Why people don’t like Jews: an important question in modern society. The future of the Jews

We know all this, but not everyone can write so sharply.
Don't think stupid!
In almost all times and almost all nations there were people who hated Jews. Many people ask the question: "For what? Why?" And I ask myself: “Why?” - Although I know many reasons for anti-Semitism, I don’t know a single reason why it should not have existed.

In Letters from the Earth, Mark Twain wrote: “All nations hate each other, and they all hate the Jews.”

>> > Let's start with the fact that people don't like each other. Moreover, they hate each other. We have to admit that, unfortunately, this property is immanent in the human psyche, that God doomed people to strife. The history of mankind is the history of wars. The British and French, Germans and French, Russians and Poles, Russians and Germans, Armenians and Azerbaijanis hated and fought with each other; the extermination of Armenians by Turks, Albanians by Serbs, and Serbs by Albanians is known. You can't list everything. Xenophobia is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Who is most hated? Yes, those strangers who are nearby. And who lived next to almost all the peoples over the past 2000 years? Of course, Jews. Here is the first answer to the damned question. As an object of hatred and a worldwide scapegoat (“A heroic personality, a goat’s face,” as Vysotsky said), they were always irreplaceable because they had neither a state, nor land, nor an army, nor a police force, that is, not the slightest opportunity to protect themselves . The powerful always have the powerless to blame. The powerless provokes nationwide anger, and noble rage boils like tar. So, the first reason for the unprecedented persistence and prevalence of anti-Semitism is that the Jews, not having their own state, are too for a long time lived among too many peoples.

>> > Next. The Jews gave the world one god, the Bible, a moral law for all times. They gave Christianity to the world - and abandoned it. Giving humanity Christianity and refusing it is an offense that “in this most Christian of worlds” cannot be forgiven. We will not talk about the reasons for such a refusal here. This is a mystery that has challenged the best minds for 20 centuries. Whoever suggested that Jews abandon Judaism! Magomed invited them to accept Islam and stand next to him at the source of a new faith - they refused and received an irreconcilable enemy. Martin Luther called on Jews to become his comrades-in-arms in the fight against Catholicism and to help him found the Protestant confession - the Jews refused and instead of an ally they received an ardent Judeophobe. The philosopher Vasily Rozanov, who can hardly be accused of sympathy for Jews, was perplexed by this behavior, not finding in it the slightest sign of self-interest. How! To honor and respect and other innumerable benefits of the God-bearing people, who gave the world Christ and all the apostles, should we prefer the fate of a despicable outcast, surrounded by a wall of hatred? Somehow it doesn’t really fit with the idea of ​​a Jew as a selfish and cowardly creature. Paradox. The rejection of Christianity determined future fate Jews, becoming the most important source anti-Semitism.

>> > Next. The Jews are the people of the Book. They love to read, and that's all! A.P. Chekhov, describing the life of provincial towns in Russia, repeatedly noted that in such a town the library could be closed if not for the girls and young Jews. The passion for reading has always introduced Jews to the culture of other peoples. The same V. Rozanov wrote that if a German is everyone’s neighbor, but no one’s brother, then the Jew is imbued with the culture of the people among whom he lives, he flirts with it, like a lover, penetrates it, participates in its creation. "In Europe he is the best European, in America he is the best American." At present, this is perhaps the main reproach hurled at Jews by anti-Jewish people. “The Russian people are humiliated,” anti-Semites in Russia shout, “the Jews took away their culture.” It is simply impossible to list all the brilliant Jewish names in all areas of human activity. This does not add to their love from others.

>> > Jews confidently occupy first place in the world in terms of education and social activity. The historian L.N. Gumilyov called this quality passionarity. According to his theory, an ethnos is a living organism that is born, grows up, reaches maturity, then ages and dies. The usual lifespan of an ethnic group, according to Gumilyov, is two thousand years. During the period of maturity, the people have the maximum number of passionate personalities, i.e. outstanding politicians, scientists, generals, etc., but among old, dying ethnic groups there are almost no such people. The historian confirms his theory with numerous examples, and he simply does not mention those cases that do not fit into his teaching. The level of passionarity of the Jewish people, whose history goes back four thousand years, has never decreased. The philosopher N. Berdyaev wrote: “There is something humiliating in the number of geniuses among the Jews. To this, I can only say one thing to the anti-Semitic gentlemen - make great discoveries yourself!” Unhappy - for the Jews! - the tendency to penetrate the culture of other peoples, actively participating in its development, as well as unprecedented passionarity in all areas of life - these are the main reasons for anti-Semitism at the present time.

>> > This problem has another aspect - a psychiatric one. Almost every person has secret fears and phobias, obvious or hidden vices and shortcomings, voluntary and involuntary sins. One of the ways to get rid of these fears and painful dissatisfaction with yourself is to extract them from your soul, from the depths of the subconscious into the light of day, loudly declare them, however, attributing all this filth not to yourself, but to someone else whom you don’t feel sorry for, and concentrate on him all his hatred. From time immemorial, Jews have served as such an object, to which their own vices are attributed. Anti-Semitism is zoological in nature, i.e. comes from the depths of the subconscious. Over twenty centuries, it has turned into a stable stereotype, which is absorbed with mother's milk and passed on from generation to generation.

One must have remarkable strength and strength to resist this mass psychosis, which has the nature of a pandemic, but birth, upbringing and the entire life of the vast majority of people do not, unfortunately, give this strength and strength. Almost every person, looking into his soul, will find in it traces of hostility towards Jews. And the Jews themselves are no exception here. They are people like everyone else, they breathe the same air of intolerance. When faced with some Jewish scumbag, Jews often experience the same specific hostility as non-Jews, forgetting that every nation has the right to its own scoundrels, of whom there are a dime a dozen everywhere. Anti-Semitism is a diagnosis. Psychiatry should include it in its textbooks as one of the types mental disorder, manic psychosis. I would like to say to the anti-Semitic gentlemen: “This is your problem, go and get treatment.”

