians, publicists and the general public around the world. Therefore, it is quite natural that such an underestimation of globalization occupies a peripheral place in publications that claim to scientific understanding of this phenomenon.

T. Levitt, as can be seen from the title of his book, understood globalization as a purely market phenomenon. By this term, he designated the unification, integration of markets for individual products produced by transnational corporations (TNCs). As the leitmotif of his book, perhaps, one can consider the thesis that predicts the imminent end of such TNCs, whose market strategy is aimed only at differentiated, specific markets of certain countries. Although T. Levitt correctly recognized the future for globally oriented TNCs looking for their chances all over the world, his purely market-sales interpretation of the GE, and exclusively at the corporate level, seems to be excessively narrow and does not give an adequate interpretation of this category.

It should be emphasized, however, that it is very difficult to formulate a clear definition of the category "globalization", to show its connection with the categories previously introduced into scientific circulation, especially "internationalization" and "transnationalization". In this regard, it is very significant that S. Dolgov in one of the first (and not only in our country) generalizing monographs on the problems of HE generally refrained from any definitions of this phenomenon. At the same time, S. Dolgov, unlike T. Levitt and many other Western researchers of the GE, did not reduce the latter to various manifestations of the market strategies of TNCs, correctly assessing it as a complex, multifaceted, multifactorial phenomenon and giving a meaningful analysis of some of its most important features (directions ). In passing, we note that the absence of definitions of the GE as an economic category is also characteristic of many publications on globalistics, in which, among other issues, an attempt is made to reveal the economic content of globalization.

Subsequently, numerous works appeared, more or less broadly interpreting the category of GE, the authors of which, however, sometimes confine themselves to the most general statement of obvious realities and a superficial description of the latter. In this regard, we give two examples. According to the definition of the American professor M. Intrilligator, globalization means "a significant expansion of world trade and all types of exchange in the international economy with a pronounced trend towards ever greater openness, integration and lack of borders." No less well-known Polish professor G. Kolodko writes: "Globalization is a historical process of liberalization and integration of markets for goods, capital and labor, which previously functioned to a certain extent in isolation, into a single world market."

Both definitions seem amorphous, reducing the GE to purely market processes (ie, to the sphere of exchange). It is not at all clear from them why globalization in the world economics they began to speak and write only in the last 20-25 years, while all those phenomena and processes that M. Intrilligator and G. Kolodko refer to clearly appeared in the world economy at the latest at the beginning of the 20th century, before the First World War, which in particular, monetary globalization contributed to the global monetary system of the gold (gold coin) standard.

Definitions of GE, more adequate to the essence of the latter, are given by some Russian authors. So, E. Kochetov considers it as “a process of reproductive transformation of national economies and their economic structures, capital, securities, goods, services, labor force, in which the world economy is considered not just as the sum (set) of national economies, financial, monetary, legal, information systems, but as an integral, unified geo-economic (geo-financial) population (space), functioning according to its own laws. B. Smitienko and T. Kuznetsova note that “taken together, the processes of increasing the scale of ties implemented by international economic relations, strengthening the systemic nature of international economic relations and the interdependence of their main subjects in interdependence with the solution of global problems of mankind form a phenomenon that can be defined as the globalization of the economy” . V. Lomakin, in the latest edition of a textbook distributed in Russian universities, writes that “globalization (worldization) of national economies (italics in the author’s textbook - V.P.) means the creation and development of international, world productive forces, factors of production, when the means of production used internationally. Worldization is manifested in the creation by individual companies of economic facilities in other states and the development of supranational forms of production relations between various national economies. In this case, the interaction in the world economic system becomes constant, stable and multilateral.

These definitions, while legitimately not reducing the GE to the sphere of exchange, correctly capture some of the manifestations and features of globalization. However, from these definitions it is difficult to understand how these manifestations differ from similar phenomena and processes that took place in the world economy at the pre-globalization stages of the internationalization of economic life, and already from the last quarter of the 19th century, when the industrialization process took mature forms in all leading countries, in many respects giving the production and marketing of products a worldwide (global) character. In other words, all three definitions are quite applicable, and without significant reservations, to the pre-globalization stages, especially to those that occurred at the beginning and in the 50-80s. XX century. This is largely due to the fact that the authors of these definitions do not raise the question of the timing of the transition of the world economy to the stage (state) of globalization, an adequate and clear answer to which just makes it possible to show the qualitative difference between the GE and the previous stages of the development of the world economy.

Along with the definitions of the GE, which correctly fix one or another “set” of its external features, in the Russian literature there are also rather peculiar definitions, at best, only partly related to globalization and, in general, do not reveal its essence. Thus, L. Slutsky (Doctor of Economics, State Duma deputy of the Russian Federation) writes in a by no means small-circulation and obscure publication: “At the beginning of the 20th century, 95 percent of the able-bodied population of developed countries was engaged in physical labor. But the “weighted average” indicator of this kind for the 21st century, according to experts, will be only 10 percent. Nine out of ten workers will work at computers. The world economy has never seen such grandiose and swift upheavals. Therefore, on the basis of the information technology integration of the world, a new formation is essentially beginning to take shape, replacing classical capitalism. This process is now commonly referred to as globalization. This interpretation of globalization raises a number of fundamental objections:

