What is sambo? martial art features. Combat Sambo

The art of sambo wrestling was created as a separate sports discipline in Soviet Russia in the early 1930s. birthday of this species hand-to-hand combat the date is considered to be 11/16/1938. On that day, the decree of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the USSR "On the development of freestyle wrestling" was published. This is how this martial art was originally called, but over time it was increasingly called “sambo”. It is an abbreviation for the words "Self Defense Without Weapons". So what is sambo?

It has absorbed the achievements of other martial arts, such as Japanese judo and jiu-jitsu. The arsenal of sambo techniques included techniques of national sports of Russia and other republics of the former Soviet Union, namely the Georgian wrestling chidaoba, Tatar and Uzbek kurash, Armenian kokh, Moldavian trynta, Yakut hapsagay, etc.

The fate of the creator

The actual founder of wrestling was the brilliant Russian judoka Vasily Oshchepkov. Long time he studied judo at the famous Kodokan under Jigaro Kano himself and was one of the first three Europeans to receive II dan from his hands. Oshchepkov and a group of enthusiasts from the Moscow Dynamo sports club set to work on creating a wrestling that could be used by the Soviet Army and special services. A group of enthusiasts traveled around the country, studying the national martial arts of the peoples of the USSR and describing their techniques. This made it possible to create a complex system and present it as a new, separate discipline.

Oshchepkov himself did not live to see the birth of a new type of wrestling. The wide wave of Stalin's purges and repressions affected many able, intelligent and educated people. In 1937, Vasily Oshchepkov was arrested and charged with spying for Japan. He died (not without the active participation of the NKVD officers, who trained their martial arts skills on him) on the 10th day of his arrest. After that, the word "judo" was taken out of use in the Soviet Union for a long time.

Development of Sambo

The work begun by Oshchepkov was continued by Anatoly Kharlampiev. After the death of his teacher, he headed the All-Union section of freestyle wrestling. Kharlampiev was used by Soviet propaganda, which called him the only founder of a new type of martial arts.

Undoubtedly, his role in the development of this system, the development and description of sambo wrestling techniques, training, the systematization of knowledge and the preparation of literature, the education of many masters of this sport is enormous. However, he was not the only creator of the system, but only the most famous. Kharlampiev was an outstanding person and had favorable conditions for the development of his sports and coaching skills. He devoted a huge part of his life to the development of sambo.

An important achievement of Kharlampiev was the systematization of the techniques of this type of wrestling and the development of a methodology for teaching it. The book Sambo Wrestling, published in 1949 by the state publication Physical Culture and Sport, became the bible of the new martial art. It explained what sambo was, described fighting techniques, methods of physical training, and rules of combat. In subsequent years, Kharlampiev and his students published a number of books on various aspects of wrestling, but this one still remains the main textbook for adherents of this type of martial arts.

The popularity of sports sambo was greatly promoted by the government decree, which prescribed the creation of sections of this martial art in all the republics of the USSR, the teaching of self-defense and the holding of tournaments at all levels. The state morally and financially supported the development and popularization of this sport. The same is happening in today's Russia.

Combat variant history

Before perestroika, and then the collapse of the Soviet Union, this type of sambo was carried out exclusively by special services, the police and the army. This knowledge was considered forbidden to ordinary citizens and was protected as " secret weapon against the enemies of socialism. At the origins of the combat version of sambo was the NKVD officer Viktor Spiridonov, who began to study Japanese jiu-jitsu wrestling before the 1917 revolution. He was also considered an outstanding expert in English boxing and French Savate.

Sambo is an art open type, it willingly accepts in its arsenal methods and techniques from various martial arts cultivated in the world. This is a struggle that is constantly and dynamically evolving. That is why it progresses not only on the basis of its own achievements, but also thanks to other martial arts.

Organization history

In 1939, the first championship of the Soviet Union was held in Leningrad. And in 1940, after the start of the Second World War, another sambo championship was held in Moscow. From 1941 to 1946 there were no competitions. In 1946, the First Soviet Section was created in Moscow, which in 1959 was renamed the USSR Sambo Federation. The organization trained coaches, published literature, developed the rules and principles of sports competitions, and organized the championships of the Soviet Union.

Attempts to reach the international level began in the 1950s. In 1957, an official duel between USSR sambists and Hungarian judokas took place in Moscow. In 1966, the International Federation of Associated Styles (FILA) granted sambo the status of an international sport and created a corresponding section. A year later, the first international fights were held in Riga (Latvia) with the participation of representatives of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, the USSR and Japan. In these and other international tournaments, Soviet athletes were the most successful.

In 1984, sambists left FILA and formed the International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS). In 1991, the European Federation was created in Turin (Italy). What is sambo, with the exception of the republics of the former Soviet Union, was not known anywhere. The situation changed with the advent of Western Europe, North America, Australia and Israel in the late 1990s, a large group of Russian emigrants. Soviet sambists began to create clubs there and popularize various types of sambo.

Today, wrestling is experiencing a revival in Russia, where in 2003 it was officially recognized as a national sport. Russian President Vladimir Putin has himself been a master of sports in sambo since 1973 and a black belt in judo.

it integrated system, which for practical reasons is divided into 2 main types.

What is sambo: a sports variant

Self-defense without a weapon has in its arsenal a large set of throws, grabs, sweeps, holds and tricks for arms and legs. The latter are not allowed in judo, unlike strangulations, which are not allowed in sports sambo. Most of the methods are similar to those used in judo, but there are techniques borrowed by the founders and their successors from other types of wrestling. This is the advantage of Sambo: it is a constantly evolving martial art, open to new techniques and solutions. Sambists develop their own methods and study other martial arts of the world, pragmatically borrowing their techniques and tactics into their arsenal.

Sports wear

Sambo uses special clothing (usually blue or red). The jacket has additional elements - "wings" on the shoulders and reinforced holes for the belt. In sambo (a photo of uniforms is posted in the article) it is shorter than a kimono in judo. The length of the jacket below the waist cannot exceed 15 cm. The set also includes shorts and soft sambo or wrestling shoes.

Basic Rules

The fight is held on a mat, identical to the wrestling one, with a round field in which the fight takes place. In judo, wrestling is fought on a rectangular and harder mat. The duration of the fight depends on age and gender and ranges from 3 to 5 minutes.

Players try to knock the opponent down on the mat (in the stalls) using throws and other tricks. For this, a certain number of points are awarded. The player wins if, during the time allotted for the fight, he gets more points, makes the opponent surrender by holding a painful hold (lever, knot, infringement of muscles and joints on the arms and legs) or wins ahead of schedule, gaining 8 points more. It is also possible to end the fight with a clear victory by throwing the opponent on his back, while remaining on his feet. Holding the opponent for 10 seconds is awarded 2 points, and for 20 seconds - 4. A throw on the back with the attacker falling is worth 4 points; on the side - in 2; on the chest, pelvis, shoulder, stomach - in 1. For performing techniques without falling, the points are doubled.

The rules provide for the division of athletes participating in competitions into 7 age groups, as well as 12 weight categories.

Combat variant

Kharlampiev called this type of struggle an invisible weapon, which is always with him. It was released from the monopoly of the special services and the army in the 90s. last century, during Gorbachev's perestroika. In 1994, the first Russian combat sambo championship was held in Moscow. Unlike sports, in addition to throws, holds, removing the opponent from a state of balance, leverage, knots, etc., strikes are used here, the purpose of which is to quickly and effectively eliminate an aggressive opponent. In applied martial arts, techniques are used to fight against an unarmed and armed (knife, pistol, stick, etc.) opponent.

