Nature, plants and animals of Chukotka. Extracurricular event "Medicinal plants of Chukotka" Umbrella plants of Chukotka

Umbelliferae are one of the most common flowering plants in agriculture. They have a large number of genera and species and are distributed almost anywhere in the world. Despite this, some of the umbrella plants are useful and are grown on summer cottages while others can be dangerous and even deadly. Which of them are harmful or useful, suitable for treatment or decoration, how to use the properties of such plants - you will learn about this below.

Description of the species

Umbelliferae, or Celery, belong to the class Dicotyledons. Usually these are perennial herbs, less common are small shrubs and trees. In total, there are more than 3 thousand species and more than 300 genera of these herbs, which are distributed throughout the earth's surface.
Usually umbrella prefer moderate or subtropical climate, so a large number of them are growing in Europe, Asia and America. Also, these perennials germinate in tropical countries, but mainly in mountainous areas.

Did you know? Scientists believe that plants not only know how to feel and remember, but are also endowed with intelligence. And they can communicate with each other and even with other living beings. The researchers also claim that plants are good at distinguishing colors and can tremble with fear.

The stems of the described plants are hollow, with simple alternate dissected leaves, the flowers are usually small or small, regular in shape and of both sexes. It is the flowers that distinguish this family of grasses, as they have easily recognizable heads, or umbrellas.
The color of the flowers is usually white, but sometimes there is a delicate pink, pale yellow and blue. All ground and underground parts differ in the content of essential oils and resins.

What plants are umbrella plants

Any person meets with umbrellas throughout life, and not only in the country, but also just walking in the park. There are some of the most common representatives that people encounter every day while walking and gardening, growing or buying them in stores:

The benefits and harms of plants

Some of the umbrella representatives can be of great benefit, and some can be harmful to the body. These plants are often used in the treatment of various diseases and are valued for their high content of essential oils, such as anise, coriander or fennel.

Important! Although the plants are poisonous, they are used in some medicines for their medicinal properties. But unauthorized eating or treatment with them is strictly prohibited, it can be life-threatening!

Many of them have antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, are part of not only medicinal, but also tonic preparations, help cleanse and increase the body's resistance.
Of course, there are also quite dangerous herbs of the family, the careless use of which threatens not only with poisoning the body, but also with other sad consequences. The most poisonous are hemlock, kokorysh and milestones.

medicinal plants

A large number of herbs from the Umbelliferae family have healing properties that are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. From the roots of the Siberian bloater, the drug "Dimidin" is prepared - an antispasmodic and vasodilator.
Cumin fruits are valued not only for their taste. Their antispasmodic qualities are used to relieve pain in diseases of the stomach and intestines in traditional medicine.

Angelica deviant has a fairly wide spectrum of action - all parts of the plant are used to treat toothache and headaches, are used for neuralgia and dizziness, gynecological problems and as an anti-inflammatory for external use.

Angelica has long been used in China and Japan as a remedy, and is often added to drugs for hypertension. As a pain reliever, angelica is added to chicken pox pills. Often it is part of the funds for bleeding, painkillers and sedatives.
Volodushki are also used in both traditional and folk medicine. They are found in choleretic agents that are used to treat liver diseases. In folk medicine, volodushki are used to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice: they increase its acidity and change the composition of bile.

A decoction of the roots is used to reduce fever in malaria and fevers, has a tonic effect, and is often used as an antiseptic. Volodushka also has a positive effect on potency.

To increase sexual function, such an infusion is prepared from it: 30 grams of volodushka and ginseng roots should be poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol and insisted for at least a month in a dark place. Drink 20 drops before meals twice a day, the course should be continued for 2 months.
The root is also used in Chinese and Korean medicine as a remedy for low potency, as a tonic. Powder from the fruit is applied to wounds.

ornamental plants

Some plants have high decorative qualities, so they are often planted in gardens, grown on windowsills or used to decorate bouquets.

Did you know? Flowers can grow and bloom in space. The first to do this was Arabidopsis, which was grown on the Russian space station in 1982. In this case, the life of the plant is only 40 days.

