35 interesting facts about Fish Moray. Moray is dangerous whether Morayna for a person

Underwater world - Unique environment. How much can you meet unusual creatures! One of the most diverse classes of aquatic animals can be called fish, because among them there are creatures that are not even similar to fish at first glance. Marine fish Muren is one of such representatives. These large animals belonging to the detachment of the sample, the family of moray, are more reminiscent of snakes, not fish.

What does a muren's sniffer fish look like?

All representatives of this species have large sizes. The length of the muren body ranges from 60 to 370 centimeters. And weigh one individual from 8 to 40 kilograms! Here are so underwater giants!

The body shape in these fish slightly flattened: the front of the body is thicker than the back. Breast fins are familiar to us, characteristic of most of the representatives of the fishing class, are missing at all. The muzzle from the serpentic fish is elongated, and the eyes have a very evil expression!

The color of animals is usually motley. Very often occurs on the body drawing in a small spear, sometimes Moray has a striped ornament on the body. There are no scales for these snake-shaped fish.

Spread of marine morn

Sea expanses are invariably considered the habitat of Muren, the water should be not only salty, but also necessarily warm. These snake-shaped fish can be found in the waters of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, in red and Mediterranean Seas and in some areas of the Pacific Ocean.

Lifestyle of fish Muren

To accommodate Mauren, choose a small depth - up to 40 meters, preferring the main time in shallow water. The water is kept modest and inconspicuous. Having found some shelter, whether it is cleft cliffs or thickets of corals, Moray is sitting in it most of their lives. The main activity comes with twilight.

Moray - Single animals, a mustache lifestyle - not for them. Even if the "Neighbor" from the same species is randomly nearby, then not every Muren is ready to endure such unreasonable "friends."

The nature of the fish is also difficult, like she herself. Some individuals are very friendly. But there are also those who do not like any interference in their lives. If Muren doesn't like something, she immediately becomes aggressive and can painfully bite. The bites of these snake-shaped fish sometimes ended fatal outcome For a person! Therefore, doing diving, you should be careful with these hot-tempered fish.

What do Murena eat?

The main power sources for snake-shaped morn are sea hedgehogs, fish, and. These predators first, hiding in the ambush, attract the victim, and then a sharp throw attack her and capture in the mouth. Since it is unable to swallow the caught animal of the animal, it begins to separate their prey by specially bypassing it in parts.

Reproduction of serpentine fish

Scientists were very poorly studied by the process of removing the offspring in these fish. Maybe it is associated with a too secretive way of life, especially during spawning. Some of the individuals of Mauren separately, but there are also those who change the floor from male to female during their lifetime.

The larvae of Murena appeared on the light is called Leptacephal. Its size at birth is very small - 7 - 10 millimeters. The larva is very easily transferred to the flow and, thus, "young" from one masonry fall into different habitats. Having reached the age of 4 - 6 years old, the young part of Moray becomes completely adult and capable of further reproduction.

The life expectancy of the serpentine fish of Mauren is about 10 years.

Do you have natural enemies?

A secluded lifestyle, which is leading these representatives of the bearer fish, saves them from the abundance of enemies. But there are cases when Muren still comes across the eyes of a larger fish-predator and becomes her "lunch".

I do not think that someone fascinated the appearance of Moray - despite the beautiful color of her body, the look of this fish repels. A predatory look of small barbed eyes, an unpleasant mouth with teeth-needles, a snipe-like body and an unwriting nature of Muren do not completely have a friendly communication.

Let's try to get acquainted closer with this in your own interesting and unique fish. Perhaps our attitude towards it, at least a little, warmer.

Moorena (Muraena) belong to the family of fish from the acne family (Muraenidae). About 200 species of Muren live in the seas of the World Ocean. Most of them prefer warm water of tropical and subtropical zones. Fresh frequenter of coral reefs and underwater cliffs.

Quite often found in the Red Sea, live in the Mediterranean. In the Red Sea, snowflash moray, Muren Zebra, geometric moray, star, whitening, as well as elegant Mooren. The largest of them - star muren, its average length reaches 180 cm.

