Features of the behavior of African elephants. Elephant is the largest ground mammal on the planet.

Elephant - the largest ground animal class mammals, such as chord, detachment of probitive, elephant family (lat. Elephantidae).

Elephant - description, feature and photos

Elephants - giants among animals. Elephant height 2 - 4 m. Elephant weight - from 3 to 7 tons. Elephants in Africa, especially savanna, often have a mass of up to 10 - 12 tons. The mighty elephant body is covered with thick (up to 2, 5 cm) leather brown or gray with deep wrinkles. The elephant is born with rare bristles, adults are practically deprived of vegetation.

Head An animal is quite large with remarkable ears. Ears The elephant has a sufficiently large surface, they are thick at base with thin edges, as a rule, are a good thermal exchange regulator. Outping ears allows the animal to increase the cooling effect. Leg An elephant has 2 knee cups. Such a structure makes an elephant with a single mammal that does not know how to jump. In the center of the foot - a fat pillow, springing at every step, which allows these powerful animals to move almost silently.

Elephant's trunk - an amazing and unique body formed by the surrounding nose and the upper lip. The tendons and more than 100 thousand muscles make it strong and flexible. The trunk performs a number of important functions, simultaneously providing animal breathing, smelling, touching and capturing food. Through the trunk, elephants are protected, watered themselves, eat, communicate and even raise offspring. Another "attribute" of appearance is an elephant tissue. They grow throughout life: the more powerful than the beer, the older their owner.

Tail An elephant is about the same length as the rear paws. The tip of the tail is framed hard hair that helps drive into insects. Specific elephant voice. The sounds that make up an adult animal are called boars, washed, whisper and an elephant roar. The life expectancy of the elephant is about 70 years.

Elephants are able to swim very well and love water procedures, and their average speed of movement on land reaches 3-6 km / h. When running for small distances, the rate of an elephant is sometimes increased to 50 km / h.

Species of elephants

Nowadays, there are only two types of probitive: African elephant and Indian elephant (otherwise it is called an Asian elephant). African, in turn, are divided into savanna lives along the equator (the largest representatives - up to 4.5 m in height and 7 tons of weight) and forest (his subspecies dwarf and swamp) who prefer to live in tropical forests.

Despite the indisputable similarity of these animals, they still have a number of differences.

  • Answer the question of what elephant is more in size and mass: Indian or African is very simple. The one who lives in Africa: individuals weigh 1.5-2 tons more, and significantly higher.
  • The Asian elephant female does not have a taper, in African they have all individuals.
  • Species are slightly different to the shape of the body: the Asian rear part relative to the head level above.
  • An African animal is distinguished by a large ears.
  • The tricks of African giants are somewhat thinner.
  • By its nature, the Indian elephant is more prone to domestication, to tame his African fellow is almost impossible.

It is Asian animals for their obedience and a good temper often take into circus. Basically, these are saved from poachers, sick and abandoned young.

When crossing the African and Indian probabilities, the offspring does not work, which indicates the differences in the genetic level.

The life expectancy of the elephant depends on the living conditions, the presence of sufficient food and water. It is believed that the African Elephant lives a few longer than his fellow.

Ancestors of modern giants

The ancient relatives of probitives appeared on Earth about 65 million years ago, in Paleocene Epoch. At this time, dinosaurs were still on the planet.

Scientists found that the first representatives lived on the territory of modern Egypt and were similar to Tapir. There is also another theory in which the current giants took place from a certain animal living in Africa and almost all Eurasia.

Studies revealing how many years is the elephant on our planet, indicate the existence of its ancestors.

  • Denotery. Approximately 58 million years ago appeared and extinct 2.5 million years ago. Externally, they were similar to current animals, but marked smaller sizes and a shorter trunk.
  • Homfhoteria. Appeared on Earth approximately 37 million years ago and extinct 10 thousand years ago. The torso, they resembled the current long-axis giants, but had 4 small tillates, pairwise twisted up and down, and flat jaw. At some stage, the development of the tillaness of these animals has become much larger.
  • Mamutides (Mastodonts). There were 10-12 million years ago. There were tight wool on the body, long tits and trunk. 18 thousand years ago extinct, with the advent of primitive people.
  • Mammoths. The first representatives of elephants. Appeared from Mastodontov approximately 1, 6 million years ago. Dimen about 10 thousand years ago. There were slightly higher than the current animals, the body is covered with long and dense wool, possessed largely lowered by the tights.

Mammoths are also a detachment of elephants as the modern giants.

The African Elephant and Indian Elephant are the only representatives of the detachment detachment on Earth.

Elephant habitats and habits

The African giant lives in the steppes of Africa and Egypt. Indian individuals live in India, Ceylon, Indochita, Burma.

  • Elephants live in a herd of up to 50 individuals that are linked by the norms of behavior. Some live separately, since more often exhibit aggression and are dangerous.
  • In the herd, the friendly atmosphere, relatives take care of the offspring, support each other.
  • These are socially developed animals. They can show emotions and memorize objects, places and people.

Elephants eat 130 kg of food per day (leaves, bark, fruits) and most of the time spend on her search. Sleep no more than 4 hours a day. Animals are often located near rivers or lakes and drink 200 liters of water per day. Elephant is a good swimmer and easily sails huge distances regardless of body weight.

The giant massive skeleton, which makes up 15% body weight. The skin reaches 25 mm in thickness and shrouded with rigorous hair. On average, elephant lives 70 years. He does not know how to jump, but accelerates the speed of the run up to 30 km per hour.

The female shelters the baby 88 weeks. This is a record among animals. Elephant is born once every four years with a weight of about 90 kg and an increase of about a meter. The birth of the kid is important for members of herd.

These mammals have a clear language of communication. When an elephant in the decline of mood or aggressive, ears become spread. For protection goes to the stroke of the timenta, trunk and massive legs. At the time of danger or fright, the animal squeals and, running, literally demolides everything in its path.

