Interesting facts about sea skates briefly. Mysterious creature - sea horse

One appearance of these fish tunes on pleasant associations with childhood, toys and fairy tales.

Sailing a horse in a vertical position and so gracefully tilts the head that, looking at him, it is impossible not to compare it with some small magic horse.

It is not covered with scales, but bone plates. However, in its shell, it is so easy and fast, which literally soars in the water, and its body is overflowing with all the colors - from orange to the junction-blue, from lemon yellow to fire-red. In the brightness of the colors fit to compare this fish with tropical birds.

Sea skates inhabit the coastal waters of tropical and subtropical seas. But they are found in the North Sea, for example, at the southern coast of England. Choose the place of quieter; I do not like the rapid course.

Among them there are dwarfs of the size of a little finger, and there are giants of centimeters under thirty. The most tiny look - Hippocampus Zosteree (Dwarf Sea Konk) - meets in the Gulf of Mexico. Its length does not exceed four centimeters, and the body is very hardy.

In black I. Mediterranean Seas You can meet a linakeful, spotted Hippocampus guttulatus, the length of which reaches 12-18 centimeters. The most famous representatives of the type of Hippocampus Kuda, who lives off the coast of Indonesia. Sea skates of this species (their length - 14 centimeters) painted bright and motto, some in the speck, others - striped. The largest sea skates are found near Australia.

Whether they are dwarfs or giants, sea skates are similar between themselves as brothers: a gulling look, capricious sponges and an elongated "horsep" face. The tail will be hooked up to the stomach, and the heads are decorated. Confold these graceful and colorful fish, similar to jewelry or toys, it is impossible with any inhabitant water Element.

How does the pregnancy occur in males?

Even now Zoologists make it difficult to say how many seaside skates are numbered. Perhaps 30-32 species, although this figure can be changed. The fact is that sea skates are difficult to classify. Already changering their appearance. Yes, and they know how to hide, the needle, thrown into a stack of hay, will envy.

When at the end of the eighties Amanda Vincent from McGill's Montreal University began to study sea skates, it was annoyed: "At first I could not even notice these subchiki." Mimicry masters, in a minute of danger, they change their painting, repeating the flavor of the surrounding items. Therefore, they are easy to adopt for algae. Many sea skates, as if gutta-reader bups, are able to even change the body shape. They appear small thighs and glands. Some sea skates with difficulty can be distinguished from corals.

This plastic, this "colorwoman" of the body helps them not only to fool the enemies, but also to choose a partner. The German zoologist Ryu-Diger Ferhasselt shares his observations: "I had a pink-red male in my aquarium. I set up a bright yellow female in a red speck. The male began to care for a new fish and a few days later it was painted in the same color as she, - even red specks appeared. "

To observe enthusiastic pantomimes and colorful confessions, it is necessary to go under the water early in the morning only in the predestal twilight (however, sometimes in the right-time clock), sea skates by couples differ in underwater thickets of algae, these sea jungle. In his confessions, they follow a funny etiquette: nag head, welcoming a girlfriend, at this time clinging to the tail for neighboring plants. Sometimes freeze, getting closer to the "kiss". Or spin in a stormy love dance, and the males are something and the case will inflate the belly.

A date is completed - and the fish blossoms to the sides. Adjune! Until the next meeting! Sea skates usually live by monogamous couples, loving each other to a coffin that happens often in the form of networks. After the death of the partner, his half misses, but after a few days or weeks again finds the cohabitant. Sea skates settled in the aquarium, especially suffer from the loss of a partner. And it happens that they die each other, unable to transfer grief.

What is the secret of such affection? In kinship souls? This is how biologists explain: regularly walking and caressing with each other, sea skates synchronize their biological clocks. It helps them choose the most suitable moment to continue the kind. Then their meeting is tightened for several hours, and even days. They glow from excitement and spin in a dance, in which, as I remember, the males swell the belly. It turns out, on the belly of the male a wide fold, where the female postpones caviar.