Against the backdrop of the preservation of a large number of traditional professions and technologies, especially in the service sector, which is dominant in the post-industrial society, the forecast of "specialists" about 10% raises doubts. One thing is clear: these "specialists" have a unique scientific courage if they undertake to predict the weighted average for a whole century ahead;

the work of individual participants in economic, including world economic, relations with computers does not always embody the information technology integration between them. Thus, the use of computers in the car factories of competing firms to control the assembly process does not mean any integration between them. On the contrary, their use occurs in isolation, while secrets of production are carefully guarded. Information and technological integration on a global scale, indeed, refers to the essential features of the GE, but in a completely different context than the replacement of physical labor with intellectual one. In addition, as will be shown below, this is only one of the features of the GE, inextricably linked with a number of other characteristics of the latter;

Classical capitalism in economic theory means the capitalism of free competition of the 19th century, which arose during the industrial revolution, with all its antagonisms and grotesque social disproportions. If this social order remained such - and according to L. Slutsky it turns out that only in the present century something else is replacing classical capitalism - then it would have collapsed long ago, as K. Marx predicted already in the first volume of "Capital", which was published in 1867 However, after this stage, capitalism, contrary to the predictions of Karl Marx, went through several stages of development, undergoing a profound qualitative transformation. Modern market-state regulated, socially oriented capitalism (it is also not without reason called "non-capitalist" terms: "social market economy", "post-industrial society", etc.), significantly differing for the better from "Manchester" capitalism, proved - - unlike its classical predecessor, its resilience and acceptability for the overwhelming majority of members of society;

it is not clear by whom it is customary to call globalization what is contained in the above quote from L. Slutsky. In any case, the author of this article, who has been dealing with the problems of globalization for a long time, first encountered such an interpretation of it;

globalization is not only a process, but also a state of the world economy; an established phenomenon that has a number of closely interconnected essential features.

Against the background of the above interpretations of the GE, let us try to present our vision of globalization. Let's start with the term "globalization". From a lexical point of view, it means giving something a universal (global) character. According to the author of this article, the globalization of the (world) economy is an objectively established phenomenon and, at the same time, a world economic process that actively unfolded at the end of the 20th century. In the most general, in the shortest form, globalization could be characterized as the highest stage (stage, form) of the internationalization of economic life and its core - scientific and industrial internationalization. The essence of the GE is revealed more fully in the totality of its immanent, organically interconnected main features, which are discussed below. Consideration of these features must be preceded by two methodologically important considerations.

As a result of globalization, a world market of results and factors of production has developed (and is not still in the process of transformation, as some researchers believe): goods in the form of a material product and services, capital, labor and knowledge, in which no more than 2-3 thousand TNCs of the highest echelon, and this market is increasingly showing its global quality.

At the same time, the degree of globalization of individual markets, and even more so their segments, is far from the same. It is highest in the commodity markets in the form of material products and capitals. The service market is much less globalized: this is largely due to the fact that many types of services (household, communal, to a large extent transport, educational, etc.), by the very nature of the use value created here, cannot be involved in international circulation, and even more so in globalization process. Internationalization has not reached the stage of globalization in e-commerce (still it is carried out in large regional (subcontinental) markets, primarily in Western and Central Europe and in North America), in the energy market, the market for government orders, in the field of labor migration (the global market has almost taken shape only for highly skilled labor in civilian industries, especially in R&D), etc. In this sense, there remains a wide scope for the further development of globalization not only in depth (in the sense raising its level in each of its directions), but also in breadth.

To reveal the essence of the GE, the question of when internationalization entered its qualitatively new, globalization stage is fundamentally important. In the West, as noted above, they started talking about it back in the early 1980s in connection with the sharp, spasmodic increase in the role of TNCs in the world economy and qualitative changes in their market strategies. Indeed, TNCs are the key subject of the world economy, and transnationalization is a kind of core of the GE process. TNCs became such a subject in the 80s. of the 20th century within the framework of the “world system of the capitalist economy”, in which some other essential features of globalization, which are discussed below, have become widespread. In this sense, in relation to the specified decade, one can speak of “capitalist globalization”, which is essentially what T. Levitt and other Western theorists of the GE had in mind.

At the same time, the "world system of the socialist economy", an integral and significant part of the world economy, remained aloof from transnationalization and other manifestations of the GE. With the exception of the SFRY and the PRC, which embarked on the path of building a market economy and occupied a kind of intermediate position between the two systems, in other "socialist" countries, TNCs did not have not only dominant, but also strong, and in the USSR, in general, any serious positions. based on direct investment and the resulting ownership of productive capital.

Therefore, transnationalization and other manifestations of the GE considered below acquired a truly global character (i.e., in Russian, worldwide) only as a result of the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of “real socialism” in the early 1990s. As a result, the division of the world into two social systems and all countries was overcome (with the rarest "exotic" exceptions that only confirm the rule - first of all, North Korea and Cuba) began to develop according to a more or less similar socio-economic model. The dominant role of TNCs after that really became global. Therefore, one should proceed from the fact that internationalization finally passed into the stage of globalization of the economy in the last decade of the 20th century and is currently gaining momentum, gaining more depth and intensity.

So, the GE is at the same time the achieved (highest) stage of the internationalization of economic life, i.e. an established phenomenon, and an ongoing process. Both the first and the second are not a phantom invented for political reasons, denoted by a certain label, but an objective reality that has, although to a different extent (it directly depends on the degree of openness and “self-sufficiency” of national economies), a determining impact on various aspects of social life of all countries and peoples of the world.

The main, essential features of globalization must be kept in mind not only when considering the realities and trends that have already manifested themselves, but also when developing forecasts for the development of the world economy for the long term (10-15 years or more) and for shorter periods. These features should primarily include the following characteristics:

1) The leading, largely determining role in the world economy of transnational corporations (TNCs), which set the tone for global economic and scientific and technological development, dominate the most important commodity markets in the form of a material product, services, capital, knowledge and highly skilled labor. According to UNCTAD's latest annual report on world investment, in 2006 there were 78,000 TNCs in the world with 780,000 foreign affiliates. However, among them, no more than 2-3 thousand first-class Multis, mainly about 500 top-tier TNCs, and 100-150 leaders among transnational banks (TNB) play a truly leading, if not dominant role in the world economy and the process of globalization.