>> > Our psyche is structured in such a way that we love our neighbor for the good that we have done to him, and we hate for the evil that we have caused him. The mass of evil inflicted on Jews by Europeans over 20 centuries is so enormous that it in itself cannot but become the cause of anti-Semitism. They hate Jews because they strangled 6 million people in gas chambers, i.e. a third of the entire people. This atrocity, the like of which the world has never seen, only crowned the two-thousand-year history of the extermination of Jews in Europe. Now the children of Cain have washed themselves white, washed away the blood, and are preaching morals to Israel. They are now humanists, they are fighters for human rights, and Israel is the aggressor, oppressing innocent Arab terrorists. Anti-Semitism in Europe has reached the level of the thirties, and this is understandable and explainable.

European humanists, slandering Israel, seem to be telling the world: “Look who we destroyed! These are the aggressors! We were right, and if Hitler is to blame, it is only for not having time to finally resolve the Jewish question.” All the pathos of modern European criticism of Israel fits into this simple thought, which peeks out from every discussion about the Arab-Israeli war like an awl from a sack. Facts are stubborn things, but anti-Semitic consciousness is stubborner than facts. Facts say that, since 1948, Israel has been attacked many times by Arab states, and itself only defended itself, responding blow to blow, and is only to blame for the fact that it turned out to be stronger than the aggressor and won. The anti-Semitic consciousness does not want to know this, it sees nothing, does not hear, and with paranoid stubbornness calls white black, black white, the aggressor a victim, and the victim an aggressor. The new Goebbels propaganda rules the roost in Europe. The principle is this: the bolder the lie, the sooner they will believe it. Newly-minted humanists are shedding crocodile tears over the murder of Sheikh Yassin, that animal who invented living bombs and sent Palestinian boys and girls to blow up buses full of civilian passengers.

The anti-Semitic mob has raised a howl all over the world; they sympathize with the arch-terrorist as they never sympathized with his victims. Over 20 centuries of extermination of Jews, Europeans have become accustomed to considering the unpunished murder of a Jew their natural right and are now deeply outraged that Israel deprived the Arabs of this right and dared to protect its citizens. Human rights advocates care about the rights of bandits, organizers of terror against civilians, and not about the rights of victims. They distinguish between two terrors - bad and good. Bad terror is when Israel destroys the leaders of terror. Then everyone shouts guard and convenes the Security Council. Good terror is when Jews are killed. Then the humanists are contentedly silent and do not convene anything. (By the way, Putin promised that he would kill the terrorists in the toilet, but condemned the murder of Yasin. Apparently, Putin was upset that Yasin was not killed on the toilet.)

>> > Jews now have their own state. The anti-Semitic mob around the world will never again prevent us from defending our human dignity and right to life.
>> >
>> > In one of the stories, A. Platonov described a little Jewish boy who survived a terrible pogrom. This boy, in horror and confusion, turned to his Russian neighbor with the question: “Maybe Jews are really like that.” bad people, how do they talk about them?” - and received the answer: “Don’t think stupid things.” So I would like, following Platonov, to say to everyone who has succumbed to anti-Semitic psychosis: “Don’t think stupid things.”

(Published in Tel Aviv in 1958. Transmitted With minor abbreviations).

Jews! Love each other, help each other . Help each other, even if you hate each other! Our strength lies in unity, it is the key to our success, our salvation and prosperity. Many peoples perished in dispersion because they did not have a clear program of action and a sense of comradeship. Thanks to the sense of collectivism, we have passed through centuries and nations, survived, multiplied and strengthened. Unity is the goal, and it is also the means to achieve the goal. Help each other, don’t be afraid to be branded as nationalists. Our nationalism is international and therefore eternal. Its doors are open to Jews of all nationalities, all religions, all parties. True internationalism is only that which is connected by blood ties With Jewishness, everything else is a provocation and deception.

Form your national cadres . Personnel decides everything. Personnel today is our tomorrow. Every laboratory, every department, every institute should become a forge of our national personnel. Prepare Jewish youth to take up the baton of generations. May every generation of non-Jews face With our defense in depth. To do this, it is necessary to promote our young people to leadership positions as early as possible, proving their maturity and genius. Even if this is not the case yet, they will mature in their positions. In the continuity of generations is our strength, our stability, our immortality.

The world is cruel, there is no place for philanthropy. Every nation is the architect of its own happiness. It is not our business to take care of Russian national personnel. If they don't think about themselves, why should we think about them? Don't follow the example With Russians and Arabs who live contemplatively, hoping for chance. Do not expect mercy from nature: it is our task to take them.

Create your own groups and with these groups push out the non-Jews. Remember: all high-paying, influential, profitable positions are all our national income. Remember that every non-Jew who rises to our level can take a place that could belong to every one of ours.

Russians, Germans, British, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. (in short, all non-Jews) are unable to think deeply , analyze and make deep generalizations. They are like pigs who live with their snouts buried in the ground, not suspecting that there is a sky. They perceive all phenomena too superficially, too concretely, they do not see facts in their sequence, in their connections, they are unable to think, generalize and abstract. For them, every case is just a case, no matter how often it occurs.

Everything they know and can do, we can and know. What we know and feel, they don’t need to know and feel. All they have is their limit. Everything we have is our means to achieve more. Everything they have today is ours for their temporary use. To take from them what God has bequeathed to us is our task.

Russians are stubborn, but they do not have enough persistence in achieving the goal. They are lazy, so they are always in a hurry. They try to solve all problems at once. They neglect little things for the sake of a big decisive victory. We profess the tactics of small victories, although we are not against big ones. A small victory is also a victory!

Russiansenvious, they hate their brothers when they emerge from the gray mass. Give them the opportunity to tear these nominees apart - they With They will tear it apart with pleasure. Always be arbiters, take the pose of peacemakers, protect the “unfortunate” against whom the crowd is up in arms, but only enough to be considered kind and objective. A little endurance, and you will take the place of the one you just tore to pieces.

Russians don't know how to ask , considering this a humiliation, but they themselves are already humiliated and poor. We say: “Every humiliation is good if it brings benefits.” There are no immoral things if they contribute to the establishment and prosperity of our people. The end illuminates the means.

Russians, Germans, British, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. (in short, everyone is not Jewish) stupid and rude. They call their stupidity and rudeness honesty, decency and principles. They call the inability to adapt and change one’s behavior depending on the situation, the lack of flexibility of mind, “be yourself,” “principled.” The goyim are so stupid and rude that they don’t even know how to lie.