Surprisingly, but at sea skates, offspring hatching the male, pre-fertilizing the caviar in the abdominal bag.

But such behavior is not as exotic, as it may seem. Other types of fish are also known, for example, cichlids, whose caviar withdraws males. But only at sea skates we are dealing with a process that looks like pregnancy. The fabric on the inside of the brood bag in the male thickens, as in the mammalian uterus. This cloth becomes a kind of placenta; She binds the father's body with embryos and nourishes them. Manages this process of hormone prolactin, stimulating the lactation in humans - the formation of maternal milk.

With the beginning of pregnancy, walking through underwater forests stop. The male holds on a plot of about one square meter. In order not to compete with it in mining food, the female delicately sails to the side.

After a month and a half, "childbirth" occur. The sea horse is pressed against the stalk of the algae and again inflates the belly. Sometimes the whole day passes until the first Malek will be slipped out of the bag. Then the young will begin to get out of couples, faster and faster, and soon the bag will expand so much that dozens of fry will be floating out of it at the same time. Number of newborns different species Miscellaneous: Some sea skates remove up to 1600 kids, and others are born only two fry.

Sometimes "childbirth" flows so hard that males die from exhaustion. In addition, if for some reason embryos are dying, then the male driving them will die.

Evolution cannot explain the origin of the reproductive functions of the sea skate. The entire childbearing process is too "unorthodox". And in fact, the structure of the sea horse appears the mystery if they try to explain it as a result of evolution. As one major specialist said several years ago: "In relation to evolution, the sea horse is located in the same category as WKONKOS. Since he is a mystery that leads to confusion and destroys all theories trying to explain the origin of this fish! Admit the Divine Creator, and everything is explained. "

What do sea skates do, if not flirting and do not expect the offspring? One thing that can be said for sure: they do not bloom to successes in swimming, which is not wise under their constitution. They have; Only three small fins: the dorsal helps to swim forward, and two gill fins support vertical equilibrium and serve as a steering wheel. For a minute, sea skates can speed up the movement for a moment, having swaming fins up to 35 times per second (some scientists are even numbered "70"). It is much better to do vertical maneuvers. By changing the volume of the swimming bubble, these fish move up and down the spirals.

However, most of the time of the sea horse is still hanging in water, clinging to the tail for the algae, coral or even the neck of the Sorodi. It seems that he is ready to hang out without a day. However, with visible laziness, he managed to catch a lot of mining - tiny raffs and fry. Only recently managed to observe how this happens.

The sea horse is not rushing for the prey, and waits for she herself herself will boil to him. Then he draws into his water, swallowing a careless minus. Everything happens so quickly that it is not noticed by a simple eye. However, diving lovers say that, approaching the seabed, you hear sometimes smoke. The appetite of this fish is amazing: barely appeared, the sea horse has time for the first ten hours of life to swallow about four thousand miniature shrimps.

In total, he is destined to live, if you are lucky, four to five years. Enough time to leave behind millions of descendants. It seems that with such a number of prosperity of sea skates is provided. However, it is not. Of the thousands of fry, they survive on average only two. All the others themselves fall into someone in the mouth. However, in this vortex of births and deaths, sea skates are layering on the way for forty-million years. Only human intervention can destroy this species.

According to the World Fund of Wildlife, the livestock of sea skates is rapidly reduced. Thirty types of these fish are made to the Red Book, that is, almost all kinds known to science. The ecology is guilty of this above all. The world ocean turns into a global landfill. His inhabitants degenerate and die away.

Another half a century ago, the Chesapeake Bay - a narrow, long bay near the coast of the US states of Meriland and Virginia (her length reaches 270 kilometers) - considered to be a sowing paradise for sea skates. Now there will almost never find them there. According to Alison Scarrat, director of the National Aquarium from Baltimore, for these half a century in the bay died ninety percent of algae, and caused by water pollution. But algae and were the natural habitat of sea skates.