It is these TNCs, especially those occupying dominant positions in high-tech, “future-oriented” industries (electronics, aerospace, the most advanced engineering sectors, in the production of new materials, etc.), that determine the face of the modern global economy and are “ calling card» countries of origin. The top 500 TNCs account for over 1/3 of manufacturing exports, 3/4 of world trade in raw materials, and 4/5 of trade in new technologies. The dominance of transnational capital is even more pronounced in the banking sector. With their worldwide network of subsidiaries abroad and the "web" of cross-border business operations, they provide a global "cohesion" of various segments of the world economy, the closest interweaving and interdependence of national reproduction processes.

TNCs and TNBs of the highest echelon, initiating "internationalization in a capitalist way" in one (quantitatively and qualitatively predominant) part of the globe, in the era of coexistence of two world systems, with the transition in the last decade of the twentieth century to globalization in the proper sense of the word, i.e. . on a planetary scale, continue to act as the main engine and subject of modern GE.

In this regard, the circumstance that even in the most developed countries of the "golden billion" the predominant part of the GDP and the able-bodied population is accounted for by small and medium-sized firms requires an adequate interpretation. Of course, the economic and especially social (primarily to ensure a high level of employment of the able-bodied population) importance of such firms can hardly be overestimated. At the same time, they do not determine the main proportions of the development of the world economy. In their formation and development, they directly or indirectly largely depend on larger agents of economic, especially world economic relations. TNCs provide about 1/4 of world GDP, but in qualitative terms, this is the best part of the global product, which determines the face of the modern world economy and the direction of its scientific and technological development.

At the same time, determining the main directions of world economic and scientific and technological development, TNCs, with their global operations, also give rise to negative phenomena, which will be discussed below.

2) The leading role (priority) of world economic relations in comparison with domestic economic relations. At the pre-globalization stages of internationalization, intra-economic relations acted as primary, and world economic relations (international economic relations) - as secondary, derivative. Under the conditions of the GE, both of them changed places. As a result, as Y. Shishkov correctly notes, under the conditions of the GE “the world economic community is transformed from a loose set of more or less interconnected countries into an integral economic system, where national (country) societies turn out to be constituent elements of a single world economic organism, and their destinies are increasing determined by the course of development of this organism as a whole.

This essential feature of the GE is increasingly manifesting itself as a global imperative for the formation of the policy of nation states, which is directly related to Russia as well. In this regard, it is difficult not to agree with Yu. Luzhkov that “external, global factors and circumstances are increasingly influencing the possibilities of the country's internal development. Somewhere they limit them, but in some ways they predetermine priorities and the choice of necessary decisions in the modernization of the economy and the social sphere.”

3) The deployment of a global information technology (information and telecommunications) revolution: a revolution in telecommunications based on microelectronics, cybernetics, satellite and digital communication systems, the emergence of a worldwide computer communications network "Internet" (in its own way historical significance it, as many authors rightly point out, is comparable to the invention of printing). The global spread of the current, fundamentally new (it is global by its very scientific and technical nature) compared to the previous generations of information technologies has made it possible to make trade, currency and many other transactions using the Internet at any time and anywhere in the world. What is commonly called "world money" has taken on an electronic form of movement. This made them a truly universal medium of exchange and payment. All this made it possible to provide a new, qualitatively higher (global) level of “linkage” of national economies and various economic entities within the global economy, giving the process of reproduction a truly global character.

4) The universal, all-encompassing influence of scientific and technological progress (at the present stage of scientific and technological progress) in the broad sense of the word on all aspects of the internationalization of production ( Scientific research and experimental design - R & D, organization and management of production, etc.) and capital in a knowledge economy. It is knowledge in the broadest sense (and not natural resources, material values ​​or something else), which by its very nature tend to globalization, in the process of GE has established itself as a decisive factor in economic and social progress on a global scale, bearing a fateful character for countries , large regions and continents. The coincidence in time of the processes of transition of the world economy to globalization and the knowledge economy significantly accelerated the maturation of both phenomena and gave powerful impetus to their development both in breadth and in depth.

5) Harmonization of standards (technological, environmental, statistical, accounting, financial, etc.). Thanks to this, on the whole, a fairly strong, although not complete, "docking" and interchangeability of various finished products and their components, as well as technologies and phases of the reproduction process, is ensured. This contributes to ensuring ever greater freedom of competition in the world economy, giving it a truly global character.

6) Expansion to a worldwide scale and intensification of international inter-firm cooperation in various forms, especially specialization and cooperation (industrial, scientific and technological, scientific and industrial).

7) Expansion to a global scale of spheres, forms and mechanisms of internationalization of capital, an abrupt increase in the scale and intensity of its migration between states, especially industrialized countries, an increase in the concentration and centralization of capital through mergers and acquisitions of companies and banks; a sharp increase in the influence of the financial and banking sector, which has reached a very high level of globalization, on material production.

8) Approval of the global regulatory role of international economic and financial institutions(World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc.). In this regard, it is necessary to especially note the formation on the basis of the GATT of the World Trade Organization, which began its activity in 1995 and has 151 members by the beginning of 2008. If the GATT extended its regulatory activity mainly, if not exclusively, to world trade in goods in the form of a material product, then the WTO also regulates trade in services (GATS), protection and trade in intellectual property rights (TRIPS), trade aspects of investment measures (TRIMS). Thus, the WTO, brought to life by the imperatives of the GE, is to a much greater extent called upon to correspond to the essence of globalization. True, as will be shown below, so far the results of its activities have largely failed to justify the hopes of its founders.