The most common are volodushki, astrantia and eryngium. They are distinguished by compactness and miniature flowering, so they look very harmonious in small delicate bouquets or in pots. The eryngium is often found in dry bouquets, as it is able to store its rich flavor for a long time. Blue colour.
It goes well with roses or cereals, perfectly complements pastel compositions. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, most often it is the end of June or the beginning of July. In care, the flower is undemanding, loves well-lit and sunny places. Prefers drainage soil - if growing on the site, loosening should be constantly carried out.

Important! The eryngium blooms very poorly if the weather is damp and cold. The beautiful blue color for which it is valued is practically absent if the summer is rainy, so it is important to provide it with warm and comfortable conditions.

Lush large astrantia looks very nice in combination with milkweed, bluebells, geraniums or hostas on the site. It also looks good against the background of cereals. The color range is wide enough, so you can choose exactly the shade for decorating a bouquet or flower bed that you need.
Gentle tones are in the lead - white, cream, pink. Often there are rich crimson or red flowers. Astrantia is unpretentious in care.

Economic plants

Among the umbrella most great importance the farm has spicy herbs and vegetable plants, especially carrots, parsley and dill. Carrot is considered one of the main vegetable crops that grow in our country. Its roots contain many vitamins, especially carotene, as well as essential oils. It is also a dietary product that helps with anemia or beriberi.

And they are used not only as food, but also as spicy additives to dishes. The roots and leaves are used, which contain a large number of essential oils and vitamin C.

Dill is also known for its medicinal properties- infusions from it are used as a sedative and an appetite stimulant.

Coriander, and cumin are considered among the main essential herbs. The cilantro spice, popular in Asia, is prepared from the basal leaves of coriander. Also, they are not only added to dishes as seasonings and spices, but also used for perfume compositions.

Herb and is also often used in cooking. Wild herbs such as goutweed are used as a main ingredient in salads. As essential and spicy herbs, iovan, ammi and myrrh are also used.

harmful plants

The family includes several quite dangerous plants. They are not only not recommended to be grown or used for decoration, but in no case should they be eaten - it is better to remove all unknown plants from the garden and not collect them in nature.

Important! In no case do not bring home unknown plants, even if they are very beautiful, for example, like a kokory. They can be dangerous or poisonous! To distinguish very poisonous dog parsley from common parsley, carefully smell it: if it smells badly of garlic-dangerous plant!

Kokorysh, or dog parsley, is distinguished by a beautiful complex and large white umbrella. He also has leaves of a rather interesting shape - glossy and dissected. At the same time, it can very often be confused with simple parsley, since the plant itself is very similar to it.
On the roadsides and wastelands, in the thickets you can meet with a stupefying butene or a speckled hemlock, which is distinguished by a characteristic “mouse” aroma. In the same place, you can also meet the water lily or the broad-leaved marshmallow.

Milestone poisonous is one of the most dangerous members of the family. A large number of cattle are poisoned while searching for food on the banks of rivers, in water or in damp meadows, eating its leaves and roots. Poison remains even after drying. You can also poison animals with straw, if you include it in food.
Umbrellas are an extensive family that includes a large number of different plants, both useful and beautiful, and dangerous. Some are of particular benefit and are used in medicine, others are recommended for eating due to their high content. needed by the body substances and vitamins, and some are best avoided and not brought into the house.

35 times already

— Textbooks and manuals — NATURE AND RESOURCES OF CHUKOTKA

Chapter 9

54. Geobotany and its terms

The vegetation cover of the Earth and its individual regions is studied by the science of geobotany. Like any science, geobotany uses special scientific words- scientific terms. In order for you to be able to read exactly what we want to tell you about the vegetation cover of Chukotka, you should provide a dictionary of at least the main terms commonly used by geobotanists. Vegetation cover is a set of plant individuals that we refer to different types, genera, families, orders, classes and types. I hope you remember something from the lessons of botany about the classification of plants? At the same time, plant individuals that make up the vegetation cover belong to different life forms (herbs, shrubs, shrubs, trees) and different plant communities (meadow, tundra, forest, swamp). Vegetation cover varies in space - from place to place (Fig. 74), and in time - from year to year. At the same time, its species composition (flora) and the set of life forms and communities (vegetation) change.