Another reason for declining is the mass of sea skates off the coast of Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and the Philippines. According to Amanda Vincent, each year is mined at least 26 million of these fish. The small part of them gets into the aquariums, and most die. For example, of these cute fish, drying them, make souvenirs - brooches, key rings, belt buckles. By the way, the beauty of the sake, they fuse back the tail, giving the body the letter S.

However, most of the semitable seaside skates - according to the assessment of the World Wildlife Foundation, about twenty million - to the pharmacists of China, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and Singapore. The largest transshipment point for the sale of this "medical raw materials" is Hong Kong. From here it is sold in thirty with excess countries, including India and Australia. Here a kilogram of sea skates costs about 1,300 dollars.

Of these dried fish, crushed and mixed with other substances, such as the bark of trees, prepare drugs, as popular in Japan, Korea, China, as we, aspirin or analgin. They help with asthma, cough, headache and especially when impotence. Recently, this Far Eastern Viagra has become popular and in Europe.

However, still antique authors knew that medicines could be prepared from sea skates. Thus, Pliny Sr. (24-79) wrote that when hair drops, it is necessary to use ointment, cooked from a mixture of dried sea rods, major oil, resin and bass. In 1754, the English magazine "GentleMen's Magazine" advised nursing mothers to take extract from sea skates "for the best expiration of milk." Of course, vintage recipes can cause a smile, but now the World Health Organization is now a study of the "healing properties of the sea skate".

Meanwhile, Amanda Vincent and a number of biologists advocate for the complete prohibition of the uncontrolled mining of sea skates and trafficking, trying to end the predatory fishing, as it was possible to do in due time with whaling fishery. The situation is so that in Asia, sea rods are clarified mostly poachers. To finish with this, the research has created a Project Seahorse, which is trying to protect the sea skates in Vietnam, Hong Kong and the Philippines, as well as to establish civilized trade. Especially successful things are in the Philippine Island of Handan.

Residents of local villages Handonum centuries mined sea skates. However, in just some ten years, from 1985 to 1995, their catch decreased by almost 70 percent. Therefore, the program of salvation of sea skates proposed by Amanda Vincent was hardly the only hope for fishermen.

To begin with, it was decided to create a protected zone with a total area of \u200b\u200bthirty-three hectares, where they were completely forbidden to catch fish. There all sea skies were counted and even numbered, putting the collar on them. From time to time, the divers looked into this water area and checked whether the "lazy houses", sea skates did not fall from here.

Agreed that outside reserved zone Will not catch the males with full brood bags. If they came across the net, they were thrown into the sea again. In addition, environmentalists tried to again put the mangroves and underwater forests from algae - the natural shelters of these fish.

In some zoos - in Stuttgart, Berlin, Basel, as well as in the National Aquarium in Baltimore and in the California Aquarium, the breeding of these fish is successful. Perhaps they will be able to save them.

In the seas that wash Russia, there are only two types of sea skates (although the species diversity of skates and is large, in all in different seas of the world there are 32 types of sea skates). This is the Black Sea Sea Konk and the Japanese Sea Konk. The first lives in the Black and Azov seas, and the second in Japanese.

"Our" sea skates are small and do not have chic long outgrowths around the body, such as, for example, a rag-ripped horse in warm seas and masking under the thickets of Sargassov algae. Their shell modestly performs a protective function: it is very strong and usually painted under the background color.

As for the many creatures, filling the sea, heaven and land, there is no link for the sea horse, there is no link that can associate it with any other form of life. Like all major types of living creatures, the complex sea horse was created suddenly, what the Book of Genesis tells us.