9) Coverage by regional integration of all the most important economic regions of the world (EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, ASEAN, APEC, EurAsEC, CIS, etc.). In Russian publications, this process is often referred to as regionalization. Such an approach, of course, has the right to life. At the same time, in the European Union (EU), regionalization is understood as something different: the “linkage” of the economies of the regions of different states as a result of cross-country regional integration, for example, along the axis of South-West Germany - Western Austria - Northern Italy or regions of various EU countries, adjacent to each other along the coast of the North Sea. Such "linking" can be much more intense than between different regions within individual countries, for example, between North and Southeast Germany, and even more so between North and South Italy. On this issue, the author of this article tends to the above point of view, generally accepted in the EU.

Since integration is regional in nature, it, at first glance, contradicts the GE, which covers the whole world. Indeed, members of regional integration groupings provide each other with mutual benefits, which serve as a privileged tool for them in the competitive struggle with rivals from third countries. At the same time, the unification of individual, previously more or less disparate countries into regional integration blocs contributes to the "linkage" - through the interaction of these groupings - of all the main participants in world economic relations. In addition, there is reason to believe that these groupings have a growing and generally positive regulatory impact on the processes of transnationalization of production and other aspects of TNC operations.

At the same time, individual integration groups act as members of influential global economic organizations. Thus, not only individual EU countries, but also the European Union as an international organization are members of the WTO. This contributes to the intensification of the process of world trade liberalization within the framework of the WTO, i. contributes to the further development of globalization as a whole. In a generalized form, the relationship between both phenomena and the scientific categories that reflect them is successfully characterized by Y. Shishkov's formulation: if globalization is a new quality of internationalization at the stage of its maximum possible development in breadth, then integration is the highest stage of its development in depth.

2. Contradictions and negative aspects of globalization

All researchers rightly point out that the globalization of the economy is a rather contradictory phenomenon. On the one hand, its essential features, discussed above, generally contribute to the increase in the efficiency of the world economy, the economic and social progress of mankind. On the other hand, as will be shown below, the forms of manifestation of these features often infringe on the interests of the general population throughout the world and entire countries that are not members of the well-known "club" of states of the "golden billion". The current (neoliberal) model of economic globalization carries a number of negative aspects, is characterized by sharp collisions and conflicts between various agents (participants) of world economic and other international relations. Globalization has not justified many of the hopes associated by broad sections of the world community with overcoming the split of the world into two opposite social systems, which has turned internationalization into a truly global phenomenon. The following aspects of this model should be attributed primarily to the contradictory and negative aspects of this model.

1. Globalization, unfortunately, has become a breeding ground for a sharp acceleration in the spread of cross-border crime. Thus, the globalization of commodity markets, regrettably, is particularly intensive in the illegal markets for weapons and especially such a socially harmful product as drugs. The turnover of the drug industry already corresponds to about 8% of world trade. The drug business, by its very nature, gravitates towards “internationalism” and globalism. The general environment of globalization based on trade liberalization contributed to the realization of these essential features. In any case, the drug business, using global liberalization in the trade sphere as a means to achieve its unsightly goals (of course, its tools are far from being exhausted by this), has managed to globalize the cross-border trade in this potion - with all the ensuing negative consequences for all of humanity.

2. The rapid transfer of economic failures and financial crises from one region of the world to another, and with a combination of a number of significant negative factors, giving them a global character. This is especially true for the migration of short-term speculative capital in financial markets. At the same time, the electronicization of the exchange of securities via the Internet plays a negative role, although, as noted above, the telecommunications revolution has greatly contributed to the “linkage” of the world economy and its progress. The Internet imposes certain "clichés" on the behavior of global financial brokers and unifies their behavior in various financial centers. As a result, in pre-crisis conditions, their actions often develop in the same - negative - direction, giving a "synergistic" pro-crisis effect.

It is not the most developed countries that suffer the most from this. Thus, the default in August 1998 in Russia was partly due to the financial crisis in the countries South-East Asia late autumn 1997. The fact is that the financial markets of these countries, in terms of their reliability and stability, belong to the same category as the corresponding Russian market(at the same time, we note in passing that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the latter in the current decade have improved markedly and somewhat approached the parameters of developed countries). Therefore, this crisis in Southeast Asia, having provoked an outflow of capital from all such markets, had a negative impact on Russia with a certain “lag”, although it, of course, was not a “system-forming” factor in the Russian financial crisis and its most severe manifestation - default .

3. The processes of globalization reduce economic sovereignty as an attribute of the power of nation states and the potential for economic regulation of the respective national governments, which become increasingly dependent on "their own" and foreign TNCs and their lobbies. The current fifth-generation TNCs, belonging to the highest echelon of such corporations, function as autonomous entities that determine the strategy and tactics of their world economic behavior regardless of the political elites ruling in their country, who rather depend on them themselves and, in any case, listen to them sensitively . This process, which is contrary to the principles of building a democratic state, is less clearly visible in the United States and other countries of the "golden billion" and, on the contrary, is all the more obvious, the weaker this or that state is in economic and military-political relations. In other words, a rather sharp contradiction has developed between globalization and the national sovereignty (especially in the economic field) of many states.

Under the conditions of the GE, the state cannot use the traditional tools of macroeconomic regulation as effectively as before, such as: import barriers and export subsidies, the national currency rate and the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. TNCs and TNBs, if necessary, oppose such measures with their powerful economic potential and an extensive mechanism for lobbying their interests in various countries, which often nullifies the effect expected by the state from the measures taken, and often even turns to the detriment of this country.