The study of combat sambo takes place in 4 main areas: military, police, domestic and sports. It uses all the techniques of the sports version, as well as punches and kicks (including knees and elbows), both in the standing position and on the ground, and strangulation. Combat Sambo is part of mixed martial arts (MMA). Sambists often participate in international competitions MMA, K1, Pride, etc. One of the most famous professional MMA wrestlers is Fedor Emelianenko.

In addition to the standard uniform (jacket, shorts, shoes), sambo wrestlers use boxing helmets, short open-fingered gloves and shin guards, mouthguards, bandage.

The goal of the competition is to score more points using various grips, strikes, etc. It is also possible to defeat an opponent by knocking him out or forcing him to surrender due to the inability to continue the fight.

Forbidden tricks

In combat sambo, the range of technically applicable methods is very wide, but there are also limitations. Not allowed:

  • bite and scratch;
  • press on the eyes and hit them;
  • use grips that cause pain in the spine and cervical vertebrae;
  • grab the nose, ears, genitals of the enemy;
  • beat with a fist or elbow in the region of the cervical vertebrae and in the back of the head;
  • grab the opponent's fingers and toes;
  • kick a lying opponent with your feet, standing above him;
  • grab by the hair;
  • hit a lying opponent in the head;
  • put your fingers in your opponent's mouth;
  • use in combat dangerous and interfering with the normal course of combat objects.

For the first prohibited action that did not cause an injury to the opponent, the player receives a reprimand. In the event of a repeated violation, the participant will be disqualified.


Sambo is very popular in Russian Federation and many republics of the former Soviet Union. In 2003, sambo was declared a national sport in Russia, and in given time there is a struggle for recognition of its Olympic. For many years in countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece, France, Mongolia and Japan, there were national clubs and federations. And thanks to immigrants born in the former USSR, sambo is developing in North America, Western Europe and Australia.

If you have entered our website and opened the “About SAMBO” section, it means that you are interested or at least curious. In any case, what you read will not leave you indifferent. SAMBO - a powerful means of self-defense, physical and spiritual education - was invented in the Soviet Union and quickly spread throughout the world. USSR sambists won many medals of the highest standard not only in SAMBO, but also in judo, freestyle and classical wrestling, and MMA. Having finished sports performances and forged character, many sambo wrestlers became prominent scientists, military men and politicians. These are courageous and selfless people whom the whole world knows today.


SAMBO (an abbreviation formed from the phrase "SELF Defense Without Weapons")- a type of martial arts and a comprehensive self-defense system developed in the USSR. In SAMBO, the authors (Anatoly Kharlampiev, Vasily Oshchepkov, Viktor Spiridonov) combined the techniques of many national types of martial arts, including the Georgian Chidaoba, Tatar, Karachay, Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen, Finnish-French, Free-American, English, Swiss wrestling, Japanese judo and sumo.

History of combat sports

The struggle at the dawn of mankind helped keep people alive and provide themselves with food. The accumulated experience was passed down from generation to generation, and over time, wrestling was recognized as a means of physical development and education of valuable applied skills.

Primitive fights became a sport after the appearance of the rules for their conduct. The first information about sports fights about five thousand years: they are mentioned in the Babylonian and Indian epics, Chinese chronicles, their images are on ancient Egyptian bas-reliefs.

In ancient Greece, wrestling was part of the program of the ancient Olympic Games. In addition, she was part of the system physical education children and youth, including sprinting, long jump, javelin and discus throwing. The first rules for wrestling competitions were developed and described by the founder of Athens - Theseus.

The traditions of ancient Greek wrestling were revived in the middle of the nineteenth century in France. This sport was first called French, then classical wrestling, now it is called Greco-Roman wrestling.

Almost immediately, French wrestling finds its way to America. Here, its development takes on a new direction, which in modern sports is called freestyle wrestling.

Greco-Roman wrestling was included in the program of the modern Olympic Games from the very beginning, revived by Pierre de Coubertin in 1886. And already in 1904, freestyle wrestling was included in the program of the Games.

Each nation has its own national types of wrestling. And on the territory former USSR there are almost as many of them as there are nations - including the Georgian Chidaoba, the Tatar kuresh, the Karachai Tutush, the Russian wrestling. All of them, as well as the experience of European and Asian culture, became the basis for SAMBO.

Annals of sambo

1936 At the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, Anatoly Kharlampiev defends thesis, in which he collected and described all the techniques he studied under the guidance of Vasily Oshchepkov and collected independently.

1938 Moscow is hosting the 1st All-Union Coaches' Gathering, "which brought together coaches various kinds national wrestling - Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkmen, Kazakh, Caucasian, etc." (“Red Sport” June 27, 1938), and a scientific and methodological conference. Oshchepkov's student Kharlampiev was appointed as the head coach of the training camp.

"National types of struggle of our vast Soviet Union,- said Kharlampiev at the conference, - served as the basis for the creation of a large common wrestling, which now we all call the Soviet freestyle wrestling. The Soviet freestyle wrestling includes all the best elements from the following national types of wrestling: Georgian, Tatar, Karachai, Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen, etc.”

He adds that the most original techniques of the Finnish-French, free-American, English wrestling of the Lancashire and Cumberland styles, Swiss, Japanese judo and sumo are involved in the system.

From the very first moments of laying its foundation, the synthesized system assumed its openness to all the best and expedient, without giving priority to one thing, and the universal rules, according to Kharlampiev, should have given an opportunity to a wrestler of any nationality, using his favorite tricks from popular struggle, as well as others, on an equal footing with everyone to compete.

It was then that the main conclusion was made: as long as the search continues only in the field of purely applied, limited in the number of methods of self-defense systems, there can be no real self-defense. For this, a foundation is needed, and wrestling should become this foundation. (Kharlampiev A.A., “SAMBO System”)

November 16, 1938 The All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports issued Order 633 "On the development of freestyle wrestling." "This fight- said in the order - formed from the most valuable elements of the national types of wrestling of our vast Union and some of the best techniques from other types of wrestling, is an extremely valuable sport in terms of its variety of techniques and applications. This day is considered to be the birthday of SAMBO.

November 25-26, 1939 The first USSR championship in "freestyle wrestling" is held in Leningrad. "Freestyle wrestling" - that was the name of SAMBO wrestling at that time.

1940 The first manuals on "freestyle wrestling" by N. Galkovsky and R. Shkolnikov are published. Published tutorial for NKVD schools under the authorship of Viktor Volkov (a student of Oshchepkov and Spiridonov) "Course of self-defense without weapons "SAMBO"". The author tried to combine the legacy of teachers and outlined his concept of teaching the system of defense and attack. Thanks to Volkov, the word SAMBO appeared.

1941-1945. The Great Patriotic War interrupted the competitions in "freestyle wrestling" (SAMBO wrestling). But it was also a test of the viability of SAMBO in combat conditions. Athletes and coaches, brought up on the Soviet system of self-defense, defended their homeland with honor, participated in the training of fighters and commanders, fought in the ranks of the army in the field.

1946"Freestyle wrestling" received a modern name - SAMBO. The concept of the SAMBO system is being formed as a system that combines SAMBO wrestling (sports section) and self-defense without weapons "SAMBO" (combat section designed to solve combat tasks).

The All-Union Section is being created, competitions and coaching camps are being resumed.

1947 Rules of SAMBO wrestling competitions are coming out. (Sambo wrestling: Competition rules. - M .: "Physical culture and sport", type. "Kr. Banner" - 6th type. Transzheldorizdat, 1947). The USSR SAMBO championships are resumed, which are held regularly until the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

1948 The All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the first time approves the SAMBO Wrestling Program for sports sections of physical culture groups.