Constantly remember the limits that the goyim set for themselves; their thinking is hardened within these limits. They are unable to marry them. This is their misfortune, this is our advantage. Speak and act in ways that their morals do not allow, as their concepts do not allow. Do what seems impossible and incredible to them. They will not believe that you are capable of words and actions that they are not capable of.

Speak and act confidently , assertive and aggressive, discouraging and overwhelming. More noise and verbal fluff, more incomprehensible and scientific. Let them rack their brains in search of rational grains in our ideas, let them search and find in them what is not there. Tomorrow we will give new food to their primitive brains.

It doesn't matter what you say - what matters is how you speak. Your self-confidence will be perceived as conviction, ambition - as sublimity of mind, and your manner of teaching and correcting - as superiority. Twist their brains, get on their nerves! Suppress the will of those who object to you. Compromise upstarts and loudmouths, incite the pride of the crowd against the skeptics. In conversations and debates, use rhetorical techniques that are on the verge of decency. The Russians cannot stand this for long. Avoiding scandals, they leave, making room for you... They consider it especially chic to slam the door and leave. Give them this opportunity! Polite insolence- that's our motto!

Accuse those who try to expose you of anti-Semitism . Label them anti-Semitic and you will see With with what pleasure the rest of the goyim will pick up this version. Actually, all Russians are anti-Semites, but as soon as you stick this label on one, he becomes defenseless, because everyone else throws him as a sacrifice to us and destroys him with their own hands. And we will mark the next victim.

Play on the compassion of the Russians . Pretend to be poor and unhappy, evoke pity and sympathy for yourself, spread rumors about the people - eternal sufferers, about persecution in the past and discrimination in the present. The tactics of the “poor Jew” have been proven for thousands of years! Let the Russians, Germans, British, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. (in short, everyone is not Jewish) have less of you, they will still help us have more. Russians, Germans, British, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. (in short, everyone is not Jewish) love to be benefactors and patrons. Take from them what they can give: With a black sheep, even a tuft of wool!

Inform each other about everything that may harm or benefit us. Information is the holy of holies! Money, personnel and information- three pillars on which our well-being is based! It is a sacred duty, the duty of every Jew, to inform another Jew of what the goyim intend to do. Today you helped me, tomorrow I will help you - this is our strength.

God commanded us to rule the world - we own it. Our task- hold the world in our hands. Keep in your hands the means of propaganda and information: print, radio, television, cinema. It is necessary to further penetrate into the apparatus of the party and state administration. Form around any question public opinion With taking into account our national interests. Any trifle can be turned into a problem, and a problem can be turned into a trifle. No social process should be left to chance. If it does not bring us any benefit, release it on the brakes or direct it against our enemies - the goyim. We must lead any undertaking in order to lead it in the right direction.

Take power into your own hands in any team and manage it in our interests. The administrative and creative part of the production process must be carried out by us. Let the goyim provide the rough, material and technical basis for our creativity. Let them keep our premises clean and protect the fruits of our labors. Let them be no higher than a janitor or cleaning lady.

Don't allow Russians to work , Germans, British, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc. ! This will always be a reproach to us. you can And don’t be afraid to be branded as nationalists: the illusion of internationalism will be provided to us by the presence of people of mixed nationality With admixture of Jewish blood or, at worst, representatives of national minorities. If you have vacancies, hire only a Jew. If you cannot do this, eliminate the position. If you can’t do either one, take an Asian. If there is no such thing, take a Pole, a Ukrainian, or, at worst, a Belarusian - these have their own scores to settle With Russians. After a little processing they will become your allies.

Do not openly destroy monuments of Russian antiquity , but don’t restore them either. Years will pass and they will collapse on their own. And hooligans and “lovers of antiquity” will tear them apart brick by brick. A people without history is like a child without parents, and you can mold it into everything you need.

Keep every move of influential and promising Russians under constant control . If you cannot block and dry out young and promising Russians, make them manageable. Involve them in your companies, create a dense ring of Jewish circles around them, deprive them of contacts and acquaintances other than you. Force them to marry Jewish women and only then open up the green light for them. By helping such Russians, you are making a contribution to the cause of our Jewish community. From now on, their salary is our national income. For the sake of their children they will lose theirs" civil rights”, feelings and mind, in any case, cannot be anti-Semitic. Cohabitation With a Jewish woman is one of the ways to involve talented Russians in our sphere of influence and sphere of interests.

And one last piece of advice. Be vigilant, the Spanish Inquisition and German fascism must not be repeated. Nip in the bud any attempts to oppose us to society, destroy anti-Jewish tendencies at the very beginning, in whatever form they may arise. Fascism is not an accidental phenomenon; it arises where we underestimate the desire of the local people to be the master of their land. Fascism is latently maturing in all nations. Fortunately for us, different peoples come to him in different time and under different names.

Buy, steal and destroy, do not allow works that reveal our tactics and strategy to be republished , representing Jews in a bad light. The goyim peoples should not remember or know the actual reasons for the Jewish pogroms and persecutions. On these issues they should only know our interpretation.

Special attention give to the rebellious , stubborn, who do not want to bow to our superiority, do not want to work for us and oppose our practices and policies. Such people sooner or later become anti-Semites. Don't let little anti-Semites grow into big pogromists! Let them wither in the bud With their stubborn idea of ​​national dignity. Expose them, compromise them under any pretext, for any reason, take up arms against them with all available means. While they are alone, they cannot resist our collectivism, our onslaught. Even if they are right a thousand times in their little things, they are still to blame for disturbing us. Appeal to the public and the administration, drag them to the party committees, the police, and, if possible, to the court. If you are older, accuse him of violating respect for elders; if you are the same age, accuse him of violating the principles of brotherhood and, of course, internationalism. The effectiveness of these techniques has been tested for many generations. Main- accuse Let them make excuses. The one who makes excuses is already half to blame!