Diet in the natural environment

Elephants are the largest land mammals inhabiting our planet, and there are two continents for their habitat of their habitat: Africa and Asia. The main differences between the African and Asian elephant are represented not only by the form of the ears, the presence and magnitude of the tummy, but also features in the diet. The basis of its diet of all elephants does not differ too much variety. A large mammal is powered by grass, leaves, bark and tree branches, as well as roots of various plants and all sorts of fruits.

It is interesting! For the extraction of food, elephants use a natural tool - a trunk, by means of which vegetation can break down both from the bottom of the trees, and directly near the Earth or breaks down with the crown.

It should be noted that the organism of the Asian and African Elephant is absorbed by no more than 40% of the total number of vegetable masses eaten during the day. Food search occupies a significant part of the life of such a mammal. For example, to get a sufficient amount of food, an adult African elephant is capable of passing almost 400-500 km. But for Asian or Indian elephants, the migration process is unnatural.

Herbivores indian elephants You spend about twenty-hours a day on the search for food and feeding process. In the hottest daytime watches, elephants try to hide in the shade, which allows the animal to avoid strong overheating. The features of the habitat of the Indian Elephant explains the type of its nutrition in natural conditions.

To collect too short grass, the elephant first actively looms or pumps the soil, strongering her legs. The bark with large branches is designed by indigenous teeth, while the branch of the plant itself is held by a trunk.

In too hungry and dry years, elephants are very willing to ruin agricultural crops. The strongest of all the invasions of this herbivore mammal, as a rule, rice crops are suffering, as well as banana landings and fields inhabited by sugar cane. It is for this reason that the elephants are currently the largest in the size of the body and the voraciousness of agricultural "pests".

Power supply in captivity

Currently, wild indian or Asian elephants are under threat of disappearance, so such animals are often contained in reserved zones or zoological parks. In nature and in captivity, elephants live with complex social groups, within which strong connections are observed, which facilitates the process of extraction of animal feed and nutrition. When the content in captivity, a mammal receives a huge amount of greenery and hay. The daily diet of such a major herbivore is necessarily complemented by roots, dried bumps of white bread, carrots, cabbage casuals and fruits.

It is interesting! The most favorite delicacies of the Indian and African elephant include bananas, as well as low-calorie cookies and other sweets.

It should be noted that in eating sweets of the elephants do not know the measures, therefore, prone to overeating and the rapid waste of excess weight, which is extremely negatively affecting the health status of the animal. In this case, the probable animal acquires unnatural behavior characterized by a row or apatism with loss of appetite.

It is important to remember that elephants living in natural, natural conditions move many and very actively. To find enough food for preserving life and maintain health, a mammal can overcome a considerable distance daily. In conditions of captivity, the animal is devoid of such an opportunity, so quite often, elephants in zoos are noted problems with weight or digestive system.

In the zoo, the feeding of an elephant is carried out about five or six times a day, and the daily mammalian diet in the Moscow Zoological Park is represented by the following basic products:

  • brooms from the branches of trees - approximately 6-8 kg;
  • grass and hay with straw additives - approximately 60 kg;
  • oats - about 1-2 kg;
  • oatmeal - about 4-5 kg;
  • bran - approximately 1 kg;
  • fruits represented by pears, apples and bananas - about 8 kg;
  • carrots - about 15 kg;
  • cabbage - about 3 kg;
  • beets - approximately 4-5 kg.

In the summer-autumn elephant menu, watermelons are mandatory, as well as boiled potatoes. All the fruits and vegetable cultures given by the mammalian animal are quite thoroughly cut, after which they are well mixed with herbal flour or slightly chopped quality hay and straw. The resulting nutritional mixture is spread throughout the equity area.

Reproduction of elephants

The reproduction of elephants is not at all connected with some kind of season, but most of the sedals are associated with the period of the arrival of the rains. In crowded conditions or during drought, the sexual activity of these animals is significantly reduced, the females do not over at all.

The males are engaged in the search for females, which are in Estrus, remaining with them no more than a few weeks. The duration of the Estrus passes within 48 hours, at this time the female with shouts calls the male. Often, before pairing the female and the male, for a while, they will retire and remove from their herd.

The pregnancy period for elephants is the longest among all mammals. It lasts about 20-22 months. Rarely the female brings twins, most often gives birth to 1 developed elephant. The newborn elephant weighs in the range of 120 kilograms, the height in the shoulders is 1 meter, the length of the trunk is short, there is no beer. The childbirth females go away from their herd, most often the giving birth to Slonich accompanies "obstacles". About 15-30 minutes after childbirth, a small elephant rises on the legs and begins to follow the mother. Up to 4 years, elephant extremely needs the maternal guardianship, the young immature females of 2-11 years old, who, in turn, are preparing for the upcoming maternal care are observed.

Studies in Kenya in 1992 showed that the greater the number of guardians, the greater the number of kids survives.

Freshing milk continues up to 1-5 years, although the young begin to eat firmly writing aged 6 months, and at the same time they can go to it for 2 years. The childbirth elephants pass once at 2.5-9 years, as a rule, elephant remains with the mother to the following delivery.

Young elephants remain in their herd until the end of their days, in turn, elephants leave the achievement of puberty, which comes to 10 and 12 years.

These animals demonstrate a variety of sexual maturations among all mammals: the minimum age in females had 7 years. In bad conditions, the elephant reaches puberty at the age of 18-19 years, and is 22 years old.
The peak of the biggest fertility fluctuates within 18-19 years.

The females remain fertile up to 60 years. For life, no more than nine kids bring. The males reach sexual maturity in 10-12 years, however, they start pacing at 25-30 years, and the reason for this is a big competition among males. Reproductive peak reached in 50 years. At the age of 25, the males periodically enter into a state of intoxication. It is with this state that their excessive aggressiveness and sexual activity are associated.
By and large, elephants often demonstrate relatively greater reproductive activity and flexibility. However, under adverse conditions (food competition, terrible feeding conditions on the other elephants), puberty time significantly increases and the gap between birth can be treated as much as the other way around. Elephants are amazing animals, live about 60-70 years old, and throughout their lives slowly grow and develop, and this applies to puberty, which is very much affected by the reproduction of the offspring.