Rice. 74. Vegetation cover varies in space - from place to place; each place corresponds to a certain plant community. Consider a typical change in plant communities in the Chukotka tundra from the bank of a stream to the top of a hill. Each community (its name is given in the rectangle) is characterized by its specific plant species - the most numerous are shown in the pictures.

A plant community is a relatively homogeneous patch of vegetation ranging in size from several square meters in the tundra up to several hectares in the forest. Plant communities in the landscape occupy areas that are homogeneous in terms of conditions. In such areas, soil, hydrological, and microclimatic conditions vary insignificantly; therefore, one set of species and one set of plant life forms is usually sustained throughout the entire length.

Over 900 species of higher plants, more than 400 species of mosses and the same number of lichens grow in Chukotka. Even the flora of Wrangel Island, Chukotka's northernmost landmass, includes no less than 385 plant species, which is significantly more than the flora of any island of equal size in the Arctic zone.

At first glance, the vegetation here is very poor. Only sometimes in the river valleys can one find light-coniferous forests of thin Dahurian larches and dwarf birches, and very rarely - relict Chozenia-poplar forests. Tundras are more common with unpretentious shrubby alder and elfin cedar, sedge and cotton grass, blueberries and lingonberries. The landscape of the mountainous and arctic tundras is most typical, with small shrubs pressed to the ground, grasses, mosses and lichens.

Meanwhile, this plant scarcity is rather visible: over 900 species of higher plants, more than 400 species of mosses and the same number of lichens grow in Chukotka. Even the flora of Wrangel Island, Chukotka's northernmost landmass, includes no less than 385 plant species, which is significantly more than the flora of any island of equal size in the Arctic zone.

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is located in several natural areas, and therefore its vegetation cover is very diverse. Here you can select a zone arctic desert(which includes the Wrangel and Herald Islands, as well as a narrow strip of land along the coast of the Arctic Ocean), a zone of typical and southern hypoarctic tundra and forest tundra (Western Chukotka, the Chukotka Peninsula, the Lower Anadyr Lowland, South part basin of the Anadyr River and the Beringovsky District), as well as the zone of larch taiga (basins of the Anyui and Omolon rivers).

No less varied and animal world Chukotka, which belongs to a typical "Arctic complex" with the center in Alaska and is quite unique for the Russian North, since many species of the Arctic fauna do not spread further to the west than Chukotka.

402 species of fish (65 families) live in the Bering Sea, and 50 species and 14 families of them are commercial. Fishing objects are also 4 species of crabs, 4 species of shrimp, 2 species cephalopods. About 30 species of freshwater fish live in the inland waters of the district, but mainly salmon, char and whitefish are caught, as well as grayling, smelt, pike, broad whitefish and burbot.

Birds are numerous: tundra partridges, ducks, geese, swans; on the coast - guillemots, eiders and gulls, forming "bird colonies". In total there are about 220 species.

Found here white and brown bears, reindeer, bighorn sheep, sable, lynx, wolf, arctic fox, wolverine, ermine, chipmunk, white hare, fox, muskrat, mink, etc.

The seas are rich in marine animals: walrus, seal and whales.

Lots of insects: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies.

In the Red Book Russian Federation listed polar bear and snow sheep marine mammals narwhal, humpback whale, fin whale, sei whale, gray and blue whales, minke whales, as well as 24 species of birds.

There are nature reserve"Vranlegya Island", natural and ethnic park "Beringia", state zoological reserve of republican significance "Lebediny", state nature reserves of regional (district) significance "Avtkuul", "Tumansky", "Tundrovy", "Ust-Tanyurersky", "Chaunskaya lip", "Teyukuul", "Omolon".

In addition, there are 20 natural monuments of regional significance on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Russian Civilization

"Medicinal plants of Chukotka"

Purpose: to expand students' understanding of the diversity of natural objects and, on this basis, to promote the formation of skills to assess their significance in nature and human life; the formation of junior schoolchildren patriotic and civic feelings.

Equipment: personal computer, multimedia projector, projection screen, two-colored cube, posters.

Teacher : We live with you in a wonderful land. We know a lot about our Chukotka, we know a lot about the people of our region, animals and flora, as we were lucky to see all this with our own eyes. Why this region is wonderful, we will learn about this today at our holiday. Today we will go to the tundra. Only not for mushrooms, not for berries, not for flowers, but for ... miracles.