1949 The first edition of Anatoly Kharlampiev's book "SAMBO Fight" is published. The book begins with these words: “Techniques used in sambo wrestling are substantiated by scientific data in their technique. In one case, the expedient use of body levers; in the other, the application of the laws of motion of the chain of links of the human body; in the third - the achievement of lightning-fast movements through the addition of velocities, etc. - in all cases, in sambo wrestling, success does not depend on the chance finding of a successful technique, but on the correct analysis of the movements of the human body.

Further in the chapter on tactics, Kharlampiev writes: "In such complex form sports, like sambo wrestling, one technique, physical and volitional qualities are still not enough to achieve complete success in competitions. Tactics in all its diversity plays a huge role both in a single fight and in the whole complex of competitions. Therefore, in sambo, an important place should be given to the study of the most rational ways of defeating the enemy.”

1950s for SAMBO were marked by entering the international arena. It all started with foreign students studying in the Soviet Union.

1953"Voenizdat" publishes for official use two books by Kharlampiev - "SAMBO Combat Techniques" and " Special Moves SAMBO.

1957 The first official meeting of sambists of the USSR with judokas of Hungary. At the Dynamo stadium in Moscow, the wrestlers of the Soviet Union won a convincing victory with a score of 47: 1 over the followers of Japanese wrestling. Our sambists in this meeting fought according to the rules of judo. The first foreign sambo federation was formed - the SAMBO Wrestling Federation People's Republic Bulgaria.

1958 The first sambo championship of the People's Republic of Bulgaria is taking place - this is the first tournament of this level abroad. In Belgium, at the Brussels World Exhibition “Expo-58”, a demonstration of SAMBO techniques is taking place.

1962 A judo section was organized in the USSR SAMBO Federation. Sambists continue to actively prepare for the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, where judo will make its debut.

1965 The SAMBO Federation is being created in Japan.

1966 At the FILA Congress, which was held in the American city of Toledo, SAMBO wrestling is recognized international view sports. A team of Japanese sambists comes to the Soviet Union for the first time. Guests could not win any of the four match meetings.

1967 The first International SAMBO Friendship Tournament was held in Riga. Athletes from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Mongolia, Japan and the USSR took part in the competition. Since this year, international competitions have been regularly held in different countries peace.

1970 David Lvovich Rudman founded the SAMBO-70 school in Moscow.

1971 SAMBO is included in the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR.

1972 In the USSR, in Riga, the first open SAMBO European Championship is held. Athletes from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Spain, the USSR, Yugoslavia, Iran, Mongolia and Japan took part in the competition.

1973 The first World Sambo Championship is held at the Farah Stadium in Tehran. Athletes from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, the USSR, the USA, Iran, Mongolia, South Korea and Japan.

1976 The book of the legendary sambo master Evgeny Mikhailovich Chumakov "Tactics of a sambo wrestler" is published, where the author notes: “In order to successfully draw up a plan of action, a wrestler needs knowledge and experience. He must be able to assess the capabilities of his own and his opponents, otherwise he will not be able to choose the right tactics and implement them. Tactics is both an art and a science at the same time. Significant experience in the use of tactical actions has been accumulated in sambo wrestling, which in last years intensively summarized and systematized.

1977 The first World Cup is played in Spain in Oviedo. The first Pan-American SAMBO Championship (Puerto Rico) is taking place.

1979 The first book on sambo for children is published. Author David Rudman begins it with the words: "Dear friend! I do not know how old you are and whether you are familiar with sambo wrestling. But you picked up this book and started reading it.” And just below: “Do not expect supernatural recipes and mysterious secrets from me. The most super-mysterious recipe has long been revealed. Sport is work! You want to become a sambist. Great wish. But one desire is not enough. You can lie on the couch, read books on SAMBO and dream of becoming a champion. You can talk a lot and smartly about wrestling and know the names of all the tricks. But still not being able to do anything. Therefore, we must work hard, selflessly, intelligently. Search, make mistakes, lose and win. And to believe, strongly believe in yourself, in your character, in your will.

1981 SAMBO is included in the Bolivarian Games ( South America).

1982 The first international sambo tournament "Memorial of Anatoly Arkadyevich Kharlampiev" is taking place in Moscow. This tournament has already become traditional. SAMBO is included in the Cruz del Sur Games program (South America, Argentina).

1983 The first World Sambo Championship among women was held in Madrid. SAMBO is included in the program of the Pan American Games.

1984 A decree was signed on the development of SAMBO among women in the USSR. At the founding Congress in Bilbao (Spain), the International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS / FIAS) was created, which in 2001 at the next Congress was renamed the World SAMBO Federation, World Sambo Federation (WSF). Spaniard Fernando Compte was elected the first president of FIAS. John Henson of the United States of America was elected First Vice President.

1985 FIAS has been included in GAISF (AGFIS). GAISF - General Association of International Sports Federations)

1986 Tokyo (Japan) hosts the first Asian SAMBO Cup.

1987 For the first time the SAMBO World Cup is held in Africa, Casablanca (Morocco).

1989 First New Jersey World Youth Championship (USA).

1997 In Russia, the International SAMBO Academy (Kstovo) hosts the XXI World SAMBO Championship. For the first time in the history of the existence of the International Amateur SAMBO Federation, it is headed by Russian Mikhail Tikhomirov.

year 2001. At the next Congress of the International Amateur SAMBO Federation (FIAS/FIAS), which was held in Russia in the city of Krasnoyarsk, it was decided to rename the International Amateur SAMBO Federation, International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS/FIAS) into the World SAMBO Federation, World SAMBO Federation (WSF/ WSF).

Types of sambo

Although SAMBO was originally developed as a single system, there are currently three versions of SAMBO:

– Sports sambo is a martial art close to judo. However, sambo wrestlers wear a jacket with “wings” and slits for the belt, shorts instead of pants, and “sambos” on their legs.

For a duel, a round carpet is chosen instead of a square one in judo. In sambo, you can do painful holds on the legs, but you can’t do chokeholds, and in judo it’s the other way around. In addition, judo and sambo have completely different scoring systems.

- The art of self-defence. This form is similar to aikijutsu, jujitsu and aikido. Techniques are designed to repel the attack of both armed and unarmed opponents.

- Combat Sambo is a system developed and adapted for the needs of the army and the police. Combat sambo includes techniques with and without weapons.

Combat sambo competitions are reminiscent of modern mixed martial arts fights ("fights without rules") and include extensive use of strikes, grabs and throws.

The word "sambo" originated from the abbreviation "self-defense without weapons" (sam-b-o). It denotes a type of martial arts and a unified self-defense system developed back in the days of the Soviet Union. It comes from the synthesis of several types of national martial arts - in particular, judo and Georgian wrestling. Combat sambo is a kind of wrestling in clothes.

History of combat sambo

The official date of the emergence of combat sambo is 1938.- then in the fall of November 16, order number 633 was issued, which concerned the development of freestyle wrestling (this was the name Sambo had in the first years of its existence). After that, sections began to open in the country at city, regional, regional, republican committees on issues of physical culture and sports. This type of martial arts received its actual name 9 years later - in 1947.

However, until a certain time, there was a strict restriction on combat sambo classes, since it was developed for training representatives of law enforcement organizations. For civilians, it was banned and was classified. But over time, this restriction was removed and SAMBO was divided into combat and sports. To promote it, regular classes and trainings, systematic competitions were held, and it was included in the general calendar of sports competitions.

Starting from 1972, international sports events in sambo began to be organized. They began to get involved in over 70 countries of the world. Since 1981, sambo has been recognized as an Olympic sport, although it has never been included in the competitive program at any of the Olympics. That is why, despite the recognition of the IOC, this sport is losing popularity and sambo wrestlers are gradually turning into judo athletes. This is due to the indefinite status.

In 1994, the first Combat Sambo Championship of the Russian Federation was organized in the capital of Russia., where, unlike other martial arts, the task of any duel was not only to demonstrate painful techniques and throwing techniques, but also the effectiveness of actions used to prevent physical aggression.