The Mediterranean Mooren-inhabited Mediterranean reaches 1.5 meters long. It was its image that was a prototype for numerous legends and myths about these predatory fish with a rather unusual appearance.

For permanent accommodation, sewers are chosen in rocks, asylums in underwater stonework, in general, places where you can safely hide a large and completely non-protected body. It dwells, mainly in the bottom layer of the seas.

A long, snake-shaped body, completely naked and deprived of the scales, covered with mucus, which in some species of poisonous. The mucus helps Muren an arrow to pop up from shelter when hunting, significantly reducing water resistance.

In addition, the body covered with a thick layer is easier to rotate into narrow holes and clefts that are used as a shelter and housing.

Color masking color corresponds to the surrounding landscape. We are more often painted in dark brown or grayish tones with stains forming the semblance of a marble pattern on the body. There are also monophonic painted, and even white individuals.

Because the mouth of Mauren is a significant size, its inner surface is painted under the color of the body, so as not to demack Muren when she widely opens his mouth. And Mooren's mouth is almost always open. Pouring through an open mouth into the gill holes water, Muren increases the access of oxygen into the body.

The head carries small, even more giving Muren an evil look, round eyes. Behind the eyes there are small gill holes, on which, usually there is a dark stain.

The front and rear nasal holes of Mauren are located on the upper side of the dying - the first pair is represented by simple holes, the second one has the shape of the tubes, and from others - leaves. If Muren "shut up" the nasal holes, she will not be able to find his sacrifice.

Interesting feature Muren is the lack of language. Their powerful jaws are seated with 23-28 with sharp-shaped or tidwood teeth, bent back, which helps Murenam to hold caught prey.

Practically, all Murren's teeth are located in one row, the exception is the Atlantic green muren, which has an additional row of teeth located in the sky bone.

Moonen's teeth are long and extremely sharp. Some species of Muren, in the diet of which the shelter animals are dominated - crustaceans, crabs, teeth have a complicated form. These teeth are easier to split and crush the solid protection of production. On the teeth, Muren poison is not contained. Jaws All Murren is very powerful, large sizes.

Breast fins in Muren are absent, and the rest - the dorsal, anal and tail rushed into one, framing the back of the body, the loop.

Moray can reach considerable sizes. By different sourcesTheir length can be 2.5 and even more than 3 meters (the world's largest giant Mauren Thyrsoidea Macrura). One-meter essay weigh an average of 8-10 kg. Interestingly, males are smaller and "slimmer" females. Here you have a strong floor!, With weight up to 40 kg. Among Muren there are small species, the length of which does not exceed a tent of centimeters. The average size of Muren, most common divers, about one meter.

As a rule, males a little smaller females.

Moray can be multiplied with caviar. IN winter months They are going to shallow water, where the fertilization of eggs, pending females, gender products of males occurs. Ikrinka and hatched from them larvae Muren move in water with marine currents and spread big Square Waters of the seas.

Moray are predators, their diet makes up various bottom animals - crabs, crustaceans, cephalopod, especially octopus, small marine and even sea hedgehogs.

The food is mined, mostly at night. Casting in the ambush, Morayna is cutting down the bold prey, jumping out of it with an arrow, if a potential victim appears within reach, and grabs it with its sharp teeth.
In the afternoon, Moray is sitting in their home - Railsecks of rocks and corals, among major stones and other natural shelters and rarely hunt.

The spectacle when Muren is painted with his victim quite unpleasant. It instantly breaks the prey with its long teeth into small parts and in a few moments from the victim are some memories.

Moray can hunt not only from the ambush. Favorite delicacy of most Muren - octopus. In pursuit of this laid animal, Muren pounds him in the "corner" - some shelter or raft and, encouraging his head to his soft body, takes off a piece of her piece from him, starting with a tental, until it breaks into small parts and does not eat without residue.

Small mining of Muren can swallow entirely, like snakes. When biting a piece of body from a major victim, Muren, often helps his own tail with which she, like a lever, increases the power of its jaws.

A peculiar way of hunting is used by noven Moray. These relatively minor representatives of Muren are named so for the growing up their upper jaw. These nasal grows, fluctuating in water, resemble sedentary sea worms - Polyhete. The type of "mining" attracts small fish, which very quickly turns out to be the prey of the predator that has been hidden.