Student :

Very kind, very bright,

Golden, clear day

We will go to visit the tundra,

Let's go to the sun.

Early morning bright light

Ringing in the thick grass

The river will teach us to swim

Wind - float on the grass.

Herbs and flowers

Will meet the long-awaited meadow.

Our songs with us

Birds will sing around.

Teacher : But who will be our guide, try to find out from my riddles:

Which bird has chicks that incubate eggs?

She is blind during the day, sighted at night, she catches mice, not a cat.

Student: Owls are nocturnal: they sleep during the day, and at night they hunt mice, lemmings, and insects. Owls have sharp hearing and vision, soft dense plumage. They fly completely silently. During the night, one owl catches 7-8 mice. No cat can compete with an owl.

Student: In the northern snowy owl, the owlets hatch from eggs in different time, and it is very convenient for the owl family. In the short northern summer, the owl does not spend time incubating. While she flies in search of food, already fledged chicks warm both their younger downy brothers and eggs in the nest.

Meet our guest, who today will help us learn a lot, as she is very wise.

Owl : Amyn Yettyk, Tumgyturi. Everyone in the tundra knows me. Geum - YOUTOYL. I have been living in the tundra for a long time, I respect the inhabitants of the tundra who live and work here. But I don't like tourists. Sometimes they litter, they offend the inhabitants and leave. Look for the wind in the field!

There are such Nice words: "You came to visit nature - do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do at a party." Don't forget: you are visiting! You are in a strange house, in which there are many tenants and rules. Fulfill them!

From backstage:

Oh oh oh! How painful! Oh oh oh! (student exits)

What's happened?

arctic fox : Yes, he ran, met the guests, but stepped on the ember left over from the unextinguished fire. There were tourists here yesterday, and the fire was not completely extinguished. Oh oh oh!

Owl : I'll help you now. I have an infusion of wild rosemary. Now I'll smear it on your burn.

arctic fox : What is a wild rosemary?

Teacher : And now our learned children will tell you and everyone about this magical herb.

Student : Marsh rosemary or bagun is a very necessary medicine plant. In folk medicine, its infusion is used to treat skin diseases, bites from poisonous insects, frostbite and burns. In scientific medicine, it is an antitussive, since it contains a lot of tannins, poisonous essential oil that kill microbes. It is good to drink a mug of hot tea with wild rosemary, if you get cold, get your feet wet.

Student :

And if you happen to catch a cold,

Cough will be attached, fever will rise.

Pull the mug towards you, in which it smokes

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

Owl : And a decoction of coltsfoot will help everyone who has a cold. This is a spring primrose. Its downy stems begin to grow under the snow. The plant breathes, and the heat that its breath causes melts the snow around the coltsfoot.

arctic fox : Oh, thank you very much! I forgot to name myself. Geum - RETOOKALGYN, that's what they call me in the tundra. Thank you my friends!

Let me show you how beautiful my house is. The tundra is brightest in summer. On bumps are bright flowers: blue, red, yellow. And the sky is golden in the evenings. The deer lie lazily, their antlers branching in the golden sunset like a fabulous bone forest. And puddles burn like windows in houses. Endless silence. And time has stopped. (Showing the film "Nature" 3 min.)

Teacher : Guys, isn't this a miracle?

arctic fox :

I praise the tundra, I praise the house,

in which we live.

And it has everything we need

Under the blue dome.

I want to live in this house!

To be with everyone in the world!

A mournful groan from behind the scenes.

Teacher : Guys, listen, someone is moaning, so plaintively.

Deer: Help me! I walked slowly along the tundra, ate reindeer moss, but I got moss, on which fuel was spilled, now my stomach hurts, wanders, as in Braga, oh-oh-oh! Help guys!!!

Owl : I know what can help my friend deer -TOORAHY. There is a magical berry in our tundra, and although it is called the common lingonberry, it is extraordinary. She will help you right away.TOORAHY.