Sea Konk - an amazing and unusual representative of tropical reservoirs. Its appearance and some of the features of life differ from the representatives of the marine environment. Among the connoisseurs of such individuals, the question is common: the sea horse is a fish or an animal. The answer to it is simple - the person belongs to the kingdom of animals and the class of leather fish. After many years of research, scientists have proven that the animal is a close relative of the fish-needle.

Sea Konk belongs to the kingdom of animals and class of leaps


Since the animal is considered a strongly modified variety of fish-needle, refine it to the detachment needle. The unusual body of the skate really resembles a figure in chess. Perhaps this is what happened to give an animal such a name.

In a natural environment, you can meet the skate in subtropical and tropical reservoirs around the world. Salted and maximum pure water - best condition For his comfortable stay. The sizes of the sea skate are small and range from 2 to 30-32 cm. It is quite rare to meet individuals that reach 35 cm long.

About where the sea horse lives, there are many theories, because it was met in different parts of the planet. Most often, the animal can be found in the reservoirs of Australia, sometimes England. Sometimes separate species are found in the Azov and Black Sea. He prefers to keep closer to the bottom and uses algae as shelter, disguised in their thickets and changing the color according to what color they are painted.

Sea Konk prefers to be on the bottom of the reservoir and hide in algae

The body of the fish is covered with a very rigid and bony shellwhich protects against negative impact ambient. Often on the body there are spikes of different lengths and shapes, some are covered with long belt-like processes different color. Surprisingly, this fish has no scales. The feature of the structure will be the head, since it is very tightly attached to the body and does not turn. If the horse wants to look back, he turns all the body or hesitates his eyes.

Each eye is moving separately from the other. Such a feature is also inherent in chameleons that can rotate each eye separately in a circle. About how much seahocks live, disputes are going, because it is usually a lifespan of life up to 4 years, but in some cases you can meet representatives who live up to 6 years.

Another feature of the fish is its vertical location in water. This is possible due to the fact that the swimming bubble is separated by a thin partition into two parts and allows you to save a vertical position.

Popular species

Sea skies in the natural habitat are about 50 species. Each of them is characterized by dimensions, external species And some features of the structure. The most common are the following:

In South Japan, you can meet dwarf individuals. They are painted in light tones with purple stripes or stains. Excellent disguised under the corals. They have no longer than 3 cm. Prefer not to descend to a depth of more than 40 meters.

Features of nutrition

Amazing fish belongs to one of the few species that are not hunting from other inhabitants. sea depths. The whole thing is in the structure of individuals in which spikes and bone plates prevail. Such food is not able to digest large predatory fish Or other hunters. The only one who can enjoy a skate is a sand crab, whose stomach is able to digest eaten.

Skates themselves feed on plankton.

Favorite delicacy of these unusual fish - Young crayfish and other small fish. Due to the amazing ability of the skate to disguise and remain motionless for several hours, he is successfully hunting for them. Waiting for the moment when the victim approaches and pulls it along with water in the mouth.

Sea skies lack the stomach. So they are very voracious

Despite small dimensions, sea skates are very voracious and able to hunt and eat up to 10 hours a day. a large number of Small individuals. This is due to the fact that the individuals there is no stomach, so food is quite quickly going through all departments digestive system. If you contain them in captivity, multiple feeding rules should be followed:

  • The individuals removed in captivity are able to eat dead daphnesses, shrimps and other small individuals, as well as dry food for fish.
  • The feed should be only fresh.
  • It is necessary to feed individuals regularly, but not to allow overeating, because in captivity it may cause a variety of diseases.

It is allowed to install a variety of feeders in which food is placed. A few days after installing such innovations, individuals will understand that this is a new place to eat. Near the feeders should be installed several long rods or sticks so that the skates can cling to them during food intake.

Reproduction of sea skates

Unusual fish lead low-moving image Life and almost all the time are in one place. In case of danger, can develop a decent speed or attached to large fishSo that those move them to a safer place.