Either our order or complete disorganization . Where they want to do without us, there must be chaos! Make sure that the disorder continues until the exhausted goyim, in despair, ask us to take power into our own hands and provide them with a quiet life. The goyim must work under our leadership and benefit us. Anyone who does not benefit us must be expelled. There is no public benefit outside of our interests! He who is not with us is against us! An eye for an eye! Tit for tat! This is how Moses taught, this is how our ancestors lived. This is how we will live too. Revenge is a sacred feeling, it builds character and strengthens a person. Eliminate from yourself feelings of submission and humility towards the goyim.

Leave the slogans of Christian mercy, humility, humiliation and self-denial to the stupid goyim - they deserve exactly this. Preach among the goyim, inculcate Christian “virtues,” but remain irreconcilable and firm in your soul. Be irreconcilable in your soul towards our enemies! If you forgive them a small offense today, tomorrow they will inflict a big one on you. Don’t get used to being offended yourself and discourage others from inflicting it on you.

Let the goyim persuade each other to be careful, moderate and flexible towards you. Let them carefully hold back our onslaught. We must act decisively and quickly, always presenting them with a fait accompli. Never let up. The tougher the resistance of the goyim, the greater our costs, the higher our income and our savings should be. Our current profits must compensate for possible losses in future pogroms, which occur from time to time in every country. Let the goyim pay today for the fact that somewhere they will take part of theirs back.

We must always be ready to get away from the anger and hatred of the goyim, to go to a place where we will be accepted in the hope of reviving the economy with our capital. Periodically changing countries in search of more favorable conditions for existence is part of our strategy. This is the symbol of the “eternal Jew” - Agasfer - an inexhaustible optimist and eternal wanderer. But we must leave, if necessary, not poor and sick, but healthy and rich. Money is our legs. We shift our center of gravity to where our money, our capital, was previously transferred. Having strengthened materially in the countries of dispersion, having gathered With them our tribute, from time to time we gather on the land of our ancestors in order to strengthen our spirit, our strength, our symbols, our faith in unity.

We are gathering in order to disperse again. And so throughout all centuries.

First of all, let's think about the authenticity of this document. Jews will never discuss the substance of either the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or this document. They immediately switch the discussion to something else and say: “This document is a fake.” And the evidence begins that it is not a fake, but they prove that it is a fake, and this evidence can be continued indefinitely, leading people away from discussing the essence of the document.

The method of switching the topic of discussion and moving the discussion in another direction is a standard technique of demagoguery. Don't fall for it.

Let us note that those who rule the Jews are by no means fools, and these kinds of documents do not appear in the form when some rabbi brings such a document to the synagogue and says: “Come on, guys, study and act!” It's too primitive. Everything is done more cleverly. Such documents are produced in such a way that it can always be argued that these documents are falsifications. So that no one will ever clearly find out who the author of such documents is.

But let's not succumb to provocative sidetracks and remember the simple truth that the criterion of truth is practice. Look at the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Catechism and compare them with your life practice. Do Jews behave this way or not? And here you will have no doubt about the authenticity of these documents. By the way, the mystery of the origin of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” has been revealed. The protocols have old story, which stretches from the occult priests. But in the form in which they fell into the hands of the Russian professor S. Nilus, they turned out to be after their processing by Rothschild (61, With. 20).

This algorithm was not invented by Jews; Jews are incapable of inventing anything new. Their brains have been warped by the Talmud, the Torah, and the process of circumcision. Jews are just intellectual invalids. This algorithm (or program of action) is introduced into their consciousness through their “shepherds” - rabbis, for whom Jews are just a herd of biorobots. Let us note in passing that the rabbis (Levites) are not just an elite Jews. These are their shepherds, people are genetically different. People of a different genotype. Levites are descendants of occult ancient Egyptian priests. And it is useless to appeal to their conscience. They know who they are and who they serve. And they serve Lucifer, Satan, the devil.

Can a good god preach such a morality? Is the Jewish god really a god or is it Satan calling himself a god. It’s not for nothing that Christ tells the Jews that their father is the devil (John 8:44). By the way, the word “Satan” is not a Hebrew word, but a Chaldean word and means “hatred.” Gentiles' Hatred of Jews is a Reaction to Satanic Behavior Jews- Satan's troops.

The question is, are all Jews out-and-out scoundrels, or are there normal, decent people among them too? Of course, not all. There are exceptions everywhere. But these exceptions do not change the general situation and general behavior in any way. Jews generally. Jewish morality and education system force Jews consider any state and any people among which they live as strangers. And in absolutely any state, Jews begin to build their own purely Jewish state in a state whose policies are hostile to the country of residence and the indigenous people. A good Jew must either leave for Israel or integrate into the people where he lives. And consider yourself not a Jew, but a natural part of this people. But for this we must abandon Jewish morality and choose a different morality. Can a Jew do this?

Only an uncircumcised Jew can think about questions of moral assessment. A circumcised (cut off from God) Jew cannot think about such questions; they are beyond his understanding. They seem stupid and funny to him. And what does circumcision have to do with it? What it is? We With You have come to the solution to a millennia-old mystery.

What is the secret of Jewish genius? - asks the American scientist Charles Murray in his article “The Jewish Genius” published in Commentary magazine. Jews make up only 0.2% of humanity, yet they received 14% Nobel Prizes in the first half of the 20th century, 29% in the second half, and 32% at the beginning of the 21st century.

Since the IQ test was developed to measure intellectual ability, Jews have been found to have unusually high intelligence. The average IQ is 100, but the average IQ of Jews is 110, and the percentage of Jews with an IQ of 140 or higher is six times higher than among other nationalities. In 1954, 28 children with an IQ of 170 or higher were found in New York City schools, of which 24 were found to be Jewish.

Murray rejects the theory of “natural selection,” which states that “persecution forced Jews to sharpen their intelligence in order to survive.” Intelligence could not help Jews survive during the pogroms; on the contrary, the most successful people were the first victims of robbery and violence.
LiveJournal user MosheKam identified twenty hypotheses explaining the genius of Jews that deserve close study

1. Babylonian eugenics
In 586 BC Jerusalem was completely destroyed by Babylon under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, who "evicted... all the [Jewish] officers and soldiers, and all the carpenters and smiths... except the poor people of the land." (2 Samuel 24:10-14).

