How security affects the image. Safety as a key factor in the successful image of the country

The image of the organization can be viewed as a system of images and evaluations in the minds of people.

The concept of image of the organization includes two components:

1. Descriptive (or informational) component, which is an image of an organization.

2. An estimated component that exists due to the fact that any information about the organization encourages assessments and emotions that may have different intensity, can be taken or rejected, and this is directly related to the relationship to the organization.

The image and the assessment can only be conditional conceptual distinction. In reality, they are inextricably linked. The image of the organization may be positive, negative, fuzzy. The purpose of the organization is to form a positive image. Positive image increases the competitiveness of the organization in the market. It attracts consumers and partners, speeds sales and increases their volume. It facilitates the organization's access to various resources: financial, information, human, material. The successful process of forming a corporate image requires planning, organization and control.

An integral attribute of any system is the structure. Structure

the image of the organization includes eight components (or components):

1. Iinder goods (services) - representations of people relative to the unique characteristics that, in their opinion, has a product.

2. The image of consumers includes ideas about the style of life, public status and some personal (psychological) consumer characteristics.

3. The internal image of the organization is the submission of employees about their organization. The main determinants of the internal image are the culture of the organization and social psychological climate.

4. The image of the head or the main executives of the Organization includes ideas about the abilities, installations, value orientations, psychological characteristics, and appearance of the head.

5. Image image is a collective, generalized personnel image that reveals the most characteristic features.

6. The visual image of the organization is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization whose substrate is visual sensations that record information about the interior of the office, trade and demonstration halls, the company's company symbolism.

7. Social image of the organization - submissions to the general public about the social goals and the role of the organization in the economic, social and cultural life of society.

8. The organization's business image is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization as a subject of business activity.

The image of the organization has relative stability. As for the organization, it is required for a long time And great efforts to change the ideas about her people.

Special importance is the image for large and well-known organizations. Such an organization in recent public and the focus of media attention. Therefore, large organizations are constantly working with public opinion. This work is aimed at ensuring the beneficial behavior of the public regarding the organization.

The public attitudes towards an organization may be mediated by an already formed attitude towards the system, which includes an organization as a component. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200ba particular bank invariably includes an idea of \u200b\u200bthe banking system as a whole and the assessment of its activities. This indirectness can have both a positive impact on the image of a particular organization and negative.

Thus, the process of creating an image is a permanent process of improving the style of the company and the company's philosophy, developing new attributes and improving the old, revision of ideas and the search for new approaches.

External image. Studies show that 83% of solutions we accept based on visual information. We carefully inspect a person, office or thing and decide whether we want to deal with such a partner or not. So it turns out that the appearance of a business man did not have such a value as now. Never businessmen so did not care about their external image, as in our time. One way or another, it requires a rapidly developing society. Compilation of an external image plan means a thorough analysis of all that primarily rushes into the eyes of society and a specific buyer.

The fact that there is direct connection between our appearance and success, prove and scientific research. They clearly show that the professional requires clothing corresponding to the standards of appearance, and yet millions of intelligent people refuse to take these studies seriously. Most often about the company's head, judged by the standards of the appearance of its employees. The most important cause of problems with the appearance of employees is the lack of understanding. In other words, people do not understand how their appearance affects the image of the entire company. Otherwise, none of them would appear at work in the form they consider normal.

Often, their negative impact has the education and home environment of young employees. Therefore, the head is forced to independently determine the standards of the appearance of employees. In this sense, management must be an example of their observance, but one "walking" sample is clearly not enough.

What is the solution to this problem. It is necessary to set out in detail the requirements for the appearance of employees. Many employees will agree with you if the reasons for the introduction of these rules will understand them. It is necessary to immediately acquaint the newly accepted employees with them, otherwise the conversation with some of them about appearance when certain relationships have already managed to form in the team, it will become for the personnel manager of the most difficult task in his work. The fact that if employees get the opportunity to independently choose their own business clothes, the boundaries of the external species standards violate the most professional workers.

In addition, a typical mistake is that the leaders of many large companies consider professionalism in clothing and the appearance of a matter of course, so they pay so little time and attention to this issue. This opinion is erroneously, and such leaders can be advised to find time to explain the company's attitude to the form of clothing of their employees and give the necessary explanations. In addition, I would like to note that professional clothing generates professional behavior, in other words, clothes and behavior are interconnected.

The only production factor affecting business reputation is product quality. For most companies, the importance of product quality is obvious. With bad consumer properties of goods, the company will not save either excellent public relations, nor impeccable service of the buyer. Advertising can attract the buyer, but if it is dissatisfied with the goods or service quality, the positive image of such a company does not last long. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the product and hard and hard work.

The region of the tangible image, which we perceive all five feelings, applies all, ranging from the company's slogan to its location. The name of the company and its slogan is the most notable elements in the image system. The creation of the most efficient version of these two elements is worth spending time and money. This is especially important for newly created companies.

The name and slogan of the company inform people about what is the company, they should clearly reflect its profile. The name of the company has an obvious impact on people. The shorter the name is, the stronger its effect. It should also easily memorize. In business throughout the world, the name of corporations is considered as important that annually, after consulting with professionals, thousands of companies change it.