In search of satisfaction of Mauren, like most nightly predators, rely on the smell. Their vision is weakly developed, and at night it is a bad assistant in search of food. The victim of Muren may feel at a considerable distance.

The bad fame of dangerous fish for man fastened behind Moray with ancient times.

In ancient Rome, noble citizens often kept Murna in pools, growing in food - the meat of these fish was extremely valued due to a specific taste. Quickly appreciating the ability of Mauren to aggressiveness, noble Romans used them as an instrument to punish those who had guessed slaves, and sometimes they threw people in a cage with Maureni people solely for the sake of entertainment.

Indeed - Oh, times! .. Oh, morals! ..

Muren, before arranging such torture or spectacle, held the injignment. When a man was in the pool, they were thrown on him and, hanging on the victim, as if bulldogs were shaking his jaws, pulling the pieces of flesh.

On the danger of Muren for people in a natural habitat there are different opinions. Some researchers consider it a fairly peaceful animal, powder solely for protection from too annoying divers, others consider Muren extremely dangerous sea creature. Anyway, cases of attack and bite, people are a lot of muren.

Here is some of them.

In 1948, the biologist I. Brock, later the director of the Hawaiian Institute of the Biology of the Sea at the Hawaiian University, was swimming with aqualling near Johnston Island in the Pacific at a small depth. Before immersion of Brock, a grenade was thrown into the water - this was part of the research program with which the biologist was engaged. Noticing in the water a large Muren and thinking that she was killed by a grenade, Brock fake her incentive. However, Muren, the length of which was 2.4 meters, was far from the dead: she rushed straight on the offender and clung to him in the elbow. Moray, attacking a person, inflicts a wound, which is similar to the trail of the bite of Barracuda. But unlike Barracuda, Muren does not sing immediately away, but he hangs on his victim, accurately Bulldog. Brocks managed to climb the surface and get to the boat waiting nearby. However, surgeons had to bother with this wound for a long time, as it turned out to be very severe. The victim almost lost his hand.

Fixed from Moray and the famous pop singer Dieter sick (duet Modern Talking).

During the dive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Seychelles, Muren clung to him in his leg, sprinkling the skin and muscles of the singer. D. Bollen after this incident transferred the operation, and spent the whole month in the wheelchair.

One day, experts had to even move a couple of Mauren from the popular reef tourists (Old Cod Hole, Big Barrier Reef, 1996). When feeding, the fish was so strongly ripped out the hand of the diver from New Zealand, that it could not be saved.

Unfortunately, when transporting Muren died.

I think that the examples will help beginner divers to assess the danger of meeting with moray and take measures to prevent such cases.

These are simple - you should not provoke Muren on aggressive actions. Very rarely (usually exhausted by hunger) Mauren for no reason attack people.

Seeing Muren, you should not unrivor this fish - approach her dwelling, try to stroke and even more so - to stick your hands into her shelter. Lovers of underwater hunting should not be shot in holes and cleaners only for checking - there is Muren there. If she is there really, lives, then you will certainly attack you. If you do not provoke it, it will not touch you.

Directional fishery on Muren is not conducted. They are caught in single copies for eating.
It should be noted that meat and some of the authorities of Mauren in different time years may contain poisonous substances that cause strong stomach cramps and nervous lesions. Therefore, it should be examined in more detail this question before trying the taste of Morayna meat.

Sometimes Muren is contained in large aquariums. The behavior of these predators in a closed volume may be unequal. Often, Moray manifests extreme aggressiveness to their neighbors on aquarium, sometimes completely indifferent to the cohabitants. In captivity, Muren can live more than ten years.

Moray, like all predatory fishare an important link of the ecological equilibrium of the seas, where they live. Therefore, their extermination negatively affects the health of the fauna of these regions.

In ancient times, therefore, Moray was considered terrible monsters. Then they believed in huge marine mandes that could swallow the whole ship. And such ability was attributed, in particular, Murenam. Later in history there were cases when they were trained to attack a person.