The Jews of the first Diaspora prospered during their exile in Babylon. In his book The Enduring Jews, Max Dimont states: “In the libraries of Babylon, Jewish intellectuals discovered a whole world of new ideas. Over the course of five decades, exiled Jews found themselves at the top of Babylonian society, in business, and in the world of science and culture. They became leaders in trade, scientists, and advisers to rulers.”

In 538 BC The Persian king, Cyrus the Great, allowed the Jews to return to their homeland. Rich Jews who built successful trade routes and businesses in Babylon financed returnees who wanted to rebuild Judah. Initial attempts failed, but eventually 1,760 exiles led by the prophet Ezra and ruler Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem and revived the nation. Returning to Israel, the “Babylonian” Jews discovered that their poor brothers were half a century behind and had almost disappeared due to assimilation, dissolution into pagan tribes. Cyril Darlington, in his work The Evolution of Man and Society, suggests that the separation of the Jewish elite and the constant elimination of the uneducated and unskilled led to a genetic intellectual surge.
The returning Jews also established two traditions that strengthened the strength of the mind and their culture in the future - a ban on marriage with pagans, and the first five books of Moses were canonized into the Torah.

2. An intricate book for the people
The Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) and the Talmud (the record of a rabbi's arguments) are complex and complex. Practitioners of Judaism need to study voluminous and complex laws. The content of the scriptures is not simple and literal, but rather is designed to be understood on many abstract levels. Blind faith and slavish devotion inspired by faith are not for Judaism. Instead, monotheistic worship requires literacy, the cognitive skills to interpret texts. The traditional understanding of the Talmud requires "studying it seven hours a day for seven years." Charles Murray notes that “no other religion makes so many demands on the believer,” subsequent analysis shows that “in Judaism, to be a good Jew is to be a smart Jew.”

3. Healthy image life and nutrition
According to their customs, Jews were more clean than pagans. Notes hand washing before every meal, weekly washing for men in the “mikvah” (bathroom for purification), and monthly cleansing for women after the end of the menstrual period. The ban on eating pork protected Jews from trichinosis. Consequently, Jews suffered less, their bodies suffered less and this improved their mental abilities.

This point of view is repeated more than once. In 1953, pharmacologist David I. Macht of Johns Hopkins University conducted a study that suggested that dozens of meat dishes prohibited by Deuteronomy and Leviticus in the Jewish diet were in fact very poisonous, according to compared to permitted kosher food. Plus, the latest book, Saving a Sick Life, by Sharon Moalem, suggests that avoiding all leavened foods during Passover saved Jews from rats and the spread of bubonic plague in the 13th century. And last but not least, rich Jews lived in more spacious houses than the general population. of Eastern Europe, which helped them survive epidemics with fewer losses.

4. Emphasis on education
The Torah commands every Jewish father to teach Torah law to his children, and Marisa Landau at futurepundit.com notes that the Jewish religion prohibits leaving children uneducated. Plus, Landau notes that Jewish women also learned to read and write, a phenomenon that was unique in ancient world. Landau also mentions that Jews had a tradition of fully providing for a son-in-law for up to 10 years who wished to devote himself to study. It seems that it was the Jews who invented something similar to “scholarship”.

5. Compulsory schools for boys
In 64, the High Priest Joshua ben Gamla issued and enforced a decree on compulsory schools for all boys starting at age 6. Within 100 years, the Jews achieved universal literacy and numeracy among men, and were the first nation in history to achieve such an achievement.

The Progressive Decree produced enormous demographic changes. The high cost of education and a predominantly farming economy between the 2nd and 6th centuries led many Jews to convert to Christianity, causing the Jewish population to decline from 4.5 million to 1.2.

Natural "eugenics" favored two groups in this situation: 1) the sons of richer, supposedly smarter Jews who could provide schools and allow their sons to remain Jews and 2) the smartest boys who quickly learned to read, write and count in order to the condition that they could afford to “remain Jewish.”
And who dropped out? Who was excluded from the gene pool? Answer: poor, uneducated Jews and/or those who had the lowest IQ.

6. Expansion of cities
80-90% of Jews were farmers in 1 AD. But only 10-20% remained farming by 1000 AD. The educational requirements of Joshua ben Gamla made it possible for Jewish boys to move from the countryside to the city and enter more skilled professions, including commerce and finance.

The move from villages to cities led to a rapid increase in IQ; thanks to urbanization, the number of educated people increased and technology developed. According to research by Hanoi National University in 2006, the difference between the IQ of students from rural areas and from cities was 19.4. A similar study in Greece in 1970 recorded a difference of 10-13. Other studies report a smaller difference of 2-6, but the consensus is that city dwellers perform better, and Jews are one of the most urbanized nations in the world.

7. Dialectical and rational thinking
The Jewish approach to learning is “dialectical”. The Talmud itself is not just a “code of laws”, but on the contrary - a huge collection of THESIS. Jews are taught to see different aspects of one phenomenon, they learn to formulate questions on any topic, including the Law, Rabbinic logic, and faith. The rabbi develops the ability to argue, a whole system of argumentation has been used by Jews for 2000 years in religious and secular debates.

Dialectics is not a Jewish invention, it is a teaching technique that the Jews borrowed from Greek philosophy, a synthesis of the “Socratic-Jewish methodology.” This method of teaching was unique in the Middle Ages, compared to Catholic European "authoritarian" traditions.

Judaism is based on the principles of rational thinking. Analytical, strategic skills are developed in the Jewish dialectical and critical manner of thinking. They are fundamental to careers in law, science and engineering.

8. Intelligent transmission of spiritual principles from generation to generation
The main difference between Catholics and Jews is that priests have remained single since the Council of Carthage in the 4th century, and a decree that prescribed abstinence from marital relations, while marriage was always encouraged among Jewish rabbis. During the Middle Ages, the result was a great decline in IQ among Catholics because their brightest and most gifted boys were locked away in seminaries and the gene pool suffered greatly. At the same time, wise, trained Jewish rabbis married smart women and created large, smart families.

9. Brain Reproduction
Jewish texts continually emphasize knowledge and intelligence as the highest virtues and ignorance as the worst vice. Following this saying, Jews strengthen their gene pool by being resourceful. Among the Jews, the smartest people were always valued, they were chosen as husbands, and therefore they generated and spread good genes. In marriages between the children of scientists and successful businessmen, Jews actually combined the ability for abstract thinking and practical intelligence.