The external image of the company must be clear and attractive to customers. It is also necessary to periodically rebuild the image, constantly strengthening it. No need to change everything every time. The company name must be present on the sign, branded form, business cards, product packaging - on everything that represents the company to people. To enhance the impact of the image, it is necessary to unify all its components.

An important component of the external image of the company is advertising. People learn about the new product or service mainly by advertising. Some types of advertising use powerful image, others - no. Television turned over our view of life in the XX century. Over the past forty years, we have turned from the company readers to the Society of viewers. Today, the opinion of people and goods we comprise on the basis of visual images, symbols and a brief, carefully compiled text. In this sense, advertising, printed and electronic, rose to the level of science. SAMI the main problem Those who do advertising today are competition. Amazes the amount of information about the product that collapses for the buyer. In addition to advertising in newspapers, on the radio, on the billboards along the road, in the evening television shows and magazines, the share of an ordinary Russian consumer accounts for so much commercial advertising messages that most of them are simply not perceived by them. Only the most efficient advertising comes to a person and affects him.

Today, in the midst of competitive struggle, the creation of advertising needs to be charged only by professionals. Even if we are talking about writing an advertisement to a local newspaper or sending an advertisement by mail, all the same, this amateur undertaking is unlikely to attract the consumer's attention, because he will have to compete with hundreds of other commercial ads drawn up by professionals. And here, perhaps, the main problem is how to stand out from the total mass, even if the creation of advertising is entrusted with professionals.

Today, effective advertising attracts consumer's attention not only to its professional level, but also by emotional impact on people. It is unlikely that all advertising agencies understand it, therefore, before you entail any of them creating your advertising, learn its previous works.

Thus, it can be said that factors such as the appearance of employees, product quality, slogan, location and advertising affect the external image. According to these characteristics, it is generally possible to judge the corporate image outside the organization.

Internal image image. Compared to external, internal image is more difficult to adjust, but it is significantly more important for the company's reputation and its successful activities. The devotion of employees of their company and enthusiasm in relation to the service of buyers is the core of the internal image.

Experience shows that most employees do not even suspect what influence they have to perceive the company's buyer in which they work. The advice that can be given to employees of any company is simple: or you always call your superiors and your work only positively, or throw this position and find that company, work in which you will be proud of. This advice refers to employees of all levels.

Based on the above: Internal image is the image of the company through the eyes of its employees, the image, which arises from buyers when communicating with its employees. Simply put, negative internal image means the inevitable loss by buyers and the loss of reputation. Studies show that the preservation of a permanent buyer is five times less than the acquisition of a new one. Even the most famous companies will protect their internal image and try to maintain the moral mood of workers. The team spirit and moral mood of employees determine whether a company with large plans and talented employees will be known for the whole world or she will only leave a light mark in history.

Perhaps no need for an employee has such a meaning to raise moral attitudes and strengthening the company's devotion as the desire of employees to be aware of the activities of their company. One of the main responsibilities of the leadership should be the constant familiarization of employees with the concept of development of the company. Belonging to the company with high standards of appearance and behavior raises the moral mood of the new employee. But some managers fear that the maintenance of high standards of appearance and behavior may adversely affect the quality of the work of employees. Nothing like it is just the opposite. The fact that the company hires only good workers to work and thereby supports high standards, increases its attractiveness in the eyes of candidates for vacancies. And of course, strengthens the command spirit of those who already work there.

The presentation of clear standards of behavior and appearance in writing greatly facilitates problems solving. The instructions with the standards described in it will help you start any conversation of this kind. Perfectly, if the development of standards, job descriptions are conducted simultaneously with the creation of the company, even before accepting the work of the first employee. Preliminary work strengthens the company's image and in the future saves time when solving problems related to employees.

Modern companies in which the best managers work are trying to satisfy other desire of their employees: the need for respect.

The American branch of the Japanese company Honda, for example, in order to create an atmosphere of equality in the company, has abolished traditional leadership privileges. No more individual parking lots. All feed on one cafeteria. Managers and workers are the same uniform. In addition to these symbolic gestures, Honda encourages the participation of their workers in making decisions, developing the schedule of overtime and shift, which has always been the prerogative of management.

One of the most powerful needs of employees of companies is the need for an improved system of internal corporate communications. Study among major financial corporation workers show that in the first place in the list of their complaints turned out to be a bad connection between subordinates and leadership and the feeling that the bosses do not respect their employees. When subordinates are involved in a bilateral connection when they are constantly informed about what is happening in the company, they feel that they are appreciated and they are trusted. And this, in turn, gives rise to a positive attitude of employees to the company. A well-established corporate relationship means more than just the distribution of a constant flow of information. It also includes studies by employee opinions and personal contact with them.

Honda leaders, for example, every two months go to the factory buildings for an hour and talk to the company's employees who offered the best ideas for improving production.