4. Globalization, significantly weakening the traditional national systems state regulation of the economy, at the same time did not lead to the creation of such international, and even more so supranational regulatory mechanisms that would fill the resulting gap. The exception to the rule to a large extent here is only the EU, especially the eurozone (European Monetary System), which does not cover the entire space in which the GE has unfolded and continues to develop. At the same time, as a result of unsuccessfully carried out in 2004-2007. expansion of the EU-15 to the EU-27, superimposed on many years of depression in the economy of the EU-15 and coinciding in time with the beginning of a long overdue deep institutional reform of this integration bloc, the EU itself found itself in a state of severe adaptation crisis.

Moreover, since the middle of the last decade of the twentieth century, one can trace the weakening of the regulatory role in the world economy of a number of international organizations: the OECD, the IMF and specialized UN organizations. The WTO does not comply with the decisions of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, as a result of which it arose in 1995 on the basis of the GATT, acting in relation to these decisions, sometimes “exactly the opposite”. This concerns, first of all, the most important decision on liberalization in the field of non-tariff regulation of imports by converting non-tariff restrictions into tariff restrictions and gradually reducing the latter. On the contrary, over the past 5-7 years, non-tariff regulation has noticeably intensified as a “compensation” for the agreed reduction in customs duties. In parallel with this, since 2001, in a sharp controversy between developed and developing countries, the new Doha round of negotiations on further liberalization of world trade has been proceeding ineffectively, if not to no avail. For this reason, the inter-ministerial WTO conference at the end of 2007, which could supposedly take place only in 2009, did not take place.

All this is consistent with the conclusion made by D. Suslov mainly on the basis of an analysis of the current state of national political systems and the sphere of world politics: "The general decline in manageability is the main trend in the development of the international system now and will remain so over the next decade." True, as far as the EU and the WTO are concerned, much earlier than by 2017, they can restore and intensify their regulatory role in this system and begin to counteract the decrease in its manageability.

One way or another, globalization has already entailed such a transformation of the previously established system of international economic relations, which has made the latter less predictable, which significantly complicates the development of reliable long-term forecasts for the development of the world economy.

5. The contradiction between the GE as an objective process with its predominantly positive effects and the current model (policy) of globalization. The current liberal (neoliberal) model of globalization, promoted and implemented mainly in their own interests by the countries of the "golden billion" led by the United States, is aimed at extracting the greatest benefits from the accelerated development of the world economy for highly developed states without sufficient consideration for the interests of other countries. That is why in recent years in many countries, not least in the Russian Federation, the movement of “anti-globalists”, i.e., principled opponents of globalization, and alter-globalists, who reject not globalization as such, but the anti-social orientation of the current neoliberal model of the GE and are seeking alternative to this model in the form of one or another "new paradigm". Thus, the World Social Forum (“Porto Alegre camp”, where its first meetings took place), one of the most active international movements that emerged at the turn of the century on the wave of globalization, sees such a paradigm in giving the world a more democratic and egalitarian character.

In this context, many scientists note a deep contradiction between the objective (mostly positive) process of globalization and the self-serving globalization policy of developed countries, primarily the United States. In this regard, some authors, for example, N. Abdulgamidov and S. Gurbanov, put forward the thesis about the unipolar nature of the GE, emphasizing that the entire process of globalization should essentially be considered “as the institutionalization of the system of neo-colonial exploitation of the world economy by “dollar imperialism”. This thesis, which is typical of anti-globalism supporters, contains an exaggeration and seems somewhat "one-sided", but it is hard to deny that such ideas are born again and again not from scratch.

One way or another, the circumstance that the United States has benefited the most from globalization (and it is generally quite difficult to detect the disadvantages arising from it for this country) is hardly in doubt. Thus, it is precisely thanks to globalization that the United States is still coping with a huge external debt (it is generated by annual gigantic current account deficits), which, according to US Secretary of the Treasury J. Snow, by 2006 reached 8 trillion. dollars (according to reports by many foreign media, which, however, cannot be equated with official information, although they look plausible, by the beginning of 2008 this figure reached 11 trillion US dollars). It has, of course, a different, private economic nature than the Soviet-Russian external state debt and is not subject to servicing from the state budget, but this does not make it any less significant. Only globalization allows the United States to live comfortably and without any special economic cataclysms with such a debt, avoiding default and preserving the role of the key and most used currency in the world economy for the dollar. In this sense, they have already globalized their external debt, so the question posed by E. Rogovsky in the title of his article should be regarded more as a rhetorical one. Today, in essence, we are only talking about changing the form of globalization of this debt, which would allow the US to legally use other people's resources to secure its obligations.

At the same time, the US will certainly continue shamelessly exploiting the dollar's unique position as the world's reserve currency, using its issuance as a tool to cover huge trade deficits and accumulated foreign debt. “Only the leader can afford such behavior - anyone else would immediately go bankrupt,” L. Myasnikova rightly notes in this regard, not without reason believing that as a result, international creditors of the United States may receive only a couple of cents on the dollar.

6. The neoliberal model has given rise to the differentiation of the world into countries that have gained from globalization and lost as a result of it. Moreover, depending on the criteria used by certain researchers for dividing into these two groups, their composition is not the same.