Why are the elephants afraid of mice?

About the subconscious fear, which, supposedly, elephants-giants are experiencing to small representatives of the family of rodents - mice - known to many. But that's the fact that this fact is most likely a myth, not everyone knows. There is a legend, according to which in the old days of mice there were so much that they dare to attack the elephant legs, blurred almost to the bone of the limb of animals and equipped minks there. That is why since then the elephants began to sleep without lying, but standing. Logic in this is not enough, because the standing of many animals are sleeping, for example, horses that mice are not afraid at all. But to assume that the lying elephant rodent can climb the trunk and block the air access to him, which would lead to the death of an elephant - much more likely, especially, several such cases was recorded.

There is another theory, a bit ridiculous, but still: mice, closing on an elephant, strongly tick off with their tenacious legs, from which the elephant is experiencing a constant need to be made, and it is quite difficult for him. However, all such assumptions were debunked by scientists: they were convinced that the elephants are absolutely indifferent to mice, peacefully adjacent to them in the enclosures of zoos, allowing tiny rodents to be trapped by the remnants of their meal, and they are not afraid of them.

  • Among the elephants there are right-handed and left-handers, which affects more use of one of the beer.
  • The particular structure of the auditory device allows elephants to communicate with each other at low frequencies covering huge distances.
  • Elephant is an animal that does not sweat, because it does not have sebaceous glands. Body temperature reduce water treatments, mud baths and foaming ears.
  • Elephants are easily tamed and leaving for training. In antiquity, they were excellent working force and martial animals. Nowadays, elephants are used as a means of movement in impassable places.
  • Adult elephants are practically invulnerable, lions and crocodiles are dangerous for little empty. The only enemy of the elephants is a person ruthlessly exterminating animals for meat, skin and bones. Barbarian fishery led to a sharp reduction in the population of elephants, the impossibility of seasonal migrations and limited the habitat and national parks.
  • Domesticated elephants are sufficiently good-natured and patient to the poor handling of unrelated owners. The tendency to emotional experiences and long-term stress can lead to nervous breakdownWhen the elephant flows into rabies and crashes everything in the reach area.
  • Elephants are included in the list of the smartest mammals on the planet. Excellent memory allows them to remember the insults caused by people and places of important events. Emotional animals are able to rejoice, sad, suffer and empathize with their loved ones.


Elephant is the largest ground mammal on Earth. These giants S. early childhood Call us positive emotions. Most people believe that elephants are smart and calm. And in many cultures, an elephant is a symbol of happiness, peace and home comfort.

Species of elephants

Today there are three types of elephants on the planet, which relate to two types.

African elephants are divided into two types:

  • savana Elephant is an animal of huge sizes, with a dark color, well-developed beaws and two small processes located at the end of the trunk. Representatives of this species along the Equator in the African continent live;
  • forest elephant is distinguished by a relatively small increase (up to 2.5 m) and rounded form of the ears. This species dwells in the rain forests of Africa. These types, by the way, are often cross each other and give viable offspring.

The Indian elephant is much smaller than African, but is distinguished by a more powerful physique and disproportionately short legs. Color can be from dark gray to brown. These animals are distinguished by small ears of quadrangular shape and one process at the very end of the trunk. Indian elephant - Animal, common in the subtropical and tropical forests of China and India, Laos and Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Description of elephant

Depending on the species, the growth of an elephant in the withers ranges from 2 to 4 meters. The weight of the elephant varies from 3 to 7 tons. African elephants (especially savanna) sometimes weigh up to 12 tons. The powerful body of this giant is covered with thick skin (thickness up to 2.5 cm) of gray or brown with deep wrinkles. Young elephants appear on light with rare coarse bristles, and adult individuals have almost no vegetation.

Large with big hanging ears that have a rather large inner surface. At the base, they are very thick, and closer to the edges - thin. The ears of the elephant are a thermal exchange regulator. Having foaming them, the animal provides the cooling of its own body.

Elephant - Animal having a rather specific voice. The sounds that make up an adult individual are called boars, a mix, whisper and roar. In nature - about 70 years. In captivity, this period can be increased for five to seven years.


An elephant is an animal having a unique organ. The trunk reaches a length of about one and a half meters and its weight is about one hundred and fifty kilograms. This organ is formed by the nose and surrounding the upper lip. More than 100 thousand muscles and tendons make it flexible and strong.

The ancestors of the elephants who inhabited the land in the distant past, lived in the swamps. They had a very small trunk process, which allowed to breathe an animal under water during the extraction of feed. For millions of years, the evolution of the elephants left swampy terrains, increased significantly in size, respectively, the trunk of the elephant was adapted to new conditions.

Transfers gravity, breaks down the juicy bananas with palm trees and sends them into the mouth, picks up water from the reservoirs and suits himself a refreshing souls during the heat, makes the troping loud sounds, smells.

Surprisingly, the trunk of an elephant is a multifunctional tool that is quite difficult to learn how to use small elephant, often the young even comes to their trumps. Slonih moms are very patiently, for several months they teach their young art use of this, such a necessary "process".


An amazing fact, but the legs of the elephant have two knee cups. Such an unusual structure made this giant is the only mammal who cannot jump. In the heart of the foot, there is a fat pillow, which spawns at every step. Thanks to her, it can move almost silently.


The tail of the elephant has about the same length as the rear paws. At the tip itself there is a bunch of hard hair. With this tassel, the elephant drives off insects.

Distribution and lifestyle

The African elephants mastered almost the entire territory of Africa: Senegal and Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya, the Republic of Congo and Guinea, South Africa and Sudan. They feel great in Somalia and Zambia. The main part of the livestock lives in national Reserves: Thus, the Government of African countries protect these animals from poachers.