The need of employees in the work and the opportunity to make a personal contribution to the company's business, are closely related to the desire for a sustainable bilateral connection. We all think that we have unique talents that we are especially and are not like others. When we get a chance to show our creative skills In work, we feel our importance for the company. No one will be able to maintain a high moral mood, if it feels like a small breeder of corporate mahina. If you enable employees to make at least a small contribution to the common cause, their moral attitude will increase significantly. Conversely, if the leaders of the departments believe that good ideas are born only in their heads, motivation to work and the mood of employees fall below the zero mark. The creative contribution of employees in the company's business brings her success.

The need to appreciate our work, affects the most deep strings of the human soul. We can minimize the mountains if we feel that we are appreciated, and we do not want to move your finger if we feel undervalued.

In order to express their approval to subordinate and colleagues, it is not necessary to invent ambitious events, the implementation of which will take you a lot of time. The simplest and most valuable thing you can do is to send a note with the words of praise and high marks. Workers who appreciate the leadership will appreciate their buyer. And the client will surely feel it.

The need for recognition and award is related to the desire of workers to highly evaluate the surrounding. Recognition of the merit of the employee is a high assessment of its contribution to the general case in the presence of colleagues. Praise the employee in front of his colleagues brings dual benefits, because the effect of its impact is doubled. Promotion serves as an immediate award for a good job as an actor, musician, satyrika, professional speaker or priest. They get it in the form of laughter, applause and ovations. Each of us needs the same recognition, and any of us wants to get it.

This company is very clever, which understands the need of its employees in promotion. It is not at all necessary that the reward is expensive and awake. It can be an unscheduled day off, a gift, a bouquet of flowers, a sports competition tickets or even an invitation to a party in the office.

Attention to employees is returned by the company's devotion to the company's employees, satisfying from their work, and therefore, to enhance the company in their eyes and prestige. No one can bring much benefit to the company's corporate image than employees who are proud of their work.

Thus, it can be said that the internal image is no less important for the company than the external one. The internal image is influenced by such factors as devotion to employees, ideas about the company, the need for respect, the need for bilateral communication, the need for creative work, the need for high assessment of others, the need for recognition and award, as well as the need for growth and promotion. The internal image of the company that takes into account all the above factors will be very high. And the work of such a company will be more efficient.

5. Social responsibility of business

Social responsibility implies a certain level of voluntary response to social problems by the organization. This response takes place in relation to what lies outside the requirements defined by law and regulatory bodies or in the excess of these requirements.

Society has developed certain ideas about how the organization should behave to be considered a respectable corporate member of the served communities. The point of view forming on this basis is reduced to the fact that organizations should respond to acting in such numerous areas as the protection of habitat, health and security, civil rights, the protection of consumer interests, etc.

Disputes on the role of business in society gave rise to numerous arguments for and against social responsibility.

Arguments in favor of social responsibility:

· Business long-term prospects for business.

· Changes in the needs and expectations of the general public.

· Availability of resources to assist in solving social problems.

· The moral obligation to behave socially responsibly.

Arguments against social responsibility:

· Violation of the principle of maximizing profits.

· Expenses for social involvement.

· Insufficient reporting level to the general public.

· Lack of skill to resolve social problems.

Product and its quality, level of service, pricing - these parameters are important in the activities of any company. But the way it is perceived by customers and competitors, largely depends on its image. It is formed regardless of whether they work on it specifically or not. Marina Melia, a psychologist with many years of experience, in his book "Business is psychology", gives practical advice On how to identify the authentic image of your company and how to improve it. With the permission of the Publishing House "Alpina Publisher", which issued this book, we publish its key ideas.

How to make the image of the company work on us

The company's image is formed regardless of whether anyone is dedicated or not. And it is very important to create an image consciously. Today, the leaders of many companies understand this: it is no coincidence that seminars and consultations on the construction of the image are very popular.

However, the image of the organization is not only a recognizable brand, the manners of communication of sails managers and sounding radio advertising. This is a complex holistic system in which there are no insignificant trifles.

My many years of experience allows you to highlight the basic principles based on which you can create an effective image. At the heart - the same triad as when building an individual image: "Goal", "People", "I" (here - individual characteristics Companies). And the "image zone" is the intersection of these three conditional circles.


First of all, you need to answer questions: What is the mission of the organization, purpose, strategic guidelines, what directions are priorities, what products and services need to be promoted, etc. If there is a clear understanding of this, then it becomes obvious which image items will work for you And what about what is clearly lacking, and what is excess.


Who exactly directed the image, who is the target audience of the organization? Most companies first of all are customers. A professional community is also becoming an important audience.

There are various agents of influence, for example, authoritative people, experts, state officials, etc. We must not forget about the opinions and expectations of the internal consumers of the image - those who work in the company. Which of these groups will enter the fore, depends on the company's activities and its goals. Designed the target segment, it is possible, for example, to clearly define the circle of publications, where the publication of articles about the company and its advertising will be the most efficient; Note events and shares in which it is worth participating; Plan the location of shops and exhibitions; Select the style of souvenir products, etc., etc.

I (individual characteristics of the company)

What are the individual characteristics of the company, competitive advantages, what distinguishes it from others and highlights a general background? The strengths need to be able to correctly emphasize, and they will work for you and in business, and in the image. The "skate" of one company may be many years of experience, the other - cooperation with Western experts and the introduction of the latest technologies, the third - an extensive chain of stores in the regions, etc.