Student : Lingonberries are not just a delicacy and delicious berry, but also a very valuable medicinal plant. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is used in scientific medicine for many gastrointestinal and renal diseases. It contains a lot of organic acids, tannins and vitamins that do not allow food to rot in our body, so we can always enjoy it. In folk medicine, a decoction of the leaves is used for colds, as a diuretic and choleretic agent for kidney diseases and cholelithiasis. A fruit drink from berries helps with a fever.

Deer : Thanks guys! It’s like I was born again, I can run, jump, enjoy life again. Thank you my friends! And now I can dance with my friends.

(Dance of the deer)

Teacher : And again, what a miracle! You feast on a berry, but, it turns out, you are being treated.

And in our tundra there is shiksha and blueberries, which also help people with various diseases.

Student : shiksha berries (crowberry, crowberry) perfectly quench thirst, improve metabolism, relieve fatigue, eliminate headaches, help with kidney disease.

Student : Blueberry or gonobobel is a very tasty tender berry. It contains many substances that improve blood formation in anemia. Dried berries help with gastrointestinal disorders. A decoction of its leaves helps with diabetes.

Owl : There are so many useful herbs in our house! Cetraria Icelandic or Icelandic moss in the first world war used as a cotton substitute. And the wounds heal faster.

Student :

Between cranberries and cloudberries

Resident of our swamps.

On hummocks, moss without a leg,

Wherever you look, it's growing.

He is grayish underneath.

Higher - greener.

If cotton wool is needed,

Pick him up quickly.

On the bushes of the meadow

Dried in the summer heat

He wounds the partisans

Treated in the wilderness of the forest.

Owl : And deer moss (cladonin) is the food of Robinsons. You can eat it to survive, you can successfully heal a wound and injury, stop bleeding, stop an upset stomach. Any tourist in the tundra should know about this.

Student :

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress.

Lush, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

He is noticeable, golden,

Got old and gray

And as soon as he turned gray,

Fly away with the wind.

Owl : Dandelion root stimulates the appetite, it is also readily eaten by animals.

And the victorious onion (ramson), sorrel sour, cloudberries, which our tundra is so rich in, are also valuable for a person. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, very necessary for human health.

Teacher : What a wise nature! But what would happen if people only began to take away all the gifts of nature, without restoring anything? They would have robbed themselves, or maybe even destroyed them! Nature gives all its treasures to man and for all this asks one thing - to protect it!

Owl : And now we will check what we know about nature. Here is my cube, it has only two sectors - green and red. The questions of the green sector are riddles about nature, the red sector is the mournful book of nature.


Teacher : The moment of parting is approaching, friends! I think that we love our nature and will protect it. And she will give us many pleasant minutes for this.

I want a lot of light in the world

I wish there were many summers in the world,

And on the grass - green dew.

I wish there was less crying in the world

And more laughter, joy, good luck.

Children's smiles, like unsteady flowering

Flowers comparable to a child's smile.

Turn your palms to the sun

Collect the rays in your pocket,

And then, with love, little by little,

Share with family and friends!


Green sector issues :

Organisms found in all natural areas, and which cannot live without light, water, air (plants)

Is it produced by plants? (oxygen)

Nature's little orderlies, we can't see them (microorganisms)

A common substance found on earth in three states (water)

What should you do if you meet in the tundra beautiful flowering plant? (draw or photograph it, admire it, but do not pluck it)

Why do birds sing? (For birds, spring songs are a serious and important matter. I must say that only males sing. With their song, as it were, an invisible boundary of the site is established)

What tundra bush does not know leaf fall? (lingonberry is an evergreen plant. With green leaves, it goes under the snow)

Grows along the road, heals wounds, abrasions. What is this medicinal plant? (plantain)

The name of this berry was probably given by birds. They peck at her, and from the word beak (cranberry)

And this plant has a leaf on the one hand, warm, tender, like a mother, and on the other, cold, like a stepmother (coltsfoot)

Tasks of the red sector :

What “joy” will these human “gifts” bring to the tundra: scraps of wrapping paper, empty cans, candy wrappers, glass fragments, a cellophane bag, leftover food (for each of the objects

What benefits does a tractor, an all-terrain vehicle bring to the tundra? And what harm?