Elephant can dwell in areas with any landscape, but desert zones and dense tropical forests Trying to avoid preferring to Savannah.

Indian elephants are mainly living in the south and northeast of India, China, Thailand, on Sri Lanka Island. Animals are found in Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia. Unlike its African fellow, they prefer a wooded area, choosing dense shrubs and bamboo thickets.

Elephants live with herds in which all individuals are associated with relatives. These animals are able to greet each other, very touchingly care about the offspring and never leave their group.

Another amazing feature of these huge animals - they know how to laugh. An elephant is an animal that, despite its dimensions, is a good swimmer. Moreover, elephants love water procedures very much. By land, they move with an average speed (up to six kilometers per hour). During running for small distances, this indicator increases to fifty kilometers per hour.

Elephant nutrition in nature

The researchers calculated that about sixteen hours per day of the elephants dedicated to the absorption of food. During this time, they eat up to 300 kg of various vegetation. An elephant is pleased to eat grass (including papyrus, rogo in Africa), bark and leaves of trees (for example, ficus in India), rhizomes, fruits of wild apples, bananas, marula and even coffee. Do not bypass the side of the elephants and agricultural plantations, applying a significant damage. This applies primarily to the crops of the batte, corn and a number of other cultures.

Elephant foods are produced using a bevel and trunk, and they are chewed by its root teeth, which change as it becomes. In zoos, the ration of elephants is much more diverse: they are fed with greens and hay, give various vegetables and fruits. Especially willingly, they eat apples and pears, cabbage, carrots and beets, very love to be fenced with watermelons.

Adult individuals drink a lot of water - up to 300 liters per day, so in natural conditions They try to be near the reservoirs.

Elephants - large mammals, which include two types: African and Indian. Earlier, mammoths lived on Earth (extinct in glacial period) And the Mastodonts (extinct during the appearance of the first person in the North American mainland). The article will answer the question: "Where do Elephants live?" And consider their habitat and habits.

Differences of Indian and African Elephants

Contrary to the seeming one hundred percent external similarity among Indian and African elephants many differences. Consider them in more detail.

  1. African elephants exceed Indian relatives in size and mass. The height of an adult animal living in Africa reaches 3.7 meters, and a mass of 6.5 tons. For comparison, Indian conifers have these indicators at the level of 3.5 meters and 5 tons.
  2. African elephants have larger ears, through thin skin whose veins are clearly visible. It is noteworthy that each individual is an individual in the ears individual, like people fingerprints.
  3. A distinctive feature of African elephants is considered to have long durable tags for each animal regardless of gender. In Indian elephants, only males possesses such an ornament. Talnia grows during life and act as an indicator of age.
  4. Indian elephant calmer. Thanks to simple training, he becomes a reliable assistant to a person. It is trained to transport trees, laying boards or delivering items from rivers.

It is not all interesting Facts about these animals. The following information will be useful to schoolchildren who wish to receive the maximum ball for the exam. Among the elephants there are "left-handers" and "right-handed". Belonging to a certain category is determined by what talle is shorter. These animals work in one table, as a result of which it is faster.

The bone of the elephants is dear as a diverse basis, so they often die from the hands of poachers. Now forbidden by ivory trade, but still hundreds of these amazing animals die for human fault.

Elephants have indigenous teeth in the amount of 4 pieces. The weight of each tooth of the magnitude with a brick reaches 2-3 kilograms. During the life, animals change the indigenous teeth 6 times. With age, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, which force the animals to keep closer to the swampy terrain with soft vegetation.

From other animals, the elephant is characterized by an impressive body weight, design, behavior and the presence of a long nose. The trunk is the connection of the upper lip and the nose, which he takes the shower, breathes, sniffs, drinks and makes sounds. This organ containing 100 thousand muscles, the animal takes objects weighing up to tons and carries tens of kilometers.

Elephant habitats and habits

The African giant lives in the steppes of Africa and Egypt. Indian individuals live in India, Ceylon, Indochita, Burma.

  • Elephants live in a herd of up to 50 individuals that are linked by the norms of behavior. Some live separately, since more often exhibit aggression and are dangerous.
  • In the herd, the friendly atmosphere, relatives take care of the offspring, support each other.
  • These are socially developed animals. They can show emotions and memorize objects, places and people.

Elephants eat 130 kg of food per day (leaves, bark, fruits) and most of the time spend on her search. Sleep no more than 4 hours a day. Animals are often located near rivers or lakes and drink 200 liters of water per day. Elephant is a good swimmer and easily sails huge distances regardless of body weight.

The giant massive skeleton, which makes up 15% body weight. The skin reaches 25 mm in thickness and shrouded with rigorous hair. On average, elephant lives 70 years. He does not know how to jump, but accelerates the speed of the run up to 30 km per hour.

The female shelters the baby 88 weeks. This is a record among animals. Elephant is born once every four years with a weight of about 90 kg and an increase of about a meter. The birth of the kid is important for members of herd.

These mammals have a clear language of communication. When an elephant in the decline of mood or aggressive, ears become spread. For protection goes to the stroke of the timenta, trunk and massive legs. At the time of danger or fright, the animal squeals and, running, literally demolides everything in its path.

Where do Elephants live in captivity?

Almost in each zoo there are elephants. Not surprising, because they cause special interest among the public. But sometimes even known zoos due to the absence of a suitable place for content refuse these animals.

In a limited space, elephants suffer from boredom. In the natural environment, they spend a lot of time to search and take care of food. In a small piping, it doesn't work in a widder, and a small number of individuals leads to a violation of social contacts.

European zoos are trying to provide elephants to the elephants, spacious pens for walking. Less than stop-old males, which are in a state of troubles are dangerous, allocate additional space. In some zoos, pens for females with offspring are provided. This allows members of a few herd to get acquainted with replenishment.