One way or another, there are difficulties in adapting to the challenges of globalization for developing countries (PC) and countries with economies in transition (ETS) due to their lack of such funds as industrialized countries (IDCs), the unpreparedness of national legal, economic, administrative systems and mechanisms, etc. This often forces the EITs, including Russia, and especially the RS, to accept the rules of the game set by the stronger participants in the world economy. The growing gap in the level of well-being of rich and poor countries leads to the displacement of the latter to the margins of the world economy, an increase in unemployment in them, and impoverishment of the population. PC quite rightly point out that globalization in the form in which it has unfolded in recent years has not only failed to solve, but has even exacerbated the problems that prevent these countries from truly integrating into the system of world economic relations and from a more or less satisfactory solution of the problem of poverty and backwardness. .

The depth of the global problem of poverty and underdevelopment in the PC is now clearly evidenced, for example, by the fact that out of more than 6 billion inhabitants of the Earth, only 0.5 billion live in prosperity, and more than 5.5 billion experience more or less dire need or even dire poverty. At the same time, if in 1960 the income of 10% of the richest population in the world exceeded the income of the poorest population by 30 times, then by the end of the 20th century it was already 82 times.

True, the question of the impact of the GE on the distribution of income in the world is debatable. Experts from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, organizations designed to defend the interests of developing countries, argue again and again that under the conditions of the GE, there is a divergence in the world, i.e. strengthening the differentiation of incomes between rich and poor countries in favor of the former, with a general increase in the number and proportion of the poorest (ie, living on less than 1 US dollar a day) part of the world's population.

However, a number of prominent scientists (S. Bhall, H. Sala-i-Martin, Yu. Shishkov) prove the opposite: convergence (ie, reduction in stratification) of incomes between North and South and a reduction in the number and proportion of the poorest population. The scientific dispute about the global distribution of income under the conditions of the GE will apparently be resolved by time: the “age” of globalization is still too young to have sufficiently long and reliable statistical data series to make a firm conclusion about the presence of a particular trend. Already in 5-10 years, such data can replenish the arsenal of science. In all cases, finding the truth here would be facilitated by an open discussion between the supporters of the above points of view on the methodology for calculating the relevant indicators.

At the same time, researchers tend to agree that the GE increases stratification within developing countries, especially the poorest. “The trend towards globalization of international markets,” notes the American economist N. Birdsall, “leads to a fundamental contradiction: the inequality inherent in these markets contributes to increased inequality in developing countries.” This author's interpretation of the causes that give rise to this contradiction seems convincing, although he does not support it with appropriate calculations. At the same time, it is confirmed, for example, by the calculations of the World Bank, which show that in most developing countries and EITs, intra-country differentiation is increasing. Thus, in Bangladesh, the per capita income coefficient (Gini coefficient) increased from 0.32 in 1991 to 0.41 in 2000, in Sri Lanka - from 0.32 in 1990 to 0.40 in 2002 The same trend can be traced in Mexico and a number of other Latin American countries. Of course, this kind of contradiction, noted, in particular, by N. Birdsall, does not contribute to social progress in developing countries and the stabilization of the world economy. True, the contribution of globalization itself, as separate from it and other factors (the laws of the market economy as such, etc.) to the formation and development of this contradiction, has not yet been singled out by anyone.

7. What has been said about the global distribution of income applies even more to the problems of scientific and technological globalization. Of course, its fruits are directly or indirectly used by all mankind. However, first of all, they serve the interests of TNCs and the countries of the “golden billion”. According to some estimates (including the American economist J. Sachs, former adviser to the Russian government), only 15% of the world's population, concentrated in these countries, provides almost all the world's technological innovations. About 1/2 of the rest of humanity is able to use the available technologies, while 1/3 of it is isolated from them, unable to either create their own innovations or use foreign technologies. In such an unenviable position are, first of all, the peoples of countries classified by the UN as the poorest (there are about 50 of them). Most of them are known to be located in Africa.

3. Prospects for globalization

Considered in the first part of this article, the essential features of globalization that move humanity forward along the path of socio-economic progress do not give grounds to predict "eternal life" and endless progressive development. In the distant future (probably beyond 2015–2020), under certain circumstances, it can be slowed down and even temporarily reversed. This was already the case in the period between the two world wars, when the tendency that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century to give internationalization of economic life a global character (i.e., in modern terminology, to globalization) for a number of reasons of a fundamental, planetary nature was replaced by tendencies towards disintegration and even autarkism in a broad territorial framework.

In principle, the world is not guaranteed against such a turn of events, although against the background of the current mainstream trends in the development of mankind, it is unlikely in the next decade and scientifically unpredictable. At the same time, the further expansion of world terrorism, which can hardly be ruled out after the largest terrorist attacks in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, and subsequently in Spain and Great Britain, may lead to a turn of events towards “deglobalization”. . As it has already become quite obvious, large-scale US military operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan, and then against the regime of S. Hussein in Iraq, not only did not put up a reliable barrier to world terrorism, but rather became its detonator in the Islamic world itself, even in its "strongholds". ”, as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (the recent terrible example is the assassination of Benazir Bhutto). If terrorism is not blocked by the world community, and even more so if it becomes the owner of weapons of mass destruction, then the possibility of turning to “de-globalization” will have to be taken seriously.

As for the more or less foreseeable period, say, until 2017, the GE will probably play a key, determining role in the world economy throughout its entire length. The progressive development of the GE, despite its inherent negative aspects, during this period is predetermined by the more significant objective advantages of this stage of internationalization of economic life.

In the first two decades of the 21st century, HE will most profoundly affect industrial production, especially processing industries, and among them science-intensive and high-tech industries. In addition, the GE will be very intensively and quickly deployed in those segments of the world economy (electronic commerce, etc.), where it has only just begun to move towards a more mature state. During this period, the GE, apparently, will develop very unevenly in terms of the degree of involvement of individual countries, groups of countries and regions (PRS, PC and PIT) in it and in terms of socio-economic consequences for them due to big differences their economic situation at the beginning of the 21st century, the real prerequisites for future growth, and many other reasons.