But all this never bothered people to hunt for Muren. It is eaten and considered to be a delicacy, although it can be very poisonous meat. The ancient Romans kept Mauren in special pens to prepare them for peers. They were a terrible execution for slaves. Such is a strange food chain. In the Caribbean and now popular Sevich from Muren is a dish, which is preparing a very exotic way and rather brutal.

I do not think that someone fascinated the appearance of Muren - despite, often, beautiful color of her body, the appearance of this fish repels. A predatory look of small barbed eyes, an unpleasant mouth with teeth-needles, a snipe-like body and an unwriting nature of Muren do not completely have a friendly communication.

Let's try to get acquainted closer with this, in its own interesting and unique fish. Perhaps our attitude towards it, at least a little, warmer.

Moorena (Muraena) belong to the family of fish from the acne family (Muraenidae). About 200 species of Muren live in the seas of the World Ocean. Most of them prefer warm water of tropical and subtropical zones. Fresh frequenter of coral reefs and underwater cliffs.

Quite often found in the Red Sea, live in the Mediterranean. In the Red Sea, snowflash moray, Muren Zebra, geometric moray, star, whitening, as well as elegant Mooren. The largest Star Muren, its average length reaches 180 cm.

The Mediterranean Mooren-inhabited Mediterranean reaches 1.5 meters long. It was its image that was a prototype for numerous legends and myths about these predatory fish with a rather unusual appearance. For permanent accommodation, sewers are chosen in rocks, asylums in underwater stonework, in general, places where you can safely hide a large and completely non-protected body. It dwells, mainly in the bottom layer of the seas.

Color masking color corresponds to the surrounding landscape. We are more often painted in dark brown or grayish tones with stains forming the semblance of a marble pattern on the body. There are also monophonic painted, and even white individuals. Because the mouth of Mauren is a significant size, its inner surface is painted under the color of the body, so as not to demack Muren when she widely opens his mouth. And Mooren's mouth is almost always open. Pouring through an open mouth into the gill holes water, Muren increases the access of oxygen into the body.

The head carries small, even more giving Muren an evil look, round eyes. Behind the eyes there are small gill holes, on which, usually there is a dark stain. The front and rear nasal holes at Muren are located on the upper side of the sides of the first pair are represented by simple holes, the second one has the shape of the tubes, and others have leaves. If Muren has shut down the nasal holes, she will not be able to find his sacrifice. An interesting feature of Muren Lack of Language. Their powerful jaws are seated with 23-28 with sharp-shaped or tidwood teeth, bent back, which helps Murenam to hold caught prey. Practically, all Murren's teeth are located in one row, the exception is the Atlantic green muren, which has an additional row of teeth located in the sky bone.

Moonen's teeth are long and extremely sharp. Some species of Muren, in the diet of which the shelter animals are dominated - crustaceans, crabs, teeth have a complicated form. These teeth are easier to split and crush the solid protection of production. On the teeth, Muren poison is not contained. Jaws All Murren is very powerful, large sizes. Breast fins in Muren are absent, and the rest - the dorsal, anal and tail rushed into one, framing the back of the body, the loop.

Moray can reach considerable sizes. According to different sources, their length can be 2.5 and even more than 3 meters (the world's largest giant Mauren Thyrsoidea Macrura). One-meter essay weigh an average of 8-10 kg. Interestingly, males are smaller and slimmer females. Here you have a strong floor!, With weight up to 40 kg. Among Muren there are small species, the length of which does not exceed a tent of centimeters. The average size of Muren, most common divers, about one meter. As a rule, males a little smaller females.

Moray can be multiplied with caviar. In the winter months, they are going to shallow water, where the fertilization of eggs, pending females, gender products occurs. Ikrinki and hatched from them larvae Muren move in water with marine currents and spread through a large area of \u200b\u200bthe water area of \u200b\u200bthe seas. Moray are predators, their diet make up various bottom animals - crabs, crustaceans, cephalopod, especially octopus, small sea fish And even sea hedgehogs. The food is mined, mostly at night. Casting in the ambush, Morayna is cutting down the bold prey, jumping out of it with an arrow, if a potential victim appears within reach, and grabs it with its sharp teeth. In the afternoon, Moray is sitting in their home - Railsecks of rocks and corals, among major stones and other natural shelters and rarely hunt. The spectacle when Muren is painted with his victim quite unpleasant. It instantly breaks the prey with its long teeth into small parts and in a few moments from the victim are some memories.