An important question in determining the individual characteristics of the company is how the figure of the head will be served. This each company decides for itself, depending on its goals and the personality of the leader himself. Often the head of the company is an obvious leader and positions its organization as the author, where its role is very significant. But sometimes it is more important to show the organization, first of all, as the system - in this case, the leader is more profitable to remain in the shadows. It is important to make a specific choice, and then many questions will be solved almost automatically: for example, set a photo of the head in booklets and reports, which is placed on the site who gives interviews, etc.

Speaking of an effective image, you should not forget about the zone of "nearest development" of all areas of the Triad: goals, audiences, individual characteristics of the company. You have not reached these purposes yet, do not work with these people, do not have any competitive advantages, but it is already in your plans, you are convinced that it is always necessary to implement all this. In this case, plans can be spelled out in advance in booklets, sounded in an interview, advertising, etc. - After all, our words and thoughts are material!

Audit of the image on its own

So, if we clearly respond to all the questions that arise when analyzing the triads, it will become clear what image Ideally should have the company. At the same time, it is very important to maintain the dynamic balance of all components of an effective image, as they are in a constant movement: a change in the company's goals may entail a change in the target audience and, respectively, broadcast competitive advantages, etc.

And in my opinion, it is clearly tracking these changes, which means that no strongest PR agency or experienced image makers can be corrected in a timely manner or experienced image makers - first of all this is the task of the leader himself. And for this you need to clearly represent how the image should be.

Think, and how effective is the image that the company has now? What are your company surrounding? Customers, partners, applicants? To answer these questions, you need a fairly thorough analysis. However, a preliminary "audit", which does not require any special training, can be carried out on its own - this will allow you to give clear instructions to those skilled in the art that will develop specific image elements. Such an "inventory", as a rule, takes one day. We break this process for three steps.

Step One: What inside?

I suggested several managers of large companies working in different segments of the market, to conduct a simple experiment: to imagine that each of them is a client who came to their company for the first time. There was a task in front of them go through the whole path that the visitor doesAnd it was important to look at everything seen, as the psychologist Eric Bern said, the look of "naive Martian" - not evaluating anything, without expressing his emotional attitude towards what they saw, I did not reject anything. Just collect data, celebrate everything that you have time to notice.

At first, some of them reacted to such an experiment skeptical: they say that you can see in your own office, which you see every day. However, the results were struck: each of them made many discoveries on this path, which made it possible to change much in their companies, including significantly adjust the image.

The first discovery was waiting for one of the leaders right in the yard of his own office: it turned out that visitors could not drive up to the building at all - all the drives were overclocked by the barriers, where only the manual was missing, and there were no places to parking clients at all.

Another leader, the owner of a major trading and manufacturing company, went on a tour of his own factory, where the exhibition and sale was recently opened. And it was unpleasant to surprise when I found that the company itself can be found with great difficulty: the production was in the suburbs, but there was no single pointer and identifying sign. Moreover, there was not a single plate on the factory with an indication of the company, and even the staff themselves were difficult to explain to whom it belongs. An unpleasant surprise expected him in store salons: it turned out that all signs were made in different styles, up to flowers and logos. This happened because a year ago the company changed the corporate identity, and all signs still did not have time to replace. As a result, customers who visited the salons did not even understand that this is the same company.

But the impressions of the president of a large bank: "We conducted an active advertising campaign for private clients, in which a lot of money was invested. But when I observed how the security and front office staff costs the numerous visitors who responded to this advertisement, I realized that they could have the impression that the banks were not needed at all. The skipped was made long: it was necessary to stand in line and wait until the guard would call the employee to whom the visitor came. And the one who has not previously agreed with the meeting manager, it could not always quickly navigate and understand who could help him: I noticed that many were "sent" from one phone for a long time. In my eyes, two unfolded and gone. And I understand them perfectly! "

The CEO of the IT company made a useful discovery, sowing on a chair for visitors in the client room: the furniture turned out to be so inconvenient that a desire arose to finish the meeting as soon as possible. In addition, he noticed that informational materials and required documents Managers working with customers have to be printed from the computer every time.

The head of the company's production company discovered that a defective - non-working window was exhibited in the demonstration hall: as it turned out, the head of the workshop at the factory, a corporate man and devotee, wanted to save on the exhibition instance.

Another leader, whose office was located on the second, tenth and thirteenth floors of the business center, never thought that it was not only "blurring" the company's image, but also creates many difficulties to customers and employees themselves. So, for example, trying to do the traditional path of the client, he discovered that it was possible to exit from the floor using a magnetic card of the employee. And this meant that each visitor at the entrance and the exit must certainly accompany someone. Even worse, the case was with elevators: to get from the tenth floor to the thirteenth, it was necessary to go down first, cross the entire hall and sit down in another elevator, going upstairs.

During the travelling" it is important to observe for employees - As they greet each other, they talk about how to communicate with visitors: their behavior speaks a lot about the organization as a whole, as it interacts with the world around, as belonging to people working in it. It is worth paying attention to what the employees are dressed: inadequate outfits can most often be seen in the summer, especially in the heat. Such things can tell about the company's corporate culture more than all the "right" statements in leaflets and booklets.