The problem of horrendous poverty and backwardness of most of the world's population, a huge gap between the "rich North" and the "poor South" will remain one of the most acute global problems of mankind. The severity of this problem can be reduced only if the world community, especially the countries of the "golden billion", pay more attention to the needs of the distressed countries. To achieve the goal set by the UN - to halve the number of people in the world living below the poverty line by 2035 - development assistance (primarily to the least developed, the poorest countries) should be, according to the World Bank management, doubled - to amounts over 100 billion US dollars per year. Otherwise, this global problem will create a breeding ground for acute international cataclysms, including the spread international terrorism and regional conflicts.

In the period up to 2017, all the most important manifestations of globalization in the field of international economic relations will be further developed. In the next one and a half to two decades, the world community will be transformed into a more or less integral global system in which national economies, while maintaining state sovereignty, will become more interconnected constituent parts a single, albeit contradictory, international organism. True, individual national economies will not “dissolve” into the GE and the world economy, however, the state of the latter will increasingly affect each country, including Russia, which must find adequate answers to all the fundamental challenges from globalization, which it has not been able to do before. do so far.

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Globalization is especially evident in the field of economics.

IMF experts define globalization as “the growing economic interdependence of countries around the world.

In principle, the concept of "globalization" is broad and largely universal. Therefore, its various aspects are the object of study of many sciences. For example, representatives of technical sciences consider such a concept as “technoglobalism”, which manifests itself in the emergence of global “technological macrosystems” in the fields of communications, telecommunications, transport, industrial production, etc.

Sociologists and philosophers associate the concept of globalization with the tendencies of convergence of the way of life of people from different countries and regions as a result of the universalization of culture and human values.

The processes of globalization are also taking place in the field of politics, which in a new way raises the question of the place and role of the most authoritative international institutions (primarily the UN) in resolving the problems that arise in the course of globalization.

But the most dynamic process of globalization is taking place in the economic area.

The globalization of the world economy is closely related to its liberalization, when international migration (overflow, overflow) from country to country of goods, services, labor and capital becomes more and more free.

The globalization of the world economy does not proceed smoothly and without conflict, but finds its manifestation in a number of contradictions in the system of modern international economic relations, for example, such contradictions as:

  • - contradictions between countries;
  • - between a group of leading developed countries with a market economy (countries of the so-called "golden billion", which receive the maximum economic benefit from globalization "Global Gain") and other countries;
  • - within the group of leading countries of the world;
  • - between countries and international institutions, for example, the IMF or the WTO;
  • - between TNK and MFC;
  • - between the largest TNCs and TNBs themselves, etc.

These contradictions are manifested in almost all forms of modern international economic relations: from international trade in goods and services to international information business.

Thus, competition in the international sphere is reaching a qualitatively new - global - level.

And the "rules of the game" in this global economy are determined by the interaction of three main forces:

  • 1) globalizing capital (TNC + MFC);
  • 2) the leading countries of the modern world and their groupings (EU, NAFTA, APEC);
  • 3) the most authoritative international economic organizations (IMF, WTO).

In this regard, the issue of Russia's place in the globalizing world economy, its implementation of a well-thought-out and purposeful domestic and foreign economic policy is of particular importance.

Equally important are the problems of strategy and real practice of the economic policy pursued (or should be pursued) by Russian corporate business.

The internal inconsistency (and in some aspects, conflict) of the process of globalization of the economy requires the domestic corporate business to develop a long-term strategy for scientific, technical and economic development, focused on conquering and consolidating the relevant segments of modern world markets for goods, services and capital.

However, if these areas in the activities of domestic business are a matter of a long-term perspective, then the formation and implementation of an anti-crisis strategy, the development of effective forms of anti-crisis management is a matter of today's current policy.

Indeed, without solving the problem of anti-crisis management, without developing appropriate mechanisms, it is difficult to count on success in today's globalizing economy.

In economic science, unfortunately, the description rather than the analysis of the newest world tendencies still prevails. The difference between them is as follows: description is an emphasis on external features and characteristics, and analysis is the disclosure of internal logic, causation and the identification of deep characteristics.

In this regard, it is necessary to understand the deep essence of the processes taking place in the world economy in order to fully use the knowledge of their essence for the benefit of Russian economic reforms.

At present, the globalization of the economy has become the object of close attention of scientists, politicians and public figures in many countries. An unambiguous, uniform definition of this phenomenon does not yet exist. There is a discussion going on at various levels: from meetings of international organizations to Internet sites.

Nevertheless, numerous views on globalization can be systematized and conditionally singled out in them two directions.

The first direction is represented by globalists who believe that globalization is a new phenomenon that has fundamentally changed the world economy.

Concepts of the globalization of the world economy focus primarily on the analysis of established global markets with their global competition.

Some representatives of this trend assess the consequences of globalization quite optimistically, describing the benefits that it can bring to humanity.

And the second part of the representatives to a greater extent notes the negative aspects of the globalization of the economy and are more pessimistic. In addition, "pessimists" note and argue that the degree of globalization in certain economic areas is greatly exaggerated.

As a rule, the theorists of this direction are typical of the requirements of denationalization, broad privatization within the framework of national economies.

It is in these conditions that globalization, in their opinion, will receive room for development. And this will be a victory for supranational principles and global market forces over the power of individual states, which allegedly hold back positive development trends. National cultures must be replaced by some kind of global culture.