Moray can hunt not only from the ambush. Favorite delicacy of most Muren - octopus. In the pursuit of this laid animal, Muren drives him into the "corner" - some shelter or raft and, encouraging his head to his soft body, takes off a piece of pieces from him, starting with a tental, until it breaks into small parts and does not eat without residue. Small mining of Muren can swallow entirely, like snakes. When biting a piece of body from a major victim, Muren, often helps his own tail with which she, like a lever, increases the power of its jaws. A peculiar way of hunting is used by noven Moray. These relatively minor representatives of Muren are named so for the growing up their upper jaw. These nasal grows, fluctuating in water, resemble sedentary sea worms - Polyhete. The type of "mining" attracts small fish, which very quickly turns out to be prey for a predator who has buried predator.

In search of satisfaction of Mauren, like most nightly predators, rely on the smell. Their vision is weakly developed, and at night it is a bad assistant in search of food. The victim of Muren may feel at a considerable distance. The bad fame of dangerous fish for man fastened behind Moray with ancient times. In ancient Rome, noble citizens often kept Murna in pools, growing in food - the meat of these fish was extremely valued due to a specific taste. Quickly appreciating the ability of Mauren to aggressiveness, noble Romans used them as an instrument to punish those who had guessed slaves, and sometimes they threw people in a cage with Maureni people solely for the sake of entertainment. Indeed - Oh, times! .. Oh, morals! .. Mauren, before organizing such torture or spectacles, kept the injury. When a man was in the pool, they were thrown on him and, hanging on the victim, as if bulldogs were shaking his jaws, pulling the pieces of flesh.

On the danger of Muren for people in a natural habitat there are different opinions. Some researchers consider it a fairly peaceful animal, powdering the teeth solely for the sake of protection from too annoying divers, others consider Muren an extremely dangerous marine creature. Anyway, cases of attack and bite, people are a lot of muren. Here is some of them. In 1948, the biologist I. Brock, later the director of the Hawaiian Institute of the Biology of the Sea at the Hawaiian University, was swimming with aqualling near Johnston Island in the Pacific at a small depth. Before immersion of Brock, a grenade was thrown into the water - this was part of the research program with which the biologist was engaged. Noticing in the water a large Muren and thinking that she was killed by a grenade, Brock fake her incentive. However, Muren, the length of which was 2.4 meters, was far from the dead: she rushed straight on the offender and clung to him in the elbow. Moray, attacking a person, inflicts a wound, which is similar to the trail of the bite of Barracuda. But unlike Barracuda, Muren does not sing immediately away, but he hangs on his victim, accurately Bulldog. Brocks managed to climb the surface and get to the boat waiting nearby. However, surgeons had to bother with this wound for a long time, as it turned out to be very severe. The victim almost lost his hand.

Fixed from Moray and the famous pop singer Dieter sick (duet Modern Talking). During the dive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Seychelles, Muren clung to him in his leg, sprinkling the skin and muscles of the singer. D. Bollen after this incident transferred the operation, and spent the whole month in the wheelchair. One day, experts had to even move a couple of Mauren from the popular reef tourists (Old Cod Hole, Big Barrier Reef, 1996). When feeding, the fish was so strongly ripped out the hand of the diver from New Zealand, that it could not be saved. Unfortunately, when transporting Muren died.

I think that the examples will help beginner divers to assess the danger of meeting with moray and take measures to prevent such cases. These are simple - you should not provoke Muren on aggressive actions. Very rarely (usually exhausted by hunger) Mauren for no reason attack people. Seeing Muren, you should not unrivor this fish - approach her dwelling, try to stroke and even more so - to stick your hands into her shelter. Lovers of underwater hunting should not be shot in holes and cleaners only for checking - there is Muren there. If she is there really, lives, then you will certainly attack you. If you do not provoke it, it will not touch you.