It is very important not to take any decisions going and not evaluate anything: just watch. Having finished the "journey", listen to myself and your associations. What image about the company happened to you, like "Naive Martian"? Try to describe the company that you saw, for example, making a list of seven adjectives. Do you want people to receive such an idea of \u200b\u200byour organization?

Step two: What outside?

In the second stage, we are faced with the task collect all the information about the organization that a person can get without coming to the office- After all, most people first get acquainted with companies in absentia.

Today, one of the main sources of information - the Internet. Remember when you last visited the site of your company - maybe two years ago, when was a new design? Please note that it is easy to find your web page at all.

For example, an unpleasant surprise expected the head of the manufacturing company: he positioned his company as a leader in the industry, but his own website found only the tenth of the search engine page. At the same time, the first search link opened an angry letter of a certain buyer - it is not surprising that people trying to receive information about the company immediately stumbled upon these negative statements and lost all interest in the company.

The head of another company, studying the site, noted that the last changes on the news page were half a year ago. He became a revelation and section "History": what seemed right and obvious some time ago, when the materials were written, now it looks ridiculous and illogical.

Try to find on the Internet publication about your company over the past year. It happens that there are simply no such materials. The question arises, why: whether the company is not so famous, whether the PR campaign is incorrectly built. If there are publications, note which editions most often appear articles, positive them or negative who are talking about your company. If you do not conduct regular monitoring of media publications, see what they write about your company, learn ratings, scroll out reviews in magazines - and you will learn a lot new.

Such a selection of publications has become a revelation for the head of the trading firm: his employees commented on a variety of issues, including the work of competitors. As a result, it turned out such "Vinaigrette", which was generally impossible to understand, what exactly the company is engaged in and what is its position.

Most people receive their information you are interested in phone. Is it easy to get through to your company? Some managers during such an experiment were waiting for a lot of disappointments: in one case, the message on the answering machine, where they asked to wait for the operator's response, it was written in such a tone that a desire arose as soon as possible to hang the phone, in the other it turned out that there were not those telephones in advertising Instead of the sales center fell into the head office.

Read promotional leaflets, booklets, presentations. Is everything withstanding in a single style, competently composed, is there no obvious typos and inconsistencies? Try to imagine what sensations may arise from a person who first taking such a leaflet who saw an advertising stand on the street, who heard the roller on the radio.

Look at a persecution person on gifts and souvenirs that you give partners and customers. How appropriate are they?

Having finished collecting information, again ask yourself a question that this is the companyAnd try to answer honestly. Describe the resulting image of the adjective seven and compare with the list, compiled after the first stage - "View from the inside". And then, what would you like to see your company. Is there something in common? How significant is the difference?

For example, two of the managers who participated in the experiment were surprised to find that these lists are completely different. But the more the "scissors", the more of the company's image: this suggests that all our "shots", aimed at forming an image, fall into "milk".

Step Three: Analysis

And now it is necessary analyze everything you learned, saw, heard, settling all the information on the "baskets" of the triad of an effective image. How compliance with the mission and the objectives of the company, its strategic landmarks, target audience, individual characteristics? And then you can answer many important questions: Why some organizations do not want to have a thing with you, why strange people come to you, why suppliers cannot work with you long, expensive advertising campaigns fail and do not give the expected results, and therefore profit, etc.

If the image is built competently, then others are clear what goals from the organization, on what road it goes. However, it often happens that the goals and mission are not broadcast and only a narrow circle of people knows about them. Or, on the contrary, the company declares its goals and strategies wherever it is possible, but it is absolutely not true.

It is important that information about the company is clearly aimed at the target audience: for example, the company placed advertising mainly in glamor magazines, as the PR Agency convinced the manager that it enhances the company's prestige. However, such an advertisement was completely ineffective and clearly did not contribute to improving the image, since the target audience of the company was the most senior people with an average wealth that such magazines were not read at all.

Also it is important to understand if the company is in generalwhether it shows its competitive advantages. For example, during the analysis it turned out that the logo of the construction company is similar to the logo of one of the competitors, which prevented promotion on the market. The investment company completely did not mention that it was operating on the market for 10 years, although it was a clear advantage. A commercial bank in all promotional materials was represented as a "universal, providing a wide range of services to enterprises and the population", but for customers he did not differ from hundreds of others who stated the same. Seeing that the most important advantages of the bank in informational and promotional materials are not presented, his head realized that the money for advertising was spent in vain. The adjusted adjustments did not slow down to affect the results.

It is important to realize that the target image must be based on the real state of affairs. If the organization positions itself as an elitar, then this should manifest itself in every little thing, up to the rug before the entrance door, workers' clothes and the quality of coffee, which offer customers.

When creating an effective image, each element must respond a specific task, otherwise the entire system will drop and will not be aimed. It is very important that all efforts to go with a common targeted flow. Such a "carbole of shots" allows you to automatically cut off everything is superfluous and faster to succeed. In addition, the studied image is also a real economic benefit.