In 2003, combat sambo celebrated its 80th anniversary since the inception, and in 2006, the Cup of the President of the Russian Federation was established for this sport. These tournaments are held annually with the award of a copy of the Cup.

Combat sambo technique

Combat Sambo is a mixed sport that allows the use of an arsenal of techniques from other martial arts., especially those aimed at self-defense, since it was initially focused on it. For example, in SAMBO, such wrestling techniques are allowed as:

  • blows inflicted by legs and arms (characteristic of shock martial arts);
  • suffocating effects due to grips on body parts and clothing items (the latter is typical for judo wrestling);
  • classic body grab throws (typical for classical and freestyle wrestling);
  • pain effect on joints and ligaments (typical for judo and sambo);
  • throws/holds with a grip on clothes (also characteristic of judo and sambo).

In addition, there are other fighting techniques. For example, the primary minimum includes many elements of protection: against blows with a stick and a knife - with the substitution of the forearm and grabbing the wrist, against a point-blank weapon - with avoiding the trajectory of the shot and grabbing the hands, from blows from an unarmed enemy - with the substitution of the forearm and grasping hands/legs, for release from grips - with jerks in strictly specified directions, with pressure on painful areas and impact on the hands and fingers of the holding hands.

In addition, in combat sambo there are a number of techniques aimed at avoiding attacks after the defensive technique has been carried out. In this case, these are restraining grips based on bending and turning the joints. By themselves, they are painless, but with the active resistance of the enemy, they cause him a lot of pain due to his sudden movements.

The following types of protection are often used as military equipment in sambo:

  • from a blow with a cold weapon in the back;
  • forearm from a blow with a cold weapon from the side;
  • forearm from a blow with a cold weapon from below;
  • from blows with cold weapons;
  • from punches;
  • release from seizures by the throat;
  • from capturing the wrist zone with flexion at the elbow;
  • from other types of wrist grip.

Combat Sambo Rules

Combat SAMBO involves a strict division into weight categories, taking into account the gender and age of the sambist:

  1. veterans - 60 years and older, 55/59, 50/54, 45/49, 40/44 and 35/39 years;
  2. adults - 19 and older;
  3. juniors - 19/20 years old;
  4. senior age group - 17/18 years;
  5. average age group - 15/16 years;
  6. junior age group - 13/14 years;
  7. teenagers - 11/12 years old.

It is allowed to use painful techniques, holds and throws for the legs and arms. Throws are allowed to be carried out with the help of the torso, legs and arms. At the moment of holding, the athlete presses the opponent with any part of the body and holds him in this position for 20 seconds. If the opponent’s throw is performed on his back, and the sambo wrestler remains in the stance and performs a painful hold, then his victory can be counted ahead of schedule with 12 points awarded.

In addition, in combat sambo, points are awarded for: 20-second holding of the opponent, for throwing to the side without falling, for throwing on the back with the attacker falling - 4 points; for a 10-second hold, for throwing an opponent to the pelvis, stomach, shoulder, chest without falling, for throwing to the side with the attacker falling - 2 points; for a throw to the pelvis, stomach, shoulder or chest with a simultaneous fall - 1 point.

A painful hold in combat sambo is called a technical impact when wrestling in a prone position. which forces the enemy to surrender. This martial art allows holding infringements, knots and levers on the opponent's legs and arms. Each fight of sambists lasts no more than 3-5 minutes.

Today's combat sambo rules provide for each participant in the fight to have a protective bandage in the inguinal / chest areas (depending on gender): a non-metallic shell or swimming trunks - for men and a closed-type swimsuit, a bra - for women. Wrestling shoes, short shorts, belts and special jackets in blue or red are also relevant. The latter are made of cotton fabric with a sleeve length reaching to the hands and a width of at least 10 centimeters. The floors of jackets of medium length are 15 cm below the belt line.

Path choice

It seems to me that lately I have become confused in choosing my life priorities. I am 24 years old, but at this age I actually have nothing - I have no higher education, no family and children. FROM…

Sambo is a relatively young, but quite popular and intensively developing type of combat sport. The basis of the technical arsenal of sambo is a complex of the most effective methods of defense and attack, selected from various types of martial arts and national wrestling of many peoples of the world. The number of techniques in the arsenal of sambo is constantly growing as this type of combat sport develops.

The Sambo philosophy is not only a type of martial arts and a system of countering the enemy without the use of weapons, but also a system of education that promotes the development of moral and volitional qualities, patriotism and citizenship. Sambo classes form a strong character, stamina and endurance, contribute to the development of self-discipline and the development of qualities necessary to achieve life goals. Sambo forms people who are able to stand up for themselves, for their families, for their Motherland.

Sambo includes the most effective techniques and tactics of various types of martial arts, martial arts and folk types of wrestling: Azerbaijani (gulesh), Uzbek (uzbekcha kurash), Georgian (chidaoba), Kazakh (kazaksha kures), Bashkir (bashkortsa korash), Buryat wrestling ( Bukhe Barildaan); Moldavian (trynta), Finnish-French, free-American, Swiss, English wrestling of the Lancashire and Cumberland styles, Japanese judo and sumo and other martial arts.

Such a system, aimed at searching for everything advanced and expedient, formed the basis of the Sambo philosophy - the philosophy of constant development, renewal, openness to all the best. Along with wrestling techniques, sambo absorbed the moral principles of peoples who transferred part of their culture to sambo. These values ​​gave sambo the strength to go through the harsh tests of time, to endure and harden in them. According to the enthusiasts of this sport, even now, while doing SAMBO, children not only learn to defend themselves, but also supposedly gain experience of worthy behavior based on the values ​​of patriotism [ ] and citizenship. At the same time, unlike the philosophy of aikido, where the connection of this type of martial arts with loyalty to the Japanese Empire is derived for a specific particular case and is associated with the personality of a single sensei, the causal relationship of sambo with Russian patriotism is not explained.

The history of sambo is closely connected with the history of the country, the history of its victories. Sambo is a powerful means of implementing the idea of ​​continuity of generations.

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History of Sambo

The formation of sambo took place in the 1920s-1930s, when the young Soviet state was in dire need of a social institution that would provide its protection, educate active members of society, and also be able to become an effective tool for the socialization of a huge number of homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

From the very beginning, sambo has developed in two directions: as a mass sport and as effective remedy training of personnel for law enforcement agencies. Since 1923, in the Moscow Dynamo Sports Society, V. A. Spiridonov has been cultivating a specific applied discipline - self-defense (abbr. Samoz). On the basis of "Dynamo" there was a study of various martial arts, including national types of wrestling of the peoples of the world, boxing and other shock techniques. This direction was closed and was intended exclusively for the training of special forces.

In the same period, on the basis of judo, sports sambo was actively developing, after the arrest and death of Oshchepkov, known as "freestyle wrestling without weapons." A graduate of the Kodokan Judo Institute, second dan holder V. S. Oshchepkov begins to teach judo as academic discipline at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, but gradually departs from the canons of judo in search of the most effective techniques, enriches and improves self-defense techniques, forming the foundations of a new type of martial arts. The combat direction of this martial art, similar to jujitsu in judo, is taught by him at the military faculty of the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, established in 1932. Over time, Spiridonov's self-defense system merged with Oshchepkov's system. A. A. Kharlampiev (one of the students of V. S. Oshchepkov), who independently studied national types of wrestling, made a huge contribution to the formation, development and spread of the system of self-defense without weapons. different peoples. An invaluable contribution to the development of sambo was made by E. M. Chumakov (student of A. A. Kharlampiev). Today, sambo wrestling is represented by two areas: sports and combat.