Directional fishery on Muren is not conducted. They are caught in single copies for eating. It should be noted that meat and some morn bodies at different times of the year may contain poisonous substances that cause strong seasides of the stomach and nervous lesions. Therefore, it should be examined in more detail this question before trying the taste of Morayne meat.

Sometimes Muren is contained in large aquariums. The behavior of these predators in a closed volume may be unequal. Often, Moray manifests extreme aggressiveness to their neighbors on aquarium, sometimes completely indifferent to the cohabitants. In captivity, Muren can live more than ten years. Moray, like all the predatory fish, are an important link of the ecological equilibrium of the seas, where they live. Therefore, their extermination negatively affects the health of the fauna of these regions.

In ancient times, therefore, Moray was considered terrible monsters. Then they believed in huge marine mandes that could swallow the whole ship. And such ability was attributed, in particular, Murenam. Later in history there were cases when they were trained to attack a person. But all this never bothered people to hunt for Muren. It is eaten and considered to be a delicacy, although it can be very poisonous meat. The ancient Romans kept Mauren in special pens to prepare them for peers. They were a terrible execution for slaves. Such is a strange food chain. In the Caribbean and now there are popular Sevs from Morayna dish, which is preparing a very exotic way and rather brutally.

Muren (Muraenidae) Muren is not particularly attractive. You do not want to contact her, not even knowing about her danger. They have naked skin, without scales. Head with small eyes and a huge mouth, no thoracic and abdominal fins - all this only enhances the similarity of these fish with snakes.

The colors are masking, under the surrounding setting. Moreover, even the inner side of the oral cavity is painted as well. After all, almost all the time of Mauren hold the mouth open.

This fish is quite large, reaches 2.4 meters, and weighs up to 45 kg. There are also a little baby who do not grow more than 10 cm. Although they are equipped with sharp teeth.

There are about 100 species of Mauren. Most of them live in tropical and subtropical seas. Sometimes there are both European waters. In the Red Sea, Muren is represented by the genus of the echidna and the gymnotorax. Echids include snowflash moray and Muren Zebra, and gymnickers are geometric Muren, star, whitening and elegant. The largest of them - star muren, its average length reaches 180 cm.

In the Mediterranean Sea dwells Muren Mediterranean length up to one and a half meters. It was she who was the heroine of terrible legends of antiquity.

Moray is night animals. The day is sitting in the crevices of rocks and corals, and at night the hunting begins. The victims of Mauren become smaller fish, crabs, cephalopodes, as well as octopus. There are species specializing in marine hedgehogs - they can be found in the form of teeth adapted to cracking the shelter. View of Muren, grabbing prey, is very unpleasant. She breaks his victim with long teeth into small pieces. In seconds from poor fish, which Muren caught, nothing remains. Having hunting at the octopus, Muren first pounds him in the first cleft. Further Muren needs only to push his head into crevice. There is enough octopus for the proven and pulls it out. And so, until the octopus is eaten without a residue.

Muren feels his sacrifice in the distance by smell. Their vision is practically not developed, since still Morayna is night animals.

Is Moorena dangerous for a person? Sure! But only in the case when a person himself provokes it. The man who was the victim of the attack of Mauren, often himself to blame for this - the hand of his hand or leg into the crevice, where Moorena hides, or pursues her.

In 1948, I. Brock, later the director of the Hawaiian Institute of the Biology of the Sea at the Hawaiian University, was swimming with aqualling near Johnston Island in the Pacific; The depth in the area is about 6 meters. Before dipping a doctor, a grenade was thrown into the water - this was part of the research program with which Brock was engaged. Noticing in the water a large Muren and thinking that she was killed by a grenade, Dr. Brock fake her incentive. However, Muren, the length of which was 2.4 meters, was not dead: she rushed straight to the doctor and clung to his elbow. It has already been said about what teeth of Mauren. She, attacking a person, inflicts a wound, which looks like a trace of bite of barracuda. But unlike Barracuda, Muren does not sing immediately away, but he hangs on his victim, accurately Bulldog. The doctor managed to climb the surface and get to the boat expecting nearby. However, surgeons had to bother with this wound for a long time, as it turned out to be very severe. Brock almost lost her entire hand.