This article proposes to consider current issues of psychological safety of the individual and forming the image of a university student. The main goal of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the influence of the psychological safety of the individual on the process of forming an image of a student of the university. We suggested that the formation of a student's image occurs in a specific social context, under the influence of factors reflecting the characteristics of social interactions. One key factors is a high level of student personality, creating real opportunities to satisfy natural and social needs In the present and future, revealing opportunities for his personal self-realization and professional growth. The authors revealed the content of the concepts of "image student's university", "Optimal Image", "Psychological Safety of Personality". The work considered structural compositions of the image of the student and the psychological safety of his personality and identify the relationship between them.

image of a student

psychological safety of personality

structural relationship of image and psychological safety

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6. Pubygin P.B. Psychology of the image. - M.: Aspect Press, 2002. - 223 p.

8. Baer M., Frese M. Innovation IS Not Enough: Climates for Initiative and Psychological Safety, Process Innovations, And Firm Performance // Journal of Organizational Behavior J. 24, 45-68 (2003), R. 45-70.

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Socio-political processes occurring in modern Russialed to an increase in interest in the problem of image. This is evidenced by the widespread use of the concept of "image" in various sciences: sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, cultural studies. At the same time, the consciousness of people consolidated an idea of \u200b\u200bthe image as a certain value, on the quality of which the life success and success of any activity depends.

The purpose of our study was to identify the peculiarities of the influence of the psychological safety of the individual on the process of forming an image of a student of the university.

The empirical base of the study was the FGAOU VPO "Belgorod State National Research University" (Nio Belga), Belgorod Agricultural Academy (Belgsha). The study participated in full-time education in the amount of 110 people aged 17-25 years.

Currently, the formation of a positive image becomes an urgent problem not only in political and business areas, but also in a student environment. The study of the image of studentism is especially important and relevant today, when the requirements for the future professional are increasing, to the modern specialist. At the same time, the image of students themselves changes. Various aspects of the generalized image of students are fixed in the mass consciousness in the form of stereotypes, and not only in the consciousness of students of universities themselves, but also impose a mark on his perception by the public. From what is the image of a student, as present the image of students of a university in the consciousness of the public, largely depends on the process of attracting applicants, the implementation of promising projects, the overall position of the university in educational system.

The image of a university student is an integral characteristic of the personality, which includes a combination external features and the internal personal qualities of the student who contribute to the effectiveness of educational activities.

When identifying the formation of the image of the university students in our study, the types of image are used, allocated by E.B. Peregonigina.

The first level is a socially unacceptable image that prevents the professional development of the subject and the establishment of productive cooperation between the participants of the interaction, leading to the degradation of the professional and personal me-the concept of the prototype of the subordination;

The second level is a socially acceptable image, which contributes to the preservation of the existing level of professional-personal development of the protograph's subject, as well as the achieved level of cooperation between the participants of the image interaction, in general, the corresponding image of the image of the image of the sample of the image;

The third level is the optimal image characterized by the best of all in these conditions in the combination of characteristics that allows the DSI entituity (activity to create an image) to achieve its ACME as an individual.

The socio-psychological components constituting the structure of the image of university students are:

1. The motivational component is the availability of significant training and professional motives and needs, personally significant values.

2. Cognitive component - I-concept of university students.

3. The activity component is the ability to develop its own image, based on the features of the activity, as well as the opportunity to study its image in the educational space of the university.

The formation of a student's image occurs in a specific social context, under the influence of factors reflecting the characteristics of social interactions. And one of the key factors is a high level of student's personality security, creating real opportunities to meet natural and social needs in the present and future, revealing opportunities for his personal self-realization and professional growth.

Currently, there is no single interpretation of the concepts of "security", "psychological safety of personality", "safe personality". Many researchers determine "safety" as a combination of internal and external factors that contribute to the preservation of a full-fledged human ability, society to function and develop, and "personality safety" as a state of its security, i.e. The ability of a person how to create dangerous situations, so in the event of an occurrence (I.A. Baeva, N.S. Efimova, Yu.G. Soskov, A.N. Sukhov et al.). ON THE. Skiz points out that a safe person is building his life in the context of unity with society, sells its potential, its ideals and desires using a formed system of semantic regulation of life, and also has a readiness to ensure security and is able to maintain its health by converting hazards in Factor of own development.

At the same time, the structure of the psychological safety of the personality of a university student includes the following components:

1. Affective component - emotional attitude towards dangerous situations; emotional resistance to negative internal and external influences; Experiences of students about the relationship between them in difficult situations.

2. Cognitive component - awareness of students about the concepts of "threat", "Danger", "Violence", etc., as well as ways of exiting situations characterized by these concepts, features of their motivational sphere, self-esteem.

3. The behavioral component is the ability to plan and implement fender measures for the self-sufficiency of psychological safety.

Based on these provisions, as well as studies conducted earlier, we defined the structural relationships between the image of a university student and the psychological safety of his personality (drawing).

The analysis showed that the awareness of students on the concepts associated with psychological security, the ways to exit complex situations affect their significant training and professional motives and needs, personal significant values, as well as for stereotypes, roads and the dynamics of the student's image.

The structural relationship of the image of the university students and his psychological safety

At the same time, the development of a positive image of students in the educational space of the university will be the most effective in the implementation of feessing measures for the self-interest of psychological safety of the individual.