Fish is distinguished by loyalty And throughout life prefers to be near one partner. Only in rare cases, the female or the male changes the satellite of life. The most incredible will be the fact that in the married couple, offspring is having a male. After the start of the spawning, the pair performs a certain marriage dance for a long time. After that, the female transfers yorks to a special pocket, which is located at the male on the belly.

After 2 weeks of carrying out the pocket, fry, which are already independent and immediately depart in free swimming. Different kinds Skates are distinguished by their fertility and can postpone from 5 to 2000 eggs at a time.

Dilute the skates in the captivity is quite difficult and an amateur of aquarism will not cope with it. Despite the fact that the individuals are quite popular among the aquarists, their content in the artificial environment has many nuances. If the conditions are non-compliance, they begin to root and die.

Currently, sea skates of different species are on the verge of disappearing. This is due to the fact that in many countries the fish belongs to the deeper delicacy, and they catch it on an industrial scale. In some regions of Australia and Asia, skates are used as raw materials for the preparation of various ointments and medication.

About the healing properties of meat of this amazing fish, humanity knew from antiquity and included it in many dishes. However, then amateur fishing could not significantly reduce the number of individuals. Now the catch has become really a problem, because gradually leads to the complete disappearance of the species.

A message about the sea skate can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about the sea skate for children can be complemented by interesting facts.

Marine Skate Report

Sea skates belong to the class of bone fish. There are about 50 species in total. The sizes of sea rods can be from 2 to 30 cm, depending on the type. An ordinary sea horse can live for 5 years.

Their body shape is similar to a stigs on a horse. Numerous long spikes and lintsoid leathery grows located on the body of the skate make it invisible among algae and inaccessible to predators.

The habitat of sea skates is tropical and subtropical seas.

Sea Conmp Description

The head of these fish is similar to a horsepower, and the scales are not. Their body is covered with solid bone plates. The mowed the tail of the sea horse in the monkey clings to the stems of the marine grass. The eyes of the sea skate rotate in any direction, and if one eye looks right, the other at this time can stare on something on the left. It is very convenient for the skate, as it can look at the algae at the same time from all sides in search of food and follow the enemies, which they themselves do not mind lunch.

Sailing the sea horse does not like and spend most of his life, having closed with a tail for algae. Floats slowly and only in search of feed, during the wedding and fleeing the enemies.

It is interesting to look like swimming sea bumps. A large swimming bubble, located in the head of the skate, helps him keep a vertical position. It moves not horizontally, and jerks up down, shifting diagonally in the target direction.

What eating sea skates?

Sea skates lead the bottom lifestyle, feed on plankton and small invertebrates.

Reproduction of sea skates

Also in these animals an unusual way of reproduction. When Ikrinka reaches the right stage, females begin to compete with each other for male attention. The achieping of the female postpones part of the caviar into a special bag, which is located on the belly of the male. There I caviar fertilizes. The male hatches the eggs until the appearance of a cub. They can be from 2 to 1000 individuals. If a lot of young is born, their father can even die. In the season of reproduction, the FLOWS hatch every 4 weeks. Immediately after birth, they are provided to themselves.

Interesting facts about sea skates

  • The horse is very bony, so only a big land crab hunts on him, which can digest him.
  • The eyes of sea skates are similar to the eyes of chameleons and can move independently of each other;
  • Sea Kut - Masking Wizard. Their scales can become "invisible" - to merge with the environment;
  • Their mouth works like a vacuum cleaner - they suck the plankton to eat.

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Many have seen these marine inhabitants on TV or in aquariums, but not everyone can guess how interesting facts about sea skates can surprise. These beautiful fish representatives are amazing with their unique properties. However B. wildlife Very difficult to watch them. Especially since the number of sea rods has recently decreased dramatically due to the destruction of their habitats.