In addition, it turned out that Muren can specifically teach to attack a person. In the history there were cases when these fish prepared for the unusual laws of cannibals - held the injignment, teased and specially talked to the smell of blood. And, indeed, Murena began to hunt people. True, cases with trained moray people did not happen long ago.

Seeing the ordinary Muren, you should not bother this modest fish, approach her dwelling and even more so shove your hands in Noura. Lovers of marine hunting with a harpoon rifle should not shoot in holes and cleaners only from fear that can be Moray. If they still turn out to be Muren, then in this case she necessarily attacks you. Finally, remember, unacceptable moray only in exceptional cases attacks the enemy, superior to it. Consequently, if it is not provoked, it will not touch you and sail himself.

Length: Reaching 2.4 meters
Weight: up to 45 kg
Habitat: Pacific Water

Moray - large snake-shaped fish, known for their poisonousness and aggressive character. In fact, many facts about Muren are greatly exaggerated. Almost 200 types of Muren are combined into a Muren family. These fish are the closest relatives of other snake-shaped fish - acne.

Black Mooren (Gymnothorax Fimbriatus).

All kinds of Muren have large sizes: the smallest reaches a length of 60 cm and weigh 8-10 kg, and the world's largest giant Mauren (Thyrsoidea Macrura) reaches a length of 3.75 m and weighs up to 40 kg! The body of Muren is disproportionately long, slightly flattened from the sides, but not quite flat. The back of the body looks thinner, and the average and the front of the body is slightly thickened, from this moray resembles a gigantic leech. Breast fins in these fish are absent at all, but the dorsal fin stretches along the entire length of the body. However, to see Muren in all its glory, it is possible to be a little, in most cases her body is hidden in the crevices of the rocks, and the head sticks out only head.

Mediterranean Morana (Muraena Helena) resemble gigantic leeches.

It is she, like no other part of the body, makes Muren like a snake. Mordee Morana stretched with an evil expression of the eyes, the mouth is almost always open, and there can see big sharp teeth in it. This impartial portrait and served as a reasons to reproach Muren in the serpentine cunning and aggression. In fact, the expression of the eyes of Moorena is not so much evil as frozen, because these fish appendens, much time spent in anticipation of mining. The view is that Muren cannot close the mouth because of too large teeth is also untenable. In fact, Moorena is often sitting with an open mouth, because they breathe through it, because in close shelters the influx of water to the gills is difficult. Because of this, the mouth cavity is painted, so the opened mouth is not visible against the background of a motley reef. Tooth teeth are a bit (23-28), they are sitting in one row and bent slightly backwards, in species specializing in catfish fishing, teeth are less sharp, it allows Muren to put the crab shells.

Another unusual feature of Muren can be called the absence of a language and two pairs of nostrils. Like all the fish of Moraren use nostrils not for breathing, but only for smelling. Nostrils Muren stretched into short tubes. Their body is covered with thick smooth skin without scales. The color of these fish is PESTEMY, most often with a fine-colored pattern (less than striped, monophonic), but the colors are usually unbroken - brown, black, whitish-gray. However, there are exceptions. So, ribbon riodine in young age (up to 65 cm long) black, it becomes a bright blue male (at the same time, its length reaches 65-70 cm), and then adult males turn into a yellow females (with a length of over 70 cm) .

Young tape rinomorena (rhinomurana quaesita).

Moray - Sea residents. They are found only in salted warm waters. The greatest species diversity of Moraren reached in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, they are also found in the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and some parts Pacific Ocean. These fish are found primarily at a small depth: in coral Rifah And on rocky shallow water, maximum depth habitats up to 40 m, some species can crawl during land. This is very similar to the belongings of the eroja. Moorena hold most of their lives in shelters: clefts of underwater rocks, internal cavities of large sponges, between thickets of corals. These fish are active mainly at twilight, so they see bad, but they compensate for this lack of excellent sense of smell. With sealed nasal holes, Muren is not able to detect prey.

Males of ribbon romet. This species instead of the usual morn nasal tubes on the face there are leafing grows.