Emotional stability / instability to negative internal and external influences; Estimation of students about the relationship between them, the attitude towards dangerous situations can contribute to, and impede the formation of a proper level of psychological safety of the individual and thereby influence students' image.

As part of the study, we analyzed the image of the first and fourth year students, as well as the level of their psychological safety.

Structural and meaningful analysis of the severity of the value system in students on the study "Study of value orientation of the individual" (S.S. Bubnova) showed, dominance among first-year students of the knowledge of new - 87% interesting in the world - 76%, a person - 74%, nature - 68%. While the students of the fourth and fifth training courses dominate - the value of satisfaction of pressing desires - 93%; value of material well-being - 89%; high social status - 84%; recognition - 78%, respect for people - 75%; Social activity and communication - 72%.

The results of the diagnosis according to the "Completion of Proposals" method - "Typical student of the faculty ... who is he?" (a modified version of the test "20 statements. Who am I?" (M. Kun)) showed that the hierarchy is changed from the first to the fourth course, the significance of the allocated spheres of vital activity of students. First of all, it is manifested in the sphere of personality self-realization. If the first-grandmothers association: purposefulness, success, self-development, self-esteem, self-realization are attributed to low-frequency or mid-frequency, then in the fourth year students, they all entered the group of high-frequency associations. That is, the concept of self-realization is filled with the fourth course students with real meaning and is included in the image of a typical student, and therefore, according to their presentation, it is a significant element of the image of a university student. First-year students have a more romantic attitude towards student life than the fourth course students. Among the first holidays a large number of students are concerned how long education in the university will allow them to realize their life goals and will prepare for the future life. To the fourth course, the number of "unsure students" is significantly reduced. Freshmen, describing the financial prospects of their profession, mainly used associations with negative emotional color. At the same time, the fourth course students used more positive associations. As for the emotional saturation and differentiation of the description, the four-year students demonstrated greater subtlety and emotionality than freshmen who are more concerned about the "physical environment", "appearance".

In order to study the activity component of the image, students were proposed to assess the degree of importance of a number of psychological and socio-psychological conditions of training and professional activities, personal characteristics and opportunities in the development of the image of university students: individually and psychological features of the personality, prestige of the faculty, expectations meaningful people, status, prestige future profession, the norms of society, the value orientations of future employers, the ability to be implemented in the learning process, the opportunity to express themselves as a future professional, the prestige of the university, role-playing position (student's position), the conditions contributing to the success of the image (social, domestic, etc.). First course students recognized the most important factor in the development of a successful image of the prestige of the future profession, university, faculty, holding her a priority place compared with personal qualities. At the same time, the majority of fourth-year students surveyed, along with high importance in creating the image of the prestige of the university and the faculty, the ability to be implemented in the learning process, the possibility of manifest itself as a future professional.

Diagnostics of self-actualization of students with the help of test of self-actualization - Sat E. Shoshom (adaptation of Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, M.V. Croza) indicates high rates in first-year students on scales contactness, cognitive needs, support; averages on time orientation scales, sensitivity; Low indicators on the scales of self-esteem, the adoption of aggression, flexibility of behavior. At the same time, the fourth course students identified high indicators on scales creativity, behavior flexibility, sensitivity, self-esteem; averages on time orientation scales, contact, adoption of aggression; Low values \u200b\u200bon the scale of cognitive needs.

Test Questionnaire Kellerman, P. P. Plotchik for measuring the degree of use by an individual of various protection mechanisms showed that first-year students use protective mechanisms projection, reality denial, regression, displacement, and fourth course students - rationalization, replacement, compensation.

Analysis of the results of the diagnosis of aggressive and hostile reactions in students according to the method of the "Questionnaire of measurement of aggressive and hostile reactions A. Bass and A. Darka" indicates the presence of first-year students of a high level of verbal, indirect aggression, as well as their incident to the offend, suspicion. At the same time, the fourth course students have the presence of a high level of irritation, a tendency to negativism, verbal aggression, is noted.

According to the diagnosis of behavior in conflict situations on the method of K. Thomas "Style of Conduct in Conflict" in most of the first year students, rivalry prevails - 84%, evasion (avoidance) - 75%, fixture - 68%, cooperation - 54% and compromise - 46 %. Fourth year students prevailing the device - 82%, compromise - 78% and cooperation - 64%, in the average degree of rivalry and evasion - 55 and 43%, respectively.

An analysis of the psychological safety of the individual demonstrated insufficient awareness of the first-year students on the concepts of "threat", "Danger", "Violence", etc., as well as ways to exit situations, they are characterized, while the fourth course students have a clearer performance On these concepts, as well as how to solve complex situations. Freshmen do not know in due measure methods of planning and implementing fender measures to self-employ psychological security, and the fourth course students have more complete information in this area.

Thus, the study showed that the formation of an optimal image of a university student has a significant impact of the level of psychological safety of his personality, creating real conditions to meet the needs of students who discover the path of personality self-realization and professional growth for them. The higher the level of psychological safety of the student's personality, more possibilities There is an optimal image to form its optimal image, while the low level of personality safety leads to the formation of a socially unacceptable image of a university student.