Great value In the breeding elephants plays the diversity of walking. Large elephants are equipped with enclosures so that the animals are fluently moving. Such conditions are more suitable for successful breeding in captivity.

Elephants - socially developed mammals. For many reasons, this view on the verge of extinction. Animals need protection and protection. This fact found many positive feedback among scientists and officials. Reserves are actively created, where animals live under guard. The territory of such complexes should correspond to the usual habitat. On the this moment These requirements are responsible for several reserves, including:

  1. National Park Bandipur, India.
  2. Amboseli National Park, Kenya.
  3. Elephants Reserve in Kninne, South Africa.
  4. Kuala Gandah Kuala Elephants Reserve, Malaysia.
  5. Safari Park Elephants, Bali.

Each of the listed places is ideal for an entertaining summer holiday.

People harm environment, Therefore, many types of animals die out, but it remains hope that one of the biggest mammals - elephants will continue to live not only in captivity, but also in their native environment. The task of a person is to help in the fact that children could enjoy the greatness of these animals in the expanses of the savanna and forests.

Elephants (Elephantidae)- Huge, strengths, smart and sociable mammals. For many centuries, humanity was affected by their sizes - the males of the African species can reach 7,500 kilograms. Elephants are surprised by their long and flexible noses, large and clapping ears, as well as loose and wrinkled skin. They belong to the most famous animal of the world. There are many stories and films about elephants - you probably heard about Horton, King Babar and the baby Dambo.



Ears in elephants, except for their direct destination, also act as an air conditioner. In the hot time, elephants are mashed them, and thereby cooled the blood in the ears, which, thanks to the numerous blood vessels, cools the whole body of the animal.


The term "thick-skinned" comes from the Greek word "PACHYDERMOS", meaning "thick skin". The thickness of the skin in some parts of the body can reach 2.54 cm. The skin is linked to the body, which creates the visibility of baggy pants. The benefits of thick skin lies in the deduction of moisture, as the duration of evaporation and the body remains cooled longer. Despite the skin thickness, elephants are very sensitive to touch and sunny burns. To protect against bloodsowing insects and the Sun, they often water themselves with water, and also ride in the mud.

Tabs and teeth

The tissue at the elephant is located on the upper jaw and serve as the only cutters. They are used to protect, mining food, as well as to raise items. The beer is present at birth and are milk teeth, which fall out after a year, when the length is 5 cm. Permanent tails go beyond the lips after 2-3 years and grown throughout life. Talnia consists of ivory (dentin), with an outer layer of enamel, and a kind of form creates a special shine, which distinguishes the beer of elephants from other mammals, such as warts, walruses and couch. Often, African elephants die from the hands of poachers only because of the wrist.

Elephants also have indigenous teeth are located on both jaws on both sides. One native tooth can weigh about 2.3 kilograms and be a brick size. Each elephant changes to 6 sets of teeth for their lives. New teeth do not grow vertically, like most mammals, and climb from behind, while old and worn pushed forward. In old age, the indigenous teeth elephants are sensitive and erased, so they prefer to eat softer food. In this case, the swamps are perfect places where soft vegetation grows. In such territories, it is often possible to meet old individuals who remain there until their death. This circumstance forced some people to believe that elephants are sent to special places to die.


The trunk of an elephant simultaneously protrudes the top lip and nose. On each side of the trunk there are 8 major muscles, and about 150,000 muscle beams (muscle fractions) are located along the entire length. There are no bones and cartilage on this unique appendering. It is so strong that it may lower the trunk of the tree down and so agitated that it is capable of choosing only one straw. Elephants use their trunks as we hands: capture, hold, raise, touch, pull, pushed and throw.

The trunk also performs the nasal functions. It has two nostrils, for suction air, in long nose passages, in the lungs. Elephants apply their trunk trunk, but the water does not pass all the way to the nose as in the straw, instead, it is delayed in the trunk, and then the elephant lifts his head and pours water into the mouth.


Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and parts South-East Asia. The main habitat is low and tropical forests. In the arid months are often found off the coast of rivers.

African Bush Elephants (Savanted Elephants) inhabit Eastern, Central and southern parts Africa prefer low and mountain forests, floods of rivers, all types of wooded terrain and savanna. Forest elephants are found in the Congo River basins and in West Africa, in wet, semi-deciduous rainforests.

The largest elephant

The record of the largest elephant received an adult male of an African elephant. It weighed about 12,240 kilograms and reached 3.96 meters in height to the shoulders. Most animals do not grow up to such sizes, but African savannah elephants on dimensions are much larger than Asian.

Big appetite

An elephant's diet includes all types of vegetation, from grass and fruit to leaves and bark. Daily, these huge animals consume 75-50 kilograms of food, which is 4-6% of their body weight. On average, they are fought for up to 16 hours a day. Savanted elephants Herbivores and feed on the grass, including sediment, blooming plants, leaf of bushes. Forest elephants prefer leaves, fruits, seeds, branches and bark. Asian elephants have a mixed diet, during the arid period and after heavy rains, shrubs and small trees use, and after the first part of the rainy season, grass can be enjoyed. Also, Asian elephants may have different kinds Plants depending on the season, branches and bark.

Life in the flock

Elephants live in close social groupswhich are called herds, as a rule, consist of females and their offspring. The main leader of the herd is the most experienced and adult female, so the matriarchy reigns in the elephant family. The leader of the herd remembers how to find a path to food and water, while avoiding predators, and knows the best places for shelter. Also, the main female has the right to train younger individuals of the rules of behavior in society. In some cases, the group may consist of one of the sisters of the main leader and its offspring. When the number of individuals in the group becomes large, a new herd is formed, while they can support free relationship with other associations.

Adult males usually do not live in herd. After finding independence from the mother, the males leave the herd and live alone or with other bachelors. The males can visit the herd of females only throughout the short time for breeding. They do not participate in the upbringing of their offspring.