Since its foundation, sambo has been considered as an effective means of moral-volitional and comprehensive physical development, increasing dexterity, strength, endurance, educating tactical thinking, and forming civil-patriotic qualities. Already in the 1930s, sambo was included in the standards of the TRP complex, developed with the active participation of V. S. Oshchepkov. Millions of Soviet citizens early age they were introduced to the basics of self-defense without weapons, strengthened health, and nurtured character.

On November 16, 1938, the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports issued Order No. 633 “On the Development of Freestyle Wrestling (Sambo)”:

Freestyle wrestling in the USSR, formed from the most valuable elements of the national types of wrestling of our vast Union (Georgian, Tajik, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kirghiz, Tatar, Karachaev) and some of the best techniques from other types of wrestling, is extremely valuable in its variety of techniques and defensive value sport.

For the first time, freestyle wrestling began to be cultivated in Moscow and Leningrad.

This sport received the most massive development in the Wings of the Soviets (Moscow) and Vodnik (Leningrad) societies, in which these sections, thanks to planned systematic work, achieved major sporting successes.

Freestyle wrestling, thanks to the successful experience of Moscow and Leningrad, began to penetrate other cities of the USSR (Kharkov, Saratov, Kyiv and Baku).

To direct and guide this work, the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports created in November 1937 the All-Union Section, which made it possible to combine the experience of individual cities and direct this work along a single sports channel.

The All-Union gathering of coaches held in Moscow in 1938, the All-Ukrainian gathering in Kyiv, match meetings - Moscow-Leningrad, the publication of official rules, etc. ensure the further development of this valuable, in terms of defense, sport.

However, freestyle wrestling has not yet become the property of the broad masses of Soviet athletes. Such societies as Spartak, Lokomotiv, Zenit, Stroitel and others, despite the existing conditions, do not pay absolutely no attention to this sport, thereby ignoring the task of the comprehensive development of defense sports.

Based on the foregoing, the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR ORDERS:

Organize freestyle wrestling sections at all republican, regional, regional and city committees for physical culture and sports. In the republics, territories and regions in which national types of wrestling are popular among the local population, organize and strengthen sports work on these types of wrestling. a) organize systematic classes and trainings in national types of wrestling, create everything for this the necessary conditions(instruction, inventory and equipment); b) to develop competition rules that reflect the national characteristics of wrestling; c) include in the sports calendar events for national wrestling, as well as freestyle wrestling, taking into account local characteristics. In order to strengthen the material base, the republican, regional, regional and city committees for physical culture and sports should provide in their estimates for the costs associated with the development of freestyle wrestling, and in national regions - national wrestling.

To give instructions to the department of physical culture and sports of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and all the Central Councils of voluntary sports societies to expand work on freestyle wrestling, obliging them to allocate the necessary funds for this work. In order to provide a new sport with qualified personnel, the main sports inspectorate to organize a 3-month training course for Jr. coaches for the periphery during 1939. To oblige the republican, regional, regional and city committees for physical culture and sports, who sent their representatives to participate in the 1st All-Union training camp in freestyle wrestling, to use them for their intended purpose for organizing freestyle wrestling work in the field and for creating personnel for this sport. To oblige the All-Union freestyle wrestling section to develop a standard training program for the grassroots section and a freestyle wrestling textbook.

Issue tables on systematics and photo albums on freestyle wrestling to help coaches. Include in the calendar of sports events for 1939 a match of 6 cities and the All-Union championship and oblige republican, regional, regional and city committees for physical culture and sports to include freestyle wrestling competitions in the sports calendar of 1939. Taking into account the defensive significance of freestyle wrestling, to include in the set of norms of the TRP of the II stage, as one of the test norms, wrestling for men, for women a self-defense complex based on freestyle wrestling. Head of the Sports Equipment Department of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Comrade. MASS ensure the production of the required amount of sports equipment: a) sports overalls b) boots c) wrestling mats

Chairman of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports

Under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

A decision was made to organize a system for training sambo wrestlers in all the republics of the USSR, and an All-Union section of freestyle wrestling (sambo) was created, which later became the Sambo Federation. The following year, the first national championship in a new sport was held.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the championships of the USSR. But the war became a tough test of the viability of sambo in combat conditions. Athletes and coaches, brought up by sambo, defended their homeland with honor, participated in the training of fighters and commanders, fought in the ranks of the army. Sambists were awarded military orders and medals, many of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In the 1950s, Sambo enters the international arena and repeatedly proves its effectiveness. In 1957, fighting with the Hungarian judoists, the Soviet sambo wrestlers won a convincing victory in two friendly matches with a total score of 47:1. Two years later, sambists repeated their success, already in meetings with judokas of the GDR. On the eve of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Soviet sambo wrestlers, fighting according to the rules of judo, defeated the Czechoslovak national team, and then defeated the European judo champions, the French team. In 1964, Soviet sambists represent the country at Olympic Games in Tokyo, where judo makes its debut. As a result of the triumphant performance of the USSR national team, which took second place in the team event, Japan has already next year created its own sambo federation. An exchange of coaches and athletes is being organized, methodological literature on sambo is being translated into Japanese. The process of active use of methods of training sambo wrestlers and methods of conducting a duel in sambo to improve judo begins.

In 1966, at the congress of the International Amateur Wrestling Federation (FILA), sambo was officially recognized as an international sport. A steady growth in the popularity of sambo around the world began. The very next year, the first international sambo tournament was held in Riga, in which athletes from Yugoslavia, Japan, Mongolia, Bulgaria and the USSR took part. In 1972, the first open European championship was held, and in 1973, the first world championship, in which athletes from 11 countries took part. In subsequent years, European and world championships, international tournaments are regularly held. Sambo federations are being created in Spain, Greece, Israel, the USA, Canada, France and other countries. In 1977, sambists competed for the first time at the Pan American Games; in the same year, the Sambo World Cup was played for the first time. In 1979, the first World Youth Championship was held, and two years later, the first World Championship among women. Also in 1981, sambo entered the Bolivarian Games of South America.

With all the active development and growth of international popularity in the 1970-1980s, sambo was not included in the program of the Olympic Games. However, at that time, continuing the traditions of mass development, sambo was widely spread in the country's universities. Through the sambo sections of universities and institutes of the Soviet Union, the Burevestnik sports society passed a large number of students who now, having become successful statesmen, athletes, military men, scientists, are an active part of the All-Russian SAMBO community. At the same time, active work was carried out to develop SAMBO at the place of residence and in institutions. additional education sports orientation, training of highly qualified athletes.

In 1985, a resolution of the USSR State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports "On the state and measures for the development of sambo wrestling" was adopted, which contributed to a significant increase in the number of sports schools cultivating sambo, the growth of the total number of those involved, the improvement of the training of highly qualified athletes. Under the auspices of the USSR State Sports Committee, sambo competitions were held among military-patriotic clubs for the prizes of the National Olympic Committee of the USSR. Sambo wrestling has become the only non-Olympic sport that has received broad state support.

The 1990s were a difficult period for SAMBO. Under the conditions of perestroika, various types of martial arts gained particular popularity, which was greatly facilitated by foreign cinema, with its propaganda of outwardly spectacular techniques of karate, aikido, wushu, etc. Previously banned by the state, these martial arts became especially attractive to young people. But already in the late 1990s - early 2000s, a new discipline was emerging - combat sambo. This was largely due to the growing popularity of mixed martial arts, where students of the sambo school proved its effectiveness.

The formation and development of combat sambo made it possible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of sambo against the background of various types and styles of martial arts, and became a powerful incentive for improving sambo. In 2001, the first Russian championship in combat sambo took place. In 2002, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports issued a resolution approving a new discipline of combat sambo.