  1. Sea skates - Single fish having a neck. Scientists have proven that sea skates are relatives of the fish-needle. True, during the evolution, their body has changed. Unlike the rest of the fish, the skates are located in water vertically due to the fact that the swimming bubble is distributed throughout the body. S-shaped body shape allows the skates to successfully hunt the shelter. They freeze among the hydrogen or reefs, and when the tiny larva swims past, turn her head with a turn.
  2. Skates can move "riding" on the fish. Thanks to its curved tail, sea skates can travel long distances. They grab the perch fins and hold on until the fish swim in the thickets of algae. And still skates grab your pair and float in an embrace.
  3. The eyes of the skates move independently one of the other. The body of the sea skate looks like chameleon's eyes. One eye in these fish can look forward, and the second is to see what is happening from behind.
  4. Skates masters masking. Avoid numerous enemies by sea skates allows the property to change the color depending on the location. Just like chameleons, skates adjust the color of their scales under the color of corals or algae, because of which they are practically not visible.
  5. Sea skates - owners of excellent appetite. They do not have teeth, they do not even have a stomach. In order not to die, this fish has to eat constantly. Skaters are drawn by plankton, small larvae and rachkov. And it happens so quickly that it is hard to track.
  6. Sea skates almost no one eats. These little fish can be the extraction of other predators except accidental. They almost completely consist of bones, spikes and scales, so hunters for them there is a bit, except for the rods and big crabs.
  7. Sea skates are subject to stress. Complete danger often for sea skates represent stress. These fish feel well in pure, calm water. Strong rush to the sea leads to the depletion of their strength. And with a sudden change of the place of stay, they can die at all. Therefore, in aquariums it is hard to produce skates, in an artificial environment they are badly joining.
  8. Female chooses male. We can say that sea skates - matriarchy. After all, it is female who decide who from males to choose as a spouse.
  9. Sea skates performed marriage dancing . For a few days, the female performs together with the proposed chosen one, a peculiar dance, climbing to the surface of the water and dropping to the bottom, gossy by tails. If the male lags behind the bride, it is likely to leave him and will look for another, more profitable, batch.
  10. The males of sea skates are "pregnant". If the female chose a suitable male, then she remains faithful to him until the end of his life. It is the male that she instructs tooling caviar and care for offspring. The female shifts Ikrinka in a special bag on the body of the male. There are future skates grow within one and a half months. And then appear on the light of full-fledged fish. One male can produce at the same time from 5 to 1.5 thousand fry. However, it is impossible to call pregnant males of sea skates. After all, fry in their body are not born, but only are in full ripening. This is the function of protecting the future offspring.


  11. Skates fragile, but alive. Before full adult individuals, one of the hundred born of fry of sea skates lives. This is a very high figure for fish. It is due to such an indicator, the sea skates are not extincting so far.


  12. Konk is on the coat of arms of the city of Zaozersk. For several years, the Zaozersk (Murmansk region) was depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian city (Murmansk region). The image was to symbolize the sea strength of the Northern Fleet. But, as sea skates are not found in the waters of the Barents Sea, the image of the skate was replaced by the image of the dolphin. It should be noted that sea skates are residents of tropical and subtropical saline water bodies. And the largest seas of Russia in this list are not included.


  13. 30 types of skates are listed in the Red Book. And the science is known only 32 types of these fish. The reasons for the extinction of sea skates are somewhat. But almost all of them are related to human activity. In Thailand, Australia, Malaysia skates are caught in order to put and use as souvenirs. In Eastern medicine, they are used to prepare drugs from asthma and skin diseases. In addition, the habitats of sea skates are polluted or completely destroyed by a person. And the helpful for the skates plankton is often eating jellyfish, in which climate change affects the beneficial.
  14. Sea skates are a delicacy. The dish using the liver and eye of sea skates is served in the most expensive restaurants in the world. These parts of the skates are considered very tasty and helpful. The cost of delicacy - an average of $ 800 per serving. And in China, fried skates are served on chopsticks.