Etiquette is an important composite elephant society. The trunk can stretch out to another elephant for greeting to show affection, hug, during the struggle and verification of the reproductive state.


At birth, the height of the elephant is about a meter, and the weight is 55-120 kg. As a rule, kids are born with hair cover, a short trunk and directly depends on the mother and other members of the herd. They do not need trot, as milk, from mother, enters the mouth. Elephant try to keep as close as possible to mom or other nursing female. During the first year of life, on average, they are gaining 1-1.3 kilograms of weight per day. If the baby was in a distressed position, other members of the herd, often come to the rescue.

Despite continuous tooling and protection, elephant should be gradually moving around the social stages of the herd and establish their position in it. Young spend their days while studying walking on four legs in one direction, try to cope with huge ears and master the work of the trunk. At first they are very clumsy, but all the time learn to control their body. Upon reaching 2-3 years of age, the elephant stopped feeding the mother's milk.


What animals carry a threat to elephants? Not many! Elephant can become potential food for hyenas, lions, leopards or crocodiles, but while they are near mom, do not worry. If the elephant feels an approaching danger, then loud sound (alarm) is published to prevent the rest. To combat a potential predator, the flock forms a protective ring from adults, while the kids are in the middle. For an adult elephant, the chief enemy is a poacher with a rifle.


Elephants make many different sounds, but some of them human ears are not able to catch as they are low-frequency. Elephants use these sounds to communicate with each other at large distances. Have you had a stomach lever at the most inopportune moment? For an elephant society, this is a long-awaited sound that signals other elephants that "everything is in order".


There are two kinds of elephants: African and Asian. African genus is divided into two types: a saved elephant and a forest elephant, and an Asian or Indian elephant is the only view of its kind. There are still discussions on how many really and what kind of elephants are. More details about African and Asian elephants are written below.

African elephant

Security status: is in a vulnerable position.

African elephants are the world's largest ground animals. Their trunk is a continuation of the upper lip and nose and is used to communicate with other individuals, relieve items and for food. African elephants in contrast to Asian have two branches at the end of the trunk. The beeves that grow throughout life are observed both in males and females, used in battles, for digging, as well as food. Another remarkable feature of African elephants are their huge ears that allow cooling a huge body.

To date, two types of African elephants stand out:

Savane or Bush Elephant LOXODONTA AFRICANA);

Forest elephant Loxodonta Cyclotis.

Saved type of larger size than forest and has twisted todals. At the same time, the forest elephant is a darker color with straight, downstream testers. There are also differences in the size and shape of the skull and skeleton.

Social Structure

The social structure of elephants is organized around the herd, consisting of associated females and their offspring. Savanted elephant, each family unit includes about 10 individuals, although there are also associations of these family units - "clans", which can accommodate 70 individuals. Forest elephants live in small family associations. Herds can form temporary accumulations of elephants, with a number of about 1000 individuals, mainly in East Africa. These associations occur during drought period due to human intervention or any other changes that worsen the standard model of existence. In the threat, the elephants create a ring around the young and the matriarch (main females), which can be attacked. Young elephants remain with her mother for many years, and also get care from other females from herd.

Life cycle

As a rule, one cub is born in a female, once every 2.5-9 years, at the beginning of the rainy season. Pregnancy lasts 22 months. Young are on breastfeeding 6-18 months, although there are events of feeding up to 6 years. The males leave the female after mating and, as a rule, form alliances with other males. The life expectancy of African elephants can be 70 years. Fertily age of females occurs in 25 years, lasts up to 45 years. The males need to reach 20 years of age to successfully compete for female with other males.


African elephants prefer to eat leaves, branches of bushes and trees, but maybe there is grass, fruit and bark.

Historic habitat and population

The habitat of the African elephant hesitated in most Africa countries, from the coast Mediterranean Sea to the south of the continent. As scientists believed, from 1930 to 1940s, there were more than 3-5 million individuals of the African Elephant. Nevertheless, as a result of intensive hunting to obtain trophies and a tightness, the population of the species began to decline significantly since 1950. It was estimated that in the 1980s, 100,000 individuals were killed, and in some regions, up to 80% of elephants were killed. On the territory of Kenya fell a population of 85% in the period between 1973 and 1989.

Number of population and distribution current time

Forest view is common in the rainforest zone in the West and in the center of Africa, where there are relatively large sections. dense forest. Savana elephant lives in the east and south of Africa. Most of the species focuses in Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia and South Africa.

A significant number of elephants are devoid of well protected areas - less than 20% is protected. In most countries West Africa The calculus of the population is carried out by all hundreds or dozens of individuals living with small groups in an isolated forest. Unlike the West of the continent, the population of elephants in the south more and gradually increases - more than 300,000 elephants are now in between subregions.


Elephants continue to wander throughout Africa. But these magnificent animals are under threat of disappearance due to poaching and loss of habitats. The population of elephants on the territory of all Africa is in different state, some are under the great threat of extinction, while others safe. South Africa has become the main support for elephants, on its territory, the number of individuals gradually increases.

Significant elephant populations are separated from well protected areas in which only a small amount of animals lives. An African elephant threatens illegal meat hunting and elephant bone, habitat loss, conflicts with man. Most countries do not have sufficient potential to protect the African Elephant. In the absence of actions to preserve, in some parts of Africa for 50 years, elephants can become extinct animals.

In the early 1970s, the demand for elephant bone has grown, and the amount of bone exported from Africa has reached a critical level. Most of the goods left the territory of Africa was recognized as illegal, and about 80% amounted to raw meat of killed elephants. This illegal trade has become a moving factor in reducing the population of the African elephant from 3-5 million to the current level.

In 1989, the "Convention on International Trafficking in Wild Fauna and Flora" forbidden an international trade in ivory to combat the mass illegal trade. After the ban's entry into force, in 1990 some of the main ivory markets were eliminated. As a result, illegal murders have sharply decreased in some Africa, especially in places where the elephants were not protected properly. This fact made it possible to recover the population of the African Elephant.