The 2000s became a time of active development of SAMBO, primarily due to the strengthening of regional SAMBO federations, raising the level state support, growth of funding, improvement of the level of training of athletes, development of a system of sports events.

Sambo disciplines

Traditionally, Sambo technique consists of two groups of techniques:

  1. Techniques of disarmament and detention with the help of pain in the rack (historical "combat section");
  2. Receptions of sports disciplines.

The latter include the technical actions of sambo wrestling and sports combat sambo.

In sports combat sambo, sambo wrestling techniques are allowed for use, as well as actions permitted by the competition rules of all existing martial arts (all types of punches, kicks, elbows, knees; suffocating holds).

Sambo rules

There are seven age groups in Sambo competitions, presented in the table.

Sambo is divided into weight categories depending on age and gender. In sports sambo, it is allowed to use throws, holds and painful holds on the arms and legs. In Sambo, throws can be made with the help of arms, legs and torso. In Sambo, points are awarded for throws and holds. A throw is a technique by which a sambo wrestler unbalances an opponent and throws them onto the mat on any part of the body or knees. When holding, the sambo wrestler, pressing against the opponent with his head or chest, holds him in this position for 20 seconds. A sambo wrestler can win ahead of time if he throws his opponent on his back, while remaining in a stance, performs a painful hold, scores 8 (since 2015, before that it was 12 points. Source - sambo-fias.org) points more than the opponent.

4 points are awarded to:

  • for throwing an opponent on his back with the fall of the attacker;
  • for throwing the opponent to the side without the attacker falling;
  • for holding for 20 seconds.

2 points are awarded:

  • for throwing the opponent to the side with the fall of the attacker;
  • for a throw on the chest, shoulder, stomach, pelvis without the attacker falling;
  • for holding for more than 10 but less than 20 seconds.

1 point is awarded:

  • for throwing an opponent on the chest, shoulder, stomach, pelvis with the fall of the attacker.

A painful technique is a technical action in a prone wrestling, forcing the opponent to surrender. In Sambo, it is allowed to carry out levers, knots, infringement of joints and muscles on the opponent's arms and legs. The contraction time is 3-5 minutes of pure time.

Currently, there are six competition systems in SAMBO:

  • Olympic with repechage fights from semi-finalists;
  • Olympic with repechage fights from the finalists;
  • Olympic without repechage fights;
  • up to six penalty points;
  • up to two defeats;
  • circular with a breakdown into subgroups.


Modern rules provide for the following participant's costume: special jackets of red or blue flowers(sambovka), belt and short shorts, as well as special shoes (wrestlers). In addition, a protective bandage for protecting the groin (swimming trunks or a non-metallic shell) is provided for participants, and a bra and a closed swimsuit are provided for participants.

Sambo jackets and belts are made of cotton fabric. The sleeve of the jacket is up to the wrist and wide, leaving a clearance up to the arm of at least 10 cm. The floors of the jacket are not long, 15 cm below the waist.

Wrestling shoes are boots made of soft leather with soft soles, without protruding hard parts (for which all seams must be sealed inside). The ankles and foot in the area of ​​the thumb joint are protected by leather-covered felt pads.

Shorts are made of woolen, semi-woolen or synthetic jersey, must be of one color and cover the upper third of the leg. Clasps, pockets and other hard decorative elements are excluded.

At official competitions, participants perform in shorts and a jacket of the same color. The athlete who was announced first must take the red corner and wear the appropriate color uniform.

International tournaments

The largest international sambo competitions are: world championships, European championships, Asian championships, the World Cup (Kharlampiev Memorial), category A and B tournaments.

  • for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus,
  • Potapov Memorial (Vladivostok),
  • FIAS President's Cup,
  • international tournament for the prizes of A. Aslakhanov.
  • Gordeev Memorial (Kyrgyzstan),
  • Burdikov Memorial (Russia),
  • Chokheli Memorial (Georgia),
  • Grand Prix of Paris
  • International Youth Sambo Festival of national teams of the CSTO member states,
  • Doga Memorial (Moldova),
  • President's Cup (UK)
  • "Germaniada" (Germany).

Famous sambists

  • Antipov, Maxim Leonidovich (born 1970) - three-time champion of Russia, world champion in sambo.
  • Ospanov, Arman Ashimkhanovich (born 1989) - three-time world champion in combat sambo 2013-2015, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Balachinsky, Suren Romanovich (born 1973) - two-time world champion in sambo, honored master of sports.
  • Borisenko Rostislav Yurievich - two-time world champion in sambo 1993-1994, European champion (1997, 2000), Honored Master of Sports.
  • Vasilevsky, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (born 1988) - four-time world champion in combat sambo, honored master of sports.
  • Galiev, Vener Zainullovich (born 1975) - two-time world champion (2008, 2009) in combat sambo in the weight category up to 74 kg.
  • Gloriozov, Evgeny Leonidovich (born 1934) - five-time USSR sambo champion in welterweight, Honored Master of Sports in sambo, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
  • Emelianenko, Alexander Vladimirovich (born 1981) is a professional athlete in MMA.
  • Emelianenko, Fedor Vladimirovich (born 1976) - seven-time champion of Russia and four-time world champion in combat sambo, four-time MMA heavyweight champion according to Pride FC, two-time according to RINGS, two-time according to WAMMA.
  • Karashchuk, Alfred Fedorovich (1934-2013) - three-time middleweight champion of the USSR in sambo, two-time European champion in judo as part of the USSR team, Honored Master of Sports in judo, Master of Sports of the USSR in sambo; candidate of technical sciences.
  • Kurinnoy, Igor Igorevich (born 1972) - three-time world champion, European champion, four-time Sambo World Cup winner, three-time European sumo champion.
  • Mammadov, Jeyhun Muhammed ogly (born 1968) - Azerbaijani sambo wrestler, nine-time world champion, six-time European champion, thirteen-time USSR sambo champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990)
Sambo is a unique domestic martial art, popular all over the world.
Sambo is an international sport worthy of becoming an Olympic sport.
Sambo is the only sport in the world where the Russian language is recognized official language international communication.

Traditions and Philosophy of Sambo

Sambo is not only a kind of martial arts, it is an education system that promotes the development of moral and volitional qualities of a person, patriotism and citizenship.

Sambo is the science of defense, not attack. Sambo not only teaches self-defense, but also provides rich life experience that forms a solid male character, fortitude and endurance, which are necessary in work and social activities.

Sambo contributes to the development of self-discipline, forms an internal moral support and a strong personal position in achieving life goals. Sambo forms the social pillar of society, people who are able to stand up for themselves, for their families, for their homeland.

Sambo traditions are rooted in the culture of the peoples of Russia, in folk wrestling.

Sambo includes the best practices of national martial arts: fisticuffs, Russian, Georgian, Tatar, Armenian, Kazakh, Uzbek wrestling; Finnish-French, free-American, English wrestling of the Lancashire and Cumberland styles, Swiss, Japanese judo and sumo and other martial arts.

Such a system, aimed at searching for everything advanced and expedient, formed the basis of the Sambo philosophy - the philosophy of constant development, renewal, openness to all the best. Along with wrestling techniques, sambo absorbed the moral principles of peoples who transferred part of their culture to sambo. These values ​​gave sambo the strength to go through the harsh tests of time, to endure and harden in them. And today, children, practicing SAMBO, not only learn to defend themselves, but also gain experience of worthy behavior based on the values ​​of patriotism and citizenship.

The history of sambo is closely connected with the history of the country, the history of victories. This is a living symbol of the continuity of generations.

The history of sambo - the history of Russia

The formation of sambo took place in the 1920s-1930s, when the young Soviet state was in dire need of a social institution that would provide its protection, unite active members of society, and also be able to become an effective tool for the socialization of a huge number of homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

From the very beginning, sambo has developed in two directions: as a mass sport and as an effective means of training personnel for law enforcement agencies.