10. Language learning
Jewish traders sought buyers for their goods over vast territories, first in Islamic regions, then throughout the world, selling rubber in Brazil and silk in China. In order for trade to flourish, they mastered many languages. It was easier to communicate with the tribes in their native languages, which presupposed fluency in German, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Danish and other languages.

Today, neuroscientists note that learning multiple languages ​​enhances memory, mental flexibility, problem-solving ability, abstract thinking, formation of creative hypotheses.

11. Doomed to genius
Jews in Europe were officially excluded from the "regular" professions, just as they had been excluded from agriculture in 800-1700. BC. In fact, they were usually not allowed to own plots of land. Over the course of 900 years, such restrictions pushed Jews into the cities, where they mastered more complex professions in the fields of commerce, accounting, finance and investment. The widespread Christian prohibition against "usury" caused Jews to increasingly become involved in finance and banking. According to historical documents, 80% of the Jews in Roussioine, southern France, were moneylenders in 1270.

Later, when they were evicted from Western Europe, Jews were accepted into Poland as urban investors and engines of trade. They also had great success in middle management positions due to the high demand for mathematical and logical management skills.
Jews who were not particularly good at rhetoric and mathematics and were not successful in white collar positions were pushed out of Judaism, that is, low IQ was eliminated. The most successful in trade and accounting, on the contrary, started large families and produced mathematical brains.

12. Scattered by persecution
The smartest and/or richest Jews had more possibilities escaped the Inquisition, persecution, pogroms, Holocaust and other forms of genocide because they: 1) could afford to emigrate; 2) were able to understand that they needed it; 3) had social and economic prospects among the nations to which they fled. The poorer, with fewer necessary connections, and the less intelligent were mercilessly destroyed.

The repeated exterminations, exiles, and flight of Jews are known to everyone. The first diaspora in Babylon has already been mentioned. Wherever persecution began and whenever it began, Jews could most often escape if they could pay their way or were rich enough to have horses, carts to serve as guards, wealthy relatives who could shelter them, or “high-ranking » friends. High IQ has often been associated with economic well-being.

13. Genetic diseases
Ashkenazi Jews are victims of approximately nineteen debilitating genetic diseases, and it is believed that some of them may have cognitive " by-effect", which can enhance mental abilities. Many disorders can kill or severely debilitate those who have two of these genes, but the heirs of only one of them receive a “heterozygous advantage” that triggers the growth of neurons and strengthens the connection of brain cells.

14. Positive thinking
No one other than Jews works as hard to reach their full potential and positive thinking.

In fact, “positive thinking” increases IQ. Research from Michigan State University in 2011 shows that “mindset” is very important for intelligence because attitude determines how productive you are in responding to mistakes. The results of this study will be published soon, hopefully along with information to chart IQ achievements.

15. Checkmate
Historically, chess was the preferred pastime for Jews; in 1905 one magazine called them "the Jewish national game." Almost 50% of grandmasters are Jews. The visual and strategic skills required for this game develop the precuneus in the superior parietal lobe and the caudate nucleus, part of the subcortical ganglion in the subcortical zone. It must be recognized that these advantages are not inherited, and during the game memory, strategic planning and IQ are developed.

16. Melodic thinking
Music has been revered in Jewish tradition for about 3,000 years. Klezmer "has achieved very high level complexity and embellishment,” according to research by the Institute of Jewish Music. Ashkenazi composers and musicians have made enormous contributions to Western classical music. Researchers today believe that music lessons optimize the development of nerve cells and improve brain functions in mathematics, analysis, scientific research, also affect memory, creative thinking, stress management, concentration, motivation.

17. Family support
Comfort and support in the family, plus high hopes. Success breeds success on a neurological level. Winning triggers a surge of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates motivation for further achievement. Jewish children understand that they are capable of achieving great things and are encouraged to develop their skills in order to contribute to the development of humanity.

Is strict discipline necessary to achieve such results? The Jews never approved of assault; strong family ties, constant encouragement, great attention to work and an excellent education were enough.

Sufficient income is also important to enable children to receive an education. Prosperity allows you to get into the elite educational establishments. Research shows that American Jews earn twice as much as non-Jews and own 2.5 times more real estate. As a result, the average American Jew receives 2.5 times more education. Even during the Middle Ages, many Jews had higher economic status, and under these conditions they were able to educate their children.

18. Interethnic marriages?
Jews with a lack of intelligence and intelligence were forced out, intermarrying with other peoples and assimilating there. In the end, only the best remained. This point of view can be seen in other arguments: less intelligent Jews, unable to be their own “priest,” inevitably left Judaism for other religions.

19. Sensitive Teacher
Many rabbis were “Einsteins of empathy”—amazingly kind, patient, loving, and understanding of other people. "Empaths" of such a high level had big influence in communities, making their lives better and promoting the right ideas.

20. Fear of anti-Semitism
Jews strive for excellence in science, career and wealth because they want to feel safe, protected and insulated from anti-Semitic sentiments in their environment. This point of view can be justified long history hostility and persecution that the Jews experienced.

Analyzing the Jewish stories, which are legendary all over the world, we can assure that these are the wisest representatives of communities among other nations. Their stories are related to the teachings of God and his followers. “Children of Moses,” that’s what the Jewish people were called, taught more than one century and different nationalities with their knowledge and sermons and were considered God’s messengers.

For centuries, legends about the stories of Jews have been transmitted from the mouths of ancestors to the mouths of contemporaries with the help of sayings and proverbs. Thanks to this method of retelling traditions, customs and social principles different nations, contemporaries are given a great chance to learn and learn the culture and customs of their people.

"Me and the World!" I have chosen for you 35 wise sayings from the lips of Jews that make you think about existence.

Jewish proverbs and sayings give us a clear understanding of the power of the Jewish mind:

If a problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem, it's an expense.

Adam is the first lucky one because he did not have a mother-in-law.

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.

May God protect you from bad women, save yourself from good ones!

The wine came in, the secret came out.

God cannot be everywhere at the same time - that's why he created mothers.