Moorena live one one and adhere to permanent sites. In rare cases, when several convenient craps of Moorena are nearby, they can live side by side with each other, but this is a random neighborhood, not a friendship. Mooren moral is an incredible mixture of rage and meekness. According to testimony of some divers of Mauren, show friendliness and calm and allow you to touch yourself. There are cases when Maurena during underwater filming is used to scuba to scuba so much that they swam with them and allowed to pull themselves out of the water. An antique story claims that the Roman Krassa had a manual Muren who sailed to the call. This allows you to talk about some kind of intelligence in these fish. However, it opens only to thin and tactful observers.

Yellow belt rimberry female - the final stage of the color travformation.

In cases where it is roughly treated with Mauren, they react very rigidly. Scared and disturbed Moray instantly attacks and can be very bite. Muren bites are not only very painful, but also extremely badly heal (up to several months), and deadly cases are known. For this reason, poisonousness was previously attributed to Murenam (it was believed that the poison was in the teeth, like a snake), but the studies did not reveal any poisonous glands from these fish. Probably, the toxicity of their saliva may be associated with pathogenic bacteria that multiply in grazing among food residues and cause infection of the wound. Muren, caught on the hook protected to the last. At first, she tries to hide in her asylum and pulls back with a huge force, and pulling his teeth elongated to the landing, beats, herself eagerly, was trying to console. Such behavior and was the reason for a highly exaggerated opinion on the aggressiveness of these fish.

All kinds of Muren are predators. They feed on fish, crabs, marine hedgehogs, octopus, Caracatians. His prey of Muren lies in the ambush, attracting it with a shift nose tubes. These tubes resemble sea worms-polyhetete, many fish pecks on this bait. As soon as the sacrifice approaches a sufficient distance, Moray is a lightning throw throws the front of the body forward and grabs the victim. The narrow mouth of the moray is not suitable for swallowing large mining, therefore, these fish produced a special tactics of the cutting of production. For this, Moray is used ... tail. Potting a tail some stone of Muren is literally tied up in a knot, cutting down the muscles, it chases this knot to the head, while the pressure in the jaw muscles increases many times and the fish breaks the piece of meat from the body of the victim. This method is also suitable for catching a strong sacrifice (for example, octopus).

Muren allows a shrimp-cleaner to examine its mouth.

The reproduction of Muren, like eels, is very poorly studied. Part of the species of separations, others change the floor sequentially - from the male to the female (for example, ribbon riodine). The larvae of Muren is called leptocephal, as well as the larvae of acne. Leppocephali Muren have a rounded head and rounded tail fin, their body is completely transparent, and the birth length barely reaches 7-10 mm. It is extremely difficult to see such a larva in the water, moreover, the lepttsevals are freely floating and transferred to currents on fairly long distances. Thus, the distribution of sedentary mournen occurs. The drift period lasts 6-10 months, during which time the leptacephal grows and begins to lead a settling lifestyle. Polya maturity Mureren reaches 4-6 years. The life expectancy of these fish is not accurately installed, but it is great. It is reliably known that most species can live for more than 10 years.

Spawning - this rare case when muren form clusters from several individuals.

The enemy of Mauren is practically no. First, they are protected by natural shelters in which these fish spend most of their lives. Secondly, with a large and strong fishery, armed with sharp teeth, not everyone wants to fight. If during free swimming (and this happens infrequently), Muren pursues another fish, then she tries to hide in the nearest crevice. Some species can escape the pursuer, overwhelming at the safe distance on land.

With a man Muren bind complex relationships. On the one hand, people always feared these predators and avoided close contacts with them in a natural environment. On the other hand, Meat Muren sincecore was famous for excellent taste. Famous gourmets Ancient Romans appreciated the Meat Mediterranean Morayna on a par with meat of its freshwater and small parenting - eel. Muren was served in feasts as a delicacy and in large quantities. Therefore, despite the fear, people from ancient times were caught by Mauren, and the Romans even learned to breed them in the cages. Now the experience of breeding Muren in captivity is lost and these fish are not growing artificially, especially since the tropical areas are known cases of meat poisoning Muren. The poisoning is caused by toxins that accumulate in meat when eating a purple poisonous tropical fish. However, in the Mediterranean basin, where poisonous species There are no episodic fishing practices.

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