Since 1923 in the Moscow sports society "Dynamo" V.A. Spiridonov cultivates a specific applied discipline - "self-defense". On the basis of "Dynamo" there was a study of various martial arts, including national types of wrestling of the peoples of the world, boxing and other shock techniques. This direction was closed and was intended exclusively for the training of special forces.

In the same period, sports sambo, originally known as "freestyle wrestling", was actively developing. Graduate of the Kodokan Judo Institute, second dan V.S. Oshchepkov begins to teach judo as an academic discipline at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, but gradually moves away from the canons of judo in search of the most effective techniques, enriches and improves self-defense techniques, forming the foundations of a new type of martial arts. Over time, Spiridonov's self-defense system merged with Oshchepkov's system, and with the direct participation of other founders ( A.A. Kharlampiev, E.M. Chumakova) modern sambo was formed, which retained two directions in its composition: sports and combat.

Since its foundation, sambo has been considered as an effective means of comprehensive physical development of a person, increasing his dexterity, strength, endurance, educating tactical thinking, and forming civil-patriotic qualities. Already in the 1930s. sambo is included in the standards of the TRP complex, developed with the active participation of V.S. Oshchepkova. Millions of Soviet citizens from an early age were introduced to the basics of self-defense without weapons, strengthened their health, and nurtured their character.

On November 16, 1938, the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports issued Order No. 633 "On the Development of Freestyle Wrestling (Sambo)". “This wrestling,” the order says, “composed of the most valuable elements of the national types of wrestling of our vast Union and some of the best techniques from other types of wrestling, is an extremely valuable sport in its variety of techniques and applications.” It was decided to organize a system for training sambo wrestlers in all the republics of the USSR, and also created the “All-Union Section of Freestyle Wrestling (Sambo)”, which later became the Sambo Federation. The following year, the first national championship in a new sport takes place.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the holding of the championships of the USSR. But the war became a tough test of the viability of sambo in combat conditions. Athletes and coaches, brought up by sambo, defended their homeland with honor, participated in the training of fighters and commanders, fought in the ranks of the army. Sambists were awarded military orders and medals, many of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In the 1950s, Sambo enters the international arena and repeatedly proves its effectiveness. In 1957, fighting with the Hungarian judoists, the Soviet sambo wrestlers won a convincing victory in two friendly matches with a total score of 47:1. Two years later, sambists repeated their success, already in meetings with judokas of the GDR. On the eve of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Soviet sambo wrestlers, fighting according to the rules of judo, defeated the Czechoslovak national team, and then defeated the European judo champions, the French team. In 1964, Soviet sambists represent the country at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, where judo makes its debut. As a result of the triumphant performance of the USSR national team, which took second place in the team event, Japan created its own SAMBO federation the very next year. An exchange of coaches and athletes is being organized, methodological literature on sambo is being translated into Japanese. The process of active use of methods of training sambo wrestlers and methods of conducting a duel in sambo to improve judo begins.

In 1966, at the congress of the International Amateur Wrestling Federation (FILA), sambo was officially recognized as an international sport. A steady growth in the popularity of sambo around the world began. The very next year, the first international sambo tournament was held in Riga, in which athletes from Yugoslavia, Japan, Mongolia, Bulgaria and the USSR took part. In 1972, the first open European championship was held, and in 1973, the first world championship, in which athletes from 11 countries took part. In subsequent years, European and world championships, international tournaments are regularly held. Sambo federations are being created in Spain, Greece, Israel, the USA, Canada, France and other countries. In 1977, sambists competed for the first time at the Pan American Games; in the same year, the Sambo World Cup was played for the first time. In 1979, the first World Youth Championship was held, and two years later, the first Women's World Championship. Also in 1981, sambo entered the Bolivarian Games of South America.

With all the active development and growth of international popularity in the 70-80s, sambo was not included in the program of the Olympic Games.

In the 70-80s, continuing the traditions of mass development, sambo was widely spread in the country's universities. A large number of students passed through the sambo sections of universities and institutes of the Soviet Union, the Burevestnik sports society, and now, having become successful statesmen, athletes, military men, scientists, they form an active part of the all-Russian sambo community. At the same time, active work was carried out to develop sambo at the place of residence and in institutions of additional sports education, and to train highly qualified athletes.

In 1985, a resolution of the USSR State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports “On the state and measures for the development of sambo wrestling” was adopted, which contributed to a significant increase in the number of sports schools cultivating sambo, an increase in the total number of students, and improving the training of highly qualified athletes. Under the auspices of the USSR State Sports Committee, sambo competitions were held among military-patriotic clubs for the prizes of the National Olympic Committee of the USSR. Sambo wrestling has become the only non-Olympic sport that has received broad state support.

The 1990s were a difficult period for SAMBO. Under the conditions of perestroika, various types of martial arts gained particular popularity, which was greatly facilitated by Western cinema, which promoted spectacular techniques of karate, aikido, wushu, etc. Previously banned by the state, these martial arts have become especially attractive to the population. But already in the late 1990s - early 2000s, a new discipline was emerging -.

In combat sambo, sports sambo techniques are allowed, as well as actions permitted by the competition rules of all existing martial arts (including striking techniques).

The formation and development of combat sambo made it possible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of sambo against the background of various types and styles of martial arts, and became a powerful incentive for improving sambo. In 2001, the first Russian championship in combat sambo took place. In 2002, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports issued a resolution approving the new discipline "combat sambo".

The 2000s became a time of active development of sambo, primarily due to the strengthening of regional sambo federations, increasing the level of state support, increasing funding, improving the level of training of athletes, and developing a system of sports events.

Sambo is the national sport of Russia

In 2003, sambo was officially recognized NATIONAL AND PRIORITY SPORT In Russian federation.

Today in Russia, sambo is one of the most popular sports. Due to its accessibility (does not require expensive sports facilities and equipment) and role in social life society, sambo is developing.

More than 200,000 Russians practice Sambo, including 60,000 young athletes in 589 departments of sports schools and clubs throughout Russia.

The main places for initial training and training sessions for young amateur athletes are clubs at the place of residence, sports halls educational institutions, institutions of additional education, sports clubs and sections, sports halls of voluntary sports societies, etc. An extensive network of organizations and institutions implementing activities to attract children and adolescents to regular classes is the basis for increasing the popularity and mass character of SAMBO.

A lot of work to promote and develop SAMBO, prepare a sports reserve, and organize mass sports events is carried out by unique SAMBO centers that have no analogues in the world: the World SAMBO Academy (Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region), the Sambo Education Center-70 (Moscow).

More than 100 high-class athletes improve their sports skills in the departments of sambo schools of the Olympic reserve of the Republic of Buryatia, the Chuvash Republic, the Primorsky Territory, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Penza, Saratov and Sverdlovsk regions.

Every year more than 12 thousand athletes fulfill the standards of mass sports categories.

More than 150 competitions are held annually at the All-Russian level - Russian championships among men and women, championships among juniors, boys, juniors and girls, among veterans, as well as among students; Russian cups, tournaments dedicated to memory outstanding athletes country, significant dates in the history of the Fatherland. The annual holding on the eve of Victory Day in one of the hero cities of the international youth sambo tournament "Victory" among the combined teams of hero cities and federal districts has become deeply symbolic. The most prestigious international tournaments are regularly held in Russia, such as the Sambo Cup of the President of the Russian Federation, the A.A. Kharlampiev" and others. Russia has repeatedly been honored to host the European and World Championships.

Sambo is an integral element of the physical and special training of the personnel of the power structures of Russia. So, sambo is used to train employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the GRU special forces.

The championship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is regularly held; in 2010 it was for the first time combined with the championship of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Also, since 2010, the championship of the FSB of Russia has been held.