However, in countries where protection authorities receive insufficient financing for fighting poaching, the problem becomes essential. Uncontrolled domestic markets for the sale of ivory in a number of states continue to grow. In addition, an increase in land use pressure on an elephant population, reducing the budget of protection authorities, continuing poaching due to bones and meat elephants, retained the illegal murder of elephants common in some regions.

The uneven distribution of the population created disagreements to preserve the African Elephant. Some people are mostly residents of southern countries, where the number of elephant increases, it is believed that legal support and control of ivory trade can bring significant economic benefits without jeopardizing the preservation of the species. Others oppose Corruption and lack law enforcement Will not control reasonable trade. Therefore, illegal trade in ivory remains a real threat to the African Elephant, and the concern for the preservation of the population is considered a priority task.

Since the habitat of an elephant goes beyond the protected areas, and the rapid growth of the human population and the expansion of agriculture, increasingly reduce the habitats of the elephants. In this regard, there is a conflict between a person and an elephant. The borders of farms do not allow elephants to go through migration corridors. The consequence is the destruction or damage to crops and small villages. The inevitable loss occurs on both sides, as people lose their funds from behind the elephants necessary for existence, and the elephants lose their habitats, for which they often lose their lives. The human population continues to grow throughout the elephants, which threatens the reduction of habitats, being a major threat.

The more we learn about the elephants, the more the need to preserve them increase. It is necessary to inspire the current generation to help preserve these beautiful animal inhabitants for our future generations.

Asian elephant

Security status: extinct views.
Listed in the Red Book of the International Nature Conservation Union

The Holy Asian Elephant, who was worshiped for many centuries, is still used for solemn and religious purposes. It is honored not only for the role in Asian culture, but also for being one of the key biological species in the rainforest of Asia. Although the many thousands of domesticated elephants are in Southeast Asia, this magnificent animal threatens disappearance in wildlifeassociated with a rapidly growing human population that displaces elephants with a familiar habitat.

Wild populations of elephants are small, as ancient migration routes are cut off by the settlements, they cannot be reunited with other elephant groups. The collision between elephants and people often lead to the death of both sides. To date, widespread problems are: illegal poaching, ivory trade, meat and skin.


The Asian elephant is considered the largest land mammal in Asia. He has relatively small ears, a single finger-shaped process at the end of a trunk, while the African Elephant has two processes. A significant amount of males of the Asian elephant has no tissue, and the percentage of males, which have it depends on the region - about 5% in Sri Lanka and up to 90% in southern India. Asian elephants constantly hold their ears in motion for cooling the body. They have a well-developed rumor, vision, smell, and are also beautiful swimmers. Dimensions: body length is 550-640 cm, height growth - 250-300 cm, weight of about 5000 kg. Color: varies from dark gray to brown, with pink splashes on the forehead, ears, chest and at the base of the trunk.

Social Structure

Asian elephants have a close social structure. The females are combined into groups of 6-7 connected individuals, at the head of the matriarchy females. As with African elephants, some groups can join others in order to form large herds that are relatively short-term.

Life cycle

According to observers, the young of the Asian elephant can become on their feet immediately after birth, and after a few months they begin to eat grass and leaves. Under the care of Mother, kids remain within a few years, and begin to move independently after 4 years. At the age of 17, elephants reach their final sizes. Both sex become half-arms aged 9 years, but males usually do not begin sex life until 14-15 years old and even at this age they are not capable of social dominance, which is the necessary composite successful reproductive activity.


In favorable habitat conditions, the female can give birth to a cub every 2.5-4 years, otherwise it happens every 5-8 years.


More than two third days of the elephants spend eating herbs, the bark of trees, roots, leaves and small stems. Such cultures like bananas, rice and sugar cane are preferred products. Drink Asian elephants should at least once a day, so they are always near fresh water sources.

Population and distribution

Initially, the habitat territory ranged from modern Iraq and Syria to the Chinese "Yellow River" Juanhe, but now they are found only from India to Vietnam, with a tiny population who have seen in the south-west of the Chinese province Yunnan. According to estimates, at the beginning of the 20th century there were more than 100,000 individuals of the Asian elephant. And over the past 60-75 years, the population has decreased at least 50%.


The continuously growing human population of the tropical part of Asia has encroached into a thick, but reduced forest habitat of elephants. About 20% of the world's population lives inside or near the range of the spread of an Asian elephant. Competition for the residential area led to a significant loss of forest cover, as well as a decrease in the livestock of the Asian Elephant - 25,600-32,750 individuals in the wild.

The Asian Elephant population has increased fragmentation, which is a significant reduction in survival chances, since in the context of the growing population of people, development projects based on the construction of dams, roads, mines are being created. industrial complexes, settlements. Most national parks and reserves, where elephants dwell, are too small to accommodate all viable populations. Transforming forest land in agricultural leads to serious conflicts of people and elephants. Every year in India, elephants kill up to 300 people.

At the Asian elephants, only males have a taper and therefore poaching is directed to them. The killing of elephants for ivory and meat remains a serious problem in many countries, especially in southern India (where 90% of elephants are potential victims) and in Northeast India, where some people feed on the elephant meat. From 1995 to 1996, the hidden poaching on the bones and meat of Asian elephants increased. Illegal trading across the border of Thailand and Myanmar with alive elephants, their bones, and the skin also became a big problem of preserving the form. In 1997, seven years after the ban on ivory trade, illegal sales remained in the territory Far East, wherein South KoreaChina and Taiwan remained the main markets. Nevertheless, most of this illegal product came from Africa, not from Asian elephants.

The deprivation of freedom of wild elephants for home retention has become a threat to wild populations, the number of which has decreased significantly. The Government of India, Vietnam and Myanmar banned the seizure, in order to preserve wild stadium, but in Myanmar, elephant annually captured for use in the forest industry or illegal trade. Unfortunately, coarse methods of fishing led to a high mortality rate. Efforts are made not only to increase the level of safety, but also for breeding elephants in captivity. Considering that almost 30% of elephants live in captivity, it is necessary to increase their number by reintroduction of individuals in the wild.