Poddubnoe N.V., Ph.D., K.pskh.n., Professor of the Department of Social Work and Psychology, Ano VPO "Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law", Belgorod;

Tarabaeva V.B., D.Sotz.n., K.PSh.n., Professor of the Department of Psychology, Director of the Pedagogical Institute, FGAOU VPO "Belgorod State National Research University", Belgorod.

The work went on the editors 06.03.2015.

Bibliographic reference

Bubnova O.V., Zherebnenko O.A. The impact of the psychological safety of the personality on the formation of a university student's image // Fundamental research. - 2015. - № 2-6. - P. 1323-1327;
URL:\u003d37029 (Date of handling: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

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The formation of the image is influenced by many different factors:

■ History of the organization;

■ its social mission;

■ personality manager;

■ management style;

■ Business reputation;

■ the quality of goods and services provided;

■ the level of service of visitors;

■ publishing (fame in wide circles of society);

■ corporate identity, etc.

Consider the shortest factors. As practice shows, organizations whose history is related to any famous person or a significant eventEspecially popular among the population. However, those institutions that do not have this advantage can use this fact in their own interests. For example, you can create an exciting story, the so-called "legend" about your organization, and spread it through the media.

The organization's mission is its business card. It should be socially determined and comply with the expectations and needs of real and potential customers, partners and sponsors.

The personality of the head and the management style is also important. Thus, authoritarian leadership is extremely adversely affected by the moral and psychological climate in the team, thereby worsering the external relations of the organization.

Business reputation implies a stable financial situation, transparency in working with partners, willingness to respond to their obligations.

The quality of goods and services and service level are perhaps the key factors forming the organization of the organization in the eyes of the public.

Corporate identity (trademark, logo, slogan, branded clothing, corporate colors, etc.) acts as one of the main means of creating an image of the organization.

Clarifications by Ob. stages of creating a corporate identity, ways to effectively promote brand and its assessment You will find in the electronic system "Culture"

The collective image of the organization develops from the submissions on its separate components (components). The structure of the organization can be represented as a table.

Table 1. The structure of the image of the organization

Name of component Component description Comments
1. Image of goods and services Presentation of people about produced goods and services rendered. Forms based on the following criteria: ■ Rest of goods and services; ■ price / quality ratio; ■ Uniqueness (availability of analogs on the market), etc. Culture institutions are mainly service providers (recreational, information, educational). And in this area they have to compete with many commercial organizations. Therefore, it is important to maintain the right positioning in the market and the competent promotion of products and services to maintain its competitiveness.
2. Image of consumers of goods and services Idea of \u200b\u200blife style social status, financial position and other consumer characteristics For cultural institutions it is extremely important to determine the priorities for their activities a group of consumers and build their activities, focusing on their views and preferences.
3. Internal image of the organization Submission of employees themselves about their organization. The main defining factors for internal image are corporate culture and moral and psychological climate in the team The opinion of employees can have a direct impact on the attitude of society to the organization. So it is necessary that it be positive and united
4. Image of the head of the organization The idea of \u200b\u200bintentions, motives, value orientations, abilities and psychological portraits of the head The image of the manager can help, so and harm the general image of the organization. The head of the cultural institution must have charisma and leader qualities In order to lead the team, without suppressing the creative individuality and business initiative of employees
5. Image of personnel Collective generalized personnel image revealing the most characteristic features. Includes both professional and personal qualities The image of the staff is formed, first of all, on the basis of direct contact, while each employee is considered as a "face" of the whole organization, on which they will judge the personnel as a whole. In the public consciousness there were pretty persistent stereotypes regarding the socio-demographic profile of employees of certain cultural institutions. For example, the librarian is often associated with a woman of the middle-aged, in glasses, poorly dressed. This image is cultivated in the media (advertising, cinema). It is important to break existing negative stereotypes and installations and replace them with positive, beneficially influencing the organization's image
6. Visual image organization An idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the organization (exterior and interior of buildings and premises, corporate style) The formation of a visual image is influenced by the individual features of perception and taste preferences of various people, as well as fashion trends
7. Social image organization The idea of \u200b\u200bthe social goals (mission) and the role of the organization in society Social image is formed by informing the general public about the social aspects of the organization's activities
8. Business IMAGE Understanding of the organization as a business partner Positive business image can attract additional sources of funding in the form of sponsors and benefactors in culture

It is safe to say that any organization has one or another image in public consciousness, regardless of whether it works on its creation or not. In the second case, the image is formed by spontaneously under the influence of fragmentary and not always reliable information, rumors, opinions of competitors, etc.

For the organization, it is much more profitable to purposefully form your favorable image than to let the case on samonek and correct the unwanted and erroneous ideas of people about themselves and their activities.

The result of creating a positive image will be an increase in prestige (authority) of the organization among different groups population. For example, a consistently high quality of goods and services will delight old and attract even more new customers. In turn, it will contribute to the promotion of demand and increase competitiveness: an increase in sales, and therefore, profit. Thus, it is quite justified by the statement that first the organization works on the image, and then the image works for the organization.

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