Sambo's birthday is a holiday of the whole country

The first celebration of the All-Russian Sambo Day took place in 2008, when our sport turned 70 years old. The celebrations were held as a single major event - the anniversary of SAMBO on . Thus, a remarkable tradition was laid in our country - the celebration of the All-Russian SAMBO Day. Quite a bit of time passed and the celebrations became popular in all regions of Russia. Now this is the largest SAMBO event in terms of the number of participants and geographical coverage. This is not only the most massive tournament, but also a socially significant event that allows you to attract children and youth to sports.

In 2015, 120 cities of Russia took part in the celebration of the All-Russian SAMBO Day. On November 16, 150,000 young athletes of Russia took to the carpets in sports clubs and sections, sports palaces.

Athletes received congratulations on this day from the heads of regional federations and tournament organizers, but the brightest and most memorable congratulations were from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin sent a message to all participants of the All-Russian Sambo Day and parting words for an uncompromising struggle. Our national sport is loved and respected all over the world. Representatives of national sambo federations also sent their congratulations on the birthday of sambo.

In 2016, SAMBO Day became not only All-Russian, but also international - such a decision was made at the international congress in Morocco.

We will pass the TRP standards, an athlete is always invincible!

Every day Russia is getting more sporty, and every athlete in our country is charged to win. And sport is a big driving mechanism of modern Russian society, the return of the TRP complex to our lives is a confirmation of this.An important role in the sports and moral education of the future generation within the framework of the WFSK"GTO" called to play our national sport sambo. Since sambo is not only a kind of martial arts, it is an education system that promotes the development of moral and volitional qualities of a person, patriotism and citizenship.

At the initiative of the All-Russian Sambo Federation, a working group was created, which, when analyzing the standards, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to include elements of self-defense in the complex for training young people of draft and pre-conscription ages. Thus, having done serious preparatory work, having conducted experimental self-defense tests among young people in a number of regions, the working group chaired by Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Rashid Nurgaliyev proposed including sambo in the TRP complex.

The first results were not long in coming. So, according to November 16, 2015, self-defense without weapons (sambo) was included in the list of tests of IV-VI levels. It is noteworthy that the order was signed on November 16, the day when the All-Russian SAMBO Day was celebrated throughout Russia.

Sambo in schools

An additional impetus to the development of mass sports among young people should be given by the SAMBO to School program. The experiment on introducing SAMBO as the third physical education lesson is taking place in our country since 2010. On So far, the experiment has been carried out in 60 schools and 3 regions and was considered successful. And there are many facts about this. Thus, testing of students showed that the level of general physical fitness of schoolchildren involved in SAMBO has improved significantly.

Today, a working group led by the Deputy Secretary of the Security CouncilNurgaliyev Rashid Gumarovich is actively working to promote this program in the central part of Russia, as well as in the regions. All project participants provide great help and support, namely:Kaganov Veniamin Shaevich (Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation),Parshikova Natalya Vladimirovna (Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia),Eliseev Sergey Vladimirovich (President of the All-Russian Sambo Federation), Fedchenko Nikolai Semenovich (Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FTSOMOFV"),Tabakov Sergey Evgenievich (Head of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Sambo Federation, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Combat Sports of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RSUPESY&T) other. AT In 2016, sambo was introduced into the school curriculum.

Legendary Athletes

The Russian national sambo team maintains the prestige of the Fatherland in the international sports arena, confidently winning victories in the team event. Russians regularly become winners of championships in Europe and the world, and in many weight categories Russian athletes are the strongest in the international sports arena.

Glorified their kind of martial arts Honored Masters of Sports - eleven-time world champions Murat Khasanov and Irina Rodina, eight-time world champion Svetlana Galyant, seven times world champion Rais Rakhmatullin, six-time world champion Sergei Lopovok, four-time world champion in combat sambo, multiple world champion in mixed martial arts, winners of the First World Martial Arts Games Marianna Alieva, Ekaterina Onoprienko and Bair Omoktuev(Combat Sambo).

Sambo in the World: Olympic Perspectives

One of the greatest achievements of the past decades has been the formation of a cohesive SAMBO community. Both in Russia and in the world, thousands of people who have gone through and live SAMBO are united by its values, principles and ideals. Accessibility, entertainment, as well as the high efficiency of sambo as a martial art allowed it to win wide international recognition. Today sambo is practiced by people all over the world, on different continents - in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia. There are national sambo federations in 92 countries of the world, and 12 countries are candidates for membership composition of the International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS).

At present, Sambo has a solid foundation for active development.

In 2013, Sambo was included in the Universiade program for the first time in Kazan as an additional sport. Sambo competitions were successful: the tournament gathered from 5,000 to 7,000 spectators daily. Trophies of the Universiade were taken away by representatives of 21 states.

At the same time, representatives of the International SAMBO Federation met in Kazan with the President of FISU, during which they discussed the possibility of including SAMBO in the calendar plan of FISU sports competitions. The holding of the World SAMBO Championship among students is one of the stages for the inclusion of SAMBO in the permanent program of the Universiade. The first ever World University Championship will take place in 2016.

Sambo is included in the official program of the World Summer Universiade 2013, along with the Olympic sports.

In October 2013, sambo competitions opened the program of the II World Martial Arts Games "SportAccord" in St. Petersburg. The opening ceremony was attended by resident of the Russian Olympic CommitteeAlexander Zhukov, Minister of Sports of RussiaVitaly Mutkoand head of the II World Martial Arts Games "SportAccord"Sergei Soloveichik, as well as adviser to the Minister of Sports of Russia, four-time world champion in samboFedor Emelianenko. Participants and guests of the tournament came to Russia from 39 countries.

In the year of the 75th anniversary of SAMBO, President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited SAMBO events twice. The first time was in March 2013, when the opening of the Sambo Palace took place on the territory of the famous Sambo-70 school in Moscow. The second - during the opening ceremony of the World Cup in St. Petersburg. The head of state watched the final fights and took part in the awarding of the winners and prize-winners. The attention of the first person emphasizeshow important and popular is the sport that has demonstrated its importance at all major complex sports events and games.

In 2014 with Ambo is officially included in the program of the first European Games, which were held in the capital of Azerbaijan from 12 to 28 June 2015.In the same year, sambo received recognitionthe Olympic Committee of Asia and is included in the program of the Asian Games.All this makes it possible for the National Olympic Committees of many countries to recognize Sambo as a sport along with other Olympic disciplines. Thus, a very important step has been taken in the promotion of SAMBO.

Sambo at the 1st European Games

The opportunity to compete and compete for medals at the 1st European Games in Baku is a great pride for sambists. The goal of each athlete was to show SAMBO to the whole world. Representatives of 21 countries participated in the competition: Azerbaijan, Austria, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and France. Sambists from 10 countries took home the medals of the first European Games of various denominations.

The European Games have played a significant role in the history of Sambo development. For the first time, Sambo took part in such major competitions, which in a sense are similar to the Olympic ones. The European Games are an indicator that SAMBO is reaching the Olympic level and may well qualify for participation in competitions of such a high rank.

Attendance at the official opening ceremony of the final bouts Olympic Committee President Patrick HickeyPresident of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Baku Mehriban Aliyeva, President of the International SAMBO Federation Vasily Shestakov, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian Sambo Federation Dmitry Rogozin confirms the great importance of the development of SAMBO in the world and considerable interest in our sport. The tournament was also attended by members of the IOC and members of the national committees of other countries.

The number of amateurs and professional athletes is growing every year. The main task on a global scale is to enter the Olympic family. The SAMBO community is working hard and painstakingly to recognize SAMBO as an Olympic sport.

VIDEO: Sambo in the USSR - exclusive newsreel:

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