Don't be sweet - otherwise they will eat you. Don't be bitter, otherwise you'll be spat out.

Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.

Fear the goat from the front, the horse from the back, the fool from all sides.

Knowledge does not take up much space.

The guest and the fish begin to smell after three days.

If you don't want someone to sit on your neck, don't bow low.

When choosing between two evils, a pessimist will choose both.

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very quickly.

God protects the poor at least from costly sins.

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be a philanthropist.

When an old maid gets married, she immediately turns into a young wife.

Parents teach children to talk, children teach parents to be silent.

From a distance, all the people are not bad.

It's not as good with money as it is bad without it.

Eggs may be much smarter than chickens, but they quickly go rotten.

The horse on which you can catch up with your youth has not yet been born.

Men would do more if women talked less.

Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

It is more difficult to remain silent well than to speak well.

A bad wife is worse than rain: rain drives into the house, and a bad wife drives out of it.

The world will disappear not because there are many people, but because there are many non-humans.

God! Help me get on my feet - I can fall myself.

If life doesn't change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.

No matter how sweet love is, you can’t make compote out of it.

When there is nothing to do, they take on great things.

Those who do not have children raise them well.

It's better to die of laughter than of fear.

Experience is the word people use to describe their mistakes.

As a person ages, he sees worse, but more.

Be interesting with

I would like to dedicate my article today to the leader of the world proletariat - Comrade Lenin, in connection with his 140th birthday.

If there is no water in the tap, it means the Jews have drunk,
If there is water in the tap, it means a Jew pissed there.

These are the clichés I spent my upbringing in the yard. And although I grew up in a time of international love and tolerance, for some reason the attitude towards Jews was always special. Over the years, I absorbed more and more information and the hatred of Jews from anti-Semites became more and more complex in my mind. To the children's tales were added serious accusations of Jews that they:
1. consider themselves God’s chosen people and do not consider everyone else as people,
2. confident that they will rule the world, and the rest of the nations will serve them,
3. drink the blood of Christian babies,
4. they crucified OUR Christ, and close to her - that they sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver,
5. They don’t like to work - where have you seen a Jew with a shovel?
6. greedy, cowardly, perverts,
7. seized the entire system of power in Russia - with a population of only 0.5% of general population Russia, they are around in Parliament, in the judicial system, on the stage and on television.

Why so much attention and self-hatred? I simply could not ignore this question and I want to express my point of view. Let me start with the fact that I personally am Russian. I say this so as not to be accused of bias. Until the third generation, in any case, everyone was Russian. But I have a very calm attitude towards Jews. In my opinion, this is a unique people in some way and it has its own mission in the development of universal civilization. Take at least one of the foundations of our current universe - religion. After all, both Christianity and Islam have their roots in Judaism. How much grief and suffering have Jews had to endure throughout their history? It is simply a miracle that after the loss of statehood they managed to preserve their ethnicity and survive for almost two millennia. How many empires collapsed during this time, how many super-ethnoses disintegrated, but they survived.

Jews are a small people. Just imagine - a little boy in the yard was offended by older guys, so he sits with tears of snot on his cheeks and says - when I grow up, you will all lie at my feet, I will become the most important among you, and you will grovel before me. Well, it would seem that there is nothing unusual - a very typical situation. The child is trying to compensate for mental trauma. Well, why is everyone so afraid of the Jews, who, rubbing away bloody tears from pogroms and the wholesale slaughter of entire regions, say to themselves - nothing, you will still get it, all nations will obey the Jews.
Or here’s another comparison - when my youngest child was 2.5 years old, he would sometimes say - MY mother! The eldest daughter will joke with him - no, mine! But the youngest does not understand that one does not contradict the other, and no one takes HIS mother away from him - he is offended, tears flow in a stream - m-a-a-ya!!! What do I mean by this - the Jews wrote in their Talmut - that we (the Jews) are the most beloved, God-chosen nation... yes, please, for your health - just eat your porridge and study for straight A's. you are the worst)) There is no need to make some kind of tragedy out of this for other peoples. Nobody takes your God away from you. It must be said that Russians also consider themselves God’s chosen ones; it is not for nothing that Moscow is believed to be the third Rome.
I’m thinking - the Jews did not kill or sell OUR Christ. He was the blood of their child, who grew up to be an adult husband. There was John the Baptist with his school and followers, there was Jesus with his disciples. For ordinary Jews of that time that one speaks some speeches unusual for Everyday life that's different. Someone is listening, and someone is herding goats. Just imagine the picture - during Soviet Union in some regional party committee a ragamuffin will come and say - I am Lenin’s son, you scoundrels betrayed and desecrated his work, and now you do not serve the bright ideals bequeathed by the leader, but are obscurantist. On the whole, he would be absolutely right, but how would this exposure end for him? – he would have been killed without any options. Now imagine that after one and a half thousand years, somewhere in communist Africa, blacks would begin to make claims - they say that the Russians killed THEIR prophet. John was beheaded, Christ was crucified - a common practice for that cruel time.

And then – we Russians are also very disliked outside of Russia. Here I happened to see the rating on TV - Iran is most disliked, then America and Mother Russia closes the top three leaders of hated countries. Why don't they like us? And the reasons, it seems to me, are the same. Firstly, we ourselves don’t particularly love anyone. Everyone around us is enemies, everyone is plotting something against us, and the best thing we have against all these villains is our invincible army and navy! And also a nuclear baton, for those especially dull. Some of our representatives, without representing anything of themselves, are outright degenerates, consider themselves representatives of a GREAT nation. Well, since we are so GREAT, we are allowed to behave in such a way that our actions simply offend modest residents of foreign countries.

Now about work. Of course, I didn’t see Jews with a shovel either, but why does there have to be a shovel? There is physical labor, and there is mental labor. In terms of importance, mental work is much more important. A commander leading his army into battle may not wave a saber - this is not required of him - he must organize the battle in such a way as to win against the enemy. You can also say about him - he didn’t win, he didn’t fight. The soldiers shed their blood, and he only takes advantage of their glory. But how many battles have we lost, with an advantage in both fighters and weapons - due to the mediocrity of the commanders. Or, on the contrary, won, with minimal forces, but with high skill. The same applies to organizing a business. How many people do we have now drinking idlely and disappearing in vain? Where can we find more commanders in business - streamline and utilize these human resources? And what would be bad if they worked in an enterprise organized by a Jew by nationality? Just look at how many representatives of their people gave discoveries and inventions to all of humanity, how many creative masterpieces they created. This has all become the property of ALL humanity! So the Jews also work and plow no less than we do.