Facts about elephants

  • Life duration: about 30 years in the wild and about 50 years in captivity.
  • Pregnancy: from 20 to 22 months.
  • The number of young at birth: 1.
  • Sex maturity 13-20 years.
  • Size: females on average 2.4 meters high to shoulders, and males are 3-3.2 meters.
  • Weight: the female of the African elephant weighs up to 3,600 kg, and the male - 6800 kg. The female of the Asian elephant on average weighs 2720 kg, and the male - 5400 kg.
  • Birth weight: 55-120 kg.
  • Birth growth: 66-107 centimeters to shoulders.
  • An elephant skin is so sensitive that the animal can feel the touch of flies.
  • Low, loud calls of one elephant can be heard by others at a distance of 8 kilometers.
  • Elephants suffer because of the hunting on their tissue, which consist of dentin, like our teeth.
  • On Andaman Islands (India), elephants float over the sea between the islands.
  • The skull of the elephant weighs about 52 kilograms.
  • Elephants are mostly one of their testes. Therefore, one is often worn more than the other.
  • Modern elephant is the only mammal that can remain well below the surface of the water, while the trunk is used as a breathing tube.
  • Frequent bathing and druising with water, as well as mud baths, are an important composite skin care.
  • Unlike other mammals, elephants are growing throughout their lives.
  • Do the elephants be afraid of mice? Most likely, small animals are annoyed, so they are trying to scare them or crush them.
  • Elephants can memorize good and bad things. Especially in zoos, they can memorize people who have done something good for them or vice versa.
  • The elephants are sleeping in the position lying for several hours, at the same time, as was noticed by the employees of zoos, they can even snore.
  • An African elephant, weighing about 6,300 kilograms, is able to transfer up to 9000 kilograms.

From terrestrial animals of our planet. Currently, the detachment has 2 types: African and Indian elephant. The rest were extinct not so long ago by biological standards: Mammoths - in the glacial period, and Mastodonts are shortly before the appearance in America first people.

African Elephant (Lat. Loxodonta) A slightly larger than its Indian fellow, reaches a height of 4 meters, weighs about 7 tons and differs from it also by more impressive sizes of the ears. These elephants live in the steppe areas of the mainland and in Egypt. And females and males of African elephants have terrible weapon - Powerful tissue.

Photo: Leon Molenaar

Distribution of Indian Elephants (lat Elephas Maximus.) - Jungle India, Ceylon, Indochina and Burma. These animals reaches three-meter height and five-straight weight. Representatives of this species have no tissue, and the ears are significantly smaller than the African cousins. At the end of the trunk, Indian elephants have a process that resembles the finger, which they use in order to take and transfer small items. Unlike them, African relatives have two similar fingers. Elephants of India are much peaceful African and better leaving for training, going to a friendly contact with a person, so they are often used as labor. On the forestry of the elephants transport sawed trees, put the boards on the barges, get the logs from the water.

Photo: Manoj Kumar Sahoo

Elephant - Amazing Animalwhich differs from all not only with sizes, but also the structure of the body, and hawves. In case of an elephant, the souls are happy with pleasure. A powerful trunk serves to him at the same time hose and pump for water procedures. This multifunctional organ is a modified nose that has grown with the upper lip of the animal. It is necessary to elephant to breathe and sniff, drink and publish pipe sounds. A trunk that contains about 100 thousand muscles, elephants capture various subjects Weight up to tons, transferring them to impressive distances.

Photo: World Land Trust

In contrast to the long-lasting ancestors, there are only one pair of appearance in modern elephants, a third of which is hidden inside the body of the animal. They grow throughout the life of the elephant, together with it, and the size indicate a certain age of the animal. Bottom cutters are missing. Ivory is greater value, as an expensive dietell material, so unfortunate animals are often becoming the goal of human hunting. Despite the legislative prohibition of electoral bone trade, the poaching is completely eradicated and hundreds of steppe giants are still dying annually from the hand of a person.

Photo: Terry Carew

Usually elephants live in large herds, which are from 15 to 50 or more individuals, where everyone is related to related relations. Very rarely encountered animals that live themselves. As a rule, they are aggressive and dangerous. In the herd between the relatives, friendly relations are installed, animals welcome each other, care about the kids, keeping loyalty to the herd. Elephants come in four, they are able to show emotions, heavily experiencing the loss of one of their fellows, can rejoice at each other and even laugh. Elephants have excellent memory, commemorating people, events and places in which they were.

Most of the day these giants are carried out on the way, in search of food, which they absorb almost continuously, on 16 hours a day, eating more than 130 kg. The stern for them is the bark, foliage, roots and fruits of plants. Elephants drink about 200 liters of fluid per day, they spend the night with a reservoir. Despite its massiveness, elephants are excellent swimmers capable of overcome tens of kilometers without stopping. There are cases when the elephants sailed more than 60 km without rest.

Elephants have a powerful skeleton, which is 15% of the weight of the animal. The skin reaches 2.5 sm with a thickness and covered with rare hairs. Elephants, like people, live an average of about 70 years. They are the only representatives of ground fauna who do not know how to jump. Despite the seeming vagueness, these bullfights are easily moved along the plain, overcoming huge distances, and in running they develop speed up to 30 km. The sleep of elephants spend only 4 hours a day. Photo: Marsel Van Oosten

Elephants have a very expressive language of gestures. If the elephant spreads ears, it means that it is dissatisfied and able to show aggression. In case of danger, the animal will go into the course of their tails, trunk and powerful legs. The elephant can flood the enemy or shoot it, capturing a trunk. With fright, it makes a long-siring sound, which is also a sign of danger, because in a panic, this giant sweeps everything in its path.

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