The second direction is represented by concepts that recognize the presence of globalization, but their authors do not consider globalization to be something phenomenal. They believe that on the scale of the global economy, there is a redistribution of the power and influence of countries, companies, banks, and this has already happened more than once.

Differences in the views of scientists on certain aspects of globalization are clearly presented in Table. 14.1.

At present, radical globalism in the economy has begun to cause violent protests of the population of various countries. Mass demonstrations were held in Prague against the IMF, in Seattle (USA) against the WTO, in Washington against the G7.

Protest marches against the globalization of the economy took place in Seoul and Montreal. This is a completely new phenomenon in social and economic life.

According to many researchers, globalization brings more problems and dangers than benefits.

A few words about what is the most important feature of the global nature of modern internationalization.

Table 14.1

Views of scientists on various aspects of globalization

The first direction - globalists

The second direction - evolutionists

What is the essence of globalization?

It is a fundamentally new stage in the development of the world economy

She is unprecedented high level interdependence of national economies as a result of historical development

What are the driving forces of globalization?

The driving forces of globalization are the market economy and new technologies

The driving force behind globalization is the modernization of the international division of labor

What is the role of national governments?

Their role is shrinking ("death" of national governments)

She changes and rebuilds

What are the consequences of globalization?


Dual, indefinite

What are the basics



Reorganization of all spheres of life on the principles of globality

Internationalization, regionalization, restructuring of international relations

What are the prospects for the development of mankind?

The Emergence of a Global Civilization

Integration with simultaneous regionalization

The internationalization of the economy, from the point of view of individual national economies, it extends outside and inside the country:

  • - outside - when an aggressive policy is being pursued to promote their goods, services, investments in foreign markets;
  • - inside - when foreign goods, services, capital, etc. are actively attracted to national markets.

characteristic feature modern stage internationalization is that the international flows of goods, services, capital and information are controlled primarily not by national, but by international legislation.

This is an external manifestation of two factors of globalization - objective and subjective. The objective factors are based on the internationalization of production and capital at the level of companies and banks that go beyond national borders.

The subjective side of the matter is expressed in the conscious regulation and construction of globalization by international organizations.

The result of deepening internationalization is the further strengthening of the interdependence of national economies. National (national) economies are increasingly linked to supranational structures, in favor of which a part of national economic sovereignty is given away.

Ultimately, a complex situation arises in terms of the management of the global economy. If such a sphere as international trade has a single directing center represented by the WTO, then the movement of private capital is not subject to such regulation.

And what if you evade, refuse to participate in the globalization of the economy?

Avoiding participation in globalization means that you still have to participate in it, but "play" by someone else's rules, since they will be formed based on the interests of other states. In this regard, some economists believe that Russia's active participation in international economic organizations, as well as accession to the WTO, is urgently needed.

In discussing the problems of globalization of the world economy, as well as other aspects of the globalization process, there is no consensus.

From the point of view of some authors, it is wrong to identify globalization with the existence of TNCs (transnational corporations) and TNBs (transnational banks), which are just the highest manifestation of the internationalization of the era of industrial development.

TNCs and TNBs themselves are the object of penetration of information technologies into them, leading to qualitative, revolutionary changes in the nature of the productive forces, as well as their transformation into post-industrial ones.

Post-industrial structures, or the so-called new economy, today are just a way in the sea of ​​industrial forces.

At the same time, the difference between the genesis of this way of life and the genesis of all previous historical ways lies in the fact that almost from the very beginning, its formation takes place within the framework of the world. Nevertheless, initially the emergence of a new way of life - a new economy - takes place in the most highly developed countries, which are reaping the main fruits of this scientific and technological progress.

Thus, the uneven development of individual human societies is preserved and deepened. This leads to extremely negative socio-economic and political consequences: even those few developing countries that over the past 10-20 years have succeeded in economic development, again found themselves in a situation of "catching up development".

Every emerging way of life creates tension in society, and in the economy - a new contradiction.

After the initial boom (associated with an emotional reassessment of the progress actually achieved), after a rapid run forward, there comes a crisis and a rollback, but, of course, not to zero, but to a more realistic level.

But due to the globalization of information technology, a crisis that occurs at one point spreads in waves around the world. The countries that are least involved in the orbit of post-industrial information technologies usually suffer the least.

The processes of globalization proceed unevenly within the core of highly developed countries between different sectors of the economy.

Penetration into some industries (say, finance, trade) is faster and massive, while others (especially heavy industry) are more “conservative” and perceive information innovations with difficulty.

For a long time, those industries that were already considered highly profitable were not very receptive to information technology innovations.

For example, according to the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Simony, the oil and gas industry has only recently begun to show interest in introducing information technologies into its production process.

Incidentally, it is no coincidence that the first crises and upheavals associated with globalization occur precisely in the sphere that most quickly accepted Information Technology namely financial.

Currently, several business models are used in the world: American, German, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese.

Each TNC, placing its branches in other countries, must inevitably transform the legal and economic mechanisms used at the parent enterprise, adapt them to the laws and economic relations of the host country.

Even developed countries cannot always borrow from other countries the economic methods that have proven their effectiveness there: this was the case with the attempts of American entrepreneurs to use many elements of the Japanese mechanism in their factories - they all failed.

The same thing happened with the desire of domestic young reformers to transfer the American model to Russian soil. The recipients did not accept foreign structures.

TNCs achieve success in the expansion of their production only when they combine in a single whole the technological components of production with the cultural and historical and therefore unique features of the mentality of each people.

MFC - world financial centers.

  • TNB - transnational banks.
  • EU - European Union.
  • NAFTA - North Atlantic Free Trade Association.
  • APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Community.

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