American psychologist - A. Maslow derived the law human needs. He said that there is a pyramid of needs - until you satisfy the needs of the lower level, you will not move on to realizing the needs of the highest. At the first level there are biological needs for food, water, air. At the second level - the need for reliability, that you will not lose food, water or shelter in the future, a person must be confident in his tomorrow. Only after satisfying the lower needs does a person begin to feel the need for communication, education (third level), and he develops cultural and aesthetic needs (fourth). And he called self-realization the highest need (the fifth level)! When a person does something that sets a serious precedent for the whole social group- writes a popular novel, invents a steam locomotive, takes off for the first time. There have not been many such self-realized people throughout the history of mankind. Most people get stuck satisfying lower needs. Some have objective reasons for this - a hard life on the brink of survival, but most are simply lazy - why the hell did Tolstoy and Dostoevsky give up on their spiritual research - we haven’t been to any Tahiti - they feed us well here too ...

This is what I like about Jews - they treat themselves very carefully as individuals. There are only a few of them, and they clearly understand their role in this life. They strive for self-realization. Well, what will they say about him in the Jewish community if he digs trenches with a shovel? - Izya, are you crazy? They are ready to be doctors, teachers, artists, bankers - these are professions, this is the level that you need to achieve and you need to show your personality, and preferably - not just like everyone else, but in a special way, what would they say about you, what would your relatives they were proud of you. And let Vanechka dig the trenches - it’s his own choice, no one forces him, just like drinking vodka, or waving his fists around a drunken bench. Complete freedom of choice – democracy, if you like. If you don't want to work with your head, work with your hands!

There is this joke:
One Jew asks an Orthodox priest:
- but if you pray fervently and fulfill all the commandments, then who will you become?
- Well, I can rise to the rank of Bishop,
- and if you completely renounce everything earthly and sacrifice everything, then who will you rise to?
- well, I can probably get to the Patriarch,
- but there’s no way higher?
- Well, I don’t need to become God...
- Well, I don’t know, but one boy was able to do it...

A very accurate transfer of values ​​in my opinion.

I believe that there is nothing surprising in the fact that Jews strive for money, for power, for fame. To be fair, I would like to point out that we are all striving for this. But, if out of 100 million Russians there are at least 100 thousand people striving for self-realization, then out of 500 thousand Jews living in Russia there will be 200 thousand of them - 2 times more, despite the fact that their number is 200 times less. It's not quantity that matters, it's quality that matters. And with their activity they will receive more than the more numerous, but less conscious people. And here we should not envy them or hate them - we must learn and adopt the best. I must say, we Russians know how to do this if necessary. We have always been able to learn from a nation that is stronger at the current historical moment. From the Mongol-Tatars we learned centralization and selflessness. Strong center and administrative control system. Today the dominant nation in the world is the Jews! We need to study again! You need to understand why they became like this and digest and assimilate their experience. They have completely new principles, not everything can be solved by force - you can influence a stronger enemy using other methods. The Jewish core of the Bolshevik party was able to overthrow the strongest Empire at that time, behead it... and this was done by the hands of the people of this empire itself! And now I simply admire the combinations of governing the United States, where the last president who had the opportunity to express his opinion was Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963, who, just on the eve of his death, attempted to return to the state the monopoly on the right to print money, bypassing the US Federal Reserve. Since then, this position of the President of the United States has been purely formal - for ordinary people, who are given a performance called “democratic elections” every 4 years. And if Russian empire fell with a roar and crash, - interventions, civil war and repression, the USA was conquered without anyone even noticing.

All the bricks of our foundation today's world- financial system based on loan capital, politic system, based on democracy, an ideological system based on Christianity, rooted in Judaism - the Jews gave us everything!

From this point of view, if you look at it, the main competitor is today’s Jewish world (to which we Russians also belong - remember at least the most common Russian names and surnames - Ivan-Ioan, Peter, Ilya, Mikhail, Maria .. these are all the names of Jews) makes up China. It has its own ancient culture, Confucian ideology, a closed political system, and its own financial relations. While the Jewish world is experiencing a crisis, the Chinese sub-ethnic group is showing growth. The second competitor, weaker, is India. A completely different worldview. If a person of the Jewish world (to which I include, in addition to the Jews themselves, all Christians and Muslims), life consists of some goal - to come to something, to achieve something, then Indian yogis, on the contrary, strive to get away from the bustle of this world and dissolve in nirvana. Moreover, the Chinese, like the Jews, do not assimilate into the territory of other states, unlike the Indians, who easily adopt new things. By the way, our pro-Russian culture in ancient times, when the Slavic-Aryans were just populating what had been freed from ice after the last ice age The European continent was of Indian origin and the Vedic religion, declared after the advent of Christianity to be vile idolatry, had Hindu roots. Pakistan was split off from India itself after colonization by the British. There, too, the change of religion occurred quite easily. This indicates the ideological weakness of India; therefore, the main competitor of the Jewish world will still be China.

The main goal of this article I wanted to show is what we should strive for! Just imagine - we will teach all Russians to strive for self-realization. Well, maybe not all, maybe half, maybe every third, every fourth at worst, but not every thousandth as it is now. After all, then We will rule the world... I almost burst out, but then I thought - it would be too arrogant. Not modestly - what do we need the whole world for?
You have to start with yourself. Stop and think - who are you? What have you managed to do in this life? What words will they remember about you if you happen to leave this world this evening? What are you aiming for?

And the Jews... they are people too, they, like everyone else, are born, live and die. They, just like us, need love, attention and care. Living their lives, performing various actions, they, like everyone else, write a universal history. We live in one civilization cycle, and let's not think that left hand something better than the right leg - they should be a little different. Jews make a very serious contribution to this universal development. We must be able to appreciate this and look not for points of opposition, but for moments that are common to us.

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