  15. Skates live on Earth 40 million years. Despite the fact that petrified seaside skates are rare, scientists have proven that these fish existed several tens of millions of years. They appeared at a time when, as a result of the tectonic shifts of the earth's crust in the oceans, weed were formed and the algae began to spread.

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Sea rustle is a small marine fish belonging to the hindame family. Present 54 species. The size of the smallest individuals is about 2 centimeters, and the length of the body greatest can reach 30 centimeters. Scientists engaged in the study of the origin of this marine inhabitantThey conducted various anatomical, genetic, molecular studies and based on the results obtained concluded that he was a very modified needle fish.

Marine rustic - truly unique creation of nature. In the natural environment lives 4-5 years. His appearance and habits are absolutely atypical for fish. In the form of the body of this creature, it seems like a figure of a chess horse. It has spikes and leathery growth. It is protected, it is not scattered, but a rigid bone shell, to launch which is only a land crab. On the back and chest there are fins. The masking color of the body also contributes to the protection of enemies.

The eyes are arranged on the same principle as the chameleon. The swimming bubble consists of 2 parts separated by the partition. The head side is more abdominal. Located a bubble along the body and allows the sea skate to swim in a vertical position.

Due to the primitive structure of the digestive system (there is no teeth and stomach), sea skates are forced almost all the time. Food for them serve fine shrimps and wraps, which are drawn with water with a tubular strait, functioning like a pipette.

The habitat of sea skates is tropical and subtropical seas. Preferences they give calm transparent water, since swinging on the waves is fraught with exhaustion. Move slowly. In a new location, it is bad. They are susceptible to stress and may die even from the loss of a partner, because they belong to the monogamous beings and choose a satellite of life once and forever.

Interestingly, the choice does not make a male, but a female. She calls suitable "cavaliers" a kind of dance and gives their sympathy to the fastest and hardy. In the process of mating, the female puts the eggs into a special pocket, which is on the tummy of the male, who is shelted offspring. After the birth of kids, the parents are completely not careful about them, so the percentage of their survival is low.

Because of the mass division and other reasons today, the number of sea skates has decreased, and some species even threatens the risk of complete extinction, because they are listed in the Red Book.

Option 2.

Sea Konk - a representative of the class of ammunition fish belonging to the family of the needle. Rod has 54 species, the sizes of sea skates vary from 2 to 30 cm.

The habitat of fish is the coastal areas of subtropical and tropical seas and oceans. Sea skates carry out a sedentary lifestyle, attaching tails to algae stems, they are practically not moving in water. Usually their color depends on the color of the plants, they completely merge with the background, which makes fish not noticeable for both prey and predators. The main food of sea skates is the minor plankton. An elongated stitch sucks small marine animals along with water. Due to the structure of the outer skeleton - the shell, which covers the entire body of the sea skate, with the exception of the tail department, the fish has practically no natural enemies.

An unusual form of the body is owned by its anatomical structure. The swimming bubble is located along the entire body, the head and abdominal part is separated by the partition. Sea horse floats in a vertical position, because the head swimming bubble has a larger size compared to the abdominal.

Genetic and molecular studies revealed that the sea horse is highly modified by a needle fish. Their species were divided into late oligocene. Today, almost no fossils of sea skates are practically found, so it is impossible to trace how they predicted the usual appearance during evolution.

Sheets and creates children of sea skate male. The female postpones uncomfortable eggs into a special cavity - a pocket present in the abdominal department of the male. There Ikrinka fertilize, and after 1-2 months, young fish appear. They look like adult individuals.

Recently, the population of the marine skate began declining, which is associated with the uncontrolled human activity. In coastal areas, mass seals of this amazing fish are conducted. Due to the exotic unusual shape of sea skates, used as souvenirs and gifts. There are already 30 species in the Red Book.

Sea skates saves their fertility, at once the fish can play over 1000 young. However, not all of them are destined to become an adult person.

2, 4, 5, 6th grade

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