What do you think these numbers can mean: 310, 258, 98, 40, 193? (these numbers indicate the number of species and subspecies listed in the Red Book: 310 species and subspecies of mammals, 258 species and subspecies of birds, 98 species and subspecies of reptiles, 40 species and subspecies of amphibians, 193 species and subspecies of freshwater fish)

Why can't you touch eggs in bird nests? (birds can drop eggs and the eggs will die)

What can nature complain about?


    Sviridonov G. and M. Plants and health: medicinal and nutritional properties. - M .: Profizdat, 1992

    Brykina N.T., Zhirenko O.E., Barylkina L.P. Non-standard and integrated lessons (Teacher's workshop) - M .: VAKO, 2004

    Cool watch: extracurricular work: comp. M.A. Kozlov. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2011

Explanatory note

"We are all passengers of the same ship named

The earth, therefore, there is simply nowhere to move from it. ”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Human culture is a multifaceted concept. One of the most important components of folk traditional culture is the ecological culture of man, which was originally built on such fundamentals as labor, respect for nature, morality and respect for all life on Earth.

Born by nature, man must be one with it. If in the physical plane this unity is still preserved (due to the fact that a person cannot live without nature), then spiritual unity (that is, understanding the laws of nature and consciously following them) is very strongly violated. For example, the great French naturalist, the forerunner of the theory of the evolutionary development of the organic world, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, wrote in 1803 in his treatise "Philosophy of Zoology": making the globe uninhabitable." And in order for modern people to survive, they need to change their attitude towards nature, in fact, to the opposite: if a person until now considered himself the king of nature, then you need to become in fact her faithful and reliable, loving and compassionate son. Love and reverence for nature, thrift and caution in handling it - this is the basis for the survival of modern man and humanity as a whole. This view requires new approaches to the content of education in primary school, since it is at primary school age that the child receives the basics of systematic knowledge, here the features of his character, will, moral character, need for healthy way life. Ecological and valeological education should aim the growing person at the implementation of the expanded paradigm "man - environment- health". To do this, it is necessary that the younger generation think about the questions:

What exactly is the concern for the nature of each of us? What has everyone done to ensure that there are fewer trampled blades of grass, broken branches, carelessly thrown rubbish on the banks of the life-giving stream? So that there is no oil stain on a colorful lawn? So that the black oil spot does not grow into tens and hundreds of kilometers of the world's oceans and the ozone hole over Antarctica shrinks? What has everyone done to ensure that nature lives, so that the thin and fragile thread of her trust in man, on which our human destiny rests, does not break?

ecological culture cannot be brought into the country as consumer goods from abroad. It is born as a result of the interaction of nature, man and culture. Hence follows the most important socio-cultural function of all educational systems- to ensure the creative transmission of the values ​​of culture, adequate to nature, in the personality of the student, in society.

Let everyone remember their responsibility to life and nature. Remembers being at home and in nature. He remembers walking on the grass and collecting plants for salad, medicine, tea. He remembers, collecting branches for a fire and moving away from an extinct fire. Let everyone remember that it ultimately depends on him whether a blade of grass, a bird, an animal will live or die.

The content of this development includes, in addition to scientific and cognitive information that takes into account the peculiarities of the nature of the native land, axiological and normative components that provide an understanding of the value of certain objects of nature, compliance with the rules (prescriptions and prohibitions) of human behavior and its activities in nature and society. Showing the child his personal involvement in the need for a solution environmental issues not at an abstract level, but at a concrete level, it contributes to the formation of students' own moral obligations, moral feelings and ethical consciousness.

Purpose of the event: To expand students' understanding of the diversity of natural objects and, on this basis, to promote the formation of skills to assess their significance in nature and human life, the formation of patriotic and civic feelings in younger students.


Expected Result

learn to find connections between natural conditions environment and its inhabitants, human activities and the state of the natural environment

the ability to explain the impact of human activities on nature, knowledge of the norms of attitude towards nature accepted in society and the conscious observance of these norms

to develop in children an understanding of the value of nature

as a source of spiritual and physical strength of a person

developing respect for native land, culture, nature of our region, awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, awareness of the interdependence of the well-being of the environment and man

develop a sense of wonder and admiration

understanding of beauty as a value; need for artistic creativity and communication with art

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